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%.3f = %.3f%.*f %s%s (%u) %s (%u/%u) 100 % %*s %*s %*s %10s %10s %s, , %s%s: %*s %*s %*s %10s %10s Internal error (bug)Memory usage limit reachedFile format not recognizedUnsupported optionsCompressed data is corruptUnexpected end of input%s B%s MiBUNKNOWNnormalhc3bt2bt3bt4hc4%uMiB%uKiBlzma%c=dict=%s=start=%udelta=dist=%u --%s: Filter chain: %s xz (XZ Utils) 5.2.4liblzma %s Operation mode: Operation modifiers: Other options: lasse.collin@tukaani.org%s home page: <%s> https://tukaani.org/xz/XZ UtilsCannot establish signal handlersNo integrity check; not verifying file integrityUnsupported type of integrity check; not verifying file integrity%s MiB of memory is required. The limiter is disabled.%s MiB of memory is required. The limit is %s.,lc=%u,lp=%u,pb=%u,mode=%s,nice=%u,mf=%s,depth=%uTry `%s --help' for more information.XZ_VERSION=%u LIBLZMA_VERSION=%u Usage: %s [OPTION]... [FILE]... Compress or decompress FILEs in the .xz format. Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too. -z, --compress force compression -d, --decompress force decompression -t, --test test compressed file integrity -l, --list list information about .xz files -k, --keep keep (don't delete) input files -f, --force force overwrite of output file and (de)compress links -c, --stdout write to standard output and don't delete input files --single-stream decompress only the first stream, and silently ignore possible remaining input data --no-sparse do not create sparse files when decompressing -S, --suffix=.SUF use the suffix `.SUF' on compressed files --files[=FILE] read filenames to process from FILE; if FILE is omitted, filenames are read from the standard input; filenames must be terminated with the newline character --files0[=FILE] like --files but use the null character as terminator Basic file format and compression options: -F, --format=FMT file format to encode or decode; possible values are `auto' (default), `xz', `lzma', and `raw' -C, --check=CHECK integrity check type: `none' (use with caution), `crc32', `crc64' (default), or `sha256' --ignore-check don't verify the integrity check when decompressing -0 ... -9 compression preset; default is 6; take compressor *and* decompressor memory usage into account before using 7-9! -e, --extreme try to improve compression ratio by using more CPU time; does not affect decompressor memory requirements -T, --threads=NUM use at most NUM threads; the default is 1; set to 0 to use as many threads as there are processor cores --block-size=SIZE start a new .xz block after every SIZE bytes of input; use this to set the block size for threaded compression --block-list=SIZES start a new .xz block after the given comma-separated intervals of uncompressed data --flush-timeout=TIMEOUT when compressing, if more than TIMEOUT milliseconds has passed since the previous flush and reading more input would block, all pending data is flushed out --memlimit-compress=LIMIT --memlimit-decompress=LIMIT -M, --memlimit=LIMIT set memory usage limit for compression, decompression, or both; LIMIT is in bytes, % of RAM, or 0 for defaults --no-adjust if compression settings exceed the memory usage limit, give an error instead of adjusting the settings downwards Custom filter chain for compression (alternative for using presets): --lzma1[=OPTS] LZMA1 or LZMA2; OPTS is a comma-separated list of zero or --lzma2[=OPTS] more of the following options (valid values; default): preset=PRE reset options to a preset (0-9[e]) dict=NUM dictionary size (4KiB - 1536MiB; 8MiB) lc=NUM number of literal context bits (0-4; 3) lp=NUM number of literal position bits (0-4; 0) pb=NUM number of position bits (0-4; 2) mode=MODE compression mode (fast, normal; normal) nice=NUM nice length of a match (2-273; 64) mf=NAME match finder (hc3, hc4, bt2, bt3, bt4; bt4) depth=NUM maximum search depth; 0=automatic (default) --x86[=OPTS] x86 BCJ filter (32-bit and 64-bit) --powerpc[=OPTS] PowerPC BCJ filter (big endian only) --ia64[=OPTS] IA-64 (Itanium) BCJ filter --arm[=OPTS] ARM BCJ filter (little endian only) --armthumb[=OPTS] ARM-Thumb BCJ filter (little endian only) --sparc[=OPTS] SPARC BCJ filter Valid OPTS for all BCJ filters: start=NUM start offset for conversions (default=0) --delta[=OPTS] Delta filter; valid OPTS (valid values; default): dist=NUM distance between bytes being subtracted from each other (1-256; 1) -q, --quiet suppress warnings; specify twice to suppress errors too -v, --verbose be verbose; specify twice for even more verbose -Q, --no-warn make warnings not affect the exit status --robot use machine-parsable messages (useful for scripts) --info-memory display the total amount of RAM and the currently active memory usage limits, and exit -h, --help display the short help (lists only the basic options) -H, --long-help display this long help and exit -V, --version display the version number and exit With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input. Report bugs to <%s> (in English or Finnish). -h, --help display this short help and exit -H, --long-help display the long help (lists also the advanced options)xxؐx0H`TTTTTTTTTTTTTvex86powerpcia64armarmthumbsparcKiB/sMiB/sGiB/s X@@@sh|#@Mb?8@P?#@Unsupported LZMA1/LZMA2 preset: %s%s: Options must be `name=value' pairs separated with commasThe sum of lc and lp must not exceed 4The selected match finder requires at least nice=%u%s: Invalid option name%s: Invalid option valuepresetdictlcpbmodenicemfdepthstartdist ( .xz%s: Invalid filename suffix.txz.tar.lzma.tlz%s: File already has `%s' suffix, skipping%s: With --format=raw, --suffix=.SUF is required unless writing to stdout%s: Filename has an unknown suffix, skipping%'umax%s: Invalid multiplier suffix%'lu%lu%'.1f%.1f (%'lu B) (%lu B)Empty filename, skipping%s: Value is not a non-negative decimal integerValid suffixes are `KiB' (2^10), `MiB' (2^20), and `GiB' (2^30).Value of the option `%s' must be in the range [%lu, %lu]Compressed data cannot be read from a terminalCompressed data cannot be written to a terminalBKiBMiBGiBTiB3333@/dev/nullUnknown error%s: %s: %s Writing to standard output failed,%s%salphabeta%u.%u.%u%s---yesno %lu %s %u Streams: %s Blocks: %s Compressed size: %s Uncompressed size: %s Ratio: %s Check: %s Stream padding: %s %s files %s file %08x%016lx%02x %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %-*s %*s Memory needed: %s MiB YesNo Sizes in headers: %s %*s %*s %*s %-*s%s: File is emptyname %s %s %u %s %lu %lu %ssummary %lu %s %u Totals: Number of files: %s totals %lu %lu %lu %lu %s %s %lu %lu%5s %7s %11s %11s %5s %-7s Streams: Stream Blocks CompOffset UncompOffset CompSize UncompSize Ratio Check Padding Blocks: Stream Block CompOffset UncompOffset TotalSize UncompSize Ratio Check CheckVal %*s Header Flags CompSize MemUsage Filters Minimum XZ Utils version: %s %-*s %*s %-5s %*s %*s MiB %sStrms Blocks Compressed Uncompressed Ratio Check Filename%*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %-*s %s %s: Too small to be a valid .xz filefile %lu %lu %lu %lu %s %s %lu stream %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %s %s %lu block %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %s %s--list works only on .xz files (--format=xz or --format=auto)--list does not support reading from standard inputNoneCRC32Unknown-2Unknown-3CRC64Unknown-5Unknown-6Unknown-7Unknown-8Unknown-9SHA-256Unknown-11Unknown-12Unknown-13Unknown-14Unknown-15----------------;}0-(3P3h: p>`??0GHXJKPKKLL$L8ML`M`Sp\H]^p_  `8p`T`hdgl 0l, Pm| n o oP oh o| 0p `p q `q q q( q< `rX s 0v w x yH } } } ~ ~ ~0 `~D ~\ `0 LPh0 X `@`4Lh|@`8`0<h0 <Нh @ pP`0@X0P@@  LPTXPzRx X:/D$4)FJ w?:*3$"\/t/8:BHE D(D0w (A BBBK H,;:BBE E(H0H8Dp  8A0A(B BBBJ L BBEH D(A0 (D BBBI A (A BBBA <dPCFBB I(D0 (A BBBI $EYAAD PAA8EDApE6 E AD0t AF F0FDFXF[~|lFdFBB B(A0A8DPQ 8D0D(H JDBM | 8A0A(B BBBJ  8G0D(J DBBG dLFBB B(A0D8DP 8G0A(B BBBE   8A0A(B BBBB @T U3BBE D(A0FP 0A(A BBBF HVBBD D(G0o (C ABBF h (F ABBE 0VBDD Rk  AABE (\WEFD f AAA DWLH ~ A `X 4tX@FDA Jp  DABD 8\FBA A(G0 (D ABBD 8^gFBA C(G`w (A ABBH $b L8bFEA A(D0 (A ABBH R (H ABBI HcFHF D(G0K (A ABBH J(F ABBLPdFBE D(G0e (J BBBK n (D BBBH 4$dFDA Z DSE lDP\He.TYt`e \eIe$eM\f;Hrff $ /FBD F(D`4`fH\fdZ B ,dg~YK ^AK D DV F<g wP F |o ^Hz k E nk 8`jBHD D(JP (H ABBD kV l$,lgdMW I dT`mhBBB B(A0C8Dp 8A0A(B BBBE xJMNAAIp,hpBBE w BBL p p p ( p < p=P qStZdh \qFBB B(A0A8Dpr 8A0A(B BBBB x\IBBBIp r9dT rK F  sK A  dtK H < (uEAGX u'EARt u'EAR( uEFN AAA  xv0 TwQFBA Iy  ABBH \ xFBB B(A0A8Dp 8A0A(B BBBE xHADIp(d {FAG{ ABA  {4Fd {tEAD |FMH AD0s AA  .He( HP@ $'H^X