U \k^& @sXdZddddddddd d g Zd d lZd d lmZmZmZdZdZdZ dde dDZ e d d Z e d d Z dededD]Zeee e<qde ed<dD]Zeee e<qddZddZddZddZd,dd Zd!d Zd"d Zd-d$dZe d d Zd%D]Zeeee<qd&efd'dZefd(dZeZeZd)d*Zd+dZ d S).aFQuoted-printable content transfer encoding per RFCs 2045-2047. This module handles the content transfer encoding method defined in RFC 2045 to encode US ASCII-like 8-bit data called `quoted-printable'. It is used to safely encode text that is in a character set similar to the 7-bit US ASCII character set, but that includes some 8-bit characters that are normally not allowed in email bodies or headers. Quoted-printable is very space-inefficient for encoding binary files; use the email.base64mime module for that instead. This module provides an interface to encode and decode both headers and bodies with quoted-printable encoding. RFC 2045 defines a method for including character set information in an `encoded-word' in a header. This method is commonly used for 8-bit real names in To:/From:/Cc: etc. fields, as well as Subject: lines. This module does not do the line wrapping or end-of-line character conversion necessary for proper internationalized headers; it only does dumb encoding and decoding. To deal with the various line wrapping issues, use the email.header module. body_decode body_encode body_lengthdecode decodestring header_decode header_encode header_lengthquoteunquoteN) ascii_lettersdigits hexdigits  cCsg|] }d|qS)z=%02X).0crr&/usr/lib/python3.8/email/quoprimime.py 7srs-!*+/ascii_ s_ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ cCst|t|kS)z>Return True if the octet should be escaped with header quopri.)chr_QUOPRI_HEADER_MAPoctetrrr header_checkJsrcCst|t|kS)z^sz header_length..sum bytearrayrrrrTs cCstdd|DS)zReturn a body quoted-printable encoding length. :param bytearray: An array of bytes (a.k.a. octets). :return: The length in bytes of the byte array when it is encoded with quoted-printable for bodies. css|]}tt|VqdSr")r#r r$rrrr%hszbody_length..r&r(rrrrascCsft|tst|}|s&||nrHZdecodedrIinrrrrrs8   ,   cCs|d}t|S)zCTurn a match in the form =AB to the ASCII character with value 0xabr )groupr )matchr0rrr_unquote_matchs rScCs |dd}tjdt|tjdS)aDecode a string encoded with RFC 2045 MIME header `Q' encoding. This function does not parse a full MIME header value encoded with quoted-printable (like =?iso-8859-1?q?Hello_World?=) -- please use the high level email.header class for that functionality. rrz=[a-fA-F0-9]{2})flags)replaceresubrSASCIIr7rrrr#s )r)r:)!__doc____all__rVstringr r rrFNLZ EMPTYSTRINGranger8rr encoderrr9rr!rrr2r r rrDrrrrrSrrrrrsR        O 0