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GD *1:( (%2'D) G0' 'D.J'1 EF 'D3,D Wine Application Uninstaller7?J;=5=85B> =0 :><0=40B0 70 458=AB0;8@0=5 '%s' =5CA?5H=>, <>65 18 70@048 ;8?A20I 87?J;=8< D09;. A:0B5 ;8 40 ?@5<0E=5B5 70?8A0 70 458=AB0;8@0=5 >B A8AB5<=8O @538ABJ@?&Desinstallador d'Aplicacions del WineL'execuci de l'ordre de desinstallaci '%s' ha fallat, potser perqu manqui l'executable. Voleu eliminar l'entrada de desinstallaci del registre?Odinstaltor pro aplikace WineSpuatn odinstala nho pYkazu %s selhalo, mo~n pY na je chybjc aplikace. PYejete si odstranit odinstala n zznam z registru?Afinstaller programmerKrsel af afinstalleringskommandoen '%s' fejlede, mske er det p grund af en manglende programfil. Vil du fjerne afinstalleringsartiklen fra registerdatabasen?Wine-AnwendungsentfernerDie Ausfhrung des Deinstallationsbefehls '%s' ist fehlgeschlagen, wahrscheinlich fehlt die ausfhrbare Datei. Mchten Sie den Anwendungseintrag aus der Registry entfernen?Wine Application UninstallerExecution of uninstall command '%s' failed, perhaps due to missing executable. Do you want to remove the uninstall entry from the registry?%Desinstalador de aplicaciones de WineLa ejecucin del comando de desinstalacin '%s' ha fallado, tal vez se deba a un ejecutable inexistente. Desea eliminar la entrada de desinstalacin de esta aplicacin del registro?Winen ohjelmanpoistajamPoistokomento '%s' eponnistui, johtuen ehk puuttuvasta tiedostosta. Haluatko poistaa ohjelman rekisterist?2Programme de dsinstallation des applications WineL'excution de la commande de dsinstallation %s a chou, peut-tre du fait d'un excutable introuvable. Souhaitez-vous supprimer l'entre de dsinstallation de la base de registre?  Winei   '%s' ,     .        ?Wine Alkalamazs eltvoltAz eltvoltsi parancs '%s' vgrehajtsa sikertelen, feltehetQleg a hinyz futtathat llomny miatt. El szeretn tvoltani az eltvoltsi bejegyzst a regisztrcis adatbzisbl?"Wine Disinstallazione ApplicazioniL'esecuzione del comando di disinstallazione '%s' fallita, forse a causa di un eseguibile mancante. Vuoi rimuovere dal registro la voce di disinstallazione?Wine 00000000 00000000F00000000 0000 '%s' n0[Lk01YWeW0~0W0_000000L0X[(WW0j0D0_00K00W00~0[000 00000K00S0n0{v20JRdW0~0Y0K0? Wine \ 0F‰ |t } Ǵ, p 9 '%s'D(|) ‰X յȲ. ɤ¸Ҭ t p  pX ȲL?Programma verwijderenHet uitvoeren van de verwijderopdracht '%s' is mislukt, wellicht vanwege een ontbrekend bestand. Wilt u de verwijdersleutel verwijderen uit het register?Wine - usuwanie programwNie udaBo si wykona polecenia '%s', ktre powinno usun program. By mo|e ju| byB usunity. Czy chcesz usun jego wpis z tej listy?+Programul de dezinstalare de aplicaii WineExecuia comenzi de dezinstalare '%s' a euat, probabil din lipsa fiierului executabil. Dorii s tergei nregistrarea de dezinstalare din registru?#40;5=85 ?@8;>65=89 Wine}H81:0 2K?>;=5=8O :><0=4K C40;5=8O %s, 2>7<>6=> 87-70 ?>B5@8 D09;>2 ?@8;>65=8O. #40;8BL 8=D>@<0F8N >1 CAB0=>2:5 87 @55AB@0?Wine deinstalacijski programIzvraavanje naredbe za deinstalaciju '%s' nije uspjelo, mo~da zbog toga ato nedostaje izvrana datoteka. }elite li ukloniti deinstalacijski unos iz registra?Avinstallera Wine-programKrning av avinstallationskommandot '%s' misslyckades, kanske p.g.a. saknad krbar fil. Vill du ta bor avinstallationsposten frn registret?Wine Uygulama Kald1r1c1'%s' kald1rma komutu byk olas1l1kla dosya olmad11ndan al1_t1r1lamad1. Kay1t defterinden bu kald1rma giri_ini silmek ister misiniz?840;5==O 4>40B:V2 Winet><8;:0 28:>=0==O :><0=48 2840;5==O '%s', <>6;82> G5@57 2V4ACB=VABL D09;C. 840;8B8 40=V ?@> 2AB0=>2;5==O 7 @5TAB@C?Odstranjevalnik programov WineIzvedba ukaza odstranjevanja '%s' ni uspela, morda zaradi manjkajo e izvedljive datoteke. Ali ~elite odstraniti odstranitveni vnos iz registra?! Wine programs aalinimo programaNepavyko /vykdyti programos paaalinimo komandos  %s , grei iausiai dl trkkstamo vykdomojo failo. Ar norite paaalinti programos aalinimo /raa ia registro?Wine Execution of uninstall command '%s' failed, perhaps due to missing executable. Do you want to remove the uninstall entry from the registry?$Desinstalador d'aplicaciones de WineExecution of uninstall command '%s' failed, perhaps due to missing executable. Do you want to remove the uninstall entry from the registry? Wine a(u z_yd z_,ydcNWL %s 1YWe S/f~b N0RSWL z_0 `\ydcN_;Qh-N*RdUWine Application UninstallerExecution of uninstall command '%s' failed, perhaps due to missing executable. Do you want to remove the uninstall entry from the registry?Avinstaller programmerKjring av avinstalleringskommandoen "%s" feilet, kanskje p grunn av en manglende programfil. Fjerne avinstalleringsoppfringen fra registeret?!Desinstalador de Aplicativos WineFalha ao executar o comando de desinstalao '%s', talvez devido falta do executvel. Deseja remover a entrada de desinstalao do registro?Wine Programa MalinstalilozMalinstalad-komando '%s' malsukcesis, eble ar mankas programo. u vi volas forigi la malinstalada 'entry' de la registro?Wine ^(u z^xS}{thV.xS}}TN '%s' ЏL1Y% S/f~b N0RSgbL z^0 ``bُyxS}agvNlQh-N RdT Desinstalador de Aplicaes WineExecuo do comando de desinstalao '%s' falhado, talvez devido a faltar o executvel. Deseja remover a entrada de desinstalao do Registo?Wine deinstalacioni programIzvraavanje naredbe za deinstalaciju  %s nije uspelo verovatno zbog toga ato nedostaje izvrana datoteka. }elite li da uklonite deinstalacioni unos iz registra?Wine 458=AB0;0F8>=8 ?@>3@0<72@H020Z5 =0@5415 70 458=AB0;0F8XC  %s =8X5 CA?5;> 25@>20B=> 71>3 B>30 HB> =54>AB0X5 872@H=0 40B>B5:0. 5;8B5 ;8 40 C:;>=8B5 458=AB0;0F8>=8 C=>A 87 @538AB@0?=desinstallador: No s'ha trobat l'aplicaci amb el GUID '%1' Edesinstallador: Un GUID d'aplicaci ha de seguir l'opci '--remove' &desinstallador: Opci no vlida [%1] bDesinstallador d'aplicacions del Wine Desinstalla aplicacions des del prefix actual del Wine. _s: uninstaller [opcions] Opcions: --help Mostra aquesta informaci. --list Llista totes les aplicacions installades en aquest prefix del Wine. --remove {GUID} Desinstalla l'aplicaci especificada. Usa '--list' per a determinar la GUID de l'aplicaci. [no option] Executa la versi grfica d'aquest programa. :uninstaller: The application with GUID '%1' was not found Kuninstaller: The option '--remove' must be followed by an application GUID !uninstaller: neplatn volba [%1] QOdinstaltor pro aplikace Wine Odinstalace aplikac z aktulnho Wine prefixu. DUsage: uninstaller [options] Options: --help Display this information. --list List all applications installed in this Wine prefix. --remove {GUID} Uninstall the specified application. Use '--list' to determine the application GUID. [no option] Launch the graphical version of this program. BUninstaller: Die Anwendung mit der GUID '%1' wurde nicht gefunden HUninstaller: Auf die Option '--remove' muss eine Anwendungs-GUID folgen #Uninstaller: Ungltige Option [%1] SWine-Anwendungsentferner Deinstalliert Anwendungen aus dem aktuellen Wineprefix. `Aufruf: uninstaller [Optionen] Optionen: --help Zeigt diese Hilfe an. --list Zeigt alle im aktuellen Wineprefix installierten Anwendungen an. --remove {GUID} Deinstalliert die angegebene Anwendung. Benutzen Sie '--list', um die Anwendungs-GUID zu bestimmen. [keine Option] Startet die grafische Version dieses Programms. :uninstaller: The application with GUID '%1' was not found Kuninstaller: The option '--remove' must be followed by an application GUID !uninstaller: Invalid option [%1] TWine Application Uninstaller Uninstall applications from the current Wine prefix. DUsage: uninstaller [options] Options: --help Display this information. --list List all applications installed in this Wine prefix. --remove {GUID} Uninstall the specified application. Use '--list' to determine the application GUID. [no option] Launch the graphical version of this program. 6uninstaller: Ei lydy ohjelmaa, jonka GUID olisi '%1' @uninstaller: Valitsinta '--remove' tytyy seurata ohjelman GUID (uninstaller: Virheellinen valitsin [%1] FWinen ohjelmanpoistaja Poista ohjelmia nykyisest Wine-prefiksist. .Kytt: uninstaller [valitsimet] Valitsimet: --help Nyt tm viesti. --list Listaa thn Wine-prefiksiin asennetut ohjelmat. --remove {GUID} Poista valittu ohjelma. Kyt valitsinta '--list' GUIDin lytmiseen. [ei valitsinta] Kynnist tmn ohjelman graafinen versio. ;uninstaller: l'application de GUID %1 est introuvable Muninstaller: l'option --remove doit tre suivie d'un GUID d'application #uninstaller: option [%1] invalide kProgramme de dsinstallation des applications Wine Dsinstalle des applications du prfixe Wine courant. `Usage: uninstaller [options] Options: --help Afficher ces informations. --list Lister toutes les applications installes dans ce prfixe Wine. --remove {GUID} Dsinstaller l'application spcifie. Utilisez --list pour dterminer le GUID de l'application. [aucune option] Lancer la version graphique de ce programme. ,uninstaller: GUID '%1' n000000000o0d0K00~0[00g0W0_0 3uninstaller: --remove 00000o000000000 GUID n0c[L0_g0Y0 uninstaller: !qRj000000 [%1] AWine 00000000 00000000 000000000s(Wn0 Wine 0000000K0000000000W0~0Y00 OD0e: uninstaller [00000] 00000: --help S0n0`1X0h:yY000 --list S0n0 Wine 0000000k0000000U00_0hQ000 00000n0N0h:yY000 --remove c[n000000000000000000Y000 00000000 GUID 0rR0QY0_00 --list 0d0K0F00 [00000j0W0] S0n000000n0000000Hr0wRY000 (uninstaller: GUID '%1'x \D >D  ŵȲ 2uninstaller: '--remove' 5X Ŕ \ GUID Ǵ| iȲ uninstaller: ,t J@ 5X [%1] =Wine Application Uninstaller ֬ ‰\ Wine $X \D piȲ. ƕ: uninstaller [5X] 5X: --help  ǔ | %iȲ. --list ‰\ Wine $X \X ]D %iȲ. --remove {GUID} \ \D piȲ. \X GUID| LD $t '--list' 5XD X$. [5X L] 5Xt ‰Xt uninstallerX GUI t ‘)Ȳ. 9usuwanie programw: Nie znaleziono aplikacji o GUID '%1' Dusuwanie programw: Po opcji '--remove' nale|y poda GUID aplikacji -usuwanie programw: NieprawidBowa opcja [%1] EWine - Usuwanie programw UsuD programy z bie|cego prefiksu Wine. =Sposb u|ycia: uninstaller [opcje] Opcje: --help Wy[wietl t instrukcj. --list Wy[wietl wszystkie aplikacje zainstalowane w tym prefiksie Wine. --remove {GUID} UsuD wskazan aplikacj. U|yj '--list' do sprawdzenia GUID aplikacji. [brak opcji] Uruchom graficzn wersj tego programu. 5uninstaller: Aplicaia cu GUID  %1 nu a fost gsit Kuninstaller: The option '--remove' must be followed by an application GUID #uninstaller: Opiune nevalid [%1] TWine Application Uninstaller Uninstall applications from the current Wine prefix. DUsage: uninstaller [options] Options: --help Display this information. --list List all applications installed in this Wine prefix. --remove {GUID} Uninstall the specified application. Use '--list' to determine the application GUID. [no option] Launch the graphical version of this program. :uninstaller: ?@8;>65=85 A 845=B8D8:0B>@>< %1 =5 =0945=> Quninstaller: 70 >?F859 --remove 4>;65= A;54>20BL GUID 845=B8D8:0B>@ ?@8;>65=8O !uninstaller: =525@=0O >?F8O [%1] S@>3@0<<0 C40;5=8O ?@8;>65=89 Wine #40;O5B ?@8;>65=8O 87 B5:CI53> ?@5D8:A0 Wine. ^K7>2: uninstaller [?0@0<5B@K] 0@0<5B@K: --help ?>:070BL MBC A?@02:C. --list ?>:070BL A?8A>: 2A5E ?@8;>65=89, CAB0=>2;5==KE 2 MB>< ?@5D8:A5. --remove {GUID} C40;8BL C:070==>5 ?@8;>65=85. GUID CAB0=>2;5==>3> ?@8;>65=8O <>6=> ?>;CG8BL A ?><>ILN '--list'. [157 ?0@0<5B@>2] 70?CAB8BL 3@0D8G5A:CN 25@A8N MB>9 ?@>3@0<<K. 4uninstaller: Programmet med GUID '%1' hittades inte Auninstaller: Flaggan '--remove' mste fljas av ett program-GUID %uninstaller: Flaggan [%1] r ogiltig YAvinstallationsprogram fr Wine-program Avinstallera program fr aktuellt Wine-prefix. CAnvndning: uninstaller [flaggor] Flaggor: --help Visa denna information. --list Lista alla program som installerats i detta Wine-prefix. --remove {GUID} Avinstallera angivet program. Anvnd '--list' fr att avgra program-GUID. [ingen flagga] Kr den grafiska versionen av detta program. 2uninstaller: GUID'i '%1' olan uygulama bulunamad1 Juninstaller: --remove seeneinden sonra bir uygulama GUID'i girilmelidir $uninstaller: '%1' geersiz seenek. SWine Uygulama Kald1r1c1s1 ^imdiki Wine yap1land1rman1zdan uygulamalar1 kald1r1r. SKullan1m: uninstaller [seenekler] Seenekler: --help Yard1m1 grntler. --list Bu Wine yap1land1rmas1nda ykl btn uygulamalar1 listeler. --remove {GUID} Belirtilen uygulamay1 kald1r1r. Uygulama GUID'ini belirlemek iin '--list' seeneini kullan1n. [no option] Bu program1n grafik srmn ba_lat1r. ;uninstaller: 0AB>AC=>: 7 V45=B8DV:0B>@>< '%1' =5 7=0945=> Luninstaller: ;O ?0@0<5B@0 '--remove' ?>28=5= 1CB8 2:070=89 GUID 70AB>AC=:0 $uninstaller: 52V@=89 ?0@0<5B@ [%1] P@>3@0<0 2840;5==O 4>40B:V2 Wine 840;5==O ?@>3@0< 7 ?>B>G=>3> ?@5DV:A0 Wine. 38:>@8AB0==O: uninstaller [?0@0<5B@8] ?FVW: --help >:070B8 FN V=D>@<0FVN. --list !?8A>: 2AVE ?@>3@0< 2 FL><C ?@5DV:AV. --remove {GUID} 840;8B8 2:070=C ?@>3@0<C. ;O 287=0G5==O GUID 28:>@8AB>2C9B5 :><0=4C '--list'. [157 ?0@0<5B@V2] 0?CA: 3@0DVG=>W 25@AVW FVTW ?@>3@0<8. 1aalinimo programa: Programa su GUID  %1 nerasta Gaalinimo programa: U~ parametro  --remove privalo bkti programos GUID .aalinimo programa: Netinkamas parametras [%1] SWine programs aalinimo programa `alinkite programas ia dabartinio Wine prefikso. =Naudojimas: uninstaller [parametrai] Parametrai: --help Parodo ai informacij. --list Parodo visas /diegtas programas aiame Wine prefikse. --remove {GUID} Paaalina nurodyt program. Naudokite  --list programos GUID nustatyti. [be parametrs] Paleid~ia aios programos grafin versij. 2uninstaller: GUID '%1' Funinstaller: '--remove' UUID !uninstaller: [%1] RWine Wine prefix . 4 : uninstaller [ ] : --help . --list Wine prefix . --remove {GUID} . '--list' GUID . [ ] . :uninstaller: The application with GUID '%1' was not found Kuninstaller: The option '--remove' must be followed by an application GUID !uninstaller: Invalid option [%1] TWine Application Uninstaller Uninstall applications from the current Wine prefix. QUsu: uninstaller [opciones] Opciones: --help Amuesa esta informacin. --list Llista toles aplicaciones instalaes nesti prefixu de Wine. --remove {GUID} Desinstala l'aplicacin especificada. Usa --list pa determinar el GUID d'una aplicacin. [ensin opciones] Llanza la versin grfica d'esti programa. :uninstaller: The application with GUID '%1' was not found Kuninstaller: The option '--remove' must be followed by an application GUID !uninstaller: Invalid option [%1] TWine Application Uninstaller Uninstall applications from the current Wine prefix. DUsage: uninstaller [options] Options: --help Display this information. --list List all applications installed in this Wine prefix. --remove {GUID} Uninstall the specified application. Use '--list' to determine the application GUID. [no option] Launch the graphical version of this program. 4uninstaller: Programmet med GUID %1 ble ikke funnet Guninstaller: Alternativet '--remove' m etterflges av en program GUID %uninstaller: [%1] er et ugyldig valg QAvinstaller programmer Avinstaller programmer fra det nvrende Wine prefixet. JBruk: uninstaller [alternativer] Alternativer: --help Vis denne informasjonen. --list Vis alle programmene installert i dette Wine prefixet. --remove {GUID} Avinstaller det spesifiserte programmet. Bruk '--list' for avgjre programmets GUID. [intet valg] Kjr det grafiske brukergrensesnittet. :uninstaller: A aplicao com GUID '%1' no foi encontrada Juninstaller: A opo '--remove' deve ser seguida por um GUID de aplicao !uninstaller: Opo invlida [%1] VDesinstalador de Aplicativos do Wine Desinstala programas do prefixo do Wine atual. @Uso: uninstaller [opes] Opes: --help Mostra essa informao. --list Lista todos os programas instalados nesse prefixo do Wine. --remove {GUID} Desinstala a aplicao especificada. Use '--list' para descobrir o GUID do aplicao. [sem opo] Executa a verso grfica desse programa. #uninstaller: *g~b0R GUID :N '%1' v^(u z^ +uninstaller: y '--remove' _{TcN*N^(u z^ GUID uninstaller: eHev y [%1] *Wine ^(u z^xS}]wQ Ns gv Wine prefix -NxS}^(u z^0 (ul uninstaller [ y] y --help >f:y,gOo`0 --list RQ[ň(W,g Wine prefix -Nv@b g^(u z^0 --remove {GUID} xS}c[v^(u z^0 O(u '--list' eg_0R^(u z^v GUID. [e y] /TR,g z^vVb_Lub0 :uninstaller: A aplicao com GUID '%1' no foi encontrada Juninstaller: A opo '--remove' deve ser seguida pelo GUID da aplicacao !uninstaller: Opo invlida [%1] TDesinstalador de Aplicaes do Wine Desinstala aplicaes do prefixo Wine actual. DSintaxe: uninstaller [opes] Opes: --help Mostra esta informao. --list Lista todas as aplicaes instaladas neste prefixo do WIne. --remove {GUID} Desinstala a aplicao indicada. Use '--list' para determinar o GUID da applicao. [sem opo] Executar a verso grfica deste programa. %1|||%2 uninstaller85ece2556a23ef254e8b8a464f3cf99bd07dba.debug>".shstrtab.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.init.plt.plt.got.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.dynamic.data.bss.gnu_debuglink TT$oxx$( 0LL8oHHEo``PT `].c0 0 h@ @ qP P wH@H@}PP RR, U U n^n^n^lo_p`4