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( 8HXhx"$ ' [( 8 H X h x     6 &r+*0F5*$;@*E$J|tPbSh@WP\\bjgtD  ŵȲ reg :  JŔ ɤ¸Ҭ pt0  [%1] "reg : 5X [/d] L Ǩ\  Ǵ| iȲ Usage: REG [operation] [parameters] Supported operations: ADD | DELETE | IMPORT | EXPORT | QUERY For help on a specific operation, type: REG [operation] /? ZREG ADD sleutel_naam [/v waarde_naam | /ve] [/t type] [/s scheidingsteken] [/d data] [/f] :REG DELETE sleutel_naam [/v waarde_naam | /ve | /va] [/f] 3REG QUERY sleutel_naam [/v waarde_naam | /ve] [/s] #De bewerking is succesvol voltooid reg: Invalid key name %reg: Invalid command line parameters %reg: Unable to access remote machine Greg: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value )reg: Unsupported registry data type [%1] 9reg: The option [/d] must be followed by a valid integer U|ycie: REG [dziaBanie] [parametery] ObsBugiwane dziaBania: ADD | DELETE | IMPORT | EXPORT | QUERY Aby uzyska pomoc zwizan z okre[lonym dziaBaniem, wprowadz: REG [dziaBanie] /? VREG ADD nazwa_klucza [/v nazwa_warto[ci | /ve] [/t typ] [/s separator] [/d dane] [/f] =REG DELETE nazwa_klucza [/v nazwa_warto[ci | /ve | /va] [/f] 6REG QUERY nazwa_klucza [/v nazwa_warto[ci | /ve] [/s] Operacja zakoDczona pomy[lnie reg: NiewBa[ciwa nazwa klucza -reg: NieprawidBowe parametry wiersza poleceD 6reg: Nie udaBo si uzyska dostpu do zdalnej maszyny Breg: System nie mgB znalez podanej warto[ci lub klucza rejestru 2reg: NieobsBugiwany rodzaj warto[ci rejestru [%1] =reg: Po opcji [/d] musi wystpi prawidBowa liczba caBkowita Usage: REG [operation] [parameters] Supported operations: ADD | DELETE | IMPORT | EXPORT | QUERY For help on a specific operation, type: REG [operation] /? RREG ADD nume_cheie [/v nume_valoare | /ve] [/t tip] [/s separator] [/d date] [/f] 9REG DELETE nume_cheie [/v nume_valoare | /ve | /va] [/f] 2REG QUERY nume_cheie [/v nume_valoare | /ve] [/s] (Operaiunea a fost finalizat cu succes reg: Nume de cheie nevalid 0reg: Parametri nevalizi pentru linia de comand %reg: Unable to access remote machine Ireg: Sistemul nu a putut gsi cheia sau valoarea de registru specificat )reg: Unsupported registry data type [%1] 9reg: The option [/d] must be followed by a valid integer K7>2: REG [>?5@0F8O] [?0@0<5B@K] >445@68205<K5 >?5@0F88: ADD | DELETE | IMPORT | EXPORT | QUERY ;O ?>;CG5=8O A?@02:8 ?> :>=:@5B=>9 >?5@0F88 8A?>;L7C9B5: REG [>?5@0F8O] /? ZREG ADD 8<O_@0745;0 [/v 8<O_?0@0<5B@0 | /ve] [/t B8?] [/s @0745;8B5;L] [/d 7=0G5=85] [/f] ;REG DELETE 8<O_@0745;0 [/v 8<O_?0@0<5B@0 | /ve | /va] [/f] 4REG QUERY 8<O_@0745;0 [/v 8<O_?0@0<5B@0 | /ve] [/s] ?5@0F8O CA?5H=> 7025@H5=0 reg: =525@=>5 8<O @0745;0 )reg: =525@=K5 ?0@0<5B@K :><0=4=>9 AB@>:8 8reg: =5 C40;>AL ?>;CG8BL 4>ABC? : C40;Q==><C :><?LNB5@C <reg: =5 C40;>AL =09B8 C:070==K9 @0745; @55AB@0 8;8 7=0G5=85 'reg: B8? 40==KE [%1] =5 ?>445@68205BAO 1reg: 70 >?F859 [/d] 4>;6=> A;54>20BL F5;>5 G8A;> Usage: REG [operation] [parameters] Supported operations: ADD | DELETE | IMPORT | EXPORT | QUERY For help on a specific operation, type: REG [operation] /? YREG ADD ime_klju a [/v ime_vrijednosti | /ve] [/t vrsta] [/s separator] [/d podaci] [/f] <REG DELETE ime_klju a [/v ime_vrijednosti | /ve | /va] [/f] 5REG QUERY ime_klju a [/v ime_vrijednosti | /ve] [/s] Operacija uspjeano dovraena reg: Invalid key name %reg: Invalid command line parameters %reg: Unable to access remote machine Greg: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value )reg: Unsupported registry data type [%1] 9reg: The option [/d] must be followed by a valid integer Usage: REG [operation] [parametrar] Operationer som stds: ADD | DELETE | IMPORT | EXPORT | QUERY Fr hjlp kring en specifik operation, skriv: REG [operation] /? OREG ADD nyckelnamn [/v vrdenamn | /ve] [/t typ] [/s separator] [/d data] [/f] 6REG DELETE nyckelnamn [/v vrdenamn | /ve | /va] [/f] /REG QUERY nyckelnamn [/v vrdenamn | /ve] [/s] "Operation slutfrdes utan problem reg: Ogiltigt nyckelnamn %reg: Ogiltiga kommandoradsparametrar +reg: Kan inte f tillgng till fjrrmaskin Freg: Systemet kunde inte hitta angiven nyckel eller vrde i registret #reg: Ej stdd typ [%1] i registret 5reg: Flaggan [/d] mste fljas av ett giltigt heltal Kullan1m: REG [i_lem] [parametreler] Desteklenen i_lemler: ADD | DELETE | IMPORT | EXPORT | QUERY Herhangi bir i_lem hakk1nda yard1m iin, _unu yaz1n1z: REG [i_lem] /? LREG ADD anahtar_ad1 [/v deer_ad1 | /ve] [/t tr] [/s ayra] [/d veri] [/f] 7REG DELETE anahtar_ad1 [/v deer_ad1 | /ve | /va] [/f] 0REG QUERY anahtar_ad1 [/v deer_ad1 | /ve] [/s] 0_lem ba_ar1yla tamamland1 reg: Geersiz anahtar ad1 )reg: Geersiz komut sat1r1 parametreleri reg: Uzak makineye eri_ilemiyor =reg: Sistem belirtilen kay1t anahtar1n1 veya deeri bulamad1 $Hata: Desteklenmeyen [%1] veri tr Guninstaller: [/d] seeneinden sonra geerli bir tam say1 girilmelidir 8:>@8AB0==O: REG [>?5@0FVO] [?0@0<5B@8] V4B@8<C20=V >?5@0FVW: ADD | DELETE | IMPORT | EXPORT | QUERY ;O 4>2V4:8 ?> :>=:@5B=V9 >?5@0FVW, 2254VBL: REG [>?5@0FVO] /? QREG ADD <:;NG> [/v <?0@0<5B@> | /ve] [/t <B8?>] [/s <@>74V;N20G>] [/d 40=V] [/f] 3REG DELETE <:;NG> [/v <?0@0<5B@> | /ve | /va] [/f] ,REG QUERY <:;NG> [/v <?0@0<5B@> | /ve] [/s] ?5@0FVO CA?VH=> 7025@H5=0 reg: =52V@=5 V<'O :;NG0 (reg: =52V@=V ?0@0<5B@8 :><0=4=>3> @O4:0 4reg: =5<>6;82> >B@8<0B8 4>ABC? 4> 2V440;5=>W <0H8=8 9reg: =5 240;>AL 7=09B8 2:070=89 :;NG @5TAB@C G8 7=0G5==O $reg: =5?V4B@8<C20=89 B8? 40=8E [%1] :reg: ?VA;O ?0@0<5B@0 [/d] ?>28==> 1CB8 2:070=> FV;5 G8A;> Usage: REG [operation] [parameters] Supported operations: ADD | DELETE | IMPORT | EXPORT | QUERY For help on a specific operation, type: REG [operation] /? VREG ADD ime_klju a [/v ime_vrednosti | /ve] [/t vrsta] [/s lo nica] [/d podatki] [/f] :REG DELETE ime_klju a [/v ime_vrednosti | /ve | /va] [/f] 3REG QUERY ime_klju a [/v ime_vrednosti | /ve] [/s] Opravilo se je uspeano izvedlo reg: Invalid key name %reg: Invalid command line parameters %reg: Unable to access remote machine Greg: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value )reg: Unsupported registry data type [%1] 9reg: The option [/d] must be followed by a valid integer Naudojimas: REG [operacija] [parametrai] Palaikomos operacijos: ADD | DELETE | IMPORT | EXPORT | QUERY Pagalbai apie specifin operacij, /raaykite: REG [operacija] /? ]REG ADD rakto_vardas [/v reikams_vardas | /ve] [/t tipas] [/s skirtukas] [/d duomenys] [/f] >REG DELETE rakto_vardas [/v reikams_vardas | /ve | /va] [/f] 7REG QUERY rakto_vardas [/v reikams_vardas | /ve] [/s] Operacija skmingai /vykdyta reg: Netinkamas rakto vardas +reg: Netinkami komandos eiluts parametrai 2reg: Nepavyko prieiti prie nuotolinio kompiuterio Areg: Sistemai nepavyko rasti nurodyto registro rakto ar reikams .reg: Nepalaikomas registro duomens tipas [%1] @reg: U~ parametro [/d] privalo bkti tinkamas sveikasis skai ius : REG [ ] [ ] : ADD | DELETE | IMPORT | EXPORT | QUERY , : REG [ ] /? JREG ADD _ [/v _ | /ve] [/t ] [/s ] [/d ] [/f] 0REG DELETE _ [/v _ | /ve | /va] [/f] )REG QUERY _ [/v _ | /ve] [/s]  reg: reg: %reg: Unable to access remote machine Greg: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value -reg: [%1] 7reg: [/d] Usu: REG [operacin] [parmetros] Operaciones sofitaes: ADD | DELETE | IMPORT | EXPORT | QUERY P'ayuda tocante a una operacin especfica, teclexa: REG [operacin] /? OREG ADD key_name [/v value_name | /ve] [/t type] [/s separator] [/d data] [/f] 5REG DELETE key_name [/v value_name | /ve | /va] [/f] .REG QUERY key_name [/v value_name | /ve] [/s] "La operacin completse con situ reg: Invalid key name %reg: Invalid command line parameters *reg: Nun pue accedese a la mquina remota Greg: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value )reg: Unsupported registry data type [%1] 2reg: A la opcin [/d] ha siguila un enteru vlidu Usage: REG [operation] [parameters] Supported operations: ADD | DELETE | IMPORT | EXPORT | QUERY For help on a specific operation, type: REG [operation] /? <REG ADD "}_u T1z [/v

El valor de registre '%1' ja existeix. El voleu sobreescriure? (S|No)SN'S'ha cancellat l'operaci de registre (Per defecte)9Esteu segur que voleu suprimir el valor de registre '%1'?CEsteu segur que voleu suprimir tots els valors de registre en '%1'?8Esteu segur que voleu suprimir la clau de registre '%1'?1reg: Una cadena vlida ha de seguir l'opci [/d] breg: No s'ha pogut suprimir tots els valors de registre en '%1'. Ha ocorregut un error inesperat. Wreg: No s'ha pogut completar l'operaci especificada. Ha ocorregut un error inesperat. AS'ha completat la cerca. Nombre de coincidncies trobades: %1!d! reg: La sintaxi no s vlida. Creg: The option [/d] must be followed by a valid hexadecimal value 6reg: Unhandled registry data type [/t 0x%1!x!, /d %2] 7Hodnota registru  %1 ji~ existuje. Chcete ji nahradit? (Ano|Ne)AN Operace registru byla pYeruaena (vchoz)/Opravdu chcete odstranit hodnotu registru  %1 ?6Opravdu chcete smazat vaechny hodnoty registru v  %1 ?,Opravdu chcete odstranit kl  registru  %1 ?8reg: The option [/d] must be followed by a valid string Qreg: Unable to delete all registry values in '%1'. An unexpected error occurred. Oreg: Unable to complete the specified operation. An unexpected error occurred. 0Search complete. Number of matches found: %1!d! reg: Neplatn syntaxe. Creg: The option [/d] must be followed by a valid hexadecimal value 6reg: Unhandled registry data type [/t 0x%1!x!, /d %2] DThe registry value '%1' already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? (Ja|Nej)JN%The registry operation was cancelled (Standard)8Are you sure you want to delete the registry value '%1'?<Are you sure you want to delete all registry values in '%1'?6Are you sure you want to delete the registry key '%1'?8reg: The option [/d] must be followed by a valid string Qreg: Unable to delete all registry values in '%1'. An unexpected error occurred. Oreg: Unable to complete the specified operation. An unexpected error occurred. 0Search complete. Number of matches found: %1!d! reg: Invalid syntax. Breg: Auf die Option [/d] muss ein gltiger Hexadezimalwert folgen >reg: Unbehandelter Registrierungsdatentyp [/t 0x%1!x!, /d %2] :Der Wert '%1' existiert bereits. Mchten Sie ihn ersetzen? (Ja|Nein)JN,Der Registrierungsvorgang wurde abgebrochen (Standard)8Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie den Wert '%1' lschen mchten?=Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie alle Werte in '%1' lschen mchten?=Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie den Schlssel '%1' lschen mchten??reg: Auf die Option [/d] muss eine gltige Zeichenkette folgen freg: Es konnten nicht alle Werte in '%1' gelscht werden. Es ist ein unerwarteter Fehler aufgetreten. kreg: Der angegebene Vorgang konnte nicht abgeschlossen werden. Es ist ein unerwarteter Fehler aufgetreten. 8Suche abgeschlossen. Gefundene bereinstimmungen: %1!d! reg: Ungltige Syntax. Creg: The option [/d] must be followed by a valid hexadecimal value 6reg: Unhandled registry data type [/t 0x%1!x!, /d %2] DThe registry value '%1' already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? (Yes|No)YN%The registry operation was cancelled (Default)8Are you sure you want to delete the registry value '%1'?<Are you sure you want to delete all registry values in '%1'?6Are you sure you want to delete the registry key '%1'?8reg: The option [/d] must be followed by a valid string Qreg: Unable to delete all registry values in '%1'. An unexpected error occurred. Oreg: Unable to complete the specified operation. An unexpected error occurred. 0Search complete. Number of matches found: %1!d! reg: Invalid syntax. Creg: The option [/d] must be followed by a valid hexadecimal value 6reg: Unhandled registry data type [/t 0x%1!x!, /d %2] DThe registry value '%1' already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? (S|No)SN%The registry operation was cancelled (Por defecto)8Are you sure you want to delete the registry value '%1'?<Are you sure you want to delete all registry values in '%1'?6Are you sure you want to delete the registry key '%1'?8reg: The option [/d] must be followed by a valid string Qreg: Unable to delete all registry values in '%1'. An unexpected error occurred. Oreg: Unable to complete the specified operation. An unexpected error occurred. 0Search complete. Number of matches found: %1!d! reg: Invalid syntax. =reg: Valitsinta [/d] tytyy seurata kelpo heksadesimaaliarvo ?reg: Ksittelemtn rekisterin tietotyyppi [/t 0x%1!x!, /d %2] :Rekisterin arvo '%1' on jo olemassa. Haluatko korvata sen? (Kyll|Ei)KE Rekisterin toimenpide peruttiin (Oletus)1Haluatko varmasti tuhota rekisterist arvon '%1'?@Haluatko varmasti tuhota kaikki rekisterin arvot kohteesta '%1'?/Haluatko varmasti tuhota rekisteriavaimen '%1'?5reg: Valitsinta [/d] tytyy seurata kelpo merkkijono Yreg: Kaikkien arvojen poistaminen kohteesta '%1' ei onnistu. Tapahtui odottamaton virhe. Nreg: Mrtyn toiminnon suorittaminen ei onnistu. Tapahtui odottamaton virhe. Haku on valmis. Osumia: %1!d! reg: Syntaksi ei kelpaa. Freg: l'option [/d] doit tre suivie d'une valeur hexadcimale valide 2reg: type de donne non gr [/t 0x%1!x!, /d %2] DLa valeur de registre %1 existe dj. Voulez-vous la remplacer? (Oui|Non)ON*L'operation sur le registre a t annule (par dfaut)?Voulez-vous rellement supprimer la valeur de registre %1?MVoulez-vous rellement supprimer toutes les valeurs de registre dans %1?<Voulez-vous rellement supprimer la cl de registre %1?Greg: l'option [/d] doit tre suivie d'une chane de caractres valide kreg: impossible d'effacer toutes les valeurs de registre dans %1. Une erreur inattendue est survenue. Xreg: impossible d'effectuer l'opration spcifie. Une erreur inattendue est survenue. ?Recherche termine. Nombre de correspondances trouves: %1!d! reg: syntaxe invalide. Creg: The option [/d] must be followed by a valid hexadecimal value 6reg: Unhandled registry data type [/t 0x%1!x!, /d %2] DThe registry value '%1' already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? (Yes|No)YN%The registry operation was cancelled ( )8Are you sure you want to delete the registry value '%1'?<Are you sure you want to delete all registry values in '%1'?6Are you sure you want to delete the registry key '%1'?8reg: The option [/d] must be followed by a valid string Qreg: Unable to delete all registry values in '%1'. An unexpected error occurred. Oreg: Unable to complete the specified operation. An unexpected error occurred. 0Search complete. Number of matches found: %1!d! reg: Invalid syntax. Creg: The option [/d] must be followed by a valid hexadecimal value 6reg: Unhandled registry data type [/t 0x%1!x!, /d %2] DThe registry value '%1' already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? (Igen|Nem)IN%The registry operation was cancelled (Alaprtk)8Are you sure you want to delete the registry value '%1'?<Are you sure you want to delete all registry values in '%1'?6Are you sure you want to delete the registry key '%1'?8reg: The option [/d] must be followed by a valid string Qreg: Unable to delete all registry values in '%1'. An unexpected error occurred. Oreg: Unable to complete the specified operation. An unexpected error occurred. 0Search complete. Number of matches found: %1!d! reg: Invalid syntax. Creg: The option [/d] must be followed by a valid hexadecimal value 6reg: Unhandled registry data type [/t 0x%1!x!, /d %2] DThe registry value '%1' already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? (S|No)SN%The registry operation was cancelled (Predefinito)8Are you sure you want to delete the registry value '%1'?<Are you sure you want to delete all registry values in '%1'?6Are you sure you want to delete the registry key '%1'?8reg: The option [/d] must be followed by a valid string Qreg: Unable to delete all registry values in '%1'. An unexpected error occurred. Oreg: Unable to complete the specified operation. An unexpected error occurred. 0Search complete. Number of matches found: %1!d! reg: Invalid syntax. #reg: /d 00000n0B0h0k0ckW0D0162pe$P0c[W0f0O0`0U0D0 *reg: S0qbH0j0D000000n0000W [/t 0x%1!x!, /d %2] 00000$P '%1' o0Y0g0k0X[(WW0~0Y00 NfM0W0~0Y0K0? (Yes|No)YN00000d\Oo0S0mU00~0W0_0 (e[),gS_k000000$P '%1' 0JRdW0~0Y0K0?,gS_k0 '%1' k0B00Y0y0f0n000000$P0JRdW0~0Y0K0?,gS_k000000 00 '%1' 0JRdW0~0Y0K0?!reg: /d 00000n0B0h0k0ckW0D0eW[R0c[W0f0O0`0U0D0 4reg: '%1' k0B00Nn000000$P0JRdg0M0~0[00g0W0_00NgW0j0D0 000L0zvuW0~0W0_00 *reg: c[U00_0d\O0[Ng0M0~0[00g0W0_00NgW0j0D0000L0zvuW0~0W0 _00 i"}L0[NW0~0W0_00rS_{@bn0pe: %1!d! reg: !qRj0ieg0Y00'reg : 5X [/d] L Ǩ\ 16  t Ǵ| iȲ .reg: ̬ JŔ ɤ¸Ҭ pt0  [/t 0x%1!x!, /d %2] $ɤ¸Ҭ  '%1'(t) t tȬiȲ. n ȲL? (|DȲ)YNɤ¸Ҭ t ͌ŵȲ (0)ɤ¸Ҭ  '%1'D(|) pX ȲL?'%1'X ɤ¸Ҭ D pX ȲL?ɤ¸Ҭ '%1'D pX ȲL?#reg : 5X [/d] L Ǩ\ 8t Ǵ| iȲ 6reg: '%1'X ɤ¸Ҭ D p`  ŵȲ. 0X J@ $X յȲ. ,reg: \ D D̸`  ŵȲ. 0X J@ $X յȲ.  D̸. |XXՔ mթ : %1!d! reg: ,t J@ l8. Creg: The option [/d] must be followed by a valid hexadecimal value 6reg: Unhandled registry data type [/t 0x%1!x!, /d %2] DThe registry value '%1' already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? (Ja|Nee)JN%The registry operation was cancelled (Standaard)8Are you sure you want to delete the registry value '%1'?<Are you sure you want to delete all registry values in '%1'?6Are you sure you want to delete the registry key '%1'?8reg: The option [/d] must be followed by a valid string Qreg: Unable to delete all registry values in '%1'. An unexpected error occurred. Oreg: Unable to complete the specified operation. An unexpected error occurred. 0Search complete. Number of matches found: %1!d! reg: Invalid syntax. Areg: Po opcji [/d] musi wystpi prawidBowa warto[ szesnastkowa Areg: NieobsBugiwany rodzaj warto[ci rejestru [/t 0x%1!x!, /d %2] ;Warto[ rejestru '%1' ju| istnieje. Czy chcesz j zastpi? (Tak|Nie)TN'Operacja w rejestrze zostaBa anulowana (Domy[lna)1Czy na pewno chcesz usun warto[ rejestru '%1'?>Czy na pewno chcesz usun wszystkie warto[ci rejestru z '%1'?/Czy na pewno chcesz usun kBucz rejestru '%1'?>reg: Opcja [/d] musi wystpowa przy prawidBowym cigu tekstu \reg: Nie udaBo si usun wszystkich warto[ci rejestru z '%1'. WystpiB nieoczekiwany bBd. Nreg: Nie udaBo si ukoDczy okre[lonej operacji. WystpiB nieoczekiwany bBd. :Wyszukiwanie zakoDczone. Liczba pasujcych wyra|eD: %1!d! reg: NieprawidBowa skBadnia. Creg: The option [/d] must be followed by a valid hexadecimal value 6reg: Unhandled registry data type [/t 0x%1!x!, /d %2] <Valoare de registru  %1 exist deja. Dorii s o nlocuii? (Da|Nu)DN$Operaia pe registru a fost anulat (Implicit)3Sigur dorii s tergei valoarea de registru  %1 ?<Sigur dorii s tergei toate valorile de registru n  %1 ?0Sigur dorii s tergei cheia de registru  %1 ?8reg: The option [/d] must be followed by a valid string Qreg: Unable to delete all registry values in '%1'. An unexpected error occurred. Oreg: Unable to complete the specified operation. An unexpected error occurred. 0Search complete. Number of matches found: %1!d! reg: Sintax nevalid. Greg: 70 >?F859 [/d] 4>;6=> A;54>20BL G8A;> 2 H5AB=04F0B5@8G=>< D>@<0B5 6reg: B8? 40==KE =5 ?>445@68205BAO [/t 0x%1!x!, /d %2] 5=0G5=85 %1 C65 ACI5AB2C5B. K E>B8B5 70<5=8BL 53>? (Y - 40|N - =5B)YN"?5@0F8O A @55AB@>< 1K;0 >B<5=5=0 (> C<>;G0=8N).K B>G=> E>B8B5 C40;8BL ?0@0<5B@ @55AB@0 %1?6K B>G=> E>B8B5 C40;8BL 2A5 ?0@0<5B@K @55AB@0 87 %1?*K B>G=> E>B8B5 C40;8BL :;NG @55AB@0 %1?,reg: 70 >?F859 [/d] 4>;6=0 A;54>20BL AB@>:0 Nreg: =5 C40;>AL C40;8BL 2A5 7=0G5=8O 2 %1. @>87>H;0 =5?@542845==0O >H81:0. Ereg: =5 C40;>AL 7025@H8BL >?5@0F8N. @>87>H;0 =5?@542845==0O >H81:0. *>8A: 7025@HQ=. 0945=> A>2?045=89: %1!d! reg: =525@=K9 A8=B0:A8A. Creg: The option [/d] must be followed by a valid hexadecimal value 6reg: Unhandled registry data type [/t 0x%1!x!, /d %2] DThe registry value '%1' already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? (Da|Ne)DN%The registry operation was cancelled (Podrazumijevano)8Are you sure you want to delete the registry value '%1'?<Are you sure you want to delete all registry values in '%1'?6Are you sure you want to delete the registry key '%1'?8reg: The option [/d] must be followed by a valid string Qreg: Unable to delete all registry values in '%1'. An unexpected error occurred. Oreg: Unable to complete the specified operation. An unexpected error occurred. 0Search complete. Number of matches found: %1!d! reg: Invalid syntax. Creg: The option [/d] must be followed by a valid hexadecimal value 6reg: Unhandled registry data type [/t 0x%1!x!, /d %2] DThe registry value '%1' already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? (no|Nie)ON%The registry operation was cancelled (Predvolen)8Are you sure you want to delete the registry value '%1'?<Are you sure you want to delete all registry values in '%1'?6Are you sure you want to delete the registry key '%1'?8reg: The option [/d] must be followed by a valid string Qreg: Unable to delete all registry values in '%1'. An unexpected error occurred. Oreg: Unable to complete the specified operation. An unexpected error occurred. 0Search complete. Number of matches found: %1!d! reg: Invalid syntax. Areg: Flaggan [/d] mste fljas av ett giltigt hexadecimalt vrde 3reg: Ohanterad registerdatatyp [/t 0x%1!x!, /d %2] 9Vrdet '%1' finns redan i registret. Vill du erstta det? (Ja|Nej)JNRegisteroperationen avbrts (Standard).Vill du verkligen ta bort registervrdet '%1'?5Vill du verkligen ta bort alla registervrden i '%1'?/Vill du verkligen ta bort registernyckeln '%1'?3reg: Flaggan [/d] mste fljas av en giltig strng Nreg: Kan inte ta bort alla registervrden i '%1'. Ett ovntat fel intrffade. Lreg: Kan inte slutfra den angivna operationen. Ett ovntat fel intrffade. 3Skning slutfrd. Antal hittade matchningar: %1!d! reg: Ogiltig syntax. Nuninstaller: [/d] seeneinden sonra geerli bir onalt1l1k deer girilmelidir <reg: 0_lenmeyen [/t 0x%1!x!, /d %2] kay1t defteri veri tr DBelirtilen '%1' kay1t defteri deeri zaten var. zerine yaz1ls1n m1? (Evet|Hay1r)EH"Kay1t defteri i_lemi iptal edildi (Standart)?'%1' kay1t defteri deerini silmek istediinizden emin misiniz?P%1' iindeki btn kay1t defteri deerlerini silmek istediinizden emin misiniz?A'%1' kay1t defteri anahtar1n1 silmek istediinizden emin misiniz?;reg: [/d] seeneinden sonra geerli bir dize girilmelidir Zreg: '%1' iindeki btn kay1t defteri deerleri silinemedi. Beklenmeyen bir hata olu_tu. Breg: Belirtilen i_lem tamamlanamad1. Beklenmeyen bir hata olu_tu. 5Arama tamamland1. Bulunan e_le_melerin say1s1: %1!d! reg: Geersiz szdizimi. Preg: ?VA;O ?0@0<5B@0 [/d] ?>28==> 1CB8 2:070=> G8A;> 2 HVAB=04FOB:>2><C D>@<0BV -reg: =52V4><89 B8? 40=8E [/t 0x%1!x!, /d %2] 9=0G5==O @5TAB@C '%1' 265 VA=CT. 8 E>G5B5 9>3> 70<V=8B8? ("0:|V)"#?5@0FVN 7 @5TAB@>< 1C;> A:0A>20=> (0 70<>2GC20==O<)68 2?52=5=V, I> E>G5B5 2840;8B8 7=0G5==O @5TAB@C '%1'?<8 2?52=5=V, I> E>G5B5 2840;8B8 2AV 7=0G5==O @5TAB@C 2 '%1'?28 2?52=5=V, I> E>G5B5 2840;8B8 :;NG @5TAB@C '%1'?5reg: ?VA;O ?0@0<5B@0 [/d] ?>28==> 1CB8 2:070=> @O4>: Rreg: =5<>6;82> 2840;8B8 2AV 7=0G5==O @5TAB@C 2 '%1'. !B0;0AO =5>GV:C20=0 ?><8;:0. Jreg: =5<>6;82> 7025@H8B8 707=0G5=C >?5@0FVN. !B0;0AO =5>GV:C20=0 ?><8;:0. (>HC: 7025@H5=>. =0945=> 71V3V2: %1!d! reg: 52V@=89 A8=B0:A8A. Creg: The option [/d] must be followed by a valid hexadecimal value 6reg: Unhandled registry data type [/t 0x%1!x!, /d %2] DThe registry value '%1' already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? (Da|Ne)DN%The registry operation was cancelled (Privzeto)8Are you sure you want to delete the registry value '%1'?<Are you sure you want to delete all registry values in '%1'?6Are you sure you want to delete the registry key '%1'?8reg: The option [/d] must be followed by a valid string Qreg: Unable to delete all registry values in '%1'. An unexpected error occurred. Oreg: Unable to complete the specified operation. An unexpected error occurred. 0Search complete. Number of matches found: %1!d! reg: Invalid syntax. Breg: U~ parametro [/d] privalo bkti tinkama aeaioliktain reikam >reg: Neapdorojamas registro duomens tipas [/t 0x%1!x!, /d %2] =Registro reikam  %1 jau egzistuoja. Ar norite j perraayti? (Taip|Ne)TN"Registro operacija buvo nutraukta (numatytoji)1Ar tikrai norite paaalinti registro reikam  %1 ?8Ar tikrai norite paaalinti visas registro  %1 reikames?/Ar tikrai norite paaalinti registro rakt  %1 ?3reg: U~ parametro [/d] privalo bkti tinkama eilut Lreg: Nepavyko paaalinti viss  %1 registro reikamis. .vyko netikta klaida. Dreg: Nepavyko u~baigti nurodytos operacijos. .vyko netikta klaida. 'Paieaka baigta. Rasta atitikims: %1!d! reg: Netinkama sintaks. ?reg: [/d] 6reg: Unhandled registry data type [/t 0x%1!x!, /d %2] > '%1' . ? ( | )YN ( )8Are you sure you want to delete the registry value '%1'?<Are you sure you want to delete all registry values in '%1'?6Are you sure you want to delete the registry key '%1'?:reg: [/d] Qreg: Unable to delete all registry values in '%1'. An unexpected error occurred. Oreg: Unable to complete the specified operation. An unexpected error occurred. 0Search complete. Number of matches found: %1!d! reg: .=reg: A la opcin [/d] ha siguila un valor hexadecimal vlidu 6reg: Unhandled registry data type [/t 0x%1!x!, /d %2] DThe registry value '%1' already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? (S|Non)SN%The registry operation was cancelled (Default)8Are you sure you want to delete the registry value '%1'?<Are you sure you want to delete all registry values in '%1'?6Are you sure you want to delete the registry key '%1'?3reg: A la opcin [/d] ha siguila una cadena vlida Qreg: Unable to delete all registry values in '%1'. An unexpected error occurred. Oreg: Unable to complete the specified operation. An unexpected error occurred. 0Search complete. Number of matches found: %1!d! reg: La sintaxis nun ye vlida. Creg: The option [/d] must be followed by a valid hexadecimal value 6reg: Unhandled registry data type [/t 0x%1!x!, /d %2] DThe registry value '%1' already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? (Yes|No)YN%The registry operation was cancelled (-)8Are you sure you want to delete the registry value '%1'?<Are you sure you want to delete all registry values in '%1'?6Are you sure you want to delete the registry key '%1'?8reg: The option [/d] must be followed by a valid string Qreg: Unable to delete all registry values in '%1'. An unexpected error occurred. Oreg: Unable to complete the specified operation. An unexpected error occurred. 0Search complete. Number of matches found: %1!d! reg: Invalid syntax. Creg: The option [/d] must be followed by a valid hexadecimal value 6reg: Unhandled registry data type [/t 0x%1!x!, /d %2] DThe registry value '%1' already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? (Yes|No)YN%The registry operation was cancelled (Default)8Are you sure you want to delete the registry value '%1'?<Are you sure you want to delete all registry values in '%1'?6Are you sure you want to delete the registry key '%1'?8reg: The option [/d] must be followed by a valid string Qreg: Unable to delete all registry values in '%1'. An unexpected error occurred. Oreg: Unable to complete the specified operation. An unexpected error occurred. 0Search complete. Number of matches found: %1!d! reg: Invalid syntax. Freg: Alternativet [/d] m etterflges av en gyldig heksadesimal verdi 4reg: Uhndtert registerdatatype [/t 0x%1!x!, /d %2] 9Registerverdien "%1" finnes fra fr. Vil du erstatte den? (Ja|Nei)JN!Register-operasjonen ble avbrutt (Standard)%Virkelig slette registerverdien "%1"?-Virkelig slette alle registerverdiene i "%1"?+Vil du virkelig slette registernkkel "%1"?:reg: Alternativet [/d] m etterflges av en gyldig streng Preg: Kan ikke slette alle registerverdiene i "%1". Ett uventet problem oppstod. Rreg: Kan ikke fullfre den spesifiserte operasjonen. Ett uventet problem oppstod. "Sk fullfrt. Antall treff: %1!d! reg: Ugyldig syntaks. Ereg: A opo [/d] precisa ser seguida de um valor hexadecimal vlido @reg: Tipo de dado de registro no suportado [/t 0x%1!x!, /d %2] :O valor do registro '%1' j existe. Deseja sobrescrev-lo? (Sim|No)SN%A operao de registro foi cancelada (Padro)8Tem certeza que deseja excluir o valor do registro '%1'?8Tem certeza que deseja excluir todos os valores em '%1'?=Voc tem certeza que deseja excluir a chave de registro '%1'?;reg: A opo [/d] precisa ser seguida de uma string vlida breg: No foi possvel remover todos os valores de registro em '%1'. Um erro inesperado aconteceu. Wreg: No foi possvel completar a operao especificada. Um erro inesperado aconteceu. :Busca terminada. Nmero de ocorrncias encontradas: %1!d! reg: Sintaxe invlida. Creg: The option [/d] must be followed by a valid hexadecimal value 6reg: Unhandled registry data type [/t 0x%1!x!, /d %2] DThe registry value '%1' already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? (Yes|No)YN%The registry operation was cancelled (Defamlta)8Are you sure you want to delete the registry value '%1'?<Are you sure you want to delete all registry values in '%1'?6Are you sure you want to delete the registry key '%1'?8reg: The option [/d] must be followed by a valid string Qreg: Unable to delete all registry values in '%1'. An unexpected error occurred. Oreg: Unable to complete the specified operation. An unexpected error occurred. 0Search complete. Number of matches found: %1!d! reg: Invalid syntax. reg y [/d] T_{'}ߍN*N gHevASmQۏ6R

D  ŵȲ. ɤ¸Ҭ '%1'D(|)  ŵȲ. reg: x JŔ tǤt Ф [\%1!c!] REG EXPORT key_name |.reg [/y] reg: ,t J@ ¤\ [%1] '%1' |t t tȬiȲ. n ȲL?reg: Invalid option [%1]. Type "REG /?" for help. Type "REG %1 /?" for help. (Geen waarde ingesteld)REG IMPORT file.reg "reg: The file '%1' was not found. +reg: Unable to open the registry key '%1'. +reg: Unrecognized escape sequence [\%1!c!] "REG EXPORT key_name file.reg [/y] reg: Invalid system key [%1] :The file '%1' already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?reg: NieprawidBowa opcja [%1]. %Wprowadz "REG /?" aby uzyska pomoc. (Wprowadz "REG %1 /?" aby uzyska pomoc. (warto[ nie ustalona)REG IMPORT plik.reg reg: Nie znaleziono pliku '%1'. 2reg: Nie udaBo si otworzy klucza rejestru '%1'. 0reg: Nierozpoznana sekwencja wyj[ciowa [\%1!c!] &REG EXPORT nazwa_klucza plik.reg [/y] (reg: NieprawidBowy klucz systemowy [%1] /Plik '%1' ju| istnieje. Czy chcesz go zastpi?reg: Opiune nevalid [%1]. Tastai "REG /?" pentru ajutor. #Tastai "REG %1 /?" pentru ajutor. (valoare nestabilit)REG IMPORT file.reg "reg: The file '%1' was not found. +reg: Unable to open the registry key '%1'. +reg: Unrecognized escape sequence [\%1!c!] "REG EXPORT key_name file.reg [/y] reg: Invalid system key [%1] :The file '%1' already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?reg: =525@=0O >?F8O [%1]. ;O A?@02:8 22548B5 REG /?. !;O A?@02:8 22548B5 REG %1 /?. (7=0G5=85 =5 7040=>)REG IMPORT file.reg reg: D09; %1 =5 =0945=. #reg: =5 C40;>AL >B:@KBL :;NG %1. 9reg: =58725AB=0O C?@02;ONI0O ?>A;54>20B5;L=>ABL [\%1!c!] #REG EXPORT 8<O_:;NG0 file.reg [/y] "reg: =525@=K9 A8AB5<=K9 :;NG [%1] 1$09; %1 C65 ACI5AB2C5B. K E>B8B5 70<5=8BL 53>?reg: Invalid option [%1]. Type "REG /?" for help. Type "REG %1 /?" for help. (vrijednost nije postavljena)REG IMPORT file.reg "reg: The file '%1' was not found. +reg: Unable to open the registry key '%1'. +reg: Unrecognized escape sequence [\%1!c!] "REG EXPORT key_name file.reg [/y] reg: Invalid system key [%1] :The file '%1' already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?reg: Ogiltig flagga [%1]. Skriv "REG /?" fr hjlp. Skriv "REG %1 /?" fr hjlp. (vrde ej angivet)REG IMPORT fil.reg reg: Filen '%1' hittades inte. *reg: Kan inte ppna registernyckeln '%1'. $reg: Oknd kontrollsekvens [\%1!c!] "REG QUERY nyckelnamn fil.reg [/y] reg: Ogiltig systemnyckel [%1] 0Filen '%1' finns redan. Vill du skriva ver den?reg: [%1] seenei geersiz.Yard1m iin "REG /?" yaz1n. Yard1m iin "REG %1 /?" yaz1n. (deer belirlenmemi_)REG IMPORT dosya.reg reg: '%1' dosyas1 bulunamad1. %reg: '%1' kay1t anahtar1 a1lam1yor. &reg: Bilinmeyen ka1_ s1ras1 [\%1!c!] &REG EXPORT anahtar_ad1 dosya.reg [/y] reg: Geersiz anahtar ad1 [%1] 7Belirtilen '%1' dosyas1 zaten var. zerine yaz1ls1n m1?reg: 52V@=0 >?FVO [%1]. 254VBL "REG /?" 4;O 4>2V4:8. !254VBL "REG %1 /?" 4;O 4>2V4:8. (7=0G5==O =5 7040=5)REG IMPORT file.reg reg: $09; '%1' =5 7=0945=>. +reg: 5<>6;82> 2V4:@8B8 :;NG @5TAB@C '%1'. 1reg: 5@>7?V7=0=0 :5@V2=0 ?>A;V4>2=VABL [\%1!c!] $REG EXPORT V<'O_:;NG0 file.reg [/y] "reg: 52V@=89 A8AB5<=89 :;NG [%1] 1$09; '%1' 265 VA=CT. 8 E>G5B5 9>3> ?5@570?8A0B8?reg: Invalid option [%1]. Type "REG /?" for help. Type "REG %1 /?" for help. (vrednost ni nastavljena)REG IMPORT file.reg "reg: The file '%1' was not found. +reg: Unable to open the registry key '%1'. +reg: Unrecognized escape sequence [\%1!c!] "REG EXPORT key_name file.reg [/y] reg: Invalid system key [%1] :The file '%1' already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?!reg: Netinkamas parametras [%1]. Pagalbai /raaykite  REG /? . Pagalbai /raaykite  REG %1 /? . (reikam nenustatyta)REG IMPORT failas.reg reg: Failas  %1 nerastas. +reg: Nepavyko atverti registro rakto  %1 . &reg: Neatpa~inta kaitos seka [\%1!c!] (REG EXPORT rakto_vardas failas.reg [/y] 'reg: Netinkamas sisteminis raktas [%1] 3Failas  %1 jau egzistuoja. Ar norite j/ perraayti?reg: [%1]."REG /?" . "REG %1 /?" . (value not set)REG IMPORT .reg reg: '%1' . 'reg: '%1' . 2reg: escape sequence [\%1!c!] "REG EXPORT _ .reg [/y] reg: [%1] 5'%1' . ?reg: Invalid option [%1]. Type "REG /?" for help. Type "REG %1 /?" for help. (nun s'afit'l valor)REG IMPORT ficheru.reg $reg: Nun s'alcontr'l ficheru %1. +reg: Unable to open the registry key '%1'. 3reg: Nun se reconoz la secuencia d'escape [\%1!c!] "REG EXPORT key_name file.reg [/y] reg: Invalid system key [%1] 0El ficheru %1 y esiste. Quies sobrescribilu?reg: Invalid option [%1]. Type "REG /?" for help. Type "REG %1 /?" for help. (l g-