/* =============================================================================== FILE: laswriteitemcompressed_v4.hpp CONTENTS: Native extension for compressing the *new* point types 6 to 10 of LAS 1.4 PROGRAMMERS: martin.isenburg@rapidlasso.com - http://rapidlasso.com COPYRIGHT: (c) 2007-2017, martin isenburg, rapidlasso - fast tools to catch reality This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Licence as published by the Free Software Foundation. See the COPYING file for more information. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY and without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. CHANGE HISTORY: 28 December 2017 -- fix incorrect 'context switch' reported by Wanwannodao 28 August 2017 -- moving 'context' from global development hack to interface 22 August 2016 -- finalizing at Basecamp in Bonn during FOSS4g hackfest 23 February 2016 -- created at OSGeo Code Sprint in Paris to prototype =============================================================================== */ #ifndef LAS_WRITE_ITEM_COMPRESSED_V4_HPP #define LAS_WRITE_ITEM_COMPRESSED_V4_HPP #include "laswriteitem.hpp" #include "arithmeticencoder.hpp" #include "integercompressor.hpp" #include "bytestreamout_array.hpp" #include "laszip_common_v3.hpp" class LASwriteItemCompressed_POINT14_v4 : public LASwriteItemCompressed { public: LASwriteItemCompressed_POINT14_v4(ArithmeticEncoder* enc); BOOL init(const U8* item, U32& context); BOOL write(const U8* item, U32& context); BOOL chunk_sizes(); BOOL chunk_bytes(); ~LASwriteItemCompressed_POINT14_v4(); private: /* not used as a encoder. just gives access to outstream */ ArithmeticEncoder* enc; ByteStreamOutArray* outstream_channel_returns_XY; ByteStreamOutArray* outstream_Z; ByteStreamOutArray* outstream_classification; ByteStreamOutArray* outstream_flags; ByteStreamOutArray* outstream_intensity; ByteStreamOutArray* outstream_scan_angle; ByteStreamOutArray* outstream_user_data; ByteStreamOutArray* outstream_point_source; ByteStreamOutArray* outstream_gps_time; ArithmeticEncoder* enc_channel_returns_XY; ArithmeticEncoder* enc_Z; ArithmeticEncoder* enc_classification; ArithmeticEncoder* enc_flags; ArithmeticEncoder* enc_intensity; ArithmeticEncoder* enc_scan_angle; ArithmeticEncoder* enc_user_data; ArithmeticEncoder* enc_point_source; ArithmeticEncoder* enc_gps_time; BOOL changed_classification; BOOL changed_flags; BOOL changed_intensity; BOOL changed_scan_angle; BOOL changed_user_data; BOOL changed_point_source; BOOL changed_gps_time; U32 num_bytes_channel_returns_XY; U32 num_bytes_Z; U32 num_bytes_classification; U32 num_bytes_flags; U32 num_bytes_intensity; U32 num_bytes_scan_angle; U32 num_bytes_user_data; U32 num_bytes_point_source; U32 num_bytes_gps_time; U32 current_context; LAScontextPOINT14 contexts[4]; BOOL createAndInitModelsAndCompressors(U32 context, const U8* item); void write_gps_time(const U64I64F64 gps_time); }; class LASwriteItemCompressed_RGB14_v4 : public LASwriteItemCompressed { public: LASwriteItemCompressed_RGB14_v4(ArithmeticEncoder* enc); BOOL init(const U8* item, U32& context); BOOL write(const U8* item, U32& context); BOOL chunk_sizes(); BOOL chunk_bytes(); ~LASwriteItemCompressed_RGB14_v4(); private: /* not used as a encoder. just gives access to outstream */ ArithmeticEncoder* enc; ByteStreamOutArray* outstream_RGB; ArithmeticEncoder* enc_RGB; BOOL changed_RGB; U32 num_bytes_RGB; U32 current_context; LAScontextRGB14 contexts[4]; BOOL createAndInitModelsAndCompressors(U32 context, const U8* item); }; class LASwriteItemCompressed_RGBNIR14_v4 : public LASwriteItemCompressed { public: LASwriteItemCompressed_RGBNIR14_v4(ArithmeticEncoder* enc); BOOL init(const U8* item, U32& context); BOOL write(const U8* item, U32& context); BOOL chunk_sizes(); BOOL chunk_bytes(); ~LASwriteItemCompressed_RGBNIR14_v4(); private: /* not used as a encoder. just gives access to outstream */ ArithmeticEncoder* enc; ByteStreamOutArray* outstream_RGB; ByteStreamOutArray* outstream_NIR; ArithmeticEncoder* enc_RGB; ArithmeticEncoder* enc_NIR; BOOL changed_RGB; BOOL changed_NIR; U32 num_bytes_RGB; U32 num_bytes_NIR; U32 current_context; LAScontextRGBNIR14 contexts[4]; BOOL createAndInitModelsAndCompressors(U32 context, const U8* item); }; class LASwriteItemCompressed_WAVEPACKET14_v4 : public LASwriteItemCompressed { public: LASwriteItemCompressed_WAVEPACKET14_v4(ArithmeticEncoder* enc); BOOL init(const U8* item, U32& context); BOOL write(const U8* item, U32& context); BOOL chunk_sizes(); BOOL chunk_bytes(); ~LASwriteItemCompressed_WAVEPACKET14_v4(); private: /* not used as a encoder. just gives access to outstream */ ArithmeticEncoder* enc; ByteStreamOutArray* outstream_wavepacket; ArithmeticEncoder* enc_wavepacket; BOOL changed_wavepacket; U32 num_bytes_wavepacket; U32 current_context; LAScontextWAVEPACKET14 contexts[4]; BOOL createAndInitModelsAndCompressors(U32 context, const U8* item); }; class LASwriteItemCompressed_BYTE14_v4 : public LASwriteItemCompressed { public: LASwriteItemCompressed_BYTE14_v4(ArithmeticEncoder* enc, U32 number); BOOL init(const U8* item, U32& context); BOOL write(const U8* item, U32& context); BOOL chunk_sizes(); BOOL chunk_bytes(); ~LASwriteItemCompressed_BYTE14_v4(); private: /* not used as a encoder. just gives access to outstream */ ArithmeticEncoder* enc; ByteStreamOutArray** outstream_Bytes; ArithmeticEncoder** enc_Bytes; U32* num_bytes_Bytes; BOOL* changed_Bytes; U32 current_context; LAScontextBYTE14 contexts[4]; U32 number; BOOL createAndInitModelsAndCompressors(U32 context, const U8* item); }; #endif