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[%s] %s[%02d:%02d:%02d.%06ld] [%s] sanei_debugSANE_DEBUG_sanei_configSANE_CONFIG_DIR.:/etc/sane.d%s%c%s:sanei_configure_attach: exit optiontruefalsesanei_config_get_paths: using config directories %s sanei_config_open: could not find config file `%s' sanei_config_open: attempting to open `%s' sanei_config_open: using file `%s' sanei_configure_attach: start sanei_configure_attach: couldn't access %s sanei_configure_attach: couldn't find a string to parsesanei_configure_attach: couldn't find a valid boolean valuesanei_configure_attach: couldn't find a string value to parsesanei_configure_attach: incorrect type %d for option %s, skipping option ... sanei_configure_attach: failed to parse option '%s', line '%s' sanei_configure_attach: trying to attach with '%s' @SuccessOperation was canceledDevice busyInvalid argumentEnd of file reachedDocument feeder jammedScanner cover is openError during device I/OOut of memoryOperation not supportedUnknown SANE status code %dDocument feeder out of documentsAccess to resource has been denied4DTdt$Unknown errorEverything went fineNot available on this systemOperation timed outNegotiation went wrongNo memory leftError initializing portError interfacing systemNo IEEE 1284 ID availableInvalid portsanei_pa4s2pa4s2_init: port %d is `%s` pa4s2_open: opening device sanei_pa4s2_devices: invoked sanei_pa4s2_close: fd = %d sanei_pa4s2_close: failed pa4s2_close: fd=%d pa4s2_close: disabling port sanei_pa4s2_close: finished sanei_pa4s2_enable: aborting sanei_pa4s2_open: mode works IEEE 1284 negotiation rejectedNot implemented in libieee1284pa4s2_disable: using alternative command set pa4s2_disable: state restored pa4s2_init: static int first_time = %u pa4s2_init: sanei already initialized pa4s2_init: called for the first time pa4s2_init: initializing libieee1284 pa4s2_init: initializing IEEE 1284 failed (%s) pa4s2_init: %d ports reported by IEEE 1284 library pa4s2_init: allocating port list pa4s2_init: not enough free memory pa4s2_init: initialized successfully pa4s2_open: trying to attach dev `%s` pa4s2_open: failed to initialize pa4s2_open: looking up port in list pa4s2_open: device `%s` is already in use pa4s2_open: returning SANE_STATUS_DEVICE_BUSY pa4s2_open: setting up port data pa4s2_open: name=%s in_use=SANE_TRUE pa4s2_open: enabled=SANE_FALSE mode=PA4S2_MODE_NIB pa4s2_open: could not open device `%s` (%s) pa4s2_open: marking port %d as unused pa4s2_open: device `%s` opened... pa4s2_open: returning SANE_STATUS_GOOD pa4s2_open: open dev `%s` as fd %u pa4s2_open: `%s` is not a valid device name pa4s2_open: returning SANE_STATUS_INVAL pa4s2_open: port is in list at port[%d] sanei_pa4s2: interface called for the first time sanei_pa4s2_devices: failed to initialize (%s) sanei_pa4s2_devices: not enough free memory sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_get_status: called for fd %d sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_get_status: invalid fd %d sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_get_status: returning SANE_STATUS_INVAL sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_get_status: port is not in use sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_get_status: port is '%s' sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_get_status: port is not enabled sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_get_status: status=0x%02X sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_get_status: returning SANE_STATUS_GOOD sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_reg_select: invalid fd %d sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_reg_select: returning SANE_STATUS_INVAL sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_reg_select: port is not in use sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_reg_select: port is not enabled sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_reg_select: selecting register %u at port '%s' sanei_pa4s2_close: fd %d is invalid sanei_pa4s2_close: port is not in use sanei_pa4s2_close: port is '%s' sanei_pa4s2_close: freeing resources pa4s2_close: this is port '%s' pa4s2_close: checking whether port is enabled pa4s2_close: trying to free io port pa4s2_close: can't free port '%s' (%s) pa4s2_close: returning SANE_STATUS_IO_ERROR sanei_pa4s2_close: could not close scanner pa4s2_close: marking port as unused pa4s2_close: returning SANE_STATUS_GOOD sanei_pa4s2_enable: called for fd %d with value %d sanei_pa4s2_enable: fd %d is invalid sanei_pa4s2_enable: returning SANE_STATUS_INVAL sanei_pa4s2_enable: port is not in use sanei_pa4s2_enable: invalid value %d sanei_pa4s2_enable: senseless call... sanei_pa4s2_enable: returning SANE_STATUS_GOOD sanei_pa4s2_enable: enable port '%s' pa4s2_enable: failed to claim the port (%s) sanei_pa4s2_enable: failed to enable port sanei_pa4s2_enable: returning SANE_STATUS_IO_ERROR pa4s2_enable: prelock[] = {0x%02x, 0x%02x, 0x%02x} sanei_pa4s2_enable: disable port '%s' sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_open: called for device '%s' sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_open: trying to connect to port sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_open: connection failed sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_open: connected to device using fd %u sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_open: checking for scanner sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_open: error enabling device sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_open: error getting device status sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_open: device returned status 0x%02X sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_open: error disabling device sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_open: returning SANE_STATUS_GOOD sanei_pa4s2_readbegin: called for fd %d and register %u sanei_pa4s2_readbegin: invalid fd %d sanei_pa4s2_readbegin: returning SANE_STATUS_INVAL sanei_pa4s2_readbegin: port is not in use sanei_pa4s2_readbegin: port is not enabled sanei_pa4s2_readbegin: EPP readbegin pa4s2_readbegin_epp: selecting register %u at '%s' sanei_pa4s2_readbegin: UNI readbegin pa4s2_readbegin_uni: selecting register %u for '%s' sanei_pa4s2_readbegin: NIB readbegin pa4s2_readbegin_nib: selecting register %u at '%s' sanei_pa4s2_readbegin: port info broken sanei_pa4s2_readbegin: invalid port mode sanei_pa4s2_readbegin: return SANE_STATUS_INVAL sanei_pa4s2_readbegin: returning SANE_STATUS_GOOD sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: called with fd %d sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: got NULL pointer as result buffer sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: invalid fd %d sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: returning SANE_STATUS_INVAL sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: port is not in use sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: port is not enabled sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: we hope, the backend called sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: readbegin, so the port is ok... sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: this means, I did not check it - it's sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: not my fault, if your PC burns down. sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: read in EPP mode pa4s2_readbyte_epp: reading value 0x%02x from '%s' sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: read in UNI mode pa4s2_readbyte_uni: reading value 0x%02x from '%s' sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: read in NIB mode pa4s2_readbyte_nib: reading value 0x%02x from '%s' sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: port info broken sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: probably the port wasn't correct configured... sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: invalid port mode sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: port mode %u sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: I told you!!! sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: return SANE_STATUS_INVAL sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: read finished sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: got value 0x%02x sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: returning SANE_STATUS_GOOD sanei_pa4s2_readend: called for fd %d sanei_pa4s2_readend: invalid fd %d sanei_pa4s2_readend: returning SANE_STATUS_INVAL sanei_pa4s2_readend: port is not in use sanei_pa4s2_readend: port is not enabled sanei_pa4s2_readend: we hope, the backend called sanei_pa4s2_readend: readbegin, so the port is ok... sanei_pa4s2_readend: this means, I did not check it - it's sanei_pa4s2_readend: not my fault, if your PC burns down. sanei_pa4s2_readend: EPP mode readend pa4s2_readend_epp: end of reading sequence sanei_pa4s2_readend: UNI mode readend pa4s2_readend_uni: end of reading sequence for fd %d sanei_pa4s2_readend: NIB mode readend pa4s2_readend_nib: end of reading sequence for fd %d sanei_pa4s2_readend: port info broken sanei_pa4s2_readend: probably the port wasn't correct configured... sanei_pa4s2_readend: invalid port mode sanei_pa4s2_readend: port mode %u sanei_pa4s2_readend: I told you!!! sanei_pa4s2_readend: return SANE_STATUS_INVAL sanei_pa4s2_readend: returning SANE_STATUS_GOOD sanei_pa4s2_open: called for device '%s' sanei_pa4s2_open: trying to connect to port sanei_pa4s2_open: connection failed sanei_pa4s2_open: connected to device using fd %u sanei_pa4s2_open: checking for scanner sanei_pa4s2_open: reading ASIC id sanei_pa4s2_open: detected ASIC id 1013 sanei_pa4s2_open: detected ASIC id 1015 sanei_pa4s2_open: detected ASIC id 1505 sanei_pa4s2_open: could not find scanner sanei_pa4s2_open: reported ASIC id 0x%02x sanei_pa4s2_open: closing port sanei_pa4s2_open: returning SANE_STATUS_INVAL sanei_pa4s2_open: trying better modes sanei_pa4s2_open: skipping mode UNI sanei_pa4s2_open: skipping mode EPP sanei_pa4s2_open: trying mode %u sanei_pa4s2_open: mode failed sanei_pa4s2_open: returned ASIC-ID 0x%02x sanei_pa4s2_open: using mode %u sanei_pa4s2_open: returning SANE_STATUS_GOOD sanei_pa4s2_writebyte: called for fd %d, reg %u and val %u sanei_pa4s2_writebyte: invalid fd %d sanei_pa4s2_writebyte: returning SANE_STATUS_INVAL sanei_pa4s2_writebyte: port is not in use sanei_pa4s2_writebyte: port is not enabled sanei_pa4s2_writebyte: NIB/UNI/EPP write pa4s2_writebyte_any: writing value 0x%02x in reg %u to '%s' sanei_pa4s2_writebyte: returning SANE_STATUS_GOOD sanei_pa4s2_writebyte: port info broken sanei_pa4s2_writebyte: invalid port mode sanei_pa4s2_writebyte: port mode %u sanei_pa4s2_writebyte: return SANE_STATUS_INVAL sanei_pa4s2_options: called with options %u and set = %d sanei_pa4s2_options: value of set is invalid sanei_pa4s2_options: options are set to %u sanei_pa4s2_options: value of *options is invalid sanei_pa4s2_options: returning SANE_STATUS_GOOD sanei_pa4s2_options: setting options to %u 4D$Mustekflatbed scanner600CP1200CP1200CP+debuggermustek_ppsoftware emulated = waitbanktop600 III EP Plusflatbed (CCD 300 dpi)parport0parport1parport20x3780x2780x3BCcis_attach: asic 0x%02x engine_delaycis_drv_cfg option: %s=%s top_adjustslow_skipcalibration_modedebug_drv cfg option: %s=%s mustek_pp_cis.cdev->CIS.channel < 3regBank <= 3set_dpi_value: value 0x%02x ccd300_read: scan finished forwardmove_motor: %u steps (%s) 0x%02X (%3d) cis_drv_read: Reading line cis_measure_extremes: Done cis_config_ccd: done cis_drv_stop: enabling fd cis_drv_stop: returning home cis_drv_stop: disabling fd cis_drv_stop: freed buffers cis_drv_stop: lamp_on: %d cis_close: resetting device. cis_close: returning home. cis_close: disabling fd. cis_close: closing fd. cis_close: done. cis_close: lamp_on: %d dev->CIS.adjustskip == 0Buffer contents: %d cis_measure_delay: delay %d cis_drv_start: %d dpi 1.0.29mustek_pp.confsane_init: trying ``%s'' %s-tause_tano_eppNumber of optionsScan ModeScan modeScan resolutionScan speedPreviewpreview-in-grayForce monochrome previewBit depthGeometrytl-xTop-left xtl-yTop-left ybr-xBottom-right xbr-yBottom-right yEnhancementcustom-gammaUse custom gamma tableImage intensityred-gamma-tableRed intensitygreen-gamma-tableGreen intensityblue-gamma-tableBlue intensitynegativeNegativeSwap black and whiteGrayColorLineartsane_read: %d bytes read sane_read: IO error (%s) sane_read: read finished sane_close: device closed SlowestSlowerNormalFasterFastestJochen Eisinger0.11-develcis600Eddy De Greef0.13-betacis1200cis1200+ccd300sane_attach: attaching device ``%s'' to port %s (driver %s v%s by %s) sane_attach: not enough free memory motor_controll_1015: control code 0x%02x set_line_adjust: ppl %u (%u), adjust %u, skip %u ccd300_config: missing value for option ``bw'' ccd300_config: value ``%s'' for option ``bw'' is out of range (0 <= bw <= 255) ccd300_config: missing value for option ``waitbank'' ccd300_config: value ``%s'' for option ``waitbank'' is out of range (>= 0) ccd300_config: missing value for option ``top'' ccd300_config: value ``%s'' for option ``top'' is out of range (>= 0) ccd300_config: unknown option ``%s''ccd300_config: called for port ``%s'' (%s%s%s) ccd300_capabilities: 600 III EP Plus flatbed CCD (300 dpi) scanner ccd300_init: called with unknown options (%#02x) ccd300_init: couldn't attach to port ``%s'' (%s) ccd300_init: scanner not recognized (unknown ASIC id %#02x) ccd_init: found scanner on port ``%s'' (ASIC id %#02x, CCD %d) cis_attach: couldn't attach to `%s' (%s) cis_attach: trying alternative port name: %s cis_attach: couldn't attach to alternative port `%s' (%s) cis_attach: asic id (0x%02x) not recognized cis_attach: device %s attached cis_read_line_low_level: one-to-one cis_read_line_low_level: done cis_read_line_low_level: sub-sampling cis_read_line_low_level: super-sampling cis_read_line_low_level: calibration overshoot cis_drv_config: missing value for option top_adjust cis_drv_config: value for option top_adjust too small: %.2f < -5; limiting to -5 mm cis_drv_config: value for option top_adjust too large: %.2f > 5; limiting to 5 mm cis_drv_config: setting top skip value to %d cis_drv_config: unexpected value for option slow_skip cis_drv_config: disabling fast skipping cis_drv_config: missing value for option bw cis_drv_config: value for option bw out of range: %d < 0 or %d > 255 cis_drv_config: unexpected value for option calibration_mode cis_drv_config: using calibration mode cis_drv_config: missing value for option engine_delay cis_drv_config: value for option engine_delay out of range: %d < 0 or %d > 100 cis_drv_config: unknown options %s cis_drv_open: called with unknown capabilities (0x%02X) cis_drv_open: called for port %s sanei_init: auto probing port sane_init: no scanner detected sane_init: either the driver name ``%s'' is invalid, or no scanner was detected config_ccd_1013: adjustskip %u config_ccd: %d dpi, mode %d, invert %d, size %d ccd300_stop: stopping scan operating on port ``%s'' ccd300_close: called for port ``%s'' ccd300_close: device shut down and all buffers freed ccd300_setup: called for port ``%s'' ccd300_setup: not enough memory ccd300_open: called with unknown capabilities (%#02x) ccd300_open: called for port ``%s'' ccd300_open: open failed (%s) cis_drv_setup: not enough memory for device descriptor cis_drv_setup: cis device allocated do_stop: terminating reader process do_stop: reader_process terminated with status ``%s'' ccd300_read: receiving one line from port ``%s'' ccd300_read: %d lines read (%d to go) ccd300_start: called for port ``%s'' ccd300_start: setting hardware resolution to %d dpi ccd300_start: bank count is not zero... ccd300_start: not enough memory calibrate entered (asic = 0x%02x) calibrate: ref_black %d, blackpos %d ccd300_start: not enough memory for ld buffers ccd300_start: device ready for scanning cis_motor_forward: @%d dpi: 0x%02X. cis_wait_bank_change: Missed a bank: got %d [%s], wanted %d, waited %d msec cis_wait_next_channel: Could not get next bank. cis_measure_extremes: Reading line %d - channel %d cis_measure_extremes: Averaging cis_set_dpi_value: dpi: %d -> value 0x%02x cis_config_ccd: Skip count: %d cis_config_ccd: Skip count: %d (cis res: %d) cis_config_ccd: Skip count: %d (x32) cis_config_ccd: Skip count: 67 (x32) cis_config_ccd: skipcount: %d imagebytes: %d cis_config_ccd: adjust skip: %d bytecount: %d cis_reset_device: resetting device cis_maximize_dynamic_range: starting cis_maximize_dynamic_range: DEVICE NOT READY! cis_maximize_dynamic_range: power on delay %3d %3d %3d cis_maximize_dynamic_range: expose time: %3d cis_move_motor: Moving motor %d steps. cis_move_motor: trying to move negative steps: %d cis_move_motor: 4x%d 2x%d 1x%d cis_return_home: returning home; nowait: %d cis_drv_stop: stopping current scan cis_drv_stop: resetting device (1) cis_drv_stop: resetting device (2) cis_drv_stop: freeing buffers cis_drv_stop: freed green and temporary buffers mustek_pp_cis: failed to measure delay. cis_drv_start: not enough memory for device cis_drv_start: hres: %d vres: %d cisres: %d cis_drv_start: not enough memory for temporary buffer cis_drv_start: not enough memory for calibration buffer cis_drv_start: not enough memory for color calib buffer cis_drv_start: executing calibration cis_normalize_ranges: Measuring high extremes cis_normalize_ranges: Measuring low extremes cis_normalize_ranges: calibration done cis_calibrate: remaining skips to origin @maxres: %d cis_calibrate: running in calibration mode. Returning home. cis_drv_start: device ready for scanning sane-mustek_pp, version 0.%d-%s. build for SANE %s backend by Jochen Eisinger sane_init: could not open configuration file sane_init: parse error in line %d after ``scanner'' sane_init: parse error in line %d after ``scanner %s'' sane_init: parse error in line %d after ``scanner %s %s'' sane_init: parse error in line %d after ``scanner %s %s %s'' sane_init: parse error in line %d after ``option'' sane_init: parse error in line %d after ``option %s %s'' sane_init: global option found in local scope, executing anyway sane_init: unexpected value for option no_epp sane_init: disabling mode EPP sane_init: parse error in line %d: unexpected ``option'' sane_init: not enough memory for device options sane_init: parse error at beginning of line %d sane_init: parse error in line %d after ``scanner %s %s %s %s sane_get_devices: not enough memory for device list sane_open: no devices present... sane_open: Using device ``%s'' (driver %s v%s by %s) sane_open: not enough free memory for the handle sane_open: could not open device (%s) Read-only option that specifies how many options a specific device supports.Selects the scan mode (e.g., lineart, monochrome, or color).Sets the resolution of the scanned image.Determines the speed at which the scan proceeds.Request a preview-quality scan.Request that all previews are done in monochrome mode. On a three-pass scanner this cuts down the number of passes to one and on a one-pass scanner, it reduces the memory requirements and scan-time of the preview.Number of bits per sample for color scans, typical values are 8 for truecolor (24bpp)up to 16 for far-to-many-color (48bpp).Top-left x position of scan area.Top-left y position of scan area.Bottom-right x position of scan area.Bottom-right y position of scan area.Determines whether a builtin or a custom gamma-table should be used.Gamma-correction table. In color mode this option equally affects the red, green, and blue channels simultaneously (i.e., it is an intensity gamma table).Gamma-correction table for the red band.Gamma-correction table for the green band.Gamma-correction table for the blue band.sane_open: could not set option %s for device (%s) sane_open: unknown devicename ``%s'' sane_get_option_descriptor: option %d doesn't exist sane_control_option: device is scanning sane_control_option: option %d doesn't exist sane_control_option: option %d isn't active sane_control_option: option can't be set (%s) sane_control_option: constrain_value failed (%s) sane_control_option: unknown action sane_get_parameters: can't set parameters while scanning sane_start: device is already scanning sane_start: could not initialize pipe (%s) reader_process: front-end died; aborting. sane_read: device already cancelled sane_read: device isn't scanning sane_read: scan was cancelled sane_read: no data at the moment sane_read: read last buffer of %d bytes sane_read: read full buffer of %d bytes sane_close: maybe waiting for lamp... sane_close: unknown device handle sane_exit: closing open devices sane_exit: all drivers unloaded sane_set_io_mode: can't set io mode x%xxxx%xxxx%xxPPPPՍՍwՍՍ.Mustek_PP_1015_write_reg_stopMustek_PP_1015_write_reg_startcis_measure_delaycis_set_ccd_channelcis_set_dpi_value\Zc派dPd   @B?M&d2ɿM&d2?@_@r@? BP(?>G;ܫ<L(\<lP|dx̶ܶ ܺ$,t l8<< L$ 8 T | < H l <  h , T  ( < < , \,<L$\\|(<x< l < H  DL| |0 L| xl!!L" |"("<L#d%',((+d,-./$/8/L,0`013 4T6 77,>d?LCLEhE_$x BNG UFN, BAA @ ABI ,PBAA  ABK $0)<8LgAMD t DAE D DAG DAAHx|BBB E(A0A8FP 8A0A(B BBBD (P@EKD )AA$dEHG ZHH(TEHG0# AAA <DFAD z DBE a DBI _DBp...0END  AAA WAA(`ADD0R AAC H BBB B(A0A8Dp' 8A0A(B BBBA DlBBB A(A0G L) 0A(A BBBA HPpBBB A(A0G L)4 0A(A BBBA 4tBIA A(G0(F FBB<8,BBA A(G L) (A ABBA HxHFBB B(A0D8Dp 8C0A(B BBBG T$BBB B(A0A8H Q GE 8A0A(B BBBA T%BBB B(A0A8H Q G 8A0A(B BBBA Pt0)BBB B(A0A8G L) 8A0A(B BBBA $*8AAG ^FFH*FLB B(A0A8DP 8A0A(B BBBF 0<X3BAA G0  DABC 0p3BAG z LBN dAB 4cAL O AA 4#AaH4BDB B(A0K8Gpp 8D0A(B BBBF 80d7BED D(F0P (D ABBJ `l7#BEB B(A0D8DPr 8A0A(B BBBH n 8A0A(B BBBA 88BAA G L@LP  AABA 4 h9yFCK A ABH QABTD9$BBB B(A0A8H Q G 8A0A(B BBBA $ FBB B(A0A8D` 8D0A(B BBBK \ (Y`FBB B(A0D8Q  8A0A(B BBBE  H A A ,l(aFAA { ABA Ha FBB B(A0A8D` 8D0A(B BBBD k@d[HDkFBB E(D0A8GP 8D0A(B BBBA HLoJFBB B(D0A8GP 8C0A(B BBBH HsFBB B(A0A8G{ 8A0A(B BBBF p0vTFBD A(D0 (D ABBA ] (D ABBJ E (A DBBB ^ (D ABBA Xx8l(x/FAH k HIE R DBH yMy`SiL$zp:0:#- 0 ! o0 { 8 #P oooooG(00@0P0`0p00000000011 101@1P1`1p11111111122 202@2P2`2p22222222233 303@3P3`3p33333333344 404@4P4`4p44444444 }_____ ___m0__0@С`p___@Ppp`___Ppp`___Ppp`___@0б@ fb61fedeb0b2ebb1388434880be9c9028ab94a.debugd '.shstrtab.note.gnu.property.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.plt.got.plt.sec.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.dynamic.data.bss.gnu_debuglink  $1o; h C00{KoXogPPqB## {00v 0 0445599G!! 00DT DD  ((88  4