-- Bare minimum Legacy functions -- -- This file that contains what we have determined are -- the most common functions used by older apps -- You should be able to get by with just to support -- older versions of mapserver, geoserver, qgis, gdal, openjump etc. -- Deprecation in 1.2.3 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION AsBinary(geometry) RETURNS bytea AS '$libdir/postgis-2.3','LWGEOM_asBinary' LANGUAGE 'c' IMMUTABLE STRICT; -- Deprecation in 1.2.3 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION AsBinary(geometry,text) RETURNS bytea AS '$libdir/postgis-2.3','LWGEOM_asBinary' LANGUAGE 'c' IMMUTABLE STRICT; -- Deprecation in 1.2.3 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION AsText(geometry) RETURNS TEXT AS '$libdir/postgis-2.3','LWGEOM_asText' LANGUAGE 'c' IMMUTABLE STRICT; -- Deprecation in 1.2.3 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION Estimated_Extent(text,text,text) RETURNS box2d AS '$libdir/postgis-2.3', 'geometry_estimated_extent' LANGUAGE 'c' IMMUTABLE STRICT SECURITY DEFINER; -- Deprecation in 1.2.3 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION Estimated_Extent(text,text) RETURNS box2d AS '$libdir/postgis-2.3', 'geometry_estimated_extent' LANGUAGE 'c' IMMUTABLE STRICT SECURITY DEFINER; -- Deprecation in 1.2.3 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION GeomFromText(text, int4) RETURNS geometry AS 'SELECT ST_GeomFromText($1, $2)' LANGUAGE 'sql' IMMUTABLE STRICT; -- Deprecation in 1.2.3 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION GeomFromText(text) RETURNS geometry AS 'SELECT ST_GeomFromText($1)' LANGUAGE 'sql' IMMUTABLE STRICT; -- Deprecation in 1.2.3 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ndims(geometry) RETURNS smallint AS '$libdir/postgis-2.3', 'LWGEOM_ndims' LANGUAGE 'c' IMMUTABLE STRICT; -- Deprecation in 1.2.3 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION SetSRID(geometry,int4) RETURNS geometry AS '$libdir/postgis-2.3','LWGEOM_set_srid' LANGUAGE 'c' IMMUTABLE STRICT; -- Deprecation in 1.2.3 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION SRID(geometry) RETURNS int4 AS '$libdir/postgis-2.3','LWGEOM_get_srid' LANGUAGE 'c' IMMUTABLE STRICT; -- Deprecation in 1.5.0 -- hack to allow unknown to cast to geometry -- so does not yield function is not unique CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ST_AsBinary(text) RETURNS bytea AS $$ SELECT ST_AsBinary($1::geometry);$$ LANGUAGE 'sql' IMMUTABLE STRICT; -- Deprecation in 1.5.0 -- hack to allow unknown to cast to geometry -- so does not yield function is not unique CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ST_AsText(bytea) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT ST_AsText($1::geometry);$$ LANGUAGE 'sql' IMMUTABLE STRICT;