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This can happen if you run out of drive letters. Try unmapping a drive letter then try again.winecfg: unable to map home drive ensure_home_is_mappedensure_root_is_mappedCould not open your mountpoint description table. 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EF A1JB 9JHF 'D91( H E,*E9 DJFC3 'D91(J.P7E9DHE'* *3,JD HF/H2P('D&E'DC:PK P2'DEF&8E):PK @@ MS Shell Dlg P Pi7 P+ Pi5j SysLinkPi@B This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.P7Windows registration informationP(Owner:PK P2Organization:PK @@ MS Shell Dlg P Pi7 P+ Pi5j SysLinkPi@B Aquest programari s programari lliure; podeu redistribuir i/o modificar-lo sota els termes de la Llicncia Pblica General Menor GNU com publicada per la Free Software Foundation; o la versi 2.1 de la Llicncia, o (a la vostra elecci) qualsevulla versi posterior.P7Informaci de registraci de WindowsP(&Propietari:PK P2&Organitzaci:PK @@ MS Shell Dlg P Pi7 P+ Pi5j SysLinkPi@B Tento program je svobodnm softwarem; mo~ete ho distribuovat a nebo modifikovat v souladu s licenc GNU Lesser General Public License ve znn publikovanm Free Software Foundation; platn je verze 2.1 zmnn licence nebo (pokud je lpe vyhovujc) jakkoli novja verze.P7Informace o registraci WindowsP(&Vlastnk:PK P2Organi&zace:PK @@ MS Shell Dlg P Pi7 P+ Pi5j SysLinkPi@B Dette program er fri software; du m gendistribuere det og/eller modificere det under betingelserne givet i GNU Lesser General Public License som publiceret af Free Software Foundation; enten version 2.1, eller (efter dit valg) en senere version.P7Windows registreringsoplysningerP(Ejer:PK P2Organisation:PK @@ MS Shell Dlg P Pi7 P+ Pi5j SysLinkPi@B Dieses Programm ist freie Software; Sie drfen es unter den Bedingungen der GNU Lesser General Public License, wie von der Free Software Foundation verffentlicht, weiterverteilen und/oder modifizieren; entweder gem Version 2.1 der Lizenz oder (nach Ihrer Option) jeder spteren Version.P7Windows-RegistrierungsinformationenP(&Eigentmer:PK P2&Organisation:PK @@ MS Shell Dlg P Pi7 P+ Pi5j SysLinkPi@B This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the Licence, or (at your option) any later version.P7Windows registration informationP(&Owner:PK P2Organi&sation:PK @@ MS Shell Dlg P Pi7 P+ Pi5j SysLinkPi@B Wine es software libre, puedes redistribuirlo y/o modificarlo bajo los trminos de la Licencia GNU Lesser General Public publicada por la Free Software Foundation; bajo la versin 2.1 de la licencia, o (a tu discrecin) cualquier versin posterior.P7Informacin de registro de WindowsP(&Propietario:PK P2&Organizacin:PK @@ MS Shell Dlg P Pi7 P+ Pi5j SysLinkPi@B Tm on vapaa ohjelma; tt voi jakaa tai muokata siten, kuin Free Software Foundationin GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) mr joko lisenssin versiossa 2.1 tai (halutessasi) miss tahansa uudemmassa versiossa.P7Windowsin rekisterintitiedotP(&Omistaja:PK P2Or&ganisaatio:PK @@ MS Shell Dlg P Pi7 P+ Pi5j SysLinkPi@B Ce programme est un logiciel libre; vous pouvez le redistribuer et/ou le modifier suivant les termes de la Licence Gnrale Publique Limite, telle que publie par la Free Software Foundation; soit la version 2.1 de la Licence, soit ( votre gr) toute version ultrieure.P7Informations d'enregistrement de WindowsP(&Propritaire:PK P2&Organisation:PK @@ MS Shell Dlg P Pi7 P+ Pi5j SysLinkPi@B Ez a fggvnyknvtr szabad szoftver; szabadon terjesztheti, vagy mdosthatja a GNU Lesser General Public Liszenc felttelei szerint, amit a Free Software Foundation ksztett; mind a 2.1 verzij licensz, vagy (vlasztsa szerint) brmely ksQbbi verzi hasznlhat.P7Windows Regisztrci InformciP(&Tulajdonos:PK P2&Szervezet:PK @@ MS Shell Dlg P Pi7 P+ Pi5j SysLinkPi@B Questo programma software libero; puoi redistribuirlo e/o modificarlo sotto i termini della GNU Lesser General Public License come pubblicata dalla Free Software Foundation; sia la versione 2.1 della licenza, o (a tua scelta) qualunque altra versione pi recente.P7Informazioni di registrazione di WindowsP(&Proprietario:PK P2&Organizzazione:PK @@  MS Shell Dlg P Pi7 P+ Pi5j SysLinkPi@B S0n000000o0000 000000g0Y00 B0j0_0o0S0000000 000000Vk00c0f0 zvLU00_0 GNU RI{N,lQF)R(u1QY}f (00000 2.1K00 ^gk00c0f0o0]00NMn0 00000 n0F0a0i00K0) n0[00agNn0 Ng0 Q^ ~0_0o0 9e Y Y00S0h0L0g0M0~0Y00P7Windows {v2`1XP(@b g(&O):PK P2D}T~(&Z):PK @@  MS Shell Dlg P Pi7 P+ Pi5j SysLinkPi@B This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.P7Windows ] P( ǐ(&O):PK P2p(&Z):PK @@ MS Shell Dlg P Pi7 P+ Pi5j SysLinkPi@B Dit programma is gratis software; u kunt het verspreiden en/of aanpassen binnen de voorwaarden van de GNU Lesser General Public License zoals gepubliceerd door de Free Software Foundation; versie 2.1 van de licentie, of (naar keuze) een latere versie.P7Windows registratie-informatieP(Eigenaar:PK P2Organisatie:PK @@ MS Shell Dlg P Pi7 P+ Pi5j SysLinkPi@B Ta biblioteka jest wolnym oprogramowaniem; mo|esz j rozpowszechnia i/lub zmienia pod warunkami licencji GNU Lesser General Public License opublikowanej przez Free Software Foundation; licencji w wersji 2.1, lub (wedBug wBasnego uznania) dowolnej pzniejszej.P7Informacje do rejestracji w WindowsP(WBa[ciciel:PK P2Organizacja:PK @@ MS Shell Dlg P Pi7 P+ Pi5j SysLinkPi@B Acest program este un software liber; l putei redistribui i/sau modifica respectnd termenii GNU Lesser Public License aa cum este publicat de ctre Free Software Foundation; fie versiunea 2.1 a Licenei, fie (la alegere) orice versiune mai recent.P7Informaii de nregistrare WindowsP(&Deintorul:PK P2Organi&zaia:PK @@ MS Shell Dlg P Pi7 P+ Pi5j SysLinkPi@B -B0 ?@>3@0<<0 O2;O5BAO A2>1>4=K< ?@>3@0<<=K< >15A?5G5=85<; 2K <>65B5 @0A?@>AB@0=OBL 8/8;8 <>48D8F8@>20BL 5Q =0 CA;>28OE ;8F5=788 GNU Lesser General Public License 25@A88 2.1 8;8 1>;55 ?>74=59 ?> 20H5<C 2K1>@C. 8F5=78O >?C1;8:>20=0 Free Software Foundation.P7 538AB@0F8>==0O 8=D>@<0F8O WindowsP(<O:PK P2@30=870F8O:PK @@ MS Shell Dlg P Pi7 P+ Pi5j SysLinkPi@B Ovaj program je slobodan software; mo~ete ga dijeliti i/ili modificirati pod uvjetima GNU Lesser General Public License koja je izdana pod Free Software Foundation; verzija 2.1 licence ili (po svom izboru) neka kasnija verzija.P7Informacija o Windows registracijiP(&Vlasnik:PK P2Organi&zacija:PK @@ MS Shell Dlg P Pi7 P+ Pi5j SysLinkPi@B This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.P7Informcie o registrcii WindowsP(&Vlastnk:PK P2Organi&zcia:PK @@ MS Shell Dlg P Pi7 P+ Pi5j SysLinkPi@B Detta bibliotek r fri programvara. Du kan distribuera det och/eller modifiera det under villkoren i GNU Lesser General Public License, publicerad av Free Software Foundation, antingen version 2.1 eller (om du s vill) ngon senare version.P7Registreringsinformation fr WindowsP(&gare:PK P2Organi&sation:PK @@ MS Shell Dlg P Pi7 P+ Pi5j SysLinkPi@B Bu program cretsiz bir yaz1l1m olup; Free Software Foundation taraf1ndan da1t1lan GNU K1s1tl1 Genel Kamu Lisans1'n1n 2.1 veya (seimi size bal1) herhangi sonraki srm alt1nda _artlara bal1 kalarak tekrar da1t1labilir ve/veya dzenlenebilir.P7Windows kay1t bilgisiP(Kullan1c1:PK P2Kurulu_:PK @@ MS Shell Dlg P Pi7 P+ Pi5j SysLinkPi@B &O ?@>3@0<0 T 2V;L=8< ; 28 <>65B5 ?>H8@N20B8 WW B0/01> 7<V=N20B8 73V4=> C<>2 GNU Lesser General Public License, O:0 >?C1;V:>20=0 Free Software Foundation; 25@AVW 2.1 VF5=7VW, G8 (=0 20H @>7AC4) =>2VH>W 25@AVW.P7 5TAB@0FV9=0 V=D>@<0FVO WindowsP(&;0A=8::PK P2@30=V&70FVO:PK @@ MS Shell Dlg P Pi7 P+ Pi5j SysLinkPi@B Ta program je prost program. Distribuirate in/ali spreminjate ga lahko pod pogoji licence GNU Lesser General Public License kot jo je objavila Free Software Foundation Ali pod razli ico licence 2.1 ali (po vaai ~elji) pod katerokoli novejao razli ico.P7Podatki o registraciji WindowsP(&Lastnik:PK P2Organi&zacija:PK @@ MS Shell Dlg P Pi7 P+ Pi5j SysLinkPi@B `i programa yra laisva programin /ranga; galite j platinti ir/ar modifikuoti GNU laisvosios bendrosios vieaosios licencijos (LGPL) slygomis, kurios paskelbtos Laisvosios programins /rangos fondo (FSF); 2.1-osios arba (Jkss pasirinkimu) bet kurios vlesns licencijos versijos slygomis.P7 Windows registracijos informacijaP(Savininkas:PK P2Organizacija:PK @@ MS Shell Dlg P Pi7 P+ Pi5j SysLinkPi@B This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.P7Windows P( (&O):PK P2 (&Z):PK @@ MS Shell Dlg P Pi7 P+ Pi5j SysLinkPi@B This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.P7Windows registration informationP(&Owner:PK P2Organi&zacin:PK @@  MS Shell Dlg P Pi7 P+ Pi5j SysLinkPi@B  P z_/f1uߎԚ `SNugq1uߎԚWёg@b6R[v GNU LGPL 2.1 HrbfeHr,gv1Sh>k OO9eT͑ece^ P z_0P7Windows ;Qnj P(Y T(&O)PK P2D}T~(&Z)PK @@ MS Shell Dlg P Pi7 P+ Pi5j SysLinkPi@B This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.P7Windows registration informationP(&Owner:PK P2Organi&zation:PK @@ MS Shell Dlg P Pi7 P+ Pi5j SysLinkPi@B Dette programmet er fri programvare; det kan redistribueres i henhold til vilkrene i GNU Lesser General Public License utgitt av Free Software Foundation, enten versjon 2.1 av denne Lisensen, eller (hvis du nsker det) en nyere versjon.P7Brukerinformasjon for WindowsP(&Eier:PK P2Organi&sasjon:PK @@ MS Shell Dlg P Pi7 P+ Pi5j SysLinkPi@B Este programa software livre; voc pode redistribui-lo e/ou modific-lo nos termos da GNU Lesser General Public License conforme publicado pela Free Software Foundation; tanto na verso 2.1 desta licena ou ( sua escolha) qualquer verso posterior.P7Informaes de registro do WindowsP(&Proprietrio:PK P2&Organizao:PK @@ MS Shell Dlg P Pi7 P+ Pi5j SysLinkPi@B This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.P7Informoj pri vindoza registrioP(&Estro:PK P2Organi&za5o:PK @@  MS Shell Dlg P Pi7 P+ Pi5j SysLinkPi@B ,g z^:N1uoN `SNugq1uoNWёOQHrv GNU [~g(ulQqQSOSLGPL eg[vQۏLmR0O9eT͑eS^0SOSHr,g:N2.1 `_NSN bǑ(ufevHr,g0P7Windows lQOo`P(Y T(&O)PK P2~~(&Z)PK @@ MS Shell Dlg P Pi7 P+ Pi5j SysLinkPi@B Esta biblioteca de cdigo livre; pode-a redistribuir e/ou modificar nos termos da Licena Publica Geral Lesser GNU como publicado pela Fundao de Programas Livres; tambm a verso 2.1 da Licena, ou (na sua opinio) qualquer verso posterior.P7Informaes de registro do WindowsP(&Proprietrio:PK P2&Organizao:PK @@ MS Shell Dlg P Pi7 P+ Pi5j SysLinkPi@B This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.P7Windows registration informationP(&Vlasnik:PK P2Organi&zacija:PK @H@MS Shell DlgP%9/'/'* 'D*7(JBP-JECF DH'JF E-'C') %5/'1'* E*9//) EF HF/H2 DCD *7(JB . G0' 'DD3'F E1*(7 #J6K' (#D3F) 'DEC*('* H 'D1Q3HEJQ'* H0DC DD3E'- (*:JJ1'* H'39) 'DFQ7'B **9DB (*7(JB E9JF.P<nSysListView32PpAdd appli&cation...Pp#2D *7(JBK'PP%5/'1) 'DHF/H&2:!Pd8@HMS Shell DlgPApplication settingsP-Wine can mimic different Windows versions for each application. This tab is linked to the Libraries and Graphics tabs to allow you to change system-wide or per-application settings in those tabs as well.P<nSysListView32PpAdd appli&cation...Pp@5&<0E20=5 =0 ?@8;>65=85PP&5@A8O =0 Windows:!Pd8@HMS Shell DlgPConfiguraci d'aplicacionsP-El Wine pot imitar versions de Windows diferents per a cada aplicaci. Aquesta pestanya s'enllaa a les pestanyes Biblioteques i Grfics per a permetre-us canviar la configuraci del sistema o d'una aplicaci en aquelles pestanyes tamb.P<nSysListView32PpA&fegeix aplicaci...Pp&Elimina aplicaciPP&Versi de Windows:!Pd8@HMS Shell DlgPNastaven aplikacP-Wine um simulovat rozn verze Windows pro jednotliv aplikace. Tato zlo~ka je provzan se zlo~kami Knihovny a Zobrazen a umo~Huje zmnit nastaven celho systmu nebo nastaven ka~d aplikace zvlae.P<nSysListView32PpPYid&at aplikaci...PpOdeb&rat aplikaciPPVerze &Windows:!Pd8@HMS Shell DlgPProgramindstillingerP-Wine kan efterligne forskellige Windows-versioner for hvert program. Denne fane er knyttet til Biblioteker og Grafik fanerne, for at give dig mulighed for at ndre indstillinger p hele systemet eller per program i disse faneblade.P<nSysListView32PpAdd appli&cation...Pp&Fjern programPP&Windows version:!Pd8@HMS Shell DlgPAnwendungseinstellungenP-Wine kann fr jede Anwendung eine unterschiedliche Windows-Version nachahmen. Dieser Reiter ist mit den Reitern 'Bibliotheken' und 'Grafik' verknpft, so dass Sie entweder systemweite oder anwendungsabhngige Einstellungen in diesen Reitern vornehmen knnen.P<nSysListView32PpAnw. &hinzufgen...PpAnw. &entfernenPP&Windows-Version:!Pd8@HMS Shell DlgPApplication settingsP-Wine can mimic different Windows versions for each application. This tab is linked to the Libraries and Graphics tabs to allow you to change system-wide or per-application settings in those tabs as well.P<nSysListView32PpAdd appli&cation...Pp&Remove applicationPP&Windows Version:!Pd8@HMS Shell DlgPConfiguracin de las aplicacionesP-Wine puede imitar distintas versiones de Windows para cada aplicacin. Esta pestaa est enlazada a las pestaas de Libreras y Grficos para permitirte cambiar la configuracin global o la configuracin por aplicacin.P<nSysListView32PpAdd appli&cation...Pp&Eliminar aplicacinPP&Versin a imitar:!Pd8@HMS Shell DlgPSovellusten asetuksetP-Wine voi jljitell Windowsin eri versioita eri sovelluksille. Tm vlilehti toimii yhdess Kirjastot- ja Grafiikka-vlilehtien kanssa sallien jrjestelmn laajuiset ja sovelluskohtaiset asetukset.P<nSysListView32Pp&Lis sovellus...Pp&Poista sovellusPP&Windowsin versio:!Pd8@HMS Shell DlgPParamtres des applicationsP-Wine peut imiter diffrentes versions de Windows pour chaque application. Cet onglet est li aux onglets Bibliothques et Affichage pour vous permettre de changer des paramtres globaux ou par application dans ces onglets.P<nSysListView32PpAjouter une appli&cation...Pp&Supprimer une applicationPPVersion de &Windows:!Pd8@HMS Shell DlgPAlkalmazs belltsokP-A Wine klnbzQ Windows verziknt tud viselkedni alkalmazsonknt. Ez a fl sszekttetsben ll a Fggvnyknyvtr s Grafika fllel, hogy lehetQv tegye a rendszerszintq vagy alkalmazsonknti belltsokat ezeken a fleken is.P<nSysListView32PpAdd appli&cation...PpAlkalmazs &eltvoltsPP&Windows verzi:!Pd8@HMS Shell DlgPImpostazioni delle applicazioniP-Wine pu simulare diverse versioni e stili di Windows per ogni applicazione. Questa scheda collegata a quelle Librerie e Grafica per permetterti di cambiare le impostazioni a livello di sistema o per applicazione pure in quelle schede.P<nSysListView32PpAdd appli&cation...Pp&Rimuovi applicazionePPVersione di Windows:!Pd8@H MS Shell DlgP00000000-[P-Wine o000000000k00c0f0puj00 Windows n0000000000000g0M0~0Y00 S0n000o000000Ss0000000T00h0#RW0~0Y0n0g000000hQSOn0-[0 P%R00000000n0-[n0 YfL0LH0~0Y00P<nSysListView32Pp000000000R(&C)...Pp000000000JRd(&R)PP&Windows 00000:!Pd8@H MS Shell DlgP\ $P-Wine@ X \ t x Windows D I״  ǵȲ. t @ |t 췬  = Ű ¤\ ȴ  \ļ $D   ǵȲ.P<nSysListView32Pp\ (&C)...Pp\ p(&R)PPWindows (&W):!Pd8@HMS Shell DlgPToepassingsinstellingenP-Wine can mimic different Windows versions for each application. This tab is linked to the Libraries and Graphics tabs to allow you to change system-wide or per-application settings in those tabs as well.P<nSysListView32PpAdd appli&cation...PpToepassing verwijderenPPWindowsversie:!Pd8@HMS Shell DlgPUstawienia aplikacjiP-Wine mo|e udawa r|ne wersje Windows dla r|nych aplikacji. Wybr w tej zakBadce jest powizany z zakBadkami Biblioteki i Grafika - ustawienia tam rwnie| dotycz wszystkich aplikacji lub tylko wybranej.P<nSysListView32PpDodaj aplika&cj...Pp&UsuD aplikacjPP&Wersja Windows:!Pd8@HMS Shell DlgPSetri pentru aplicaiiP-Wine poate imita diferite versiuni de Windows pentru fiecare aplicaie. Aceast subfereastr st n legtur cu subferestrele  Suprascrieri DLL i  Setri de fereastr i permite schimbarea setrilor globale sau pe aplicaie n aceast subfereastr.P<nSysListView32PpAdaug o apli&caie...Pp&terge aplicaiaPPVersiunea &Windows:!Pd8@HMS Shell DlgP0AB@>9:0 ?@8;>65=89P-Wine <>65B 8<8B8@>20BL @07;8G=K5 25@A88 Windows 4;O :064>3> ?@8;>65=8O >B45;L=>. -B0 2:;04:0 A2O70=0 A> 2:;04:0<8 81;8>B5:8 8 @0D8:0, GB> ?>72>;O5B 87<5=OBL =0AB@>9:8 2 MB8E 2:;04:0E :0: 4;O >?@545;Q==>3> ?@8;>65=8O, B0: 8 3;>10;L=>.P<nSysListView32Pp&>1028BL ?@8;>65=85...Pp&#40;8BL ?@8;>65=85PP&5@A8O Windows:!Pd8@HMS Shell DlgPPostavke aplikacijeP-Wine mo~e imitirati razli ite verzije Windowsa za pojedini program. Ovaj tab je povezan sa tabovima Biblioteke i Grafika kako bi dozvolio sistemske promjene ili za podeaavanje aplikacija u tim istim tabovima.P<nSysListView32PpAdd appli&cation...Pp&Ukloni aplikacijuPP&Verzija Windowsa:!Pd8@HMS Shell DlgPNastavenia aplikcieP-Wine m~e predstierae in verziu Windows pre ka~d aplikciu. Tto karta je prepojen s Kni~nice a Grafika kartami aby Vm dovolila zmenie systmovo alebo pre konkrtnu aplikciu nastavenia v tchto kartch.P<nSysListView32PpAdd appli&cation...Pp&Odstrnie aplikciuPP&Verzia Windows:!Pd8@HMS Shell DlgPPrograminstllningarP-Wine kan imitera olika Windows-versioner fr varje program. Den hr fliken r lnkad till flikarna Bibliotek och Grafik fr att lta dig ndra instllningar i de flikarna ocks, antingen systemvergripande eller per program.P<nSysListView32Pp&Lgg till program...Pp&Ta bort programPP&Windows-version:!Pd8@HMS Shell DlgPUygulama ayarlar1P-Wine her uygulama iin dei_ik Windows srmlerini taklit edebilir. Bu sekme Kitapl1klar ve Grafik sekmeleri ile balant1l1 olup bu sekmelerde de sistem ap1ndaki veya uygulamaya zel ayarlar1 yapman1za izin verir.P<nSysListView32PpUygulama &Ekle...PpUygulama &Kald1rPP&Windows Srm:!Pd8@HMS Shell DlgP0;0HBC20==O ?@>3@0<8P-Wine <>65 V<VBC20B8 @V7=V 25@AVW Windows 4;O :>6=>W ?@>3@0<8. &O 2:;04:0 ?>2'O70=0 7 2:;04:0<8 V1;V>B5:8 B0 @0DV:0, I> 4>72>;OT 7<V=C =0;0HBC20=L 2 F8E 2:;04:0E O: 4;O >:@5<>W ?@>3@0<8, B0: V 3;>10;L=>.P<nSysListView32Pp&>40B8 ?@>3@0<C...Pp&840;8B8 ?@>3@0<CPP&5@AVO Windows:!Pd8@HMS Shell DlgPNastavitve programovP-Wine je sposoben oponaaanja razli nih razli ic Windows za vsak program posebej. Ta zavihek je povezan z zavihkoma Knji~nice in Grafika, kar omogo a spreminjanje nastavitev v teh dveh zavihkih tako za ves sistem kot za posamezne programe.P<nSysListView32PpAdd appli&cation...Pp&Odstrani programPP&Razli ica Windows:!Pd8@HMS Shell DlgPPrograms nuostatosP- Wine gali pamgd~ioti skirtingas  Windows versijas kiekvienai programai. `i kortel susijusi su biblioteks ir grafikos kortelmis, kuriose taip pat galima keisti sistemines nuostatas ar kiekvienos programos nuostatas atskirai.P<nSysListView32Pp&Pridti program...PpPa&aalinti programPP Windows &versija:!Pd8@HMS Shell DlgPApplication settingsP-Wine can mimic different Windows versions for each application. This tab is linked to the Libraries and Graphics tabs to allow you to change system-wide or per-application settings in those tabs as well.P<nSysListView32PpAdd appli&cation...Pp&Remove applicationPP&Windows :!Pd8@HMS Shell DlgP P-Wine can mimic different Windows versions for each application. This tab is linked to the Libraries and Graphics tabs to allow you to change system-wide or per-application settings in those tabs as well.P<nSysListView32Pp ... (&C)Pp (&R)PPWindows (&W):!Pd8@HMS Shell DlgPAxustes d'aplicacionesP-Wine can mimic different Windows versions for each application. This tab is linked to the Libraries and Graphics tabs to allow you to change system-wide or per-application settings in those tabs as well.P<nSysListView32PpAmestar una apli&cacin...Pp&Desaniciar l'aplicacinPPVersin de &Windows:!Pd8@H MS Shell DlgPa(u z_-[P-Wine SN \ N T z_}P݈b N THr,gv Windows0 0Q_^ 0 0o:y 0R\#P}0R PR dNte--[ _Nte P%R z_v-[0P<nSysListView32PpeX z_-[(&C)...Ppyd z_-[(&R)PP&Windows Hr,g!Pd8@HMS Shell DlgPApplication settingsP-Wine can mimic different Windows versions for each application. This tab is linked to the Libraries and Graphics tabs to allow you to change system-wide or per-application settings in those tabs as well.P<nSysListView32PpAdd appli&cation...Pp&Remove applicationPP&Windows Version:!Pd8@HMS Shell DlgPProgramminnstillingerP-Wine kan etterligne forskjellige Windows-versjoner for hvert program. Denne fanen er koblet med bibliotek- og grafikkfanene, snn at du kan endre innstillinger for hele systemet eller enkelte programmer der ogs.P<nSysListView32PpLegg til progr&am...PpFje&rn programPP&Windows-versjon:!Pd8@HMS Shell DlgPConfiguraes de AplicativoP-O Wine pode imitar diferentes verses do Windows para cada aplicativo. Esta aba ligada s abas Bibliotecas e Grficos para permitir alterar configuraes globais ou por aplicativo tambm nessas abas.P<nSysListView32PpAdicionar apli&cativo...Pp&Remover aplicativoPPVerso do &Windows:!Pd8@HMS Shell DlgPPrograma agordoP-Wine eblas imiti diversajn eldonojn de Vindozo por iu programo. i tiu langeto estas kunligata al la langetoj Bibliotekoj kaj Grafika5oj por permesi, ke vi ]anu agorda5ojn tutsisteme am iuprograme.P<nSysListView32PpAdd appli&cation...Pp&Forigi programonPP&Vindoza eldono:!Pd8@H MS Shell DlgP^(u z^nP-[ N Tv z^ SN Wine GPňb N THr,gv Windows _NSN(W Qpe^ N >f:y h~{u-N\O N Tvn0P<nSysListView32PpXR z^n(&C)...Pp Rd z^n(&R)PP&Windows Hr,g!Pd8@HMS Shell DlgPDefinies da aplicaoP-O Wine pode imitar vrios estilos e verses do Windows para cada aplicao. Esta aba est ligada s abas de Bibliotecas e Grficos para permitir alterar definies por aplicao ou no sistema tambm nessas abas.P<nSysListView32Pp&Adicionar aplicao...Pp&Remover aplicaoPPVerso do &Windows:!Pd8@HMS Shell DlgPApplication settingsP-Wine can mimic different Windows versions for each application. This tab is linked to the Libraries and Graphics tabs to allow you to change system-wide or per-application settings in those tabs as well.P<nSysListView32PpAdd appli&cation...Pp&Ukloni aplikacijuPP&Verzija Windowsa:!Pd8@H@MS Shell DlgPE9'D, 'DE-1C'*PP!L'D'A*1'6J'*P-,G'2 'D%.1',:P=,G'2 'D%.1', 'D5H*J:PM,G'2 'D%/.'D:P],G'2 'D%/.'D 'D5H*J:!Pn+<!Pn;<!PnK<!Pn[<PqE'&.*('1 'D5H*PVSpeaker configurationP4&SysListView32PSpeakers:!Pn<!@HMS Shell DlgPDiagnstics de controladorPP!LPer defecteP-Dispositiu de sortida:P=Dispositiu de sortida de veu:PMDispositiu d'entrada:P]Dispositiu d'entrada de veu:!Pn+<!Pn;<!PnK<!Pn[<PqE&Prova el soPVConfiguraci d'altaveusP4&SysListView32PAltaveus:!Pn<!@HMS Shell DlgPDiagnostika ovlada ePP!LVchoz nastavenP-Vstupn zaYzen:P=ZaYzen hlasovho vstupu:PMVstupn zaYzen:P]ZaYzen hlasovho vstupu:!Pn+<!Pn;<!PnK<!Pn[<PqEO&testovat zvukPVNastaven reproduktoroP4&SysListView32PReproduktory:!Pn<!@HMS Shell DlgPDriver diagnostikPP!LStandarderP-Output enhed:P=Stemme output enhed:PMInput enhed:P]Stemme input enhed:!Pn+<!Pn;<!PnK<!Pn[<PqE&Test lydPVSpeaker configurationP4&SysListView32PSpeakers:!Pn<!@HMS Shell DlgPTreiberdiagnosePP!LStandardsP-Ausgabegert:P=Sprachausgabegert:PMEingabegert:P]Spracheingabegert:!Pn+<!Pn;<!PnK<!Pn[<PqESound &testenPVLautsprecher-KonfigurationP4&SysListView32PLautsprecher:!Pn<!@HMS Shell DlgPDriver diagnosticsPP!LDefaultsP-Output device:P=Voice output device:PMInput device:P]Voice input device:!Pn+<!Pn;<!PnK<!Pn[<PqE&Test SoundPVSpeaker configurationP4&SysListView32PSpeakers:!Pn<!@HMS Shell DlgPDiagnsticos del controladorPP!LConfiguraciones por defectoP-Dispositivo de salida:P=Dispositivo de salida de voz:PMDispositivo de entrada:P]Dispositivo de entrada de voz:!Pn+<!Pn;<!PnK<!Pn[<PqEProbar &sonidoPVSpeaker configurationP4&SysListView32PSpeakers:!Pn<!@HMS Shell DlgPAjurin diagnostiikkaPP!LOletuksetP-Ulostulolaite:P=nen ulostulolaite:PMSisntulolaite:P]nen sisntulolaite:!Pn+<!Pn;<!PnK<!Pn[<PqE&TestiniPVKaiutinasetuksetP4&SysListView32PKaiuttimet:!Pn<!@HMS Shell DlgPDiagnostic de pilotesPP!LValeurs par dfautP-Priphrique de sortie:P=Priphrique de sortie voix:PMPriphrique d'entre:P]Priphrique d'entre voix:!Pn+<!Pn;<!PnK<!Pn[<PqE&Tester le sonPVConfiguration des haut-parleursP4&SysListView32PHaut-parleurs:!Pn<!@HMS Shell DlgPDriver diagnosztikaPP!LAlaprtkekP-Kimeneti eszkz:P=Hang kimeneti eszkz:PMBemeneti eszkz:P]Hang bemeneti eszkz:!Pn+<!Pn;<!PnK<!Pn[<PqE&Teszt hangPVSpeaker configurationP4&SysListView32PSpeakers:!Pn<!@HMS Shell DlgPDiagnostica del driverPP!LValori predefinitiP-Unit output:P=Unit output voce:PMUnit input:P]Unit input voce:!Pn+<!Pn;<!PnK<!Pn[<PqE&Test dell'audioPVSpeaker configurationP4&SysListView32PSpeakers:!Pn<!@H MS Shell DlgP0000:ePP!L00000P-QR0000:P=XQR0000:PMeQR0000:P]XeQR0000:!Pn+<!Pn;<!PnK<!Pn[<PqE0000(&T)PV00000 -[P4&SysListView32P00000:!Pn<!@H MS Shell DlgPܴ|tDŽ PP!L0P-% X:P=L1 % X:PM% X:P]L1 % X:!Pn+<!Pn;<!PnK<!Pn[<PqE LѤ¸(&T)PV< $P4&SysListView32P<:!Pn<!@HMS Shell DlgPAansturingsdiagnostiekPP!LStandaardinstellingenP-Uitvoer apparaat:P=Stemuitvoer:PMInvoer apparaat:P]Steminvoer:!Pn+<!Pn;<!PnK<!Pn[<PqEGeluidstestPVSpeaker configurationP4&SysListView32PSpeakers:!Pn<!@HMS Shell DlgPDiagnostyka sterownikaPP!LDomy[lneP-Urzdzenie wyj[ciowe:P=Urzdzenie wyj[ciowe gBosu:PMUrzdzenie wej[ciowe:P]Urzdzenie wej[ciowe gBosu:!Pn+<!Pn;<!PnK<!Pn[<PqEPrba dzwikuPVKonfiguracja gBo[nikwP4&SysListView32PGBo[niki:!Pn<!@HMS Shell DlgPDiagnostic driverPP!LImpliciteP-Dispozitiv de ieire:P=Dispozitiv de ieire voce:PMDispozitiv de intrare:P]Dispozitiv de intrare voce:!Pn+<!Pn;<!PnK<!Pn[<PqE&Testeaz sunetulPVConfigurare difuzorP4&SysListView32PDifuzoare:!Pn<!@HMS Shell DlgP803=>AB8:0 4@0925@0PP!L> C<>;G0=8NP-#AB@>9AB2> 2K2>40:P=#AB-2> @5G52>3> 2K2>40:PM#AB@>9AB2> 22>40:P]#AB-2> @5G52>3> 22>40:!Pn+<!Pn;<!PnK<!Pn[<PqE&@>25@8BL 72C:PV>=D83C@0F8O :0=0;>2P4&SysListView32P0=0;K:!Pn<!@HMS Shell DlgPDriver dijagnostikaPP!LPodrazumijevanoP-Izlazni ureaj:P=Izlazni ureaj za glas:PMUlazni ureaj:P]Ulazni uredaj za glas:!Pn+<!Pn;<!PnK<!Pn[<PqEIs&probaj zvukPVSpeaker configurationP4&SysListView32PSpeakers:!Pn<!@HMS Shell DlgPDiagnostika ovlda aPP!LPredvolenP-Vstupn zariadenie:P=Hlasov vstupn zariadenie:PMVstupn zariadenie:P]Hlasov vstupn zariadenie:!Pn+<!Pn;<!PnK<!Pn[<PqE&Skaka zvukuPVSpeaker configurationP4&SysListView32PSpeakers:!Pn<!@HMS Shell DlgPDiagnostisera drivrutinPP!LStandardvrdenP-Utgngsenhet:P=Utgngsenhet fr rster:PMIngngsenhet:P]Ingngsenhet fr rster:!Pn+<!Pn;<!PnK<!Pn[<PqE&Testa ljudPVHgtalarkonfigurationP4&SysListView32PHgtalare:!Pn<!@HMS Shell DlgPSrc tan1lar1PP!LVarsay1lanlarP-1kt1 ayg1t1:P=Ses 1k1_ ayg1t1:PMGirdi ayg1t1:P]Ses girdi ayg1t1:!Pn+<!Pn;<!PnK<!Pn[<PqE&Ses TestiPVHoparlr yap1land1rmas1P4&SysListView32PHoparlrler:!Pn<!@HMS Shell DlgPV03=>AB8:0 4@0925@0PP!L"8?>25P-@8AB@V9 282>4C:P=@8AB@V9 282>4C 3>;>AC:PM@8AB@V9 22>4C:P]@8AB@V9 22>4C 3>;>AC:!Pn+<!Pn;<!PnK<!Pn[<PqE&"5AB 72C:CPV0;0HBC20==O 48=0<V:V2P4&SysListView32P0=0;8:!Pn<!@HMS Shell DlgPDiagnostika gonilnikovPP!LPrivzetoP-Izhodna naprava:P=Naprava zvo nega izhoda:PMVhodna naprava:P]Naprava zvo nega vhoda:!Pn+<!Pn;<!PnK<!Pn[<PqE&Preizkusi zvokPVSpeaker configurationP4&SysListView32PSpeakers:!Pn<!@HMS Shell DlgPTvarkykls diagnostikaPP!LNumatytosios reikamsP-Iavedimo /taisas:P=Balso iavedimo /taisas:PM.vedimo /taisas:P]Balso /vedimo /taisas:!Pn+<!Pn;<!PnK<!Pn[<PqE&Testuoti garsPVGarsiakalbis konfigkravimasP4&SysListView32PGarsiakalbiai:!Pn<!@HMS Shell DlgP PP!L P- :P= :PM :P] :!Pn+<!Pn;<!PnK<!Pn[<PqE (&T)PV P4&SysListView32P !Pn<!@HMS Shell DlgPDriver diagnosticsPP!LDefaultsP-Presu de salida:P=Voice output device:PMPresu d'entrada:P]Voice input device:!Pn+<!Pn;<!PnK<!Pn[<PqE&Test SoundPVSpeaker configurationP4&SysListView32PAltavoces:!Pn<!@H MS Shell DlgPER z_nj PP!L-P-8Q݈nP=8Q݈nPM8eQ݈nP]8eQ݈n!Pn+<!Pn;<!PnK<!Pn[<PqE,nfHe(&T)PVSpeaker configurationP4&SysListView32PSpeakers:!Pn<!@HMS Shell DlgPDriver diagnosticsPP!LDefaultsP-Output device:P=Voice output device:PMInput device:P]Voice input device:!Pn+<!Pn;<!PnK<!Pn[<PqE&Test SoundPVSpeaker configurationP4&SysListView32PSpeakers:!Pn<!@HMS Shell DlgPDriverdiagnostikkPP!LStandardverdierP-Ut-enhet:P=Ut-enhet for tale:PMInn-enhet:P]Inn-enhet for tale:!Pn+<!Pn;<!PnK<!Pn[<PqE&TestPVHytaleroppsettP4&SysListView32PHytalere:!Pn<!@HMS Shell DlgPDiagnsticos de driverPP!LDispositivos PadresP-Sada:P=Sada de voz:PMEntrada:P]Entrada de voz:!Pn+<!Pn;<!PnK<!Pn[<PqE&Testar SomPVConfigurao dos alto-falantesP4&SysListView32PAlto-falantes:!Pn<!@HMS Shell DlgPDriver diagnosticsPP!LDefamltojnP-&Eliga dosiernomo:P=Voice output device:PMEna aparato:P]Voice input device:!Pn+<!Pn;<!PnK<!Pn[<PqE&Provo sonaPVSpeaker configurationP4&SysListView32PSpeakers:!Pn<!@H MS Shell DlgPqR z^ʋePP!L؞ =0 ?@>7>@F8B5 >B <5=846J@0 =0 ?@>7>@F8P82<C;8@09 28@BC0;5= @01>B5= ?;>BXF@ 07<5@ =0 @01>B=8O ?;>B:XFX XTD(  XD( P_TScreen resolutionP iSmsctls_trackbar32 Pi TPkdpiP|1UThis is a sample text using 10 point Tahoma@HMS Shell DlgPTConfiguraci de finestresPN&Captura automticament el ratol en pantalla completaP MPermet que el gestor de finestres &decori les finestresP,LPermet que el gestor de finestres &controli les finestresP82&Emula un escriptori virtualXF@&Mida d'escriptori:XFX XTD(  XD( P_TResoluci de pantallaP iSmsctls_trackbar32 Pi TPkpppP|1UAix s un text de mostra en Tahoma de 10 punts@HMS Shell DlgPTNastaven okenPNAutomaticky odchytvat &mya v re~imu cel obrazovkyP MPovolit sprvci oken &dekorovat oknaP,LPovolit &sprvci oken kontrolu nad oknyP82&Emulace virtulnho desktopuXF@&Velikost desktopu:XFX XTD(  XD( P_TRozliaen obrazovkyP iSmsctls_trackbar32 Pi TPkbodo na palec (dpi)P|1UToto je testovac text - 10 bodo, Tahoma@HMS Shell DlgPTVindueindstillingerPNAutomatisk fang &musen i vinduer med fuld skrmP MTillad vindues manageren at &dekorere vinduerneP,LTillad vindues manageren at styre vinduerneP82Emuler et virtuel &skrivebordXF@Skrivebord &strrelse:XFX XTD(  XD( P_TSkrmoplsningP iSmsctls_trackbar32 Pi TPkdpiP|1UDette er en eksempel tekst med 10 punkts Tahoma@HMS Shell DlgPTFenstereinstellungenPNIm Vollbildmodus automatisch die &Maus einfangenP MErlaube dem Fenstermanager die Fenster zu &dekorierenP,LErlaube dem Fenstermanager die &Fenster zu kontrollierenP82&Emuliere einen virtuellen BildschirmXF@Desktop-&Gre:XFX XTD(  XD( P_TBildschirmauflsungP iSmsctls_trackbar32 Pi TPkdpiP|1UDies ist ein Beispieltext in 10-Punkt-Tahoma@HMS Shell DlgPTWindow settingsPNAutomatically capture the &mouse in full-screen windowsP MAllow the window manager to &decorate the windowsP,LAllow the &window manager to control the windowsP82&Emulate a virtual desktopXF@Desktop &size:XFX XTD(  XD( P_TScreen resolutionP iSmsctls_trackbar32 Pi TPkdpiP|1UThis is a sample text using 10 point Tahoma@HMS Shell DlgPTConfiguracin de las ventanasPNCapturar el &ratn automticamente en pantalla completaP MPermitir que el gestor de ventanas &decore las ventanasP,LPermitir que el gestor de ventanas &controle las ventanasP82&Emular un escritorio virtualXF@Di&mensiones:XFX XTD(  XD( P_TResolucinP iSmsctls_trackbar32 Pi TPkpppP|1UEsto es un texto de ejemplo usando Tahoma de 10 puntos@HMS Shell DlgPTIkkuna-asetuksetPNKaappaa hiiri kokoruututilassa automaattisestiP MSalli ikkunointiohjelman mrt ikkunoiden &tyyliP,LSalli ikkunointiohjelman &hallita ikkunoitaP82&Emuloi virtuaalista typytXF@Typydn &koko:XFX XTD(  XD( P_TNytn resoluutioP iSmsctls_trackbar32 Pi TPkdpiP|1UTm on nyteteksti 10 pisteen Tahoma-fontilla@HMS Shell DlgPTParamtres des fentresPNCapturer automatiquement la &souris dans les fentres plein cranP MPermettre au gestionnaire de fentres de &dcorer les fentresP,LPermettre au gestionnaire de fentres de &contrler les fentresP82&muler un bureau virtuelXF@&Taille du bureau:XFX XTD(  XD( P_TRsolution de l'cranP iSmsctls_trackbar32 Pi TPkpppP|1UCeci est un exemple utilisant du Tahoma 10 points@H@MS Shell DlgPTWindow settingsPNAutomatically capture the &mouse in full-screen windowsP MAllow the window manager to &decorate the windowsP,LAllow the &window manager to control the windowsP82&Emulate a virtual desktopXF@Desktop &size:XFX XTD(  XD( P_TScreen resolutionP iSmsctls_trackbar32 Pi TPk P|1UThis is a sample text using 10 point Tahoma@HMS Shell DlgPTAblak belltsokPNAutomatikusan rzkeli az &egeret teljes kpernyQs ablak esetnP MMegengedi az ablak kezelQnek, hogy &dsztse az ablakotP,LAz ablak kezelQ kezelheti az ablakokatP82Virtulis asztal emullsaXF@Asztal &mret:XFX XTD(  XD( P_TKpernyQ felbontsP iSmsctls_trackbar32 Pi TPkdpiP|1UEz egy minta szveg, amely 10 pontos Tahoma betqtpust hasznl@HMS Shell DlgPTImpostazioni delle finestrePNCattura automaticamente il &mouse nelle finestre a schermo pienoP MPermetti al gestore delle finestre di &decorare le finestreP,LPermetti al &gestore delle finestre di controllare le finestreP82&Emula un desktop virtualeXF@Dimensione del desktop:XFX XTD(  XD( P_TRisoluzione dello schermoP iSmsctls_trackbar32 Pi TPkdpiP|1UQuesto un testo di esempio che usa il carattere Tahoma a 10 punti@H MS Shell DlgPT00000-[PN0000000 00000g00000Rvk0UcIcY00(&M)P M00000 00000L0000000ňY00n001SY00(&D)P,L00000 00000L00000006R_Y00n001SY00(&W)P82N`0000000000000Y00(&E)XF@000000n0'YM0U0(&S):XFX XTD(  XD( P_T;ubn0P^P iSmsctls_trackbar32 Pi TPkdpiP|1U10 0000n0 Tahoma k000,gg0Y0@H MS Shell DlgPT= $PNȴ Tt = ٳ<\ ȹƤ 0(&M)P M= Wine =D ij] iȲ(&D)P,L= Wine =D Xij] iȲ(&W)P82X՘X = H p¸ұ I״0(&E)XF@plб l0(&S):XFX XTD(  XD( P_TTt tijP iSmsctls_trackbar32 Pi TPkdpiP|1U10pt l0X Tahoma  Ű 4D XՔ MѤ¸ ȅȲ@HMS Shell DlgPTVensterinstellingenPNIndien volledig scherm, vang de &muis automatisch afP MLaat de window manager de vensters &decorerenP,LLaat de window manager de vensters beherenP82Emuleer een virtueel bureaubladXF@Afmetingen:XFX XTD(  XD( P_TSchermresolutieP iSmsctls_trackbar32 Pi TPkdpiP|1UDit is een tekstvoorbeeld in Tahoma met puntgrootte 10@HMS Shell DlgPTUstawienia okienPNAutomatycznie przechwy &mysz w oknach peBnoekranowychP MPozwl mened|erowi okien &dekorowa oknaP,LPozwl mened|erowi okien &zarzdza oknami WineP82Emuluj wirtualny &pulpitXF@&Rozmiar pulpitu:XFX XTD(  XD( P_TRozdzielczo[ ekranuP iSmsctls_trackbar32 Pi TPkdpiP|1UOto przykBad zastosowania 10-punktowej czcionki Tahoma@HMS Shell DlgPTSetri de fereastrPNCapteaz automat &mausul n regim de afiare pe tot ecranulP MPermite administratorului de ferestre s &decoreze ferestreleP,LPermite administratorului de ferestre s &administreze ferestreleP82&Emuleaz un ecran virtualXF@Mrime ecran:XFX XTD(  XD( P_TRezoluie ecranP iSmsctls_trackbar32 Pi TPkdpiP|1UAcesta este un text exemplificativ folosind Tahoma 10 puncte@HMS Shell DlgPT0AB@>9:8 >:>=PN2B><0B8G5A:8 &C45@6820BL <KHL 2 ?>;=>M:@0==KE >:=0EP M 07@5H8BL <5=5465@C >:>= &45:>@8@>20BL >:=0P,L 07@5H8BL <5=5465@C >:>= C?@02;OBL &>:=0<8 WineP82&-<C;8@>20BL 28@BC0;L=K9 @01>G89 AB>;XF@& 01>G89 AB>;:XFX XTD(  XD( P_T 07@5H5=85 M:@0=0P iSmsctls_trackbar32 Pi TPkB/4N9<P|1U@8<5@ B5:AB0, H@8DB Tahoma 10 ?C=:B>2@HMS Shell DlgPTPostavke prozoraPNAutomatski uhvati mia u ful&l-screen prozorimaP MDozvoli upravitelju prozora &ukraaavanje prozoraP,LDozvoli upravitelju &prozora upravljanje prozoromP82&Emulacija virutalnoe radne povraineXF@&Veli ina radne povraine:XFX XTD(  XD( P_TRezolucija ekranaP iSmsctls_trackbar32 Pi TPkdpiP|1UOvo je primjer teksta koristei 10 Tahoma@HMS Shell DlgPTNastavenia oknaPNAutomatically capture the &mouse in full-screen windowsP MAllow the window manager to &decorate the windowsP,LAllow the &window manager to control the windowsP82&Vytvorie virtulnu plochuXF@Ve>kose &plochy:XFX XTD(  XD( P_TRozlaenie obrazovkyP iSmsctls_trackbar32 Pi TPkdpiP|1UThis is a sample text using 10 point Tahoma@HMS Shell DlgPTFnsterinstllningarPNFnga &musen automatiskt i helskrmsfnsterP MTillt fnsterhanteraren att &dekorera fnstrenP,LTillt &fnsterhanteraren att styra fnstrenP82Emulera ett virtuellt skriv&bordXF@Storlek p &skrivbord:XFX XTD(  XD( P_TSkrmupplsningP iSmsctls_trackbar32 Pi TPkdpiP|1UDenna exempeltext anvnder 10-punkters Tahoma@HMS Shell DlgPTPencere ayarlar1PNFareyi ta&m ekran pencerelerde otomatik olarak yakalaP MPencere yneticisinin pencereleri &dzenlemesine izin verP,LPencere yneticisinin pencereleri ynetmesine izin verP82Sanal masast kullanXF@Masast bykl:XFX XTD(  XD( P_TEkran znrlP iSmsctls_trackbar32 Pi TPkdpiP|1UBu, 10 nokta Tahoma kullanan rnek bir metindir@HMS Shell DlgPT0@0<5B@8 2V:=0PN2B><0B8G=> 70E>?;N20B8 &<8HC C ?>2=>5:@0==8E 2V:=0EP M>72>;8B8 <5=5465@C 2V:>= &45:>@C20B8 2V:=0P,L>72>;8B8 <5=5465@C 2V:>= &:5@C20B8 2V:=0<8P82&<C;N20B8 2V@BC0;L=89 @>1>G89 ABV;XF@ >7<V@ @>1>G>3> &AB>;C:XFX XTD(  XD( P_T >7H8@5==O 5:@0=CP iSmsctls_trackbar32 Pi TPkB>G>: =0 4N9<P|1U@8:;04 B5:ABC. (@8DB Tahoma 10 ?C=:BV2@HMS Shell DlgPTNastavitve oknaPNSamodejno zajemi &miako v celozaslonskih oknihP MDovoli upravljalniku oken, da okra&si oknaP,LDovoli upravljalniku &oken, da upravlja z Wine-ovimi okniP82Posnemaj navidezno &namizjeXF@&Velikost namizja:XFX XTD(  XD( P_TLo ljivost zaslonaP iSmsctls_trackbar32 Pi TPkdpiP|1UVzor no besedilo, napisano s pisavo Tahoma velikosti 10 to k@HMS Shell DlgPTLangs nuostatosPNAutomatiakai &u~valdyti pel viso ekrano languoseP MLeisti langs tvarkytuvei &dekoruoti langusP,LLeisti langs tvarkytuvei &kontroliuoti langusP82&Emuliuoti virtuals darbalauk/XF@Darbalaukio d&ydis:XFX XTD(  XD( P_TEkrano skiriamoji gebaP iSmsctls_trackbar32 Pi TPktaak./col.P|1UTai yra pavyzdinis tekstas naudojantis 10 taaks Tahoma@HMS Shell DlgPT PNAutomatically capture the &mouse in full-screen windowsP MAllow the window manager to &decorate the windowsP,LAllow the &window manager to control the windowsP82 (&E)XF@Desktop &size:XFX XTD(  XD( P_T P iSmsctls_trackbar32 Pi TPkdpiP|1UThis is a sample text using 10 point Tahoma@HMS Shell DlgPTAxustes de ventanesPNCapturar el &mur automticamente nes ventanes a pantalla completaP MPermitir que'l xestor de ventanes &decore les ventanesP,LPermitir que'l xestor de &ventanes controle les ventanesP82&Emular un escritoriu virtualXF@&Tamau del escritoriu:XFX XTD(  XD( P_TResolucin de la pantallaP iSmsctls_trackbar32 Pi TPkdpiP|1UEsto ye un testu d'amuesa qu'usa Tahoma a 10 puntos@H MS Shell DlgPTz-[PNR(WhQU^z-NUcIcn (&M)P MAQ1z{thV݈z(&D)P,LAQ1z{thVc6Rz(&W)P82!jdN P[dLhb(&E)XF@Lhb'Y\(&S)XFX XTD(  XD( P_TU^㉐g^P iSmsctls_trackbar32 Pi TPkޞ/ TP|1U/fO(u 10 ޞ Tahoma W[Wv{OeW[@HMS Shell DlgPTWindow settingsPNAutomatically capture the &mouse in full-screen windowsP MAllow the window manager to &decorate the windowsP,LAllow the &window manager to control the windowsP82&Emulate a virtual desktopXF@Desktop &size:XFX XTD(  XD( P_TScreen resolutionP iSmsctls_trackbar32 Pi TPkdpiP|1UThis is a sample text using 10 point Tahoma@HMS Shell DlgPTVinduinnstillingerPNFang &musen automatisk i fullskjermvinduerP MTillat vindusbehandleren &dekorere vinduerP,LTillat &vindusbehandleren kontrollere vindueneP82Vis &et virtuelt skrivebordXF@&Strrelse:XFX XTD(  XD( P_TSkjermopplsningP iSmsctls_trackbar32 Pi TPkdpiP|1UForhndsvisning av tekst med 10 punkters Tahoma@HMS Shell DlgPTConfiguraes de JanelaPNCapturar o &mouse automaticamente em janelas em tela cheiaP MPermitir que o gerenciador de janelas &decore as janelasP,LPermitir que o gerenciador de janelas &controle as janelasP82&Emular uma rea de trabalho virtualXF@Tamanho da Tela:XFX XTD(  XD( P_TResoluo da TelaP iSmsctls_trackbar32 Pi TPkpppP|1UEste um texto exemplo usando Tahoma 10 pontos@HMS Shell DlgPTFenestra agordoPNAmtomate kapti la &muson en tutekranaj fenestrojP MPermesi la fenestroadministrol &ornami la fenestrojnP,LPermesi la &fenestroadministrilon regi la fenestrojnP82&Simuli virtualan labortablonXF@Labortabla &grando:XFX XTD(  XD( P_TEkrana distingivoP iSmsctls_trackbar32 Pi TPkdpiP|1UJen ekzempla teksto kun 10-punkta Tahoma@H MS Shell DlgPTzSnPNhQO\!j_ NꁨRUcIQh(&M)P MAQzS{thVňpzS(&D)P,LAQzS{thVc6RzS(&W)P82ZbLhb(&D)XF@Lhb'Y\(&S)XFX XTD(  XD( P_TO\U^RsP iSmsctls_trackbar32 Pi TPkdpiP|1Uُ/fO(u 10 S Tahoma W[SOv:yOe,g@HMS Shell DlgPTDefinies da JanelaPNCaptura automaticamente o &rato em janelas de ecr-completoP MPermite ao gestor de janelas &decorar as janelasP,LPermite ao &gestor de janelas controlar as janelasP82Emular um ecr &virtualXF@Tamanho do &ecr:XFX XTD(  XD( P_TResoluo do EcrP iSmsctls_trackbar32 Pi TPkdpiP|1UEste um texto exemplo que usa o tipo de letra Tahoma 10 pontos@HMS Shell DlgPTWindow settingsPNAutomatically capture the &mouse in full-screen windowsP MDozvoli temi da &ukrasi prozorP,LDozvoli &menad~eru prozora da upravlja prozoromP82&Emulacija veata kog desktopaXF@Desktop &veli ina:XFX XTD(  XD( P_TScreen resolutionP iSmsctls_trackbar32 Pi TPktpiP|1UOvo je osnovni tekst 10 Tahoma@HMS Shell DlgPTWindow settingsPNAutomatically capture the &mouse in full-screen windowsP MAllow the window manager to &decorate the windowsP,LAllow the &window manager to control the windowsP82&Emulate a virtual desktopXF@Desktop &size:XFX XTD(  XD( P_TScreen resolutionP iSmsctls_trackbar32 Pi TPkB?8P|1UThis is a sample text using 10 point Tahoma@H@ MS Shell DlgP'DEC*('* 'DE3J71)P J*J- DC H'JF %EC'FJ'* A1J/) H 0DC EF .D'D *ECJFC EF 'D'.*J'1 (JF 'DEC*('* 'DE6EQF) ( 'DE5EEQ) (H'37) H'JF ) #H 'DEC*('* 'D'5DJ) ( 'DEHAQ1) (H'37) *7(JB #H E#.H0) EF HF/H2 ) P:%9/'/ 3J&71) EC*('*J) ,/J/:A!PD<DPDR AA&ddPVd'D3J7&1'* 'D-'DJ):P`p P`RB*&-1J1...PrRC&%2'D)@H MS Shell DlgPDLL overridesP AO:0 48=0<8G=> A2J@70=0 181;8>B5:0 <>65 40 1J45 >:070=0 :0B> 23@045=0 (>A83C@5=0 >B Wine) 8;8 A>1AB25=0 (275B0 >B Windows 8;8 >A83C@5=0 >B ?@8;>65=85B>).P:>20 181;8>B5G=0 70<O=0:A!PD<DPDR AA&ddPVd!JI5AB2C20I8 70<5=8:P`p P`RB& 540:B8@09...PrRC@5&<0E=8@H MS Shell DlgPReemplaaments DLLP Es pot especificar que una biblioteca d'enlla dinmic sigui o interna (proveda pel Wine) o nativa (treta de Windows o proveda per l'aplicaci).P:Reemplaament &nou per a la biblioteca:A!PD<DPDR AA&fegeixPVdReemplaaments e&xistents:P`p P`RBE&dita...PrRC&Elimina@H MS Shell DlgPNastaven DLLP Mo~ete vybrat zda budou pou~ity dynamicky linkovan knihovny vestavn ve Wine nebo nativn (zskan z Windows nebo poskytnut aplikac).P:&Nov nastaven pro knihovnu:A!PD<DPDR APYid&atPVd&Existujc nastaven knihoven:P`p P`RB&Upravit...PrRCOdeb&rat@H MS Shell DlgPDLL overstyringerP Dynamiske Link Biblioteker kan specificeres individuelt for enten indbygget (fra Wine) eller indfdt (taget fra Windows eller et program).P:&Nye overstyringer for bibliotek:A!PD<DPDR AA&ddPVdEksisterende &overstyringer:P`p P`RB&Rediger...PrRC&Fjern@H MS Shell DlgPDLL-berschreibungenP DLLs (Dynamic Link Libraries) knnen einzeln eingestellt werden, entweder Builtin (gestellt durch Wine) oder Native (von Windows oder durch die Anwendung gestellt).P:&Neue berschreibung fr:A!PD<DPDR A&HinzufgenPVdBestehende ber&schreibungen:P`p P`RB&Bearbeiten...PrRC&Entfernen@H MS Shell DlgPDLL overridesP Dynamic Link Libraries can be specified individually to be either builtin (provided by Wine) or native (taken from Windows or provided by the application).P:&New override for library:A!PD<DPDR AA&ddPVdExisting &overrides:P`p P`RB&Edit...PrRC&Remove@H MS Shell DlgPSustitucin de DLLsP Se puede seleccionar cada Librera de Enlace Dinmico (DLL) para que sea interna (proporcionada por Wine) o bien nativa (obtenida de Windows o proporcionada por la aplicacin).P:&Nueva sustitucin de librera:A!PD<DPDR AA&ddPVd&Sustituciones existentes:P`p P`RB&Editar...PrRCE&liminar@H MS Shell DlgPDLL-tiedostojen ohituksetP Dynaamisesti ladattavista kirjastoista (DLL) voidaan kustakin kytt joko sisnrakennettua (Winen tarjoamaa) tai natiivia (Windows-asennuksesta otettua tai sovelluksen tarjoamaa) versiota.P:&Uusi ohitus kirjastolle:A!PD<DPDR A&LisPVd&Olemassaolevat ohitukset:P`p P`RB&Muokkaa...PrRC&Poista@H MS Shell DlgPRemplacement de DLLP Il est possible de spcifier si Wine doit utiliser une version native (importe depuis Windows ou installe par l'application) ou bien une version intgre (distribue avec Wine) de chaque bibliothque partage (DLL) utilise par un programme.P:&Nouveau remplacement pour:A!PD<DPDR AAjou&terPVdRemplacements existants:P`p P`RB&Modifier...PrRC&Supprimer@H@ MS Shell DlgPDLL overridesP Dynamic Link Libraries can be specified individually to be either builtin (provided by Wine) or native (taken from Windows or provided by the application).P:&New override for library:A!PD<DPDR AA&ddPVdExisting &overrides:P`p P`RB&Edit...PrRC&@H MS Shell DlgPDLL fellbrlsokP A dinamikus csatols fggvnyknyvtrakat ki lehet vlasztani egyenknt hogy beptettek (a Wine biztostja), vagy natvak (a windowsbl nyert, vagy az alkalmazs biztostja).P:j fellbrls knyvtrhoz:A!PD<DPDR AA&ddPVdLtezQ fellbrlsok:P`p P`RBSz&erkeszts...PrRCE&ltvolts@H MS Shell DlgPSostituzioni di DLLP Le Dynamic Link Libraries possono essere specificate individualmente per essere integrate (fornite da Wine) o native (prese da Windows o fornite dall'applicazione).P:&Nuova sostituzione per la libreria:A!PD<DPDR AA&ddPVd&Sostituzioni esistenti:P`p P`RB&Modifica...PrRC&Rimuovi@H  MS Shell DlgPDLL 0000000P 000000 000 00000(DLL)o0 P%Rk0 Q5Hr(WinecO) ~0_0o0 00000Hr(Windows 0W0O0o000000000cOn00n0)0xv0S0h0L0g0M0~0Y00P:00000n0e0000000(&N):A!PD<DPDR AR(&D)PVdeX[n00000000(&O):P`p P`RB}Ɩ(&E)...PrRCJRd(&R)@H  MS Shell DlgPDLL XP X ٳ l |t 췬 (Winet )  $t (Windows \t )\ `  ǵȲ.P:\ X` |t 췬(&N):A!PD<DPDR A(&D)PVd֬ X DLL ](&O):P`p P`RB(&E)...PrRCp(&R)@H MS Shell DlgPDLL overridesP Het is mogelijk om per uitvoerbaar bestand in te stellen of deze "builtin" dan wel "native" moet zijn. De instelling voor "*" geldt voor alle niet expliciet genoemde bestanden.P:Nieuwe override voor dll:A!PD<DPDR AA&ddPVdBestaande overrides:P`p P`RB&Bewerken...PrRC&Verwijderen@H MS Shell DlgPZastpione biblioteki DLLP Dla ka|dej biblioteki DLL mo|na zdecydowa czy nale|y u|y wersji wbudowanej (dostarczonej z Wine) czy natywnej (wzitej z Windows lub dostarczonej wraz z aplikacj).P:&Nowa reguBa dla biblioteki:A!PD<DPDR A&DodajPVdIstniejce reguBy:P`p P`RB&Edycja...PrRC&UsuD@H MS Shell DlgPSuprascrieri DLLP DLL-urile (Dynamic Link Libraries) pot fi setate individual ca integrate (furnizate de Wine) sau native (din Windows sau furnizate de aplicaie).P:Suprascriere nou pentru librria:A!PD<DPDR AA&daugPVdSuprascrieri existente:P`p P`RB&Editeaz...PrRC&Elimin@H MS Shell DlgP0<5I5=8O DLLP 45AL C:07K205BAO, :0:CN 48=0<8G5A:8 ?>4:;NG05<CN 181;8>B5:C (DLL) 8A?>;L7>20BL: 2AB@>5==CN 2 Wine 8;8 AB>@>==NN (87 Windows).P:>2>5 70<5I5=85 4;O 181;8>B5:8:A!PD<DPDR A&>1028BLPVd!CI5AB2CNI85 70<5I5=8O:P`p P`RB&7<5=8BL...PrRC&#40;8BL@H MS Shell DlgPDLL nadja avanjaP Biblioteke mogu biti podeaene zasebno da budu ili ugraene (omoguene od Wine-a) ili nativne (uzete od Windowsa ili od aplikacije).P:&Novo nadja avanje biblioteke:A!PD<DPDR AA&ddPVdPostojea nad&ja avanja:P`p P`RB&Izmjeni...PrRC&Ukloni@H MS Shell DlgPDLL prepsaniaP Dynamick kni~nice m~u bye apecifikovan individulne aby boli bu vstavan (poskytnut z Wine) alebo natvne (prevziate z Windows alebo poskytnut aplikciou).P:&Nov prepsanie pre kni~nicu:A!PD<DPDR AA&ddPVdExistujce &prepsania:P`p P`RB&Upravie...PrRC&Odstrnie@H MS Shell DlgPDLL-sidosttningarP Dynamic Link Libraries kan anges individuellt att vara antingen inbyggda (tillhandahlls av Wine) eller ursprungliga (tagna frn Windows eller tillhandahlls av programmet).P:&Ny sidosttning fr bibliotek:A!PD<DPDR A&Lgg tillPVdBefintliga &sidosttningar:P`p P`RBR&edigera...PrRCTa &bort@H MS Shell DlgPDLL ncelikleriP Devingen Bal1 Kitapl1klar1n her biri yerle_ik (Wine ile gelen) veya doal (Windows'tan al1nm1_ ya da uygulama taraf1ndan salanm1_) olarak belirtilebilir.P:Kitapl1k iin yeni ncelik:A!PD<DPDR AEk&lePVdVar olan ncelikler:P`p P`RB&Dzenle...PrRC&Kald1r@H MS Shell DlgP0<VI5==O DLLP "CB 2:07CTBLAO, O:C 48=0<VG=> ?V4'T4=C20=C 1V1;V>B5:C (DLL) 28:>@8AB>2C20B8: 21C4>20=C 2 Wine 01> AB>@>==N (7 Windows, G8 =040=C @07>< 7 ?@>3@0<>N).P:&>25 70<VI5==O 4;O 1V1;V>B5:8:A!PD<DPDR A&>40B8PVdA=CNGV &70<VI5==O:P`p P`RB&<V=8B8...PrRC&840;8B8@H MS Shell DlgPPrepisi DLLP Vsaka knji~nica DLL je lahko dolo ena kot bodisi vgrajena (del Wine-a) ali izviona ('native'; vzeta iz Windows ali namea ena skupaj s programom za Windows).P:&Nov prepis za knji~nico:A!PD<DPDR AA&ddPVdObstoje i &prepisi:P`p P`RB&Uredi ...PrRC&Odstrani@H MS Shell DlgPDLL nustelbimaiP Kiekviena dinamin biblioteka gali bkti /taisyta (pateikta su  Wine ) ar sava (paimta ia  Windows ar pateikta programos).P:&Naujas nustelbimas bibliotekai:A!PD<DPDR A&PridtiPVdEgzistuojantys n&ustelbimai:P`p P`RB&Redaguoti...PrRCPa&aalinti@H MS Shell DlgPDLL overridesP Dynamic Link Libraries can be specified individually to be either builtin (provided by Wine) or native (taken from Windows or provided by the application).P:&New override for library:A!PD<DPDR AA&ddPVdExisting &overrides:P`p P`RB&Edit...PrRC (&R)@H MS Shell DlgPDLL overridesP Dynamic Link Libraries can be specified individually to be either builtin (provided by Wine) or native (taken from Windows or provided by the application).P:&New override for library:A!PD<DPDR AA&ddPVdExisting &overrides:P`p P`RB&Edit...PrRC( @  M    F / M / A  (&R)@H MS Shell DlgPDLL overridesP Dynamic Link Libraries can be specified individually to be either builtin (provided by Wine) or native (taken from Windows or provided by the application).P:&New override for library:A!PD<DPDR A (&D)PVdExisting &overrides:P`p P`RB ... (&E)PrRC (&R)@H MS Shell DlgPDLL overridesP Dynamic Link Libraries can be specified individually to be either builtin (provided by Wine) or native (taken from Windows or provided by the application).P:&New override for library:A!PD<DPDR AA&mestarPVdExisting &overrides:P`p P`RB&Editar...PrRC&Remove@H  MS Shell DlgPDLL P RKa#P}Q_^SN P%R-[ Oc[O(u Wine cOvgQ^Hr,g /fO(uS Windows b z_@bcOvSuHr,g0P:eXQ_^ (&N)A!PD<DPDR AeX(&D)PVd] gvQ_^ (&O)P`p P`RB}/(&E)...PrRCyd(&R)@H MS Shell DlgPDLL overridesP Dynamic Link Libraries can be specified individually to be either builtin (provided by Wine) or native (taken from Windows or provided by the application).P:&New override for library:A!PD<DPDR AA&ddPVdExisting &overrides:P`p P`RB&Edit...PrRC&Remove@H MS Shell DlgPDLL-overstyringP Dynamisk koblede biblioteker kan oppgis individuelt til vre enten innebygget (fra Wine) eller innfdt (tatt fra Windows eller gitt av et program).P:&Ny overstyring for bibliotek:A!PD<DPDR A&Legg tilPVdGjeldende &overstyringer:P`p P`RBR&ediger...PrRC&Fjern@H MS Shell DlgPSubstituies de DLLP As bibliotecas dinmicas podem ser especificadas individualmente como embutidas (fornecidas pelo Wine) ou nativas (tiradas do Windows ou fornecidas pelo aplicativo).P:&Nova substituio para a biblioteca:A!PD<DPDR A&AdicionarPVdSubstituies e&xistentes:P`p P`RB&Editar...PrRC&Remover@H MS Shell DlgPDLL superregojP Dynamic Link Libraries can be specified individually to be either builtin (provided by Wine) or native (taken from Windows or provided by the application).P:&New override for library:A!PD<DPDR AA&ddPVdExisting &overrides:P`p P`RB&Redakti...PrRC&Forigi@H  MS Shell DlgPDLL vfP [T*NR`c^ SN bO(u Wine cOvQ^Hr,g ؏/fO(uS Windows b z^@bcOvSňHr,g0P:eXQpe^vf(&N)A!PD<DPDR AmR(&D)PVd] gvQpe^vf(&O)P`p P`RB(&E)...PrRC Rd(&R)@H MS Shell DlgPSubstituio de DLLP As bibliotecas de Ligao Dinmica pode ser especificadas individualmente para serem embutidas (fornecido pelo Wine) ou nativas (tiradas do Windows ou fornecidas pela aplicao).P:&Nova substituio para:A!PD<DPDR AA&ddPVdSubstituies E&xistentes:P`p P`RB&Editar...PrRC&Remover@H MS Shell DlgPDLL overridesP Biblioteke mogu biti podeaene zasebno da budu ili builtin (omoguene od Wine-a) ili native (uzete od Windowsa ili od aplikacije).P:&Novo podeaavanje biblioteke:A!PD<DPDR AA&ddPVdPostojea &podeaavanja:P`p P`RB&Izmeni...PrRC&Ukloni@H MS Shell DlgPDLL overridesP Dynamic Link Libraries can be specified individually to be either builtin (provided by Wine) or native (taken from Windows or provided by the application).P:&New override for library:A!PD<DPDR AA&ddPVdExisting &overrides:P`p P`RB&Edit...PrRC&#:;>=8@H@MS Shell DlgPDrive configurationPLFailed to connect to the mount manager; the drive configuration cannot be edited. PLSysListView32Pb5A&dd...PHb5&%2'D)PbdAut&odetectP{* ''DE&3'1:P;xz %Px< +'&3*916...P* 5'DF&H9:!P;M<)Pd 4Show Advan&cedP* ,'D,&G'2:P;z *P< .'3*&91'6...P* 1'D'3&E:P;N $P* 0'DE3&D3D:P;N &P8&Show dot files@HMS Shell DlgPDrive configurationPLFailed to connect to the mount manager; the drive configuration cannot be edited. PLSysListView32Pb5A&dd...PHb5@5&<0E=8PbdAut&odetectP{* '&JB:P;xz %Px< +&715@8...P* 5&"8?:!P;M<)Pd 4Show Advan&cedP* ,De&vice:P;z *P< .7&15@8...P* 1&B8:5B:P;N $P* 0&><5@:P;N &P8&Show dot files@HMS Shell DlgPConfiguraci d'unitatsPLS'ha fallat en connectar al gestor de muntatge; la configuraci d'unitat no es pot editar. PLSysListView32Pb5A&fegeix...PHb5&EliminaPbdAut&odetectaP{* '&Cam:P;xz %Px< +&Navega...P* 5&Tipus:!P;M<)Pd 4&Vista avanadaP* ,&Dispositiu:P;z *P< .&Navega...P* 1&Etiqueta:P;N $P* 0&Serial:P;N &P8&Mostra els fitxers de punt@HMS Shell DlgPNastaven jednotekPLFailed to connect to the mount manager; the drive configuration cannot be edited. PLSysListView32Pb5PYid&at...PHb5Odeb&ratPbdAut&odetekceP{* '&Cesta:P;xz %Px< +&Prochzet...P* 5&Typ:!P;M<)Pd 4Zobrazit rozaYen &mo~nostiP* ,&ZaYzen:P;z *P< .Prochz&et...P* 1P&opisek:P;N $P* 0&Sriov slo:P;N &P8Zo&brazit soubory s te kou na za tku nzvu@HMS Shell DlgPDrive configurationPLFailed to connect to the mount manager; the drive configuration cannot be edited. PLSysListView32Pb5A&dd...PHb5&FjernPbdAut&odetectP{* '&Sti:P;xz %Px< +&Gennemse...P* 5T&ype:!P;M<)Pd 4Show Advan&cedP* ,Enhed:P;z *P< .G&ennemse...P* 1Etiket:P;N $P* 0Se&riel:P;N &P8&Show dot files@HMS Shell DlgPLaufwerkskonfigurationPLFehler beim Verbinden mit dem Mountmanager. Die Laufwerkskonfiguration kann nicht bearbeitet werden. PLSysListView32Pb5&Hinzufgen...PHb5&EntfernenPbd&AutomatischP{* '&Pfad:P;xz %Px< +&Durchsuchen...P* 5&Typ:!P;M<)Pd 4&Erweitert anzeigenP* ,Ge&rt:P;z *P< .Durch&suchen...P* 1&Bezeichnung:P;N $P* 0S&erien-Nr.:P;N &P8D&ot-Dateien anzeigen@HMS Shell DlgPDrive configurationPLFailed to connect to the mount manager; the drive configuration cannot be edited. PLSysListView32Pb5A&dd...PHb5&RemovePbdAut&odetectP{* '&Path:P;xz %Px< +&Browse...P* 5&Type:!P;M<)Pd 4Show Advan&cedP* ,De&vice:P;z *P< .Bro&wse...P* 1&Label:P;N $P* 0S&erial:P;N &P8&Show dot files@HMS Shell DlgPDrive configurationPLFailed to connect to the mount manager; the drive configuration cannot be edited. PLSysListView32Pb5A&dd...PHb5E&liminarPbdAut&odetectP{* '&Ruta:P;xz %Px< +&Examinar...P* 5&Tipo:!P;M<)Pd 4Show Advan&cedP* ,Dispositi&vo:P;z *P< .E&xaminar...P* 1Eti&queta:P;N $P* 0&N serie:P;N &P8&Show dot files@HMS Shell DlgPAsemien asetuksetPLLevyasemien hallintaan ei saatu yhteytt. Asemia ei voi muokata. PLSysListView32Pb5&Lis...PHb5&PoistaPbd&Hae automaattisestiP{* 'P&olku:P;xz %Px< +&Selaa...P* 5&Tyyppi:!P;M<)Pd 4Nyt lis&asetuksetP* ,La&ite:P;z *P< .S&elaa...P* 1&Nimi:P;N $P* 0Sarjanumer&o:P;N &P8N&yt pistetiedostot@HMS Shell DlgPConfiguration des lecteursPLFailed to connect to the mount manager; the drive configuration cannot be edited. PLSysListView32Pb5Ajo&uter...PHb5&SupprimerPbdAut&o-dtectionP{* '&Chemin:P;xz %Px< +&Parcourir...P* 5&Type:!P;M<)Pd 4Afficher les &dtailsP* ,Prip&hrique:P;z *P< .&Parcourir...P* 1t&iquette:P;N $P* 0N de s&rie:P;N &P8&Montrer les fichiers cachs@H@MS Shell DlgPDrive configurationPLFailed to connect to the mount manager; the drive configuration cannot be edited. PLSysListView32Pb5A&dd...PHb5&PbdAut&odetectP{* '&Path:P;xz %Px< +&...P* 5&:!P;M<)Pd 4Show Advan&cedP* ,De&vice:P;z *P< .Bro&wse...P* 1&Label:P;N $P* 0S&erial:P;N &P8&Show dot files@HMS Shell DlgPDrive configurationPLFailed to connect to the mount manager; the drive configuration cannot be edited. PLSysListView32Pb5A&dd...PHb5E&ltvoltsPbdAut&odetectP{* '&tvonal:P;xz %Px< +&Tallzs...P* 5&Tpus:!P;M<)Pd 4Show Advan&cedP* ,Eszk&z:P;z *P< .Tall&zs...P* 1&Cmke:P;N $P* 0S&orozatszm:P;N &P8&Show dot files@HMS Shell DlgPDrive configurationPLFailed to connect to the mount manager; the drive configuration cannot be edited. PLSysListView32Pb5A&dd...PHb5&RimuoviPbdAut&odetectP{* '&Percorso:P;xz %Px< +&Naviga...P* 5&Tipo:!P;M<)Pd 4Show Advan&cedP* ,&Unit:P;z *P< .Na&viga...P* 1&Etichetta:P;N $P* 0Numero &seriale:P;N &P8&Show dot files@H MS Shell DlgP0000n0-[PL0000 00000x0n0c}k01YWeW0_0_0000000-[o0 Yfg0M0~0[000 PLSysListView32Pb5R(&D)...PHb5JRd(&R)PbdRiQ(&O)P{* '00(&P):P;xz %Px< +Sgq(&B)...P* 5000(&T):!P;M<)Pd 4s0}0h:y(&C)P* ,0000(&V):P;z *P< .Sgq(&W)...P* 1000(&L):P;N $P* 00000juS(&E):P;N &P8000 00000h:yY00(&S)@H MS Shell DlgPܴ|t l1PLȹƸ Ű`  ŵȲ. ܴ|t l1D `  ŵȲ. PLSysListView32Pb5(&D)...PHb5p(&R)Pbdٳ<\ l1(&O)P{* '\(&P):P;xz %Px< +>D0(&B)...P* 5(&T):!P;M<)Pd 4 5X(&C) t0P* ,X(&V):P;z *P< .>D0(&W)...P* 1t(&L):P;N $P* 0¬(&E):P;N &P8(@ |(dot |) 0(&S)@HMS Shell DlgPDrive configurationPLFailed to connect to the mount manager; the drive configuration cannot be edited. PLSysListView32Pb5A&dd...PHb5&VerwijderenPbdAut&odetectP{* '&Pad:P;xz %Px< +&Bladeren...P* 5&Soort:!P;M<)Pd 4Show Advan&cedP* ,A&pparaat:P;z *P< .B&laderen...P* 1&Naam:P;N $P* 0S&erienummer:P;N &P8&Show dot files@HMS Shell DlgPUstawienia dyskwPLFailed to connect to the mount manager; the drive configuration cannot be edited. PLSysListView32Pb5&Dodaj...PHb5&UsuDPbdWykryj &automatycznieP{* '&Zcie|ka:P;xz %Px< +&Przegldaj...P* 5&Typ:!P;M<)Pd 4Poka| &zaawansowaneP* ,U&rzdzenie:P;z *P< .Prze&gldaj...P* 1&Etykieta:P;N $P* 0Numer s&eryjny:P;N &P8Pokazuj pliki zaczynajce &si od kropki@HMS Shell DlgPConfigurare unitiPLFailed to connect to the mount manager; the drive configuration cannot be edited. PLSysListView32Pb5A&daug...PHb5&EliminPbdDetecteaz aut&omatP{* '&Calea:P;xz %Px< +Navi&gare...P* 5&Tipul:!P;M<)Pd 4Arat a&vansateP* ,Dispoziti&v:P;z *P< .Navigheaz...P* 1&Etichet:P;N $P* 0N&umr de serie:P;N &P8&Show dot files@HMS Shell DlgP0AB@>9:0 48A:>2PL5 C40;>AL ?>4:;NG8BLAO : mount manager, @540:B8@>20=85 :>=D83C@0F88 48A:>2 =54>ABC?=>. PLSysListView32Pb5&>1028BL...PHb5&#40;8BLPbd&2B>>?@545;5=85P{* '&CBL:P;xz %Px< +&17>@...P* 5&"8?:!P;M<)Pd 4>&?>;=8B5;L=>P* ,#&AB@>9AB2>:P;z *P< .1&7>@...P* 1&5B:0:P;N $P* 0!5@. &=><5@:P;N &P8>:07K20BL D09;K, =0G8=0NI85AO A &B>G:8@HMS Shell DlgPDrive configurationPLFailed to connect to the mount manager; the drive configuration cannot be edited. PLSysListView32Pb5A&dd...PHb5&UkloniPbdAut&odetectP{* '&Putanja:P;xz %Px< +&Nai...P* 5&Tip:!P;M<)Pd 4Show Advan&cedP* ,U&reaj:P;z *P< .Na&i...P* 1&Oznaka:P;N $P* 0S&erijski:P;N &P8&Show dot files@HMS Shell DlgPDrive configurationPLFailed to connect to the mount manager; the drive configuration cannot be edited. PLSysListView32Pb5A&dd...PHb5&OdstrniePbdAut&odetectP{* '&Cesta:P;xz %Px< +&Browse...P* 5&Type:!P;M<)Pd 4Show Advan&cedP* ,Za&riadenie:P;z *P< .Pre&chdzae...P* 1&Ozna enie:P;N $P* 0S&erial:P;N &P8&Show dot files@HMS Shell DlgPEnhetskonfigurationPLFailed to connect to the mount manager; the drive configuration cannot be edited. PLSysListView32Pb5&Lgg till...PHb5Ta &bortPbd&Upptck automatisktP{* '&Skvg:P;xz %Px< +&Blddra...P* 5&Typ:!P;M<)Pd 4Visa &avanceratP* ,&Enhet:P;z *P< .B&lddra...P* 1Et&ikett:P;N $P* 0Se&rienr:P;N &P8Visa &punktfiler@HMS Shell DlgPSrc yap1land1rmas1PLBalama yneticisine balan1lamad1, src yap1land1rmas1 dzenlenemiyor. PLSysListView32Pb5&Ekle...PHb5&Kald1rPbdOtomatik &Alg1laP{* '&Yol:P;xz %Px< +&Gzat...P* 5&Tr:!P;M<)Pd 4Geli_mi_ A&yarlarP* ,Ay&g1t:P;z *P< .G&zat...P* 1&Etiket:P;N $P* 0S&eri No:P;N &P8&Noktayla ba_layan dosyalar1 gster@HMS Shell DlgP0;0HBC20==O ?@82>40PL5<>6;82> 7'T4=0B8AO 7 <5=5465@>< <>=BC20==O, :>=DV3C@0FVN 48A:V2 =5 <>6=0 @5403C20B8. PLSysListView32Pb5&>40B8...PHb5&840;8B8Pbd2B>287=0G5==OP{* '&(;OE:P;xz %Px< +&3;O4...P* 5&"8?:!P;M<)Pd 4>:070B8 &4>40B. =0;0HB.P* ,&@82V4:P;z *P< .&3;O4...P* 1&VB:0:P;N $P* 0&!5@.=><:P;N &P8>:07C20B8 &D09;8, I> ?>G8=0NBLAO 7 :@0?:8@HMS Shell DlgPDrive configurationPLFailed to connect to the mount manager; the drive configuration cannot be edited. PLSysListView32Pb5A&dd...PHb5&OdstraniPbdAut&odetectP{* '&Pot:P;xz %Px< +&Brskaj ...P* 5&Vrsta:!P;M<)Pd 4Show Advan&cedP* ,Na&prava:P;z *P< .&Brskaj ...P* 1&Oznaka:P;N $P* 0Zapor&edna at.:P;N &P8&Show dot files@HMS Shell DlgPDisks konfigkravimasPLNepavyko prisijungti prie disks tvarkytuvs, disks konfigkracija negali bkti redaguojama. PLSysListView32Pb5Pri&dti...PHb5Pa&aalintiPbd&Automatiakai aptiktiP{* '&Kelias:P;xz %Px< +&Parinkti...P* 5&Tipas:!P;M<)Pd 4Rodyti papild&omasP* ,.tai&sas:P;z *P< .Parinkti...P* 1Va&rdas:P;N $P* 0N&umeris:P;N &P8Rodyti &failus su taaku@HMS Shell DlgPDrive configurationPLFailed to connect to the mount manager; the drive configuration cannot be edited. PLSysListView32Pb5A&dd...PHb5 (&R)PbdAut&odetectP{* '&Path:P;xz %Px< +&Browse...P* 5&Type:!P;M<)Pd 4Show Advan&cedP* ,De&vice:P;z *P< .Bro&wse...P* 1&Label:P;N $P* 0S&erial:P;N &P8&Show dot files@HMS Shell DlgPDrive configurationPLFailed to connect to the mount manager; the drive configuration cannot be edited. PLSysListView32Pb5A&dd...PHb5( @  M    F / M / A  (&R)PbdAut&odetectP{* '&Path:P;xz %Px< +&Browse...P* 5&Type:!P;M<)Pd 4Show Advan&cedP* ,De&vice:P;z *P< .Bro&wse...P* 1&Label:P;N $P* 0S&erial:P;N &P8&Show dot files@HMS Shell DlgP PLFailed to connect to the mount manager; the drive configuration cannot be edited. PLSysListView32Pb5 (&D)PHb5 (&R)Pbd (&O)P{* ' :P;xz %Px< + ... (&B)P* 5 (&T):!P;M<)Pd 4' ' (&C)P* , (&V):P;z *P< . ... (&W)P* 1 (&L):P;N $P* 0 (&E):P;N &P8dot (&S)@HMS Shell DlgPConfiguracin d'unidaesPLFailed to connect to the mount manager; the drive configuration cannot be edited. PLSysListView32Pb5A&dd...PHb5&RemovePbdAut&odetectP{* '&Path:P;xz %Px< +&Restolar...P* 5&Type:!P;M<)Pd 4Show Advan&cedP* ,De&vice:P;z *P< .Bro&wse...P* 1&Label:P;N $P* 0S&erial:P;N &P8&Show dot files@H MS Shell DlgPDrive configurationPLFailed to connect to the mount manager; the drive configuration cannot be edited. PLSysListView32Pb5ReQ(&D)...PHb5yd(&R)PbdRuP,n(&O)P{* '_(&P)P;xz %Px< +p(&B)...P* 5^W(&T)!P;M<)Pd 4o:y2x(&C)P* ,݈n(&V)P;z *P< .p(&W)...P* 1j(&L)P;N $P* 0^_(&E)P;N &P8o:yυjHh(&S)@HMS Shell DlgPDrive configurationPLFailed to connect to the mount manager; the drive configuration cannot be edited. PLSysListView32Pb5A&dd...PHb5&RemovePbdAut&odetectP{* '&Path:P;xz %Px< +&Browse...P* 5&Type:!P;M<)Pd 4Show Advan&cedP* ,De&vice:P;z *P< .Bro&wse...P* 1&Label:P;N $P* 0S&erial:P;N &P8&Show dot files@HMS Shell DlgPOppsett av stasjonerPLKlarte ikke koble til monteringsbehandleren; stasjonsoppsettet kan derfor ikke redigeres. PLSysListView32Pb5&Legg til...PHb5&FjernPbdFinn aut&omatiskP{* '&Sti:P;xz %Px< +&Bla...P* 5&Type:!P;M<)Pd 4Avansert &visningP* ,En&het:P;z *P< .&Bla...P* 1Vo&lumnavn:P;N $P* 0S&erienummer:P;N &P8Vi&s .-filer@HMS Shell DlgPConfigurao de unidadesPLFalha de conexo com o gerenciador de montagem; a configurao da unidade no pde ser alterada. PLSysListView32Pb5&Adicionar...PHb5&RemoverPbdAuto &detectarP{* '&Caminho:P;xz %Px< +&Procurar...P* 5&Tipo:!P;M<)Pd 4M&ostrar AvanadoP* ,Dispositi&vo:P;z *P< .Nave&gar...P* 1&Rtulo:P;N $P* 0&Serial:P;N &P8Mostrar arquivos com &ponto@HMS Shell DlgPDrive configurationPLFailed to connect to the mount manager; the drive configuration cannot be edited. PLSysListView32Pb5A&dd...PHb5&ForigiPbdAut&odetectP{* '&Vojo:P;xz %Px< +&Foliumi...P* 5&Tipo:!P;M<)Pd 4Show Advan&cedP* ,&Aparato:P;z *P< .&Foliumi...P* 1&Etikedo:P;N $P* 0&Seria:P;N &P8&Show dot files@H MS Shell DlgPqRhVnPLelޏc0Rc}{thV NO9eqRhVMn0 PLSysListView32Pb5mR(&D)...PHb5 Rd(&R)PbdꁨROKm(&O)P{* '_(&P)P;xz %Px< +Omȉ(&B)...P* 5{|W(&T)!P;M<)Pd 4>f:yؚ~ y(&C)P* ,Y(&V)P;z *P< .Omȉ(&W)...P* 1wSh(&L)P;N $P* 0^RS(&E)P;N &P8>f:yυeN(&S)@HMS Shell DlgPConfigurao de unidadesPLFailed to connect to the mount manager; the drive configuration cannot be edited. PLSysListView32Pb5&Adicionar...PHb5&RemoverPbd&Detectar automticamenteP{* '&Localizao:P;xz %Px< +&Procurar...P* 5&Tipo:!P;M<)Pd 4Mostrar &AvanadoP* ,Dispositi&vo:P;z *P< .P&rocurar...P* 1&Nome:P;N $P* 0N S&erie:P;N &P8Mostrar &ficheiros com pontos@HMS Shell DlgPDrive configurationPLFailed to connect to the mount manager; the drive configuration cannot be edited. PLSysListView32Pb5A&dd...PHb5&UkloniPbdAut&odetectP{* '&Putanja:P;xz %Px< +&Nai...P* 5&Ukucaj:!P;M<)Pd 4Show Advan&cedP* ,Na&prava:P;z *P< .Na&i...P* 1&Naziv:P;N $P* 0S&erijski:P;N &P8&Show dot files@HMS Shell DlgPDrive configurationPLFailed to connect to the mount manager; the drive configuration cannot be edited. PLSysListView32Pb5A&dd...PHb5&#:;>=8PbdAut&odetectP{* '&Path:P;xz %Px< +& 073;540X...P* 5&@AB0:!P;M<)Pd 4Show Advan&cedP* ,De&vice:P;z *P< .Bro&wse...P* 1&Label:P;N $P* 0S&erial:P;N &P8&Show dot files@H@MS Shell DlgPZ'D916P'D3QE&):!P<}P] ~*&+(J* 3E)...P(iz'DDH&F:!P2i<yP~(x|'D&-,E:!P~2x<{PAi'D9F&51:!PKixX~A'DDH&F: X~K XA'D&-,E:XK XK msctls_updown32P_MIME typesPiManage file &associationsXK7 'D&.7...Px^'DE&,D/'* P:SysListView32XA EH5&HD %DI:XPn X2 '3*91&6...@HMS Shell DlgPZAppearanceP"5<0:!P<}P] ~=AB0;8@09 B5<0...P(iz&2OB:!P2i<yP~(x| 07<5@:!P~2x<{PAiIt&em:!PKixX~AC&olor: X~K XASize:XK XK msctls_updown32P_MIME typesPiManage file &associationsXK7 &(@8DB...Px^Folders P:SysListView32XA @J7:0 :J<:XPn X2 B&rowse...@HMS Shell DlgPZAparenaP&Tema:!P<}P] ~&Installa tema...P(izC&olor:!P2i<yP~(x|&Cos:!P~2x<{PAi&Element:!PKixX~ACo&lor: X~K XA&Mida:XK XK msctls_updown32P_Tipus MIMEPiGestiona &associacions de fitxerXK7 T&ipus de lletra...Px^Carpetes P:SysListView32XA Enlla&a a:XPn X2 &Navega...@HMS Shell DlgPZVzhledP&Tma:!P<}P] ~&Instalovat tma...P(iz&Barva:!P2i<yP~(x|Veliko&st:!P~2x<{PAiPo&lo~ka:!PKixX~AB&arva: X~K XAVeli&kost:XK XK msctls_updown32P_MIME typesPiManage file &associationsXK7 &Psmo...Px^AdresYe P:SysListView32XA &Odkaz do:XPn X2 P&rochzet...@HMS Shell DlgPZUdseendeP&Tema:!P<}P] ~&Installer tema...P(iz&Farve:!P2i<yP~(x|&Strrelse:!P~2x<{PAi&Element:!PKixX~AF&arve: X~K XAS&trrelse:XK XK msctls_updown32P_MIME typesPiManage file &associationsXK7 &Skrifttype...Px^Mapper P:SysListView32XA &Link til:XPn X2 &Gennemse...@HMS Shell DlgPZDarstellungP&Thema:!P<}P] ~Thema &installieren...P(iz&Farbe:!P2i<yP~(x|&Gre:!P~2x<{PAi&Element:!PKixX~AF&arbe: X~K XAG&re:XK XK msctls_updown32P_MIME-TypenPiDatei&zuordnungen verwaltenXK7 Schrift&art...Px^Ordner P:SysListView32XA &Verknpfen mit:XPn X2 &Whlen...@HMS Shell DlgPZAppearanceP&Theme:!P<}P] ~&Install theme...P(iz&:!P2i<yP~(x|&:!P~2x<{PAiIt&em:!PKixX~AC&olor: X~K XA&:XK XK msctls_updown32P_MIME typesPiManage file &associationsXK7 &Font...Px^Folders P:SysListView32XA &Link to:XPn X2 B&rowse...@HMS Shell DlgPZAppearanceP&Theme:!P<}P] ~&Install theme...P(iz&Colour:!P2i<yP~(x|&Size:!P~2x<{PAiIt&em:!PKixX~AC&olour: X~K XASi&ze:XK XK msctls_updown32P_MIME typesPiManage file &associationsXK7 &Font...Px^Folders P:SysListView32XA &Link to:XPn X2 B&rowse...@HMS Shell DlgPZAparienciaP&Tema:!P<}P] ~&Instalar tema...P(izC&olor:!P2i<yP~(x|Ta&mao:!P~2x<{PAi&Elemento:!PKixX~AC&olor: X~K XATa&mao:XK XK msctls_updown32P_MIME typesPiManage file &associationsXK7 &Fuente...Px^Carpeta P:SysListView32XA E&nlace a:XPn X2 Explo&rar...@HMS Shell DlgPZUlkonkP&Teema:!P<}P] ~&Asenna teema...P(iz&Vri:!P2i<yP~(x|&Koko:!P~2x<{PAiKo&hta:!PKixX~A&Vri: X~K XA&Koko:XK XK msctls_updown32P_MIME-tyypitPi&Muokkaa tiedostosidoksiaXK7 &Fontti...Px^Kansiot P:SysListView32XA &Linkit kohteeseen:XPn X2 &Selaa...@HMS Shell DlgPZApparenceP&Thme:!P<}P] ~&Installer un thme...P(iz&Couleur:!P2i<yP~(x|T&aille:!P~2x<{PAil&ment:!PKixX~ACouleu&r: X~K XATai&lle:XK XK 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~000n0000000(&I)...P(izMr(&C):!P2i<yP~(x|000(&S):!P~2x<{PAiv(&E):!PKixX~Ar(&O): X~K XA000(&Z):XK XK msctls_updown32P_MIME 000Pi0000#NQ0n0{t(&A)XK7 0000(&F)...Px^0000 P:SysListView32XA 000HQ(&L):XPn X2 Sgq(&R)...@H MS Shell DlgPZPLȹ(&T):!P<}P] ~Lȹ $X(&I)...P(iz(&C):!P2i<yP~(x|l0(&S):!P~2x<{PAi](&E):!PKixX~A(&O): X~K XAl0(&Z):XK XK msctls_updown32P_MIME PiWinet 8֤¸ ¤\X | ŰD iȲ(&A)XK7 4(&F)...Px^T P:SysListView32XA Ű (&L):XPn X2 >0(&R)...@HMS Shell DlgPZUiterlijkPThema:!P<}P] ~Thema installeren...P(izKleuren:!P2i<yP~(x|Tekstgrootte:!P~2x<{PAiOnderdeel:!PKixX~AKleur: X~K XAGrootte:XK XK msctls_updown32P_MIME typesPiManage file &associationsXK7 &Lettertype...Px^Mappen P:SysListView32XA Verwijs naar:XPn X2 Bladeren...@HMS Shell DlgPZWygldPWys&trj:!P<}P] ~Za&instaluj wystrj...P(iz&Kolor:!P2i<yP~(x|&Rozmiar:!P~2x<{PAiEl&ement:!PKixX~AK&olor: X~K XAWielko[:XK XK msctls_updown32P_MIME typesPiManage file &associationsXK7 &Czcionka...Px^Katalogi P:SysListView32XA Dowizany do:XPn X2 P&rzegldaj...@HMS Shell DlgPZAspectPTematic:!P<}P] ~Instaleaz o tematic...P(izCuloare:!P2i<yP~(x|Mrime:!P~2x<{PAiElement:!PKixX~ACuloare: X~K XAMrime:XK XK msctls_updown32P_MIME typesPiManage file &associationsXK7 &Font...Px^Dosare P:SysListView32XA Leag la:XPn X2 &Navigheaz...@HMS Shell DlgPZ=5H=89 284P&"5<0:!P<}P] ~#AB0=>28BL B5<C...P(iz&25B:!P2i<yP~(x|& 07<5@:!P~2x<{PAi-;5<5=B:!PKixX~A&25B: X~K XA 07<5@:XK XK msctls_updown32P_"8?K MIMEPi#?@02;OBL &0AA>F80F8O<8 D09;>2XK7 &(@8DB...Px^0?:8 P:SysListView32XA @82O70BL ::XPn X2 &17>@...@HMS Shell DlgPZIzgledP&Tema:!P<}P] ~&Instaliraj temu...P(iz&Boja:!P2i<yP~(x|&Veli ina:!P~2x<{PAiStavka:!PKixX~AB&oja: X~K XAVeli& ina:XK XK msctls_updown32P_MIME typesPiManage file &associationsXK7 &Font...Px^Mape P:SysListView32XA &Veza do:XPn X2 N&ai...@HMS Shell DlgPZVzh>adP&Theme:!P<}P] ~&Install theme...P(iz&Farba:!P2i<yP~(x|&Ve>kose:!P~2x<{PAiIt&em:!PKixX~AC&olor: X~K XA&Ve>kose:XK XK msctls_updown32P_MIME typesPiManage file &associationsXK7 &Font...Px^Folders P:SysListView32XA &Link to:XPn X2 P&rechdzaj...@HMS Shell DlgPZUtseendeP&Tema:!P<}P] ~&Installera tema...P(iz&Frg:!P2i<yP~(x|&Storlek:!P~2x<{PAiOb&jekt:!PKixX~AF&rg: X~K XASt&orlek:XK XK msctls_updown32P_MIME typesPiManage file &associationsXK7 T&ypsnitt...Px^Mappar P:SysListView32XA &Lnka till:XPn X2 B&lddra...@HMS Shell DlgPZAppearanceP&Theme:!P<}P] ~&Install theme...P(iz*5:!P2i<yP~(x|2:!P~2x<{PAiIt&em:!PKixX~AC&olor: X~K XA2:XK XK msctls_updown32P_MIME typesPiManage file &associationsXK7 &Font...Px^Folders P:SysListView32XA &Link to:XPn X2 B&rowse...@HMS Shell DlgPZGrnmPTema:!P<}P] ~Tema ykle...P(iz&Renk:!P2i<yP~(x|&Boyut:!P~2x<{PAi&e:!PKixX~ARe&nk: X~K XA&Size:XK XK msctls_updown32P_MIME trleriPi&Dosya ili_kilendirmelerini dzenleXK7 &Yaz1tipi...Px^Klasrler P:SysListView32XA Hedef d&izin:XPn X2 &Gzat...@HMS Shell DlgPZ83;O4P&"5<0:!P<}P] ~&AB0=>28B8 B5<C...P(iz&>;V@:!P2i<yP~(x|& >7<V@:!P~2x<{PAi&;5<5=B:!PKixX~A>&;V@: X~K XA >&7<V@:XK XK msctls_updown32P_"8?8 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theme...P(iz&Color:!P2i<yP~(x|&Size:!P~2x<{PAiIt&em:!PKixX~AC&olor: X~K XASi&ze:XK XK msctls_updown32P_MIME typesPiManage file &associationsXK7 + < I ( M  (&F)...Px^Folders P:SysListView32XA &Link to:XPn X2 B&rowse...@HMS Shell DlgPZAppearanceP&Theme:!P<}P] ~&Install theme...P(iz&Color:!P2i<yP~(x|&Size:!P~2x<{PAiIt&em:!PKixX~AC&olor: X~K XASi&ze:XK XK msctls_updown32P_MIME typesPiManage file &associationsXK7 + L   (&F)...Px^Folders P:SysListView32XA &Link to:XPn X2 B&rowse...@HMS Shell DlgPZAppearanceP&Theme:!P<}P] ~&Install theme...P(iz&Color:!P2i<yP~(x|&Size:!P~2x<{PAiIt&em:!PKixX~AC&olor: X~K XASi&ze:XK XK msctls_updown32P_MIME typesPiManage file &associationsXK7   M 7 0 0 B * (&F)...Px^Folders P:SysListView32XA &Link to:XPn X2 B&rowse...@HMS Shell DlgPZAppearanceP&Theme:!P<}P] ~&Install theme...P(iz (&C):!P2i<yP~(x|&Size:!P~2x<{PAiIt&em:!PKixX~AC&olor: X~K XASi&ze:XK XK msctls_updown32P_MIME typesPiManage file &associationsXK7  ... (&F)Px^Folders P:SysListView32XA &Link to:XPn X2 B&rowse...@HMS Shell DlgPZAppearanceP&Theme:!P<}P] ~&Install theme...P(iz&Color:!P2i<yP~(x|&Size:!P~2x<{PAiIt&em:!PKixX~AC&olor: X~K XASi&ze:XK XK msctls_updown32P_MIME typesPiManage file &associationsXK7 + >   M (&F)...Px^Folders P:SysListView32XA &Link to:XPn X2 B&rowse...@HMS Shell DlgPZAppearanceP&Theme:!P<}P] ~&Install theme...P(iz&Color:!P2i<yP~(x|&Size:!P~2x<{PAiIt&em:!PKixX~AC&olor: X~K XASi&ze:XK XK msctls_updown32P_MIME typesPiManage file &associationsXK7 _  M 7 0 8  M  /  ...Px^Folders P:SysListView32XA &Link to:XPn X2 B&rowse...@HMS Shell DlgPZ P (&T):!P<}P] ~ ... (&I)P(iz (&C)!P2i<yP~(x| (&S):!P~2x<{PAi (&E):!PKixX~A (&O): X~K XA (&Z):XK XK msctls_updown32P_MIME PiManage file &associationsXK7  ... (&F)Px^  P:SysListView32XA &Link to:XPn X2  ... (&R)@HMS Shell DlgPZAppearanceP&Theme:!P<}P] ~&Install theme...P(iz&Coleur:!P2i<yP~(x|&Grandeu:!P~2x<{PAiIt&em:!PKixX~AC&olor: X~K XASi&ze:XK XK msctls_updown32P_MIME typesPiManage file &associationsXK7 &Font...Px^Folders P:SysListView32XA &Link to:XPn X2 B&rowse...@HMS Shell DlgPZAspeutuP&Estilu:!P<}P] ~&Install theme...P(iz&Color:!P2i<yP~(x|&Tamau:!P~2x<{PAi&Elementu:!PKixX~AC&olor: X~K XATa&mauXK XK msctls_updown32P_Tribes MIMEPiManage file &associationsXK7 &Font...Px^Carpetes P:SysListView32XA &Link to:XPn X2 R&estolar...@H MS Shell DlgPZYP^of;NL(&T)!P<}P] ~[݈^of;NL(&I)...P(izMr(&C)!P2i<yP~(x|'Y\(&S)!P~2x<{PAiv(&E)!PKixX~AOr(&O) X~K XA'Y\(&Z)XK XK msctls_updown32P_MIME typesPiManage file &associationsXK7 W[W(&F)...Px^nje>Y P:SysListView32XA #P}(&L)XPn X2 p(&R)...@HMS Shell DlgPZAppearanceP&Theme:!P<}P] ~&Install theme...P(iz&Color:!P2i<yP~(x|&Size:!P~2x<{PAiIt&em:!PKixX~AC&olor: X~K XASi&ze:XK XK msctls_updown32P_MIME typesPiManage file &associationsXK7 &Font...Px^Folders P:SysListView32XA &Link to:XPn X2 B&rowse...@HMS Shell DlgPZUtseendeP&Tema:!P<}P] ~&Installer tema...P(iz&Farge:!P2i<yP~(x|&Strrelse:!P~2x<{PAi&Element:!PKixX~A&Farge: X~K XASt&rrelse:XK XK msctls_updown32P_MIME typerPiBehandle fil &assosiasjonerXK7 Skri&ft...Px^Mappe P:SysListView32XA Pek ti&l:XPn X2 &Bla...@HMS Shell DlgPZAparnciaP&Tema:!P<}P] ~&Instalar tema...P(iz&Cor:!P2i<yP~(x|Taman&ho:!P~2x<{PAiIt&em:!PKixX~AC&or: X~K XATa&manho:XK XK msctls_updown32P_Tipos MIMEPiGerenciar &associao de arquivosXK7 &Fonte...Px^Pastas P:SysListView32XA &Atalho para:XPn X2 &Navegar...@HMS Shell DlgPZAspektoP&Etoso:!P<}P] ~&Instali etoson...P(iz&Koloro:!P2i<yP~(x|&Dimensio:!P~2x<{PAiIt&em:!PKixX~A&Koloro: X~K XA&Dimensio:XK XK msctls_updown32P_MIME typesPiManage file &associationsXK7 &Tiparo...Px^Dosierujoj P:SysListView32XA &Link to:XPn X2 &Foliumi...@H MS Shell DlgPZY‰P;N(&T)!P<}P] ~[ň;N(&I)...P(izMr(&C)!P2i<yP~(x|'Y\(&S)!P~2x<{PAiirN(&E)!PKixX~Ar(&O) X~K XA'Y\(&Z):XK XK msctls_updown32P_MIME {|WPi{teNsQT(&A)XK7 W[SO(&F)...Px^eN9Y P:SysListView32XA  f\(&L)XPn X2 Omȉ(&R)...@HMS Shell DlgPZAparnciaP&Tema:!P<}P] ~&Instalar tema...P(iz&Cor:!P2i<yP~(x|&Tamanho:!P~2x<{PAiIt&em:!PKixX~AC&or: X~K XATama&nho:XK XK msctls_updown32P_MIME typesPiManage file &associationsXK7 Tipo de &Letra...Px^Pastas P:SysListView32XA &Ligar a:XPn X2 P&rocurar...@HMS Shell DlgPZAppearanceP&Tema:!P<}P] ~&Instaliraj teme...P(iz&Boja:!P2i<yP~(x|&Veli ina:!P~2x<{PAiIt&em:!PKixX~AB&oja: X~K XAVeli& ina:XK XK msctls_updown32P_MIME typesPiManage file &associationsXK7 &Font...Px^Folders P:SysListView32XA &Veza do:XPn X2 N&ai...@HMS Shell DlgPZAppearanceP&Theme:!P<}P] ~&Install theme...P(iz&>X0:!P2i<yP~(x|&5;8G8=0:!P~2x<{PAiIt&em:!PKixX~AC&olor: X~K XA&5;8G8=0:XK XK msctls_updown32P_MIME typesPiManage file &associationsXK7 &$>=B...Px^Folders P:SysListView32XA &Link to:XPn X2 B&rowse...@PZ\*-1J1 'D3J71)MS Shell DlgPB'DEC*() 'DE3*9ED) P} 'DE&6EQF) ('DE(FJ) (H'37) H'JF) P} 'D#&5DJQ) ('DE#.H0) EF HF/H2) P"} Buil&tin then Native P,} 'D#5DJQ) +EQ 'DE6EQF) P6} E9&7DPJ--3FK'P9J-#D:PPZ\ 540:B8@0=5 =0 70<O=0MS Shell DlgPBLoad order P} &3@045=0 (Wine) P} &!>1AB25=0 (Windows) P"} Buil&tin then Native P,} !>&1AB25=0, ?>A;5 23@045=0 P6} &01@0=8PJ-OKP9J-B<5=8PZ\Edita reemplaamentMS Shell DlgPBOrdre de crrega P} &Interna (Wine) P} &Nativa (Windows) P"} In&terna, desprs Nativa P,} Nati&va, desprs Interna P6} &InhabilitaPJ-D'acordP9J-CancellaPZ\prava nastaven knihovnyMS Shell DlgPBPoYad nahrvn P} &Vestavn (Wine) P} &Nativn (Windows) P"} V&estavn pak nativn P,} N&ativn a pak vestavn P6} &ZakzatPJ-OKP9J-StornoPZ\Rediger overstyringMS Shell DlgPBIndlsningsrkkeflge P} Ind&bygget (Wine) P} Ind&fdt (Windows) P"} Buil&tin then Native P,} I&ndfdt derefter indbygget P6} &DeaktiverPJ-OKP9J-AnnullerPZ\berschreibung bearbeitenMS Shell DlgPBLadereihenfolge P} &Builtin (Wine) P} &Native (Windows) P"} Buil&tin dann Native P,} Nati&ve dann Builtin P6} &DeaktivierenPJ-OKP9J-AbbrechenPZ\Edit OverrideMS Shell DlgPBLoad order P} &Builtin (Wine) P} &Native (Windows) P"} Buil&tin then Native P,} Nati&ve then Builtin P6} &DisablePJ-OKP9J-PZ\Edit OverrideMS Shell DlgPBLoad order P} &Builtin (Wine) P} &Native (Windows) P"} Buil&tin then Native P,} Nati&ve then Builtin P6} &DisablePJ-OKP9J-CancelPZ\Modificar sustitucinMS Shell DlgPBOrden de carga P} &Interna (Wine) P} &Nativa (Windows) P"} Buil&tin then Native P,} Nati&va y luego interna P6} &DeshabilitarPJ-AceptarP9J-CancelarPZ\Muokkaa ohitustaMS Shell DlgPB&Latausjrjestys P} &Sisinen (Wine) P} &Natiivi (Windows) P"} S&isinen, sitten natiivi P,} Na&tiivi, sitten sisinen P6} &Poista kytstPJ-OKP9J-PeruutaPZ\diter le remplacementMS Shell DlgPBOrdre de chargement P} &intgre (Wine) P} &native (Windows) P"} i&ntgre puis native P,} n&ative puis intgre P6} &DsactiverPJ-OKP9J-Annuler@PZ\Edit OverrideMS Shell DlgPBLoad order P} &Builtin (Wine) P} &Native (Windows) P"} Buil&tin then Native P,} Nati&ve then Builtin P6} &DisablePJ-P9J-PZ\Fellbrls szerkesztseMS Shell DlgPBBetltsi sorrend P} &Beptett (Wine) P} &Natv (Windows) P"} Buil&tin then Native P,} Nat&v, beptett P6} Tilt&sPJ-OKP9J-MgsePZ\Modifica sostituzioneMS Shell DlgPBOrdine di caricamento P} &Integrata (Wine) P} &Nativa (Windows) P"} Buil&tin then Native P,} N&ativa poi integrata P6} &DisabilitaPJ-OkP9J-AnnullaPZ\0000000n0}Ɩ MS Shell DlgPB^ P} Q5Hr(Wine)(&B) P} 00000Hr(Windows)(&N) P"} Q5Hr_k000000Hr(&T) P,} 00000Hr_k0Q5Hr(&V) P6} !qRS(&D)PJ-OKP9J-00000PZ\X MS Shell DlgPB\ܴ  P} (&B) (Wine) P} $t (&N) (Windows) P"} , $t (&T) P,} $t , (&V) P6} X JL(&D)PJ-UxP9J-͌PZ\Override bewerkenMS Shell DlgPBLaadvolgorde P} Inge&bouwd (Wine) P} Wi&ndows (MSWindows) P"} Buil&tin then Native P,} Nati&ve dan Builtin P6} &UitzettenPJ-OKP9J-AnnulerenPZ\Edycja reguByMS Shell DlgPBKolejno[ wczytywania P} Tylko &wbudowana (Wine) P} Tylko &natywna (Windows) P"} Preferuj wbudowan nad na&tywn P,} Preferuj n&atywn P6} WyB&czPJ-OKP9J-AnulujPZ\Editeaz suprascriereaMS Shell DlgPBOrdinea de ncrcare P} &Integrat (Wine) P} &Nativ (Windows) P"} In&tegrat apoi Nativ P,} Nati&v apoi Integrat P6} &DezactiveazPJ-OKP9J-RenunPZ\7<5=8BL 70<5I5=85MS Shell DlgPB>@O4>: 703@C7:8 P} &AB@>5==0O (Wine) P} &!B>@>==OO (Windows) P"} A&B@>5==0O, 70B5< AB>@>==OO P,} !B>&@>==OO, 70B5< 2AB@>5==0O P6} &B:;NG8BLPJ-P9J-B<5=0PZ\Izmjeni podeaavanjeMS Shell DlgPBRedoslijed u itavanja P} &Ugraeno (Wine) P} &Nativno (Windows) P"} Buil&tin then Native P,} Nativno &pa ugraeno P6} &Isklju iPJ-U reduP9J-Otka~iPZ\Upravie prepsanieMS Shell DlgPBPoradie na tavania P} &Vstavan (Wine) P} &Natvne (Windows) P"} Buil&tin then Native P,} Nat&vne potom vstavan P6} &ZakzaePJ-OKP9J-ZruaiePZ\Redigera sidosttningMS Shell DlgPBInlsningsordning P} &Inbyggd (Wine) P} &Ursprunglig (Windows) P"} Inb&yggd sedan Ursprunglig P,} Urs&prunglig sedan Inbyggd P6} &InaktiveraPJ-OKP9J-AvbrytPZ\Edit OverrideMS Shell DlgPBLoad order P} &Builtin (Wine) P} &Native (Windows) P"} Buil&tin then Native P,} Nati&ve then Builtin P6} &DisablePJ-%P9J-"@%4PZ\ncelik DzenleMS Shell DlgPBYkleme s1ras1 P} &Yerle_ik (Wine) P} &Doal (Windows) P"} nce Yerl&e_ik sonra Doal P,} nce D&oal sonra Yerle_ik P6} &Devre D1_1 B1rakPJ-TamamP9J-0ptalPZ\<V=8B8 70<VI5==OMS Shell DlgPB>@O4>: 7020=B065==O P} &1C4>20=0 (Wine) P} &!B>@>==O (Windows) P"} &1C4>20=0, ?>BV< AB>@>==O P,} !&B>@>==O, ?>BV< 21C4>20=0 P6} 8<&:=CB8PJ-OKP9J-!:0AC20B8PZ\Uredi prepisMS Shell DlgPBRed nalaganja P} &Vgrajena (Wine) P} &Izvorna (Windows) P"} Buil&tin then Native P,} I&zvorna, vgrajena P6} &Onemogo iPJ-V reduP9J-Prekli iPZ\Redaguoti nustelbimMS Shell DlgPB.klimo tvarka P} &.taisyta ( Wine ) P} &Sava ( Windows ) P"} .&taisyta, po to sava P,} S&ava, po to /taisyta P6} &IajungtiPJ-GeraiP9J-Atsisakyti@PZ\Edit OverrideMS Shell DlgPBLoad order P} &Builtin (Wine) P} &Native (Windows) P"} Buil&tin then Native P,} Nati&ve then Builtin P6} &DisablePJ-B(HDP9J-'F51'APZ\Edit OverrideMS Shell DlgPBLoad order P} &Builtin (Wine) P} &Native (Windows) P"} Buil&tin then Native P,} Nati&ve then Builtin P6} &DisablePJ- P9J- PZ\Edit OverrideMS Shell DlgPBLoad order P} &Builtin (Wine) P} &Native (Windows) P"} Buil&tin then Native P,} Nati&ve then Builtin P6} &DisablePJ-6 0 ? P9J-CancelPZ\Override MS Shell DlgPBLoad order P} &Builtin (Wine) P} &Native (Windows) P"} Buil&tin then Native P,} Nati&ve then Builtin P6}  (&D)PJ- P9J- PZ\Edit OverrideMS Shell DlgPBLoad order P} &Builtin (Wine) P} &Native (Windows) P"} Buil&tin then Native P,} Nati&ve then Builtin P6} &DisablePJ-I VaP9J-RinoncPZ\Edit OverrideMS Shell DlgPBLoad order P} &Builtin (Wine) P} &Native (Windows) P"} Buil&tin then Native P,} Nati&ve then Builtin P6} &InhabilitarPJ-AceutarP9J-EncaboxarPZ\}/ -[ MS Shell DlgPB eQ^ P} gQ^(Wine)(&B) P} Su(Windows)(&N) P"} gQ^HQeSu(&T) P,} SuHQegQ^(&V) P6} \P(u(&D)PJ-x[P9J-SmPZ\Edit OverrideMS Shell DlgPBLoad order P} &Builtin (Wine) P} &Native (Windows) P"} Buil&tin then Native P,} Nati&ve then Builtin P6} &DisablePJ-OKP9J-CancelPZ\Rediger overstyringMS Shell DlgPBLastingsrekkeflge P} Inne&bygget (Wine) P} I&nnfdt (Windows) P"} Innebygge&t s innfdt P,} Innfd&dt s innebygget P6} &DeaktiverPJ-OKP9J-AvbrytPZ\Editar SubstituioMS Shell DlgPBOrdem de Carregamento P} &Embutida (Wine) P} &Nativa (Windows) P"} E&mbutida depois Nativa P,} Nati&va depois Embutida P6} &DesativarPJ-OKP9J-CancelarPZ\Edit OverrideMS Shell DlgPBLoad order P} &Ena (Wino) P} &Indiena (Vindozo) P"} Buil&tin then Native P,} &Antam ena indiena P6} &MalaktivigiPJ-BoneP9J-RezigniPZ\vf MS Shell DlgPB}eQz^ P} Q^(Wine)(&B) P} Sň(Windows)(&N) P"} Q^HQNSň(&T) P,} SňHQNQ^(&V) P6} \P(u(&D)PJ-nx[P9J-SmPZ\Editar SubstituioMS Shell DlgPBOrdem de Carregamento P} Em&butida (Wine) P} &Nativa (Windows) P"} E&mbutida depois Nativa P,} Nati&va depois Embutida P6} &DesactivarPJ-OKP9J-CancelarPZ\Izmeni podeaavanjeMS Shell DlgPBLoad order P} &Builtin (Wine) P} &Native (Windows) P"} Buil&tin then Native P,} Nati&ve pa Builtin P6} &Isklju iPJ-U reduP9J-Otka~iPZ\Edit OverrideMS Shell DlgPBLoad order P} &Builtin (Wine) P} &Native (Windows) P"} Buil&tin then Native P,} Nati&ve then Builtin P6} &DisablePJ-# @54CP9J-B:068@<F<Select Drive LetterMS Shell Dlg!P K Pi --3FK'Pi-#D:P<F<Select Drive LetterMS Shell Dlg!P K Pi -OKPi-B<5=8<F<Lletra de la unitatMS Shell Dlg!P K Pi -D'acordPi-Cancella<F<Vyberte psmeno diskuMS Shell Dlg!P K Pi -OKPi-Storno<F<Vlg DrevbogstavMS Shell Dlg!P K Pi -OKPi-Annuller<F<Laufwerksbuchstaben whlenMS Shell Dlg!P K Pi -OKPi-Abbrechen<F<Select Drive LetterMS Shell Dlg!P K Pi -OKPi-<F<Select Drive LetterMS Shell Dlg!P K Pi -OKPi-Cancel<F<Seleccionar letra de la unidadMS Shell Dlg!P K Pi -AceptarPi-Cancelar<F<Valitse aseman kirjainMS Shell Dlg!P K Pi -OKPi-Peruuta<F<Slectionnez la lettre du lecteurMS Shell Dlg!P K Pi -OKPi-Annuler@<F<Select Drive LetterMS Shell Dlg!P K Pi -Pi-<F<Vlassza ki a meghajt betqjeltMS Shell Dlg!P K Pi -OKPi-Mgse<F<Seleziona la lettera dell'unitMS Shell Dlg!P K Pi -OkPi-Annulla<F<0000 0000xb MS Shell Dlg!P K Pi -OKPi-00000<F<ܴ|t 8 MS Shell Dlg!P K Pi -UxPi-͌<F<Selecteer StationsletterMS Shell Dlg!P K Pi -OKPi-Annuleren<F<Wybierz liter napduMS Shell Dlg!P K Pi -OKPi-Anuluj<F<Selecia literei de discMS Shell Dlg!P K Pi -OKPi-Renun<F<K15@8B5 1C:2C 48A:0MS Shell Dlg!P K Pi -Pi-B<5=0<F<Izaberi slovo pogonaMS Shell Dlg!P K Pi -U reduPi-Otka~i<F<Select Drive LetterMS Shell Dlg!P K Pi -OKPi-Zruaie<F<Vlj enhetsbokstavMS Shell Dlg!P K Pi -OKPi-Avbryt<F<Select Drive LetterMS Shell Dlg!P K Pi -%Pi-"@%4<F<Src Harfini SeinMS Shell Dlg!P K Pi -TamamPi-0ptal<F<815@VBL 1C:2C 48A:CMS Shell Dlg!P K Pi -OKPi-!:0AC20B8<F<Izberite rko pogonaMS Shell Dlg!P K Pi -V reduPi-Prekli i<F<Parinkite disko raidMS Shell Dlg!P K Pi -GeraiPi-Atsisakyti@<F<Select Drive LetterMS Shell Dlg!P K Pi -B(HDPi-'F51'A<F<Select Drive LetterMS Shell Dlg!P K Pi - Pi- <F<Select Drive LetterMS Shell Dlg!P K Pi -6 0 ? Pi-Cancel<F< MS Shell Dlg!P K Pi - Pi- <F<Select Drive LetterMS Shell Dlg!P K Pi -I VaPi-Rinonc<F<Select Drive LetterMS Shell Dlg!P K Pi -AceutarPi-Encaboxar<F<xd2QX[݈nN_ MS Shell Dlg!P K Pi -x[Pi-Sm<F<Select Drive LetterMS Shell Dlg!P K Pi -OKPi-Cancel<F<Velg stasjonsbokstavMS Shell Dlg!P K Pi -OKPi-Avbryt<F<Selecione a LetraMS Shell Dlg!P K Pi -OKPi-Cancelar<F<Elekti aparatajn literojnMS Shell Dlg!P K Pi -BonePi-Rezigni<F< bqRhVv&{ MS Shell Dlg!P K Pi -nx[Pi-Sm<F<Seleccione a letra da unidadeMS Shell Dlg!P K Pi -OKPi-Cancelar<F<Izaberi slovo diskaMS Shell Dlg!P K Pi -U reduPi-Otka~i<F<Select Drive LetterMS Shell Dlg!P K Pi -# @54CPi-B:068 'D*7(JB'*'DEC*('* 'DE-1QC'*,'.*1 /DJDK' E*H'ABK' E9 71JB) JHFC3 EF A6DC.Show Advan&cedHide Advan&ced ((/HF 3E)) 'D1Q3HEJ'**A'9D'* 37- 'DEC*('D5H*J'* E9DHE'*L -HD %9/'/'* H'JF"EDA'* 'D3E'* (*.msstyles; *.theme) '.*1 EDA 3E) @8;>65=8O 81;8>B5:8 #AB@>9AB20)Select the Unix target directory, please.Show Advan&cedHide Advan&ced (157 B5<0)@0D8:0 =B53@0F8O2C:B=>A=>0AB@>9:8 =0 Wine$$09;>25 A B5<8 (*.msstyles; *.theme)715@5B5 D09; A B5<0 Aplicacions BibliotequesUnitats:Seleccioneu el directori de destinaci d'Unix, si us plau.&Vista avanada &Vista bsica (Sense tema)GrficsIntegraci d'escriptoriudioQuant aConfiguraci del Wine$Fitxer de tema (*.msstyles; *.theme)Seleccioneu un fitxer de temaAplikaceKnihovnyDisky(Vyberte, prosm, clov unixov adresY.Zobrazit rozaYen &mo~nostiSchovat rozaYen &mo~nosti (Bez tmatu) ZobrazenZa lenn do pracovn plochyZvuk O programuKonfigurace Wine$Tmata vzhledu (*.msstyles; *.theme)Zvolte soubor tmatu vzhledu Programmer BibliotekerEnhederVlg venligst Unix mappen.Show Advan&cedHide Advan&ced (Intet tema)GrafikSkrivebord integreringLydOmWine konfiguration Tema filer (*.msstyles, *.theme)Vlg en tema fil Anwendungen Bibliotheken Laufwerke*Bitte whlen Sie das Unix-Zielverzeichnis.&Erweitert anzeigen&Erweitert ausblenden (Kein Thema)GrafikDesktop-IntegrationAudioberWine-Konfiguration$Themen-Dateien (*.msstyles; *.theme)Themen-Datei auswhlen Applications LibrariesDrives)Select the Unix target directory, please.Show Advan&cedHide Advan&ced (No Theme)GraphicsDesktop IntegrationAudioAboutWine configuration!Theme files (*.msstyles; *.theme)Select a theme file Aplicaciones LibrerasUnidades4Por favor, seleccione el directorio Unix de destino.Show Advan&cedHide Advan&ced (Ningn tema)GrficosIntegracin de escritorioAudio Acerca deConfiguracin de Wine&Ficheros de tema (*.msstyles; *.theme)Seleccione un fichero de tema Sovellukset KirjastotAsematValitse unix-kohdekansio.Nyt lis&asetuksetPiilota lis&asetukset (Ei teemaa) GrafiikkaTypytintegraationiTietojaWinen asetukset$Teematiedostot (*.msstyles; *.theme)Valitse teematiedosto Applications BibliothquesLecteurs/Veuillez slectionner le rpertoire Unix cible.Afficher les &dtailsCacher les &dtails (Aucun thme) AffichageIntgration avec le bureauAudio proposConfiguration de Wine)Fichiers de thmes (*.msstyles; *.theme) Slectionnez un fichier de thme LibrariesDrives)Select the Unix target directory, please.Show Advan&cedHide Advan&ced (No Theme)GraphicsDesktop IntegrationAudioAboutWine configuration!Theme files (*.msstyles; *.theme)Select a theme file AlkalmazsokFggvnyknyvtrak Meghajtk#Krem vlasszon unix clknyvtrat.Show Advan&cedHide Advan&ced (Nincs tma)GrafikaAsztalba beplsHangNvjegyWine konfigurci Tmafjlok (*.msstyles; *.theme)Tmafjl vlasztsa ApplicazioniLibrerieUnit-Seleziona la cartella Unix desiderata, prego.Show Advan&cedHide Advan&ced (Nessun tema)GraficaIntegrazione della ScrivaniaAudio InformazioniConfigurazione di Wine#File del tema (*.msstyles; *.theme)Seleziona un file di tema00000000000000000Unix n0[a0000000xbW0f0O0`0U0D00 s0}0h:y(&C) s0}0Y0(&C)(000!qW0);ub000000q}T00000 Wine k0d0D0f0Wine -[000 0000 (*.msstyles; *.theme) 000 0000n0xb\|t 췬ܴ|t  ɲ  T| X$. 5X(&C) t0 5X (00(&C) (Lȹ X JL)=plб$$Wine $Lȹ | (*.msstyles; *.theme)Lȹ | Toepassingen BibliothekenStations Selecteer de Unix doelmap a.u.b.Show Advan&cedHide Advan&ced (Geen Thema)GrafischDesktop IntegratieGeluid Over WineWine configuratie%Thema-bestanden (*.msstyles; *.theme)Thema-bestanden kiezen Aplikacje BibliotekiDyski(Prosz wybra docelowy katalog Uniksowy.Poka| &zaawansowaneUkryj z&aawansowane(brak wystroju)GrafikaIntegracja z pulpitemDzwik InformacjeUstawienia Wine%Pliki wystrojw (*.msstyles; *.theme)Wybierz plik wystroju AplicaiiLibrrii Dispozitive"Selectai dosarul destinaie unix.Arat a&vansateAscunde a&vansate(Fr tematic)GraficIntegrare ecranAudioDespre Setri Wine)Fiiere de tematic (*.msstyles; *.theme) Selecteaz un fiier de tematic @8;>65=8O 81;8>B5:88A:8#K15@8B5 F5;52>9 :0B0;>3 2 A8AB5<5.>&?>;=8B5;L=>&!:@KBL 4>?. =0AB@>9:8 (157 B5<K)@0D8:084 8 8=B53@0F8OC48>  ?@>3@0<<50AB@>9:0 Wine$09;K B5< (*.msstyles; *.theme)K15@8B5 D09; A B5<>9 Aplikacije BibliotekePogoni(Molimo izaberite Unix glavni direktorij.Show Advan&cedHide Advan&ced (Bez teme)GrafikaDesktop integracijaZvukO WineWine konfiguracija#Datoteke teme (*.msstyles; *.theme)Izaberite temu Aplikcie LibrariesDrives)Select the Unix target directory, please.Show Advan&cedHide Advan&ced (No Theme)GraphicsDesktop IntegrationAudioAboutWine configuration!Theme files (*.msstyles; *.theme)Select a theme fileProgram BibliotekEnheterVlj unix-mlkatalog, tack.Visa &avanceratDlj &avancerat (Inget tema)GrafikSkrivbordsintegrationLjudOmKonfiguration av WineTemafiler (*.msstyles; *.theme)Vlj en temafil Uygulamalar Kitapl1klar Srcler!Ltfen Unix hedef dizinini sein.Geli_mi_ A&yarlarTe&mel Ayarlar (Tema Yok)GrafikMasast Btnle_tirmesiSesHakk1ndaWine yap1land1rmas1$Tema dosyalar1 (*.msstyles; *.theme)Tema dosyas1 sein>40B:8 V1;V>B5:88A:8'C4L ;0A:0, 2815@VBL FV;L>2C B5:C Unix.>:070B8 &4>40B. =0;0HB.!E>20B8 &4>40B. =0;0HB. (57 B5<8)@0DV:0=B53@0FVO 2 V=B5@D59AC4V> @> ?@>3@0<C0@0<5B@8 Wine$09;8 B5< (*.msstyles; *.theme)815@VBL D09; B5<8Programi Knji~nicePogoniIzberite ciljno mapo Unix.Show Advan&cedHide Advan&ced (Brez teme)GrafikaVklju itev v namizjeZvok O programuNastavitve Wine'Datoteke s temami (*.msstyles; *.theme)Izberite datoteko teme Programos BibliotekosDiskai"Iarinkite Unix paskirties aplank.Rodyti papild&omasSlpti papild&omas(nra apipavidalinimo)GrafikaDarbalaukio integravimasGarsasApie Wine konfigkravimas,Apipavidalinimo failai (*.msstyles; *.theme)!Pasirinkite apipavidalinimo fail LibrariesDrives)Select the Unix target directory, please.Show Advan&cedHide Advan&ced (No Theme)GraphicsDesktop IntegrationAudioAboutWine configuration!Theme files (*.msstyles; *.theme)Select a theme file * M 2 ?  M  G 7 ( A  ~ LibrariesDrives)Select the Unix target directory, please.Show Advan&cedHide Advan&ced (No Theme)GraphicsDesktop IntegrationAudioAboutWine configuration!Theme files (*.msstyles; *.theme)Select a theme file   , , .' ' (&C)' ' (&C)( )    Wine  (*.msstyles; *.theme) Aplicaciones BibliotequesUnidaes)Select the Unix target directory, please.Show Advan&cedHide Advan&ced (No Theme)GraphicsDesktop IntegrationAudiuAboutConfiguracin de Wine!Theme files (*.msstyles; *.theme)Esbilla d'un ficheru d'estilosa(u z_Q_^2QX[݈n ˊxd Unix nje>Y0 o:y2x(&C) υ2x(&C)(!q^of;NL)o:yLhbteTHeܕeWine -[^of;NLjHh (*.msstyles; *.theme) xdN P^of;NLjHh Applications LibrariesDrives)Select the Unix target directory, please.Show Advan&cedHide Advan&ced (No Theme)GraphicsDesktop IntegrationAudioAboutWine configuration!Theme files (*.msstyles; *.theme)Select a theme file Programmer Biblioteker StasjonerVelg Unix-mlkatalogen.Avansert &visningEnkel &visning (Intet tema)GrafikkSkrivebordsintegreringLydOmOppsett av WineTemafiler (*.msstyles; *.theme)Velg en temafil Aplicativos BibliotecasUnidades+Por favor, selecione o diretrio Unix alvo.M&ostrar Avanado&Ocultar Avanado (Sem Tema)GrficosIntegrao com rea de TrabalhoudioSobreConfigurao do Wine&Arquivos de tema (*.msstyles; *.theme)Selecione um arquivo de tema Programoj BibliotekojAparatoj#Bonvolu elekti la celan dosierujon.Show Advan&cedHide Advan&ced (Neniu etoso) Grafika5ojLabortabla integrioSonoPri Wine-agordo!Theme files (*.msstyles; *.theme)&Elekti etosan dosieron^(u z^Qpe^qRhV bvh Unix eN9Y0 >f:yؚ~ y(&C) υؚ~ y(&C)e;N >f:yLhbteTHesQNWine n;NeN (*.msstyles; *.theme) b;NeN Aplicaes BibliotecasUnidades.Por favor, seleccione a pasta Unix de destino.Mostrar &Avanado&Ocultar Avanado (Sem Tema)GrficosIntegrao do EcrudioAcercaConfigurao Wine(Ficheiros de temas (*.msstyles; *.theme)Seleccione um ficheiro de tema Aplikacije BiblitekaDrajvovi)Select the Unix target directory, please.Show Advan&cedHide Advan&ced (Bez teme)GrafikaDesktop integracijaZvukO WineWine konfiguracija"Tema fajlovi (*.msstyles; *.theme)Izaberite temu@>3@0<8 LibrariesDrives)Select the Unix target directory, please.Show Advan&cedHide Advan&ced (No Theme)GraphicsDesktop IntegrationAudioAboutWine configuration!Theme files (*.msstyles; *.theme)Select a theme file'DE,D/ EH5HD %DI%9/'/'* H'JF D@ %s0?:0 @J7:0 :J<0AB@>9:8 =0 Wine 70 %sCarpeta Enllaa aConfiguraci del Wine per a %sAdresY Odkazuje doKonfigurace Wine pro %sMappeLink tilWine konfiguration for %s Shell-Ordner Verknpft mitWine-Konfiguration fr %sFolderLinks toWine configuration for %sCarpeta del sistemaEnlaza aConfiguracin de Wine para %sKansioLinkitt kohteeseenWinen asetukset %s:lleDossier Pointe versConfiguration de Wine pour %s Rendszermappa Mappa tvonalWine konfigurci %s szmraCartella Collega aConfigurazione di Wine per %s0000000000HQ Wine-[ %s(uTŰ X%s \ Wine $Persoonlijke map Verwijst naarWine configuratie voor %sKatalog Dowizany doUstawienia Wine dla %sDosarul de sistemLegat laSetri Wine pentru %s0?:0 !2O70=> A0AB@>9:0 Wine 4;O %sMapa Poveznice doWine konfiguracija za %s Shell-mapp Lnkar tillWine-konfiguration fr %sKlasr Hedef Dizin%s iin Wine yap1land1rmas1"5:0 >A8;0==O =00@0<5B@8 Wine 4;O %sMapa Povezano zNastavitve Wine za %sAplankas Susietas su Wine konfigkravimas: %s Links to%s Wine yrknje>Y#P} Wine e %s v-[FolderLinks toWine configuration for %sMappe Peker tilOppsett av Wine for %sPasta Atalho paraConfigurao do Wine para %s Dosierujo Ligias alWine-agordo por %syrkeN9Y f\ Wine n[ %sPasta Ligaes paraConfigurao Wine para %sFolder Linkovi doWine konfiguracija za %s'DE-1C 'DE.*'1: %s(D' 4J!)A4D '.*('1 'D5H* !.7#('D'9/'/ 'D'A*1'6J)Selected driver: %s(None)Audio test failed!@5H:0(System default)Controlador seleccionat: %s(Cap)La prova d'udio ha fallat!Error(Defecte del sistema)Zvolen ovlada : %s(}dn)Test zvuku selhal!Chyba(Vchoz v systmu)Valgt driver: %s(Ingen)Lyd test fejlede!Fejl(System standard)Ausgewhlter Treiber: %s(Kein)Audiotest fehlgeschlagen!Fehler(Systemstandard)Selected driver: %s(None)Audio test failed!Error(System default)Controlador seleccionado: %s (Ninguno) La prueba de sonido ha fallado!Error(Predeterminado del sistema)Valittu ajuri: %s(Tyhj)nitesti eponnistui!Virhe(Jrjestelmn oletus)Pilote slectionn: %s(Aucun)chec du test audio!Erreur(Valeur par dfaut du systme)Selected driver: %s(None)Audio test failed!(System default)Kivlasztott driver: %s(Nincs)Hangteszt nem sikerlt!Hiba(Rendszer alaprtelmezett)Driver selezionato: %s (Nessuno)Test dell'audio fallito!Errore(valore predefinito di sistema) xbU00_00000: %s(j0W0) 00000 000k01YWe!000 (0000 00000)  ܴ|tDŽ: %s(L) $$ LѤ¸ (!$X(¤\ 0)Geselecteerd stuurprogramma: %s(Geen)Audiotest is mislukt!Fout%(Standaardinstelling van het systeem)Wybrany sterownik: %s(Brak)Nieudana prba dzwiku!BBd(Domy[lne systemowe)Driver selectat: %s (Niciunul)Testul audio a euat!Eroare(Setare implicit)K1@0==K9 4@0925@: %s(=5B) !1>9 ?@8 B5AB5 72C:>2>9 A8AB5<K!H81:0(?> C<>;G0=8N)Odabrani pogon: %s(Niata)Testiranje zvuka neuspjelo!Greaka(Sistemska putanja)Vald drivrutin: %s(Ingen)Ljudtest misslyckades!Fel(Systemstandard)Seili src: %s (Hibiri)Ses s1namas1 ba_ar1s1z!Hata(Sistem varsay1lan)81@0=89 4@0925@: %s(5<0T)C4V> B5AB ?@>20;82AO!><8;:0("8?>289 A8AB5<=89)Izbrani gonilnik: %s(Brez)Preizkus zvoka je spodletel!Napaka(Sistemsko privzeto)Parinkta tvarkykl: %s(jokia)Garso testas nepavyko!Klaida(Sistemos numatytasis) : %s ( ) ! ( )Selected driver: %s(None)Audio test failed!Fallu(System default) xdvER z_%s(!q)He,nf1YWe/(|q}-9AB2>1JQ<=>5 72CG0=85 5.1 204@>D>=8O!B5@5>>=>>=D83C@0F8O :0=0;>2Ureaj 5.1 Surround QuadraphonicStereoMonoSpeaker configuration Zariadenie 5.1 Surround QuadraphonicStereoMonoSpeaker configurationEnhet 5.1 surround4-kanalsstereoStereoMonoHgtalarkonfigurationAyg1t 5.1 evresel KadrafonikStereoMonoHoparlr yap1land1rmas1@8AB@V9030B>:0=0;L=89 5.1204@>D>=VG=89!B5@5>>=>0;0HBC20==O 48=0<V:V2Naprava 5.1 Surround QuadraphonicStereoMonoSpeaker configuration.taisas Erdviniai 5.1KvadrofoniniaiStereofoniniai MonofoninisGarsiakalbis konfigkravimas 5.1    Presu 5.1 Surround QuadraphonicEstreuMonuSpeaker configuration݈n 5.1 Surround QuadraphonicStereoMonoSpeaker configurationDevice 5.1 Surround QuadraphonicStereoMonoSpeaker configurationEnhet 5.1 Surround QuadraphonicStereoMonoHytaleroppsett Dispositivo Surround 5.1 QuadrafnicoEstreoMonoConfigurao dos alto-falantesY5.1 s~XVXSU_>e󗾋YSXSUSXSlbXhVn Dispositivo 5.1 Surround QuadraphonicStereoMonoConfigurao de Altifalanteso'D*:JJ1'* 9DI .J'1 'DEC*() 'DE3*9ED) DG0' 'DFH9 EF 'DEC*('*. :J1 E3*-3F  GD 'F* E*'C/ #FC D' 2D* *1:( AJ 0DC Warning: system library'D#5DJQ)'DE6EQF)'D#5DJQ) +E 'DE6EQF)'DE6EQF) +E 'D#5DJQ)`@><O=0B0 =0 @540 =0 70@5640=5 =5 5 ?@5?>@JG8B5;=0. !83C@=8 ;8 AB5, G5 8A:0B5 40 =0?@028B5 B>20?=8<0=85: A8AB5<=0 181;8>B5:0 A>1AB25=023@045=0A>1AB25=0, 23@045=023@045=0, A>1AB25=0_No es recomana canviar l'ordre de crrega d'aquesta biblioteca. Esteu segur que voleu fer aix?"Advertncia: biblioteca de sistemanativainternanativa, internainterna, nativaNNedoporu uje se mnit poYad nahrvn tto knihovny. Ur it to chcete udlat?Varovn: systmov knihovnanativn vestavnnativn, vestavnvestavn, nativnjAt ndre indlsningsrkkeflge af dette bibliotek er ikke anbefalet. Er du sikker p at du vil gre dette?Advarsel: system bibliotekindfdt indbyggetindfdt, indbyggetindbygget, indfdtrDas ndern der Ladereihenfolge dieser Bibliothek wird nicht empfohlen. Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie dies tun mchten?Warnung: SystembibliothekNativeBuiltinNative, BuiltinBuiltin, Native]Changing the load order of this library is not recommended. Are you sure you want to do this?Warning: system librarynativebuiltinnative, builtinbuiltin, native_No se recomienda cambiar el orden de carga de esta librera. Est seguro que desea hacer esto?!Advertencia: librera del sistemanativainternanativa, internainterna, nativaVTmn kirjaston lataamisjrjestyksen muuttamista ei suositella. Haluatko silti jatkaa?Varoitus: jrjestelmkirjastonatiivisisinennatiivi, sisinensisinen, natiivinModifier l'ordre de chargement de cette bibliothque n'est pas recommand. tes-vous sr de vouloir le faire? Attention: bibliothque systmenativeintgrenative, intgreintgre, native_A knyvtrak betltsi sorrendjnek megvltoztatsa nem ajnlott. Biztos hogy ezt akarja tenni?"Figyelem: rendszerfggvnyknyvtrnatv beptettnatv, beptettbeptett, natvcCambiare l'ordine di caricamento di questa libreria non raccomandato. Sei sicuro di volerlo fare?Attenzione: libreria di sistemanativa integratanativa, integrataintegrata, nativa)S0n000000n000^0 YfY00S0h0o0chYU00~0[000 ,gS_k0 YfW0~0Y0K0?fJT: 0000 0000000000HrQ5Hr 00000Hr0Q5Hr Q5Hr000000Hr,t |t 췬X \ܴ | XՔ D X JŵȲ. ĬX ȲL? : ¤\ |t 췬$t $t , , $t mVeranderen van de laadvolgorde van deze bibliotheek wordt niet aanbevolen . Weet u zeker dat u dit wilt doen? Waarschuwing: systeembibliotheeknative ingebouwdwindows, ingebouwdingebouwd, windowsRZmiana reguBy dla tej biblioteki nie jest zalecana. Czy na pewno chcesz to zrobi?Uwaga: biblioteka systemowanatywna wbudowananatywna, wbudowanawbudowana, natywna}Nu se recomand schimbarea ordini de ncrcare pentru aceast librrie. Dorii ntr-adevr s schimbai ordinea de ncrcare?Avertizare: librrie de sistemnativintegratnativ, integratintegrat, nativf7<5=5=85 ?>@O4:0 703@C7:8 MB>9 181;8>B5:8 =5 @5:><5=4C5BAO. K 459AB28B5;L=> E>B8B5 87<5=8BL ?>@O4>:?=8<0=85: A8AB5<=0O 181;8>B5:0 AB>@>==OO 2AB@>5==0OAB>@>==OO, 2AB@>5==0O2AB@>5==0O, AB>@>==OO^Promjena redoslijeda biblioteka nije preporu ljiva. Da li ste sigurni kako ~elite ovo u initi? Upozorenje: sistemska bibliotekanativnaugraenanativna, ugraenaugraena, nativnamndring av inlsningsordningen fr detta bibliotek rekommenderas inte. r du sker p att du vill gra detta?Varning: systembibliotek ursprungliginbyggdursprunglig, inbyggdinbyggd, ursprungligbBu kitapl11n ykleme s1ras1n1n dei_tirilmesi nerilmez. Bunu yapmak istediinizden emin misiniz?Uyar1: sistem kitapl11doalyerle_ikdoal, yerle_ikyerle_ik, doalU<V=0 ?>@O4:C 7020=B065==O FVTW 1V1;V>B5:8 =5 @5:><5=4CTBLAO. V9A=> 7<V=8B8 ?>@O4>:?#2030: A8AB5<=0 1V1;V>B5:0AB>@>==O 21C4>20=0AB>@>==O, 21C4>20=021C4>20=0, AB>@>==OsSpreminjanje vrstnega reda nalaganja za to knji~nico ni priporo ljivo. Ali ste prepri ani, da ga ~elite spremeniti?Opozorilo: sistemska knji~nicaizvornovgrajenoizvorno, vgrajenovgrajeno, izvornoWKeisti aios bibliotekos /klimo tvark nerekomenduojama. Ar tikrai norite tai padaryti?.spjimas: sistemin bibliotekasava/taisytasava, /taisyta/taisyta, sava]Changing the load order of this library is not recommended. Are you sure you want to do this? : nativebuiltinnative, builtinbuiltin, nativeWNun s'aconseya'l cambu del orde de carga d'esta biblioteca. De xuru que quies facelo?Warning: system librarynativebuiltinnative, builtinbuiltin, native N^p \ PQ_^f9e eQ^0 `x[YdkUfJT|q}Q_^SugQ^Su gQ^gQ^0Su]Changing the load order of this library is not recommended. Are you sure you want to do this?Warning: system librarynativebuiltinnative, builtinbuiltin, nativeiEndring av lastingsrekkeflgen for dette biblioteket anbefales ikke. Er du sikker p at du vil gjre det?Advarsel: systembibliotekinnfdt innebyggetinnfdt, innebyggetinnebygget, innfdtdNo recomendado alterar a ordem de carregamento desta biblioteca. Tem certeza que quer fazer isto?Aviso: biblioteca do sistemanativaembutidanativa, embutidaembutida, nativa N^[ُ*NQpe^f9e}eQz^0 `Onx[YdkTfJT|~Qpe^SňQ^SňHQNQ^Q^HQNSňeNo recomendado que mude a ordem de carregamento desta biblioteca. Tem certeza que quer fazer isto?Aviso: biblioteca do sistemanativaembutidanativa, embutidaembutida, nativa\Promena redosleda biblioteka nije preporu ljiva. Da li ste sigurni da ~elite da uradite ovo? Upozorenje: sistemska bibliotekanativebuiltinnative, builtinbuiltin, nativeE97QD'D%9/'/'* 'D'A*1'6J)(1'E, H'JF (*.exe; *.exe.so)'3*./E 'D%9/'/'* 'D9'DEJ)'.*1 EDAK' *7(JBJK' 701@0=5=0Default SettingsWine Programs (*.exe; *.exe.so)Use global settingsSelect an executable file inhabilitadaOpcions per defecte$Programes del Wine (*.exe; *.exe.so)Utilitza opcions globals Seleccionar un fitxer executablezakzatStandardn nastavenProgramy Wine (*.exe; *.exe.so)Pou~t vaeobecn nastavenVyberte spustiteln soubor DeaktiveretStandard indstillinger!Wine programmer (*.exe, *.exe.so)Brug globale indstillingerVlg en programfil ausgeschaltetStandardeinstellungen Wine-Programme (*.exe; *.exe.so)Globale Einstellung benutzenAusfhrbares Programm auswhlendisabledDefault SettingsWine Programs (*.exe; *.exe.so)Use global settingsSelect an executable file deshabilitadaConfiguracin por defecto#Programas de Wine (*.exe; *.exe.so)Usar la configuracin global Seleccione un fichero ejecutable ei kytssOletusasetuksetWine-ohjelmat (*.exe; *.exe.so)Kyt globaaleja asetuksiaValitse suoritettava tiedosto dsactiveParamtres par dfaut%Programmes de Wine (*.exe; *.exe.so)Utiliser les paramtres globaux"Slectionnez un fichier excutableletiltvaAlaprtelmezett belltsokProgramok (*.exe; *.exe.so)Globlis belltsok hasznlata!Vlasszon ki egy futtathat fjlt disabilitatoImpostazioni predefinite"Programmi di Wine (*.exe,*.exe.so)Usa impostazioni globaliSeleziona un file eseguibile!qRe[n0-[Wine 00000 (*.exe; *.exe.so)hQSO-[0OF0 [LS00000xbX JL0 $Wine \ (*.exe,*.exe.so) $ ‰ | uitgeschakeldStandaardinstellingen#Wine toepassingen (*.exe; *.exe.so)Gebruik globale instellingen!Selecteer een uitvoerbaar bestand wyBczonaUstawienia domy[lneProgramy Wine (*.exe; *.exe.so)U|yj ustawieD globalnychWybierz plik wykonywalny dezactivatSetri implicitePrograme Wine (*.exe;*.exe.so)Folosete setrile globaleSelecteaz un fiier executabil >B:;NG5=0#AB0=>2:8 ?> C<>;G0=8N @>3@0<<K Wine (*.exe; *.exe.so)A?>;L7>20BL ?> C<>;G0=8NK15@8B5 8A?>;=O5<K9 D09; onemoguenOsnovne postavkeWine programi (*.exe; *.exe.so)Koristi globalne postavkeIzaberi izvranu datoteku inaktiveradStandardinstllningarWine-program (*.exe; *.exe.so)Anvnd globala instllningarVlj en krbar fil devre d1_1Varsay1lan Ayarlar!Wine Programlar1 (*.exe,*.exe.so)Genel ayarlar1 kullan al1_t1r1labilir bir dosya sein28<:=5=>!B0=40@B=V =0;0HBC20==O@>3@0<8 Wine (*.exe; *.exe.so)8:>@8AB0B8 3;>10;L=V ?0@0<5B@8815@VBL 28:>=C20=89 D09; onemogo enoPrivzete nastavitveProgrami Wine (*.exe;*.exe.so)Uporabi sploane nastavitveIzberite izvedljivo datotekoiajungtaNumatytosios nuostatos" Wine programos (*.exe; *.exe.so)Naudoti globalias nuostatasPasirinkite vykdomj/ fail  "Wine (*.exe; *.exe.so) " disabledDefault Settings#Programes de Wine (*.exe; *.exe.so)Use global settingsSelect an executable file\P(u-D}KaWine z_ (*.exe; *.exe.so)O(uhQW-[xdN PSWLjdisabledDefault SettingsWine Programs (*.exe; *.exe.so)Use global settingsSelect an executable filesltt avGlobale innstillinger!Wine-programmer (*.exe; *.exe.so)Bruk globale innstillingerVelg en programfil desativadaConfiguraes PadroProgramas Wine (*.exe,*.exe.so)Usar configuraes globaisSelecione um arquivo executveldisabledDefamltaj AgordojWine Programs (*.exe; *.exe.so)Uzi unuecan agordonSelect an executable file\P(u؞nWine z^ (*.exe; *.exe.so)O(uhQ@\n bSgbLeN desactivadaDefinies Predefinidas Programas Wine (*.exe; *.exe.so)Usar definies globais"Seleccionar um ficheiro executvel isklju enOsnovno podeaavanjeWine Programs (*.exe; *.exe.so)Koristi globalna podeaavanjaIzaberi izvrani fajl *-/J/ *DB'&J B15 5D( E-DQJE4'1C) 9DI 'D4Q(C)B15 E1FB15 E/E,fD' JECFC %6'A) E-1C'* #.1I. CD E-1C J,( #F JB*1F (-1A EF a %DI z D0DC D' JECFC %6'A) #C+1 EF 26 E-1C. E-1C 'DF8'EAre you sure you want to delete drive C? Most Windows applications expect drive C to exist, and will die messily if it doesn't. If you proceed, remember to recreate it! AutodetectLocal hard disk Network share Floppy diskCD-ROMmYou cannot add any more drives. Each drive must have a letter, from A to Z, so you cannot have more than 26. System driveAre you sure you want to delete drive C? Most Windows applications expect drive C to exist, and will die messily if it doesn't. If you proceed, remember to recreate it! AutodetectaDisc dur localRecurs compartit de xarxaDisquetCD-ROMwNo podeu afegir ms unitats. Cada unitat ha de tenir una lletra, de la A a la Z, aix que no en podeu tenir ms de 26.Unitat de sistemaEsteu segur que voleu suprimir la unitat C? La majoria de les aplicacions de Windows esperen que la unitat C existeixi, i fallaran desordenadament si no. Si procediu, recordeu recrear-la! AutodetekceMstn pevn disk Seov diskDisketaCD-ROMpDala disk ji~ nelze pYidat. Ka~d disk mus mt pYiYazeno psmeno od A do Z, tak~e jich nelze mt vce ne~ 26.Systmov diskAre you sure you want to delete drive C? Most Windows applications expect drive C to exist, and will die messily if it doesn't. If you proceed, remember to recreate it! Auto&detekterLokal harddiskNetworkresourse DiskettedrevCD-RomoDu kan ikke tilfje flere drev. Hvert drev skal have et bogstav, fra A til Z, s du kan ikke have mere end 26. SystemdrevAre you sure you want to delete drive C? Most Windows applications expect drive C to exist, and will die messily if it doesn't. If you proceed, remember to recreate it! AutomatischLokale FestplatteNetzwerkfreigabeDisketteCD-ROMSie knnen keine weiteren Laufwerke hinzufgen. Jedes Laufwerk muss einen Buchstaben besitzen, von A bis Z, daher knnen Sie nicht mehr als 26 Laufwerke definieren.SystemlaufwerkSind Sie sicher, dass Sie Laufwerk C entfernen mchten? Die meisten Windows-Anwendungen erwarten, dass ein Laufwerk C existiert und werden ohne dieses unsauber abstrzen. Wenn Sie fortfahren, vergessen Sie nicht, Laufwerk C neu zu erstellen! AutodetectLocal hard disk Network share Floppy diskCD-ROMmYou cannot add any more drives. Each drive must have a letter, from A to Z, so you cannot have more than 26. System driveAre you sure you want to delete drive C? Most Windows applications expect drive C to exist, and will die messily if it doesn't. If you proceed, remember to recreate it! AutodetectarDisco duro localCompartidos de redDisqueteCD-ROMtNo puede aadir ms unidades. Cada unidad debe tener una letra, de la A a la Z, el nmero mximo de unidades es 26.Unidad del sistemaAre you sure you want to delete drive C? Most Windows applications expect drive C to exist, and will die messily if it doesn't. If you proceed, remember to recreate it!Hae automaattisestiPaikallinen kovalevy VerkkojakoLevykeCD-ROMlEt voi list enemp asemia. Joka asemalla on oltava tunnus A:sta Z:aan, joten niit voi olla enintn 26.JrjestelmasemaOletko varma, ett haluat poistaa C-aseman? Monet Windows-ohjelmat olettavat, ett C-asema on olemassa, ja saattavat kaatua oudosti, jos sit ei ole. Jos jatkat, muista luoda uusi C-asema!Auto-dtectionDisque dur localPartage rseauLecteur de disquetteCD-ROMImpossible d'ajouter des lecteurs supplmentaires! Chaque lecteur se voit assigner une lettre de A Z; vous ne pouvez donc pas en avoir plus de 26.Lecteur systmeAre you sure you want to delete drive C? Most Windows applications expect drive C to exist, and will die messily if it doesn't. If you proceed, remember to recreate it! AutodetectHelyi merevlemezHlzat megoszts Floppy lemezCD-ROMhNem adhat hozz tbb meghajtt. Minden meghajtt el kell ltni A..Z betqvel, gy nem lehet tbb 26-nl.Rendszer meghajtAre you sure you want to delete drive C? Most Windows applications expect drive C to exist, and will die messily if it doesn't. If you proceed, remember to recreate it! AutodetectHard disk localeCondivisione rete Disco floppyCD-ROMxNon puoi aggiungere pi alcun drive. Ciascuno deve avere una lettera, dalla A alla Z, perci non puoi averne pi di 26.Unit di sistemaAre you sure you want to delete drive C? Most Windows applications expect drive C to exist, and will die messily if it doesn't. If you proceed, remember to recreate it!RiQ 0000 000 0000000000qQ g 00000 0000CD-ROMCS00N N00000Rg0M0~0[000 T0000o0 A K00 Z ~0g0n0 1 W[0OF0_L0B00n0g0026 0H00S0h0o0g0M0~0[000 0000 0000tC 00000,gS_k0JRdW0~0Y0K0? 'YRn0 Windows 00000000o00C 0000L0X[(WY00S0h00MRch0W0f0D00n0g00X[(WW0j0D04XT0a00O0a00j0{kk0e0Y00g0W00F00}LY00j00p00Q\ObY00n00_0j0D0g0O0`0U0D0!ٳ<\ >0 \ Xܴ l$l  \< lCD-ROMTT t ܴ|t | `  ŵȲ. X ܴ|t A ZLX 8| 0 L8, 26 T ι@ ܴ|t | `  ŵȲ.¤\ ܴ|t tܴ|t C mթD pX ȲL? X Windows \@ C ܴ|t iȲ. C ܴ|t t Dx )<\ ̸iȲ. Ĭ ɉ$t, C ܴ|t | ̹ܴ$!&Automatisch detecterenLokaal stationNetwerkverbindingDiskettestationCd-romyU kunt geen stations meer toevoegen. Elk station moet een letter van A tot Z hebben dus er kunnen niet meer dan 26 zijn.Systeem stationAre you sure you want to delete drive C? Most Windows applications expect drive C to exist, and will die messily if it doesn't. If you proceed, remember to recreate it!Wykryj samoczynnieLokalny dysk twardyZasb sieciowyStacja dyskietekCD-ROMhNie mo|esz doda kolejnego dysku. Ka|dy dysk musi mie liter od A do Z, co ogranicza ich liczb do 26.Dysk systemowyAre you sure you want to delete drive C? Most Windows applications expect drive C to exist, and will die messily if it doesn't. If you proceed, remember to recreate it!Detecteaz automatHard disk localResurs din reeaDischetCD-ROMNu mai putei aduga nici o unitate. Fiecare unitate trebuie s aib o liter de la A la Z asociat cu ea. Acest fapt limiteaz numrul de uniti la 26.Unitate de sistemAre you sure you want to delete drive C? Most Windows applications expect drive C to exist, and will die messily if it doesn't. If you proceed, remember to recreate it!2B>>?@545;5=85 QAB:89 48A: !5B52>9 48A:8A:>2>4CD-ROMy52>7<>6=> 4>1028BL 5IQ >48= 48A:. 064K9 48A: 8<55B 1C:2C - >B A 4> Z, ?>MB><C >1I55 :>;8G5AB2> 48A:>2 >3@0=8G5=> 26-N.!8AB5<=K9 48A:59AB28B5;L=> C40;8BL 48A: C? >;LH8=AB2> Windows-?@>3@0<< ?5@5AB0=CB @01>B0BL 157 48A:0 C. A;8 2K 2AQ 65 @5H8;8 C40;8BL 48A:, =5 701C4LB5 A>740BL =>2K9!AutodetektirajLokalni tvrdi diskMre~no dijeljenje Floppy pogonCD-ROMtNe mo~ete dodati viae pogona. Svaki disk mora imati slovo, od A do Z, ato zna i kako ih ne mo~ete imati viae od 26.Sistemski pogonAre you sure you want to delete drive C? Most Windows applications expect drive C to exist, and will die messily if it doesn't. If you proceed, remember to recreate it! AutodetectLocal hard disk Network share Floppy diskCD-ROMmYou cannot add any more drives. Each drive must have a letter, from A to Z, so you cannot have more than 26.Systmov jednotkaAre you sure you want to delete drive C? Most Windows applications expect drive C to exist, and will die messily if it doesn't. If you proceed, remember to recreate it!Upptck automatisktLokal hrddiskNtverksutdelningDiskettCd-romrDu kan inte lgga till fler enheter. Varje enhet mste ha en bokstav frn A till Z, s du kan inte ha fler n 26. SystemenhetAre you sure you want to delete drive C? Most Windows applications expect drive C to exist, and will die messily if it doesn't. If you proceed, remember to recreate it!Otomatik &Alg1laYerel sabit disk A payla_1m1 Disket srcCD-ROMDaha fazla src ekleyemezsiniz. Her srcnn A-Z aral11nda bir harfi olmal1d1r. Dolay1s1yla 26'dan fazla src tan1mlayamazs1n1z.Sistem srcsC srcsn silmek istediinizden emin misiniz? ou Windows uygulamas1 C srcsnn var olmas1n1 bekler ve yoksa istenmeyen bir _ekilde sonlan1r. Eer devam ederseniz, daha sonra yeniden olu_turmay1 unutmay1n!2B>287=0G5==O >@AB:89 48A: 5@56=89 48A:8A:>2>4CD-ROMlV;LH5 =5 <>6=0 4>40B8 48A:. >65= 48A: <0T <0B8 1C:2C 2V4 A 4> Z, B><C =5 <>6=0 <0B8 1V;LH5 =V6 26 48A:V2.!8AB5<=89 48A:8 2?52=5=V, I> E>G5B5 2840;8B8 48A: C? V;LHVABL Windows-?@>3@0< ?5@5AB0=CBL ?@0FN20B8 157 48A:C C. /:I> 28 2A5 6 28@VH8;8 2840;8B8 48A:, =5 701C4LB5 AB2>@8B8 =>289! AutodetectKrajevni trdi diskOmre~na souporabaDisketaCD-ROMvNi mogo e dodati ve  pogonov. Za oznake pogonov so na voljo rke od A do Z, torej ne morete imeti ve  kot 26 pogonov.Sistemski pogonAre you sure you want to delete drive C? Most Windows applications expect drive C to exist, and will die messily if it doesn't. If you proceed, remember to recreate it!Automatiakai aptiktiVietinis standusis diskas Tinklo diskasDiskelisCD-ROMzNebegalite pridti daugiau disks. Kiekvienas diskas turi turti raid, nuo A iki Z, todl negalite turti daugiau nei 26.Sisteminis diskasAr tikrai norite paaalinti  C disk? Daugelis  Windows programs tikisi, kad  C diskas egzistuoja, ir neveikia, kai jis neegzistuoja. Jei tsite, nepamirakite jo sukurti ia naujo!   CD-ROMmYou cannot add any more drives. Each drive must have a letter, from A to Z, so you cannot have more than 26. Are you sure you want to delete drive C? Most Windows applications expect drive C to exist, and will die messily if it doesn't. If you proceed, remember to recreate it! AutodetectDiscu duru llocal Network shareDisqueteCD-ROMmYou cannot add any more drives. Each drive must have a letter, from A to Z, so you cannot have more than 26. System driveAre you sure you want to delete drive C? Most Windows applications expect drive C to exist, and will die messily if it doesn't. If you proceed, remember to recreate it!RuP,n,g_jlxx}RNߎx_jIQx<`!qlQXRNUO2QX[݈n0 k P2QX[݈n_ gN P_ A 0R Z KNveW[k @bN`!qld gN 26 P݈n0|q}2QX[݈nAre you sure you want to delete drive C? Most Windows applications expect drive C to exist, and will die messily if it doesn't. If you proceed, remember to recreate it! AutodetectLocal hard disk Network share Floppy diskCD-ROMmYou cannot add any more drives. Each drive must have a letter, from A to Z, so you cannot have more than 26. System driveAre you sure you want to delete drive C? Most Windows applications expect drive C to exist, and will die messily if it doesn't. If you proceed, remember to recreate it!Finn automatiskLokal harddiskNettverksressursDiskettCD-ROMpDu kan ikke legge til flere stasjoner. Hver stasjon m ha en bokstav fra A til Z, s 26 stasjoner er det meste. SystemstasjonVil du virkelig fjerne stasjon C? De fleste Windows-programmer forventer at C finnes, og lager brk hvis den ikke er der. Husk lage den p nytt hvis du fortsetter! Auto detectarDisco rgido localCompartilhamento de redeDisqueteCD-ROMyNo possvel adicionar mais unidades. Cada unidade deve ter uma letra, de A a Z, ento no possvel ter mais que 26.Unidade do sistemaTem certeza que deseja excluir a unidade C? A maior parte dos aplicativos Windows esperam que a unidade C exista e no funcionaro caso contrrio. Se continuar, lembre-se de recri-la!ꁨROKm,g0WlxvQ~qQNeN9YovIQq+ NQmRqRhV0 qRhVvv&{_{/feW[k A-Z VdkgYSAQ 26 *N0|~qRhVF`Onx[ Rd C vT 'YR Windows z^GP[ C vX[(W Y~b N0R C vSO[%N͑0Yg~~ ͑e^zdkv Auto detectarDisco rgido localPartilha de redeDisqueteCD-ROMxNo pode adicionar mais unidades. Cada unidade tem que ter uma letra, de A a Z, como tal no pode adicionar mais de 26.Unidade do sistemaAre you sure you want to delete drive C? Most Windows applications expect drive C to exist, and will die messily if it doesn't. If you proceed, remember to recreate it! AutodetectLokalni Hard DiskMre~no deljenjeFloppy disketaCD-ROMmYou cannot add any more drives. Each drive must have a letter, from A to Z, so you cannot have more than 26.Sistemski drajvAre you sure you want to delete drive C? Most Windows applications expect drive C to exist, and will die messily if it doesn't. If you proceed, remember to recreate it!'D-1A Target folderg#F* D' *EDC 'DB15 c  G0' #E1 .7J1 !. *0C1 'FG (%EC'FC 'D6:7 9DI 21 #6A AJ D3'F 'DE-1C'* D%6'A) E-1C. LletraCarpeta de destinacitNo teniu una unitat C. Aix no est molt b. Recordeu fer clic en 'Afegir' en la pestanya Unitats per a crear una! Psmeno Clov slo~kadVypad to, ~e nemte disk C. To nen dobr. Kliknte na  PYidat... v zlo~ce Disky a vytvoYte ho! Bogstav Target folder`Du har ikke et C drev. Dette er ikke s godt. Husk at klikke Tilfj i Drev tabben for lave en! Buchst.ZielverzeichnisSie haben kein Laufwerk C. Das ist nicht so gut. Vergessen Sie nicht, im Reiter 'Laufwerke' ein solches anzulegen, indem Sie auf 'Hinzufgen' klicken! Letter Target folderjYou don't have a drive C. This is not so great. Remember to click 'Add' in the Drives tab to create one! Unidad Target foldersNo existe una unidad C. Y esto no es nada bueno. Recuerde pulsar 'Aadir' en la pestaa Unidades para crear una! Kirjain KohdekansioaC-asemaa ei ole. Nin ei ole kovin hyv. Muista painaa Asemat-vlilehdell 'Lis' ja luoda se! Lettre Dossier cibleVous ne disposez pas de lecteur C, ce qui peut poser des problmes. N'oubliez pas d'en recrer un en cliquant sur le bouton Ajouter dans l'onglet Lecteurs! Betqjel Target folderzNincs C meghajtja. Ez nem olyan j. EmlkeztetQl, klikkeljen a 'Hozzad'-ra a meghajtk fln, hogy ltrehozzon egyet! Lettera Target folderpNon hai un'unit C. Non consigliabile. Ricordati di cliccare 'Aggiungi' nella sezione Unit per crearne uno! eW[[an00000KC 0000L0B00~0[000S00o0B0~00oO0B00~0[000 C 00000\ObY00_00k00000 00Qn0 [R] 0_0Z0k00000W0f0O0`0U0D0! 8\ T@ܴ|t C ŵȲ. @ l1t DٲȲ. ܴ|t  []| tЭt ̹ܴ D ȹ$! Letter Target folderU heeft geen C station. Dit kan tot problemen leiden. Vergeet niet om m.b.v. de knop 'Toevoegen' in de Stations tab een C station aan te maken! LiteraKatalog docelowynNie masz dysku C. To mo|e powodowa problemy. Nie zapomnij u|y 'Dodaj' w zakBadce 'Dyski', aby go utworzy! LiteraDosarul destinaieeNu avei unitatea C. Nu-i bine de loc. Nu uitai s o adugai n subfereastra  Mapare de discuri ! 8A:CBLB# 20A =5B 48A:0 C. -B> =5 >G5=L E>@>H>. 5 701C4LB5 53> A>740BL! Slovo Target folder[Nemate pogon C. Ovo nije baa sjajno. Kliknite 'Dodaj' u Pogoni tabu kako bi ga napravili! Psmeno Target folderjYou don't have a drive C. This is not so great. Remember to click 'Add' in the Drives tab to create one! BokstavMlmapprDu saknar enhet C. Det hr r inte s bra. Kom ihg att klicka p  Lgg till i fliken Enheter fr att skapa en! Src Harfi Hedef Klasr|C srcnz yok. Bu beklenen bir durum deil. Bir tane olu_turmak iin Srcler sekmesinden Ekle'yi t1klatmay1 unutmay1n! C:20 &V;L>20 B5:0O5<0T 48A:C C. &5 7;5. 0B8A=VBL '>40B8' 2 70:;04FV 8A:8 I>1 AB2>@8B8 9>3>! Pismo Target foldervNimate dolo enega pogona C, kar lahko povzro i te~ave. e ga ~elite dodati, uporabite gumb 'Dodaj' v zavihku Pogoni! RaidPaskirties aplankasiNeturite C disko. Tai nra gerai. Nepamirakite paspausti  Pridti disks kortelje, kad j/ sukurtumte!  c C . . ' ' ' ' ! Lletra Target folderjYou don't have a drive C. This is not so great. Remember to click 'Add' in the Drives tab to create one! N_ Target folder.`l g C i0  N/fN}YN0 ˊ_ޞx 02QX[݈n 0Rv 0ReQ 0O^zN Pexx Letter Target folderjYou don't have a drive C. This is not so great. Remember to click 'Add' in the Drives tab to create one! BokstavMlmappeeDu har ikke en C-stasjon. Det er ikke s bra. Husk trykke Legg til i stasjonsfanen for lage en! LetraDiretrio alvosNo existe uma unidade C. Isto no nada bom. Lembre-se de clicar em 'Adicionar' na aba Unidades para criar uma! Litero Target folderjYou don't have a drive C. This is not so great. Remember to click 'Add' in the Drives tab to create one! v&{vheN9Y)`Ol g C v0ُS N/fN}YN0 _p  qRhV h~{v mR eg^z[ Letra Pasta alvo}Se no tem uma unidade C. Isto no nada bom. Certifique-se que clica em 'Adicionar' no separador Unidades para criar uma! Letter Target folderSNemate disk C. Ovo nije baa sjajno. Kliknite 'Dodaj' u diskovi tabu da napravite! .DAJ) 'D*-CE'* F5 'D*-CE'* 37- 'DEC*( .DAJ) 'DBH'&E F5 'DBH'&E 41J7 'D*E1J1.DAJ) 'D'.*J'1 F5 'D'.*J'1 .DAJ) '/H'* F5 'D#/H'* .DAJ) 'DF'A0) F5 'DF'A0)41J7 'D9FH'F 'DEA9D'D9FH'F 'DEA9D41J7 'D9FH'F :J1 'DEA9D'D9FH'F :J1 'DEA9DControls--FonsControls--Text Escriptori Men--Fons Men--TextBarra de desplaamentSelecci--FonsSelecci--TextIndicador de funci--FonsIndicador de funci--TextFinestra--FonsFinestra--TextTtol actiu--BarraTtol actiu--TextTtol inactiu--BarraTtol inactiu--TextPozad ovldacch prvkoPsmo ovldacch prvkoPlocha Pozad menu Psmo menuPosuvnk Pozad vbru Psmo vbru Pozad tipu Psmo tipu Pozad okna Psmo oknaPozad titulku aktivnho oknaPsmo titulku aktivnho oknaPozad titulku neaktivnho oknaPsmo titulku neaktivnho oknaKontrol baggrund Kontrol tekst Skrivebord Menubaggrund Menutekst ScrollbarMarkeret baggrundMarkeret tekstBaggrund i vrktjstipTekst i vrktjstipvinduesbaggrund vinduestekstAktiv titellinjeAktiv titeltekstInaktiv titellinjeInaktiv titeltekstSteuerelementhintergrundSteuerelementtextDesktopMenhintergrundMentextBildlaufleisteAuswahlhintergrund AuswahltextTooltip-Hintergrund Tooltip-TextFensterhintergrund FenstertextAktive TitelleisteAktiver TitelleistentextInaktive TitelleisteInaktiver TitelleistentextControls Background Controls TextDesktopMenu Background Menu Text ScrollbarSelection BackgroundSelection TextTooltip Background Tooltip TextWindow Background Window TextActive Title BarActive Title TextInactive Title BarInactive Title TextFondo del controlTexto del control EscritorioFondo del menTexto del menBarra de desplazamientoFondo de la seleccinTexto de la seleccinFondo del consejoTexto del consejoFondo de la ventanaTexto de la ventanaBarra de ttulo activaTexto de barra de ttulo activaBarra de ttulo inactiva!Texto de barra de ttulo inactivaKontrollien taustaKontrollien tekstiTypytValikon taustaValikon tekstiVierityspalkkiValintojen taustaValintojen tekstiTykaluvihjeen taustaTykaluvihjeen tekstiIkkunan taustaIkkunan tekstiAktiivinen otsikkopalkkiAktiivinen otsikkotekstiEpaktiivinen otsikkopalkkiEpaktiivinen otsikkotekstiContrle l'arrire-planContrle le texteBureauArrire-plan du menu Texte du menuBarre de dfilementArrire-plan de la slectionTexte de la slectionArrire-plan de l'infobulleTexte de l'infobulleArrire-plan de la fentreTexte de la fentreBarre de titre active!Texte de la barre de titre activeBarre de titre inactive#Texte de la barre de titre inactiveControls Background Controls Text  Menu Background Menu Text ScrollbarSelection BackgroundSelection TextTooltip Background Tooltip TextWindow Background Window TextActive Title BarActive Title TextInactive Title BarInactive Title TextVezrlQk httereVezrlQk szvegeAsztal Men httr Men szveg GrgetQsvBellts h&ttrkntKijellt szvegTooltip httrTooptip szveg Ablak httr Ablak szveg Aktv cmsorAktv cmsor szvegInaktv cmsorInaktv cmsor szvegControlli - SfondoControlli - Testo Scrivania Men - Sfondo Men - TestoBarra di scorrimentoSelezione - SfondoSelezione - TestoTooltip - SfondoTooltip - TestoFinestra - SfondoFinestra - TestoTitolo attivo - BarraTitolo attivo - TestoTitolo inattivo - BarraTitolo inattivo - Testo 000000n0̀of 000000n000000000000000n0̀of 0000n0000000000 00xbvn0̀of xbvn00000000n0̀of000n0000000000n0̀of 00000n00000 00000 0000 0000000 0000n00000^00000 0000 00^00000 0000n00000θd 0θd 8 TtTt 0Tt 8ld  0  8ijl 0ijl 8= 0= 8 \1 ȩ \ \1 ȩ \ 8 D\1 ȩ \ D\1 ȩ \ 8Instellingen AchtergrondInstellingen Tekst BureaubladMenu Achtergrond Menu Tekst ScrollbalkSelectie AchtergrondSelectie TekstTooltip Achtergrond Tooltip TekstVenster Achtergrond Venster TekstActieve TitelbalkActieve TiteltekstInactieve TitelbalkInactieve TiteltekstKontrolki - tBoKontrolki - tekstPulpitTBo menu Tekst menuPasek przewijaniaTBo zaznaczonego obszaruZaznaczony tekstTBo podpowiedziTekst podpowiedziTBo okna Tekst oknaTBo nagBwka aktywnego oknaTytuB aktywnego oknaTBo nagBwka nieaktywnego oknaTytuB nieaktywnego oknaFundal controaleText controaleBirou Fundal meniu Text meniuBare de defilareFundal selecie Text selecieFundal baloane de ajutorText baloane de ajutorFundal fereastrText fereastrBar de titlu activText bar de titlu activBar de titlu inactivText bar de titlu inactiv-;5<5=BK C?@02;5=8O - D>=-;5<5=BK C?@02;5=8O - B5:AB 01>G89 AB>; 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