U ø\k^öã@sˆdZddddddddgZd d lZd d lZd d lZd d lmZd d lmZeƒZ e j Z e j Z d d„Z dZddd„Zddd„Zddd„Zd S)zÙGenerate cryptographically strong pseudo-random numbers suitable for managing secrets such as account authentication, tokens, and similar. See PEP 506 for more information. https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0506/ ÚchoiceÚ randbelowÚrandbitsÚ SystemRandomÚ token_bytesÚ token_hexÚ token_urlsafeÚcompare_digestéN)r)rcCs|dkrtdƒ‚t |¡S)z(Return a random int in the range [0, n).r zUpper bound must be positive.)Ú ValueErrorÚ_sysrandZ _randbelow)Zexclusive_upper_bound©r ú/usr/lib/python3.8/secrets.pyrsé cCs|dkr t}t |¡S)zèReturn a random byte string containing *nbytes* bytes. If *nbytes* is ``None`` or not supplied, a reasonable default is used. >>> token_bytes(16) #doctest:+SKIP b'\xebr\x17D*t\xae\xd4\xe3S\xb6\xe2\xebP1\x8b' N)ÚDEFAULT_ENTROPYÚosÚurandom©Únbytesr r r r#s cCst t|ƒ¡ d¡S)a"Return a random text string, in hexadecimal. The string has *nbytes* random bytes, each byte converted to two hex digits. If *nbytes* is ``None`` or not supplied, a reasonable default is used. >>> token_hex(16) #doctest:+SKIP 'f9bf78b9a18ce6d46a0cd2b0b86df9da' Úascii)ÚbinasciiZhexlifyrÚdecoderr r r r1s cCst|ƒ}t |¡ d¡ d¡S)zþReturn a random URL-safe text string, in Base64 encoding. The string has *nbytes* random bytes. If *nbytes* is ``None`` or not supplied, a reasonable default is used. >>> token_urlsafe(16) #doctest:+SKIP 'Drmhze6EPcv0fN_81Bj-nA' ó=r)rÚbase64Zurlsafe_b64encodeÚrstripr)rÚtokr r r r>s )N)N)N)Ú__doc__Ú__all__rrrZhmacrZrandomrr Z getrandbitsrrrrrrrr r r r Ús&þ