/**************************************************************************** * Core Library Version 1.7, August 2004 * Copyright (c) 1995-2004 Exact Computation Project * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). * You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in * accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the * software. * * This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE * WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * * File: Expr.h * Synopsis: a class of Expression in Level 3 * * Written by * Koji Ouchi * Chee Yap * Igor Pechtchanski * Vijay Karamcheti * Chen Li * Zilin Du * Sylvain Pion * Vikram Sharma * * WWW URL: http://cs.nyu.edu/exact/ * Email: exact@cs.nyu.edu * * $URL$ * $Id$ ***************************************************************************/ // We need to include BigFloat.h here because there is a circular dependency // between Expr and BigFloat. #include #ifndef _CORE_EXPR_H_ #define _CORE_EXPR_H_ #include #include namespace CORE { /// \class Expr Expr.h /// \brief Expr is a class of Expression in Level 3 typedef RCImpl RCExpr; class Expr : public RCExpr { public: /// \name Constructors and Destructor //@{ /// default constructor Expr() : RCExpr(new ConstDoubleRep()) {} /// constructor for int Expr(int i) : RCExpr(new ConstDoubleRep(i)) {} /// constructor for short Expr(short i) : RCExpr(new ConstDoubleRep(i)) {} /// constructor for unsigned int Expr(unsigned int ui) : RCExpr(new ConstDoubleRep(ui)) {} /// constructor for long Expr(long l) : RCExpr(new ConstRealRep(Real(l))) {} /// constructor for unsigned long Expr(unsigned long ul) : RCExpr(new ConstRealRep(Real(ul))) {} /// constructor for float /** \note the results of this constructor may appear unpredictable to the * user. E.g., one may assume that new Expr(.1) is exactly equal to .1, * but it will be print as * .1000000000000000055511151231257827021181583404541015625. * This is so because .1 cannot be represented exactly as a double * (or, for that matter, as a binary fraction of any finite length). * The value is the closest double value determined by the compiler. */ Expr(float f) : RCExpr(NULL) { // check for valid numbers // (i.e., not infinite and not NaN) if (! CGAL_CORE_finite(f)) { std::cerr << " ERROR : constructed an invalid float! " << std::endl; if (get_static_AbortFlag()) abort(); get_static_InvalidFlag() = -1; } rep = new ConstDoubleRep(f); } /// constructor for double Expr(double d) : RCExpr(NULL) { // check for valid numbers // (i.e., not infinite and not NaN) if (! CGAL_CORE_finite(d)) { std::cerr << " ERROR : constructed an invalid double! " << std::endl; if (get_static_AbortFlag()) abort(); get_static_InvalidFlag() = -2; } rep = new ConstDoubleRep(d); } /// constructor for BigInt Expr(const BigInt& I) : RCExpr(new ConstRealRep(Real(I))) {} /// constructor for BigRat Expr(const BigRat& R) : RCExpr(new ConstRealRep(Real(R))) {} /// constructor for BigFloat Expr(const BigFloat& F) : RCExpr(new ConstRealRep(Real(F))) {} /// constructor for const char* /** construct Expr from a string representation \a s * with precision \a prec. It is perfectly predictable: * new Expr(".1") is exactly equal to .1, as one would expect. Therefore, * it is generally recommended that the (String) constructor be used in * preference to the (double) constructor. */ Expr(const char *s, const extLong& p = get_static_defInputDigits()) : RCExpr(new ConstRealRep(Real(s, p))) {} /// constructor for std::string Expr(const std::string& s, const extLong& p = get_static_defInputDigits()) : RCExpr(new ConstRealRep(Real(s, p))) {} /// constructor for Real Expr(const Real &r) : RCExpr(new ConstRealRep(r)) {} /// constructor for Polynomial node (n-th root) /** default value n=0 means the first positive root */ template Expr(const Polynomial& p, int n = 0) : RCExpr(new ConstPolyRep(p, n)) {} /// constructor for Polynomial node (root in Interval I) template Expr(const Polynomial& p, const BFInterval& I) : RCExpr(new ConstPolyRep(p, I)) {} /// constructor for ExprRep Expr(ExprRep* p) : RCExpr(p) {} //@} /// \name Copy-Assignment-Destructors //@{ /// copy constructor Expr(const Expr& rhs) : RCExpr(rhs) { rep->incRef(); } /// = operator Expr& operator=(const Expr& rhs) { if (this != &rhs) { rep->decRef(); rep = rhs.rep; rep->incRef(); } return *this; } /// destructor ~Expr() { rep->decRef(); } //@} /// \name Compound Assignment Operators //@{ /// += operator Expr& operator+=(const Expr& e) { *this = new AddRep(rep, e.rep); return *this; } /// -= operator Expr& operator-=(const Expr& e) { *this = new SubRep(rep, e.rep); return *this; } /// *= operator Expr& operator*=(const Expr& e) { *this = new MultRep(rep, e.rep); return *this; } /// /= operator Expr& operator/=(const Expr& e) { if ((e.rep)->getSign() == 0) { std::cerr << " ERROR : division by zero ! " << std::endl; if (get_static_AbortFlag()) abort(); get_static_InvalidFlag() = -3; } *this = new DivRep(rep, e.rep); return *this; } //@} /// \name Unary Minus, Increment and Decrement Operators //@{ /// unary plus Expr operator+() const { return Expr(*this); } /// unary minus Expr operator-() const { return Expr(new NegRep(rep)); } /// left increment operator (++i) Expr& operator++() { *this += 1; return *this; } /// right increment operator (i++) Expr operator++(int) { Expr t(*this); *this += 1; return t; } /// left decrement operator (--i) Expr& operator--() { *this -= 1; return *this; } /// right deccrement operator (i--) Expr operator--(int) { Expr t(*this); *this -= 1; return t; } //@} /// \name String Conversion Functions //@{ /// set value from const char* void fromString(const char* s, const extLong& prec = get_static_defInputDigits()) { *this = Expr(s, prec); } /// convert to std::string /** give decimal string representation */ std::string toString(long prec=get_static_defOutputDigits(), bool sci=false) const { return rep->toString(prec, sci); } //@} // /// \name Conversion Functions //@{ /// convert to \c int int intValue() const { return approx(64, 1024).intValue(); } /// convert to \c long long longValue() const { return approx(64, 1024).longValue(); } /// convert to \c float float floatValue() const { return approx(53, 1024).floatValue(); } /// convert to \c double /** chen: - use equivalent precision (rel:53, abs: 1024) as in IEEE double. enforce an evaluation in case before this has been done before casting. */ double doubleValue() const { return approx(53, 1024).doubleValue(); } /// convert to an interval defined by a pair of \c double /** If value is exact, the two \c double will coincide */ CGAL_CORE_EXPORT void doubleInterval(double & lb, double & ub) const; /// convert to \c BigInt (approximate it first!) BigInt BigIntValue() const { return rep->BigIntValue(); } /// convert to \c BigRat (approximate it first!) BigRat BigRatValue() const { return rep->BigRatValue(); } /// convert to \c BigFloat (approximate it first!) /** Ought to allow BigFloatValue() take an optional precision argument */ BigFloat BigFloatValue() const { return rep->BigFloatValue(); } //@} /// \name Approximation Function //@{ /// Compute approximation to combined precision [\a r, \a a]. /** Here is the definition of what this means: If e is the exact value and ee is the approximate value, then |e - ee| <= 2^{-a} or |e - ee| <= 2^{-r} |e|. */ const Real & approx(const extLong& relPrec = get_static_defRelPrec(), const extLong& absPrec = get_static_defAbsPrec()) const { return rep->getAppValue(relPrec, absPrec); } //@} /// \name Helper Functions //@{ //CONSTANTS: /// return Expr(0) CGAL_CORE_EXPORT static const Expr& getZero(); /// return Expr(1) CGAL_CORE_EXPORT static const Expr& getOne(); /// Has Exact Division static bool hasExactDivision() { return true; } /// get the sign int sign() const { return rep->getSign(); } /// is zero? bool isZero() const { return sign() == 0; } /// absolute value Expr abs() const { return (sign() >= 0) ? +(*this) : -(*this); } /// compare function int cmp(const Expr& e) const { return rep == e.rep ? 0 : SubRep(rep, e.rep).getSign(); } /// return the internal representation ExprRep* Rep() const { return rep; } /// get exponent of current approximate value long getExponent() const { return BigFloatValue().exp(); } /// get mantissa of current approximate value BigInt getMantissa() const { return BigFloatValue().m(); } //@} public: /// \name Debug Helper Function //@{ /// debug function void debug(int mode = TREE_MODE, int level = DETAIL_LEVEL, int depthLimit = INT_MAX) const; //@} /// debug information levels enum {LIST_MODE, TREE_MODE, SIMPLE_LEVEL, DETAIL_LEVEL}; };// class Expr #define CORE_EXPR_ZERO Expr::getZero() /// I/O Stream operator<< inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const Expr& e) { o << *(const_cast(&e.getRep())); return o; } /// I/O Stream operator>> inline std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& i, Expr& e) { Real rVal; i >> rVal; // precision is = get_static_defInputDigits() if (i) e = rVal; // only assign when reading is successful. return i; } /// floor function CGAL_CORE_EXPORT BigInt floor(const Expr&, Expr&); /// power function CGAL_CORE_EXPORT Expr pow(const Expr&, unsigned long); /// addition inline Expr operator+(const Expr& e1, const Expr& e2) { return Expr(new AddRep(e1.Rep(), e2.Rep())); } /// substraction inline Expr operator-(const Expr& e1, const Expr& e2) { return Expr(new SubRep(e1.Rep(), e2.Rep())); } /// multiplication inline Expr operator*(const Expr& e1, const Expr& e2) { return Expr(new MultRep(e1.Rep(), e2.Rep())); } /// division inline Expr operator/(const Expr& e1, const Expr& e2) { if (e2.sign() == 0) { std::cerr << " ERROR : division by zero ! " << std::endl; if (get_static_AbortFlag()) abort(); get_static_InvalidFlag() = -4; } return Expr(new DivRep(e1.Rep(), e2.Rep())); } /// modulo operator inline Expr operator%(const Expr& e1, const Expr& e2) { Expr result; floor(e1/e2, result); return result; } /// operator == /** this is inefficient if you compare to zero: * e.g., if (e != 0) {...} use e.isZero() instead */ inline bool operator==(const Expr& e1, const Expr& e2) { return e1.cmp(e2) == 0; } /// operator != inline bool operator!=(const Expr& e1, const Expr& e2) { return e1.cmp(e2) != 0; } /// operator < inline bool operator< (const Expr& e1, const Expr& e2) { return e1.cmp(e2) < 0; } /// operator <= inline bool operator<=(const Expr& e1, const Expr& e2) { return e1.cmp(e2) <= 0; } /// operator < inline bool operator> (const Expr& e1, const Expr& e2) { return e1.cmp(e2) > 0; } /// operator >= inline bool operator>=(const Expr& e1, const Expr& e2) { return e1.cmp(e2) >= 0; } /// return sign inline int sign(const Expr& e) { return e.sign(); } /// is zero? inline bool isZero(const Expr& e) { return e.isZero(); } /// compare /** compare two Expr \a e1 and \a e2, return * \retval -1 if e1 < e2, * \retval 0 if e1 = e2, * \retval 1 if e1 > e2. */ inline int cmp(const Expr& e1, const Expr& e2) { return e1.cmp(e2); } /// absolute value inline Expr abs(const Expr& x) { return x.abs(); } /// absolute value (same as abs) inline Expr fabs(const Expr& x) { return abs(x); } /// floor inline BigInt floor(const Expr& e) { Expr tmp; return floor(e, tmp); } /// ceiling inline BigInt ceil(const Expr& e) { return -floor(-e); } /// floorLg inline long floorLg(const Expr& e) { Expr tmp; return floorLg(floor(e)); } /// ceilLg inline long ceilLg(const Expr& e) { Expr tmp; return ceilLg(ceil(e)); } /// power inline Expr power(const Expr& e, unsigned long p) { return pow(e, p); } /// divisibility predicate /** We do not check if e2 is 0. * */ // NOTE: The name "isDivisible" is not consistent // with the analogous "divisible" predicate in BigInt! inline bool isDivisible(const Expr& e1, const Expr& e2) { Expr result; floor(e1/e2, result); return (result.sign() == 0); } /// square root inline Expr sqrt(const Expr& e) { if (e.sign() < 0) { std::cerr << " ERROR : sqrt of negative value ! " << std::endl; if (get_static_AbortFlag()) abort(); get_static_InvalidFlag() = -5; } return Expr(new SqrtRep(e.Rep())); } //Following two have been added to make NT=Expr work for Polynomial /// gcd inline Expr gcd(const Expr& /*a*/, const Expr& /*b*/) { return Expr(1); } inline Expr div_exact(const Expr& x, const Expr& y) { return x/y - x%y; } /// helper function for constructing Polynomial node (n-th node) template inline Expr rootOf(const Polynomial& p, int n = 0) { return Expr(p, n); } /// helper function for constructing Polynomial node witb BFInterval template inline Expr rootOf(const Polynomial& p, const BFInterval& I) { return Expr(p, I); } /// helper function for constructing Polynomial node with pair of BigFloats template inline Expr rootOf(const Polynomial& p, const BigFloat& x, const BigFloat& y) { return Expr(p, BFInterval(x, y) ); } /// helper function for constructing Polynomial node with pair of doubles template inline Expr rootOf(const Polynomial& p, double x, double y) { return Expr(p, BFInterval(BigFloat(x), BigFloat(y)) ); } /// helper function for constructing Polynomial node with pair of ints template inline Expr rootOf(const Polynomial& p, int x, int y) { return Expr(p, BFInterval(BigFloat(x), BigFloat(y)) ); } /// constructor for Polynomial node of the form x^m - n (i.e., radicals) /** We assume that n >= 0 and m >= 1 * */ template inline Expr radical(const NT& n, int m) { CGAL_assertion(n>=0 && m>=1); if (n == 0 || n == 1 || m == 1) return Expr(n); Polynomial Q(m); Q.setCoeff(0, -n); Q.setCoeff(m, 1); return Expr(Q, 0); } // We include this file here and not from inside Poly.h, // because otherwise VC++.net2003 can't compile Expr.cpp #include } //namespace CORE #ifdef CGAL_HEADER_ONLY #include #endif // CGAL_HEADER_ONLY #endif // _CORE_EXPR_H_