// Copyright (c) 2012 INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU // General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in // accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software. // // This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE // WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // $URL: $ // $Id: $ // // // Author(s) : Clement Jamin #ifndef CGAL_IO_FILE_MAYA_H #define CGAL_IO_FILE_MAYA_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace CGAL { //------------------------------------------------------- // IO functions //------------------------------------------------------- template void output_to_maya(std::ostream& os, const C3T3& c3t3, bool surfaceOnly = true) { typedef typename C3T3::Triangulation Tr; typedef typename C3T3::Facets_in_complex_iterator Facet_iterator; typedef typename C3T3::Cells_in_complex_iterator Cell_iterator; typedef typename Tr::Finite_vertices_iterator Finite_vertices_iterator; typedef typename Tr::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; typedef typename Tr::Point Point_3; #ifdef CGAL_MESH_3_IO_VERBOSE std::cerr << "Output to maya:\n"; #endif const Tr& tr = c3t3.triangulation(); //------------------------------------------------------- // File output //------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------- // Header //------------------------------------------------------- os << std::setprecision(20); os << "//Maya ASCII 2011 scene" << std::endl; os << "//Name: testMaya3.ma" << std::endl; os << "//Last modified: Wed, Jan 25, 2012 05:54:26 PM" << std::endl; os << "//Codeset: 1252" << std::endl; os << "requires maya \"2011\";" << std::endl; os << "currentUnit -l centimeter -a degree -t film;" << std::endl; os << "fileInfo \"application\" \"maya\";" << std::endl; os << "fileInfo \"product\" \"Maya 2011\";" << std::endl; os << "fileInfo \"version\" \"2011\";" << std::endl; os << "fileInfo \"cutIdentifier\" \"201003190014-771504\";" << std::endl; os << "fileInfo \"license\" \"education\";" << std::endl; std::string name = "Mesh_3"; os << "createNode mesh -n \"" << name << "Shape\" -p \"" << name << "\";" << std::endl; os << " setAttr -k off \".v\";" << std::endl; os << " setAttr \".uvst[0].uvsn\" -type \"string\" \"map1\";" << std::endl; os << " setAttr \".cuvs\" -type \"string\" \"map1\";" << std::endl; os << " setAttr \".dcol\" yes;" << std::endl; os << " setAttr \".dcc\" -type \"string\" \"Ambient+Diffuse\";" << std::endl; os << " connectAttr \"" << name << "Shape.iog\" \":initialShadingGroup.dsm\" -na;\n\n"; //------------------------------------------------------- // Colors //------------------------------------------------------ /*os << " setAttr \".ccls\" -type \"string\" \"colorSet\";\n"; os << " setAttr \".clst[0].clsn\" -type \"string\" \"colorSet\";\n"; os << " setAttr \".clst[0].rprt\" 3;\n"; os << " setAttr -s " << 3 << " \".clst[0].clsp[0:" << 3-1 << "]\"" << std::endl; os << " 10 50 250" << std::endl; os << " 100 250 50" << std::endl; os << " 0 200 200" << std::endl; os << " ;\n";*/ //------------------------------------------------------- // Vertices //------------------------------------------------------ std::map V; std::stringstream vertices_sstr; int num_vertices = 0; for( Finite_vertices_iterator vit = tr.finite_vertices_begin(); vit != tr.finite_vertices_end(); ++vit) { if ( (surfaceOnly && c3t3.in_dimension(vit) <= 2) || !surfaceOnly) { V[vit] = num_vertices++; Point_3 p = vit->point(); vertices_sstr << " " << CGAL::to_double(p.x()) << " " << CGAL::to_double(p.y()) << " " << CGAL::to_double(p.z()) << std::endl; } } os << " setAttr -s " << num_vertices << " \".vt[0:" << num_vertices-1 << "]\"" << std::endl; os << vertices_sstr.str(); os << ";\n"; /* // Triangles os << "setAttr -s " << QString().setNum(number_of_triangles) << " \".fc[0:" << QString().setNum(number_of_triangles-1) << "]\" -type \"polyFaces\" \n"; for (int i=0;i > EdgeList; EdgeList edges; // Surface only if (surfaceOnly) { facets_sstr << " setAttr -s " << number_of_triangles << " \".fc[0:" << number_of_triangles-1 << "]\" -type \"polyFaces\" \n"; int c = 0; for( Facet_iterator fit = c3t3.facets_in_complex_begin(); fit != c3t3.facets_in_complex_end(); ++fit, ++c) { int indices[3]; //Point_3 points[3]; facets_sstr << " f 3 "; for (int j = 0, i = (fit->second + 1) % 4 ; j < 3 ; i = (i+1)%4, ++j) { const Vertex_handle& vh = fit->first->vertex(i); indices[j] = V[vh]; //points[j] = vh->point(); } // Reverse triangle orientation? bool reverse_triangle = (fit->second % 2 == 0 && !c3t3.is_in_complex(fit->first)) || (fit->second % 2 != 0 && c3t3.is_in_complex(fit->first)); if (reverse_triangle) { std::swap(indices[1], indices[2]); //std::swap(points[1], points[2]); } //Kernel::Vector_3 n = cross_product(points[1] - points[0], points[2] - points[0]); //n = n / CGAL::sqrt(n*n); // Add the normal 3 times //normals_sstr << " " << n.x() << " " << n.y() << " " << n.z() << std::endl; //normals_sstr << " " << n.x() << " " << n.y() << " " << n.z() << std::endl; //normals_sstr << " " << n.x() << " " << n.y() << " " << n.z() << std::endl; // 3 edges for (int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; ++i) { std::pair edge = std::make_pair( (std::min)(indices[i], indices[(i+1)%3]), (std::max)(indices[i], indices[(i+1)%3])); size_t pos = std::find(edges.begin(), edges.end(), edge) - edges.begin(); if (pos == edges.size()) // Not found? { edges.push_back(edge); } // ith edge of triangle facets_sstr << pos << " "; } // 1 triangles facets_sstr << std::endl; // Colors //facets_sstr << " mc 0 3 " << rand()%3 << " " << rand()%3 << " " << rand()%3 << std::endl; } } // Tetrahedra = 4 facets for each else { facets_sstr << " setAttr -s " << 4*c3t3.number_of_cells_in_complex() << " \".fc[0:" << 4*c3t3.number_of_cells_in_complex()-1 << "]\" -type \"polyFaces\" \n"; int c = 0; for( Cell_iterator cit = c3t3.cells_in_complex_begin(); cit != c3t3.cells_in_complex_end(); ++cit, ++c) { for (int facet_i = 0 ; facet_i < 4 ; ++facet_i) { int indices[3]; //Point_3 points[3]; facets_sstr << " f 3 "; for (int j = 0, i = (facet_i + 1) % 4 ; j < 3 ; i = (i+1)%4, ++j) { const Vertex_handle& vh = cit->vertex(i); indices[j] = V[vh]; //points[j] = vh->point(); } // Reverse triangle orientation? bool reverse_triangle = (facet_i % 2 != 0 && c3t3.is_in_complex(cit, facet_i)); if (reverse_triangle) { std::swap(indices[1], indices[2]); //std::swap(points[1], points[2]); } //Kernel::Vector_3 n = cross_product(points[1] - points[0], points[2] - points[0]); //n = n / CGAL::sqrt(n*n); // Add the normal 3 times //normals_sstr << " " << n.x() << " " << n.y() << " " << n.z() << std::endl; //normals_sstr << " " << n.x() << " " << n.y() << " " << n.z() << std::endl; //normals_sstr << " " << n.x() << " " << n.y() << " " << n.z() << std::endl; // 3 edges for (int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; ++i) { std::pair edge = std::make_pair( (std::min)(indices[i], indices[(i+1)%3]), (std::max)(indices[i], indices[(i+1)%3])); size_t pos = std::find(edges.begin(), edges.end(), edge) - edges.begin(); if (pos == edges.size()) // Not found? { edges.push_back(edge); } // ith edge of triangle facets_sstr << pos << " "; } // 1 triangles facets_sstr << std::endl; // Colors //facets_sstr << " mc 0 3 " << rand()%3 << " " << rand()%3 << " " << rand()%3 << std::endl; } } } facets_sstr << ";\n\n"; //normals_sstr << ";\n\n"; //------------------------------------------------------- // Edges //------------------------------------------------------- os << " setAttr -s " << edges.size() << " \".ed[0:" << edges.size() - 1 << "]\"" << std::endl; for (EdgeList::const_iterator it = edges.begin(), it_end = edges.end() ; it != it_end ; ++it) os << " " << it->first << " " << it->second << " " << 0 << std::endl; os << ";\n"; //------------------------------------------------------- // Normals //------------------------------------------------------- //os << normals_sstr.str(); //------------------------------------------------------- // Facets //------------------------------------------------------- os << facets_sstr.str(); //------------------------------------------------------- // Tetrahedra //------------------------------------------------------- /*os << "Tetrahedra" << std::endl << c3t3.number_of_cells_in_complex() << std::endl; for( Cell_iterator cit = c3t3.cells_in_complex_begin() ; cit != c3t3.cells_in_complex_end() ; ++cit ) { for (int i=0; i<4; i++) os << V[cit->vertex(i)] << " "; os << get(cell_pmap, cit) << std::endl; }*/ //------------------------------------------------------- // End //------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef CGAL_MESH_3_IO_VERBOSE std::cerr << "done.\n"; #endif } // end output_to_maya(...) } // end namespace CGAL #endif // CGAL_IO_FILE_MAYA_H