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~lxhHcH@HHHHËCH1H5莟=tStu9H{Xxj1H[]Ð1H5MH[]Ð1H5-H[]Ð1H5 H[]ÐH5BH1qfAUATLcHD9%~pExk1AH5蛞KdHHHHЃ=DhDtPtuMp@HxXDxb1HA\A]D1H52HA\A]@1H5 HA\A]H5*H1۝yAUH5{1ATAUS1H誝H=ttNHt'HǺ 1 H5H‰1r1DH5\D9%EIcL-HDmHL=SPH\mHLH{Xs@5H{XHDmHADH[]A\A]HH51[]A\A]雜HDH5 1[]A\A]xH5Y1]|xgH51-LpDDEAUH5#1E1ATUSHH=rHt(HǺ 1JH53HA1豛9-~YxU=tbLength %d bDescriptorType %d bDeviceClass %d bDeviceSubClass %d bDeviceProtocol %d bMaxPacketSize0 %d idVendor 0x%04X idProduct 0x%04X bNumConfigurations %d bLength %d bDescriptorType %d wTotalLength %d bNumInterfaces %d bConfigurationValue %d MaxPower %d mA bLength %d bDescriptorType %d bInterfaceNumber %d bAlternateSetting %d bNumEndpoints %d bInterfaceClass %d bInterfaceSubClass %d bInterfaceProtocol %d bLength %d bDescriptorType %d wMaxPacketSize %d bInterval %d ms bRefresh %d bSynchAddress %d [%s], product=0x%04x, chip=%s) at libusb:%03d:%03d donedisktapeprinterprocessorCD-writerCD-driveoptical-drivejukeboxcommunicator/dev/usb/scanner/dev/usb/scanner0/dev/usb/scanner1/dev/usb/scanner2/dev/usb/scanner3/dev/usb/scanner4/dev/usb/scanner5/dev/usb/scanner7/dev/usb/scanner8/dev/usb/scanner9/dev/usb/scanner10/dev/usb/scanner11/dev/usb/scanner12/dev/usb/scanner13/dev/usb/scanner14/dev/usb/scanner15/dev/usbscanner/dev/usbscanner0/dev/usbscanner1/dev/usbscanner2/dev/usbscanner3/dev/usbscanner4/dev/usbscanner5/dev/usbscanner6/dev/usbscanner7/dev/usbscanner8/dev/usbscanner9/dev/usbscanner10/dev/usbscanner11/dev/usbscanner12/dev/usbscanner13/dev/usbscanner14/dev/usbscanner15/dev/scanner/dev/sg0/dev/sg1/dev/sg2/dev/sg3/dev/sg4/dev/sg5/dev/sg6/dev/sg7/dev/sg8/dev/sg9/dev/sga/dev/sgb/dev/sgc/dev/sgd/dev/sge/dev/sgf/dev/sgg/dev/sgh/dev/sgi/dev/sgj/dev/sgk/dev/sgl/dev/sgm/dev/sgn/dev/sgo/dev/sgp/dev/sgq/dev/sgr/dev/sgs/dev/sgt/dev/sgu/dev/sgv/dev/sgw/dev/sgx/dev/sgy/dev/sgzAccess denied (insufficient permissions)No such device (it may have been disconnected)System call interrupted (perhaps due to signal)Operation not supported or unimplemented on this platformcannot read directory `%s' (%s) checking %s even though doesn't look like a USB device...ignored %s (not a USB device) open ok, vendor and product ids were identifiedfound USB scanner (vendor=0x%04x, product=0x%04x) at %s open ok, but vendor and product could NOT be identifiedfound USB scanner (UNKNOWN vendor and product) at device %s could not fetch string descriptor: %s could not fetch string descriptor (again): %s checking %s even though it looks like a USB device...ignored %s (not a SCSI device) inquiry for device %s failed (%s) found SCSI %s "%s %s %s" at %s Usage: %s [-hvqf] [devname ...] -v: be more verbose (can be used multiple times) -q: be quiet (print only devices, no comments) -f: force opening devname as SCSI even if it looks like USB -p: enable scanning for parallel port devices option -F not implemented with libusb-1.0unknown option: -%c, try -h for help This is sane-find-scanner from %s # sane-find-scanner will now attempt to detect your scanner. If the # result is different from what you expected, first make sure your # scanner is powered up and properly connected to your computer. # Your SCSI scanner was detected. It may or may not be supported by SANE. Try # scanimage -L and read the backend's manpage. # No SCSI scanners found. If you expected something different, make sure that # you have loaded a kernel SCSI driver for your SCSI adapter. # Also you need support for SCSI Generic (sg) in your operating system. # If using Linux, try "modprobe sg".# Could not initialize libusb-1.0, error %d # Could not get device list, error %d could not get device descriptor for device at %03d:%03d: %s could not open USB device 0x%04x/0x%04x at %03d:%03d: %s could not get configuration for device 0x%04x/0x%04x at %03d:%03d: %s device 0x%04x/0x%04x at %03d:%03d is not configured = 2.4.8. You may # need to configure your backend manually, see the backend's manpage. # No USB scanners found. If you expected something different, make sure that # you have loaded a kernel driver for your USB host controller and have setup # the USB system correctly. See man sane-usb for details.searching for Mustek parallel port scanners:found possible Mustek parallel port scanner at "%s" checking %s (SCSI emulation)...found possible Mustek SCSI over PP scanner at "%s" # Your Mustek parallel port scanner was detected. It may or # may not be supported by SANE. Please read the sane-mustek_pp # man-page for setup instructions. # No Mustek parallel port scanners found. If you expected something # different, make sure the scanner is correctly connected to your computer # and you have appropriate access rights. # Not checking for parallel port scanners. # Most Scanners connected to the parallel port or other proprietary ports # can't be detected by this program. # You may want to run this program as root to find all devices. Once you # found the scanner devices, be sure to adjust access permissions as # necessary.iSerialNumber %d (%s)  0(xJiZGL646GL846GL847GL843GL842GL646_HPGL128GL124GL848+GL845GL841GT-6801GT-6816LM9832/3LM9831LM983x?LM9830 checking for GT-6801 ... checking for GT-6816 ... checking for GLxxx ... couldnt set device to configuration %d could not claim USB device interface checking for LM983[1,2,3] ... this is not a LM983x (bDeviceClass = %d, bInterfaceClass = %d) this is not a LM983x (bcdUSB = 0x%x) this is not a LM983x (bDeviceSubClass = 0x%x) this is not a LM983x (bDeviceProtocol = 0x%x) this is not a LM983x (bNumEndpoints = %d) this is not a LM983x (bEndpointAddress = 0x%x, bmAttributes = 0x%x, wMaxPacketSize = 0x%x, bInterval = 0x%x) Couldn't access LM983x registers. this is not a GT-6801 (bDeviceClass = %d) this is not a GT-6801 (bcdUSB = 0x%x) this is not a GT-6801 (bDeviceSubClass = 0x%x) this is not a GT-6801 (bDeviceProtocol = 0x%x) this is not a GT-6801 (bNumEndpoints = %d) this is not a GT-6801 (bEndpointAddress = 0x%x, bmAttributes = 0x%x, wMaxPacketSize = 0x%x, bInterval = 0x%x) Couldn't send write control message (%s) Couldn't send read control message (%s) Unexpected result from control message (%0x/%0x) this is not a GT-6816 (bDeviceClass = %d, bInterfaceClass = %d) this is not a GT-6816 (bcdUSB = 0x%x) this is not a GT-6816 (bDeviceSubClass = 0x%x) this is not a GT-6816 (bDeviceProtocol = 0x%x) this is not a GT-6816 (bNumInterfaces = 0x%x) this is not a GT-6816 (bNumEndpoints = %d) this is not a GT-6816 (bEndpointAddress = 0x%x, bmAttributes = 0x%x, wMaxPacketSize = 0x%x, bInterval = 0x%x) this is not a GL646 (bcdUSB = 0x%x) this is not a GL646 (bDeviceSubClass = 0x%x) this is not a GL646 (bDeviceProtocol = 0x%x) this is not a GL646 (bNumEndpoints = %d) this is not a GL646 (bEndpointAddress = 0x%x, bmAttributes = 0x%x, wMaxPacketSize = 0x%x, bInterval = 0x%x) this is not a GL646 (writing register failed) this is not a GL646 (reading register failed) this is not a GL646 (reg 0x4e != reg 0x38) this is not a GL646 (bDeviceClass = %d, bInterfaceClass = %d) this is not a GLxxx (bDeviceClass = %d, bInterfaceClass = %d) this is not a GLxxx (bDeviceSubClass = 0x%x) this is not a GLxxx (bDeviceProtocol = 0x%x) this is not a GLxxx (bNumEndpoints = %d) this is not a GLxxx (bEndpointAddress = 0x%x, bmAttributes = 0x%x, wMaxPacketSize = 0x%x, bInterval = 0x%x) this is not a GLxxx (writing register failed) this is not a GLxxx (reading register failed) this is not a GLxxx (reg 0x38 != 0x15) SuccessOperation was canceledDevice busyInvalid argumentEnd of file reachedDocument feeder jammedScanner cover is openError during device I/OOut of memoryOperation not supportedUnknown SANE status code %dDocument feeder out of documentsAccess to resource has been denied \l|&2/dev/sg%s%c%s%dsanei_scsi.cj < 2scsi_req_enter: entered %p modelsanei_scsi_find_devices/sys/bus/scsi/devicesVendor:Model:Type:Rev:Channel:Id:Lun:/proc/scsi/scsisanei_proc_scsi_find_devices%s: no match %s/%s/%s%s: could not open %s: %s %s: error reading %s %s: invalid type %ld %s: bad attach SANE_SCSICMD_TIMEOUTScannerProcessorsrc_size == cmd_sizesrc_size >= cmd_sizeDirect-Access Sequential-AccessPrinter Processor WORM CD-ROM Scanner Optical Device Medium Changer Communications ASC IT8 RAID Enclosure Direct-Access-RBCOptical card Bridge controllerObject storage Automation/Drive /dev/uk/dev/gscget_max_buffer_size for %s: %i lx_chk_id: %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d sanei_scsi.issue: bad write (errno=%i) %s %li sanei_scsi.issue: SG_IO ioctl error (errno=%i, ret=%d) %s sanei_scsi.issue: SG_BIG_BUF inconsistency? Check file PROBLEMS. issue: ENOMEM - cannot queue SCSI command. Trying again later. issue: EAGAIN - cannot queue SCSI command. Trying again later. /dev/scsi/host%d/bus%d/target%d/lun%d/genericlx_chk_devicename: matched device(devfs): %s lx_chk_devicename: matched device(direct): %s lx_scan_sg: k=%d, exclude=%d, missed=%d lx_chk_devicename: matched device(scan): %s sanei_scsi_req_enter: failed to malloc %lu bytes sanei_scsi_req_enter2: ioctl to set command length failed sanei_scsi_req_enter2 warning: truncating write data from requested %li bytes to allowed %li bytes sanei_scsi_req_enter2 warning: truncating write data from requested %li bytes to allowed %i bytes scsi_req_enter: queue_used: %i, queue_max: %i req == ((fdparms *) fd_info[req->fd].pdata)->sane_qheadsanei_scsi_req_wait: waiting for %p sanei_scsi_req_wait: read %ld bytes sanei_scsi_req_wait: read returned %ld (errno=%d) sanei_scsi_req_wait: SCSI command complained: %s sense buffer: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x target status: %02x host status: %02x driver status: %02x target status: %02x host status: %04x driver status: %04x sanei_scsi_req_wait: SG driver returned resid %i NOTE: This value may be bogus %s: looking for: v=%s m=%s t=%s b=%d c=%d i=%d l=%d %s: could not open %s; falling back to /proc %s: could not open %s for reading %s: found: vendor=%s model=%s type=%s bus=%d chan=%d id=%d lun=%d num=%d sanei_scsi_find_devices: bad attach %s: could not read directory %s: %s %s: invalid integer in string (%s): %s %s: no integer found in string: %s (%d) %s: parse error on string %s (%d) %s: integer value too large (%s) %s: skipping %s/%s, PATH_MAX exceeded on %s %s: invalid integer in type string (%s): %s %s: no integer found in type string: %s sanei_scsi_open: timeout value must be between 1 and 1200 seconds sanei_scsi_open: sanei_scsi_max_request_size=%d bytes sanei_scsi_open: open of `%s' failed: %s sanei_scsi_open: SG driver version: %i sanei_scsi_open: The file %s is not an SG device file sanei_scsi_open: The device found for %s does not look like a scanner sanei_scsi_open_extended: using %i bytes as SCSI buffer sanei_scsi_open: cannot read SG buffer size - %s trying to enable low level command queueing sanei_scsi_open: Host adapter queue depth: %i sanei_scsi_open: using old SG driver logic sanei_scsi_open: SG driver can change buffer size at run time sanei_scsi_open: low level command queueing enabled sanei_scsi_open: using new SG header structure sanei_scsi_open: could not allocate SG buffer memory wanted: %i got: %i sanei_scsi_cmdsanei_scsi_req_entersanei_scsi_req_waitsanei_scsi_req_flush_all sanei_configSANE_CONFIG_DIR.:/etc/sane.d%s%c%ssanei_configure_attach: exit optiontruefalsesanei_config_get_paths: using config directories %s sanei_config_open: could not find config file `%s' sanei_config_open: attempting to open `%s' sanei_config_open: using file `%s' sanei_configure_attach: start sanei_configure_attach: couldn't access %s sanei_configure_attach: couldn't find a string to parsesanei_configure_attach: couldn't find a valid boolean valuesanei_configure_attach: couldn't find a string value to parsesanei_configure_attach: incorrect type %d for option %s, skipping option ... sanei_configure_attach: failed to parse option '%s', line '%s' sanei_configure_attach: trying to attach with '%s' @Unknown errorEverything went fineNot available on this systemNegotiation went wrongNo memory leftError initializing portError interfacing systemNo IEEE 1284 ID availableInvalid portsanei_pa4s2pa4s2_init: port %d is `%s` pa4s2_open: opening device sanei_pa4s2_devices: invoked sanei_pa4s2_close: fd = %d sanei_pa4s2_close: failed pa4s2_close: fd=%d pa4s2_close: disabling port sanei_pa4s2_close: finished sanei_pa4s2_enable: aborting sanei_pa4s2_open: mode works IEEE 1284 negotiation rejectedNot implemented in libieee1284pa4s2_disable: using alternative command set pa4s2_disable: state restored pa4s2_init: static int first_time = %u pa4s2_init: sanei already initialized pa4s2_init: called for the first time pa4s2_init: initializing libieee1284 pa4s2_init: initializing IEEE 1284 failed (%s) pa4s2_init: %d ports reported by IEEE 1284 library pa4s2_init: allocating port list pa4s2_init: not enough free memory pa4s2_init: initialized successfully pa4s2_open: trying to attach dev `%s` pa4s2_open: failed to initialize pa4s2_open: looking up port in list pa4s2_open: device `%s` is already in use pa4s2_open: returning SANE_STATUS_DEVICE_BUSY pa4s2_open: setting up port data pa4s2_open: name=%s in_use=SANE_TRUE pa4s2_open: enabled=SANE_FALSE mode=PA4S2_MODE_NIB pa4s2_open: could not open device `%s` (%s) pa4s2_open: marking port %d as unused pa4s2_open: device `%s` opened... pa4s2_open: returning SANE_STATUS_GOOD pa4s2_open: open dev `%s` as fd %u pa4s2_open: `%s` is not a valid device name pa4s2_open: returning SANE_STATUS_INVAL pa4s2_open: port is in list at port[%d] sanei_pa4s2: interface called for the first time sanei_pa4s2_devices: failed to initialize (%s) sanei_pa4s2_devices: not enough free memory sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_get_status: called for fd %d sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_get_status: invalid fd %d sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_get_status: returning SANE_STATUS_INVAL sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_get_status: port is not in use sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_get_status: port is '%s' sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_get_status: port is not enabled sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_get_status: status=0x%02X sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_get_status: returning SANE_STATUS_GOOD sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_reg_select: invalid fd %d sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_reg_select: returning SANE_STATUS_INVAL sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_reg_select: port is not in use sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_reg_select: port is not enabled sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_reg_select: selecting register %u at port '%s' sanei_pa4s2_close: fd %d is invalid sanei_pa4s2_close: port is not in use sanei_pa4s2_close: port is '%s' sanei_pa4s2_close: freeing resources pa4s2_close: this is port '%s' pa4s2_close: checking whether port is enabled pa4s2_close: trying to free io port pa4s2_close: can't free port '%s' (%s) pa4s2_close: returning SANE_STATUS_IO_ERROR sanei_pa4s2_close: could not close scanner pa4s2_close: marking port as unused pa4s2_close: returning SANE_STATUS_GOOD sanei_pa4s2_enable: called for fd %d with value %d sanei_pa4s2_enable: fd %d is invalid sanei_pa4s2_enable: returning SANE_STATUS_INVAL sanei_pa4s2_enable: port is not in use sanei_pa4s2_enable: invalid value %d sanei_pa4s2_enable: senseless call... sanei_pa4s2_enable: returning SANE_STATUS_GOOD sanei_pa4s2_enable: enable port '%s' pa4s2_enable: failed to claim the port (%s) sanei_pa4s2_enable: failed to enable port sanei_pa4s2_enable: returning SANE_STATUS_IO_ERROR pa4s2_enable: prelock[] = {0x%02x, 0x%02x, 0x%02x} sanei_pa4s2_enable: disable port '%s' sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_open: called for device '%s' sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_open: trying to connect to port sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_open: connection failed sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_open: connected to device using fd %u sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_open: checking for scanner sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_open: error enabling device sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_open: error getting device status sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_open: device returned status 0x%02X sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_open: error disabling device sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_open: returning SANE_STATUS_GOOD sanei_pa4s2_readbegin: called for fd %d and register %u sanei_pa4s2_readbegin: invalid fd %d sanei_pa4s2_readbegin: returning SANE_STATUS_INVAL sanei_pa4s2_readbegin: port is not in use sanei_pa4s2_readbegin: port is not enabled sanei_pa4s2_readbegin: EPP readbegin pa4s2_readbegin_epp: selecting register %u at '%s' sanei_pa4s2_readbegin: UNI readbegin pa4s2_readbegin_uni: selecting register %u for '%s' sanei_pa4s2_readbegin: NIB readbegin pa4s2_readbegin_nib: selecting register %u at '%s' sanei_pa4s2_readbegin: port info broken sanei_pa4s2_readbegin: invalid port mode sanei_pa4s2_readbegin: return SANE_STATUS_INVAL sanei_pa4s2_readbegin: returning SANE_STATUS_GOOD sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: called with fd %d sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: got NULL pointer as result buffer sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: invalid fd %d sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: returning SANE_STATUS_INVAL sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: port is not in use sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: port is not enabled sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: we hope, the backend called sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: readbegin, so the port is ok... sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: this means, I did not check it - it's sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: not my fault, if your PC burns down. sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: read in EPP mode pa4s2_readbyte_epp: reading value 0x%02x from '%s' sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: read in UNI mode pa4s2_readbyte_uni: reading value 0x%02x from '%s' sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: read in NIB mode pa4s2_readbyte_nib: reading value 0x%02x from '%s' sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: port info broken sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: probably the port wasn't correct configured... sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: invalid port mode sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: port mode %u sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: I told you!!! sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: return SANE_STATUS_INVAL sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: read finished sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: got value 0x%02x sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: returning SANE_STATUS_GOOD sanei_pa4s2_readend: called for fd %d sanei_pa4s2_readend: invalid fd %d sanei_pa4s2_readend: returning SANE_STATUS_INVAL sanei_pa4s2_readend: port is not in use sanei_pa4s2_readend: port is not enabled sanei_pa4s2_readend: we hope, the backend called sanei_pa4s2_readend: readbegin, so the port is ok... sanei_pa4s2_readend: this means, I did not check it - it's sanei_pa4s2_readend: not my fault, if your PC burns down. sanei_pa4s2_readend: EPP mode readend pa4s2_readend_epp: end of reading sequence sanei_pa4s2_readend: UNI mode readend pa4s2_readend_uni: end of reading sequence for fd %d sanei_pa4s2_readend: NIB mode readend pa4s2_readend_nib: end of reading sequence for fd %d sanei_pa4s2_readend: port info broken sanei_pa4s2_readend: probably the port wasn't correct configured... sanei_pa4s2_readend: invalid port mode sanei_pa4s2_readend: port mode %u sanei_pa4s2_readend: I told you!!! sanei_pa4s2_readend: return SANE_STATUS_INVAL sanei_pa4s2_readend: returning SANE_STATUS_GOOD sanei_pa4s2_open: called for device '%s' sanei_pa4s2_open: trying to connect to port sanei_pa4s2_open: connection failed sanei_pa4s2_open: connected to device using fd %u sanei_pa4s2_open: checking for scanner sanei_pa4s2_open: reading ASIC id sanei_pa4s2_open: detected ASIC id 1013 sanei_pa4s2_open: detected ASIC id 1015 sanei_pa4s2_open: detected ASIC id 1505 sanei_pa4s2_open: could not find scanner sanei_pa4s2_open: reported ASIC id 0x%02x sanei_pa4s2_open: closing port sanei_pa4s2_open: returning SANE_STATUS_INVAL sanei_pa4s2_open: trying better modes sanei_pa4s2_open: skipping mode UNI sanei_pa4s2_open: skipping mode EPP sanei_pa4s2_open: trying mode %u sanei_pa4s2_open: mode failed sanei_pa4s2_open: returned ASIC-ID 0x%02x sanei_pa4s2_open: using mode %u sanei_pa4s2_open: returning SANE_STATUS_GOOD sanei_pa4s2_writebyte: called for fd %d, reg %u and val %u sanei_pa4s2_writebyte: invalid fd %d sanei_pa4s2_writebyte: returning SANE_STATUS_INVAL sanei_pa4s2_writebyte: port is not in use sanei_pa4s2_writebyte: port is not enabled sanei_pa4s2_writebyte: NIB/UNI/EPP write pa4s2_writebyte_any: writing value 0x%02x in reg %u to '%s' sanei_pa4s2_writebyte: returning SANE_STATUS_GOOD sanei_pa4s2_writebyte: port info broken sanei_pa4s2_writebyte: invalid port mode sanei_pa4s2_writebyte: port mode %u sanei_pa4s2_writebyte: return SANE_STATUS_INVAL sanei_pa4s2_options: called with options %u and set = %d sanei_pa4s2_options: value of set is invalid sanei_pa4s2_options: options are set to %u sanei_pa4s2_options: value of *options is invalid sanei_pa4s2_options: returning SANE_STATUS_GOOD sanei_pa4s2_options: setting options to %u dtdebug_breaksanei_usbseqtime_usecendpoint_numberdirection0x%x0x%06x0x%02x messagecontrol_txbulk_txinterrupt_txknown_commands_endbRequestbmRequestType%03X %02X %02hhxINtimeoutwValuewIndexwLength(unknown read of size %d)store_device: no room for %s libusb:%03d:%03d%s: FAIL: no %s attribute unexpected character %c got: %s expected: %s data differs (size %lu): device_capturebackendno more transactions UTF-8%s: freeing resources %s: freeing device %02d %s: marking existing devices %s: device %02d is %s %s: found %d devices 1.0descriptionid_vendorid_productconfigurationsconfiguration%s: no configuration nodes interfaceendpointtransfer_typeaddressINTERRUPTBULKISOCHRONOUSCONTROL%s: unknown endpoint type %s transactions%s: initializing libusb-1.0 sanei_usb_reset: ret=%d SANE_USB_WORKAROUNDsanei_usb_get_descriptor %s: FAIL: in transaction with seq %s: %s: direction: %d, address: %d, transfer_type: %d %s: we already have a %s-in endpoint (address: 0x%02x), ignoring the new one %s: we already have a %s-out endpoint (address: 0x%02x), ignoring the new one %s: found %s-%s endpoint (address 0x%02x) (unknown read of allowed size %ld)(unknown read of wanted size %ld)%s: Looking for libusb-1.0 devices %s: failed to get libusb-1.0 device list, error %d %s: could not get device descriptor for device at %03d:%03d (err %d) %s: device 0x%04x/0x%04x at %03d:%03d looks like a root hub %s: skipping device 0x%04x/0x%04x at %03d:%03d: cannot open: %s %s: could not get configuration for device 0x%04x/0x%04x at %03d:%03d (err %d) %s: device 0x%04x/0x%04x at %03d:%03d is not configured %s: could not get config[0] descriptor for device 0x%04x/0x%04x at %03d:%03d (err %d) %s: device 0x%04x/0x%04x doesn't have an altsetting for interface %d %s: device 0x%04x/0x%04x, interface %d doesn't look like a scanner (%d/%d) %s: found libusb-1.0 device (0x%04x/0x%04x) interface %d at %s store_device: not storing device %s store_device: overwrite dn %d with %s store_device: add dn %d with %s %s: device 0x%04x/0x%04x at %03d:%03d: no suitable interfaces unexpected %s attribute: %s, wanted %s unexpected %s attribute: %s, wanted 0x%x data differs (got size %lu, expected %lu): the given file is not USB capture no backend attr in description node unexpected transaction type %s %s: sanei_usb in not initialized! %s: not freeing resources since use count is %d %s: sanei_usb is not initialized! %s: the given file is not USB capture %s: could not find description node %s: no id_vendor attr in description node %s: no id_product attr in description node %s: could not find configurations node %s: no number attr in interface node %s: could not find transactions node %s: no transactions within capture %s: failed initializing fake USB stack %s: failed to initialize libusb-1.0, error %d sanei_usb_get_vendor_product_byname: not support for this method sanei_usb_get_vendor_product_byname: can't find device `%s' in list sanei_usb_get_vendor_product: dn >= device number || dn < 0 sanei_usb_get_vendor_product: dn=%d is missing! sanei_usb_get_vendor_product: device %d: Your OS doesn't seem to support detection of vendor+product ids sanei_usb_get_vendor_product: device %d: vendorID: 0x%04x, productID: 0x%04x sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x%04x, product=0x%04x sanei_usb_set_endpoint: dn >= device number || dn < 0 sanei_usb_set_endpoint: Setting endpoint of type 0x%02x to 0x%02x sanei_usb_get_endpoint: dn >= device number || dn < 0 sanei_usb_open: trying to open device `%s' sanei_usb_open: can't open `%s': dn == NULL sanei_usb_open: device `%s' already open sanei_usb_open: can't find device `%s' in list sanei_usb_open: opening fake USB device sanei_usb_open: can't open device `%s': %s Make sure you run as root or set appropriate permissions Maybe the kernel scanner driver claims the scanner's interface? sanei_usb_open: could not get configuration for device `%s' (err %d) sanei_usb_open: device `%s' not configured? sanei_usb_open: could not get device descriptor for device `%s' (err %d) sanei_usb_open: could not get config[0] descriptor for device `%s' (err %d) sanei_usb_open: more than one configuration (%d), choosing first config (%d) sanei_usb_open: libusb complained: %s Maybe the kernel scanner driver or usblp claims the interface? Ignoring this error... sanei_usb_open: could not get config[%d] descriptor for device `%s' (err %d) sanei_usb_open: configuration nr: %d sanei_usb_open: interface nr: %d sanei_usb_open: alt_setting nr: %d sanei_usb_open: interface %d not detected as a scanner by sanei_usb_init, ignoring. sanei_usb_open: endpoint nr: %d sanei_usb_open: open of `%s' failed: %s sanei_usb_open: fcntl of `%s' failed: %s sanei_usb_open: can't open device `%s': usbcalls support missing sanei_usb_open: access method %d not implemented sanei_usb_open: opened usb device `%s' (*dn=%d) sanei_usb_read_bulk: size == NULL sanei_usb_read_bulk: dn >= device number || dn < 0 sanei_usb_read_bulk: trying to read %lu bytes got more data than wanted (%lu vs %lu) sanei_usb_read_bulk: read failed: %s sanei_usb_read_bulk: read failed (still got %d bytes): %s sanei_usb_read_bulk: can't read without a bulk-in endpoint sanei_usb_read_bulk: usbcalls support missing sanei_usb_read_bulk: access method %d not implemented sanei_usb_read_bulk: read returned EOF sanei_usb_read_bulk: wanted %lu bytes, got %ld bytes sanei_usb_write_bulk: size == NULL sanei_usb_write_bulk: dn >= device number || dn < 0 sanei_usb_write_bulk: trying to write %lu bytes wrote more data than wanted (%lu vs %lu) wrote less data than wanted (%lu vs %lu) sanei_usb_write_bulk: write failed: %s sanei_usb_write_bulk: can't write without a bulk-out endpoint sanei_usb_write_bulk: usbcalls support missing sanei_usb_write_bulk: access method %d not implemented sanei_usb_write_bulk: wanted %lu bytes, wrote %ld bytes sanei_usb_control_msg: dn >= device number || dn < 0, dn=%d sanei_usb_control_msg: rtype = 0x%02x, req = %d, value = %d, index = %d, len = %d got different amount of data than wanted (%lu vs %lu) sanei_usb_control_msg: SCANNER_IOCTL_CTRLMSG error - %s sanei_usb_control_msg: libusb complained: %s sanei_usb_control_msg: usbcalls support missing sanei_usb_control_msg: access method %d not implemented sanei_usb_read_int: size == NULL sanei_usb_read_int: dn >= device number || dn < 0 sanei_usb_read_int: trying to read %lu bytes sanei_usb_read_int: access method %d not implemented sanei_usb_read_int: can't read without an int endpoint sanei_usb_read_int: usbcalls support missing sanei_usb_read_int: read returned EOF sanei_usb_read_int: wanted %lu bytes, got %ld bytes sanei_usb_set_configuration: dn >= device number || dn < 0, dn=%d sanei_usb_set_configuration: configuration = %d sanei_usb_set_configuration: libusb complained: %s sanei_usb_set_configuration: access method %d not implemented sanei_usb_claim_interface: dn >= device number || dn < 0, dn=%d sanei_usb_claim_interface: device dn=%d is missing sanei_usb_claim_interface: interface_number = %d sanei_usb_claim_interface: libusb complained: %s sanei_usb_claim_interface: access method %d not implemented sanei_usb_release_interface: dn >= device number || dn < 0, dn=%d sanei_usb_release_interface: device dn=%d is missing sanei_usb_release_interface: interface_number = %d sanei_usb_release_interface: libusb complained: %s sanei_usb_release_interface: access method %d not implemented sanei_usb_set_altinterface: dn >= device number || dn < 0, dn=%d sanei_usb_set_altinterface: alternate = %d sanei_usb_set_altinterface: libusb complained: %s sanei_usb_set_altinterface: access method %d not implemented sanei_usb_close: evaluating environment variable SANE_USB_WORKAROUND sanei_usb_close: workaround: %d sanei_usb_close: closing device %d sanei_usb_close: dn >= device number || dn < 0 sanei_usb_close: device %d already closed or never opened sanei_usb_close: closing fake USB device sanei_usb_close: usbcalls support missing sanei_usb_clear_halt: evaluating environment variable SANE_USB_WORKAROUND sanei_usb_clear_halt: workaround: %d sanei_usb_clear_halt: dn >= device number || dn < 0 sanei_usb_clear_halt: BULK_IN ret=%d sanei_usb_clear_halt: BULK_OUT ret=%d sanei_usb_get_descriptor: dn >= device number || dn < 0, dn=%d sanei_usb_get_descriptor: libusb error: %s     sanei_usb_replay_set_configurationsanei_usb_replay_read_intsanei_usb_replay_control_msgsanei_usb_replay_write_bulksanei_xml_get_hex_data_slow_pathsanei_usb_replay_read_bulklibusb_scan_devicessanei_usb_scan_devicessanei_usb_exitsanei_usb_add_endpointsanei_usb_testing_initsanei_usb_initsanei_usb_replay_debug_msgsanei_usb_testing_get_backend  [sanei_debug] malloc() failed Setting debug level of %s to %d. [%s] %s[%02d:%02d:%02d.%06ld] [%s] sanei_debugSANE_DEBUG_;$0VX^^ex y@zz |p}0`\І`ЈHPXp  `l `l  T  `4 L P 0tpPpp0hP d@PX`0` t`0H|  TP   0 4` L xP\p@h` 8 0!4@!H@"@#p%D'@'0(P(*H+@-3<45p67,9h:EE`FMLT[H ` pc d(!ex!f!Ph"i|"j"Pl"nH#p#pq#r$0sH$zRx t/D$4QFJ w?:*3$"\xYtpYXu<umBTA A(G+ (A ABBA (wHBBJv EBE ( 8xBKD@q ABK X8yBBB A(A0D@]HMP\HA@GHMPQHA@ 0D(A BBBF 8@{BEA D(D0s (D ABBD h{BBB B(A0A8H Q G 8A0A(B BBBH vNPA<hD|TP_CFBB B(A0D8J 8C0A(B BBBA FUByH^ByD0o A 0BOD D@\  AABG <$rALL0O8B@K8A0O8M@S8A0IAA$dbD q(B0K(A Y A FBB B(A0D8G 8D0A(B BBBC BFAMMWBMWBMMVAMVA4@ mL8G A 8hFGD A(Dp (A ABBE P@BEE D(C0KptxBEDRp\ 0A(A BBBE L2BBB B(A0A8G 8A0A(B BBBH pH4BBE D(G0H8K@\8H0A 8E@G A (F BBBK a (G BBBB A(L BBBBBB B(A0A8DPqXM`UhEpKP 8A0A(B BBBH  8F0A(B BBBF _ 8F0A(B BBBB DHFEI B(A0A8D@8A0A(B BBB4ĞIAK m ABK ADB,eFLFEB E(A0A8J 8A0A(B BBBH 0ĤFBB B(A0A8GUEEEEEEEEEEEcV 8D0A(B BBBI HHHHHHHHHHHj$NH T(D0F(A a A $pFBB B(A0A8G L&&C&B&B&I&&O&^&A&q 8A0A(B BBBG &d&A&B&F&B&X&&c&B&B&B&E&X&`FBE E(K0A8D 8D0A(B BBBE aUFFcH( ,$FBB E(D0D8G`x 8A0A(B BBBH t HgL RC HlI OD G A ( FHA \ HBK P VFBA A(G I H P { A ^ (D ABBK $P ?FDD jDBLx FEA A(D0Z (D ABBD @ (D ABBG ( \FAA ABT FBB B(A0A8G I!d 8D0A(B BBBA L ` DG A (| ADG L CAD L BMN A(A0 (D BBBB T (D BBBA H BGB B(I0A8GP 8D0A(B BBBG (D ]ED  AH s KJ @p FDG  CBH e FBK KFB@ @FDF  CBH e FBC KFBD LDA ( FDM W HIH m HIE L@ FBD C(D0 (A ABBE d (F ABBA 0 FAD G0  DABA 0 `FBD F0|  ABBE 8 FBD A(G@ (A ABBB D4 LDA U FBB b FBF } CBF (| EDG0` AAF `FBK D(C0 (A BBBJ b (F BBBB Y (F BBBK , (ECG  CAI <P5Db J DpG A 0xXBKD w ABE DAB`kBJE K(I0t (A BBBH u (A BBBD Z (F DBBH 0$|BQN JF  ABBA (XgBLK ~IB0@BED J  ABBB (DBDG H GBJ HBBE A(D0L (I BBBG c(A BBB00\AAG { DAG FDA(d>AAD n AAA H3BBB B(A0A8Dp 8D0A(B BBBG 0\AAG { DAG FDA!DY(( dBAD  DBD LTPBLB B(A0A8G 8A0A(B BBBA $HW4XBDA v ABH IAE<,jBKD o FBH F CBE DCBH8\BBM E(A0A8D@v 8D0A(B BBBA $:BJD _DB,AF BEGD J 88HkH\BEE E(A0A8F@` 8D0A(B BBBJ D$HW,`$!AC DEED H 4$uBGD c(J0V(A D DBE ,l|AC BEEF B 6HiBUB B(A0A8G y Y g D U H x B  G \ B  _ M A | 8A0A(B BBBI ] X V A b Q N B } _ M A  _ M A K _ N B KHL$BEE D(A0u (A BBBC Q (C BBBF \tBEE D(A0p (F BBBC Q (C BBBF (C BBBH@+BBB B(A0A8Dp  8D0A(B BBBH H $ BEB E(D0D8G@_8A0A(B BBBlh :Et4 FAD ` DBG { DBG D LP FAG T ABK  GBH D FBL CBD$ FHA  ABG A DWL A HPO \lH^aPH A(D0 (M HGBI D(A ABBFa0HHFIB B(A0A8G 8A0A(B BBBH HFEB B(A0A8D@ 8D0A(B BBBH (d`Hq G \ D \ D ^8FIN I(A0d(C BBB8xFBB D(DPy (A BBBF 8\zFAJ ^ ABF A HIF DoYH\E FMB B(A0A8J 8D0A(B BBBA &'d[\QL\'FBB B(A0A8D 8D0A(B BBBB H(-FBB B(A0A8D 8D0A(B BBBB t@5FEB B(A0A8DsGlB 8A0A(B BBBK jHQAFDJAMUBRMPA~MNAH$0;<FBB B(A0A8D` 8D0A(B BBBB @p$@FDD l ABC Z FBF W FBI LBECD p AAB W FAB W FAB W FAB LPCECD p AAB W FAB W FAB W FAB @TDFBG m BBH Z GBE W GBH \DFKI A(F0 (A ABBH D (O ABBH D (M FBBM \,FGFNA H(D0 (A ABBD W (F ABBF q (F ABBD (XGFDD@ ABA LGFBA A(G0 (A ABBI v (A ABBD LPIFBB B(A0G8DP 8A0A(B BBBH h$KFBB A(A0Gu 0A(A BBBH hDcA 0D(A BBBE LG A ,MMFIJ$ ABA DNeFIE E(D0H8G@n8A0A(B BBB$ NSS=VBVGVOVYVcVVlVzVV|||}})};}M}_}q}}}}}}}}}~B{B{a~~R` 0 (MPXo(   H$ oooook00@0P0`0p00000000011 101@1P1`1p11111111122 202@2P2`2p22222222233 303@3P3`3p33333333344 404@4P4`4p44444444455 505@5P5`5p55555555566 606@6P6`6p66666666677 707@7P7`7p77777777 VVVVVVVV WW0WBWUWhW{WWWWWWWWXX*X;XLX]XnXXXXXXXXXXY YYY&Y/Y8YAYJYSY\YeYnYwYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYZZZ"Zx0u9650ac28aaad633f86ae0b9044463617540755.debug?U.shstrtab.interp.note.gnu.property.note.gnu.build-id.note.ABI-tag.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.plt.got.plt.sec.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.data.rel.ro.dynamic.data.bss.gnu_debuglink 88 &XX$9|| Go(Q ` Y((aono} BH$H$ 00 0 07788??e (M(M PP $8 PPXX``@    0  "7 4