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St&ng&Visa Sortera efter &typz&Verktygsflt{St&atusfltAI! &Save as... 4&View &Group by type kindz&Toolbar{&Status Bar&Dosya &Farkl1 Kaydet... &Kapat&Grnm Tr e_idine gre g&ruplaz&Ara ubuu{&Durum ubuu&$09; &15@53B8 O:... 0&:@8B8&83;O4 &@C?C20B8 70 B8?><z0=5;L &V=AB@C<5=BV2{ O4>: &AB0=C&Datoteka &Shrani kot ... &Zapri&Pogled &Zdru~i glede na vrstozOrodna vrs&tica{Vrstica &stanja&Failas Iasaugoti &kaip... &U~verti&Rodymas &Grupuoti pagal rka/z&.rankis juosta{&Bksenos juosta&~1HF/G &Save as... &Close&View &Group by type kindz&Toolbar{&Status Bar&File ... (&S) (&C)&View &Group by type kindz&Toolbar{&Status Bar (&F) ... (&S) (&C) (&V) &Group by type kindz (&T){ (&S)&Fitch &Save as... &Close&View &Group by type kindz&Toolbar{&Status Bar&File &Save as... &Zarrar&View &Group by type kindz&Toolbar{&Status BarjHh(&F) SX[p(&S)... ܕ(&C)j(&V) O^WRD}(&G)z]wQR(&T){rKaR(&S)&File &Save as... &Close&View &Group by type kindz&Toolbar{&Status Bar&Fil Lagre &som... &Lukk&Vis Sorte&r etter typezVerk&tylinje{&Statuslinje&Arquivo &Salvar como... &Fechar&Ver &Agrupar por tipoz&Barra de Ferramentas{Barra de &Status&Dosiero Konservi &kiel... &Fermi&Vido &Group by type kindz&Toolbar{&Stata linioeN(&F) SX[:N(&S)... sQ(&C)ƉV(&V) c{|WR~(&G)z]wQh(&T){r`h(&S)&Ficheiro &Guardar como... &Fechar&Ver &Agrupar por tipoz&Barra de Ferramentas{Barra de &Estado&Datoteka &Save as... &Zatvori&Prikaz &Group by type kindz&Toolbar{&Status Bar&0B>B5:0 &Save as... &0B2>@8&@8:07 &Group by type kindz&Toolbar{&Status Bar@)'*Q5D ("D) #.1IMS Shell DlgP'&3E 'D"D):P P--3FK'P-#D:P)Connect to another machineMS Shell DlgP&Machine name:P P-OKP-B<5=8)Connecta't a una altra mquinaMS Shell DlgPNom de &mquina:P P-D'acordP-Cancella)PYipojit k jinmu strojiMS Shell DlgP&Nzev stroje:P P-OKP-Storno)Tilslut til en anden maskineMS Shell DlgP&Maskinenavn:P P-OKP-Annuller)Zu anderer Maschine verbindenMS Shell DlgP&Maschinenname:P P-OKP-Abbrechen)Connect to another machineMS Shell DlgP&Machine name:P P-OKP-)Connect to another machineMS Shell DlgP&Machine name:P P-OKP-Cancel)Conectar a otra mquinaMS Shell DlgPNombre de &mquina:P P-AceptarP-Cancelar)Yhdist toiselle koneelleMS Shell DlgP&Koneen nimi:P P-OKP-Peruuta)Se connecter une autre machineMS Shell DlgPNom de la &machine:P P-OKP-Annuler@)  MS Shell DlgP& :P P-P-)Kapcsolds msik szmtgphezMS Shell DlgP&Gpnv:P P-OKP-Mgse)Connetti ad un'altra macchinaMS Shell DlgP&Nome della macchina:P P-OkP-Annulla)Nn0000k0c} MS Shell DlgP000 T(&M):P P-OKP-00000)x 8(machine) ȍ MS Shell DlgP8(&Machine) tDŽ:P P-UxP-͌)Verbinden met een andere machineMS Shell DlgP&Machinenaam:P P-OKP-Annuleren)PoBcz z innym komputeremMS Shell DlgP&Nazwa komputera:P P-OKP-Anuluj)Conecteaz la alt calculatorMS Shell DlgPNu&me calculator:P P-OKP-Renun)>4:;NG8BLAO : 4@C3><C :><?LNB5@CMS Shell DlgP&<O :><?LNB5@0:P P-P-B<5=0)Pove~i se s drugim ureajemMS Shell DlgP&Ime ureaja:P P-U reduP-Otka~i)Pripojie sa k inmu strojuMS Shell DlgP&Nzov stroja:P P-OKP-Zruaie)Anslut till en annan datorMS Shell DlgP&Datornamn:P P-OKP-Avbryt)Connect to another machineMS Shell DlgP&Machine name:P P-%P-"@%4)Ba_ka bir makineye balanMS Shell DlgP&Makine ad1:P P-TamamP-0ptal)V4'T4=0B8AL 4> V=H>3> :><?'NB5@0MS Shell DlgP&<'O :><?'NB5@0:P P-OKP-!:0AC20B8)Povezava z drugim strojemMS Shell DlgPIme &stroja:P P-V reduP-Prekli i)Jungtis prie kito kompiuterioMS Shell DlgP&Kompiuterio vardas:P P-GeraiP-Atsisakyti@)Connect to another machineMS Shell DlgP&Machine name:P P-B(HDP-'F51'A)Connect to another machineMS Shell DlgP&Machine name:P P- P- )Connect to another machineMS Shell DlgP&Machine name:P P-6 0 ? P-Cancel)Connect to another machineMS Shell DlgP (&M):P P- P- )Connect to another machineMS Shell DlgP&Machine name:P P-I VaP-Rinonc)Connect to another machineMS Shell DlgP&Machine name:P P-AceutarP-Encaboxar)#c0RSYNf MS Shell DlgPf T1z(&M):P P-x[P-Sm)Connect to another machineMS Shell DlgP&Machine name:P P-OKP-Cancel)Koble til en annen maskinMS Shell DlgP&Maskinnavn:P P-OKP-Avbryt)Conectar-se a outra mquinaMS Shell DlgP&Nome da mquina:P P-OKP-Cancelar)Connect to another machineMS Shell DlgP&Machine name:P P-BoneP-Rezigni)ޏc0RSYNS{:g MS Shell DlgP{:g Ty(&M)P P-nx[P-Sm)Ligar a outra mquinaMS Shell DlgP&Nome da mquina:P P-OKP-Cancelar)Connect to another machineMS Shell DlgP&Machine name:P P-U reduP-Otka~i)Connect to another machineMS Shell DlgP&Machine name:P P-# @54CP-B:068@d%9/'/'* 'DF8'EMS Shell DlgP%9/'/'* 'DF8'EP *A&9JD *H2J9 COMP# *A9JD 'D'*5'D'* 'D(9&J/) (HF/H295 AB7)P2(*7(B G0G 'D%9/'/'* *:JJ1'*G' 9D BJE 'D3,D AB7. HD' *$+1 9DI #/'! H'JF.PnP--3FK'PP-#D:PdSystem ConfigurationMS Shell DlgPSystem SettingsP &Enable Distributed COMP# Enable &Remote Connections (Win95 only)P2(These settings change only registry values. They have no effect on Wine performance.PnP-OKPP-B<5=8dConfiguraci de sistemaMS Shell DlgPOpcions de sistemaP &Habilita el COM distributP# Habilita les connexions &remotes (noms Win95)P2(Aquestes opcions noms canvien valors de registre. No tenen efecte en el rendiment del Wine.PnP-D'acordPP-CancelladNastaven systmuMS Shell DlgPNastaven systmuP Povolit  distribuovan COM P# Povolit vzdlen pYipojen (pouze pro Windows 95)P2(Tato nastaven mn pouze hodnoty registro. Nemaj ~dn vliv na vkon Wine.PnP-OKPP-StornodSystemopstningMS Shell DlgPSystemindstillingerP Anvend distribu&eret COMP# Anvend eksterne tilslutninge&r (kun Win95)P2(Disse indstillinger ndrer kun registervrdier. De pvirker ikke Wines ydelse.PnP-OKPP-AnnullerdSystemkonfigurationMS Shell DlgPSystemeinstellungenP &Distributed COM aktivierenP# &Remote-Verbindungen aktivieren (nur Win95)P2(Diese Einstellungen ndern nur Registrierungswerte. Sie haben keinen Einfluss auf die Wine-Performance.PnP-OKPP-AbbrechendSystem ConfigurationMS Shell DlgPSystem SettingsP &Enable Distributed COMP# Enable &Remote Connections (Win95 only)P2(These settings change only registry values. They have no effect on Wine performance.PnP-OKPP-dSystem ConfigurationMS Shell DlgPSystem SettingsP &Enable Distributed COMP# Enable &Remote Connections (Win95 only)P2(These settings change only registry values. They have no effect on Wine performance.PnP-OKPP-CanceldConfiguracin del SistemaMS Shell DlgPPreferencias del SistemaP &Activar COM DistribuidoP# Activar Conexiones &Remotas (slo Win95)P2(Estas opciones slo cambian valores del registro. No tienen ningn efecto sobre el rendimiento de Wine.PnP-AceptarPP-CancelardJrjestelmn kokoonpanoMS Shell DlgPJrjestelmn asetuksetP Ota hajautettu COM kyttnP# Salli &etyhteydet (vain Win95)P2(Nm asetukset muuttavat vain rekisteriss olevia arvoja. Ne eivt vaikuta Winen toimintaan.PnP-OKPP-PeruutadConfiguration systmeMS Shell DlgPParamtres systmeP &Activer le COM distribuP# Activer les connexions &distance (Win95 uniquement)P2(Ces paramtres ne font que modifier des valeurs du registre. Ils n'ont pas d'effet sur les performances de Wine.PnP-OKPP-Annuler@d MS Shell DlgP P  COM &P#   & (Win95 )P2(      .        Wine.PnP-PP-dRendszer konfigurciMS Shell DlgPRendszerbelltsokP &Elosztott COM engedlyezseP# &Tvoli kapcsolat (csak Win95) engedlyezseP2(Ezek a belltsok csak a regisztrljk az rtkeket. Nincs hatsa a Wine teljestmnyre.PnP-OKPP-MgsedConfigurazione di sistemaMS Shell DlgPImpostazioni di sistemaP &Abilita i COM DistribuitiP# Abilita Connessioni &Remote (solo Win95)P2(Queste impostazioni cambiano solo i valori del registro. Non hanno effetto sulle prestazioni di Wine.PnP-OkPP-Annullad0000-[ MS Shell DlgP0000-[P Rce COM 0 gRk0Y00(&E)P# 0000c}0 gRk0Y00(Win95 n00)(&R)P2(S000n0-[o000000n0$Pn000 YH0~0Y00 Wine n00000000k0o0q_W0~0[000PnP-OKPP-00000d¤\ $ MS Shell DlgP¤\ KP DCOM թ(&E)P# Ʃ Ű թ(&R) (Win95̹ t)P2(t K@ $ ɤ¸Ҭ ̹ ɯȲ. WIneX 1Ŕ D4 ƥD H iȲ.PnP-UxPP-͌dSysteemconfiguratieMS Shell DlgPSysteeminstellingenP &Distributed COM toestaanP# &Verbindingen op afstand toestaan (Alleen Win95)P2(Deze instellingen wijzigen alleen registerwaarden. Ze hebben geen effect op de snelheid van Wine.PnP-OKPP-AnnulerendUstawienia systemuMS Shell DlgPUstawienia systemuP WBcz &Distributed COMP# WBcz &zdalne poBczenia (tylko Win95)P2(Te ustawienia zmieniaj tylko warto[ci w rejestrze. Nie maj wpBywu na zachowanie Wine.PnP-OKPP-AnulujdConfigurare sistemMS Shell DlgPConfiguraie sistemP Activ&eaz COM distribuitP# Activea&z conexiunile la distan (doar Win95)P2(Aceste setri schimb doar valori n registru. Nu au nici un efect asupra performanei n Wine.PnP-OKPP-Renund>=D83C@0F8O A8AB5<KMS Shell DlgP0AB@>9:8 A8AB5<KP & 07@5H8BL @0A?@545;Q==K9 COMP#  07@5H8BL &C40;Q==K5 ?>4:;NG5=8O (B>;L:> Win95)P2(-B8 =0AB@>9:8 87<5=ONB B>;L:> 7=0G5=8O @55AB@0 8 =5 >:07K20NB 2;8O=8O =0 ?@>872>48B5;L=>ABL Wine.PnP-PP-B<5=0dKonfiguracija sistemaMS Shell DlgPPostavke sistemaP &Omogui distribuirani COMP# Omogui &udaljene veze (samo Win95)P2(Ove postavke mijenjaju samo vrijednosti registra. Nemaju nikakav utjecaj na performanse Wine-a.PnP-U reduPP-Otka~idSystmov konfigurciaMS Shell DlgPSystmov nastaveniaP &Enable Distributed COMP# Enable &Remote Connections (Win95 only)P2(These settings change only registry values. They have no effect on Wine performance.PnP-OKPP-ZruaiedSysteminstllningMS Shell DlgPSysteminstllningarP Aktivera distribu&erat COMP# Aktivera externa &anslutningar (endast Win95)P2(Dessa instllningar ndrar endast registervrden. De pverkar inte Wines prestanda.PnP-OKPP-AvbrytdSystem ConfigurationMS Shell DlgPSystem SettingsP &Enable Distributed COMP# Enable &Remote Connections (Win95 only)P2(These settings change only registry values. They have no effect on Wine performance.PnP-%PP-"@%4dSistem Yap1land1rmaMS Shell DlgPSistem Ayarlar1P &Da1t1lm1_ COM'u Etkinle_tirP# &Uzaktan Balant1lar'1 Etkinle_tir (sadece Win95)P2(Bu ayarlar sadece kay1t deerlerini dei_tirir. Wine performans1 zerine bir etkileri yoktur.PnP-TamamPP-0ptald>=DV3C@0FVO A8AB5<8MS Shell DlgP0@0<5B@8 A8AB5<8P &>72>;8B8 @>7?>4V;5=89 COMP# >72>;8B8 2V440;5=V &7'T4=0==O (;8H5 Win95)P2(&V =0;0HBC20==O 7<V=NNBL ;8H5 7=0G5==O @5TAB@C. >=8 =5 2?;820NBL =0 ?@>4C:B82=VABL Wine.PnP-OKPP-!:0AC20B8dSistemske nastavitveMS Shell DlgPSistemske nastavitveP &Omogo i distribuiran COMP# Omogo i &oddaljene povezave (le Win95)P2(Te nastavitve spremenijo le vrednosti registra. Nimajo u inka na hitrost delovanja Wine.PnP-V reduPP-Prekli idSistemos konfigkracijaMS Shell DlgPSistemos nuostatosP .jungti &paskirstytj/ COMP# .jungti &nuotolin/ prisijungim (tik Win95)P2(`ios nuostatos kei ia tik registro reikames. Tai neturi jokios /takos  Wine naaumui.PnP-GeraiPP-Atsisakyti@dSystem ConfigurationMS Shell DlgPSystem SettingsP &Enable Distributed COMP# Enable &Remote Connections (Win95 only)P2(These settings change only registry values. They have no effect on Wine performance.PnP-B(HDPP-'F51'AdSystem ConfigurationMS Shell DlgPSystem SettingsP &Enable Distributed COMP# Enable &Remote Connections (Win95 only)P2(These settings change only registry values. They have no effect on Wine performance.PnP- PP- dSystem ConfigurationMS Shell DlgPSystem SettingsP &Enable Distributed COMP# Enable &Remote Connections (Win95 only)P2(These settings change only registry values. They have no effect on Wine performance.PnP-6 0 ? PP-Canceld MS Shell DlgP P DCOM (&E)P#  (Win95 )P2(These settings change only registry values. They have no effect on Wine performance.PnP- PP- dSystem ConfigurationMS Shell DlgPSystem SettingsP &Enable Distributed COMP# Enable &Remote Connections (Win95 only)P2(These settings change only registry values. They have no effect on Wine performance.PnP-I VaPP-RinoncdConfiguracin del sistemaMS Shell DlgPAxustes del sistemaP &Enable Distributed COMP# Enable &Remote Connections (Win95 only)P2(These settings change only registry values. They have no effect on Wine performance.PnP-AceutarPP-Encaboxard|q}-[ MS Shell DlgP|q}-[P _U(uRce_ COM(&E)P# _U(u`z#}(&R)(P Win95)P2(N-[S9e;QhgQv@8Visualitzador de la interfcie IPersistMS Shell DlgP2Nom de classe:P<P2CLSID:P< P-&TancaProhl~e  rozhran  IPersist MS Shell DlgP2Nzev tYdy:P<P2CLSID:P< P-&ZavYtGrnseflade viser for IPersistMS Shell DlgP2Klassenavn:P<P2CLSID:P< P-&LukIPersist-Schnittstellen-BetrachterMS Shell DlgP2Klassenname:P<P2CLSID:P< P-&SchlieenIPersist Interface ViewerMS Shell DlgP2Class Name:P<P2CLSID:P< P-&IPersist Interface ViewerMS Shell DlgP2Class Name:P<P2CLSID:P< P-&CloseVisor de Interfaces IPersistMS Shell DlgP2Nombre de Clase:P<P2CLSID:P< P-&CerrarIPersist-rajapintakatselinMS Shell DlgP2Luokan nimi:P<P2CLSID:P< P-&SuljeVisionneuse d'interface IPersistMS Shell DlgP2Nom de classe:P<P2CLSID:P< P-&Fermer@  IPersistMS Shell DlgP2 :P<P2CLSID:P< P-&IPersist interfsz nzQMS Shell DlgP2Osztlynv:P<P2CLSID:P< P-&BezrsVisualizzatore di interfaccia IPersistMS Shell DlgP2Nome della classe:P<P2CLSID:P< P-&ChiudiIPersist 00000000 0000 MS Shell DlgP2000 T:P<P2CLSID:P< P-X00(&C)IPersist x0јtǤ 0 MS Shell DlgP2tИ tDŽ:P<P2CLSID:P< P-0(&C)IPersist-interfaceMS Shell DlgP2Klassenaam:P<P2CLSID:P< P-&AfsluitenPrzegldarka interfejsu IPersistMS Shell DlgP2Nazwa klasy:P<P2CLSID:P< P-&ZamknijVizualizator interfa IPersistMS Shell DlgP2Nume clas:P<P2CLSID:P< P-n&chide=B5@D59A IPersistMS Shell DlgP2<O :;0AA0:P<P2CLSID:P< P-&0:@KBLIPersist preglednik su eljaMS Shell DlgP2Ime klase:P<P2CLSID:P< P-&ZatvoriIPersist Interface ViewerMS Shell DlgP2Class Name:P<P2CLSID:P< P-&ZavrieeGrnssnittslsare fr IPersistMS Shell DlgP2Klassnamn:P<P2CLSID:P< P-St&ngIPersist Interface ViewerMS Shell DlgP2Class Name:P<P2CLSID:P< P-4IPersist Arayz GstericiMS Shell DlgP2S1n1f Ad1:P<P2CLSID:P< P-&Kapat5@53;O40G V=B5@D59AC IPersistMS Shell DlgP2<'O :;0AC:P<P2CLSID:P< P-0&:@8B8Pregledovalnik vmesnika IPersistMS Shell DlgP2Ime razreda:P<P2CLSID:P< P-&ZapriIPersist ssajos ~ikryklMS Shell DlgP2Klass vardas:P<P2CLSID:P< P-&U~vertiIPersist Interface ViewerMS Shell DlgP2Class Name:P<P2CLSID:P< P- (&C)IPersist MS Shell DlgP2 :P<P2CLSID:P< P- (&C)IPersist Interface ViewerMS Shell DlgP2Class Name:P<P2CLSID:P< P-&ZarrarIPersist NbjhV MS Shell DlgP2^%R T1z:P<P2CLSID:P< P-ܕ(&C)IPersist Interface ViewerMS Shell DlgP2Class Name:P<P2CLSID:P< P-&CloseGrensesnittvsier for IPersistMS Shell DlgP2Klassenavn:P<P2CLSID:P< P-&LukkVisualizador de Interface IPersistMS Shell DlgP2Nome da classe:P<P2CLSID:P< P-&FecharIPersist Interface ViewerMS Shell DlgP2Class Name:P<P2CLSID:P< P-&FermiIPersist cSg whV MS Shell DlgP2{| TP<P2CLSID:P< P-sQ(&C)Visualizador de Interface IPersistMS Shell DlgP2Nome da classe:P<P2CLSID:P< P-&FecharIPersist Interface ViewerMS Shell DlgP2Class Name:P<P2CLSID:P< P-&ZatvoriIPersist Interface ViewerMS Shell DlgP2Class Name:P<P2CLSID:P< P-&0B2>@8@29'16 'DH',G) 'D'A*1'6JMS Shell DlgP2'DH',G)P<P2IID:P< P-&%:D'BXx9&16 E9DHE'* 'DFH92Default Interface ViewerMS Shell DlgP2InterfaceP<P2IID:P< P-&0B2>@8Xx&View Type Info2Visualitzador d'interfcie per defecteMS Shell DlgP2InterfcieP<P2IID:P< P-&TancaXx&Visualitza informaci de tipus2Vchoz prohl~e  rozhranMS Shell DlgP2RozhranP<P2IID:P< P-&ZavYtXxZobrazit informace o typu2Standard grnseflade viserMS Shell DlgP2GrnsefladeP<P2IID:P< P-&LukXx&Vis typeinfo2Standard-Schnittstellen-BetrachterMS Shell DlgP2SchnittstelleP<P2IID:P< P-&SchlieenXx&Typ-Informationen betrachten2Default Interface ViewerMS Shell DlgP2InterfaceP<P2IID:P< P-&Xx&View Type Info2Default Interface ViewerMS Shell DlgP2InterfaceP<P2IID:P< P-&CloseXx&View Type Info2Visor de Interfaces por DefectoMS Shell DlgP2InterfazP<P2IID:P< P-&CerrarXx&Ver Informacin de Tipos2OletusrajapintakatselinMS Shell DlgP2RajapintaP<P2IID:P< P-&SuljeXx&Nyt tyypin tiedot2Visionneuse d'interface par dfautMS Shell DlgP2InterfaceP<P2IID:P< P-&FermerXx&Afficher les informations de type@2   MS Shell DlgP2P<P2IID:P< P-&Xx&  2Alaprtelmezett interfsz nzQMS Shell DlgP2InterfszP<P2IID:P< P-&BezrsXxMegtekinti a &tpus informcit2Visualizzatore di interfacce predefinitoMS Shell DlgP2InterfacciaP<P2IID:P< P-&ChiudiXx&Vedi informazioni sul tipo2e[n000000000 0000 MS Shell DlgP200000000P<P2IID:P< P-X00(&C)Xx000`1X0h:y(&V)20 x0јtǤ 0 MS Shell DlgP2x0јtǤP<P2IID:P< P-0(&C)XxЅ  0(&V)2StandaardinterfaceMS Shell DlgP2InterfaceP<P2IID:P< P-&AfsluitenXx&Bekijk type-informatie2Standardowa przegldarka interfejsuMS Shell DlgP2InterfejsP<P2IID:P< P-&ZamknijXx&Wy[wietl TypeInfo2Vizualizator interfa implicitMS Shell DlgP2InterfaP<P2IID:P< P-n&chideXx&Afieaz informaiile de tip2=B5@D59A ?> C<>;G0=8NMS Shell DlgP2=B5@D59AP<P2IID:P< P-&0:@KBLXx&=D>@<0F8O > B8?52Pretpostavljeni preglednik su eljaMS Shell DlgP2Su eljeP<P2IID:P< P-&ZatvoriXxPrika~i informacije o &tipu2Default Interface ViewerMS Shell DlgP2RozhranieP<P2IID:P< P-&ZavrieeXx&View Type Info2StandardgrnssnittslsareMS Shell DlgP2GrnssnittP<P2IID:P< P-St&ngXx&Visa typinfo2Default Interface ViewerMS Shell DlgP2InterfaceP<P2IID:P< P-4Xx&View Type Info2Varsay1lan Arayz GstericiMS Shell DlgP2ArayzP<P2IID:P< P-&KapatXx&Tr Bilgisini Gster2"8?>289 ?5@53;O40G V=B5@D59AV2MS Shell DlgP2=B5@D59AP<P2IID:P< P-0&:@8B8Xx&828B8AL 40=V ?@> B8?2Privzet pregledovalnik vmesnikaMS Shell DlgP2VmesnikP<P2IID:P< P-&ZapriXx&Ogled podatkov o vrsti2Numatytosios ssajos ~ikryklMS Shell DlgP2SsajaP<P2IID:P< P-&U~vertiXx&Per~ikrti tips informacij2Default Interface ViewerMS Shell DlgP2InterfaceP<P2IID:P< P- (&C)Xx&View Type Info2Default Interface ViewerMS Shell DlgP2 P<P2IID:P< P- (&C)Xx (&V)2Default Interface ViewerMS Shell DlgP2InterfazP<P2IID:P< P-&ZarrarXx&View Type Info2-NbjhV MS Shell DlgP2NbP<P2IID:P< P-ܕ(&C)Xxg w^Wnj (&V)2Default Interface ViewerMS Shell DlgP2InterfaceP<P2IID:P< P-&CloseXx&View Type Info2Standard grensesnittviserMS Shell DlgP2GrensesnittP<P2IID:P< P-&LukkXx&Vis typeinfo2Visualizador de Interface PadroMS Shell DlgP2InterfaceP<P2IID:P< P-&FecharXx&Ver informao do tipo2Defamlta 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DIPersistStream-Schnittstellen-BetrachterMS Shell DlgP2Klassenname:P<P2CLSID:P< P-&SchlieenP2&IsDirtyP<"P12&GetSizeMaxP<4 DIPersistStream Interface ViewerMS Shell DlgP2Class Name:P<P2CLSID:P< P-&P2&IsDirtyP<"P12&GetSizeMaxP<4 DIPersistStream Interface ViewerMS Shell DlgP2Class Name:P<P2CLSID:P< P-&CloseP2&IsDirtyP<"P12&GetSizeMaxP<4 DVisor de Interfaces IPersistStreamMS Shell DlgP2Nombre de Clase:P<P2CLSID:P< P-&CerrarP2&IsDirtyP<"P12&GetSizeMaxP<4 DIPersistStream-rajapintakatselinMS Shell DlgP2Luokan nimi:P<P2CLSID:P< P-&SuljeP2&IsDirtyP<"P12&GetSizeMaxP<4 DVisionneuse d'interface IPersistStreamMS Shell DlgP2Nom de classe:P<P2CLSID:P< P-&FermerP2&IsDirtyP<"P12&GetSizeMaxP<4@ D  IPersistStreamMS Shell DlgP2 :P<P2CLSID:P< P-&P2&IsDirtyP<"P12&GetSizeMaxP<4 DIPersistStream interfsz nzQMS Shell DlgP2Osztlynv:P<P2CLSID:P< P-&BezrsP2&IsDirtyP<"P12&GetSizeMaxP<4 DVisualizzatore di interfaccia IPersistStreamMS Shell DlgP2Nome della classe:P<P2CLSID:P< P-&ChiudiP2&IsDirtyP<"P12&GetSizeMaxP<4 DIPersistStream 00000000 0000 MS Shell DlgP2000 T:P<P2CLSID:P< P-X00(&C)P2&IsDirtyP<"P12&GetSizeMaxP<4 DIPersistStream x0јtǤ 0 MS Shell DlgP2tИ tDŽ:P<P2CLSID:P< P-0(&C)P2&IsDirtyP<"P12&GetSizeMaxP<4 DIPersistStream-interfaceMS Shell DlgP2Klassenaam:P<P2CLSID:P< P-&AfsluitenP2&IsDirtyP<"P12&GetSizeMaxP<4 DPrzegldarka interfejsu IPersistStreamMS Shell DlgP2Nazwa klasy:P<P2CLSID:P< P-&ZamknijP2&IsDirtyP<"P12&GetSizeMaxP<4 DVizualizator interfa IPersistStreamMS Shell DlgP2Nume clas:P<P2CLSID:P< P-n&chideP2&IsDirtyP<"P12&GetSizeMaxP<4 D=B5@D59A IPersistStreamMS Shell DlgP2<O :;0AA0:P<P2CLSID:P< P-&0:@KBLP2&IsDirtyP<"P12&GetSizeMaxP<4 DIPersistStream preglednik su eljaMS Shell DlgP2Ime klase:P<P2CLSID:P< P-&ZatvoriP2&IsDirtyP<"P12&GetSizeMaxP<4 DIPersistStream Interface ViewerMS Shell DlgP2Class Name:P<P2CLSID:P< P-&ZavrieeP2&IsDirtyP<"P12&GetSizeMaxP<4 DGrnssnittslsare fr IPersistStreamMS Shell DlgP2Klassnamn:P<P2CLSID:P< P-St&ngP2&IsDirtyP<"P12&GetSizeMaxP<4 DIPersistStream Interface ViewerMS Shell DlgP2Class Name:P<P2CLSID:P< P-4P2&IsDirtyP<"P12&GetSizeMaxP<4 DIPersistStream Arayz GstericiMS Shell DlgP2S1n1f Ad1:P<P2CLSID:P< P-&KapatP2&IsDirtyP<"P12&GetSizeMaxP<4 D5@53;O40G V=B5@D59AC IPersistStreamMS Shell DlgP2<'O :;0AC:P<P2CLSID:P< P-0&:@8B8P2&IsDirtyP<"P12&GetSizeMaxP<4 DVmesnik pregledovalnika IPersistStreamMS Shell DlgP2Ime razreda:P<P2CLSID:P< P-&ZapriP2&IsDirtyP<"P12&GetSizeMaxP<4 DIPersistStream ssajos ~ikryklMS Shell DlgP2Klass vardas:P<P2CLSID:P< P-&U~vertiP2&IsDirtyP<"P12&GetSizeMaxP<4 DIPersistStream Interface ViewerMS Shell DlgP2Class Name:P<P2CLSID:P< P- (&C)P2&IsDirtyP<"P12&GetSizeMaxP<4 DIPersistStream MS Shell DlgP2 :P<P2CLSID:P< P- (&C)P2&IsDirtyP<"P12&GetSizeMaxP<4 DIPersistStream Interface ViewerMS Shell DlgP2Class Name:P<P2CLSID:P< P-&ZarrarP2&IsDirtyP<"P12&GetSizeMaxP<4 DIPersistStream NbjhV MS Shell DlgP2^%R T1z:P<P2CLSID:P< P-ܕ(&C)P2&IsDirtyP<"P12&GetSizeMaxP<4 DIPersistStream Interface ViewerMS Shell DlgP2Class Name:P<P2CLSID:P< 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OLE/COMAbrir4Ficheros TypeLib (*.tlb; *.olb; *.dll; *.ocx; *.exe)"OleView - OLE/COM-objektinkatselinAvaa5TypeLib-tiedostot (*.tlb; *.olb; *.dll; *.ocx; *.exe)&OleView - Visionneuse d'objets OLE/COMOuvrir8Fichiers TypeLib (*.tlb; *.olb; *.dll; *.ocx; *.exe)OleView -   OLE/COM1TypeLib files (*.tlb; *.olb; *.dll; *.ocx; *.exe)OleView - OLE/COM objektum nzQ Megnyits1TypeLib fjlok (*.tlb; *.olb; *.dll; *.ocx; *.exe+OleView - Visualizzatore di oggetti OLE/COMApri,File TypeLib (*.tlb;*.olb;*.dll;*.ocx;*.exe)OleView - OLE/COM 000000 0000O00TypeLib 0000 (*.tlb; *.olb; *.dll; *.ocx; *.exe)OleView - OLE/COM  0*TypeLib | (*.tlb;*.olb;*.dll;*.ocx;*.exe)OleView - OLE/COM Object TonerOpenen5TypeLib bestanden (*.tlb; *.olb; *.dll; *.ocx; *.exe)'OleView - przegldarka obiektw OLE/COMOtwrz1Pliki TypeLib (*.tlb; *.olb; *.dll; *.ocx; *.exe))OleView - Vizualizator de obiecte OLE/COMDeschide3Fiiere TypeLib (*.tlb; *.olb; *.dll; *.ocx; *.exe)&OleView - ?@>A<>B@I8: >1J5:B>2 OLE/COMB:@KBL1$09;K TypeLib (*.tlb; 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- Visor d'oxetos OLE/COMOpen1TypeLib files (*.tlb; *.olb; *.dll; *.ocx; *.exe)OleView - OLE/COM irNjhV_U.TypeLib jHh (*.tlb; *.olb; *.dll; *.ocx; *.exe)OleView - OLE/COM Object ViewerOpen1TypeLib files (*.tlb; *.olb; *.dll; *.ocx; *.exe)!OleView - objektviser for OLE/COMpne1TypeLib-filer (*.tlb; *.olb; *.dll; *.ocx; *.exe))OleView - Visualizador de Objetos OLE/COMAbrir0Arquivos TypeLib (*.tlb;*.olb;*.dll;*.ocx;*.exe)OleView - OLE/COM Object ViewerMalfermi1TypeLib files (*.tlb; *.olb; *.dll; *.ocx; *.exe)OleView - OLE/COM [ag whVSb_.TypeLib eN (*.tlb; *.olb; *.dll; *.ocx; *.exe)*OleView - Visualizador de Objectos OLE/COMAbrir5Ficheiros TypeLib (*.tlb; *.olb; *.dll; *.ocx; *.exe)OleView - OLE/COM Object ViewerOtvori1TypeLib files (*.tlb; *.olb; *.dll; *.ocx; *.exe)OleView - OLE/COM Object ViewerB2>@81TypeLib files (*.tlb; *.olb; *.dll; *.ocx; *.exe)CD 'DEDA'* (*.*)A8G:8 D09;>25 (*.*)Tots els fitxers (*.*)Vaechny soubory (*.*)Alle filer (*.*)Alle Dateien (*.*)All files (*.*)Todos los archivos (*.*)Kaikki tiedostot (*.*)Tous les fichiers (*.*)  (*.*)Minden fjl (*.*)Tutti i file (*.*)Y0y0f0n00000 (*.*) | (*.*)Alle bestanden (*.*)Wszystkie pliki (*.*)Tuot las datotecas (*.*)Toate fiierele (*.*)A5 D09;K (*.*)Sve datoteke (*.*)Vaetky sbory (*.*)Alla filer (*.*) 8AI! (*.*)Tm dosyalar (*.*)AV D09;8 (*.*)Vse datoteke (*.*)Visi failai (*.*)GEG  ~1HF/G G' (*.*) (*.*) 2 M 2 > + / 2 A  3 A  (*.*) (*.*)Tos les fitchs (*.*)Tolos ficheros (*.*) @b gjHh (*.*)All files (*.*)Alle filer (*.*)Todos os arquivos (*.*)iuj dosieroj (*.*) @b geN (*.*)Todos os ficheiros (*.*)!25 40B>B5:5 (*.*)$'1(7 %DI EDA ('3*./'E EHFJC1 'DEDA'*!'A*- EC*() 'DFH9 H '916 E-*HJ'*G'&:JQ1 'D"D) E9 %9/'/'* *H2J9 COM 'D91J64:D E-11 3,D H'JF#'.1, EF 'D*7(JB . #C/ -A8 'D*:JJ1'*#F4& E1-D) DD9F51 'DE.*'1.Vincula a un fitxer a travs d'un File Moniker2Obre un fitxer TypeLib i visualitza els continguts<Canvia la configuraci de Distributed COM de tota la mquina%Executa l'editor de registre del Wine*Tanca l'aplicaci. Demana desar els canvis+Crea una instncia de l'objecte seleccionatPYipojit k souboru pYezdvky,OtevYt soubor TypeLib a zobrazit jeho obsah<Zmn nastaven  distribuovanho COM , platn pro cel stroj@Spustit editor registro (resp. jeho reimplementaci v rmci Wine)-Ukon it aplikaci. Dot~e se, zda ulo~it zmny#VytvoYit instanci vybranho objektuKnyt til fil via File Moniker#bn en TypeLib fil og vis indholdet:ndre indstillinger for distribueret COM for hele maskinen Kr registreringsdatabase editor4Afslut programmet. Den sprger om at gemme ndringer%Opret en instans af det valgte objekt!An Datei via Datei-Moniker binden*TypeLib-Datei ffnen und Inhalt betrachten3Maschinenweite Distributed-COM-Einstellungen ndern$Wine-Registrierungs-Editor ausfhren8Anwendung beenden. Fragt ob nderungen zu speichern sind/Eine Instanz des ausgewhlten Objekts erstellenBind to file via a File Moniker)Open a TypeLib file and view the contents,Change machine wide Distributed COM settingsRun the Wine registry editor-Quit the application. Prompts to save changes)Create an instance of the selected object.Vincular a un archivo a travs de File Moniker+Abrir un archivo TypeLib y ver su contenido1Cambiar las opciones de COM Distribuido generales&Ejecutar el editor de registro de Wine6Salir de la aplicacin. Pregunta si grabar los cambios+Crear una instancia del objeto seleccionado#Sido tiedostoon tiedostomonikerilla*Avaa TypeLib-tiedosto ja nyt sen sislt1Muuta koko tietokoneen hajautetun COMin asetuksiaAja Winen rekisterieditori.Sulje ohjelma. Kehottaa tallentamaan muutoksetLuo valitun objektin ilmentym/Lier un fichier l'aide d'un Moniker Fichier1Ouvrir un fichier TypeLib et afficher son contenu8Modifier les paramtres COM distribus de niveau systme.Excuter l'diteur de base de registre de WineSQuitter l'application. Demande s'il faut enregistrer les modifications au pralable)Crer une instance de l'objet slectionn       TypeLib  %  COM         Wine( .        /Csatols a fjlhoz egy File Monker-en keresztl3TypeLib fjl megnyitsa s tartalmnak megtekintse1Mdostja a gpszintq elosztott COM belltsokat&Wine regisztrci szerkesztQ futtatsa1Kilps a programbl. Az adatok mentse krdssel0Ltrehozza a kivlasztott objektum egy pldnyt$Fissa su un file con un File Moniker-Apri un file TypeLib e visualizza i contenuti@Cambia le impostazioni per COM Distribuite per l'intera macchina#Esegui l'editor di registro di Wine6Chiudi l'applicazione. Chiede se salvare i cambiamenti)Crea un'istanza dell'elemento selezionatoFile Moniker 0X0f00000k00000W0~0Y0TypeLib 00000D0f0-N0h:yW0~0Y0000hQSOn0Rce COM n0-[0 YfW0~0Y0Wine 00000 00000[LW0~0Y0000000000B}NW0~0Y00 Yf0OX[Y000F0k0OW0~0Y0xbU00_0000000n00000000\ObW0~0Y0 | ļ<\ | ŰTypeLib | 08 ȴX DCOM$ 0Wine ɤ¸Ҭ 0 ‰ D ȥ` < \ ]0  X xǤ4Ѹ ̹0=Verbind aan een bestand via een Bestandsbeschrijver (Moniker),Open een TypeLib bestand en bekijk de inhoud7Wijzig de algemene machine Distributed COM instellingenRun de Wine register-editor8Verlaat de applicatie. Vraagt om wijzigingen op te slaan1Creer een instantie van het geselecteerde object.Dowi| do pliku za pomoc obiektu File MonikerBOtwrz plik z biblioteki typw (TypeLib) i wy[wietl jego zawarto[/ZmieD ustawienia Distributed COM tego komputeraUruchom Edytor Rejestrw Wine=ZakoDcz aplikacj. Mo|esz zosta zapytany, czy zapisa zmiany"Stwrz instancj wybranego obiektu&Leag la fiier printr-un File Moniker1Deschide un fiier TypeLib i afieaz coninutul:Modific parametrii COM distribuii n ntregul calculator!Execut editorul de registru Wine2nchide aplicaia. Solicit salvarea modificrilor(Creeaz o instan a obiectului selectat$@82O70BL : D09;C G5@57 File Moniker-B:@KBL D09; TypeLib 8 ?@>A<>B@5BL A>45@68<>507<5=8BL >1I5A8AB5<=K5 =0AB@>9:8 Distributed COM0?CAB8BL 540:B>@ @55AB@0 Wine6K9B8 87 ?@8;>65=8O A ?@54;>65=85< A>E@0=8BL 87<5=5=8O$!>740BL M:75<?;O@ 2K1@0==>3> >1J5:B0Bind to file via a File Moniker)Otvori TypeLib datoteku i prika~i sadr~aj,Promijeni distribuirane COM postavke ureajaPokreni Wine ureiva  registra-Quit the application. Prompts to save changes!Stvori instancu odabranog objektaBind till fil via File Moniker(ppna en TypeLib-fil och visa innehllet:ndra instllningar fr distribuerat COM fr hela maskinenKr registereditorn2Avsluta programmet. Frgar om ndringar ska sparas&Skapa en instans av det valda objektet%Dosyaya File Moniker ile ili_kilendir0Bir TypeLib dosyas1 a ve iindekileri grntle'Genel Da1t1lan COM ayarlar1n1 dei_tir+Wine kay1t defteri dzenleyicisini al1_t1r2Uygulamadan 1k. Dei_iklikleri kaydetmenizi ister!Seilen nesnenin rneini olu_tur&@82'O70B8 4> D09;C G5@57 File Moniker)V4:@8B8 D09; TypeLib V ?5@53;O=CB8 2<VAB2<V=8B8 7030;L=>A8AB5<=V ?0@0<5B@8 Distributed COM0?CAB8B8 @540:B>@ @5TAB@C Wine-89B8 7 ?@>3@0<8 7 ?@>?>78FVTN 715@53B8 7<V=8$!B2>@8B8 5:75<?;O@ 281@0=>3> >1'T:BC%Vezave na datoteko preko File Moniker+Odpre datoteko TypeLib in si ogleda vsebino4Spremeni strojno airoke distribuirane nastavitve COM Za~ene urejevalnik registra Wine.Kon a program. Pozove za shranjevanje sprememb#Ustvari primerek izbranega predmeta Susieti su failu per failo vard-Atverti TypeLib fail ir per~ikrti jo turin//Keisti paskirstytojo COM kompiuterio nustatymus#Paleisti  Wine Registro tvarkytuv2Iaeiti ia programos. Paragina iasaugoti pakeitimus%Sukurti pa~ymto objekto egzempliorisBind to file via a File Moniker)Open a TypeLib file and view the contents,Change machine wide Distributed COM settings Wine -Quit the application. Prompts to save changes)Create an instance of the selected object NjHh}_}[0RjHh_U TypeLib jHh&Ng wgQ[O9e,g_jRce_ COM -[WL Wine ;Qh}/hV P}_g z_0 c:y2QX[ ^zvMRxdvirN[OBind to file via a File Moniker)Open a TypeLib file and view the contents,Change machine wide Distributed COM settingsRun the Wine registry editor-Quit the application. Prompts to save changes)Create an instance of the selected objectBind til fil via File Moniker$pne en TypeLib-fil og vis innholdet9Endre innstillinger for distribuert COM for hele maskinenKjr Wine registerredigering1Avslutt programmet. Det spr om lagre endringer)Opprett en instans av det valgte objektet,Juntar ao arquivo atravs de um File Moniker)Abrir um arquivo TypeLib e ver o contedo(Alterar configuraes de COM Distribudo$Iniciar o Editor de Registro do Wine/Sair do aplicativo. Pede para salvar alteraes)Criar uma instncia do objeto selecionado ǏeNh~[0ReNSb_ TypeLib eNv^g wQ[O9e,g:gR^_ COM nЏL Wine lQhhV Q z^0c:yOX[ R^S_MR [[a[O,Juntar a ficheiro atravs de um File Moniker,Abrir um ficheiro TypeLib e ver os contedos)Alterar configuraes de COM Distribudos#Iniciar o Editor de Registo do Wine/Sair da aplicao. Pede para guardar alteraes+Criar uma instncia do objecto seleccionado'#F4& E1-D) DD9F51 'DE.*'1 9DI ,G'2 E-// #7DB E1-D) 'D9F51 'D-'DJ 'DE.*'1+'F3. GUID 'D.'5 ('D9F51 'DE.*'1 %DI 'D-'A8)#8G1 9'16 'D9F51 'DE.*'1 'D*FBD (JF FE7J 'D.(J1 H 'DE(*/&)'D*FBD AJ 916 *5FJA 'DECHF'* 'DE1'/ 916G'#8G1 #H #.A 41J7 'D#/H'*#8G1 #H #.A 41J7 'D-'D)-/+ CD 'DBH'&E*'916 E9DHE'* 'D(1F'E, H 1BE '5/'1G H -BHBGECrea una instncia de l'objecte seleccionat en una mquina especfica5Lliura la instncia d'objecte actualment seleccionadaBCopia el GUID de l'element actualment seleccionat al porta-retalls0Mostra el visualitzador de l'element seleccionat7Canvia entre els modes de visualitzaci expert i novellVAlterna la visualitzaci de les categories de component que no se suposen ser visiblesMostra o amaga la barra d'einesMostra o amaga la barra d'estatActualitza totes les llistes?Mostra informaci de programa, nmero de versi i drets d'autor?Create an instance of the selected object on a specific machine*Uvolnit aktuln vybranou instanci objektu+Zkoprovat GUID vybran polo~ky do schrnky'Zobrazit prohl~e  pro vybranou polo~ku2PYepn mezi jednoduaam a podrobnjam zobrazenmJPYepnout zobrazen kategori sou st, kter nejsou myaleny jako viditeln"Zobraz i skryje liatu s nstroji Zobraz i skryje stavovou liatuAktualizovat vaechny seznamy1Zobraz informace o programu, slo verze a autor;Opret en instans av det valgte objekt p en bestemt maskineFrigiv valgte objektinstans0Kopier det valgte elements GUID til klippebordet"bn viseren for det valgte element(Skift mellem ekspert- og nybegynder modeCSkift visningen af komponent kategorier som ikke er ment at synligeSl vrktjslinjen af/pVis eller skjul statuslinjenOpdater alle lister3Vis programinformation, versionsnummer og ophavsretMEine Instanz des ausgewhlten Objekts auf einer bestimmten Maschine erstellen$Ausgewhlte Objekt-Instanz freigeben<GUID des ausgewhlten Objekts in die Zwischenablage kopieren,Betrachter fr ausgewhltes Element anzeigen0Zwischen einfachem und Experten-Modus umschaltenLAnzeige von nicht als sichtbar angedachten Komponenten-Kategorien umschalten%Symbolleiste anzeigen oder ausblenden%Statusleiste anzeigen oder ausblendenAlle Listen aktualisieren6Programm-Information, -Version und -Copyright anzeigen?Create an instance of the selected object on a specific machine.Release the currently selected object instance=Copy the GUID of the currently selected item to the clipboard(Display the viewer for the selected item-Toggle between expert and novice display modeKToggle the display of component categories that are not meant to be visibleShow or hide the toolbarShow or hide the status barRefresh all lists9Display program information, version number and copyrightFCrear una instancia del objeto seleccionado en la mquina especificada+Liberar la instancia de objeto seleccionada8Copiar el GUID del elemento seleccionado al portapapeles.Mostrar el visor para el elemento seleccionado#Cambiar entre modo experto y novatoGActivar/desactivar la visualizacin de categoras de componente ocultas*Mostrar u ocultar la barra de herramientas$Mostrar u ocultar la barra de estadoRefrescar todos los listadosDMostrar informacin sobre el programa, nmero de versin y copyright0Luo valitun objektin ilmentym tietylle koneelle"Vapauta valittu objektin ilmentym(Kopioi valitun kohdan GUID leikepydlle Avaa katselin valitulle kohdalle.Vaihda teho- ja peruskyttjn nkymn vlillCMuuta nkymttmiksi tarkoitettujen komponenttiluokkien nyttmistNyt tai piilota tykalupalkkiNyt tai piilota tilapalkkiPivit kaikki listat:Nyt ohjelman tiedot, versionumero ja tekijnoikeustiedotDCrer une instance de l'objet slectionn sur une machine spcifique6Librer l'instance de l'objet actuellement slectionnICopier le GUID de l'objet actuellement slectionn dans le presse-papiers2Afficher la visionneuse pour l'lment slectionnIBasculer entre le mode d'affichage expert et le mode d'affichage dbutant\Activer/dsactiver l'affichage de catgories de composants n'tant pas censes tre visibles%Afficher ou masquer la barre d'outils#Afficher ou masquer la barre d'tatActualiser toutes les listesPAfficher les informations sur le programme, le numro de version et le copyright%         ( GUID         1        7                    ,  ,    CLtrehozza a kivlasztott objektum egy pldnyt egy megadott gpen*Felszabadtja a kijellt objektum pldnyt6A kijellt elem GUID azonostjnak vglapra msolsa5A kijellt elemhez tartoz megjelentQ ablak mutatsa3Vlts a halad s a kezdQ megjelentsi md kzttKToggle the display of component categories that are not meant to be visible!Eszkztr mutatsa vagy elrejtse"llapotsor mutatsa vagy elrejtseMinden lista frisstse:Kijelzi a program informcikat, verzit s szerzQi adatotCCrea un'istanza dell'elemento selezionato su una macchina specifica:Rilascia l'istanza dell'elemento correntemente selezionatoCCopia il GUID dell'elemento correntemente selezionato negli appunti3Mostra il visualizzatore per l'elemento selezionato5Cambia tra modalit visualizzazione esperto e novizioKCambia display delle categorie di componenti che non devono essere visibili*Mostra o nascondi la barra degli strumenti#Mostra o nascondi la barra di statoAggiorna tutte le listeAMostra informazioni, numero di versione e copyright del programma yr[n0000 Nk0xbU00_0000000n00000000\ObW0~0Y0s(WxbU00_0000000n00000000>eW0~0Y0s(WxbU00_0vn0 GUID 00000000k0000W0~0Y0xbU00_0vn000000h:yW0~0Y0 N}h0R}h:y0000R0fH0~0Y0#h:yY000F0k0j0c0f0D0j0D00000000n00000n0h:y0R0fH0~0Y0000 00n0h:y/^h:y0R0fH0~0Y000000 00n0h:y/^h:y0R0fH0~0Y0 Y0y0f0n00000feW0~0Y000000`1X000000juSh0W\O)j0h:yW0~0Y0\ 8X  X xǤ4Ѹ ̹0֬   xǤ4Ѹ tX0֬  mթX GUID| tнܴ\  mթX 08@  ܴ Xel1 ƌ ] 0(t JT|ij) ijl L 0/(00 \ 0/(00 ] \ h\ , , ȑnj 0KCreer een instantie van het geselecteerde object op een specifieke machine4Verwijder de momenteel geselecteerde objectinstantieHKopieer de GUID van het momenteel geselecteerde object naar het klembord*Toon details voor het geselecteerde object'Schakel tussen expert- en beginnermodusGToon/verberg componentcategorien die niet zichtbaar zouden moeten zijnToon of verberg de taakbalkToon of verberg de statusbalkVervers alle lijsten4Toon programma-informatie, versienummer en copyright;Stwrz instancj wybranego obiektu na okre[lonym komputerze+Zwolnij aktualnie wybran instancj obiektu3Skopiuj GUID aktualnie wybranego obiektu do schowka2Wy[wietl przegldark aktualnie wybranego elementu2PrzeBcz pomidzy trybem eksperta i pocztkujcego=PrzeBcz wy[wietlanie kategorii, ktre nie musz by widocznePoka| lub ukryj pasek narzdziPoka| lub ukryj pasek stanuOd[wie| wszystkie listyIWy[wietl informacje o programie, numerze jego wersji i prawach autorskichDCreeaz o instan a obiectului selectat pe un calculator specificat'Elibereaz instana obiectului selectat0Copiaz GUID al obiectului selectat n clipboard0Afieaz vizualizatorul pentru obiectul selectatEComut ntre modul de afiare pentru experi i cel pentru nceptori_Activeaz/dezactiveaz afiarea categoriilor de componente care nu sunt prevzute a fi vizibile(Afieaz sau ascunde bara de instrumente"Afieaz sau ascunde bara de stareActualizeaz toate listeleLAfieaz numrul versiunii, drepturile de autor i informaii despre program8!>740BL M:75<?;O@ 2K1@0==>3> >1J5:B0 =0 C:070==>9 <0H8=5$#40;8BL M:75<?;O@ 2K1@0==>3> >1J5:B0,>?8@>20BL GUID 2K45;5==>3> M;5<5=B0 2 1CD5@&B:@KBL ?@>A<>B@ 4;O 2K1@0==>3> ?C=:B0+5@5:;NG8BLAO <564C @568<>< M:A?5@B/=>28G>:L5@5:;NG8BL >B>1@065=85 :0B53>@89 :><?>=5=B>2, :>B>@K5 =5 4>;6=K 1KBL 2848<K#>:070BL/A:@KBL ?0=5;L 8=AB@C<5=B>2 >:070BL/A:@KBL AB@>:C A>AB>O=8O1=>28BL 2A5 A?8A:8:B>1@078BL 8=D>@<0F8N > ?@>3@0<<5, =><5@ 25@A88 8 :>?8@09B8Stvori isntancu odabranog objekta na specifi nom ureaju.Release the currently selected object instance=Copy the GUID of the currently selected item to the clipboard%Prika~i preglednik za odabran predmet-Toggle between expert and novice display modeKToggle the display of component categories that are not meant to be visiblePrika~i ili sakrij alatnu traku!Prika~i ili sakrij statusnu trakuOsvje~i sve liste9Display program information, version number and copyright?Create an instance of the selected object on a specific machine.Release the currently selected object instance=Copy the GUID of the currently selected item to the clipboard(Display the viewer for the selected item-Toggle between expert and novice display modeKToggle the display of component categories that are not meant to be visibleUk~ alebo skry panel nstorjovShow or hide the status barObnovie vaetky zoznamy9Display program information, version number and copyright;Skapa en instans av det valda objektet p en specifik datorSlpp vald objektinstans.Kopiera det valda elementets GUID till urklipp%ppna lsaren fr det valda elementet#Byt mellan expert- och nybrjarlgeMSl av/p visningen av komponentkategorier som ej r avsedda att vara synligaVisa eller dlj verktygsfltetVisa eller dlj statuslistenUppdatera alla listor6Visa programinformation, versionsnummer samt copyright3Seilen nesnenin rneini zel bir makinede olu_turSeili nesne rneini b1rak(Seilen nesnenin GUID'ini panoya kopyala)Seilen nesne iin grntleyiciyi gster5Uzman ve acemi grntleme kipleri aras1nda gei_ yapAGrntlenmesi istemeyen bile_en kategorilerinin grnmn kapatAra ubuunu gster veya gizle Durum ubuunu gster veya gizleTm listeyi yenile9Program bilgisi, srm numaras1 ve telif hakk1n1 gsterir7!B2>@8B8 5:75<?;O@ 281@0=>3> >1'T:BC =0 2:070=V9 <0H8=V$840;8B8 5:75<?;O@ 281@0=>3> >1'T:BC(>?VN20B8 GUID 281@0=>3> >1'T:BC 2 1CD5@&V4:@8B8 ?5@53;O4 4;O 281@0=>3> ?C=:BC*5@5:;NG8B8AL <V6 @568<0<8 5:A?5@B/=>20G>:J5@5:;NG8B8 2V4>1@065==O :0B53>@V9 :><?>=5=BV2, O:V =5 ?>28==V 1CB8 2848<V&>:070B8/?@8E>20B8 ?0=5;L V=AB@C<5=BV2>:070B8/?@8E>20B8 @O4>: AB0=C=>28B8 2AV A?8A:89>:070B8 V=D>@<0FVN ?@> ?@>3@0<C, =><5@ 25@AVW V :>?V@09B7Ustvari primerek izbranega predmeta na dolo enem stroju&Izda trenutno izbran primerek predmeta5Kopiraj GUID trenutno izbranega predmeta na odlo~ia e(Prika~i pregledovalnik za izbran predmet3Preklopi med na inom prikaza izvedenca in za etnikaBPreklopi prikaz kategorij sestavnih delov, ki naj ne bi bile vidnePoka~i ali skrij orodno vrsticoPoka~i ali skrij vrstico stanjaOsve~i vse seznameDPrika~e podatke o programu, atevilki razli ice in avtorskih pravicah=Sukurti pa~ymto objekto egzemplioris nurodytame kompiuteryje&Naikinti pa~ymto objekto egzemplioris,Kopijuoti pa~ymto elemento GUID / iakarpin%Rodyti ~ikrykl pasirinktam elementui0Perjungti tarp eksperto ir naujoko rodymo re~imsEPerjungti komponents kategorijs, kurios turjo bkti nematomos, rodymRodyti ar slpti /rankis juostRodyti ar slpti bksenos juostAtnaujinti visus sraausAParodo programos informacij, versijos numer/ ir autoriaus teises?Create an instance of the selected object on a specific machine.Release the currently selected object instance=Copy the GUID of the currently selected item to the clipboard(Display the viewer for the selected item-Toggle between expert and novice display modeKToggle the display of component categories that are not meant to be visible   9Display program information, version number and copyright^zvuMRx[irN(Wc[fv[O ˑ>evuMRx[irN[O\vuMRx[vv GUID 0RjR?| o:yx[vvg whV Rc\[TeKbo:y!j_ RcυCQNR^o:yo:ybυ]wQRo:ybυrKaR͑etet@b gnU o:y z_nj 0Hr,g_SHr k?Create an instance of the selected object on a specific machine.Release the currently selected object instance=Copy the GUID of the currently selected item to the clipboard(Display the viewer for the selected item-Toggle between expert and novice display modeKToggle the display of component categories that are not meant to be visibleShow or hide the toolbarShow or hide the status barRefresh all lists9Display program information, version number and copyright>Opprett en instans av det valgte objektet p en bestemt maskinSlipp valgte objektinstans4Kopier det valgte elementets GUID til utklippstavlen%pne viseren for det valgte elementet'Bytt mellom ekspert- og nybegynnermodusCSl av/p visningen av komponentkategorier som ikke er ment visesSl verktylinjen av/pVis eller skjul statuslinjenOppdater alle lister4Vis programinformasjon, versjonnummer og opphavsrettACriar uma instncia do objeto selecionado na mquina especificada*Libertar a instncia de objeto selecionada@Copiar a GUID do objeto selecionado para a rea de transferncia.Mostrar o visualizador para o item selecionado2Alternar o modo de viso entre Novato e ExperienteFAtivar a viso de categorias de componentes que no devem ser visveis*Mostrar ou esconder a Barra de Ferramentas%Mostrar ou esconder a barra de statusAtualizar todas as listas:Mostrar informao do programa, verso e direitos autorais?Create an instance of the selected object on a specific machine.Release the currently selected object instance=Copy the GUID of the currently selected item to the clipboard(Display the viewer for the selected item-Toggle between expert and novice display modeKToggle the display of component categories that are not meant to be visibleShow or hide the toolbarShow or hide the status barRe]argi iujn listojn9Display program information, version number and copyright(Wc[:ghV NR^S_MR [[av[O ʑ>eS_MR [[a[ObS_MR [yvv GUID Y6R0RjR4g >f:y [yvvg whV RbcN[TeKb>f:y!j_ Rbcυ~N{|>f:y>f:ybυ]wQh>f:ybυr`h7Re@b g TUS >f:y z^Oo`0Hr,gSSHrCgCCriar uma instncia do objecto seleccionado na mquina especificada,Libertar a instncia de objecto seleccionadaBCopiar a GUID do objecto seleccionado para a rea de transferncia/Mostrar o visualizador para o item seleccionado9Alternar o modo de visionamento entre Novato e ExperienteTActivar o visionamento de categorias de componentes que no suposto serem visveis*Mostrar ou esconder a Barra de Ferramentas&Mostrar ou esconder a barra de estadosActualizar todas as listas:Mostrar informao do programa, verso e direitos de autor8'3#D 9F 'D9EDJ) 'DH'1/) DD.'/HE 9F/ 7D( CoGetClassObject='3#D 9F D'B7 'D9EDJ) 'DH'1/) DD.'/HE 9F/ 7D( CoGetClassObject/'3#D 9F 'D.'/HE 'DE-DJ 9F/ 7D( CoGetClassObject/'3#D 9F 'D.'/HE 'D(9J/ 9F/ 7D( CoGetClassObject9Demana un servidor en procs en trucar a CoGetClassObject7Demana un gestor en procs en trucar a CoGetClassObject5Demana un servidor local en trucar a CoGetClassObject5Demana un servidor remot en trucar a CoGetClassObject:Ask for an in-process server when calling CoGetClassObject;Ask for an in-process handler when calling CoGetClassObject3Po~dat o mstn server pYi voln CoGetClassObject5Po~dat o vzdlen server pYi voln CoGetClassObject=Sprg efter en ind-process server nr CoGetClassObject kaldes@Sprg efter en ind-proces bearbejder npr CoGetClassObject kaldes:Sprg efter en lokal maskine ved kald til CoGetClassObject:Sprg efter en fjern maskine ved kald til CoGetClassObject=Fr Aufruf von CoGetClassObject nach In-Prozess-Server fragen>Fr Aufruf von CoGetClassObject nach In-Prozess-Handler fragen:Fr Aufruf von CoGetClassObject nach lokalem Server fragen=Fr Aufruf von CoGetClassObject nach entferntem Server fragen:Ask for an in-process server when calling CoGetClassObject;Ask for an in-process handler when calling CoGetClassObject4Ask for a local server when calling CoGetClassObject5Ask for a remote server when calling CoGetClassObject?Pedir un servidor en-proceso cuando se llame a CoGetClassObjectAPedir un descriptor en-proceso cuando se llame a CoGetClassObject:Pedir un servidor local cuando se llame a CoGetClassObject;Pedir un servidor remoto cuando se llame a CoGetClassObjectIPyyd prosessin omaa palvelinta, kun kutsutaan funktiota CoGetClassObjectKPyyd prosessin omaa ksittelij, kun kutsutaan funktiota CoGetClassObjectFPyyd paikallista palvelinta, kun kutsutaan funktiota CoGetClassObject=Pyyd etpalvelinta, kun kutsutaan funktiota CoGetClassObjectKRequrir un serveur intgr au processus lors de l'appel CoGetClassObjectPRequrir un gestionnaire intgr au processus lors de l'appel CoGetClassObject<Requrir un serveur local lors de l'appel CoGetClassObject>Requrir un serveur distant lors de l'appel CoGetClassObjectGRichiedi un handler interno al server nella chiamata a CoGetClassObjectIRichiedi un handler interno al processo nella chiamata a CoGetClassObject;Richiedi un server locale nella chiamata a CoGetClassObject;Richiedi un server remoto nella chiamata a CoGetClassObject)CoGetClassObject |Ts0QW0Bfk000 0000 000k0OUD0T[0~0Y0*CoGetClassObject |Ts0QW0Bfk000 0000 0000k0OUD0T[0~0Y0'CoGetClassObject n0|Ts0QW0Bfk00000 000k0OUD0T[0~0Y0'CoGetClassObject n0|Ts0QW0Bfk00000 000k0OUD0T[0~0Y0%CoGetClassObjectD 8֜` L x-\8  ;0&CoGetClassObjectD 8֜` L x-\8 x ;0!CoGetClassObjectD 8֜` L  ;0!CoGetClassObjectD 8֜` L Ʃ  ;0NVraag om een server in hetzelfde proces als CoGetClassObject wordt aangeroepenOVraag om een handler in hetzelfde proces als CoGetClassObject wordt aangeroepenAVraag om een lokale server als CoGetClassObject wordt aangeroepenFVraag om een niet-lokale server als CoGetClassObject wordt aangeroepen=Zapytaj o serwer w procesie przy wywoBywaniu CoGetClassObject=Zapytaj o uchwyt w procesie przy wywoBywaniu CoGetClassObject:Zapytaj o lokalny serwer przy wywoBywaniu CoGetClassObject9Zapytaj o zdalny serwer przy wywoBywaniu CoGetClassObject:Ask for an in-process server when calling CoGetClassObject;Ask for an in-process handler when calling CoGetClassObject6Cere un server local cnd se apeleaz CoGetClassObject<Cere un server la distan cnd se apeleaz CoGetClassObject<A?>;L7>20BL A5@25@ 2 ?@>F5AA5 ?@8 2K7>25 CoGetClassObject@A?>;L7>20BL >1@01>BG8: 2 ?@>F5AA5 ?@8 2K7>25 CoGetClassObject9A?>;L7>20BL ;>:0;L=K9 A5@25@ ?@8 2K7>25 CoGetClassObject9A?>;L7>20BL C40;Q==K9 A5@25@ ?@8 2K7>25 CoGetClassObject:Ask for an in-process server when calling CoGetClassObject;Ask for an in-process handler when calling CoGetClassObject6Anvnd en lokal server vid anrop till CoGetClassObject5Anvnd en fjrrserver vid anrop till CoGetClassObject3CoGetClassObject'i a1r1rken i_lem ii sunucu iste5CoGetClassObject'i a1r1rken i_lem ii i_leyici iste/CoGetClassObject'i a1r1rken yerel sunucu iste.CoGetClassObject'i a1r1rken uzak sunucu iste>8B0B8 2=CB@VH=L>?@>F5A=89 A5@25@ ?@8 28:;8:C CoGetClassObject@8B0B8 2=CB@VH=L>?@>F5A=89 >1@>1=8: ?@8 28:;8:C CoGetClassObject48B0B8 ;>:0;L=89 A5@25@ ?@8 28:;8:C CoGetClassObject58B0B8 2V440;5=89 A5@25@ ?@8 28:;8:C CoGetClassObject9Pri klicu CoGetClassObject vpraaaj za stre~nik v opravilu6Vpraaa za ro nik v opravilu pri klicu CoGetClassObject:Pri klicanju CoGetClassObject vpraaaj za krajevni stre~nik;Pri klicanju CoGetClassObject vpraaaj za oddaljeni stre~nik<Praayti serverio procese, kai kreipiamasi / CoGetClassObject<Praayti dorokls procese, kai kreipiamasi / CoGetClassObject=Praayti vietinio serverio, kai kreipiamasi / CoGetClassObject>Praayti nutolusio serverio, kai kreipiamasi / CoGetClassObject:Ask for an in-process server when calling CoGetClassObject;Ask for an in-process handler when calling CoGetClassObject6CoGetClassObject 6CoGetClassObject |TS CoGetClassObject BfBlN P TL z:O ghV |TS CoGetClassObject BfBlN P TL zUt8^_|TS CoGetClassObject BfBlN P,g_j:O ghV|TS CoGetClassObject BfBlN P`z:O ghV:Ask for an in-process server when calling CoGetClassObject;Ask for an in-process handler when calling CoGetClassObject4Ask for a local server when calling CoGetClassObject5Ask for a remote server when calling CoGetClassObject7Be om en tjener i prosessen nr CoGetClassObject kalles:Be om en hndterer i prosessen nr CoGetCLassObject kalles1Be om en lokal tjener nr CoGetClassObject kalles4Be om en ekstern tjener nr CoGetCDlassObject kalles@Pedir um servidor interno ao processo ao chamar CoGetClassObjectCPedir um manipulador interno ao processo ao chamar CoGetClassObject2Pedir um servidor local ao chamar CoGetClassObject3Pedir um servidor remoto ao chamar CoGetClassObject(u CoGetClassObject eBlۏ zQ gRhV(u CoGetClassObject eBlۏ zQYtQpe(u CoGetClassObject eBl,g0W gRhV(u CoGetClassObject eBl܏ z gRhV<Pedir um servidor em-processo quando chamar CoGetClassObject=Pedir um descritor em-processo quando chamar CoGetClassObject6Pedir um servidor local quando chamar CoGetClassObject7Pedir um servidor remoto quando chamar CoGetClassObject A&'* 'D9F'51E,E9) -3( *5FJA 'DECHF 9F'51 OLE 1.09F'51 EC*('* COM ,EJ9 'D9F'51 ObjectClasses#Agrupats per categoria de componentObjectes OLE 1.0Objectes de 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Neznm chybaCoGetClassObject fejlede. Ukendt fejl CoGetClassObject fehlgeschlagen.Unbekannter FehlerCoGetClassObject failed. Unknown errorCoGetClassObject fall.Error desconocidoCoGetClassObject eponnistui.Tuntematon virheCoGetClassObject a chou.Erreur inconnueCoGetClassObject .  CoGetClassObject hiba.Ismeretlen hibaCoGetClassObject fallito.Errore sconosciutoCoGetClassObject L01YWeW0~0W0_00 Nfj0000CoGetClassObject (. L  Ŕ $XCoGetClassObject faalde.Onbekende fout"CoGetClassObject nie powiodBo si. Nieznany bBdCoGetClassObject a euat.Eroare necunoscut&CoGetClassObject 7025@H8;0AL =5C40G=>.58725AB=0O >H81:0CoGetClassObject failed.Nepoznata greakaCoGetClassObject failed. Neznma chybaCoGetClassObject misslyckades. Oknt felCoGetClassObject ba_ar1s1z.Bilinmeyen hataCoGetClassObject =5 2402AO.52V4><0 ?><8;:0CoGetClassObject je spodletel.Neznana napakaCoGetClassObject nepavyko.Ne~inoma klaidaCoGetClassObject . CoGetClassObject fall. Unknown errorCoGetClassObject 1YWe0*gw/CoGetClassObject failed. Unknown errorCoGetClassObject feilet. Ukjent feilCoGetClassObject falhou.Erro desconhecidoCoGetClassObject 1Y%0*gwCoGetClassObject falhou.Erro desconhecido5-J-:J1 5-J-('J*'*AB8=0J60bytes VeritableFalsbytesPravdaNepravdabajtoSandFalskbyteWahrFalschBytesbytesTrueFalsebytes VerdaderoFalsobytesTosiEptositavuaVraiFauxoctetsIgazHamisbjtVeroFalsobytesTrueFalse0008ptǸWaarOnwaarbytesPrawdaFaBsz bajty(w)AdevratFalsoctei@0240>6L109BTo noNeto nooktetaTrueFalsebajtovSantFalsktbyte#4D!H#4bytesDoruYanl1_baytAB8=05?@0240109BPravNapakbajtovTiesaNetiesabaitai   TrueFalsebyteswGPMOCQD}TrueFalsebytesSannUsannbyte VerdadeiroFalsobytesVereFalsebajtojwGPW[ VerdadeiroFalsobytesTa noNeta nobytes"0G=>5B0G=>bytes%*-EJD EC*() 'DFH9 ( %1 ) A4D ($%2!x!)'DH',G'* 'DEH1H+)$LoadTypeLib( %1 ) ha fallat ($%2!x!)Interfcies heretades"LoadTypeLib( %1 ) selhalo ($%2!x!)Zddn rozhran"LoadTypeLib( %1 ) fejlede ($%2!x!)Arvet grnseflade)LoadTypeLib( %1 ) fehlgeschlagen ($%2!x!)Ererbte Schnittstellen!LoadTypeLib( %1 ) failed ($%2!x!)Inherited Interfaces LoadTypeLib( %1 ) fall ($%2!x!)Interfaces Heredados&LoadTypeLib( %1 ) eponnistui ($%2!x!)Perityt rajapinnat#chec de LoadTypeLib( %1 ) ($%2!x!)Interfaces hrites!LoadTypeLib( %1 ) failed ($%2!x!)  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