// Copyright (c) 1997 ETH Zurich (Switzerland). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU // General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in // accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software. // // This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE // WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // $URL$ // $Id$ // // // Author(s) : Gabriele Neyer #ifndef CGAL_RANGE_TREE_D_H #define CGAL_RANGE_TREE_D_H #include #include #include #include #include #include // A d-dimensional Range Tree or a multilayer tree consisting of Range // and other trees that are derived public // Tree_base // can be construced within this class. // C_Data: container class which contains the d-dimensional data the tree holds. // C_Window: Query window -- a d-dimensional interval // C_Interface: Interface for the class with functions that allow to // access the data. // cf. file Tree_interface.h, class point_interface for the requirements. namespace CGAL { template class Range_tree_d; template struct Range_tree_node: public Tree_node_base > { private: typedef C_Data Data; typedef C_Window Window; typedef typename C_Interface::Key Key; typedef C_Interface Interface; typedef typename Tree_base< C_Data, C_Window>::Tree_base_type Tree_base_type; // protected: //typedef Range_tree_d< C_Data, C_Window, C_Interface> rT_d; public: friend class Range_tree_d< C_Data, C_Window, C_Interface>; typedef Tree_node_base > Base; Range_tree_node() : sublayer(0) {} Range_tree_node( Range_tree_node * p_left, Range_tree_node * p_right, const Data & v_obj, const Key & v_key ) : Base(p_left, p_right), object( v_obj ), key( v_key ), sublayer(0) {} Range_tree_node( Range_tree_node * p_left, Range_tree_node * p_right, const Key & v_key ) : Base(p_left, p_right), key( v_key ), sublayer(0) {} virtual ~Range_tree_node() { if (sublayer != 0) delete sublayer; } Data object; Key key; Tree_base_type *sublayer; }; template class Range_tree_d: public Tree_base< C_Data, C_Window> { private: typedef C_Data Data; typedef C_Window Window; typedef typename C_Interface::Key Key; typedef C_Interface Interface; typedef Tree_base< C_Data, C_Window> tbt; protected: // typedef Range_tree_d< C_Data, C_Window, C_Interface> rT_d; Tree_base *sublayer_tree; C_Interface m_interface; int is_built; // A vertex is of this type: // struct Range_tree_node; friend struct Range_tree_node; typedef Range_tree_node Range_tree_node2; typedef Range_tree_node *link_type; static link_type& left(link_type x) { return x->left_link; } static link_type& right(link_type x) { return x->right_link; } static link_type& parent(link_type x) { return x->parent_link; } link_type header; link_type node; link_type rightmost(){return right(header);} link_type leftmost(){return left(header);} link_type root() const { if(header!=0) return header->parent_link; // return parent(header); else return 0; } bool is_less_equal(const Key& x, const Key& y) const { return (!m_interface.comp(y,x)); } // this tree is not a recursion anchor bool is_anchor() const {return false;} // returns true, if the object lies inside of win bool is_inside( C_Window const &win, C_Data const& object) const { if(is_less_equal(m_interface.get_left(win), m_interface.get_key(object)) && m_interface.comp(m_interface.get_key(object),m_interface.get_right(win))) //half open // && is_less_equal(m_interface.get_key(object),m_interface.get_right(win))) //closed interval { return sublayer_tree->is_inside(win,object); } return false; } // merge sort algorithms that takes O(n) time if the sequence to // be sorted consists of two sorted subsequences. template void dynamic_merge(const T& first, const T& last) // af: was not const { T prev, current=first; T current_first, current_middle, current_last; std::list startpoints, tmp_startpoints; startpoints.push_back(current); prev = current++; while(current!=last) { if (m_interface.comp(m_interface.get_key(*current),m_interface.get_key(*prev))) startpoints.push_back(current); prev = current++; } while(startpoints.size()>1) { while(startpoints.size()>1) { current_first = startpoints.front(); startpoints.erase(startpoints.begin()); current_middle = startpoints.front(); startpoints.erase(startpoints.begin()); if(startpoints.size()>0) current_last = startpoints.front(); else current_last = last; tmp_startpoints.push_back(current_first); std::inplace_merge(current_first, current_middle, current_last, m_interface.key_comp); } if(startpoints.size()>0) { tmp_startpoints.push_back(startpoints.front()); startpoints.erase(startpoints.begin()); } startpoints.swap(tmp_startpoints); } } // recursive function // (current,last) describe an interval of length n of sorted elements, // for this interval a tree is build containing these elements. // the most left child is returend in prevchild. template void build_range_tree(int n, link_type& leftchild, link_type& rightchild, link_type& prevchild, link_type& leftmostlink, T& current, const T& last, T& sublevel_first, T& sublevel_last) { // only two elements ==> two leaves and a parent is constructed if (n==2) { sublevel_first = current; link_type vleft = new Range_tree_node2( 0, 0, (*current), m_interface.get_key(*current) ); //CGAL_NIL CGAL_NIL first two arguments CGAL_Tree_assertion( vleft != 0); ++current; link_type vright = new Range_tree_node2( 0,0, (*current), m_interface.get_key(*current) ); //CGAL_NIL CGAL_NIL first two arguments CGAL_Tree_assertion( vright != 0); current++; sublevel_last = current; link_type vparent = new Range_tree_node2( vleft, vright, vleft->key ); CGAL_Tree_assertion( vparent != 0); vleft->parent_link = vparent; vright->parent_link = vparent; leftchild = vleft; rightchild = vright; prevchild = vparent; if ( leftmostlink == 0) leftmostlink = leftchild; Tree_base *g = sublayer_tree->clone(); T sub_first = sublevel_first; T sub_last = sublevel_last; g->make_tree(sub_first, sub_last); vparent->sublayer= g; } else // only one element ==> one leaf is constructed if(n==1) { sublevel_first = current; link_type vright = new Range_tree_node2( 0, 0, (*current), m_interface.get_key(*current) ); //CGAL_NIL CGAL_NIL first two arguments CGAL_Tree_assertion( vright != 0); //CGAL_NIL current++; sublevel_last = current; prevchild = vright; rightchild = vright; } else { // recursiv call for the construction. the interval is devided. T sublevel_left, sublevel_right; build_range_tree(n - (int)n/2, leftchild, rightchild, prevchild, leftmostlink, current, last, sublevel_first, sublevel_left); link_type vparent = new Range_tree_node2( prevchild, 0, rightchild->key ); //CGAL_NIL argument CGAL_Tree_assertion( vparent != 0); prevchild->parent_link = vparent; build_range_tree((int)n/2, leftchild, rightchild, prevchild, leftmostlink, current, last, sublevel_right, sublevel_last); vparent->right_link = prevchild; prevchild->parent_link = vparent; prevchild = vparent; Tree_base *g = sublayer_tree->clone(); T sub_first = sublevel_first; T sub_last = sublevel_last; g->make_tree(sub_first, sub_last); vparent->sublayer = g; } } void delete_tree(link_type v) { if (v->left_link != 0) { delete_tree(left(v)); delete_tree(right(v)); } delete v; } // the vertex from that the way from root to the left interval bound // and the right interval bound splits. link_type findSplitNode(Window const &key) { link_type v = root(); while(v->left_link!=0) { // if(m_interface.comp(m_interface.get_right(key), v->key)) if(is_less_equal(m_interface.get_right(key), v->key)) v = left(v); else if(m_interface.comp(v->key, m_interface.get_left(key))) v = right(v); else break; } return v; } template void report_subtree(link_type v, T result) { if(left(v)!=0) { report_subtree(left(v), result); report_subtree(right(v), result); } else (*result++)=v->object; } bool is_valid(link_type& v, link_type& leftmost_child, link_type& rightmost_child) const { link_type leftmost_child_l, rightmost_child_l, leftmost_child_r, rightmost_child_r; if (v->sublayer != 0) { Tree_base *T= v->sublayer; if(! T->is_valid()) return false; } if(left(v)!=0) { if(!is_valid(left(v), leftmost_child_l, rightmost_child_l)) return false; if(!is_valid(right(v), leftmost_child_r, rightmost_child_r)) return false; if(m_interface.comp(v->key, rightmost_child_l->key) || m_interface.comp(rightmost_child_l->key, v->key)) return false; rightmost_child = rightmost_child_r; leftmost_child = leftmost_child_l; } else { rightmost_child = v; leftmost_child = v; } return true; } public: // construction of a tree Range_tree_d(Range_tree_d const &fact, bool): sublayer_tree(fact.sublayer_tree->clone()), is_built(false), header(0) {} // construction of a tree Range_tree_d(Tree_base const &fact): sublayer_tree(fact.clone()), is_built(false), header(0) {} // destruction virtual ~Range_tree_d() { link_type v=root(); if (v!=0) delete_tree(v); if (header!=0) delete header; if (sublayer_tree!=0) delete sublayer_tree; } // a prototype of the tree is returned Tree_base *clone() const { return new Range_tree_d(*this, true); } bool make_tree(const typename std::list< C_Data>::iterator& beg, const typename std::list< C_Data>::iterator& end, typename tbt::lit * =0){ return make_tree_impl(beg,end); } #ifdef stlvector bool make_tree(const typename std::vector< C_Data>::iterator& beg, const typename std::vector< C_Data>::iterator& end, typename tbt::vbit * =0){ return make_tree_impl(beg,end); } #endif #ifdef carray bool make_tree(const C_Data *beg, const C_Data *end){ return make_tree_impl(beg,end); } #endif // the tree is build according to the input elements in [first,last) template inline bool make_tree_impl(T first, T last) // af: was & todo: can we turn it in const& ?? { link_type leftchild, rightchild, prevchild, leftmostlink; if(!is_built) is_built = true; else return false; if(first == last) { is_built = false; return true; } int n = static_cast(std::distance(first,last)); dynamic_merge(first, last); leftmostlink = 0; T sublevel_first, sublevel_last; build_range_tree(n, leftchild, rightchild, prevchild, leftmostlink, first, last, sublevel_first, sublevel_last); header = new Range_tree_node2(); header->right_link = rightchild; header->parent_link = prevchild; header->left_link = leftmostlink; return true; } std::back_insert_iterator< std::list< C_Data> > window_query ( C_Window const &win, std::back_insert_iterator< std::list< C_Data> > out, typename tbt::lbit * =0){ return window_query_impl(win,out); } std::back_insert_iterator< std::vector< C_Data> > window_query ( C_Window const &win, std::back_insert_iterator< std::vector< C_Data> > out, typename tbt::vbit * =0){ return window_query_impl(win,out); } #ifdef carray C_Data *window_query( C_Window const &win, C_Data *out){ return window_query_impl(win,out); } #endif #ifdef ostreamiterator std::ostream_iterator< C_Data> window_query( C_Window const &win, std::ostream_iterator< C_Data> out, typename tbt::oit *dummy=0){ return window_query_impl(win,out); } #endif // all elements that ly in win are inserted in result template inline X window_query_impl( C_Window const &win, X result) { if(is_less_equal(m_interface.get_right(win), m_interface.get_left(win))) return result; if(root()==0) return result; link_type split_node = findSplitNode(win); if(left(split_node)==0) { if(is_inside(win,split_node->object)) (*result++)=split_node->object; } else { link_type v = (link_type) split_node->left_link; while(left(v)!=0) { if(is_less_equal(m_interface.get_left(win),v->key)) { link_type w = right(v); if(left(w)!=0) { Tree_base *T= (w)->sublayer; if(T->is_anchor()) report_subtree(w,result); else T->window_query(win, result); } else if(is_inside(win,w->object)) (*result++)=(w)->object; v = left(v); } else v = right(v); } // end while if(is_inside(win,v->object)) (*result++)=v->object; v = right(split_node); while(right(v)!=0) { // if(is_less_equal(v->key, m_interface.get_right(win))) closed interval if(m_interface.comp(v->key, m_interface.get_right(win))) //half open interval { if(left(left(v))!=0) { Tree_base *T= (left(v))->sublayer; if(T->is_anchor()) report_subtree(left(v),result); else T->window_query(win, result); } else { if(is_inside(win,left(v)->object)) (*result++)=left(v)->object; } v = right(v); } else v = left(v); }//end while if(is_inside(win,v->object)) { (*result++)=v->object; } } return result; } std::back_insert_iterator< std::list< C_Data> > enclosing_query( C_Window const &win, std::back_insert_iterator< std::list< C_Data> > out, typename tbt::lbit * =0){ return enclosing_query_impl(win,out); } std::back_insert_iterator< std::vector< C_Data> > enclosing_query( C_Window const &win, std::back_insert_iterator< std::vector< C_Data> > out, typename tbt::vbit * =0){ return enclosing_query_impl(win,out); } #ifdef carray C_Data *enclosing_query( C_Window const &win, C_Data *out){ return enclosing_query_impl(win,out); } #endif #ifdef ostreamiterator std::ostream_iterator< C_Data> enclosing_query( C_Window const &win, std::ostream_iterator< C_Data> out, typename tbt::oit *dummy=0){ return enclosing_query_impl(win,out); } #endif // a window query is performed template inline T enclosing_query_impl(C_Window const &win, T result) { return window_query_impl(win, result); } bool is_valid() const { link_type u,v,w; u=v=w=root(); if(v!=0) return is_valid(u, v, w); return true; } }; } //namespace CGAL #endif // CGAL_RANGE_TREE_D_H