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((class %sstruct %sunion %senum %s$%s%lu%ld"%s"->%s.%s%s(, + - || && | & ^ == > < >= <= != << >> * / %% [!~&Unexpected expression (%u). next_expr_free < sizeof(expr_list)Function call no longer implemented This may fail (if module base address are wrongly calculated) No longer supported (missing module base) 0PPеpPvDغjǻuO#˿sG>-f9 @`pX xt_J5 cN9$xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxdh0@x  `expr_freeexpr_cloneexpr_printexpr_evalexpr_allocgdbproxy.c0123456789abcdef(null)(invalid)#%04xFailed to parse %s Cannot find last thread gdbctx->process->be_cpuCannot find ':' in %s %p,%xWrite %u bytes at %p gdbctx->out_curr_packet == -1Unhandled register %u got unexpected size: %u %u => %s Read %u bytes at %p WndProc Text StyleClass Namehwnd%-16.16s %-17.17s %-8.8s %s OK??? reservecommit mapped privateimage free %0*lx %0*lx %s %s %s executableparentpid %-8.8s %-8.8s %-8.8s %s %c%08x %-8d %08x '%s' gdbctx->in_packet_len == 0Unhandled register %s %u <= %s Couldn't initiate DbgHelp dbg_curr_thread == NULLdbg_curr_thread%08x:%08x: unload DLL @%p %08x:%08x: exit thread (%u) %08x:%08x: exit process (%u) /tmpFailed to create socket: %s target remote localhost:%d WINE_GDBTMPDIRw+file "%s" set prompt Wine-gdb>\ sharedlibrary set step-mode on shell rm -f "%s" -x-econnected on %d Timed out connecting to gdb !gdbctx->in_trapgdb hung up Packet: %s Removing garbage: %s plenUnhandled packet %s Reply: %s i == gdbctx->out_lenpoll failed: %s read failed poll failed sigs: %u %u Unhandled verbose packet %s gdbctx->in_packet_len == 2ThreadInfoProcessInfoTerminated (%u)AttachedOffsetsRcmd,Symbol::SupportedThreadExtraInfoNo informationSuspended (%u)Terminated (exit code = %u)Unknown threadID, priority +1 above normal, priority -1 below normal, priority +2 above normal, priority -2 below normal, priority idle, priority normal, priority time-critical, priority = %dTStatusUnhandled query %s --no-start--with-xterm--portInvalid port: %s windowprocprocessmemidx < gdbctx->process->be_cpu->gdb_num_regsUnknown thread sub-command %c Failed to set context for thread %04x, error %u Failed to continue thread %04x, error %u Failed to get context, error %u Length %u does not match packet length %u Failed to set context for tid %04x, error %u strchr(packet, '$') == NULL && strchr(packet, '#') == NULL%*s%04lx%*s%-17.17s %08x %0*lx %.14s Address Size State Type RWX %04x:%04x: create process '%s'/%p @%p (%u<%u>) %04x:%04x: create thread I @%p %04x:%04x: loads DLL %s @%p (%u<%u>) %08x:%08x: exception code=0x%08x Thread ID=%04x renamed to "%.9s" Cannot set name of thread %04x Unhandled exception code 0x%08x %08x:%08x: create thread D @%p %08x:%08x: output debug string (%s) %08x:%08x: rip error=%u type=%u %08x:%08x: unknown event (%u) gdbctx->process == NULL && de.dwProcessId == dbg_curr_pidFailed to start gdb: fork: %s Failed to connect to gdb: poll: %s gdbctx->in_len <= gdbctx->in_buf_allocDropping packet; I was too slow to respond Dropping packet; invalid checksum %d <> %d Unexpected break packet %#02x Failed to break into debuggee !gdbctx->process || gdbctx->process->pid == 0 || de.dwProcessId == gdbctx->process->pid!dbg_curr_thread || de.dwThreadId == dbg_curr_thread->tidToo many default actions specified Wow, that's a lot of threads, change threadIDs in wine/programs/winedbg/gdbproxy.c to be higher Can't continue thread %04x while on thread %04x Can't single-step thread %04x while on thread %04x gdbctx->process && !list_empty(&gdbctx->process->threads)Text=%08lx;Data=%08lx;Bss=%08lx(len & 1) == 0 && len < 2 * sizeof(buffer)``0 `H$P  !#&''''''''''''&&&c&B&''''''''''''%packet_last_signalpacket_continuepacket_continuepacket_continue_signalpacket_continue_signalpacket_read_registerspacket_write_registerspacket_write_registerspacket_threadpacket_read_memorypacket_read_memorypacket_write_memorypacket_write_memorypacket_read_registerpacket_read_registercpu_register_hex_frompacket_write_registerpacket_write_registerpacket_query_remote_commandpacket_querypacket_querypacket_steppacket_stepcpu_registercpu_registercpu_register_ptrcheck_for_interruptwait_for_debuggeewait_for_debuggeeresume_debuggee_threadhex_from0packet_verbose_contpacket_verboseextract_packetsextract_packetsfetch_dataresume_debuggeedetach_debuggee0123456789abcdefhandle_exceptionfetch_contexthandle_debug_eventhandle_debug_eventgdb_execgdb_startupgdb_startupgdb_init_contextgdb_remotepacket_replypacket_reply_open?cCDgG0kHmM@p@Pqs0T vinfo.cidx < dp->count%c%08x %-8d \_ Changed %d channel instances StabsCodeView--none--DIA\COFFSymDeferredExportPDBDwarf%*.*s-%*.*s %-16s%s ELF \-PE .soCannot find class '%s' Class '%s': Extra bytes: %02x %02xThreadWndProcWindow handle (D) <==priotid%08x%s %s %08x %4d%s Exception frames: Can't read TEB:except_frame %p: Invalid frame address prev=%p handler=%p Cannot open process <%04x> %08lx %08lx %s %s %s debug_optionsfixmewarntraceUnknown debug class %s First chance exceptionUnhandled exceptionwriteexecuteThread isn't in an exception %s: breakpointsingle stepdivide by zeroarray boundsillegal instructionstack overflowprivileged instructionpage faultAlignment^Cassertion faileddenormal float operandinexact float resultinvalid float operationfloating point overflowfloating point underflowfloating point stack check0x%08x, invalid program stack in %d-bit code (%s) in vm86 code (%04x:%04x) in 16-bit code (%04x:%04x) bad addressThe commands currently are:same way that gdb does. symbolfile command.%*s%08lx%*s %-17.17s %08x %0*lx %08x %.14s The commands accepted by the Wine debugger are a reasonableThe info commands allow you to get assorted bits of interesting stuffCannot get info on module while no process is loaded Module Address %sDebug info Name (%d modules) '0x%x%08x' is not a valid module address style=0x%08x wndProc=%p inst=%p icon=%p cursor=%p bkgnd=%p clsExtra=%d winExtra=%d %-20.20s %-17.17s %-8.8s %-*.*s %-8.8s %s next=%p child=%p parent=%p owner=%p class='%s' inst=%p active=%p idmenu=%08lx style=0x%08x exstyle=0x%08x wndproc=%p text='%s' client=%d,%d-%d,%d window=%d,%d-%d,%d sysmenu=%p %-8.8s %-8.8s %s (all id:s are in hex) %-8.8s %-8.8s %s (all id:s are in hex) Cannot get info on exceptions while no process is loaded Unknown thread id (%04x) in current process Can't suspend thread id (%04x) %04x: sel=%04x base=%08x limit=%08x %d-bit %c%c%c Cannot look at mapping of current process, while no process is loaded Address End State Type RWX Cannot set/get debug channels while no process is loaded Unable to find debug channel %s page fault on %s access to 0x%08lxwait failed on critical section unimplemented function %s.%s calledC++ exception(object = 0x%08lx, type = 0x%08lx)C++ exception(object = %p, type = %p, base = %p)C++ exception with strange parameter count %d or magic 0x%08lx in segmented 32-bit code (%04x:%08x)to be displayed. The options are: info break Displays information about breakpoints info class Displays information about window class info display Shows auto-display expressions in use info except Shows exception handler chain (in a given process) info locals Displays values of all local vars for current frame info maps Shows virtual mappings (in a given process) info process Shows all running processes info reg Displays values of the general registers at top of stack info all-reg Displays the general and floating point registers info segments Displays information about all known segments info share Displays all loaded modules info share Displays internal module state info stack [] Dumps information about top of stack, up to len words info symbol Displays information about a given symbol info thread Shows all running threads info wnd Displays internal window statesubset of the commands that gdb accepts. help quit attach detach break [*] watch | rwatch * delete break bpnum disable bpnum enable bpnum condition [] finish cont [N] step [N] next [N] stepi [N] nexti [N] x print display undisplay local display delete display enable display disable display bt [|all] frame up down list disassemble [][,] show dir dir set = set * = pass whatis info (see 'help info' for options) thread The 'x' command accepts repeat counts and formats (including 'i') in theThe following are examples of legal expressions: $eax $eax+0x3 0x1000 ($eip + 256) *$eax *($esp + 3) Also, a nm format symbol table can be read from a file using the01 2021111NM*NTN?N~NiNMNNinfo_wine_dbg_channeldump_proc_info  4 |   T    h    l   ~THx d8t0`LD~0x%x%08xmemory.caddr->Mode == AddrModeFlat0x%08x%08x0x%04x:0x%04x0x%04x:%sUnknown mode %x+0x%lx [%s:%u]*** Invalid address *** truefalseCouldn't get information %LfUnsupported basetype %u 0x0*** invalid address %p ***%pUnsupported tag %u %d = '%c'%d = '-- no code accessible -- %8.8x %4.4d %04x %8.8lx %cdbg_curr_process->be_cpu->get_addrInternal symbol error: unable to access memory location %pUnsupported variant type (%u) Unable to evaluate expression Format specifier '%c' is meaningless in 'print' command Size mismatch in memory_write_value, got %u from type while expecting %u {%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x} \H\]0]\](^(^@^@^(^(^^^_(^P_(^(^^^bccccccbcccccccccbcHccb(cfgh0j.f.f$h.fj.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.fj.fe.fVi{ffgh0j.f.f$h.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.fxl.fe.fVi{f0o@oPon oprint_typed_basicmemory_get_current_stackmemory_get_current_pcbe_cpu_linearizeEnter path to file '%s' ( to end search): Ambiguous source file specification. Unable to access file '%s' %d %s Search list: %.*s =>Backtrace: %s%d in %s (+0x%lx)Bad segment (%d) Stack dump: Unknown thread id (%04x) in process (%04x) Can't get context for thread %04x in current process Can't suspend thread %04x in current process Unable to create toolhelp snapshot warning: could not attach to %04x Backtracing for thread %04x in process %04lx (%s): You must be attached to a process to run this command. %08lx: %s!%s(in a register) ParameterLocal variable[%d]: %s %sof %s thunk %s => Invalid choice %d +%ld]-%ld]thunk local param regrel register tlsrel framerel func ==> %s %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s %s: %s Too long symbol (%s) No symbols found for %s No longer supported Unexpected sym-tag 0x%08x No such function %s in %s No such function %s parameterlocal%s= (%s %s): (%08lx) Symbol too long (%s) Many symbols with name '%s', choose the one you want ( to abort): More than one symbol named %s, picking the first one Couldn't get full value information for %sCouldn't dereference pointer for const value for %sToo many addresses for symbol '%s', limiting the first %d Several local variables/parameters for %s, aborting Several global variables for %s, aborting No line (%d) found for %s (setting to symbol start) Several found, returning first (may not be what you want)... symbol_get_linesymbol_get_function_line_statussgv_cbsymbol_get_lvalueCouldn't start process '%s' %d.%d (%d)psapiGetProcessImageFileNameWCan't get thread's context segmented 32 bit16 bit64 bittgt_active.cexception=%x first_chance=%c In %s mode. %s () at %s:%u Couldn't create process Couldn't create thread %04x:%04x: exit process (%d) Unknown process %04x:%04x: exit thread (%d) Unknown thread %04x:%04x: unload DLL @%p vm86DBGHELP_NOLIVENo process loaded No such thread Cannot set ctx on %04lx Out of memory (WOW64)info threadsecho Threads:info shareecho Modules:ntdll.dllwine_get_build_idwine_get_host_versionSystem information: Wine build: %s Platform: %s%s Version: Windows %s Host system: %s Host version: %s WDdetach2.03.03.19598MENT 3.51NT 4.02000XPServer 2003VistaServer 2008Server 2008 R2Server 2012Server 2012 R2Debuggee has been started (%s) But WineDbg isn't attached to it. Maybe you're trying to debug a winelib wrapper ?? Try to attach to one of those processes: %04x:%04x: not a registered process or thread (perhaps a 16 bit one ?) %04x:%04x: exception code=%08x Thread ID=%04x not in our list of threads -> can't rename Thread ID=%04x renamed using MS VC6 extension (name=="%.9s") couldn't load main module (%u) Process of pid=%04x has terminated %04x:%04x: create thread D @%p Thread already listed, skipping Stopping on DLL %s loading at %p %04x:%04x: output debug string (%s) %04x:%04x: rip error=%u type=%u %04x:%04x: unknown event (%x) Can't attach process %04x: error %u Exiting debugger PC=%s mode=%d count=%d Cannot continue on %04lx (%08x) Entering debugger PC=%s mode=%d count=%d Re-running current program with %s as args is broken Cannot find previously used command line. Capturing program state in %s ,``P,x`Pi386wdb0123456789abcdefdbg_run_debuggeeDLL_%08lxProcess_%08xdbg_handle_exceptiondbg_handle_exceptiondbg_handle_debug_eventdbg_resume_debuggeedbg_wait_next_exceptiondbg_fetch_contextE#I# M#Q# T#ZW#3Z#b#i#n#n#q#}##'###*# *MipsAlphaPowerPCX86_64ARMARM64MSILNeutralUnknown6-????4-????Win8.13-????5-????Win8Win710-????Win10 (%c%d) (%d.%d) on Windows %s (%u) Processing Minidump file %s 8038680486PentiumPentium Pro/II or AMD AthlonPentium 4 or AMD Athlon64WineDbg starting on minidump on pid %04x %s was running on #%d %s CPU%s [on %s, on top of %s (%s)] Unexpected fault while reading minidump %s G]gq{@V;+A+G+O+********l+<minidump-exec>minidump_reloadNon supported mode... errors may occur Use at your own risks No known process, cannot print types unsupported %u for u-long int unsupported %u for s-long int unsupported %u for u-short int unsupported %u for s-short int unsupported %u for u-char int unsupported %u for s-char int unsupported %u for short real unsupported %u for XMM register Unsupported UDT type (%d) for %s Unsupported basic type %u types.ctype->id >= dbg_itype_firstunsupported %u for u-int unsupported %u for s-int unsupported %u for char int unsupported %u for a string unsupported %u for seg-ptr unsupported %u for real unsupported %u for long real unsupported type id 0x%lx Size too large (%s) Insufficient size FALSE--invalid--<%lxh>--Basic<%s> { %s[%d] %s[] (*%s)(voidUnknown type %u for %s Mod: %08lx ID: %08lx ...---error "%s%s"Function Unknown tag (%u) K8o\% +hXpXtypes_get_infotypes_get_infocomplexunsigned long intlong intboolfloatunsigned intintWCHARcharvoidtypes_print_typeprint_valuetypes_array_indextypes_extract_as_longlongrestarting %s winedbg.cp->imageName == NULLinteractivescopedmodule_load_mismatchedsymbol_pickerOption: symbol_picker %s Unknown option '%s' Ctrl-C: stopping debuggee Wine DebuggerSoftware\Wine\WineDbgBreakAllThreadsStartupBreakOnCritSectTimeOutBreakOnAttachBreakOnFirstChanceBreakOnDllLoadCanDeferOnBPByAddrThreadIdProcessIdAlwaysShowThunksAlsoDebugProcChildShowCrashDialog--help--gdb--minidump--commandCouldn't open temp file (%u) --fileCouldn't open file %s (%u) --autofailed to restart 64-bit %s, err %d winedbg: Internal crash at %p Loaded unmatched debug information for %s Option: module_load_mismatched %s Syntax: module_load_mismatched [true|false] Syntax: symbol_picker [interactive|scoped] Ctrl-C: only stopping the first process WineDbg starting on pid %04lx Cannot create WineDbg key in registry Usage: winedbg launch process (as if you were starting it with wine) and run WineDbg on it winedbg attach to running process of wpid and run WineDbg on it winedbg --gdb launch process (as if you were starting wine) and run gdb (proxied) on it winedbg --gdb attach to running process of wpid and run gdb (proxied) on it winedbg reload the minidump into memory and run WineDbg on it winedbg --help prints advanced options Usage: winedbg [ [ --gdb ] [ [ ] | | | --help ] restart_if_wow64dbg_load_internal_varsdbg_save_internal_vars0123456789abcdefdbg_set_process_name WineDbg internal error Undefined symbol Division by zero No type or type mismatch Needing an integral value Exception %x dbg.ybuffer != NULLtype = %s::%ssyntax errormemory exhausted quit No such field in structure or union Dereference failed (not a pointer, or out of array bounds) Count is meaningless in print command No process loaded, cannot execute '%s' ;Zm*h#&B&****++++h+C++*.- ---U-+--,,,,b,B,!,EDDD]D9DDC4#Ch#h#h#h#h#h#h#h#h#h#h#h#CCCC?C2CBBB}BUBs/U/7//....l.K.(.w333M4(443)5544t5L54o47`7=776666s6Q61665555t;T;5;;::::t:V:8::9999s9A9988888w8W87887777aE)))))q)Q)1)h#)(((i(<(('''['.''&&a=4==<<<S<&<;;;;V3222f2B221111R1100t0K0"0//???w?N?%?>>>>X>/>>===nAHA"AA@@@@AAA{A.BC**input_fetch_entire_line qrrsssstttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttuuuvvwwxxxxxyyzzzzz{{{|||||||||||}}~~ 'H '8 8; `^_'F&HdUjoY+njk^_789 ;8;% '(;`8G. C9  !"#$%&9j)*j;-_`H;9`H`8;Lk;loHr~tL8;;8;;8:;'-89:;`HI;KLFGHIJKLMNOP789;U^_`;--d4^_`ghide;d;;kghink9l9;";789;;789;;789;;kkj`;89:;`;`889:;<9ml89:;<`ab+U 8ghi8k*^_`U;;de888U^_`8node^_`8kFden9j0HLHHnQTW &'(),-./0123456=>?@ABDE &'(),-./012345689:;<=>?@ABDE89:;^_`abUghik^_`deU%'(n^_`.denQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abghikpQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abghikpQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abghikloQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abghikloQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abghikloQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abghikloQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abghikoQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abghikoQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abghikRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abghikSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abghikTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abghikUVWXYZ[\]^_`abghikVWXYZ[\]^_`abghikXYZ[\]^_`abghik\]^_`abghikOCC K)?#$mqsu*BCDEC@NQPrRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_A`FGKMtbcHdHIyz{eCagv f!"BCD|}~hwix  KBCDjBCDnBCDE-./0123456789:;<=>?ACkCo&'(GDCC CK@,B%EGPJO SVY  !"#$%&'()*+,-./  !"#$%&'C()*+,-./ClpFNLMQRTUWX+Z012IJL3456789:;<=> I dit|N"G*,/0123456789: =>๺^\.+#u{O !;(%&H)-FLkwmx`eproySRUT[_]$v'ACE?MbgWVYXZQ䲤ܾ׽P榬Ī|!Jop: )*-{6[`k\\\m\7OEAGy|{auxxx<Bx+.FFFFFF ;fxxxxxx00@@@@jjFFFF (GdbUno`^l_gakXmYhpTSe  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRVWZ[\]cfijdebug.llocal_lexemes%loSyntax Error (%s) Wine-dbg>bad buffer in yy_scan_bytes()out of dynamic memory in yyensure_buffer_stack()0 <= next_lexeme && next_lexeme < alloc_lexeme + 1out of dynamic memory in yy_create_buffer()fatal flex scanner internal error--end of buffer missedfatal error - scanner input buffer overflowout of dynamic memory in yy_get_next_buffer()fatal flex scanner internal error--no action foundout of dynamic memory in yy_scan_buffer()out of dynamic memory in yy_scan_bytes()TUUUUSGV=V3V)VVVVWWW2WWVSSSNSTnTQTTXXrX^XJX6X"XXWWWW~RjR Q QPPPPPPPvPoPDS:S0SVyVPP4QVVRRRReV[VQV&SSSSRVVVVVVW|WePZPR0PUTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOlexeme_alloc_sizeV 4V4 )))  ++[   8 8 --Y (((32@@6275;73536;7<5=<DC=C<>(DU>HHHPPTUTWTaU_PW]a_]]bfffbggg]]iiijjjssizjiSjsfkkkzjk6kRklllmmmllm6QmPlNmAAAAnnnLAKAAnJIAGnoooppprronproFCp=rB=o pqqq&&q @q>qq-q=<;-bbb:9JJKKn8LJKNK7LLMMNNnMOO63L2M0NPPPOQQRRSSTTRPQ,QTR+SSTUU*U)(%#"!   555EE5  E]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_______________`````````````aaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbccccccccccddddeeeeeeeeeefffffffffffgggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhiiiiiijjjjjkkkkllllll}xwvuspomlkigfed_][ZYXWVHGFECBA@?><;:98753210/.-,+*('$"!     ~}|{ywudc`^\[ZYXSRQONMLKJIFB?:9,*'&%!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ !"#$%&'$$())*+,-.//01234567/89/:;<=/>?@ABCDE/FGH$$u $/u $$I/JKLMa/N`/O//`///P/Q//$cc$$dd$$ARSTUVW$XSaUYZbX[b\]^_SU[X !"#$%&'eefgg*+,-/hii0h1jiklmniioiipiiiiiiqiriiiFs    ZY  w *+xXyz{| }~w Wx2:3yzV.{|U/i}/T~00jS@?RQP5+EOnKJoNMabbLM@NIIILKJAaIbbIIIIIIOIPRQHTSUGFDCB?>=<;:98*76435E210/.-,+)hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhtttttttttttttttvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv('&%$#"!^ D4444d dd  d dd )o~}|{zyxwvutsrqpmlkhgfecc`_^]\[ZYXWVHG FDCBA>=<;9876+'5 1-,)('&%$#"! \$$$$\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\]]^^__\\\\\`a\\b\\\\\\\cc\\cccccccccccccccccccc\cdcccccccccccccccccccccccccccceeeefffffffffqqgg\\\\\\\\\\\\\\`h\\i\\j\\\\\\ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc\k\cccccccccccccccccccccccccccceeeqqqqqqqqqqqqgg\\\\\\\\\\\\h\\\\ljcccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc\ccccccccccccccccccccqqqqqqqqqqqq\\\\\\\\\\\\\\lcccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc\ccccccccccccccccccqqqqqqqqqq\\\\\\\\\cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc\ccccccccccccccqqqqqqq\\\\\ccccccccccccccccccccccc\ccccccccccqqqq\\\cccccccccccc\cccccccq\\cccccccc\\cccq\\cccccc\c\ccc\\ccc\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\)O*/Vd,UY\SR56QP7<N[`X`G`P>CQEUBq``b+/"`.(+##$! 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We are sorry for the inconvenience.P<dfSysLinkThis can be caused by a problem in the program or a deficiency in Wine. You may want to check the <a href="https://appdb.winehq.org">Application Database</a> for tips about running this application.P<0B2>@8P<Show &DetailsȀddError de programaMS Shell DlgP4dP eEl programa %s ha trobat un problema greu i necessita tancar-se. Sentim les molsties.P<dfSysLinkAix pot ser causat per un problema en el programa o una deficincia en el Wine. Potser voleu comprovar la <a href="https://appdb.winehq.org">base de dades d'aplicacions</a> per suggeriments sobre l'execuci d'aquesta aplicaci.P<TancaP<&Mostra detallsȀddChyba v programuMS Shell DlgP4dP eAplikace %s zaznamenala zva~n problm a je tYeba ji uzavYt. Omlouvme se za zposoben obt~e.P<dfSysLinkToto mo~e bt zposobeno problmem v programu i nedostatkem ve Wine. Podvejte se prosm do <a href="https://appdb.winehq.org">databze aplikac</a>, kde mohou bt popsny tipy pro provozovn konkrtnho programu.P<ZavYtP<Zobrazit podrobnostiȀddProgram FejlMS Shell DlgP4dP eProgrammet %s er stdt p et alvorligt problem, og er ndt til at lukke. Vi beklager ulejligheden.P<dfSysLinkDette kan vre forrsaget af et problem i programmet, eller en mangel i Wine. Du kan evt. tjekke <a href="https://appdb.winehq.org">Program Database</a> for tips til at kre dette program.P<LukP<Vis &detaljerȀddProgrammfehlerMS Shell DlgP4dP eIm Programm %s traten schwerwiegende Fehler auf und es muss beendet werden. Wir entschuldigen uns fr die Unannehmlichkeit.P<dfSysLinkDie Ursache kann ein Problem im Programm oder ein Fehler in Wine sein. Sie knnen in der <a href="https://appdb.winehq.org">Anwendungsdatenbank</a> Tipps zum Ausfhren der Anwendung einholen.P<SchlieenP<&Details anzeigenȀddProgram ErrorMS Shell DlgP4dP eThe program %s has encountered a serious problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.P<dfSysLinkThis can be caused by a problem in the program or a deficiency in Wine. You may want to check the <a href="https://appdb.winehq.org">Application Database</a> for tips about running this application.P<P<Show &DetailsȀddProgram ErrorMS Shell DlgP4dP eThe program %s has encountered a serious problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.P<dfSysLinkThis can be caused by a problem in the program or a deficiency in Wine. You may want to check the <a href="https://appdb.winehq.org">Application Database</a> for tips about running this application.P<CloseP<Show &DetailsȀddError del programaMS Shell DlgP4dP eEl programa %s ha encontrado un serio problema y necesita cerrarse. Nos disculpamos por los inconvenientes.P<dfSysLinkEsto puede ser causado por un problema en el programa o a una deficiencia en Wine. Quiz quieras verificar en <a href="https://appdb.winehq.org">Base de Aplicaciones</a> consejos sobre cmo ejecutar esta aplicacin.P<CerrarP<Mostrar &DetallesȀddOhjelman virheMS Shell DlgP4dP eOhjelma %s on kohdannut vakavan ongelman ja se on suljettava. Olemme pahoillamme haitasta.P<dfSysLinkTmn voi aiheuttaa ongelma ohjelmassa tai puute Winess. Saatat haluta kyd <a href="https://appdb.winehq.org">Application Databasessa</a>, josta saat vinkkej tmn ohjelman ajamiseen.P<SuljeP<Nyt &tiedotȀddErreur du programmeMS Shell DlgP4dP eLe programme %s a rencontr un problme srieux et doit tre ferm. Nous somme dsols pour le dsagrment subi.P<dfSysLinkCela peut tre caus par une erreur dans le programme ou un dfaut dans Wine. Vous pouvez consulter la <a href="https://appdb.winehq.org">base de donnes d'applications</a> pour obtenir des conseils sur la faon d'excuter cette application.P<FermerP<Afficher les &dtails@Ȁdd MS Shell DlgP4dP e %s     .     .P<dfSysLinkThis can be caused by a problem in the program or a deficiency in Wine. You may want to check the <a href="https://appdb.winehq.org">Application Database</a> for tips about running this application.P<P<Show &DetailsȀddProgram vratlan hibaMS Shell DlgP4dP eA %s program szembekerlt egy komoly problmval s ezrt szksges bezrni. Elnzst krnk a kellemetlensgrt.P<dfSysLinkEzt okozhatja egy programban lvQ hiba vagy a Wine hinyossga. EllenQrizheti a <a href="https://appdb.winehq.org">Alkalmazs adatbzis</a> tippjeit az alkalmazssal kapcsolatban.P<BezrsP<&RszletekȀddErrore del programmaMS Shell DlgP4dP eIl programma %s ha incontrato un errore e deve essere chiuso. Siamo spiacenti per l'inconveniente.P<dfSysLinkCi pu essere causato da un problema nel programma o da una mancanza di Wine. Potresti voler consultare il <a href="https://appdb.winehq.org">Database delle applicazioni</a> per consigli su questa applicazione.P<ChiudiP<Mostra i &dettagliȀdd00000 000 MS Shell DlgP4dP e00000 %s g0͑'Yj0OULL0zvuW0_0_000B}NY00_L0B00~0Y00 T0 NO0J0K0Q0W03uW03B00~0[000P<dfSysLinkS00o000000Qn0OUL0 Wine n0 kek00c0f0zvuY00S0h0L0B00~0Y00<a href="https://appdb.winehq.org">00000000 000000</a>g0 S0n0000000000R\OU0[000000 xY00h00D0g0W00F00P<X00P<s0}0h:y(&D)Ȁdd\ $X MS Shell DlgP4dP e\ %s@() \ 8 tt ̸iȲ.D |ܴ$ ȡiȲ.P<dfSysLinktǃ@ \X 8Ș WineX h<\ xt `  ǵȲ. \ ‰ \ D <$t <a href="https://appdb.winehq.org">Application Database</a>| $.P<0P<8(&D) t0ȀddProgramma FoutMS Shell DlgP4dP eHet programma %s is een serieus probleem tegengekomen en moet afgesloten worden. Excuses voor het ongemak.P<dfSysLinkThis can be caused by a problem in the program or a deficiency in Wine. You may want to check the <a href="https://appdb.winehq.org">Application Database</a> for tips about running this application.P<SluitenP<Toon &DetailsȀddBBd programuMS Shell DlgP4dP eProgram %s napotkaB powa|ny problem i musi zakoDczy dziaBanie. Przepraszamy za t niedogodno[.P<dfSysLinkPowodem bBdu mo|e by problem w programie lub braki w Wine. Zajrzyj do <a href="https://appdb.winehq.org">Bazy danych aplikacji</a> po wskazwki na temat uruchomienia tej aplikacji.P<ZamknijP<Poka| &szczegByȀddEroare de programMS Shell DlgP4dP eProgramul %s a ntmpinat o problem grav i trebuie s se nchid. Ne cerem scuze pentru neplcerile create.P<dfSysLinkCauza poate fi o problem n program sau o deficien n Wine. Putei consulta https://appdb.winehq.org pentru sugestii privind executarea acestei aplicaii.P<nchideP<Afieaz &detaliiȀdd@>3@0<<=0O >H81:0MS Shell DlgP4dP e ?@>3@0<<5 %s >1=0@C65=0 A5@LQ7=0O >H81:0. @>3@0<<0 1C45B 70:@KB0. @8=>A8< 8728=5=8O 70 =5C4>1AB2>.P<dfSysLinkH81:0 <>3;0 1KBL 2K720=0 ?@>1;5<>9 2 ?@>3@0<<5 8;8 =54>@01>B:>9 2 Wine. K <>65B5 ?>A5B8BL <a href="https://appdb.winehq.org">Application Database</a> 8 ?>8A:0BL A>25BK > 70?CA:5 MB>9 ?@>3@0<<K.P<0:@KBLP<&>4@>1=>ȀddGreaka programaMS Shell DlgP4dP eProgram %s je naiaao na ozbiljan problem i mora biti zatvoren. Ispri avamo se zbog neugodnosti.P<dfSysLinkUzrok ovome mo~e biti problem u programu ili nedostatak u Wine-u. Provjerite <a href="https://appdb.winehq.org">bazu aplikacija</a>za savjete o pokretanju ovog programa.P<ZatvoriP<Poka~i &detaljeȀddProgram ErrorMS Shell DlgP4dP eThe program %s has encountered a serious problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.P<dfSysLinkThis can be caused by a problem in the program or a deficiency in Wine. You may want to check the <a href="https://appdb.winehq.org">Application Database</a> for tips about running this application.P<ZavrieeP<Show &DetailsȀddProgramfelMS Shell DlgP4dP eProgrammet %s har sttt p ett allvarligt problem och mste avslutas. Vi ber om urskt fr besvret.P<dfSysLinkDetta kan ha orsakats av ett fel i programmet eller en brist i Wine. Du kan ska p <a href="https://appdb.winehq.org">Application Database</a> efter tips om hur man kr detta program.P<StngP<Visa &detaljerȀddProgram ErrorMS Shell DlgP4dP eThe program %s has encountered a serious problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.P<dfSysLinkThis can be caused by a problem in the program or a deficiency in Wine. You may want to check the <a href="https://appdb.winehq.org">Application Database</a> for tips about running this application.P<5P<Show &DetailsȀddProgram Hatas1MS Shell DlgP4dP e%s program1 ciddi bir problemle kar_1la_t1 ve kapat1lacak. Bu durumdan dolay1 zr dileriz.P<dfSysLinkBu durum, programdaki veya Wine'deki bir sorundan dolay1 olabilir. Bu uygulamay1 al1_t1rma hakk1nda ipular1 iin <a href="https://appdb.winehq.org">Uygulama Veritaban1</a> sayfas1n1 kontrol etmek isteyebilirsiniz.P<KapatP<Ayr1nt1lar1 &GsterȀdd><8;:0 ?@>3@0<8MS Shell DlgP4dP e ?@>3@0<V %s AB0;0AL A5@9>7=0 ?><8;:0. @>3@0<0 ?>28==0 1CB8 70:@8B0. 810GB5 70 =57@CG=>ABV.P<dfSysLink&5 <>3;> 1CB8 28:;8:0=5 ?@>1;5<>N 2 ?@>3@0<V 01> =54>@>1:>N 2 Wine. 8 <>65B5 2V42V40B8 <a href="https://appdb.winehq.org">07C 40=8E ?@>3@0<</a> B0 ?>HC:0B8 ?>@048 I>4> 70?CA:C FVTW ?@>3@0<8.P<0:@8B8P<&5B0;L=>ȀddNapaka v programuMS Shell DlgP4dP eProgram %s je naletel na resno napako in se mora zapreti. }al nam je za nevae nosti.P<dfSysLinkNapako lahko povzro i problem v pogramu ali pomankljivost v Wine. Poglejte v <a href="https://appdb.winehq.org">Application Database</a> za nasvete glede poganjanja te aplikacije.P<ZapriP<Poka~i &PodrobnostiȀddProgramos klaidaMS Shell DlgP4dP ePrograma %s susidkr su rimta problema ir turi bkti u~daryta. Atsipraaome dl nepatogums.P<dfSysLinkProgramos problemos ar  Wine trkkumai gali bkti to prie~astimi. Turbkt norsite patikrinti <a href="https://appdb.winehq.org">programs duomens baz</a> dl patarims aios programos vykdymui.P<U~vertiP<Rodyti &iasamiauȀddProgram ErrorMS Shell DlgP4dP eThe program %s has encountered a serious problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.P<dfSysLinkThis can be caused by a problem in the program or a deficiency in Wine. You may want to check the <a href="https://appdb.winehq.org">Application Database</a> for tips about running this application.P< P<Show &DetailsȀddProgram ErrorMS Shell DlgP4dP eThe program %s has encountered a serious problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.P<dfSysLinkThis can be caused by a problem in the program or a deficiency in Wine. You may want to check the <a href="https://appdb.winehq.org">Application Database</a> for tips about running this application.P<  / M  M  A  P<Show &DetailsȀdd MS Shell DlgP4dP eThe program %s has encountered a serious problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.P<dfSysLinkThis can be caused by a problem in the program or a deficiency in Wine. You may want to check the <a href="https://appdb.winehq.org">Application Database</a> for tips about running this application.P< P< (&D)Ȁdd z_/ MS Shell DlgP4dP e z_ %s G0RNV͑vOUL ܕ0bP \e bv NOa0RbIk0P<dfSysLink PS/f1u Wine -Nv z_OULb:1Y@b b0`Sjg<a href="https://appdb.winehq.org">a(u z_nje^</a>Nrs_ܕeWL Pa(u z_vUy#0P<ܕP<o:ys0}nj (&D)ȀddProgram ErrorMS Shell DlgP4dP eThe program %s has encountered a serious problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.P<dfSysLinkThis can be caused by a problem in the program or a deficiency in Wine. You may want to check the <a href="https://appdb.winehq.org">Application Database</a> for tips about running this application.P<CloseP<Show &DetailsȀddProgramfeilMS Shell DlgP4dP eProgrammet %s har ftt et alvorlig problem og m avsluttes. Vi beklager det inntrufne.P<dfSysLinkDette kan skyldes et problem i programmet eller en feil i Wine. Du kan beske <a href="https://appdb.winehq.org">Wines programdatabase</a> for rd om hvordan du kan kjre dette programmet.P<LukkP<Vis &detaljerȀddErro do ProgramaMS Shell DlgP4dP eO programa %s encontrou um problema srio e precisa ser fechado. Pedimos desculpa pela inconvenincia.P<dfSysLinkIsto pode ter sido causado por um problema no programa ou no Wine. Voc pode visitar o <a href="https://appdb.winehq.org">Banco de Dados de Aplicativos </a> para dicas de como rodar este aplicativo.P<FecharP<Mostrar &DetalhesȀddPrograma eraroMS Shell DlgP4dP eThe program %s has encountered a serious problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.P<dfSysLinkThis can be caused by a problem in the program or a deficiency in Wine. You may want to check the <a href="https://appdb.winehq.org">Application Database</a> for tips about running this application.P<FermiP<Pliaj &detalojȀdd z^ MS Shell DlgP4dP e z^ %s G0R%N͑vsQ0bN[dk bv NOh:ybIk0P<dfSysLinkُS/f1u z^vb Wine v:w bv0`OSg w <a href="https://appdb.winehq.org">Application Databa</a> egSЏL勔^(uvvsQb]0P<sQP<~Oo` (&D)ȀddErro no programaMS Shell DlgP4dP eO programa %s encontrou um problema srio e precisa ser encerrado. Pedimos desculpa pelo incmodo.P<dfSysLinkIsto pode ser causado por um problema no programa ou uma deficincia no Wine. Pode querer visitar a <a href='https://appdb.winehq.org'>Base de Dados de Aplicaes</a> para dicas de como correr esta aplicao.P<FecharP<Mostrar &DetalhesȀddProgramska greakaMS Shell DlgP4dP eProgram %s je naiaao na ozbiljan problem i mora biti zatvoren. Izvinjavamo se zbog neprijatnosti.P<dfSysLinkThis can be caused by a problem in the program or a deficiency in Wine. You may want to check the <a href="https://appdb.winehq.org">Application Database</a> for tips about running this application.P<ZatvoriP<Show &DetailsȀdd@>3@0<A:0 3@5H:0MS Shell DlgP4dP e@>3@0< %s X5 =08H0> =0 >718Y0= ?@>1;5< 8 <>@0 18B8 70B2>@5=. 728Z020<> A5 71>3 =5?@8X0B=>AB8.P<dfSysLinkThis can be caused by a problem in the program or a deficiency in Wine. You may want to check the <a href="https://appdb.winehq.org">Application Database</a> for tips about running this application.P<0B2>@8P<Show &Details@HϐddT*A'5JD .7# 'D(1F'E,MS Shell DlgPgP fSysLink%0' C'F* 'DE4CD) :J1 EH,H/) 9F/ *4:JD 'D(1F'E, AJ (J&) HF/H2  HAJ -'D DE J*E 'D*(DJ: 9FG' E3(BK' JECFC -A8 'D*A'5JD ('D6:7 9DI 21 "'D-A8 C@" +EQ <a href="https://wiki.winehq.org/Bugs">#(D: 9F 'D9DQ)</a> H#1AB 'DEDA 'D0J -A8*G AJ %(D':C.PF@F%:D'BP@F'-A8 &C ...HϐddTProgram Error DetailsMS Shell DlgPgP fSysLinkIf this problem is not present under Windows and has not been reported yet, you can save the detailed information to a file using the "Save As" button, then <a href="https://wiki.winehq.org/Bugs">file a bug report</a> and attach that file to the report.PF@F0B2>@8P@F&Save As...HϐddTDetalls d'error de programaMS Shell DlgPgP fSysLinkSi aquest problema no est present en el Windows i encara no s'ha reportat, podeu desar la informaci detallada a un fitxer utilitzant el bot "Anomenar i Desar", i llavors <a href="https://wiki.winehq.org/Bugs">presentar un informe d'error</a> i ajuntar aquest fitxer a l'informe.PF@FTancaP@FAnomena i &desa...HϐddTPodrobnosti chyby programuMS Shell DlgPgP fSysLinkPokud se tento problm v Microsoft Windows neprojevuje a nebyl doposud nahlaen, je mo~n ulo~it podrobn informace do souboru kliknutm na tla tko  Ulo~it jako a nsledn <a href="https://wiki.winehq.org/Bugs">vyplnit hlaen o chyb</a> a tento soubor k nmu pYipojit.PF@FZavYtP@F&Ulo~it jako...HϐddTProgramfejl detaljerMS Shell DlgPgP fSysLinkHvis dette problem ikke er til stede under Windows, og det endnu ikke er blevet rapporteret, s kan du gemme den detaljerede information til en fil ved brug af "Gem som" knappen. Derefter <a href="https://wiki.winehq.org/Bugs">indsend en fejlrapport</a> og vedhft filen til rapporten.PF@FLukP@FGem &som...HϐddTProgrammfehler-DetailsMS Shell DlgPgP fSysLinkTritt dieses Problem unter Windows nicht auf und wurde es noch nicht gemeldet, knnen Sie mit "Speichern unter" die detaillierten Informationen in einer Datei speichern, danach <a href="https://wiki.winehq.org/Bugs">einen Fehlerbericht hinterlassen</a> und die Datei dort anhngen.PF@FSchlieenP@FSpeichern &unter...HϐddTProgram Error DetailsMS Shell DlgPgP fSysLinkIf this problem is not present under Windows and has not been reported yet, you can save the detailed information to a file using the "Save As" button, then <a href="https://wiki.winehq.org/Bugs">file a bug report</a> and attach that file to the report.PF@FP@F&Save As...HϐddTProgram Error DetailsMS Shell DlgPgP fSysLinkIf this problem is not present under Windows and has not been reported yet, you can save the detailed information to a file using the "Save As" button, then <a href="https://wiki.winehq.org/Bugs">file a bug report</a> and attach that file to the report.PF@FCloseP@F&Save As...HϐddTDetalles del error de programaMS Shell DlgPgP fSysLinkSi este problema no esta presente en Windows y no ha sido informado todava, puedes salvar la informacin detallada usando el botn "Salvar Como", entonces podrs <a href="https://wiki.winehq.org/Bugs">informar de un error</a> y adjuntar ese archivo al informe de fallo.PF@FCerrarP@F&Guardar como...HϐddTOhjelman virhetiedotMS Shell DlgPgP fSysLinkJos tt ongelmaa ei esiinny Windowsin kanssa eik sit ole viel raportoitu, voit tallentaa yksityiskohtaisemmat tiedot tiedostoon Tallenna nimell -kohdassa ja sitten <a href="https://wiki.winehq.org/Bugs">lhett virheraportin</a> ja liitt tiedoston raporttiin.PF@FSuljeP@FTallenna &nimell...HϐddTDtails de l'erreur du programmeMS Shell DlgPgP fSysLinkSi ce problme ne se produit pas sous Windows et n'a pas dj t rapport, vous pouvez enregistrer les informations dtailles dans un fichier en utilisant le bouton Enregistrer sous, et ensuite <a href="https://wiki.winehq.org/Bugs">soumettre un rapport d'anomalie</a> en y attachant ledit fichier.PF@FFermerP@F&Enregistrer sous...@HϐddTProgram Error DetailsMS Shell DlgPgP fSysLinkIf this problem is not present under Windows and has not been reported yet, you can save the detailed information to a file using the "Save As" button, then <a href="https://wiki.winehq.org/Bugs">file a bug report</a> and attach that file to the report.PF@FP@F &...HϐddTProgram hibarszletezQMS Shell DlgPgP fSysLinkHa ez a problma mg nincs jelen Windows alatt s nem lett lejelentve, lementheti a rszletes informcit egy fjlba a Ments msknt nyomgomb hasznlatval, azutn <a href="https://wiki.winehq.org/Bugs">fjl hibajelentshez</a> s csatolja azt a fjlt a jelentshez.PF@FBezrsP@F&Ments msknt...HϐddTDettagli dell'errore del programmaMS Shell DlgPgP fSysLinkSe questo problema non presente sotto Windows e non stato ancora riportato, puoi salvare le informazioni dettagliate su un file usando il pulsante "Salva con nome", poi <a href="https://wiki.winehq.org/Bugs">segnalalo</a> e allega quel file al report del bug.PF@FChiudiP@F&Salva con nome...HϐddT00000 000n0s0} MS Shell DlgPgP fSysLinkS0n0OULL0 Windows Ng0zvuY00S0h0L0j0O0~0`01XJTU00f0D0j0D04XTo00[OX[Y00]0000)R(uW0f0s0}`1X0OX[W0_0 Ng00 <a href="https://wiki.winehq.org/Bugs">00 00000\Ob</a>W00]0n0000000000k0mNg0M0~0Y00PF@FX00P@F TMR0NQ0f0OX[(&S)...HϐddT8\ \ $X MS Shell DlgPgP fSysLinkt 8 WindowsŔ И J D  JXt, "x tDŽ<\ ȥ" D t 8\ | |\ ȥ\ , <a href="https://wiki.winehq.org/Bugs">file a but report</a> t |D ̀t `  ǵȲ.PF@F0P@Fx tDŽ ȥ(&S)...HϐddTProgrammafout detailsMS Shell DlgPgP fSysLinkIndien dit probleem zich niet voordoet onder Windows en het probleem is nog niet gerapporteerd, dan kunt U gedetailleerde informatie in een bestand opslaan met de "Opslaan als" knop. Dit bestand kunt U via <a href="https://wiki.winehq.org/Bugs">file a bug report</a> versturen.PF@FSluitenP@F&Opslaan als...HϐddTSzczegBy bBdu programuMS Shell DlgPgP fSysLinkJe|eli problem ten nie wystpuje w systemie Windows i nie zostaB jeszcze zgBoszony, to mo|esz zapisa szczegBowe informacje do pliku u|ywajc przycisku "Zapisz jako", a nastpnie <a href="https://wiki.winehq.org/Bugs">wypeBni zgBoszenie o bBdzie</a> i doBczy ten plik do zgBoszenia.PF@FZamknijP@F&Zapisz jako...HϐddTDetalii eroare de programMS Shell DlgPgP fSysLinkIf this problem is not present under Windows and has not been reported yet, you can save the detailed information to a file using the "Save As" button, then <a href="https://wiki.winehq.org/Bugs">file a bug report</a> and attach that file to the report.PF@FnchideP@F&Salveaz ca...HϐddT>4@>1=>AB8 >1 >H81:5MS Shell DlgPgP fSysLinkA;8 MB0 ?@>1;5<0 >BACBAB2C5B 2 Windows 8 > =59 5IQ =8:B> =5 A>>1I8;, 2K <>65B5 A>E@0=8BL ?>4@>1=CN 8=D>@<0F8O 2 D09; A ?><>ILN :=>?:8 !>E@0=8BL :0:, 70B5< <a href="https://wiki.winehq.org/Bugs">A>>1I8BL >1 >H81:5</a> 8 ?@8;>68BL MB>B D09; : >BG5BC.PF@F0:@KBLP@F&!>E@0=8BL :0:...HϐddTDetalji greake programaMS Shell DlgPgP fSysLinkIf this problem is not present under Windows and has not been reported yet, you can save the detailed information to a file using the "Save As" button, then <a href="https://wiki.winehq.org/Bugs">file a bug report</a> and attach that file to the report.PF@FZatvoriP@F&Spremi kao...HϐddTProgram Error DetailsMS Shell DlgPgP fSysLinkIf this problem is not present under Windows and has not been reported yet, you can save the detailed information to a file using the "Save As" button, then <a href="https://wiki.winehq.org/Bugs">file a bug report</a> and attach that file to the report.PF@FZavrieeP@F&Save As...HϐddTDetaljer om programfelMS Shell DlgPgP fSysLinkOm detta problem inte visar sig i Windows och nnu inte har rapporterats, kan du spara detaljerna till en fil med knappen "Spara som" och <a href="https://wiki.winehq.org/Bugs">skicka en felrapport</a> med filen som en bilaga.PF@FStngP@F&Spara som...HϐddTProgram Error DetailsMS Shell DlgPgP fSysLinkIf this problem is not present under Windows and has not been reported yet, you can save the detailed information to a file using the "Save As" button, then <a href="https://wiki.winehq.org/Bugs">file a bug report</a> and attach that file to the report.PF@F5P@F&Save As...HϐddTProgram Hata Ayr1nt1lar1MS Shell DlgPgP fSysLinkEer bu sorun Windows'ta yoksa ve henz bildirilmemi_se, "Farkl1 Kaydet" dmesi kullanarak ayr1nt1l1 bilgiyi bir dosyaya kaydedebilir; ard1ndan bu dosyay1 ekleyerek bir <a href="https://wiki.winehq.org/Bugs">hata raporu</a> gnderebilirsiniz.PF@FKapatP@F&Farkl1 Kaydet...HϐddT0=V ?@> ?><8;:C ?@>3@0<8MS Shell DlgPgP fSysLink/:I> FO ?@>1;5<0 2V4ACB=O 7-?V4 Windows, V ?@> =5W I5 =5 ?>2V4><;5=>, 8 <>65B5 715@53B8 45B0;L=C V=D>@<0FVN C D09;, 28:>@8AB>2CNG8 :=>?:C "15@53B8 O:", V ?>BV< <a href="https://wiki.winehq.org/Bugs">2V472VBC20B8 ?@> ?><8;:C</a>, 4>;CG82H8 715@565=89 D09; 4> 72VBC.PF@F0:@8B8P@F15@53B8 &O:...HϐddTPodrobnosti napake v programuMS Shell DlgPgP fSysLink e ta te~ava ni prisotna na sistemu Windows in ae ni bila prijavljena, vas prosimo, da shranite podrobnosti napake v datoteko preko gumba "Shrani kot", nato pa <a href="https://bugs.winehq.org">prijavite napako</a> in ji prilo~ite ravno ustvarjeno datoteko.PF@FZapriP@F&Shrani kot ...HϐddTIasamiau apie programos klaidMS Shell DlgPgP fSysLinkJei aios problemos nra  Windows sistemoje ir apie j dar nebuvo praneata, galite iasaugoti iasami informacij / fail naudodami mygtuk  Iasaugoti kaip , tada <a href="https://wiki.winehq.org/Bugs">u~registruoti klaid</a> ir prikabinti t fail prie praneaimo.PF@FU~vertiP@FIasaugoti k&aip...HϐddTProgram Error DetailsMS Shell DlgPgP fSysLinkIf this problem is not present under Windows and has not been reported yet, you can save the detailed information to a file using the "Save As" button, then <a href="https://wiki.winehq.org/Bugs">file a bug report</a> and attach that file to the report.PF@F P@F ... (&S)HϐddTProgram Error DetailsMS Shell DlgPgP fSysLinkIf this problem is not present under Windows and has not been reported yet, you can save the detailed information to a file using the "Save As" button, then <a href="https://wiki.winehq.org/Bugs">file a bug report</a> and attach that file to the report.PF@F  / M  M  A  P@F&Save As...HϐddT MS Shell DlgPgP fSysLinkIf this problem is not present under Windows and has not been reported yet, you can save the detailed information to a file using the "Save As" button, then <a href="https://wiki.winehq.org/Bugs">file a bug report</a> and attach that file to the report.PF@F P@F ... (&S)HϐddTProgram Error DetailsMS Shell DlgPgP fSysLinkIf this problem is not present under Windows and has not been reported yet, you can save the detailed information to a file using the "Save As" button, then <a href="https://wiki.winehq.org/Bugs">file a bug report</a> and attach that file to the report.PF@FCloseP@F&Guardar como...HϐddT z_/s0}nj MS Shell DlgPgP fSysLinkYg POUL(W Windows KN N NgQsN*gf1XJT `SNO(u 0SX[ej 0 c\s0}vnj 2QX[0RjHh 6q_<a href="https://wiki.winehq.org/Bugs">|v/1XJT</a>&NDRrjHh0R1XJT-N0PF@FܕP@FSX[p(&S)...HϐddTProgram Error DetailsMS Shell DlgPgP fSysLinkIf this problem is not present under Windows and has not been reported yet, you can save the detailed information to a file using the "Save As" button, then <a href="https://wiki.winehq.org/Bugs">file a bug report</a> and attach that file to the report.PF@FCloseP@F&Save As...HϐddTDetaljer for programfeilMS Shell DlgPgP fSysLinkHvis dette problemet ikke oppstr i Windows og ikke har blitt rapportert enn, s kan du lagre detaljert informasjon til en fil ved trykke p "Lagre som"-knappen. Deretter kan du <a href="https://wiki.winehq.org/Bugs">opprette en feilrapport</a> og legge ved loggfilen.PF@FLukkP@FLagre &som...HϐddTDetalhes do Erro do ProgramaMS Shell DlgPgP fSysLinkSe este problema no est presente no Windows e no foi reportado ainda, voc pode salvar a informao detalhada do arquivo usando o boto "Salvar Como", <a href="https://wiki.winehq.org/Bugs">enviar um relatrio de erro</a> e anexar o arquivo ao relatrio.PF@FFecharP@F&Salvar como...HϐddTDetaloj pri programa eraroMS Shell DlgPgP fSysLinkIf this problem is not present under Windows and has not been reported yet, you can save the detailed information to a file using the "Save As" button, then <a href="https://wiki.winehq.org/Bugs">file a bug report</a> and attach that file to the report.PF@FFermiP@FKonservu &kiel...HϐddT z^` MS Shell DlgPgP fSysLink(W Windows NOQsv^N*gfbJTǏ `SNO(u SX[:N c\~Oo`OX[:NN*NeN 6qT<a href="https://wiki.winehq.org/Bugs">e^N*NbJT</a>v^ND&^ N勇eN0PF@FsQP@FOX[:N(&S)...HϐddTDetalhes do erro no programaMS Shell DlgPgP fSysLinkIf this problem is not present under Windows and has not been reported yet, you can save the detailed information to a file using the "Save As" button, then <a href="https://wiki.winehq.org/Bugs">file a bug report</a> and attach that file to the report.PF@FFecharP@F&Gravar como...HϐddTProgram Error DetailsMS Shell DlgPgP fSysLinkIf this problem is not present under Windows and has not been reported yet, you can save the detailed information to a file using the "Save As" button, then <a href="https://wiki.winehq.org/Bugs">file a bug report</a> and attach that file to the report.PF@FZatvoriP@F&Sa uvaj kao...HϐddTProgram Error DetailsMS Shell DlgPgP fSysLinkIf this problem is not present under Windows and has not been reported yet, you can save the detailed information to a file using the "Save As" button, then <a href="https://wiki.winehq.org/Bugs">file a bug report</a> and attach that file to the report.PF@F0B2>@8P@F&!0GC20X :0>....7# AJ 'D(1F'E,lA program on your system has crashed, but WineDbg was unable to attach to the process to obtain a backtrace. (:J1 E91HA)EDA'* 'DF5H5 (*.txt)CD 'DEDA'* (*.*) .7# AJ 'D-A82J,1J *-EJD 'DE9DHE'* 'D*A5JDJ)  (1,'! 'D'F*8'1... Program ErrorlA program on your system has crashed, but WineDbg was unable to attach to the process to obtain a backtrace.(unidentified)"5:AB>28 D09;>25 (*.txt)A8G:8 D09;>25 (*.*) Saving failed,Loading detailed information, please wait...Error de programaUn programa en el vostre sistema ha tingut una pana, per el WineDbg no ha pogut enganxar-se al procs per a obtenir una traa inversa.(no identificat)Fitxers de text (*.txt)Tots els fitxers (*.*)El desament ha fallat=S'est carregant informaci detallada, si us plau, espereu...Chyba v programulA program on your system has crashed, but WineDbg was unable to attach to the process to obtain a backtrace.(neidentifikovno)Textov soubory (*.txt)Vaechny soubory (*.*)Ulo~en se nezdaYilo9Probh nahrvn podrobnch informac, ekejte prosm... Program FejllA program on your system has crashed, but WineDbg was unable to attach to the process to obtain a backtrace.(Uidentificerede)Tekst filer (*.txt)Alle filer (*.*)Gem mislykkedes1Indlser detaljeret information. Vent venligst...ProgrammfehlerEin Programm auf Ihrem System ist abgestrzt, aber WineDbg konnte nicht an den Prozess anknpfen, um eine Backtrace zu erstellen. (unbekannt)Textdateien (*.txt)Alle Dateien (*.*)Speichern fehlgeschlagen0Lade detaillierte Informationen, bitte warten... Program ErrorlA program on your system has crashed, but WineDbg was unable to attach to the process to obtain a backtrace.(unidentified)Text files (*.txt)All files (*.*) Saving failed,Loading detailed information, please wait...Error del programalA program on your system has crashed, but WineDbg was unable to attach to the process to obtain a backtrace.(no identificado)Documentos de texto (*.txt)Todos los archivos (*.*)Fallo guardando3Cargando informacin detallada, por favor espere...Ohjelman virheyOhjelma koneellasi kaatui, mutta WineDbg ei pystynyt liittymn siihen eik kermn virheenjljitystietoja (backtrace).(tunnistamaton)Tekstitiedostot (*.txt)Kaikki tiedostot (*.*)Tallennus eponnistui+Ladataan yksityiskohtaista tietoa, odota...Erreur du programmelA program on your system has crashed, but WineDbg was unable to attach to the process to obtain a backtrace.(non identifi)Fichiers texte (*.txt)Tous les fichiers (*.*)Erreur lors de l'enregistrementGChargement des informations dtaillesen cours; veuillez patienter...  lA program on your system has crashed, but WineDbg was unable to attach to the process to obtain a backtrace.(unidentified)  ( *.txt)  (*.*) Saving failed,Loading detailed information, please wait...Program vratlan hibalA program on your system has crashed, but WineDbg was unable to attach to the process to obtain a backtrace.(azonostatlan)Egyszerq szvegfjlok (*.txt)Minden fjl (*.*) Ments hibs+Rszletes adatok betltse, krem vrjon...Errore del programmalA program on your system has crashed, but WineDbg was unable to attach to the process to obtain a backtrace.(non identificato)File di testo (*.txt)Tutti i file (*.*)Salvataggio fallitoACaricamento delle informazioni dettagliate, aspetta un momento... 00000 000?00000L00000 Ng000000W0~0W0_0L0000000000S_Y00 WineDbg L00000k00000g0M0~0[00g0W0_00(*gX%R)0000 0000 (*.txt)Y0y0f0n00000 (*.*) OX[k01YWeW0~0W0_00s0}`1X000-Ng0Y00W0p00O0J0_a0O0`0U0D0...\ $X?¤\ \t ̹, WineDbg \8 Ű`  Ŵ 1tǤ| ݴ`  ŵȲ.(Ux)MѤ¸ | (*.txt) | (*.*)ȥ ( 8\ | $Ɣ ɅȲ, ̹ 0䲬$...Programma FoutlA program on your system has crashed, but WineDbg was unable to attach to the process to obtain a backtrace. (onbekend)Tekstbestanden (*.txt)Alle bestanden (*.*)Opslaan mislukt=Even geduld a.u.b. Gedetailleerde informatie wordt geladen... BBd programulA program on your system has crashed, but WineDbg was unable to attach to the process to obtain a backtrace. (nieznane)Dokumenty tekstowe (*.txt)Wszystkie pliki (*.*)Nieudane zapisywanie6Wczytywanie szczegBowych informacji, prosz czeka... Program ErrorlA program on your system has crashed, but WineDbg was unable to attach to the process to obtain a backtrace.(unidentified)Text files (*.txt)Tuot las datotecas (*.*) Saving failed,Loading detailed information, please wait...Eroare de programlA program on your system has crashed, but WineDbg was unable to attach to the process to obtain a backtrace.(neidentificat)Toate fiierele text (*.txt)Toate fiierele (*.*)Salvarea a euat)ncarc informaii detaliate, ateptai...@>3@0<<=0O >H81:0z@>3@0<<0 =5>6840==> ?5@5AB0;0 @01>B0BL, => WineDbg =5 A<>3 ?>4:;NG8BLAO : ?@>F5AAC 8 ?>;CG8BL 1>;55 ?>4@>1=CN 8=D>@<0F8N.(=5 >?@545;5=>)"5:AB>2K5 D09;K (*.txt)A5 D09;K (*.*)H81:0 ?@8 A>E@0=5=88?03@C605BAO 4>?>;=8B5;L=0O 8=D>@<0F8O. >60;C9AB0, ?>4>648B5...Greaka programalA program on your system has crashed, but WineDbg was unable to attach to the process to obtain a backtrace.(neidentificirano)Tekstualne datoteke (*.txt)Sve datoteke (*.*)Spremanje neuspjeano2U itavam detaljne informacije, pri ekajte molim... Program ErrorlA program on your system has crashed, but WineDbg was unable to attach to the process to obtain a backtrace.(unidentified)Textov sbory (*.txt)Vaetky sbory (*.*) Saving failed,Loading detailed information, please wait... ProgramfellA program on your system has crashed, but WineDbg was unable to attach to the process to obtain a backtrace.(oidentifierad)Textfiler (*.txt)Alla filer (*.*)Misslyckades med att spara#Hmtar detaljerna, var god vnta... Program ErrorlA program on your system has crashed, but WineDbg was unable to attach to the process to obtain a backtrace.(unidentified)AI!M2#2 (*.txt) 8AI! (*.*) Saving failed,Loading detailed information, please wait...Program Hatas1bSisteminizdeki bir program kt, ancak WineDbg y11n izleme verisi almak iin i_leme balanamad1. (tan1ms1z)Metin Dosyalar1 (*.txt)Tm dosyalar (*.*)Kay1t ba_ar1s1z.Ayr1nt1l1 bilgi ykleniyor, ltfen bekleyin...><8;:0 ?@>3@0<8m@>3@0<0 707=0;0 71V9, 0;5 WineDbg =5 240;>AO ?@8T4=0B8AL 4> ?@>F5AC, I>1 >B@8<0B8 1V;LH 45B0;L=C V=D>@<0FVN.(=5 287=0G5=>)"5:AB>2V D09;8 (*.txt)AV D09;8 (*.*)><8;:0 715@565==O,020=B06CN 45B0;L=C V=D>@<0FVN, 70G5:09B5...Napaka v programulA program on your system has crashed, but WineDbg was unable to attach to the process to obtain a backtrace. (nedolo eno)Besedilne datoteke (*.txt)Vse datoteke (*.*)Shranjevanje je spodletelo5Nalaganje podrobnih informacij, prosimo po akajte ...Programos klaidaXU~strigo programa, bet WineDbg nepavyko prisijungti prie proceso ir gauti dklo pdsako.(nenustatytas)Tekstiniai failai (*.txt)Visi failai (*.*)Nepavyko iasaugoti).keliama iasami informacija, palaukite... Program ErrorlA program on your system has crashed, but WineDbg was unable to attach to the process to obtain a backtrace.(unidentified)~1HF/G G' E*F (*.txt)GEG  ~1HF/G G' (*.*) Saving failed,Loading detailed information, please wait... Program ErrorlA program on your system has crashed, but WineDbg was unable to attach to the process to obtain a backtrace.(unidentified)Text files (*.txt) (*.*) Saving failed,Loading detailed information, please wait... Program ErrorlA program on your system has crashed, but WineDbg was unable to attach to the process to obtain a backtrace.(unidentified)Text files (*.txt) 2 M 2 > + / 2 A  3 A  (*.*) Saving failed,Loading detailed information, please wait... lA program on your system has crashed, but WineDbg was unable to attach to the process to obtain a backtrace. ( ) (*.txt) (*.*) = , ... Program ErrorlA program on your system has crashed, but WineDbg was unable to attach to the process to obtain a backtrace.(unidentified)Fitchs tekse (*.txt)Tos les fitchs (*.*) Saving failed,Loading detailed information, please wait... Program ErrorlA program on your system has crashed, but WineDbg was unable to attach to the process to obtain a backtrace.(unidentified)Text files (*.txt)Tolos ficheros (*.*) Saving failed,Loading detailed information, please wait... z_/lA program on your system has crashed, but WineDbg was unable to attach to the process to obtain a backtrace.(*g}X%Rv) }eW[jHh (*.txt) @b gjHh (*.*)2QX[1YWeck(W eQs0}nj ˊ z_... Program ErrorlA program on your system has crashed, but WineDbg was unable to attach to the process to obtain a backtrace.(unidentified)Text files (*.txt)All files (*.*) Saving failed,Loading detailed information, please wait... ProgramfeillA program on your system has crashed, but WineDbg was unable to attach to the process to obtain a backtrace.(uidentifisert)Tekstfiler (*.txt)Alle filer (*.*)Klarte ikke lagre+Laster detaljert informasjon, vent litt ...Erro do ProgramaxUm programa ou sistema teve uma falha, mas WineDbg no foi capaz de se conectar ao processo para obter os logs da pilha.(no identificado)Arquivos de texto (*.txt)Todos os arquivos (*.*)Falha ao salvar6Carregando informao detalhada, por favor, aguarde...Programa erarolA program on your system has crashed, but WineDbg was unable to attach to the process to obtain a backtrace.(unidentified)Tekstodosieroj (*.txt)iuj dosieroj (*.*)Konservi malsukcesis,Loading detailed information, please wait... z^'`|~-NvN*N z^)]nN FO/f WineDbg elc}0Rۏ zNSXhVn0*gƋ+Rv e,geN (*.txt) @b geN (*.*)OX[1Y%ck(W}eQ~Oo` zP...Erro no programalA program on your system has crashed, but WineDbg was unable to attach to the process to obtain a backtrace.(no identificado)Ficheiros de texto (*.txt)Todos os ficheiros (*.*)Guardar falhou,Loading detailed information, please wait...Programska greakalA program on your system has crashed, but WineDbg was unable to attach to the process to obtain a backtrace.(neidentifikovano)Tekstualne datoteke (*.txt)All files (*.*) Saving failed,Loading detailed information, please wait...@>3@0<A:0 3@5H:0lA program on your system has crashed, but WineDbg was unable to attach to the process to obtain a backtrace.(=5845=B8D8:>20=>)"5:ABC0;=5 40B>B5:5 (*.txt)!25 40B>B5:5 (*.*) Saving failed,Loading detailed information, please wait...L7@88/P/ :7T/01AFP}4@G303P3@94333R)8 B L V ` j t ~  $,(40.l|     Ãǃƒƃʃ̓ЃӃރ׃ ۃ!փ"ڃ8BLV`jt~l| $winedbgwinedbgwinedbg|``winedbgwinedbgwinedbgwinedbgЧpwinedbg0winedbg`pwinedbg4Y4Ywinedbgd7c6fb40c7115f4e79c5e58c1c68ed0f7a98f1.debugP9.shstrtab.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.init.plt.plt.got.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.dynamic.data.bss.gnu_debuglink TT$oxxl( @0$$8o**(Eo,,T `-`-8].c0 0 h@ @ qP P ^w~~}& (J(J<]<]VlP `YPIP6 PI4I