U \k^@sTdZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZ ddl m Z dddddd d d d d ddddddddgZ dZ dZdZdZdZdZeejjddejjDZdZdZed jZed!jZed"Z d#d$d%hZ!d?d'd(Z"Gd)d*d*ej#j$Z%e%fd+d,Z&Gd-ddej'Z(Gd.ddZ)z ddl*Z*Wne+k rNYnXGd/d0d0e)Z,e -d0Gd1dde.Z/Gd2dde/Z0Gd3d d e/Z1Gd4dde/Z2Gd5d d e/Z3Gd6d d e/Z4Gd7d d e/Z5Gd8d d e/Z6Gd9dde6Z7Gd:dde6Z8Gd;dde6Z9GdddedS)@a HTTP/1.1 client library HTTPConnection goes through a number of "states", which define when a client may legally make another request or fetch the response for a particular request. This diagram details these state transitions: (null) | | HTTPConnection() v Idle | | putrequest() v Request-started | | ( putheader() )* endheaders() v Request-sent |\_____________________________ | | getresponse() raises | response = getresponse() | ConnectionError v v Unread-response Idle [Response-headers-read] |\____________________ | | | response.read() | putrequest() v v Idle Req-started-unread-response ______/| / | response.read() | | ( putheader() )* endheaders() v v Request-started Req-sent-unread-response | | response.read() v Request-sent This diagram presents the following rules: -- a second request may not be started until {response-headers-read} -- a response [object] cannot be retrieved until {request-sent} -- there is no differentiation between an unread response body and a partially read response body Note: this enforcement is applied by the HTTPConnection class. The HTTPResponse class does not enforce this state machine, which implies sophisticated clients may accelerate the request/response pipeline. Caution should be taken, though: accelerating the states beyond the above pattern may imply knowledge of the server's connection-close behavior for certain requests. For example, it is impossible to tell whether the server will close the connection UNTIL the response headers have been read; this means that further requests cannot be placed into the pipeline until it is known that the server will NOT be closing the connection. Logical State __state __response ------------- ------- ---------- Idle _CS_IDLE None Request-started _CS_REQ_STARTED None Request-sent _CS_REQ_SENT None Unread-response _CS_IDLE Req-started-unread-response _CS_REQ_STARTED Req-sent-unread-response _CS_REQ_SENT N)urlsplit HTTPResponseHTTPConnection HTTPException NotConnectedUnknownProtocolUnknownTransferEncodingUnimplementedFileModeIncompleteRead InvalidURLImproperConnectionStateCannotSendRequestCannotSendHeaderResponseNotReady BadStatusLine LineTooLongRemoteDisconnectederror responsesPiZUNKNOWNZIdlezRequest-startedz Request-sentcCsi|] }||jqS)phrase).0vrr!/usr/lib/python3.8/http/client.py jsrids[^:\s][^:\r\n]*s\n(?![ \t])|\r(?![ \t\n])z[- ]ZPATCHZPOSTZPUTdatac Cshz |dWStk rb}z8t|j|j|j|jd|||j|j|fdW5d}~XYnXdS)zheadersr3Zhstringrrr parse_headerss     rHcseZdZd@ddZddZddZd d Zd d Zfd dZfddZ ddZ ddZ dAddZ ddZ ddZddZddZdd Zd!d"Zd#d$Zd%d&ZdBd(d)ZdCd*d+ZdDfd,d- Zd.d/Zd0d1Zd2d3ZdEd4d5Zd6d7Zd8d9Zd:d;Zdd?Z Z!S)FrrNcCsR|d|_||_||_d|_|_t|_t|_t|_ t|_ t|_ t|_ t|_ dS)Nrb)ZmakefilerF debuglevel_methodrGmsg_UNKNOWNversionstatusreasonchunked chunk_leftlength will_close)r1sockrJmethodurlrrr__init__s  zHTTPResponse.__init__c Cst|jtdd}t|tkr*td|jdkrBtdt||sNt dz| dd\}}}WnFt k rz| dd\}}d}Wnt k rd}YnXYnX| d s| t|z$t|}|d ks|d krt|Wnt k rt|YnX|||fS) Nr+r=z status linerzreply:z-Remote end closed connection without responsezHTTP/ri)strrFr?r@r-rrJprintreprrsplit ValueError startswith _close_connrint)r1r3rNrOrPrrr _read_statuss2    zHTTPResponse._read_statusc Cs|jdk rdS|\}}}|tkr&qp|jtd}t|tkrJtd|}|sXq|j dkr&t d|q&q||_ |_ ||_ |dkrd|_n|drd|_nt|t|j|_|_|j dkr|jD]\}}t d|d |q|jd }|r|d krd |_d|_nd |_||_d|_|jd}|jd }|r|jszt||_Wntk rd|_YnX|jdkrd|_nd|_|tks|tksd|krdksn|jdkrd|_|js|js|jdkrd |_dS)Nr+r8rheader:)zHTTP/1.0zHTTP/0.9 zHTTP/1. r*transfer-encodingrQTFcontent-lengthrHEAD) rGrcZCONTINUErFr?r@r-rstriprJr\coderOrPrNr`rrHrLitemsgetr,rQrR _check_closerTrSrbr_Z NO_CONTENTZ NOT_MODIFIEDrK) r1rNrOrPskiphdrvalZtr_encrSrrrbegin(sp               zHTTPResponse.begincCsv|jd}|jdkr.|r*d|kr*dSdS|jdr>dS|rRd|krRdS|jd}|rrd|krrdSdS)NZ connectionrfcloseTFz keep-alivezproxy-connection)rGrnrNr,)r1ZconnZpconnrrrroxs    zHTTPResponse._check_closecCs|j}d|_|dSN)rFrt)r1rFrrrraszHTTPResponse._close_conncs$ztW5|jr|XdSru)rFrasuperrtr1 __class__rrrtszHTTPResponse.closecst|jr|jdSru)rvflushrFrwrxrrrzs zHTTPResponse.flushcCsdS)zAlways returns TrueTrrwrrrreadableszHTTPResponse.readablecCs |jdkS)z!True if the connection is closed.N)rFrwrrrisclosedszHTTPResponse.isclosedcCs|jdkrdS|jdkr$|dS|dk rRt|}||}t|d|S|jr`|S|j dkrv|j }n6z| |j }Wnt k r|YnXd|_ ||SdS)Nr<rjr) rFrKra bytearrayreadinto memoryviewtobytesrQ_readall_chunkedrSread _safe_readr )r1amtbr2srrrrs*     zHTTPResponse.readcCs|jdkrdS|jdkr$|dS|jr4||S|jdk r^t||jkr^t|d|j}|j|}|s||r||n&|jdk r|j|8_|js||S)z^Read up to len(b) bytes into bytearray b and return the number of bytes read. Nrrj) rFrKrarQ_readinto_chunkedrSr-rr~)r1rr2rrrr~s$       zHTTPResponse.readintocCsr|jtd}t|tkr$td|d}|dkrB|d|}z t|dWStk rl|YnXdS)Nr+z chunk size;r) rFr?r@r-rfindrbr_ra)r1r3irrr_read_next_chunk_sizes    z"HTTPResponse._read_next_chunk_sizecCs:|jtd}t|tkr$td|s*q6|dkrq6qdS)Nr+z trailer liner9)rFr?r@r-rr1r3rrr_read_and_discard_trailer s z&HTTPResponse._read_and_discard_trailercCsl|j}|sh|dk r|dz |}Wntk rDtdYnX|dkrb||d}||_|S)NrYr<r)rRrrr_r rra)r1rRrrr_get_chunk_lefts  zHTTPResponse._get_chunk_leftcCsp|jtkstg}z6|}|dkr&q>|||d|_qd|WStk rjtd|YnXdSNrr<) rQrMAssertionErrorrr0rrRrBr )r1valuerRrrrr3s zHTTPResponse._readall_chunkedcCs|jtkstd}t|}zv|}|dkr2|WSt||kr\||}|||_||WS|d|}||}||d}||7}d|_qWn(tk rtt |d|YnXdS)Nr) rQrMrrrr-_safe_readintorRr bytes)r1rZ total_bytesZmvbrRr2Ztemp_mvbrrrrAs$        zHTTPResponse._readinto_chunkedcCs.|j|}t||kr*t||t||S)a Read the number of bytes requested. This function should be used when bytes "should" be present for reading. If the bytes are truly not available (due to EOF), then the IncompleteRead exception can be used to detect the problem. )rFrr-r )r1rrrrrrYs  zHTTPResponse._safe_readcCs:t|}|j|}||kr6tt|d||||S)z2Same as _safe_read, but for reading into a buffer.N)r-rFr~r r)r1rrr2rrrres  zHTTPResponse._safe_readintocCs|jdks|jdkrdS|jr(||S|jdk rJ|dksD||jkrJ|j}|j|}|sh|rh|n|jdk r|jt|8_|S)zvRead with at most one underlying system call. If at least one byte is buffered, return that instead. Nrjr<r)rFrKrQ_read1_chunkedrSread1rar-)r1r2resultrrrrms    zHTTPResponse.read1cCs4|jdks|jdkrdS|jr(||S|j|S)Nrjr<)rFrKrQ _peek_chunkedpeek)r1r2rrrr~s  zHTTPResponse.peekcs|jdks|jdkrdS|jr*t|S|jdk rL|dksF||jkrL|j}|j|}|sj|rj|n|jdk r|jt|8_|S)Nrjr<r)rFrKrQrvr?rSrar-)r1limitrrxrrr?s    zHTTPResponse.readlinecCsd|}|dks|dkrdSd|kr0|ks6n|}|j|}|jt|8_|s`td|Sr)rrFrrRr-r )r1r2rRrrrrrs zHTTPResponse._read1_chunkedcCsDz |}Wntk r"YdSX|dkr0dS|j|d|S)Nr<)rr rFr)r1r2rRrrrrs zHTTPResponse._peek_chunkedcCs |jSru)rFfilenorwrrrrszHTTPResponse.filenocCsF|jdkrt|j|p|}t|ts4t|ds8|Sd|SdS)axReturns the value of the header matching *name*. If there are multiple matching headers, the values are combined into a single string separated by commas and spaces. If no matching header is found, returns *default* or None if the *default* is not specified. If the headers are unknown, raises http.client.ResponseNotReady. N__iter__z, )rGrZget_all isinstancer[hasattrrB)r1r&defaultrGrrr getheaders zHTTPResponse.getheadercCs|jdkrtt|jS)z&Return list of (header, value) tuples.N)rGrlistrmrwrrr getheaderss zHTTPResponse.getheaderscCs|SrurrwrrrrszHTTPResponse.__iter__cCs|jS)ajReturns an instance of the class mimetools.Message containing meta-information associated with the URL. When the method is HTTP, these headers are those returned by the server at the head of the retrieved HTML page (including Content-Length and Content-Type). When the method is FTP, a Content-Length header will be present if (as is now usual) the server passed back a file length in response to the FTP retrieval request. A Content-Type header will be present if the MIME type can be guessed. When the method is local-file, returned headers will include a Date representing the file's last-modified time, a Content-Length giving file size, and a Content-Type containing a guess at the file's type. See also the description of the mimetools module. )rGrwrrrinfoszHTTPResponse.infocCs|jS)aZReturn the real URL of the page. In some cases, the HTTP server redirects a client to another URL. The urlopen() function handles this transparently, but in some cases the caller needs to know which URL the client was redirected to. The geturl() method can be used to get at this redirected URL. )rWrwrrrgeturls zHTTPResponse.geturlcCs|jS)zuReturn the HTTP status code that was sent with the response, or None if the URL is not an HTTP URL. )rOrwrrrgetcodeszHTTPResponse.getcode)rNN)N)r)r)r)N)"r5r6r7rXrcrsrorartrzr{r|rr~rrrrrrrrrr?rrrrrrrrr __classcell__rrrxrrs< !P  "      c@seZdZdZdZeZeZdZ dZ e ddZ e ddZ d ejd d fd d Zd3d dZddZddZddZddZddZddZddZddZd4d d!Zd5d"d#Zd$d%Zd&d'Zd(d)Zd6dd*d+d,Zd ifdd*d-d.Z d/d0Z!d1d2Z"d S)7rrfzHTTP/1.1r+rcCs t|tjS)zFTest whether a file-like object is a text or a binary stream. )rio TextIOBase)streamrrr _is_textIO szHTTPConnection._is_textIOcCsf|dkr|tkrdSdSt|dr*dSzt|}|jWStk rNYnXt|trbt|SdS)aGet the content-length based on the body. If the body is None, we set Content-Length: 0 for methods that expect a body (RFC 7230, Section 3.3.2). We also set the Content-Length for any method if the body is a str or bytes-like object and not a file. Nrr) upper_METHODS_EXPECTING_BODYrrnbytes TypeErrorrr[r-)bodyrVZmvrrr_get_content_lengths   z"HTTPConnection._get_content_lengthN cCsb||_||_||_d|_g|_d|_t|_d|_d|_ d|_ i|_ | ||\|_ |_tj|_dSru)timeoutsource_address blocksizerU_buffer_HTTPConnection__response_CS_IDLE_HTTPConnection__staterK _tunnel_host _tunnel_port_tunnel_headers _get_hostporthostportsocketZcreate_connection_create_connection)r1rrrrrrrrrX/szHTTPConnection.__init__cCs<|jrtd|||\|_|_|r.||_n |jdS)aDSet up host and port for HTTP CONNECT tunnelling. In a connection that uses HTTP CONNECT tunneling, the host passed to the constructor is used as a proxy server that relays all communication to the endpoint passed to `set_tunnel`. This done by sending an HTTP CONNECT request to the proxy server when the connection is established. This method must be called before the HTML connection has been established. The headers argument should be a mapping of extra HTTP headers to send with the CONNECT request. z.Can't set up tunnel for established connectionN)rU RuntimeErrorrrrrclear)r1rrrGrrr set_tunnelCs zHTTPConnection.set_tunnelcCs|dkr|d}|d}||krzt||dd}WnHtk r||dddkrh|j}ntd||ddYnX|d|}n|j}|r|ddkr|ddkr|dd}||fS) Nr*]r+rZznonnumeric port: '%s'r[r)rfindrbr_ default_portr )r1rrrjrrrr[s   zHTTPConnection._get_hostportcCs ||_dSru)rJ)r1levelrrrset_debugleveloszHTTPConnection.set_debuglevelc Csd|j|jf}|d}|||jD](\}}d||f}|d}||q.|d|j|j|jd}| \}} } | t j j kr| td| | f|jtd} t| tkrtd | sq| d krq|jd krtd | qdS) NzCONNECT %s:%d HTTP/1.0 asciiz%s: %s rr:rVzTunnel connection failed: %d %sr+r8r9rrd)rrrsendrrmresponse_classrUrKrchttp HTTPStatusZOKrtOSErrorrkrFr?r@r-rrJr\rC) r1Z connect_strZ connect_bytesheaderrZ header_strZ header_bytesresponserNrlmessager3rrr_tunnelrs4         zHTTPConnection._tunnelcCsB||j|jf|j|j|_|jtjtj d|j r>| dS)z3Connect to the host and port specified in __init__.r+N) rrrrrrUZ setsockoptrZ IPPROTO_TCPZ TCP_NODELAYrrrwrrrconnects zHTTPConnection.connectcCsBt|_z|j}|r d|_|W5|j}|rd}||d|||jf}| | ||j dkr|sd}| drt |\}}}}}|rz|d}Wntk r|d}YnX|d |n|jr|j} |j} n |j} |j} z| d} Wn tk r*| d} YnX| d d krHd | d } | |jkrb|d | n| d} |d d| | f|s|ddndS)a`Send a request to the server. `method' specifies an HTTP request method, e.g. 'GET'. `url' specifies the object being requested, e.g. '/index.html'. `skip_host' if True does not add automatically a 'Host:' header `skip_accept_encoding' if True does not add automatically an 'Accept-Encoding:' header N/z%s %s %srfrZrrZidnaZHostr*r[]z%s:%szAccept-EncodingZidentity)rr|rr_CS_REQ_STARTEDr rK_validate_path _http_vsn_strr_encode_requestrr`rrr putheaderrrrrrrrC) r1rVrW skip_hostskip_accept_encodingrequestZnetlocZnilZ netloc_encrrZhost_encrrr putrequestsN           zHTTPConnection.putrequestcCs |dS)Nr)r)r1rrrrrszHTTPConnection._encode_requestcCs,t|}|r(td|d|ddS)zValidate a url for putrequest.z&URL can't contain control characters. z (found at least )N)!_contains_disallowed_url_pchar_researchr group)r1rWmatchrrrrs zHTTPConnection._validate_pathcGs|jtkrtt|dr$|d}t|s:td|ft|}t|D]\\}}t|drl|d||<nt |t rt |d||<t ||rJtd||fqJd |}|d|}||dS) zkSend a request header line to the server. For example: h.putheader('Accept', 'text/html') rrzInvalid header name %rrzInvalid header value %rs s: N)rrrrr_is_legal_header_namer_r enumeraterrbr[_is_illegal_header_valuerBr)r1rvaluesrZ one_valuerrrrrs"        zHTTPConnection.putheaderrcCs*|jtkrt|_nt|j||ddS)zIndicate that the last header line has been sent to the server. This method sends the request to the server. The optional message_body argument can be used to pass a message body associated with the request. rN)rr _CS_REQ_SENTrr)r1rrrrr endheaderss zHTTPConnection.endheaderscCs||||||dS)z&Send a complete request to the server.N) _send_request)r1rVrWrrGrrrrrszHTTPConnection.requestc Cstdd|D}i}d|kr&d|d<d|kr6d|d<|j||f|d|krd |krd }|||}|dkr|dk r|jd krtd |d }|ddq|dt|nd }|D]\} } || | qt|trt |d}|j ||ddS)Ncss|]}|VqdSru)r,)rkrrr sz/HTTPConnection._send_request..rr+rzaccept-encodingrrhrgFrzUnable to determine size of %rTzTransfer-EncodingrQzContent-Lengthrr) frozensetrrrJr\rr[rmrr(r) r1rVrWrrGrZ header_namesZskipsZcontent_lengthrqrrrrrs0      zHTTPConnection._send_requestcCs|jr|jrd|_|jtks&|jr0t|j|jdkrR|j|j|j|jd}n|j|j|jd}z\z | Wnt k r| YnX|j t kstt|_|j r| n||_|WS| YnXdS)a)Get the response from the server. If the HTTPConnection is in the correct state, returns an instance of HTTPResponse or of whatever object is returned by the response_class variable. If a request has not been sent or if a previous response has not be handled, ResponseNotReady is raised. If the HTTP response indicates that the connection should be closed, then it will be closed before the response is returned. When the connection is closed, the underlying socket is closed. Nrr)rr|rrrrJrrUrKrsConnectionErrorrtrTrMrr)r1rrrr getresponses0     zHTTPConnection.getresponse)NN)NF)FF)N)#r5r6r7rrrr HTTP_PORTrrrJ staticmethodrrr_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUTrXrrrrrrtrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrsH     & 6 }  .csHeZdZdZeZdddejdfddddfdd ZfddZ Z S) HTTPSConnectionz(This class allows communication via SSL.Nr)contextcheck_hostnamerc stt|j||||| d|dk s2|dk s2|dk rHddl} | dtd||_||_|dkrtt }|j dk rtd|_ |j tj k} |dkr|j }|r| std|s|r||||j dk rd|_ ||_|dk r||j_ dS)N)rrzTkey_file, cert_file and check_hostname are deprecated, use a custom context instead.rYTzMcheck_hostname needs a SSL context with either CERT_OPTIONAL or CERT_REQUIRED)rvr rXwarningswarnDeprecationWarningkey_file cert_filesslZ_create_default_https_contextZpost_handshake_authZ verify_modeZ CERT_NONErr_Zload_cert_chain_context) r1rrrrrrr rrrZ will_verifyrxrrrXIs<    zHTTPSConnection.__init__cs6t|jr|j}n|j}|jj|j|d|_dS)z(Connect to a host on a given (SSL) port.)server_hostnameN)rvrrrrZ wrap_socketrU)r1rrxrrrms  zHTTPSConnection.connect) r5r6r7__doc__ HTTPS_PORTrrr rXrrrrrxrr Bs$r c@s eZdZdS)rNr5r6r7rrrrr|sc@s eZdZdS)rNrrrrrrsc@s eZdZdS)r Nrrrrrr sc@seZdZddZdS)rcCs|f|_||_dSru)argsrN)r1rNrrrrXszUnknownProtocol.__init__Nr5r6r7rXrrrrrsc@s eZdZdS)rNrrrrrrsc@s eZdZdS)r Nrrrrrr sc@s$eZdZdddZddZejZdS)r NcCs|f|_||_||_dSru)rpartialexpected)r1rrrrrrXszIncompleteRead.__init__cCs2|jdk rd|j}nd}d|jjt|j|fS)Nz, %i more expectedrZz%s(%i bytes read%s))rryr5r-r)r1errr__repr__s  zIncompleteRead.__repr__)N)r5r6r7rXrr"__str__rrrrr s c@s eZdZdS)r Nrrrrrr sc@s eZdZdS)r Nrrrrrr sc@s eZdZdS)rNrrrrrrsc@s eZdZdS)rNrrrrrrsc@seZdZddZdS)rcCs|s t|}|f|_||_dSru)r]rr3rrrrrXszBadStatusLine.__init__Nrrrrrrsc@seZdZddZdS)rcCst|dt|fdS)Nz&got more than %d bytes when reading %s)rrXr@)r1Z line_typerrrrXszLineTooLong.__init__Nrrrrrrsc@seZdZddZdS)rcOs"t|dtj|f||dS)NrZ)rrXConnectionResetError)r1poskwrrrrXs zRemoteDisconnected.__init__Nrrrrrrs)r)?rZ email.parserrDZ email.messagerrrerZcollections.abcrZ urllib.parser__all__r rrMrrrglobalsupdater __members__rrr@rAcompile fullmatchrrrrrr(rZMessager)rHBufferedIOBaserrr ImportErrorr r0 Exceptionrrr rrr r r r rrrrr!rrrrrrsF       #B 8