// Copyright (c) 2013 Technical University Braunschweig (Germany). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU // General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in // accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software. // // This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE // WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // $URL$ // $Id$ // // // Author(s): Francisc Bungiu // Michael Hemmer #ifndef CGAL_VISIBILITY_UTILS_H #define CGAL_VISIBILITY_UTILS_H #include #include #include namespace CGAL { namespace Visibility_2 { template int count_edges_in_face(typename Arrangement_2::Face_const_handle fch) { typedef typename Arrangement_2::Ccb_halfedge_const_circulator Ccb_halfedge_const_circulator; Ccb_halfedge_const_circulator circ = fch->outer_ccb(); Ccb_halfedge_const_circulator curr = circ; int edge_cnt(0); do { edge_cnt++; } while (++curr != circ); return edge_cnt; } template void print_edge(Edge_const_iterator eit) { std::cout << "[" << eit->curve() << "]" << std::endl; } template void print_simple_face(Face_const_handle fh) { Ccb_halfedge_const_circulator cir = fh->outer_ccb(); Ccb_halfedge_const_circulator curr = cir; do { std::cout << "[" << curr->curve() << "]" << std::endl; } while (++ curr != cir); } template void print_arrangement(const Arrangement_2& arr) { typedef typename Arrangement_2::Edge_const_iterator Edge_const_iterator; Edge_const_iterator eit; std::cout << arr.number_of_edges() << " edges:" << std::endl; for (eit = arr.edges_begin(); eit != arr.edges_end(); ++eit) print_edge(eit); } template void print_arrangement_by_face(const Arrangement_2& arr) { typedef typename Arrangement_2::Face_const_iterator Face_const_iterator; typedef typename Arrangement_2::Ccb_halfedge_const_circulator Ccb_halfedge_const_circulator; Face_const_iterator f; for (f = arr.faces_begin() ; f != arr.faces_end() ; f++) { if (!f->is_unbounded()) { std::cout << "FACE\n"; print_simple_face(f); std::cout << "END FACE\n"; } } } template Orientation orientation_2(const Geometry_traits_2 *geom_traits, const typename Geometry_traits_2::Point_2& p, const typename Geometry_traits_2::Point_2& q, const typename Geometry_traits_2::Point_2& r) { typename Geometry_traits_2::Orientation_2 orient = geom_traits->orientation_2_object(); return orient(p, q, r); } template bool less_distance_to_point_2(const Geometry_traits_2 *geom_traits, const typename Geometry_traits_2::Point_2& p, const typename Geometry_traits_2::Point_2& q, const typename Geometry_traits_2::Point_2& r) { typename Geometry_traits_2::Less_distance_to_point_2 less_dist = geom_traits->less_distance_to_point_2_object(); return less_dist(p, q, r); } template bool collinear(const Geometry_traits_2 *geom_traits, const typename Geometry_traits_2::Point_2& p, const typename Geometry_traits_2::Point_2& q, const typename Geometry_traits_2::Point_2& r) { typename Geometry_traits_2::Collinear_2 collinear_fnct = geom_traits->collinear_2_object(); return collinear_fnct(p, q, r); } template typename Geometry_traits_2::Object_2 intersect_2( const Geometry_traits_2 *geom_traits, const _Curve_first& s1, const _Curve_second& s2) { typedef typename Geometry_traits_2::Kernel Kernel; const Kernel *kernel = static_cast (geom_traits); typename Kernel::Intersect_2 intersect_fnct = kernel->intersect_2_object(); return intersect_fnct(s1, s2); } template CGAL::Comparison_result compare_xy_2( const Geometry_traits_2 *geom_traits, const typename Geometry_traits_2::Point_2 &p, const typename Geometry_traits_2::Point_2 &q) { typename Geometry_traits_2::Compare_xy_2 cmp = geom_traits->compare_xy_2_object(); return cmp(p, q); } template typename Geometry_traits_2::FT compute_squared_distance_2( const Geometry_traits_2 *geom_traits, const Type1& p, const Type2& seg) { typename Geometry_traits_2::Compute_squared_distance_2 compute_dist = geom_traits->compute_squared_distance_2_object(); return compute_dist(p, seg); } template bool do_intersect_2(const Geometry_traits_2 *geom_traits, const Type1& c1, const Type2& c2) { typename Geometry_traits_2::Do_intersect_2 intersect = geom_traits->do_intersect_2_object(); return intersect(c1, c2); } template bool collinear_are_ordered_along_line_2( const Geometry_traits_2 *geom_traits, const typename Geometry_traits_2::Point_2 &p, const typename Geometry_traits_2::Point_2 &q, const typename Geometry_traits_2::Point_2 &r) { typename Geometry_traits_2::Collinear_are_ordered_along_line_2 coll = geom_traits->collinear_are_ordered_along_line_2_object(); return coll(p, q, r); } template typename Geometry_traits_2::Point_2 construct_projected_point_2( const Geometry_traits_2 *geom_traits, const Type1& s, const Type2& p) { typedef typename Geometry_traits_2::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename Geometry_traits_2::FT Number_type; typename Geometry_traits_2::Construct_projected_point_2 construct_proj = geom_traits->construct_projected_point_2_object(); Point_2 proj_pt = construct_proj(s.supporting_line(), p); if (s.has_on(proj_pt)) { return proj_pt; } else { Number_type d_to_src = compute_squared_distance_2 (geom_traits, proj_pt, s.source()); Number_type d_to_trg = compute_squared_distance_2 (geom_traits, proj_pt, s.target()); if (d_to_src < d_to_trg) { return s.source(); } else { return s.target(); } } } // construct an arrangement of visibility region from a vector of // circular ordered vertices with respect to the query point template void report_while_handling_needles( const typename Visibility_2::Arrangement_2::Geometry_traits_2 *traits, const typename Visibility_2::Arrangement_2::Point_2& q, std::vector& points, Visibility_arrangement_2& arr_out) { typedef typename Visibility_2::Arrangement_2 Arrangement_2; typedef typename Arrangement_2::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename Arrangement_2::Geometry_traits_2 Geometry_traits_2; typedef typename Geometry_traits_2::Segment_2 Segment_2; typedef typename Visibility_arrangement_2::Halfedge_handle Halfedge_handle; typedef typename Visibility_arrangement_2::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; typename std::vector::size_type i = 0; if (points.front() == points.back()) { points.pop_back(); } while (collinear(traits, q, points[i], points.back())) { points.push_back(points[i]); i++; } points.push_back(points[i]); Halfedge_handle he_handle; //the handle of vertex where the next segment is inserted Vertex_handle v_trg; //the handle of vertex inserted first Vertex_handle v_fst; //the handle of vertex of the end of a needle Vertex_handle v_needle_end; v_trg = v_fst = arr_out.insert_in_face_interior(points[i], arr_out.unbounded_face()); //find a point that is right after a needle while (i+1 < points.size()) { if ( collinear(traits, points[i], points[i+1], q)) { Vertex_handle v_needle_begin = v_trg; std::vector forward_needle; //vertices of the needle that are not //between q and v_needle_begin; //their direction is leaving q; std::vector backward_needle;//vertices of the needle that are not //between q and v_needle_begin; //their direction is towards q; std::vector part_in_q_side; //vertices of the needle that are //between q and v_needle_begin part_in_q_side.push_back(points[i]); forward_needle.push_back((points[i])); bool same_side_of_q = (compare_xy_2(traits, points[i], q) == compare_xy_2(traits, points[i], points[i+1])); if (same_side_of_q) part_in_q_side.push_back(points[i+1]); else forward_needle.push_back(points[i+1]); i++; while (i+1 < points.size() && orientation_2(traits, points[i], points[i+1], q ) == CGAL::COLLINEAR) { if (same_side_of_q) { part_in_q_side.push_back(points[i+1]); } else { if (compare_xy_2(traits, part_in_q_side.front(), q) == compare_xy_2(traits, part_in_q_side.front(), points[i+1])) { same_side_of_q = true; part_in_q_side.push_back(points[i+1]); } else { if (less_distance_to_point_2(traits, q, points[i], points[i+1])) forward_needle.push_back(points[i+1]); else backward_needle.push_back(points[i+1]); } } i++; } //obtain the end point of a needle Point_2 end_of_needle; if (same_side_of_q) end_of_needle = part_in_q_side.back(); else { if (backward_needle.empty()) { end_of_needle = forward_needle.back(); } else { end_of_needle = backward_needle.back(); } } std::reverse(backward_needle.begin(), backward_needle.end()); std::vector merged_needle; // merge the forward_needle and backward_needle unsigned int itr_fst = 0, itr_snd = 0; while (itr_fst < forward_needle.size() && itr_snd < backward_needle.size()) { if (less_distance_to_point_2(traits, q, forward_needle[itr_fst], backward_needle[itr_snd])) { merged_needle.push_back(forward_needle[itr_fst]); itr_fst++; } else { merged_needle.push_back(backward_needle[itr_snd]); itr_snd++; } } while (itr_fst < forward_needle.size()) { merged_needle.push_back(forward_needle[itr_fst]); itr_fst++; } while (itr_snd < backward_needle.size()) { merged_needle.push_back(backward_needle[itr_snd]); itr_snd++; } for (unsigned int p = 0 ; p+1 < merged_needle.size() ; p++) { if (compare_xy_2( traits, merged_needle[p], merged_needle[p+1]) == SMALLER) { he_handle = arr_out.insert_from_left_vertex( Segment_2(merged_needle[p], merged_needle[p+1]), v_trg); } else { he_handle = arr_out.insert_from_right_vertex( Segment_2(merged_needle[p], merged_needle[p+1]), v_trg); } v_trg = he_handle->target(); if (merged_needle[p+1] == end_of_needle) { v_needle_end = v_trg; } } if (same_side_of_q) { //insert the part of needle between q and v_needle_begin v_trg = v_needle_begin; for (unsigned int p = 0 ; p+1 < part_in_q_side.size() ; p++) { if (compare_xy_2( traits, part_in_q_side[p], part_in_q_side[p+1]) == SMALLER) { he_handle = arr_out.insert_from_left_vertex( Segment_2(part_in_q_side[p], part_in_q_side[p+1]), v_trg); } else { he_handle = arr_out.insert_from_right_vertex( Segment_2(part_in_q_side[p], part_in_q_side[p+1]), v_trg); } v_trg = he_handle->target(); } } else v_trg = v_needle_end; } else { if (compare_xy_2( traits, v_trg->point(), points[i+1]) == SMALLER) { he_handle = arr_out.insert_from_left_vertex( Segment_2(points[i], points[i+1]), v_trg); } else { he_handle = arr_out.insert_from_right_vertex( Segment_2(points[i], points[i+1]), v_trg); } v_trg = he_handle->target(); i++; } if (i+2 == points.size()) { //close the boundary v_trg = he_handle->target(); arr_out.insert_at_vertices(Segment_2(points[points.size()-2], points[points.size()-1]), v_trg, v_fst); break; } } } template void regularize_output(VARR& arr_out) { typename VARR::Edge_iterator it = arr_out.edges_begin(); while(it != arr_out.edges_end()) { if (it->face() == it->twin()->face()) { typename VARR::Halfedge_handle he = it; ++it; arr_out.remove_edge(he); } else { ++it; } } } template void conditional_regularize(VARR& arr_out, CGAL::Tag_true) { regularize_output(arr_out); } template void conditional_regularize(VARR&, CGAL::Tag_false) { //do nothing } } // end namespace Visibility_2 } // end namespace CGAL #endif