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P&uskurin koko: P( Pmsctls_updown32 PT$d P&oista toistuvatP=F*PonnahdusvalikkoP J< &ControlP V< S&hiftPP=x*KonsoliPTJd Pika&muokkaustilaPTVd &LisystilaȀ$mOptionsMS Shell DlgPF6Taille du curseur P 2 &Petit P 2 &Moyen P *2 &GrandPPx6Historique des commandesPTF &Taille mm. tampon: P( Pmsctls_updown32 PT$d &Supprimer les doublonsP=F*Menu contextuelP J< &ContrleP V< M&ajPP=x*ConsolePTJd Mode &dition rapidePTVd Mode &insertionȀ@$mMS Shell DlgPF6  P 2 & P 2 & P *2 &PPx6 PTF &Buffer size: P( Pmsctls_updown32 PT$d &Remove duplicatesP=F* P J< &ControlP V< S&hiftPP=x*ConsolePTJd &Quick Edit modePTVd &Insert modeȀ$mOpcikMS Shell DlgPF6Kurzor mrete P 2 &Kicsi P 2 K&zepes P *2 &NagyPPx6Parancs elQzmnyPTF &Buffer size: P( Pmsctls_updown32 PT$d &Remove duplicatesP=F*ElQbukkan menP J< &VezrlsP V< S&hiftPP=x*ConsolePTJd &Quick Edit modePTVd &Insert modeȀ$mOpzioniMS Shell DlgPF6Dimensione del cursore P 2 &Piccolo P 2 &Medio P *2 &GrandePPx6CronologiaPTF &Buffer size: P( Pmsctls_updown32 PT$d &Remove duplicatesP=F*Men a comparsaP J< &ControllaP V< Sco&rriPP=x*ConsolePTJd &Quick Edit modePTVd &Insert modeȀ$m00000 MS Shell DlgPF60000n0'YM0U0 P 2 \(&S) P 2 -N(&M) P *2 'Y(&L)PPx60000e\tkPTF 0000 000(&B): P( Pmsctls_updown32 PT$d ͑0JRd(&R)P=F*000000 0000P J< 000000(&C)P V< 000(&H)PP=x*00000PTJd !|f}Ɩ000(&Q)PTVd ?ceQ000(&I)Ȁ$m5X MS Shell DlgPF6 l0 P 2 nj(&S) P 2 (&M) P *2 lЌ(&L)PPx69 0]PTF | l0(&B): P( Pmsctls_updown32 PT$d  p(&R)P=F* TtP J< θd(&C)P V< lո(&H)PP=x*XϔPTJd `x ܴ(&Q)PTVd  ܴ(&I)Ȁ$mInstellingenMS Shell DlgPF6Cursorgrootte P 2 &Klein P 2 &Middel P *2 &GrootPPx6GeschiedenisPTF &Buffer size: P( Pmsctls_updown32 PT$d &Remove duplicatesP=F*Popup menuP J< &ControlP V< S&hiftPP=x*ConsolePTJd &Quick Edit modePTVd &Insert modeȀ$mOpcjeMS Shell DlgPF6Wielko[ kursora P 2 &MaBa P 2 Z&rednia P *2 &Du|aPPx6Historia poleceDPTF Rozmiar &bufora: P( Pmsctls_updown32 PT$d &UsuD duplikatyP=F*Menu kontekstoweP J< &ControlP V< S&hiftPP=x*KonsolaPTJd Tryb szybkiej edycjiPTVd Tryb wstaw&ianiaȀ$mOpiuniMS Shell DlgPF6Dimensiune cursor P 2 M&ic P 2 &Mediu P *2 M&arePPx6Istoric comenziPTF &Dimensiune tampon: P( Pmsctls_updown32 PT$d &Elimin duplicateleP=F*Meniu popupP J< &ControlP V< S&hiftPP=x*ConsolPTJd &Regim de editare rapidPTVd Regim de &inserareȀ$m0AB@>9:8MS Shell DlgPF6 07<5@ :C@A>@0 P 2 &0;5=L:89 P 2 &!@54=89 P *2 &>;LH>9PPx6AB>@8O :><0=4PTF &07<5@ 1CD5@0: P( Pmsctls_updown32 PT$d &#40;OBL ?>2B>@KP=F*A?;K20NI55 <5=NP J< &!trlP V< S&hiftPP=x*>=A>;LPTJd &KAB@>5 @540:B8@>20=85PTVd & 568< 2AB02:8Ȁ$mPostavkeMS Shell DlgPF6Veli ina pokaziva a P 2 &Mali P 2 Sre&dnji P *2 &VelikiPPx6Povijest naredbiPTF &Buffer size: P( Pmsctls_updown32 PT$d &Remove duplicatesP=F*Isko ni izbornikP J< Kont&rolaP V< Po&makPP=x*ConsolePTJd &Quick Edit modePTVd &Insert modeȀ$mVo>byMS Shell DlgPF6Cursor size P 2 &Small P 2 &Medium P *2 &LargePPx6Command historyPTF &Buffer size: P( Pmsctls_updown32 PT$d &Remove duplicatesP=F*Popup menuP J< &ControlP V< S&hiftPP=x*ConsolePTJd &Quick Edit modePTVd &Insert modeȀ$mAlternativMS Shell DlgPF6Markrstorlek P 2 &Liten P 2 &Medel P *2 &StorPPx6KommandohistorikPTF &Buffertstorlek: P( Pmsctls_updown32 PT$d &Ta bort upprepadeP=F*PopupmenyP J< &ControlP V< S&hiftPP=x*KonsolPTJd &Quick Edit modePTVd &Insert modeȀ$mSeeneklerMS Shell DlgPF60mle boyutu P 2 &Kk P 2 &Orta P *2 &BykPPx6Komut gemi_iPTF Tampon boyutu: P( Pmsctls_updown32 PT$d &Tekrarlar1 silP=F*A1l1r menP J< &KontrolP V< K&ayd1rPP=x*Ko&nsolPTJd &H1zl1 dzenleme moduPTVd &Mod ekleyinȀ$m0@0<5B@8MS Shell DlgPF6 >7<V@ :C@A>@0 P 2 &0;89 P 2 &!5@54=V9 P *2 &5;8:89PPx6AB>@VO :><0=4PTF & >7<V@ 1CD5@0: P( Pmsctls_updown32 PT$d &840;OB8 ?>2B>@8P=F*!?;820NG5 <5=NP J< &ControlP V< S&hiftPP=x*>=A>;LPTJd &(284:5 @5403C20==OPTVd & 568< 2AB02:8Ȁ$mMo~nostiMS Shell DlgPF6Velikost kazalca P 2 &Majhna P 2 &Srednja P *2 &VelikaPPx6Zgodovina ukazovPTF &Buffer size: P( Pmsctls_updown32 PT$d &Remove duplicatesP=F*Pojavni meniP J< &ControlP V< S&hiftPP=x*ConsolePTJd &Quick Edit modePTVd &Insert modeȀ$mParinktysMS Shell DlgPF6}ymeklio dydis P 2 &Ma~as P 2 &Vidutinis P *2 &DidelisPPx6Komands istorijaPTF &Buferio dydis: P( Pmsctls_updown32 PT$d &`alinti dublikatusP=F*Iakylantis meniuP J< &ControlP V< S&hiftPP=x*PultasPTJd &Greitas redagavimasPTVd .&terpimo re~imasȀ$m MS Shell DlgPF6 P 2  (&S) P 2  (&M) P *2  (&L)PPx6 PTF (&B): P( Pmsctls_updown32 PT$d &Remove duplicatesP=F* P J< &ControlP V< S&hiftPP=x* PTJd &Quick Edit modePTVd  (&I)Ȁ$mOpcionesMS Shell DlgPF6Tamau del cursor P 2 &Pequeu P 2 &Mediu P *2 &GrandePPx6Historial de comandosPTF Tamau del &bfer: P( Pmsctls_updown32 PT$d &Desaniciar duplicaosP=F*Men emerxenteP J< &ControlP V< &MaysPP=x*ConsolaPTJd Mou d'edicin &rpidaPTVd Mou d'&inxertuȀ$mx MS Shell DlgPF68nj'Y\ P 2 \(&S) P 2 -N(&M) P *2 'Y(&L)PPx6cNwk zPTF &Buffer size: P( Pmsctls_updown32 PT$d &Remove duplicatesP=F*H_QRhP J< &ControlP V< S&hiftPP=x*ConsolePTJd &Quick Edit modePTVd &Insert modeȀ$mOptionsMS Shell DlgPF6Cursor size P 2 &Small P 2 &Medium P *2 &LargePPx6Command historyPTF &Buffer size: P( Pmsctls_updown32 PT$d &Remove duplicatesP=F*Popup menuP J< &ControlP V< S&hiftPP=x*ConsolePTJd &Quick Edit modePTVd &Insert modeȀ$mAlternativerMS Shell DlgPF6Pekerstrrelse P 2 &Liten P 2 &Middels P *2 &StorPPx6KommandohistorikkPTF &Bufferstrrelse: P( Pmsctls_updown32 PT$d Fje&rn duplikaterP=F*HurtigmenyP J< &KontrollP V< S&kiftPP=x*KonsollPTJd Rask redigerings&modusPTVd &InnrykksmodusȀ$mOpesMS Shell DlgPF6Cursor P 2 &Pequeno P 2 &Mdio P *2 &GrandePPx6Histrico de comandosPTF Tamanho do &buffer: P( Pmsctls_updown32 PT$d Remover &duplicadosP=F*Menu de contextoP J< &ControleP V< &RotaoPP=x*ConsolePTJd Modo de &edio rpidaPTVd Modo de &inseroȀ$mOptionsMS Shell DlgPF6Kursor-grando P 2 &Eta P 2 &Meza P *2 &LaraPPx6KronologioPTF &Buffer size: P( Pmsctls_updown32 PT$d &Remove duplicatesP=F*\prucmenuoP J< &StirklavoP V< &RegistrumoPP=x*ConsolePTJd &Quick Edit modePTVd &Insert modeȀ$m y MS Shell DlgPF6IQh:\[ P 2 \(&S) P 2 -N(&M) P *2 'Y(&L)PPx6}TNSSPTF Q:S'Y\(&B) P( Pmsctls_updown32 PT$d  Rd͑ Y(&R)P=F*9_Q܃USP J< &ControlP V< S&hiftPP=x*c6RSPTJd _!j_(&Q)PTVd ceQ!j_(&I)Ȁ$mOpesMS Shell DlgPF6Tamanho do Cursor P 2 &Pequeno P 2 &Mdio P *2 &GrandePPx6Histrico de comandosPTF Tamanho do '&buffer' P( Pmsctls_updown32 PT$d &Remover duplicadosP=F*Menu PopupP J< &ControloP V< &DeslocaoPP=x*ConsolaPTJd Modo de &edio rpidaPTVd &Modo de inseroȀ$mOpcijeMS Shell DlgPF6Cursor size P 2 &Small P 2 &Medium P *2 &LargePPx6Command historyPTF &Buffer size: P( Pmsctls_updown32 PT$d &Remove duplicatesP=F*Popup menuP J< &ControlP V< S&hiftPP=x*ConsolePTJd &Quick Edit modePTVd &Insert modeȀ$m?F8X5MS Shell DlgPF6Cursor size P 2 &Small P 2 &Medium P *2 &LargePPx6Command historyPTF &Buffer size: P( Pmsctls_updown32 PT$d &Remove duplicatesP=F*Popup menuP J< &ControlP V< S&hiftPP=x*ConsolePTJd &Quick Edit modePTVd &Insert modeȀ@ $m'D.7MS Shell DlgP2'D&.7PZ*Pd2'D&DHFPd0WineConColorPreviewPd(0WineConColorPreviewP(*-&,JEP(<P<m(WineConFontPreviewPIPȀ $m(@8DBMS Shell DlgP2&FontPZ*Pd2&ColorPd0WineConColorPreviewPd(0WineConColorPreviewP(& 07<5@P(<P<m(WineConFontPreviewPIPȀ $mTipus de lletraMS Shell DlgP2&Tipus de lletraPZ*Pd2&ColorPd0WineConColorPreviewPd(0WineConColorPreviewP(&DimensionaP(<P<m(WineConFontPreviewPIPȀ $mPsmoMS Shell DlgP2&PsmoPZ*Pd2&BarvaPd0WineConColorPreviewPd(0WineConColorPreviewP(&VelikostP(<P<m(WineConFontPreviewPIPȀ $mSkrifttyperMS Shell DlgP2&SkrifttypePZ*Pd2&FarvePd0WineConColorPreviewPd(0WineConColorPreviewP(&StrrelseP(<P<m(WineConFontPreviewPIPȀ $mSchriftartMS Shell DlgP2&SchriftartPZ*Pd2&FarbePd0WineConColorPreviewPd(0WineConColorPreviewP(&GreP(<P<m(WineConFontPreviewPIPȀ $mMS Shell DlgP2&FontPZ*Pd2&ColorPd0WineConColorPreviewPd(0WineConColorPreviewP(&SizeP(<P<m(WineConFontPreviewPIPȀ $mFontMS Shell DlgP2&FontPZ*Pd2&ColourPd0WineConColorPreviewPd(0WineConColorPreviewP(&SizeP(<P<m(WineConFontPreviewPIPȀ $mFuenteMS Shell DlgP2&FuentePZ*Pd2&ColorPd0WineConColorPreviewPd(0WineConColorPreviewP(&TamaoP(<P<m(WineConFontPreviewPIPȀ $mFontitMS Shell DlgP2&FontitPZ*Pd2&VriPd0WineConColorPreviewPd(0WineConColorPreviewP(&Muuta kokoaP(<P<m(WineConFontPreviewPIPȀ $mPoliceMS Shell DlgP2&PolicePZ*Pd2&CouleurPd0WineConColorPreviewPd(0WineConColorPreviewP(Di&mensionP(<P<m(WineConFontPreviewPIPȀ@ $mMS Shell DlgP2&PZ*Pd2&Pd0WineConColorPreviewPd(0WineConColorPreviewP(&P(<P<m(WineConFontPreviewPIPȀ $mBettpusMS Shell DlgP2&BetqtpusPZ*Pd2&SznPd0WineConColorPreviewPd(0WineConColorPreviewP(&MretP(<P<m(WineConFontPreviewPIPȀ $mCarattereMS Shell DlgP2&CaratterePZ*Pd2C&olorePd0WineConColorPreviewPd(0WineConColorPreviewP(&DimensioneP(<P<m(WineConFontPreviewPIPȀ $m0000n0c[ MS Shell DlgP20000(&F)PZ*Pd2r(&C)Pd0WineConColorPreviewPd(0WineConColorPreviewP(000 Yf(&S)P(<P<m(WineConFontPreviewPIPȀ $m4 MS Shell DlgP24(&F)PZ*Pd2(&C)Pd0WineConColorPreviewPd(0WineConColorPreviewP(l0(&S)P(<P<m(WineConFontPreviewPIPȀ $mLettertypeMS Shell 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PDC$ Pmsctls_updown32PS6 H&jde: PDQ$ Pmsctls_updown32Ps U*Afslutning af programPwK &Luk konsolPs7U*Version!PwEK< Ȁ$mKonfigurationMS Shell DlgP d*ZeichenpufferP6 &Breite: PD$ Pmsctls_updown32P'6 &Hhe: PD%$ Pmsctls_updown32P 7d*FenstergrePE6 B&reite: PDC$ Pmsctls_updown32PS6 Hh&e: PDQ$ Pmsctls_updown32Ps U*ProgrammendePwK Konsole &schlieenPs7U*Edition!PwEK< Ȁ$mConfigurationMS Shell DlgP d*Buffer zoneP6 &Width: PD$ Pmsctls_updown32P'6 &Height: PD%$ Pmsctls_updown32P 7d*Window sizePE6 W&idth: PDC$ Pmsctls_updown32PS6 H&eight: PDQ$ Pmsctls_updown32Ps U*End of programPwK &Close consolePs7U*Edition!PwEK< Ȁ$mConfiguracinMS Shell DlgP d*Zona de bferP6 &Anchura: PD$ Pmsctls_updown32P'6 &Altura: PD%$ Pmsctls_updown32P 7d*Tamao de ventanaPE6 A&nchura: PDC$ Pmsctls_updown32PS6 A&ltura: PDQ$ Pmsctls_updown32Ps U*Fin del programaPwK &Cerrar consolaPs7U*Edicin!PwEK< Ȁ$mValinnatMS Shell DlgP d*PuskurivyhykeP6 &Leveys: PD$ Pmsctls_updown32P'6 &Korkeus: PD%$ Pmsctls_updown32P 7d*Ikkunan kokoPE6 L&eveys: PDC$ Pmsctls_updown32PS6 K&orkeus: PDQ$ Pmsctls_updown32Ps U*Ohjelman loppuPwK &Sulje konsoliPs7U*Versio!PwEK< Ȁ$mConfigurationMS Shell DlgP d*Taille mmoire tampon cranP6 &Largeur: PD$ Pmsctls_updown32P'6 Ha&uteur: PD%$ Pmsctls_updown32P 7d*Taille de la fentrePE6 La&rgeur: PDC$ Pmsctls_updown32PS6 Hau&teur: PDQ$ Pmsctls_updown32Ps U*Fin du programmePwK &Fermer la consolePs7U*dition!PwEK< Ȁ@$mConfigurationMS Shell DlgP d* P6 &Width: PD$ Pmsctls_updown32P'6 &Height: PD%$ Pmsctls_updown32P 7d* PE6 W&idth: PDC$ Pmsctls_updown32PS6 H&eight: PDQ$ Pmsctls_updown32Ps U* PwK  &Ps7U* !PwEK< Ȁ$mBelltsMS Shell DlgP d*Puffer znaP6 &Szlessg: PD$ Pmsctls_updown32P'6 &Magassg: PD%$ Pmsctls_updown32P 7d*Ablak mretPE6 S&zlessg: PDC$ Pmsctls_updown32PS6 M&agassg: PDQ$ Pmsctls_updown32Ps U*Program vgePwK &Konsol bezrsaPs7U*Verzi kiads!PwEK< Ȁ$mConfigurazioneMS Shell DlgP d*Zona del bufferP6 &Larghezza: PD$ Pmsctls_updown32P'6 &Altezza: PD%$ Pmsctls_updown32P 7d*Dimensione della finestraPE6 &Larghezza: PDC$ Pmsctls_updown32PS6 &Altezza: PDQ$ Pmsctls_updown32Ps U*Fine del programmaPwK &Chiudi consolePs7U*Edizione!PwEK< Ȁ$m-[ MS Shell DlgP d*0000WP6 E^(&W): PD$ Pmsctls_updown32P'6 ؚU0(&H): PD%$ Pmsctls_updown32P 7d*00000 000PE6 E^(&I): PDC$ Pmsctls_updown32PS6 ؚU0(&E): PDQ$ Pmsctls_updown32Ps U*00000n0B}NBfPwK 000000X00(&C)Ps7U*}Ɩe_!PwEK< Ȁ$m$ MS Shell DlgP d*| tP6 D(&W): PD$ Pmsctls_updown32P'6 t(&H): PD%$ Pmsctls_updown32P 7d*= l0PE6 D(&I) : PDC$ Pmsctls_updown32PS6 t(&E) : PDQ$ Pmsctls_updown32Ps U*\X ]PwK Xϔ 0(&C)Ps7U*X!PwEK< Ȁ$mConfiguratieMS Shell DlgP d*BufferzoneP6 &Breedte : PD$ Pmsctls_updown32P'6 &Hoogte : PD%$ Pmsctls_updown32P 7d*VenstergroottePE6 B&reedte : PDC$ Pmsctls_updown32PS6 H&oogte : PDQ$ Pmsctls_updown32Ps U*Programma is beindigdPwK &Console afsluitenPs7U*Versie!PwEK< Ȁ$mUstawieniaMS Shell DlgP d*Strefa buforaP6 &Szeroko[: PD$ Pmsctls_updown32P'6 &Wysoko[: PD%$ Pmsctls_updown32P 7d*Rozmiar oknaPE6 S&zeroko[: PDC$ Pmsctls_updown32PS6 W&ysoko[: PDQ$ Pmsctls_updown32Ps U*Na zakoDczenie pracyPwK &Zamknij konsolPs7U*Edycja!PwEK< Ȁ$mConfiguraieMS Shell DlgP d*Zon tamponP6 Li&me: PD$ Pmsctls_updown32P'6 &nlime: PD%$ Pmsctls_updown32P 7d*Dimensiune fereastrPE6 L&ime: PDC$ Pmsctls_updown32PS6 nlim&e: PDQ$ Pmsctls_updown32Ps U*Sfritul programuluiPwK n&chide consolaPs7U*Ediie!PwEK< Ȁ$m>=D83C@0F8OMS Shell DlgP d*>=0 1CD5@0P6 &(8@8=0: PD$ Pmsctls_updown32P'6 &KA>B0: PD%$ Pmsctls_updown32P 7d* 07<5@ >:=0PE6 (&8@8=0: PDC$ Pmsctls_updown32PS6 &KA>B0: PDQ$ Pmsctls_updown32Ps U*025@H5=85 ?@>3@0<<KPwK &0:@K20BL :>=A>;LPs7U* 540:B8@>20=85!PwEK< Ȁ$mKonfiguracijaMS Shell DlgP d*Tampon zonaP6 &`irina: PD$ Pmsctls_updown32P'6 &Visina: PD%$ Pmsctls_updown32P 7d*Veli ina rozoraPE6 `&irina: PDC$ Pmsctls_updown32PS6 Vi&sina: PDQ$ Pmsctls_updown32Ps U*Kraj programaPwK &Zatvori konzoluPs7U*Edicija!PwEK< Ȁ$mKonfigurationMS Shell DlgP d*BuffertzonP6 &Bredd: PD$ Pmsctls_updown32P'6 &Hjd: PD%$ Pmsctls_updown32P 7d*FnsterstorlekPE6 B&redd: PDC$ Pmsctls_updown32PS6 H&jd: PDQ$ Pmsctls_updown32Ps U*Slut p programPwK &Stng konsolPs7U*Edition!PwEK< Ȁ$mYap1land1rmaMS Shell DlgP d*Tampon blgeP6 &Geni_lik : PD$ Pmsctls_updown32P'6 &Ykseklik : PD%$ Pmsctls_updown32P 7d*Pencere boyutuPE6 &Geni_lik : PDC$ Pmsctls_updown32PS6 &Ykseklik : PDQ$ Pmsctls_updown32Ps U*Program sonuPwK &Konsolu kapatPs7U*Yay1n!PwEK< Ȁ$m>=DV3C@0FVOMS Shell DlgP d*>=0 1CD5@0P6 &(8@8=0: PD$ Pmsctls_updown32P'6 &8A>B0: PD%$ Pmsctls_updown32P 7d* >7<V@ 2V:=0PE6 (&8@8=0: PDC$ Pmsctls_updown32PS6 8A>&B0: PDQ$ Pmsctls_updown32Ps U*025@H5==O ?@>3@0<8PwK &0:@8B8 :>=A>;LPs7U*8?CA:!PwEK< Ȁ$mNastavitveMS Shell DlgP d*Velikost medpomnilnikaP6 &`irina: PD$ Pmsctls_updown32P'6 &Viaina: PD%$ Pmsctls_updown32P 7d*Velikost oknaPE6 `i&rina: PDC$ Pmsctls_updown32PS6 V&iaina: PDQ$ Pmsctls_updown32Ps U*Konec programaPwK &Zapri konzoloPs7U*Izdaja!PwEK< Ȁ$mKonfigkracijaMS Shell DlgP d*Buferio dydisP6 &Plotis: PD$ Pmsctls_updown32P'6 &Aukatis: PD%$ Pmsctls_updown32P 7d*Lango dydisPE6 P&lotis: PDC$ Pmsctls_updown32PS6 A&ukatis: PDQ$ Pmsctls_updown32Ps U*Programos pabaigaPwK U~&daryti pultPs7U*Laida!PwEK< Ȁ$m MS Shell DlgP d* P6 (&W): PD$ Pmsctls_updown32P'6 (&H): PD%$ Pmsctls_updown32P 7d* PE6 (&I): PDC$ Pmsctls_updown32PS6 (&E): PDQ$ Pmsctls_updown32Ps U*End of programPwK  (&C)Ps7U* !PwEK< Ȁ$mConfiguracinMS Shell DlgP d*Zona del bferP6 &Anchor: PD$ Pmsctls_updown32P'6 &Altor: PD%$ Pmsctls_updown32P 7d*Tamau de la ventanaPE6 A&nchor: PDC$ Pmsctls_updown32PS6 A&ltor: PDQ$ Pmsctls_updown32Ps U*Fin del programaPwK &Zarrar la consolaPs7U*Edicin!PwEK< Ȁ$mD}Ka MS Shell DlgP d*}]@SWP6 [^(&W) PD$ Pmsctls_updown32P'6 ؚ^(&H) PD%$ Pmsctls_updown32P 7d*z'Y\PE6 [^(&I) PDC$ Pmsctls_updown32PS6 ؚ^(&E) PDQ$ Pmsctls_updown32Ps U*vu z_P}_g_PwK ܕ[dB}z(&C)Ps7U*Edition!PwEK< Ȁ$mConfigurationMS Shell DlgP d*Buffer zoneP6 &Width: PD$ Pmsctls_updown32P'6 &Height: PD%$ Pmsctls_updown32P 7d*Window sizePE6 W&idth: PDC$ Pmsctls_updown32PS6 H&eight: PDQ$ Pmsctls_updown32Ps U*End of programPwK &Close consolePs7U*Edition!PwEK< Ȁ$mOppsettMS Shell DlgP d*HurtigminnesoneP6 &Bredde: PD$ Pmsctls_updown32P'6 &Hyde: PD%$ Pmsctls_updown32P 7d*VindustrrelsePE6 &Bredde: PDC$ Pmsctls_updown32PS6 Hyd&e: PDQ$ Pmsctls_updown32Ps U*Ved programsluttPwK &Lukk konsollPs7U*Utgave!PwEK< Ȁ$mConfiguraoMS Shell DlgP d*Zona do bufferP6 &Largura: PD$ Pmsctls_updown32P'6 &Altura: PD%$ Pmsctls_updown32P 7d*Tamanho da janelaPE6 L&argura: PDC$ Pmsctls_updown32PS6 A&ltura: PDQ$ Pmsctls_updown32Ps U*Finalizar programaPwK &Fechar o consolePs7U*Edio!PwEK< Ȁ$mAgordoMS Shell DlgP d*BufroP6 &Laro: PD$ Pmsctls_updown32P'6 &Alto: PD%$ Pmsctls_updown32P 7d*FenestroPE6 La&ro: PDC$ Pmsctls_updown32PS6 Al&to: PDQ$ Pmsctls_updown32Ps U*ProgramfinoPwK &Fermi terminalonPs7U*Redaktado!PwEK< Ȁ$mMn MS Shell DlgP d*Q:SP6 [^(&W) PD$ Pmsctls_updown32P'6 ؚ^(&H) PD%$ Pmsctls_updown32P 7d*zS'Y\PE6 [^(&I) PDC$ Pmsctls_updown32PS6 ؚ^(&E) PDQ$ Pmsctls_updown32Ps U*S_ z^QTPwK sQ핧c6RS(&C)Ps7U*Hr,g!PwEK< Ȁ$mConfiguraoMS Shell DlgP 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parametersMS Shell Dlg P  Retain these settings for later sessions P  Modify only current sessionPd+2OKP+2<Console parametersMS Shell Dlg P  Retain these settings for later sessions P  Modify only current sessionPd+2OKP+2Cancel<Parmetros de consolaMS Shell Dlg P  Guardar esta configuracin para sesiones posteriores P  Modificar slo la sesin actualPd+2AceptarP+2Cancelar<Konsolin parametritMS Shell Dlg P  Muista nm asetukset myhemp varten P  Muokkaa vain nykyist istuntoaPd+2OKP+2Peruuta<Paramtres de la consoleMS Shell Dlg P  Sauver les paramtres pour les prochaines sessions P  Appliquer uniquement la session courantePd+2OKP+2Annuler@<  MS Shell Dlg P       P     Pd+2P+2<Konsol paramterekMS Shell Dlg P  Belltsok mentse P  Csak az aktulis munkafolyamat mdostsaPd+2OKP+2Mgse<Parametri della consoleMS Shell Dlg P  Salva queste impostazioni P  Modifica solo la sessione correntePd+2OkP+2Annulla<00000 00000 MS Shell Dlg P  S0n0-[0N_n000000g00)R(uY00 P  s(Wn000000n00 YfY00Pd+2OKP+200000<Xϔ  MS 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Modify only current sessionPd+2%P+2"@%4<Konsol Ayarlar1MS Shell Dlg P  Sonraki oturumlar iin sakla P  Sadece geerli oturuma uygulaPd+2TamamP+20ptal<0@0<5B@8 :>=A>;VMS Shell Dlg P  15@53B8 FV =0;0HBC20==O 4;O =0ABC?=8E A5AV9 P  <V=N20B8 ;8H5 ?>B>G=C A5AVNPd+2OKP+2!:0AC20B8<Parametri konzoleMS Shell Dlg P  Obdr~i te nastavitve za prihodnje seje P  Spremeni samo trenutno sejoPd+2V reduP+2Prekli i<Pulto parametraiMS Shell Dlg P  Iasaugoti vlesniems seansams P  Keisti tik dabartin/ seansPd+2GeraiP+2Atsisakyti@<Console parametersMS Shell Dlg P  Retain these settings for later sessions P  Modify only current sessionPd+2B(HDP+2'F51'A<Console parametersMS Shell Dlg P  Retain these settings for later sessions P  Modify only current sessionPd+2 P+2 <Console parametersMS Shell Dlg P  Retain these settings for later sessions P  Modify only current sessionPd+26 0 ? P+2Cancel< MS Shell Dlg P  Retain these settings for later sessions P   Pd+2 P+2 <Console parametersMS Shell Dlg P  Retain these settings for later sessions P  Modify only current sessionPd+2I VaP+2Rinonc<Console parametersMS Shell Dlg P  Retain these settings for later sessions P  Modify only current sessionPd+2AceutarP+2Encaboxar<[dB}zWLSxe MS Shell Dlg P  OYuvuMRMnNO N!kO(u P  PO9evMRv]\OkPd+2x[P+2Sm<Console parametersMS Shell Dlg P  Retain these settings for later sessions P  Modify only current sessionPd+2OKP+2Cancel<Konsoll-parametereMS Shell Dlg P  Behold disse innstillingene for kommende kter P  Endre kun for gjeldende ktPd+2OKP+2Avbryt<Parmetros do consoleMS Shell Dlg P  Manter configuraes nas sesses seguintes P  Modificar somente sesso atualPd+2OKP+2Cancelar<Terminala parametojMS Shell Dlg P  Konserrvi i tiujn agordadojn P  Modifi nur nunan sesionPd+2BoneP+2Rezigni<c6RSSpe MS Shell Dlg P  OYuS_MRMnNONTO(u P  NO9eS_MRO݋Pd+2nx[P+2Sm<Parmetros da consolaMS Shell Dlg P  Manter configuraes nas sesses seguintes P  Modificar apenas a sesso actualPd+2OKP+2Cancelar<Console parametersMS Shell Dlg P  Retain these settings for later sessions P  Modify only current sessionPd+2U reduP+2Otka~i<Console parametersMS Shell Dlg P  Retain these settings for later sessions P  Modify only current sessionPd+2# @54CP+2B:068&*-1J16(7 'D'A*1'&6J'*'D.5'&&5 & 540:B8@0=5 Set &Defaults !2>&9AB20&Edita!Estableix els valors per &defecte &Propietats&UpravitNastavit &vchoz &VlastnostiR&edigerSt &Standarder &Egenskaber &Bearbeiten&Standards festlegen&Eigenschaften&Edit Set &Defaults &&Edit Set &Defaults &Properties&Editar Por &defecto &Propiedades&MuokkaaAseta &oletukset &Ominaisuudet&ditionParamtres par &dfaut &Proprits& &  & S&zerkeszts Ala&prtkek&Tulajdonsgok &ModificaImposta pre&definite &Propriet}Ɩ(&E) 00000(&D) 00000(&P)(&E) 0<\ $(&D)1(&P) Be&werken&Standaardinstellingen&Eigenschappen&EdycjaUstaw &domy[lne WBa[&ciwo[ci&Lavurar Set &Defaults &Properties&EditareSetri &implicite &Proprieti&@02:0 > &C<>;G0=8N &!2>9AB20 Urei&vanjePost&avi podrazumijevane &Svojstva&Upravie Set &Defaults &Vlastnosti R&edigeraStll in s&tandardvrden &EgenskaperAID Set &Defaults#1AH2,42&Dzen&Varsay1lan Ayarlar &zellikler & 5403C20==O0 &70<>2GC20==O< &;0AB82>ABVUr&ediNastavi &privzete nastavitve &Lastnosti&TaisaNustatyti &numatytsias&Savybs&H1'4 Set &Defaults &Properties&Edit Set &Defaults 8 B  ( > (&o)&Edit Set &Defaults  > #  > 0 @ (&o)&Edit Set &Defaults 8 B  ( > (&o)&Edit Set &Defaults 8 . >  > 0 . 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(C3D H7HDG %2!u! (C3D G0' A-5 AB7=Cada carcter s %1!u! pxels d'ampla per %2!u! pxels d'altaAix s una prova7Ka~d znak je %1!u! pixelo airok a %2!u! pixelo vysok Toto je test1Hvert tegn er %1!u! pixel bred og %2!u! pixel hjDette er en test8Jedes Zeichen ist %1!u! Pixel breit und %2!u! Pixel hochDies ist ein Test9Each character is %1!u! pixels wide and %2!u! pixels highThis is a testDCada carcter tiene %1!u! pxeles de ancho por %2!u! pxeles de altoEsto es una prueba@Jokainen merkki on %1!u! pikseli leve ja %2!u! pikseli korkea Tm on testiDChaque caractre fait %1!u! pixels de large sur %2!u! pixels de hautCeci est un test9Each character is %1!u! pixels wide and %2!u! pixels high  7Minden karakter %1!u! pixel szles s %2!u! pixel magas Ez egy teszt5Ogni carattere largo %1!u! pixel e alto %2!u! pixelQuesta una prova#]00^00n0eW[o0 %1!u! 0000n0E^0%2!u! 0000n0ؚU0S00o0000g0Y0'X ǔ %1!u! =@ D %2!u! =@ t| Ȳ tǃ@ LѤ¸҅Ȳ7Elk karakter is %1!u! pixels breed en %2!u! pixels hoogDit is een testBKa|dy znak jest szeroki na %1!u! piksele i wysoki na %2!u! piksele To jest prbaAFiecare caracter are %1!u! pixeli lime i %2!u! pixeli nlimeAcesta este un test?064K9 A8<2>; %1!u! ?8:A5;59 2 H8@8=C 8 %2!u! ?8:A5;59 2 2KA>BC-B> B5AB7Svaki znak je %1!u! piksela airok i %2!u! piksela visok Ovo je probaAVarje bokstav r %1!u! bildpunkter bred och %2!u! bildpunkter hgDet hr r ett test6Her karakter %1!u! piksel geni_ ve %2!u! piksel yksekBu bir s1namad1rB>65= A8<2>; <0T %1!u! ?V:A5;V2 2 H8@8=C V %2!u! ?V:A5;V2 2 28A>BC&5 B5AB1Vsak znak je airok %1!u! to k in visok %2!u! to kPreizkusno besediloGKiekvienas simbolis yra %1!u! pikselis plo io ir %2!u! pikselis auka ioTai yra testas9Each character is %1!u! pixels wide and %2!u! pixels high :Cada caruter ye de %1!u! pxeles d'anchor y %2!u! d'altorEsto ye una pruebak PW[CQ/f %1!u! PP }[ %2!u! PP }ؚ/fNk,nf o`9Each character is %1!u! pixels wide and %2!u! pixels highThis is a test7Hvert tegn er %1!u! piksler bredt og %2!u! piksler hytDette er en testECada caractere tem %1!u! pixels de largura por %2!u! pixels de alturaEste um teste?Tipo estas lara %1!u! rastrumerojn kaj alta %2!u! rastrumerojni tiu estas provok*NW[&{/f %1!u! P }[ %2!u! P }ؚThis is a test ُ/fKmՋDCada caracter tem %1!u! pixels de largura por %2!u! pixels de alturaEste um teste)71AJ) H'JF : DE F*ECF EF *-DJD 1BE 'D-/+ 71AJ) H'JF : 'D.DAJ) :J1 3DJE) )71AJ) H'JF : .J'1 :J1 E6(H7 D371 'D#H'E1 (/! 'D(1F'E, 6EF 71AJ) H'JF 471AJ) H'JF : A4D *4:JD 'D(1F'E, %s. 'D#E1 :J1 3DJE. ;wineconsole: No s'ha pogut processar l'id del esdeveniment wineconsole: Rerefons no vlid 3wineconsole: Opci de lnia d'ordres no reconeguda +Inicia un programa en una consola del Wine Fwineconsole: L'inici del programa %s ha fallat. L'ordre no s vlida. 7wineconcole: nedaY se parsovat identifiktor udlosti wineconsole: neplatn backend +wineconsole: Neznm volba pYkazov Ydky Spust program v konzoli Wine Dwineconsole: spuatn programu %s se nezdaYilo. PYkaz je neplatn. 0wineconsole: Kunne ikke fortolke begivenheds id wineconsole: Ugyldig backend 'wineconsole: Ukendt kommandolinje valg $Starter et program i en Wine konsol Gwineconsole: Start af programmet %s mislykkede. Kommandoen er ugyldig. 3wineconsole: Parsen der Ereignis-ID fehlgeschlagen wineconsole: Ungltiges Backend ,wineconsole: Unbekannte Befehlszeilenoption +Startet ein Programm in einer Wine-Konsole Owineconsole: Starten des Programms %s fehlgeschlagen. Der Befehl ist ungltig. %wineconsole: Couldn't parse event id wineconsole: Invalid backend .wineconsole: Unrecognised command line option #Starts a program in a Wine console Awineconsole: Starting program %s failed. The command is invalid. 2wineconsole: No se pudo procesar el id del evento wineconsole: Final invlido ,wineconsole: Lnea de comando no reconocida *Inicia un programa en una consola de Wine Hwineconsole: El arranque del programa %s fall. El comando es invlido. 3wineconsole: Tapahtuman id:t ei saatu jsennetty *wineconsole: Virheellinen backend-valinta *wineconsole: Tuntematon komentoriviasetus %Kynnist ohjelman Winen konsolissa Gwineconsole: Ohjelman %s kynnistys eponnistui. Komento on viallinen. Awineconsole: impossible de dchiffrer l'identifiant d'vnement ,wineconsole: moteur de traitement invalide 7wineconsole: option de ligne de commande non reconnue +Dmarre un programme dans une console Wine Pwineconsole: impossible de dmarrer le programme %s. La commande est invalide. %wineconsole: Couldn't parse event id wineconsole: Invalid backend .wineconsole: Unrecognized command line option #Starts a program in a Wine console Awineconsole: Starting program %s failed. The command is invalid. 2wineconsole: Nem lehet felbontani az esemny id-t !wineconsole: rvnytelen backend /wineconsole: Felismerhetetlen parancssor opci "Program indtsa a Wine konzolbl Fwineconsole: %s program indtsa nem sikerlt. A parancs rvnytelen. .wineconsole: impossibile analizzare id evento wineconsole: backend non valido =wineconsole: opzione della linea di comando non riconosciuta 'Avvia un programma in una console Wine >wineconsole: impossibile avviare %s. Il comando non valido. !wineconsole: 0000 ID 0㉐gg0M0~0[00g0W0_0 wineconsole: 000000L0ckW0O0B00~0[00 $wineconsole: Xg0M0j0D00000 000 00000g0Y0 Wine 00000Qg0000000Y 1wineconsole: 00000 %s n0Yk01YWeW0~0W0_00 0000o0ckW0O0B00~0[000 "wineconsole: tǤ id| #D  ŵȲ wineconsole: ,t J@ 1ܴ wineconsole: tt`  Ŕ 9 |x 5X Wine Xϔ \ ‘ -wineconsole: \ %s ‘ (. t 9@ ,t JŵȲ. .wineconsole: Fout in verwerken gebeurtenis id wineconsole: Onjuiste backend /wineconsole: Niet herkende opdrachtregel optie 5Dit start een programma in een Wine console-omgeving Hwineconsole: Starten van programma %s mislukt. Het commando is onjuist. #wineconsole: ZBy format 'event id' 1wineconsole: NiewBa[ciwa warto[ opcji 'backend' -wineconsole: Nieznana opcja na linii poleceD !Uruchamia program w konsoli Wine Nwineconsole: Nie udaBo si uruchomi programu %s. Polecenie jest niewBa[ciwe. Cwineconsole: Nu a putut fi descifrat identificatorul evenimentului wineconsole: backend nevalid ;wineconsole: Opiune nerecunoscut pentru linia de comand (Pornete un program ntr-o consol Wine Fwineconsole: Pornirea programului %s a euat. Comanda nu este valid. (wineconsole: =525@=> C:070= :>4 A>1KB8O !wineconsole: =58725AB=K9 backend 0wineconsole: =525@=K9 ?0@0<5B@ :><0=4=>9 AB@>:8 0?CA: ?@>3@0<<K 2 :>=A>;8 Wine Kwineconsole: =5 C40;>AL 70?CAB8BL ?@>3@0<<C %s. 525@=> C:070=0 :><0=40. -wineconsole: id dogaaja se ne mo~e obraditi )wineconsole: Neispravan pozadinski pogon !wineconsole: Neprepoznata opcija Pokree pogram u Wine konzoli Ewineconsole: Pokretanje programa %s neuspjelo. Naredba nije valjana. *wineconsole: Kunde inte tolka hndelse-ID wineconsole: Invalid backend &wineconsole: Oknd kommandoradsflagga %Startar ett program i en Wine-konsol Iwineconsole: Start av programmet %s misslyckades. Kommandot r ogiltigt. 'wineconsole: Olay kimlii ay1klanamad1 wineconsole: Geersiz arka u .wineconsole: Tan1nmayan komut sat1r1 seenei -Wine konsolu ierisinde bir program ba_lat1r ?wineconsole: %s program1n1 ba_latma ba_ar1s1z. Komut geersiz. wineconsole: 52V@=89 :>4 ?>4VW wineconsole: 52V@=89 backend 1wineconsole: 52V4><89 ?0@0<5B@ :><0=4=>3> @O4:0 0?CA: ?@>3@0<8 2 :>=A>;V Wine <wineconsole: 0?CA: ?@>3@0<8 %s =5 2402AO. ><0=40 =52V@=0. 3wineconsole: napaka med raz lenjevanjem ID dogodka wineconsole: neveljavno zaledje .wineconsole: nepoznana mo~nost ukazne vrstice Za~ene program v konzoli Wine =wineconsole: zagon programa %s ni uspel. Ukaz je neveljaven. = Wine pultas: nepavyko ianagrinti /vykio identifikatoriaus $ Wine pultas: neteisinga posistem 8 Wine pultas: neatpa~intas komandos eiluts parametras Paleid~ia program  Wine pulte C Wine pultas: nepavyko paleisti programos %s. Neteisinga komanda. 4wineconsole: id !wineconsole: /wineconsole: - Wine Bwineconsole: %s . . %wineconsole: Couldn't parse event id &wineconsole: El backend nun ye vlidu .wineconsole: Unrecognized command line option #Starts a program in a Wine console Hwineconsole: Fall l'aniciu del programa %s. El comandu nun ye vlidu.s wineconsole!qlVRgNNX%R_ wineconsole!qHev_z z_ wineconsole!qlXv}TNRx (W Wine ;Nc-N_UYN P z_ wineconsole_UY z_ %s Bf1YWe0 }TN!qHe0 %wineconsole: Couldn't parse event id wineconsole: Invalid backend .wineconsole: Unrecognized command line option #Starts a program in a Wine console Awineconsole: Starting program %s failed. The command is invalid. +wineconsole: Klarte ikke lese hendelses-id wineconsole: Ugyldig motor (wineconsole: Ukjent kommandolinjeopsjon %Starter et program i en Wine-konsoll Cwineconsole: Klarte ikke starte programmet %s. Ugyldig kommando. /wineconsole: Impossvel extrair o id do evento wineconsole: Estrutura invlida 5wineconsole: Opo de linha de comandos desconhecida +Inicializa um programa num console do Wine Awineconsole: Falha ao iniciar programa %s. O comando invlido. wineconsole: el㉐gNN id wineconsole: eHeTz wineconsole: }TNL y (W Wine c6RS-NЏL z^ wineconsole: el/TR z^ %s0 }TNeHe0 /wineconsole: Impossvel extrair o id do evento wineconsole: Estrutura invlida 5wineconsole: Opo de linha de comandos desconhecida )Arranca um programa numa consola do Wine Ewineconsole: O arranque do programa %s falhou. O comando invlido. 8 'D'3*./'E: wineconsole ['D#E1> ['D.J'1'*> 'D.J'1'*: } --backend={E$41'*|E3*./E}'.*J'1 'DE3*./E H 'DE$41'* E-'HD) '3*./'E 'D71AJ) 'D-'DJ) C71AJ) H'JF. H <'D#E1> (1F'E, H'JF 'D0J 3J*E E-'HD) *4:JD AJ 'D71AJ). E E+'D: wineconsole cmd H0DC D*4:JD 371 'H'E1 H'JF 6EF 71AJ) H'JF. / s: wineconsole [opcions] <ordre> Opcions: --backend={user|curses} Triar user generar una finestra nova, curses intentar configurar el terminal actual com a consola del Wine. I <ordre> El programa del Wine a iniciar en la consola. R Exemple: wineconsole cmd Inicia l'indicador d'ordres en una consola del Wine. 0 Pou~it: wineconsole [volby] <pYkaz> Volby: --backend={user|curses} Voba  user vytvoY nov okno,  curses se pokus udlat Wine terminl z toho stvajcho. G <pYkaz> program ur en pro spuatn ve Wine konzoli. L PYklad: wineconsole cmd Spust pYkazov Ydek Wine ve Wine terminlu. 1 Brug: wineconsole [tilvalg] <kommando> Valg: --backend={user|curses} Vlges user vil det frembringe et nyt vindue. Vlges curses vil det prve at ndre det nuvrende terminal vindue til en Wine konsol. D <kommando> Wine program der skal kres i konsollen. N Eksempel: wineconsole cmd Starter Wine kommandoprompten i en Wine konsol. 6 Aufruf: wineconsole [Optionen] <Befehl> Optionen: --backend={user|curses} Auswahl von  user erstellt ein neues Fenster,  curses versucht das aktuelle Terminal als Wine-Konsole einzurichten. K <Befehl> Das in der Konsole zu startende Wine-Programm. S Beispiel: wineconsole cmd Startet die Wine-Befehlszeile in einer Wine-Konsole. 4 Usage: wineconsole [options] <command> Options: --backend={user|curses} Choosing user will spawn a new window, curses will try to setup the current terminal as a Wine console. F <command> The Wine program to launch in the console. O Example: wineconsole cmd Starts the Wine command prompt in a Wine console. 4 Uso: wineconsole [opciones] <comando> Opciones: --backend={user|curses} Seleccionando user generar una nueva ventana, curses intentar configurar el terminal actual como una consola de Wine. O <comando> El programa de Wine que se iniciar en la consola. X Ejemplo: wineconsole cmd Inicia el smbolo del sistema de Wine en una consola Wine. ; Kytt: wineconsole [valitsimet] <komento> Valitsimet: --backend={user|curses} Valinta user luo uuden ikkunan, curses yritt kytt nykyist ptett Winen komentorivin. B <komento> Wine-ohjelma, joka avataan konsolissa. S Esimerkki: wineconsole cmd Kynnist Winen komentokehotteen Winen konsolissa. 7 Usage: wineconsole [options] <commande> Options: --backend={user|curses} Utilisez user pour utiliser une nouvelle fentre curses pour tenter de convertir le terminal courant en console Wine. I <commande> Le programme Wine excuter dans la console. a Exemple: wineconsole cmd Dmarre l'interprteur de commandes de Wine dans une console Wine. 4 Usage: wineconsole [options] <command> Options: --backend={user|curses} Choosing user will spawn a new window, curses will try to setup the current terminal as a Wine console. F <command> The Wine program to launch in the console. O Example: wineconsole cmd Starts the Wine command prompt in a Wine console. 7 Hasznlate: wineconsole [opcik] <parancs> Opcik: --backend={user|curses} User vlasztsa j ablakot szl, curses megprblja belltani az aktulis terminlt Wine konzolknt. D <parancs> A Wine program hajtja vgre a konzolban. J Plda: wineconsole cmd Elindtja a Wine parancssort a Wine konzolban. 2 Uso: wineconsole [opzioni] <comando> Opzioni: --backend={user|curses} Scegliere user far aprire una nuova finestra, curses prover a inizializzare il terminale corrente come una console Wine. M <comando> Il programma di Wine da lanciare in una console. V Esempio: wineconsole cmd Avvia il prompt dei comandi di Wine in una console Wine. + OD0e: wineconsole [00000] <0000> 00000: --backend={user|curses} Wine 00000n00000000xbW0~0Y00 user: e000000ubW0~0Y00 curses: s(Wn0z+g0)R(uW00F0h0W0~0Y00 . <0000> 00000g0YY00 Wine 000000 : O: wineconsole cmd Wine 0000 000000 Wine 00000g0YW0~0Y00 # ƕ: wineconsole [5X] <9> 5X: t --backend={user|curses} Ɛ =D x, curses<\ Wine Xϔ ֬ 9 t0 м x . 3 <9> The Wine \@ XϔD t ‘(. 2 : wineconsole cmd Wine Xϔ Wine 9 lո ‘. 5 Gebruik: wineconsole [opties] <commando> Opties: --backend={user|curses} Kiezen voor user zal een nieuw window doen verschijnen, curses zal proberen de huidige terminal om te zetten in een Wine console. S <commando> Het Wine programma dat zal starten in de Wine console. Q Voorbeeld: wineconsole cmd Start de Wine command prompt in een Wine console. 3 U|ycie: wineconsole [opcje] <polecenie> Opcje: --backend={user|curses} Wybr u|ytkownika uruchomi nowe okno, curses sprbuje ustawi obecny terminal jako konsola Wine. C <polecenie> Program Wine do uruchomienia w konsoli. L PrzykBad: wineconsole cmd Uruchamia wiersz poleceD Wine w konsoli Wine. 8 Utilizare: wineconsole [opiuni] <comand> Opiuni: --backend={user|curses} Dac alegei user, se va deschide o nou fereastr, curses va ncerca s configureze terminalul curent ca fiind consol Wine. B <comand> De executat programul Wine n consol. Y Exemplu: wineconsole cmd Pornete caseta de comand pentru Wine ntr-o consol Wine. 8 K7>2: wineconsole [?0@0<5B@K] <:><0=40> 0@0<5B@K: --backend={user|curses}  @568<5 user 1C45B >B:@KB> =>2>5 >:=>, 0 2 @568<5 curses :>=A>;L Wine 1C45B =0AB@>5=0 2 B5:CI5< >:=5 B5@<8=0;0. J <:><0=40> 0720=85 ?@>3@0<<K 4;O 70?CA:0 2 :>=A>;8 Wine. S 0?@8<5@: wineconsole cmd B:@K205B :><0=4=>5 ?@83;0H5=85 Wine 2 :>=A>;8 Wine. 4 Uporaba: wineconsole [opcije] <naredba> Opcije: --backend={user|curses} Choosing user will spawn a new window, curses will try to setup the current terminal as a Wine console. @ <naredba> Wine program za pokrenuti u konzoli. J Primjer: wineconsole cmd Pokree Wine naredbenu liniju u Wine konzoli : Anvndning: wineconsole [flaggor] <kommando> Flaggor: --backend={user|curses} Vlj user fr att starta ett nytt fnster, curses fr att ange aktuell terminal som en Wine-konsol. ? <kommando> Wine-program att starta i konsolen. L Exempel: wineconsole cmd Startar Wines kommandoprompt i en Wine-konsol. ; Kullan1m: wineconsole [seenekler] <komut> Seenekler: --backend={user|curses} user yeni bir pencere aar, curses ise _imdiki ubirimi bir Wine konsolu olarak kurmay1 dener. I <komut> Konsol ierisinde al1_t1r1lacak Wine program1. I rnek: wineconsole cmd Wine konsolunda Wine komut istemini ba_lat1r. ? 8:>@8AB0==O: wineconsole [?0@0<5B@8] <:><0=40> 0@0<5B@8: --backend={user|curses} 81V@ user 2V4:@8T =>25 2V:=>, curses A?@>1CT =0;0HBC20B8 ?>B>G=89 B5@<V=0; O: :>=A>;L Wine. F <:><0=40> 0720 ?@>3@0<8 4;O 70?CA:C 2 :>=A>;V Wine. J @8:;04: wineconsole cmd 0?CA: :><0=4=>3> @O4:0 Wine 2 :>=A>;V Wine. 5 Uporaba: wineconsole [mo~nosti] <ukaz> Mo~nosti: --backend={user|curses} Izbira 'user' odpre novo okno, medtem ko 'curses' poskuaa uporabiti trenutni terminal kot konzolo Wine. J <ukaz> Program Wine, ki ga ~elite izvesti v konzoli. L Primer: a wineconsole cmd Za~ene ukazni poziv Wine (cmd) v konzoli Wine. ? Naudojimas: wineconsole [parametrai] <komanda> Parametrai: --backend={user|curses}  User sukurs nauj lang,  curses mgins sukonfigkruoti dabartin/ terminal kaip  Wine pult. = <komanda>  Wine programa paleidimui pulte. U Pavyzdys: wineconsole cmd Paleid~ia  Wine komands interpretatoris  Wine pulte. 2 : wineconsole [ ] < > : --backend={user|curses} user , curses terminal Wine . D < > Wine . U : wineconsole cmd Wine Wine . 4 Usu: wineconsole [opciones] <comandu> Opciones: --backend={user|curses} Choosing user will spawn a new window, curses will try to setup the current terminal as a Wine console. E <command> El programa de Wine a llanzar na consola. X Exemplu: wineconsole cmd Anicia la llinia de comandos de Wine nuna consola de Wine. " (ul wineconsole [x] <}TN> x f --backend={user|curses} xd user \Muevz curses \ fW-[vMRvB}z_jZPp Wine ;Nc0 , <}TN> (W;Nc-N_URv Wine z_0 3 {O wineconsole cmd (W Wine ;Nc-N_UY Wine cNc:y&{_0 4 Usage: wineconsole [options] <command> Options: --backend={user|curses} Choosing user will spawn a new window, curses will try to setup the current terminal as a Wine console. F <command> The Wine program to launch in the console. O Example: wineconsole cmd Starts the Wine command prompt in a Wine console. > Bruk: wineconsole [alternativer] <kommando> Alternativer: --backend={user|curses} 'user' lager et nytt vindu, mens 'curses' prver bruke gjeldende terminal som Wine-konsoll. H <kommando> Wine-programmet som skal kjres i konsollen. J Eksempel: wineconsole cmd Starter Wine-ledeteksten i en Wine-konsoll. 9 Modo de usar: wineconsole [opes] <comando> Opes: --backend={user|curses} A opo user abrir uma nova janela e curses tentar configurar o terminal atual como um console do Wine. D <comando> O programa Wine a ser aberto no console. Y Exemplo: wineconsole cmd Inicializa a linha de comandos do Wine num console do Wine. , (ul wineconsole [options] <command> y f --backend={user|curses} user OSb_ezS curses OՋV(WS_MR ~z-NЏL Wine c6RS0 . <command> (Wc6RSЏLv Wine z^0 0 :yO wineconsole cmd (W Wine c6RS-NЏL Wine }TNL0 0 Uso: wineconsole [opes] <comando> Opes: --backend={user|curses} Se escolher utilizador vai abrir uma nova janela, curses vai tentar configurar o terminal actual como uma consola Wine. @ <comando> O programa Wine a lanar na consola. S Exemplo: wineconsole cmd Inicia a linha de comandos do Wine numa consola Wine. curseswineconsolewineconsolewc_fontwineconsolewineconsole41be923d241be182aa674417ab02aede90a3f6.debug!=.shstrtab.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.plt.got.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.dynamic.data.bss.gnu_debuglink 88$o``( ``0` ` 8o  Eo pTp^Bx"x"h00%c0@0@pnAAwAA}8686 @@& (/(/ 0:0:9Ќ|،||r~PP*PP4