// Copyright (c) 2000 // Utrecht University (The Netherlands), // ETH Zurich (Switzerland), // INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France), // Max-Planck-Institute Saarbruecken (Germany), // and Tel-Aviv University (Israel). All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org); you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, // or (at your option) any later version. // // Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in // accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software. // // This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE // WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // $URL$ // $Id$ // // // Author(s) : Herve Bronnimann, Sylvain Pion #ifndef CGAL_PREDICATES_KERNEL_FTC3_H #define CGAL_PREDICATES_KERNEL_FTC3_H #include #include #include namespace CGAL { template < class FT > inline typename Equal_to::result_type parallelC3(const FT &v1x, const FT &v1y, const FT &v1z, const FT &v2x, const FT &v2y, const FT &v2z) { return CGAL_AND_3( sign_of_determinant(v1x, v2x, v1y, v2y) == ZERO , sign_of_determinant(v1x, v2x, v1z, v2z) == ZERO , sign_of_determinant(v1y, v2y, v1z, v2z) == ZERO ); } template < class FT > typename Equal_to::result_type parallelC3(const FT &s1sx, const FT &s1sy, const FT &s1sz, const FT &s1tx, const FT &s1ty, const FT &s1tz, const FT &s2sx, const FT &s2sy, const FT &s2sz, const FT &s2tx, const FT &s2ty, const FT &s2tz) { // NB : Could be made slightly more efficient by computing the z differences // only when they are needed. FT v1x = s1tx - s1sx; FT v1y = s1ty - s1sy; FT v1z = s1tz - s1sz; FT v2x = s2tx - s2sx; FT v2y = s2ty - s2sy; FT v2z = s2tz - s2sz; return parallelC3(v1x, v1y, v1z, v2x, v2y, v2z); } template < class FT > CGAL_KERNEL_MEDIUM_INLINE typename Compare::result_type compare_lexicographically_xyzC3(const FT &px, const FT &py, const FT &pz, const FT &qx, const FT &qy, const FT &qz) { typedef typename Compare::result_type Cmp; Cmp c = CGAL_NTS compare(px, qx); if (c != EQUAL) return c; c = CGAL_NTS compare(py, qy); if (c != EQUAL) return c; return CGAL_NTS compare(pz, qz); } template < class FT > CGAL_KERNEL_MEDIUM_INLINE typename Equal_to::result_type strict_dominanceC3(const FT &px, const FT &py, const FT &pz, const FT &qx, const FT &qy, const FT &qz) { return CGAL_AND_3( CGAL_NTS compare(px, qx) == LARGER , CGAL_NTS compare(py, qy) == LARGER , CGAL_NTS compare(pz, qz) == LARGER ); } template < class FT > CGAL_KERNEL_MEDIUM_INLINE typename Equal_to::result_type dominanceC3(const FT &px, const FT &py, const FT &pz, const FT &qx, const FT &qy, const FT &qz) { return CGAL_AND_3( CGAL_NTS compare(px, qx) != SMALLER , CGAL_NTS compare(py, qy) != SMALLER , CGAL_NTS compare(pz, qz) != SMALLER ); } template < class FT > CGAL_KERNEL_MEDIUM_INLINE typename Equal_to::result_type collinearC3(const FT &px, const FT &py, const FT &pz, const FT &qx, const FT &qy, const FT &qz, const FT &rx, const FT &ry, const FT &rz) { FT dpx = px-rx; FT dqx = qx-rx; FT dpy = py-ry; FT dqy = qy-ry; if (sign_of_determinant(dpx, dqx, dpy, dqy) != ZERO) return false; FT dpz = pz-rz; FT dqz = qz-rz; return CGAL_AND( sign_of_determinant(dpx, dqx, dpz, dqz) == ZERO , sign_of_determinant(dpy, dqy, dpz, dqz) == ZERO ); } template < class FT > CGAL_KERNEL_MEDIUM_INLINE typename Same_uncertainty_nt::type orientationC3(const FT &px, const FT &py, const FT &pz, const FT &qx, const FT &qy, const FT &qz, const FT &rx, const FT &ry, const FT &rz, const FT &sx, const FT &sy, const FT &sz) { return sign_of_determinant(qx-px,rx-px,sx-px, qy-py,ry-py,sy-py, qz-pz,rz-pz,sz-pz); } template < class FT > CGAL_KERNEL_MEDIUM_INLINE typename Same_uncertainty_nt::type orientationC3(const FT &ux, const FT &uy, const FT &uz, const FT &vx, const FT &vy, const FT &vz, const FT &wx, const FT &wy, const FT &wz) { return sign_of_determinant(ux, vx, wx, uy, vy, wy, uz, vz, wz); } template < class FT > CGAL_KERNEL_MEDIUM_INLINE typename Same_uncertainty_nt::type angleC3(const FT &ux, const FT &uy, const FT &uz, const FT &vx, const FT &vy, const FT &vz) { return enum_cast(CGAL_NTS sign(ux*vx + uy*vy + uz*vz)); } template < class FT > CGAL_KERNEL_MEDIUM_INLINE typename Same_uncertainty_nt::type angleC3(const FT &px, const FT &py, const FT &pz, const FT &qx, const FT &qy, const FT &qz, const FT &rx, const FT &ry, const FT &rz) { return enum_cast(CGAL_NTS sign((px-qx)*(rx-qx)+ (py-qy)*(ry-qy)+ (pz-qz)*(rz-qz))); } template < class FT > CGAL_KERNEL_MEDIUM_INLINE typename Same_uncertainty_nt::type angleC3(const FT &px, const FT &py, const FT &pz, const FT &qx, const FT &qy, const FT &qz, const FT &rx, const FT &ry, const FT &rz, const FT &sx, const FT &sy, const FT &sz) { return enum_cast(CGAL_NTS sign((px-qx)*(rx-sx)+ (py-qy)*(ry-sy)+ (pz-qz)*(rz-sz))); } template < class FT > CGAL_KERNEL_MEDIUM_INLINE typename Same_uncertainty_nt::type coplanar_orientationC3(const FT &px, const FT &py, const FT &pz, const FT &qx, const FT &qy, const FT &qz, const FT &rx, const FT &ry, const FT &rz, const FT &sx, const FT &sy, const FT &sz) { typedef typename Same_uncertainty_nt::type Ori; Ori oxy_pqr = orientationC2(px,py,qx,qy,rx,ry); if (oxy_pqr != COLLINEAR) return oxy_pqr * orientationC2(px,py,qx,qy,sx,sy); Ori oyz_pqr = orientationC2(py,pz,qy,qz,ry,rz); if (oyz_pqr != COLLINEAR) return oyz_pqr * orientationC2(py,pz,qy,qz,sy,sz); Ori oxz_pqr = orientationC2(px,pz,qx,qz,rx,rz); CGAL_kernel_assertion(oxz_pqr != COLLINEAR); return oxz_pqr * orientationC2(px,pz,qx,qz,sx,sz); } template < class FT > CGAL_KERNEL_MEDIUM_INLINE typename Same_uncertainty_nt::type coplanar_orientationC3(const FT &px, const FT &py, const FT &pz, const FT &qx, const FT &qy, const FT &qz, const FT &rx, const FT &ry, const FT &rz) { typedef typename Same_uncertainty_nt::type Ori; Ori oxy_pqr = orientationC2(px,py,qx,qy,rx,ry); if (oxy_pqr != COLLINEAR) return oxy_pqr; Ori oyz_pqr = orientationC2(py,pz,qy,qz,ry,rz); if (oyz_pqr != COLLINEAR) return oyz_pqr; return orientationC2(px,pz,qx,qz,rx,rz); } template < class FT > CGAL_KERNEL_LARGE_INLINE typename Same_uncertainty_nt::type coplanar_side_of_bounded_circleC3(const FT &px, const FT &py, const FT &pz, const FT &qx, const FT &qy, const FT &qz, const FT &rx, const FT &ry, const FT &rz, const FT &tx, const FT &ty, const FT &tz) { // The approach is to compute side_of_bounded_sphere(p,q,r,t+v,t), // with v = pq ^ pr. // Note : since the circle defines the orientation of the plane, it can not // be considered oriented. FT ptx = px - tx; FT pty = py - ty; FT ptz = pz - tz; FT pt2 = CGAL_NTS square(ptx) + CGAL_NTS square(pty) + CGAL_NTS square(ptz); FT qtx = qx - tx; FT qty = qy - ty; FT qtz = qz - tz; FT qt2 = CGAL_NTS square(qtx) + CGAL_NTS square(qty) + CGAL_NTS square(qtz); FT rtx = rx - tx; FT rty = ry - ty; FT rtz = rz - tz; FT rt2 = CGAL_NTS square(rtx) + CGAL_NTS square(rty) + CGAL_NTS square(rtz); FT pqx = qx - px; FT pqy = qy - py; FT pqz = qz - pz; FT prx = rx - px; FT pry = ry - py; FT prz = rz - pz; FT vx = pqy*prz - pqz*pry; FT vy = pqz*prx - pqx*prz; FT vz = pqx*pry - pqy*prx; FT v2 = CGAL_NTS square(vx) + CGAL_NTS square(vy) + CGAL_NTS square(vz); return enum_cast(sign_of_determinant(ptx,pty,ptz,pt2, rtx,rty,rtz,rt2, qtx,qty,qtz,qt2, vx,vy,vz,v2)); } template < class FT > CGAL_KERNEL_MEDIUM_INLINE typename Equal_to::result_type collinear_are_ordered_along_lineC3( const FT &px, const FT &py, const FT &pz, const FT &qx, const FT &qy, const FT &qz, const FT &rx, const FT &ry, const FT &rz) { if (px < qx) return !(rx < qx); if (qx < px) return !(qx < rx); if (py < qy) return !(ry < qy); if (qy < py) return !(qy < ry); if (pz < qz) return !(rz < qz); if (qz < pz) return !(qz < rz); return true; // p==q } template < class FT > CGAL_KERNEL_MEDIUM_INLINE typename Equal_to::result_type collinear_are_strictly_ordered_along_lineC3( const FT &px, const FT &py, const FT &pz, const FT &qx, const FT &qy, const FT &qz, const FT &rx, const FT &ry, const FT &rz) { if (px < qx) return (qx < rx); if (qx < px) return (rx < qx); if (py < qy) return (qy < ry); if (qy < py) return (ry < qy); if (pz < qz) return (qz < rz); if (qz < pz) return (rz < qz); return false; // p==q } template < class FT > CGAL_KERNEL_MEDIUM_INLINE typename Equal_to::result_type equal_directionC3(const FT &dx1, const FT &dy1, const FT &dz1, const FT &dx2, const FT &dy2, const FT &dz2) { return sign_of_determinant(dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2) == ZERO && sign_of_determinant(dx1, dz1, dx2, dz2) == ZERO && sign_of_determinant(dy1, dz1, dy2, dz2) == ZERO && CGAL_NTS sign(dx1) == CGAL_NTS sign(dx2) && CGAL_NTS sign(dy1) == CGAL_NTS sign(dy2) && CGAL_NTS sign(dz1) == CGAL_NTS sign(dz2); } template < class FT > CGAL_KERNEL_MEDIUM_INLINE typename Equal_to::result_type equal_planeC3(const FT &ha, const FT &hb, const FT &hc, const FT &hd, const FT &pa, const FT &pb, const FT &pc, const FT &pd) { typedef typename Sgn::result_type Sg; if (!equal_directionC3(ha, hb, hc, pa, pb, pc)) return false; // Not parallel. Sg s1a = CGAL_NTS sign(ha); if (s1a != ZERO) return CGAL_AND( s1a == CGAL_NTS sign(pa) , sign_of_determinant(pa, pd, ha, hd) == ZERO ); Sg s1b = CGAL_NTS sign(hb); if (s1b != ZERO) return s1b == CGAL_NTS sign(pb) && sign_of_determinant(pb, pd, hb, hd) == ZERO; return CGAL_NTS sign(pc) == CGAL_NTS sign(hc) && sign_of_determinant(pc, pd, hc, hd) == ZERO; } template CGAL_KERNEL_LARGE_INLINE typename Same_uncertainty_nt::type side_of_oriented_planeC3(const FT &a, const FT &b, const FT &c, const FT &d, const FT &px, const FT &py, const FT &pz) { return CGAL_NTS sign(a*px + b*py + c*pz + d); } template CGAL_KERNEL_LARGE_INLINE typename Same_uncertainty_nt::type side_of_oriented_sphereC3(const FT &px, const FT &py, const FT &pz, const FT &qx, const FT &qy, const FT &qz, const FT &rx, const FT &ry, const FT &rz, const FT &sx, const FT &sy, const FT &sz, const FT &tx, const FT &ty, const FT &tz) { FT ptx = px - tx; FT pty = py - ty; FT ptz = pz - tz; FT pt2 = CGAL_NTS square(ptx) + CGAL_NTS square(pty) + CGAL_NTS square(ptz); FT qtx = qx - tx; FT qty = qy - ty; FT qtz = qz - tz; FT qt2 = CGAL_NTS square(qtx) + CGAL_NTS square(qty) + CGAL_NTS square(qtz); FT rtx = rx - tx; FT rty = ry - ty; FT rtz = rz - tz; FT rt2 = CGAL_NTS square(rtx) + CGAL_NTS square(rty) + CGAL_NTS square(rtz); FT stx = sx - tx; FT sty = sy - ty; FT stz = sz - tz; FT st2 = CGAL_NTS square(stx) + CGAL_NTS square(sty) + CGAL_NTS square(stz); return sign_of_determinant(ptx,pty,ptz,pt2, rtx,rty,rtz,rt2, qtx,qty,qtz,qt2, stx,sty,stz,st2); // Note that the determinant above is det(P,R,Q,S) (Q and R are swapped)! } template CGAL_KERNEL_MEDIUM_INLINE typename Same_uncertainty_nt::type side_of_bounded_sphereC3(const FT &px, const FT &py, const FT &pz, const FT &qx, const FT &qy, const FT &qz, const FT &rx, const FT &ry, const FT &rz, const FT &sx, const FT &sy, const FT &sz, const FT &tx, const FT &ty, const FT &tz) { return enum_cast( side_of_oriented_sphereC3(px, py, pz, qx, qy, qz, rx, ry, rz, sx, sy, sz, tx, ty, tz) * orientationC3(px, py, pz, qx, qy, qz, rx, ry, rz, sx, sy, sz) ); } template CGAL_KERNEL_MEDIUM_INLINE typename Same_uncertainty_nt::type side_of_bounded_sphereC3(const FT &px, const FT &py, const FT &pz, const FT &qx, const FT &qy, const FT &qz, const FT &tx, const FT &ty, const FT &tz) { // Returns whether T lies inside or outside the sphere which diameter is PQ. return enum_cast( CGAL_NTS sign((tx-px)*(qx-tx) + (ty-py)*(qy-ty) + (tz-pz)*(qz-tz)) ); } template < class FT > CGAL_KERNEL_INLINE typename Compare::result_type cmp_dist_to_pointC3(const FT &px, const FT &py, const FT &pz, const FT &qx, const FT &qy, const FT &qz, const FT &rx, const FT &ry, const FT &rz) { return CGAL_NTS compare(squared_distanceC3(px,py,pz,qx,qy,qz), squared_distanceC3(px,py,pz,rx,ry,rz)); } // Because of the way the filtered predicates generator script works, // cmp_dist_to_pointC3() must be defined _before_ ths following one. template CGAL_KERNEL_MEDIUM_INLINE typename Same_uncertainty_nt::type side_of_bounded_sphereC3(const FT &px, const FT &py, const FT &pz, const FT &qx, const FT &qy, const FT &qz, const FT &sx, const FT &sy, const FT &sz, const FT &tx, const FT &ty, const FT &tz) { // Returns whether T lies inside or outside the sphere which equatorial // circle is PQR. // This code is inspired by the one of circumcenterC3(3 points). FT psx = px-sx; FT psy = py-sy; FT psz = pz-sz; FT ps2 = CGAL_NTS square(psx) + CGAL_NTS square(psy) + CGAL_NTS square(psz); FT qsx = qx-sx; FT qsy = qy-sy; FT qsz = qz-sz; FT qs2 = CGAL_NTS square(qsx) + CGAL_NTS square(qsy) + CGAL_NTS square(qsz); FT rsx = psy*qsz-psz*qsy; FT rsy = psz*qsx-psx*qsz; FT rsz = psx*qsy-psy*qsx; FT tsx = tx-sx; FT tsy = ty-sy; FT tsz = tz-sz; FT num_x = ps2 * determinant(qsy,qsz,rsy,rsz) - qs2 * determinant(psy,psz,rsy,rsz); FT num_y = ps2 * determinant(qsx,qsz,rsx,rsz) - qs2 * determinant(psx,psz,rsx,rsz); FT num_z = ps2 * determinant(qsx,qsy,rsx,rsy) - qs2 * determinant(psx,psy,rsx,rsy); FT den2 = 2 * determinant(psx,psy,psz, qsx,qsy,qsz, rsx,rsy,rsz); // The following could be simplified a bit. return enum_cast( cmp_dist_to_pointC3(num_x, - num_y, num_z, psx*den2, psy*den2, psz*den2, tsx*den2, tsy*den2, tsz*den2) ); } template < class FT > CGAL_KERNEL_MEDIUM_INLINE typename Equal_to::result_type has_larger_dist_to_pointC3(const FT &px, const FT &py, const FT &pz, const FT &qx, const FT &qy, const FT &qz, const FT &rx, const FT &ry, const FT &rz) { return cmp_dist_to_pointC3(px,py,pz,qx,qy,qz,rx,ry,rz) == LARGER; } template < class FT > CGAL_KERNEL_MEDIUM_INLINE typename Equal_to::result_type has_smaller_dist_to_pointC3(const FT &px, const FT &py, const FT &pz, const FT &qx, const FT &qy, const FT &qz, const FT &rx, const FT &ry, const FT &rz) { return cmp_dist_to_pointC3(px,py,pz,qx,qy,qz,rx,ry,rz) == SMALLER; } template < class FT > CGAL_KERNEL_MEDIUM_INLINE typename Compare::result_type cmp_signed_dist_to_directionC3( const FT &pa, const FT &pb, const FT &pc, const FT &px, const FT &py, const FT &pz, const FT &qx, const FT &qy, const FT &qz) { return CGAL_NTS compare(scaled_distance_to_directionC3(pa,pb,pc,px,py,pz), scaled_distance_to_directionC3(pa,pb,pc,qx,qy,qz)); } template < class FT > CGAL_KERNEL_MEDIUM_INLINE typename Equal_to::result_type has_larger_signed_dist_to_directionC3( const FT &pa, const FT &pb, const FT &pc, const FT &px, const FT &py, const FT &pz, const FT &qx, const FT &qy, const FT &qz) { return cmp_signed_dist_to_directionC3(pa,pb,pc,px,py,pz,qx,qy,qz) == LARGER; } template < class FT > CGAL_KERNEL_MEDIUM_INLINE typename Equal_to::result_type has_smaller_signed_dist_to_directionC3( const FT &pa, const FT &pb, const FT &pc, const FT &px, const FT &py, const FT &pz, const FT &qx, const FT &qy, const FT &qz) { return cmp_signed_dist_to_directionC3(pa,pb,pc,px,py,pz,qx,qy,qz) == SMALLER; } template < class FT > CGAL_KERNEL_MEDIUM_INLINE typename Compare::result_type cmp_signed_dist_to_planeC3( const FT &ppx, const FT &ppy, const FT &ppz, const FT &pqx, const FT &pqy, const FT &pqz, const FT &prx, const FT &pry, const FT &prz, const FT &px, const FT &py, const FT &pz, const FT &qx, const FT &qy, const FT &qz) { return sign_of_determinant( pqx-ppx, pqy-ppy, pqz-ppz, prx-ppx, pry-ppy, prz-ppz, px-qx, py-qy, pz-qz); } template < class FT > CGAL_KERNEL_MEDIUM_INLINE typename Equal_to::result_type has_larger_signed_dist_to_planeC3( const FT &ppx, const FT &ppy, const FT &ppz, const FT &pqx, const FT &pqy, const FT &pqz, const FT &prx, const FT &pry, const FT &prz, const FT &px, const FT &py, const FT &pz, const FT &qx, const FT &qy, const FT &qz) { return cmp_signed_dist_to_planeC3(ppx, ppy, ppz, pqx, pqy, pqz, prx, pry, prz, px, py, pz, qx, qy, qz) == LARGER; } template < class FT > CGAL_KERNEL_MEDIUM_INLINE typename Equal_to::result_type has_smaller_signed_dist_to_planeC3( const FT &ppx, const FT &ppy, const FT &ppz, const FT &pqx, const FT &pqy, const FT &pqz, const FT &prx, const FT &pry, const FT &prz, const FT &px, const FT &py, const FT &pz, const FT &qx, const FT &qy, const FT &qz) { return cmp_signed_dist_to_planeC3(ppx, ppy, ppz, pqx, pqy, pqz, prx, pry, prz, px, py, pz, qx, qy, qz) == SMALLER; } } //namespace CGAL #endif // CGAL_PREDICATES_KERNEL_FTC3_H