// Copyright (c) 2005 INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU // General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in // accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software. // // This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE // WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // $URL$ // $Id$ // // // Author(s) : Abdelkrim Mebarki #ifndef CGAL_STREAM_LINES_2_H_ #define CGAL_STREAM_LINES_2_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // undocumented class #include #include #include namespace CGAL { template class Stream_lines_2 { public: typedef typename VectorField_2::Vector_field_2 Vector_field_2; typedef typename VectorField_2::Geom_traits Geom_traits; typedef typename VectorField_2::FT FT; typedef typename VectorField_2::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename VectorField_2::Vector_2 Vector_2; protected: typedef Geom_traits Kernel; typedef CGAL::Triangulation_vertex_base_2 Vb; typedef CGAL::Triangulation_face_base_2 Fb; typedef CGAL::Triangulation_data_structure_2 TDS; typedef CGAL::Delaunay_triangulation_2 DT; typedef typename DT::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; typedef typename DT::Face_handle Face_handle; typedef typename DT::Face_circulator Face_circulator; typedef typename DT::Edge_iterator Edge_iterator; typedef std::pair Circle; typedef boost::tuple Pq_element; Pq_element Biggest_circle; FT distance(const Point_2 & p, const Point_2 & q) { return sqrt(squared_distance(p, q)); } int ir; int il; Pq_element Pq_element_max_r; Pq_element Pq_previous_r,Pq_current_r,Pq_next_r; Pq_element Pq_element_max_l; Pq_element Pq_previous_l,Pq_current_l,Pq_next_l; public: DT m_DT; typedef std::list Point_container_2; typedef typename Point_container_2::iterator Point_iterator_2; typedef std::list > Iterator_container_2; Iterator_container_2 iterator_container; typedef std::list Vertex_container_2; typedef typename Iterator_container_2::iterator Stream_line_iterator_2; typedef std::list Stream_line_container_2; protected: Stream_line_container_2 stl_container; class C { public: bool operator()(const Pq_element &a1, const Pq_element &a2) { return a1.template get<3>().second < a2.template get<3>().second ; } }; std::priority_queue, C> pq; int iOrder_insertion; FT fSepStl_seed; FT separating_distance; FT saturation_ratio; Point_2 seed_point; int samp_step; unsigned int _number_of_lines; boost::shared_ptr vf_2; boost::shared_ptr int_2; public: void set_separating_distance(FT new_value){separating_distance = new_value;} void set_saturation_ratio(FT new_value){ saturation_ratio = new_value;} FT get_separating_distance() const { return separating_distance; } FT get_saturation_ratio() const { return saturation_ratio; } void update() { ir = il = 0; // initialization fSepStl_seed = separating_distance*saturation_ratio; m_DT.clear(); Point_2 pPoint; pPoint = Point_2(min_x-separating_distance,min_y-separating_distance); m_DT.insert(pPoint); pPoint = Point_2(min_x-separating_distance,max_y+separating_distance); m_DT.insert(pPoint); pPoint = Point_2(max_x+separating_distance,min_y-separating_distance); m_DT.insert(pPoint); pPoint = Point_2(max_x+separating_distance,max_y+separating_distance); m_DT.insert(pPoint); for (int i=(int) (min_x-separating_distance);i get_pq(); unsigned int number_of_lines() { return _number_of_lines; } std::list< std::pair > get_tr() { std::list< std::pair > _list; Edge_iterator eit = m_DT.edges_begin(); for (;eit != m_DT.edges_end();eit++) { Point_2 p1 = (*eit).first->vertex(m_DT.ccw((*eit).second))->point(); Point_2 p2 = (*eit).first->vertex(m_DT.cw((*eit).second))->point(); _list.push_front(std::pair(p1, p2)); } return _list; } std::pair get_biggest_circle() { Pq_element m_Pq = Biggest_circle; std::pair circle(m_Pq.template get<3>().first, m_Pq.template get<3>().second); return circle; } protected: FT max_x; FT min_x; FT max_y; FT min_y; protected: Stream_line_iterator_2 begin_iterator; Stream_line_iterator_2 end_iterator; private: int number_of_points; }; template Stream_lines_2::Stream_lines_2(const Vector_field_2 & vector_field_2, const Integrator_2 & m_integrator, const FT & m_separating_distance, const FT & m_saturation_ratio, const int & sampling_step, const bool & step_by_step) { separating_distance = m_separating_distance; saturation_ratio = m_saturation_ratio; ir = il = 0; // initialization fSepStl_seed = separating_distance*saturation_ratio; max_x = vector_field_2.bbox().xmax(); min_x = vector_field_2.bbox().xmin(); max_y = vector_field_2.bbox().ymax(); min_y = vector_field_2.bbox().ymin(); m_DT.clear(); Point_2 pPoint; pPoint = Point_2(min_x-separating_distance,min_y-separating_distance); m_DT.insert(pPoint); pPoint = Point_2(min_x-separating_distance,max_y+separating_distance); m_DT.insert(pPoint); pPoint = Point_2(max_x+separating_distance,min_y-separating_distance); m_DT.insert(pPoint); pPoint = Point_2(max_x+separating_distance,max_y+separating_distance); m_DT.insert(pPoint); for (int i=(int) (min_x-separating_distance);i(new Vector_field_2(vector_field_2)); int_2 = boost::shared_ptr(new Integrator_2(m_integrator)); samp_step = sampling_step; stl_container.clear(); place_stream_lines(vector_field_2, m_integrator, sampling_step, step_by_step); } template void Stream_lines_2::place_stream_lines(const Vector_field_2 & vector_field_2, const Integrator_2 & integrator, const int & sampling_step, const bool & step_by_step) { seed_point = Point_2((max_x+min_x)/2.0,(max_y+min_y)/2.0); // the first chosen point can be not valid boost::rand48 rng; boost::uniform_real<> ur_x(min_x, max_x); boost::uniform_real<> ur_y(min_y, max_y); boost::variate_generator > die_x(rng, ur_x); boost::variate_generator > die_y(rng, ur_y); while(!vector_field_2.is_in_domain(seed_point)) { // std::cout << "searching valid seed point..\n"; seed_point = Point_2(die_x(), die_y()); } // std::cout << seed_point << " first seed point\n"; // std::cout << "creating the placement..\n"; FT distance = (FT) max_x * (1.0/2.0); bool b = (distance>fSepStl_seed); // int i=0; if (!step_by_step) while(b) { Point_container_2 stl; Vertex_container_2 stl_vertices; integrate_streamline(vector_field_2, integrator, stl, seed_point, stl_vertices, sampling_step); insert_streamline(vector_field_2, stl, stl_vertices); _number_of_lines++; b = get_next_seed_point(distance,seed_point); } else { Point_container_2 stl; Vertex_container_2 stl_vertices; integrate_streamline(vector_field_2, integrator, stl, seed_point, stl_vertices, sampling_step); insert_streamline(vector_field_2, stl, stl_vertices); _number_of_lines++; b = get_next_seed_point(distance,seed_point); } make_iterator(); } template bool Stream_lines_2::continue_next(const Vector_field_2 & vector_field_2, const Integrator_2 & integrator, const int & sampling_step) { FT distance; Point_container_2 stl; Vertex_container_2 stl_vertices; integrate_streamline(vector_field_2, integrator, stl, seed_point, stl_vertices, sampling_step); insert_streamline(vector_field_2, stl, stl_vertices); _number_of_lines++; make_iterator(); return get_next_seed_point(distance,seed_point); } // get the next seed point template void Stream_lines_2::integrate_streamline(const Vector_field_2 & vector_field_2, const Integrator_2 & integrator, Point_container_2& stl, Point_2& seed_point_, Vertex_container_2& stl_vertices, const int & sampling_step) { integrate_forward(vector_field_2, integrator, stl, seed_point_, stl_vertices, sampling_step); integrate_backward(vector_field_2, integrator, stl, stl_vertices, sampling_step); } template inline typename Stream_lines_2::FT Stream_lines_2::find_smallest_circle(const Vertex_handle & pVertex_handle) { Face_circulator pFace_handle = m_DT.incident_faces(pVertex_handle); Face_circulator pEnd = pFace_handle; FT fMin = max_x; CGAL_For_all(pFace_handle,pEnd) { FT fDist = CGAL::squared_radius( pFace_handle->vertex(0)->point(), pFace_handle->vertex(1)->point(), pFace_handle->vertex(2)->point()) * 4.0; fDist = sqrt(fDist); if (fDist < fMin) { fMin = fDist; } } return fMin; } template inline typename Stream_lines_2::Vertex_handle Stream_lines_2::insert_point(const Point_2 & pPoint, FT& fDist,bool bDistanceCalculation) { Vertex_handle pVertex_handle = m_DT.insert(pPoint); if (bDistanceCalculation) fDist = find_smallest_circle(pVertex_handle); else fDist = 0.0; return (pVertex_handle); } template inline typename Stream_lines_2::Vertex_handle Stream_lines_2::insert_point(const Point_2 & pPoint, const Face_handle & m_Face_handle, FT& fDist,bool bDistanceCalculation) { Vertex_handle pVertex_handle = m_DT.insert(pPoint,m_Face_handle); if (bDistanceCalculation) fDist = find_smallest_circle(pVertex_handle); else fDist = 0.0; return (pVertex_handle); } template void Stream_lines_2::integrate_forward(const Vector_field_2 & vector_field_2, const Integrator_2 & integrator, Point_container_2& stl, Point_2& seed_point_, Vertex_container_2& stl_vertices, const int & sampling_step) { int sampling = 0; // sampling step; int insertion = 0; // insertion order; int insertion_step = 0; Point_container_2 list_of_point; Vertex_container_2 list_of_vertex; number_of_points = 0; Point_2 pPoint1; bool bEnd = false; FT dist; Point_2 new_point = Point_2 (seed_point_.x(), seed_point_.y()); Vertex_handle m_Vertex_handle = insert_point(new_point, dist, true); stl_vertices.push_front(m_Vertex_handle); stl.push_front(new_point); number_of_points++; Point_2 old_point = seed_point_; insertion_step = (int) (((dist)-fSepStl_seed) / (std::max)((FT) sampling_step,vector_field_2.get_integration_step())); if (insertion_step < 0) insertion_step = 0; while (!bEnd) { Point_2 ex_old_point = old_point; old_point = new_point; CGAL_streamlines_precondition(vector_field_2.is_in_domain(old_point)); new_point = integrator(old_point,vector_field_2,true); bEnd = !vector_field_2.is_in_domain(new_point); bEnd = bEnd || (new_point == old_point);/* to review */ if(number_of_points > 30) bEnd = bEnd || ((distance(stl.front(), stl.back()))face(), dist, true); while ((dist <= separating_distance)&&(!list_of_point.empty())) { m_DT.remove(m_Vertex_handle); for (int i=0;i<=sampling_step;i++){ stl.pop_front(); number_of_points--;} new_point = list_of_point.front(); list_of_point.pop_front(); m_Vertex_handle = insert_point(new_point, stl_vertices.front()->face(), dist,true); } // adaptive insertion order coefficient insertion_step = (int) (((dist)-fSepStl_seed) / (std::max)((FT) sampling_step,vector_field_2.get_integration_step())); if (insertion_step < 0) insertion_step = 0; list_of_vertex.push_front(m_Vertex_handle); (bEnd) = (((bEnd))||(distface(), dist, false); list_of_vertex.push_front(m_Vertex_handle); list_of_point.pop_front(); } while(!list_of_vertex.empty()) { stl_vertices.push_front(list_of_vertex.front()); list_of_vertex.pop_front(); } insertion = 0; } sampling = 0; } } else { if (!list_of_point.empty()) { new_point = list_of_point.front(); list_of_point.pop_front(); Vertex_handle m_Vertex_handle = insert_point(new_point, dist, true); while ((dist <= separating_distance)&&(!list_of_point.empty())) { m_DT.remove(m_Vertex_handle); for (int i=0;i<=sampling_step;i++) { stl.pop_front(); number_of_points--; } new_point = list_of_point.front(); list_of_point.pop_front(); m_Vertex_handle = insert_point(new_point, stl_vertices.front()->face(), dist, true); } insertion_step = (int) (((dist)-fSepStl_seed) / (std::max)((FT) sampling_step,vector_field_2.get_integration_step())); if (insertion_step < 0) insertion_step = 0; (bEnd) = (((bEnd))||(distface(), dist, false); list_of_vertex.push_front(m_Vertex_handle); list_of_point.pop_front(); } while(!list_of_vertex.empty()) { stl_vertices.push_front(list_of_vertex.front()); list_of_vertex.pop_front(); } } } } template void Stream_lines_2::integrate_backward(const Vector_field_2 & vector_field_2, const Integrator_2 & integrator, Point_container_2& stl, Vertex_container_2& stl_vertices, const int & sampling_step) { int sampling = 0; // sampling step; int insertion = 0; // insertion order; int insertion_step = 0; Point_container_2 list_of_point; Vertex_container_2 list_of_vertex; Point_2 pPoint1; bool bEnd = false; FT dist; Point_2 new_point = Point_2 (stl.back().x(),stl.back().y()); // to not have duplicate points in the streamline stl.pop_back(); Vertex_handle m_Vertex_handle = insert_point(new_point, stl_vertices.back()->face(), dist,true); stl_vertices.push_back(m_Vertex_handle); stl.push_back(new_point); number_of_points++; Point_2 old_point = new_point; while (!bEnd) { Point_2 ex_old_point = old_point; old_point = new_point; std::pair field_vector; CGAL_streamlines_precondition(vector_field_2.is_in_domain(old_point)); new_point = integrator(old_point,vector_field_2,false); bEnd = !vector_field_2.is_in_domain(new_point); FT dist_ = distance(ex_old_point,new_point); bEnd = bEnd || dist_ < 0.9*vector_field_2.get_integration_step() || (new_point == old_point);/* to review */ if(number_of_points > 30) bEnd = bEnd || ((distance(stl.front(), stl.back())) 3000); if (!bEnd) { if(sampling != sampling_step) { stl.push_back(new_point); number_of_points ++; sampling++; } else { if (insertion != insertion_step) { stl.push_back(new_point); number_of_points++; insertion++; list_of_point.push_back(new_point); } else { stl.push_back(new_point); number_of_points++; list_of_point.push_back(new_point); list_of_point.pop_back(); m_Vertex_handle = insert_point(new_point, stl_vertices.back()->face(), dist,true); while ((dist <= separating_distance)&&(!list_of_point.empty())) { m_DT.remove(m_Vertex_handle); for (int i=0;i<=sampling_step;i++) { stl.pop_back(); number_of_points--; } new_point = list_of_point.back(); list_of_point.pop_back(); m_Vertex_handle = insert_point(new_point, stl_vertices.back()->face(), dist,true); } // adaptive insertion order coefficient insertion_step = (int) (((dist)-fSepStl_seed) / (std::max)((FT) sampling_step,vector_field_2.get_integration_step())); if (insertion_step < 0) insertion_step = 0; list_of_vertex.push_back(m_Vertex_handle); (bEnd) = (((bEnd))||(distface(), dist, false); list_of_vertex.push_front(m_Vertex_handle); list_of_point.pop_back(); } while(!list_of_vertex.empty()) { stl_vertices.push_back(list_of_vertex.back()); list_of_vertex.pop_back(); } insertion = 0; } sampling = 0; } } else { if (!list_of_point.empty()) { new_point = list_of_point.back(); list_of_point.pop_back(); Vertex_handle m_Vertex_handle = insert_point(new_point, stl_vertices.back()->face(), dist, true); while ((dist <= separating_distance)&&(!list_of_point.empty())) { m_DT.remove(m_Vertex_handle); for (int i=0;i<=sampling_step;i++) { stl.pop_back(); number_of_points--; } new_point = list_of_point.back(); list_of_point.pop_back(); m_Vertex_handle = insert_point(new_point, stl_vertices.back()->face(), dist, true); } // adaptive insertion order coefficient insertion_step = (int) (((dist)-fSepStl_seed) / (std::max)((FT) sampling_step,vector_field_2.get_integration_step())); if (insertion_step < 0) insertion_step = 0; // list_of_vertex.push_front(m_Vertex_handle); (bEnd) = (((bEnd))||(distface(), dist, false); list_of_vertex.push_back(m_Vertex_handle); list_of_point.pop_back(); } while(!list_of_vertex.empty()) { stl_vertices.push_back(list_of_vertex.back()); list_of_vertex.pop_back(); } } } } template inline void Stream_lines_2:: insert_streamline(const Vector_field_2 & vector_field_2, Point_container_2 stl, Vertex_container_2 stl_vertices) { stl_container.push_back(stl); Vertex_handle m_Vertex_handle = NULL; int i = 1; unsigned int size_ = (int) (stl_vertices.size()); ir = il = 0; while (!stl_vertices.empty()) { pq_elements(vector_field_2, stl_vertices, i, m_Vertex_handle, size_); m_Vertex_handle = stl_vertices.front(); stl_vertices.pop_front(); i++; } } template void Stream_lines_2:: pq_elements(const Vector_field_2 & vector_field_2, Vertex_container_2 stl_vertices, int i, const Vertex_handle & m_Vertex_handle, int size_) { if ((i!=0) && (i!=(size_))){// && (std::div(i,10).rem!=0)){ Vertex_handle pVertex_handle = stl_vertices.front(); Face_handle pFace_handle; int iIndex; if (m_DT.is_edge(pVertex_handle,m_Vertex_handle,pFace_handle,iIndex)) { Point_2 p0 = pVertex_handle->point(); Point_2 c = m_DT.circumcenter(pFace_handle); FT fDist = distance(p0,c); bool b = vector_field_2.is_in_domain(c) && (fDist >= fSepStl_seed); if (b) { Circle pCircle(c,fDist); Pq_element m_Pq_element = Pq_element( pFace_handle->vertex(0), pFace_handle->vertex(1), pFace_handle->vertex(2), pCircle); if (ir == 0) { Pq_previous_r = m_Pq_element; Pq_element_max_r = m_Pq_element; ir++; } else if (ir == 1) { Pq_current_r = m_Pq_element;ir++; } else { Pq_next_r = m_Pq_element; if (Pq_element_max_r.template get<3>().second <= Pq_next_r.template get<3>().second) Pq_element_max_r = Pq_next_r; if ((Pq_current_r.template get<3>().second>=Pq_previous_r.template get<3>().second) &&(Pq_current_r.template get<3>().second>=Pq_next_r.template get<3>().second)) { pq.push(Pq_current_r); } Pq_previous_r = Pq_current_r; Pq_current_r = Pq_next_r; ir++; } } p0 = pFace_handle->neighbor(iIndex)->vertex(0)->point(); c = m_DT.circumcenter(pFace_handle->neighbor(iIndex)); fDist = distance(p0,c); b = vector_field_2.is_in_domain(c) && (fDist >= fSepStl_seed); if (b) { Circle pCircle(c,fDist); Pq_element m_Pq_element = Pq_element( pFace_handle->neighbor(iIndex)->vertex(0), pFace_handle->neighbor(iIndex)->vertex(1), pFace_handle->neighbor(iIndex)->vertex(2), pCircle); if (il == 0) { Pq_previous_l = m_Pq_element; Pq_element_max_l = m_Pq_element; il++; } else if (il == 1) { Pq_current_l = m_Pq_element;il++; } else { Pq_next_l = m_Pq_element; if (Pq_element_max_l.template get<3>().second <= Pq_next_l.template get<3>().second) Pq_element_max_l = Pq_next_l; if ((Pq_current_l.template get<3>().second>=Pq_previous_l.template get<3>().second) &&(Pq_current_l.template get<3>().second>=Pq_next_l.template get<3>().second)) { pq.push(Pq_current_l); } Pq_previous_l = Pq_current_l; Pq_current_l = Pq_next_l; il++; } } } if ((ir+il == (int) size_-2)&&(size_>2)) { pq.push(Pq_element_max_l); pq.push(Pq_element_max_r); } } else{ Vertex_handle pVertex_handle = stl_vertices.front(); Face_circulator pFace_handle = m_DT.incident_faces(pVertex_handle); Face_circulator pEnd = pFace_handle; CGAL_For_all(pFace_handle,pEnd) { Point_2 p0 = pFace_handle->vertex(0)->point(); Point_2 c = m_DT.circumcenter(pFace_handle); bool b = vector_field_2.is_in_domain(c); if (b){ FT fDist = distance(p0,c); if (fDist >= fSepStl_seed) { Circle pCircle(c,fDist); Pq_element m_Pq_element = Pq_element( pFace_handle->vertex(0), pFace_handle->vertex(1), pFace_handle->vertex(2), pCircle); pq.push(m_Pq_element); } } } } } // get the next seed point template inline bool Stream_lines_2::get_next_seed_point(FT & distance, Point_2 & seed_point_) { Vertex_handle v0, v1, v2; Face_handle fr; bool b0,b; Pq_element m_Pq_element; do{ CGAL_assertion(!pq.empty()); m_Pq_element = pq.top(); v0 = m_Pq_element.template get<0>(); v1 = m_Pq_element.template get<1>(); v2 = m_Pq_element.template get<2>(); distance = m_Pq_element.template get<3>().second; pq.pop(); b0 = m_DT.is_face(v0,v1,v2,fr); if (b0){ seed_point_ = m_Pq_element.template get<3>().first;} b = (!pq.empty()); }while ((b)&&(!b0)); Biggest_circle = m_Pq_element; return b; } template typename Stream_lines_2::Stream_line_iterator_2 Stream_lines_2::begin() { return begin_iterator; } template typename Stream_lines_2::Stream_line_iterator_2 Stream_lines_2::end() { return end_iterator; } template inline void Stream_lines_2::make_iterator() { iterator_container.clear(); for(typename Stream_line_container_2::iterator begin=stl_container.begin(); begin!=stl_container.end();begin++) { std::pair iterator_pair((*begin).begin(), (*begin).end()); iterator_container.push_front(iterator_pair); } begin_iterator = iterator_container.begin(); end_iterator = iterator_container.end(); } // output an eps file template void Stream_lines_2::print_stream_lines_eps(std::ofstream & fw) { typename Stream_line_container_2::iterator it; Stream_line_container_2 stl_container_temp = stl_container; fw << "%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0\n"; fw << "%%BoundingBox: 0 0" << " " << max_x - min_x << " " << max_y - min_y << "\n"; fw << "gsave\n"; fw << "/L {moveto lineto stroke} bind def\n"; fw << 0.5 << " setlinewidth\n"; fw << 0.0 << " " << 0.0 << " " << 0.0 << " setrgbcolor\n"; for(it=stl_container_temp.begin(); it!=stl_container_temp.end(); ++it) { typename Point_container_2::iterator begin_point_iterator = (*it).begin(); typename Point_container_2::iterator end_point_iterator = (*it).end(); FT i_prec = (*begin_point_iterator).x() - min_x; FT j_prec = (*begin_point_iterator).y() - min_y; begin_point_iterator++; FT i , j; for(;begin_point_iterator!=end_point_iterator;begin_point_iterator++) { Point_2 p = *begin_point_iterator; i = p.x() - min_x; j = p.y() - min_y; fw << i_prec << " " << j_prec << " " << i << " " << j << " L\n"; i_prec = i; j_prec = j; } } fw << "grestore\n"; fw << "showpage\n"; fw.close(); } // output an stl file template void Stream_lines_2::print_stream_lines(std::ofstream & fw) { typename Stream_line_container_2::iterator it; Stream_line_container_2 stl_container_temp = stl_container; fw << max_x - min_x << " " << max_y - min_y << "\n"; fw << stl_container.size() << "\n"; for(it=stl_container_temp.begin(); it!=stl_container_temp.end(); ++it) { fw << (*it).size() << "\n"; typename Point_container_2::iterator begin_point_iterator = (*it).begin(); typename Point_container_2::iterator end_point_iterator = (*it).end(); FT i , j; for(;begin_point_iterator!=end_point_iterator;begin_point_iterator++){ Point_2 p = *begin_point_iterator; i = p.x() - min_x; j = p.y() - min_y; fw << i << " " << j << "\n"; } } fw.close(); } template std::list::Point_2> Stream_lines_2::get_pq() { std::list _list; std::priority_queue, C> pq_temp; pq_temp = pq; while (!pq_temp.empty()) { Pq_element m_Pq_element = pq_temp.top(); Vertex_handle v0 = m_Pq_element.template get<0>(); Vertex_handle v1 = m_Pq_element.template get<1>(); Vertex_handle v2 = m_Pq_element.template get<2>(); pq_temp.pop(); Face_handle fr; bool b0 = m_DT.is_face(v0,v1,v2,fr); Point_2 sdPoint = m_Pq_element.template get<3>().first; if (b0) _list.push_front(sdPoint); } return _list; } } //namespace CGAL #endif