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@HHބt.ˀ.u@.@HHAބuLH5[.`EkHH5{H81Q8N@ك߃Av_mHLE1H5H81 8 HiE1H5H80D[A\A]LH5\LH5LH5LH5fH?/HH5uVGAt\HO1Dƃ߃A@vp@ v <_uZDAHt4= 0__dbus_object_path___dbus_bindings._LongBase_dbus_bindings._StrBase_dbus_bindings._BytesBase_dbus_bindings._FloatBase__new__ takes at most one positional parametervariant_level must be non-negativeThe number of nested variants wrapping the real data. 0 if not in a variant.DBusPythonLong_tp_reprDBusPythonString_tp_reprDBusPythonBytes_tp_reprDBusPythonFloat_tp_reprdbus_py_variant_level_getBase class for ``long`` subclasses with a ``variant_level`` attribute. Do not rely on the existence of this class outside dbus-python. Base class for str subclasses with a ``variant_level`` attribute. Do not rely on the existence of this class outside dbus-python. Base class for bytes subclasses with a ``variant_level`` attribute. Do not rely on the existence of this class outside dbus-python. Base class for float subclasses with a ``variant_level`` attribute. Do not rely on the existence of this class outside dbus-python. Unknown bus type %ldself->conns:set_unique_nameaddress_or_typemainloopA string address or an integer bus type is requiredThis connection has no unique name yetThis connection already has a unique name: '%s'Byte constructor takes no more than one positional argumentExpected a bytes or str of length 1, or an int in the range 0-255Integer outside range 0-255(N)dbus.ByteArraydbus.ByteByteArray(str) ByteArray is a subtype of :py:class:`bytes` (an alias for :py:class:`str` in Python 2 but a distinct type in Python 3) which can be used when you want an efficient immutable representation of a D-Bus byte array (signature ``ay``). By default, when byte arrays are converted from D-Bus to Python, they come out as a `dbus.Array` of `dbus.Byte`. This is just for symmetry with the other D-Bus types - in practice, what you usually want is the byte array represented as a string, using this class. To get this, pass the ``byte_arrays=True`` keyword argument to any of these methods: * any D-Bus method proxy, or ``connect_to_signal``, on the objects returned by `Bus.get_object` * any D-Bus method on a `dbus.Interface` * `dbus.Interface.connect_to_signal` * `Bus.add_signal_receiver` Import via:: from dbus import ByteArray Constructor:: ByteArray(str) dbus.Byte(integer or bytes of length 1[, variant_level]) An unsigned byte: a subtype of int, with range restricted to [0, 255]. A Byte `b` may be converted to a ``str`` of length 1 via ``str(b) == chr(b)`` (Python 2) or to a ``bytes`` of length 1 via ``bytes([b])`` (Python 3). Most of the time you don't want to use this class - it mainly exists for symmetry with the other D-Bus types. See `dbus.ByteArray` for a better way to handle arrays of Byte. :py:attr:`variant_level` must be non-negative; the default is 0. .. py:attribute:: variant_level Indicates how many nested Variant containers this object is contained in: if a message's wire format has a variant containing a variant containing a byte, this is represented in Python by a Byte with variant_level==2. O|Owrapper->conn../dbus_bindings/conn.cconnection or str expectedA dbus.Connection is required_dbus_bindings.ConnectionPyBytes_Check(address_as_bytes)Newly created D-Bus connection already has a Connection instance associated with itConnection is in an invalid state: no DBusConnectionReturn from D-Bus message handler callback should be None, NotImplemented or integerInteger return from D-Bus message handler callback should be a DBUS_HANDLER_RESULT_... constant, not %dD-Bus connection does not have a Connection instance associated with itConnection_tp_new_dbus_bindings.Connection(address, mainloop=None) A D-Bus connection. iO:_unregister_object_pathPyBytes_Check(path)Timeout too long(O)removei:set_exit_on_disconnectOO|Oi:_register_object_path(OO)OO|di:send_message_with_replyon_messageon_unregisterfallbackmsgreply_handlertimeout_s_require_main_loopcloseflushget_is_connectedget_is_authenticatedget_unix_fdget_peer_unix_userget_peer_unix_process_idadd_message_filterremove_message_filtersend_messagelist_exported_child_objects_new_for_busget_unique_nameset_allow_anonymouspath must be a str, bytes, or unicode object../dbus_bindings/conn-methods.cCan't unregister the object-path handler for '%s': there is no such handlerO|d:send_message_with_reply_and_blockPyList_Check(conn_obj->filters)To make asynchronous calls, receive signals or export objects, D-Bus connections must be attached to a main loop by passing mainloop=... to the constructor or calling dbus.set_default_main_loop(...)Can't register the object-path handler for '%s': there is already a handlerConnection is disconnected - unable to make method callsend_message_with_reply_and_blockConnection__register_object_path_filter_messageConnection__unregister_object_pathset_unique_name(str) Set this application's unique name on this bus. Raise ValueError if it has already been set. get_unique_name() -> str Return this application's unique name on this bus. :Raises DBusException: if the connection has no unique name yet (for Bus objects this can't happen, for peer-to-peer connections this means you haven't called `set_unique_name`) Connection._new_for_bus([address: str or int]) -> Connection If the address is an int it must be one of the constants BUS_SESSION, BUS_SYSTEM, BUS_STARTER; if a string, it must be a D-Bus address. The default is BUS_SESSION. list_exported_child_objects(path: str) -> list of str Return a list of the names of objects exported on this Connection as direct children of the given object path. Each name returned may be converted to a valid object path using ``dbus.ObjectPath('%s%s%s' % (path, (path != '/' and '/' or ''), name))``. For the purposes of this function, every parent or ancestor of an exported object is considered to be an exported object, even if it's only an object synthesized by the library to support introspection. unregister_object_path(path) Remove a previously registered handler for the given object path. :Parameters: `path` : str The object path whose handler is to be removed :Raises KeyError: if there is no handler registered for exactly that object path. register_object_path(path, on_message, on_unregister=None, fallback=False) Register a callback to be called when messages arrive at the given object-path. Used to export objects' methods on the bus in a low-level way. For the high-level interface to this functionality (usually recommended) see the `dbus.service.Object` base class. :Parameters: `path` : str Object path to be acted on `on_message` : callable Called when a message arrives at the given object-path, with two positional parameters: the first is this Connection, the second is the incoming `dbus.lowlevel.Message`. `on_unregister` : callable or None If not None, called when the callback is unregistered. `fallback` : bool If True (the default is False), when a message arrives for a 'subdirectory' of the given path and there is no more specific handler, use this handler. Normally this handler is only run if the paths match exactly. remove_message_filter(callable) Remove the given message filter (see `add_message_filter` for details). :Raises LookupError: The given callable is not among the registered filters add_message_filter(callable) Add the given message filter to the internal list. Filters are handlers that are run on all incoming messages, prior to the objects registered to handle object paths. Filters are run in the order that they were added. The same handler can be added as a filter more than once, in which case it will be run more than once. Filters added during a filter callback won't be run on the message being processed. get_peer_unix_process_id() -> long or None Get the UNIX process ID at the other end of the connection, if it has been authenticated. Return None if this is a non-UNIX platform or the connection has not been authenticated. get_peer_unix_user() -> long or None Get the UNIX user ID at the other end of the connection, if it has been authenticated. Return None if this is a non-UNIX platform or the connection has not been authenticated. get_unix_fd() -> int or None Get the connection's UNIX file descriptor, if any. This can be used for SELinux access control checks with ``getpeercon()`` for example. **Do not** read or write to the file descriptor, or try to ``select()`` on it. flush() Block until the outgoing message queue is empty. send_message_with_reply_and_block(msg, timeout_s=-1) -> dbus.lowlevel.Message Send the message and block while waiting for a reply. This does not re-enter the main loop, so it can lead to a deadlock, if the called method tries to make a synchronous call to a method in this application. As such, it's probably a bad idea. :Parameters: `msg` : dbus.lowlevel.Message The message to be sent `timeout_s` : float If the reply takes more than this many seconds, a timeout error will be created locally and raised instead. If this timeout is negative (default), a sane default (supplied by libdbus) is used. :Returns: A `dbus.lowlevel.Message` instance (probably a `dbus.lowlevel.MethodReturnMessage`) on success :Raises dbus.DBusException: On error (including if the reply arrives but is an error message) send_message_with_reply(msg, reply_handler, timeout_s=-1, require_main_loop=False) -> dbus.lowlevel.PendingCall Queue the message for sending; expect a reply via the returned PendingCall, which can also be used to cancel the pending call. :Parameters: `msg` : dbus.lowlevel.Message The message to be sent `reply_handler` : callable Asynchronous reply handler: will be called with one positional parameter, a Message instance representing the reply. `timeout_s` : float If the reply takes more than this many seconds, a timeout error will be created locally and raised instead. If this timeout is negative (default), a sane default (supplied by libdbus) is used. `require_main_loop` : bool If True, raise RuntimeError if this Connection does not have a main loop configured. If False (default) and there is no main loop, you are responsible for calling block() on the PendingCall. set_allow_anonymous(bool) Allows anonymous clients. Call this on the server side of a connection in a on_connection_added callbacksend_message(msg) -> long Queue the given message for sending, and return the message serial number. :Parameters: `msg` : dbus.lowlevel.Message The message to be sent. set_exit_on_disconnect(bool) Set whether the C function ``_exit`` will be called when this Connection becomes disconnected. This will cause the program to exit without calling any cleanup code or exit handlers. The default is for this feature to be disabled for Connections and enabled for Buses. get_is_authenticated() -> bool Return true if this Connection was ever authenticated. get_is_connected() -> bool Return true if this Connection is connected. close() Close the connection._require_main_loop() Raise an exception if this Connection is not bound to any main loop - in this state, asynchronous calls, receiving signals and exporting objects will not work. `dbus.mainloop.NULL_MAIN_LOOP` is treated like a valid main loop - if you're using that, you presumably know what you're doing. `Mb@A@@|OOO:__init__../dbus_bindings/containers.cPyBytes_Check(sig_repr)%s(%V, signature=%V)|Ol:__new__mapping_or_iterabledbus.Structdbus.Dictionarydbus.ArrayPyBytes_Check(signature_as_bytes)There must be exactly one complete type in an Array's signature parameterThe key type in a Dictionary's signature must be a primitive typeThere must be exactly two complete types in a Dictionary's signature parameter%s(%V, signature=%V, variant_level=%ld)__new__ takes exactly one positional parameterD-Bus structs may not be emptyThe D-Bus signature of each key in this Dictionary, followed by that of each value in this Dictionary, as a Signature instance.Indicates how many nested Variant containers this object is contained in: if a message's wire format has a variant containing a variant containing a dictionary, this is represented in Python by a Dictionary with variant_level==2. The D-Bus signature of each element of this Array (a Signature instance)Indicates how many nested Variant containers this object is contained in: if a message's wire format has a variant containing a variant containing an array, this is represented in Python by an Array with variant_level==2. 1 31 3 3111 3 3 3 311 31 3111 3 311Struct_tp_reprDict_tp_reprDict_tp_initArray_tp_reprArray_tp_initdbus.Struct(iterable, signature=None, variant_level=0) An structure containing items of possibly distinct types. D-Bus structs may not be empty, so the iterable argument is required and may not be an empty iterable. ``signature`` is either None, or a string representing the contents of the struct as one or more complete type signatures. The overall signature of the struct will be the given signature enclosed in parentheses, ``()``. If the signature is None (default) it will be guessed from the types of the items during construction. :py:attr:`variant_level` must be non-negative; the default is 0. .. py:attribute:: variant_level Indicates how many nested Variant containers this object is contained in: if a message's wire format has a variant containing a variant containing a struct, this is represented in Python by a Struct with variant_level==2. dbus.Dictionary(mapping_or_iterable=(), signature=None, variant_level=0) An mapping whose keys are similar and whose values are similar, implemented as a subtype of dict. As currently implemented, a Dictionary behaves just like a dict, but with the addition of a ``signature`` property set by the constructor; conversion of its items to D-Bus types is only done when it's sent in a Message. This may change in future so validation is done earlier. :py:attr:`variant_level` must be non-negative; the default is 0. ``signature`` is either a string or None. If a string, it must consist of exactly two complete type signatures, representing the 'key' type (which must be a primitive type, i.e. one of "bdginoqstuxy") and the 'value' type. The signature of the whole Dictionary will be ``a{xx}`` where ``xx`` is replaced by the given signature. If it is None (the default), when the Dictionary is sent over D-Bus, the key and value signatures will be guessed from an arbitrary element of the Dictionary. dbus.Array([iterable][, signature][, variant_level]) An array of similar items, implemented as a subtype of list. As currently implemented, an Array behaves just like a list, but with the addition of a ``signature`` property set by the constructor; conversion of its items to D-Bus types is only done when it's sent in a Message. This might change in future so validation is done earlier. :py:attr:`variant_level` must be non-negative; the default is 0. ``signature`` is the D-Bus signature string for a single element of the array, or None. If not None it must represent a single complete type, the type of a single array item; the signature of the whole Array may be obtained by prepending ``a`` to the given signature. If None (the default), when the Array is sent over D-Bus, the item signature will be guessed from the first element. dbus.exceptionsDBusException_dbus_error_namedbus.DoubleA double-precision floating point number (a subtype of float).Object is immutable(i)1TrueFalse%s(%s, variant_level=%ld)%s(%s)dbus.UInt64dbus.Int64dbus.UInt32dbus.Int32dbus.UInt16dbus.Int16dbus.BooleanValue %d out of range for Int16Value %d out of range for UInt16Value %d out of range for Int32Value %d out of range for UInt32dbus.UInt64(value: int[, variant_level: int]) An unsigned 64-bit integer between 0 and 0xFFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF, subtype of ``long`` in Python 2 or ``int`` in Python 3. ``value`` must be within the allowed range, or `OverflowError` will be raised. :py:attr:`variant_level` must be non-negative; the default is 0. .. py:attribute:: variant_level Indicates how many nested Variant containers this object is contained in: if a message's wire format has a variant containing a variant containing a uint64, this is represented in Python by a UInt64 with variant_level==2. dbus.Int64(value: int[, variant_level: int]) A signed 64-bit integer between -0x8000 0000 0000 0000 and +0x7FFF FFFF FFFF FFFF, represented as a subtype of ``long`` in Python 2 or ``int`` in Python 3. Note that this may be changed in future to be a subtype of `int` on 64-bit platforms; applications should not rely on either behaviour. ``value`` must be within the allowed range, or `OverflowError` will be raised. :py:attr:`variant_level` must be non-negative; the default is 0. .. py:attribute:: variant_level Indicates how many nested Variant containers this object is contained in: if a message's wire format has a variant containing a variant containing an int64, this is represented in Python by an Int64 with variant_level==2. dbus.UInt32(value: int[, variant_level: int]) An unsigned 32-bit integer between 0 and 0xFFFF FFFF, represented as a subtype of ``long`` in Python 2 or ``int`` in Python 3. ``value`` must be within the allowed range, or `OverflowError` will be raised. :py:attr:`variant_level` must be non-negative; the default is 0. .. py:attribute:: variant_level Indicates how many nested Variant containers this object is contained in: if a message's wire format has a variant containing a variant containing a uint32, this is represented in Python by a UInt32 with variant_level==2. dbus.Int32(value: int[, variant_level: int]) A signed 32-bit integer between -0x8000 0000 and +0x7FFF FFFF, represented as a subtype of ``int``. ``value`` must be within the allowed range, or `OverflowError` will be raised. :py:attr:`variant_level` must be non-negative; the default is 0. .. py:attribute:: variant_level Indicates how many nested Variant containers this object is contained in: if a message's wire format has a variant containing a variant containing an int32, this is represented in Python by an Int32 with variant_level==2. dbus.UInt16(value: int[, variant_level: int]) An unsigned 16-bit integer between 0 and 0xFFFF, represented as a subtype of ``int``. ``value`` must be within the allowed range, or `OverflowError` will be raised. :py:attr:`variant_level` must be non-negative; the default is 0. .. py:attribute:: variant_level Indicates how many nested Variant containers this object is contained in: if a message's wire format has a variant containing a variant containing a uint16, this is represented in Python by a UInt16 with variant_level==2. dbus.Int16(value: int[, variant_level: int]) A signed 16-bit integer between -0x8000 and +0x7FFF, represented as a subtype of `int`. value must be within the allowed range, or OverflowError will be raised. variant_level must be non-negative; the default is 0. .. py:attribute:: variant_level Indicates how many nested Variant containers this object is contained in: if a message's wire format has a variant containing a variant containing an int16, this is represented in Python by an Int16 with variant_level==2. dbus.Boolean(value: bool[, variant_level: int]) A boolean, represented as a subtype of ``int`` (not ``bool``, because ``bool`` cannot be subclassed). ``value`` is converted to 0 or 1 as if by ``int(bool(value))``. :py:attr:`variant_level` must be non-negative; the default is 0. .. py:attribute:: variant_level Indicates how many nested Variant containers this object is contained in: if a message's wire format has a variant containing a variant containing a boolean, this is represented in Python by a Boolean with variant_level==2. int is outside fd rangeO|lfileno../dbus_bindings/unixfd.cfd_original >= 0Invalid file descriptorFile descriptor already takendbus.UnixFdtakeArgument's fileno() method returned a non-int valueArgument is not int and does not implement fileno() methodvariant_level cannot be less than 0Indicates how many nested Variant containers this object is contained in: if a message's wire format has a variant containing a variant containing a file descriptor, this is represented in Python by a UnixFd with variant_level==2. UnixFd_tp_newtake() -> int This method returns the file descriptor owned by UnixFd object. Note that, once this method is called, closing the file descriptor is the caller's responsibility. This method may be called at most once; UnixFd 'forgets' the file descriptor after it is taken. :Raises ValueError: if this method has already been called dbus.UnixFd(value: int or file object[, variant_level: int]) A Unix Fd. ``value`` must be the integer value of a file descriptor, or an object that implements the fileno() method. Otherwise, `ValueError` will be raised. UnixFd keeps a dup() (duplicate) of the supplied file descriptor. The caller remains responsible for closing the original fd. :py:attr:`variant_level` must be non-negative; the default is 0. .. py:attribute:: variant_level Indicates how many nested Variant containers this object is contained in: if a message's wire format has a variant containing a variant containing an Unix Fd, this is represented in Python by an Unix Fd with variant_level==2. _LibDBusConnection_dbus_bindings._LibDBusConnectionA reference to a ``DBusConnection`` from ``libdbus``, which might not have been attached to a `dbus.connection.Connection` yet. Cannot be instantiated from Python. The only use of this object is to pass it to the ``dbus.connection.Connection`` constructor instead of an address. A dbus.mainloop.NativeMainLoop instance is requiredNULL_MAIN_LOOPdbus.mainloop.NativeMainLoopObject representing D-Bus main loop integration done in native code. Cannot be instantiated directly. __dbus_object_path__ must be a stringExpected a string or unicode objectString parameters to be sent over D-Bus must be valid UTF-8 with no noncharacter code points../dbus_bindings/message-append.cUnable to guess signature from an empty listUnable to guess signature from an empty dictDon't know which D-Bus type to use to encode type "%s"mode == DBUS_TYPE_DICT_ENTRY || mode == DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY || mode == DBUS_TYPE_STRUCTFewer items found in struct's D-Bus signature than in Python arguments More items found in struct's D-Bus signature than in Python arguments Expected a length-1 bytes but found %d bytes%d outside range for a byte valueFewer items found in D-Bus signature than in Python argumentsUnknown type '\x%x' in D-Bus signatureInternal error: _signature_string_from_pyobject returned a bad resultMore items found in D-Bus signature than in Python argumentsvbxuqD-Bus structs cannot be empty(joinPyList_Check(obj)a{%U}a{%U%U}out of int range: %ld(s)PyBytes_Check(as_bytes)(s#)|z:appendPyBytes_Check(signature_obj)Corrupt type signaturePyTuple_Check(args)> < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <<< <= < > <+>>_message_iter_append_multidbus_py_Message_append_signature_string_from_pyobjectdbus_py_Message_guess_signaturesss:__init__n/a(broadcast)O!sz:__init__O!:__init__zszs:__init__s:has_signatures:has_senderz:set_senderz:has_pathz:set_pathz:has_memberz:set_memberz:has_interfacez:set_interfacez:set_error_names:has_destinationz:set_destinations:is_errorss:is_signalss:is_method_callMethodCallMessageMethodReturnMessagemethodreply_toerror_messagecopyguess_signatureget_auto_startset_auto_startget_destinationget_error_nameget_interfaceget_memberget_pathget_path_decomposedget_no_replyset_no_replyget_reply_serialset_reply_serialget_senderget_serialget_signatureget_typedbus.lowlevel.ErrorMessagedbus.lowlevel.SignalMessagedbus.lowlevel.Message<%s path: %s, iface: %s, member: %s, dest: %s><%s path: %s, iface: %s, member: %s dest: %s>Message object is uninitialized, or has become unusable due to error while appending argumentsA dbus.lowlevel.Message instance is requireddbus.lowlevel.MethodCallMessagedbus.lowlevel.MethodReturnMessageset_error_name(name: str or None)get_error_name() -> str or Noneset_interface(name: str or None)has_interface(interface: str or None) -> boolget_interface() -> str or Noneset_destination(bus_name: str or None)has_destination(bus_name: str) -> boolget_destination() -> str or None Return the message's destination bus name, or None if none. set_sender(unique_name: str or None)has_sender(unique_name: str) -> boolget_sender() -> str or None Return the message's sender unique name, or None if none. has_signature(signature: str) -> boolget_signature() -> Signature or Noneset_path(name: str or None)has_path(name: str or None) -> boolget_path_decomposed() -> list of str, or None Return a list of path components (e.g. /foo/bar -> ['foo','bar'], / -> []) or None if the message has no associated path. get_path() -> ObjectPath or None Return the message's destination object path (if it's a method call) or source object path (if it's a method reply or a signal) or None (if it has no path). set_member(unique_name: str or None)has_member(name: str or None) -> boolget_member() -> str or Noneis_signal(interface: str, member: str) -> boolis_error(error: str) -> boolis_method_call(interface: str, member: str) -> boolmessage.get_serial() -> long Returns the serial of a message or 0 if none has been specified. The message's serial number is provided by the application sending the message and is used to identify replies to this message. All messages received on a connection will have a serial, but messages you haven't sent yet may return 0. message.get_type() -> int Returns the type of the message. message.set_reply_serial(bool) -> None Set the serial that this message is a reply to. message.get_reply_serial() -> long Returns the serial that the message is a reply to or 0 if none. message.set_no_reply(bool) -> None Set whether no reply to this message is required. message.get_no_reply() -> bool Return true if this message need not be replied to. message.set_auto_start(bool) -> None Set whether this message will cause an owner for the destination name to be auto-started. message.get_auto_start() -> bool Return true if this message will cause an owner for the destination name to be auto-started. message.copy() -> Message (or subclass) Deep-copy the message, resetting the serial number to zero. dbus.lowlevel.ErrorMessage(reply_to: Message, error_name: str, error_message: str or None) An error message. dbus.lowlevel.SignalMessage(path: str, interface: str, method: str) A signal message. dbus.lowlevel.MethodReturnMessage(method_call: MethodCallMessage) A method-return message.dbus.lowlevel.MethodCallMessage(destination: str or None, path: str, interface: str or None, method: str) A method-call message. ``destination`` is the destination bus name, or None to send the message directly to the peer (usually the bus daemon). ``path`` is the object-path of the object whose method is to be called. ``interface`` is the interface qualifying the method name, or None to omit the interface from the message header. ``method`` is the method name (member name). A message to be sent or received over a D-Bus Connection. (f)(l)(k)(L)(K)(y#)|i:get_args_listbyte_arraysUnknown type '\%x' in D-Bus messageget_args_list takes no positional argumentsM4MHMHHK4LLHHHHLTIHIIDJJKdKHKNs:validate_interface_names|ii:validate_bus_names:validate_object_paths:validate_member_nameorg.freedesktop.DBusBUS_DAEMON_NAME/org/freedesktop/DBusBUS_DAEMON_PATHBUS_DAEMON_IFACE/org/freedesktop/DBus/LocalLOCAL_PATHorg.freedesktop.DBus.LocalLOCAL_IFACEINTROSPECTABLE_IFACEorg.freedesktop.DBus.PeerPEER_IFACEPROPERTIES_IFACEDBUS_START_REPLY_SUCCESSRELEASE_NAME_REPLY_RELEASEDRELEASE_NAME_REPLY_NOT_OWNERREQUEST_NAME_REPLY_IN_QUEUEREQUEST_NAME_REPLY_EXISTSNAME_FLAG_ALLOW_REPLACEMENTNAME_FLAG_REPLACE_EXISTINGNAME_FLAG_DO_NOT_QUEUEBUS_SESSIONBUS_SYSTEMBUS_STARTERMESSAGE_TYPE_INVALIDMESSAGE_TYPE_METHOD_CALLMESSAGE_TYPE_METHOD_RETURNMESSAGE_TYPE_ERRORMESSAGE_TYPE_SIGNALTYPE_BYTETYPE_BOOLEANTYPE_INT16TYPE_UINT16TYPE_INT32TYPE_UNIX_FDTYPE_UINT32TYPE_INT64TYPE_UINT64TYPE_DOUBLETYPE_STRINGTYPE_OBJECT_PATHTYPE_SIGNATURETYPE_ARRAYTYPE_STRUCTSTRUCT_BEGINSTRUCT_ENDTYPE_VARIANTTYPE_DICT_ENTRYDICT_ENTRY_BEGINDICT_ENTRY_ENDHANDLER_RESULT_HANDLEDHANDLER_RESULT_NEED_MEMORYWATCH_READABLEWATCH_WRITABLEWATCH_HANGUPWATCH_ERRORrestructuredtext__docformat__1.2.16__version___python_version_dbus_bindings._C_APIallow_uniqueallow_well_known_dbus_bindingsset_default_main_loopget_default_main_loopvalidate_error_nameorg.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectableorg.freedesktop.DBus.Properties-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//ENDBUS_INTROSPECT_1_0_XML_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIERhttp://www.freedesktop.org/standards/dbus/1.0/introspect.dtdDBUS_INTROSPECT_1_0_XML_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER DBUS_INTROSPECT_1_0_XML_DOCTYPE_DECL_NODEDBUS_START_REPLY_ALREADY_RUNNINGRELEASE_NAME_REPLY_NON_EXISTENTREQUEST_NAME_REPLY_PRIMARY_OWNERREQUEST_NAME_REPLY_ALREADY_OWNERHANDLER_RESULT_NOT_YET_HANDLEDset_default_main_loop(object) Change the global default dbus-python main loop wrapper, which is used when no main loop wrapper is passed to the Connection constructor. If None, return to the initial situation: there is no default, and you must always pass the mainloop parameter to the constructor. Two types of main loop wrapper are planned in dbus-python. Native main-loop wrappers are instances of `dbus.mainloop.NativeMainLoop` supplied by extension modules like `dbus.mainloop.glib`: they have no Python API, but connect themselves to ``libdbus`` using native code. Python main-loop wrappers are not yet implemented. They will be objects supporting the interface defined by `dbus.mainloop.MainLoop`, with an API entirely based on Python methods. get_default_main_loop() -> object Return the global default dbus-python main loop wrapper, which is used when no main loop wrapper is passed to the Connection constructor. If None, there is no default and you should always pass the mainloop parameter to the constructor - if you don't, then asynchronous calls, connecting to signals and exporting objects will raise an exception. There is no default until set_default_main_loop is called. validate_object_path(name) Raise ValueError if the given string is not a valid object path. :Since: 0.80 validate_error_name(name) Raise ValueError if the given string is not a valid error name. :Since: 0.80 validate_interface_name(name) Raise ValueError if the given string is not a valid interface name. :Since: 0.80 validate_member_name(name) Raise ValueError if the argument is not a valid member (signal or method) name. :Since: 0.80 validate_bus_name(name, allow_unique=True, allow_well_known=True) Raise ValueError if the argument is not a valid bus name. By default both unique and well-known names are accepted. :Parameters: `name` : str The name to be validated `allow_unique` : bool If False, unique names of the form :1.123 will be rejected `allow_well_known` : bool If False, well-known names of the form com.example.Foo will be rejected :Since: 0.80 Low-level Python bindings for libdbus. Don't use this module directly - the public API is provided by the `dbus`, `dbus.service`, `dbus.mainloop` and `dbus.mainloop.glib` modules, with a lower-level API provided by the `dbus.lowlevel` module. D-Bus notify function was called for an incomplete pending call (shouldn't happen)blockcancelget_completeddbus.lowlevel.PendingCallget_completed() -> bool Return true if this pending call has completed. If so, its associated reply handler has been called and it is no longer meaningful to cancel it. block() Block until this pending call has completed and the associated reply handler has been called. This can lead to a deadlock, if the called method tries to make a synchronous call to a method in this application. cancel() Cancel this pending call. Its reply will be ignored and the associated reply handler will never be called. Object representing a pending D-Bus call, returned by Connection.send_message_with_reply(). Cannot be instantiated directly. self->server_on_new_connectionsO|OO../dbus_bindings/server.cPyTuple_Check(fast_seq)PyTuple_Check(references)connection_classauth_mechanisms_dbus_bindings._Serverget_addressget_idD-Bus server does not have a Server instance associated with itconnection_class must be dbus.connection.Connection or a subtypeNewly created D-Bus server already has a Server instance associated with itTo run a D-Bus server, you need to either pass mainloop=... to the constructor or call dbus.set_default_main_loop(...)Expecting sequence for auth_mechanisms parameterPyTuple_Check(auth_mechanisms)A dbus.server.Server is requiredServer is in an invalid state: no DBusServerDBusPyServer_set_auth_mechanismsget_is_connected() -> bool Return true if this Server is still listening for new connections. get_id() -> str Returns the unique ID of the server.get_address() -> str Returns the address of the server.disconnect() Releases the server's address and stops listening for new clients. If called more than once, only the first call has an effect.A D-Bus server. :: Server(address, connection_subtype, mainloop=None, auth_mechanisms=None) -> Server ../dbus_bindings/signature.cPyBytes_Check(self_as_bytes)s|O:__new__dbus.Signature_dbus_bindings._SignatureIterSignature_tp_iterSignature(value: str or unicode[, variant_level: int]) A string subclass whose values are restricted to valid D-Bus signatures. When iterated over, instead of individual characters it produces Signature instances representing single complete types. ``value`` must be a valid D-Bus signature (zero or more single complete types). :py:attr:`variant_level` must be non-negative; the default is 0. .. py:attribute:: variant_level Indicates how many nested Variant containers this object is contained in: if a message's wire format has a variant containing a variant containing a signature, this is represented in Python by a Signature with variant_level==2. ../dbus_bindings/string.cs|l:__new__dbus.Stringdbus.ObjectPathdbus-python is not compatible with this version of Python (unicode objects are assumed to be fixed-size)Indicates how many nested Variant containers this object is contained in: if a message's wire format has a variant containing a variant containing an array, this is represented in Python by a String or UTF8String with variant_level==2. String_tp_reprdbus.String(value: str or unicode[, variant_level: int]) A string represented using Unicode - a subtype of ``unicode`` (Python 2) or ``str`` (Python 3). All strings on D-Bus are required to be valid Unicode; in the "wire protocol" they're transported as UTF-8. By default, when strings are converted from D-Bus to Python, they come out as this class. In Python 2, if you prefer to get UTF-8 strings (as instances of a subtype of `str`) or you want to avoid the conversion overhead of going from UTF-8 to Python's internal Unicode representation, see the documentation for `dbus.UTF8String`. variant_level must be non-negative; the default is 0. dbus.ObjectPath(path: str[, variant_level: int=0]) A D-Bus object path, such as ``/com/example/MyApp/Documents/abc``. ObjectPath is a subtype of :py:class:`str`, and object-paths behave like strings. path must be an ASCII string following the syntax of object paths. variant_level must be non-negative; the default is 0. .. py:attribute:: variant_level Indicates how many nested Variant containers this object is contained in: if a message's wire format has a variant containing a variant containing an object path, this is represented in Python by an ObjectPath with variant_level==2. Invalid bus name: may not be emptyInvalid well-known bus name '%s':only unique names may start with ':'Invalid unique bus name '%s': unique names must start with ':'Invalid bus name '%s': too long (> 255 characters)Invalid bus name '%s': contains substring '..'Invalid bus name '%s': must not start with '.'Invalid bus name '%s': a digit may not follow '.' except in a unique name starting with ':'Invalid bus name '%s': must not start with a digitInvalid bus name '%s': contains invalid character '%c'Invalid bus name '%s': must not end with '.'Invalid bus name '%s': must contain '.'Invalid member name: may not be emptyInvalid member name '%s': too long (> 255 characters)Invalid member name '%s': must not start with a digitInvalid member name '%s': contains invalid character '%c'Invalid interface or error name: may not be emptyInvalid interface or error name '%s': too long (> 255 characters)Invalid interface or error name '%s': contains substring '..'Invalid interface or error name '%s': must not start with '.'Invalid interface or error name '%s': a digit may not follow '.'Invalid interface or error name '%s': must not start with a digitInvalid interface or error name '%s': contains invalid character '%c'Invalid interface or error name '%s': must not end with '.'Invalid interface or error name '%s': must contain '.'Invalid object path '%s': does not start with '/'Invalid object path '%s': contains substring '//'Invalid object path '%s': contains invalid character '%c'Invalid object path '%s': ends with '/' and is not just '/';p} }$< PdL ̏<LL D , L l $ H ,d L l l ܝ( <` , \ l( x ܧ l  4 h  L L@| \(t̶l  8\d|L(ܽTlL @ \\,t|,,$\D|<,\ Pp(D(D(D)E,),E@),F)F),G*G<*LHT*Ht*I*|J*|K+ L4+lL\+N+|O,Q<,zRx $i FJ w?:*3$"Dxv\pv t4"EAG0^ AAC F AAH LFBA A(G0 (D ABBD W (D ABBH L$FBA A(G0 (D ABBD W (D ABBH LtFBA A(G0 (D ABBK W (D ABBH HFDQ C DBD D GBK W DBC DCB0lFHD G0  ABBI 4D8FAD I ABI Q CBJ @|FDD f DBF v DBD S DBG 0FHD G0  DBBC 0FHD G0  DBBC 0(tFHD G0  DBBC \`wEG0W AD ESESĎESȎH4MIA o BDD ADB8$FIL G(Jp (D BBBK 4`\FAA l DBF A HBE ԒEQ [ AF 8p#FBE D(J@ (D BBBE dH Q G ؕPHG,JL}L@L`E^ M I88#$FLE K(MPi (D BBBF t#BHy#NLA4# "EAG0^ AAC F AAH 0#FLK M@m  ABBD 0$FHD G0  ABBI L$` HN J f$l$ ZFHG AAB`$!FBA A(D0 (D ABBG m (D ABBJ o (D ABBA <$"FAD  ABD _ CBD ZCB88%t#FBA } BBF   BBA t%$H H 0 p (QpFxFo  HZ/+ oo.oo,oF0p@pPp`pppppppppppqq q0q@qPq`qpqqqqqqqqqrr r0r@rPr`rprrrrrrrrrss s0s@sPs`spssssssssstt t0t@tPt`tptttttttttuu u0u@uPu`upuuuuuuuuuvv v0v@vPv`vpvvvvvvvvvww w0w@wPw`wpwwwwwwwwwxx x0x@xPx`xpxxxxxxxxxyy y0y@yPy`ypyyyyyyyyyzz z0z@zPz`zpzzzzzzzzz{{ {0{@{P{`{p{{{{{{{{{|| |0|@|P|`|p||||||uPX`X`X`X`` `@ dRX`Pa`P@b`pPb`PcpddX`"f@f1fpi@Ld9m8@o( ]5,p7pEpNpRp`pkp55jp@ }ppP@pp@op @p`pp~o zp~q@psoyqw9qPvFq td`tVq`X`ՏX`X`@a P0X`88d@`(X`0P @ `X` @`Ƞ`PӠߠpX` ``uuX`hPC0`guess_signature(*args) -> Signature [static method] Guess a D-Bus signature which should be used to encode the given Python objects. The signature is constructed as follows: +-------------------------------+---------------------------+ |Python |D-Bus | +===============================+===========================+ |D-Bus type, variant_level > 0 |variant (v) | +-------------------------------+---------------------------+ |D-Bus type, variant_level == 0 |the corresponding type | +-------------------------------+---------------------------+ |anything with a |object path | |__dbus_object_path__ attribute | | +-------------------------------+---------------------------+ |bool |boolean (y) | +-------------------------------+---------------------------+ |any other int subclass |int32 (i) | +-------------------------------+---------------------------+ |any other long subclass |int64 (x) | +-------------------------------+---------------------------+ |any other float subclass |double (d) | +-------------------------------+---------------------------+ |any other str subclass |string (s) | +-------------------------------+---------------------------+ |any other unicode subclass |string (s) | +-------------------------------+---------------------------+ |any other tuple subclass |struct ((...)) | +-------------------------------+---------------------------+ |any other list subclass |array (a...), guess | | |contents' type according to| | |type of first item | +-------------------------------+---------------------------+ |any other dict subclass |dict (a{...}), guess key, | | |value type according to | | |types for an arbitrary item| +-------------------------------+---------------------------+ |anything else |raise TypeError | +-------------------------------+---------------------------+ message.append(*args, **kwargs) Set the message's arguments from the positional parameter, according to the signature given by the ``signature`` keyword parameter. The following type conversions are supported: =============================== =========================== D-Bus (in signature) Python =============================== =========================== boolean (b) any object (via bool()) byte (y) string of length 1 any integer any integer type any integer double (d) any float object path anything with a __dbus_object_path__ attribute string, signature, object path str (must be UTF-8) or unicode dict (a{...}) any mapping array (a...) any iterable over appropriate objects struct ((...)) any iterable over appropriate objects variant any object above (guess type as below) =============================== =========================== Here 'any integer' means anything on which int() or long() (as appropriate) will work, except for basestring subclasses. 'Any float' means anything on which float() will work, except for basestring subclasses. If there is no signature, guess from the arguments using the static method `Message.guess_signature`. 5e 5eEP pp .@Jp@"`@0`W('!x7F@U pe t0pqa@0T G@@<1` $  `   ` P `get_args_list(**kwargs) -> list Return the message's arguments. Keyword arguments control the translation of D-Bus types to Python: :Keywords: `byte_arrays` : bool If true, convert arrays of byte (signature 'ay') into dbus.ByteArray, a str subclass. In practice, this is usually what you want, but it's off by default for consistency. If false (default), convert them into a dbus.Array of Bytes. Most of the type mappings should be fairly obvious: =============== =================================================== D-Bus Python =============== =================================================== byte (y) dbus.Byte (int subclass) bool (b) dbus.Boolean (int subclass) Signature (g) dbus.Signature (str subclass) intNN, uintNN dbus.IntNN, dbus.UIntNN (int or long subclasses) double (d) dbus.Double string (s) dbus.String (unicode subclass) (or dbus.UTF8String, bytes subclass, if utf8_strings set) Object path (o) dbus.ObjectPath (str subclass) dict (a{...}) dbus.Dictionary array (a...) dbus.Array (list subclass) containing appropriate types byte array (ay) dbus.ByteArray (str subclass) if byte_arrays set; or list of Byte struct ((...)) dbus.Struct (tuple subclass) of appropriate types variant (v) contained type, but with variant_level > 0 =============== =================================================== eE2)z`+ O@*c*0),) 5@556 Ld!oP:H:@T9p`910P<  @`=lX`@pDpF80F`DpEX`lX`X`P`I XG I/usr/lib/debug/.dwz/x86_64-linux-gnu/python3-dbus.debug-sn SHC% 2930bb2288120dffda88c260e1aea5a8270797.debugRY.shstrtab.note.gnu.property.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.plt.got.plt.sec.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.data.rel.ro.dynamic.data.bss.gnu_debugaltlink.gnu_debuglink  $1o$; CKo,,Xo..Pg//+qBZZ{ppv p p |||| (Q(Q ``D DD%pFp6xFx6F60 F6H8PP@W xL  4@