// Copyright (c) 2009 INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU // General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in // accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software. // // This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE // WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // $URL$ // $Id$ // // // Author(s) : Stephane Tayeb // //****************************************************************************** // File Description : //****************************************************************************** #ifndef CGAL_MESH_3_SLIVER_PERTURBER_H #define CGAL_MESH_3_SLIVER_PERTURBER_H #include #ifdef CGAL_MESH_3_VERBOSE #define CGAL_MESH_3_PERTURBER_VERBOSE #endif #ifdef CGAL_MESH_3_PERTURBER_VERBOSE #ifndef CGAL_MESH_3_PERTURBER_HIGH_VERBOSITY #define CGAL_MESH_3_PERTURBER_LOW_VERBOSITY #else #undef CGAL_MESH_3_PERTURBER_LOW_VERBOSITY #endif #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef CGAL_CONCURRENT_MESH_3_PROFILING # define CGAL_PROFILE # include #endif #ifdef CGAL_LINKED_WITH_TBB # include #endif #include #ifdef CGAL_MESH_3_USE_RELAXED_HEAP #include #else #include #endif //CGAL_MESH_3_USE_RELAXED_HEAP #include #include #include #include namespace CGAL { namespace internal { namespace Mesh_3 { // Hash function for boost::unordered_map template struct VHash { typedef typename Tr::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; std::size_t operator()(Vertex_handle vh) const { return vh->time_stamp(); } }; template struct VHash { typedef typename Tr::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; std::size_t operator()(Vertex_handle vh) const { return boost::hash_value(&*vh); } }; }} // end internal::Mesh_3 namespace Mesh_3 { /** * @class PVertex * Vertex with associated perturbation datas */ // Sequential template< typename FT , typename Vertex_handle , typename Point_3 , typename SliverCriterion , typename Perturbation , typename Concurrency_tag> class PVertex_ { public: typedef PVertex_ Self; typedef std::size_t id_type; /// Constructor PVertex_() : vertex_handle_() , incident_sliver_nb_(0) , min_value_((std::numeric_limits::max)()) , try_nb_(0) , p_perturbation_(NULL) , id_() { } PVertex_(const Vertex_handle& vh, id_type id) : vertex_handle_(vh) , incident_sliver_nb_(0) , min_value_((std::numeric_limits::max)()) , try_nb_(0) , p_perturbation_(NULL) , id_(id) { } /// Associated vertex const Vertex_handle& vertex() const { return vertex_handle_; } void set_vertex(const Vertex_handle& vh) { vertex_handle_ = vh; } /// Incident slivers number unsigned int sliver_nb() const { return incident_sliver_nb_; } void set_sliver_nb(const unsigned int n) { incident_sliver_nb_ = n; } /// Current perturbation const Perturbation* perturbation() const { return p_perturbation_; } void set_perturbation(const Perturbation* p) { p_perturbation_ = p; } /// Is perturbable bool is_perturbable() const { return ( (vertex_handle_->in_dimension() > 1) && (NULL != perturbation()) && (sliver_nb() != 0) ); } /// Min sliver value const FT& min_value() const { return min_value_; } void set_min_value(const FT& min_value){ min_value_ = min_value; } /// Try nb const unsigned int& try_nb() const { return try_nb_; } void set_try_nb(const unsigned int& try_nb) { try_nb_ = try_nb; } void increment_try_nb() { ++try_nb_; } /// Id void set_id(const id_type& id) { id_ = id; } id_type id() const { return id_; } /// Operators bool operator==(const Self& pv) const { return ( id() == pv.id() ); } bool operator<(const Self& pv) const { // vertex type (smallest-interior first) if ( vertex()->in_dimension() != pv.vertex()->in_dimension() ) return vertex()->in_dimension() > pv.vertex()->in_dimension(); // nb incident slivers (smallest first) else if ( sliver_nb() != pv.sliver_nb() ) return sliver_nb() < pv.sliver_nb(); // min angle (smallest first) else if ( min_value() != pv.min_value() ) return min_value() < pv.min_value(); // try nb (smallest first) else if ( try_nb() != pv.try_nb() ) return try_nb() < pv.try_nb(); // perturbation type (smallest first) else if ( perturbation() != pv.perturbation() ) return *perturbation() < *pv.perturbation(); return ( id() < pv.id() ); // all characteristics are the same! } /// Dummy functions void update_saved_erase_counter() {} bool is_zombie() { return false; } private: /// Private datas Vertex_handle vertex_handle_; unsigned int incident_sliver_nb_; FT min_value_; unsigned int try_nb_; const Perturbation* p_perturbation_; id_type id_; }; #ifdef CGAL_LINKED_WITH_TBB // Parallel template< typename FT , typename Vertex_handle , typename Point_3 , typename SliverCriterion , typename Perturbation> class PVertex_ { public: typedef PVertex_ Self; typedef std::size_t id_type; /// Constructor PVertex_() : vertex_handle_() , in_dimension_(-1) , incident_sliver_nb_(0) , min_value_((std::numeric_limits::max)()) , try_nb_(0) , p_perturbation_(NULL) , id_() { } PVertex_(const Vertex_handle& vh, id_type id) : vertex_handle_(vh) , vh_erase_counter_when_added_(vh->erase_counter()) , in_dimension_(vh->in_dimension()) , incident_sliver_nb_(0) , min_value_((std::numeric_limits::max)()) , try_nb_(0) , p_perturbation_(NULL) , id_(id) { } /// Associated vertex const Vertex_handle& vertex() const { return vertex_handle_; } void set_vertex(const Vertex_handle& vh) { vertex_handle_ = vh; update_saved_erase_counter(); } void update_saved_erase_counter() { vh_erase_counter_when_added_ = vertex_handle_->erase_counter(); } int in_dimension() const { return in_dimension_; } /// Incident slivers number unsigned int sliver_nb() const { return incident_sliver_nb_; } void set_sliver_nb(const unsigned int n) { incident_sliver_nb_ = n; } /// Current perturbation const Perturbation* perturbation() const { return p_perturbation_; } void set_perturbation(const Perturbation* p) { p_perturbation_ = p; } /// Is perturbable bool is_perturbable() const { return ( (vertex_handle_->in_dimension() > 1) && (NULL != perturbation()) && (sliver_nb() != 0) ); } /// Min sliver value const FT& min_value() const { return min_value_; } void set_min_value(const FT& min_value){ min_value_ = min_value; } /// Try nb const unsigned int& try_nb() const { return try_nb_; } void set_try_nb(const unsigned int& try_nb) { try_nb_ = try_nb; } void increment_try_nb() { ++try_nb_; } /// Id void set_id(const id_type& id) { id_ = id; } id_type id() const { return id_; } /// Zombie bool is_zombie() const { return vertex_handle_->erase_counter() != vh_erase_counter_when_added_; } /// Operators bool operator==(const Self& pv) const { return ( id() == pv.id() ); } bool operator<(const Self& pv) const { // vertex type (smallest-interior first) if ( in_dimension() != pv.in_dimension() ) return in_dimension() > pv.in_dimension(); // nb incident slivers (smallest first) else if ( sliver_nb() != pv.sliver_nb() ) return sliver_nb() < pv.sliver_nb(); // min angle (smallest first) else if ( min_value() != pv.min_value() ) return min_value() < pv.min_value(); // try nb (smallest first) else if ( try_nb() != pv.try_nb() ) return try_nb() < pv.try_nb(); // perturbation type (smallest first) else if ( perturbation() != pv.perturbation() ) return *perturbation() < *pv.perturbation(); return ( id() < pv.id() ); // all characteristics are the same! } private: /// Private datas Vertex_handle vertex_handle_; unsigned int vh_erase_counter_when_added_; int in_dimension_; unsigned int incident_sliver_nb_; FT min_value_; unsigned int try_nb_; const Perturbation* p_perturbation_; id_type id_; }; #endif /************************************************ // Class Sliver_perturber_base // Two versions: sequential / parallel ************************************************/ // Sequential template class Sliver_perturber_base { protected: typedef typename Tr::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; typedef typename Tr::Geom_traits Gt; typedef typename Gt::FT FT; typedef typename std::vector Bad_vertices_vector; typedef typename Tr::Lock_data_structure Lock_data_structure; Sliver_perturber_base(const Bbox_3 &, int) {} Lock_data_structure * get_lock_data_structure() const { return 0; } void unlock_all_elements() const {} void create_root_task() const {} bool flush_work_buffers() const { return true; } void wait_for_all() const {} void destroy_root_task() const {} template void enqueue_work(Func, const PVertex &) const {} void increment_erase_counter(const Vertex_handle &) const {} }; #ifdef CGAL_LINKED_WITH_TBB // Parallel template class Sliver_perturber_base { protected: typedef typename Tr::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; typedef typename Tr::Geom_traits Gt; typedef typename Gt::FT FT; typedef typename tbb::concurrent_vector Bad_vertices_vector; typedef typename Tr::Lock_data_structure Lock_data_structure; Sliver_perturber_base(const Bbox_3 &bbox, int num_grid_cells_per_axis) : m_lock_ds(bbox, num_grid_cells_per_axis) , m_worksharing_ds(bbox) { } Lock_data_structure *get_lock_data_structure() const { return &m_lock_ds; } void unlock_all_elements() const { m_lock_ds.unlock_all_points_locked_by_this_thread(); } void create_root_task() const { m_empty_root_task = new( tbb::task::allocate_root() ) tbb::empty_task; m_empty_root_task->set_ref_count(1); } bool flush_work_buffers() const { m_empty_root_task->set_ref_count(1); bool keep_flushing = m_worksharing_ds.flush_work_buffers(*m_empty_root_task); wait_for_all(); return keep_flushing; } void wait_for_all() const { m_empty_root_task->wait_for_all(); } void destroy_root_task() const { tbb::task::destroy(*m_empty_root_task); m_empty_root_task = 0; } template void enqueue_work(Func f, const PVertex &pv) const { CGAL_assertion(m_empty_root_task != 0); m_worksharing_ds.enqueue_work(f, pv, *m_empty_root_task); } void increment_erase_counter(const Vertex_handle &vh) const { vh->increment_erase_counter(); } public: protected: mutable Lock_data_structure m_lock_ds; mutable Mesh_3::Auto_worksharing_ds m_worksharing_ds; mutable tbb::task *m_empty_root_task; }; #endif // CGAL_LINKED_WITH_TBB /************************************************ // Class Sliver_perturber ************************************************/ template < typename C3T3, typename MeshDomain, typename SliverCriterion = Mesh_3::Min_dihedral_angle_criterion , typename Visitor_ = Null_perturber_visitor > class Sliver_perturber : public Sliver_perturber_base { // Types typedef typename C3T3::Concurrency_tag Concurrency_tag; typedef Sliver_perturber Self; typedef Sliver_perturber_base< typename C3T3::Triangulation, Concurrency_tag> Base; typedef typename C3T3::Triangulation Tr; typedef typename Tr::Geom_traits Gt; typedef typename Tr::Cell_handle Cell_handle; typedef typename Base::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; typedef typename Tr::Vertex Vertex; typedef typename MeshDomain::Point_3 Point_3; typedef typename std::vector Cell_vector; typedef typename std::vector Vertex_vector; typedef typename Base::Bad_vertices_vector Bad_vertices_vector; typedef typename Gt::FT FT; // Helper typedef class C3T3_helpers C3T3_helpers; using Base::get_lock_data_structure; // Visitor // Should define // - bound_reached(FT bound) // - end_of_perturbation_iteration(std::size_t vertices_left) typedef Visitor_ Visitor; // perturbations public: typedef Abstract_perturbation Perturbation; typedef boost::ptr_vector Perturbation_vector; private: // Relaxed heap typedef PVertex_ PVertex; /** * @class PVertex_id * relaxed heap */ class PVertex_id : public boost::put_get_helper { public: typedef boost::readable_property_map_tag category; typedef typename PVertex::id_type value_type; typedef typename PVertex::id_type reference; typedef PVertex key_type; value_type operator[] (const key_type& pv) const { return pv.id(); } }; typedef std::less less_PVertex; #ifdef CGAL_MESH_3_USE_RELAXED_HEAP typedef boost::relaxed_heap PQueue; #else typedef ::CGAL::internal::mutable_queue_with_remove, less_PVertex, PVertex_id> PQueue; #endif //CGAL_MESH_3_USE_RELAXED_HEAP public: /** * Constructor */ Sliver_perturber(C3T3& c3t3, const MeshDomain& domain, const SliverCriterion& criterion); /** * @brief Launch perturbation * @param sliver_bound the bound the perturber will try to achieve * @param delta the size of the step used by the perturber * * Runs explicit perturbation. The goal is that for each tet of the mesh, * SliverCriterion(tet) > sliver_bound. * The perturber runs step by step, using delta as step size. */ Mesh_optimization_return_code operator()(Visitor visitor = Visitor()); /** * Adds a perturbation at the end of the perturbation queue */ void add_perturbation(Perturbation* perturbation); /// Time accessors void set_time_limit(double time) { time_limit_ = time; } double time_limit() const { return time_limit_; } private: // ----------------------------------- // Private methods // ----------------------------------- /** * One step perturbation: tries to achieve sliver_bound quality in the mesh */ bool perturb(const FT& sliver_bound, PQueue& pqueue, Visitor& v) const; /** * Builds priority queue. It will contain all vertices that have quality below * sliver_bound. * Returns priority queue size. * * precondition: pqueue.empty() */ int build_priority_queue(const FT& sliver_bound, PQueue& pqueue) const; /** * Updates priority queue for all vertices of \c vertices */ // Sequential int update_priority_queue(const Vertex_vector& vertices, const FT& sliver_bound, PQueue& pqueue) const; #ifdef CGAL_LINKED_WITH_TBB // Parallel int update_priority_queue( const Vertex_vector& vertices , const FT& sliver_bound , Visitor& visitor , Bad_vertices_vector &bad_vertices) const; #endif /** * Updates \c pv in priority queue */ int update_priority_queue(const PVertex& pv, PQueue& pqueue) const; // For parallel version void perturb_vertex( PVertex pv , const FT& sliver_bound , Visitor& visitor , Bad_vertices_vector &bad_vertices , bool *could_lock_zone ) const; /** * Returns a pvertex from a vertex handle \c vh, using id \c pv_id */ PVertex make_pvertex(const Vertex_handle& vh, const FT& sliver_bound, const typename PVertex::id_type& pv_id) const; PVertex make_pvertex__concurrent( const Vertex_handle& vh, const FT& sliver_bound, const typename PVertex::id_type& pv_id) const; /** * Updates a pvertex \c pv */ void update_pvertex(PVertex& pv, const FT& sliver_bound) const; void update_pvertex__concurrent(PVertex& pv, const FT& sliver_bound) const; /** * Returns \c vh pvertex id */ typename PVertex::id_type get_pvertex_id(const Vertex_handle& vh) const { return static_cast(vh->meshing_info()); } /** * Update bad vertices vector, wrt \c sliver_bound */ // Sequential void update_bad_vertices(std::vector &bad_vertices, const FT& sliver_bound) const; #ifdef CGAL_LINKED_WITH_TBB // Parallel void update_bad_vertices(tbb::concurrent_vector &bad_vertices, const FT& sliver_bound) const; #endif /** * Initializes vertices ids */ void initialize_vertices_id() const; /** * Returns true if time_limit is reached */ bool is_time_limit_reached() const { return ( (time_limit() > 0) && (running_time_.time() > time_limit()) ); } #ifdef CGAL_MESH_3_PERTURBER_VERBOSE /// Verbose mode methods void print_perturbations_statistics() const; void print_final_perturbations_statistics() const; void reset_perturbation_counters(); #endif #ifdef CGAL_LINKED_WITH_TBB // For parallel version void enqueue_task(const PVertex &pv, const FT& sliver_bound, Visitor& visitor, Bad_vertices_vector &bad_vertices ) const; #endif private: #ifdef CGAL_LINKED_WITH_TBB // Functor for enqueue_task function template class Perturb_vertex { const SP & m_sliver_perturber; PVertex m_pv; FT m_sliver_bound; Visitor & m_visitor; Bad_vertices_vector_ & m_bad_vertices; public: // Constructor Perturb_vertex(const SP &sp, const PVertex &pv, FT sliver_bound, Visitor& visitor, Bad_vertices_vector_ &bad_vertices) : m_sliver_perturber(sp), m_pv(pv), m_sliver_bound(sliver_bound), m_visitor(visitor), m_bad_vertices(bad_vertices) { } // Constructor Perturb_vertex(const Perturb_vertex &pvx) : m_sliver_perturber(pvx.m_sliver_perturber), m_pv(pvx.m_pv), m_sliver_bound(pvx.m_sliver_bound), m_visitor(pvx.m_visitor), m_bad_vertices(pvx.m_bad_vertices) {} // operator() void operator()() const { bool could_lock_zone; do { m_sliver_perturber.perturb_vertex( m_pv, m_sliver_bound, m_visitor, m_bad_vertices, &could_lock_zone); m_sliver_perturber.unlock_all_elements(); } while (!could_lock_zone); if ( m_sliver_perturber.is_time_limit_reached() ) tbb::task::self().cancel_group_execution(); } }; #endif // ----------------------------------- // Private data // ----------------------------------- C3T3& c3t3_; Tr& tr_; const MeshDomain& domain_; SliverCriterion sliver_criterion_; Perturbation_vector perturbation_vector_; C3T3_helpers helper_; // Internal perturbation ordering int next_perturbation_order_; // Timer double time_limit_; CGAL::Real_timer running_time_; }; template Sliver_perturber:: Sliver_perturber(C3T3& c3t3, const Md& domain, const Sc& criterion) : Base(c3t3.bbox(), Concurrent_mesher_config::get().locking_grid_num_cells_per_axis) , c3t3_(c3t3) , tr_(c3t3_.triangulation()) , domain_(domain) , sliver_criterion_(criterion) , helper_(c3t3_,domain_,get_lock_data_structure()) , next_perturbation_order_(0) , time_limit_(-1) , running_time_() { // If we're multi-thread tr_.set_lock_data_structure(get_lock_data_structure()); } template Mesh_optimization_return_code Sliver_perturber:: operator()(Visitor visitor) { //check criterion bound if ( sliver_criterion_.sliver_bound() == 0 ) sliver_criterion_.set_sliver_bound(Sc::default_value); // Reset sliver value cache helper_.reset_cache(); // Init time counter if (running_time_.is_running()) running_time_.stop(); running_time_.reset(); running_time_.start(); #ifdef CGAL_MESH_3_PROFILING WallClockTimer t; #endif // Build priority queue (we use one queue for all steps) PQueue pqueue(tr_.number_of_vertices()); // Initialize vertices ids initialize_vertices_id(); #if defined(CGAL_MESH_3_PERTURBER_VERBOSE) \ || defined(CGAL_MESH_3_PROFILING) std::cerr << "Running sliver perturbation..." << std::endl; #endif #ifdef CGAL_MESH_3_PERTURBER_LOW_VERBOSITY std::cerr << "Legend of the following line: " << "(#vertices in pqueue, #iterations, #fails)" << std::endl; #endif const FT& delta = sliver_criterion_.get_perturbation_unit(); FT current_bound = delta; bool perturbation_ok = true; while(current_bound <= sliver_criterion_.sliver_bound() && perturbation_ok) { #ifdef CGAL_MESH_3_PERTURBER_HIGH_VERBOSITY // reset_perturbation_counters is not const reset_perturbation_counters(); #endif perturbation_ok = perturb(current_bound, pqueue, visitor); visitor.bound_reached(current_bound); current_bound += delta; if ( (current_bound >= sliver_criterion_.sliver_bound()) && (current_bound < sliver_criterion_.sliver_bound() + delta) ) { current_bound = sliver_criterion_.sliver_bound(); } } #ifdef CGAL_MESH_3_PROFILING double perturbation_time = t.elapsed(); #endif running_time_.stop(); helper_.reset_cache();//in case we re-use caches in another operation // after this perturbation #ifdef CGAL_MESH_3_PERTURBER_VERBOSE std::cerr << std::endl << "Total perturbation time: " << running_time_.time() << "s"; std::cerr << std::endl << "Perturbation statistics:" << std::endl; print_final_perturbations_statistics(); #endif #ifdef CGAL_MESH_3_PROFILING std::cerr << std::endl << "Total perturbation 'wall-clock' time: " << perturbation_time << "s" << std::endl; #endif Mesh_optimization_return_code ret; if ( is_time_limit_reached() ) { #if defined(CGAL_MESH_3_PERTURBER_VERBOSE) || defined(CGAL_MESH_3_PROFILING) std::cerr << "Perturbation return code: TIME_LIMIT_REACHED\n\n"; #endif // CGAL_MESH_3_PERTURBER_VERBOSE ret = TIME_LIMIT_REACHED; } else if ( !perturbation_ok ) { #if defined(CGAL_MESH_3_PERTURBER_VERBOSE) || defined(CGAL_MESH_3_PROFILING) std::cerr << "Perturbation return code: CANT_IMPROVE_ANYMORE\n\n"; #endif // CGAL_MESH_3_PERTURBER_VERBOSE ret = CANT_IMPROVE_ANYMORE; } else { #if defined(CGAL_MESH_3_PERTURBER_VERBOSE) || defined(CGAL_MESH_3_PROFILING) std::cerr << "Perturbation return code: BOUND_REACHED\n\n"; #endif // CGAL_MESH_3_PERTURBER_VERBOSE ret = BOUND_REACHED; } #if defined(CGAL_MESH_3_EXPORT_PERFORMANCE_DATA) \ && defined(CGAL_MESH_3_PROFILING) if (ret == BOUND_REACHED) { CGAL_MESH_3_SET_PERFORMANCE_DATA("Perturber_optim_time", perturbation_time); } else { CGAL_MESH_3_SET_PERFORMANCE_DATA("Perturber_optim_time", (ret == CANT_IMPROVE_ANYMORE ? "CANT_IMPROVE_ANYMORE" : "TIME_LIMIT_REACHED")); } #endif return ret; } template void Sliver_perturber:: add_perturbation(Perturbation* perturbation) { if ( !perturbation_vector_.empty() ) perturbation_vector_.back().set_next(perturbation); if ( NULL != perturbation ) { // Set order perturbation->set_order(next_perturbation_order_++); // Add perturbation perturbation_vector_.push_back(perturbation); } } // ----------------------------------- // Private methods // ----------------------------------- template bool Sliver_perturber:: perturb(const FT& sliver_bound, PQueue& pqueue, Visitor& visitor) const { #ifdef CGAL_MESH_3_PERTURBER_HIGH_VERBOSITY CGAL::Real_timer timer; timer.start(); std::streamsize prec = std::cerr.precision(4); std::cerr << "Perturb sliver vertices (bound: " << sliver_bound << ") ..." << std::endl; std::cerr.precision(prec); #endif // build priority queue int pqueue_size = build_priority_queue(sliver_bound, pqueue); #ifdef CGAL_MESH_3_PERTURBER_HIGH_VERBOSITY std::cerr << "Legend of the following line: " << "(#vertices in pqueue, #iterations, #fails)" << std::endl; // Store construction time timer.stop(); double construction_time = timer.time(); timer.reset(); timer.start(); #endif // Stores the vertices for which perturbation has failed Bad_vertices_vector bad_vertices; #ifdef CGAL_LINKED_WITH_TBB // Parallel if (boost::is_convertible::value) { this->create_root_task(); while (pqueue.size() > 0) { PVertex pv = pqueue.top(); pqueue.pop(); enqueue_task(pv, sliver_bound, visitor, bad_vertices); } this->wait_for_all(); # if defined(CGAL_MESH_3_PERTURBER_VERBOSE) || defined(CGAL_MESH_3_PROFILING) std::cerr << " Flushing"; # endif bool keep_flushing = true; while (keep_flushing) { keep_flushing = this->flush_work_buffers(); # if defined(CGAL_MESH_3_PERTURBER_VERBOSE) || defined(CGAL_MESH_3_PROFILING) std::cerr << "."; # endif } this->destroy_root_task(); } // Sequential else #endif // CGAL_LINKED_WITH_TBB { # ifdef CGAL_MESH_3_PERTURBER_VERBOSE int iteration_nb = 0; # endif while ( !is_time_limit_reached() && !pqueue.empty() ) { // Get pqueue head PVertex pv = pqueue.top(); pqueue.pop(); --pqueue_size; CGAL_assertion(pv.is_perturbable()); // Get pvertex slivers list # ifdef CGAL_NEW_INCIDENT_SLIVERS Cell_vector slivers; helper_.new_incident_slivers(pv.vertex(), sliver_criterion_, sliver_bound, std::back_inserter(slivers)); # else Cell_vector slivers = helper_.incident_slivers(pv.vertex(), sliver_criterion_, sliver_bound); # endif CGAL_assertion(slivers.size() == pv.sliver_nb()); // Perturb vertex Vertex_vector modified_vertices; // pv.perturbation() should not be NULL if pv is in pqueue CGAL_assertion(pv.perturbation() != NULL); std::pair perturbation_ok = pv.perturbation()->operator()(pv.vertex(), slivers, c3t3_, domain_, sliver_criterion_, sliver_bound, modified_vertices); // If vertex has changed - may happen in two cases: vertex has been moved // or vertex has been reverted to the same location - if ( perturbation_ok.second != pv.vertex() ) { // Update pvertex vertex pv.set_vertex(perturbation_ok.second); } // If v has been moved if ( perturbation_ok.first ) { // Update pvertex update_pvertex(pv,sliver_bound); // If pv needs to be modified again, try first perturbation pv.set_perturbation(&perturbation_vector_.front()); pv.increment_try_nb(); // update modified vertices pqueue_size += update_priority_queue(modified_vertices, sliver_bound, pqueue); } else { // If perturbation fails, try next one pv.set_perturbation(pv.perturbation()->next()); if ( NULL == pv.perturbation() ) { bad_vertices.push_back(pv.vertex()); } } // Update pqueue in every cases, because pv was poped pqueue_size += update_priority_queue(pv, pqueue); visitor.end_of_perturbation_iteration(pqueue_size); # ifdef CGAL_MESH_3_PERTURBER_HIGH_VERBOSITY ++iteration_nb; std::cerr << boost::format("\r \r" "(%1%,%2%,%4%) (%|3$.1f| iteration/s)") % pqueue_size % iteration_nb % (iteration_nb / timer.time()) % bad_vertices.size(); # endif # ifdef CGAL_MESH_3_PERTURBER_LOW_VERBOSITY ++iteration_nb; std::cerr << boost::format("\r \r" "bound %5%: (%1%,%2%,%4%) (%|3$.1f| iteration/s)") % pqueue_size % iteration_nb % (iteration_nb / running_time_.time()) % bad_vertices.size() % sliver_bound; # endif } } #ifdef CGAL_MESH_3_PERTURBER_HIGH_VERBOSITY std::cerr << std::endl; print_perturbations_statistics(); std::cerr << "Step perturbation time: " << timer.time() + construction_time << "s" << std::endl << std::endl; #endif if ( is_time_limit_reached() ) return false; // update bad vertices list (remove those which are not bad anymore) update_bad_vertices(bad_vertices,sliver_bound); return bad_vertices.empty(); } #ifdef CGAL_FASTER_BUILD_QUEUE template int Sliver_perturber:: build_priority_queue(const FT& sliver_bound, PQueue& pqueue) const { CGAL_precondition(pqueue.empty()); #ifdef CGAL_MESH_3_PERTURBER_HIGH_VERBOSITY CGAL::Real_timer timer; timer.start(); std::cerr << "Build pqueue..."; #endif int pqueue_size = 0; typedef typename std::iterator_traits::value_type Vertex; typedef CGAL::internal::Has_timestamp Vertex_has_timestamp; using CGAL::internal::Mesh_3::VHash; typedef VHash Hash_fct; typedef boost::unordered_map M; M vpm; for ( typename Tr::Finite_cells_iterator cit = tr_.finite_cells_begin(); cit != tr_.finite_cells_end() ; ++cit ) { if(helper_.is_sliver(cit, sliver_criterion_, sliver_bound)) { double d = cit->sliver_value(); for(int i=0; i< 4; i++){ Vertex_handle vh = cit->vertex(i); PVertex& pv = vpm[vh]; if(pv.sliver_nb() ==0) { pv.set_vertex(vh); pv.set_id( get_pvertex_id(vh)); pv.set_sliver_nb(1); pv.set_min_value(d); pv.set_perturbation(&perturbation_vector_.front()); } else { pv.set_sliver_nb(pv.sliver_nb()+1); if(d < pv.min_value()) pv.set_min_value(d); } } } } for( typename M::iterator vit = vpm.begin(); vit != vpm.end() ; ++vit ) pqueue_size += update_priority_queue(vit->second, pqueue); #ifdef CGAL_MESH_3_PERTURBER_HIGH_VERBOSITY std::cerr << "done (" << pqueue_size << " vertices inserted in " << timer.time() << "s)\n"; #endif return pqueue_size; } #else // not CGAL_FASTER_BUILD_QUEUE template int Sliver_perturber:: build_priority_queue(const FT& sliver_bound, PQueue& pqueue) const { CGAL_precondition(pqueue.empty()); #ifdef CGAL_MESH_3_PERTURBER_HIGH_VERBOSITY CGAL::Real_timer timer; timer.start(); std::cerr << "Build pqueue..."; #endif int pqueue_size = 0; for ( typename Tr::Finite_vertices_iterator vit = tr_.finite_vertices_begin(); vit != tr_.finite_vertices_end() ; ++vit ) { PVertex pv = make_pvertex(vit, sliver_bound, get_pvertex_id(vit)); pqueue_size += update_priority_queue(pv, pqueue); } #ifdef CGAL_MESH_3_PERTURBER_HIGH_VERBOSITY std::cerr << "done (" << pqueue_size << " vertices inserted in " << timer.time() << "s)\n"; #endif return pqueue_size; } #endif // not CGAL_FASTER_BUILD_QUEUE template int Sliver_perturber:: update_priority_queue(const Vertex_vector& vertices, const FT& sliver_bound, PQueue& pqueue) const { int modified_pv_nb = 0; for ( typename Vertex_vector::const_iterator vit = vertices.begin() ; vit != vertices.end() ; ++vit ) { PVertex pv = make_pvertex(*vit,sliver_bound,get_pvertex_id(*vit)); modified_pv_nb += update_priority_queue(pv, pqueue); } return modified_pv_nb; } #ifdef CGAL_LINKED_WITH_TBB // For parallel version template int Sliver_perturber:: update_priority_queue( const Vertex_vector& vertices , const FT& sliver_bound , Visitor& visitor , Bad_vertices_vector &bad_vertices) const { int modified_pv_nb = 0; for ( typename Vertex_vector::const_iterator vit = vertices.begin() ; vit != vertices.end() ; ++vit ) { PVertex pv = make_pvertex__concurrent(*vit,sliver_bound,get_pvertex_id(*vit)); if (pv.is_perturbable()) { enqueue_task(pv, sliver_bound, visitor, bad_vertices); ++modified_pv_nb; } } return modified_pv_nb; } #endif template int Sliver_perturber:: update_priority_queue(const PVertex& pv, PQueue& pqueue) const { if ( pqueue.contains(pv) ) { if ( pv.is_perturbable() ) { pqueue.update(pv); return 0; } else { pqueue.remove(pv); return -1; } } else { if ( pv.is_perturbable() ) { pqueue.push(pv); return 1; } } return 0; } #ifdef CGAL_LINKED_WITH_TBB // For parallel version template void Sliver_perturber:: perturb_vertex( PVertex pv , const FT& sliver_bound , Visitor& visitor , Bad_vertices_vector &bad_vertices , bool *could_lock_zone ) const { #ifdef CGAL_CONCURRENT_MESH_3_PROFILING static Profile_branch_counter_3 bcounter( "early withdrawals / late withdrawals / successes [Perturber]"); #endif *could_lock_zone = true; // Zombie? if (pv.is_zombie()) { return; } Point_3 p = pv.vertex()->point(); if (!helper_.try_lock_point_no_spin(p) || p != pv.vertex()->point()) { #ifdef CGAL_CONCURRENT_MESH_3_PROFILING bcounter.increment_branch_2(); // THIS is an early withdrawal! #endif *could_lock_zone = false; return; } // Zombie? (in case the vertex has changed in the meantime) if (pv.is_zombie()) { return; } CGAL_assertion(pv.is_perturbable()); int num_new_vertices_to_treat = 0; Cell_vector slivers; slivers.reserve(8); if (!helper_.try_lock_and_get_incident_slivers( pv.vertex(), sliver_criterion_, sliver_bound, slivers)) { *could_lock_zone = false; #ifdef CGAL_CONCURRENT_MESH_3_PROFILING bcounter.increment_branch_1(); // THIS is a late withdrawal! #endif } else { // Slivers may be empty if the vertex has been modified by another thread in the meatime if (slivers.empty()) { return; } // Perturb vertex Vertex_vector modified_vertices; // pv.perturbation() should not be NULL if pv is in pqueue CGAL_assertion(pv.perturbation() != NULL); std::pair perturbation_ok = pv.perturbation()->operator()(pv.vertex(), slivers, c3t3_, domain_, sliver_criterion_, sliver_bound, modified_vertices, could_lock_zone); if (*could_lock_zone) { // If vertex has changed - may happen in two cases: vertex has been moved // or vertex has been reverted to the same location - if ( perturbation_ok.second != pv.vertex() ) { // Update pvertex vertex pv.set_vertex(perturbation_ok.second); } // If the vertex hasn't changed, we still need to "virtually" increment // the erase counter, because we need to invalidate the PVertex that // may be in other threads' queues else { this->increment_erase_counter(pv.vertex()); } // If v has been moved if ( perturbation_ok.first ) { // Update pvertex update_pvertex__concurrent(pv,sliver_bound); // If pv needs to be modified again, try first perturbation pv.set_perturbation(&perturbation_vector_.front()); pv.increment_try_nb(); // update modified vertices num_new_vertices_to_treat += update_priority_queue(modified_vertices, sliver_bound, visitor, bad_vertices); } else { // If perturbation fails, try next one pv.set_perturbation(pv.perturbation()->next()); pv.update_saved_erase_counter(); if ( NULL == pv.perturbation() ) { bad_vertices.push_back(pv.vertex()); } } #ifdef CGAL_CONCURRENT_MESH_3_PROFILING ++bcounter; #endif // Update pqueue in every cases, because pv was poped if (pv.is_perturbable()) { enqueue_task(pv, sliver_bound, visitor, bad_vertices); ++num_new_vertices_to_treat; } } else { #ifdef CGAL_CONCURRENT_MESH_3_PROFILING bcounter.increment_branch_1(); // THIS is a late withdrawal! #endif } } visitor.end_of_perturbation_iteration(0); } #endif // Sequential template typename Sliver_perturber::PVertex Sliver_perturber:: make_pvertex(const Vertex_handle& vh, const FT& sliver_bound, const typename PVertex::id_type& pv_id) const { CGAL_assertion(!tr_.is_infinite(vh)); // Make pvertex in all cases PVertex pv(vh,pv_id); pv.set_perturbation(&perturbation_vector_.front()); update_pvertex(pv, sliver_bound); return pv; } // Parallel template typename Sliver_perturber::PVertex Sliver_perturber:: make_pvertex__concurrent( const Vertex_handle& vh, const FT& sliver_bound, const typename PVertex::id_type& pv_id) const { // Make pvertex in all cases PVertex pv(vh,pv_id); pv.set_perturbation(&perturbation_vector_.front()); update_pvertex__concurrent(pv, sliver_bound); return pv; } // Sequential template void Sliver_perturber:: update_pvertex(PVertex& pv, const FT& sliver_bound) const { #ifdef CGAL_NEW_INCIDENT_SLIVERS Cell_vector slivers; helper_.new_incident_slivers(pv.vertex(), sliver_criterion_, sliver_bound, std::back_inserter(slivers)); #else Cell_vector slivers = helper_.incident_slivers(pv.vertex(), sliver_criterion_, sliver_bound); #endif pv.set_sliver_nb(static_cast(slivers.size())); pv.set_min_value(helper_.min_sliver_value(slivers, sliver_criterion_)); } #ifdef CGAL_LINKED_WITH_TBB // Parallel template void Sliver_perturber:: update_pvertex__concurrent(PVertex& pv, const FT& sliver_bound) const { Cell_vector slivers; helper_.get_incident_slivers_without_using_tds_data( pv.vertex(), sliver_criterion_, sliver_bound, slivers); pv.set_sliver_nb(static_cast(slivers.size())); pv.set_min_value(helper_.min_sliver_value(slivers, sliver_criterion_)); } #endif // Sequential template void Sliver_perturber:: update_bad_vertices(std::vector &bad_vertices, const FT& sliver_bound) const { typename std::vector::iterator vit = bad_vertices.begin(); while ( vit != bad_vertices.end() ) { if ( tr_.is_vertex(*vit) && helper_.min_incident_value(*vit,sliver_criterion_) <= sliver_bound ) { ++vit; } else { vit = bad_vertices.erase(vit); } } } #ifdef CGAL_LINKED_WITH_TBB // Parallel template void Sliver_perturber:: update_bad_vertices(tbb::concurrent_vector &bad_vertices, const FT& sliver_bound) const { tbb::concurrent_vector tmpv; typename tbb::concurrent_vector::iterator vit = bad_vertices.begin(); while ( vit != bad_vertices.end() ) { if ( tr_.is_vertex(*vit) && helper_.min_incident_value(*vit,sliver_criterion_) <= sliver_bound ) { tmpv.push_back(*vit); } ++vit; } bad_vertices.swap(tmpv); } #endif // CGAL_LINKED_WITH_TBB template void Sliver_perturber:: initialize_vertices_id() const { int cur_id = 0; for(typename Tr::Finite_vertices_iterator it = tr_.finite_vertices_begin(); it != tr_.finite_vertices_end(); ++it) { it->set_meshing_info(cur_id++); } } #ifdef CGAL_MESH_3_PERTURBER_VERBOSE template void Sliver_perturber:: print_perturbations_statistics() const { int total_perturbation_nb = 0; typename Perturbation_vector::const_iterator it = perturbation_vector_.begin(); for ( ; it != perturbation_vector_.end() ; ++it ) { total_perturbation_nb += it->counter(); } if ( 0 == total_perturbation_nb ) { std::cerr << "No perturbation done at this step" << std::endl; return; } for ( it = perturbation_vector_.begin() ; it != perturbation_vector_.end() ; ++it ) { std::cerr << it->perturbation_name() << ": " << (double)it->counter() / (double)total_perturbation_nb * 100. << "% (" << it->counter() << " in " << it->time() << "s)" << std::endl; } } template void Sliver_perturber:: print_final_perturbations_statistics() const { int total_perturbation_nb = 0; typename Perturbation_vector::const_iterator it = perturbation_vector_.begin(); for ( ; it != perturbation_vector_.end() ; ++it ) { total_perturbation_nb += it->total_counter(); } if ( 0 == total_perturbation_nb ) { std::cerr << "No perturbation done" << std::endl; return; } for ( it = perturbation_vector_.begin() ; it != perturbation_vector_.end() ; ++it ) { std::cerr << it->perturbation_name() << ": " << (double)it->total_counter() / (double)total_perturbation_nb * 100. << "% (" << it->total_counter() << " in " << it->total_time() << "ms)" << std::endl; } } template void Sliver_perturber:: reset_perturbation_counters() { typename Perturbation_vector::iterator it = perturbation_vector_.begin(); for ( ; it != perturbation_vector_.end() ; ++it ) { it->reset_counter(); it->reset_timer(); } } #endif #ifdef CGAL_LINKED_WITH_TBB // For parallel version template void Sliver_perturber:: enqueue_task(const PVertex &pv, const FT& sliver_bound, Visitor& visitor, Bad_vertices_vector &bad_vertices ) const { this->enqueue_work( Perturb_vertex( *this, pv, sliver_bound, visitor, bad_vertices), pv); } #endif } // end namespace Mesh_3 } //namespace CGAL #endif // CGAL_MESH_3_SLIVERS_PERTURBER_H