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P}e3=uPe[^_]VVSh=@׈J@ƸC@fDžL"ƅ"B&UWVS$ $9u`weE1hPBVjSh VZPPj\SDždwƅtWWj.Pdwy1hwt&TffufFh Ph(BY=v1vBffuxlw{&1lwt&f"Du f; fuۋlw1vffu{Džlwf#t&f8u)fE{"H1f"u |t&f|wfu썅|wjVhPf{t t&f:u1\ Af fuf{t&ff:uhw1& f fuf{&f;udwt# V f{&f:u1. Af fu}PVPr lw1ue35e[^_]Í{f|wfudw(Wlw߃)WPV1f}{{Clwff{"fDž|w &fj;W]tFpw)QW1Stw)twpwf< z4$ t1t&1ffu VW f{t&f8u)QPdjB0pD`w1[tvffuXv1fM{{t&HBffuPhPhff8u)1yhw&fffu1dw hwcƉZRRVPhT@hAhxj $1&&L$qUWVSQ1yu)Q‰0Sdj@0pX3t(,PPj;Q4&4H196ffuP)RQ,440fCd$ Ns jh}PPjhCj7jhZYuQ4Dž@DžDxhAhChxjbPPjhxCj7jh#ZY4Dž@DžDi1-d@4WWDj\Wt ),,VdSj@0p SDPPPjhBj7jh@ZYu9xS;^^oxL _oo`ooHo^`PEL  =$kH(fpx%$2< (:Lb|0<Rhx (:Lb|0<RhxShellExecuteExWLoadStringWLCompareStringWCreateProcessWExitProcessFindCloseFindFirstFileW<FormatMessageWSGetBinaryTypeWGetConsoleOutputCPGetEnvironmentVariableWGetExitCodeProcessGetFileAttributesWGetFullPathNameWGetModuleHandleAGetModuleHandleWGetProcAddress5GetStdHandleHeapAllocHeapFreeIsBadStringPtrWLocalFreeWaitForSingleObjectWideCharToMultiByteWriteConsoleWWriteFile__wine_dbg_header__wine_dbg_output__wine_dbg_strdupmemcpymemsetwcschrwcspbrkwcsrchr_vsnprintf_vsnwprintfshell32.dlluser32.dllkernel32.dllntdll.dllmsvcrt.dll08HXhx     (8HXhx"$' pF  D! , 8p F Q ] i |w x T,0 `` 8  <    t, 87 Cb pN `Z_X Start a program, or open a document in the program normally used for files with that suffix. Usage: start [options] program_filename [...] start [options] document_filename Options: "title" Specifies the title of the child windows. /d directory Start the program in the specified directory. /b Don't create a new console for the program. /i Start the program with fresh environment variables. /min Start the program minimized. /max Start the program maximized. /low Start the program in the idle priority class. /normal Start the program in the normal priority class. /high Start the program in the high priority class. /realtime Start the program in the realtime priority class. /abovenormal Start the program in the abovenormal priority class. /belownormal Start the program in the belownormal priority class. /node n Start the program on the specified NUMA node. /affinity mask Start the program with the specified affinity mask. /wait Wait for the started program to finish, then exit with its exit code. /unix Use a Unix filename and start the file like Windows Explorer. /ProgIDOpen Open a document using the specified progID. /? Display this help and exit. UDE J*ECF 'D*7(JB EF 'D9ED  #H #FG D' JH,/ 'B*1'F E9 G0' 'DFH9EF 'DEDA'*. A4D 'D*7(JB1DE J*ECF EF *1,E) /DJD JHFC3 'DE97I %DI /DJD /H3.Inicia un programa, o obre un document en el programa que normalment s'utilitza per als fitxers amb aquell sufix. s: start [opcions] nom_de_fitxer_de_programa [...] start [opcions] nom_de_fitxer_de_document Opcions: "ttol" Especifica el ttol de les finestres filles. /d directori Inicia el programa en el directori especificat. /b No cres una consola nova per al programa. /i Inicia el programa amb variables d'entorn fresques. /min Inicia el programa minimitzat. /max Inicia el programa maximitzat. /low Inicia el programa en la classe de prioritat idle. /normal Inicia el programa en la classe de prioritat normal. /high Inicia el programa en la classe de prioritat high. /realtime Inicia el programa en la classe de prioritat realtime. /abovenormal Inicia el programa en la classe de prioritat abovenormal. /belownormal Inicia el programa en la classe de prioritat belownormal. /node n Inicia el programa en el node NUMA especificat. /affinity mscara Inicia el programa amb la mscara d'afinitat especificada. /wait Espera que el programa iniciat termini, llavors surt amb el seu codi de sortida. /unix Utilitza un nom de fitxer d'Unix i inicia el fitxer com el Windows Explorer. /ProgIDOpen Obre un document utilitzant el progID especificat. /? Mostra aquesta ajuda i surt. xL'aplicaci no s'ha pogut iniciar, o cap aplicaci est associada amb el fitxer especificat. Ha fallat el ShellExecuteExQNo s'ha pogut traduir el nom de fitxer d'Unix especificat a un nom de fitxer DOS. Start a program, or open a document in the program normally used for files with that suffix. Usage: start [options] program_filename [...] start [options] document_filename Options: "title" Specifies the title of the child windows. /d directory Start the program in the specified directory. /b Don't create a new console for the program. /i Start the program with fresh environment variables. /min Start the program minimized. /max Start the program maximized. /low Start the program in the idle priority class. /normal Start the program in the normal priority class. /high Start the program in the high priority class. /realtime Start the program in the realtime priority class. /abovenormal Start the program in the abovenormal priority class. /belownormal Start the program in the belownormal priority class. /node n Start the program on the specified NUMA node. /affinity mask Start the program with the specified affinity mask. /wait Wait for the started program to finish, then exit with its exit code. /unix Use a Unix filename and start the file like Windows Explorer. /ProgIDOpen Open a document using the specified progID. /? Display this help and exit. iAplikace nemohla bt spuatna nebo nen ~dn aplikace asociovna s danm souborem. ShellExecuteEx selhalLNepodaYilo se pYelo~it zadan Unixov jmno souboru na DOSov jmno souboru. Start a program, or open a document in the program normally used for files with that suffix. Usage: start [options] program_filename [...] start [options] document_filename Options: "title" Specifies the title of the child windows. /d directory Start the program in the specified directory. /b Don't create a new console for the program. /i Start the program with fresh environment variables. /min Start the program minimized. /max Start the program maximized. /low Start the program in the idle priority class. /normal Start the program in the normal priority class. /high Start the program in the high priority class. /realtime Start the program in the realtime priority class. /abovenormal Start the program in the abovenormal priority class. /belownormal Start the program in the belownormal priority class. /node n Start the program on the specified NUMA node. /affinity mask Start the program with the specified affinity mask. /wait Wait for the started program to finish, then exit with its exit code. /unix Use a Unix filename and start the file like Windows Explorer. /ProgIDOpen Open a document using the specified progID. /? Display this help and exit. wApplikationen kunne ikke starte, eller der ingen applikationer associeret med den specifikke fil. ShellExecuteEx fejletAKunne ikke overstte det angivne Unix filnavn til et DOS filnavn.Startet ein Programm, oder ffnet ein Dokument in dem Programm, das normalerweise fr Dateien mit dieser Dateiendung benutzt wird. Aufruf: start [Optionen] Dateiname_Programm [...] start [Optionen] Dateiname_Dokument Optionen: "titel" Spezifiziert den Titel fr Kindfenster. /d Ordner Startet das Programm im angegebenen Verzeichnis. /b Fr dieses Programm wird keine neue Konsole erstellt. /i Startet das Programm mit einem neuen Satz Umgebungsvariablen. /min Startet das Programm minimiert. /max Startet das Programm maximiert. /low Startet das Programm in der Leerlauf-Priorittsklasse. /normal Startet das Programm in der normalen Priorittsklasse. /high Startet das Programm in der hohen Priorittsklasse. /realtime Startet das Programm in der Echtzeit-Priorittsklasse. /abovenormal Startet das Programm in der gehobenen Priorittsklasse. /belownormal Startet das Programm in der abgesenkten Priorittsklasse. /node Startet das Programm auf dem angegebenen NUMA-Knoten. /affinity Maske Startet das Programm mit der angegebenen Affinittsmaske. /wait Wartet, bis das Programm endet und beendet sich selbst mit dessen Exitcode. /unix ffnet einen Unix-Dateinamen wie mit dem Windows-Explorer. /ProgIDOpen ffnet ein Dokument mit der angegebenen progID. /? Zeigt diese Hilfe an und beendet sich. Es konnte keine Anwendung gestartet werden, oder es ist keine Anwendung mit der angegebenen Datei verknpft. ShellExecuteEx fehlgeschlagenTDer angegebene Unix-Dateiname konnte nicht in einen DOS-Dateinamen bersetzt werden.+Start a program, or open a document in the program normally used for files with that suffix. Usage: start [options] program_filename [...] start [options] document_filename Options: "title" Specifies the title of the child windows. /d directory Start the program in the specified directory. /b Don't create a new console for the program. /i Start the program with fresh environment variables. /min Start the program minimized. /max Start the program maximized. /low Start the program in the idle priority class. /normal Start the program in the normal priority class. /high Start the program in the high priority class. /realtime Start the program in the realtime priority class. /abovenormal Start the program in the abovenormal priority class. /belownormal Start the program in the belownormal priority class. /node n Start the program on the specified NUMA node. /affinity mask Start the program with the specified affinity mask. /wait Wait for the started program to finish, then exit with its exit code. /unix Use a Unix filename and start the file like Windows explorer. /ProgIDOpen Open a document using the specified progID. /? Display this help and exit. mApplication could not be started, or no application associated with the specified file. ShellExecuteEx failedBCould not translate the specified Unix filename to a DOS filename. Start a program, or open a document in the program normally used for files with that suffix. Usage: start [options] program_filename [...] start [options] document_filename Options: "title" Specifies the title of the child windows. /d directory Start the program in the specified directory. /b Don't create a new console for the program. /i Start the program with fresh environment variables. /min Start the program minimized. /max Start the program maximized. /low Start the program in the idle priority class. /normal Start the program in the normal priority class. /high Start the program in the high priority class. /realtime Start the program in the realtime priority class. /abovenormal Start the program in the abovenormal priority class. /belownormal Start the program in the belownormal priority class. /node n Start the program on the specified NUMA node. /affinity mask Start the program with the specified affinity mask. /wait Wait for the started program to finish, then exit with its exit code. /unix Use a Unix filename and start the file like Windows Explorer. /ProgIDOpen Open a document using the specified progID. /? Display this help and exit. {La aplicacin no se pudo ejecutar, o no hay ninguna aplicacin asociada con el archivo especificado. ShellExecuteEx fallidoYNo se pudo traducir el nombre de archivo UNIX especificado a un nombre de archivo de DOS.@Kynnist ohjelma tai avaa dokumentti ohjelmalla, jota yleens kytetn kyseiseen tiedostoptteeseen. Kytt: start [valitsimet] ohjelman_tiedostonimi [...] start [valitsimet] dokumentin_tiedostonimi Valitsimet: "otsikko" Asettaa lapsi-ikkunoiden otsikon. /d hakemisto Kynnist ohjelma mrtyss hakemistossa. /b l luo uutta konsolia ohjelmalle. /i Kynnist ohjelma tuoreilla ympristmuuttujilla. /min Kynnist ohjelma pienennettyn. /max Kynnist ohjelma suurennettuna. /low Kynnist ohjelma prioriteetilla 'matala'. /normal Kynnist ohjelma prioriteetilla 'normaali'. /high Kynnist ohjelma prioriteetilla 'korkea'. /realtime Kynnist ohjelma prioriteetilla 'reaaliaikainen'. /abovenormal Kynnist ohjelma prioriteetilla 'normaalia korkeampi'. /belownormal Kynnist ohjelma prioriteetilla 'normaalia matalampi'. /node n Kynnist ohjelma mrtyll NUMA-solmulla. /affinity peite Kynnist ohjelma mrtyll affiniteettipeitteell. /wait Odota, ett ohjelma sulkeutuu, ja palauta sen paluuarvo. /unix Kyt Unix-tiedostonime ja avaa tiedosto siten, kuin Windows Explorer avaisi sen. /ProgIDOpen Avaa dokumentti mrtyll progID:ll. /? Nyt tm ohje ja lopeta. nOhjelmaa ei voitu kynnist, tai tiedostotyyppiin ei ole liitetty mitn ohjelmaa. ShellExecuteEx eponnistui8Unix-tiedostonime ei voitu knt DOS-tiedostonimeksi.Lance un programme, ou ouvre un document avec le programme normalement associ cette extension. Usage: start [options] fichier_programme [...] start [options] fichier_document Options: "titre" Spcifie le titre des fentres filles. /d rpertoire Lancer le programme depuis le rpertoire spcifi. /b Ne pas crer de nouvelle console pour le programme. /i Lancer le programme avec des nouvelles variables d'environnement. /min Lancer le programme minimis. /max Lancer le programme maximis. /low Lancer le programme dans la classe de priorit inactif. /normal Lancer le programme dans la classe de priorit normal. /high Lancer le programme dans la classe de priorit haut. /realtime Lancer le programme dans la classe de priorit temps rel. /abovenormal Lancer le programme dans la classe de priorit suprieur la normale. /belownormal Lancer le programme dans la classe de priorit infrieur la normale. /node n Lancer le programme sur le nSud NUMA spcifi. /affinity masque Lancer le programme avec le masque d'affinit spcifi. /wait Attendre que le programme lanc se termine, puis renvoyer son code de sortie. /unix Interprter fichier_programme ou fichier_document comme un chemin Unix. /ProgIDOpen Ouvrir un document via le programme identifi par progID. /? Afficher cette aide et se terminer. qLe programme n'a pas pu tre lanc, ou aucun programme n'est associ au fichier spcifi. ShellExecuteEx a chouOLe nom de fichier Unix spcifi n'a pas pu tre converti en nom de fichier DOS. Start a program, or open a document in the program normally used for files with that suffix. Usage: start [options] program_filename [...] start [options] document_filename Options: "title" Specifies the title of the child windows. /d directory Start the program in the specified directory. /b Don't create a new console for the program. /i Start the program with fresh environment variables. /min Start the program minimized. /max Start the program maximized. /low Start the program in the idle priority class. /normal Start the program in the normal priority class. /high Start the program in the high priority class. /realtime Start the program in the realtime priority class. /abovenormal Start the program in the abovenormal priority class. /belownormal Start the program in the belownormal priority class. /node n Start the program on the specified NUMA node. /affinity mask Start the program with the specified affinity mask. /wait Wait for the started program to finish, then exit with its exit code. /unix Use a Unix filename and start the file like Windows Explorer. /ProgIDOpen Open a document using the specified progID. /? Display this help and exit. mApplication could not be started, or no application associated with the specified file. ShellExecuteEx failedBCould not translate the specified Unix filename to a DOS filename. Start a program, or open a document in the program normally used for files with that suffix. Usage: start [options] program_filename [...] start [options] document_filename Options: "title" Specifies the title of the child windows. /d directory Start the program in the specified directory. /b Don't create a new console for the program. /i Start the program with fresh environment variables. /min Start the program minimized. /max Start the program maximized. /low Start the program in the idle priority class. /normal Start the program in the normal priority class. /high Start the program in the high priority class. /realtime Start the program in the realtime priority class. /abovenormal Start the program in the abovenormal priority class. /belownormal Start the program in the belownormal priority class. /node n Start the program on the specified NUMA node. /affinity mask Start the program with the specified affinity mask. /wait Wait for the started program to finish, then exit with its exit code. /unix Use a Unix filename and start the file like Windows Explorer. /ProgIDOpen Open a document using the specified progID. /? Display this help and exit. aAlkalmazs nem indult el, vagy nincs alkalmazsi jog hozzrendelve a fjlhoz. ShellExecuteEx hiba>Nem lehet tfordtani a megadott Unix fjlnevet DOS fjlnvv. Start a program, or open a document in the program normally used for files with that suffix. Usage: start [options] program_filename [...] start [options] document_filename Options: "title" Specifies the title of the child windows. /d directory Start the program in the specified directory. /b Don't create a new console for the program. /i Start the program with fresh environment variables. /min Start the program minimized. /max Start the program maximized. /low Start the program in the idle priority class. /normal Start the program in the normal priority class. /high Start the program in the high priority class. /realtime Start the program in the realtime priority class. /abovenormal Start the program in the abovenormal priority class. /belownormal Start the program in the belownormal priority class. /node n Start the program on the specified NUMA node. /affinity mask Start the program with the specified affinity mask. /wait Wait for the started program to finish, then exit with its exit code. /unix Use a Unix filename and start the file like Windows Explorer. /ProgIDOpen Open a document using the specified progID. /? Display this help and exit. Non stato possibile eseguire l'applicazione, o nessuna applicazione associata con il file specificato. ShellExecuteEx fallitoENon stato possibile tradurre il nome file Unix in un nome file DOS.000000YW0_000]0n0b5_P[n00000k08^O00000000g0ef 0M0~0Y00 OD0e: start [00000] 000000000 T [...] start [00000] ef0000 T 00000: "0000" P[00000n000000c[W0~0Y00 /d directory 000000c[W0_0000000g0YW0~0Y00 /b 00000g0eW0D0000000\ObW0~0[000 /i Rgn0tX Ypeg0000000YW0~0Y00 /min g\SrKag0000000YW0~0Y00 /max g'YSrKag0000000YW0~0Y00 /low *QHQ^000'NO'g0000000YW0~0Y00 /normal *QHQ^000'8^'g0000000YW0~0Y00 /high *QHQ^000'ؚ'g0000000YW0~0Y00 /realtime *QHQ^000'000000'g0000000YW0~0Y00 /abovenormal *QHQ^000'8^N N'g0000000YW0~0Y00 /belownormal *QHQ^000'8^N N'g0000000YW0~0Y00 /node n c[W0_0 NUMA 000g0000000YW0~0Y00 /affinity mask c[W0_0#000g0000000YW0~0Y00 /wait Y00000n0[N0_a00]0n000000n0B}N000g0B}NW0 ~0Y00 /unix Unix 0000 T0OD00windows 0000000n00F0k00000 0YW0~0Y00 /ProgIDOpen ef0c[W0_0 progID 0(uD0f0M0~0Y00 /? S0n00000h:yW00B}NW0~0Y00 G000000000Yg0M0~0[0000W0O0o00c[W0_00000k000000000L0#NQ000f0D0~0[000 ShellExecuteEx L01YWe'c[U00_0 Unix 0000 T0 DOS 0000 Tk0 Ycg0M0~0[00g0W0_00\D ‘Xp, | U֥ǐ@  \<\ 8| Ȳ. ƕ: start [5X] \_ | tDŽ [...] start [5X] 8_ | tDŽ 5X: "ȩ" = \ Р ȩD iȲ. /d  0Ѭ \  0Ѭ \D ‘iȲ. /b XϔD ̹ J \D ‘iȲ. /i 0 Xֽ  \D ‘iȲ. /min \D \͌T  ‘iȲ. /max \D \T  ‘iȲ. /low \D LOW  tИ ‘iȲ. /normal \D NORMAL  tИ ‘iȲ. /high \D HIGH  tИ ‘iȲ. /realtime \D REALTIME  tИ ‘iȲ. /abovenormal \D ABOVENORMAL  tИ ‘iȲ. /belownormal \D BELOWNORMAL  tИ ‘iȲ. /node n \ NUMA xܴ \D ‘iȲ. /affinity mask \ \8 \Tij ȹl \D ‘iȲ. /wait ‘\ \t ] LL 0䲽Ȳ. t 9X X@ ‰ՈX \X X TܴȲ. /unix ɲ | tDŽD X, Windows 0 |D ‘iȲ. /ProgIDOpen \ progID| t 8| Ȳ. /? ijйD ]ŰȲ. :\D ‰`  p, \ | Ű \t ŵȲ. ShellExecuteEx (&\ Unix | tDŽD DOS | tDŽ<\   ŵȲ.Start een programma, of open een document in het programma dat normaal voor deze extensie gebruikt wordt. Gebruik: start [opties] programma-naam [...] start [opties] document-naam Opties: "titel" Specificeer de titel van het "child" venster. /d map Start het programma in de gespecificeerde map. /b Creeer geen nieuwe console voor het programma. /i Start het programma met verse omgevingsvariabelen. /min Start het programma geminimaliseerd op. /max Start het programma gemaximaliseerd op. /low Start het programma met lage prioriteit op. /normal Start het programma met normale prioriteit op. /high Start het programma met hoge prioriteit op. /realtime Start het programma met "realtime" prioriteit op. /abovenormal Start het programma in "abovenormal" prioriteit op. /belownormal Start het programma in "belownormal" prioriteit op. /node n Start het programma op de gespecificeerde NUMA node. /affinity mask Start het program met het gespecificeerde affiniteitsmasker mask. /wait Wacht tot het gestarte programma beeindigd is, dan afsluiten met de exit code. /unix Gebruik een Unix bestandsnaam en start het bestand zoals windows explorer. /ProgIDOpen Open een document met het specificeerde progID. /? Toon deze hulp en eindig. yProgramma kan niet worden gestart, of er is geen programma verbonden met het opgegeven bestand. ShellExecuteEx is misluktKKon de opgegeven Unix bestandsnaam niet omzetten naar een DOS bestandsnaam.rUruchom program lub otwrz dokument w programie normalnie u|ywanym do plikw z tym przyrostkiem. U|ycie: start [opcje] nazwa_programu_ze_[cie|k [...] start [opcje] nazwa_dokumentu_ze_[cie|k Opcje: "title" Podaje tytuB podrzdnych okien. /d katalog Uruchamia program w podanym katalogu. /b Nie twrz nowej konsoli dla programu. /i Uruchom program ze [wie|ymi zmiennymi [rodowiskowymi. /min Uruchom program zminimalizowany. /max Uruchom program zmaksymalizowany. /low Uruchom program w klasie priorytetowej bezczynno[ci. /normal Uruchom program w normalnej klasie priorytetowej. /high Uruchom program w wysokiej klasie priorytetowej. /realtime Uruchom program w klasie priorytetowej czasu rzeczywistego. /abovenormal Uruchom program w klasie priorytetowej powy|ej normalnej. /belownormal Uruchom program w klasie priorytetowej poni|ej normalnej. /node n Uruchom program na podanym wzle NUMA. /affinity maska Uruchom program ze specjaln mask afiniczno[ci. /wait Poczekaj, a| uruchomiony program skoDczy, a nastpnie wyjdz z jego kodem wyj[cia. /unix U|yj nazwy pliku ze [cie|ka z Uniksa i uruchom plik tak jak windows explorer. /ProgIDOpen Otwrz dokument u|ywajc podanego progID. /? Wy[wietl t pomoc i wyjdz. sNie udaBo si uruchomi aplikacji lub nie ma aplikacji skojarzonej z danym plikiem. ShellExecuteEx nie powiodBo si;Nie da si przetBumaczy danej [cie|ki Unix na [cie|k DOS. Start a program, or open a document in the program normally used for files with that suffix. Usage: start [options] program_filename [...] start [options] document_filename Options: "title" Specifies the title of the child windows. /d directory Start the program in the specified directory. /b Don't create a new console for the program. /i Start the program with fresh environment variables. /min Start the program minimized. /max Start the program maximized. /low Start the program in the idle priority class. /normal Start the program in the normal priority class. /high Start the program in the high priority class. /realtime Start the program in the realtime priority class. /abovenormal Start the program in the abovenormal priority class. /belownormal Start the program in the belownormal priority class. /node n Start the program on the specified NUMA node. /affinity mask Start the program with the specified affinity mask. /wait Wait for the started program to finish, then exit with its exit code. /unix Use a Unix filename and start the file like Windows Explorer. /ProgIDOpen Open a document using the specified progID. /? Display this help and exit. vAplicaia nu a putut fi pornit sau nu exist nici o aplicaie asociat cu fiierul specificat. ShellExecuteEx a euatQNu a putut fi tradus numele de fiier Unix specificat ntr-un nume de fiier DOS.0?CA:05B ?@>3@0<<C 8;8 >B:@K205B 4>:C<5=B 2 ?@>3@0<<5 >1KG=> 8A?>;L7C5<>9 4;O D09;>2 A B0:8< @0AH8@5=85<. A?>;L7>20=85: start [?0@0<5B@K] program_filename [...] start [?0@0<5B@K] document_filename 0@0<5B@K: "title" 03>;>2>: 4>G5@=8E >:>=. /d directory 0?CA:05B ?@>3@0<<C 2 C:070==>9 48@5:B>@88. /b 5 A>74020BL =>2CN :>=A>;L 4;O ?@>3@0<<K. /i 0?CAB8BL ?@>3@0<<C A 8AE>4=K<8 ?5@5<5==K<8 >:@C65=8O. /min 0?CAB8BL ?@>3@0<<C A25@=CB>9. /max 0?CAB8BL ?@>3@0<<C >B:@KB>9 =0 25AL M:@0=. /low 0?CAB8BL ?@>3@0<<C A =87:8< ?@8>@8B5B><. /normal 0?CAB8BL ?@>3@0<<C A =>@<0;L=K< ?@8>@8B5B><. /high 0?CAB8BL ?@>3@0<<C A 2KA>:8< ?@8>@8B5B><. /realtime 0?CAB8BL ?@>3@0<<C A <0:A8<0;L=K< ?@8>@8B5B><. /abovenormal 0?CAB8BL ?@>3@0<<C A ?@8>@8B5B>< 2KH5 =>@<0;L=>3>. /belownormal 0?CAB8BL ?@>3@0<<C A ?@8>@8B5B>< =865 =>@<0;L=>3>. /node n 0?CAB8BL ?@>3@0<<C =0 C:070==>< C7;5 NUMA. /affinity mask 0?CAB8BL ?@>3@0<<C A C:070==>9 <0A:>9. /wait >4>640BL 7025@H5=8O ?@>3@0<<K 8 25@=CBL 5Q :>4 2>72@0B0. /unix A?>;L7>20BL Unix-8<O D09;0 8 70?CAB8BL :0: Windows Explorer. /ProgIDOpen B:@K205B 4>:C<5=B A ?><>ILN C:070==>3> progID. /? >:070BL MBC A?@02:C 8 2K9B8. @8;>65=85 =5 <>65B 1KBL 70?CI5=> 8;8 =5B 0AA>F88@>20==KE A B8?>< 40==>3> 4>:C<5=B0 ?@8;>65=89. K7>2 ShellExecuteEx ?@>20;8;AO252>7<>6=> ?5@525AB8 8<O ?@>3@0<<K UNIX 2 8<O DOS. Start a program, or open a document in the program normally used for files with that suffix. Usage: start [options] program_filename [...] start [options] document_filename Options: "title" Specifies the title of the child windows. /d directory Start the program in the specified directory. /b Don't create a new console for the program. /i Start the program with fresh environment variables. /min Start the program minimized. /max Start the program maximized. /low Start the program in the idle priority class. /normal Start the program in the normal priority class. /high Start the program in the high priority class. /realtime Start the program in the realtime priority class. /abovenormal Start the program in the abovenormal priority class. /belownormal Start the program in the belownormal priority class. /node n Start the program on the specified NUMA node. /affinity mask Start the program with the specified affinity mask. /wait Wait for the started program to finish, then exit with its exit code. /unix Use a Unix filename and start the file like Windows Explorer. /ProgIDOpen Open a document using the specified progID. /? Display this help and exit. sAplikacija se nije mogla pokrenuti, ili nema aplikacije asocirane sa navedenom datotekom. ShellExecuteEx nije uspio?Navedeno Unix ime datoteke ne mogu prevesti u DOS ime datoteke.Starta ett program, eller ppna ett dokument i programmet som vanligen anvnds fr filer med den filndelsen. Anvndning: start [flaggor] programmets_filnamn [...] start [flaggor] dokumentets_filnamn Flaggor: "title" Anger titeln p underordnade fnster. /d directory Starta programmet i angiven katalog. /b Skapa inte en ny konsol fr programmet. /i Starta programmet med nya miljvariabler. /min Starta programmet minimerat. /max Starta programmet maximerat. /low Starta programmet i prioritetsklassen idle. /normal Starta programmet i prioritetsklassen normal. /high Starta programmet i prioritetsklassen high. /realtime Starta programmet i prioritetsklassen realtime. /abovenormal Starta programmet i prioritetsklassen abovenormal. /belownormal Starta programmet i prioritetsklassen belownormal. /node n Starta programmet p den angivna NUMA-noden. /affinity mask Starta programmet med den angivna affinitetsmasken. /wait Vnta p att det startade programmet ska avsluta, avsluta sedan med dess avslutningskod. /unix Anvnd ett Unix-filnamn och starta filen som windows Explorer. /ProgIDOpen ppna ett dokument med angivet progID. /? Visa denna hjlp och avsluta. yProgrammet kunde inte startas, eller s var inget program associerat med den angivna filen. 'ShellExecuteEx' misslyckades:Kunde inte konvertera Unix-filnamnet till ett DOS-filnamn.`Bir uygulama ba_lat1r, veya bir dosyay1, uzant1s1 iin normalde kullan1lan uygulamayla aar. Kullan1m: start [seenekler] program_dosyaad1 [...] start [seenekler] belge_dosyaad1 Seenekler: "ba_l1k" Alt pencerelerin ba_l11n1 belirtir. /d dizin Program1 belirtilen dizinde ba_lat1r. /b Program iin yeni bir konsol olu_turmaz. /i Program1 taze ortam dei_kenleri ile ba_lat1r. /min Program1 simge durumunda ba_lat1r. /max Program1 ekran1 kaplam1_ olarak ba_lat1r. /low Program1 bo_ta ncelik s1n1f1 ile ba_lat1r. /normal Program1 normal ncelik s1n1f1 ile ba_lat1r. /high Program1 yksek ncelik s1n1f1 ile ba_lat1r. /realtime Program1 gerek zaman ncelik s1n1f1 ile ba_lat1r. /abovenormal Program1 normal st ncelik s1n1f1 ile ba_lat1r. /belownormal Program1 normal alt1 ncelik s1n1f1 ile ba_lat1r. /node n Program1 belirtilen NUMA dmnde ba_lat1r. /affinity mask Program1 belirtilen yak1nl1k maskesi ile ba_lat1r. /wait Ba_lat1lan program1n bitmesini bekler ve ard1ndan 1k1_ koduyla 1kar. /unix Bir Unix dosya ad1 kullan1r ve dosyay1 Windows Gezgini benzeri bir biimde ba_lat1r. /ProgIDOpen Belirtilen program kimliini kullanarak bir belge aar. /? Bu yard1m1 grntler ve 1kar. dUygulama ba_lat1lamad1 veya belirtilen dosya ile ili_kili bir uygulama yok. ShellExecuteEx ba_ar1s1z;Belirtilen Unix dosya ad1, bir DOS dosya ad1na evrilemedi. Start a program, or open a document in the program normally used for files with that suffix. Usage: start [options] program_filename [...] start [options] document_filename Options: "title" Specifies the title of the child windows. /d directory Start the program in the specified directory. /b Don't create a new console for the program. /i Start the program with fresh environment variables. /min Start the program minimized. /max Start the program maximized. /low Start the program in the idle priority class. /normal Start the program in the normal priority class. /high Start the program in the high priority class. /realtime Start the program in the realtime priority class. /abovenormal Start the program in the abovenormal priority class. /belownormal Start the program in the belownormal priority class. /node n Start the program on the specified NUMA node. /affinity mask Start the program with the specified affinity mask. /wait Wait for the started program to finish, then exit with its exit code. /unix Use a Unix filename and start the file like Windows Explorer. /ProgIDOpen Open a document using the specified progID. /? Display this help and exit. y@>3@0<0 =5 <>65 1CB8 70?CI5=0 01> =5<0T 0A>FV9>20=8E 7 B8?>< 40=>3> 4>:C<5=B0 4>40B:V2. 8:;8: ShellExecuteEx ?@>20;82AO75<>6;82> ?5@5B2>@8B8 V<'O D09;C UNIX 2 V<'O D09;C DOS. Start a program, or open a document in the program normally used for files with that suffix. Usage: start [options] program_filename [...] start [options] document_filename Options: "title" Specifies the title of the child windows. /d directory Start the program in the specified directory. /b Don't create a new console for the program. /i Start the program with fresh environment variables. /min Start the program minimized. /max Start the program maximized. /low Start the program in the idle priority class. /normal Start the program in the normal priority class. /high Start the program in the high priority class. /realtime Start the program in the realtime priority class. /abovenormal Start the program in the abovenormal priority class. /belownormal Start the program in the belownormal priority class. /node n Start the program on the specified NUMA node. /affinity mask Start the program with the specified affinity mask. /wait Wait for the started program to finish, then exit with its exit code. /unix Use a Unix filename and start the file like Windows Explorer. /ProgIDOpen Open a document using the specified progID. /? Display this help and exit. lPrograma ni mogo e zagnati ali pa z datoteko te vrste ni povezan noben program. Ukaz ShellExecuteEx ni uspelENavedenega imena datoteke Unix ni mogo e prevesti v DOS ime datoteke.APaleisti program ar atverti dokument programoje, paprastai naudojamoje failams su tuo prievard~iu. Naudojimas: start [parametrai] programos_failo_vardas [...] start [parametrai] dokumento_failo_vardas Parametrai: "antraat" Nustato polangis pavadinim. /d katalogas Paleisti program nurodytame kataloge. /b Nesukurti naujo pulto programai. /i Paleisti program su avie~iais aplinkos kintamaisiais. /min Paleisti program suskleist. /max Paleisti program iaskleist. /low Paleisti program neveikos prioriteto klasje. /normal Paleisti program normalioje prioriteto klasje. /high Paleisti program aukatoje prioriteto klasje. /realtime Paleisti program tikralaikje prioriteto klasje. /abovenormal Paleisti program prioriteto klasje vira normalios. /belownormal Paleisti program prioriteto klasje ~emiau normalios. /node n Paleisti program nurodytame NUMA mazge. /affinity mask Paleisti program su nurodyta atitikimo kauke. /wait Laukti kol paleista programa baigs darb, tada iaeiti su jos iajimo kodu. /unix Naudoti Unix failo vard ir paleisti fail kaip  windows narayklje. /ProgIDOpen Atverti dokument naudojant nurodyt progID. /? Parodyti a/ praneaim ir iaeiti. cNepavyko paleisti programos arba nra programos susietos su nurodytu failu. ShellExecuteEx nepavykoHNepavyko paversti nurodyto Unix failo pavadinimo / DOS failo pavadinim. Start a program, or open a document in the program normally used for files with that suffix. Usage: start [options] program_filename [...] start [options] document_filename Options: "title" Specifies the title of the child windows. /d directory Start the program in the specified directory. /b Don't create a new console for the program. /i Start the program with fresh environment variables. /min Start the program minimized. /max Start the program maximized. /low Start the program in the idle priority class. /normal Start the program in the normal priority class. /high Start the program in the high priority class. /realtime Start the program in the realtime priority class. /abovenormal Start the program in the abovenormal priority class. /belownormal Start the program in the belownormal priority class. /node n Start the program on the specified NUMA node. /affinity mask Start the program with the specified affinity mask. /wait Wait for the started program to finish, then exit with its exit code. /unix Use a Unix filename and start the file like Windows Explorer. /ProgIDOpen Open a document using the specified progID. /? Display this help and exit. rL'aplicacin nun pudo aniciase o nun hai denguna aplicacin asociada col ficheru especificu. ShellExecuteEx fallBCould not translate the specified Unix filename to a DOS filename. Start a program, or open a document in the program normally used for files with that suffix. Usage: start [options] program_filename [...] start [options] document_filename Options: "title" Specifies the title of the child windows. /d directory Start the program in the specified directory. /b Don't create a new console for the program. /i Start the program with fresh environment variables. /min Start the program minimized. /max Start the program maximized. /low Start the program in the idle priority class. /normal Start the program in the normal priority class. /high Start the program in the high priority class. /realtime Start the program in the realtime priority class. /abovenormal Start the program in the abovenormal priority class. /belownormal Start the program in the belownormal priority class. /node n Start the program on the specified NUMA node. /affinity mask Start the program with the specified affinity mask. /wait Wait for the started program to finish, then exit with its exit code. /unix Use a Unix filename and start the file like Windows Explorer. /ProgIDOpen Open a document using the specified progID. /? Display this help and exit. ,!ql_UYa(u z_ b/fl gc[jHhܕova(u z_0 ShellExecuteEx 1YWe!qloc[v Unix j T0R DOS j T0+Start a program, or open a document in the program normally used for files with that suffix. Usage: start [options] program_filename [...] start [options] document_filename Options: "title" Specifies the title of the child windows. /d directory Start the program in the specified directory. /b Don't create a new console for the program. /i Start the program with fresh environment variables. /min Start the program minimized. /max Start the program maximized. /low Start the program in the idle priority class. /normal Start the program in the normal priority class. /high Start the program in the high priority class. /realtime Start the program in the realtime priority class. /abovenormal Start the program in the abovenormal priority class. /belownormal Start the program in the belownormal priority class. /node n Start the program on the specified NUMA node. /affinity mask Start the program with the specified affinity mask. /wait Wait for the started program to finish, then exit with its exit code. /unix Use a Unix filename and start the file like Windows explorer. /ProgIDOpen Open a document using the specified progID. /? Display this help and exit. mApplication could not be started, or no application associated with the specified file. ShellExecuteEx failedBCould not translate the specified Unix filename to a DOS filename.Starter et program eller pner et dokument i programmet som er assosiert med filtypen. Bruk: start [alternativer] program_filnavn [...] start [alternativer] dokument_filnavn Alternativer: "tittel" Angir tittelen for vinduet. /d katalog Start programmet i angitt katalog. /b Ikke opprett en ny konsoll for programmet. /i Start programmet med nye miljvariabler. /min Start programmet minimert. /max Start programmet maksimert. /low Start programmet i prioritetklassen 'ledig'. /normal Start programmet i prioritetklassen 'normal'. /high Start programmet i prioritetklassen 'hy'. /realtime Start programmet i prioritetklassen 'samtid'. /abovenormal Start programmet i prioritetklassen 'over normal'. /belownormal Start programmet i prioritetklassen 'under normal'. /node n Start programmet p angitt NUMA-node. /affinity maske Start programmet med angitt affinitet-maske. /wait Vent til programmet er ferdig og avslutt med dets avslutningskode. /unix Bruk et Unix-filnavn og start filen som i Windows Utforsker. /ProgIDOpen pne et dokument med angitt progID. /? Vis denne hjelpeteksten og avslutt. iKunne ikke starte programmet, eller intet program er tilknyttet den oppgitte filen. ShellExecuteEx feilet;Klarte ikke konvertere Unix-filnavnet til et DOS-filnavn.'Inicia um programa ou abre um arquivo no programa normalmente usado para a extenso determinada. Uso: start [opes] endereo_do_programa [...] start [opes] endereo_do_documento Opes: "title" Especifica o ttulo da janela da janela filha. /d diretrio Inicia o programa no diretrio especificado. /b No criar um console novo para o programa. /i Inicia o programa com variveis de ambiente novas. /min Inicia o programa minimizado. /max Inicia o programa maximizado. /low Inicia o programa com prioridade baixa. /normal Inicia o programa com prioridade normal. /high Inicia o programa com prioridade alta. /realtime Inicia o programa com prioridade de tempo real. /abovenormal Inicia o programa com prioridade acima do normal. /belownormal Inicia o programa com prioridade abaixo do normal. /node n Inicia o programa no n NUMA especificado. /affinity mask Inicia o programa com a mscara de afinidade especificada. /wait Aguarda o fim do programa iniciado e retorna com seu cdigo de sada. /unix Usa o caminho Unix do arquivo e inicia-o como o windows explorer. /ProgIDOpen Abre um documento usando o progID especificado. /? Exibe essa ajuda e retorna. tO aplicativo no pde ser iniciado ou no existe aplicativo associado ao arquivo especificado. ShellExecuteEx falhouMNo foi possvel traduzir o nome de arquivo Unix para um nome de arquivo DOS. /TR z^ b(uN,(uN&^ gg*NTv z^Sb_ech0 (ul start [ y] z^eN T [...] start [ y] echeN T y  h nP[zSvh0 /d vU_ (Wc[vU_/TR z^0 /b N:N z^R^ec6RS0 /i O(uesX/TR z^0 /min g\S/TR z^0 /max g'YS/TR z^0 /low O(u idle OHQ~{|/TR z^0 /normal O(u normal OHQ~{|/TR z^0 /high O(u high OHQ~{|/TR z^0 /realtime O(u realtime OHQ~{|/TR z^0 /abovenormal O(u abovenormal OHQ~{|/TR z^0 /belownormal O(u belownormal OHQ~{|/TR z^0 /n (Wc[ NUMA p/TR z^0 /affinity cx O(uc[sQT'`cx/TR z^0 /wait I{_/TRNv z^[bd\OTO(uvQQNxQ0 /unix O(u Unix eN Tv^P Windows Dn{thVN7h/TReN0 /ProgIDOpen O(uc[ progID Sb_ech0 /? >f:ydk.^Rv^Q0 )el/TR z^ bl g:Nc[eNsQT^(u z^0 ShellExecuteEx 1Y%el\c[ Unix eN Tlbc:N DOS eN T0eInicia um programa, ou abre um documento no programa usado normalmente para ficheiros com o sufixo do documento. Sintaxe: start [opes] program_filename [...] start [opes] document_filename Opes: "title" Indica ttulo das janelas-filho. /d pasta Inicia o programa na pasta indicada. /b No criar uma nova consola para o programa. /i Inicia o programa com novas variveis de ambiente. /min Inicia o programa numa janela minimizada. /max Inicia o programa numa janela maximizada. /low Inicia o programa na classe de prioridade idle. /normal Inicia o programa na classe de prioridade normal. /high Inicia o programa na classe de prioridade alta. /realtime Inicia o programa na classe de prioridade tempo-real. /abovenormal Inicia o programa na classe de prioridade acima-de-normal. /belownormal Inicia o programa na classe de prioridade abaixo-de-normal. /node n Inicia o programa no n NUMA indicado. /affinity mask Inicia o programa com a mscara de afinidade indicada. /wait Aguarda que o programa iniciado termine e sai com o seu cdigo de sada. /unix Usa um nome de ficheiro Unix e executa-o como o Explorador de Windows. /ProgIDOpen Abre um documento usando o progID indicado. /? Mostra esta ajuda e termina. xA aplicao no pode ser iniciada, ou no existe aplicao associada com o ficheiro especificado. ShellExecuteEx falhado?No foi possvel converter o nome do ficheiro de Unix para DOS.start78f5356cbaa47bc886db7bdcebceac9ce63fd9.debugU Ye.shstrtab.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.init.plt.plt.got.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.dynamic.data.bss.gnu_debuglink TT$oxx$( 0LL8oHHEo``PT ].c0 0 h@ @ qP P 6w>>}@@ CCEE0^N^N^Nl_O`Pk4