// Copyright (c) 2010 INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU // General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in // accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software. // // This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE // WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // $URL$ // $Id$ // // // Author(s) : Stephane Tayeb // //****************************************************************************** // File Description : //****************************************************************************** #ifndef CGAL_MESH_EDGE_CRITERIA_3_H #define CGAL_MESH_EDGE_CRITERIA_3_H #include #include namespace CGAL { namespace internal { namespace Mesh_3 { // Those two classes are designed to handle dynamic initialization of // Sizing_field type (using named parameters of make_mesh_3 for example) template < typename FT_, typename Point_, typename Index_ > class Sizing_field_interface { public: typedef FT_ FT; typedef Point_ Point_3; typedef Index_ Index; virtual ~Sizing_field_interface() {} virtual FT operator()(const Point_3& p, const int dim, const Index& index) const = 0; virtual Sizing_field_interface* clone() const = 0; }; template < typename Sizing_field > struct Sizing_field_container : public Sizing_field_interface < typename Sizing_field::FT, typename Sizing_field::Point_3, typename Sizing_field::Index > { typedef Sizing_field_interface < typename Sizing_field::FT, typename Sizing_field::Point_3, typename Sizing_field::Index > Base; typedef Sizing_field_container Self; public: typedef typename Base::FT FT; typedef typename Base::Point_3 Point_3; typedef typename Base::Index Index; Sizing_field_container(const Sizing_field& s) : s_(s) {} virtual ~Sizing_field_container() {} virtual FT operator()(const Point_3& p, const int dim, const Index& index) const { return s_(p,dim,index); } virtual Base* clone() const { return new Self(*this); } private: Sizing_field s_; }; }} // end namespace internal::Mesh_3 template < typename Tr > class Mesh_edge_criteria_3 { typedef Mesh_edge_criteria_3 Self; public: typedef typename Tr::Vertex::Index Index; typedef typename Tr::Geom_traits Gt; typedef typename Gt::FT FT; typedef typename Gt::Point_3 Point_3; /// Constructors Mesh_edge_criteria_3(const FT& value) : p_size_(new internal::Mesh_3::Sizing_field_container< Mesh_constant_domain_field_3 >(value)) {} // Nb: SFINAE (dummy) to avoid wrong matches with built-in numerical types // as int. template < typename Sizing_field > Mesh_edge_criteria_3(const Sizing_field& size, typename Sizing_field::FT /*dummy*/ = 0 ) { CGAL_static_assertion((boost::is_same::value)); CGAL_static_assertion((boost::is_same::value)); CGAL_static_assertion((boost::is_same::value)); p_size_ = new internal::Mesh_3::Sizing_field_container(size); } Mesh_edge_criteria_3(const Self& rhs) : p_size_(rhs.p_size_->clone()) {} /// Destructor ~Mesh_edge_criteria_3() { delete p_size_; } /// Returns size of tuple (p,dim,index) FT sizing_field(const Point_3& p, const int dim, const Index& index) const { return (*p_size_)(p,dim,index); } private: typedef internal::Mesh_3::Sizing_field_interface Sizing_field_interface; // A pointer to Sizing_field_interface to handle dynamic wrapping of // real Sizing_field type Sizing_field_interface* p_size_; }; } // end namespace CGAL #endif // CGAL_MESH_EDGE_CRITERIA_3_H