// Copyright (c) 2005,2006 INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org); you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, // or (at your option) any later version. // // Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in // accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software. // // This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE // WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // $URL$ // $Id$ // // // Author(s) : Andreas Fabri, Sylvain Pion #ifndef CGAL_LAZY_H #define CGAL_LAZY_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef CGAL_LAZY_KERNEL_DEBUG # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace CGAL { template class Lazy; template class Lazy_exact_nt; template inline const AT& approx(const Lazy& l) { return l.approx(); } // Where is this one (non-const) needed ? Is it ? template inline AT& approx(Lazy& l) { return l.approx(); } template inline const ET& exact(const Lazy& l) { return l.exact(); } template inline unsigned depth(const Lazy& l) { return l.depth(); } #define CGAL_LAZY_FORWARD(T) \ inline const T & approx(const T& d) { return d; } \ inline const T & exact (const T& d) { return d; } \ inline unsigned depth (const T& ) { return 0; } CGAL_LAZY_FORWARD(long double) CGAL_LAZY_FORWARD(double) CGAL_LAZY_FORWARD(float) CGAL_LAZY_FORWARD(int) CGAL_LAZY_FORWARD(unsigned int) CGAL_LAZY_FORWARD(long) CGAL_LAZY_FORWARD(unsigned long) #ifdef CGAL_USE_LONG_LONG CGAL_LAZY_FORWARD(long long) CGAL_LAZY_FORWARD(unsigned long long) #endif CGAL_LAZY_FORWARD(Return_base_tag) CGAL_LAZY_FORWARD(Null_vector) CGAL_LAZY_FORWARD(Origin) CGAL_LAZY_FORWARD(Orientation) CGAL_LAZY_FORWARD(Bbox_2) CGAL_LAZY_FORWARD(Bbox_3) #undef CGAL_LAZY_FORWARD #ifdef CGAL_LAZY_KERNEL_DEBUG template void print_at(std::ostream& os, const T& at) { os << at; } template void print_at(std::ostream& os, const std::vector& at) { os << "std::vector"; } template <> void print_at(std::ostream& os, const Object& o) { os << "Object"; } template void print_at(std::ostream& os, const std::pair & at) { os << "[ " << at.first << " | " << at.second << " ]" << std::endl ; } template inline void print_dag(const Lazy& l, std::ostream& os, int level = 0) { l.print_dag(os, level); } inline void print_dag(double d, std::ostream& os, int level) { for(int i = 0; i < level; i++) os << " "; os << d << std::endl; } inline void msg(std::ostream& os, int level, const char* s) { for(int i = 0; i < level; i++) os << " "; os << s << std::endl; } inline void print_dag(const Null_vector&, std::ostream& os, int level) { for(int i = 0; i < level; i++) os << " "; os << "Null_vector" << std::endl; } inline void print_dag(const Origin&, std::ostream& os, int level) { for(int i = 0; i < level; i++) os << " "; os << "Origin" << std::endl; } inline void print_dag(const Return_base_tag&, std::ostream& os, int level) { for(int i = 0; i < level; i++) os << " "; os << "Return_base_tag" << std::endl; } #endif struct Depth_base { #ifdef CGAL_PROFILE unsigned depth_; Depth_base() { set_depth(0); } unsigned depth() const { return depth_; } void set_depth(unsigned i) { depth_ = i; CGAL_HISTOGRAM_PROFILER(std::string("[Lazy_kernel DAG depths]"), i); //(unsigned) ::log2(double(i))); } #else unsigned depth() const { return 0; } void set_depth(unsigned) {} #endif }; // Abstract base class for lazy numbers and lazy objects template class Lazy_rep : public Rep, public Depth_base { Lazy_rep (const Lazy_rep&); // cannot be copied. public: typedef AT_ AT; mutable AT at; mutable ET *et; Lazy_rep () : at(), et(NULL){} Lazy_rep (const AT& a) : at(a), et(NULL){} Lazy_rep (const AT& a, const ET& e) : at(a), et(new ET(e)) {} const AT& approx() const { return at; } AT& approx() { return at; } const ET & exact() const { if (et==NULL) update_exact(); return *et; } ET & exact() { if (et==NULL) update_exact(); return *et; } #ifdef CGAL_LAZY_KERNEL_DEBUG void print_at_et(std::ostream& os, int level) const { for(int i = 0; i < level; i++){ os << " "; } os << "Approximation: "; print_at(os, at); os << std::endl; if(! is_lazy()){ for(int i = 0; i < level; i++){ os << " "; } os << "Exact: "; print_at(os, *et); os << std::endl; #ifdef CGAL_LAZY_KERNEL_DEBUG_SHOW_TYPEID for(int i = 0; i < level; i++){ os << " "; } os << " (type: " << typeid(*et).name() << ")" << std::endl; #endif // CGAL_LAZY_KERNEL_DEBUG_SHOW_TYPEID } } virtual void print_dag(std::ostream& os, int level) const {} #endif bool is_lazy() const { return et == NULL; } virtual void update_exact() const = 0; virtual ~Lazy_rep() { delete et; } }; //____________________________________________________________ // The rep for the leaf node template class Lazy_rep_0 : public Lazy_rep { typedef Lazy_rep Base; public: void update_exact() const { this->et = new ET(); } Lazy_rep_0() : Lazy_rep() {} Lazy_rep_0(const AT& a, const ET& e) : Lazy_rep(a, e) {} Lazy_rep_0(const AT& a, void*) : Lazy_rep(a) {} Lazy_rep_0(const ET& e) : Lazy_rep(E2A()(e), e) {} void print_dag(std::ostream& os, int level) const { this->print_at_et(os, level); } }; // Macro helpers to build the kernel objects #define CGAL_TYPEMAP_AC(z, n, t) typedef typename Type_mapper< t##n, LK, AK >::type A##n; #define CGAL_TYPEMAP_EC(z, n, t) typedef typename Type_mapper< t##n, LK, EK >::type E##n; #define CGAL_LEXACT(z,n,t) CGAL::exact( l##n ) #define CGAL_LARGS(z, n, t) L##n const& l##n #define CGAL_TMAP(z, n, d) typename Type_mapper< L##n, d##K, LK >::type #define CGAL_PRUNE_TREE(z, n, d) l##n = L##n (); #define CGAL_LINIT(z, n, d) l##n(l##n) #define CGAL_LN(z, n, d) d(l##n) #define CGAL_MLIST(z, n, d) mutable L##n l##n; //____________________________________________________________ template class Lazy_rep_1 : public Lazy_rep , private EC { typedef Lazy_rep Base; mutable L1 l1_; const EC& ec() const { return *this; } public: void update_exact() const { this->et = new ET(ec()(CGAL::exact(l1_))); this->at = E2A()(*(this->et)); // Prune lazy tree l1_ = L1(); } Lazy_rep_1(const AC& ac, const EC& ec, const L1& l1) : Lazy_rep(ac(CGAL::approx(l1))), EC(ec), l1_(l1) { this->set_depth(CGAL::depth(l1_) + 1); } #ifdef CGAL_LAZY_KERNEL_DEBUG_SHOW_TYPEID # define CGAL_LAZY_PRINT_TYPEID CGAL::msg(os, level, typeid(AC).name()); #else // not CGAL_LAZY_KERNEL_DEBUG_SHOW_TYPEID # define CGAL_LAZY_PRINT_TYPEID #endif // not CGAL_LAZY_KERNEL_DEBUG_SHOW_TYPEID #ifdef CGAL_LAZY_KERNEL_DEBUG void print_dag(std::ostream& os, int level) const { this->print_at_et(os, level); if(this->is_lazy()){ CGAL_LAZY_PRINT_TYPEID CGAL::msg(os, level, "DAG with one child node:"); CGAL::print_dag(l1_, os, level+1); } } #endif }; #ifdef CGAL_LAZY_KERNEL_DEBUG # define CGAL_PRINT_DAG_LN(z, n, d) \ CGAL::print_dag(l##n, os, level+1); # define CGAL_LAZY_REP_PRINT_DAG(n) \ void print_dag(std::ostream& os, int level) const { \ this->print_at_et(os, level); \ if(this->is_lazy()){ \ CGAL_LAZY_PRINT_TYPEID \ CGAL::msg(os, level, "DAG with " #n " child nodes:"); \ BOOST_PP_REPEAT(n, CGAL_PRINT_DAG_LN, _) \ } \ } #else // not CGAL_LAZY_KERNEL_DEBUG # define CGAL_LAZY_REP_PRINT_DAG(n) #endif // not CGAL_LAZY_KERNEL_DEBUG #define CGAL_LAZY_REP(z, n, d) \ template< typename AT, typename ET, typename AC, typename EC, typename E2A, BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(n, typename L)> \ class Lazy_rep_##n :public Lazy_rep< AT, \ ET, \ E2A >, \ private EC \ { \ BOOST_PP_REPEAT(n, CGAL_MLIST, _) \ const EC& ec() const { return *this; } \ public: \ void update_exact() const { \ this->et = new ET(ec()( BOOST_PP_ENUM(n, CGAL_LEXACT, _) ) ); \ this->at = E2A()(*(this->et)); \ BOOST_PP_REPEAT(n, CGAL_PRUNE_TREE, _) \ } \ Lazy_rep_##n(const AC& ac, const EC&, BOOST_PP_ENUM(n, CGAL_LARGS, _)) \ : Lazy_rep(ac( BOOST_PP_ENUM(n, CGAL_LN, CGAL::approx) )), BOOST_PP_ENUM(n, CGAL_LINIT, _) \ { this->set_depth(max_n( BOOST_PP_ENUM(n, CGAL_LN, CGAL::depth) ) + 1); } \ \ CGAL_LAZY_REP_PRINT_DAG(n) \ }; BOOST_PP_REPEAT_FROM_TO(2, 9, CGAL_LAZY_REP, _) #undef CGAL_TMAP #undef CGAL_PRUNE_TREE #undef CGAL_LINIT #undef CGAL_LAZY_REP #undef CGAL_LN #undef CGAL_MLIST #undef CGAL_PRINT_DAG_LN #undef CGAL_LAZY_REP_PRINT_DAG #undef CGAL_LAZY_PRINT_TYPEID template < typename K1, typename K2 > struct Approx_converter { typedef K1 Source_kernel; typedef K2 Target_kernel; //typedef Converter Number_type_converter; template < typename T > const typename T::AT& operator()(const T&t) const { return t.approx(); } const Null_vector& operator()(const Null_vector& n) const { return n; } const Bbox_2& operator()(const Bbox_2& b) const { return b; } const Bbox_3& operator()(const Bbox_3& b) const { return b; } }; template < typename K1, typename K2 > struct Exact_converter { typedef K1 Source_kernel; typedef K2 Target_kernel; //typedef Converter Number_type_converter; template < typename T > const typename T::ET& operator()(const T&t) const { return t.exact(); } const Null_vector& operator()(const Null_vector& n) const { return n; } const Bbox_2& operator()(const Bbox_2& b) const { return b; } const Bbox_3& operator()(const Bbox_3& b) const { return b; } }; //____________________________________________________________ template class Lazy_rep_with_vector_1 : public Lazy_rep, std::vector, E2A> , private EC { typedef std::vector AT; typedef std::vector ET; typedef Lazy_rep Base; mutable L1 l1_; const EC& ec() const { return *this; } public: void update_exact() const { // TODO : This looks really unfinished... std::vector vec; this->et = new ET(); //this->et->reserve(this->at.size()); ec()(CGAL::exact(l1_), std::back_inserter(*(this->et))); if(this->et==NULL) E2A()(*(this->et)); this->at = E2A()(*(this->et)); // Prune lazy tree l1_ = L1(); } Lazy_rep_with_vector_1(const AC& ac, const EC& /*ec*/, const L1& l1) : l1_(l1) { ac(CGAL::approx(l1), std::back_inserter(this->at)); } #ifdef CGAL_LAZY_KERNEL_DEBUG void print_dag(std::ostream& os, int level) const { this->print_at_et(os, level); os << "A Lazy_rep_with_vector_1 of size " << this->at.size() << std::endl; if(this->is_lazy()){ CGAL::msg(os, level, "DAG with one child node:"); CGAL::print_dag(l1_, os, level+1); } } #endif }; template class Lazy_rep_with_vector_2 : public Lazy_rep, std::vector, E2A> , private EC { typedef std::vector AT; typedef std::vector ET; typedef Lazy_rep Base; mutable L1 l1_; mutable L2 l2_; const EC& ec() const { return *this; } public: void update_exact() const { this->et = new ET(); this->et->reserve(this->at.size()); ec()(CGAL::exact(l1_), CGAL::exact(l2_), std::back_inserter(*(this->et))); this->at = E2A()(*(this->et)); // Prune lazy tree l1_ = L1(); l2_ = L2(); } Lazy_rep_with_vector_2(const AC& ac, const EC& /*ec*/, const L1& l1, const L2& l2) : l1_(l1), l2_(l2) { ac(CGAL::approx(l1), CGAL::approx(l2), std::back_inserter(this->at)); } #ifdef CGAL_LAZY_KERNEL_DEBUG void print_dag(std::ostream& os, int level) const { this->print_at_et(os, level); os << "A Lazy_rep_with_vector_2 of size " << this->at.size() << std::endl; if(this->is_lazy()){ CGAL::msg(os, level, "DAG with two child nodes:"); CGAL::print_dag(l1_, os, level+1); CGAL::print_dag(l2_, os, level+1); } } #endif }; template class Lazy_rep_2_1 : public Lazy_rep , private EC { typedef typename R1::AT AT; typedef typename R1::ET ET; typedef Lazy_rep Base; mutable L1 l1_; mutable L2 l2_; const EC& ec() const { return *this; } public: void update_exact() const { this->et = new ET(); ec()(CGAL::exact(l1_), CGAL::exact(l2_), *(this->et)); this->at = E2A()(*(this->et)); // Prune lazy tree l1_ = L1(); l2_ = L2(); } Lazy_rep_2_1(const AC& ac, const EC& /*ec*/, const L1& l1, const L2& l2) : Lazy_rep(), l1_(l1), l2_(l2) { ac(CGAL::approx(l1), CGAL::approx(l2), this->at); } #ifdef CGAL_LAZY_KERNEL_DEBUG void print_dag(std::ostream& os, int level) const { this->print_at_et(os, level); os << "A Lazy_rep_2_1" << std::endl; if(this->is_lazy()){ CGAL::msg(os, level, "DAG with two child nodes:"); CGAL::print_dag(l1_, os, level+1); CGAL::print_dag(l2_, os, level+1); } } #endif }; //____________________________________________________________________________________ // The following rep class stores two non-const reference parameters of type R1 and R2 template class Lazy_rep_2_2 : public Lazy_rep, std::pair, E2A> , private EC { typedef std::pair AT; typedef std::pair ET; typedef Lazy_rep Base; mutable L1 l1_; mutable L2 l2_; const EC& ec() const { return *this; } public: void update_exact() const { this->et = new ET(); ec()(CGAL::exact(l1_), CGAL::exact(l2_), this->et->first, this->et->second ); this->at = E2A()(*(this->et)); // Prune lazy tree l1_ = L1(); l2_ = L2(); } Lazy_rep_2_2(const AC& ac, const EC& /*ec*/, const L1& l1, const L2& l2) : Lazy_rep(), l1_(l1), l2_(l2) { ac(CGAL::approx(l1), CGAL::approx(l2), this->at.first, this->at.second); } #ifdef CGAL_LAZY_KERNEL_DEBUG void print_dag(std::ostream& os, int level) const { this->print_at_et(os, level); os << "A Lazy_rep_2_2" << std::endl; if(this->is_lazy()){ CGAL::msg(os, level, "DAG with two child nodes:"); CGAL::print_dag(l1_, os, level+1); CGAL::print_dag(l2_, os, level+1); } } #endif }; //____________________________________________________________ // The handle class template class Lazy : public Handle { public : typedef Lazy Self; typedef Lazy_rep Self_rep; typedef AT_ AT; // undocumented typedef ET_ ET; // undocumented typedef AT Approximate_type; typedef ET Exact_type; /* typedef Self Rep; const Rep& rep() const { return *this; } Rep& rep() { return *this; } */ Lazy() : Handle(zero()) {} // Before Lazy::zero() used Boost.Thread, the definition of Lazy() was: // Lazy() // #ifndef CGAL_HAS_THREAD // : Handle(zero()) {} // #else // { // PTR = new Lazy_rep_0(); // } // #endif Lazy(Self_rep *r) { PTR = r; } Lazy(const ET& e) { PTR = new Lazy_rep_0(e); } const AT& approx() const { return ptr()->approx(); } const ET& exact() const { return ptr()->exact(); } AT& approx() { return ptr()->approx(); } ET& exact() { return ptr()->exact(); } unsigned depth() const { return ptr()->depth(); } void print_dag(std::ostream& os, int level) const { ptr()->print_dag(os, level); } private: // We have a static variable for optimizing the default constructor, // which is in particular heavily used for pruning DAGs. static const Self & zero() { // Note that the new only happens inside an if() inside the macro // So it would be a mistake to put the new before the macro CGAL_STATIC_THREAD_LOCAL_VARIABLE(Self,z,(new Lazy_rep_0())); return z; } Self_rep * ptr() const { return (Self_rep*) PTR; } }; // The magic functor for Construct_bbox_[2,3], as there is no Lazy template struct Lazy_construction_bbox { static const bool Protection = true; typedef typename LK::Approximate_kernel AK; typedef typename LK::Exact_kernel EK; typedef typename AC::result_type result_type; AC ac; EC ec; template result_type operator()(const L1& l1) const { CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER(std::string(" failures/calls to : ") + std::string(CGAL_PRETTY_FUNCTION), tmp); // Protection is outside the try block as VC8 has the CGAL_CFG_FPU_ROUNDING_MODE_UNWINDING_VC_BUG Protect_FPU_rounding P; try { return ac(CGAL::approx(l1)); } catch (Uncertain_conversion_exception) { CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER_BRANCH(tmp); Protect_FPU_rounding P2(CGAL_FE_TONEAREST); return ec(CGAL::exact(l1)); } } }; template struct Lazy_construction_nt { static const bool Protection = true; typedef typename LK::Approximate_kernel AK; typedef typename LK::Exact_kernel EK; typedef typename LK::E2A E2A; AC ac; EC ec; template struct result { }; #define CGAL_RESULT_NT(z, n, d) \ template< typename F, BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(n, class T) > \ struct result { \ BOOST_PP_REPEAT(n, CGAL_TYPEMAP_EC, T) \ typedef Lazy_exact_nt< \ typename boost::remove_cv< typename boost::remove_reference < \ typename cpp11::result_of::type >::type >::type > type; \ }; BOOST_PP_REPEAT_FROM_TO(1, 6, CGAL_RESULT_NT, _) #define CGAL_NT_OPERATOR(z, n, d) \ template \ typename cpp11::result_of::type \ operator()( BOOST_PP_ENUM(n, CGAL_LARGS, _) ) const { \ BOOST_PP_REPEAT(n, CGAL_TYPEMAP_EC, L) \ BOOST_PP_REPEAT(n, CGAL_TYPEMAP_AC, L) \ typedef typename boost::remove_cv< typename boost::remove_reference < \ typename cpp11::result_of< EC(BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(n, E)) >::type >::type >::type ET; \ typedef typename boost::remove_cv< typename boost::remove_reference < \ typename cpp11::result_of< AC(BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(n, A)) >::type >::type >::type AT; \ CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER(std::string(" failures/calls to : ") + std::string(CGAL_PRETTY_FUNCTION), tmp); \ Protect_FPU_rounding P; \ try { \ return new Lazy_rep_##n, BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(n, L) >(ac, ec, BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(n, l)); \ } catch (Uncertain_conversion_exception) { \ CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER_BRANCH(tmp); \ Protect_FPU_rounding P2(CGAL_FE_TONEAREST); \ return new Lazy_rep_0 >(ec( BOOST_PP_ENUM(n, CGAL_LEXACT, _) )); \ } \ } \ BOOST_PP_REPEAT_FROM_TO(1, 6, CGAL_NT_OPERATOR, _) #undef INTERVAL_OPERATOR #undef CGAL_RESULT_NT }; template Object make_lazy(const Object& eto) { typedef typename LK::Approximate_kernel AK; typedef typename LK::Exact_kernel EK; typedef typename LK::E2A E2A; if (eto.is_empty()) return Object(); #define CGAL_Kernel_obj(X) \ if (const typename EK::X* ptr = object_cast(&eto)) \ return make_object(typename LK::X(new Lazy_rep_0(*ptr))); #include //now handle vector #define CGAL_Kernel_obj(X) \ { \ const std::vector* v_ptr;\ if ( (v_ptr = object_cast >(&eto)) ) { \ std::vector V;\ V.resize(v_ptr->size()); \ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < v_ptr->size(); ++i) \ V[i] = typename LK::X( new Lazy_rep_0((*v_ptr)[i])); \ return make_object(V); \ }\ } CGAL_Kernel_obj(Point_2) CGAL_Kernel_obj(Point_3) #undef CGAL_Kernel_obj std::cerr << "object_cast inside Lazy_construction_rep::operator() failed. It needs more else if's (#2)" << std::endl; std::cerr << "dynamic type of the Object : " << eto.type().name() << std::endl; return Object(); } // This functor selects the i'th element in a vector of Object's // and casts it to what is in the Object template struct Ith { typedef T2 result_type; // We keep a Sign member object // for future utilisation, in case // we have pairs of 2 T2 objects e.g. // for a numeric_point vector returned // from a construction of a possible // lazy algebraic kernel int i; Sign sgn; Ith(int i_) : i(i_) {sgn=NEGATIVE;} Ith(int i_, bool b_) : i(i_) { sgn= (b_) ? POSITIVE : ZERO;} const T2& operator()(const std::vector& v) const { if(sgn==NEGATIVE) return *object_cast(&v[i]); typedef std::pair Pair_type_1; typedef std::pair > Pair_type_2; if(const Pair_type_1 *p1 = object_cast(&v[i])) return p1->first; else if(const Pair_type_2 *p2 = object_cast(&v[i])) return p2->first; CGAL_error_msg( " Unexpected encapsulated type "); } }; // This functor selects the i'th element in a vector of T2's template struct Ith_for_intersection { typedef T2 result_type; int i; Ith_for_intersection(int i_) : i(i_) {} const T2& operator()(const Object& o) const { const std::vector* ptr = object_cast >(&o); return (*ptr)[i]; } }; // This functor selects the i'th element in a vector of T2's template struct Ith_for_intersection_with_variant { typedef T2 result_type; int i; Ith_for_intersection_with_variant(int i_) : i(i_) {} template< BOOST_VARIANT_ENUM_PARAMS(typename U) > const T2& operator()(const boost::optional< boost::variant< BOOST_VARIANT_ENUM_PARAMS(U) > >& o) const { const std::vector* ptr = (boost::get >(&(*o))); return (*ptr)[i]; } template< BOOST_VARIANT_ENUM_PARAMS(typename U) > const T2& operator()(const boost::variant< BOOST_VARIANT_ENUM_PARAMS(U) >& o) const { const std::vector* ptr = (boost::get >(&o)); return (*ptr)[i]; } }; template struct Lazy_cartesian_const_iterator_2 { typedef typename LK::Approximate_kernel AK; typedef typename LK::Exact_kernel EK; typedef typename LK::Cartesian_const_iterator_2 result_type; AC ac; EC ec; public: template < typename L1> result_type operator()(const L1& l1) const { return result_type(&l1); } template < typename L1> result_type operator()(const L1& l1, int) const { return result_type(&l1,2); } }; template struct Lazy_cartesian_const_iterator_3 { typedef typename LK::Approximate_kernel AK; typedef typename LK::Exact_kernel EK; typedef typename LK::Cartesian_const_iterator_3 result_type; AC ac; EC ec; public: template < typename L1> result_type operator()(const L1& l1) const { return result_type(&l1); } template < typename L1> result_type operator()(const L1& l1, int) const { return result_type(&l1,3); } }; // This is the magic functor for functors that write their result in a reference argument // In a first version we assume that the references are of type Lazy, // and that the result type is void template struct Lazy_functor_2_1 { static const bool Protection = true; typedef void result_type; AC ac; EC ec; public: template void operator()(const L1& l1, const L2& l2, R1& r1) const { CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER(std::string(" failures/calls to : ") + std::string(CGAL_PRETTY_FUNCTION), tmp); Protect_FPU_rounding P; try { // we suppose that R1 is a Lazy r1 = R1(new Lazy_rep_2_1(ac, ec, l1, l2)); } catch (Uncertain_conversion_exception) { CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER_BRANCH(tmp); Protect_FPU_rounding P2(CGAL_FE_TONEAREST); typename R1::ET et; ec(CGAL::exact(l1), CGAL::exact(l2), et); r1 = R1(new Lazy_rep_0(et)); } } }; template struct First { typedef typename T::first_type result_type; const typename T::first_type& operator()(const T& p) const { return p.first; } }; template struct Second { typedef typename T::second_type result_type; const typename T::second_type& operator()(const T& p) const { return p.second; } }; // This is the magic functor for functors that write their result in a reference argument // In a first version we assume that the references are of type Lazy, // and that the result type is void //template template struct Lazy_functor_2_2 { static const bool Protection = true; typedef void result_type; typedef typename LK::Approximate_kernel AK; typedef typename LK::Exact_kernel EK; typedef typename EK::FT EFT; typedef typename LK::E2A E2A; AC ac; EC ec; public: template void operator()(const L1& l1, const L2& l2, R1& r1, R2& r2) const { typedef Lazy Handle_1; typedef Lazy Handle_2; CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER(std::string(" failures/calls to : ") + std::string(CGAL_PRETTY_FUNCTION), tmp); Protect_FPU_rounding P; try { typedef Lazy, std::pair, EFT, E2A> Lazy_pair; Lazy_pair lv(new Lazy_rep_2_2(ac, ec, l1, l2)); // lv->approx() is a std::pair; r1 = R1(Handle_1(new Lazy_rep_1 >, First >, E2A, Lazy_pair>(First >(), First >(), lv))); r2 = R2(Handle_2(new Lazy_rep_1 >, Second >, E2A, Lazy_pair>(Second >(), Second >(), lv))); } catch (Uncertain_conversion_exception) { CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER_BRANCH(tmp); Protect_FPU_rounding P2(CGAL_FE_TONEAREST); typename R1::ET et1, et2; ec(CGAL::exact(l1), CGAL::exact(l2), et1, et2); r1 = R1(Handle_1(new Lazy_rep_0(et1))); r2 = R2(Handle_2(new Lazy_rep_0(et2))); } } }; // This is the magic functor for functors that write their result as Objects into an output iterator template struct Lazy_intersect_with_iterators { static const bool Protection = true; typedef typename LK::Approximate_kernel AK; typedef typename LK::Exact_kernel EK; typedef typename EK::FT EFT; typedef typename LK::E2A E2A; typedef void result_type; typedef Lazy Lazy_object; typedef Lazy, std::vector, EFT, E2A> Lazy_vector; AC ac; EC ec; public: // In the example we intersect two Lazys // and write into a back_inserter(list,Lazy]) >) template OutputIterator operator()(const L1& l1, const L2& l2, OutputIterator it) const { CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER(std::string(" failures/calls to : ") + std::string(CGAL_PRETTY_FUNCTION), tmp); Protect_FPU_rounding P; try { Lazy_vector lv(new Lazy_rep_with_vector_2(ac, ec, l1, l2)); // lv.approx() is a std::vector // that is, when we get here we have constructed all approximate results for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lv.approx().size(); i++) { // FIXME : I'm not sure how this work... #define CGAL_Kernel_obj(X) if (object_cast(& (lv.approx()[i]))) { \ *it++ = make_object(typename LK::X(new Lazy_rep_1, \ Ith, E2A, Lazy_vector> \ (Ith(i), Ith(i), lv))); \ continue; \ } #include std::cerr << "we need more casts" << std::endl; } } catch (Uncertain_conversion_exception) { CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER_BRANCH(tmp); // TODO: Instead of using a vector, write an iterator adapter Protect_FPU_rounding P2(CGAL_FE_TONEAREST); std::vector exact_objects; ec(CGAL::exact(l1), CGAL::exact(l2), std::back_inserter(exact_objects)); for (std::vector::const_iterator oit = exact_objects.begin(); oit != exact_objects.end(); ++oit){ *it++ = make_lazy(*oit); } } return it; } }; template struct Object_cast { typedef T result_type; const T& operator()(const Object& o) const { return *object_cast(&o); } }; // The following functor returns an Object with a Lazy inside // As the nested kernels return Objects of AK::Something and EK::Something // we have to unwrap them from the Object, and wrap them in a Lazy // // TODO: write operators for other than two arguments. For the current kernel we only need two for Intersect_2 template struct Lazy_construction_object { static const bool Protection = true; typedef typename LK::Approximate_kernel AK; typedef typename LK::Exact_kernel EK; typedef typename EK::FT EFT; typedef typename LK::E2A E2A; typedef typename AC::result_type AT; typedef typename EC::result_type ET; typedef Object result_type; typedef Lazy Lazy_object; AC ac; EC ec; public: template result_type operator()(const L1& l1) const { CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER(std::string(" failures/calls to : ") + std::string(CGAL_PRETTY_FUNCTION), tmp); Protect_FPU_rounding P; try { Lazy_object lo(new Lazy_rep_1(ac, ec, l1)); if(lo.approx().is_empty()) return Object(); #define CGAL_Kernel_obj(X) \ if (object_cast(& (lo.approx()))) { \ typedef Lazy_rep_1< typename AK::X, typename EK::X, Object_cast, Object_cast, E2A, Lazy_object> Lcr; \ Lcr * lcr = new Lcr(Object_cast(), Object_cast(), lo); \ return make_object(typename LK::X(lcr)); \ } #include std::cerr << "object_cast inside Lazy_construction_rep::operator() failed. It needs more else if's (#1)" << std::endl; std::cerr << "dynamic type of the Object : " << lo.approx().type().name() << std::endl; } catch (Uncertain_conversion_exception) { CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER_BRANCH(tmp); Protect_FPU_rounding P2(CGAL_FE_TONEAREST); ET eto = ec(CGAL::exact(l1)); return make_lazy(eto); } return Object(); } template result_type operator()(const L1& l1, const L2& l2) const { CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER(std::string(" failures/calls to : ") + std::string(CGAL_PRETTY_FUNCTION), tmp); Protect_FPU_rounding P; try { Lazy_object lo(new Lazy_rep_2(ac, ec, l1, l2)); if(lo.approx().is_empty()) return Object(); #define CGAL_Kernel_obj(X) \ if (object_cast(& (lo.approx()))) { \ typedef Lazy_rep_1, Object_cast, E2A, Lazy_object> Lcr; \ Lcr * lcr = new Lcr(Object_cast(), Object_cast(), lo); \ return make_object(typename LK::X(lcr)); \ } #include // We now check vector #define CGAL_Kernel_obj(X) \ { \ const std::vector* v_ptr;\ if ( (v_ptr = object_cast >(& (lo.approx()))) ) { \ std::vector V;\ V.resize(v_ptr->size()); \ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < v_ptr->size(); i++) { \ V[i] = typename LK::X(new Lazy_rep_1, \ Ith_for_intersection, E2A, Lazy_object> \ (Ith_for_intersection(i), Ith_for_intersection(i), lo)); \ } \ return make_object(V); \ }\ } CGAL_Kernel_obj(Point_2) CGAL_Kernel_obj(Point_3) #undef CGAL_Kernel_obj std::cerr << "object_cast inside Lazy_construction_rep::operator() failed. It needs more else if's (#1)" << std::endl; std::cerr << "dynamic type of the Object : " << lo.approx().type().name() << std::endl; } catch (Uncertain_conversion_exception) { CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER_BRANCH(tmp); Protect_FPU_rounding P2(CGAL_FE_TONEAREST); ET eto = ec(CGAL::exact(l1), CGAL::exact(l2)); return make_lazy(eto); } return Object(); } template result_type operator()(const L1& l1, const L2& l2, const L3& l3) const { CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER(std::string(" failures/calls to : ") + std::string(CGAL_PRETTY_FUNCTION), tmp); Protect_FPU_rounding P; try { Lazy_object lo(new Lazy_rep_3(ac, ec, l1, l2, l3)); if(lo.approx().is_empty()) return Object(); #define CGAL_Kernel_obj(X) \ if (object_cast(& (lo.approx()))) { \ typedef Lazy_rep_1, Object_cast, E2A, Lazy_object> Lcr; \ Lcr * lcr = new Lcr(Object_cast(), Object_cast(), lo); \ return make_object(typename LK::X(lcr)); \ } #include std::cerr << "object_cast inside Lazy_construction_rep::operator() failed. It needs more else if's (#1)" << std::endl; std::cerr << "dynamic type of the Object : " << lo.approx().type().name() << std::endl; } catch (Uncertain_conversion_exception) { CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER_BRANCH(tmp); Protect_FPU_rounding P2(CGAL_FE_TONEAREST); ET eto = ec(CGAL::exact(l1), CGAL::exact(l2), CGAL::exact(l3)); return make_lazy(eto); } return Object(); } }; //____________________________________________________________ // The magic functor that has Lazy as result type. // Two versions are distinguished: one that needs to fiddle // with result_of and another that can forward the result types. namespace internal { BOOST_MPL_HAS_XXX_TRAIT_DEF(result_type) // lift boost::get into a functor with a result_type member name and // extend it to operate on optionals // TODO there is a mismatch between the result_type typedef and the // actual return type of operator() template struct Variant_cast { typedef T result_type; template const T& operator()(const boost::optional< boost::variant< BOOST_VARIANT_ENUM_PARAMS(U) > >& o) const { // can throw but should never because we always build it inside // a static visitor with the right type return boost::get(*o); } template T& operator()(boost::optional< boost::variant< BOOST_VARIANT_ENUM_PARAMS(U) > >& o) const { // can throw but should never because we always build it inside // a static visitor with the right type, if it throws bad_get return boost::get(*o); } }; template struct Fill_lazy_variant_visitor_2 : boost::static_visitor<> { Fill_lazy_variant_visitor_2(Result& r, Origin& o) : r(&r), o(&o) {} Result* r; Origin* o; template void operator()(const T&) { // the equivalent type we are currently matching in the lazy kernel typedef T AKT; typedef typename Type_mapper::type EKT; typedef typename Type_mapper::type LKT; typedef Lazy_rep_1, Variant_cast, typename LK::E2A, Origin> Lcr; Lcr * lcr = new Lcr(Variant_cast(), Variant_cast(), *o); *r = LKT(lcr); } template void operator()(const std::vector& t) { typedef T AKT; typedef typename Type_mapper::type EKT; typedef typename Type_mapper::type LKT; std::vector V; V.resize(t.size()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < t.size(); i++) { V[i] = LKT(new Lazy_rep_1, Ith_for_intersection, typename LK::E2A, Origin> (Ith_for_intersection(i), Ith_for_intersection(i), *o)); } *r = V; } }; template struct Fill_lazy_variant_visitor_0 : boost::static_visitor<> { Fill_lazy_variant_visitor_0(Result& r) : r(&r) {} Result* r; template void operator()(const T& t) { // the equivalent type we are currently matching in the lazy kernel typedef T EKT; typedef typename Type_mapper::type AKT; typedef typename Type_mapper::type LKT; *r = LKT(new Lazy_rep_0(t)); } template void operator()(const std::vector& t) { typedef T EKT; typedef typename Type_mapper::type AKT; typedef typename Type_mapper::type LKT; std::vector V; V.resize(t.size()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < t.size(); i++) { V[i] = LKT(new Lazy_rep_0(t[i])); } *r = V; } }; } // internal template struct Lazy_construction_variant { static const bool Protection = true; typedef typename LK::Approximate_kernel AK; typedef typename LK::Exact_kernel EK; typedef typename EK::FT EFT; typedef typename LK::E2A E2A; template struct result { // this does not default, if you want to make a lazy lazy-kernel, // you are on your own }; #define CGAL_RESULT(z, n, d) \ template< typename F, BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(n, class T) > \ struct result { \ BOOST_PP_REPEAT(n, CGAL_TYPEMAP_AC, T) \ typedef typename Type_mapper< \ typename cpp11::result_of::type, AK, LK>::type type; \ }; BOOST_PP_REPEAT_FROM_TO(1, 9, CGAL_RESULT, _) template typename result::type operator()(const L1& l1, const L2& l2) const { typedef typename cpp11::result_of::type result_type; typedef typename cpp11::result_of::type, typename Type_mapper::type)>::type AT; typedef typename cpp11::result_of::type, typename Type_mapper::type)>::type ET; CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER(std::string(" failures/calls to : ") + std::string(CGAL_PRETTY_FUNCTION), tmp); Protect_FPU_rounding P; try { Lazy lazy(new Lazy_rep_2(AC(), EC(), l1, l2)); // the approximate result requires the trait with types from the AK AT approx_v = lazy.approx(); // the result we build result_type res; if(!approx_v) { // empty return res; } // the static visitor fills the result_type with the correct unwrapped type internal::Fill_lazy_variant_visitor_2< result_type, AK, LK, EK, Lazy > visitor(res, lazy); boost::apply_visitor(visitor, *approx_v); return res; } catch (Uncertain_conversion_exception) { CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER_BRANCH(tmp); Protect_FPU_rounding P2(CGAL_FE_TONEAREST); ET exact_v = EC()(CGAL::exact(l1), CGAL::exact(l2)); result_type res; if(!exact_v) { return res; } internal::Fill_lazy_variant_visitor_0 visitor(res); boost::apply_visitor(visitor, *exact_v); return res; } } template typename result::type operator()(const L1& l1, const L2& l2, const L3& l3) const { typedef typename result::type result_type; typedef typename cpp11::result_of::type, typename Type_mapper::type, typename Type_mapper::type)>::type AT; typedef typename cpp11::result_of::type, typename Type_mapper::type, typename Type_mapper::type)>::type ET; CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER(std::string(" failures/calls to : ") + std::string(CGAL_PRETTY_FUNCTION), tmp); Protect_FPU_rounding P; try { Lazy lazy(new Lazy_rep_3(AC(), EC(), l1, l2, l3)); // the approximate result requires the trait with types from the AK AT approx_v = lazy.approx(); // the result we build result_type res; if(!approx_v) { // empty return res; } // the static visitor fills the result_type with the correct unwrapped type internal::Fill_lazy_variant_visitor_2< result_type, AK, LK, EK, Lazy > visitor(res, lazy); boost::apply_visitor(visitor, *approx_v); return res; } catch (Uncertain_conversion_exception) { CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER_BRANCH(tmp); Protect_FPU_rounding P2(CGAL_FE_TONEAREST); ET exact_v = EC()(CGAL::exact(l1), CGAL::exact(l2), CGAL::exact(l3)); result_type res; if(!exact_v) { return res; } internal::Fill_lazy_variant_visitor_0< result_type, AK, LK, EK> visitor(res); boost::apply_visitor(visitor, *exact_v); return res; } } }; template::value && internal::has_result_type::value > struct Lazy_construction; // we have a result type, low effort template struct Lazy_construction { static const bool Protection = true; typedef typename LK::Approximate_kernel AK; typedef typename LK::Exact_kernel EK; typedef typename boost::remove_cv< typename boost::remove_reference < typename AC::result_type >::type >::type AT; typedef typename boost::remove_cv< typename boost::remove_reference < typename EC::result_type >::type >::type ET; typedef typename EK::FT EFT; typedef typename Default::Get::type E2A; typedef typename Type_mapper::type result_type; AC ac; EC ec; #define CGAL_CONSTRUCTION_OPERATOR(z, n, d ) \ template \ result_type \ operator()( BOOST_PP_ENUM(n, CGAL_LARGS, _) ) const { \ typedef Lazy< AT, ET, EFT, E2A> Handle; \ CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER(std::string(" failures/calls to : ") + std::string(CGAL_PRETTY_FUNCTION), tmp); \ Protect_FPU_rounding P; \ try { \ return result_type( Handle(new Lazy_rep_##n(ac, ec, BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(n, l)))); \ } catch (Uncertain_conversion_exception) { \ CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER_BRANCH(tmp); \ Protect_FPU_rounding P2(CGAL_FE_TONEAREST); \ return result_type( Handle(new Lazy_rep_0(ec( BOOST_PP_ENUM(n, CGAL_LEXACT, _) ))) ); \ } \ } // arity 1-8 BOOST_PP_REPEAT_FROM_TO(1, 9, CGAL_CONSTRUCTION_OPERATOR, _) // nullary result_type operator()() const { typedef Lazy Handle; return result_type( Handle(new Lazy_rep_0()) ); } #undef CGAL_CONSTRUCTION_OPERATOR }; template struct Lazy_construction { static const bool Protection = true; typedef typename LK::Approximate_kernel AK; typedef typename LK::Exact_kernel EK; typedef typename EK::FT EFT; typedef typename Default::Get::type E2A; template struct result { // this does not default, if you want to make a lazy lazy-kernel, // you are on your own }; AC ac; EC ec; // acquire the result_type of the approximate kernel, map it back to the lazy kernel object #define CGAL_RESULT(z, n, d) \ template< typename F, BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(n, class T) > \ struct result { \ BOOST_PP_REPEAT(n, CGAL_TYPEMAP_AC, T) \ typedef typename Type_mapper< typename cpp11::result_of::type, AK, LK>::type type; \ }; BOOST_PP_REPEAT_FROM_TO(1, 9, CGAL_RESULT, _) #define CGAL_CONSTRUCTION_OPERATOR(z, n, d) \ template \ typename cpp11::result_of::type \ operator()( BOOST_PP_ENUM(n, CGAL_LARGS, _) ) { \ BOOST_PP_REPEAT(n, CGAL_TYPEMAP_EC, L) \ BOOST_PP_REPEAT(n, CGAL_TYPEMAP_AC, L) \ typedef typename boost::remove_cv< typename boost::remove_reference < \ typename cpp11::result_of< EC(BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(n, E)) >::type >::type >::type ET; \ typedef typename boost::remove_cv< typename boost::remove_reference < \ typename cpp11::result_of< AC(BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(n, A)) >::type >::type >::type AT; \ typedef Lazy< AT, ET, EFT, E2A> Handle; \ typedef typename cpp11::result_of::type result_type; \ CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER(std::string(" failures/calls to : ") + std::string(CGAL_PRETTY_FUNCTION), tmp); \ Protect_FPU_rounding P; \ try { \ return result_type( Handle(new Lazy_rep_##n(ac, ec, BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(n, l)))); \ } catch (Uncertain_conversion_exception) { \ CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER_BRANCH(tmp); \ Protect_FPU_rounding P2(CGAL_FE_TONEAREST); \ return result_type( Handle(new Lazy_rep_0(ec( BOOST_PP_ENUM(n, CGAL_LEXACT, _) ))) ); \ } \ } // arity 1-8 BOOST_PP_REPEAT_FROM_TO(1, 9, CGAL_CONSTRUCTION_OPERATOR, _) // nullary typename Type_mapper< typename cpp11::result_of::type ,AK, LK>::type operator()() const { typedef typename cpp11::result_of::type AT; typedef typename cpp11::result_of::type ET; typedef Lazy Handle; typedef typename Type_mapper< typename cpp11::result_of::type ,AK, LK>::type result_type; return result_type( Handle(new Lazy_rep_0()) ); } }; } //namespace CGAL #undef CGAL_TYPEMAP_AC #undef CGAL_TYPEMAP_EC #undef CGAL_LEXACT #undef CGAL_LARGS #endif // CGAL_LAZY_H