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(%s) Skipping file as modified date too old Skipping file as dest newer or same date Skipping file as matches exclude '%s' Processing subdirs with spec: %s Unexpected characters found and ignored '%s' Unexpected failure expanding source path (%d) pep`p`p`p`p`p`p`p`p`p`p`p`p`p`p`p`p`@ep`(ep`eeedp`ddp`dhdPd8dp` ddedddccp``cXCOPY_wprintfXCOPY_LoadMessageXCOPY_DoCopy0123456789abcdefXCOPY_ProcessDestParmXCOPY_ProcessSourceParmXCOPY_FailMessageXCOPY_ProcessExcludeFileXCOPY_ProcessExcludeListXCOPY_ParseCommandLinewmain...*\;8FĚTԚx $,,@4TLZl~$:Rd~".D\r(2<JR\d,>LZl~$:Rd~".D\r(2<JR\d<CharUpperBuffWLoadStringW<CloseHandleHCompareFileTimeLCompareStringWYCopyFileWaCreateDirectoryWmCreateFileWExitProcess FileTimeToSystemTimeFindCloseFindFirstFileW#FindNextFileW<FormatMessageWaGetCommandLineWGetConsoleOutputCPGetCurrentDirectoryWGetDateFormatWGetEnvironmentVariableWGetFileAttributesWGetFileTimeGetFullPathNameWGetModuleHandleW5GetStdHandlehGetTimeFormatWHeapAllocHeapFreeIsBadStringPtrWLocalFreeReadFile;SetFileAttributesWSystemTimeToFileTimeWideCharToMultiByteWriteConsoleWWriteFilelstrcmpW__wine_dbg_header__wine_dbg_output__wine_dbg_strdupfreememsettoupperwcschrwcscpywcsrchrwcsstr_vsnprintf_wcsdup_wfopen_wsplitpath_wtolfclosefeoffgetwsuser32.dllkernel32.dllntdll.dllmsvcrt.dll8`#     0@P`p"$'[ 0@ P`p $   0 @ P`p" $0'@IP[`p   LL .$"^%X)`-.0f37:<p@$DGK~OHdRlUj per a comenar a copiar %1!d! fitxer(s) es copiarien %1!d! fitxer(s) copiat(s) Us '%1' un nom de fitxer o un directori a la destinaci? (F - Fitxer, D - Directori) %1? (S|No) %Voleu sobreescriure %1? (S|No|Tots) 0La cpia de '%1' a '%2' ha fallat amb r/c %3!d! S'ha fallat en obrir '%1' &S'ha fallat durant la lectura de '%1' :Nesprvn po et parametro  pro npovdu zadejte xcopy /? 7Neplatn parametr  %1  pro npovdu zadejte xcopy /? 2Pro zapo et koprovn stisknte klvesu <Enter> "%1!d! souboro by bylo zkoprovno %1!d! souboro zkoprovno HJe  %1 , ur en jako cl, souborem i slo~kou? (F  soubor, D  slo~ka) %1? (Ano|Ne) Nahradit %1? (Ano|Ne|Vae) 1Koprovn  %1 do  %2 se nezdaYilo s r/c %3!d! OtevYen  %1 se nezdaYilo Selhalo bhem ten  %1 4Ugyldigt antal parametre; brug xcopy /? for hjlp 3Ugyldigt parameter %1; brug xcopy /? for hjlp %Tryk Enter for at begynde at kopiere !%1!d! fil(er) vil blive kopieret %1!d! fil(er) kopieret FEr %1 et filnavn eller mappe p destinationen? (F - Fil, K - Mappe) %1? (Ja|Nej) Overskriv %1? (Ja|Nej|Alle) 7Kunne ikke kopiere %1 til %2; fejlet med r/c %3!d! Kunne ikke bne %1 Kunne ikke lse %1 3Falsche Parameteranzahl - xcopy /? zeigt Hilfe an 9Unbekannter Parameter '%1' - xcopy /? zeigt die Hilfe an 1<Enter> drcken, um mit dem Kopieren zu beginnen &%1!d! Datei(en) wrden kopiert werden %1!d! Datei(en) kopiert RIst '%1' eine Datei oder ein Verzeichnis am Zielort? (D - Datei, V - Verzeichnis) %1? (Ja|Nein) !%1 berschreiben? (Ja|Nein|Alle) @Kopieren von '%1' nach '%2' fehlgeschlagen. Fehlernummer: %3!d! "'%1' konnte nicht geffnet werden Fehler beim Lesen von '%1' 5Invalid number of parameters - Use xcopy /? for help /Invalid parameter '%1' - Use xcopy /? for help Press <Enter> to begin copying %1!d! file(s) would be copied %1!d! file(s) copied IIs '%1' a filename or directory on the target? (F - File, D - Directory) %1? (Yes|No) Overwrite %1? (Yes|No|All) .Copying of '%1' to '%2' failed with r/c %3!d! Failed to open '%1' Failed during reading of '%1' <Nmero de argumentos invlido - Escribe xcopy /? para ayuda 6Argumento invlido '%1' - Escribe xcopy /? para ayuda %Pulsa <Return> para empezar la copia %1!d! archivo(s) sern copiados %1!d! archivo(s) copiados KEs '%1' un directorio o archivo en la ruta? (A - Archivo, D - Directorio) %1? (S|No) Sobrescribir %1? (S|No|Todo) .Copia de '%1' a '%2' ha fallado con e/c %3!d! No se pudo abrir '%1' Fallo leyendo '%1' >Parametrien mr ei kelpaa - Komento xcopy /? nytt ohjeen >Virheellinen parametri '%1' - Komento xcopy /? nytt ohjeen 'Paina <Enter> aloittaaksesi kopioinnin %1!d! tiedosto(a) kopioitaisiin %1!d! tiedosto(a) kopioitu NOnko '%1' tiedostonimi tai hakemisto kohteella? (T - tiedosto, H - hakemisto) %1? (Kyll|Ei) %Kirjoita %1:n yli? (Kyll|Ei|kAikki) HTiedoston '%1' kopiointi sijaintiin '%2' eponnistui paluuarvolla %3!d! '%1' ei auennut !Kaatui luettaessa tiedostoa '%1' INombre invalide de paramtres - Utilisez xcopy /? pour obtenir de l'aide EParamtre %1 invalide - Utilisez xcopy /? pour obtenir de l'aide ,Appuyez sur <Entre> pour dmarrer la copie %1!d! fichier(s) seront copis %1!d! fichier(s) copis ^%1 est-il un fichier ou un rpertoire dans la destination? (F - Fichier, R - Rpertoire) %1? (Oui|Non) craser %1? (Oui|Non|Tous) ELa copie de %1 vers %2 a chou avec le code de retour %3!d! Impossible d'ouvrir %1 Impossible de lire %1 5Invalid number of parameters - Use xcopy /? for help /Invalid parameter '%1' - Use xcopy /? for help Press <Enter> to begin copying %1!d! file(s) would be copied %1!d! file(s) copied IIs '%1' a filename or directory on the target? (F - File, D - Directory) %1? (Yes|No) Overwrite %1? (Yes|No|All) .Copying of '%1' to '%2' failed with r/c %3!d! Failed to open '%1' Failed during reading of '%1' <A paramterek szma nem megfelelQ - hasznlja ezt: xcopy /? 3Nem vals paramter '%1' - hasznlja ezt: xcopy /? 2Nyomjon <Enter> billentyqt a msols elkezdshez %1!d! fjl(ok) msoldna %1!d! fjl msoldott @'%1' egy fjlnv vagy mappa a cl helyen? (F - Fjl, D - Mappa) %1? (Igen|Nem) Fellrhat %1? (Igen|Nem|Mind) ('%1' msolsa ide '%2' hibs, r/c %3!d! '%1' megnyitsa sikertelen !Hiba trtnt '%1' olvassa sorn =Numero non valido di parametri - Digita xcopy /? per l'aiuto 8Parametro '%1' non valido - Digita xcopy /? per l'aiuto %Premi <Invio> per iniziare a copiare %1!d! file saranno copiati %1!d! file copiato/i V'%1' il nome di un file o una cartella nella destinazione? (F - File, C - Cartella) %1? (S|No) Sovrascrivere %1? (S|No|Tutti) 1La copia di '%1' in '%2' fallita con r/c %3!d! Impossibile aprire '%1' "Errore durante la lettura di '%1' !00000n0peL0UD0~0Y00xcopy /? g00000h:yW0~0Y0 %!qRj000000 '%1' g0Y00xcopy /? g00000h:yW0~0Y0 0000YY00k0o0 <Enter> 0bW0f0O0`0U0D0 %1!d! 0000L0000U0000g0Y0 %1!d! 00000000W0~0W0_0 :0HQn0 '%1' o00000 Tg0Y0K00 ]00h00000000g0Y0K0? (F - 00000D - 000000) %1? (Yes|No) %1 0 NfM0W0~0Y0K0? (Yes|No|All) $'%1' K00 '%2' x0n0000o01YWeW0~0W0_00;b0$P %3!d! '%1' 0Q0~0[00 '%1' n000-Nk01YWeW0~0W0_0 /,t J@ X  - ijйD $t 'xcopy /?'| X$ 0,t J@  '%1' - ijйD $t 'xcopy /?'| X$ <enter> | tt | ‘iȲ %1!d! |D iȲ %1!d! |t ŵȲ /'%1'@() |DžȲL?   0ѬȲL? (F - |, D -  0Ѭ) %1? ((Y)|DȲ(N)) "%1| n ȲL? ((Y)|DȲ(N)|P(A)) -'%1'D(|) '%2'(<)\ XՔ p (ӈյȲ. $X Tܴ %3!d! '%1' 0 ( '%1| } յȲ' @Onjuist aantal parameters - Gebruik xcopy /? om hulp te krijgen 6Onjuiste parameter '%1' - Gebruik xcopy /? voor hulp ,Druk op <enter> om te beginnen met kopiren +%1!d! bestand(en) zouden worden gekopieerd %1!d! bestand(en) gekopieerd NIs '%1' een bestand of een map op de bestemming? (B - Bestand, D - Directory) %1? (Ja|Nee) !%1 overschrijven? (Ja|Nee|Alles) 2Kopiren van '%1' naar '%2' mislukt met r/c %3!d! Openen van '%1' is mislukt Fout tijdens lezen van '%1' FNiewBa[ciwa liczba parametrw - uruchom xcopy /? aby wy[wietli pomoc >NieprawidBowy parametr '%1' - U|yj xcopy /? aby uzyska pomoc *Naci[nij <Enter> aby rozpocz kopiowanie )Nie mo|na byBo skopiowa %1!d! pliku(w) Skopiowano %1!d! plik(w) E'%1' jest nazw pliku czy katalogiem w celu? (F - Plik, D - Katalog) %1? (Tak|Nie) %Czy zastpi %1? (Tak|Nie|Wszystkie) 5Nieudane kopiowanie '%1' do '%2' z kodem bBdu %3!d! Nieudane otwarcie '%1' Nieudany odczyt '%1' >Numr de parametri nevalid - Utilizai xcopy /? pentru ajutor ;Parametru nevalid  %1 - Utilizai xcopy /? pentru ajutor ,Apsai pe <Enter> pentru a ncepe copierea %1!d! fiier(e) ar fi copiat(e) %1!d! fiier(e) copiat(e) Q %1 este un nume de fiier sau un dosar din destinaie? (F - Fiier, D - Dosar) %1? (Da|Nu) Se suprascrie %1? (Da|Nu|Toate) 4Copierea  %1 n  %2 a euat cu cod de retur %3!d! Deschiderea  %1 a euat Citirea  %1 a euat X54>?CAB8<>5 G8A;> ?0@0<5B@>2 - ?>?@>1C9B5 xcopy /? 4;O ?>;CG5=8O ?>4@>1=>3> >?8A0=8O 3525@=K9 ?0@0<5B@ %1 - 2>A?>;L7C9B5AL xcopy /? 206<8B5 :;028HC <Enter>, GB>1K =0G0BL :>?8@>20=85 #K;> 1K A:>?8@>20=> %1!d! D09;(>2) !:>?8@>20=> %1!d! D09;(>2) 7%1 - D09; 8;8 48@5:B>@8O? (F - D09;, D - 48@5:B>@8O) %1? (Y - 0|N - 5B) *5@570?8A0BL %1? (Y - 0|N - 5B| - A5) 3@>87>H;0 >H81:0 %3!d! ?@8 :>?8@>20=88 %1 2 %2 5 C40;>AL >B:@KBL %1 !@8 GB5=88 %1 ?@>87>H;0 >H81:0 8Neispravan broj parametara. Koristite xcopy /? za pomo 8Neispravan parametar '%1' - Koristite xcopy /? za pomo (Pritisnite <Enter> za po etak kopiranja "%1!d! datoteka/e e biti kopirano %1!d! datoteka/e kopirano IIs '%1' a filename or directory on the target? (F - File, D - Directory) %1? (Da|Ne) Zamjeniti %1? (Da|Ne|Sve) 0Kopiranje '%1' u '%2' nije uspjelo sa r/c %3!d! Neuspjelo otvaranje '%1' # itanje '%1' datoteke nije uspjelo 5Invalid number of parameters - Use xcopy /? for help /Invalid parameter '%1' - Use xcopy /? for help (Stla te <Enter> pre za atie koprovania %1!d! file(s) would be copied %1!d! file(s) copied IIs '%1' a filename or directory on the target? (F - File, D - Directory) %1? (no|Nie) Prepsae %1? (no|Nie|Vaetky) .Copying of '%1' to '%2' failed with r/c %3!d! Failed to open '%1' Failed during reading of '%1' 6Ogiltigt antal parametrar - Anvnd xcopy /? fr hjlp 3Ogiltig parameter '%1' - Anvnd xcopy /? fr hjlp $Tryck <Enter> fr att brja kopiera %1!d! fil(er) skulle kopieras %1!d! fil(er) kopierade Fr '%1' ett filnamn eller en katalog p mlet? (F - Fil, K - Katalog) %1? (Ja|Nej) Skriv ver %1? (Ja|Nej|Alla) >Kunde inte kopiera '%1' till '%2'; misslyckades med r/c %3!d! Misslyckades med att ppna '%1' Kunde inte lsa '%1' 8Hatal1 parametre say1s1 - Yard1m iin xcopy /? kullan1n 8Geersiz parametre '%1' - Yard1m iin xcopy /? kullan1n *Kopyalamaya ba_lamak iin <Enter>'e bas1n %1!d! dosya kopyalanacak %1!d! dosya kopyaland1 CHedefteki '%1' bir dosya m1 yoksa dizin mi? (F - Dosya, D - Dizin) %1? (Evet|Hay1r) *%1 zerine yaz1ls1n m1? (Evet|Hay1r|Tm) :'%1', '%2' konumuna kopyalan1rken r/c %3!d! hatas1 olu_tu '%1' a1lamad1 '%1' okunurken hata <52V@=0 :V;L:VABL ?0@0<5B@V2 - 254VBL xcopy /? 4;O 4>2V4:8 652V@=89 ?0@0<5B@ '%1' - 254VBL xcopy /? 4;O 4>2V4:8 (0B8A=VBL <Enter> I>1 ?>G0B8 :>?VN20==O %1!d! D09;(V2) 1C45 A:>?V9>20=> %1!d! D09;(V2) A:>?V9>20=> 9'%1' T D09;>< G8 48@5:B>@VTN? ($ - $09;,  - 8@5:B>@VO) %1? ("0:|V) 5@5?8A0B8 %1? ("0:|V|AV) 9V4 G0A :>?VN20==O '%1' 2 '%2' AB0;0AL ?><8;:0 r/c %3!d! 5 240;>AL 2V4:@8B8 '%1' ><8;:0 G8B0==O '%1' <Neveljavno atevilo parametrov - za pomo  uporabite xcopy /? 8Neveljaven parameter '%1' - za pomo  uporabite xcopy /? (Pritisnite <Enter> za za etek kopiranja %1!d! datotek bi bilo kopiranih %1!d! datotek je bilo kopiranih CAli je '%1' ime ciljne datoteke ali mape? (D - Datoteka, M - Mapa) %1 (Da|Ne) %Ali ~elite prepisati %1? (Da|Ne|Vse) 0Kopiranje '%1' v '%2' je spodletelo z r/c %3!d! Odpiranje '%1' je spodletelo Napaka med branjem '%1' 3Neteisingas parametrs skai ius  pagalba: xcopy /? 0Neteisingas parametras  %1  pagalba: xcopy /? 'Spauskite <.vesti> kopijavimui pradti Bus nukopijuota fails: %1!d! Nukopijuota fails: %1!d! LAr  %1 yra failas, ar katalogas, ar paskirtis? (F - failas, K - katalogas) %1? (Taip|Ne) Perraayti %1? (Taip|Ne|Visus) . %1 kopijavimas /  %2 nepavyko su r/c %3!d! Nepavyko atverti  %1 Klaida skaitant  %1 + - xcopy /? - '%1' - xcopy /? &<Enter> &%1!d! ( ) %1!d! ( ) V'%1' ? (F - , D - ) %1? ( | ) "%1 ? ( | | ) 2'%1' '%2' (r/c %3!d!) '%1' '%1' 5Invalid number of parameters - Use xcopy /? for help /Invalid parameter '%1' - Use xcopy /? for help Press <Enter> to begin copying %1!d! file(s) would be copied %1!d! file(s) copied IIs '%1' a filename or directory on the target? (F - File, D - Directory) %1? (Yes|No) Overwrite %1? (Yes|No|All) .Copying of '%1' to '%2' failed with r/c %3!d! Fallu al abrir %1 Fallu na llectura de %1 !qHevSxexeϑ - O(u xcopy /? Nrs_f !qHevSxe %1 - O(u xcopy /? Nrs_f ˊ c <Enter> uY %1!d! PjHh\ ] %1!d! PjHh #%1 /fN P(Wvj Nv j Tbv (F - jHh D - v) %1 (Yes|No) /f&T˄ %1 (Yes|No|All) \ %1 0R %2 Bf1YWe&Nrs_ r/c %3!d! _U %1 1YWe (WS %1 vg|vuN1YWe 5Invalid number of parameters - Use xcopy /? for help /Invalid parameter '%1' - Use xcopy /? for help Press <Enter> to begin copying %1!d! file(s) would be copied %1!d! file(s) copied IIs '%1' a filename or directory on the target? (F - File, D - Directory) %1? (Yes|No) Overwrite %1? (Yes|No|All) .Copying of '%1' to '%2' failed with r/c %3!d! Failed to open '%1' Failed during reading of '%1' 5Ugyldig antall parametere; bruk 'xcopy /?' for hjelp 2Ugyldig parameter "%1"; bruk 'xcopy /?' for hjelp 'Trykk <Enter> for starte kopieringen "%1!d! fil(er) ville blitt kopiert %1!d! fil(er) ble kopiert ?Er %1 et filnavn eller katalog i mlet? (F - Fil, K - Katalog) %1? (Ja|Nei) Skrive over %1? (Ja|Nei|Alle) 4Klarte ikke kopiere %1 til %2; feilet med r/c %3!d! Klarte ikke pne %1 Klarte ikke lese %1 8Nmero de parmetros invlido - Use xcopy /? para ajuda 2Parmetro invlido '%1' - Use xcopy /? para ajuda (Pressione <Enter> para comear a copiar #%1!d! arquivo(s) seriam copiado(s) %1!d! arquivo(s) copiado(s) E'%1' um arquivo ou diretrio no alvo? (A - Arquivo, D - Diretrio) %1? (Sim|No) Sobrescrever %1? (Sim|No|Tudo) -Falha ao copiar '%1' para '%2' com r/c %3!d! Falha ao abrir '%1' Falha durante a leitura de '%1' eHeSpe*Npe - O(u xcopy /? S.^R eHeSpe  %1 - O(u xcopy /? S.^R  c <Enter> _Y Y6R %1!d! *NeN\O Y6R ] Y6R %1!d! *NeN '%1 /fN*N(Wvh_ Nv eN T؏/fvU_ (F - eN D - vU_) %1(/f(Y)|&T(N)) /f&Tv %1(/f(Y)|&T(N)|hQ(A)) el\ %1 Y6R:N %2 :N r/c %3!d! elSb_ "%1" S %1 1Y% 8Nmero de parmetros invlido - Use xcopy /? para ajuda 3Parmetro invlido '%1' - Use xcopy /? para ajuda 'Carregue em <Enter> para iniciar cpia $%1!d! ficheiro(s) seriam copiado(s) %1!d! ficheiro(s) copiado(s) L'%1' um ficheiro ou directrio no destino? (F - Ficheiro, D - Directrio) %1? (Sim|No) Reescrever %1? (Sim|No|Todos) -Cpia de '%1' para '%2' falhou com r/c %3!d! Falhou ao abrir '%1' Falhou a ler '%1' 8Neispravan broj parametara. Koristite xcopy /? za pomo /Invalid parameter '%1' - Use xcopy /? for help Press <Enter> to begin copying %1!d! file(s) would be copied %1!d! file(s) copied IIs '%1' a filename or directory on the target? (F - File, D - Directory) %1? (Yes|No) Overwrite %1? (Yes|No|All) .Copying of '%1' to '%2' failed with r/c %3!d! Failed to open '%1' Failed during reading of '%1' 858A?@020= 1@>X ?0@0<5B0@0. >@8AB8B5 xcopy /? 70 ?><>[ /Invalid parameter '%1' - Use xcopy /? for help Press <Enter> to begin copying %1!d! file(s) would be copied %1!d! file(s) copied IIs '%1' a filename or directory on the target? (F - File, D - Directory) %1? (Yes|No) Overwrite %1? (Yes|No|All) .Copying of '%1' to '%2' failed with r/c %3!d! Failed to open '%1' Failed during reading of '%1' YNAFDXCOPY - Copies source files or directory trees to a destination. Syntax: XCOPY source [destination] [/I] [/S] [/Q] [/F] [/L] [/W] [/T] [/N] [/U] [/R] [/H] [/C] [/P] [/A] [/M] [/E] [/D] [/Y] [/-Y] Where: [/I] Assume directory if destination does not exist and copying two or more files. [/S] Copy directories and subdirectories. [/E] Copy directories and subdirectories, including any empty ones. [/Q] Do not list names during copy; that is, be quiet. [/F] Show full source and destination names during copy. [/L] Simulate operation, showing names which would be copied. [/W] Prompts before beginning the copy operation. [/T] Creates empty directory structure but does not copy files. [/Y] Suppress prompting when overwriting files. [/-Y] Enable prompting when overwriting files. [/P] Prompts on each source file before copying. [/N] Copy using short names. [/U] Copy only files which already exist in destination. [/R] Overwrite any read-only files. [/H] Include hidden and system files in the copy. [/C] Continue even if an error occurs during the copy. [/A] Only copy files with archive attribute set. [/M] Only copy files with archive attribute set, removes the archive attribute. [/K] Copy file attributes; without this, attributes are not preserved. [/D | /D:m-d-y] Copy new files or those modified after the supplied date. If no date is supplied, only copy if destination is older than source. SNTFDWXCOPY - Copia fitxers o arbres de directori a una destinaci. Sintaxi: XCOPY origen [destinaci] [/I] [/S] [/Q] [/F] [/L] [/W] [/T] [/N] [/U] [/R] [/H] [/C] [/P] [/A] [/M] [/E] [/D] [/Y] [/-Y] On: [/I] Presumeix directori si la destinaci no existeix i s'estan copiant dos o ms fitxers. [/S] Copia els directoris i subdirectoris. [/E] Copia els directoris i subdirectoris, incloent-hi els buits. [/Q] No mostris els noms durant la cpia, s a dir, sigues silent. [/F] Mostra els noms complets de la font i la destinaci durant la cpia. [/L] Simula l'operaci, mostrant els noms que es copiarien. [/W] Pregunta abans de comenar l'operaci de cpia. [/T] Crea una estructura de directoris buits per no copis els fitxers. [/Y] Elimina les preguntes abans de sobreescriure fitxers. [/-Y] Habilita les preguntes abans de sobreescriure fitxers. [/P] Pregunta sobre cada fitxer font abans de copiar. [/N] Copia utilitzant els noms curts. [/U] Copia noms els fitxers que ja existeixin a la destinaci. [/R] Sobreescriu qualsevol fitxer de noms lectura. [/H] Inclou els fitxers amagats i els fitxers de sistema en la cpia. [/C] Continuar incls si ocorr un error durant la cpia. [/A] Noms copiar els fitxers amb l'atribut d'arxiu establert. [/M] Noms copiar els fitxers amb l'atribut d'arxiu establert, elimina l'atribut d'arxiu. [/K] Copiar els atributs de fitxer; sense aix, no es preserven els atributs. [/D | /D:m-d-y] Copiar els fitxers nous o els modificats desprs de la data proveda. Si no es proveeix cap data, noms es copia si la destinaci s ms vella que l'origen. ANVFDXCOPY - Copies source files or directory trees to a destination. Syntax: XCOPY source [destination] [/I] [/S] [/Q] [/F] [/L] [/W] [/T] [/N] [/U] [/R] [/H] [/C] [/P] [/A] [/M] [/E] [/D] [/Y] [/-Y] Where: [/I] Assume directory if destination does not exist and copying two or more files. [/S] Copy directories and subdirectories. [/E] Copy directories and subdirectories, including any empty ones. [/Q] Do not list names during copy; that is, be quiet. [/F] Show full source and destination names during copy. [/L] Simulate operation, showing names which would be copied. [/W] Prompts before beginning the copy operation. [/T] Creates empty directory structure but does not copy files. [/Y] Suppress prompting when overwriting files. [/-Y] Enable prompting when overwriting files. [/P] Prompts on each source file before copying. [/N] Copy using short names. [/U] Copy only files which already exist in destination. [/R] Overwrite any read-only files. [/H] Include hidden and system files in the copy. [/C] Continue even if an error occurs during the copy. [/A] Only copy files with archive attribute set. [/M] Only copy files with archive attribute set, removes the archive attribute. [/K] Copy file attributes; without this, attributes are not preserved. [/D | /D:m-d-y] Copy new files or those modified after the supplied date. If no date is supplied, only copy if destination is older than source. JNAFMXCOPY - Copies source files or directory trees to a destination. Syntax: XCOPY source [destination] [/I] [/S] [/Q] [/F] [/L] [/W] [/T] [/N] [/U] [/R] [/H] [/C] [/P] [/A] [/M] [/E] [/D] [/Y] [/-Y] Where: [/I] Assume directory if destination does not exist and copying two or more files. [/S] Copy directories and subdirectories. [/E] Copy directories and subdirectories, including any empty ones. [/Q] Do not list names during copy; that is, be quiet. [/F] Show full source and destination names during copy. [/L] Simulate operation, showing names which would be copied. [/W] Prompts before beginning the copy operation. [/T] Creates empty directory structure but does not copy files. [/Y] Suppress prompting when overwriting files. [/-Y] Enable prompting when overwriting files. [/P] Prompts on each source file before copying. [/N] Copy using short names. [/U] Copy only files which already exist in destination. [/R] Overwrite any read-only files. [/H] Include hidden and system files in the copy. [/C] Continue even if an error occurs during the copy. [/A] Only copy files with archive attribute set. [/M] Only copy files with archive attribute set, removes the archive attribute. [/K] Copy file attributes; without this, attributes are not preserved. [/D | /D:m-d-y] Copy new files or those modified after the supplied date. If no date is supplied, only copy if destination is older than source. JNADVXCOPY - Kopiert Dateien oder Verzeichnisse an einen Zielort. Syntax: XCOPY Quelle [Ziel] [/I] [/S] [/Q] [/F] [/L] [/W] [/T] [/N] [/U] [/R] [/H] [/C] [/P] [/A] [/M] [/E] [/D] [/Y] [/-Y] Mit: [/I] Behandle Ziel als Verzeichnisnamen, wenn es nicht existiert und mehrere Dateien kopiert werden. [/S] Kopiere Verzeichnisse und Unterverzeichnisse. [/E] Kopiere Verzeichnisse und Unterverzeichnisse, auch leere. [/Q] Zeige die Dateinamen beim Kopieren nicht an. [/F] Zeige vollstndige Dateinamen von Quelle und Ziel an. [/L] Simulation: Zeige die Namen der Dateien, die kopiert wrden. [/W] Wartet vor Beginn des Kopierens auf Besttigung. [/T] Erzeuge eine leere Verzeichnisstruktur, ohne Dateien zu kopieren. [/Y] Keine Nachfrage vor dem berschreiben von Dateien. [/-Y] Nachfrage vor dem berschreiben von Dateien. [/P] Fragt fr jede Quelldatei, ob sie kopiert werden soll. [/N] Kopiert die Dateien unter ihrem Kurznamen. [/U] Kopiert nur Dateien, die am Ziel bereits existieren. [/R] berschreibt schreibgeschtzte Dateien. [/H] Kopiere auch versteckte und Systemdateien. [/C] Nach Fehlern den Kopiervorgang fortsetzen. [/A] Nur Dateien mit Archivbit kopieren. [/M] Nur Dateien mit Archivbit kopieren, danach das Archivbit lschen. [/K] Dateiattribute kopieren; Attribute bleiben sonst nicht erhalten. [/D | /D:M-T-J] Kopiere neue Dateien oder Dateien, die neuer als das angegebene Datum sind. Wird kein Datum angegeben, werden nur Quelldateien kopiert, die neuer sind als die Zieldatei. YNAFDXCOPY - Copies source files or directory trees to a destination. Syntax: XCOPY source [destination] [/I] [/S] [/Q] [/F] [/L] [/W] [/T] [/N] [/U] [/R] [/H] [/C] [/P] [/A] [/M] [/E] [/D] [/Y] [/-Y] Where: [/I] Assume directory if destination does not exist and copying two or more files. [/S] Copy directories and subdirectories. [/E] Copy directories and subdirectories, including any empty ones. [/Q] Do not list names during copy; that is, be quiet. [/F] Show full source and destination names during copy. [/L] Simulate operation, showing names which would be copied. [/W] Prompts before beginning the copy operation. [/T] Creates empty directory structure but does not copy files. [/Y] Suppress prompting when overwriting files. [/-Y] Enable prompting when overwriting files. [/P] Prompts on each source file before copying. [/N] Copy using short names. [/U] Copy only files which already exist in destination. [/R] Overwrite any read-only files. [/H] Include hidden and system files in the copy. [/C] Continue even if an error occurs during the copy. [/A] Only copy files with archive attribute set. [/M] Only copy files with archive attribute set, removes the archive attribute. [/K] Copy file attributes; without this, attributes are not preserved. [/D | /D:m-d-y] Copy new files or those modified after the supplied date. If no date is supplied, only copy if destination is older than source. SNTADXCOPY - Copies source files or directory trees to a destination. Syntax: XCOPY source [destination] [/I] [/S] [/Q] [/F] [/L] [/W] [/T] [/N] [/U] [/R] [/H] [/C] [/P] [/A] [/M] [/E] [/D] [/Y] [/-Y] Where: [/I] Assume directory if destination does not exist and copying two or more files. [/S] Copy directories and subdirectories. [/E] Copy directories and subdirectories, including any empty ones. [/Q] Do not list names during copy; that is, be quiet. [/F] Show full source and destination names during copy. [/L] Simulate operation, showing names which would be copied. [/W] Prompts before beginning the copy operation. [/T] Creates empty directory structure but does not copy files. [/Y] Suppress prompting when overwriting files. [/-Y] Enable prompting when overwriting files. [/P] Prompts on each source file before copying. [/N] Copy using short names. [/U] Copy only files which already exist in destination. [/R] Overwrite any read-only files. [/H] Include hidden and system files in the copy. [/C] Continue even if an error occurs during the copy. [/A] Only copy files with archive attribute set. [/M] Only copy files with archive attribute set, removes the archive attribute. [/K] Copy file attributes; without this, attributes are not preserved. [/D | /D:m-d-y] Copy new files or those modified after the supplied date. If no date is supplied, only copy if destination is older than source. KEATHXCOPY - Kopioi lhdetiedostoja tai hakemistopuita kohteeseen. Syntaksi: XCOPY lhde [kohde] [/I] [/S] [/Q] [/F] [/L] [/W] [/T] [/N] [/U] [/R] [/H] [/C] [/P] [/A] [/M] [/E] [/D] [/Y] [/-Y] Miss: [/I] Oleta hakemisto, jos kohdetta ei ole ja kopioidaan useampi tiedosto. [/S] Kopioi hakemistot ja alihakemistot. [/E] Kopioi hakemistot ja alihakemistot, mys tyhjt. [/Q] l listaa nimi kopioitaessa vaan toimi hiljaa. [/F] Nyt koko lhde- ja kohdenimet, kun kopioidaan. [/L] Simuloi toiminto ja nyt nimet, jotka kopioitaisiin. [/W] Kysy ennen kopioinnin aloittamista. [/T] Luo tyhj hakemisto, mutta l kopioi tiedostoja. [/Y] l kysy, kun kirjoitetaan tiedostojen yli. [/-Y] Kysy, kun kirjoitetaan tiedostojen yli. [/P] Kysy jokaisesta lhdetiedostosta ennen kopiointia. [/N] Kopioi kytten lyhyit nimi. [/U] Kopioi vain tiedostot, jotka ovat jo olemassa kohteessa. [/R] Kirjoita yli, vaikka kohdetiedostolla olisi vain luku -attribuutti. [/H] Sisllyt kopioon piilotetut ja jrjestelmtiedostot. [/C] Jatka, vaikka kopioinnin aikana tulisi virhe. [/A] Kopioi vain tiedostot, joilla on arkistointiattribuutti. [/M] Kopioi vain tiedostot, joilla on arkistointiattribuutti, ja poista arkistointiattribuutti. [/K] Kopioi mys attribuutit. Muuten attribuutit eivt sily. [/D | /D:k-p-v] Kopioi uudet tiedostot tai ne, joita on muokattu annetun pivn jlkeen. Jos piv ei anneta, kopioi vain, jos kohde on vanhempi kuin lhde. ONTFRXCOPY - Copies source files or directory trees to a destination. Syntax: XCOPY source [destination] [/I] [/S] [/Q] [/F] [/L] [/W] [/T] [/N] [/U] [/R] [/H] [/C] [/P] [/A] [/M] [/E] [/D] [/Y] [/-Y] Where: [/I] Assume directory if destination does not exist and copying two or more files. [/S] Copy directories and subdirectories. [/E] Copy directories and subdirectories, including any empty ones. [/Q] Do not list names during copy; that is, be quiet. [/F] Show full source and destination names during copy. [/L] Simulate operation, showing names which would be copied. [/W] Prompts before beginning the copy operation. [/T] Creates empty directory structure but does not copy files. [/Y] Suppress prompting when overwriting files. [/-Y] Enable prompting when overwriting files. [/P] Prompts on each source file before copying. [/N] Copy using short names. [/U] Copy only files which already exist in destination. [/R] Overwrite any read-only files. [/H] Include hidden and system files in the copy. [/C] Continue even if an error occurs during the copy. [/A] Only copy files with archive attribute set. [/M] Only copy files with archive attribute set, removes the archive attribute. [/K] Copy file attributes; without this, attributes are not preserved. [/D | /D:m-d-y] Copy new files or those modified after the supplied date. If no date is supplied, only copy if destination is older than source. YNAFDXCOPY - Copies source files or directory trees to a destination. Syntax: XCOPY source [destination] [/I] [/S] [/Q] [/F] [/L] [/W] [/T] [/N] [/U] [/R] [/H] [/C] [/P] [/A] [/M] [/E] [/D] [/Y] [/-Y] Where: [/I] Assume directory if destination does not exist and copying two or more files. [/S] Copy directories and subdirectories. [/E] Copy directories and subdirectories, including any empty ones. [/Q] Do not list names during copy; that is, be quiet. [/F] Show full source and destination names during copy. [/L] Simulate operation, showing names which would be copied. [/W] Prompts before beginning the copy operation. [/T] Creates empty directory structure but does not copy files. [/Y] Suppress prompting when overwriting files. [/-Y] Enable prompting when overwriting files. [/P] Prompts on each source file before copying. [/N] Copy using short names. [/U] Copy only files which already exist in destination. [/R] Overwrite any read-only files. [/H] Include hidden and system files in the copy. [/C] Continue even if an error occurs during the copy. [/A] Only copy files with archive attribute set. [/M] Only copy files with archive attribute set, removes the archive attribute. [/K] Copy file attributes; without this, attributes are not preserved. [/D | /D:m-d-y] Copy new files or those modified after the supplied date. If no date is supplied, only copy if destination is older than source. INMFMXCOPY - Copies source files or directory trees to a destination. Syntax: XCOPY source [destination] [/I] [/S] [/Q] [/F] [/L] [/W] [/T] [/N] [/U] [/R] [/H] [/C] [/P] [/A] [/M] [/E] [/D] [/Y] [/-Y] Where: [/I] Assume directory if destination does not exist and copying two or more files. [/S] Copy directories and subdirectories. [/E] Copy directories and subdirectories, including any empty ones. [/Q] Do not list names during copy; that is, be quiet. [/F] Show full source and destination names during copy. [/L] Simulate operation, showing names which would be copied. [/W] Prompts before beginning the copy operation. [/T] Creates empty directory structure but does not copy files. [/Y] Suppress prompting when overwriting files. [/-Y] Enable prompting when overwriting files. [/P] Prompts on each source file before copying. [/N] Copy using short names. [/U] Copy only files which already exist in destination. [/R] Overwrite any read-only files. [/H] Include hidden and system files in the copy. [/C] Continue even if an error occurs during the copy. [/A] Only copy files with archive attribute set. [/M] Only copy files with archive attribute set, removes the archive attribute. [/K] Copy file attributes; without this, attributes are not preserved. [/D | /D:m-d-y] Copy new files or those modified after the supplied date. If no date is supplied, only copy if destination is older than source. SNTFCXCOPY - Copies source files or directory trees to a destination. Syntax: XCOPY source [destination] [/I] [/S] [/Q] [/F] [/L] [/W] [/T] [/N] [/U] [/R] [/H] [/C] [/P] [/A] [/M] [/E] [/D] [/Y] [/-Y] Where: [/I] Assume directory if destination does not exist and copying two or more files. [/S] Copy directories and subdirectories. [/E] Copy directories and subdirectories, including any empty ones. [/Q] Do not list names during copy; that is, be quiet. [/F] Show full source and destination names during copy. [/L] Simulate operation, showing names which would be copied. [/W] Prompts before beginning the copy operation. [/T] Creates empty directory structure but does not copy files. [/Y] Suppress prompting when overwriting files. [/-Y] Enable prompting when overwriting files. [/P] Prompts on each source file before copying. [/N] Copy using short names. [/U] Copy only files which already exist in destination. [/R] Overwrite any read-only files. [/H] Include hidden and system files in the copy. [/C] Continue even if an error occurs during the copy. [/A] Only copy files with archive attribute set. [/M] Only copy files with archive attribute set, removes the archive attribute. [/K] Copy file attributes; without this, attributes are not preserved. [/D | /D:m-d-y] Copy new files or those modified after the supplied date. If no date is supplied, only copy if destination is older than source. YNAFDXCOPY - 0CQn00000000000000HQk0000W0~0Y00 ie: XCOPY 0CQ [0HQ] [/I] [/S] [/Q] [/F] [/L] [/W] [/T] [/N] [/U] [/R] [/H] [/C] [/P] [/A] [/M] [/E] [/D] [/Y] [/-Y] 00000: [/I] 0HQL0X[(W[0Z00pen000000000Y00h0M0o000HQ0 000000h00j0W0~0Y00 [/S] 000000h0000000000000W0~0Y00 [/E] zz0000000+T00000000h00000000000000 [/Q] 000-Nk00000 T0Nk0W0~0[000YK0k0W00h0D0F0S0h00 [/F] 000-Nk0[hQj00CQh00HQn0 TMR0h:yW0~0Y00 [/L] d\O0!jd[LW00000N[n00000 T0h:yW0~0Y00 [/W] 0000YY00MRk0xn0000000h:yW0~0Y00 [/T] zzn0000000i 0\ObW0~0Y0L000000o0000W0~0[000 [/Y] 00000 NfM0Y00Bfk0xn0000000h:yW0~0[000 [/-Y] 00000 NfM0Y00Bfk0xn0000000h:yW0~0Y00 [/P] T0000n0000MRk0xn0000000h:yW0~0Y00 [/N] wD00000 T0)R(uW0f0000W0~0Y00 [/U] 0HQk0B000000`0Q0000W0~0Y00 [/R] 0S0\(u00000 NfM0W0~0Y00 [/H] W0000000000 00000000W0~0Y00 [/C] 000-Nk0000L0wS0c0f00}LW0~0Y00 [/A] 00000^\'`n00000`0Q0000W0~0Y00 [/M] 00000^\'`n00000`0Q0000W0000000^\'`0 S0dM0~0Y00 [/K] 0000^\'`00000S00L0j0D04XT0^\'`o0000U00~0[000 [/D | /D:g-e-t^] eW0D000000c[U00_0eNNMk0 YfU00_0 00000000W0~0Y00eNL0c[U00j0D04XTo00 000HQL0000CQ00SD00000`0Q0000W0~0Y00 YNAFDXCOPY - |   0Ѭ Ҭ D iȲ. l8: XCOPY [] [/I] [/S] [/Q] [/F] [/L] [/W] [/T] [/N] [/U] [/R] [/H] [/C] [/P] [/A] [/M] [/E] [/D] [/Y] [/-Y] : [/I] \ t X  tX |D \t D  0Ѭ\ iȲ. [/S]  0Ѭ@ X  0Ѭ| iȲ. [/E]  0Ѭ@ X  0Ѭ| iȲ. Dňǔ ij iȲ. [/Q] XՔ ٳH ]D %X JŵȲ. [/F] XՔ ٳH Ȁ| %iȲ. [/L] ٳ. ` ]D %iȲ. [/W] | ‘X0  UxiȲ. [/T] |@ X J H  0Ѭ lp̹ iȲ. [/Y] |D n L UxX JŵȲ. [/-Y] |D n L UxiȲ. [/P] X |D  UxiȲ. [/N] @ tDŽD t iȲ. [/U] t t tȬXՔ |̹ iȲ. [/R] }0 ȩ |D n Ȳ. [/H] (@ |  ¤\ |ij iȲ. [/C] XՔ ٳH $X tij Ĭ ɉiȲ. [/A] 1t $ňǔ |̹ iȲ. [/M] 1t $ ǔ |̹ Xp, 1D Ȳ. [/K] | 1D Xt iȲ. t 5Xt ?8@C5B D09;K 8 45@52LO :0B0;>3>2 !8=B0:A8A: XCOPY 8AB>G=8: [=07=0G5=85] [/I] [/S] [/Q] [/F] [/L] [/W] [/T] [/N] [/U] [/R] [/H] [/C] [/P] [/A] [/M] [/E] [/D] [/Y] [/-Y] 45: [/I] A;8 :>=5G=K9 :0B0;>3 >BACBAB2C5B 8 :>?8@C5BAO 1>;55 >4=>3> D09;0, <5AB>< =07=0G5=8O AG8B05BAO :0B0;>3. [/S] >?8@C5B :0B0;>38 A ?>4:0B0;>30<8. [/E] >?8@C5B :0B0;>38 A ?>4:0B0;>30<8, 2:;NG0O ?CABK5. [/Q] 5 >B>1@0605B 8<5=0 :>?8@C5<KE D09;>2. [/F] B>1@0605B ?>;=K5 8<5=0 8AE>4=KE 8 :>=5G=KE D09;>2. [/L] K2>48B A?8A>: D09;>2, :>B>@K5 1C4CB A:>?8@>20=K. [/W] 0?@0H8205B ?>4B25@645=85 ?5@54 =0G0;>< :>?8@>20=8O. [/T] !>7405B AB@C:BC@C :0B0;>3>2, => =5 :>?8@C5B D09;K. [/Y] >402;O5B 70?@>A =0 ?>4B25@645=85 ?5@570?8A8 D09;>2. [/-Y] 0?@0H8205B ?>4B25@645=85 =0 ?5@570?8AL D09;>2. [/P] 0?@0H8205B ?>4B25@645=85 4;O :064>3> :>?8@C5<>3> D09;0. [/N] A?>;L7C5B :>@>B:85 8<5=0 D09;>2 ?@8 :>?8@>20=88. [/U] >?8@C5B B>;L:> B5 D09;K, :>B>@K5 C65 ACI5AB2CNB 2 :>=5G=>9 ?0?:5. [/R] 5@570?8AK205B D09;K, 4>ABC?=K5 B>;L:> 4;O GB5=8O. [/H] >?8@C5B A:@KBK5 8 A8AB5<=K5 D09;K. [/C] @>4>;605B @01>BC, 4065 5A;8 ?@>87>H;0 >H81:0. [/A] >?8@C5B B>;L:> D09;K A 0B@81CB>< 0@E82=K9. [/M] >?8@C5B B>;L:> D09;K A 0B@81CB>< 0@E82=K9, ?@8 MB>< >G8I05B 0B@81CB. [/K] >?8@C5B 0B@81CBK, 157 MB>3> :;NG0 0B@81CBK =5 :>?8@CNBAO. [/D | /D:m-d-y] >?8@C5B B>;L:> =>2K5 D09;K 8;8 D09;K, 87<5=Q==K5 ?>A;5 C:070==>9 40BK. A;8 40B0 =5 C:070=0, 70<5=O5B 2A5 AB0@K5 D09;K ACI5AB2CNI8<8 =>2K<8. DNSFDXCOPY - Copies source files or directory trees to a destination. Syntax: XCOPY source [destination] [/I] [/S] [/Q] [/F] [/L] [/W] [/T] [/N] [/U] [/R] [/H] [/C] [/P] [/A] [/M] [/E] [/D] [/Y] [/-Y] Where: [/I] Assume directory if destination does not exist and copying two or more files. [/S] Copy directories and subdirectories. [/E] Copy directories and subdirectories, including any empty ones. [/Q] Do not list names during copy; that is, be quiet. [/F] Show full source and destination names during copy. [/L] Simulate operation, showing names which would be copied. [/W] Prompts before beginning the copy operation. [/T] Creates empty directory structure but does not copy files. [/Y] Suppress prompting when overwriting files. [/-Y] Enable prompting when overwriting files. [/P] Prompts on each source file before copying. [/N] Copy using short names. [/U] Copy only files which already exist in destination. [/R] Overwrite any read-only files. [/H] Include hidden and system files in the copy. [/C] Continue even if an error occurs during the copy. [/A] Only copy files with archive attribute set. [/M] Only copy files with archive attribute set, removes the archive attribute. [/K] Copy file attributes; without this, attributes are not preserved. [/D | /D:m-d-y] Copy new files or those modified after the supplied date. If no date is supplied, only copy if destination is older than source. ONVFDXCOPY - Copies source files or directory trees to a destination. Syntax: XCOPY source [destination] [/I] [/S] [/Q] [/F] [/L] [/W] [/T] [/N] [/U] [/R] [/H] [/C] [/P] [/A] [/M] [/E] [/D] [/Y] [/-Y] Where: [/I] Assume directory if destination does not exist and copying two or more files. [/S] Copy directories and subdirectories. [/E] Copy directories and subdirectories, including any empty ones. [/Q] Do not list names during copy; that is, be quiet. [/F] Show full source and destination names during copy. [/L] Simulate operation, showing names which would be copied. [/W] Prompts before beginning the copy operation. [/T] Creates empty directory structure but does not copy files. [/Y] Suppress prompting when overwriting files. [/-Y] Enable prompting when overwriting files. [/P] Prompts on each source file before copying. [/N] Copy using short names. [/U] Copy only files which already exist in destination. [/R] Overwrite any read-only files. [/H] Include hidden and system files in the copy. [/C] Continue even if an error occurs during the copy. [/A] Only copy files with archive attribute set. [/M] Only copy files with archive attribute set, removes the archive attribute. [/K] Copy file attributes; without this, attributes are not preserved. [/D | /D:m-d-y] Copy new files or those modified after the supplied date. If no date is supplied, only copy if destination is older than source. JNAFKXCOPY - Copies source files or directory trees to a destination. Syntax: XCOPY source [destination] [/I] [/S] [/Q] [/F] [/L] [/W] [/T] [/N] [/U] [/R] [/H] [/C] [/P] [/A] [/M] [/E] [/D] [/Y] [/-Y] Where: [/I] Assume directory if destination does not exist and copying two or more files. [/S] Copy directories and subdirectories. [/E] Copy directories and subdirectories, including any empty ones. [/Q] Do not list names during copy; that is, be quiet. [/F] Show full source and destination names during copy. [/L] Simulate operation, showing names which would be copied. [/W] Prompts before beginning the copy operation. [/T] Creates empty directory structure but does not copy files. [/Y] Suppress prompting when overwriting files. [/-Y] Enable prompting when overwriting files. [/P] Prompts on each source file before copying. [/N] Copy using short names. [/U] Copy only files which already exist in destination. [/R] Overwrite any read-only files. [/H] Include hidden and system files in the copy. [/C] Continue even if an error occurs during the copy. [/A] Only copy files with archive attribute set. [/M] Only copy files with archive attribute set, removes the archive attribute. [/K] Copy file attributes; without this, attributes are not preserved. [/D | /D:m-d-y] Copy new files or those modified after the supplied date. If no date is supplied, only copy if destination is older than source. EHTFDXCOPY - Kaynak dosya ve dizinleri hedefe kopyalar. Szdizimi: XCOPY kaynak [hedef] [/I] [/S] [/Q] [/F] [/L] [/W] [/T] [/N] [/U] [/R] [/H] [/C] [/P] [/A] [/M] [/E] [/D] [/Y] [/-Y] Nerede: [/I] Hedef dizin bulunmuyorsa olu_turup iki veya daha fazla dosyay1 kopyalar. [/S] Dizin ve alt dizinleri kopyalar. [/E] Bo_ olanlar hari dizin ve alt dizinleri kopyalar. [/Q] Kopyalama s1ras1nda isimleri gstermez, i_i sessiz yapar. [/F] Kopyalama s1ras1nda tm kaynak ve hedef isimlerini gsterir. [/L] 0_lemi canland1r1r, kopyalanacak isimleri gsterir. [/W] Kopyalama i_lemi s1ras1nda komut sorar. [/T] Bo_ dizin yap1s1n1 olu_turur ancak dosyalar1 kopyalamaz. [/Y] Dosyalar zerine yaz1ls1n m1 sorgusunu atlar. [/-Y] Dosyalar yaz1l1rken onay al1r. [/P] Kopyalamadan nce her kaynak dosya iin onay al1r. [/N] K1sa isimler kullanarak kopyalar. [/U] Sadece hedefte bulunan dosyalar1 kopyalar. [/R] Tm salt okunur dosyalar1n zerine yazar. [/H] Kopyalarken gizli ve sistem dosyalar1n1 da dahil eder. [/C] Kopyalama s1ras1nda bir hata olu_ursa devam eder. [/A] Sadece ar_iv nitelikli dosyalar1 kopyalar. [/M] Sadece ar_iv nitelikli dosyalar1 kopyalar, ar_iv niteliklerini kald1r1r. [/K] Dosya zniteliklerini kopyalar, bu seenek olmadan znitelikler kopyalanmaz. [/D | /D:a-g-y] Belirtilen tarihten sonra dzenlenmi_ yeni dosya ve klasrleri kopyalar. Tarih belirtilmemi_se, sadece hedef kaynaktan yeniyse kopyalar. "$XCOPY - >?VNT D09;8 B0 45@520 48@5:B>@V9 70 ?@87=0G5==O<. !8=B0:A8A: XCOPY 465@5;> [?@87=0G5==O] [/I] [/S] [/Q] [/F] [/L] [/W] [/T] [/N] [/U] [/R] [/H] [/C] [/P] [/A] [/M] [/E] [/D] [/Y] [/-Y] 5: [/I] /:I> :V=F520 B5:0 2V4ACB=O V :>?VNTBLAO 1i;LH5 >4=>3> D09;C, B> ?@8?CA:0TBLAO, I> <iAF5 ?@87=0G5==O T B5:>N. [/S] >?VNT 48@5:B>@VW B0 ?V448@5:B>@VW. [/E] >?VNT 48@5:B>@VW B0 ?V448@5:B>@VW, 2:;NG=> 7 ?>@>6=V<8. [/Q] 5 2V4>1@060T V<5=0 D09;V2 ?V4 G0A :>?VN20==O. [/F] V4 G0A :>?VN20==O 2V4>1@060T ?>2=V V<5=0 ?>G0B:>28E V :V=F528E D09;V2. [/L] 82>48BL A?8A>: D09;V2, O:V 1C4CBL A:>?V9>20=V. [/W] 8B0T ?V4B25@465==O ?5@54 ?>G0B:>< :>?VN20==O. [/T] !B2>@NT AB@C:BC@C :0B0;>3V2 0;5 =5 :>?VNT D09;8. [/Y] @84CHCT 70?8B =0 ?V4B25@465==O ?5@570?8AC D09;V2. [/-Y] 8B0T ?V4B25@465==O =0 ?5@570?8A D09;V2. [/P] 8B0T ?V4B25@465==O 4;O :>6=>3> :>?V9>20=>3> D09;C. [/N] >?VNT, 28:>@8AB>2CNG8 :>@>B:V V<5=0. [/U] >?VNT ;8H5 BV D09;8, O: 265 iA=CNBL 2 :V=F52V9 ?0?FV. [/R] 5@570?8ACT D09;8, 4>ABC?=V ;8H5 4;O G8B0==O. [/H] >?VNT B0:>6 ?@8E>20=V B0 A8AB5<=V D09;8. [/C] @>4>26CT @>1>BC, =02VBL O:I> ?@8 :>?VN20==V AB0;0AO ?><8;:0. [/A] >?VNT ;8H5 D09;8 7 2;0AB82VABN  %. [/M] >?VNT ;8H5 D09;8 7 2;0AB82VABN  %, 2840;OT 2;0AB82VABL  %. [/K] >?VNT 2;0AB82>ABV D09;C, 157 FL>3> 2;0AB82>ABV =5 715@V30NBLAO. [/D | /D:m-d-y] >?VNT ;8H5 =>2V D09;8 01> BV, O:V 1C;8 7<V=5=V ?VA;O 2:070=>W 40B8. /:I> 40B0 =5 2:070=0, :>?VNT ;8H5 BV D09;8, O:V =>2VHV 2 ?>G0B:>2V9 B5FV. DNVDMXCOPY - Copies source files or directory trees to a destination. Syntax: XCOPY source [destination] [/I] [/S] [/Q] [/F] [/L] [/W] [/T] [/N] [/U] [/R] [/H] [/C] [/P] [/A] [/M] [/E] [/D] [/Y] [/-Y] Where: [/I] Assume directory if destination does not exist and copying two or more files. [/S] Copy directories and subdirectories. [/E] Copy directories and subdirectories, including any empty ones. [/Q] Do not list names during copy; that is, be quiet. [/F] Show full source and destination names during copy. [/L] Simulate operation, showing names which would be copied. [/W] Prompts before beginning the copy operation. [/T] Creates empty directory structure but does not copy files. [/Y] Suppress prompting when overwriting files. [/-Y] Enable prompting when overwriting files. [/P] Prompts on each source file before copying. [/N] Copy using short names. [/U] Copy only files which already exist in destination. [/R] Overwrite any read-only files. [/H] Include hidden and system files in the copy. [/C] Continue even if an error occurs during the copy. [/A] Only copy files with archive attribute set. [/M] Only copy files with archive attribute set, removes the archive attribute. [/K] Copy file attributes; without this, attributes are not preserved. [/D | /D:m-d-y] Copy new files or those modified after the supplied date. If no date is supplied, only copy if destination is older than source. TNVFKXCOPY - Kopijuoja aaltinio failus ir katalogs med~ius / paskirties viet. Sintaks: XCOPY aaltinis [paskirtis] [/I] [/S] [/Q] [/F] [/L] [/W] [/T] [/N] [/U] [/R] [/H] [/C] [/P] [/A] [/M] [/E] [/D] [/Y] [/-Y] Kur: [/I] Tarti, kad katalogas, jei paskirtis neegzistuoja ir kopijuojami 2 ar daugiau fails. [/S] Kopijuoti katalogus ir pakatalogius. [/E] Kopijuoti katalogus ir pakatalogius, taip pat ir tua ius. [/Q] Kopijuojant nerodyti vards, kopijuoti tyliai. [/F] Kopijuojant rodyti pilnus aaltinio ir paskirties vardus. [/L] Modeliuoti veikim rodant failus, kurie bkts kopijuojami. [/W] Raginti priea pradedant kopijavimo operacij. [/T] Sukuria tua i katalogs struktkr, bet nekopijuoja jokis fails. [/Y] Nerodyti raginims, kai perraaomi failai. [/-Y] .jungti raginimus, kai perraaomi failai. [/P] Ragina priea kopijuojant kiekvien aaltinio fail. [/N] Kopijuoti naudojant trumpus vardus. [/U] Kopijuoti tik tuos failus, kurie jau egzistuoja paskirties vietoje. [/R] Perraayti visus nekei iamus failus. [/H] Kopijuoti paslptus ir sisteminius failus. [/C] Tsti, net jei /vyksta klaida kopijuojant. [/A] Kopijuoti tik failus su nustatytu archyvavimo po~ymiu. [/M] Kopijuoti tik failus su nustatytu archyvavimo po~ymiu, paaalinti archyvavimo po~ym/. [/K] Kopijuoti fails po~ymius, be aio po~ymiai neialaikomi. [/D | /D:m-d-y] Kopijuoti naujus failus arba modifikuotos po nurodytos datos. Jei data nenurodyta, kopijuoti tik jei paskirties failas yra senesnis u~ aaltinio fail. YNAFDXCOPY - Copies source files or directory trees to a destination. Syntax: XCOPY source [destination] [/I] [/S] [/Q] [/F] [/L] [/W] [/T] [/N] [/U] [/R] [/H] [/C] [/P] [/A] [/M] [/E] [/D] [/Y] [/-Y] Where: [/I] Assume directory if destination does not exist and copying two or more files. [/S] Copy directories and subdirectories. [/E] Copy directories and subdirectories, including any empty ones. [/Q] Do not list names during copy; that is, be quiet. [/F] Show full source and destination names during copy. [/L] Simulate operation, showing names which would be copied. [/W] Prompts before beginning the copy operation. [/T] Creates empty directory structure but does not copy files. [/Y] Suppress prompting when overwriting files. [/-Y] Enable prompting when overwriting files. [/P] Prompts on each source file before copying. [/N] Copy using short names. [/U] Copy only files which already exist in destination. [/R] Overwrite any read-only files. [/H] Include hidden and system files in the copy. [/C] Continue even if an error occurs during the copy. [/A] Only copy files with archive attribute set. [/M] Only copy files with archive attribute set, removes the archive attribute. [/K] Copy file attributes; without this, attributes are not preserved. [/D | /D:m-d-y] Copy new files or those modified after the supplied date. If no date is supplied, only copy if destination is older than source. YNAFDXCOPY - Copies source files or directory trees to a destination. Syntax: XCOPY source [destination] [/I] [/S] [/Q] [/F] [/L] [/W] [/T] [/N] [/U] [/R] [/H] [/C] [/P] [/A] [/M] [/E] [/D] [/Y] [/-Y] Where: [/I] Assume directory if destination does not exist and copying two or more files. [/S] Copy directories and subdirectories. [/E] Copy directories and subdirectories, including any empty ones. [/Q] Do not list names during copy; that is, be quiet. [/F] Show full source and destination names during copy. [/L] Simulate operation, showing names which would be copied. [/W] Prompts before beginning the copy operation. [/T] Creates empty directory structure but does not copy files. [/Y] Suppress prompting when overwriting files. [/-Y] Enable prompting when overwriting files. [/P] Prompts on each source file before copying. [/N] Copy using short names. [/U] Copy only files which already exist in destination. [/R] Overwrite any read-only files. [/H] Include hidden and system files in the copy. [/C] Continue even if an error occurs during the copy. [/A] Only copy files with archive attribute set. [/M] Only copy files with archive attribute set, removes the archive attribute. [/K] Copy file attributes; without this, attributes are not preserved. [/D | /D:m-d-y] Copy new files or those modified after the supplied date. If no date is supplied, only copy if destination is older than source. SNAFDXCOPY - Copies source files or directory trees to a destination. Syntax: XCOPY source [destination] [/I] [/S] [/Q] [/F] [/L] [/W] [/T] [/N] [/U] [/R] [/H] [/C] [/P] [/A] [/M] [/E] [/D] [/Y] [/-Y] Where: [/I] Assume directory if destination does not exist and copying two or more files. [/S] Copy directories and subdirectories. [/E] Copy directories and subdirectories, including any empty ones. [/Q] Do not list names during copy; that is, be quiet. [/F] Show full source and destination names during copy. [/L] Simulate operation, showing names which would be copied. [/W] Prompts before beginning the copy operation. [/T] Creates empty directory structure but does not copy files. [/Y] Suppress prompting when overwriting files. [/-Y] Enable prompting when overwriting files. [/P] Prompts on each source file before copying. [/N] Copy using short names. [/U] Copy only files which already exist in destination. [/R] Overwrite any read-only files. [/H] Include hidden and system files in the copy. [/C] Continue even if an error occurs during the copy. [/A] Only copy files with archive attribute set. [/M] Only copy files with archive attribute set, removes the archive attribute. [/K] Copy file attributes; without this, attributes are not preserved. [/D | /D:m-d-y] Copy new files or those modified after the supplied date. If no date is supplied, only copy if destination is older than source. YNAFDXCOPY - Copies source files or directory trees to a destination. Syntax: XCOPY source [destination] [/I] [/S] [/Q] [/F] [/L] [/W] [/T] [/N] [/U] [/R] [/H] [/C] [/P] [/A] [/M] [/E] [/D] [/Y] [/-Y] Where: [/I] Assume directory if destination does not exist and copying two or more files. [/S] Copy directories and subdirectories. [/E] Copy directories and subdirectories, including any empty ones. [/Q] Do not list names during copy; that is, be quiet. [/F] Show full source and destination names during copy. [/L] Simulate operation, showing names which would be copied. [/W] Prompts before beginning the copy operation. [/T] Creates empty directory structure but does not copy files. [/Y] Suppress prompting when overwriting files. [/-Y] Enable prompting when overwriting files. [/P] Prompts on each source file before copying. [/N] Copy using short names. [/U] Copy only files which already exist in destination. [/R] Overwrite any read-only files. [/H] Include hidden and system files in the copy. [/C] Continue even if an error occurs during the copy. [/A] Only copy files with archive attribute set. [/M] Only copy files with archive attribute set, removes the archive attribute. [/K] Copy file attributes; without this, attributes are not preserved. [/D | /D:m-d-y] Copy new files or those modified after the supplied date. If no date is supplied, only copy if destination is older than source. YNAFDXCOPY - Copies source files or directory trees to a destination. Syntax: XCOPY source [destination] [/I] [/S] [/Q] [/F] [/L] [/W] [/T] [/N] [/U] [/R] [/H] [/C] [/P] [/A] [/M] [/E] [/D] [/Y] [/-Y] Where: [/I] Assume directory if destination does not exist and copying two or more files. [/S] Copy directories and subdirectories. [/E] Copy directories and subdirectories, including any empty ones. [/Q] Do not list names during copy; that is, be quiet. [/F] Show full source and destination names during copy. [/L] Simulate operation, showing names which would be copied. [/W] Prompts before beginning the copy operation. [/T] Creates empty directory structure but does not copy files. [/Y] Suppress prompting when overwriting files. [/-Y] Enable prompting when overwriting files. [/P] Prompts on each source file before copying. [/N] Copy using short names. [/U] Copy only files which already exist in destination. [/R] Overwrite any read-only files. [/H] Include hidden and system files in the copy. [/C] Continue even if an error occurs during the copy. [/A] Only copy files with archive attribute set. [/M] Only copy files with archive attribute set, removes the archive attribute. [/K] Copy file attributes; without this, attributes are not preserved. [/D | /D:m-d-y] Copy new files or those modified after the supplied date. If no date is supplied, only copy if destination is older than source. JNAFKyXCOPY - Kopierer filer eller katalogtre til en mlplassering. Syntaks: XCOPY kilde [ml] [/I] [/S] [/Q] [/F] [/L] [/W] [/T] [/N] [/U] [/R] [/H] [/C] [/P] [/A] [/M] [/E] [/D] [/Y] [/-Y] Hvor: [/I] Anta at mlet er en katalog hvis mlet ikke finnes og to eller flere filer blir kopiert. [/S] Kopier kataloger og underkataloger. [/E] Kopier kataloger og underkataloger, ta med tomme kataloger. [/Q] Stille modus: ikke vis filnavn under kopiering. [/F] Vis hele kilde- og mlnavn under kopiering. [/L] Simuler operasjonen; vis bare hva som ville blitt kopiert. [/W] Spr for kopieringen starter. [/T] Lag tom katalogstruktur; ikke kopier filer. [/Y] Ikke spr nr filer skal overskrives. [/-Y] Spr fr filer skal overskrives. [/P] Spr for hver kildefil som skal kopieres. [/N] Kopier med korte filnavn (8.3 tegn). [/U] Bare kopier filer som allerede finnes i mlet. [/R] Skriv over filer som er skrivebeskyttet. [/H] Kopier skjulte filer og systemfiler [/C] Fortsett selv om det oppstr feil under kopieringen. [/A] Bare kopier filer som er markert som arkiv. [/M] Bare kopier filer som er markert som arkiv; fjern denne merkingen etterp. [/K] Kopier filegenskaper; uten denne blir ikke egenskapene preservert. [/D | /D:m-d-] Kopier nye filer eller de som er endret etter den oppgitte datoen. Hvis ingen dato oppgis kopieres det bare hvis mlet er eldre enn kilden. SNTADXCOPY - Copia arquivos ou rvores de diretrio para um destino. Sintaxe: XCOPY fonte [destino] [/I] [/S] [/Q] [/F] [/L] [/W] [/T] [/N] [/U] [/R] [/H] [/C] [/P] [/A] [/M] [/E] [/D] [/Y] [/-Y] Onde: [/I] Assumir diretrio se o destino no existe e est copiando dois ou mais arquivos. [/S] Copiar diretrios e subdiretrios. [/E] Copiar diretrios e subdiretrios, incluindo os vazios. [/Q] No mostrar nomes durante a cpia, isso , modo silencioso. [/F] Mostrar por completo os nomes de fonte e destino durante a cpia. [/L] Simular a operao, mostrando os nomes que seriam copiados. [/W] Alerta antes de iniciar a operao de cpia. [/T] Cria a estrutura de diretrios vazia mas no copia arquivos. [/Y] Omite alertas ao sobrescrever arquivos. [/-Y] Alerta ao sobrescrever arquivos. [/P] Alerta antes de cada arquivo ser copiado. [/N] Copiar usando nomes curtos. [/U] Copiar apenas arquivos que j existem no destino. [/R] Sobrescrever quaisquer arquivos somente leitura. [/H] Incluir arquivos ocultos e de sistema na cpia. [/C] Continuar mesmo que ocorra um erro durante a cpia. [/A] Copiar apenas arquivos com atributo de arquivo. [/M] Copiar apenas arquivos com atributo de arquivo, removendo o atributo de arquivo. [/K] Copia os atributos do arquivo; sem isto, os atributos nao so preservados. [/D | /D:m-d-y] Copiar novos arquivos ou os alterados aps a data fornecida. Se nenhuma data for fornecida, apenas copiar se o destino for mais antigo que a fonte. YNAFDpXCOPY - \neNbvU_b0RvhMOn0 l XCOPY n [vh] [/I] [/S] [/Q] [/F] [/L] [/W] [/T] [/N] [/U] [/R] [/H] [/C] [/P] [/A] [/M] [/E] [/D] [/Y] [/-Y] f [/I] YgvhMOn NX[(W v^Nd\OOb$N*NbfYveN 1\GPvh /fvU_0 [/S] bvU_TP[vU_0 [/E] bvU_TP[vU_ _NSbzzvU_0 [/Q] [Y!j_ ُ\ NO(WbeRQyv TW[0 [/F] be>f:y[tevnTvhv TW[0 [/L] o`N!j_ N>f:y\Obvyv TW[0 [/W] (WbMRۏLc:y0 [/T] NbeN NR^zzvvU_~g0 [/Y] y(uveNMRvc:y0 [/-Y] /T(uveNMRvc:y0 [/P] bkN*NneNMRۏLc:y0 [/N] O(uw TW[b0 [/U] Sb(WvvMOnX[(WveN0 [/R] vSeN0 [/H] beSbυT|~eN0 [/C] sSObeQs N6q~~0 [/A] Sb gR_ch^\'`veN0 [/M] Sb gR_ch^\'`veN bTydR_ch^\'`0 [/K] TebeN^\'` Nc[dkSpeR NOOX[eN^\'`0 [/D | /D:m-d-y] b(Wc[eTR^bO9eveN0 Ygl gcOeg \OSbvhMOn-NknMOneveN0 SNTFDXCOPY - Copies source files or directory trees to a destination. Syntax: XCOPY source [destination] [/I] [/S] [/Q] [/F] [/L] [/W] [/T] [/N] [/U] [/R] [/H] [/C] [/P] [/A] [/M] [/E] [/D] [/Y] [/-Y] Where: [/I] Assume directory if destination does not exist and copying two or more files. [/S] Copy directories and subdirectories. [/E] Copy directories and subdirectories, including any empty ones. [/Q] Do not list names during copy; that is, be quiet. [/F] Show full source and destination names during copy. [/L] Simulate operation, showing names which would be copied. [/W] Prompts before beginning the copy operation. [/T] Creates empty directory structure but does not copy files. [/Y] Suppress prompting when overwriting files. [/-Y] Enable prompting when overwriting files. [/P] Prompts on each source file before copying. [/N] Copy using short names. [/U] Copy only files which already exist in destination. [/R] Overwrite any read-only files. [/H] Include hidden and system files in the copy. [/C] Continue even if an error occurs during the copy. [/A] Only copy files with archive attribute set. [/M] Only copy files with archive attribute set, removes the archive attribute. [/K] Copy file attributes; without this, attributes are not preserved. [/D | /D:m-d-y] Copy new files or those modified after the supplied date. If no date is supplied, only copy if destination is older than source. YNADFXCOPY - Copies source files or directory trees to a destination. Syntax: XCOPY source [destination] [/I] [/S] [/Q] [/F] [/L] [/W] [/T] [/N] [/U] [/R] [/H] [/C] [/P] [/A] [/M] [/E] [/D] [/Y] [/-Y] Where: [/I] Assume directory if destination does not exist and copying two or more files. [/S] Copy directories and subdirectories. [/E] Copy directories and subdirectories, including any empty ones. [/Q] Do not list names during copy; that is, be quiet. [/F] Show full source and destination names during copy. [/L] Simulate operation, showing names which would be copied. [/W] Prompts before beginning the copy operation. [/T] Creates empty directory structure but does not copy files. [/Y] Suppress prompting when overwriting files. [/-Y] Enable prompting when overwriting files. [/P] Prompts on each source file before copying. [/N] Copy using short names. [/U] Copy only files which already exist in destination. [/R] Overwrite any read-only files. [/H] Include hidden and system files in the copy. [/C] Continue even if an error occurs during the copy. [/A] Only copy files with archive attribute set. [/M] Only copy files with archive attribute set, removes the archive attribute. [/K] Copy file attributes; without this, attributes are not preserved. [/D | /D:m-d-y] Copy new files or those modified after the supplied date. If no date is supplied, only copy if destination is older than source. YNA$XCOPY - Copies source files or directory trees to a destination. Syntax: XCOPY source [destination] [/I] [/S] [/Q] [/F] [/L] [/W] [/T] [/N] [/U] [/R] [/H] [/C] [/P] [/A] [/M] [/E] [/D] [/Y] [/-Y] Where: [/I] Assume directory if destination does not exist and copying two or more files. [/S] Copy directories and subdirectories. [/E] Copy directories and subdirectories, including any empty ones. [/Q] Do not list names during copy; that is, be quiet. [/F] Show full source and destination names during copy. [/L] Simulate operation, showing names which would be copied. [/W] Prompts before beginning the copy operation. [/T] Creates empty directory structure but does not copy files. [/Y] Suppress prompting when overwriting files. [/-Y] Enable prompting when overwriting files. [/P] Prompts on each source file before copying. [/N] Copy using short names. [/U] Copy only files which already exist in destination. [/R] Overwrite any read-only files. [/H] Include hidden and system files in the copy. [/C] Continue even if an error occurs during the copy. [/A] Only copy files with archive attribute set. [/M] Only copy files with archive attribute set, removes the archive attribute. [/K] Copy file attributes; without this, attributes are not preserved. [/D | /D:m-d-y] Copy new files or those modified after the supplied date. If no date is supplied, only copy if destination is older than source. xcopyddb1e8f63e8e781624474d2bb17617a635bb5d.debugt.shstrtab.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.init.plt.plt.got.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.dynamic.data.bss.gnu_debuglink TT$oxx$( 0LL8oHHEo``PT ] .c0000h@0@0qP0P0Xw}lll<lذ|D ذ4