// Copyright (c) 1997 // Utrecht University (The Netherlands), // ETH Zurich (Switzerland), // INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France), // Max-Planck-Institute Saarbruecken (Germany), // and Tel-Aviv University (Israel). All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org); you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, // or (at your option) any later version. // // Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in // accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software. // // This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE // WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // $URL$ // $Id$ // // // Author(s) : Lutz Kettner #ifdef CGAL_HEADER_ONLY #define CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION inline #else #define CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace CGAL { CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION File_header_OFF::File_header_OFF( bool verbose) : File_header_extended_OFF( verbose), n_vertices(0), n_facets(0), m_skel(false), m_binary(false), m_no_comments(false), m_offset(0), m_colors(false), m_normals(false), m_tag4(false), m_tagDim(false), m_dim(3) {} CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION File_header_OFF::File_header_OFF( bool binary, bool noc, bool skel, bool verbose) : File_header_extended_OFF( verbose), n_vertices(0), n_facets(0), m_skel(skel), m_binary(binary), m_no_comments(noc), m_offset(0), m_colors(false), m_normals(false), m_tag4(false), m_tagDim(false), m_dim(3) {} //CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION //File_header_OFF::File_header_OFF( int v, int h, int f, // bool verbose) //: File_header_extended_OFF( verbose), // n_vertices(v), // n_facets(f), // m_skel(false), // m_binary(false), // m_no_comments(false), // m_offset(0), // m_colors(false), // m_normals(false), // m_tag4(false), // m_tagDim(false), // m_dim(3) //{ // set_halfedges(h); //} CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION File_header_OFF::File_header_OFF( std::size_t v, std::size_t h, std::size_t f, bool binary, bool noc, bool skel, bool verbose) : File_header_extended_OFF( verbose), n_vertices(v), n_facets(f), m_skel(skel), m_binary(binary), m_no_comments(noc), m_offset(0), m_colors(false), m_normals(false), m_tag4(false), m_tagDim(false), m_dim(3) { set_halfedges(h); } CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION File_header_OFF::File_header_OFF( const File_header_extended_OFF& ext_header) : File_header_extended_OFF( ext_header), n_vertices(0), n_facets(0), m_skel(false), m_binary(false), m_no_comments(false), m_offset(0), m_colors(false), m_normals(false), m_tag4(false), m_tagDim(false), m_dim(3) {} CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION File_header_OFF::File_header_OFF( const File_header_extended_OFF& ext_header, bool binary, bool noc, bool skel) : File_header_extended_OFF( ext_header), n_vertices(0), n_facets(0), m_skel(skel), m_binary(binary), m_no_comments(noc), m_offset(0), m_colors(false), m_normals(false), m_tag4(false), m_tagDim(false), m_dim(3) {} CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION File_header_OFF::File_header_OFF( std::size_t v, std::size_t h, std::size_t f, const File_header_extended_OFF& ext_header) : File_header_extended_OFF( ext_header), n_vertices(v), n_facets(f), m_skel(false), m_binary(false), m_no_comments(false), m_offset(0), m_colors(false), m_normals(false), m_tag4(false), m_tagDim(false), m_dim(3) { set_halfedges(h); } CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION File_header_OFF::File_header_OFF( std::size_t v, std::size_t h, std::size_t f, const File_header_extended_OFF& ext_header, bool binary, bool noc, bool skel) : File_header_extended_OFF( ext_header), n_vertices(v), n_facets(f), m_skel(skel), m_binary(binary), m_no_comments(noc), m_offset(0), m_colors(false), m_normals(false), m_tag4(false), m_tagDim(false), m_dim(3) { set_halfedges(h); } CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION File_header_OFF& File_header_OFF:: operator+=( const File_header_OFF& header) { (File_header_extended_OFF&)(*this) = header; n_vertices += header.n_vertices; n_facets += header.n_facets; return *this; } // Write header. CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& out, const File_header_OFF& h) { if ( h.comments()) { out << "# Output of a CGAL tool\n"; out << static_cast( h); } if ( h.has_normals()) out << 'N'; if ( h.skel()) out << "SKEL"; else out << "OFF"; if ( h.binary()) { out << " BINARY\n"; I_Binary_write_big_endian_integer32( out, static_cast(h.size_of_vertices())); I_Binary_write_big_endian_integer32( out, static_cast(h.size_of_facets())); if ( h.off()) I_Binary_write_big_endian_integer32( out, 0); } else { out << '\n'; out << h.size_of_vertices() << ' '<< h.size_of_facets(); if ( h.off()) out << " 0"; if ( h.comments()) { out << "\n\n# " << h.size_of_vertices() << " vertices\n"; out << "# ------------------------------------------\n"; } out << std::endl; } return out; } // Scan header. Marks streams badbit if not in SKEL format nor in OFF. CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION std::istream& operator>>( std::istream& in, File_header_OFF& h) { // read in the first character and scan for comments, `OFF', or `NOFF', // or `SKEL', or `4SKEL'. h.set_off_header( false); char c; while ( (in >> c) && c == '#') { if ( in.get(c) && c == 'C' && in.get(c) && c == 'B' && in.get(c) && c == 'P') { in >> static_cast( h); } else if ( c != '\n') in >> skip_until_EOL; } if ( ! in) return in; h.set_skel( false); h.set_binary( false); h.set_index_offset( 1); h.set_colors( false); h.set_normals( false); h.set_homogeneous( false); h.set_dimensional( false); h.set_dimension( 3); const int max_keyword = 42; char keyword[max_keyword] = ""; int i = 0; keyword[i++] = c; while( i < max_keyword - 1 && in.get(c) && std::isalnum(c)) keyword[i++] = c; keyword[i] = '\0'; if ( i < 2 || (std::isdigit(keyword[0]) && keyword[0] != '4') || std::isdigit(keyword[1])) { h.set_vertices( std::atoi( keyword)); } else { h.set_index_offset( 0); int j = 0; if ( j < i && keyword[j] == 'C') { h.set_colors( true); j++; } if ( j < i && keyword[j] == 'N') { h.set_normals( true); j++; } if ( j < i && keyword[j] == '4') { h.set_homogeneous( true); j++; } if ( j < i && keyword[j] == 'n') { h.set_dimensional( true); j++; } if ( i-j != 3 || keyword[j] != 'O' || keyword[j+1] != 'F' || keyword[j+2] != 'F') { if ( i-j != 4 || keyword[j] != 'S' || keyword[j+1] != 'K' || keyword[j+2] != 'E' || keyword[j+3] != 'L') { in.clear( std::ios::badbit); if ( h.verbose()) { std::cerr << " " << std::endl; std::cerr << "error: File_header_OFF: " "wrong format: neither OFF nor SKEL." << std::endl; } return in; } else { h.set_skel( true); } } in >> skip_comment_OFF >> c; if ( std::isdigit(c)) { in.putback(c); int n; in >> n; h.set_vertices(n); } else { i = 0; keyword[i++] = c; while( i < max_keyword - 1 && in.get(c) && std::isalnum(c)) keyword[i++] = c; keyword[i] = '\0'; if ( std::strcmp( keyword, "BINARY") == 0) { h.set_binary( true); if ( c != '\n') in >> skip_until_EOL; } else { in.clear( std::ios::badbit); if ( h.verbose()) { std::cerr << " " << std::endl; std::cerr << "error: File_header_OFF(): " "wrong format: neither OFF nor SKEL." << std::endl; } return in; } } } // Read remaining size value(s). int n_h; if ( h.binary()) { boost::int32_t a, b, c; I_Binary_read_big_endian_integer32( in, a); if ( h.n_dimensional()) { h.set_dimension( a); I_Binary_read_big_endian_integer32( in, a); } I_Binary_read_big_endian_integer32( in, b); if ( h.off()) I_Binary_read_big_endian_integer32( in, c); else c = 0; h.set_vertices( a); if (b<0){ in.clear( std::ios::badbit ); if ( h.verbose()) { std::cerr << " " << std::endl; std::cerr << "error: File_header_OFF(): File contains < 0 facets." << std::endl; } return in; } h.set_facets( b); n_h = c; } else { int n; if ( h.n_dimensional()) { h.set_dimension( static_cast(h.size_of_vertices())); in >> n; h.set_vertices(n); } in >> n; if (n < 0){ in.clear( std::ios::badbit ); if ( h.verbose()) { std::cerr << " " << std::endl; std::cerr << "error: File_header_OFF(): File contains < 0 facets." << std::endl; } return in; } h.set_facets(n); if ( h.off()) in >> n_h; else n_h = 0; } if ( n_h == 0) h.set_index_offset( 0); if ( ! in || h.size_of_vertices() <= 0 ) { in.clear( std::ios::badbit); if ( h.verbose()) { std::cerr << " " << std::endl; std::cerr << "error: File_header_OFF(): File contains <= 0 vertices." << std::endl; } return in; } if ( h.size_of_halfedges() == 0) { // be careful, because border edges count twice h.set_halfedges( 2 * n_h); // check against the Eulerian equation for connected planar graphs. // We do not know the number of holes we must represent as dummy // facets and we do not know the genus of the surface. // So we add 12 and a factor of 5 percent. if ( h.size_of_halfedges() == 0 || h.size_of_halfedges() > double(h.size_of_vertices() + h.size_of_facets() - 2 + 12) * 2.1 || h.size_of_halfedges() < (h.size_of_vertices() + h.size_of_facets() - 2) * 2 ) h.set_halfedges( int( double(h.size_of_vertices() + h.size_of_facets() - 2 + 12) * 2.1 ) ); } h.set_off_header( h.off()); return in; } } //namespace CGAL // EOF //