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H=IWLDNDžf1*Yf/w[f/Gf(H5 1 Hf/ЍOwLcH5BXYlf.Gf1*Yf/w[Gf/f(IH 1 Hf/ЍwwLcH aBXYf.Gf҉*Yf/wXf/ f(H  Hf/ЍpwHcH XYf/FƉf)HcHiQH%)*Y,f)HcHiQH%)*Y,f)HcHiQH%)*Y,f)HcHiQH%)*Y,f)HcHiQH%)*Y,f)HcHiQH%)*Y,EI1H5 )HkfDž@,H*HfHnHfHnH51?D<EQVEpLL,H5vs1wH51_Dž<HHfH5º1iH5J1QH5b19H51Bf/*H51DžDžf/;{f/1($hpxtXHPXMH5o1FH51A HDžHHDžHDžHDž~H51A jmH5A NHCx(H[%HCǀpǃ\H51 LcH5#1DžHDžHHHHDžHDžHDžHHH!HHHVHDžHHDžHHHDžDžH!HH HHHHDATHcIUHSGH5o HH1\t;HxA$AtZD[]A\f;J8 t&HA :D[]A\[H]A\:@1E1 H5o*D[]A\fHE<t IHA: H5xo1A`EDžLfD@Q@f.U1HH5,o \u ]fH]9AT1ASH5CH H:\t0EDE1D/KH[A\ ÐH[A\U1HH5nSH H\tEH1[]ÐH[]HH[sanei_debug] malloc() failed Setting debug level of %s to %d. [%s] %s[%02d:%02d:%02d.%06ld] [%s] sanei_debugSANE_DEBUG_sanei_configSANE_CONFIG_DIR.:/etc/sane.d%s%c%ssanei_configure_attach: exit optiontruefalsesanei_config_get_paths: using config directories %s sanei_config_open: could not find config file `%s' sanei_config_open: attempting to open `%s' sanei_config_open: using file `%s' sanei_configure_attach: start sanei_configure_attach: couldn't access %s sanei_configure_attach: couldn't find a string to parsesanei_configure_attach: couldn't find a valid boolean valuesanei_configure_attach: couldn't find a string value to parsesanei_configure_attach: incorrect type %d for option %s, skipping option ... sanei_configure_attach: failed to parse option '%s', line '%s' sanei_configure_attach: trying to attach with '%s' @SuccessOperation was canceledDevice busyInvalid argumentEnd of file reachedDocument feeder jammedScanner cover is openError during device I/OOut of memoryOperation not supportedUnknown SANE status code %dDocument feeder out of documentsAccess to resource has been deniedSST$T4TDTTTdTtTSTSUnknown libusb-1.0 error codeSuccess (no error)Invalid parameterEntity not foundResource busyOperation timed outOverflowPipe errorInsufficient memoryOther errorInput/output errordebug_breaksanei_usbseqcontrolinterruptbulkisochronoustime_usecendpoint_numberdirection0x%x0x%06x0x%04x0x%02x messagecontrol_txbulk_txinterrupt_txknown_commands_endbRequestbmRequestType%03X %02X %02hhxINtimeoutwValuewIndexwLength(unknown read of size %d)store_device: no room for %s libusb:%03d:%03d%s: FAIL: no %s attribute unexpected character %c got: %s expected: %s data differs (size %lu): device_capturebackendno more transactions UTF-8%s: freeing resources %s: freeing device %02d %s: marking existing devices %s: device %02d is %s %s: found %d devices 1.0descriptionid_vendorid_productconfigurationsconfiguration%s: no configuration nodes interfaceendpointtransfer_typeaddressINTERRUPTBULKISOCHRONOUSCONTROL%s: unknown endpoint type %s transactions%s: initializing libusb-1.0 sanei_usb_reset: ret=%d SANE_USB_WORKAROUNDsanei_usb_get_descriptor Access denied (insufficient permissions)No such device (it may have been disconnected)System call interrupted (perhaps due to signal)Operation not supported or unimplemented on this platform%s: FAIL: in transaction with seq %s: %s: direction: %d, address: %d, transfer_type: %d %s: we already have a %s-in endpoint (address: 0x%02x), ignoring the new one %s: we already have a %s-out endpoint (address: 0x%02x), ignoring the new one %s: found %s-%s endpoint (address 0x%02x) (unknown read of allowed size %ld)(unknown read of wanted size %ld)%s: Looking for libusb-1.0 devices %s: failed to get libusb-1.0 device list, error %d %s: could not get device descriptor for device at %03d:%03d (err %d) %s: device 0x%04x/0x%04x at %03d:%03d looks like a root hub %s: skipping device 0x%04x/0x%04x at %03d:%03d: cannot open: %s %s: could not get configuration for device 0x%04x/0x%04x at %03d:%03d (err %d) %s: device 0x%04x/0x%04x at %03d:%03d is not configured %s: could not get config[0] descriptor for device 0x%04x/0x%04x at %03d:%03d (err %d) %s: device 0x%04x/0x%04x doesn't have an altsetting for interface %d %s: device 0x%04x/0x%04x, interface %d doesn't look like a scanner (%d/%d) %s: found libusb-1.0 device (0x%04x/0x%04x) interface %d at %s store_device: not storing device %s store_device: overwrite dn %d with %s store_device: add dn %d with %s %s: device 0x%04x/0x%04x at %03d:%03d: no suitable interfaces unexpected %s attribute: %s, wanted %s unexpected %s attribute: %s, wanted 0x%x data differs (got size %lu, expected %lu): the given file is not USB capture no backend attr in description node unexpected transaction type %s %s: sanei_usb in not initialized! %s: not freeing resources since use count is %d %s: sanei_usb is not initialized! %s: the given file is not USB capture %s: could not find description node %s: no id_vendor attr in description node %s: no id_product attr in description node %s: could not find configurations node %s: no number attr in interface node %s: could not find transactions node %s: no transactions within capture %s: failed initializing fake USB stack %s: failed to initialize libusb-1.0, error %d sanei_usb_get_vendor_product_byname: not support for this method sanei_usb_get_vendor_product_byname: can't find device `%s' in list sanei_usb_get_vendor_product: dn >= device number || dn < 0 sanei_usb_get_vendor_product: dn=%d is missing! sanei_usb_get_vendor_product: device %d: Your OS doesn't seem to support detection of vendor+product ids sanei_usb_get_vendor_product: device %d: vendorID: 0x%04x, productID: 0x%04x sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x%04x, product=0x%04x sanei_usb_set_endpoint: dn >= device number || dn < 0 sanei_usb_set_endpoint: Setting endpoint of type 0x%02x to 0x%02x sanei_usb_get_endpoint: dn >= device number || dn < 0 sanei_usb_open: trying to open device `%s' sanei_usb_open: can't open `%s': dn == NULL sanei_usb_open: device `%s' already open sanei_usb_open: can't find device `%s' in list sanei_usb_open: opening fake USB device sanei_usb_open: can't open device `%s': %s Make sure you run as root or set appropriate permissions Maybe the kernel scanner driver claims the scanner's interface? sanei_usb_open: could not get configuration for device `%s' (err %d) sanei_usb_open: device `%s' not configured? sanei_usb_open: could not get device descriptor for device `%s' (err %d) sanei_usb_open: could not get config[0] descriptor for device `%s' (err %d) sanei_usb_open: more than one configuration (%d), choosing first config (%d) sanei_usb_open: libusb complained: %s Maybe the kernel scanner driver or usblp claims the interface? Ignoring this error... sanei_usb_open: could not get config[%d] descriptor for device `%s' (err %d) sanei_usb_open: configuration nr: %d sanei_usb_open: interface nr: %d sanei_usb_open: alt_setting nr: %d sanei_usb_open: interface %d not detected as a scanner by sanei_usb_init, ignoring. sanei_usb_open: endpoint nr: %d sanei_usb_open: open of `%s' failed: %s sanei_usb_open: fcntl of `%s' failed: %s sanei_usb_open: can't open device `%s': usbcalls support missing sanei_usb_open: access method %d not implemented sanei_usb_open: opened usb device `%s' (*dn=%d) sanei_usb_read_bulk: size == NULL sanei_usb_read_bulk: dn >= device number || dn < 0 sanei_usb_read_bulk: trying to read %lu bytes got more data than wanted (%lu vs %lu) sanei_usb_read_bulk: read failed: %s sanei_usb_read_bulk: read failed (still got %d bytes): %s sanei_usb_read_bulk: can't read without a bulk-in endpoint sanei_usb_read_bulk: usbcalls support missing sanei_usb_read_bulk: access method %d not implemented sanei_usb_read_bulk: read returned EOF sanei_usb_read_bulk: wanted %lu bytes, got %ld bytes sanei_usb_write_bulk: size == NULL sanei_usb_write_bulk: dn >= device number || dn < 0 sanei_usb_write_bulk: trying to write %lu bytes wrote more data than wanted (%lu vs %lu) wrote less data than wanted (%lu vs %lu) sanei_usb_write_bulk: write failed: %s sanei_usb_write_bulk: can't write without a bulk-out endpoint sanei_usb_write_bulk: usbcalls support missing sanei_usb_write_bulk: access method %d not implemented sanei_usb_write_bulk: wanted %lu bytes, wrote %ld bytes sanei_usb_control_msg: dn >= device number || dn < 0, dn=%d sanei_usb_control_msg: rtype = 0x%02x, req = %d, value = %d, index = %d, len = %d got different amount of data than wanted (%lu vs %lu) sanei_usb_control_msg: SCANNER_IOCTL_CTRLMSG error - %s sanei_usb_control_msg: libusb complained: %s sanei_usb_control_msg: usbcalls support missing sanei_usb_control_msg: access method %d not implemented sanei_usb_read_int: size == NULL sanei_usb_read_int: dn >= device number || dn < 0 sanei_usb_read_int: trying to read %lu bytes sanei_usb_read_int: access method %d not implemented sanei_usb_read_int: can't read without an int endpoint sanei_usb_read_int: usbcalls support missing sanei_usb_read_int: read returned EOF sanei_usb_read_int: wanted %lu bytes, got %ld bytes sanei_usb_set_configuration: dn >= device number || dn < 0, dn=%d sanei_usb_set_configuration: configuration = %d sanei_usb_set_configuration: libusb complained: %s sanei_usb_set_configuration: access method %d not implemented sanei_usb_claim_interface: dn >= device number || dn < 0, dn=%d sanei_usb_claim_interface: device dn=%d is missing sanei_usb_claim_interface: interface_number = %d sanei_usb_claim_interface: libusb complained: %s sanei_usb_claim_interface: access method %d not implemented sanei_usb_release_interface: dn >= device number || dn < 0, dn=%d sanei_usb_release_interface: device dn=%d is missing sanei_usb_release_interface: interface_number = %d sanei_usb_release_interface: libusb complained: %s sanei_usb_release_interface: access method %d not implemented sanei_usb_set_altinterface: dn >= device number || dn < 0, dn=%d sanei_usb_set_altinterface: alternate = %d sanei_usb_set_altinterface: libusb complained: %s sanei_usb_set_altinterface: access method %d not implemented sanei_usb_close: evaluating environment variable SANE_USB_WORKAROUND sanei_usb_close: workaround: %d sanei_usb_close: closing device %d sanei_usb_close: dn >= device number || dn < 0 sanei_usb_close: device %d already closed or never opened sanei_usb_close: closing fake USB device sanei_usb_close: usbcalls support missing sanei_usb_clear_halt: evaluating environment variable SANE_USB_WORKAROUND sanei_usb_clear_halt: workaround: %d sanei_usb_clear_halt: dn >= device number || dn < 0 sanei_usb_clear_halt: BULK_IN ret=%d sanei_usb_clear_halt: BULK_OUT ret=%d sanei_usb_get_descriptor: dn >= device number || dn < 0, dn=%d sanei_usb_get_descriptor: libusb error: %s ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////0000 0(000@080sanei_usb_replay_set_configurationsanei_usb_replay_read_intsanei_usb_replay_control_msgsanei_usb_replay_write_bulksanei_xml_get_hex_data_slow_pathsanei_usb_replay_read_bulklibusb_scan_devicessanei_usb_scan_devicessanei_usb_exitsanei_usb_add_endpointsanei_usb_testing_initsanei_usb_initsanei_usb_replay_debug_msgsanei_usb_testing_get_backend  sanei_threadfunc() done - status = %d setting SIGPIPE to SIG_IGN sanei_thread_waitpid() - %ld * thread has been canceled! * result = %d (%p) * detaching thread(%ld) restoring SIGPIPE to SIG_DFL thread started, calling func() now... sanei_thread_kill() will kill %ld pthread_create() failed with %d pthread_create() created thread %ld sanei_thread_sendsig() %d to thread (id=%ld) sanei_scsiSANE_SG_BUFFERSIZE/proc/sys/kernel/sg-big-buffsanei_scsi.issue: %p cat /proc/scsi/sg/debug 1>&2/dev/sg%s%c%s%dsanei_scsi.cj < 2scsi_req_enter: entered %p modelsanei_scsi_find_devices/sys/bus/scsi/devicesVendor:Model:Type:Rev:Channel:Id:Lun:/proc/scsi/scsisanei_proc_scsi_find_devices%s: no match %s/%s/%s%s: could not open %s: %s %s: error reading %s %s: invalid type %ld %s: bad attach SANE_SCSICMD_TIMEOUTScannerProcessorsrc_size == cmd_sizesrc_size >= cmd_sizeDirect-Access Sequential-AccessPrinter Processor WORM CD-ROM Scanner Optical Device Medium Changer Communications ASC IT8 RAID Enclosure Direct-Access-RBCOptical card Bridge controllerObject storage Automation/Drive /dev/uk/dev/gscget_max_buffer_size for %s: %i lx_chk_id: %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d sanei_scsi.issue: bad write (errno=%i) %s %li sanei_scsi.issue: SG_IO ioctl error (errno=%i, ret=%d) %s sanei_scsi.issue: SG_BIG_BUF inconsistency? Check file PROBLEMS. issue: ENOMEM - cannot queue SCSI command. Trying again later. issue: EAGAIN - cannot queue SCSI command. Trying again later. /dev/scsi/host%d/bus%d/target%d/lun%d/genericlx_chk_devicename: matched device(devfs): %s lx_chk_devicename: matched device(direct): %s lx_scan_sg: k=%d, exclude=%d, missed=%d lx_chk_devicename: matched device(scan): %s sanei_scsi_req_enter: failed to malloc %lu bytes sanei_scsi_req_enter2: ioctl to set command length failed sanei_scsi_req_enter2 warning: truncating write data from requested %li bytes to allowed %li bytes sanei_scsi_req_enter2 warning: truncating write data from requested %li bytes to allowed %i bytes scsi_req_enter: queue_used: %i, queue_max: %i req == ((fdparms *) fd_info[req->fd].pdata)->sane_qheadsanei_scsi_req_wait: waiting for %p sanei_scsi_req_wait: read %ld bytes sanei_scsi_req_wait: read returned %ld (errno=%d) sanei_scsi_req_wait: SCSI command complained: %s sense buffer: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x target status: %02x host status: %02x driver status: %02x target status: %02x host status: %04x driver status: %04x sanei_scsi_req_wait: SG driver returned resid %i NOTE: This value may be bogus %s: looking for: v=%s m=%s t=%s b=%d c=%d i=%d l=%d %s: could not open %s; falling back to /proc %s: could not open %s for reading %s: found: vendor=%s model=%s type=%s bus=%d chan=%d id=%d lun=%d num=%d sanei_scsi_find_devices: bad attach %s: could not read directory %s: %s %s: invalid integer in string (%s): %s %s: no integer found in string: %s (%d) %s: parse error on string %s (%d) %s: integer value too large (%s) %s: skipping %s/%s, PATH_MAX exceeded on %s %s: invalid integer in type string (%s): %s %s: no integer found in type string: %s sanei_scsi_open: timeout value must be between 1 and 1200 seconds sanei_scsi_open: sanei_scsi_max_request_size=%d bytes sanei_scsi_open: open of `%s' failed: %s sanei_scsi_open: SG driver version: %i sanei_scsi_open: The file %s is not an SG device file sanei_scsi_open: The device found for %s does not look like a scanner sanei_scsi_open_extended: using %i bytes as SCSI buffer sanei_scsi_open: cannot read SG buffer size - %s trying to enable low level command queueing sanei_scsi_open: Host adapter queue depth: %i sanei_scsi_open: using old SG driver logic sanei_scsi_open: SG driver can change buffer size at run time sanei_scsi_open: low level command queueing enabled sanei_scsi_open: using new SG header structure sanei_scsi_open: could not allocate SG buffer memory wanted: %i got: %i sanei_scsi_cmdsanei_scsi_req_entersanei_scsi_req_waitsanei_scsi_req_flush_all sanei_pv8630sanei_pv8630_read_byte error sanei_pv8630_bulkwrite error sanei_pv8630_bulkread error sanei_pv8630_write_byte - index=%d, byte=%d sanei_pv8630_write_byte error sanei_pv8630_read_byte - index=%d, byte=%p sanei_pv8630_prep_bulkread error sanei_pv8630_prep_bulkwrite error sanei_pv8630_flush_buffer error sanei_pv8630_xpect_byte: expected %x, got %x sanei_pv8630_wait_byte: timeout waiting for %x (got %x) Colorumaxumax.confoption %s = %d mini_init_scanner FlatbedAutomatic Document FeederTransparency Adapterx_range = [%f .. %f] y_range = [%f .. %f] x_dpi_range = [1 .. %f] y_dpi_range = [1 .. %f] calculate_exposure_time => handled as DEVICE BUSY! => handled as ok! => handled as i/o error! check condition sense: %s -> %s (#%d) -> error %d -> misfeed, paper jam -> adf not ready -> diagnostic error: dim light no light sensor or motor error too light calibration error rom error ram error cpu error scsi error timer error filter motor error dc adjust error -> illegal field in CDB -> illegal parameter in CDB -> error detected in byte %d -> button protocol -> button 0 pressed -> button 1 pressed -> button 2 pressed -> lamp warmup -> calibration by driver Initializing the PV8630 PV8630 initialized do_inquiry start_scan starting scan send_gamma_data wait_scanner scanner does not get ready scanner ready repositioning pause done scanner repositioned scanner released do_cancel killing reader_process set_window_param window(s) set do_new_inquiry UMAX Astra 600S Astra 610S Astra 1200S Perfection600 Astra 1220S V1.5 Astra 2100S - lamp control enabled Astra 2200 - common x and y resolution Astra 2400S - defining pauses Vista-T630 - activating slow option UC630 UC840 UC1260 UC1200S UC1200SE ARCUS PLUS UMAX S-12G UMAX S-12 SuperVista S-12 Mirage D-16L PowerLook III Power Look 2000PowerLook 2100XLPowerLook 3000 LinoHell Office JADE OPAL2 Linotype SAPHIR4 HDM LS4H1S ESCORT Galleria 600S TriGem PowerScanII read_shading_data umax_set_lamp_status umax_scsi_get_lamp_status lamp_status = %d umax_scsi_set_lamp_status lamp_status=%d initialize_values identify_scanner END_OF_LISTinquiry-block-length: %d get_inquiry_values INQUIRY: ======== RMB bit set (reserved) 0x01 bit 6 0x01 bit 5 AENC bit set (reserved) TmIOP bit set (reserved) 0x03 bit 5 0x03 bit 4 reserved byte 0x05 = %d reserved byte 0x06 = %d scsi features (%02x): - relative address - wide bus 32 bit - wide bus 16 bit - synchronous neg. - linked commands - (reserved) - command queueing - sftre flatbed scannerPSD f/w support function: --------------------- - quality calibration - fast preview function - reselection phase - lamp intensity control - batch scan function reserved byte 0x36 = %d reserved byte 0x37 = %d scan modes (%02x): - three passes color mode - single pass color mode - lineart mode - halftone mode - gray mode - color mode - transparency (UTA) - double resolution - send high byte first - bi-level image reverse - multi-level image reverse - support shadow function - f/w downloadable - analog gamma correction - x, y coordinate base - lineart starts with LSB - start density - hardware x scaling - hardware y scaling + ADF: no paper + ADF: cover open + ADF: paper jam - unknown flag; 0x63 bit 3 - unknown lfag: 0x63 bit 4 - lens calib in doc pos - manual focus gamma download available gamma download type 2 lines of gamma curve: %s 0x66 bit 6 0x66 bit 7 0x68 bit 6 0x68 bit 7 0x64 bit 2 0x64 bit 3 0x64 bit 4 0x64 bit 6 reserved byte 0x65 = %d reserved byte 0x67 = %d halftone download available built-in halftone patterns: reserved byte 0x6b = %d reserved byte 0x6c = %d reserved byte 0x72 = %d FB (flatbed-mode): UTA (transparency-mode): reserved byte 0x82 = %d reserved byte 0x8e = %d reserved byte 0x90 = %d no analog gamma function mp 8832 analog gamma table reserved byte 0x98 = %d reserved byte 0x99 = %d reserved byte 0x9e = %d page scannerx_range.max = %f y_range.max = %f x_dpi_range.max = %f y_dpi_range.max = %f sane_init /dev/scanner/dev/usbscannerreading configure file %s scsi-maxqueuescsi-buffer-size-minscsi-buffer-size-maxpreview-linesscan-lineshandle-bad-sense-errorexecute-request-senseforce-preview-bit-rgbslow-speedcare-about-smearingcalibration-full-ccdcalibration-width-offsetcalibration-bytes-pixelexposure-time-rgb-bindinvert-shading-datalamp-control-availablegamma-lsb-paddedconnection-typesane_exit sane_close (no name)get %s [#%d] set %s [#%d] to %d set %s [#%d] to %f set %s [#%d] to %s set %s [#%d] X-resolutionScan resolutionGrayColor HalftoneColor Lineartsane_open sane_open: devicename=%s Using 9 bits for gamma input Using 8 bits for gamma input init_options Number of optionsScan ModeScan modeScan sourcey-resolutionY-resolutionresolution-bindBind X and Y resolutionnegativeNegativeSwap black and whiteGeometrytl-xTop-left xTop-left ybr-xBottom-right xbr-yBottom-right yEnhancementBit depthquality-calQuality calibrationdouble-resDouble Optical ResolutionwarmupWarmup lampWarm up lamp before scanningBind RGBbrightnessBrightnesscontrastContrastthresholdThresholdhighlightHighlighthighlight-rHighlight for redhighlight-gHighlight for greenhighlight-bHighlight for blueshadowShadowshadow-rShadow for redshadow-gShadow for greenshadow-bShadow for blueanalog-gammaAnalog gamma correctionAnalog gamma-correctionanalog-gamma-rAnalog gamma redanalog-gamma-gAnalog gamma greenanalog-gamma-bAnalog gamma bluecustom-gammaUse custom gamma tableImage intensityred-gamma-tableRed intensitygreen-gamma-tableGreen intensityblue-gamma-tableBlue intensityhalftone-sizeHalftone pattern sizehalftone-patternHalftone patternAdvancedselect-exposure-timeSet exposure-timeSet calibration exposure timecal-exposure-timeCal. exposure-timecal-exposure-time-rCal. exposure-time for redcal-exposure-time-gCal. exposure-time for greencal-exposure-time-bCal. exposure-time for bluescan-exposure-timeScan exposure-timeDefine exposure-time for scanscan-exposure-time-rScan exposure-time for redscan-exposure-time-gScan exposure-time for greenscan-exposure-time-bScan exposure-time for blueselect-lamp-densitySet lamp densitycal-lamp-densityCal. lamp densityscan-lamp-densityScan lamp densityDefine lamp density for scandisable-pre-focusDisable pre focusDo not calibrate focusmanual-pre-focusManual pre focusfix-focus-positionFix focus positionholder-focus-position-0mmHolder focus position 0mmlamp-onLamp onTurn on scanner lamplamp-offLamp offTurn off scanner lamplamp-off-at-exitLamp off at exitbatch-scan-startBatch scan startset for first scan of batchbatch-scan-loopBatch scan loopset for middle scans of batchbatch-scan-endBatch scan endset for last scan of batchbatch-scan-next-tl-yBatch scan next top left YpreviewPreviewsane_get_parameters sane_start Using 16 bits for output Using 14 bits for output Using 12 bits for output Using 10 bits for output Using 9 bits for output Using 8 bits for output check_values ERROR: no x-resolution given ERROR: no y-resolution given ERROR: wdb-length not given using one pass scanning mode ERROR: invalid scan-values x_resolution (dpi) = %u y_resolution (dpi) = %u x_coordinate_base (dpi) = %u y_coordinate_base (dpi) = %u upper_left_x (xbase) = %d upper_left_y (ybase) = %d scanwidth (xbase) = %u scanlength (ybase) = %u width in pixels = %u length in pixels = %u bits per pixel/color = %u bytes per line = %d pixels_per_line = %d lines = %d negative = %d threshold (lineart) = %d brightness (halftone) = %d contrast (halftone) = %d calibration mode number = %d batch scan = %d batch end = %d batch next top left y = %d quality calibration = %d warm up = %d fast preview function = %d DOR = %d ADF = %d manual focus = %d fix focus position = %d disable pre focus = %d lens cal in doc pos = %d holder focus pos 0mm = %d grab_scanner scanner reserved do_calibration driver is doing calibration do_request_sense 8 bit shading-line %d read 16 bit shading-line %d read inverting 8 bit shading data send_shading_data shading-data sent ERROR: could not create pipe sane_read: read %ld bytes sane_read: EAGAIN closing read end of pipe sane_cancel sane_get_select_fd Vista-S6 Vista-S6E UMAX S-6E UMAX S-6EG Vista-S8 Mirage II Mirage IIse PL-II Power Look 2000 Gemini D-16 PS-2400X LinoHellOffice2 SAPHIR SAPHIR2 SAPHIR3 LinotypeNikon AX-110 AX-210 KYE ColorPage-HR5 EPSON EDGE KTX-9600US UG80 UG630 no errorCPU errorerr 2err 3ROM errorerr 5err 6err 7err 8err 9system buffer errorshading buffer errorvideo buffer errorstack buffer errorcontrol buffer errorgamma buffer errorerr 17err 18err 19lamp errordark errordim errorlight errorerr 25err 26err 27err 28err 29calibration errordc offset errorgain errorauto focus errorerr 34err 35err 36err 37err 38err 39scsi errorerr 41asic errortimer errorccd errorerr 45err 46err 47err 48err 49uta errorerr 52err 53err 54err 55err 56err 57err 58err 59adf erroradf paper jamadf no paperadf cover openerr 64err 65err 66err 67err 68err 69fb sensor errorfb home or motor sensor errorerr 77err 78err 79errNO SENSERECOVERED ERRORNOT READYMEDIUM ERRORHARDWARE ERRORILLEGAL REQUESTUNIT ATTENTIONDATA PROTECTBLANK CHECKVENDOR SPECIFICCOPY ABORTEDABORTED COMMANDEQUALVOLUME OVERFLOWMISCOMPARE??? - SENSE 0FHR->G->BR->B->GG->B->RG->R->BB->R->GB->G->Rreservedall supportedflatbed (FB)0-500-2550-255 autoexposureERROR: invalid value "%s" for option %s in %s ERROR: value "%d" is too small for option %s in %s ERROR: value "%d" is too large for option %s in %s Sending SCSI cmd 0x%02x cdb len %ld, param len %ld, result len %ld error in sanei_pv8630_bulkread (got %02x) SCSI cmd returned %lu bytes SCSI command successfully executed reader_process: terminated by signal %d check condition sense handler (scsi_fd = %d) invalid sense key error code (%d) => ignored, sense handler does continue -> ILI-ERROR: requested data length is larger than actual length -> unknown medium error: asc=%d, ascq=%d uta home sensor or motor error -> unknown hardware error: asc=%d, ascq=%d -> invalid command operation code -> logical unit not supported -> invalid field in parameter list -> too many windows specified -> invalid combination of windows specified -> illegal request: asc=%d, ascq=%d -> illegal parameter is in the data parameters sent during data out phase -> power on, reset or bus device reset -> microcode has been changed -> unit attention: asc=%d, ascq=%d -> vendor specific sense-code: asc=%d, ascq=%d sanei_umaxusb_open: open of `%s' failed: %s umax_do_inquiry: command returned status %s ERROR: umax_start_scan: ADF paper jam ERROR: umax_start_scan: ADF cover open ERROR: umax_start_scan: ADF no paper umax_start_scan: command returned status %s ERROR: gamma download not available using gamma download curve format type 0 umax_send_gamma_data(DCF=0, one color): command returned status %s umax_send_gamma_data(DCF=0, RGB): command returned status %s using gamma download curve format type 1 umax_send_gamma_data(DCF=1): command returned status %s using gamma download curve format type 2 umax_send_gamma_data(DCF=2): command returned status %s ERROR: too small scsi buffer (%d bytes) to send gamma data ERROR: unknown gamma download curve type for this scanner scanner reports %s, waiting ... trying to reposition scanner ... umax_reposition_scanner: command returned status %s pause for repositioning %d msec ... not waiting for finishing reposition scanner trying to release scanner ... umax_give_scanner: command returned status %s do_cancel: sanei_thread_waitpid failed, already terminated ? (%s) do_cancel: reader_process terminated with status: %s closing scannerdevice filedescriptor window descriptor block created with %d bytes umax_set_window_param: command returned status %s reader_process started (forked) reader_process started (as thread) reader_process: freeing SCSI buffer[%d] reader_process: allocating SCSI buffer[%d] WARNING: reader_process: only allocated %d/%d scsi buffers reader_process: starting to READ data trim_rowbufsize: row_bufsize = %d bytes = %d lines reading %u bytes in blocks of %u bytes ordering from line-order to pixel-order umax_queue_read_image_data_req for buffer[%d], length = %d umax_queue_read_image_data_req: command returned status %s umax_queue_read_image_data_req: id for buffer[%d] is %p ERROR: umax_reader_process: unable to queue read image data request! umax_reader_process: read image data queued for buffer[%d] umax_wait_queued_image_data for buffer[%d] (id=%p) sanei_umaxusb_req_wait: AIE, invalid id umax_wait_queued_image_data: wait returned status %s ERROR: umax_reader_process: unable to get image data from scanner! merged line as color %d to line %d umax_reader_process: buffer of %d bytes read; %d bytes to go reader_process: finished reading data umax_do_new_inquiry: command returned status %s umax_correct_inquiry("%s %s %s") setting up special options for %s - correcting wrong inquiry data - activating inversion of shading data using standard options for %s - 16 bit gamma table is created lsb padded - lamp control enabled for version %s - setting calibration_bytespp = 1 - calibration by driver is done for each CCD pixel - setting calibration_bytespp = 2 - disabling quality calibration for USB connection - correcting ADF bit in inquiry - reposition_scanner waits until move of scan head has finished - setting gamma download curve format to type 1 - setting gamma download curve format to type 0 - setting maximum calibration data lines to 66 - adding calibration width offset of %d pixels - adding calibration width offset for batch scanning of %d pixels - always set quality calibration umax_read_data: command returned status %s ERROR: umax_set_lamp_status: open of %s failed: umax_scsi_get_lamp_status: command returned status %s umax_scsi_set_lamp_status: command returned status %s attach_scanner: %s, connection_type %d attach_scanner: opening scsi device %s attach_scanner: opening usb device %s ERROR: attach_scanner: opening usb device %s failed attach_scanner: failed to open %s as usb device ERROR: attach_scanner: opening scsi device %s failed ERROR: attach_scanner: sanei_scsi_open_extended returned too small scsi buffer attach_scanner: sanei_scsi_open_extended returned scsi buffer size = %d attach_scanner: allocating SCSI buffer[0] ERROR: attach scanner: could not allocate buffer[0] setting request_scsi_maxqueue = 1 for USB connection request_scsi_maxqueue = %d request_preview_lines = %d request_scan_lines = %d handle_bad_sense_error = %d execute_request_sense = %d scsi_buffer_size_min = %d scsi_buffer_size_max = %d force_preview_bit_rgb = %d slow = %d smear = %d calibration_area = %d calibration_width_offset = %d calibration_width_offset_batch = %d calibration_bytespp = %d exposure_time_rgb_bind = %d invert_shading_data = %d lamp_control_available = %d backend runs on little endian machine variable scsi buffer size (usage of sanei_scsi_open_extended) Found %s scanner %sversion %s on device %s WARNING: %s scanner %s version %s on device %s is currently an unrecognized device for this backend version. Please make sure you use the most recent version of the umax backend. You can download new umax-backend versions from: http://www.rauch-domain.de/sane-umax Inquiry seems to be ok. ****************************************************************** *** !!!! CONTINUE AT YOUR OWN RISK !!!! *** ****************************************************************** If you already use the most recent umax-backend version then please contact me: Oliver.Rauch@rauch-domain.de using driver-internal inquiry-data for this scanner! ERROR: %s scanner %s version %s on device %s is currently an unrecognized device, and inquiry is too short, so we are not able to continue! Please make sure you use the most recent version of the umax backend. You can download new umax-backend versions from: http://www.rauch-domain.de/sane-umax You already use the most recent umax-backend version: Please contact me: Oliver.Rauch@rauch-domain.de ERROR: attach_scanner: scanner-identification failed WARNING: inquiry return block is unexpected short. vendor........................: '%s' product.......................: '%s' version.......................: '%s' peripheral qualifier..........: %d peripheral device type........: %d CBHS value range..............: %s scanmode......................: %s UTA (transparency)............: available UTA lamp status ..............: off UTA lamp status ..............: on inquiry block length..........: %d bytes Inquiry block is unexpected short, should be at least 147 bytes ISO Version (reserved).......: %d ECMA Version (reserved).......: %d ANSI Version .................: %d ==================== end of inquiry ==================== - shadow compensation by f/w - calibration mode control by driver adjust exposure time function exposure time step units......: %d micro-sec exposure time maximum.........: %d micro-sec exposure time minimum (LHG)...: %d micro-sec exposure time minimum color...: %d micro-sec exposure time default FB (LH).: %d micro-sec exposure time default UTA (LH): %d micro-sec exposure time default FB gray.: %d micro-sec exposure time default UTA gray: %d micro-sec exposure time default FB red..: %d micro-sec exposure time default FB grn..: %d micro-sec exposure time default FB blue.: %d micro-sec exposure time default UTA red.: %d micro-sec exposure time default UTA grn.: %d micro-sec exposure time default UTA blue: %d micro-sec - automatic document feeder (ADF) scanner capability (%02x, %02x, %02x): -------------------------------- - support highlight function - paper length can reach to 14 inch - shading data/gain uploadable - UTA lens calib pos selectable gamma input 8 bits/pixel support gamma input 9 bits/pixel support gamma input 10 bits/pixel support gamma input 12 bits/pixel support gamma input 14 bits/pixel support gamma input 16 bits/pixel support gamma output 8 bits/pixel support gamma output 9 bits/pixel support gamma output 10 bits/pixel support gamma output 12 bits/pixel support gamma output 14 bits/pixel support gamma output 16 bits/pixel support halftone pattern download max matrix %dx%d built-in halftone pattern size ............: 2x2 built-in halftone pattern size ............: 4x4 built-in halftone pattern size ............: 6x6 built-in halftone pattern size ............: 8x8 built-in halftone pattern size ............: 12x12 color sequence............................: %s color ordering support....................: pixel color ordering support....................: line without CCD distance color ordering support....................: plane color ordering support....................: line with CCD distance color ordering support....................: (reserved) maximum video memory......................: %d KB optical resolution........................: %d dpi maximum x-resolution......................: %d dpi maximum y-resolution......................: %d dpi FB maximum scan width.....................: %2.2f inch FB maximum scan length....................: %2.2f inch UTA x-original point......................: %2.2f inch UTA y-original point......................: %2.2f inch UTA maximum scan width....................: %2.2f inch UTA maximum scan length...................: %2.2f inch DOR (double optical resolution-mode): DOR optical resolution....................: %d dpi DOR maximum x-resolution..................: %d dpi DOR maximum y-resolution..................: %d dpi DOR x-original point......................: %2.2f inch DOR y-original point......................: %2.2f inch DOR maximum scan width....................: %2.2f inch DOR maximum scan length...................: %2.2f inch last calibration lamp density.............: %d lamp warmup maximum time..................: %d sec window descriptor block length............: %d bytes maximum calibration data lines for shading: %d fb/uta: color line arrangement mode.......: %d adf: color line arrangement mode.......: %d CCD line distance.........................: %d unknown reserved byte 0x%x = %d This is sane-umax version %d.%d build %d compiled with USB support for Astra 2200 (C) 1997-2002 by Oliver Rauch EMAIL: Oliver.Rauch@rauch-domain.de calibration-width-offset-batchERROR: unknown option "%s" in %s sanei_config_attach_matching_devices(%s) sanei_usb_attach_matching_devices(%s) finished reading configure file sane_get_devices(local_only = %d) ERROR: sane_close: no handles opened ERROR: sane_close: invalid handle %p sane_get_option_descriptor %d could not set option, not settable could not set option, invalid value sane_control_option: set DOR = %d Sets the horizontal resolution of the scanned image.Sets the resolution of the scanned image.sane_control_option: set SOURCE = %s sane_open: no devicename, opening first device Using 16 bits for gamma input Using 14 bits for gamma input Using 12 bits for gamma input Using 10 bits for gamma input Read-only option that specifies how many options a specific device supports.Selects the scan mode (e.g., lineart, monochrome, or color).Selects the scan source (such as a document-feeder).Sets the vertical resolution of the scanned image.Use same values for X and Y resolutionTop-left x position of scan area.Top-left y position of scan area.Bottom-right x position of scan area.Bottom-right y position of scan area.Number of bits per sample, typical values are 1 for "line-art" and 8 for multibit scans.Do a quality white-calibrationUse lens that doubles optical resolutionIn RGB-mode use same values for each colorControls the brightness of the acquired image.Controls the contrast of the acquired image.Select minimum-brightness to get a white pointSelects what radiance level should be considered "white".Selects what red radiance level should be considered "full red".Selects what green radiance level should be considered "full green".Selects what blue radiance level should be considered "full blue".Selects what radiance level should be considered "black".Selects what red radiance level should be considered "black".Selects what green radiance level should be considered "black".Selects what blue radiance level should be considered "black".Analog gamma-correction for redAnalog gamma-correction for greenAnalog gamma-correction for blueDetermines whether a builtin or a custom gamma-table should be used.Gamma-correction table. In color mode this option equally affects the red, green, and blue channels simultaneously (i.e., it is an intensity gamma table).Gamma-correction table for the red band.Gamma-correction table for the green band.Gamma-correction table for the blue band.Sets the size of the halftoning (dithering) pattern used when scanning halftoned images.Defines the halftoning (dithering) pattern for scanning halftoned images.Enable selection of exposure-timeselect-calibration-exposure-timeAllow different settings for calibration and scan exposure timesDefine exposure-time for calibrationDefine exposure-time for red calibrationDefine exposure-time for green calibrationDefine exposure-time for blue calibrationDefine exposure-time for red scanDefine exposure-time for green scanDefine exposure-time for blue scanEnable selection of lamp densityDefine lamp density for calibrationlens-calibration-in-doc-positionLens calibration in doc positionCalibrate lens focus in document positionUse 0mm holder focus position instead of 0.6mmTurn off lamp when program exitsSet top left Y position for next scanRequest a preview-quality scan.ERROR: Transparency Adapter not available ERROR: Automatic Document Feeder not available setting preview bit = 1 (option force-preview-bit-rgb) ERROR: transparency mode not supported by scanner ERROR: adf mode not supported by scanner ERROR: double optical resolution not supported by scanner ERROR: scanwidth or scanlength not given WARNING:window descriptor block too long, will be shortned! WARNING: fast preview function not supported by scanner WARNING: quality calibration not supported by scanner quality calibration disabled in preview mode WARNING: scanner doesn't support lamp intensity control ERROR: reverse for bi-level-image not supported ERROR: reverse for multi-level-image not supported WARNING: analog gamma correction not supported by scanner! WARNING: gamma download not available WARNING: selected gamma input bits not supported, gamma ignored ERROR: selected bits per pixel not supported ERROR: lineart mode not supported by scanner ERROR: halftone mode not supported by scanner ERROR: grayscale mode not supported by scanner ERROR: color mode not supported by scanner scanner uses color-pixel-ordering scanner uses color-line-ordering without CCD-distance scanner uses color-line-ordering with CCD-distance of %d lines ERROR: color-ordering-type not supported using three pass scanning mode subtracting DOR x-origin-offset from upper left x analog_gamma = %d %d %d highlight = %d %d %d shadow = %d %d %d calibrat. exposure time = %d %d %d scan exposure time = %d %d %d ERROR: sane_start: open failed ERROR: sane_start: umax_scsi_open_extended returned too small scsi buffer sane_start: umax_scsi_open_extended returned scsi buffer size = %d WARNING: sane_start: scsi buffer is smaller than one scanline sane_start: buffer size has changed, reallocating buffer sane_start: freeing SCSI buffer[0] sane_start: allocating SCSI buffer[0] ERROR: sane_start: could not allocate buffer[0] umax_grab_scanner: command returned status %s WARNING: not able to allocate memory for gamma table, gamma ignored !!! sending 3 * %d bytes of gamma data for RGB not able to allocate memory for gamma table, gamma ignored !!! sending %d bytes of gamma data for color %d sending %d bytes of gamma data for gray pause for calibration %d msec ... request sense call is enabled umax_do_request_sense: command returned status %s request sense call is disabled WARNING: missing information about shading-data driver tries to guess missing values! Calibration is done with selected image geometry and depth! Using calibration width offset of %d Calibration is done for each CCD pixel with full depth! Using calibration width offset for batch scanning of %d scanner sends %d lines with %d pixels and %d bytes/pixel ERROR: scsi buffer is to small for one shading line, calibration aborted => change umax.conf options scsi-buffer-size-min and scsi-buffer-size-max ERROR: could not allocate memory for averaging shading data: calibration aborted ERROR: could not allocate memory for shading data: calibration aborted calculating average value for 8 bit shading data! calculating average value for 16 bit shading data (low byte first)! calculating average value for 16 bit shading data (high byte first)! inverting 16 bit shading data umax_send_data: command returned status %s pause after calibration %d msec ... ERROR: sanei_thread_begin failed (%s) WARNING: unable to reserve scanner: device busy sane_set_io_mode: non_blocking=%d lamp adjust control error (by darken)uta home or motor sensor errorfb filter or motor sensor errorfb lens or motor sensor errorfirst line position error (LER error, vertical)first pixel position error (SER error, horizontal)first pixel position error for lens 2 (SER2 error, horizontal)one line (gray), three pass (color) downloadone line (gray), three lines (color) downloadautomatic document feeder (ADF)pd@dc@cbbc+""8+""""++b+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[T<++++++4tt44444444444444444444444444444LLLL4L444444444444444444444444%n%9$%$%g&Q998g&g&g&g&g&g&g&g&g&g&g&g&g&g&g&g&g&g&g&g&g&g&g&g&g&g&g&79dd   ?W2ı?{Pk?ŏ1w-?8EGr?䃞ͪ?6>W[?`TR'?QI?&䃞ͪ?n?qh?TN?}гY?H?@ffffff9@>?o@?@{Gz?W2ı?Y@i@p?;`v}}  80L@`Pt`pІ(@ppHP4 \ p 0 P ` , 0 $ @P H `|  ,dpHd4dPd`|ppp@0p`,@@p8  8t@ (D@ pd  ,`DpXl 0   8 T0@44|@@0&&4: ;` p< = = > >!?X!`?!?! @!`@!@" AH"A" B"@B"I#`J@#PM#M#N0$@Od$Q$R$ 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