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Deakt&iver alle forml for dette certifikat P Rd Aktiver kun flgende forml for dette certifikat:@Pdje SysListView32PLf Tilfj &forml...@ AllgemeinMS Shell DlgP<&Name:PF ` P <&Beschreibung:DPFa P0Zertifikatszwecke P :b &Alle Zwecke fr dieses Zertifikat aktivieren P Fc A&lle Zwecke fr dieses Zertifikat deaktivieren P Rd Nur &folgende Zwecke aktivieren:@Pdje SysListView32PLf &Zweck hinzufgen...@ GeneralMS Shell DlgP<&Friendly name:PF ` P <&Description:DPFa P0Certificate purposes P :b &Enable all purposes for this certificate P Fc D&isable all purposes for this certificate P Rd Enable &only the following purposes for this certificate:@Pdje SysListView32PLf Add &Purpose...@ GeneralMS Shell DlgP<&Nombre Descriptivo:PF ` P <&Descripcin:DPFa P0Usos del Certificado P :b Activar todos los usos para este c&ertificado P Fc Desact&ivar todos los usos para este certificado P Rd Activar sl&o los siguientes usos para este certificado:@Pdje SysListView32PLf Aadir &Uso...@ YleisetMS Shell DlgP<&Nyttnimi:PF ` P <&Kuvaus:DPFa P0Varmenteen tarkoitukset P :b &Valitse kaikki tarkoitukset tlle varmenteelle P Fc &Poista kaikki tarkoitukset tlt varmenteelta P Rd &Valitse vain seuraavat tarkoitukset tlle varmenteelle:@Pdje SysListView32PLf Lis &tarkoitus...@ GnralMS Shell DlgP<&Nom convivial:PF ` P <&Description:DPFa P0Rles du certificat P :b Activer &tous les rles prvus pour ce certificat P Fc &Dsactiver tous les rles prvus pour ce certificat P Rd N'activer &que les rles suivants pour ce certificat:@Pdje SysListView32PLf &Ajouter un rle...@@ MS Shell DlgP<&Friendly name:PF ` P <&:DPFa P0Certificate purposes P :b &Enable all purposes for this certificate P Fc D&isable all purposes for this certificate P Rd Enable &only the following purposes for this certificate:@Pdje SysListView32PLf Add &Purpose...@ ltalnosMS Shell DlgP<&Keresztnv:PF ` P <&Lers:DPFa P0Tanstvny felhasznlsa P :b &Brmilyen clra felhasznlhat a tanstvny P Fc &Tanstvny felhasznlsnak tiltsa P Rd &Csak a kvetkezQ cl(ok)ra hasznlhat a tanstvny:@Pdje SysListView32PLf &j cl tallzs...@ GeneraleMS Shell DlgP<&Nome amichevole:PF ` P <&Descrizione:DPFa P0Soggetti del certificato P :b &Abilita tutti i soggetti per questo certificato P Fc D&isabilita tutti i soggetti per questo certificato P Rd Abilita &solo i seguenti soggetti per questo certificato:@Pdje SysListView32PLf A&ggiungi Soggetto...@ hQ, MS Shell DlgP<00000 T(&F):PF ` P <f(&D):DPFa P0<ffn0vv P :b Y0y0f0n0vvg0S0n0<ff0)R(uSk0Y00(&E) P Fc Y0y0f0n0vvg0S0n0<ff0)R(u NSk0Y00(&I) P Rd N Nn0vvg0n00S0n0<ff0 gRk0Y00(&O):@Pdje SysListView32PLf )R(uvvn0R(&P)...@ | MS Shell DlgP<`m(&F):PF ` P <$(&D):DPFa P0xǝ ij P :b xǝ| ij\ (&E) P Fc xǝ| ij\ X JL(&I) P Rd xǝ| $ LX ij\̹ (&O):@Pdje SysListView32PLf ij (&P)...@ AlgemeenMS Shell DlgP<&Naam alias:PF ` P <B&eschrijving:DPFa P0Certificaat doeleinden P :b Schakel alle doeleinden voor dit certificaat &in P Fc Schakel alle doeleinden voor dit certificaat &uit P Rd Schakel &alleen de volgende doeleinden voor dit certificaat in:@Pdje SysListView32PLf Voeg &doeleinde toe...@ OglneMS Shell DlgP<&Przyjazna nazwa:PF ` P <&Opis:DPFa P0Cel certyfikatu P :b &WBcz wszystkie cele dla tego certyfikatu P Fc WyB&cz wszystkie cele dla tego certyfikatu P Rd WBcz &nastpujce cele dla tego certyfikatu:@Pdje SysListView32PLf &Dodaj cel...@ GeneralMS Shell DlgP<&Nume uzual:PF ` P <&Descriere:DPFa P0Rolurile certificatului P :b Activ&eaz toate rolurile acestui certificat P Fc Dezact&iveaz toate rolurile acestui certificat P Rd Activeaz d&oar urmtoarele roluri ale acestui certificat:@Pdje SysListView32PLf Adugare &rol...@ 1I85MS Shell DlgP<&>=OB=>5 8<O:PF ` P <&?8A0=85:DPFa P007=0G5=8O P :b & 07@5H8BL 2A5 =07=0G5=8O 4;O MB>3> A5@B8D8:0B0 P Fc &0?@5B8BL 2A5 =07=0G5=8O 4;O MB>3> A5@B8D8:0B0 P Rd &07@5H8BL B>;L:> A;54CNI85 =07=0G5=8O:@Pdje SysListView32PLf &>1028BL...@ OpeMS Shell DlgP<&Friendly name:PF ` P <&Opis:DPFa P0Namjene certifikata P :b &Omogui sve namjene za ovaj certifikat P Fc O&nemogui sve namjene za ovaj certifikat P Rd Omogui sa&mo sljedee namjene za ovaj certifikat:@Pdje SysListView32PLf &Dodaj namjenu...@ GeneralMS Shell DlgP<&Popisn nzov:PF ` P <&Popis:DPFa P0 el certifiktu P :b &Povo> vaetky ely pre tento certifikt P Fc &Zak~ vaetky ely pre tento certifikt P Rd Povo> &len nasledujce ely pre tento certifikt:@Pdje SysListView32PLf Pridaj & el...@ AllmntMS Shell DlgP<Vnligt &namn:PF ` P <&Beskrivning:DPFa P0Certifikatssyften P :b &Aktivera alla syften fr detta certifikat P Fc Inakti&vera alla syften fr detta certifikat P Rd Aktivera &enbart fljande syften fr detta certifikat:@Pdje SysListView32PLf Lgg till &syfte...@ GenelMS Shell DlgP<&Kolayca hat1rlanabilir isim:PF ` P <&A1klama:DPFa P0Sertifika amalar1 P :b Bu s&ertifika iin tm amalar1 etkinle_tir P Fc Bu s&ertifika iin tm amalar1 devre d1_1 b1rak P Rd Bu sertifika i&in sadece a_a1daki amalar1 etkinle_tir:@Pdje SysListView32PLf &Ama Ekle...@ 030;L=VMS Shell DlgP<&@C6=O =0720:PF ` P <&?8A:DPFa P0&V;V A5@B8DV:0BC P :b &2V<:=CB8 2AV FV;V 4;O FL>3> A5@B8DV:0BC P Fc &8<:=CB8 2AV FV;V 4;O FL>3> A5@B8DV:0BC P Rd 2V<:=CB8 &;8H5 =0ABC?=V FV;V 4;O FL>3> A5@B8DV:0BC:@Pdje SysListView32PLf >40B8 &FV;L...@ SploanoMS Shell DlgP<&Prijazno ime:PF ` P <&Opis:DPFa P0Nameni potrdila P :b &Omogo i vse namene za to potrdilo P Fc On&emogo i vse namene za to potrdilo P Rd Omogo i &le naslednje namene za to potrdilo:@Pdje SysListView32PLf Dodaj &namen ...@ BendrosiosMS Shell DlgP<&Draugiakas vardas:PF ` P <&Apraaas:DPFa P0Liudijimo paskirtys P :b &.jungti visas aio liudijimo paskirtis P Fc Iaj&ungti visas aio liudijimo paskirtis P Rd .jungti &tik aias aio liudijimo paskirtis:@Pdje SysListView32PLf Pridti &paskirt/...@ MS Shell DlgP< (&F):PF ` P < (&D):DPFa P0 P :b &Enable all purposes for this certificate P Fc D&isable all purposes for this certificate P Rd Enable &only the following purposes for this certificate:@Pdje SysListView32PLf ...@ XeneralMS Shell DlgP<Nome &amigable:PF ` P <&Descripcin:DPFa P0Certificate purposes P :b &Enable all purposes for this certificate P Fc D&isable all purposes for this certificate P Rd Enable &only the following purposes for this certificate:@Pdje SysListView32PLf Add &Purpose...@ N, MS Shell DlgP<f T1z(&F)PF ` P <c(&D)DPFa P0aIvv P :b _U(u PaIvhQvv(&E) P Fc \P(u PaIvhQvv(&I) P Rd S g_U(u PaIv NRvv(&O)@Pdje SysListView32PLf ReQvv(&P)...@ GeneralMS Shell DlgP<&Friendly name:PF ` P <&Description:DPFa P0Certificate purposes P :b &Enable all purposes for this certificate P Fc D&isable all purposes for this certificate P Rd Enable &only the following purposes for this certificate:@Pdje SysListView32PLf Add &Purpose...@ GenereltMS Shell DlgP<&Vennlig navn:PF ` P <&Beskrivelse:DPFa P0Sertifikatforml P :b Bruk sertifikat&et til alle mulige forml P Fc &Ikke bruk dette sertifikatet til noen forml P Rd Bruk sertifikatet kun til flgende f&orml:@Pdje SysListView32PLf Legg til &forml...@ GeralMS Shell DlgP<&Nome amigvel:PF ` P <&Descrio:DPFa P0Propsitos do Certificado P :b &Ativar todos os propsitos para este certificado P Fc D&esativar todos os propsitos para este certificado P Rd A&tivar apenas os seguintes propsitos para este certificado:@Pdje SysListView32PLf Adicionar &Propsito...@ GeneralMS Shell DlgP<&Karesnomo:PF ` P <&Priskribo:DPFa P0&Atestilaj celoj P :b &Enable all purposes for this certificate P Fc D&isable all purposes for this certificate P Rd Enable &only the following purposes for this certificate:@Pdje SysListView32PLf Aldoni &celon...@ (u MS Shell DlgP<f Ty(&F)PF ` P <c(&D)DPFa P0fN(u P :b /T(udkfNv@b g(u(&E) P Fc y(udkfNv@b g(u(&I) P Rd N/T(udkfNvY N(u(&O)@Pdje SysListView32PLf mR(u(&P)...@ GeralMS Shell DlgP<&Nome amigvel:PF ` P <&Descrio:DPFa P0Propsitos do Certificado P :b &Activar todos os propsitos para este certificado P Fc D&esactivar todos os propsitos para este certificado P Rd A&ctivar apenas os seguintes propsitos para este certificado:@Pdje SysListView32PLf Adicionar &Propsito...@ OpateMS Shell DlgP<&Friendly name:PF ` P <&Description:DPFa P0Certificate purposes P :b &Enable all purposes for this certificate P Fc D&isable all purposes for this certificate P Rd Enable &only the following purposes for this certificate:@Pdje SysListView32PLf Add &Purpose...@ ?HB5MS Shell DlgP<&Friendly name:PF ` P <&Description:DPFa P0Certificate purposes P :b &Enable all purposes for this certificate P Fc D&isable all purposes for this certificate P Rd Enable &only the following purposes for this certificate:@Pdje SysListView32PLf Add &Purpose...@@D#6A :16K'MS Shell DlgP#6A E91AK' 9F51JK' D:16 'D4G'/) 'D0J *1:( (%6'A*G:DP P!0<-3FK'Pd0<#D:P@DAdd PurposeMS Shell DlgPAdd the object identifier (OID) for the certificate purpose you wish to add:DP P!0<OKPd0<B<5=8@DAfegeix finalitatMS Shell DlgPAfegiu l'identificador d'objecte (OID) de la finalitat de certificat que voleu afegir:DP P!0<D'acordPd0<Cancella@DPYidat elMS Shell DlgPPYidat identifiktor objektu (OID) pro zamalen el certifiktu:DP P!0<OKPd0<Storno@DTilfj formlMS Shell DlgPTilfj objekt identifikator (OID) for det cerifikat forml du nsker at tilfje:DP P!0<OKPd0<Annuller@DZweck hinzufgenMS Shell DlgPGeben Sie die Objekt-ID (OID) fr den Zertifikatszweck an, den Sie hinzufgen mchten:DP P!0<OKPd0<Abbrechen@DAdd PurposeMS Shell DlgPAdd the object identifier (OID) for the certificate purpose you wish to add:DP P!0<OKPd0<@DAdd PurposeMS Shell DlgPAdd the object identifier (OID) for the certificate purpose you wish to add:DP P!0<OKPd0<Cancel@DAadir UsoMS Shell DlgPAada el identificador de objeto (OID) para el uso de certificado que quiera aadir:DP P!0<AceptarPd0<Cancelar@DLis tarkoitusMS Shell DlgPLis haluamasi tarkoituksen objektin tunnus (OID):DP P!0<OKPd0<Peruuta@DAjouter un rleMS Shell DlgPAdjoindre l'identifiant d'objet (OIS) au rle de certificat ajouter:DP P!0<OKPd0<Annuler@@DAdd PurposeMS Shell DlgPAdd the object identifier (OID) for the certificate purpose you wish to add:DP P!0<Pd0<@Dj felhasznlsi clMS Shell DlgPAz objektum azonost (OID) hozzadsa, a felhasznlsi cl rdekben:DP P!0<OKPd0<Mgse@DAggiungi SoggettoMS Shell DlgPAggiungi l'identificatore oggetto (OID) per questo soggetto di certificato che desideri aggiungere:DP P!0<OkPd0<Annulla@Dvvn0R MS Shell DlgP<ffn0vvk0RW0_0D0000000X%RP[(OID)0RH0f0O0`0U0D0:DP P!0<OKPd0<00000@Dij MS Shell DlgPXଐ XՔ xǝ ijX  ļ(OID) :DP P!0<UxPd0<͌@DVoeg doeleinde toeMS Shell DlgPVoer het object id. (OID) in voor het toe te voegen certificaat doeleinde:DP P!0<OKPd0<Annuleren@DDodaj celMS Shell DlgPWpisz identyfikator obiektu (OID) dla celu certyfikatu, ktry chcesz doda:DP P!0<OKPd0<Anuluj@DAdugare rolMS Shell DlgPAdugai identificatorul de obiect (OID) pentru rolul de certificat pe care dorii s-l adugai:DP P!0<OKPd0<Renun@D>102;5=85 =07=0G5=8OMS Shell DlgP2548B5 OID =07=0G5=8O A5@B8D8:0B0, :>B>@>5 2K E>B8B5 4>1028BL:DP P!0<Pd0<B<5=0@DDodaj namjenuMS Shell DlgPDodaj identifikator objekta (DID) za namjenu certifikata koju ~elite dodati:DP P!0<U reduPd0<Otka~i@DPridaj elMS Shell DlgPAdd the object identifier (OID) for the certificate purpose you wish to add:DP P!0<OKPd0<Zruaie@DLgg till syfteMS Shell DlgPLgg till objektidentifieraren (OID) fr certifikatssyftet du vill lgga till:DP P!0<OKPd0<Avbryt@DAdd PurposeMS Shell DlgPAdd the object identifier (OID) for the certificate purpose you wish to add:DP P!0<%Pd0<"@%4@DAma EkleMS Shell DlgPEklemek istediiniz sertifika amac1 iin nesne kimlii (OID) ekleyin:DP P!0<TamamPd0<0ptal@D>40B8 FV;LMS Shell DlgP>409B5 V45=B8DV:0B>@ >1'T:BC (OID) 4;O FV;V A5@B8DV:0BC, I> 28 E>G5B5 4>40B8:DP P!0<OKPd0<!:0AC20B8@DDodaj namenMS Shell DlgPDoda dolo ilo predmeta (OID) za namene potrdil, ki jih ~elite dodati:DP P!0<V reduPd0<Prekli i@DPridti paskirt/MS Shell DlgPPridkite objekto identifikatoris (OID) liudijimo paskir iai, kuri norite pridti:DP P!0<GeraiPd0<Atsisakyti@@DAdd PurposeMS Shell DlgPAdd the object identifier (OID) for the certificate purpose you wish to add:DP P!0<B(HDPd0<'F51'A@DAdd PurposeMS Shell DlgPAdd the object identifier (OID) for the certificate purpose you wish to add:DP P!0< Pd0< @DAdd PurposeMS Shell DlgPAdd the object identifier (OID) for the certificate purpose you wish to add:DP P!0<6 0 ? Pd0<Cancel@D MS Shell DlgPAdd the object identifier (OID) for the certificate purpose you wish to add:DP P!0< Pd0< @DAdd PurposeMS Shell DlgPAdd the object identifier (OID) for the certificate purpose you wish to add:DP P!0<I VaPd0<Rinonc@DAdd PurposeMS Shell DlgPAdd the object identifier (OID) for the certificate purpose you wish to add:DP P!0<AceutarPd0<Encaboxar@DReQvv MS Shell DlgPReQ`@b ^gvaIvvirNX%R&{_ (OID)DP P!0<x[Pd0<Sm@DAdd PurposeMS Shell DlgPAdd the object identifier (OID) for the certificate purpose you wish to add:DP P!0<OKPd0<Cancel@DLegg til formlMS Shell DlgPSkriv inn identifiseringskoden (OID'en) for formlet du vil legge til:DP P!0<OKPd0<Avbryt@DAdicionar PropsitoMS Shell DlgPAdicione o identificador de objeto (OID) para o propsito que deseja adicionar:DP P!0<OKPd0<Cancelar@DAdd PurposeMS Shell DlgPAdd the object identifier (OID) for the certificate purpose you wish to add:DP P!0<BonePd0<Rezigni@DmR(u MS Shell DlgP:N`mRvfN(umR[aƋ+R (OID) DP P!0<nx[Pd0<Sm@DAdicionar PropsitoMS Shell DlgPAdicione o identificador de objecto (OID) para o propsito do certificado que deseja adicionar:DP P!0<OKPd0<Cancelar@DAdd PurposeMS Shell DlgPAdd the object identifier (OID) for the certificate purpose you wish to add:DP P!0<U reduPd0<Otka~i@DAdd PurposeMS Shell DlgPAdd the object identifier (OID) for the certificate purpose you wish to add:DP P!0<# @54CPd0<B:068@@'.*1 E3*H/9 'D4G'/'*MS Shell DlgP( '.*1 E3*H/9 'D4G'/'* 'D0J *1:( ('3*9E'D:PF) SysTreeView32Pf* #8&G1 'DE3*H/9'* 'DAJ2J'&J)PZv2-3FK'Pv2#D:P@Select Certificate StoreMS Shell DlgP( Select the certificate store you want to use:PF) SysTreeView32Pf* &Show physical storesPZv2OKPv2B<5=8@Seleccioneu un magatzem de certificatsMS Shell DlgP( Seleccioneu el magatzem de certificats que voleu utilitzar:PF) SysTreeView32Pf* &Mostra els magatzems fsicsPZv2D'acordPv2Cancella@Vybrat lo~iat certifiktoMS Shell DlgP( Vyberte lo~iat certifikto, kter chcete pou~t:PF) SysTreeView32Pf* &Zobrazit lo~iatPZv2OKPv2Storno@Vlg certifikatlagerMS Shell DlgP( Vlg det certifikatlager du vil bruge:PF) SysTreeView32Pf* &Vis fysiske lagrePZv2OKPv2Annuller@Zertifikatsspeicher whlenMS Shell DlgP( Zertifikatsspeicher whlen, den Sie benutzen mchten:PF) SysTreeView32Pf* &Physikalischen Speicher anzeigenPZv2OKPv2Abbrechen@Select Certificate StoreMS Shell DlgP( Select the certificate store you want to use:PF) SysTreeView32Pf* &Show physical storesPZv2OKPv2@Select Certificate StoreMS Shell DlgP( Select the certificate store you want to use:PF) SysTreeView32Pf* &Show physical storesPZv2OKPv2Cancel@Seleccionar Almacenamiento para el CertificadoMS Shell DlgP( Seleccione el almacenamiento de certificado que quiera usar:PF) SysTreeView32Pf* Mo&strar almacenamientos fsicosPZv2AceptarPv2Cancelar@Valitse varmennesilMS Shell DlgP( Valitse varmennesil, jota haluat kytt:PF) SysTreeView32Pf* &Nyt fyysiset siltPZv2OKPv2Peruuta@Slectionnez le magasin de certificatsMS Shell DlgP( Slectionnez le magasin de certificats utiliser:PF) SysTreeView32Pf* &Montrer les magasins physiquesPZv2OKPv2Annuler@@Select Certificate StoreMS Shell DlgP( Select the certificate store you want to use:PF) SysTreeView32Pf* &Show physical storesPZv2Pv2@Jellje meg a tanstvny tratMS Shell DlgP( Jellje meg a tanstvny trat, amit hasznlni szeretne:PF) SysTreeView32Pf* &Troltak megmutatsaPZv2OKPv2Mgse@Seleziona il deposito certificatiMS Shell DlgP( Seleziona il deposito certificati che vuoi usare:PF) SysTreeView32Pf* &Mostra i depositi fisiciPZv2OkPv2Annulla@<ff000n0xb MS Shell DlgP( )R(uW0_0D0<ff0000xbW0f0O0`0U0D0:PF) SysTreeView32Pf* irt0000h:yY00(&S)PZv2OKPv200000@xǝ ȥnj MS Shell DlgP( Xଐ XՔ xǝ ȥnj| X$:PF) SysTreeView32Pf* < ȥnj 0(&S)PZv2UxPv2͌@Selecteer certificatenopslagMS Shell DlgP( Selecteer de certificatenopslag die u wilt gebruiken:PF) SysTreeView32Pf* &Toon fysieke opslagenPZv2OKPv2Annuleren@Wybr magazynu certyfikatwMS Shell DlgP( Wybierz magazyn certyfikatw, ktry chcesz u|y:PF) SysTreeView32Pf* &Poka| fizyczne magazynyPZv2OKPv2Anuluj@Selectare depozit de certificateMS Shell DlgP( Selectai depozitul de certificate pe care dorii s-l utilizai:PF) SysTreeView32Pf* Afiea&z depozitele fizicePZv2OKPv2Renun@K1>@ E@0=8;8I0 A5@B8D8:0B>2MS Shell DlgP( K15@8B5 E@0=8;8I5 4;O 8<?>@B0 A5@B8D8:0B0:PF) SysTreeView32Pf* &>:07K20BL D878G5A:85 E@0=8;8I0PZv2Pv2B<5=0@Odaberite spremnik certifikataMS Shell DlgP( Select the certificate store you want to use:PF) SysTreeView32Pf* P&rika~i fizi ke spremnikePZv2U reduPv2Otka~i@Select Certificate StoreMS Shell DlgP( Select the certificate store you want to use:PF) SysTreeView32Pf* &Show physical storesPZv2OKPv2Zruaie@Vlj certifikatlagerMS Shell DlgP( Vlj certifikatlagret du vill anvnda:PF) SysTreeView32Pf* &Visa fysiska lagerPZv2OKPv2Avbryt@Select Certificate StoreMS Shell DlgP( Select the certificate store you want to use:PF) SysTreeView32Pf* &Show physical storesPZv2%Pv2"@%4@Sertifika Deposunu SeMS Shell DlgP( Kullanmak istediiniz sertifika deposunu sein:PF) SysTreeView32Pf* Fizik&sel depolar1 gsterPZv2TamamPv20ptal@81V@ AE>28I0 A5@B8DV:0BV2MS Shell DlgP( 815@VBL ?>B@V1=5 AE>28I5 A5@B8DV:0BV2:PF) SysTreeView32Pf* &>:070B8 DV78G=V AE>28I0PZv2OKPv2!:0AC20B8@Izberite shrambo potrdilaMS Shell DlgP( Izbor shrambe potrdil, ki jih ~elite uporabiti:PF) SysTreeView32Pf* &Poka~i fizi ni shrambePZv2V reduPv2Prekli i@Iarinkite liudijims saugyklMS Shell DlgP( Iarinkite liudijims saugykl, kuri norite naudoti:PF) SysTreeView32Pf* &Rodyti fizines saugyklasPZv2GeraiPv2Atsisakyti@@Select Certificate StoreMS Shell DlgP( Select the certificate store you want to use:PF) SysTreeView32Pf* &Show physical storesPZv2B(HDPv2'F51'A@Select Certificate StoreMS Shell DlgP( Select the certificate store you want to use:PF) SysTreeView32Pf* &Show physical storesPZv2 Pv2 @Select Certificate StoreMS Shell DlgP( Select the certificate store you want to use:PF) SysTreeView32Pf* &Show physical storesPZv26 0 ? Pv2Cancel@ MS Shell DlgP( :PF) SysTreeView32Pf* &Show physical storesPZv2 Pv2 @Select Certificate StoreMS Shell DlgP( Select the certificate store you want to use:PF) SysTreeView32Pf* &Show physical storesPZv2I VaPv2Rinonc@Select Certificate StoreMS Shell DlgP( Select the certificate store you want to use:PF) SysTreeView32Pf* &Show physical storesPZv2AceutarPv2Encaboxar@xSaI2QX[U MS Shell DlgP( xS`O(uvaI2QX[UPF) SysTreeView32Pf* o:y[Ԛ2QX[(&S)PZv2x[Pv2Sm@Select Certificate StoreMS Shell DlgP( Select the certificate store you want to use:PF) SysTreeView32Pf* &Show physical storesPZv2OKPv2Cancel@Velg sertifikatlagerMS Shell DlgP( Velg sertifikatlageret du vil bruke:PF) SysTreeView32Pf* Vi&s fysiske lagrePZv2OKPv2Avbryt@Selecione o Conjunto de CertificadosMS Shell DlgP( Selecione o conjunto de certificados que deseja usar:PF) SysTreeView32Pf* &Mostrar armazenamentos fsicosPZv2OKPv2Cancelar@Select Certificate StoreMS Shell DlgP( Select the certificate store you want to use:PF) SysTreeView32Pf* &Show physical storesPZv2BonePv2Rezigni@ bfNX[P MS Shell DlgP( b`O(uvfNX[PPF) SysTreeView32Pf* >f:yirtX[P(&S)PZv2nx[Pv2Sm@Seleccione o Depsito de CertificadosMS Shell DlgP( Seleccione o depsito de certificados que deseja usar:PF) SysTreeView32Pf* &Mostrar depsitos fsicosPZv2OKPv2Cancelar@Select Certificate StoreMS Shell DlgP( Select the certificate store you want to use:PF) SysTreeView32Pf* &Show physical storesPZv2U reduPv2Otka~i@Select Certificate StoreMS Shell DlgP( Select the certificate store you want to use:PF) SysTreeView32Pf* &Show physical storesPZv2# @54CPv2B:068@@=E9'D, '3*J1'/ 'D4G'/'*MS Shell DlgPs E1-(K' (CE AJ E9'D, '3*J1'/ 'D4G'/'*Ps(xJ3'9/CE G0' 'DE9'D, AJ '3*J1'/ 'D4G'/'*  HBH'&E 'D4G'/'* 'DE1AH6) ('D%6'A) %DI BH'&E 'D4G'/'* 'DEH+HB)  EF EDA %DI E3*H/9 'D4G'/'*. JECF '3*./'E 'D4G'/) D*91JA 4.5C #H -'3(C 'D0J *3*./EG . CE' JECF #J6K' '3*./'EG' D*-BB H *HBJ9 'D13'&D . ('D*'DJ JECF 9/ E3*H/9'* 'D4G'/'* CEC'F EA6D DD4G'/'* HDCD EF BH'&E 'D4G'/'* 'DE1AH6) H 'DEH+HB). DDE*'(9)  '6:7 AHB 'D*'DJ.@=Assistent d'Importaci de CertificatsMS Shell DlgPs Benvingut a l'Assistent d'Importaci de CertificatsPs(xAquest assistent us ajuda a importar certificats, llistes de revocaci de certificats i llistes de certificats de confiana d'un fitxer a un magatzem de certificats. Es pot utilitzar un certificat per a identificar-vos o l'ordinador amb el qual esteu comunicant. Tamb es pot utilitzar per a l'autenticaci, i per a signar els missatges. Els magatzems de certificats sn conjunts de certificats, llistes de revocaci de certificats i llistes de certificats de confiana. Per a continuar, feu clic en Endavant.@=Provodce importem certifiktuMS Shell DlgPs Vtejte v provodci importem certifiktuPs(xThis wizard helps you import certificates, certificate revocation lists, and certificate trust lists from a file to a certificate store. A certificate can be used to identify you or the computer with which you are communicating. It can also be used for authentication, and to sign messages. Certificate stores are collections of certificates, certificate revocation lists, and certificate trust lists. To continue, click Next.@=CertifikatimporteringsguideMS Shell DlgPs Velkommen til certifikat importeringsguidenPs(xDenne guide hjlper dig importere certifikater, certifikat tilbagekaldelseslister og certifikat trovrdighedslister fra en fil, til et certifikatlager. Et certifikat kan bruges til at identificere dig eller den computer, som du kommunikerer med. Det kan ogs bruges til godkendelse og til at underskrive beskeder. Certifikatlagre er samlinger af certifikater, certifikat tilbagekaldelseslister og certifikat trovrdighedslister. For at fortstte, klik nste.@=Zertifikat-ImportassistentMS Shell DlgPs Willkommen beim Zertifikat-ImportassistentPs(xDieser Assistent hilft Ihnen Zertifikate, Zertifikatssperrlisten und Zertifikatsvertrauenslisten aus einer Datei zu importieren. Ein Zertifikat dient zur Identifikation von Ihnen oder Ihrem Computer. Es kann auch fr die Authentifizierung und zum Unterzeichnen genutzt werden. Zertifikatsspeicher sind Sammlungen von Zertifikaten, Zertifikatssperrlisten und Zertifikatsvertrauenslisten. Klicken Sie Weiter um fortzufahren.@=Certificate Import WizardMS Shell DlgPs Welcome to the Certificate Import WizardPs(xThis wizard helps you import certificates, certificate revocation lists, and certificate trust lists from a file to a certificate store. A certificate can be used to identify you or the computer with which you are communicating. It can also be used for authentication, and to sign messages. Certificate stores are collections of certificates, certificate revocation lists, and certificate trust lists. To continue, click Next.@=Asistente de Importacin de CertificadosMS Shell DlgPs Bienvenida al Asistente de Importacin de CertificadosPs(xEste asistente est para ayudarte a importar certificados, listas de revocacin de certificados, y listas de confianza de certificados desde un fichero a un almacn de certificados. Un certificado puede ser utilizado para identificarte o al ordenador con el que te ests comunicando. Tambin puede usarse para autenticacin, y para firmar mensajes. Los almacenes de certificados son colecciones de certificados listas de revocacin, y listas de confianza. Para continuar, pulse sobre Siguiente.@=Ohjattu varmenteen tuontiMS Shell DlgPs Tervetuloa ohjattuun varmenteen tuontiinPs(xTm ohjattu toiminto auttaa tuomaan tiedostosta varmennesiln varmenteita ja listoja luotetuista ja suljetuista varmenteista. Varmenteita kytetn kyttjn tai tietokoneen tunnistamiseen, identiteetin todentamiseen ja viestien allekirjoittamiseen. Varmennesilt ovat kokoelmia, joissa on varmenteita ja listoja luotetuista ja suljetuista varmenteista. Jatka painamalla Seuraava.@=Assistant d'importation de certificatsMS Shell DlgPs Bienvenue dans l'assistant d'importation de certificatsPs(xCet assistant vous aide importer des certificats, des listes de rvocation de certificats et des listes de certificats de confiance dans un magasin de certificats partir d'un fichier. Un certificat peut tre utilis pour vous identifier, ou pour identifier l'ordinateur avec lequel vous communiquez. Il peut galement tre utilis des fins d'authentification ou de signature de messages. Les magasins de certificats sont des collections de certificats, de listes de rvocation de certificats et de listes de certificats de confiance. Pour continuer, cliquez sur Suivant.@@=  MS Shell DlgPs Welcome to the Certificate Import WizardPs(xThis wizard helps you import certificates, certificate revocation lists, and certificate trust lists from a file to a certificate store. A certificate can be used to identify you or the computer with which you are communicating. It can also be used for authentication, and to sign messages. Certificate stores are collections of certificates, certificate revocation lists, and certificate trust lists. To continue, click Next.@=Tanstvny import varzslMS Shell DlgPs dvzli a tanstvny import varzslPs(xEz a varzsl egyszerqsti a tanstvnyok importlst, visszavonst s megbzhatsgi belltst egy adott fjl felhasznlsval. Egy tanstvnyt fel lehet hasznlni, hogy nt vagy azt szmtgpet azonostsa, amellyel kommunikl. Fel lahet hasznlni hitelestsre s hogy digitlisan alrjon zeneteket. Folytatshoz, kattaintson a KvetkezQ nyomgombra.@=Guida all'Importazione di CertificatiMS Shell DlgPs Benvenuto alla Guida all'Importazione di CertificatiPs(xQuesta guida ti aiuta a importare certificate, liste di revoca di certificati e liste di fiducia di certificati da un file in un deposito di certificati. Un certificato pu essere usato per identificare te o il computer da cui stai comunicando. Pu essere anche usato per l'autenticazione e per firmare messaggi. I depositi di certificati sono collezioni di certificati, liste di revoca di certificati e liste di fiducia di certificati. Per continuare, premere Avanti.@=<ff00000 00000 MS Shell DlgPs <ff00000 00000x00F0S0]0Ps(xS0n000000o0<ff0<ff1YR0000<ffO<000]00^0000000K00<ff000x000000Y00KbRQ00W0~0Y00 <ffo0 PNX%R00)R(uW0f0D00000000n0X%Rk0)R(uU00~0Y00~0_00<000000n0r Tk00O00~0Y00 <ff000o0<ff0<ff1YR0000<ffO<000n0ƖTg0Y00 }Q00k0o0[!kx0]00000W0f0O0`0U0D00@=xǝ 8$0 ȹ MS Shell DlgPs xǝ 8$0 ȹ ( D XiȲPs(xt ȹ xǝ, xǝ ͌ ]  xǝ ° ]D | xǝ ȥnj\ 8$Ɣ p ijD Ȳ. xǝ| X Ɛ  x 0| ļ`  ǵȲ. xǝ  T XՔ pij `  ǵȲ. xǝ ȥnj xǝ, xǝ ͌ ]  xǝ ° ]X LDžȲ. ĬX$t [L]D tЭiȲ.@=Certificaat importeerhulpMS Shell DlgPs Welkom bij de certificaat importeerhulpPs(xDeze wizard helpt u certificaten, lijsten van herroepen certificaten en lijsten van vertrouwde certificaten uit een bestand in een certificaatkluis te importeren. Een certificaat kan gebruikt worden om u of de computer waarmee u communiceert te identificeren. Het kan ook gebruikt worden voor authenticatie en om berichten te ondertekenen. Een certificaatkluis bevat een verzameling van certificaten, lijsten van herroepen certificaten en lijsten van vertrouwde certificaten. Klik Volgende om verder te gaan.@=Kreator importu certyfikatwMS Shell DlgPs Witamy w kreatorze importu certyfikatwPs(xPomocnik ten pomaga tobie importowa certyfikaty, listy odwoBania certyfikatw, i listy zaufania certyfikatw z pliku do magazynu certyfikatw. Certyfikat mo|e zosta u|yty do identyfikacji ciebie lub komputer, z ktrym si komunikujesz. Mo|e on rwnie| zosta wykorzystany do uwierzytelnienia i do podpisywania wiadomo[ci. Magazyny certyfikatw s zbiorem certyfikatw, list odwoBaD certyfikatw oraz list zaufaD certyfikatw. Aby kontynuowa, naci[nij Dalej.@=Asistent de importare a certificatelorMS Shell DlgPs Bun venit n Asistentul de importare a certificatelorPs(xThis wizard helps you import certificates, certificate revocation lists, and certificate trust lists from a file to a certificate store. A certificate can be used to identify you or the computer with which you are communicating. It can also be used for authentication, and to sign messages. Certificate stores are collections of certificates, certificate revocation lists, and certificate trust lists. To continue, click Next.@=0AB5@ 8<?>@B0 A5@B8D8:0B>2MS Shell DlgPs 0A ?@825BAB2C5B <0AB5@ 8<?>@B0 A5@B8D8:0B>2Ps(x-B>B <0AB5@ ?><>65B 20< 8<?>@B8@>20BL A5@B8D8:0BK, A?8A:8 >B7K20 A5@B8D8:0B>2 8 A?8A:8 4>25@5==KE A5@B8D8:0B>2 87 D09;0 2 E@0=8;8I5 A5@B8D8:0B>2. !5@B8D8:0BK ?>72>;ONB 845=B8D8F8@>20BL 20A 8;8 :><?LNB5@, A :>B>@K< CAB0=02;8205BAO A2O7L. "0:65 >=8 8A?>;L7CNBAO 4;O ?>4B25@645=8O ?>4;8==>AB8 8 ?>4?8AK20=8O A>>1I5=89. %@0=8;8I5 A5@B8D8:0B>2 ?@54AB02;O5B A>1>9 =01>@ A5@B8D8:0B>2, A?8A:>2 >B7K20 A5@B8D8:0B>2 8 A?8A:>2 4>25@5==KE A5@B8D8:0B>2. ;O ?@>4>;65=8O =06<8B5 0;55.@= arobnjak za uvoz certifikataMS Shell DlgPs Dobrodoali u arobnjak za uvoz certifikataPs(xOvaj arobnjak poma~e u uvozu certifikata, popisa opoziva certifikata i popisa pouzdanih certifikata iz datoteke u spremnik certifikata. Cerfifikat se mo~e koristiti za identifikaciju vas ili ra unala s kojim komunicirate Takoer se mo~e koristiti za autentifikaciju, i za potpisivanje poruka. Spremnici cerfitikata su kolekcije certifikata, popisa opoziva certifikata i popisa pouzdanih certifikata. Kako bi ste nastavili, kliknite 'Sljedee'.@=Guiden fr import av certifikatMS Shell DlgPs Vlkommen till guiden fr import av certifikatPs(xDenna guide hjlper dig p att importera certifikat och listor ver terkallade och betrodda certifikat. Ett certifikat kan anvndas fr att identifiera dig eller datorn som du kommunicerar med. Det kan ven anvndas fr autentisering samt fr att signera meddelanden. Certifikatlager r samlingar av certifikat, listor ver terkallade certifikat, och listor ver betrodda certifikat. Klicka Nsta fr att fortstta.@=Sertifika Alma Sihirbaz1MS Shell DlgPs Sertifika Alma Sihirbaz1na Ho_ GeldinizPs(xBu sihirbaz; sertifikalar1, sertifika iptal listesini ve sertifika gven listesini bir dosyadan sertifika deposuna aktarman1za yard1m eder. Bir sertifika, sizi veya ileti_im kurduunuz bilgisayar1n1z1 tan1mlaman1zda kullan1labilir. Ayr1ca yetkilendirme ve iletileri imzalamada da kullan1labilir. Sertifika depolar1; sertifikalar, sertifika iptal listeleri ve sertifika gven listelerinden olu_an koleksiyonlard1r. Devam etmek iin 0leri'yi t1klat1n.@=09AB5@ V<?>@BC A5@B8DV:0BV2MS Shell DlgPs 0A 2VB0T 09AB5@ V<?>@BC A5@B8DV:0BV2Ps(x&59 <09AB5@ 4>72>;OT V<?>@BC20B8 A5@B8DV:0B8, A?8A:8 2V4E8;5=8E B0 4>2V@5=8E A5@B8DV:0BV2. !5@B8DV:0B <>65 1CB8 28:>@8AB0=89 4;O 20H>W V45=B8DV:0FVW 01> V45=B8DV:0FVW :><?'NB5@0, 7 O:8< 28 7'T4=0=V. "0:>6 2V= <>65 1CB8 28:>@8AB0=89 4;O 702V@5==O V 4;O ?V4?8AC20==O ?>2V4><;5=L. !E>28I0 A5@B8DV:0BV2 - F5 71V@:8 A5@B8DV:0BV2, A?8A:8 0=C;L>20=8E A5@B8DV:0BV2 B0 A?8A:8 4>2V@5=8E A5@B8DV:0BV2. 0B8A=VBL 0;V 4;O ?@>4>265==O.@= arovnik za uvoz potrdilaMS Shell DlgPs Dobrodoali v arovniku za uvoz potrdilaPs(xTa arovnik vam pomaga pri uvozu potrdil, seznam preklicanih potrdil in seznam zaupanih potrdil iz shrambe potrdil v datoteko. Potrdilo se lahko uporabi za dolo itev vas ali ra unalnika s katerim se sporazumevanje. Uporabite ga lahko tudi za overitev in za podpis sporo il. Shrambe potrdil so zbirke potrdil, seznamov preklicanih potrdil in seznamov zaupanja vrednih potrdil. Za nadaljevanje kliknite Naprej.@=Liudijimo importo vediklisMS Shell DlgPs Sveiki atvr liudijimo importo vedikl/Ps(x`is vediklis padeda importuoti liudijimus, ataaukts liudijims sraaus ir patikints liudijims sraaus ia failo / liudijims saugykl. Liudijimas gali bkti naudojamas atpa~inti jus ar kompiuter/ su kuriuo esate u~mezg rya/. Jis taip pat gali bkti naudojamas tapatumo nustatymui ir praneaims pasiraaymui. Liudijims saugyklos yra liudijims, ataaukts liudijims sraas ir patikints liudijims sraas rinkiniai. Jei norite tsti, spauskite  Kitas .@= MS Shell DlgPs Welcome to the Certificate Import WizardPs(xThis wizard helps you import certificates, certificate revocation lists, and certificate trust lists from a file to a certificate store. A certificate can be used to identify you or the computer with which you are communicating. It can also be used for authentication, and to sign messages. Certificate stores are collections of certificates, certificate revocation lists, and certificate trust lists. To continue, click Next.@=Encontu pa la importacin de certificaosMS Shell DlgPs Afyate nel encontu pa la importacin de certificaosPs(xThis wizard helps you import certificates, certificate revocation lists, and certificate trust lists from a file to a certificate store. A certificate can be used to identify you or the computer with which you are communicating. It can also be used for authentication, and to sign messages. Certificate stores are collections of certificates, certificate revocation lists, and certificate trust lists. To continue, click Next.@=aI/SeQ|H MS Shell DlgPs akΏO(uaI/SeQ|HPs(x P|HTSR`_jHh/SeQaI0aIdnUNSaIOnU0RaI2QX[U0 aIS(ueX%R`b`ck(W vf0 [_NSN(ueINS \ o`=|r0 aI2QX[U6eυNaI0aIdnUNSaIOnU0 |~~ ˊ c NNek0@=Certificate Import WizardMS Shell DlgPs Welcome to the Certificate Import WizardPs(xThis wizard helps you import certificates, certificate revocation lists, and certificate trust lists from a file to a certificate store. A certificate can be used to identify you or the computer with which you are communicating. It can also be used for authentication, and to sign messages. Certificate stores are collections of certificates, certificate revocation lists, and certificate trust lists. To continue, click Next.@=Veiviser for import av sertifikaterMS Shell DlgPs Velkommen til veiviseren for import av sertifikaterPs(xDenne veiviseren hjelper deg importere sertifikater og lister over tilbakekalte eller tiltrodde sertifikater fra en fil til et sertifikatlager. Et sertifikat kan brukes til identifisere deg eller datamaskinen du kommuniserer med. Det kan ogs brukes til signering av meldinger eller andre former for godkjenning. Sertifikatlagre er samlinger av sertifikater og lister over tiltrodde eller tilbakekalte sertifikater. Trykk Neste for fortsette.@=Assistente de Importao de CertificadosMS Shell DlgPs Bem-vindo ao Assistente de Importao de CertificadosPs(xEste assistente lhe ajudar a importar certificados, listas de revogao de certificados e listas de certificados confiveis de um arquivo para um conjunto de certificados. Um certificado pode ser usado para identific-lo ou ao computador usado na comunicao. Tambm pode ser usado para autenticao e para assinar mensagens. Conjuntos de certificados so colees de certificados, listas de revogao de certificados e listas de certificados confiveis. Para continuar, clique em Avanar.@=fN[eQT[ MS Shell DlgPs "kΏO(ufN[eQT[Ps(xT[S.^R`NeN\fN0fN TRhTfNONRh[eQ0RfNX[P0 fN(WOeS[e`v5u0fN_NS(uNT:Nmo`~{ T0fNX[P/ffN0fN TRhTfNONRhvƖT0 c NNekN~~0@=Assistente de Importao de CertificadosMS Shell DlgPs Benvindo ao Assistente de Importao de CertificadosPs(xEste assistente ajuda-o a importar certificados, listas de revogao de certificados, e listas de certificados de confiana, a partir de um depsito de certificados. Um certificado pode ser usado para identific-lo a si ou ao computador do qual est a comunicar. Tambm pode ser usado para autenticao e para assinar mensagens. Depsitos de certificados so coleces de certificados, listas de revogao de certificados e listas de certificados confiveis. Para continuar, clique em Seguinte.@@=E9'D, '3*J1'/ 'D4G'/'*MS Shell DlgP '&3E 'DEDA:P  P < '3*91&6...P ED'-8) : 5J: 'DEDA'* 'D*'DJ) J,( #F *-HJ 4G'/) #H #C+1  #H B'&E) 4G'/'* 3H'! '.*5* ('DE1AH6) #H 'DEH+HB) :P5  5J:) C1(*H:1'AJC 'DBJ'3J) PKCS #7 Messages (*.p7b)PD  F'BD 'D(J'F'* 'D4.5J PKCS #12 (*.pfx; *.p12)PS  E.2F EJC1H3HA* 'D*3D3DJ DD4G'/'* (*.sst)@=Assistent d'Importaci de CertificatsMS Shell DlgP Nom de &fitxer:P  P < &Navega...P Nota: Els segents formats de fitxer poden contenir ms d'un certificat, llista de revocaci de certificats o llista de certificats de confiana:P5  Estndard de sintaxi de missatges criptogrfics/Missatges PKCS #7 (*.p7b)PD  Intercanvi d'informaci personal/PKCS #12 (*.pfx; *.p12)PS  Magatzem de certificats serialitzat del Microsoft (*.sst)@=Provodce importem certifiktuMS Shell DlgP &Nzev souboru:P  P < P&rochzet...P Poznmka: nsledujc formty souboro mohou obsahovat vce ne~ jeden certifikt, seznam zneplatnnch certifikto i seznam dovry certifiktu:P5  Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard/PKCS #7 Messages (*.p7b)PD  Personal Information Exchange/PKCS #12 (*.pfx; *.p12)PS  Microsoft Serialized Certificate Store (*.sst)@=CertifikatimporteringsguideMS Shell DlgP &Filnavn:P  P < &Gennemse...P Bemrk: De flgende fil formater kan indeholde mere end et certifikat, en certifikat tilbagekaldelsesliste eller en certifikat trovrdighedsliste:P5  Kryptografisk meddelelses syntaks standard/PKCS #7 meddelelse (*.p7b)PD  Personlig information udveksling/PKCS #12 (*.pfx; *.p12)PS  Microsoft serialiseret certifikat lager (*.sst)@=Zertifikat-ImportassistentMS Shell DlgP &Dateiname:P  P < &Whlen...P Hinweis: Es knnen mehrere Zertifikate, Zertifikatssperr- oder Vertrauenslisten in einer Datei folgender Formate gespeichert werden:P5  Syntaxstandard kryptografischer Nachrichten/PKCS #7 Messages (*.p7b)PD  Privater Informationsaustausch/PKCS #12 (*.pfx; *.p12)PS  Microsoft-Speicher serieller Zertifikate (*.sst)@=Certificate Import WizardMS Shell DlgP &File name:P  P < B&rowse...P Note: The following file formats may contain more than one certificate, certificate revocation list, or certificate trust list:P5  Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard/PKCS #7 Messages (*.p7b)PD  Personal Information Exchange/PKCS #12 (*.pfx; *.p12)PS  Microsoft Serialised Certificate Store (*.sst)@=Asistente de Importacin de CertificadosMS Shell DlgP Nombre de &fichero:P  P < Explo&rar...P Nota: Los siguientes formatos de fichero pueden contener ms de un certificado, lista de revocacin o lista de confianza:P5  Estndar de Sintaxis para Mensajes Criptogrficos/Mensajes PKCS #7 (*.p7b)PD  Intercambio de Informacin Personal/PKCS #12 (*.pfx; *.p12)PS  Almacn de Certificados Serializado de Microsoft (*.sst)@=Ohjattu varmenteen tuontiMS Shell DlgP &Tiedostonimi:P  P < &Selaa...P Huomio: Seuraavat tiedostomuodot voivat sislt useampia kuin yhden varmenteen tai listan:P5  Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard/PKCS #7 -viestit (*.p7b)PD  Personal Information Exchange/PKCS #12 (*.pfx; *.p12)PS  Microsoft Serialized Certificate Store (*.sst)@=Assistant d'importation de certificatsMS Shell DlgP &Nom du fichier:P  P < Parcou&rir...P Remarque: les formats de fichiers suivants peuvent contenir plus d'un certificat, liste de rvocation de certificats ou liste de certificats de confiance:P5  Standard de syntaxe de message cryptographique/Messages PKCS #7 (*.p7b)PD  change d'informations personnelles/PKCS #12 (*.pfx; *.p12)PS  Magasin de certificats srialiss Microsoft (*.sst)@@=  MS Shell DlgP &File name:P  P < B&rowse...P Note: The following file formats may contain more than one certificate, certificate revocation list, or certificate trust list:P5  Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard/PKCS #7 Messages (*.p7b)PD  Personal Information Exchange/PKCS #12 (*.pfx; *.p12)PS  Microsoft Serialized Certificate Store (*.sst)@=Tanstvny import varzslMS Shell DlgP &Fjlnv:P  P < Tallzs...P zenet: A kvetkezQ fjl formtumok egynl tbb tanstvnyt, visszavonsi listt vagy megbzhatsgi listt tartalmazhatnak:P5  Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard/PKCS #7 Messages (*.p7b)PD  Personal Information Exchange/PKCS #12 (*.pfx; *.p12)PS  Microsoft szabvnyos tanstvnyok (*.sst)@=Guida all'Importazione di CertificatiMS Shell DlgP Nome del &file:P  P < &Naviga...P Nota: i seguenti formati di file potrebbero contenere pi di un certificato, lista di revoca di certificati, o lista di fiducia di certificati:P5  Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard/PKCS #7 Messages (*.p7b)PD  Personal Information Exchange/PKCS #12 (*.pfx; *.p12)PS  Deposito Certificati Serializzato Microsoft (*.sst)@=<ff00000 00000 MS Shell DlgP 0000 T(&F):P  P < Sgq(&R)...P la: N Nn00000b__k0o00<ff0<ff1YR0000<ffO<000L0pe+T~000S0h0L0B00~0Y0:P5  Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard/PKCS #7 00000 (*.p7b)PD  PN`1XNc0000/PKCS #12 (*.pfx; *.p12)PS  Microsoft 0000SU00_0<ff000 (*.sst)@=xǝ 8$0 ȹ MS Shell DlgP | tDŽ(&F):P  P < >0(&R)...P X: t | @ Dȹij X՘ tX xǝ,xǝ 0 ],xǝ °]D D  L:P5  T8T T 8 \/PKCS #7 T (*.p7b)PD  x  PX/PKCS #12 (*.pfx;*.p12)PS  Microsoft ō xǝ (*.sst)@=Certificaat importeerhulpMS Shell DlgP Bestands&naam:P  P < Bladeren...P Noot: De volgende bestandsformaten kunnen meer dan n certificaat, certificaat terugroeplijst of certificaat vertrouwenslijst bevatten:P5  Cryptographisch berichtsyntaxis standaard/PKCS #7 berichten (.p7b)PD  Persoonlijke informatie uitwisseling/PKCS #12 (.pfx, .p12)PS  Microsoft serile certificatenopslag (*.sst)@=Kreator importu certyfikatwMS Shell DlgP &Nazwa pliku:P  P < P&rzegldaj...P Uwaga: Nastpujce formaty plikw mog zawiera wicej ni| jeden certyfikat, list odwoBania certyfikatu lub list zaufania certyfikatu:P5  Standard skBadni wiadomo[ci kryptograficznych - certyfikaty PKCS #7 (*.p7b)PD  Wymiana informacji osobistych/PKCS #12 (*.pfx; *.p12)PS  Magazyn certyfikatw seryjnych firmy Microsoft (*.sst)@=Asistent de importare a certificatelorMS Shell DlgP Nume &fiier:P  P < &Navigheaz...P Not: Urmtoarele formate de fiier pot conine mai multe certificate, liste de certificate revocate sau liste de certificate acreditate:P5  Standard sintax mesaje criptografice/Mesaje PKCS #7 (*.p7b)PD  Schimb de informaii personale/PKCS #12 (*.pfx, *.p12)PS  Depozit Microsoft nseriat de certificate (*.sst)@=0AB5@ 8<?>@B0 A5@B8D8:0B>2MS Shell DlgP <O &D09;0:P  P < &17>@...P @8<5G0=85: A5@B8D8:0BK, A?8A>: >B7K20 8 A?8A>: 4>25@8O A5@B8D8:0B>2 <>3CB A>45@60BLAO 2 D09;0E A;54CNI8E D>@<0B>2:P5  !>>1I5=8O CMS/PKCS #7 (*.p7b)PD  $>@<0B >1<5=0 ;8G=>9 8=D>@<0F859/PKCS #12 (*.pfx, *.p12)PS  %@0=8;8I5 A5@80;87>20==KE A5@B8D8:0B>2 Microsoft (*.sst)@= arobnjak za uvoz certifikataMS Shell DlgP Naziv &datoteke:P  P < N&ai...P Napomena: Sljedei datote ni formati mogu sadr~avati viae od jednog certifikata, popisa opoziva certifikata ili popisa pouzdanih certifikata:P5  Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard/PKCS #7 Messages (*.p7b)PD  Personal Information Exchange/PKCS #12 (*.pfx; *.p12)PS  Microsoft Serialized Certificate Store (*.sst)@=Certificate Import WizardMS Shell DlgP &Sbor:P  P < P&rechdzaj...P Note: The following file formats may contain more than one certificate, certificate revocation list, or certificate trust list:P5  Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard/PKCS #7 Messages (*.p7b)PD  Personal Information Exchange/PKCS #12 (*.pfx; *.p12)PS  Microsoft Serialized Certificate Store (*.sst)@=Guiden fr import av certifikatMS Shell DlgP &Filnamn:P  P < B&lddra...P Obs: Fljande filformat kan innehlla mer n ett certifikat och listor ver terkallade eller betrodda certifikat:P5  Standard fr kryptografisk meddelandesyntax/PKCS #7-meddelande (*.p7b)PD  Personal Information Exchange/PKCS #12 (*.pfx; *.p12)PS  Microsoft Serialized Certificate Store (*.sst)@=Sertifika Alma Sihirbaz1MS Shell DlgP &Dosya ad1:P  P < &Gzat...P Not: A_a1daki dosya biimleri, bir veya birden fazla sertifika, sertifika iptal listesi veya sertifika gven listesi ierebilir:P5  Kriptografik 0leti Szdizimi Standard1/PKCS #7 0letileri (*.p7b)PD  Ki_isel Bilgi Dei_imi/PKCS #12 (*.pfx; *.p12)PS  Microsoft Numaraland1r1lm1_ Sertifika Deposu (*.sst)@=09AB5@ V<?>@BC A5@B8DV:0BV2MS Shell DlgP &<'O D09;C:P  P < &3;O4...P #2030: 0ABC?=V D>@<0B8 D09;V2 <>6CBL <VAB8B8 1V;LH5 >4=>3> A5@B8DV:0BC, A?8A:C 0=C;L>20=8E A5@B8DV:0BV2, G8 A?8A:C 4>2V@5=8E A5@B8DV:0BV2:P5  >2V4><;5==O CMS/PKCS #7 (*.p7b)PD  1<V= >A>18AB>N V=D>@<0FVTN/PKCS #12 (*.pfx; *.p12)PS  !E>28I5 A5@V9=8E A5@B8DV:0BV2 Microsoft (*.sst)@= arovnik za uvoz potrdilaMS Shell DlgP &Ime datoteke:P  P < B&rskaj ...P Opomba: Naslednje vrste datotek lahko vsebujejo ve  kot eno potrdilo, seznam preklicanih potrdil ali seznam zaupanja vrednih potrdil:P5  Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard/PKCS #7 Messages (*.p7b)PD  Personal Information Exchange/PKCS #12 (*.pfx; *.p12)PS  Microsoftova shramba potrdil v zaporedjih (*.sst)@=Liudijimo importo vediklisMS Shell DlgP &Failas:P  P < Pari&nkti...P Pastaba: `ie fails formatai gali turti daugiau negu vien liudijim, ataaukts liudijims sraa ar patikints liudijims sraa:P5  Kriptografinio praneaimo sintakss standarto/PKCS #7 praneaimai (*.p7b)PD  Asmenins informacijos mainai/PKCS #12 (*.pfx, *.p12)PS  Iadstyta serijomis liudijims saugykla (*.sst)@= MS Shell DlgP (&F):P  P < ... (&R)P Note: The following file formats may contain more than one certificate, certificate revocation list, or certificate trust list:P5  /PKCS #7 (*.p7b)PD  /PKCS #12 (*.pfx; *.p12)PS  Microsoft (*.sst)@=Encontu pa la importacin de certificaosMS Shell DlgP &File name:P  P < R&estolar...P Note: The following file formats may contain more than one certificate, certificate revocation list, or certificate trust list:P5  Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard/PKCS #7 Messages (*.p7b)PD  Personal Information Exchange/PKCS #12 (*.pfx; *.p12)PS  Microsoft Serialized Certificate Store (*.sst)@=aI/SeQ|H MS Shell DlgP jHh T1z(&F)P  P < p(&R)...P ; NRjHh0(&R)...@=Certificaat importeerhulpMS Shell DlgPWine kan automatisch de certificatenopslag selecteren, of u kunt een locatie opgeven voor de certificaten. P &Automatisch certificatenopslag selecteren P* &Plaats alle certificaten in de volgende opslag:P,= P=< Bladeren...@=Kreator importu certyfikatwMS Shell DlgPWine mo|e automatycznie wybra magazyn certyfikatw. Mo|esz tak|e rcznie okre[li poBo|enie certyfikatw. P &Automatycznie wybierz magazyn certyfikatw P* &Umie[ wszystkie certyfikaty w nastpujcym magazynie:P,= P=< P&rzegldaj...@=Asistent de importare a certificatelorMS Shell DlgPWine poate selecta automat depozitul de certificate sau putei s specificai o locaie pentru certificate. P Selecteaz &automat depozitul de certificate P* &Plaseaz toate certificatele n urmtorul depozit:P,= P=< &Navigheaz...@=0AB5@ 8<?>@B0 A5@B8D8:0B>2MS Shell DlgPWine <>65B 02B><0B8G5A:8 2K1@0BL E@0=8;8I5 A5@B8D8:0B>2, ;81> 2K <>65B5 A0<8 C:070BL 53>. P &K1@0BL E@0=8;8I5 A5@B8D8:0B>2 02B><0B8G5A:8 P* &><5AB8BL 2A5 A5@B8D8:0BK 2 A;54CNI55 E@0=8;8I5:P,= P=< &17>@...@= arobnjak za uvoz certifikataMS Shell DlgPWine mo~e automatski odabrati spremnik certifikata, ili mo~ete specificirati lokaciju za certifikate. P &Automatski odaberi spremnik certifikata P* &Smjesti sve certifikate u sljedei spremnik:P,= P=< N&ai...@=Certificate Import WizardMS Shell DlgPWine can automatically select the certificate store, or you can specify a location for the certificates. P &Automatically select certificate store P* &Place all certificates in the following store:P,= P=< P&rechdzaj...@=Guiden fr import av certifikatMS Shell DlgPWine kan vlja certifikatlagret automatiskt, eller s kan du ange en skvg fr certifikaten. P Vlj certifikatlager &automatiskt P* &Placera alla certifikat i fljande lager:P,= P=< B&lddra...@=Sertifika Alma Sihirbaz1MS Shell DlgPWine otomatik olarak bir sertifika deposu seebilir veya sertifikalar iin siz de bir konum belirleyebilirsiniz. P Sertifik&a deposunu otomatik se P* &Tm sertifikalar1 a_a1daki depoya yerle_tir:P,= P=< &Gzat...@=09AB5@ V<?>@BC A5@B8DV:0BV2MS Shell DlgPWine <>65 02B><0B8G=> 281@0B8 AE>28I5 A5@B8DV:0BV2, 01> 28 <>65B5 2:070B8 <VAF5 4;O A5@B8DV:0BV2. P &2B><0B8G=> 281@0B8 AE>28I5 A5@B8DV:0BV2 P* &><VAB8B8 2AV A5@B8DV:0B8 2 =0ABC?=5 AE>28I5:P,= P=< &3;O4...@= arovnik za uvoz potrdilaMS Shell DlgPWine lahko samodejno izbere shrambo potrdil ali pa lahko sami dolo ite mesto potrdil. P &Samodejno izberi shrambo potrdila P* &Postavi vsa potrdila v naslednjo shrambo:P,= P=< B&rskaj ...@=Liudijimo importo vediklisMS Shell DlgP Wine gali automatiakai parinkti liudijims saugykl arba galite nurodyti viet liudijimams. P Automatiakai pa&rinkti liudijims saugykl P* Patalpinti &visus liudijimus / ai saugykl:P,= P=< Pari&nkti...@= MS Shell DlgPWine can automatically select the certificate store, or you can specify a location for the certificates. P &Automatically select certificate store P* &Place all certificates in the following store:P,= P=< ... (&R)@=Encontu pa la importacin de certificaosMS Shell DlgPWine can automatically select the certificate store, or you can specify a location for the certificates. P &Automatically select certificate store P* &Place all certificates in the following store:P,= P=< R&estolar...@=aI/SeQ|H MS Shell DlgPWine SNRxSaI2QX[U b`SNc[(ueaIvMOn0 P RxSaI2QX[U(&A) P* \@b gaI>ene NR2QX[(&P)P,= P=< p(&R)...@=Certificate Import WizardMS Shell DlgPWine can automatically select the certificate store, or you can specify a location for the certificates. P &Automatically select certificate store P* &Place all certificates in the following store:P,= P=< B&rowse...@=Veiviser for import av sertifikaterMS Shell DlgPWine kan velge sertifikatlageret automatisk, eller du kan oppgi en plassering for sertifikatene selv. P Velg sertifikatlager &automatisk P* &Plasser alle sertifikatene i flgende lager:P,= P=< &Bla...@=Assistente de Importao de CertificadosMS Shell DlgPO Wine pode automaticamente selecionar o conjunto de certificados ou voc pode especificar a localizao para os certificados. P &Selecionar conjunto de certificados automaticamente P* &Colocar todos os certificados no seguinte conjunto:P,= P=< &Navegar...@=Certificate Import WizardMS Shell DlgPWine can automatically select the certificate store, or you can specify a location for the certificates. P &Automatically select certificate store P* &Place all certificates in the following store:P,= P=< &Foliumi...@=fN[eQT[ MS Shell DlgPWine SNꁨR bfNX[P `_NSNc[fNvMOn0 P ꁨR bfNX[P(&A) P* \@b gfN>eeQdkX[P(&P)P,= P=< Omȉ(&R)...@=Assistente de Importao de CertificadosMS Shell DlgPO Wine pode automaticamente seleccionar o depsito de certificados ou voc pode especificar a localizao para os certificados. P &Seleccionar depsito de certificados automaticamente P* &Colocar todos os certificados no seguinte depsito:P,= P=< P&rocurar...@=Certificate Import WizardMS Shell DlgPWine can automatically select the certificate store, or you can specify a location for the certificates. P &Automatically select certificate store P* &Place all certificates in the following store:P,= P=< N&ai...@@=E9'D, '3*J1'/ 'D4G'/'*MS Shell DlgPs( E9'D, %CE'D '3*J1'/ 'D4G'/'*Ps!#CED* (F,'- E9'D, '3*J1'/ 'D4G'/'*Ps9 BE* J*-/J/ 'D.J'1'* 'D*'DJ):@PsCd SysListView32@=Assistent d'Importaci de CertificatsMS Shell DlgPs( S'est acabant l'Assistent d'Importaci de CertificatsPs!Heu acabat amb xit l'Assistent d'Importaci de Certificats.Ps9 Heu especificat la configuraci segent:@PsCd SysListView32@=Provodce importem certifiktuMS Shell DlgPs( Completing the Certificate Import WizardPs!span jste proali kroky Provodce pro import certifiktu.Ps9 Zadali jste tato nastaven:@PsCd SysListView32@=CertifikatimporteringsguideMS Shell DlgPs( Frdiggr certifikat importeringsguidenPs!Du har med succes fuldfrt certifikat importeringsguiden.Ps9 Du har specificeret flgende egenskaber:@PsCd SysListView32@=Zertifikat-ImportassistentMS Shell DlgPs( Fertigstellung des Zertifikat-ImportassistentenPs!Importvorgang ordnungsgem abgeschlossen.Ps9 Sie haben folgende Einstellungen gewhlt:@PsCd SysListView32@=Certificate Import WizardMS Shell DlgPs( Completing the Certificate Import WizardPs!You have successfully completed the Certificate Import Wizard.Ps9 You have specified the following settings:@PsCd SysListView32@=Asistente de Importacin de CertificadosMS Shell DlgPs( Finalizando el Asistente de Importacin de CertificadosPs!Ha finalizado el Asistente de Importacin de Certificados correctamente.Ps9 Ha especificado los siguientes ajustes:@PsCd SysListView32@=Ohjattu varmenteen tuontiMS Shell DlgPs( Varmenteen tuonnin viimeistelyPs!Olet menestyksekksti suoriutunut ohjatusta varmenteen tuonnista.Ps9 Olet valinnut seuraavat asetukset:@PsCd SysListView32@=Assistant d'importation de certificatsMS Shell DlgPs( Clture de l'assistant d'importation de certificatsPs!Vous avez termin avec succs l'assistant d'importation de certificats.Ps9 Vous avez spcifi les paramtres suivants:@PsCd SysListView32@@=  MS Shell DlgPs( Completing the Certificate Import WizardPs!You have successfully completed the Certificate Import Wizard.Ps9 You have specified the following settings:@PsCd SysListView32@=Tanstvny import varzslMS Shell DlgPs( Tanstvny import varzsl befejezsePs!Sikeresen vgrehajtdott a Tanstvny import varzsl.Ps9 A kvetkezQ belltsok lettek megadva:@PsCd SysListView32@=Guida all'Importazione di CertificatiMS Shell DlgPs( Completando la Guida all'Importazione di CertificatiPs!Hai completato con successo la Guida all'Importazione di Certificati.Ps9 Hai specificato le impostazioni seguenti:@PsCd SysListView32@=<ff00000 00000 MS Shell DlgPs( <ff00000 00000n0[NPs!<ff00000 00000L0ck8^k0[NW0~0W0_00Ps9 N Nn0-[0c[W0f0D0~0Y0:@PsCd SysListView32@=xǝ 8$0 ȹ MS Shell DlgPs( xǝ 8$0 ȹ ȹXΔ Ps!xǝ 8$0 ȹ| D̸յȲ.Ps9 L $D ȈյȲ:@PsCd SysListView32@=Certificaat importeerhulpMS Shell DlgPs( Afronden van de certificaat importeerhulpPs!U heeft de certificaat importeerhulp succesvol afgerond.Ps9 U heeft de volgende instellingen ingegeven:@PsCd SysListView32@=Kreator importu certyfikatwMS Shell DlgPs( KoDczenie pracy kreatora importu certyfikatwPs!Praca kreatora importu certyfikatw zostaBa zakoDczona pomy[lnie.Ps9 Okre[liBe[ nastpujce ustawienia:@PsCd SysListView32@=Asistent de importare a certificatelorMS Shell DlgPs( Se finalizeaz Asistentul de importare a certificatelorPs!Ai finalizat cu succes Asistentul de importare a certificatelor.Ps9 Ai specificat urmtoarea configuraie:@PsCd SysListView32@=0AB5@ 8<?>@B0 A5@B8D8:0B>2MS Shell DlgPs( 025@H5=85 @01>BK <0AB5@0 8<?>@B0 A5@B8D8:0B>2Ps!0AB5@ 8<?>@B0 A5@B8D8:0B>2 CA?5H=> A>1@0; 2A5 40==K5, =5>1E>48<K5 4;O 2K?>;=5=8O 8<?>@B0.Ps9 K >?@545;8;8 A;54CNI85 ?0@0<5B@K 8<?>@B0:@PsCd SysListView32@= arobnjak za uvoz certifikataMS Shell DlgPs( Dovraetak arobnjaka za uvoz certifikataPs!Uspjeano je zavraen arobnjak za uvoz certifikata.Ps9 Specificarli ste sljedee postavke:@PsCd SysListView32@=Guiden fr import av certifikatMS Shell DlgPs( Avslutar guiden fr import av certifikatPs!Du har slutfrt guiden fr import av certifikat.Ps9 Du har angett fljande instllningar:@PsCd SysListView32@=Sertifika Alma Sihirbaz1MS Shell DlgPs( Sertifika Alma Sihirbaz1 Tamamlan1yorPs!Sertifika Alma Sihirbaz1n1 ba_ar1yla tamamlad1n1z.Ps9 A_a1daki ayarlar1 belirttiniz:@PsCd SysListView32@=09AB5@ V<?>@BC A5@B8DV:0BV2MS Shell DlgPs( 025@H5==O @>1>B8 09AB@0 V<?>@BC A5@B8DV:0BV2Ps!09AB5@ V<?>@BC A5@B8DV:0BV2 7025@H82 @>1>BC CA?VH=>.Ps9 8 2:070;8 =0ABC?=V ?0@0<5B@8:@PsCd SysListView32@= arovnik za uvoz potrdilaMS Shell DlgPs( Dopolnjevanje arovnika za uvoz potrdilPs!Uspeano ste dokon ali arovnika za uvoz potrdil.Ps9 Dolo ili ste naslednje nastavitve:@PsCd SysListView32@=Liudijimo importo vediklisMS Shell DlgPs( Liudijimo importo vediklio pabaigaPs!Skmingai baigte liudijimo importo vedikl/.Ps9 Nurodte aias nuostatas:@PsCd SysListView32@= MS Shell DlgPs( Ps!You have successfully completed the Certificate Import Wizard.Ps9 You have specified the following settings:@PsCd SysListView32@=Encontu pa la importacin de certificaosMS Shell DlgPs( Completing the Certificate Import WizardPs!You have successfully completed the Certificate Import Wizard.Ps9 Especifiquesti los axustes de darru:@PsCd SysListView32@=aI/SeQ|H MS Shell DlgPs( ck(W[baI/SeQ|HPs!`]}bR0W[baI/SeQ|H0Ps9 `]c[ NR-[@8@ OCertificatsMS Shell DlgP d &Finalitat prevista:PS< TA SysTabControl32P.1o SysListView32PA &Importa...XLA &Exporta...XA &EliminaPA &Avanat...PA/Finalitats previstes del certificatP X 3 &VisualitzaP3&Tanca@ OCertifiktyMS Shell DlgP d Zamalen el:PS< TA SysTabControl32P.1o SysListView32PA &Importovat...XLA &Exportovat...XA Odeb&ratPA &Pokro il...PA/Zamalen el certifiktuP X 3 &ZobrazitP3&ZavYt@ OCertifikaterMS Shell DlgP d &Bestemt forml:PS< TA SysTabControl32P.1o SysListView32PA &Importer...XLA &Eksporter...XA &FjernPA &Avanceret...PA/Certifikat forventede brugP X 3 &VisP3&Luk@ OZertifikateMS Shell DlgP d &Geplanter Zweck:PS< TA SysTabControl32P.1o SysListView32PA &Importieren...XLA &Exportieren...XA &EntfernenPA &Erweitert...PA/Beabsichtigte Zwecke des ZertifikatsP X 3 &AnsichtP3&Schlieen@ OCertificatesMS Shell DlgP d I&ntended purpose:PS< TA SysTabControl32P.1o SysListView32PA &Import...XLA &Export...XA &RemovePA &Advanced...PA/Certificate intended purposesP X 3 &ViewP3&@ OCertificatesMS Shell DlgP d I&ntended purpose:PS< TA SysTabControl32P.1o SysListView32PA &Import...XLA &Export...XA &RemovePA &Advanced...PA/Certificate intended purposesP X 3 &ViewP3&Close@ OCertificadosMS Shell DlgP d Fi&nalidad prevista:PS< TA SysTabControl32P.1o SysListView32PA &Importar...XLA &Exportar...XA E&liminarPA &Avanzado...PA/Usos previstos para el certificadoP X 3 &VerP3&Cerrar@ OVarmenteetMS Shell DlgP d Suunniteltu tarkoitus:PS< TA SysTabControl32P.1o SysListView32PA &Tuo...XLA &Vie...XA &PoistaPA &Lisasetukset...PA/Varmenteen suunnitellut tarkoituksetP X 3 &NytP3&Sulje@ OCertificatsMS Shell DlgP d &Rle prvu:PS< TA SysTabControl32P.1o SysListView32PA &Importer...XLA &Exporter...XA &SupprimerPA &Avanc...PA/Rles prvus pour le certificatP X 3 &AffichageP3&Fermer@@ OMS Shell DlgP d I&ntended purpose:PS< TA SysTabControl32P.1o SysListView32PA &Import...XLA &...XA &PA &Advanced...PA/Certificate intended purposesP X 3 &P3&@ OTanstvnyokMS Shell DlgP d F&elhasznlsi szndk:PS< TA SysTabControl32P.1o SysListView32PA &Import...XLA &Export...XA E&ltvoltsPA &Halad...PA/Tanstvny kulcshasznlatP X 3 &NzetP3&Bezrs@ OCertificatiMS Shell DlgP d &Soggetto inteso:PS< TA SysTabControl32P.1o SysListView32PA &Importa...XLA &Esporta...XA &RimuoviPA &Avanzato...PA/Soggetti intesi del certificatoP X 3 &VisualizzaP3&Chiudi@ O<ff MS Shell DlgP d vv(&N):PS< TA SysTabControl32P.1o SysListView32PA 00000(&I)...XLA 000000(&E)...XA JRd(&R)PA s0}(&A)...PA/<ffn0vvP X 3 h:y(&V)P3X00(&C)@ Oxǝ MS Shell DlgP d ij(&N):PS< TA SysTabControl32P.1o SysListView32PA $0(&I)...XLA 0(&E)...XA p(&R)PA (&A)...PA/xǝ  ijP X 3 0(&V)P30(&C)@ OCertificatenMS Shell DlgP d &Doeleinden:PS< TA SysTabControl32P.1o SysListView32PA &Importeer...XLA &Exporteren...XA &VerwijderenPA Ge&avanceerd...PA/Certificaat doeleindenP X 3 Bee&ldP3&Afsluiten@ OCertyfikatyMS Shell DlgP d &Zamierzone cele:PS< TA SysTabControl32P.1o SysListView32PA &Importuj...XLA &Eksportuj...XA &UsuDPA &Zaawansowane...PA/Zamierzone cele certyfikatuP X 3 &WidokP3&Zamknij@ OCertificateMS Shell DlgP d Rolul i&ntenionat:PS< TA SysTabControl32P.1o SysListView32PA &Importare...XLA &Exportare...XA &EliminPA &Avansate...PA/Rolurile intenionate ale certificatuluiP X 3 &VizualizareP3n&chide@ O!5@B8D8:0BKMS Shell DlgP d &07=0G5=8O:PS< TA SysTabControl32P.1o SysListView32PA &<?>@B...XLA &-:A?>@B8@>20BL...XA &#40;8BLPA &0@0<5B@K...PA/07=0G5=8O A5@B8D8:0B0P X 3 &84P3&0:@KBL@ OCertifikatiMS Shell DlgP d Predvi&ena namjena:PS< TA SysTabControl32P.1o SysListView32PA &Uvoz...XLA &Izvoz...XA &UkloniPA &Napredno...PA/Predviena namjena certifikataP X 3 &PrikazP3&Zatvori@ OCertifiktyMS Shell DlgP d I&ntended purpose:PS< TA SysTabControl32P.1o SysListView32PA &Importovae...XLA &Exportovae...XA &OdstrniePA &Pokro il...PA/Certificate intended purposesP X 3 &Uk~P3&Zavriee@ OCertifikatMS Shell DlgP d Avsett s&yfte:PS< TA SysTabControl32P.1o SysListView32PA &Importera...XLA &Exportera...XA Ta &bortPA &Avancerat...PA/Avsedda syften fr certifikatP X 3 &VisaP3St&ng@ OCertificatesMS Shell DlgP d I&ntended purpose:PS< TA SysTabControl32P.1o SysListView32PA &Import...XLA &Export...XA &RemovePA &Advanced...PA/Certificate intended purposesP X 3 &ViewP34@ OSertifikalarMS Shell DlgP d 0ste&nen ama:PS< TA SysTabControl32P.1o SysListView32PA &0e aktar...XLA &D1_a aktar...XA &Kald1rPA &Geli_mi_...PA/Sertifikada istenen amalarP X 3 &GrnmP3&Kapat@ O!5@B8DV:0B8MS Shell DlgP d &@87=0G5=0 FV;L:PS< TA SysTabControl32P.1o SysListView32PA &<?>@B...XLA &:A?>@B...XA &840;8B8PA &>40B:>2>...PA/@87=0G5=V FV;V A5@B8DV:0BCP X 3 &83;O4P30&:@8B8@ OPotrdilaMS Shell DlgP d N&amenjen namen:PS< TA SysTabControl32P.1o SysListView32PA &Uvozi ...XLA &Izvozi ...XA &OdstraniPA &Napredno ...PA/Nameni namenjenega potrdilaP X 3 &PogledP3&Zapri@ OLiudijimaiMS Shell DlgP d &Numatytosios paskirtys:PS< TA SysTabControl32P.1o SysListView32PA &Importuoti...XLA &Eksportuoti...XA Pa&aalintiPA Ias&amiau...PA/Liudijimo numatytosios paskirtysP X 3 &RodymasP3&U~verti@ OCertificatesMS Shell DlgP d I&ntended purpose:PS< TA SysTabControl32P.1o SysListView32PA &Import...XLA &Export...XA (&R)PA &Advanced...PA/Certificate intended purposesP X 3 &ViewP3 (&C)@ OCertificatesMS Shell DlgP d I&ntended purpose:PS< TA SysTabControl32P.1o SysListView32PA &Import...XLA &Export...XA ( @  M    F / M / A  (&R)PA &Advanced...PA/Certificate intended purposesP X 3 &ViewP3&Close@ O MS Shell DlgP d (&N):PS< TA SysTabControl32P.1o SysListView32PA ... (&I)XLA ... (&E)XA (&R)PA ... (&A)PA/Certificate intended purposesP X 3 (&V)P3 (&C)@ OCertificaosMS Shell DlgP d I&ntended purpose:PS< TA SysTabControl32P.1o SysListView32PA &Importar...XLA &Esportar...XA &RemovePA &Advanced...PA/Certificate intended purposesP X 3 &ViewP3&Zarrar@ OaI MS Shell DlgP d [vv(&N)PS< TA SysTabControl32P.1o SysListView32PA /SeQ(&I)...XLA /SQ(&E)...XA yd(&R)PA 2(&A)...PA/aI[vvP X 3 j(&V)P3ܕ(&C)@ OCertificatesMS Shell DlgP d I&ntended purpose:PS< TA SysTabControl32P.1o SysListView32PA &Import...XLA &Export...XA &RemovePA &Advanced...PA/Certificate intended purposesP X 3 &ViewP3&Close@ OSertifikaterMS Shell DlgP d Tilte&nkt forml:PS< TA SysTabControl32P.1o SysListView32PA &Importr...XLA &Eksporter...XA &FjernPA &Avansert...PA/Sertifikatets tiltenkte formlP X 3 &VisP3&Lukk@ OCertificadosMS Shell DlgP d &Com o propsito:PS< TA SysTabControl32P.1o SysListView32PA &Importar...XLA E&xportar...XA &RemoverPA &Avanadas...PA/Propsitos do CertificadoP X 3 &VerP3&Fechar@ OCertificatesMS Shell DlgP d I&ntended purpose:PS< TA SysTabControl32P.1o SysListView32PA &Importi...XLA &Eksporti...XA &ForigiPA &Advanced...PA/Intenca celo de atestiloP X 3 &VidoP3&Fermi@ OfN MS Shell DlgP d g(uPS< TA SysTabControl32P.1o SysListView32PA [eQ(&I)...XLA [Q(&E)...XA Rd(&R)PA ؚ~(&A)...PA/fNvg(uP X 3 ƉV(&V)P3sQ(&C)@ OCertificadosMS Shell DlgP d &Com o propsito:PS< TA SysTabControl32P.1o SysListView32PA &Importar...XLA E&xportar...XA &RemoverPA &Avanadas...PA/Propsitos do CertificadoP X 3 &VerP3&Fechar@ OCertificatesMS Shell DlgP d I&ntended purpose:PS< TA SysTabControl32P.1o SysListView32PA &Import...XLA &Export...XA &UkloniPA &Advanced...PA/Certificate intended purposesP X 3 &PrikazP3&Zatvori@ OCertificatesMS Shell DlgP d I&ntended purpose:PS< TA SysTabControl32P.1o SysListView32PA &Import...XLA &Export...XA &#:;>=8PA &Advanced...PA/Certificate intended purposesP X 3 &@8:07P3&0B2>@8@@'D.J'1'* 'DE*B/E)MS Shell DlgP:16 'D4G'/)P'.*1 :16K' #H #C+1 DJ*E %6'A*G' DD'&-) AJ -'D '.*J'1 :16 E*B/E.P)Z #:1'6 'D4&G'/):@P3Ze SysListView32P3-3FK'P3#D:P@Advanced OptionsMS Shell DlgPCertificate purposePSelect one or more purposes to be listed when Advanced Purposes is selected.P)Z &Certificate purposes:@P3Ze SysListView32P3OKP3B<5=8@Opcions avanadesMS Shell DlgPFinalitat de certificatPSelecciona una o ms finalitats per a allistar quan se seleccionen les finalitats avanades.P)Z Finalitats de &certificat:@P3Ze SysListView32P3D'acordP3Cancella@Pokro il nastavenMS Shell DlgP el certifiktuPSelect one or more purposes to be listed when Advanced Purposes is selected.P)Z & el certifiktu:@P3Ze SysListView32P3OKP3Storno@Avancerede indstillingerMS Shell DlgPCertifikatformlPVlg et eller flere forml til at blive opfrt nr Avancerede Forml er valgt.P)Z &Certifikatforml:@P3Ze SysListView32P3OKP3Annuller@Erweiterte OptionenMS Shell DlgPZertifikatszweckPWhlen Sie mindestens einen Zweck, der als Erweitert aufgefhrt werden soll.P)Z &Zertifikatszwecke:@P3Ze SysListView32P3OKP3Abbrechen@Advanced OptionsMS Shell DlgPCertificate purposePSelect one or more purposes to be listed when Advanced Purposes is selected.P)Z &Certificate purposes:@P3Ze SysListView32P3OKP3@Advanced OptionsMS Shell DlgPCertificate purposePSelect one or more purposes to be listed when Advanced Purposes is selected.P)Z &Certificate purposes:@P3Ze SysListView32P3OKP3Cancel@Opciones AvanzadasMS Shell DlgPFinalidad del certificadoPSeleccione uno o ms usos para ser listados cuando se seleccione Usos Avanzados.P)Z Finalidades de &Certificado:@P3Ze SysListView32P3AceptarP3Cancelar@LisasetuksetMS Shell DlgPVarmenteen tarkoitusPValitse yksi tai useampia tarkoituksia, jotka nytetn, kun valitaan Edistyneet tarkoitukset.P)Z &Varmenteen tarkoitukset:@P3Ze SysListView32P3OKP3Peruuta@Options avancesMS Shell DlgPRle du certificatPSlectionnez un ou plusieurs rles afficher quand les options avances sont slectionnes.P)Z &Rles du certificat:@P3Ze SysListView32P3OKP3Annuler@@Advanced OptionsMS Shell DlgPCertificate purposePSelect one or more purposes to be listed when Advanced Purposes is selected.P)Z &Certificate purposes:@P3Ze SysListView32P3P3@Specilis opcikMS Shell DlgPTanstvny tpusaPVlasszon ki egy vagy tbb elemet, amely(ek) megjelennek ha a Specilis opci engedlyezve van.P)Z &Tanstvny tpusok:@P3Ze SysListView32P3OKP3Mgse@Opzioni AvanzateMS Shell DlgPSoggetto del certificatoPSeleziona uno o pi soggetti da elencare quando Soggetti Avanzati selezionato.P)Z &Soggetti del certificato:@P3Ze SysListView32P3OkP3Annulla@s0}00000 MS Shell DlgP<ffn0vvP[ؚ^j0vv] L0xbU00_0h0M0k0h:yU000vv0 1 d0N NxbW0f0O0`0U0D00P)Z <ffn0vv(&C):@P3Ze SysListView32P3OKP300000@ 5X MS Shell DlgPxǝ ijP ij D L И X՘ X ij .P)Z xǝ ij(&C):@P3Ze SysListView32P3UxP3͌@Geavanceerde optiesMS Shell DlgPCertificaat doeleindePSelecteer een of meerdere doelen om te tonen als Geavanceerde doeleinden wordt geselecteerd.P)Z &Certificaat doeleinden:@P3Ze SysListView32P3OKP3Annuleren@Zaawansowane opcjeMS Shell DlgPCel certyfikatuPWybierz jeden lub wicej celw, ktre maj by wy[wietlane gdy zaznaczono Zaawansowane Cele.P)Z &Cele certyfikatu:@P3Ze SysListView32P3OKP3Anuluj@Opiuni avansateMS Shell DlgPRolul certificatuluiPSelectai unul sau mai multe roluri care s fie afiate cnd se selecteaz Roluri avansate.P)Z Rolurile &certificatului:@P3Ze SysListView32P3OKP3Renun@>?>;=8B5;L=K5 ?0@0<5B@KMS Shell DlgP07=0G5=8O A5@B8D8:0B>2PK15@8B5 =07=0G5=8O, :>B>@K5 1C4CB 2:;NG5=K 2 ?@545;O5<K9 =01>@.P)Z &07=0G5=8O:@P3Ze SysListView32P3P3B<5=0@Napredne postavkeMS Shell DlgPNamjena certifikataPJedna ili viae namjena e biti navedena kada je opcija 'Napredne namjene' ozna ena.P)Z Namjene cert&ifikata:@P3Ze SysListView32P3U reduP3Otka~i@Pokro il mo~nostiMS Shell DlgPCertificate purposePSelect one or more purposes to be listed when Advanced Purposes is selected.P)Z &Certificate purposes:@P3Ze SysListView32P3OKP3Zruaie@Avancerade valMS Shell DlgPSyfte fr certifikatPVlj ett eller flera syften att listas nr Avancerade Syften r valt.P)Z &Syften fr certifikat:@P3Ze SysListView32P3OKP3Avbryt@Advanced OptionsMS Shell DlgPCertificate purposePSelect one or more purposes to be listed when Advanced Purposes is selected.P)Z &Certificate purposes:@P3Ze SysListView32P3%P3"@%4@Geli_mi_ SeeneklerMS Shell DlgPSertifika amac1PGeli_mi_ Amalar seildiinde listelenecek bir veya birden fazla amac1 sein.P)Z &Sertifika amalar1:@P3Ze SysListView32P3TamamP30ptal@>40B:>2V ?0@0<5B@8MS Shell DlgP&V;L A5@B8DV:0BCP815@VBL >4=C G8 :V;L:0 FV;59, O:V 1C4CBL 2 A?8A:C ?@8 281@0=><C ?C=:BV >40B:>2V FV;V.P)Z &&V;V A5@B8DV:0BC:@P3Ze SysListView32P3OKP3!:0AC20B8@Napredne mo~nostiMS Shell DlgPNameni potrdilPIzberite enega ali ve  namenov za izpis, ko so izbrani Napredni nameni.P)Z Nameni &potrdila:@P3Ze SysListView32P3V reduP3Prekli i@Iasamios parinktysMS Shell DlgPLiudijimo paskirtisPIarinkite paskir is rodymui, kai pasirinkta  papildomos paskirtys .P)Z &Liudijimo paskirtys:@P3Ze SysListView32P3GeraiP3Atsisakyti@@Advanced OptionsMS Shell DlgPCertificate purposePSelect one or more purposes to be listed when Advanced Purposes is selected.P)Z &Certificate purposes:@P3Ze SysListView32P3B(HDP3'F51'A@Advanced OptionsMS Shell DlgPCertificate purposePSelect one or more purposes to be listed when Advanced Purposes is selected.P)Z &Certificate purposes:@P3Ze SysListView32P3 P3 @Advanced OptionsMS Shell DlgPCertificate purposePSelect one or more purposes to be listed when Advanced Purposes is selected.P)Z &Certificate purposes:@P3Ze SysListView32P36 0 ? P3Cancel@ MS Shell DlgP PSelect one or more purposes to be listed when Advanced Purposes is selected.P)Z (&C):@P3Ze SysListView32P3 P3 @Advanced OptionsMS Shell DlgPCertificate purposePSelect one or more purposes to be listed when Advanced Purposes is selected.P)Z &Certificate purposes:@P3Ze SysListView32P3I VaP3Rinonc@Opciones avanzaesMS Shell DlgPCertificate purposePSelect one or more purposes to be listed when Advanced Purposes is selected.P)Z &Certificate purposes:@P3Ze SysListView32P3AceutarP3Encaboxar@2x MS Shell DlgPaIvvPvu2vv]xBfxSNbY PRQvvv0P)Z aIvv(&C)@P3Ze SysListView32P3x[P3Sm@Advanced OptionsMS Shell DlgPCertificate purposePSelect one or more purposes to be listed when Advanced Purposes is selected.P)Z &Certificate purposes:@P3Ze SysListView32P3OKP3Cancel@Avanserte innstillingerMS Shell DlgPSertifikatformlPVelg ett eller flere forml som skal vises nr avanserte forml er valgt.P)Z &Sertifikatforml:@P3Ze SysListView32P3OKP3Avbryt@Opes AvanadasMS Shell DlgPPropsito do certificadoPSelecione um ou mais propsitos a serem listados quando Propsitos Avanados estiver selecionado.P)Z &Propsitos de Certificados:@P3Ze SysListView32P3OKP3Cancelar@Altnivelaj elektojMS Shell DlgPAtestila celoPSelect one or more purposes to be listed when Advanced Purposes is selected.P)Z &Atestilaj celoj:@P3Ze SysListView32P3BoneP3Rezigni@ؚ~ y MS Shell DlgPfN(uP bN*NbY*N(W -Nؚ~(uTRQv(u0P)Z fN(u(&C)@P3Ze SysListView32P3nx[P3Sm@Opes AvanadasMS Shell DlgPPropsito do certificadoPSeleccione um ou mais propsitos a serem listados quando Propsitos Avanados estiver seleccionado.P)Z &Propsitos de Certificados:@P3Ze SysListView32P3OKP3Cancelar@Advanced OptionsMS Shell DlgPCertificate purposePSelect one or more purposes to be listed when Advanced Purposes is selected.P)Z &Certificate purposes:@P3Ze SysListView32P3U reduP3Otka~i@Advanced OptionsMS Shell DlgPCertificate purposePSelect one or more purposes to be listed when Advanced Purposes is selected.P)Z &Certificate purposes:@P3Ze SysListView32P3# @54CP3B:068@@=E9'D, *5/J1 'D4G'/'*MS Shell DlgPsT E1-(K' (CE AJ E9'D, *5/J1 'D4G'/'*Ps(xJ3'9/CE G0' 'DE9'D, AJ *5/J1 'D4G'/'*  HBH'&E 'D4G'/'* 'DE1AH6) ('D%6'A) %DI BH'&E 'D4G'/'* 'DEH+HB)  EF EDA %DI E3*H/9 'D4G'/'*. JECF '3*./'E 'D4G'/) D*91JA 4.5C #H -'3(C 'D0J *3*./EG . CE' JECF #J6K' '3*./'EG' D*-BB H *HBJ9 'D13'&D . ('D*'DJ JECF 9/ E3*H/9'* 'D4G'/'* CEC'F EA6D DD4G'/'* HDCD EF BH'&E 'D4G'/'* 'DE1AH6) H 'DEH+HB). DDE*'(9)  '6:7 AHB 'D*'DJ.@=Assistent d'Exportaci de CertificatsMS Shell DlgPsT Benvingut a l'Assistent d'Exportaci de CertificatsPs(xAquest assistent us ajuda a exportar certificats, llistes de revocaci de certificats i llistes de certificats de confiana d'un magatzem de certificats a un fitxer. Es pot utilitzar un certificat per a identificar-vos o l'ordinador amb el qual esteu comunicant. Tamb es pot utilitzar per a l'autenticaci, i per a signar els missatges. Els magatzems de certificats sn conjunts de certificats, llistes de revocaci de certificats i llistes de confiana de certificats. Per a continuar, feu clic en Endavant.@=Provodce exportem certifiktuMS Shell DlgPsT Vtejte v provodci exportem certifiktuPs(xThis wizard helps you export certificates, certificate revocation lists, and certificate trust lists from a certificate store to a file. A certificate can be used to identify you or the computer with which you are communicating. It can also be used for authentication, and to sign messages. Certificate stores are collections of certificates, certificate revocation lists, and certificate trust lists. To continue, click Next.@=Certifikat eksporteringsguideMS Shell DlgPsT Velkommen til certifikat eksporteringsguidePs(xDenne guide hjlper dig med at eksportere certifikater, certifikat tilbagekaldelseslister og certifikat trovrdighedslister fra et certifikatlager til en fil. Et certifikat kan blive brugt til at identificere dig eller den computer, som du kommunikerer med. Det kan ogs bruges til godkendelse og til at underskrive beskeder. Certifikatlagre er samlinger af certifikater, certifikat tilbagekaldelseslister og certifikat trovrdighedslister. For at fortstte, klik nste.@=Zertifikat-ExportassistentMS Shell DlgPsT Willkommen beim Zertifikat-ExportassistentPs(xDieser Assistent hilft Ihnen Zertifikate, Zertifikatssperrlisten und Zertifikatsvertrauenslisten in eine Datei zu exportieren. Ein Zertifikat dient zur Identifikation von Ihnen oder Ihrem Computer. Es kann auch fr die Authentifizierung und zum Unterzeichnen genutzt werden. Zertifikatsspeicher sind Sammlungen von Zertifikaten, Zertifikatssperrlisten und Zertifikatsvertrauenslisten. Klicken Sie Weiter um fortzufahren.@=Certificate Export WizardMS Shell DlgPsT Welcome to the Certificate Export WizardPs(xThis wizard helps you export certificates, certificate revocation lists, and certificate trust lists from a certificate store to a file. A certificate can be used to identify you or the computer with which you are communicating. It can also be used for authentication, and to sign messages. Certificate stores are collections of certificates, certificate revocation lists, and certificate trust lists. To continue, click Next.@=Asistente de Exportacin de CertificadosMS Shell DlgPsT Bienvenida al Asistente Exportacin de CertificadosPs(xEste asistente le ayudar a exportar certificados, listas de revocacin, y listas de confianza de un almacn de certificados a un fichero. Un certificado puede ser utilizado para identificarte o al ordenador con el que te ests comunicando. Tambin puede usarse para autenticacin, y para firmar mensajes. Los almacenes de certificados son colecciones de certificados, listas de revocacin y listas de confianza de certificados. Para continuar, pulse sobre Siguiente.@=Ohjattu varmenteen vientiMS Shell DlgPsT Tervetuloa ohjattuun varmenteen vientiinPs(xTm ohjattu toiminto auttaa viemn varmennesilst tiedostoon varmenteita ja listoja luotetuista ja suljetuista varmenteista. Varmenteita kytetn kyttjn tai tietokoneen tunnistamiseen, identiteetin todentamiseen ja viestien allekirjoittamiseen. Varmennesilt ovat kokoelmia, joissa on varmenteita ja listoja luotetuista ja suljetuista varmenteista. Jatka painamalla Seuraava.@=Assistant Exportation de certificatsMS Shell DlgPsT Bienvenue dans l'assistant d'exportation de certificatsPs(xCet assistant vous aide exporter des certificats, des listes de rvocation de certificats et des listes de certificats de confiance dans un fichier partir d'un magasin de certificats. Un certificat peut tre utilis pour vous identifier, ou pour identifier l'ordinateur avec lequel vous communiquez. Il peut galement tre utilis des fins d'authentification ou de signature de messages. Les magasins de certificats sont des collections de certificats, de listes de rvocation de certificats et de listes de certificats de confiance. Pour continuer, cliquez sur Suivant.@=Tanstvny export varzslMS Shell DlgPsT dvzli a Tanstvny export varzslPs(xEz a varzsl egyszerqv teszi a tanstvnyok exportjt, visszavonst s megbzhatsgi belltst egy trolt fjl felhasznlsval. Egy tanstvnyt fel lehet hasznlni, hogy nt vagy azt a szmtgpet azonostsa, amellyel kommunikl. Fel lehet hasznlni hitelestsre is s hogy digitlisan alrjon zeneteket. Folytatshoz, kattintson a KvetkezQ nyomgombra.@=Guida all'Esportazione del CertificatoMS Shell DlgPsT Benvenuto alla Guida all'Esportazione del CertificatoPs(xQuesta guida ti aiuta a esportare certificate, liste di revoca di certificati e liste di fiducia di certificati da un deposito di certificati in un file. Un certificato pu essere usato per identificare te o il computer da cui stai comunicando. Pu essere anche usato per l'autenticazione e per firmare messaggi. I depositi di certificati sono collezioni di certificati, liste di revoca di certificati e liste di fiducia di certificati. Per continuare, premere Avanti.@=<ff000000 00000 MS Shell DlgPsT <ff000000 00000x00F0S0]0Ps(xS0n000000o0<ff0<ff1YR0000<ffO<000]00^000<ff000K000000x0000000Y00KbRQ00W0~0Y00 <ffo0 PNX%R00)R(uW0f0D00000000n0X%Rk0)R(uU00~0Y00~0_00<000000n0r Tk00O00~0Y00 <ff000o0<ff0<ff1YR0000<ffO<000n0ƖTg0Y00 }Q00k0o0[!kx0]00000W0f0O0`0U0D00@=xǝ 0 ȹ MS Shell DlgPsT xǝ 0 ȹ $ D XiȲPs(xt ȹ xǝ,xǝ 0 ]D $Ɣ p ijD ,xǝ ° ]D xǝ ȥnjX xǝ ° ]D |\ pij ijD Ȳ. t xǝ  XՔ 0| XՔ p )Ȳ. \ T xX xǝXՔ pij )Ȳ.xǝ xǝ, xǝ 0 ], xǝ ° ]XȥnjȲ. Ĭ X$t, [L]D tЭX$.@=Certificaat ExporteerhulpMS Shell DlgPsT Welkom bij de Certificaat exporteerhulpPs(xDeze wizard helpt u certificaten, lijsten van herroepen certificaten en lijsten van vertrouwde certificaten van een certificaatkluis naar een bestand te exporteren. Een certificaat kan gebruikt worden om u of de computer waarmee u communiceert te identificeren. Het kan ook gebruikt worden voor authenticatie en om berichten te ondertekenen. Een certificaatkluis bevat een verzameling van certificaten, lijsten van herroepen certificaten en lijsten van vertrouwde certificaten. Klik Volgende om verder te gaan.@=Kreator eksportu certyfikatwMS Shell DlgPsT Witamy w kreatorze eksportu certyfikatwPs(xPomocnik ten pomaga tobie eksportowa certyfikaty, listy odwoBania certyfikatw, i listy zaufania certyfikatw z magazynu certyfikatw do pliku. Certyfikat mo|e zosta u|yty do identyfikacji ciebie lub komputer, z ktrym si komunikujesz. Mo|e on rwnie| zosta wykorzystany do uwierzytelnienia i do podpisywania wiadomo[ci. Magazyny certyfikatw s zbiorem certyfikatw, list odwoBaD certyfikatw oraz list zaufaD certyfikatw. Aby kontynuowa, naci[nij Dalej.@=Asistent de exportare a certificatelorMS Shell DlgPsT Bun venit n Asistentul de exportare a certificatelorPs(xThis wizard helps you export certificates, certificate revocation lists, and certificate trust lists from a certificate store to a file. A certificate can be used to identify you or the computer with which you are communicating. It can also be used for authentication, and to sign messages. Certificate stores are collections of certificates, certificate revocation lists, and certificate trust lists. To continue, click Next.@=0AB5@ M:A?>@B0 A5@B8D8:0B>2MS Shell DlgPsT 0A ?@825BAB2C5B <0AB5@ M:A?>@B0Ps(x-B>B <0AB5@ ?><>65B 20< M:A?>@B8@>20BL A5@B8D8:0BK, A?8A:8 >B7K20 A5@B8D8:0B>2 8 A?8A:8 4>25@5==KE A5@B8D8:0B>2 87 E@0=8;8I0 A5@B8D8:0B>2 2 D09;. !5@B8D8:0BK ?>72>;ONB 845=B8D8F8@>20BL 20A 8;8 :><?LNB5@, A :>B>@K< CAB0=02;8205BAO A2O7L. "0:65 >=8 8A?>;L7CNBAO 4;O ?>4B25@645=8O ?>4;8==>AB8 8 ?>4?8AK20=8O A>>1I5=89. %@0=8;8I5 A5@B8D8:0B>2 ?@54AB02;O5B A>1>9 =01>@ A5@B8D8:0B>2, A?8A:>2 >B7K20 A5@B8D8:0B>2 8 A?8A:>2 4>25@5==KE A5@B8D8:0B>2. ;O ?@>4>;65=8O =06<8B5 0;55.@= arobnjak za izvoz certifikataMS Shell DlgPsT Dobrodoali u arobnjak za izvoz certifikataPs(xOvaj arobnjak poma~e u izvozu certifikata, popisa opoziva certifikata i popisa pouzdanih certifikata iz spremnika certifikata u datoteku. Cerfifikat se mo~e koristiti za identifikaciju vas ili ra unala s kojim komunicirate Takoer se mo~e koristiti za autentifikaciju, i za potpisivanje poruka. Spremnici cerfitikata su kolekcije certifikata, popisa opoziva certifikata i popisa pouzdanih certifikata. Kako bi ste nastavili, kliknite 'Sljedee'.@=Guiden fr export av certifikatMS Shell DlgPsT Vlkommen till guiden fr export av certifikatPs(xDenna guide hjlper dig p att exportera certifikat och listor ver terkallade och betrodda certifikat. Ett certifikat kan anvndas fr att identifiera dig eller datorn som du kommunicerar med. Det kan ven anvndas fr autentisering samt fr att signera meddelanden. Certifikatlager r samlingar av certifikat, listor ver terkallade certifikat, och listor ver betrodda certifikat. Klicka Nsta fr att fortstta.@=Sertifika D1_a Aktar1m Sihirbaz1MS Shell DlgPsT Sertifika D1_a Aktar1m Sihirbaz1na Ho_ GeldinizPs(xBu sihirbaz; bir sertifika deposundan sertifika, sertifika iptal listesi ve sertifika gven listesini bir dosyaya aktarman1za yard1m edecektir. Bir sertifika, sizi ve ileti_im kurduunuz bilgisayar1n1z1 tan1mlamada kullan1labilir. Ayr1ca yetkilendirme ve iletileri imzalama da kullan1labilir. Sertifika depolar1; sertifikalar, sertifika iptal listesi ve sertifika gven listesinden olu_an koleksiyonlard1r. Devam etmek iin 0leri'yi t1klat1n.@=09AB5@ 5:A?>@BC A5@B8DV:0BV2MS Shell DlgPsT 0A 2VB0T 09AB5@ 5:A?>@BC A5@B8DV:0BV2Ps(x&59 <09AB5@ 4>72>;OT 5:A?>@BC20B8 A5@B8DV:0B8, A?8A:8 2V4E8;5=8E B0 4>2V@5=8E A5@B8DV:0BV2 7 AE>28I0 A5@B8DV:0BV2 4> D09;C. !5@B8DV:0B <>65 1CB8 28:>@8AB0=89 4;O 20H>W V45=B8DV:0FVW 01> V45=B8DV:0FVW :><?'NB5@0, 7 O:8< 28 7'T4=0=V. "0:>6 2V= <>65 1CB8 28:>@8AB0=89 4;O 702V@5==O V 4;O ?V4?8AC20=O ?>2V4><;5=L. !E>28I0<8 A5@B8DV:0BV2 T :>;5:FVW A5@B8DV:0BV2, A?8A:8 0=C;L>20=8E A5@B8DV:0BV2 B0 A?8A:8 4>2V@5=8E A5@B8DV:0BV2. ;O ?@>4>265==O =0B8A=VBL 0;V.@= arovnik za izvoz potrdilaMS Shell DlgPsT Dobrodoali v arovniku za izvoz potrdilPs(xTa arovnik vam pomaga pri izvozu potrdil, seznam preklicanih potrdil in seznam zaupanih potrdil iz shrambe potrdil v datoteko. Potrdilo se lahko uporabi za dolo itev vas ali ra unalnika s katerim se sporazumevanje. Uporabite ga lahko tudi za overitev in za podpis sporo il. Shrambe potrdil so zbirke potrdil, seznamov preklicanih potrdil in seznamov zaupanja vrednih potrdil. Za nadaljevanje kliknite Naprej.@=Liudijimo eksporto vediklisMS Shell DlgPsT Sveiki atvr liudijimo eksporto vedikl/Ps(x`is vediklis padeda eksportuoti liudijimus, ataaukts liudijims sraaus ir patikints liudijims sraaus ia liudijims saugyklos / fail. Liudijimas gali bkti naudojamas atpa~inti jus ar kompiuter/ su kuriuo esate u~mezg rya/. Jis taip pat gali bkti naudojamas tapatumo nustatymui ir praneaims pasiraaymui. Liudijims saugyklos yra liudijims, ataaukts liudijims sraas ir patikints liudijims sraas rinkiniai. Jei norite tsti, spauskite  Kitas .@= MS Shell DlgPsT Welcome to the Certificate Export WizardPs(xThis wizard helps you export certificates, certificate revocation lists, and certificate trust lists from a certificate store to a file. A certificate can be used to identify you or the computer with which you are communicating. It can also be used for authentication, and to sign messages. Certificate stores are collections of certificates, certificate revocation lists, and certificate trust lists. To continue, click Next.@=Encontu pa la esportacin de certificaosMS Shell DlgPsT Afyate nel encontu pa la esportacin de certificaosPs(xThis wizard helps you export certificates, certificate revocation lists, and certificate trust lists from a certificate store to a file. A certificate can be used to identify you or the computer with which you are communicating. It can also be used for authentication, and to sign messages. Certificate stores are collections of certificates, certificate revocation lists, and certificate trust lists. To continue, click Next.@=aI/SQ|H MS Shell DlgPsT akΏO(uaI/SQ|HPs(x P|HTSR`_aI2QX[U/SQaI0aIdnUNSaIOnU0RjHh0 aIS(ueX%R`b`(uN vf0[_NSN(ueINS=|r o`0 aI2QX[U6eυNaI0aIdnUNSaIOnU0 |~~ˊ c NNek0@=Certificate Export WizardMS Shell DlgPsT Welcome to the Certificate Export WizardPs(xThis wizard helps you export certificates, certificate revocation lists, and certificate trust lists from a certificate store to a file. A certificate can be used to identify you or the computer with which you are communicating. It can also be used for authentication, and to sign messages. Certificate stores are collections of certificates, certificate revocation lists, and certificate trust lists. To continue, click Next.@=Veiviser for eksport av sertifikaterMS Shell DlgPsT Velkommen til veiviseren for eksport av sertifikaterPs(xDenne veiviseren hjelper deg eksportere sertifikater og lister over tilbakekalte eller tiltrodde sertifikater fra et sertifikatlager til en fil. Et sertifikat kan brukes til identifisere deg eller datamaskinen du kommuniserer med. Det kan ogs brukes til signering av meldinger eller andre former for godkjenning. Sertifikatlagre er samlinger av sertifikater og lister over tiltrodde eller tilbakekalte sertifikater. Trykk Neste for fortsette.@=Assistente de Exportao de CertificadosMS Shell DlgPsT Bem-vindo ao Assistente de Exportao de CertificadosPs(xEste assistente lhe ajudar a exportar certificados, listas de revogao de certificados e listas de certificados confiveis de um conjunto de certificados para um arquivo. Um certificado pode ser usado para identific-lo ou ao computador usado na comunicao. Tambm pode ser usado para autenticao e para assinar mensagens. Conjuntos de certificados so colees de certificados, listas de revogao de certificados e listas de certificados confiveis. Para continuar, clique em Avanar.@=fN[QT[ MS Shell DlgPsT "kΏO(ufN[QT[Ps(xT[S.^R`NfNX[P\fN0fN TRhTfNONRh[Q0ReN0 fN(WOeS[e`v5u0fN_NS(uNT:Nmo`~{ T0fNX[P/ffN0fN TRhTfNONRhvƖT0 c NNekN~~0@=Assistente de Exportao de CertificadosMS Shell DlgPsT Benvindo ao Assistente de Exportao de CertificadosPs(xEste assistente ajuda-o a importar certificados, listas de revogao de certificados, e listas de certificados de confiana, a partir de um depsito de certificados. Um certificado pode ser usado para identific-lo a si ou ao computador do qual est a comunicar. Tambm pode ser usado para autenticao e para assinar mensagens. Depsitos de certificados so coleces de certificados, listas de revogao de certificados e listas de certificados confiveis. Para continuar, clique em Seguinte.@@=E9'D, *5/J1 'D4G'/'*MS Shell DlgPAJ -'D '.*J'1C *5/J1 EA*'- .'5  J,( *H+JB CDE) 'D31 H0DC D-E'J) 'DEA*'- 'D.'5 AJ 'D5A-'* 'D*'DJ).P GD *1:( (*5/J1 EA*'- .'5  P$ ` &F9E  BE (*5/J1 EA*'- .'5 P0 a &D'  D' *BE (*5/J1 EA*'- .'5P<b @=Assistent d'Exportaci de CertificatsMS Shell DlgPSi trieu exportar la clau privada, se us demanar una contrasenya per a protegir la clau privada en una pgina posterior.P Voleu exportar la clau privada? P$ ` &S, exporta la clau privada P0 a &No, no exportis la clau privadaP<b @=Provodce exportem certifiktuMS Shell DlgPIf you choose to export the private key, you will be prompted for a password to protect the private key on a later page.P PYejete si exportovat soukromou st kl e? P$ ` Ano, exportovat soukrom kl  P0 a &Ne, soukrom kl  neexportovatP<b @=Certifikat eksporteringsguideMS Shell DlgPHvis du vlger at eksportere privatnglen, vil du blive spurgt om et kodeord for at beskytte privatnglen p en senere side.P nsker du at eksportere privatnglen? P$ ` &Ja, eksporter privatnglen P0 a &Nej, eksporter ikke privatnglenP<b @=Zertifikat-ExportassistentMS Shell DlgPWenn Sie sich entscheiden, den privaten Schlssel zu exportieren, werden Sie spter nach einem Kennwort gefragt.P Privaten Schlssel exportieren? P$ ` &Ja, privaten Schlssel exportieren P0 a &Nein, privaten Schlssel nicht exportierenP<b @=Certificate Export WizardMS Shell DlgPIf you choose to export the private key, you will be prompted for a password to protect the private key on a later page.P Do you wish to export the private key? P$ ` &Yes, export the private key P0 a N&o, do not export the private keyP<b @=Asistente de Exportacin de CertificadosMS Shell DlgPSi elige exportar la clave privada, le ser requerida una clave para proteger la clave privada en una pgina subsiguiente.P Quiere exportar la clave privada? P$ ` &S, exportar la clave privada P0 a N&o, no exportar la clave privadaP<b @=Ohjattu varmenteen vientiMS Shell DlgPJos valitset yksityisen avaimen viennin, myhemmll sivulla kysytn salasanaa sen suojaamiseksi.P Haluatko vied yksityisen avaimen? P$ ` &Kyll, vie yksityinen avain P0 a &Ei, l vie yksityist avaintaP<b @=Assistant Exportation de certificatsMS Shell DlgPSi vous choisissez d'exporter la cl prive, on vous demandera un mot de passe pour protger la cl prive dans une page ultrieure.P Voulez-vous exporter la cl prive? P$ ` &Oui, exporter la cl prive P0 a &Non, ne pas exporter la cl priveP<b @=Tanstvny export varzslMS Shell DlgPAmennyiben kivlasztja a privt kulcs exportlsi opcit, egy jelszbekrQ ablak fog megjelenni, hogy a kulcsot megvdje illetktelenektQl.P Valban exportlni kvnja a privt kulcsot? P$ ` &Igen, Titkostott privt kulcs P0 a N&em, ne exportlja a privt kulcsotP<b @=Guida all'Esportazione del CertificatoMS Shell DlgPSe scegli di esportare la chiave privata, ti sar richiesta in un passaggio successivo una password per proteggere la chiave privata.P Vuoi esportare la chiave privata? P$ ` &S, esporta la chiave privata P0 a &No, non esportare la chiave privataP<b @=<ff000000 00000 MS Shell DlgP[y[u0000000W0~0Y0]0xbW0_04XT0N_n0000g0y[u0OwY0000000n0eQR0Bl000~0Y00P y[u0000000W0~0Y0K0? P$ ` o0D00y[u0000000W0~0Y0(&Y) P0 a D0D0H00y[u0000000W0~0[00(&O)P<b @=xǝ 0 ȹ MS Shell DlgPx | 0\ \ , x 8 T8| % 0 \ t ЩȲ.P x 0| ɉX ȲL? P$ ` (&Y), x 0 P0 a DȲ(&O), x J0P<b @=Certificaat ExporteerhulpMS Shell DlgPAls u de persoonlijke sleutel wilt exporteren zult u later verzocht worden een wachtwoord in te geven om de sleutel te beveiligen.P Wilt u de persoonlijke sleutel exporteren? P$ ` &Ja, exporteer de persoonlijke sleutel P0 a &Nee, exporteer de persoonlijke sleutel nietP<b @=Kreator eksportu certyfikatwMS Shell DlgPJe|eli wybierzesz wyeksportowanie klucza prywatnego to w kolejnym kroku bdziesz zapytany o hasBo chronice klucz prywatny.P Czy chcesz wyeksportowa klucz prywatny? P$ ` &Tak, eksportuj klucz prywatny P0 a &Nie, nie eksportuj klucza prywatnegoP<b @=Asistent de exportare a certificatelorMS Shell DlgPDac alegei s exportai cheia privat, vi se va solicita pe o pagin urmtoare o parol pentru a proteja aceast cheie privat.P Dorii s exportai cheia privat? P$ ` &Da, export cheia privat P0 a N&u, nu exporta cheia privatP<b @=0AB5@ M:A?>@B0 A5@B8D8:0B>2MS Shell DlgPA;8 2K @5H8B5 M:A?>@B8@>20BL 70:@KBK9 :;NG, ?>765 20< 1C45B ?@54;>65=> 7040BL ?0@>;L 4;O 70I8BK :;NG0.P K E>B8B5 M:A?>@B8@>20BL 70:@KBK9 :;NG? P$ ` &0, M:A?>@B8@>20BL P0 a &5B, =5 M:A?>@B8@>20BLP<b @= arobnjak za izvoz certifikataMS Shell DlgPUkoliko odaberete izvoz privatnog klju a, biti ete upitani za lozinku za zaatitu privatnog klju a na kasnijoj stranici.P }elite li izvesti privatan klju ? P$ ` &Da, izvesti privatni klju  P0 a &Ne, ne izvesti privatni klju P<b @=Guiden fr export av certifikatMS Shell DlgPOm du vljer att exportera den privata nyckeln s kommer du p en senare sida ombes ange ett lsenord fr att skydda den privata nyckeln.P Vill du exportera den privata nyckeln? P$ ` &Ja, exportera den privata nyckeln P0 a &Nej, exportera inte den privata nyckelnP<b @=Sertifika D1_a Aktar1m Sihirbaz1MS Shell DlgPEer zel anahtar1n1z1 aktarmay1 seerseniz, ileriki ad1mlarda zel anahtar1n1z1 koruman1z iin bir parola sorulacakt1r.P zel anahtar1 d1_ar1 aktarmak ister misiniz? P$ ` Evet, zel anahtar1 &d1_a aktar P0 a Hay1r, d1_a aktar&maP<b @=09AB5@ 5:A?>@BC A5@B8DV:0BV2MS Shell DlgP/:I> 28 28@VH8;8 5:A?>@BC20B8 ?@820B=89 :;NG, 20< 1C45 70?@>?>=>20=> 225AB8 ?0@>;L 4;O 70E8ABC ?@820B=>3> :;NG0 =0 =0ABC?=V9 AB>@V=FV.P 8 E>G5B5 5:A?>@BC20B8 ?@820B=89 :;NG? P$ ` &"0:, 5:A?>@BC20B8 ?@820B=89 :;NG P0 a &V, =5 5:A?>@BC20B8 ?@820B=89 :;NGP<b @= arovnik za izvoz potrdilaMS Shell DlgP e izberete izvoz zasebnega klju a, boste bili pozvani za geslo za zaa ito zasebnega klju a na poznejai strani.P Ali ~elite zasebni klju  izvoziti? P$ ` &Da, izvozi zasebni klju  P0 a N&e, ne izvozi zasebnega klju aP<b @=Liudijimo eksporto vediklisMS Shell DlgPJei pasirinksite eksportuoti privatsj/ rakt, kitame lape bksite paklausti /vesti slapta~od/ raktui apsaugoti.P Ar norite eksportuoti privatsj/ rakt? P$ ` &Taip, eksportuoti privatsj/ rakt P0 a &Ne, neeksportuoti priva iojo raktoP<b @= MS Shell DlgPIf you choose to export the private key, you will be prompted for a password to protect the private key on a later page.P ? P$ ` , P0 a , (&O)P<b @=Encontu pa la esportacin de certificaosMS Shell DlgPIf you choose to export the private key, you will be prompted for a password to protect the private key on a later page.P Deseyes esportar la clave privada? P$ ` &Yes, export the private key P0 a N&o, do not export the private keyP<b @=aI/SQ|H MS Shell DlgPYg`xd/SQyp \e_~bT`c:yBl[xNOwyp0P `/SQypU P$ ` /f(&Y) /SQyp0 P0 a &T(&N) N/SQyp0P<b @=Certificate Export WizardMS Shell DlgPIf you choose to export the private key, you will be prompted for a password to protect the private key on a later page.P Do you wish to export the private key? P$ ` &Yes, export the private key P0 a N&o, do not export the private keyP<b @=Veiviser for eksport av sertifikaterMS Shell DlgPHvis du velger eksportere den private nkkelen vil du bli bedt om velge et passord seinere, slik at du kan beskytte nkkelen.P Vil du eksportere den private nkkelen? P$ ` &Ja, eksportr den private nkkelen P0 a &Nei, ikke eksportr den private nkkelenP<b @=Assistente de Exportao de CertificadosMS Shell DlgPAo escolher exportar a chave privada ser pedida uma palavra chave para proteger a chave privada mais frente.P Deseja exportar a chave privada? P$ ` &Sim, exportar a chave privada P0 a &No, no exportar a chave privadaP<b @=fN[QT[ MS Shell DlgPYg` b[Qy \c:y`R^[xNObTuvy0P ` ^g[QyT P$ ` /f [Qy(&Y) P0 a &T N[Qy(&O)P<b @=Assistente de Exportao de CertificadosMS Shell DlgPSe escolher exportar a chave privada ser pedida uma palavra-passe para proteger a chave privada mais frente.P Deseja exportar a chave privada? P$ ` &Sim, exportar a chave privada P0 a &No exportar a chave privadaP<b @@=E9'D, *5/J1 'D4G'/'*MS Shell DlgP &CDE) 'D31:P c P# *H&CJ/ CDE) 'D31:P-d @=Assistent d'Exportaci de CertificatsMS Shell DlgP &Contrasenya:P c P# &Confirmeu la contrasenya:P-d @=Provodce exportem certifiktuMS Shell DlgP &Heslo:P c P# Potvrzen hesla:P-d @=Certifikat eksporteringsguideMS Shell DlgP &Kodeord:P c P# &Bekrft kodeord:P-d @=Zertifikat-ExportassistentMS Shell DlgP &Kennwort:P c P# Passwort &besttigen:P-d @=Certificate Export WizardMS Shell DlgP &Password:P c P# &Confirm password:P-d @=Asistente de Exportacin de CertificadosMS Shell DlgP &Contrasea:P c P# &Confirmar contrasea:P-d @=Ohjattu varmenteen vientiMS Shell DlgP &Salasana:P c P# &Vahvista salasana:P-d @=Assistant Exportation de certificatsMS Shell DlgP &Mot de passe:P c P# &Confirmez le mot de passe:P-d @@=Certificate Export WizardMS Shell DlgP &:P c P# &Confirm password:P-d @=Tanstvny export varzslMS Shell DlgP &Jelsz:P c P# &Jelsz megerQsts:P-d @=Guida all'Esportazione del CertificatoMS Shell DlgP &Password:P c P# &Conferma la password:P-d @=<ff000000 00000 MS Shell DlgP 00000(&P):P c P# 00000n0x(&C):P-d @=xǝ 0 ȹ MS Shell DlgP T8(&P):P c P# T8 Ux(&C):P-d @=Certificaat ExporteerhulpMS Shell DlgP &Wachtwoord:P c P# &Bevestig wachtwoord:P-d @=Kreator eksportu certyfikatwMS Shell DlgP &HasBo:P c P# &Potwierdz hasBo:P-d @=Asistent de exportare a certificatelorMS Shell DlgP &Parol:P c P# &Confirmai parola:P-d @=0AB5@ M:A?>@B0 A5@B8D8:0B>2MS Shell DlgP &0@>;L:P c P# &>4B25@645=85:P-d @= arobnjak za izvoz certifikataMS Shell DlgP &Lozinka:P c P# Potvrdite &lozinku:P-d @=Certificate Export WizardMS Shell DlgP &Heslo:P c P# &Potvr heslo:P-d @=Guiden fr export av certifikatMS Shell DlgP &Lsenord:P c P# &Bekrfta lsenord:P-d @=Sertifika D1_a Aktar1m Sihirbaz1MS Shell DlgP &Parola:P c P# &Parolay1 onayla:P-d @=09AB5@ 5:A?>@BC A5@B8DV:0BV2MS Shell DlgP &0@>;L:P c P# &V4B25@465==O ?0@>;N:P-d @= arovnik za izvoz potrdilaMS Shell DlgP &Geslo:P c P# &Potrdi geslo:P-d @=Liudijimo eksporto vediklisMS Shell DlgP &Slapta~odis:P c P# &Patvirtinti slapta~od/:P-d @= MS Shell DlgP :P c P# (&C)P-d @=Encontu pa la esportacin de certificaosMS Shell DlgP &Contrasea:P c P# &Confirm password:P-d @=aI/SQ|H MS Shell DlgP [x(&P)P c P# x[x(&C)P-d @=Certificate Export WizardMS Shell DlgP &Password:P c P# &Confirm password:P-d @=Veiviser for eksport av sertifikaterMS Shell DlgP &Passord:P c P# &Bekreft passord:P-d @=Assistente de Exportao de CertificadosMS Shell DlgP &Senha:P c P# &Confirmar senha:P-d @=Certificate Export WizardMS Shell DlgP &Pasvorto:P c P# &Confirm password:P-d @=fN[QT[ MS Shell DlgP [x(&P)P c P# nx[x(&C)P-d @=Assistente de Exportao de CertificadosMS Shell DlgP &Palavra Chave:P c P# &Confirmar palavra-passe:P-d @=Certificate Export WizardMS Shell DlgP &Lozinka:P c P# &Confirm password:P-d @=Certificate Export WizardMS Shell DlgP &>78=:0:P c P# &Confirm password:P-d @@ =E9'D, *5/J1 'D4G'/'*MS Shell DlgP '.*1 'D5J:) 'D*J *1:( ('3*./'EG: P U &DER-encoded X.509 (*.cer) P V Ba&se64-encoded X.509 (*.cer): P* W 5J:) C1(*H:1'AJC 'DBJ'3J) P&KCS #7 Message (*.p7b)X,9Y *6EJF ,EJ9 'D4G'/'* AJ E&3'1 'D4G'/'* %0' C'F 0DC EECFK' XH X F'BD 'DE9DHE'* 'D&4.5JPKCS #12 (*.pfx)X,WZ *6EJF ,EJ9 'D4G'/'* AJ E3&'1 'D4G'/'* %0' C'F 0DC EECFK'X,f[ *A9JD 'D&*4AJ1 'DBHJX,u\ '-0A 'DE&A*'- 'D.'5 AJ -'D *E 'D*5/J1 (F,'-@ =Assistent d'Exportaci de CertificatsMS Shell DlgP Seleccioneu el format que voleu utilitzar: P U Codificat en &DER X.509 (*.cer) P V Codificat en &base64 X.509 (*.cer): P* W &Estndard de sintaxi de missatges criptogrfics/Missatges PKCS #7 (*.p7b)X,9Y &Inclou tots els certificats en el cam de certificat si s possible XH X &Intercanvi d'informaci personal/PKCS #12 (*.pfx)X,WZ Inclo&u tots els certificats en el cam de certificat si s possibleX,f[ &Habilita el xifratge fortX,u\ &Suprimeix la clau privada si l'exportaci t xit@ =Provodce exportem certifiktuMS Shell DlgP Zvolte formt, kter chcete pou~t: P U &DER-encoded X.509 (*.cer) P V Ba&se64-encoded X.509 (*.cer): P* W &Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard/PKCS #7 Message (*.p7b)X,9Y &Include all certificates in the certification path if possible XH X &Personal Information Exchange/PKCS #12 (*.pfx)X,WZ Incl&ude all certificates in the certification path if possibleX,f[ Povolit siln aifrovnX,u\ Po spanm exportu smazat@ =Certifikat eksporteringsguideMS Shell DlgP Vlg det format do vil bruge: P U &DER-kodet X.509 (*.cer) P V Ba&se64 kodet X.509 (*.cer): P* W Kryptografisk meddelelse syntaks standard/PKCS #7 meddelelse (*.p7b)X,9Y &Inkluder alle certifikater i certifikationstien, hvis muligt XH X &Personlig information udveksling/PKCS #12 (*.pfx)X,WZ Inkluder alle certifikater i certifikat stilisten hvis muligtX,f[ &Aktiver strk kypteringX,u\ Slet privat&nglen, hvis eksporteringen er vellykket@ =Zertifikat-ExportassistentMS Shell DlgP Whlen Sie das gewnschte Format: P U &DER-kodiertes X.509 (*.cer) P V B&ase64-kodiertes X.509 (*.cer): P* W &Syntaxstandard kryptografischer Nachrichten/PKCS #7-Nachricht (*.p7b)X,9Y &Wenn mglich alle Zertifikate im Zertifizierungspfad einbeziehen XH X &Privater Informationsaustausch/PKCS #12 (*.pfx)X,WZ W&enn mglich alle Zertifikate im Zertifizierungspfad einbeziehenX,f[ &Verstrkte Sicherheit aktivierenX,u\ Priva&ten Schlssel lschen, wenn der Export erfolgreich war@ =Certificate Export WizardMS Shell DlgP Select the format you want to use: P U &DER-encoded X.509 (*.cer) P V Ba&se64-encoded X.509 (*.cer): P* W &Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard/PKCS #7 Message (*.p7b)X,9Y &Include all certificates in the certification path if possible XH X &Personal Information Exchange/PKCS #12 (*.pfx)X,WZ Incl&ude all certificates in the certification path if possibleX,f[ &Enable strong encryptionX,u\ Delete the private &key if the export is successful@ =Asistente de Exportacin de CertificadosMS Shell DlgP Seleccione el formato que quiere utilizar: P U X.509 con codificacin &DER (*.cer) P V X.509 con codificacin Ba&se64 (*.cer): P* W Estndar de Sintaxis para Mensajes &Criptogrficos/Mensaje PKCS #7 (*.p7b)X,9Y &Incluir todos los certificados en la ruta de certificacin si es posible XH X Intercambio de Informacin &Personal/PKCS #12 (*.pfx)X,WZ Incl&uir todos los certificados en la ruta de certificacin si es posibleX,f[ &Activar cifrado fuerteX,u\ &Borrar la clave privada si se exporta correctamente@ =Ohjattu varmenteen vientiMS Shell DlgP Valitse kytettv muoto: P U &DER-enkoodattu X.509 (*.cer) P V Ba&se64-enkoodattu X.509 (*.cer): P* W &Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard/PKCS #7 -viesti (*.p7b)X,9Y Sisllyt kaikki varmennuspolun varmenteet, jos mahdollista XH X &Personal Information Exchange/PKCS #12 (*.pfx)X,WZ Sisllyt kaikki varmennuspolun varmenteet, jos mahdollistaX,f[ Kyt vahvaa salaustaX,u\ Poista yksityinen avain, jos vienti onnistuu@ =Assistant Exportation de certificatsMS Shell DlgP Slectionnez le format utiliser: P U Binaire cod &DER X.509 (*.cer) P V Binaire cod Ba&se64 X.509 (*.cer): P* W Standard de syntaxe de message &cryptographique/Messages PKCS #7 (*.p7b)X,9Y &Inclure tous les certificats dans le chemin de certification si possible XH X change d'informations &personnelles/PKCS #12 (*.pfx)X,WZ Inclure &tous les certificats dans le chemin de certification si possibleX,f[ &Activer le chiffrement fortX,u\ &Effacer la cl prive si l'export a russi@ =Tanstvny export varzslMS Shell DlgP Vlassza ki a hasznlni kvnt formtumot: P U &DER-encoded X.509 (*.cer) P V Ba&se64-encoded X.509 (*.cer): P* W &Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard/PKCS #7 Message (*.p7b)X,9Y &Minden elrhetQ tanstvny XH X &Personal Information Exchange/PKCS #12 (*.pfx)X,WZ Minden e&lrhetQ tanstvnyX,f[ E&rQs titkostsX,u\ Privt kulcs t&rlse, sikeres export utn@ =Guida all'Esportazione del CertificatoMS Shell DlgP Seleziona il formato che vuoi usare: P U &DER-encoded X.509 (*.cer) P V Ba&se64-encoded X.509 (*.cer): P* W &Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard/PKCS #7 Message (*.p7b)X,9Y &Includi tutti i certificati nel percorso di certificazione se possibile XH X &Personal Information Exchange/PKCS #12 (*.pfx)X,WZ Incl&udi tutti i certificati nel percorso di certificazione se possibileX,f[ &Abilita Criptazione forteX,u\ &Elimina la chiave privata se l'esportazione riesce@ =<ff000000 00000 MS Shell DlgP b__0xbW0f0O0`0U0D0: P U DER&{SSU00_0 X.509(&D) (*.cer) P V Base64g0&{SSU00_0 X.509(&S) (*.cer): P* W fS00000ie/PKCS #7 00000(&C) (*.p7b)X,9Y Sj00p0<f00-Nn0Y0y0f0n0<ff0+T00(&I) XH X PN`1XNc0000(&P)/PKCS #12 (*.pfx)X,WZ Sj00p0<f00-Nn0Y0y0f0n0<ff0+T00(&U)X,f[ 7_Rj0fSS0 gRk0Y00(&E)X,u\ 000000L0bRW0_00y[u0JRdY00(&K)@ =xǝ 0 ȹ MS Shell DlgP ` |  : P U DER(&D) 8T X.509 (*.cer) P V Base64(&S) 8T X.509 (*.cer): P* W T8 T 8 \/PKCS #7 T(&C) (*.p7b)X,9Y \ xǝ \ ǔ xǝ h(&I) XH X x  PX(&P)/PKCS #12 (*.pfx)X,WZ \ xǝ \ ǔ xǝ h(&U)X,f[ \ T8T (&E)X,u\ 0 1Xt x p(&K)@ =Certificaat ExporteerhulpMS Shell DlgP Selecteer het formaat dat u wilt gebruiken: P U &DER-gencodeerde X.509 (.cer) P V Ba&se64-gencodeerde X.509 (.cer): P* W &Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard/PKCS #7 Message (*.p7b)X,9Y Neem &alle certificaten in het certificatiepad op indien mogelijk XH X &Personal Information Exchange/PKCS #12 (*.pfx)X,WZ Nee&m alle certificaten in het certificatiepad op indien mogelijkX,f[ &Gebruikt sterke encryptieX,u\ Verwijder de persoonlijke s&leutel als de export succesvol is@ =Kreator eksportu certyfikatwMS Shell DlgP Wybierz format, ktrego chcesz u|y: P U Certyfikat X*.509 szyfrowany binarnie algorytmem &DER (*.cer) P V Certyfikat X.509 szyfrowany algorytmem Ba&se64 (*.cer): P* W &Standard skBadni wiadomo[ci kryptograficznych - certyfikat PKCS #7 (*.p7b)X,9Y &Je|eli jest to mo|liwe, doBcz wszystkie certyfikaty do [cie|ki certyfikacji XH X Wymiana informacji &osobistych - PKCS #12 (*.pfx)X,WZ J&e|eli jest to mo|liwe, doBcz wszystkie certyfikaty do [cie|ki certyfikacjiX,f[ WBc&z siln ochronX,u\ UsuD &klucz prywatny, je|eli eksport zostaB zakoDczony pomy[lnie@ =Asistent de exportare a certificatelorMS Shell DlgP Selectai formatul pe care dorii s l utilizai: P U Binar X.509 codificat n &DER (*.cer) P V X.509 codificat n ba&se64 (*.cer): P* W Standard sintax mesaje &criptografice/Mesaj PKCS #7 (*.p7b)X,9Y &Include toate certificatele din calea de certificare, dac este posibil XH X Schimb de informaii &personale/PKCS #12 (*.pfx)X,WZ Incl&ude toate certificatele din calea de certificare, dac este posibilX,f[ Activ&eaz criptarea puternicX,u\ terge c&heia privat dac exportarea reuete@ =0AB5@ M:A?>@B0 A5@B8D8:0B>2MS Shell DlgP K15@8B5 D>@<0B 4;O M:A?>@B0: P U X.509 2 :>48@>2:5 &DER (*.cer) P V X.509 2 :>48@>2:5 Ba&se64 (*.cer): P* W !>>1I5=85 &CMS/PKCS #7 (*.p7b)X,9Y &> 2>7<>6=>AB8 2:;NG8BL 2A5 A5@B8D8:0BK 2 ?CBL A5@B8D8:0F88 XH X &$>@<0B >1<5=0 ;8G=>9 8=D>@<0F859/PKCS #12 (*.pfx)X,WZ > &2>7<>6=>AB8 2:;NG8BL 2A5 A5@B8D8:0BK 2 ?CBL A5@B8D8:0F88X,f[ A?>;L7>20BL &A8;L=>5 H8D@>20=85X,u\ #40;8BL 70:@KBK9 &:;NG ?>A;5 CA?5H=>3> M:A?>@B0@ = arobnjak za izvoz certifikataMS Shell DlgP Odaberite format koji ~elite koristiti: P U &DER-encoded X.509 (*.cer) P V Ba&se64-encoded X.509 (*.cer): P* W &Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard/PKCS #7 Message (*.p7b)X,9Y &Uklju i sve certifikate u putanji certifikacije ako mogue XH X &Personal Information Exchange/PKCS #12 (*.pfx)X,WZ Uklju i s&ve certifikate u putanji certifikacije ako mogueX,f[ U&klju i sna~nu eknripcijuX,u\ Izbriai privatan klju&  ukoliko je izvoz uspjeaan@ =Guiden fr export av certifikatMS Shell DlgP Vlj formatet du vill anvnda: P U &DER-kodad X.509 (*.cer) P V Ba&se64-kodad X.509 (*.cer): P* W Standard fr &kryptografisk meddelandesyntax/PKCS #7-meddelande (*.p7b)X,9Y &Inkludera alla certifikat i certifieringsskvgen om mjligt XH X &Personal Information Exchange/PKCS #12 (*.pfx)X,WZ Inkl&udera alla certifikat i certifieringsskvgen om mjligtX,f[ &Anvnd stark krypteringX,u\ Ta bort den privata &nyckeln om exporten lyckas@ =Sertifika D1_a Aktar1m Sihirbaz1MS Shell DlgP Kullanmak istediiniz biimi sein: P U &DER-Kodlu X.509 (*.cer) P V Ba&se64-Kodlu X.509 (*.cer): P* W &Kriptografik 0leti Szdizimi Standard1/PKCS #7 0letisi (*.p7b)X,9Y M&mkn olduunca tm sertifikalar1 sertifikalama yoluna dahil et XH X &Ki_isel Bilgi Dei_imi/PKCS #12 (*.pfx)X,WZ Mmkn &olduunda sertifika yolundaki tm sertifikalar1 dahil etX,f[ Gl _ifr&elemeyi etkinle_tirX,u\ A&ktar1m ba_ar1l1 olursa zel anahtar1 sil@ =09AB5@ 5:A?>@BC A5@B8DV:0BV2MS Shell DlgP 815@VBL D>@<0B, O:89 28 E>G5B5 28:>@8AB0B8: P U X.509 2 :>4C20==V &DER (*.cer) P V X.509 2 :>4C20==V Ba&se64 (*.cer): P* W >2V4><;5==O CMS/PKCS #7 (*.p7b)X,9Y &:;NG8B8 2AV A5@B8DV:0B8 70 A5@B8DV:0FV9=8< H;OE>< O:I> <>6;82> XH X &1<V= >A>18AB>N V=D>@<0FVTN/PKCS #12 (*.pfx)X,WZ :;NG8B8 2A&V A5@B8DV:0B8 70 A5@B8DV:0FV9=8< H;OE>< O:I> <>6;82>X,f[ &2V<:=CB8 A8;L=5 H8D@C20==OX,u\ 840;8B8 ?@820B=89 &:;NG ?VA;O CA?VH=>3> 5:A?>@BC@ = arovnik za izvoz potrdilaMS Shell DlgP Izberite obliko, ki jo ~elite uporabiti: P U &DER-encoded X.509 (*.cer) P V Ba&se64-encoded X.509 (*.cer): P* W &Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard/PKCS #7 Message (*.p7b)X,9Y &Vklju i vsa potrdila na poti potrdila, e je to mogo e XH X &Personal Information Exchange/PKCS #12 (*.pfx)X,WZ Vkl&ju i vsa potrdila na poti potrdila, e je mogo eX,f[ &Omogo i mo no aifriranjeX,u\ Izbriai zasebni &klju , e je bil izvoz uspeaen@ =Liudijimo eksporto vediklisMS Shell DlgP Iarinkite format, kur/ norite naudoti: P U &DER-u~koduotas X.509 (*.cer) P V Ba&se64-u~koduotas X.509 (*.cer): P* W &Kriptografinio praneaimo sintakss standarto/PKCS #7 praneaimas (*.p7b)X,9Y &Jei /manoma, apimti visus liudijimus liudijims kelyje XH X &Asmenins informacijos mainai/PKCS #12 (*.pfx)X,WZ A&pimti visus liudijimus liudijims kelyjeX,f[ .jungti stiprs &aifravimX,u\ Paaalin&ti privatsj/ rakt, jei eksportas skmingas@ = MS Shell DlgP : P U &DER- X.509 (*.cer) P V Ba&se64- X.509 (*.cer) P* W /PKCS #7 (*.p7b)X,9Y &Include all certificates in the certification path if possible XH X (&P)/PKCS #12 (*.pfx)X,WZ Incl&ude all certificates in the certification path if possibleX,f[ &Enable strong encryptionX,u\ (&K)@ =Encontu pa la esportacin de certificaosMS Shell DlgP Esbilla'l formatu que quies usar: P U &DER-encoded X.509 (*.cer) P V Ba&se64-encoded X.509 (*.cer): P* W &Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard/PKCS #7 Message (*.p7b)X,9Y &Include all certificates in the certification path if possible XH X &Personal Information Exchange/PKCS #12 (*.pfx)X,WZ Incl&ude all certificates in the certification path if possibleX,f[ &Enable strong encryptionX,u\ Delete the private &key if the export is successful@ =aI/SQ|H MS Shell DlgP ˊxd`O(uv0(&R)...@=Certificaat ExporteerhulpMS Shell DlgP Bestands&naam:P ] P <^ Bladeren...@=Kreator eksportu certyfikatwMS Shell DlgP &Nazwa pliku:P ] P <^ P&rzegldaj...@=Asistent de exportare a certificatelorMS Shell DlgP Nume &fiier:P ] P <^ &Navigheaz...@=0AB5@ M:A?>@B0 A5@B8D8:0B>2MS Shell DlgP <O &D09;0:P ] P <^ &17>@...@= arobnjak za izvoz certifikataMS Shell DlgP Naziv &datoteke:P ] P <^ N&ai...@=Certificate Export WizardMS Shell DlgP &Sbor:P ] P <^ P&rechdzaj...@=Guiden fr export av certifikatMS Shell DlgP &Filnamn:P ] P <^ B&lddra...@=Sertifika D1_a Aktar1m Sihirbaz1MS Shell DlgP &Dosya ad1:P ] P <^ &Gzat...@=09AB5@ 5:A?>@BC A5@B8DV:0BV2MS Shell DlgP &<'O D09;C:P ] P <^ &3;O4...@= arovnik za izvoz potrdilaMS Shell DlgP &Ime datoteke:P ] P <^ B&rskaj ...@=Liudijimo eksporto vediklisMS Shell DlgP &Failas:P ] P <^ Pari&nkti...@= MS Shell DlgP (&F):P ] P <^ ... (&R)@=Encontu pa la esportacin de certificaosMS Shell DlgP &File name:P ] P <^ R&estolar...@=aI/SQ|H MS Shell DlgP jHh T1z(&F)P ] P <^ p(&R)...@=Certificate Export WizardMS Shell DlgP &File name:P ] P <^ B&rowse...@=Veiviser for eksport av sertifikaterMS Shell DlgP &Filnavn:P ] P <^ &Bla...@=Assistente de Exportao de CertificadosMS Shell DlgP Nome do &arquivo:P ] P <^ &Navegar...@=Certificate Export WizardMS Shell DlgP &Dosiernomo:P ] P <^ &Foliumi...@=fN[QT[ MS Shell DlgP eN T(&F)P ] P <^ Omȉ(&R)...@=Assistente de Exportao de CertificadosMS Shell DlgP &Nome do ficheiro:P ] P <^ P&rocurar...@=Certificate Export WizardMS Shell DlgP &File name:P ] P <^ N&ai...@@=E9'D, *5/J1 'D4G'/'*MS Shell DlgPs(T E9'D, %FG'! *5/J1 'D4G'/'*Ps!BE* (F,'- (%CE'D E9'D, *5/J1 'D4G'/'*.Ps9 BE* J*-/J/ 'D.J'1'* 'D*'DJ):@PsCd_ SysListView32@=Assistent d'Exportaci de CertificatsMS Shell DlgPs(T S'est acabant l'Assistent d'Exportaci de CertificatsPs!Heu acabat amb xit l'Assistent d'Exportaci de Certificats.Ps9 Heu especificat la configuraci segent:@PsCd_ SysListView32@=Provodce exportem certifiktuMS Shell DlgPs(T Completing the Certificate Export WizardPs!span jste proali kroky Provodce pro export certifiktu.Ps9 Zadali jste tato nastaven:@PsCd_ SysListView32@=Certifikat eksporteringsguideMS Shell DlgPs(T Frdiggrer certifikat eksporteringsguidenPs!Du har med success frdiggjort certifikat eksporteringsguiden.Ps9 Du har specificeret flgende egenskaber:@PsCd_ SysListView32@=Zertifikat-ExportassistentMS Shell DlgPs(T Fertigstellung des Zertifikat-ExportassistentenPs!Exportvorgang ordnungsgem abgeschlossen.Ps9 Sie haben folgende Einstellungen gewhlt:@PsCd_ SysListView32@=Certificate Export WizardMS Shell DlgPs(T Completing the Certificate Export WizardPs!You have successfully completed the Certificate Export Wizard.Ps9 You have specified the following settings:@PsCd_ SysListView32@=Asistente de Exportacin de CertificadosMS Shell DlgPs(T Finalizando el Asistente de Exportacin de CertificadosPs!Ha finalizado el Asistente de Exportacin de Certificados correctamente.Ps9 Ha especificado los siguientes ajustes:@PsCd_ SysListView32@=Ohjattu varmenteen vientiMS Shell DlgPs(T Varmenteen viennin viimeistelyPs!Olet menestyksekksti suoriutunut ohjatusta varmenteen viennist.Ps9 Olet valinnut seuraavat asetukset:@PsCd_ SysListView32@=Assistant Exportation de certificatsMS Shell DlgPs(T Clture de l'assistant d'exportation de certificatsPs!Vous avez termin avec succs l'assistant d'exportation de certificats.Ps9 Vous avez spcifi les paramtres suivants:@PsCd_ SysListView32@=Tanstvny export varzslMS Shell DlgPs(T Tanstvny export varzsl befejezsePs!Sikeresen befejezQdtt az export varzsl.Ps9 A kvetkezQ belltsok lettek megadva:@PsCd_ SysListView32@=Guida all'Esportazione del CertificatoMS Shell DlgPs(T Completando la Guida all'Esportazione del CertificatoPs!Hai completato con successo la Guida all'Esportazione del Certificato.Ps9 Hai specificato le impostazioni seguenti:@PsCd_ SysListView32@=<ff000000 00000 MS Shell DlgPs(T <ff000000 00000n0[NPs!<ff000000 00000L0ck8^k0[NW0~0W0_00Ps9 N Nn0-[0c[W0f0D0~0Y0:@PsCd_ SysListView32@=xǝ 0 ȹ MS Shell DlgPs(T xǝ 0 ȹ D̸XՔ Ps!xǝ 0 ȹ| D̸յȲ.Ps9 L $D ȈյȲ:@PsCd_ SysListView32@=Certificaat ExporteerhulpMS Shell DlgPs(T Afronden van de Certificaat exporteerhulpPs!U heeft de Certificaat exporteerhulp succesvol afgerond.Ps9 U heeft de volgende instellingen ingegeven:@PsCd_ SysListView32@=Kreator eksportu certyfikatwMS Shell DlgPs(T KoDczenie pracy kreatora eksportu certyfikatwPs!Praca kreatora eksportu certyfikatw zostaBa zakoDczona pomy[lnie.Ps9 Okre[liBe[ nastpujce ustawienia:@PsCd_ SysListView32@=Asistent de exportare a certificatelorMS Shell DlgPs(T Se finalizeaz Asistentul de exportare a certificatelorPs!Ai finalizat cu succes Asistentul de exportare a certificatelor.Ps9 Ai specificat urmtoarea configuraie:@PsCd_ SysListView32@=0AB5@ M:A?>@B0 A5@B8D8:0B>2MS Shell DlgPs(T 025@H5=85 @01>BK <0AB5@0 M:A?>@B0 A5@B8D8:0B>2Ps!0AB5@ 8<?>@B0 A5@B8D8:0B>2 CA?5H=> A>1@0; 2A5 40==K5, =5>1E>48<K5 4;O 2K?>;=5=8O M:A?>@B0.Ps9 K >?@545;8;8 A;54CNI85 ?0@0<5B@K 8<?>@B0:@PsCd_ SysListView32@= arobnjak za izvoz certifikataMS Shell DlgPs(T Dovraetak arobnjaka za izvoz certifikataPs!Uspjeano je zavraen arobnjak za izvoz certifikata.Ps9 Specificarli ste sljedee postavke:@PsCd_ SysListView32@=Guiden fr export av certifikatMS Shell DlgPs(T Avslutar guiden fr export av certifikatPs!Du har nu fullfljt guiden fr export av certifikat.Ps9 Du har angett fljande instllningar:@PsCd_ SysListView32@=Sertifika D1_a Aktar1m Sihirbaz1MS Shell DlgPs(T Sertifika D1_a Aktar1m Sihirbaz1 Tamamlan1yorPs!Sertifika D1_a Aktar1m Sihirbaz1n1 ba_ar1yla tamamlad1n1z.Ps9 A_a1daki ayarlar1 belirttiniz:@PsCd_ SysListView32@=09AB5@ 5:A?>@BC A5@B8DV:0BV2MS Shell DlgPs(T 025@H5==O @>1>B8 09AB@0 5:A?>@BC A5@B8DV:0BV2Ps!09AB5@ 5:A?>@BC A5@B8DV:0BV2 7025@H82 @>1>BC CA?VH=>.Ps9 8 2:070;8 =0ABC?=V ?0@0<5B@8:@PsCd_ SysListView32@= arovnik za izvoz potrdilaMS Shell DlgPs(T Dokon evanje arovnika za izvoz potrdilaPs!Uspeano ste dokon ali arovnik za izvoz potrdil.Ps9 Dolo ili ste naslednje nastavitve:@PsCd_ SysListView32@=Liudijimo eksporto vediklisMS Shell DlgPs(T Liudijimo eksporto vediklio pabaigaPs!Skmingai baigte liudijimo eksporto vedikl/.Ps9 Nurodte aias nuostatas:@PsCd_ SysListView32@= MS Shell DlgPs(T Completing the Certificate Export WizardPs!You have successfully completed the Certificate Export Wizard.Ps9 You have specified the following settings:@PsCd_ SysListView32@=Encontu pa la esportacin de certificaosMS Shell DlgPs(T Completing the Certificate Export WizardPs!You have successfully completed the Certificate Export Wizard.Ps9 Especifiquesti los axustes de darru:@PsCd_ SysListView32@=aI/SQ|H MS Shell DlgPs(T ck(W[baI/SQ|HPs!`]}bR0W[baI/SQ|HPs9 `]c[ NR-[@ A5@B8D8:0B0MS Shell DlgP K15@8B5 A5@B8D8:0B, :>B>@K9 E>B8B5 8A?>;L7>20BLP(Y SysListView32P[3P3B<5=0XA &@>A<>B@ A5@B8D8:0B0@Select CertificateMS Shell DlgP Select a certificate you want to useP(Y SysListView32P[3U reduP3Otka~iXA &Pogledaj certifikat@Select CertificateMS Shell DlgP Select a certificate you want to useP(Y SysListView32P[3OKP3ZruaieXA &Uk~ certifikt@Select CertificateMS Shell DlgP Select a certificate you want to useP(Y SysListView32P[3OKP3AvbrytXA &Visa certifikat@Select CertificateMS Shell DlgP Select a certificate you want to useP(Y SysListView32P[3%P3"@%4XA &View Certificate@Sertifikay1 SeMS Shell DlgP Kullanmak istediiniz sertifikay1 seinP(Y SysListView32P[3TamamP30ptalXA &Sertifikay1 Grntle@81V@ A5@B8DV:0B0MS Shell DlgP 815@VBL ?>B@V1=89 A5@B8DV:0BP(Y SysListView32P[3OKP3!:0AC20B8XA &5@53;O4 A5@B8DV:0BC@Select CertificateMS Shell DlgP Select a certificate you want to useP(Y SysListView32P[3V reduP3Prekli iXA &Poglej potrdilo@Iarinkite liudijimMS Shell DlgP Iarinkite liudijim, kur/ norite naudotiP(Y SysListView32P[3GeraiP3AtsisakytiXA &Per~ikrti liudijim@@Select CertificateMS Shell DlgP Select a certificate you want to useP(Y SysListView32P[3B(HDP3'F51'AXA &View Certificate@Select CertificateMS Shell DlgP Select a certificate you want to useP(Y SysListView32P[3 P3 XA &View Certificate@Select CertificateMS Shell DlgP Select a certificate you want to useP(Y SysListView32P[36 0 ? P3CancelXA &View Certificate@ MS Shell DlgP P(Y SysListView32P[3 P3 XA (&V)@Select CertificateMS Shell DlgP Select a certificate you want to useP(Y SysListView32P[3I VaP3RinoncXA &View Certificate@Select CertificateMS Shell DlgP Select a certificate you want to useP(Y SysListView32P[3AceutarP3EncaboxarXA &View Certificate@Select Certificate MS Shell DlgP Select a certificate you want to useP(Y SysListView32P[3x[P3SmXA jaI(&V)@Select CertificateMS Shell DlgP Select a certificate you want to useP(Y SysListView32P[3OKP3CancelXA &View Certificate@Velg sertifikatMS Shell DlgP Velg et sertifikat du vil brukeP(Y SysListView32P[3OKP3AvbrytXA &Vis sertifikat@Selecione o Conjunto de CertificadosMS Shell DlgP Selecione o certificado que deseja usarP(Y SysListView32P[3OKP3CancelarXA &Ver Certificado@Select CertificateMS Shell DlgP Select a certificate you want to useP(Y SysListView32P[3BoneP3RezigniXA &Rigardi atestilon@ bfN MS Shell DlgP b`O(uvfNP(Y SysListView32P[3nx[P3SmXA g wfN(&V)@Select CertificateMS Shell DlgP Select a certificate you want to useP(Y SysListView32P[3OKP3CancelarXA &Ver Certificado@Select CertificateMS Shell DlgP Select a certificate you want to useP(Y SysListView32P[3U reduP3Otka~iXA &View Certificate@Select CertificateMS Shell DlgP Select a certificate you want to useP(Y SysListView32P[3# @54CP3B:068XA &View Certificate'D4G'/)E9DHE'* 'D4G'/)G*-HJ 'D4G'/) 9DI *HBJ9 :J1 3DJE . JECF #F *CHF 'D4G'/) E97H() #H .71) .V4G'/) 'D,01 :J1 EH+HB)  D,9DG' C0DC #6AG' %DI E3*H/9 4G'/'* 'D,01 'DEH+HB) 'D.'5) (C.;DE J*ECF EF 'D*-BB EF 'D4G'/) H0DC D,9DG' 4G'/) ,01 EH+HB).*901 'D9+H1 9DI E5/1 'D4G'/).+'D:16 'DEF4H/ EF 'D4G'/) DE J*E 'D*-BB EFG.!G0G 'D4G'/) *F4/ 'D#:1'6 'D*'DJ): CertificatInformaci de certificatgAquest certificat t una signatura no vlida. Pot ser que el certificat s'hagus modificat o corromput.Aquest certificat d'arrel no s de confiana. Per a confiar en ell, afegeix-lo al magatzem de certificats d'arrel de confiana del vostre sistema.MNo s'ha pogut validar aquest certificat a un certificat d'arrel de confiana.3No s'ha pogut trobar l'emissor d'aquest certificat.ANo s'ha pogut verificar totes les finalitats d'aquest certificat.;Aquest certificat es destina per a les finalitats segents: CertifiktInformace o certifiktu^This certificate has an invalid signature. The certificate may have been altered or corrupted.jThis root certificate is not trusted. To trust it, add it to your system's trusted root certificate store.FThis certificate could not be validated to a trusted root certificate.+Vydavatele certifiktu se nepodaYilo najt.DAll the intended purposes of this certificate could not be verified.8This certificate is intended for the following purposes: CertifikatCertifikat information]Dette certifikat har en ugyldig signatur. Certifikatet kan have vre ndret eller beskadiget.Dette rodcertifikat er ikke trovrdigt. For at have tillid til det, skal du tilfje det til dit systems trovrdige rodcertifikatlager.FDette certifikat kunne ikke valideres til et trovrdigt rodcertifikat.-Dette certifikats udsteder kunne ikke findes.CAlle de bestemte forml af dette certifikat kunne ikke verificeres.0Dette certifikat er bestemt for flgende forml: ZertifikatZertifikatsinformationenbDieses Zertifikat hat eine ungltige Signatur. Es wurde eventuell manipuliert oder ist beschdigt.Diesem Stammzertifikat wird nicht vertraut. Um es als vertrauenswrdig einzustufen, knnen Sie es zu den vertrauenswrdigen Stammzertifikatsstellen hinzufgen.4Dieses Zertifikat hat kein gltiges Stammzertifikat.?Der Aussteller dieses Zertifikats konnte nicht gefunden werden.IDie geplanten Zwecke dieses Zertifikats konnten nicht verifiziert werden.*Dieses Zertifikat dient folgenden Zwecken: CertificateCertificate Information^This certificate has an invalid signature. The certificate may have been altered or corrupted.jThis root certificate is not trusted. To trust it, add it to your system's trusted root certificate store.FThis certificate could not be validated to a trusted root certificate.-This certificate's issuer could not be found.DAll the intended purposes of this certificate could not be verified.8This certificate is intended for the following purposes: CertificadoInformacin del CertificadogEste certificado tiene una firma invlida. El certificado puede haber sido alterado o estar corrompido.Este certificado raz no es de confianza. Para confiar en l, adalo al almacn de certificados raz de confianza de su sistema.NEste certificado no pudo ser validad con ningn certificado raz de confianza.8No se ha podido encontrar el emisor de este certificado.HNo se han podido verificar todos los usos previstos de este certificado.?Este certificado est previsto para las siguientes finalidades:VarmenneVarmenteen tiedotWVarmenteen allekirjoitus ei kelpaa. Varmennetta on ehk muokattu, tai se on vioittunut.sTm juurivarmenne ei ole luotettu. Jos luotat siihen, lis se jrjestelmn luotettujen juurivarmenteiden siln.ATt varmennetta ei voitu vahvistaa luotetulla juurivarmenteella.Varmenteen myntj ei lydy.AVarmenteen kaikkia suunniteltuja tarkoituksia ei voitu vahvistaa.1Varmenne on suunniteltu seuraaviin tarkoituksiin: CertificatInformations sur le certificatYCe certificat a une signature invalide. Le certificat peut avoir t modifi ou corrompu.Ce certificat racine n'est pas approuv. Pour lui faire confiance, ajoutez-le au magasin de certificats racine de confiance de votre systme.GCe certificat n'a pu tre valid par un certificat racine de confiance./L'metteur de ce certificat n'a pu tre trouv.@Impossible de vrifier tous les rles prvus pour ce certificat.7Ce certificat n'est prvu que pour les rles suivants:  ^This certificate has an invalid signature. The certificate may have been altered or corrupted.jThis root certificate is not trusted. To trust it, add it to your system's trusted root certificate store.FThis certificate could not be validated to a trusted root certificate.$       .DAll the intended purposes of this certificate could not be verified.8This certificate is intended for the following purposes: TanstvnyTanstvny informciLEnnek a tanstvnynak hibs az alrsa. Lehet mdostottk vagy megsrlt.sA tanstvny killtja nem megbzhat. Hogy azz tegye, adja hozz a rendszer megbzhat root killt listjba.CEzt a tanstvnyt nem lehetett azonostni megbzhat killtknt.%A tanstvny killt nem tallhat.DA tanstvny minden felhasznlsi tpust nem lehetett ellenQrizni.0A tanstvny a kvetkezQ tpusokat tartalmazza: CertificatoInformazioni sul certificato`Questo certificato ha una firma non valida. Il certificato pu essere stato alterato o corrotto.tQuesto certificato root non fidato. Per fidarsene, aggiungilo al deposito certificati base fidati del tuo sistema.IImpossibile convalidare questo certificato in un certificato root fidato.6Impossibile trovare l'emittente di questo certificato.EImpossibile verificare tutti i soggetti intesi di questo certificato.4Questo certificato inteso per i seguenti soggetti:<ff<ffn0`1X,S0n0<ffk0o0 gRj0r TL0B00~0[000<ffL0 YfU00_0K04x dW0f0D00S'`L0B00~0Y006S0n0000<ffo0OD  ŵȲ.t xǝX Ĭ @  ŵȲ.t xǝ LX <\ ĬňǵȲ: CertificaatCertificaat informatie^This certificate has an invalid signature. The certificate may have been altered or corrupted.jThis root certificate is not trusted. To trust it, add it to your system's trusted root certificate store.PDit certificaat kon niet worden getraceerd naar een vertrouwd basis certificaat.9De uitgever van dit certificaat kon niet gevonden worden.CDe doeleinden voor dit certificaat konden niet geverifieerd worden.7Dit certificaat is bedoeld voor de volgende doeleinden: CertyfikatInformacje o certyfikacieYTen certyfikat ma niewBa[ciw sygnatur. Certyfikat mgB zosta zmieniony lub uszkodzony.yTen gBwny certyfikat jest niezaufany. Aby byB zaufany, dodaj go do systemowego magazynu zaufanych gBwnych certyfikatw.HTen certyfikat nie mgB by potwierdzony jako zaufany gBwny certyfikat.(Nie znaleziono wydawcy tego certyfikatu.KNie mo|na byBo zweryfikowa wszystkich zamierzonych celw tego certyfikatu.3Ten certyfikat jest zamierzony na nastpujce cele: CertificatInformaii certificatbAcest certificat are o semntur nevalid. Se poate ca certificatul s fi fost alterat sau corupt.Acest certificat rdcin nu este acreditat. Pentru a-l acredita, adugai-l n depozitul de certificate rdcin acreditate al sistemului.PAcest certificat nu a putut fi validat fa de un certificat rdcin acreditat.1Emitentul acestui certificat nu a putut fi aflat.NNu au putut fi verificate toate rolurile intenionate pentru acest certificat.<Acest certificat este intenionat pentru urmtoarele roluri: !5@B8D8:0B=D>@<0F8O > A5@B8D8:0B5KH81:0 2 ?>4?8A8 A5@B8D8:0B0. >7<>6=> A5@B8D8:0B 1K; 87<5=Q= 8;8 8A?>@G5=.5B 4>25@8O : :>@=52><C A5@B8D8:0BC. 'B>1K CAB0=>28BL 4>25@85, 4>102LB5 53> 2 A8AB5<=>5 E@0=8;8I5 4>25@5==KE :>@=52KE A5@B8D8:0B>2.F-B>B A5@B8D8:0B =5 ?@>E>48B ?@>25@:C 4>25@5==K< :>@=52K< A5@B8D8:0B><.&>AB02I8: MB>3> A5@B8D8:0B0 =5 =0945=.:5 C40QBAO ?@>25@8BL 2A5 ?@54=07=0G5=8O MB>3> A5@B8D8:0B0.1-B>B A5@B8D8:0B ?@54=07=0G5= 4;O A;54CNI8E F5;59: CertifikatInformacije certifikataNOvaj certifikat ima neispravan potpis. Mogue kako je modificiran ili oateen.Ovaj korijenski certifikat nije pouzdan. Kako bi mu vjerovali, dodajte ga u sistemsku putanju za spremnik korijenskih certifikata.FThis certificate could not be validated to a trusted root certificate.2Izdava  ovog certifikata nije mogao biti pronaen.CSve predviene namjene ovog certifikata nisu mogle biti provjerene.1Ovaj certifikat je predvien za sljedee namjene: CertifiktInformcie o certifikte^This certificate has an invalid signature. The certificate may have been altered or corrupted.jThis root certificate is not trusted. To trust it, add it to your system's trusted root certificate store.FThis certificate could not be validated to a trusted root certificate.-This certificate's issuer could not be found.DAll the intended purposes of this certificate could not be verified.8This certificate is intended for the following purposes: CertifikatCertifikatsinformationTDetta certifikat har en ogiltig signatur. Certifikatet kan ha ndrats eller skadats.xDetta rot-certifikat r inte betrott. Fr att lita p det, lgg till det till ditt systems betrodda rot-certifikatlager.FDetta certifikat kunde inte valideras till ett betrott rot-certifikat..Detta certifikats utfrdare kunde inte hittas.>Alla avsedda syften fr detta certifikat kunde inte valideras./Detta certifikat r avsett fr fljande syften: SertifikaSertifika BilgisiTBu sertifika geersiz bir imzaya sahip. Sertifika dei_tirilmi_ veya bozuk olabilir.rBu kk sertifikas1na gvenilmiyor. Gvenmek iin, sisteminizin gvenilir kk sertifika deposuna eklemeniz gerekli.>Bu sertifika, gvenilir bir kk sertifikas1 ile dorulanamad1.'Bu sertifikan1n da1t1mc1s1 bulunamad1.3Bu sertifikan1n istenen tm amalar1 dorulanamad1.1Bu sertifika a_a1daki istekler iin amalan1yor: !5@B8DV:0B=D>@<0FVO ?@> A5@B8DV:0BS&59 A5@B8DV:0B <0T =54V9A=89 ?V4?8A. !5@B8DV:0B <>65 1CB8 7<V=5=89 01> ?>H:>465=89.}&59 :>@5=5289 A5@B8DV:0B =5 T 4>2V@5=8<. )>1 4>2V@OB8 9><C, 4>409B5 9>3> 2 A8AB5<=5 AE>28I5 4>2V@5=8E :>@5=528E A5@B8DV:0BV2.M0=89 A5@B8DV:0B =5 <>65 1CB8 70B25@465=89 O: 4>2V@5=89 :>@5=5289 A5@B8DV:0B.'5 7=0945=> 28402FO 40=>3> A5@B8DV:0BC.<5<>6;82> ?5@52V@8B8 2AV FV;V ?@87=0G5==O FL>3> A5@B8DV:0BC./&59 A5@B8DV:0B ?@87=0G5=89 4;O =0ABC?=8E FV;59:PotrdiloPodrobnosti potrdilaQTo potrdilo ima neveljaven podpis. To potrdilo je bilo spremenjeno ali okvarjeno.uTo korensko potrdilo ni zaupanja vredno. Za njegovo zaupanje go dodajte v shrambo zaupanja vrednih korenskih potrdil.ITega potrdila ni mogo e preveriti z zaupanja vrednim korenskim potrdilom./Izdajatelja tega potrdila ni bilo mogo e najti.9Vseh namenjenih ciljev tega potrdila ni mogo e preveriti.-To potrdilo je namenjeno za naslednje namene: LiudijimasLiudijimo informacijaU`is liudijimas turi neteising paraa. Liudijimas galjo bkti pakeistas ar pa~eistas.`is vyriausiasis liudijimas nepatikimas. Nordami juo pasitikti /traukite j/ / sistemos patikims vyriausisjs liudijims saugykl.HNepavyko patvirtinti aio liudijimo pagal patikim vyriausij/ liudijim."Nepavyko rasti liudijimo iadavjo.9Nepavyko patikrinti viss aio liudijimo paskirties tiksls.&`is liudijimas skirtas aiems tikslams:  K . .jThis root certificate is not trusted. To trust it, add it to your system's trusted root certificate store.FThis certificate could not be validated to a trusted root certificate.-This certificate's issuer could not be found.DAll the intended purposes of this certificate could not be verified.8This certificate is intended for the following purposes:aIaInj  PaIv=| T!qHe0aI_N1]9eb] dX0! P9haI*gO0O[ 1\\[ReQ`|q}vO9haI2QX[U0 PaI!qlWIpOv9haI0 ~b N0R PaIv|vI0 PaIv@b g[vv!qlWI0  PaI/fi(ue NRvv CertificateCertificate Information^This certificate has an invalid signature. The certificate may have been altered or corrupted.jThis root certificate is not trusted. To trust it, add it to your system's trusted root certificate store.FThis certificate could not be validated to a trusted root certificate.-This certificate's issuer could not be found.DAll the intended purposes of this certificate could not be verified.8This certificate is intended for the following purposes: SertifikatSertifikatinformasjonZDette sertifikatet har en ugyldig signatur. Sertifikatet kan ha blitt endret eller skadet.Dette rotsertifikatet er ikke tiltrodd. Legg det til i systemets lagringssted for tiltrodde sertifikater hvis du nsker stole p det.>Dette sertifikatet kunne ikke godkjennes til et rotsertifikat.)Klarte ikke finne sertifikatets utsteder.<Klarte ikke godkjenne alle formlene til dette sertifikatet./Dette sertifikatet er ment for flgende forml: CertificadoInformao do CertificadoaEste certificado tem uma assinatura invlida. O certificado pode ter sido alterado ou corrompido.Este certificado raiz no confivel. Para torn-lo confivel, adicione-o ao conjunto de certificados raiz confiveis do seu sistema.AEste certificado no foi validado num certificado raiz confivel./O emissor deste certificado no foi encontrado.<Todos os propsitos deste certificado no foram verificados.<Este certificado intencionado com os seguintes propsitos: CertificateAtestilaj informoj^This certificate has an invalid signature. The certificate may have been altered or corrupted.jThis root certificate is not trusted. To trust it, add it to your system's trusted root certificate store.FThis certificate could not be validated to a trusted root certificate.(La atestila eldonisto ne estis trovebla.DAll the intended purposes of this certificate could not be verified.8This certificate is intended for the following purposes:fNfNOo`fN&^ geHe~{ T0fNS{9eb]_cOW0 9hfN NON0ON9hfN \vQReQ0R|~ONv9hfNX[P0 el\fN:N9hfN0 ~b N0Rُ*NfNvS0fNv@b gg(uGWel0 fNvg(uY N CertificadoInformao do CertificadoaEste certificado tem uma assinatura invlida. O certificado pode ter sido alterado ou corrompido.Este certificado raz no confivel. Para ficar confivel, adicione-o ao depsito de certificados raz confiveis do seu sistema.AEste certificado no foi validado num certificado raz confivel./O emissor deste certificado no foi encontrado.<Todos os propsitos deste certificado no foram verificados.<Este certificado intencionado com os seguintes propsitos: E5/1) D@: E5/1) (H'37): 5'D-) EF  %DI $*-HJ G0G 'D4G'/) 9DI *HBJ9 :J1 3DJE.@G0G 'D4G'/) %E' #FG' EF*GJ) 'D5D'-J) #H #F 5D'-J*G' DE *(/# (9/.-*,'H* G0G 'D4G'/) 'D5D'-J) 'D*J #9/G' E5/1G'.FB6* G0G 'D4G'/) (H'37) E5/1G'.'D4G'/) 3DJE).'D-BD'DBJE)<'DCD>'D-BHD EF 'D,JD 'D#HD AB7'D'E*/'/'* AB7Ems a: Ems de: Vlid des de  a -Aquest certificat t una signatura no vlida.2Aquest certificat ha caducat o encara no s vlid.EEl perode de validesa d'aquest certificat supera el del seu emissor.+L'emissor d'aquest certificat l'ha revocat.Aquest certificat est b.CampValor<Tots>Noms camps de la versi 1Noms extensions Vydno komu: Vydal: Platn od  do $Tento certifikt m neplatn podpis.:Platnost tohoto certifiktu vypraela, nebo jeat neza ala.>This certificate's validity period exceeds that of its issuer.1Tento certifikt byl zneplatnn jeho vydavatelem.Tento certifikt je v poYdku.PoleHodnota<Vae>Pouze pole verze 1Pouze rozaYen Udstedt til: Udstedt af: Gyldig fra  til *Dette certifikat har et ugyldigt signatur.8Dette certifikat er udlbet eller er endnu ikke gyldigt.EDette certifikats gyldighedsperiode er lngere end udsteders periode.2Dette certifikat er tilbagekaldt af dets udsteder.Dette certifikat er OK.FeltVrdi<Alle>Version 1 Kun felterKun udvidelserAusgestellt fr: Ausgestellt von: Gltig ab  bis .Dieses Zertifikat hat eine ungltige Signatur.ADieses Zertifikat ist entweder abgelaufen oder noch nicht gltig.?Dieses Zertifikat berschreitet die Gltigkeit des Ausstellers.5Dieses Zertifikat wurde vom Aussteller zurckgezogen.Dieses Zertifikat ist gltig.FeldWert<Alle>Nur Version-1-FelderNur Erweiterungen Issued to: Issued by: Valid from  to *This certificate has an invalid signature.1This certificate has expired or is not yet valid.>This certificate's validity period exceeds that of its issuer.+This certificate was revoked by its issuer.This certificate is OK.FieldValue<All>Version 1 Fields OnlyExtensions OnlyEmitido para: Emitido por: Vlido desde  hasta *Este certificado tiene una firma invlida.4Este certificado ha caducado o todava no es vlido.;El periodo de validez del certificado excede al del emisor.,Este certificado fue revocado por su emisor.Este certificado es Correcto.CampoValor<Todos>Solamente Campos de Versin 1Solamente ExtensionesHakija: Myntj: Kelpaa   #Varmenteen allekirjoitus ei kelpaa.2Varmenne on vanhentunut tai ei ole viel voimassa.=Varmenteella on pidempi voimassaoloaika kuin sen myntjll.*Varmenteen myntj on perunut varmenteen.Varmenne on kelvollinen.KenttArvo<Kaikki>Vain version 1 kenttVain laajennukset mis pour: mis par: Valide partir du jusqu'au 'Ce certificat a une signature invalide.3Ce certificat a expir ou n'est pas encore valable.FLa priode de validit de ce certificat dpasse celle de son metteur.-Ce certificat a t rvoqu par son metteur.Ce certificat est valide.ChampValeur<Tous>Champs de version 1 uniquementExtensions uniquement  :   :          .      ..       .    .  .<>  1    Tulajdonos: Killt: rvnyes ettQl  eddig !A tanstvny alrsa nem vals.(A tanstvny lejrt vagy mg nem vals.:A tanstvny rvnyessgi idejt megnvelte a killtja.&A tanstvnyt a killt visszavonta.Tanstvny rendben van.MezQrtk<Mind>Csak 1-es verzi mezQiCsak kiterjesztsek Emesso per: Emesso da: Valido da  a +Questo certificato ha una firma non valida.3Questo certificato scaduto o non ancora valido.MIl periodo di validit di questo certificato supera quello del suo emittente.6Questo certificato stato revocato dal suo emittente.Questo certificato OK.CampoValore<Tutti>Solo i campi della Versione 1Solo estensionizvLHQ: zvL:  gRg  K00 S0n0<ffk0o0 gRj0r TL0B00~0[000S0n0<ffo0gPR0K0~0`0 gRg0o0B00~0[000S0n0<ffn0 gRgPo0zvLn0<ffn0 gRgP0H0f0D0~0Y00S0n0<ffo0zvLk000!qRSU00f0D0~0Y00S0n0<ffo0OULB00~0[00000000$P<Y0y0f0>00000 1 n000000n00 b5_00000n00: Ր: Ǩ0(‘) Ǩ0(]) t xǝ ,t J@ D ǵȲ.t xǝ ̸̹p D ǨX JŵȲ.t xǝ Ր \ ǨD յȲ.t xǝ Ր XX ͌ŵȲ. t xǝ ,Ȳ.Dܴ<P> $  1 Dܴ̹$ U֥̹Verstrekt aan: Uitgegeven door: geldig vanaf  tot 0Dit certificaat heeft een foutieve handtekening.2Dit certificaat is verlopen of is nog niet geldig.NDe geldigheidsperiode van dit certificaat is groter dan die van zijn uitgever.3Dit certificaat was teruggeroepen door de uitgever.Dit certificaat is OK.VeldWaarde<Alle>Alleen versie 1 veldenAlleen extensiesWystawiony dla: Wystawiony przez: Wa|ny od  do (Ten certyfikat ma niewBa[ciw sygnatur.7Ten certyfikat wygasB lub nie uzyskaB jeszcze wa|no[ci.LOkres wa|no[ci tego certyfikatu przekracza ten okre[lony przez jego wydawc.?Ten certyfikat zostaB odwoBany przez wBasny urzd certyfikacji.Ten certyfikat jest OK.PoleWarto[ <Wszyscy>Tylko pola wersji 1Tylko rozszerzenia Emis pentru: Emis de: Valid de la  la ,Acest certificat are o semntur nevalabil.4Acest certificat a expirat sau nc nu este valabil.SPerioada de valabilitate a acestui certificat o depete pe cea a emitentului su.7Acest certificat a fost revocat de ctre emitentul su.Acest certificat este valabil.CmpValoare<Toate>Doar cmpurile versiunii 1 Doar extensii ><C 2K40=: 5< 2K40=: 59AB28B5;5= A  ?> >4?8AL A5@B8D8:0B0 =525@=0.7@5<O 459AB28O A5@B8D8:0B0 ?@>H;> 8;8 5IQ =5 =0ABC?8;>.=!@>: 3>4=>AB8 A5@B8D8:0B0 ?@52KH05B A@>: 459AB28O ?>AB02I8:0.!5@B8D8:0B >B>720= ?>AB02I8:><.!5@B8D8:0B 3>45=.>;5=0G5=85<A5>">;L:> ?>;O 25@A88 1">;L:> @0AH8@5=8O Izdan osobi: Izdava : Valjano od  do &Ovaj certifikat ima neispravan potpis./Ovaj certifikat je istekao ili nije joa valjan.:Valjanost ovog certifikata je du~a od valjanosti izdava a./Ovaj certifikat je opozvan od strane izadava a.Ovaj certifikat je OK.Polje Vrijednost<Svi>Version 1 Fields OnlySamo ekstenzije Issued to: Issued by: Valid from  to *This certificate has an invalid signature.1This certificate has expired or is not yet valid.>This certificate's validity period exceeds that of its issuer.+This certificate was revoked by its issuer.This certificate is OK.PoleHodnota<Vaetko>Version 1 Fields OnlyExtensions OnlyUtfrdat till: Utfrdat av: Giltigt frn  till )Detta certifikat har en ogiltig signatur.8Detta certifikat har gtt ut eller r nnu inte giltigt.<Detta certifikats giltighetsperiod r lngre n utfrdarens./Detta certifikat terkallades av sin utfrdare.Detta certifikat r OK.FltVrde<Alla>Enbart Version 1-fltEnbart tillgg Verilen: Veren: Geerlilik ba_lang1c1 biti_i: (Bu sertifikan1n geersiz bir imzas1 var.ABu sertifikan1n sresi dolmu_ veya sertifika henz geerli deil.LBu sertifikan1n geerlilik sresi da1t1c1s1n1n geerlilik sresini a_makta.0Bu sertifika da1t1c1s1 taraf1ndan iptal edildi.Bu sertifika sorunsuz.AlanDeer<Tm>Sadece Srm 1 Alanlar1Sadece Eklentiler ><C 2840=>: 8< 2840=>: V9A=89 7  4> $&59 A5@B8DV:0B <0T =54V9A=89 ?V4?8A.:'0A 4VW FL>3> A5@B8DV:0BC 70:V=G82AO 01> I5 =5 @>7?>G02AO.>"5@<V= 4VW FL>3> A5@B8DV:0BC ?5@528ICT 2:070=89 9>3> 28402F5<.-&59 A5@B8DV:0B 1C2 0=C;L>20=89 9>3> 28402F5<.&59 A5@B8DV:0B 4V9A=89.>;5=0G5==O<AV>8H5 ?>;O 25@AVW 18H5 @>7H8@5==OIzdano osebi: Izdajatelj: Veljavno od  do Potrdilo ima neveljaven podpis.'Potrdilo je poteklo ali ae ni veljavno.OObdobje veljavnosti potrdila presega obdobje veljavnosti njegovega izdajatelja.+To potrdilo je preklical njegov izdajatelj.To potrdilo je v redu.PoljeVrednost<Vse>Le polja razli ice 1 Le razairitve Kam iaduota: Iadav: Galioja nuo  iki &`is liudijimas turi neteising paraa.2`is liudijimas jau nebegalioja arba dar negalioja.6`io liudijimo galiojimo periodas didesnis u~ iadavjo.$`is liudijimas panaikintas iadavjo.`is liudijimas geras.LaukasReikam <visi laukai>Tik pirmos versijos laukai Tik pltiniai : :  & ., .>This certificate's validity period exceeds that of its issuer.+This certificate was revoked by its issuer. .  < > 1 Issued to: Issued by: Valid from  to 5Esti certificu nun tien una robla que nun ye vlida.,Esti certificu caduc o ent nun ye vlidu.>This certificate's validity period exceeds that of its issuer.%Esti certificu revoclu'l so emisor.Esti certificu ta bien.CampuValor<All>Version 1 Fields OnlyNami estensiones|vI \a|vIOn gHe  0R  PaIv=| T!qHe0  PaI]Ngb\*guHe0 PaIv gHegPN[v|vI0 PaI][v|vISm0 PaI]x0kMO S gHr,g 1 kMOS g2l\'` Issued to: Issued by: Valid from  to *This certificate has an invalid signature.1This certificate has expired or is not yet valid.>This certificate's validity period exceeds that of its issuer.+This certificate was revoked by its issuer.This certificate is OK.FieldValue<All>Version 1 Fields OnlyExtensions Only Utstedt til: Utstedt av: Gyldig fra  til +Dette sertifikatet har en ugyldig signatur.8Dette sertifikatet har utgtt eller er ikke gyldig enn.@Dette sertifikatets gyldighetsperiode er lenger enn utstederens.1Dette sertifikatet ble tilbakekalt av utstederen.Dette sertifikatet er OK.FeltVerdi<Alle>Kun versjon 1 feltKun utvidelser Emitido a: Emitido por: Vlido desde  para -Este certificado tem uma assinatura invlida./Este certificado expirou ou ainda no vlido.@O perodo de validade deste certificado excede o do seu emissor./Este certificado foi revogado pelo seu emissor.Este certificado est OK.CampoValor<Tudo>Campos da Verso 1 ApenasExtenses ApenasS~S gHe  0R fN&^ geHe~{ T0 fN]Ǐgb\*guHe0fN gHegQSv gHeg0 fN]S T0fNl g0WN^<hQ>NHr,g 1 WNibU\ Emitido a: Emitido por: Vlido de  para -Este certificado tem uma assinatura invlida./Este certificado expirou ou ainda no vlido.@O perodo de validade deste certificado excede o do seu emissor./Este certificado foi revogado pelo seu emissor.Este certificado est OK.CampoValor<Todos>Campos da Verso 1 ApenasExtenses Apenas'D'E*/'/'* 'D.7J1) AB7 'D.5'&5 AB7'D%5/'1'D1BE 'D*3D3DJ'DE5/15'D-) EF 5'D-) D:'J)'D9FH'F 'DEA*'- 'D9'E%1 (%2!d! bits) SHA1 4A1)'3*./'E 'DEA*'- 'DE922 (EDCJ)) 'D'3E 'DE91HA'DH5A .5'&5 'D4G'/)#/.D E91A OID EF extensions crtiquesNoms propietatsVersiNmero de srieEmissor Vlid des de Vlid finsEntitat Clau pblica%1 (%2!d! bits) Resum SHA1s millorat de clau (propietat) Nom amists DescripciPropietats de Certificat0Si us plau, introduu un OID en la forma'Pouze nezbytn nutn rozaiYujc modulyPouze vlastnostiVerze Sriov slo Vydavatel Platn od Platn doSubjektVeYejn st kl e%1 (%2!d! bito)Otisk algoritmem SHA1Enhanced key usage (property)Zapamatovateln nzevPopisVlastnosti certifiktu#Zadejte prosm OID ve tvaru kritiske udvidelserKun egenskaberVersion SerienummerUdsteder Gyldig fra Gyldig tilEmneOffentlig ngle%1 (%2!d! bits) SHA1 hashUdvidet ngle brug (egenskab) Venlig navn BeskrivelseCertifikat egenskaber'Angiv venligst et OID p formen kritische ErweiterungenNur EigenschaftenVersion Seriennummer Aussteller Gltig ab Gltig bis Antragstellerffentlicher Schlssel%1 (%2!d! Bits) SHA1-Hash)Erweiterte Schlsselnutzung (Eigenschaft)Angezeigter Name BeschreibungZertifikatseigenschaften,Bitte geben Sie die OID im Format anCritical Extensions OnlyProperties OnlyVersion Serial numberIssuer Valid fromValid toSubject Public key%1 (%2!d! bits) SHA1 hashEnhanced key usage (property) Friendly name DescriptionCertificate Properties'Please enter an OID in the form Extensiones CrticasSolamente PropiedadesVersinNmero de serieEmisor Vlido desde Vlido hastaSujeto Clave pblica%1 (%2!d! bits) Hash SHA1!Uso de clave mejorada (propiedad)Nombre descriptivo DescripcinPropiedades del Certificado0Introduzca un OID de la forma, por favorVain kriittiset laajennuksetVain ominaisuudetVersio SarjanumeroMyntjVoimassaolo alkaaVoimassaolo pttyyHaltijaJulkinen avain%1 (%2!d!-bittinen) SHA1-tiiviste-Laajennettu avaimen kytt (EKU) (ominaisuus) NyttnimiKuvausVarmenteen ominaisuudetSyt OID muodossa critiques uniquementProprits uniquementVersionNumro de sriemetteurValide partir duValide jusqu'auSujet Cl publique%1 (%2!d! bits)Empreinte SHA10Utilisation complmentaire de la cl (proprit) Nom convivial DescriptionProprits du certificat+Veuillez entrer l'OID sous la forme             %1 (%2!d! bits)  SHA1   ()     OID fontos kiterjesztsekCsak TulajdonsgokVerzi SorozatszmKilltrvnyesLejrTrgyNyilvnos kulcs%1 (%2!d! bit) SHA1 hash(KibQvtett kulcs hasznlat (tulajdonsg) KeresztnvLersTanstvny tulajdonsgok)Krem rjon be egy OID-t formbanSolo estensioni criticheSolo proprietVersioneNumero seriale Emittente Valido da Valido fino aSoggettoChiave pubblica%1 (%2!d! bit) Hash SHA1%Uso delle chiavi avanzate (propriet)Nome amichevole DescrizionePropriet del certificato$Inserisci un OID nella forma gRgn0Y gRgn0B}N000000lQu%1 (%2!d! 000) SHA1 0000b5_U00_000O(ul (00000)00000 Tf <ffn000000OID 0 b__g0eQRW0f0O0`0U0D0 $ ɔ\ U֥̹$ 1̹¬ 8Ր Ǩ0(‘) Ǩ0(])ȩ %1 (%2!d! D)SHA1 tl U֥ (1)`m$xǝ 1 1,2,3,4 X՘X OID| %X$Alleen kritieke extensiesAlleen eigenschappenVersie SerienummerUitgever Geldig vanaf Geldig tot OnderwerpPublieke sleutel%1 (%2!d! bits) SHA1 hash'Uitgebreid sleutel gebruik (eigenschap) Naam alias BeschrijvingCertificaat eigenschappen+Geef aub. een OID in in de vorm van rozszerzenia krytyczneTylko wBa[ciwo[ciWersja Numer seryjnyWystawcaWa|ny odWa|ny doPodmiotKlucz publiczny%1 (%2!d! bitw) Odcisk palca(U|ycie klucza rozszerzonego (wBa[ciwo[)Przyjazna nazwaOpisWBa[ciwo[ci certyfikatu!Prosz poda OID w formie extensii criticeDoar proprietiVersiuneNumr de serieEmitent Valabil de laValabil pn laSubiect Cheie public%1 (%2!d! bii) Hash SHA1,Utilizri adiionale ale cheii (proprietate) Nume uzual DescriereProprietile certificatului!Introducei OID sub forma">;L:> :@8B8G5A:85 @0AH8@5=8O">;L:> A2>9AB205@A8O!5@89=K9 =><5@ >AB02I8:59AB28B5;5= A59AB28B5;5= 4>!C1J5:B B:@KBK9 :;NG%1 (%2!d! 18B)%MH SHA1* 0AH8@5==>5 8A?>;L7>20=85 :;NG0 (A2>9AB2>) >=OB=>5 8<O?8A0=85!2>9AB20 A5@B8D8:0B02548B5 OID 2 D>@<5 kriti ne ekstenzije Samo svojstvaVerzija Serijski broj Izdavatelj Valjano od Valjano doSubjekt Javni klju %1 (%2!d! bitova) SHA1 hashEnhanced key usage (property) Friendly nameOpisSvojstva certifikata"Molimo uneiste OID u formi Extensions OnlyProperties OnlyVerzia Sriov sloIssuer Valid fromValid toPredmet Verejn k> %1 (%2!d! bitov) SHA1 hashEnhanced key usage (property) Popisn nzovPopisVlastnosti certifiktu'Please enter an OID in the form kritiska tillggEnbart egenskaperVersion Serienummer Utfrdare Giltigt frn Giltigt tillmneOffentlig nyckel%1 (%2!d! bitar) SHA1 hash"Utkad nyckelanvndning (egenskap) Vnligt namn BeskrivningCertifikatsegenskaper'Var god fyll i en OID p formen Kritik EklentilerSadece zelliklerSrm Seri numaras1Da1t1c1Geerlilik ba_lang1c1Geerlilik biti_iKonu A1k anahtar%1 (%2!d! bit)SHA1 salamas1*0yile_tirilmi_ anahtar kullan1m1 (zellik)Kolay hat1rlanabilir isim Tan1mlamaSertifika zellikleri&Ltfen biiminde bir OID girin8H5 :@8B8G=V @>7H8@5==O8H5 2;0AB82>ABV5@AVO!5@V9=89 =><5@84025FL V9A=89 7 V9A=89 4>@54<5BC1;VG=89 :;NG%1 (%2!d! 1VB)SHA1 E5H* >7H8@5=5 28:>@8AB0==O :;NG0 (2;0AB82VABL) @C6=O =0720?8A;0AB82>ABV A5@B8DV:0BC'C4L ;0A:0, 2254VBL OID 2 D>@<V kriti ni izrazi Le lastnosti Razli icaZaporedna atevilka Izdajatelj Veljavno od Veljavno doZadeva Javni klju %1 (%2!d! bitov)Razprailo SHA1&Uporaba izboljaanega klju a (lastnost) Prijazno imeOpisLastnosti potrdilaVnesite OID v obliki bktini pltiniai Tik savybsVersijaNumeris Iadavjas Galioja nuo Galioja iki SubjektasVieaasis raktas%1 (%2!d! bitai) maiaa SHA1#Ypatingas rakto naudojimas (savyb)Draugiakas vardasApraaasLiudijimo savybs;.veskite organizacijos identifikatoris tokia forma: Extensions OnlyProperties Only Serial numberIssuer Valid fromValid toSubject Public key%1 (%2!d! bits) SHA1 hashEnhanced key usage (property) Friendly name DescriptionCertificate Properties'Please enter an OID in the form Extensions OnlyProperties Only* $ ? * M * M Serial numberIssuer Valid fromValid toSubject Public key%1 (%2!d! bits) SHA1 hashEnhanced key usage (property) Friendly name DescriptionCertificate Properties'Please enter an OID in the form    %1 (%2!d! ) SHA1 Enhanced key usage (property)   , OID Nami estensiones crtiquesProperties OnlyVersin Serial numberIssuer Valid fromValid toSubject Clave pblica%1 (%2!d! bits) SHA1 hashEnhanced key usage (property) Friendly name DescripcinCertificate Properties'Please enter an OID in the form gܕu2l\'`S gl\'`Hr,g^_|vI gHe gHe0R;NԚlQp %1 (%2!d! MOCQ)SHA1 ܖJn 2ёp(ul (gQ[)f T1zcaIl\'`ˊN vb__8eQ OIDCritical Extensions OnlyProperties OnlyVersion Serial numberIssuer Valid fromValid toSubject Public key%1 (%2!d! bits) SHA1 hashEnhanced key usage (property) Friendly name DescriptionCertificate Properties'Please enter an OID in the form kritiske utvidelserKun egenskaperVersjon SerienummerUtsteder Gyldig fra Gyldig tilEmneOffentlig nkkel%1 (%2!d! bit) SHA1-hashUtvidet nkkelbruk (egenskap) Vennlig navn BeskrivelseSertifikategenskaperAngi en OID i format Crticas ApenasPropriedades ApenasVersoNmero de SrieEmissor Vlido desde Vlido atSujeito Chave Pblica%1 (%2!d! bits) Soma SHA1#Uso de chave avanado (propriedade) Nome amigvel DescrioPropriedades do Certificado)Por favor, insira um OID na forma Extensions OnlyNur ecojEldono Serial numberIssuer Valid fromValid toSubject Public key%1 (%2!d! bits) SHA1 hashEnhanced key usage (property) Friendly name Priskribo&Atestilaj ecoj'Please enter an OID in the form͑ibU\N^\'`Hr,g^RSS gHe gHe;NlQ %1%2!d! MO SHA1 T ^

25 (*.*)$L'OID que heu introdut ja existeix.&Seleccioneu un magatzem de certificats3Si us plau, seleccioneu un magatzem de certificats.%Assistent d'Importaci de CertificatsnEl fitxer cont objectes que no coincideixen amb els criteris donats. Si us plau, seleccioneu un altre fitxer.Fitxer a importar*Especifiqueu el fitxer que voleu importar.Magatzem de certificatsEls magatzems de certificats sn conjunts de certificats, llistes de revocaci de certificats i llistes de confiana de certificats.Certificat X.509 (*.cer; *.crt)/Intercanvi d'informaci personal (*.pfx; *.p12)&Llista de certificats revocats (*.crl)*Llista de confiana de certificats (*.stl)9Magatzem de certificats serialitzat del Microsoft (*.sst)$Missatges CMS/PKCS #7 (*.spc; *.p7b)Tots els fitxers (*.*)Zadan OID ji~ existuje.Vybrat lo~iat certifikto#Zvolte prosm lo~iat certifikto.Provodce importem certifiktuZSoubor obsahuje objekty, kter neodpovdaj zadanm po~adavkom. Zvolte prosm jin soubor.Soubor k importu(Zadejte soubor, kter chcete importovat.lo~iat certifiktonCertificate stores are collections of certificates, certificate revocation lists, and certificate trust lists.Certifikt X.509 (*.cer; *.crt),Personal Information Exchange (*.pfx; *.p12)#Certificate Revocation List (*.crl)Certificate Trust List (*.stl).Microsoft Serialized Certificate Store (*.sst)#CMS/PKCS #7 Messages (*.spc; *.p7b)Vaechny soubory (*.*) OID'et du angav findes allerede.Vlg certifikatlager!Vlg venligst et certifikatlager.CertifikatimporteringsguideZFilen indeholder objekter der ikke matcher det givne kriterie. Vlg venligst en anden fil.Fil at importereAngiv filen du vil importere.CertifikatlagerrCertifikatlagre er samlinger af certifikater, certifikat tilbagekaldelseslister og certifikat trovrdighedslister.!X.509 certifikater (*.cer; *.crt)/Personlig informationsudveksling (*.pfx; *.p12)(Certifikat tilbagekaldelsesliste (*.crl) Certificat tillids liste (*.stl)/Microsoft serialiseret certifikat lager (*.sst)&CMS/PKCS #7 meddelelser (*.spc; *.p7b)Alle filer (*.*)&Die eingegebene OID existiert bereits.Zertifikatsspeicher whlen+Bitte whlen Sie einen Zertifikatsspeicher.Zertifikat-ImportassistentcDie Datei enthlt Objekte, die nicht den Kriterien entsprechen. Bitte whlen Sie eine andere Datei.Zu importierende Datei(Geben Sie die zu importierende Datei an.Zertifikatsspeicher whlen8Zertifikatsspeicher sind Systemspeicher fr Zertifikate.X.509-Zertifikat (*.cer; *.crt)-Privater Informationsaustausch (*.pfx; *.p12)Zertifikatssperrliste (*.crl)"Zertifikatsvertrauensliste (*.stl)0Microsoft-Speicher serieller Zertifikate (*.sst)&CMS/PKCS-#7-Zertifikate (*.spc; *.p7b)Alle Dateien (*.*)#The OID you entered already exists.Select Certificate Store"Please select a certificate store.Certificate Import Wizard[The file contains objects that do not match the given criteria. Please select another file.File to Import$Specify the file you want to import.Certificate StorenCertificate stores are collections of certificates, certificate revocation lists, and certificate trust lists. X.509 Certificate (*.cer; *.crt),Personal Information Exchange (*.pfx; *.p12)#Certificate Revocation List (*.crl)Certificate Trust List (*.stl).Microsoft Serialised Certificate Store (*.sst)#CMS/PKCS #7 Messages (*.spc; *.p7b)All files (*.*)El OID introducido ya existe..Seleccionar Almacenamiento para el Certificado0Seleccione un almacn de certificado, por favor.(Asistente de Importacin de CertificadosmEste fichero contiene objetos que no corresponden con los criterios dados. Por favor seleccione otro fichero.Fichero a Importar+Especifique el fichero que quiere importar.Almacn de CertificadosLos almacenes de certificados son colecciones de certificados, listas de revocacin de certificados, y listas de confianza de certificados. Certificado X.509 (*.cer; *.crt)2Intercambio de Informacin Personal (*.pfx; *.p12)+Lista de Revocacin de Certificados (*.crl)*Lista de Confianza de Certificados (*.stl)8Almacn de Certificados Serializado de Microsoft (*.sst)#Mensajes CMS/PKCS #7 (*.spc; *.p7b)Todos los archivos (*.*)Syttmsi OID on jo olemassa.Valitse varmennesilValitse varmennesil.Ohjattu varmenteen tuonti`Tiedosto sislt objekteja, jotka eivt sovi annettuihin vaatimuksiin. Valitse toinen tiedosto.Tuotava tiedostoValitse tuotava tiedosto. VarmennesilhVarmennesilt ovat kokoelmia, joissa on varmenteita ja listoja luotetuista ja suljetuista varmenteista.X.509-varmenne (*.cer; *.crt),Personal Information Exchange (*.pfx; *.p12)Varmenteiden sulkulista (*.crl)&Luotettujen varmenteiden lista (*.stl).Microsoft Serialized Certificate Store (*.sst)#CMS/PKCS #7 -viestit (*.spc; *.p7b)Kaikki tiedostot (*.*)&L'OID que vous avez entr existe dj.&Slectionnez le magasin de certificats0Veuillez slectionner un magasin de certificats.&Assistant d'importation de certificatsrLe fichier contient des objets ne satisfaisant pas aux critres spcifis. Veuillez slectionner un autre fichier.Fichier importer Spcifiez le fichier importer.Magasin de certificatsLes magasins de certificats sont des collections de certificats, de listes de rvocation de certificats et de listes de certificats de confiance. Certificat X.509 (*.cer; *.crt)3change d'informations personnelles (*.pfx; *.p12)*Liste de rvocation de certificats (*.crl))Liste de certificats de confiance (*.stl)3Magasin de certificats srialiss Microsoft (*.sst)$Messages CMS/PKCS #7 (*.spc; *.p7b)Tous les fichiers (*.*)OID   .Select Certificate Store"Please select a certificate store.  [The file contains objects that do not match the given criteria. Please select another file.  $      .Certificate StorenCertificate stores are collections of certificates, certificate revocation lists, and certificate trust lists. X.509 ( *.cer; *.crt),Personal Information Exchange (*.pfx; *.p12)#Certificate Revocation List (*.crl)Certificate Trust List (*.stl).Microsoft Serialized Certificate Store (*.sst)#CMS/PKCS #7 Messages (*.spc; *.p7b)  (*.*)A bert OID mr ltezik.Jellje meg a tanstvny trat-Krem vlasszon ki egy tanstvny tvonalat.Tanstvny import varzslA kivlasztott fjl olyan objekutumokat tartalmaz, amely nem felel meg az adott feltteleknek. Krem, vlasszon ki msik fjlt. Import fjlAdja meg az importland fjlt.Tanstvny trYTanstvnyok egy gyqjtemny, amely aktv, visszavont s megbzhat tanstvnyokbl ll. X.509 tanstvny (*.cer; *.crt)'Szemlyi informcicsere (*.pfx; *.p12)&Tanstvny visszavonsi lista (*.crl)!Tanstvny bizalmi lista (*.stl)*Microsoft szabvnyos tanstvnyok (*.sst)#CMS/PKCS #7 zenetek (*.spc; *.p7b)Minden fjl (*.*)L'OID inserito esiste gi.!Seleziona il deposito certificati*Prego selezionare il deposito certificati.%Guida all'Importazione di Certificati]Il file contiene oggetti che non corrispondono con i criteri dati. Selezionare un altro file.File da importare'Specificare il file che vuoi importare.Deposito certificatixI depositi certificati sono collezioni di certificati, liste di revoca di certificati e liste di fiducia di certificati. Certificato X.509 (*.cer; *.crt)-Scambio Informazioni Personali (*.pfx; *.p12) Lista Revoca Certificati (*.crl)!Lista Fiducia Certificati (*.stl)3Deposito Certificati Serializzato Microsoft (*.sst)#Messaggi CMS/PKCS #7 (*.spc; *.p7b)Tutti i file (*.*)eQRW0_0 OID o0Y0g0k0X[(WW0~0Y00 <ff000n0xb<ff0000xbW0f0O0`0U0D00<ff00000 00000,0000k0agNk0NW0j0D0000000L0+T~00f0D0~0Y00Nn000000xbW0f0O0`0U0D00 0000n00000000000W0_0D000000xbW0f0O0`0U0D00<ff000"<ff000o0<ff0<ff1YR0000<ffO<000n0ƖTg0Y00X.509 <ff (*.cer; *.crt) PN`1XNc0000 (*.pfx; *.p12)<ff1YR000 (*.crl)<ffO<000 (*.stl) Microsoft 0000SU00_0<ff000 (*.sst) CMS/PKCS #7 00000 (*.spc; *.p7b)Y0y0f0n00000 (*.*)%\ OID t tȬiȲ. xǝ ȥnj xǝ ȥnj| X$. xǝ 8$0 ȹ,t | ȴ 0 ޹ JŔ  ǵȲ. x |D X$.8, | 8, | .xǝ +xǝ xǝ, xǝ 0 ], xǝ ° ]X iՌȲ.X.509 xǝ (*.cer; *.crt)x  PX (*.pfx; *.p12)xǝɌ 0 ] (*.crl)xǝ ° ] (*.stl)Microsoft ō xǝ (*.sst)CMS/PKCS #7 T (*.spc; *.p7b) | (*.*)De ingegeven OID bestaat reeds.Selecteer certificatenopslag&Selecteer aub. een certificatenopslag.Certificaat importeerhulp[The file contains objects that do not match the given criteria. Please select another file.Bestand om te importeren.Specificeer het bestand dat u wilt importeren.CertificatenopslagyCertificatenopslagen zijn verzamelingen van certificaten, certificaat terugroeplijsten en certificaat vertrouwenslijsten. X.509 Certificaat (*.cer; *.crt)3Persoonlijke informatie uitwisseling (*.pfx; *.p12)"Certificaat terugroeplijst (*.crl)$Certificaat vertrouwenslijst (*.stl),Microsoft serile certificatenopslag (*.sst)$CMS/PKCS #7 berichten (*.spc; *.p7b)Alle bestanden (*.*)Podane OID ju| istnieje.Wybr magazynu certyfikatw#Prosz wybra magazyn certyfikatw.Kreator importu certyfikatwNPlik zawiera obiekty niezgodne z zadanymi kryteriami. Prosz wybra inny plik. Import pliku(Wybierz plik, ktry chcesz zaimportowa.Magazyn certyfikatwjMagazyn certyfikatw jest zbiorem certyfikatw, list odwoBania certyfikatu oraz list zaufania certyfikatu.Certyfikat X.509 (*.cer; *.crt),Wymiana informacji osobistych (*.pfx; *.p12)#Lista odwoBania certyfikatu (*.crl)"Lista zaufania certyfikatu (*.stl)6Magazyn certyfikatw seryjnych firmy Microsoft (*.sst)&Certyfikaty CMS/PKCS #7 (*.spc; *.p7b)Wszystkie pliki (*.*)#The OID you entered already exists.Select Certificate Store"Please select a certificate store.Certificate Import Wizard[The file contains objects that do not match the given criteria. Please select another file.File to Import$Specify the file you want to import.Certificate StorenCertificate stores are collections of certificates, certificate revocation lists, and certificate trust lists. X.509 Certificate (*.cer; *.crt),Personal Information Exchange (*.pfx; *.p12)#Certificate Revocation List (*.crl)Certificate Trust List (*.stl).Microsoft Serialized Certificate Store (*.sst)#CMS/PKCS #7 Messages (*.spc; *.p7b)Tuot las datotecas (*.*)OID introdus exist deja. Selectare depozit de certificate$Selectai un depozit de certificate.&Asistent de importare a certificatelorPFiierul conine obiecte care nu respect criteriile date. Selectai alt fiier.Importare fiier3Specificai fiierul pe care dorii s-l importai.Depozit de certificateyDepozitele de certificate sunt colecii de certificate, liste de certificate revocate i liste de certificate acreditate.Certificat X.509 (*.cer; *.crt)-Schimb de informaii personale (*.pfx; *.p12)%List de certificate revocate (*.crl)'List de certificate acreditate (*.stl)1Depozit Microsoft nseriat de certificate (*.sst)!Mesaje CMS/PKCS #7 (*.spc; *.p7b)Toate fiierele (*.*)254Q==K9 OID C65 ACI5AB2C5B.K1>@ E@0=8;8I0 A5@B8D8:0B>2 K15@8B5 E@0=8;8I5 A5@B8D8:0B>2.0AB5@ 8<?>@B0 A5@B8D8:0B>2X-B>B D09; A>45@68B >1J5:BK, =5 C4>2;5B2>@ONI85 7040==K< :@8B5@8O<. K15@8B5 4@C3>9 D09;.$09; 4;O 8<?>@B0.#:068B5 D09;, :>B>@K9 2K E>B8B5 8<?>@B8@>20BL.%@0=8;8I5 A5@B8D8:0B>2Z%@0=8;8I5 A5@B8D8:0B>2 A>45@68B A5@B8D8:0BK, 0 B0:65 A?8A:8 >B7K20 8 4>25@8O A5@B8D8:0B>2.!5@B8D8:0B X.509 (*.cer; *.crt)/$>@<0B >1<5=0 ;8G=>9 8=D>@<0F859 (*.pfx; *.p12)"!?8A>: >B7K20 A5@B8D8:0B>2 (*.crl)#!?8A>: 4>25@8O A5@B8D8:0B>2 (*.stl)8%@0=8;8I5 A5@80;87>20==KE A5@B8D8:0B>2 Microsoft (*.sst)$!>>1I5=8O CMS/PKCS #7 (*.spc; *.p7b)A5 D09;K (*.*)!DID koji ste unijeli ve postoji.Odaberite spremnik certifikata&Molimo odaberite spremnik certifikata. arobnjak za uvoz certifikata^Datoteka sadr~i objekte koji ne odgovaraju danim kriterijima. Molimo odaberite drugu datoteku.Datoteka za uvoz&Odaberite datoteku koji ~elite uvesti.Spremnik certifikatajSpremnici cerfitikata su kolekcije certifikata, popisa opoziva certifikata i popisa pouzdanih certifikata.X.509 certifikat (*.cer; *.crt),Personal Information Exchange (*.pfx; *.p12)#Certificate Revocation List (*.crl)Certificate Trust List (*.stl).Microsoft Serialized Certificate Store (*.sst)#CMS/PKCS #7 Messages (*.spc; *.p7b)Sve datoteke (*.*)#The OID you entered already exists.Select Certificate Store"Please select a certificate store.Certificate Import Wizard[The file contains objects that do not match the given criteria. Please select another file.File to Import$Specify the file you want to import.Certificate StorenCertificate stores are collections of certificates, certificate revocation lists, and certificate trust lists. X.509 Certificate (*.cer; *.crt),Personal Information Exchange (*.pfx; *.p12)#Certificate Revocation List (*.crl)Certificate Trust List (*.stl).Microsoft Serialized Certificate Store (*.sst)#CMS/PKCS #7 Messages (*.spc; *.p7b)Vaetky sbory (*.*)!Den OID du angav existerar redan.Vlj certifikatlager!Var god vlj ett certifikatlager.Guiden fr import av certifikat[Filen innehller objekt som inte uppfyller de givna kriterierna. Var god vlj en annan fil.Fil att importeraAnge filen du vill importera.CertifikatlageruCertifikatlager r samlingar av certifikat, listor ver terkallade certifikat, samt listor ver betrodda certifikat.X.509-certifikat (*.cer; *.crt),Personal Information Exchange (*.pfx; *.p12))Lista ver terkallade certifikat (*.crl)&Lista ver betrodda certifikat (*.stl).Microsoft Serialized Certificate Store (*.sst)&CMS/PKCS #7-meddelanden (*.spc; *.p7b)Alla filer (*.*)#The OID you entered already exists.Select Certificate Store"Please select a certificate store.Certificate Import Wizard[The file contains objects that do not match the given criteria. Please select another file.File to Import$Specify the file you want to import.Certificate StorenCertificate stores are collections of certificates, certificate revocation lists, and certificate trust lists. X.509 Certificate (*.cer; *.crt),Personal Information Exchange (*.pfx; *.p12)#Certificate Revocation List (*.crl)Certificate Trust List (*.stl).Microsoft Serialized Certificate Store (*.sst)#CMS/PKCS #7 Messages (*.spc; *.p7b) 8AI! (*.*)Girdiiniz OID zaten mevcut.Sertifika Deposunu Se"Ltfen bir sertifika deposu sein.Sertifika Alma Sihirbaz1[Bu dosya belirtilen kriterlerle e_le_meyen nesneler ieriyor. Ltfen ba_ka bir dosya sein.Al1nacak Dosya#Almak istediiniz dosyay1 belirtin.Sertifika DeposulSertifika depolar1; sertifikalar, sertifika iptal listesi ve sertifika gven listelerinin koleksiyonlar1d1r.X.509 Sertifika (*.cer; *.crt)%Ki_isel Bilgi Dei_imi (*.pfx; *.p12)Sertifika 0ptal Listesi (*.crl)Sertifika Gven Listesi (*.stl)4Microsoft Numaraland1r1lm1_ Sertifika Deposu (*.sst)$CMS/PKCS #7 0letileri (*.spc; *.p7b)Tm dosyalar (*.*)OID, O:89 28 225;8, 265 VA=CT.81V@ AE>28I0 A5@B8DV:0BV2*C4L ;0A:0, 2815@VBL AE>28I5 A5@B8DV:0BV2.09AB5@ V<?>@BC A5@B8DV:0BV2P$09; <VAB8BL >1'T:B8, I> =5 2V4?>2V40NBL 7040=8< :@8B5@VO<. 815@VBL V=H89 D09;.$09; 4;O V<?>@BC&815@VBL D09;, O:89 B@510 V<?>@BC20B8.!E>28I5 A5@B8DV:0BV2q!E>28I0 A5@B8DV:0BV2 F5 :>;5:FVW A5@B8DV:0BV2, A?8A:8 0=C;L>20=8E A5@B8DV:0BV2, B0 A?8A:8 4>2V@5=8E A5@B8DV:0BV2.!5@B8DV:0B X.509 (*.cer; *.crt)*1<V= >A>18AB>N V=D>@<0FVTN (*.pfx; *.p12)'!?8A>: 0=C;L>20=8E A5@B8DV:0BV2 (*.crl)%!?8A>: 4>2V@5=8E A5@B8DV:0BV2 (*.stl)/!E>28I5 A5@V9=8E A5@B8DV:0BV2 Microsoft (*.sst)'>2V4><;5==O CMS/PKCS #7 (*.spc; *.p7b)AV D09;8 (*.*)"OID, ki ste ga vnesli, ~e obstaja.Izberite shrambo potrdilaIzberite shrambo potrdila. arovnik za uvoz potrdilaXDatoteka vsebuje predmete, ki se ne ujemajo z danimi kriteriji. Izberite drugo datoteko.Datoteka za uvozNavedite datoteko za uvoz.Shramba potrdilbShrambe potrdil so zbirke potrdil, seznami preklicanih potrdil in seznami zaupana vrednih potrdil.Potrdilo X.509 (*.cer; *.crt)+Osebna izmenjava podrobnosti (*.pfx, *.p12)"Seznam preklicanih potrdil (*.crl)Seznam zaupanih potrdil (*.stl)1Microsoftova shramba potrdil v zaporedjih (*.sst)$Sporo ila CMS/PKCS #7 (*.spc; *.p7b)Vse datoteke (*.*)6.vestas organizacijos identifikatorius jau egzistuoja.Iarinkite liudijims saugyklIarinkite liudijims saugykl.Liudijimo importo vediklisNFaile yra objekts, kurie neatitinka nustatyts kriterijs. Iarinkite kit fail.Importo failasNurodykite fail importui.Liudijims saugyklagLiudijims saugyklos yra liudijims rinkiniai, ataaukts liudijims sraaai ir patikints liudijims sraaai.X.509 liudijimas (*.cer; *.crt),Asmenins informacijos mainai (*.pfx; *.p12)"Ataaukts liudijims sraaas (*.crl)#Patikints liudijims sraaas (*.stl).Iadstyta serijomis liudijims saugykla (*.sst)%CMS/PKCS #7 praneaimai (*.spc; *.p7b)Visi failai (*.*)#The OID you entered already exists.Select Certificate Store"Please select a certificate store.Certificate Import Wizard[The file contains objects that do not match the given criteria. Please select another file.File to Import$Specify the file you want to import.Certificate StorenCertificate stores are collections of certificates, certificate revocation lists, and certificate trust lists. X.509 Certificate (*.cer; *.crt),Personal Information Exchange (*.pfx; *.p12)#Certificate Revocation List (*.crl)Certificate Trust List (*.stl).Microsoft Serialized Certificate Store (*.sst)#CMS/PKCS #7 Messages (*.spc; *.p7b)GEG  ~1HF/G G' (*.*)#The OID you entered already exists.Select Certificate Store"Please select a certificate store.Certificate Import Wizard[The file contains objects that do not match the given criteria. Please select another file.File to Import$Specify the file you want to import.Certificate StorenCertificate stores are collections of certificates, certificate revocation lists, and certificate trust lists. X.509 Certificate (*.cer; *.crt),Personal Information Exchange (*.pfx; *.p12)#Certificate Revocation List (*.crl)Certificate Trust List (*.stl).Microsoft Serialized Certificate Store (*.sst)$CMS/PKCS #7 (*.spc; *.p7b) (*.*)#The OID you entered already exists.Select Certificate Store"Please select a certificate store.Certificate Import Wizard[The file contains objects that do not match the given criteria. Please select another file.File to Import$Specify the file you want to import.Certificate StorenCertificate stores are collections of certificates, certificate revocation lists, and certificate trust lists. X.509 Certificate (*.cer; *.crt),Personal Information Exchange (*.pfx; *.p12)#Certificate Revocation List (*.crl)Certificate Trust List (*.stl).Microsoft Serialized Certificate Store (*.sst)#CMS/PKCS #7 Messages (*.spc; *.p7b) 2 M 2 > + / 2 A  3 A  (*.*)" OID . . [The file contains objects that do not match the given criteria. Please select another file. $Specify the file you want to import. nCertificate stores are collections of certificates, certificate revocation lists, and certificate trust lists.X.509 (*.cer; *.crt)( (*.pfx; *.p12)& (*.crl) (*.stl)-Microsoft (*.sst)!CMS/PKCS #7 (*.spc; *.p7b) (*.*)#The OID you entered already exists.Select Certificate Store"Please select a certificate store.Certificate Import Wizard[The file contains objects that do not match the given criteria. Please select another file.File to Import$Specify the file you want to import.Certificate StorenCertificate stores are collections of certificates, certificate revocation lists, and certificate trust lists. X.509 Certificate (*.cer; *.crt),Personal Information Exchange (*.pfx; *.p12)#Certificate Revocation List (*.crl)Certificate Trust List (*.stl).Microsoft Serialized Certificate Store (*.sst)#CMS/PKCS #7 Messages (*.spc; *.p7b)Tos les fitchs (*.*)#The OID you entered already exists.Select Certificate Store"Please select a certificate store.(Encontu pa la importacin de certificaos[The file contains objects that do not match the given criteria. Please select another file.Ficheru a importar$Specify the file you want to import.Certificate StorenCertificate stores are collections of certificates, certificate revocation lists, and certificate trust lists.Certificu X.509 (*.cer; *.crt),Personal Information Exchange (*.pfx; *.p12)#Certificate Revocation List (*.crl)Certificate Trust List (*.stl).Microsoft Serialized Certificate Store (*.sst)#CMS/PKCS #7 Messages (*.spc; *.p7b)Tolos ficheros (*.*)`8eQv OID ]}X[(W0xSaI2QX[U ˊxSaI2QX[U0aI/SeQ|HjHh+T g N9SMf}[nGRvirN0ˊxSSN PjHh0/SeQvjHh c[`/SeQvjHh0aI2QX[UaI2QX[U6eυNaI0aIdnUNSaIOnU0X.509 aI (*.cer; *.crt) PNnj Nc (*.pfx; *.p12)aIdnU (*.crl)aIOnU (*.stl)Microsoft ^RSaI2QX[U (*.sst)CMS/PKCS #7 o` (*.spc; *.p7b) @b gjHh (*.*)#The OID you entered already exists.Select Certificate Store"Please select a certificate store.Certificate Import Wizard[The file contains objects that do not match the given criteria. Please select another file.File to Import$Specify the file you want to import.Certificate StorenCertificate stores are collections of certificates, certificate revocation lists, and certificate trust lists. X.509 Certificate (*.cer; *.crt),Personal Information Exchange (*.pfx; *.p12)#Certificate Revocation List (*.crl)Certificate Trust List (*.stl).Microsoft Serialized Certificate Store (*.sst)#CMS/PKCS #7 Messages (*.spc; *.p7b)All files (*.*)!OID'en du oppgav finnes allerede.Velg sertifikatlager&Velg et lagringssted for sertifikater.#Veiviser for import av sertifikaterTFilen inneholder objekter som ikke passer de oppgitte kriteriene. Velg en annen fil.Fil importere!Velg filen du nsker importere.SertifikatlagerjSertifikatlagre er samlinger av sertifikater, tilbakekallingslister og lister over tiltrodde sertifikater.X.509-sertifikat (*.cer; *.crt)/Personlig informasjonsutveksling (*.pfx; *.p12),Liste over tilbakekalte sertifikater (*.crl))Liste over tiltrodde sertifikater (*.stl)-Microsoft serialisert sertifikatlager (*.sst)$CMS/PKCS #7 meldinger (*.spc; *.p7b)Alle filer (*.*)O OID inserido j existe.$Selecione o Conjunto de Certificados1Por favor, selecione um conjunto de certificados.(Assistente de Importao de CertificadoscO arquivo contm objetos que no correspondem ao critrio dado. Por favor, selecione outro arquivo.Arquivo a Importar*Especifique o arquivo que deseja importar.Conjunto de CertificadosOs Conjuntos de Certificados so colees de certificados, listas de revogao de certificados e listas de certificados confiveis. Certificado X.509 (*.cer; *.crt),Troca de Informaes Pessoais (*.pfx; *.p12)*Lista de Revogao de Certificados (*.crl)(Lista de Certificados Confiveis (*.stl):Conjunto de Certificados Serializados da Microsoft (*.sst)$Mensagens CMS/PKCS #7 (*.spc; *.p7b)Todos os arquivos (*.*)#The OID you entered already exists.Select Certificate Store"Please select a certificate store.Certificate Import Wizard[The file contains objects that do not match the given criteria. Please select another file.File to Import$Specify the file you want to import.Certificate StorenCertificate stores are collections of certificates, certificate revocation lists, and certificate trust lists. X.509 Certificate (*.cer; *.crt),Personal Information Exchange (*.pfx; *.p12)#Certificate Revocation List (*.crl)Certificate Trust List (*.stl).Microsoft Serialized Certificate Store (*.sst)#CMS/PKCS #7 Messages (*.spc; *.p7b)iuj dosieroj (*.*) `eQv OID ]X[(W0 bfNX[P bfNX[P0fN[eQT[eNS+T N&{T~QvhQ0 bSN*NeN0[eQveN c[` ^g[eQveN0fNX[PfNX[P/ffN0fN TRhTfNONRhvƖT0X.509 fN (*.cer; *.crt)*NNOo`Nbc (*.pfx; *.p12)fN TRh (*.crl)fNONRh (*.stl)Microsoft ^RSfNX[P (*.sst)CMS/PKCS #7 mo` (*.spc; *.p7b) @b geN (*.*)O OID inserido j existe.%Seleccione o Depsito de Certificados1Por favor seleccione um depsito de certificados.(Assistente de Importao de CertificadosfO ficheiro contm objectos que no correspondem ao critrio dado. Por favor seleccione outro ficheiro.Ficheiro a Importar'Indique o ficheiro que deseja importar.Depsito de CertificadosOs depsitos de certificados so colecces de certificados, listas de revogao de certificados e listas de certificados confiveis. Certificado X.509 (*.cer; *.crt),Troca de Informaes Pessoais (*.pfx; *.p12)*Lista de Revogao de Certificados (*.crl)(Lista de Certificados Confiveis (*.stl):Depsito de Certificados Serializados da Microsoft (*.sst)$Mensagens CMS/PKCS #7 (*.spc; *.p7b)Todos os ficheiros (*.*)#The OID you entered already exists.Select Certificate Store"Please select a certificate store.Certificate Import Wizard[The file contains objects that do not match the given criteria. Please select another file.File to Import$Specify the file you want to import.Certificate StorenCertificate stores are collections of certificates, certificate revocation lists, and certificate trust lists. X.509 Certificate (*.cer; *.crt),Personal Information Exchange (*.pfx; *.p12)#Certificate Revocation List (*.crl)Certificate Trust List (*.stl).Microsoft Serialized Certificate Store (*.sst)#CMS/PKCS #7 Messages (*.spc; *.p7b)!25 40B>B5:5 (*.*)'.*1 EDAK' EF A6DC.2DE J*E *-/J/ 5J:) 'DEDA  '.*1' EDAK' ".1 EF A6DC. D' JECF A*-G E-// (H'37) 'D(1F'E,'.*1 E3*H/9K' EF A6DC*E '.*J'1 E3*H/9 4G'/'*E-//) *DB'&JK' (H'37) 'D(1F'E,EDA 'DE-*HJ'*'D4G'/)B'&E) 'D4G'/'* 'DE1AH6)B'&E) 'D4G'/'* 'DEH+HB)CMS/PKCS #7 13'D)F'BD 'DE9DHE'* 'D4.5JE3*H/9 'D4G'/'*F,- 'D'3*J1'/.Please select a file.>The file format is not recognized. Please select another file.Could not open Determined by the programPlease select a storeCertificate Store Selected'Automatically determined by the program$09;Content CertificateCertificate Revocation ListCertificate Trust ListCMS/PKCS #7 MessagePersonal Information ExchangeCertificate StoreThe import was successful."Si us plau, seleccioneu un fitxer.LEl format de fitxer no es reconeix. Si us plau, seleccioneu un altre fitxer.No s'ha pogut obrir Determinat pel programa"Si us plau, selecciona un magatzem#Magatzem de certificats seleccionat&Determinat automticament pel programaFitxer Contingut CertificatLlista de certificats revocats"Llista de certificats de confianaMissatge CMS/PKCS #7 Intercanvi d'informaci personalMagatzem de certificatsLa importaci ha tingut xit.Vyberte prosm soubor.>The file format is not recognized. Please select another file.Nebylo mo~n otevYt Zjiatno programemVyberte prosm lo~iat!lo~iat certifikto bylo zvolenoAutomaticky zjiatno programemSouborObsah CertifiktCertificate Revocation ListCertificate Trust ListCMS/PKCS #7 MessageOsobn vmna informaclo~iat certifiktoImport probhl span.Vlg venligst en fil.:Fil formatet er ikke genkendt. Vlg venligst en anden fil.Kunne ikke bne Bestemt af programmetVlg venligst et lagerCertifikatlager valgt Automatisk bestemt af programmetFilIndhold Certifikat Certifikat tilbagekaldelseslisteCertifikat tillidslisteCMS/PKCS #7 meddelelse!Personlig informations udvekslingCertifikatlagerImporten var vellykket.Bitte whlen Sie eine Datei.7Unbekanntes Format. Bitte whlen Sie eine andere Datei.Konnte die Datei nicht ffnen Automatisch ausgewhltBitte whlen Sie einen SpeicherZertifikatsspeicher gewhltAutomatisch ausgewhltDateiInhalt ZertifikatZertifikatssperrlisteZertifikatsvertrauenslisteCMS/PKCS-#7-ZertifikatPrivater InformationsaustauschZertifikatsspeicher whlenImportvorgang erfolgreich.Please select a file.>The file format is not recognised. Please select another file.Could not open Determined by the programPlease select a storeCertificate Store Selected'Automatically determined by the programFileContent CertificateCertificate Revocation ListCertificate Trust ListCMS/PKCS #7 MessagePersonal Information ExchangeCertificate StoreThe import was successful. Seleccione un fichero por favor.GEl formato del fichero no pudo ser reconocido. Seleccione otro fichero.No se pudo abrir Determinado por el programaSeleccione un almacn por favor$Almacn de Certificados Seleccionado+Automticamente determinado por el programaArchivo Contenido Certificado#Lista de Revocacin de Certificados"Lista de Confianza del CertificadoMensaje CMS/PKCS #7#Intercambio de Informacin PersonalAlmacn de Certificados$La importacin se realiz con xito.Valitse tiedosto.8Tiedoston muotoa ei tunnisteta. Valitse toinen tiedosto.Ei voitu avata kohdetta Ohjelman pttelem Valitse silValittu varmennesil#Ohjelman automaattisesti pttelemTiedostoSisltVarmenneVarmenteiden sulkulistaLuotettujen varmenteiden listaCMS/PKCS #7 -viestiPersonal Information Exchange VarmennesilTuonti onnistui.Slectionnez un fichier.FLe format du fichier n'est pas reconnu. Slectionnez un autre fichier.N'a pu ouvrir Dtermin par le programme Veuillez slectionner un magasin"Magasin de certificats slectionn*Dtermin automatiquement par le programmeFichierContenu Certificat"Liste de rvocation de certificats!Liste de certificats de confianceMessage CMS/PKCS #7#change d'informations personnellesMagasin de certificatsL'importation a russi.Please select a file.>The file format is not recognized. Please select another file.      Please select a storeCertificate Store Selected      Certificate Trust List CMS/PKCS #7Personal Information ExchangeCertificate Store  .Krlek vlassz ki egy fjlt.BA fjl formtum nem felismerhetQ. Krem, vlasszon ki msik fjlt.Nem lehet megnyitni A program ltal felismert Krem vlasszon ki egy tvonalatTanstvny tr megadva'A program ltal automatikusan felismertFjlTartalom TanstvnyTanstvny visszavonsi listaTanstvny bizalmi listaCMS/PKCS #7 zenetSzemlyi informcicsereTanstvny trAz import sikeres volt.Seleziona un file.=Formato del file non riconosciuto. Selezionare un altro file.Impossibile aprire Determinato dal programma!Seleziona un deposito certificati Deposito certificati selezionato)Determinato automaticamente dal programmaFile Contenuto CertificatoLista Revoca CertificatiLista dei certificati fidatiMessaggio CMS/PKCS #7Scambio Informazioni PersonaliDeposito certificatiImportazione riuscita.00000xbW0f0O0`0U0D000000b__0Xg0M0~0[000Nn000000xbW0f0O0`0U0D00 00000Q0~0[00 00000g0zl[Y00 0000xbW0f0O0`0U0D0 xbU00_0<ff00000000g0Rvk0zl[Y00000000000<ff<ff1YR000<ffO<000CMS/PKCS #7 00000 PN`1X Yc0000<ff000 00000o0bRW0~0W0_00 |D X$.#t | D tt`  ŵȲ. x |D X$.  L \t  | X$ xǝ ( \t ٳ<\  |xǝ xǝ 0 ] xǝ ° ]CMS/PKCS #7 Tx  PXxǝ 8$0 1.Selecteer een bestand.HHet bestandsformaat wordt niet herkend. Selecteer aub een ander bestand.Openen mislukt voor Bepaald door het programmaSelecteer een opslag Geselecteerde certificatenopslag&Automatisch bepaald door het programmaBestandInhoud CertificaatCertificaat terugroeplijstCertificaat VertrouwenslijstCMS/PKCS #7 bericht$Persoonlijke informatie uitwisselingCertificatenopslagHet importeren was succesvol.Prosz wybra plik.3Nie rozpoznano typu pliku. Prosz wybra inny plik.Nie mo|na otworzy Okre[lone przez programProsz wybierz magazynMagazyn certyfikatw wybrany%Automatycznie okre[lony przez programPlikTre[ CertyfikatLista odwoBania certyfikatuLista zaufania certyfikatuCertyfikat CMS/PKCS #7Wymiana informacji osobistychMagazyn certyfikatwImport zakoDczyB si pomy[lnie.Selectai un fiier.=Formatul fiierului nu este recunoscut. Selectai alt fiier.Nu s-a putut deschide Determinat de programSelectai un depozit!Depozitul de certificate selectat#Determinat automat de ctre programFiierConinut CertificatLista certificatelor revocateLista certificatelor acreditateMesaj CMS/PKCS #7Schimb de informaii personaleDepozit de certificate"Importarea s-a realizat cu succes.K15@8B5 D09;.0$>@<0B D09;0 =5 @0A?>7=0=. K15@8B5 4@C3>9 D09;.5 C40QBAO >B:@KBL ?@545;O5BAO ?@>3@0<<>9K15@8B5 E@0=8;8I5 K1@0==>5 E@0=8;8I5 A5@B8D8:0B>2%2B><0B8G5A:8 >?@545;O5BAO ?@>3@0<<>9<O !>45@60=85 !5@B8D8:0B!?8A>: >B7K20 A5@B8D8:0B>2!?8A>: 4>25@8O A5@B8D8:0B>2!>>1I5=85 CMS/PKCS #7 $>@<0B >1<5=0 ;8G=>9 8=D>@<0F859%@0=8;8I5 A5@B8D8:0B>2<?>@B 2K?>;=5= CA?5H=>.Molimo odaberite datoteku.@Format datoteke nije prepoznat. Molimo odaberite drugu datoteku.Nije se mogla otvoriti Odlu eno od strane programaPlease select a storeCertificate Store Selected&Automatski odlu eno od strane programaDatotekaSadr~aj CertifikatCertificate Revocation ListPopis certifikata povjerenjaCMS/PKCS #7 MessagePersonal Information ExchangeSpremnik certifikataUvoz je bio uspjeaan.Please select a file.>The file format is not recognized. Please select another file.Nem~em otvorie Determined by the programPlease select a storeCertificate Store Selected'Automatically determined by the programSborObsah CertifiktCertificate Revocation ListCertificate Trust ListCMS/PKCS #7 MessagePersonal Information ExchangeCertificate StoreImportovanie bolo spean.Var god vlj en fil.8Filformatet kndes inte igen. Var god vlj en annan fil.Kunde inte ppna Bestmd av programmetVar god vlj ett lagerCertifikatlager valt!Automatiskt bestmt av programmetFilInnehll Certifikat!Lista ver terkallade certifikatLista ver betrodda certifikatCMS/PKCS #7-meddelandePersonal Information ExchangeCertifikatlagerImporten lyckades.Ltfen bir dosya sein.2Dosya biimi bilinmiyor. Ltfen ba_ka dosya sein. A1lamad1 Program taraf1ndan karar verildiLtfen bir maaza seinSeilen Sertifika Deposu)Program taraf1ndan otomatik karar verildiDosya0erik SertifikaSertifika 0ptal ListesiSertifika Gven ListesiCMS/PKCS #7 0letisiKi_isel Bilgi Dei_imiSertifika DeposuAlma ba_ar1l1.815@VBL D09;.1$>@<0B D09;C =5 @>7?V7=0=89. 815@VBL V=H89 D09;.5<>6;82> 2V4:@8B8 87=0G5=> ?@>3@0<>N815@VBL AE>28I5!E>28I5 A5@B8DV:0BV2 281@0=52B><0B8G=> 287=0G5=> ?@>3@0<>N$09;<VAB !5@B8DV:0B!?8A>: 0=C;L>20=8E A5@B8DV:0BV2!?8A>: 4>2V@5=8E A5@B8DV:0BV2>2V4><;5==O CMS/PKCS #71<V= >A>18AB>N V=D>@<0FVTN!E>28I5 A5@B8DV:0BV2<?>@B 7025@H5=> CA?VH=>.Izberite datoteko.>Oblike datoteke ni mogo e prepoznati. Izberite drugo datoteko.Ni mogo e odpreti Dolo eno s programomIzberite shrambo Izbrana je bila shramba potrdilaSamodejno dolo eno s programomDatotekaVsebinaPotrdiloSeznam preklicanih potrdilSeznam zaupanih potrdilSporo ilo CMS/PKCS at.7Izmenjava osebnih podatkovShramba potrdilUvoz je bil uspeaen.Iarinkite fail.2Neatpa~intas failo formatas. Iarinkite kit fail.Nepavyko atverti Nustatyta programosIarinkite saugyklIarinkta liudijims saugykla Automatiakai nustatyta programosFailasTurinys LiudijimasAtaaukts liudijims sraaasPatikints liudijims sraaasCMS/PKCS #7 praneaimasAsmenins informacijos mainaiLiudijims saugyklaImportas skmingas.Please select a file.>The file format is not recognized. Please select another file.Could not open Determined by the programPlease select a storeCertificate Store Selected'Automatically determined by the programFileContent CertificateCertificate Revocation ListCertificate Trust ListCMS/PKCS #7 Personal Information ExchangeCertificate StoreThe import was successful. .8 . . Determined by the program  'Automatically determined by the program    CMS/PKCS #7   .Please select a file.>The file format is not recognized. Please select another file.Could not open Determined by the programPlease select a storeCertificate Store Selected'Automatically determined by the programFileContenu CertificateCertificate Revocation ListCertificate Trust ListCMS/PKCS #7 MessagePersonal Information ExchangeCertificate StoreLa importacin tuvo situ.ˊxSjHh0jHhThe file format is not recognized. Please select another file.Could not open Determined by the programPlease select a storeCertificate Store Selected'Automatically determined by the programFileContent CertificateCertificate Revocation ListCertificate Trust ListCMS/PKCS #7 MessagePersonal Information ExchangeCertificate StoreThe import was successful. Velg en fil.2Filformatet ble ikke gjenkjent. Velg en annen fil.Klarte ikke pne Bestemt av programmetVelg en lagringsplassSertifikatlager valgtBestemt av programmetFilInnhold Sertifikat$Liste over tilbakekalte sertifikater!Liste over tiltrodde sertifikaterCMS/PKCS #7 meldinger Personlig informasjonsutvekslingSertifikatlagerImporteringen var vellykket. Por favor, selecione um arquivo.KO formato do arquivo no reconhecido. Por favor, selecione outro arquivo.No foi possvel abrir Determinado pelo programa%Por favor, selecione um armazenamento$Conjunto de Certificados Selecionado)Determinado automaticamente pelo programaArquivoContedo Certificado"Lista de Revogao de Certificados Lista de Certificados ConfiveisMensagem CMS/PKCS #7Troca de Informaes PessoaisConjunto de CertificadosA importao foi bem-sucedida.Please select a file.>The file format is not recognized. Please select another file.Could not open Determined by the programPlease select a storeCertificate Store Selected'Automatically determined by the programDosieroEnhavo CertificateCertificate Revocation ListCertificate Trust ListCMS/PKCS #7 MessagePersonal Information ExchangeCertificate StoreThe import was successful. bN*NeN0elƋ+ReNThe file format is not recognized. Please select another file.Could not open Determined by the programPlease select a storeCertificate Store Selected'Automatically determined by the programFileSadr~aj CertificateCertificate Revocation ListCertificate Trust ListCMS/PKCS #7 MessagePersonal Information ExchangeCertificate StoreThe import was successful.Please select a file.>The file format is not recognized. Please select another file.Could not open Determined by the programPlease select a storeCertificate Store Selected'Automatically determined by the program0B>B5:0!04@60X CertificateCertificate Revocation ListCertificate Trust ListCMS/PKCS #7 MessagePersonal Information ExchangeCertificate StoreThe import was successful.A4D 'D'3*J1'/.Arial<'DCD><#:1'6 E*B/E)>E5/1 D@ E5/1) (H'37)*'1J. 'D'F*G'! 'D'3E 'DE91HA<'DCD><D' 4J!>wB/ D' **ECF EF -D *4AJ1 'D13'&D E3*B(DK' (G0G 'D4G'/)  #H #F *BHE (*HBJ9'* (H'37*G'. GD *1:( -BK' (%2'D) G0G 'D4G'/) yB/ D' **ECF EF -D *4AJ1 'D13'&D E3*B(DK' (G0G 'D4G'/'*  #H #F *BHE (*HBJ9'* (H'37*G'. GD *1:( -BK' (%2'D) G0G 'D4G'/'* |B/ D' **ECF EF *4AJ1 'D13'&D E3*B(DK' (G0G 'D4G'/)  #H #F *BHE (*-BJB 'D*HBJ9'* (H'37*G'. GD *1:( -BK' (%2'D) G0G 'D4G'/) You will no longer be able to encrypt messages with these certificates, or verify messages signed with them. Are you sure you want to remove these certificates?Z'D4G'/'* 'DE5/1) (H'37) E-BB 'D4G'/'* G0' DE *9/ EH+HB) 'D(*). GD *1:( (%2'D) G0G 'D4G'/)['D4G'/'* 'DE5/1) (H'37) E-BB 'D4G'/'* G0' DE *9/ EH+HB) 'D(*). GD *1:( (%2'D) G0G 'D4G'/'*La importaci ha fallat.Arial<Tots><Finalitats avanades>Ems aEms deData de caducitat Nom amists<Tots><Cap>Ja no sereu capa de desxifrar missatges amb aquest certificat, ni signar missatges amb ell. Esteu segur que voleu eliminar aquest certificat?Ja no sereu capa de desxifrar missatges amb aquests certificats, ni signar missatges amb ells. Esteu segur que voleu eliminar aquests certificats?Ja no sereu capa de xifrar missatges amb aquest certificat, ni verificar missatges signats amb ella. Esteu segur que voleu eliminar aquest certificat?Ja no sereu capa de xifrar missatges amb aquests certificats, ni verificar missatges signats amb ells. Esteu segur que voleu eliminar aquests certificats?Els certificats emesos per aquesta autoritat de certificaci ja no ser de confiana. Esteu segur que voleu eliminar aquest certificat?Els certificats emesos per aquestes autoritats de certificaci ja no seran de confiana. Esteu segur que voleu eliminar aquests certificats?Import se nezdaYil.Arial<Vae><Pokro il pou~it> Vydno komu Vydno kmDatum skon en platnostiZapamatovateln nzev<Vae><~dn>You will no longer be able to decrypt messages with this certificate, or sign messages with it. Are you sure you want to remove this certificate?You will no longer be able to decrypt messages with these certificates, or sign messages with them. Are you sure you want to remove these certificates?You will no longer be able to encrypt messages with this certificate, or verify messages signed with it. Are you sure you want to remove this certificate?You will no longer be able to encrypt messages with these certificates, or verify messages signed with them. Are you sure you want to remove these certificates?Certificates issued by this certification authority will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove this certificate?Certificates issued by these certification authorities will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove these certificates?Importeringen fejlede.Arial<Alle><Avancerede forml> Udstedt til Udstedt af Udlbsdato Venlig navn<Alle><Ingen>Du vil ikke lngere kunne dekryptere beskeder med dette certifikat eller underskrive beskeder med det. Er du sikker p du vil fjerne dette certifikat?Du vil ikke lngere kunne dekryptere beskeder med disse certifikater eller underskrive beskeder med dem. Er du sikker p du vil fjerne disse certifikater?Du vil ikke lngere kunne kryptere beskeder med dette certifikat eller verificere beskeder underskrevet med det. Er du sikker p du vil fjerne dette certifikat?You will no longer be able to encrypt messages with these certificates, or verify messages signed with them. Are you sure you want to remove these certificates?Certifikater udstedt af denne certificeringsmyndighed vil ikke lngere vre trovrdig. Er du sikker p du vil fjerne dette certifikat?Certifikater udstedt af disse certificeringsmyndigheder vil ikke lngere vre trovrdig. Er du sikker p du vil fjerne disse certifikater?Importvorgang gescheitert.Arial<Alle><weitere Zwecke>Ausgestellt frAusgestellt von VerfallsdatumAngezeigter Name<Alle><Keine>Sie werden nicht mehr in der Lage sein, Nachrichten mit diesem Zertifikat zu entschlsseln oder zu unterzeichnen. Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie es lschen mchten?Sie werden nicht mehr in der Lage sein, Nachrichten mit diesen Zertifikaten zu entschlsseln oder zu unterzeichnen. Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie sie lschen mchten?Sie werden nicht mehr in der Lage sein, Nachrichten mit diesem Zertifikat zu entschlsseln oder zu unterzeichnen. Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie es lschen mchten?Sie werden nicht mehr in der Lage sein, Nachrichten mit diesen Zertifikaten zu entschlsseln oder zu unterzeichnen. Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie sie lschen mchten?Von dieser CA ausgestellte Zertifikate werden nicht lnger vertrauenswrdig sein. Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie dieses Zertifikat lschen mchten?Von diesen CAs ausgestellte Zertifikate werden nicht lnger vertrauenswrdig sein. Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diese Zertifikate lschen mchten?The import failed.Arial<All><Advanced Purposes> Issued To Issued ByExpiration Date Friendly Name<All><None>You will no longer be able to decrypt messages with this certificate, or sign messages with it. Are you sure you want to remove this certificate?You will no longer be able to decrypt messages with these certificates, or sign messages with them. Are you sure you want to remove these certificates?You will no longer be able to encrypt messages with this certificate, or verify messages signed with it. Are you sure you want to remove this certificate?You will no longer be able to encrypt messages with these certificates, or verify messages signed with them. Are you sure you want to remove these certificates?Certificates issued by this certification authority will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove this certificate?Certificates issued by these certification authorities will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove these certificates?La importacin ha fallado.Arial<Todos><Usos Avanzados> Emitido Para Emitido PorFecha de CaducidadNombre Descriptivo<Todos> <Ninguno>Ya no podr descifrar mensajes con este certificado, o firmar mensajes con l. Est seguro de que quiere eliminar este certificado?Ya no podr descifrar mensajes con estos certificados, o firmar mensajes con ellos. Est seguro de que quiere eliminar estos certificados?Ya no podr cifrar mensajes con este certificado, o verificar mensajes firmados con l. Est seguro de que quiere eliminar este certificado?Ya no podr cifrar mensajes con estos certificados, o verificar mensajes firmados con ellos. Est seguro de que quiere eliminar estos certificados?Los certificados emitidos por esta autoridad certificadora ya no sern de confianza. Est seguro de que quiere eliminar este certificado?Los certificados emitidos por estas autoridades certificadoras ya no sern de confianza. Est seguro de que quiere eliminar estos certificados?Tuonti eponnistui.Arial<Kaikki><Edistyneet tarkoitukset>HakijaMyntjVanhenemispivmr Nyttnimi<Kaikki><Tyhj>uJos jatkat, et voi en purkaa etk allekirjoittaa viestej tll varmenteella. Haluatko varmasti poistaa varmenteen?{Jos jatkat, et voi en purkaa etk allekirjoittaa viestej nill varmenteilla. Haluatko varmasti poistaa nm varmenteet?Jos poistat varmenteen, et voi en salata sill viestej etk vahvistaa sill allekirjoitettujen viestien aitoutta. Haluatko varmasti poistaa tmn varmenteen?Jos poistat varmenteita, et voi en salata niill viestej etk vahvistaa niill allekirjoitettujen viestien aitoutta. Haluatko varmasti poistaa nm varmenteet?mJos jatkat, tmn varmentajan myntmiin varmenteisiin ei en luoteta. Haluatko varmasti poistaa varmenteen?tJos jatkat, niden varmentajien myntmiin varmenteisiin ei en luoteta. Haluatko varmasti poistaa nm varmenteet?L'importation a chou.Arial<Tous><Rles avancs> mis pourmis parDate d'expiration Nom convivial<Tous><Aucun>zVous ne pourrez plus dchiffrer ou signer de messages avec ce certificat. Voulez-vous rellement supprimer ce certificat?~Vous ne pourrez plus dchiffrer ou signer de messages avec ces certificats. Voulez-vous rellement supprimer ces certificats?Vous ne pourrez plus chiffrer ou vrifier de signature de messages avec ce certificat. Voulez-vous rellement supprimer ce certificat?Vous ne pourrez plus chiffrer ou vrifier de signature de messages avec ces certificats. Voulez-vous rellement supprimer ces certificats?Les certificats mis par cette autorit de certification ne seront plus considrs comme valables. Voulez-vous rellement supprimer ce certificat?Les certificats mis par cette autorit de certification ne seront plus considrs comme valables. Voulez-vous rellement supprimer ces certificats?  .Arial<>< >         <><>You will no longer be able to decrypt messages with this certificate, or sign messages with it. Are you sure you want to remove this certificate?You will no longer be able to decrypt messages with these certificates, or sign messages with them. Are you sure you want to remove these certificates?You will no longer be able to encrypt messages with this certificate, or verify messages signed with it. Are you sure you want to remove this certificate?You will no longer be able to encrypt messages with these certificates, or verify messages signed with them. Are you sure you want to remove these certificates?Certificates issued by this certification authority will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove this certificate?Certificates issued by these certification authorities will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove these certificates?Az import nem sikerlt.Arial<Mind><Specilis tpusok> TulajdonosKilltlejrat Keresztnv<Mind><Nincs>Mr nem lesz kpes dekdolni az zeneteket ezzel a tanustvnnyal, vagy alrni az zeneteket ezzel. Biztosan trlni szeretn ezt a tanstvnyt?Mr nem lesz kpes dekdolni az zeneteket ezzel a tanustvnnyal, vagy alrni az zeneteket ezzel. Biztosan trlni akarja ezeket a tanstvnyokat?Mr nem lesz kpes kdolni az zeneteket ezzel a tanustvnnyal, vagy ellenQrizni az zenetek alrst. Biztosan trlni akarja ezt a tanstvnyt?You will no longer be able to encrypt messages with these certificates, or verify messages signed with them. Are you sure you want to remove these certificates?Azok a tanstvnyok, amelyeket ez a hitelestQ szervezet bocstott ki, mr nem lesznek biztonsgosak. Biztosan trlni akarja ezt a tanstvnyt?Azok a tanstvnyok, amelyeket ezek a hitelestQ szervezetek bocstottk ki mr nem lesznek biztonsgosak. Biztosan trlni akarja ezeket a tanstvnyokat?Importazione fallita.Arial<Tutti><Ragioni speciali> Emesso per Emesso daData di scadenzaNome amichevole<Tutti> <Nessuno>Non sarai pi in grado di decriptare messaggi con questo certificato, o di firmare messaggi con questo. Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere questo certificato?Non sarai pi in grado di decriptare messaggi con questi certificati, o di firmare messaggi con questi. Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere questi certificati?Non sarai pi in grado di criptare messaggi con questo certificato, o di verificare messaggi con questo. Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere questo certificato?Non sarai pi in grado di criptare messaggi con questi certificati, o di verificare messaggi con questi. Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere questi certificati?I certificati emessi da questa autorit di certificazione non saranno pi fidati. Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere questi certificati?I certificati emessi da queste autorit di certificazione non saranno pi fidati. Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere questi certificati? 00000o01YWeW0~0W0_00 MS Shell Dlg<Y0y0f0><ؚ^j0vv>zvLHQzvL gRgP00000 T<Y0y0f0><j0W0>9JRd_o0S0n0<ff0)R(uW0_000000n0_SS000000x0n0r TL0g0M0j0O0j00~0Y00 S0n0<ff0JRdW0~0Y0K0?=JRd_o0S000n0<ff0)R(uW0_000000n0_SS000000x0n0r TL0g0M0j0O0j00~0Y00 S000n0<ff0JRdW0~0Y0K0?DJRd_o0S0n0<ff0)R(uW0_000000n0fSS00S0n0<ffg0r TU00_000000n0i< ij>թՐ̹0|`m<P><L>3t xǝ\ T| tųXp T `  ŵȲ. t xǝ| pX ȲL?3t xǝ\ T| tųXp T| `  ŵȲ. t xǝ| pX ȲL?8t xǝ\ T| T8TXp  T| Ux`  ŵȲ. t xǝ| pX ȲL?8t xǝ\ T| T8TXp  T| Ux`  ŵȲ. t xǝ| pX ȲL?4t xǝ 0  \ xǝ T t °`  ŵȲ. t xǝ| pX ȲL?4t xǝ 0  \ xǝ T t °`  ŵȲ. t xǝ| pX ȲL?Het importeren is mislukt.Arial<Alle><Geavanceerde doeleinden> Verstrekt aanUitgegeven door Verloop datum Naam alias<Alle><Geen>U kunt niet langer berichten ontcijferen of ondertekenen met dit certificaat. Weet u zeker dat u dit certificaat wilt verwijderen?U kunt niet langer berichten ontcijferen of ondertekenen met deze certificaten. Weet u zeker dat u deze certificaten wilt verwijderen?|U kunt niet langer berichten coderen of verifiren met dit certificaat. Weet u zeker dat u dit certificaat wilt verwijderen?U kunt niet langer berichten coderen of verifiren met deze certificaten. Weet u zeker dat u deze certificaten wilt verwijderen?Certificaten uitgegeven door deze certificaten autoriteit zullen niet meer vertrouwd worden. Weet u zeker dat u dit certificaat wilt verwijderen?Certificaten uitgegeven door deze certificaten autoriteiten zullen niet meer vertrouwd worden. Weet u zeker dat u deze certificaten wilt verwijderen?$Import zakoDczyB si niepowodzeniem.Arial <Wszyscy><Cele zaawansowane>Wystawiony dlaWystawiony przezData wyga[niciaPrzyjazna nazwa <Wszyscy><Brak>Ju| nie bdziesz mgB odszyfrowywa i podpisywa wiadomo[ci tym certyfikatem. Czy jeste[ pewien, |e chcesz usun ten certyfikat?Ju| nie bdziesz mgB odszyfrowywa i podpisywa wiadomo[ci tymi certyfikatami. Czy jeste[ pewien, |e chcesz usun te certyfikaty?Ju| nie bdziesz mgB szyfrowa i weryfikowa wiadomo[ci podpisanych tym certyfikatem. Czy jeste[ pewien, |e chcesz usun ten certyfikat?Ju| nie bdziesz mgB szyfrowa i weryfikowa wiadomo[ci podpisanych tymi certyfikatami. Czy jeste[ pewien, |e chcesz usun te certyfikaty?tCertyfikaty wydane przez ten urzd certyfikacji strac zaufanie. Czy jeste[ pewien, |e chcesz usun ten certyfikat?tCertyfikaty wydane przez te urzdy certyfikacji strac zaufanie. Czy jeste[ pewien, |e chcesz usun te certyfikaty?Importarea a euat.Arial<Toate><Roluri avansate> Emis pentruEmis deData de expirare Nume uzual<Toate> <Niciunul>lNu vei mai putea decripta sau semna mesaje cu acest certificat. Sigur dorii s eliminai acest certificat?pNu vei mai putea decripta sau semna mesaje cu aceste certificate. Sigur dorii s eliminai aceste certificate?uNu vei mai putea cripta sau verifica mesaje semnate cu acest certificat. Sigur dorii s eliminai acest certificat?yNu vei mai putea cripta sau verifica mesaje semnate cu aceste certificate. Sigur dorii s eliminai aceste certificate?Certificatele emise de ctre aceast autoritate de certificare nu vor mai fi acreditate. Sigur dorii s eliminai acest certificat?Certificatele emise de ctre aceste autoriti de certificare nu vor mai fi acreditate. Sigur dorii s eliminai aceste certificate?H81:0 8<?>@B0.Arial<A5><?@545;O5<K9 =01>@> ><C 2K40= 5< 2K40=0B0 >:>=G0=8O 459AB28O >=OB=>5 8<O<A5><5B>uK 1>;LH5 =5 A<>65B5 @0AH8D@>2K20BL 8;8 ?>4?8AK20BL A>>1I5=8O MB8< A5@B8D8:0B><. K 459AB28B5;L=> E>B8B5 C40;8BL 53>?vK 1>;LH5 =5 A<>65B5 @0AH8D@>2K20BL 8;8 ?>4?8AK20BL A>>1I5=8O MB8<8 A5@B8D8:0B0<8. K 459AB28B5;L=> E>B8B5 C40;8BL 8E?rK 1>;LH5 =5 A<>65B5 70H8D@>2K20BL 8;8 ?@>25@OBL A>>1I5=8O MB8< A5@B8D8:0B><. K 459AB28B5;L=> E>B8B5 C40;8BL 53>?sK 1>;LH5 =5 A<>65B5 70H8D@>2K20BL 8;8 ?@>25@OBL A>>1I5=8O MB8<8 A5@B8D8:0B0<8. K 459AB28B5;L=> E>B8B5 C40;8BL 8E?!5@B8D8:0BK, 2K40==K5 MB8< F5=B@>< A5@B8D8:0F88, =5 1C4CB AG8B0BLAO 4>25@5==K<8. K 459AB28B5;L=> E>B8B5 C40;8BL 53> A5@B8D8:0B?!5@B8D8:0BK, 2K40==K5 MB8<8 F5=B@0<8 A5@B8D8:0F88, =5 1C4CB AG8B0BLAO 4>25@5==K<8. K 459AB28B5;L=> E>B8B5 C40;8BL 8E A5@B8D8:0BK?Uvoz neuspjeaan.Arial<Svi><Napredne namjene> Izdan osobi IzdavateljDatum isticanja Friendly Name<Svi><Niata>Viae neete moi deaifrirati poruke s ovim certifikatom ili potpisivati poruke s njim. Sigurno ~elite izbrisati ovaj certifikat?Viae neete moi deaifrirati poruke s ovim certifikatima ili potpisivati poruke s njima. Sigurno ~elite izbrisati ove certifikate?}Viae neete moi aifrirati poruke s ovim certifikatom ili provjeriti poruke s njim. Sigurno ~elite izbrisati ovaj certifikat?You will no longer be able to encrypt messages with these certificates, or verify messages signed with them. Are you sure you want to remove these certificates?Certificates issued by this certification authority will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove this certificate?Certificates issued by these certification authorities will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove these certificates?Importovanie sa nepodarilo.Arial<Vaetko><Advanced Purposes> Issued To Issued ByExpiration Date Popisn nzov<Vaetko><}iadne>You will no longer be able to decrypt messages with this certificate, or sign messages with it. Are you sure you want to remove this certificate?You will no longer be able to decrypt messages with these certificates, or sign messages with them. Are you sure you want to remove these certificates?You will no longer be able to encrypt messages with this certificate, or verify messages signed with it. Are you sure you want to remove this certificate?You will no longer be able to encrypt messages with these certificates, or verify messages signed with them. Are you sure you want to remove these certificates?Certificates issued by this certification authority will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove this certificate?Certificates issued by these certification authorities will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove these certificates?Importen misslyckades.Arial<Alla><Avancerade syften> Utfrdat till Utfrdat av Utgngsdatum Vnligt namn<Alla><Inget>Du kommer inte lngre kunna dekryptera eller signera meddelanden med detta certifikat. r du sker du vill ta bort detta certifikat?Du kommer inte lngre kunna dekryptera eller signera meddelanden med dessa certifikat. r du sker du vill ta bort dessa certifikat?Du kommer inte lngre kunna kryptera meddelanden med detta certifikat, eller verifiera meddelanden som r signerade med det. r du sker du vill ta bort detta certifikat?Du kommer inte lngre kunna kryptera meddelanden med dessa certifikat, eller verifiera meddelanden som r signerade med dem. r du sker du vill ta bort dessa certifikat?Certifikat utfrdade av denna certifieringsauktoritet kommer inte lngre vara betrodda. r du sker du vill ta bort detta certifikat?Certifikat utfrdade av dessa certifieringsauktoriteter kommer inte lngre vara betrodda. r du sker du vill ta bort dessa certifikat?Alma ba_ar1s1z.Arial<Tm><Geli_mi_ Amalar>VerilenVerenSon Kullanma TarihiKolay Hat1rlanabilir 0sim<Tm> <Hibiri>Art1k bu sertifika ile iletileri zemeyecek veya iletileri imzalayamayacaks1n1z. Bu sertifikay1 silmek istediinizden emin misiniz?Art1k bu sertifikalar ile iletileri zemeyecek veya iletileri imzalayamayacaks1n1z. Bu sertifikalar1 silmek istediinizden emin misiniz?Bu sertifikay1 kullanarak iletileri _ifrelemeyecek ve imzalanm1_ iletileri dorulayamayacaks1n1z. Bu sertifikay1 silmek istediinizden emin misiniz?Art1k bu sertifikalar ile iletileri _ifreleyemeyecek veya imzalanm1_ iletileri dorulayamayacaks1n1z. Bu sertifikalar1 silmek istediinizden emin misiniz?Bu sertifika yetkilisi taraf1ndan salanm1_ sertifikalara art1k gvenilmeyecek. Bu sertifikay1 silmek istediinizden emin misiniz?Bu sertifika yetkilileri taraf1ndan salanm1_ sertifikalara art1k gvenilmeyecek. Bu sertifikalar1 silmek istediinizden emin misiniz?<?>@B =5 2402AO.Arial<AV>< >7H8@5=V FV;V> ><C 2840=> 8< 2840=>0B0 70:V=G5==O 4VW @C6=O =0720<AV><5<0T>{8 1V;LH5 =5 7<>65B5 @>7H8D@>2C20B8 G8 ?V4?8AC20B8 ?>2V4><;5==O F8< A5@B8DV:0B><. 8 4V9A=> E>G5B5 2840;8B8 F59 A5@B8DV:0B?}8 1V;LH5 =5 7<>65B5 @>7H8D@>2C20B8 G8 ?V4?8AC20B8 ?>2V4><;5==O F8<8 A5@B8DV:0B0<8. 8 4V9A=> E>G5B5 2840;8B8 FV A5@B8DV:0B8?y8 1V;LH5 =5 7<>65B5 70H8D@>2C20B8 G8 ?5@52V@OB8 ?>2V4><;5==O F8< A5@B8DV:0B><. 8 4V9A=> E>G5B5 2840;8B8 F59 A5@B8DV:0B?{8 1V;LH5 =5 7<>65B5 70H8D@>2C20B8 G8 ?5@52V@OB8 ?>2V4><;5==O F8<8 A5@B8DV:0B0<8. 8 4V9A=> E>G5B5 2840;8B8 FV A5@B8DV:0B8?h!5@B8DV:0B8, 2840=V F8< >@30=>< A5@B8DV:0FVW, 2B@0BOBL 4>2V@C. 8 4V9A=> E>G5B5 2840;8B8 F59 A5@B8DV:0B?j!5@B8DV:0B8, 2840=V F8<8 >@30=0<8 A5@B8DV:0FVW, 2B@0BOBL 4>2V@C. 8 4V9A=> E>G5B5 2840;8B8 FV A5@B8DV:0B8?Uvoz je spodletel.Arial<Vse><Napredne mo~nosti> Izdano osebi Izdajatelj Datum pretekaPrijateljsko ime<Vse><Brez>|S tem potrdilom ne boste mogli ve  odaifrirati ali podpisati sporo il. Ali ste prepri ani, da ~elite odstraniti to potrdilo?|S temi potrdili ne boste mogli ve  odaifrirati ali podpisati sporo il. Ali ste prepri ani, da ~elite odstraniti ta potrdila?S tem potrdilom ne boste mogli ve  aifrirati sporo il ali preveriti sporo il podpisanih z njim. Ali ste prepri ani, da ~elite odstraniti to potrdilo?You will no longer be able to encrypt messages with these certificates, or verify messages signed with them. Are you sure you want to remove these certificates?Potrdila, ki jih je izdal ta overitelj potrdila, ne bodo ve  vredni zaupanja Ali ste prepri ani, da ~elite odstraniti to potrdilo?Potrdila, ki so jih izdali ti overitelji potrdil, ne bodo ve  vredni zaupanja Ali ste prepri ani, da ~elite odstraniti ta potrdila?Importas nepavyko.Arial <visi laukai><papildomos paskirtys> Kam iaduotasIadavGaliojimo dataDraugiakas vardas <visi laukai><jokios>sSu aiuo liudijimu daugiau nebegalsite iaaifruoti ar pasiraayti praneaims. Ar tikrai norite paaalinti a/ liudijim?zSu aiais liudijimais daugiau nebegalsite iaaifruoti ar pasiraayti praneaims. Ar tikrai norite paaalinti aiuos liudijimus?Su aiuo liudijimu daugiau nebegalsite u~aifruoti praneaims ar patikrinti su juo pasiraayts praneaims. Ar tikrai norite paaalinti a/ liudijim?Su aiais liudijimais daugiau nebegalsite u~aifruoti praneaims ar patikrinti su jais pasiraayts praneaims. Ar tikrai norite paaalinti aiuos liudijimus?lLiudijimais, iaduotais aios liudijimo /staigos, nebebus pasitikima. Ar tikrai norite paaalinti a/ liudijim?nLiudijimais, iaduotais ais liudijimo /staigs, nebebus pasitikima. Ar tikrai norite paaalinti aiuos liudijimus?The import failed.Arial<All><Advanced Purposes> Issued To Issued ByExpiration Date Friendly Name<All><None>You will no longer be able to decrypt messages with this certificate, or sign messages with it. Are you sure you want to remove this certificate?You will no longer be able to decrypt messages with these certificates, or sign messages with them. Are you sure you want to remove these certificates?You will no longer be able to encrypt messages with this certificate, or verify messages signed with it. Are you sure you want to remove this certificate?You will no longer be able to encrypt messages with these certificates, or verify messages signed with them. Are you sure you want to remove these certificates?Certificates issued by this certification authority will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove this certificate?Certificates issued by these certification authorities will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove these certificates? .Arial< > < > < > < >You will no longer be able to decrypt messages with this certificate, or sign messages with it. Are you sure you want to remove this certificate?You will no longer be able to decrypt messages with these certificates, or sign messages with them. Are you sure you want to remove these certificates?You will no longer be able to encrypt messages with this certificate, or verify messages signed with it. Are you sure you want to remove this certificate?You will no longer be able to encrypt messages with these certificates, or verify messages signed with them. Are you sure you want to remove these certificates?Certificates issued by this certification authority will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove this certificate?Certificates issued by these certification authorities will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove these certificates?Fall la importacin.Arial<All><Advanced Purposes> Issued To Issued ByData de caducid Friendly Name<All><None>You will no longer be able to decrypt messages with this certificate, or sign messages with it. Are you sure you want to remove this certificate?You will no longer be able to decrypt messages with these certificates, or sign messages with them. Are you sure you want to remove these certificates?You will no longer be able to encrypt messages with this certificate, or verify messages signed with it. Are you sure you want to remove this certificate?You will no longer be able to encrypt messages with these certificates, or verify messages signed with them. Are you sure you want to remove these certificates?Certificates issued by this certification authority will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove this certificate?Certificates issued by these certification authorities will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove these certificates?/SeQ1YWe0Arial<@b g><2vv>|vI \a|vIOnNgegf T1z<@b g><!q>"`\ NQN PaI[ o` b(u[=|r o`0 x[yd PaI#`\ NQNNaI[ o` b(u[P=|r o`0 x[ydNaI%`\ NQN PaIR[ o` bWIN[=|rv o`0 x[yd PaIYou will no longer be able to encrypt messages with these certificates, or verify messages signed with them. Are you sure you want to remove these certificates?1u PaIc k@b|vvaI\ NQO0 x[yd PaI1uNaIc k@b|vvaI\ NQO0 x[ydNaIThe import failed.Arial<All><Advanced Purposes> Issued To Issued ByExpiration Date Friendly Name<All><None>You will no longer be able to decrypt messages with this certificate, or sign messages with it. Are you sure you want to remove this certificate?You will no longer be able to decrypt messages with these certificates, or sign messages with them. Are you sure you want to remove these certificates?You will no longer be able to encrypt messages with this certificate, or verify messages signed with it. Are you sure you want to remove this certificate?You will no longer be able to encrypt messages with these certificates, or verify messages signed with them. Are you sure you want to remove these certificates?Certificates issued by this certification authority will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove this certificate?Certificates issued by these certification authorities will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove these certificates?Klarte ikke importere.Arial<Alle><Avanserte forml> Utstedt til Utstedt av Utlpsdato Vennlig navn<Alle><Ingen>Du vil ikke lenger ha mulighet til dekryptere meldinger med dette sertifikatet, eller til signere med det. Er du sikker p at du vil fjerne dette sertifikatet?Du vil ikke lenger ha mulighet til dekryptere meldinger med disse sertifikatene, eller til signere med dem. Er du sikker p at du vil fjerne disse sertifikatene?Du vil ikke lenger ha mulighet til kryptere meldinger med dette sertifikatet, eller til kontrollere meldinger som er signert med det. Er du sikker p at du vil fjerne dette sertifikatet?Du vil ikke lenger ha mulighet til kryptere meldinger med disse sertifikatene, eller til kontrollere meldinger som er signert med dem. Er du sikker p at du vil fjerne disse sertifikatene?Sertifikater utstedt av denne sertifiseringsenheten vil ikke lenger vre tiltrodd. Er du sikker p at du vil fjerne dette sertifikatet?Sertifikater utstedt av disse sertifiseringsenhetene vil ikke lenger vre tiltrodde. Er du sikker p at du vil fjerne disse sertifikatene?Falha na importao.Arial<Tudo><Propsitos Avanados> Emitido para Emitido porData de Validade Nome Amigvel<Tudo><Nenhum>No ser mais possvel continuar a decifrar ou assinar mensagens com este certificado. Tem certeza que deseja remover este certificado?No ser mais possvel continuar a decifrar ou assinar mensagens com estes certificados. Tem certeza que deseja remover estes certificados?No ser mais possvel continuar a cifrar ou verificar mensagens com este certificado. Tem certeza que deseja remover este certificado?No ser mais possvel continuar a cifrar ou verificar mensagens com estes certificados. Tem certeza que deseja remover estes certificados?Os certificados emitidos por esta autoridade de certificao no sero considerados confiveis de agora em diante. Tem certeza que deseja remover este certificado?Os certificados emitidos por estas autoridades de certificao no sero considerados confiveis de agora em diante. Tem certeza que deseja remover estes certificados?The import failed.Arial<All><Advanced Purposes> Issued To Issued ByExpiration Date Friendly Name<All><Neniu>You will no longer be able to decrypt messages with this certificate, or sign messages with it. Are you sure you want to remove this certificate?You will no longer be able to decrypt messages with these certificates, or sign messages with them. Are you sure you want to remove these certificates?You will no longer be able to encrypt messages with this certificate, or verify messages signed with it. Are you sure you want to remove this certificate?You will no longer be able to encrypt messages with these certificates, or verify messages signed with them. Are you sure you want to remove these certificates?Certificates issued by this certification authority will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove this certificate?Certificates issued by these certification authorities will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove these certificates?[eQ1Y%0Arial<hQ><ؚ~(u>S~S*bbkegf Ty<hQ><e>`] NO(udkfN[b~{ Tmo`0 `nx[yddkfNT`] NO(uُNfN[b~{ Tmo`0 `nx[ydُNfNT`] NO(udkfNR[b!hmo`0 `nx[yddkfNT`] NO(uُNfNR[b!hmo`0 `nx[ydُNfNT\ NQON1udkfNS:ggSvfN0 `nx[yddkfNT!\ NQON1uُNfNS:ggSvfN0 `nx[ydُNfNTA importao falhou.Arial<Todos><Propsitos Avanados> Emitido para Emitido porData de Expirao Nome Amigvel<Todos><Nenhum>No vai poder continuar a decifrar nem assinar mensagens com este certificado. Tem a certeza que deseja remover este certificado?No vai poder continuar a decifrar nem assinar mensagens com estes certificados. Tem a certeza que deseja remover estes certificados?No vai poder continuar a cifrar nem a verificar mensagens com este certificado. Tem a certeza que deseja remover este certificado?No vai poder continuar a cifrar nem a verificar mensagens com estes certificados. Tem a certeza que deseja remover estes certificados?Os certificados emitidos por esta autoridade de certificao no continuaro a ser confiveis. Tem a certeza que deseja remover este certificado?Os certificados emitidos por estas autoridades de certificao no continuaro a ser confiveis. Tem a certeza que deseja remover estes certificados?v'D4G'/'* 'DE5/1) (H'37) E-BB'* 'D,01 #H #J E-BB'* 4G'/'* #.1I  DE *9/ EH+HB). GD *1:( (-0A 4G'/) 'D,01 'DEH+HB) G0G w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ls certificats emesos per aquesta autoritat de certificaci d'arrel, o qualsevol de les autoritats de certificaci que ha ems, ja no seran de confiana. Esteu segur que voleu eliminar aquest certificat d'arrel de confiana?Els certificats emesos per aquestes autoritats de certificaci d'arrel, o qualsevol de les autoritats de certificaci que ha ems, ja no seran de confiana. Esteu segur que voleu eliminar aquests certificats d'arrel de confiana?qProgramari signat per aquest publicador ja no ser de confiana Esteu segur que voleu eliminar aquest certificat?uProgramari signat per aquests publicadors ja no ser de confiana Esteu segur que voleu eliminar aquests certificats?1Esteu segur que voleu eliminar aquest certificat?3Esteu segur que voleu eliminar aquests certificats? Certificats<Cap>*Assegura la identitat d'un ordinador remot.Prova la vostra identitat a un ordinador remotwAssegura que el programari proves del publicador de programari Protegeix el programari d'alteraci desprs de publicar(Protegeix missatges de correu electrnicCertificates issued by this root certification authority, or any certification authorities it issued, will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove this trusted root certificate?Certificates issued by these root certification authorities, or any certification authorities they issued, will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove these trusted root certificates?nSoftware signed by this publisher will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove this certificate?rSoftware signed by these publishers will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove these certificates?4Jste si jist(), ~e chcete odebrat tento certifikt?4Jste si jist(), ~e chcete odebrat tyto certifikty? Certifikty<~dn>)Ensures the identity of a remote computer+Je Vaam ovYenm vo i vzdlenmu po ta i.aEnsures software came from software publisher Protects software from alteration after publicationChrn e-mailov zprvyCertifikater udstedt af denne rodcertificeringsmyndighed eller enhver certificeringsmyndighed det udstedte vil ikke lngere vre trovrdig. Er du sikker du vil fjerne dette trovrdige rodcertifikat?Certifikater udstedt af disse rodcertificeringsmyndigheder eller enhver certificeringsmyndighed de udstedte vil ikke lngere vre trovrdig. Er du sikker p du vil fjerne disse trovrdige rodcertifikater?zSoftware underskrevet af denne udgiver vil ikke lngere vre trovrdig. Er du sikker du p du vil fjerne dette certifikat?zSoftware underskrevet af disse udgivere vil ikke lngere vre trovrdig. Er du sikker p du vil fjerne disse certifikater?/Er du sikker p du vil fjerne dette certifikat?2Er du sikkert p du vil fjerne disse certifikater? Certifikater<Ingen>'Sikrer identiteten af en fjern computer+Beviser din identitet til en fjern computer^Sikrer software kom fra software udgiver Beskytter software fra ndring efter offentliggrelseBeskytter e-mail beskederVon dieser Stamm-CA oder einer abhngigen CA ausgestellte Zertifikate werden nicht lnger vertrauenswrdig sein. Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie dieses Stammzertifikat lschen mchten?Von diesen Stamm-CAs oder einer abhngigen CA ausgestellte Zertifikate werden nicht lnger vertrauenswrdig sein. Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diese Stammzertifikate lschen mchten?Software, die von diesem Hersteller signiert ist, wird nicht lnger vertrauenswrdig sein. Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie ihn lschen mchten?Software, die von diesen Herstellern signiert ist, wird nicht lnger vertrauenswrdig sein. Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie sie lschen mchten?>Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie dieses Zertifikat entfernen mchten?>Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diese Zertifikate entfernen mchten? Zertifikate<Keine>3Garantiert die Identitt eines entfernten Computers:Beweist Ihre Identitt gegenber einem entfernten ComputercStellt die Herkunft der Software sicher Schtzt Software vor Manipulation nach der VerffentlichungSichert E-Mail-NachrichtenCertificates issued by this root certification authority, or any certification authorities it issued, will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove this trusted root certificate?Certificates issued by these root certification authorities, or any certification authorities they issued, will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove these trusted root certificates?nSoftware signed by this publisher will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove this certificate?rSoftware signed by these publishers will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove these certificates?1Are you sure you want to remove this certificate?3Are you sure you want to remove these certificates? Certificates<None>)Ensures the identity of a remote computer)Proves your identity to a remote computeraEnsures software came from software publisher Protects software from alteration after publicationProtects e-mail messagesLos certificados emitidos por esta autoridad certificadora raz, o cualquier autoridad certificadora emitida por esta ya no sern de confianza. Est seguro de que quiere eliminar este certificado raz de confianza?Los certificados emitidos por estas autoridades certificadoras raz, o cualquier autoridad certificadora emitida por estas ya no sern de confianza. Est seguro de que quiere eliminar estos certificados raz de confianza?uEl software firmado por este publicador ya no ser de confianza. Est seguro de que quiere eliminar este certificado?{El software firmado por estos publicadores ya no sern de confianza. Est seguro de que quiere eliminar estos certificados?4Est seguro de que quiere eliminar este certificado?6Est seguro de que quiere eliminar estos certificados? Certificados <Ninguno>+Asegura la identidad de un ordenador remoto)Prueba tu identidad a un ordenador remoto{Asegura que el software viene de un publicador de software Protege el software de alteraciones posteriores a su publicacinProtege mensajes de e-mailJos jatkat, tmn juurivarmentajan tai sen valtuuttamien muiden varmentajien myntmiin varmenteisiin ei en luoteta. Haluatko varmasti poistaa tmn luotetun juurivarmenteen?Jos jatkat, niden juurivarmentajien tai niiden valtuuttamien muiden varmentajien myntmiin varmenteisiin ei en luoteta. Haluatko varmasti poistaa nm luotetut juurivarmenteet?pJos jatkat, tmn julkaisijan allekirjoittamiin ohjelmiin ei en luoteta. Haluatko varmasti poistaa varmenteen?yJos jatkat, niden julkaisijoiden allekirjoittamiin ohjelmiin ei en luoteta. Haluatko varmasti poistaa nm varmenteet?+Haluatko varmasti poistaa tmn varmenteen?*Haluatko varmasti poistaa nm varmenteet? Varmenteet<Tyhj>%Varmistaa ettietokoneen identiteetin+Todistaa oman identiteetin ettietokoneellebVarmistaa, ett ohjelma tulee oikealta julkaisijalta Suojaa ohjelmia muutoksilta julkaisun jlkeenSuojaa shkpostiviestejLes certificats mis par cette autorit de certification racine, ou par toute autorit de certification qu'elle valide, ne seront plus considrs comme valables. Voulez-vous rellement supprimer ce certificat racine de confiance?Les certificats mis par ces autorits de certification racines, ou par toute autorit de certification qu'elles valident, ne seront plus considrs comme valables. Voulez-vous rellement supprimer ces certificats racines de confiance?Les logiciels signs par cet diteur ne seront plus considrs comme valables. Voulez-vous rellement supprimer ce certificat?Les logiciels signs par ces diteurs ne seront plus considrs comme valables. Voulez-vous rellement supprimer ces certificats?0Voulez-vous rellement supprimer ce certificat?2Voulez-vous rellement supprimer ces certificats? Certificats<Aucun>)Prouve l'identit d'un ordinateur distant-Prouve votre identit un ordinateur distantGarantit que des logiciels proviennent bien d'un diteur de logiciels donn Protge le logiciel contre toute altration aprs publication#Protge les courriers lectroniquesCertificates issued by this root certification authority, or any certification authorities it issued, will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove this trusted root certificate?Certificates issued by these root certification authorities, or any certification authorities they issued, will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove these trusted root certificates?nSoftware signed by this publisher will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove this certificate?rSoftware signed by these publishers will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove these certificates?1Are you sure you want to remove this certificate?3Are you sure you want to remove these certificates?<>)Ensures the identity of a remote computer)Proves your identity to a remote computeraEnsures software came from software publisher Protects software from alteration after publicationProtects e-mail messagesAzok a tanstvnyok, amelyeket ez a killt vagy hitelestQ szervezet bocstott ki, mr nem lesznek biztonsgosak. Biztosan trlni akarja ezt a tanstvny killtt?Azok a tanstvnyok, amelyeket ezek a killtk vagy hitelestQ szervezetek bocstottak ki, mr nem lesznek biztonsgosak. Biztosan trlni akarja ezeket a tanstvny killtkat?{Azok a szoftverek, melyeket ez a kibocst szignlta nem lesznek biztonsgosak. Biztosan trlni akarja ezt a tanstvnyt?Azok a szoftverek, melyeket ezek a kibocstk szignltk nem lesznek biztonsgosak. Biztosan trlni akarja ezeket a tanstvnyokat?+Biztosan trlni akarja ezt a tanstvnyt?1Biztosan trlni akarja ezeket a tanstvnyokat? Tanstvnyok<Nincs>/Biztostja egy tvoli szmtgp beazonostst/Igazolja a valdisgot egy tvoli szmtgpnekfBiztostja, hogy a szoftver a killttl szrmazik Megvdi a szoftvert az illetktelen mdostsoktlMegvdi az e-mail zeneteketI certificati emessi da questa autorit di certificazione root, o qualsiasi altre autorit di certificati emesse da essa, non saranno pi fidate. Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere questo certificato root fidato?I certificati emessi da questa autorit di certificazione root, o qualsiasi altre autorit di certificati emesse da essa, non saranno pi fidate. Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere questi certificati root fidati?iSoftware firmato da questo editore non sar pi fidato. Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere questo certificato?iSoftware firmato da questi editori non sar pi fidato. Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere questi certificati?1Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere questo certificato?1Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere questi certificati? Certificati <Nessuno>)Assicura l'identit di un computer remoto+Prova la tua identit ad un computer remotoqAssicura che il software venga dall'editore del software Protegge i software da alterazioni dopo la pubblicazioneProtegge messaggi e-mail>JRd_o0S0n0000<@\k00c0f0zvLU00_0<ff0<@\L0O0000 000000n0CQ0OƩ 0X D UxiȲƩ 0 \ D ɅiȲ;ոƴ ոƴ \0 Ŕ UxiȲ  Jij] ոƴ| 8iȲȐ T| T| 8iȲCertificaten uitgegeven door deze basic certificaten autoriteit, alsmede enige certificatie autoriteit die hij verstrekt, zullen niet meer vertrouwd worden. Weet u zeker dat u dit vertrouwde basic certificaat wilt verwijderen?Certificaten uitgegeven door deze basic certificaten autoriteiten, alsmede enige certificatie autoriteit die zij verstrekken, zullen niet meer vertrouwd worden. Weet u zeker dat u deze vertrouwde basic certificaten wilt verwijderen?|Software ondertekend door deze uitgever zal niet meer vertrouwd worden. Weet u zeker dat u dit certificaat wilt verwijderen?Software ondertekend door deze uitgevers zal niet meer vertrouwd worden. Weet u zeker dat u deze certificaten wilt verwijderen?4Weet u zeker dat u dit certificaat wilt verwijderen?6Weet u zeker dat u deze certificaten wilt verwijderen? Certificaten<Geen>-Bewijst de identiteit van een remote computer-Bewijst uw identiteit aan een remote computerhBewijst dat de software kwam van de software uitgever Beschermt software tegen wijzigingen na publicatieBeschermt e-mail berichtenCertyfikaty wydane przez ten gBwny urzd certyfikacji, albo jakiekolwiek urzdy certyfikacji, ktre wydaB, strac zaufanie. Czy jeste[ pewien, |e chcesz usun ten gBwny zaufany certyfikat?Certyfikaty wydane przez te gBwne urzdy certyfikacji, albo jakiekolwiek urzdy certyfikacji, ktre wydaBy, strac zaufanie. Czy jeste[ pewien, |e chcesz usun te gBwne zaufane certyfikaty?pOprogramowanie podpisane przez tego wydawce strac zaufanie. Czy jeste[ pewien, |e chcesz usun ten certyfikat?qOprogramowanie podpisane przez tych wydawcw strac zaufanie. Czy jeste[ pewien, |e chcesz usun te certyfikaty?3Czy jeste[ pewien, |e chcesz usun ten certyfikat?3Czy jeste[ pewien, |e chcesz usun te certyfikaty? Certyfikaty<Brak>)Zapewnia identyfikacj komputera zdalnego3Zapewnia tobie identyfikacj dla komputera zdalnegolZapewnia, |e oprogramowanie pochodzi od wydawcy oprogramowania Chroni oprogramowanie przed zmian po wydaniuChroni wiadomo[ci e-mailCertificatele emise de ctre aceast autoritate de certificare rdcin, sau de ctre orice alte autoriti de certificare validate de ea, nu vor mai fi acreditate. Sigur dorii s eliminai acest certificat rdcin acreditat?Certificatele emise de ctre aceste autoriti de certificare rdcin, sau de ctre orice alte autoriti de certificare validate de ele, nu vor mai fi acreditate. Sigur dorii s eliminai aceste certificate rdcin acreditate?xAplicaiile software semnate de ctre acest editor nu vor mai fi acreditate. Sigur dorii s eliminai acest certificat?|Aplicaiile software semnate de ctre aceti editori nu vor mai fi acreditate. Sigur dorii s eliminai aceste certificate?+Sigur dorii s eliminai acest certificat?-Sigur dorii s eliminai aceste certificate? Certificate <Niciunul>4Asigur identificarea unui calculator de la distan<V dovedete identitatea pentru un calculator de la distanrGaranteaz c aplicaia provine de la un anumit editor de software Protejeaz aplicaia de alterri dup publicareProtejeaz mesajele de email!5@B8D8:0BK, 2K40==K5 MB8< :>@=52K< F5=B@>< A5@B8D8:0F88 8 2A5<8 ?>4G8=Q==K<8 &!, =5 1C4CB AG8B0BLAO 4>25@5==K<8. K 459AB28B5;L=> E>B8B5 C40;8BL MB>B :>@=52>9 A5@B8D8:0B?!5@B8D8:0BK, 2K40==K5 MB8<8 :>@=52K<8 F5=B@0<8 A5@B8D8:0F88 8 2A5<8 ?>4G8=Q==K<8 &!, =5 1C4CB AG8B0BLAO 4>25@5==K<8. 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Are you sure you want to remove these trusted root certificates?kSoftware potpisan od strane ovog izdava a viae nee biti pouzdan. Sigurno ~elite izbrisati ovaj certifikat?kSoftware potpisan od strane ovih izdava a viae nee biti pouzdan. Sigurno ~elite izbrisati ove certifikate?)Sigurno ~elite izbrisati ovaj certifikat?)Sigurno ~elite izbrisati ove certifikate? Certifikati<Niata>&Osigurava identitet udaljenog ra unala)Dokazuje vaa identitet udaljenom ra unalu[Osigurava kako je software doaao od izdava a `titi software od promjena nakon objavljivanja`titi e-mail porukeCertificates issued by this root certification authority, or any certification authorities it issued, will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove this trusted root certificate?Certificates issued by these root certification authorities, or any certification authorities they issued, will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove these trusted root certificates?nSoftware signed by this publisher will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove this certificate?rSoftware signed by these publishers will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove these certificates?1Are you sure you want to remove this certificate?3Are you sure you want to remove these certificates? Certifikty<}iadne>)Ensures the identity of a remote computer)Proves your identity to a remote computeraEnsures software came from software publisher Protects software from alteration after publicationProtects e-mail messagesCertifikat utfrdade av denna rot-certifieringsauktoritet, eller av ngon av dess utfrdade certifieringsauktoriteter kommer inte lngre vara betrodda. r du sker du vill ta bort detta betrodda rot-certifikat?Certifikat utfrdade av dessa rot-certifieringsauktoriteter, eller av ngon av deras utfrdade certifieringsauktoriteter kommer inte lngre vara betrodda. r du sker du vill ta bort dessa betrodda rot-certifikat?uProgramvara signerad av denna utgivare kommer inte lngre vara betrodd. r du sker du vill ta bort detta certifikat?uProgramvara signerad av dessa utgivare kommer inte lngre vara betrodd. r du sker du vill ta bort dessa certifikat?-r du sker du vill ta bort detta certifikat?-r du sker du vill ta bort dessa certifikat? Certifikat<Inget>)Skerstller identiteten av en fjrrdator'Bevisar din identitet fr en fjrrdatornSkerstller att programvara kommer frn ursprunglig utgivare Skyddar programvara frn ndring efter utgivningSkyddar e-postmeddelandenBu kk sertifika yetkilisi taraf1ndan salanan sertifikalara veya sertifika salad11 ki_ilere art1k gvenilmeyecek. Bu kk sertifikas1n1 silmek istediinizden emin misiniz?Bu kk sertifika yetkilisi taraf1ndan salanan sertifikalara veya sertifika salad11 ki_ilere art1k gvenilmeyecek. Bu kk sertifikalar1n1 silmek istediinizden emin misiniz?tBu yay1nc1 taraf1ndan imzalanan yaz1l1ma art1k gvenilmeyecek. Bu sertifikay1 kald1rmak istediinizden emin misiniz?sBu yay1nc1lar taraf1ndan imzalanan yaz1l1ma gvenilmeyecek. Bu sertifikalar1 kald1rmak istediinizden emin misiniz?5Bu sertifikay1 kald1rmak istediinizden emin misiniz?7Bu sertifikalar1 kald1rmak istediinizden emin misiniz? Sertifikalar <Hibiri>(Uzak bir bilgisayar1n kimliini kan1tlar)Uzak bir bilgisayara kimliinizi kan1tlariYaz1l1m1n yaz1l1m da1t1c1s1ndan geldiinden emin k1lar Yaz1l1m1n da1t1mdan sonra dei_tirilmesini nlerE-posta mesajlar1n1 korur!5@B8DV:0B8, 2840=V F8< >@30=>< :>@5=52>W A5@B8DV:0FVW, G8 V=H8< >@30=>< A5@B8DV:0FVW, O:89 WE 28402, 2B@0BOBL 4>2V@C. 8 4V9A=> E>G5B5 2840;8B8 F59 4>2V@5=89 :>@5=5289 A5@B8DV:0B?!5@B8DV:0B8, 2840=V F8<8 >@30=0<8 :>@5=52>W A5@B8DV:0FVW, G8 V=H8<8 >@30=0<8 A5@B8DV:0FVW, O:V WE 2840;8, 2B@0BOBL 4>2V@C. 8 4V9A=> E>G5B5 2840;8B8 FV 4>2V@5=V :>@5=52V A5@B8DV:0B8?U, ?V4?8A0=5 F8< 28402F5< 2B@0B8BL 4>2V@C. 8 4V9A=> E>G5B5 2840;8B8 F59 A5@B8DV:0B?W, ?V4?8A0=5 F8<8 28402FO<8 2B@0B8BL 4>2V@C. 8 4V9A=> E>G5B5 2840;8B8 FV A5@B8DV:0B8?)8 4V9A=> E>G5B5 2840;8B8 F59 A5@B8DV:0B?)8 4V9A=> E>G5B5 2840;8B8 FV A5@B8DV:0B8? !5@B8DV:0B8<5<0T>/0157?5GCT V45=B8DV:0FVN 2V440;5=>3> :><?'NB5@030157?5GCT 20H5 28O2;5==O =0 2V440;5=><C :><?'NB5@V_0@0=BCT, I> ?@>3@0<=5 70157?5G5==O ?@89H;> 2V4 28402FO .0E8I0T  2V4 7<V= ?VA;O ?C1;V:0FVW0E8I0T ?>2V4><;5==O e-mailPotrdila, ki jih je izdal korenski overitelj potrdil ali katerikoli overitelji potrdil, ki so jih izdali, ne bodo ve  zaupanja vredni. Ali ste prepri ani, da ~elite odstraniti to zaupanja vredno korensko potrdilo?Potrdila, ki so jih izdali ti korenski overitelji potrdil ali overitelji potrdil, ki so jih izdali, ne bodo ve  zaupanja vredni. Ali ste prepri ani, da ~elite odstraniti ta zaupanja vredna korenska potrdila?|Programi, ki jih je podpisal ta zalo~nik, ne bodo ve  zaupanja vredni. Ali ste prepri ani, da ~elite odstraniti to potrdilo?~Programi, ki so jih podpisali ti zalo~niki, ne bodo ve  zaupanja vredni. Ali ste prepri ani, da ~elite odstraniti ta potrdila?5Ali ste prepri ani, da ~elite odstraniti to potrdilo?5Ali ste prepri ani, da ~elite odstraniti ta potrdila?Potrdila<Brez>+Zagotovi identiteto oddaljenega ra unalnika.Doka~e vaao identiteto oddaljenemu ra unalniku[Zagotovi, da program pride od izdajatelja programa Zaa iti program pred spremembo po objaviZaa iti sporo ila e-poateLiudijimais, iaduotais aios vyriausiosios liudijimo /staigos, ar bet kurios jos iaduotos liudijims /staigos liudijimais, nebebus pasitikima. Ar tikrai norite paaalinti a/ patikim vyriausij/ liudijim?Liudijimais, iaduotais ais vyriausisjs liudijimo /staigs, ar bet kuris js iaduots liudijims /staigs liudijimais, nebebus pasitikima. Ar tikrai norite paaalinti aiuos patikimus vyriausiuosius liudijimus?eNebebus pasitikima programine /ranga pasiraayta aio leidjo. Ar tikrai norite paaalinti a/ liudijim?iNebebus pasitikima programine /ranga pasiraayta ais leidjs. Ar tikrai norite paaalinti aiuos liudijimus?(Ar tikrai norite paaalinti a/ liudijim?,Ar tikrai norite paaalinti aiuos liudijimus? Liudijimai<jokios>)Garantuoja nutolusio kompiuterio tapatum+.rodo Jkss tapatum nutolusiam kompiuteriuiiGarantuoja, kad programin /ranga yra ia aio leidjo Apsaugo programin /rang nuo pakeitims po ialeidimoApsaugo el. paato praneaimusCertificates issued by this root certification authority, or any certification authorities it issued, will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove this trusted root certificate?Certificates issued by these root certification authorities, or any certification authorities they issued, will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove these trusted root certificates?nSoftware signed by this publisher will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove this certificate?rSoftware signed by these publishers will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove these certificates?1Are you sure you want to remove this certificate?3Are you sure you want to remove these certificates? < >)Ensures the identity of a remote computer)Proves your identity to a remote computeraEnsures software came from software publisher Protects software from alteration after publication Certificates issued by this root certification authority, or any certification authorities it issued, will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove this trusted root certificate?Certificates issued by these root certification authorities, or any certification authorities they issued, will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove these trusted root certificates?nSoftware signed by this publisher will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove this certificate?rSoftware signed by these publishers will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove these certificates?.De xuru que quies desaniciar esti certificu?0De xuru que quies desaniciar estos certificaos? Certificaos<None>)Ensures the identity of a remote computer)Proves your identity to a remote computeraEnsures software came from software publisher Protects software from alteration after publicationProtects e-mail messages31u PaIc k@b|vvaI b/fNUO1u[|vIvaIc k \ NQO0 x[yd POv9haI41uNaIc k@b|vvaI b/fNUO1u[P|vIvaIc k \ NQO0 x[ydNOv9haI1u P|vL=|rvߎԚ\ NQO0 x[yd PaI1uN|vL=|rvߎԚ\ NQO0 x[ydNaI x[yd PaI x[ydNaIaI<!q> xO`zfvR T`zfIf`vRˊxߎԚ/fOߎԚ|vL OwߎԚNMQ|vLKN_vfOwP[N o`Certificates issued by this root certification authority, or any certification authorities it issued, will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove this trusted root certificate?Certificates issued by these root certification authorities, or any certification authorities they issued, will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove these trusted root certificates?nSoftware signed by this publisher will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove this certificate?rSoftware signed by these publishers will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove these certificates?1Are you sure you want to remove this certificate?3Are you sure you want to remove these certificates? Certificates<None>)Ensures the identity of a remote computer)Proves your identity to a remote computeraEnsures software came from software publisher Protects software from alteration after publicationProtects e-mail messagesSertifikater utstedt av denne rotsertifikatenheten, eller underenheter av denne, vil ikke lenger vre tiltrodd. Er du sikker p at du vil fjerne dette rotsertifikatet?Sertifikater utstedt av disse rotsertifikatenhetene, eller underenheter av disse, vil ikke lenger vre tiltrodde. Er du sikker p at du vil fjerne disse rotsertifikatene?zProgramvare signert av denne utgiveren vil ikke lenger vre tiltrodd. Er du sikker p at du vil fjerne dette sertifikatet?{Programvare signert av disse utgiverne vil ikke lenger vre tiltrodd. Er du sikker p at du vil fjerne disse sertifikatene?4Er du sikker p at du vil fjerne dette sertifikatet?5Er du sikker p at du vil fjerne disse sertifikatene? Sertifikater<Ingen>2Kontrollerer identiteten til en ekstern datamaskin5Bekrefter din identitet overfor en ekstern datamaskinoForsikrer at programvare kommer fra den originale utgiveren Beskytter programvare mot endringer etter utgivelseBeskytter e-postmeldingerOs certificados emitidos por esta autoridade de certificao raiz ou quaisquer autoridades de certificao por ela emitidas no sero consideradas confiveis de agora em diante. Tem certeza que deseja remover este certificado raiz confivel?Os certificados emitidos por estas autoridades de certificao raiz ou quaisquer autoridades de certificao por elas emitidas no sero consideradas confiveis de agora em diante. Tem certeza que deseja remover estes certificados raiz confiveis?Os softwares assinados por este editor no continuaro a ser considerado confiveis. Tem certeza que deseja remover este certificado?Os softwares assinado por estes editores no continuaro a ser considerados confiveis. Tem certeza que deseja remover estes certificados?0Tem certeza que deseja remover este certificado?2Tem certeza que deseja remover estes certificados? Certificados<Nenhum>-Assegura a identidade de um computador remoto-Prova a sua identidade a um computador remotojAssegura que o software veio de uma editora de software Protege o software de alteraes aps a publicaoProtege mensagens de e-mailCertificates issued by this root certification authority, or any certification authorities it issued, will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove this trusted root certificate?Certificates issued by these root certification authorities, or any certification authorities they issued, will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove these trusted root certificates?nSoftware signed by this publisher will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove this certificate?rSoftware signed by these publishers will no longer be trusted. Are you sure you want to remove these certificates?1Are you sure you want to remove this certificate?3Are you sure you want to remove these certificates? Certificates<Neniu>)Ensures the identity of a remote computer)Proves your identity to a remote computeraEnsures software came from software publisher Protects software from alteration after publicationProtects e-mail messages,\ NQON1udk9hfNS:ggSvfNbfNS:gg0 `nx[yddk]ONv9hfNT.\ NQON1uُN9hfNS:ggSvfNbfNS:gg0 `nx[ydُN]ONv9hfNT\ NQON1udkSLFU~{ TvoN0 `nx[yddkfNT\ NQON1uُNSLFU~{ TvoN0 `nx[ydُNfNT `nx[yddkfNT `nx[ydُNfNTfN<e> nx[܏ z{:gvN f܏ z{:gvNnx[oNegoNSLFU nxOoN(WSLT*g{9eOb5uP[Nmo`Os certificados emitidos por esta autoridade de certificao raz ou quaisquer autoridades de certificao por ela emitidas no continuaro a ser confiveis. Tem a certeza que deseja remover este certificado raz confivel?Os certificados emitidos por estas autoridades de certificao raz ou quaisquer autoridades de certificao por elas emitidas no continuaro a ser confiveis. Tem a certeza que deseja remover estes certificados raz confiveis?tSoftware assinado por este editor no continuar a ser confivel. Tem a certeza que deseja remover este certificado?ySoftware assinado por estes editores no continuar a ser confivel. Tem a certeza que deseja remover estes certificados?2Tem a certeza que deseja remover este certificado?4Tem a certeza que deseja remover estes certificados? Certificados<Nenhum>-Assegura a identidade de um computador remoto-Prova a sua identidade a um computador remotohAssegura que o software veio de uma editora de software Protege o software de alteraes aps publicaoProtege mensagens de e-mail'D3E'- (-E'J) '*5'D'* 'D4'(C)&'D3E'- (*HBJ9 'D(J'F'* ('D*HBJ* 'D-'DJ1'D3E'- ('D*H'BJ9 'D1BEJ) DB'&E) 'D4G'/'* 'DEH+HB) 'D3E'- (*4AJ1 'D(J'F'* 9DI 'DB15 '3*9'/) 'DEDA'D*-BB EF *9'1JA 9*'/ HF/H2'D*-BB EF ECHF'* HF/H2'D*-BB EF ECHF'* HF/H2 OEM'D*-BB EF ECHF'* HF/H2 'DE6EFEHBQ9 B'&E) 'D,01 A-5 'D,H/)'3*9'/) 'DEA*'- *HBJ9 'DE3*F/*HBJ9 E/I 'D-J')'D-BHB 'D1BEJ)1.5 -2E) 'DEA*'-0Permet la comunicaci segura a travs d'Internet0Permet que les dades se signin amb l'hora actualCUs permet signar digitalment una llista de certificats de confiana)Permet que les dades en el disc es xifrinRecuperaci de fitxers4Verificaci de controladors de maquinari del Windows0Verificaci de components de sistema del Windows4Verificaci de components de sistema del Windows OEM:Verificaci de components de sistema del Windows IncrustatSignatari de llista d'arrelSubordinaci qualificadaRecuperaci de clauSignatura de documentSignatura de tota la vidaDrets digitalsLlicncies de paquet de claus-Allows secure communication over the Internet.Allows data to be signed with the current time5Allows you to digitally sign a certificate trust list)Umo~n, aby data na disku byla aifrovna.Obnoven souboru1OvYovn ovlada o hardware pro Microsoft Windows,OvYovn sou st systmu Microsoft Windows ovYen OEM systmov komponenty.Embedded Windows System Component VerificationRoot List SignerQualified Subordination Obnova kl ePodepisovn dokumentoDo~ivotn podepisovn)digitln ochrana  autorskch prv (DRM)Key Pack Licenses.Tillader sikker kommunikation over internettet5Tillader data at blive underskrevet med nuvrende tidFTillader dig digitalt, at underskrive en certifikat trovrdighedsliste*Tillader data p disken at blive krypteretFil genoprettelse$Windows hardware driver verificering%Windwos system komponent verifikation)OEM Windows system komponent verifikation/Indlejret windows system komponent verifikationHoved liste underskriverKvalificeret underenhedNgle genskabelseDokument underskriverLivstid underskriftDigitale rettighederNgle pakke licens/Erlaubt sichere Kommunikation ber das Internet5Erlaubt es, Daten mit der aktuellen Zeit zu signieren;Erlaubt Ihnen, eine Zertifikatsvertrauensliste zu signieren)Erlaubt es, lokale Daten zu verschlsselnDatenwiederherstellung&Windows-Hardware-Treiber-Verifizierung'Windows-Systemkomponenten-Verifizierung+OEM-Windows-Systemkomponenten-Verifizierung0Embedded-Windows-Systemkomponenten-VerifizierungStammlisten-SigniererQualifizierte UnterordnungSchlsselwiederherstellungDokumentensignaturLebensdauersignaturDigitale RechteSchlsselpaketlizenzen-Allows secure communication over the Internet.Allows data to be signed with the current time5Allows you to digitally sign a certificate trust list#Allows data on disk to be encrypted File Recovery$Windows Hardware Driver Verification%Windows System Component Verification)OEM Windows System Component Verification.Embedded Windows System Component VerificationRoot List SignerQualified Subordination Key RecoveryDocument SigningLifetime SigningDigital RightsKey Pack Licences*Permite comunicaciones seguras en Internet4Permite que los datos de firmen con el tiempo actualBPermite firmar digitalmente una lista de confianza de certificados)Permite cifrar los datos en el disco duroRecuperacin de Ficheros4Verificacin de Controladores de Hardware de Windows1Verificacin de Componentes de Sistema de Windows5Verificacin de Componentes de Sistema de Windows OEM:Verificacin de Componentes de Sistema de Windows EmbebidoFirmante Raz de la ListaSubordinacin CualificadaRecuperacin de ClavesFirmado de DocumentoFirmado de por vidaDerechos DigitalesLicencias del Paquete de Claves%Sallii suojatut yhteydet Internetiss2Sallii tiedon allekirjoittamisen nykyisell ajalla;Sallii sinun allekirjoittaa listan luotetuista varmenteista'Sallii levyll olevan tiedon salaamisenTiedostojen palautus Windowsin laiteajurien varmennus,Windowsin jrjestelmkomponenttien varmennus0OEM-Windowsin jrjestelmkomponenttien varmennus7Sulautetun Windowsin jrjestelmkomponenttien varmennusJuurilistan allekirjoittajaEhdollinen alisteisuusAvainten palautusAsiakirjojen allekirjoitusElinikinen allekirjoittaminenDigitaaliset oikeudetAvainpaketin lisenssit1Permet des communications scurises sur Internet2Permet de signer des donnes avec l'heure couranteDPermet de signer numriquement une liste de certificats de confiance+Permet le chiffrement de donnes sur disqueRestauration de fichier-Vrification des pilotes matriels de Windows.Vrification des composants systme de Windows2Vrification des composants systme de Windows OEM7Vrification des composants systme de Windows embarquSignataire de liste racineSubordination conditionnelleRecouvrement de clSignature de documentsSignature vieDroits numriquesLicences de jeux de cls-Allows secure communication over the Internet.Allows data to be signed with the current time5Allows you to digitally sign a certificate trust list#Allows data on disk to be encrypted  $Windows Hardware Driver Verification%Windows System Component Verification)OEM Windows System Component Verification.Embedded Windows System Component VerificationRoot List SignerQualified Subordination    Lifetime Signing Key Pack Licenses2Engedlyezi a biztonsgos internetes kommunikcit8Engedlyezi az adatok alrst az aktulis idQblyeggel5Megengedi, hogy digitlisan alrjon egy tanstvnyt3Engedlyezi az adattroln lvQ adatok titkoststFjl helyrellts#Windows hardver meghajt ellenQrzs$Windows rendszerkomponens ellenQrzs(OEM Windows rendszerkomponens ellenQrzs/Begyazott Windows rendszerkomponens ellenQrzsGykr lista alrFeltteles alrendelsKulcs helyrelltsDokumentum alrslettartam alrsDigitlis jogokKulcs csomag licenszek1Permette la comunicazione sicura tramite Internet-Permette di firmare i dati con l'ora correnteGTi permette di firmare digitalmente una lista di fiducia di certificati%Permette di criptare i dati sul discoRecupero di file(Verifica del Driver Hardware per Windows*Verifica del Componente di Sistema Windows.Verifica del Componente di Sistema Windows OEM3Verifica del Componente di Sistema Windows EmbeddedFirmatario della lista baseSubordinazione qualificataRecupero della chiaveFirma del documentoFirma vitaliziaDiritti digitaliLicenze del pacchetto di chiavi0000000W0n0[hQj0O0Sk0Y000000s(Wn0Bf;Rg0r Tg0M000F0k0Y00<ffO<000k0r Tg0M000F0k0Y000000 Nn00000fSSg0M000F0k0Y000000n0V_Windows 000000 0000n0i<Windows 0000 0000000n0i<OEM Windows 0000 0000000n0i< Embedded Windows 0000 0000000n0i<000Nn0r TP[_^\un0V_ 000000n0r T000000r T 0000W\O)j{t 00 000 00000x07D \ H թ֬ <\ pt0  թxǝ ° ] 8  թl pt0 T8T թ | lWindows Xܴƴ ܴ|tDŽ Windows ¤\ l1 ƌ OEM Windows ¤\ l1 ƌ Ǡܴ Windows ¤\ l1 ƌ 踸 ] ܭ ȍ l8 l 8 \ ) |t 3Staat beveiligde communicatie over het Internet toe0Laat data ondertekend worden met de huidige tijd=Laat u een certificaat vertrouwenslijst digitaal ondertekenen%Laat data op de disk gecodeerd wordenBestandsherstel#Windows Hardware Driver Verificatie%Windows Systeem Component Verificatie)OEM Windows Systeem Component Verificatie-Ingebed Windows Systeem Component VerificatieBasislijst Ondertekenaar!Gekwalificeerde ondergeschiktheidSleutel herstellenDocument-ondertekeningLevenslang ondertekenenDigitale rechtenSleutelbos-licenties0Pozwala na bezpieczn komunikacj przez internet1Pozwala na podpisywanie danych z aktualnym czasem4Pozwala na cyfrowy podpis listy zaufania certyfikatu&Pozwala na szyfrowanie danych na dyskuOdzyskiwanie plikw3Weryfikacja sprztowych sterownikw systemu Windows*Weryfikacja skBadnikw systemowych Windows*Weryfikacja skBadnikw systemu Windows OEM1Weryfikacja osadzonych skBadnikw systemu Windows ModuB podpisywania listy gBwnejSubordynacja kwalifikowanaOdzyskiwanie kluczyPodpisywanie dokumentuPodpisywanie do|ywotnie Prawa cyfroweLicencje pakietu kluczy*Permite comunicarea securizat pe Internet'Permite semnarea datelor cu ora curent?V permite s semnai digital o list de certificate acreditate$Permite criptarea datelor de pe discRecuperare de fiiere.Verificarea driverelor de hardware din Windows/Verificarea componentelor de sistem din Windows3Verificarea componentelor de sistem din Windows OEM8Verificarea componentelor de sistem din Windows EmbeddedSemnatarul listei rdcinSubordonare calificatRecuperarea de cheiSemnarea de documenteSemntur pe viaDrepturi digitaleLicene de pachete de chei<>72>;O5B CAB0=02;820BL 70I8IQ==K5 A>548=5=8O G5@57 =B5@=5B/>72>;O5B ?>4?8AK20BL 40==K5 A B5:CI8< 2@5<5=5<1>72>;O5B ?>4?8AK20BL A?8A>: 4>25@8O A5@B8D8:0B>2#>72>;O5B H8D@>20BL 40==K5 =0 48A:5>AAB0=>2;5=85 D09;>2'@>25@:0 4@0925@>2 >1>@C4>20=8O Windows&@>25@:0 A8AB5<=KE :><?>=5=B>2 Windows*@>25@:0 A8AB5<=KE OEM-:><?>=5=B>2 Windows0@>25@:0 :><?>=5=B>2 2AB@08205<KE A8AB5< Windows>4?8AK20=85 :>@=52>3> A?8A:0(>4?8AK20=85 A A>1;N45=85< ?>4G8=Q==>AB8>AAB0=>2;5=85 :;NG0>4?8AK20=85 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Subordination Key RecoveryDocument SigningLifetime SigningDigi&tlne prvaKey Pack Licenses+Mjliggr sker kommunikation ver internet*Mjliggr att signera data med aktuell tidCTillter dig att digitalt signera en lista ver betrodda certifikat(Mjliggr fr data p disk att krypterasFilterskapande(Verifiering av Windows-hrdvarudrivrutin&Verifiering av Windows-systemkomponent*Verifiering av OEM Windows-systemkomponent/Verifiering av inbddad Windows-systemkomponentSignerare av rotlistaKvalificerad underordningNyckelterstllningDokumentsigneringLivstidssigneringDigitala rttigheterLicenser fr nyckelpaket/0nternet zerinden gvenli ileti_ime izin verir2^u anki zaman ile verinin imzalanmas1na izin verirDBir sertifika gven listesini dijital olarak imzalaman1za izin verir*Diskteki verinin _ifrelenmesine izin verirDosya Kurtarma"Windows Donan1m Src Dorulamas1!Windows Sistem Bile_eni Dorulama$OEM Windows Sistem Bile_en Dorulama)Gml Windows Sistem Bile_en Dorulamas1Kk Liste 0mzalay1c1Nitelikli Bal1l1kAnahtar 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seznamaKvalificirana podordinacijaObnavljanje klju aPodpisovanje dokumentaDo~ivljenjsko podpisovanjeDigitalne praviceLicence paketa klju evLeid~ia saugu rya/ internete,Leid~ia pasiraayti duomenis dabartiniu laiku;Leid~ia skaitmeniakai pasiraayti patikints liudijims sraa!Leid~ia u~aifruoti duomenis diskeFails atkkrimas Windows tvarkyklis patikra% Windows sistemos komponents patikra)OEM  Windows sistemos komponents patikra..taisyts  Windows sistemos komponents patikra Pagrindinio sraao pasiraaytojasPatikslintoji hierarchijaRakto atkkrimasDokuments pasiraaymasGyvavimo ciklo pasiraaymasSkaitmenins teissKods pako licencijos-Allows secure communication over the Internet.Allows data to be signed with the current time5Allows you to digitally sign a certificate trust list#Allows data on disk to be encrypted Windows "Windows &OEM Windows + Windows Root List SignerQualified Subordination  Lifetime Signing Key Pack Licenses-Allows secure communication over the Internet0Permite que los datos se roblen cola hora actual5Allows you to digitally sign a certificate trust list#Allows data on disk to be encrypted File Recovery$Windows Hardware Driver Verification%Windows System Component Verification)OEM Windows System Component Verification.Embedded Windows System Component VerificationRoot List SignerQualified Subordination Key RecoveryDocument SigningLifetime SigningDrechos dixitalesKey Pack Licenses AQ1(W}} NO[ AQ1NvMRvBf=|rnje AQ1`xeMO=|raIOnU AQ1xx NvnjeR[jHh_SWindows lxԚER z_g8hWindows |q}bRg8hOEM Windows |q}bRg8hL]eQ_ Windows |q}bRg8h9hnU=|rNT25@:0 A5@25@0 ;8F5=78935=B 70?@>A A5@B8D8:0B0E>4 ?> A<0@B-:0@B5@E820F8O 70:@KBKE :;NG5935=B 2>AAB0=>2;5=8O :;NG0$ 5?;8:0F8O A;C61K :0B0;>3>2 ?> ?>GB5!Verifikacija poslu~itelja licenciCertificate Request AgentPrijava pomou Smart CardaPrivate Key ArchivalKey Recovery Agent#Directory Service Email ReplicationVerifiering av licensserver!Agent fr certifikatfrfrgningarSmart Card-inloggningArkivering av privat nyckelAgent fr nyckelterstllande(Kopiering av e-post frn katalogtjnsterLisans Sunucu Dorulamas1Sertifika Talebi Yard1mc1s1Ak1ll1 Kart ile Oturum Amazel Anahtar Ar_ivlemesiAnahtar Kurtarma Yard1mc1s1Dizin Hizmet E-posta oaltmas15@52V@:0 A5@25@0 ;VF5=7VW35=B 70?8BC A5@B8DV:0BCEV4 4;O A<0@B-:0@B@EV2=89 ?@820B=89 :;NG35=B 2V4=>2;5==O :;NGV2""8@06C20==O Email A;C618 :0B0;>3V2Preverjanje licence stre~nikaAgent zahteve potrdilPrijava pametne karticeArhiv zasebnega klju aAgent za obnovo klju evPodvajanje map storitve e-poateLicencijs serverio patikraLiudijimo u~klausos priemonLustinis kortelis /vedimasPriva iojo rakto archyvavimasRakto atkkrimo priemon&Katalogs serverio el. paato dauginimas Certificate Request AgentSmart Card LogonPrivate Key ArchivalKey Recovery Agent#Directory Service Email Replicationc k:O ghVg8haIˊBlNt z_zfgaaS{vypjHhvёp_SNt z_ v gRP[N[License Server VerificationCertificate Request AgentSmart Card LogonPrivate Key ArchivalKey Recovery Agent#Directory Service Email ReplicationKontroll av lisenstjener Agent for sertifikatforesprslerSmart Card-ploggingArkivering av private nkler"Agent for gjenoppretting av nkler(Kopiering av e-post fra katalogtjenester"Verificao de Servidor de Licena%Agente de Solicitao de CertificadosLogon com Carto InteligenteArquivao de Chave PrivadaAgente de Recuperao de Chaves,Replicao do Diretrio de Servio de E-mailS gRhV!hfNBlRKbzfaS{vU_yR_ch[b` YRKb vU_ gR5uP[N Y6R"Verificao de Licena de Servidor Agente de Pedido de CertificadosAcesso com Carto InteligenteArquivamento de Chave PrivadaAgente Recuperador de Chaves)Replicao do Directrio de Servio EmailE9'D, *5/J1 'D4G'/'* 5J:) 'D%5/'1&'.*1 'D5J:) 'D*J 3*-A8 AJG' 'DE-*HJ'*.'3E EDA 'D%5/'1*-// '3E 'DEDA 'D0J *1:( (-A8 'D-*HJ'* AJG./'DEDA 'DE-// EH,H/ ('DA9D  GD *1:( ('3*(/'DG  DER-Encoded Binary X.509 (*.cer)Base64-Encoded X.509 (*.cer)BH'&E 'D4G'/'* 'DE1AH6) (*.crl)BH'&E 'D4G'/'* 'DEH+HB) (*.stl)CMS/PKCS #7 Messages (*.p7b)F'BD 'DE9DHE'* 'D4.5J (*.pfx)(E.2F EJC1H3HA* 'D*3D3DJ DD4G'/'* (*.sst) 5J:) 'DEDA*6E ,EJ9 'D4G'/'* 'DEH,H/) AJ E3'1 'D4G'/'*'DEA'*J- 'DE5/1)%Assistent d'Exportaci de CertificatsFormat d'exportaci2Trieu el format en el qual es desar el contingut.Nom del fitxer a exportarAEspecifiqueu el nom del fitxer en el qual es desar el contingut.7El fitxer especificat ja existeix. El voleu substituir?%X.509 binari codificat en DER (*.cer)!X.509 codificat en base64 (*.cer)&Llista de certificats revocats (*.crl)*Llista de confiana de certificats (*.stl)Missatges CMS/PKCS #7 (*.p7b)(Intercanvi d'informaci personal (*.pfx)9Magatzem de certificats serialitzat del Microsoft (*.sst)Format de fitxer4Inclou tots els certificats en el cam de certificat Exporta clausProvodce exportem certifiktuFormt exportu*Zvolte formt ve kterm bude obsah ulo~en.Nzev souboru pro export3Zadejte nzev souboru do kterho bude ulo~en obsah.)Soubor ji~ existuje. Chcete jej nahradit?/binrn, algoritmem DER aifrovan X.509 (*.cer)Base64-Encoded X.509 (*.cer)#Certificate Revocation List (*.crl)Certificate Trust List (*.stl)CMS/PKCS #7 Messages (*.p7b)%Personal Information Exchange (*.pfx).Microsoft Serialized Certificate Store (*.sst)Formt souboru,Include all certificates in certificate pathExportovat kl eCertifikat eksporteringsguideEksporter format.Vlg formatet, som indholdet vil blive gemt i.Eksporter filnavn6Angiv navnet af filen, som indholdet vil blive gemt i.+Filen findes allerede. Vil du erstatte den?DER-kodet binr X.509 (*.cer)Base64 kodet X.509 (*.cer)(Certifikat tilbagekaldelsesliste (*.crl) Certificat tillids liste (*.stl)CMS/PKCS #7 meddelelse (*.p7b))Personlig informations udveksling (*.pfx)/Microsoft serialiseret certifikat lager (*.sst) Fil format*Inkluder alle certifikater i certifikatstiEksporter nglerZertifikat-Exportassistent Export-FormatWhlen Sie ein Dateiformat.Export-Dateiname7Geben Sie die Datei an, in die Sie exportieren mchten.ADie angegebene Datei existiert bereits. Mchten Sie sie ersetzen?#DER-codiertes binres X.509 (*.cer)Base64-codiertes X.509 (*.cer)Zertifikatssperrliste (*.crl)"Zertifikatsvertrauensliste (*.stl)CMS/PKCS-#7-Zertifikate (*.p7b)&Privater Informationsaustausch (*.pfx)0Microsoft-Speicher serieller Zertifikate (*.sst) Dateiformat3Alle Zertifikate im Zertifizierungspfad einbeziehenSchlssel exportierenCertificate Export Wizard Export Format5Choose the format in which the content will be saved.Export Filename@Specify the name of the file in which the content will be saved.=The specified file already exists. Do you want to replace it? DER-Encoded Binary X.509 (*.cer)Base64-Encoded X.509 (*.cer)#Certificate Revocation List (*.crl)Certificate Trust List (*.stl)CMS/PKCS #7 Messages (*.p7b)%Personal Information Exchange (*.pfx).Microsoft Serialised Certificate Store (*.sst) File Format,Include all certificates in certificate path Export keys(Asistente de Exportacin de CertificadosFormato de Exportacin6Elija un formato en el que el contenido ser guardado.Nombre del Fichero ExportadoEEspecifique el nombre del fichero en el que se guardar el contenido.*El archivo ya existe. Desea reemplazarlo?'Binario X.509 Codificado en DER (*.cer)"X.509 Codificado en Base64 (*.cer)+Lista de Revocacin de Certificados (*.crl)*Lista de Confianza de Certificados (*.stl)Mensajes CMS/PKCS #7 (*.p7b)+Intercambio de Informacin Personal (*.pfx)8Almacn de Certificados Serializado de Microsoft (*.sst)Formato del Fichero9Incluir todos los certificados en la ruta del certificadoExportar clavesOhjattu varmenteen vienti Vientimuoto-Valitse, miss muodossa sislt tallennetaan. Tiedostonimi2Anna nimi tiedostolle, johon sislt tallennetaan..Tiedosto on jo olemassa. Haluatko korvata sen?-DER-enkoodattu binrimuotoinen X.509 (*.cer)Base64-enkoodattu X.509 (*.cer)Varmenteiden sulkulista (*.crl)&Luotettujen varmenteiden lista (*.stl)CMS/PKCS #7 -viestit (*.p7b)%Personal Information Exchange (*.pfx).Microsoft Serialized Certificate Store (*.sst) Tiedostomuoto)Sisllyt kaikki varmennepolun varmenteet Vie avaimet$Assistant Exportation de certificatsFormat d'export7Choisissez le format dans lequel le contenu sera sauv.Nom du fichier exporter?Choisissez le nom du fichier dans lequel le contenu sera sauv.;Le fichier spcifi existe dj. Voulez-vous le remplacer?Binaire cod DER X.509 (*.cer)!Binaire cod Base64 X.509 (*.cer)*Liste de rvocation de certificats (*.crl))Liste de certificats de confiance (*.stl)Messages CMS/PKCS #7 (*.p7b)+change d'informations personnelles (*.pfx)3Magasin de certificats srialiss Microsoft (*.sst)Format de fichier<Inclure tous les certificats dans le chemin de certificationExporter des clsCertificate Export Wizard  5Choose the format in which the content will be saved.Export Filename@Specify the name of the file in which the content will be saved.=The specified file already exists. Do you want to replace it? DER-Encoded Binary X.509 (*.cer)Base64-Encoded X.509 (*.cer)#Certificate Revocation List (*.crl)Certificate Trust List (*.stl)CMS/PKCS #7 Messages (*.p7b)%Personal Information Exchange (*.pfx).Microsoft Serialized Certificate Store (*.sst)  #      Tanstvny export varzslExport formtumIVllassza ki azt a formtumot, amely formtumban az adat el fog mentQdni.Export fjlnv?Adja meg a fjlnevet, amely nven menteni szeretn az adatokat.&A fjl mr ltezik. Lecserli a fjlt?!DER-kdolt llomny X.509 (*.cer)Base64-kdolt X.509 (*.cer)&Tanstvny visszavonsi lista (*.crl)!Tanstvny bizalmi lista (*.stl)CMS/PKCS #7 zentek (*.p7b) Szemlyi informcicsere (*.pfx)*Microsoft szabvnyos tanstvnyok (*.sst) Fjl formtumHBeszrja az sszes tanstvnyt, amely a tanstvny tvonalon tallhatExport kulcsok&Guida all'Esportazione del CertificatoFormato di Esportazione6Scegli il formato nel quale il contenuto sar salvato.Nome del file di esportazione?Specifica il nome del file nel quale il contenuto sar salvato.1Il file specificato esiste gi. Vuoi sostituirlo?!Binario DER-Encoded X.509 (*.cer)X.509 Base64-Encoded (*.cer) Lista Revoca Certificati (*.crl)!Lista Fiducia Certificati (*.stl)Messaggi CMS/PKCS #7 (*.p7b)&Scambio Informazioni Personali (*.pfx)3Deposito Certificati Serializzato Microsoft (*.sst)Formato del file8Includi tutti i certificati nel percorso del certificatoEsporta chiavi<ff000000 00000 000000 b__000000OX[Y00b__0xbW0f0O0`0U0D00 000000 0000 T00000L0OX[U0000000n0 TMR0c[W0f0O0`0U0D00c[W0_0 TMRo0Y0g0k0X[(WW0~0Y0000000nM0cH0~0Y0K0?DER&{SSU00_00000 X.509 (*.cer)Base64&{SSU00_0 X.509 (*.cer)<ff1YR000 (*.crl)<ffO<000 (*.stl)CMS/PKCS #7 00000 (*.p7b) PN`1X Yc0000 (*.pfx) Microsoft 0000SU00_0<ff000 (*.sst)0000b__<ffn000k0B00Y0y0f0n0<ff0+T00 u0000000Y00 xǝ 0 ȹ0 XP | ȥ` D iȲ. 0 | tDŽXP | ȥ` | tDŽD iȲ.\ |t t ǵȲ. |D PX ȲL?DER-T8T t X.509 (*.cer)Base64-T8T X.509 (*.cer)xǝɌ 0 ] (*.crl)xǝ ° ] (*.stl)CMS/PKCS #7 T (*.p7b)x  PX (*.pfx)Microsoft ō xǝ (*.sst) | xǝ \ ǔ xǝ h Certificaat ExporteerhulpExport formaat=Selecteer het formaat waarin de inhoud zal worden opgeslagen.Exporteer bestandsnaamDGeef de naam van het bestand waarin de inhoud zal worden opgeslagen.>Het gespecifeerde bestand bestaat reeds. Wilt u het vervangen?%DER-gencodeerde Binary X.509 (*.cer)!Base64-gencodeerde X.509 (*.cer)"Certificaat terugroeplijst (*.crl)$Certificaat vertrouwenslijst (*.stl)CMS/PKCS #7 berichten (*.p7b),Persoonlijke informatie uitwisseling (*.pfx),Microsoft serile certificatenopslag (*.sst)Bestandsformaat0Neem alle certificaten in het certificatiepad opExporteer sleutelsKreator eksportu certyfikatwFormat pliku eksportowanegoCOkre[l typ pliku, w ktry zawarto[ eksportowana zostanie zapisana.Nazwa pliku eksportowanegoEOkre[l nazw pliku, w ktry zawarto[ eksportowana zostanie zapisana.4Okre[lony plik ju| istnieje. Czy chcesz go zastpi?;Certyfikat X.509 szyfrowany binarnie algorytmem DER (*.cer)5Certyfikat X.509 szyfrowany algorytmem Base64 (*.cer)#Lista odwoBania certyfikatu (*.crl)"Lista zaufania certyfikatu (*.stl)Certyfikaty CMS/PKCS #7 (*.p7b)%Wymiana informacji osobistych (*.pfx)6Magazyn certyfikatw seryjnych firmy Microsoft (*.sst) Format pliku9Acznie ze wszystkimi certyfikatami w [cie|ce certyfikatuEksportowanie kluczy&Asistent de exportare a certificatelorFormat pentru exportare1Alegei formatul n care va fi salvat coninutul.Nume de fiier pentru exportare=Specificai numele de fiier cu care va fi salvat coninutul.8Fiierul specificat exist deja. Dorii s l nlocuii?$Binar X.509 codificat n DER (*.cer)'Binar X.509 codificat n Base64 (*.cer)%List de certificate revocate (*.crl)'List de certificate acreditate (*.stl)Mesaje CMS/PKCS #7 (*.p7b)&Schimb de informaii personale (*.pfx)1Depozit Microsoft nseriat de certificate (*.sst) Format fiier4Include toate certificatele din calea de certificateExport cheile0AB5@ M:A?>@B0 A5@B8D8:0B>2$>@<0B M:A?>@B0+K15@8B5 D>@<0B 4;O A>E@0=5=8O A>45@68<>3>.<O D09;0 M:A?>@B0-#:068B5 8<O D09;0 4;O A>E@0=5=8O A>45@68<>3>.6#:070==K9 D09; C65 ACI5AB2C5B. K E>B8B5 70<5=8BL 53>?#2>8G=K5 40==K5 X.509 2 DER (*.cer)0==K5 X.509 2 Base64 (*.cer)"!?8A>: >B7K20 A5@B8D8:0B>2 (*.crl)#!?8A>: 4>25@8O A5@B8D8:0B>2 (*.stl)!>>1I5=8O CMS/PKCS #7 (*.p7b)($>@<0B >1<5=0 ;8G=>9 8=D>@<0F859 (*.pfx)8%@0=8;8I5 A5@80;87>20==KE A5@B8D8:0B>2 Microsoft (*.sst) $>@<0B D09;0+:;NG8BL 2A5 A5@B8D8:0BK 2 ?CBL A5@B8D8:0B0-:A?>@B8@>20BL :;NG8 arobnjak za izvoz certifikata Format izvoza3Odaberite format u kojem e sadr~aj biti spremljen.Naziv datoteke izvoza;Odaberite naziv datoteke u kojoj e sadr~aj biti spremljen.7Odabrana datoteka ve postoji. }elite li je zamijeniti? DER-Encoded Binary X.509 (*.cer)Base64-Encoded X.509 (*.cer)#Certificate Revocation List (*.crl)Certificate Trust List (*.stl)CMS/PKCS #7 Messages (*.p7b)%Personal Information Exchange (*.pfx).Microsoft Serialized Certificate Store (*.sst)Format datoteke-Uklju i sve certifikate u putanji certifikataIzvoz klju evaGuiden fr export av certifikat Exportformat.Vlj format i vilket innehllet kommer sparas.Filnamn fr export7Ange namnet p filen i vilken innehllet kommer sparas.7Den angivna filen existerar redan. Vill du erstta den?DER-kodad binr X.509 (*.cer)Base64-kodad X.509 (*.cer))Lista ver terkallade certifikat (*.crl)&Lista ver betrodda certifikat (*.stl)CMS/PKCS #7-meddelanden (*.p7b)%Personal Information Exchange (*.pfx).Microsoft Serialized Certificate Store (*.sst) Filformat.Inkludera alla certifikat i certifikatskvgenExportera nycklar Sertifika D1_a Aktar1m Sihirbaz1D1_a Aktar1m Biimi$0eriin kaydedilecei biimi sein.D1_a aktarma dosya ad1/0eriin kaydedilecei dosyan1n ad1n1 belirtin.3Belirtilen dosya zaten mevcut. zerine yaz1ls1n m1?DER-Kodlu 0kili X.509 (*.cer)Base64-Kodlu X.509 (*.cer)Sertifika 0ptal Listesi (*.crl)Sertifika Gven Listesi (*.stl)CMS/PKCS #7 0letileri (*.p7b)Ki_isel Bilgi Dei_imi (*.pfx)4Microsoft Numaraland1r1lm1_ Sertifika Deposu (*.sst) Dosya Biimi.Sertifika yolundaki tm sertifikalar1 dahil etAnahtarlar1 aktar09AB5@ 5:A?>@BC A5@B8DV:0BV2$>@<0B 5:A?>@BC.815@VBL D>@<0B, 2 O:><C 1C45 715@565=> 2<VAB.0720 5:A?>@B>20=>3> D09;C2:06VBL V<'O D09;C, 2 O:><C 1C45 715@565=89 2<VAB.1:070=89 D09; 265 VA=CT. 8 E>G5B5 9>3> 70<V=8B8? DER-Encoded Binary X.509 (*.cer)Base64-Encoded X.509 (*.cer)'!?8A>: 0=C;L>20=8E A5@B8DV:0BV2 (*.crl)%!?8A>: 4>2V@5=8E A5@B8DV:0BV2 (*.stl) >2V4><;5==O CMS/PKCS #7 (*.p7b)#1<V= >A>18AB>N V=D>@<0FVTN (*.pfx)/!E>28I5 A5@V9=8E A5@B8DV:0BV2 Microsoft (*.sst) $>@<0B D09;C+:;NG8B8 2AV A5@B8DV:0B8 70 2:070=8< H;OE><:A?>@B>20=V :;NGV arovnik za izvoz potrdilaVrsta za izvoz-Izberite vrsto v kateri bo vsebina shranjena.Izvozi ime datoteke2Dolo i ime datoteke v kateri bo vsebina shranjena.6Dolo ena datoteka ~e obstaja. Ali jo ~elite zamenjati?#V DER kodiran binarni X.509 (*.cer)*V 64-tiakemu sistemu kodiran X.509 (*.cer)"Seznam preklicanih potrdil (*.crl)Seznam zaupanih potrdil (*.stl)Sporo ila CMS/PCKS #7 (*.p7b)"Izmenjava osebnih podatkov (*.pfx)1Microsoftova shramba potrdil v zaporedjih (*.sst)Vrsta datoteke%Vklju i vsa potrdila na poti potrdila Izvozi klju eLiudijimo eksporto vediklisEksporto formatas(Iasirinkite format duomenims iasaugoti.Eksporto failas1Nurodykite fail, kuriame bus iasaugoti duomenys.8Nurodytas failas jau egzistuoja. Ar norite j/ perraayti?(DER-u~koduotas dvejetainis X.509 (*.cer)Base64-u~koduotas X.509 (*.cer)"Ataaukts liudijims sraaas (*.crl)#Patikints liudijims sraaas (*.stl)CMS/PKCS #7 praneaimai (*.p7b)%Asmenins informacijos mainai (*.pfx).Iadstyta serijomis liudijims saugykla (*.sst)Failo formatas(Apimti visus liudijimus liudijims kelyjeEksportuoti raktusCertificate Export Wizard Export Format5Choose the format in which the content will be saved.Export Filename@Specify the name of the file in which the content will be saved.=The specified file already exists. Do you want to replace it? DER-Encoded Binary X.509 (*.cer)Base64-Encoded X.509 (*.cer)#Certificate Revocation List (*.crl)Certificate Trust List (*.stl)CMS/PKCS #7 (*.p7b)%Personal Information Exchange (*.pfx).Microsoft Serialized Certificate Store (*.sst) File Format,Include all certificates in certificate path Export keys  5Choose the format in which the content will be saved. @Specify the name of the file in which the content will be saved.=The specified file already exists. Do you want to replace it?!DER- X.509 (*.cer)Base64- X.509 (*.cer)& (*.crl) (*.stl)CMS/PKCS #7 (*.p7b)! (*.pfx)-Microsoft (*.sst) ,Include all certificates in certificate path (Encontu pa la esportacin de certificaos Export Format1Escueyi'l formatu nel que va guardase'l contenu.Export Filename@Specify the name of the file in which the content will be saved.0Y esiste'l ficheru especificu. Quies trocalu? DER-Encoded Binary X.509 (*.cer)Base64-Encoded X.509 (*.cer)#Certificate Revocation List (*.crl)Certificate Trust List (*.stl)CMS/PKCS #7 Messages (*.p7b)%Personal Information Exchange (*.pfx).Microsoft Serialized Certificate Store (*.sst) File Format,Include all certificates in certificate path Export keysaI/SQ|H/SQNota: No s'ha pogut obrir la clau privada d'aquest certificat.;Nota: La clau privada d'aquest certificat no s exportable.AnoNeExport probhl span.Export se nezdaYil.Exportovat soukrom kl XThe certificate contains a private key which may be exported along with the certificate. Zadejte heslo&Soukrom kl  je dobr chrnit heslem.Hesla se neshoduj.@Upozornn: soukrom kl  tohoto certifiktu nemohl bt otevYen.CPoznmka: Soukromou st kl e tohoto certifiktu nelze exportovat.JaNejEksporteringen var vellykket.Eksporteringen fejlede.Eksporter privatngleSCertifikatet indeholder en privatngle der kan eksporteres sammen med certifikatet.Indtast kodeord.Du kan beskytte en privatngle med et kodeord.Kodeordene matcher ikke.ABemrk: Privatnglen for dette certifikat kunne ikke blive bnet.DBemrk: Den private ngle for dette certifikat kan ikke eksporteres.JaNeinExportvorgang erfolgreich.Exportvorgang gescheitert.Privaten Schlssel exportierenaDas Zertifikat enthlt einen privaten Schlssel der eventuell mit dem Zertifikat exportiert wird.Passwort eingeben4Der private Schlssel sollte passwortgeschtzt sein.%Die Passwrter stimmen nicht berein.LHinweis: Der private Schlssel des Zertifikats konnte nicht geffnet werden.LHinweis: Der private Schlssel des Zertifikats kann nicht exportiert werden.The export was successful.The export failed.Export Private KeyXThe certificate contains a private key which may be exported along with the certificate.Enter Password'You may password-protect a private key.The passwords do not match.?Note: The private key for this certificate could not be opened.=Note: The private key for this certificate is not exportable.YesNoThe export was successful.The export failed.Export Private KeyXThe certificate contains a private key which may be exported along with the certificate.Enter Password'You may password-protect a private key.The passwords do not match.?Note: The private key for this certificate could not be opened.=Note: The private key for this certificate is not exportable.SNo"La exportacin finaliz con xito.La exportacin ha fallado.Exportar una Clave Privada^Este certificado contiene una clave privada, que puede ser exportada junto con el certificado.Introduzca la Contrasea4Puede proteger una clave privada con una contrasea.Las contraseas no coinciden.>Nota: No se pudo abrir la clave privada para este certificado.<Nota: La clave privada de este certificado no es exportable.KyllEiVienti onnistui.Vienti eponnistui.Vie yksityinen avainPVarmenne sislt yksityisen avaimen, jonka voi vied yhdess varmenteen kanssa.Syt salasana,Voit suojata yksityisen avaimen salasanalla.Salasanat eivt tsm.5Huomio: Varmenteen yksityist avainta ei voitu avata.9Huomio: Tmn varmenteen yksityist avainta ei voi vied.OuiNonL'export a russi.L'export a chou.Exporter la cl privePLe certificat contient une cl prive qui peut tre exporte avec le certificat.Entrez le mot de passe8Vous pouvez protger une cl prive par un mot de passe.'Les mots de passe ne correspondent pas.:Note: la cl prive de ce certificat n'a pu tre ouverte.;Note: la cl prive de ce certificat n'est pas exportable.  .  .  4        .        .  .3 :        .=Note: The private key for this certificate is not exportable.IgenNemAz export sikerlt.Az export hibs.$Titkostott privt kulcs exportlsaTA tanstvny privt kulcsot tartalmaz, amely exportldhat a tanustvnnyal egytt. Jelszbevitel'Jelszvdett tehet egy privt kulcsot.A jelszavak nem egyeznek.Dzenet: A tanstvnyhoz tartoz privt kulcsot nem lehet megnyitni.Czenet: A tanstvnyhoz tartoz privt kulcsok nem exportlhatak.SNoEsportazione riuscita.Esportazione fallita.Esporta Chiave PrivatadQuesto certificato contiene una chiave privata che potrebbe essere esportata insieme al certificato.Inserisci Password3Puoi proteggere la chiave privata con una password.Le password non corrispondono.BNota: impossibile aprire la chiave privata per questo certificato.ANota: la chiave privata per questo certificato non esportabile.o0D0D0D0H0000000o0bRW0~0W0_00000000o01YWeW0~0W0_00 y[un0000000<ffh0h00k0<ffn0y[u0000000g0M0~0Y0000000n0eQRy[u000000Owg0M0~0Y00 00000L0NW0~0[000la: S0n0<ffn0y[u0Q0~0[000la: S0n0<ffn0y[uo0000000g0M0~0[000DȲ0 1.0 (. x $xǝ xǝ@ 0 t x 䴴 ǵȲ.T8 %x | T8\ 8`  ǵȲ.T8 |XX JŵȲ.8: t xǝX x |  ŵȲ.8: t xǝX x Д  ŵȲ.JaNeeHet exporteren is gelukt.Het exporteren is mislukt.Exporteer persoonlijke sleutelcHet certificaat bevat een persoonlijke sleutel die mee kan worden gexporteerd met het certificaat.Voer wachtwoord in>U kunt een persoonlijke sleutel beveiligen met een wachtwoord.!De wachtwoorden zijn niet gelijk.KNoot: De persoonlijke sleutel voor dit certificaat kon niet geopend worden.=Note: The private key for this certificate is not exportable.TakNie Eksport zakoDczyB si pomy[lnie.%Eksport zakoDczyB si niepowodzeniem.Eksportowanie klucza prywatnegoVCertyfikat zawiera klucz prywatny, ktry mo|e by wyeksportowany razem z certyfikatem. Podaj hasBo%Mo|esz chroni klucz prywatny hasBem.Niezgodno[ haseB.AUwaga: Nie mo|na otworzy klucza prywatnego dla tego certyfikatu.OUwaga: Klucz prywatny dla tego certyfikatu jest oznaczony jako nie do eksportu.DaNu"Exportarea s-a realizat cu succes.Exportarea a euat.Exportare cheie privatSCertificatul conine o cheie privat care poate fi exportat odat cu certificatul.Introducere parol+Putei proteja o cheie privat cu o parol.Parolele nu se potrivesc.CNot: Cheia privat pentru acest certificat nu a putut fi deschis.@Not: Cheia privat pentru acest certificat nu este exportabil.05B-:A?>@B 2K?>;=5= CA?5H=>.H81:0 M:A?>@B0.-:A?>@B 70:@KB>3> :;NG0O!5@B8D8:0B A>45@68B 70:@KBK9 :;NG, :>B>@>9 <>6=> M:A?>@B8@>20BL A A5@B8D8:0B><. 2>4 ?0@>;O)K <>65B5 70I8B8BL 70:@KBK9 :;NG ?0@>;5<.0@>;8 =5 A>2?040NB.;@8<5G0=85: >B:@KBL 70:@KBK9 :;NG MB>3> A5@B8D8:0B0 =5;L7O.>@8<5G0=85: 70:@KBK9 :;NG MB>3> A5@B8D8:0B0 =5 M:A?>@B8@C5<K9.DaNeIzvoz je bio uspjeaan.Neuspjeaan izvoz.Izvoz privatnog klju aOCertifikat sadr~i privatan klju  koji mo~e biti izvezen zajedno s certifikatom.Unesite lozinku'Mo~ete lozinkom zaatiti privatni klju .Lozinke se ne poklapaju.CNapomena: Privatan klju  za ovaj certifikat se nije mogao otvoriti.?Napomena: Privatan klju  za ovaj certifikat se ne mo~e izvesti.noNieThe export was successful.The export failed.Export Private KeyXThe certificate contains a private key which may be exported along with the certificate.Enter Password'You may password-protect a private key.The passwords do not match.?Note: The private key for this certificate could not be opened.=Note: The private key for this certificate is not exportable.JaNejExporten lyckades.Exporten misslyckades.Exportera privat nyckelYCertifikatet innehller en privat nyckel som kan exporteras tillsammans med certifikatet. Ange lsenord(Du kan lsenordsskydda en privat nyckel.Lsenorden matchar inte.@Obs: Den privata nyckeln fr detta certifikat kunde inte ppnas.BObs: Den privata nyckeln fr detta certifikat kan inte exporteras.C HD!HC HThe export was successful.The export failed.Export Private KeyXThe certificate contains a private key which may be exported along with the certificate.Enter Password'You may password-protect a private key.The passwords do not match.?Note: The private key for this certificate could not be opened.=Note: The private key for this certificate is not exportable.EvetHay1rD1_a aktarma ba_ar1l1.Aktarma ba_ar1s1z.zel Anahtar1 AktarTBu sertifika, sertifika ile birlikte d1_a aktar1labilecek zel bir anahtar ieriyor. Parola Gir.zel bir anahtar1 parola ile koruyabilirsiniz.Parolalar e_le_miyor.-Not: Bu sertifika iin zel anahtar a1lamaz.0Not: Bu sertifika iin zel anahtar aktar1lamaz."0:V:A?>@B 7025@H5=> CA?VH=>.:A?>@B =5 2402AO.:A?>@B ?@820B=>3> :;NG0U!5@B8DV:0B <VAB8BL ?@820B=89 :;NG, O:89 <>65 1CB8 5:A?>@B>20=89 @07>< 7 A5@B8DV:0B><.254VBL ?0@>;L+8 <>65B5 70E8AB8B8 ?0@>;5< ?@820B=89 :;NG.0@>;V =5 71V30NBLAO.C#2030: @820B=89 :;NG 4;O FL>3> A5@B8DV:0BC =5 <>65 1CB8 2V4:@8B89.G#2030: @820B=89 :;NG 4;O FL>3> A5@B8DV:0BC =5 <>65 1CB8 5:A?>@B>20=89.DaNeIzvoz je bil uspeaen.Izvoz je spodletel.Izvozi zasebni klju HPotrdilo vsebuje zasebni klju , ki ga lahko izvozite skupaj s potrdilom. Vnesite geslo'Zasebni klju  lahko zaa itite z geslom.Gesli se ne ujemata.+Opomba: zasebnega klju a ni mogo e odpreti.;Opomba: zasebnega klju a za to potrdilo ni mogo e izvoziti.TaipNeEksportas skmingas.Eksportas nepavyko.Eksportuoti privatsj/ raktSLiudijimas turi privatsj/ rakt, kuris gali bkti iaeksportuotas kartu su liudijimu..veskite slapta~od/.Galite apsaugoti privatsj/ rakt slapta~od~iu.Slapta~od~iai nesutampa.;Pastaba: nepavyko atverti priva iojo rakto aiam liudijimui.<Pastaba: aio liudijimo privatusis raktas neiaeksportuojamas.  The export was successful.The export failed.Export Private KeyXThe certificate contains a private key which may be exported along with the certificate.Enter Password'You may password-protect a private key.The passwords do not match.?Note: The private key for this certificate could not be opened.=Note: The private key for this certificate is not exportable.   . . XThe certificate contains a private key which may be exported along with the certificate. 'You may password-protect a private key. ./ : .2 : .SNonLa esportacin tuvo esitu.Fall la esportacin.Export Private KeyXThe certificate contains a private key which may be exported along with the certificate.Enter Password'You may password-protect a private key.Les contrasees nun concasen.9Nota: Nun pudo abrise la clave privada d'esti certificu.=Note: The private key for this certificate is not exportable./f&T]bR/SQ0/SQ1YWe0/SQyp+T gypvaISNDeaI/SQ08eQ[x `SNN[xOwyp0[x N9SM0;(ue PaIvyp!ql_U0;(ue PaIvyp NS/SQ0YesNoThe export was successful.The export failed.Export Private KeyXThe certificate contains a private key which may be exported along with the certificate.Enter Password'You may password-protect a private key.The passwords do not match.?Note: The private key for this certificate could not be opened.=Note: The private key for this certificate is not exportable.JaNeiEksporteringen var vellykket.Eksporteringen mislyktes.Eksportr privat nkkelXSertifikatet inneholder en privat nkkel som kan bli eksportert sammen med sertifikatet. Angi passord(Du kan passordbeskytte en privat nkkel.Passordene er ikke like.CMerk: Klarte ikke pne den private nkkelen for dette sertifikatet.GMerk: Den private nkkelen for dette sertifikatet kan ikke eksporteres.SimNoA exportao foi bem-sucedida.Falha na exportao.Exportar Chave Privada\O certificado contm uma chave privada que pode ser exportada em conjunto com o certificado.Digite a Senha/Voc pode proteger uma chave privada com senha.As senhas no coincidem.@Nota: A chave privada para este certificado no pde ser aberta.=Nota: A chave privada para este certificado no exportvel.JesNeThe export was successful.The export failed.Export Private KeyXThe certificate contains a private key which may be exported along with the certificate.Enter Password'You may password-protect a private key.The passwords do not match.?Note: The private key for this certificate could not be opened.=Note: The private key for this certificate is not exportable./f&T[QbR0[Q1Y%0[QyfNS+TSNfNN T[Qv[0eQ[x `SNO(u[xOby0[x NN0laelSb_fNvy0 lafNvy NS[Q0SimNoA exportao foi bem sucedida.A exportao falhou.Exportar Chave Privada\O certificado contm uma chave privada que pode ser exportada em conjunto com o certificado.Digite Palavra Chave6Pode proteger uma chave privada com uma palavra chave. As palavras chave no coincidem.ENota: A chave privada para este certificado no conseguiu ser aberta.=Nota: A chave privada para este certificado no exportvel.DaNeThe export was successful.The export failed.Export Private KeyXThe certificate contains a private key which may be exported along with the certificate.Enter Password'You may password-protect a private key.The passwords do not match.?Note: The private key for this certificate could not be opened.=Note: The private key for this certificate is not exportable.05The export was successful.The export failed.Export Private KeyXThe certificate contains a private key which may be exported along with the certificate.Enter Password'You may password-protect a private key.The passwords do not match.?Note: The private key for this certificate could not be opened.=Note: The private key for this certificate is not exportable. Intended Use'DEH69Select CertificateSelect a certificateFinalitat previstaUbicaciSeleccionar el certificatSeleccioneu un certificat Intended UseUmstnSelect CertificateSelect a certificate Intended Use PlaceringSelect CertificateSelect a certificateGeplanter ZweckOrtZertifikat auswhlenWhlen Sie ein Zertifikat Intended UseLocationSelect CertificateSelect a certificate Intended Use UbicacinSelect CertificateSelect a certificateSuunniteltu kyttSijaintiValitse varmenneValitse varmenne Intended Use EmplacementSelect CertificateSelect a certificate Intended UseSelect CertificateSelect a certificate Intended UseHelySelect CertificateSelect a certificate Intended Use LocazioneSelect CertificateSelect a certificate)R(uvv4X@b<ffn0xb <ff0xbW0f0O0`0U0D0ijXxǝ xǝ Intended UseLocatieSelect CertificateSelect a certificate Intended Use PoBo|enieSelect CertificateSelect a certificate Intended UseLocaieSelect CertificateSelect a certificate@54=07=0G5=85 07<5I5=85K1>@ A5@B8D8:0B0K15@8B5 A5@B8D8:0B Intended UseLokacijaSelect CertificateSelect a certificate Intended UsePlatsSelect CertificateSelect a certificate0stenen Kullan1m:KonumSertifikay1 SeBir sertifika se @87=0G5==O >7<VI5==O81V@ A5@B8DV:0B0815@VBL A5@B8DV:0B Intended UseMestoSelect CertificateSelect a certificateNumatyta paskirtisVietaIarinkite liudijimIarinkite liudijim Intended Use  Intended Use AllugamientuSelect CertificateSelect a certificate Intended UseMOnSelect CertificateSelect a certificate Intended UseLocationSelect CertificateSelect a certificateTiltenkt forml PlasseringVelg sertifikatVelg et sertifikatUso pretendido Localizao$Selecione o Conjunto de CertificadosSelecione um Certificado Intended UseLokoSelect CertificateSelect a certificateg(uMOn bfN bfN Intended Use LocalizaoSelect CertificateSelect a certificate Intended UseLokacijaSelect CertificateSelect a certificate Intended Use>:0F8X0Select CertificateSelect a certificate DE *FA0 (9/Encara no implementatZatm neimplementovnoIkke implementeret endnuNoch nicht implementiertNot yet implementedAn no implementadoEi viel toteutettuPas encore implment  Nincs implementlvaNon ancora implementato*g[ňl JLNog niet geimplementeerdJeszcze nie zaimplementowaneNeimplementat ncIQ =5 @50;87>20=>Nije joa implementiranoInte implementerat nnuHenz eklenmedi/tamamlanmad1)5 =5 @50;V7>20=> Ni ae podprtoDar nerealizuota Ent nun s'implement\*g[\ONot yet implementedIkke implementert ennAinda no implementadoNe jam funkcias\*g[sAinda no implementado2.•cryptuiGFR^FSuFTFUFVFWFXFYGZG[1G\IG]aG^xG_G`GaGbGcGdGeHL&HM8HNJHO\HPnHPHPHQ27cf360a734767ef9e63f6bf5ec226a693c09f.debugr].shstrtab.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.plt.got.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.data.rel.ro.dynamic.data.bss.gnu_debuglink 88$o``d( 08o*EoPTPPh ^B0h %c00000n`0`0wp0p0 }:: @@l  2 rP  4