:: :: a batch script for quality checking of poor tiles :: :: :: specify parameters :: :: allows you to run the script from other folders set PATH=%PATH%;D:\lastools\bin; :: here we specify the directory (e.g. the folder) in which the :: bad tiles are stored set BAD_TILES_FOLDER=D:\data_fiji\FMG1986 :: here we specify in which format the bad tiles are stored in :: the BAD_TILES_FOLDER folder set TILE_FORMAT=laz :: here we specify the directory (e.g. the folder) in which the :: temporary files are stored set TEMP_FILES=D:\data_fiji\temp :: here we specify the directory (e.g. the folder) in which the :: resulting quality reports are stored set OUTPUT_DIRECTORY=D:\data_fiji\quality :: here we specify the number of cores we want to run on set NUM_CORES=7 rmdir %TEMP_FILES% /s /q :: :: loop over all bad tiles :: for %%f IN (%BAD_TILES_FOLDER%\*.%TILE_FORMAT%) DO ( ::FOR /R %%f IN (*.*) DO ( ECHO processing %BAD_TILES_FOLDER%\%%~nxf to %OUTPUT_DIRECTORY%\%%~nf.png mkdir %TEMP_FILES% CALL lassplit -i %BAD_TILES_FOLDER%\%%~nxf -by_gps_time_interval 500 -olaz -odir %TEMP_FILES% CALL lasoverlap -i %TEMP_FILES%\*.laz -files_are_flightlines -o %OUTPUT_DIRECTORY%\%%~nf.png -utm 60K rmdir %TEMP_FILES% /s /q ) echo "bye bye"