///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // (C) Copyright Ion Gaztanaga 2007-2014 // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // // See http://www.boost.org/libs/intrusive for documentation. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef BOOST_INTRUSIVE_HASHTABLE_NODE_HPP #define BOOST_INTRUSIVE_HASHTABLE_NODE_HPP #ifndef BOOST_CONFIG_HPP # include #endif #if defined(BOOST_HAS_PRAGMA_ONCE) # pragma once #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include //make_slist #include #include #include namespace boost { namespace intrusive { namespace detail { template struct bucket_impl : public Slist { typedef Slist slist_type; bucket_impl() {} bucket_impl(const bucket_impl &) {} ~bucket_impl() { //This bucket is still being used! BOOST_INTRUSIVE_INVARIANT_ASSERT(Slist::empty()); } bucket_impl &operator=(const bucket_impl&) { //This bucket is still in use! BOOST_INTRUSIVE_INVARIANT_ASSERT(Slist::empty()); //Slist::clear(); return *this; } }; template struct bucket_traits_impl { private: BOOST_COPYABLE_AND_MOVABLE(bucket_traits_impl) public: /// @cond typedef typename pointer_traits ::template rebind_pointer < bucket_impl >::type bucket_ptr; typedef Slist slist; typedef typename Slist::size_type size_type; /// @endcond bucket_traits_impl(bucket_ptr buckets, size_type len) : buckets_(buckets), buckets_len_(len) {} bucket_traits_impl(const bucket_traits_impl &x) : buckets_(x.buckets_), buckets_len_(x.buckets_len_) {} bucket_traits_impl(BOOST_RV_REF(bucket_traits_impl) x) : buckets_(x.buckets_), buckets_len_(x.buckets_len_) { x.buckets_ = bucket_ptr(); x.buckets_len_ = 0; } bucket_traits_impl& operator=(BOOST_RV_REF(bucket_traits_impl) x) { buckets_ = x.buckets_; buckets_len_ = x.buckets_len_; x.buckets_ = bucket_ptr(); x.buckets_len_ = 0; return *this; } bucket_traits_impl& operator=(BOOST_COPY_ASSIGN_REF(bucket_traits_impl) x) { buckets_ = x.buckets_; buckets_len_ = x.buckets_len_; return *this; } BOOST_INTRUSIVE_FORCEINLINE const bucket_ptr &bucket_begin() const { return buckets_; } BOOST_INTRUSIVE_FORCEINLINE size_type bucket_count() const { return buckets_len_; } private: bucket_ptr buckets_; size_type buckets_len_; }; template struct hash_reduced_slist_node_traits { template static detail::no_type test(...); template static detail::yes_type test(typename U::reduced_slist_node_traits*); static const bool value = sizeof(test(0)) == sizeof(detail::yes_type); }; template struct apply_reduced_slist_node_traits { typedef typename NodeTraits::reduced_slist_node_traits type; }; template struct reduced_slist_node_traits { typedef typename detail::eval_if_c < hash_reduced_slist_node_traits::value , apply_reduced_slist_node_traits , detail::identity >::type type; }; template struct get_slist_impl { typedef trivial_value_traits trivial_traits; //Reducing symbol length struct type : make_slist < typename NodeTraits::node , boost::intrusive::value_traits , boost::intrusive::constant_time_size , boost::intrusive::size_type >::type {}; }; } //namespace detail { template class hashtable_iterator { typedef typename BucketValueTraits::value_traits value_traits; typedef typename BucketValueTraits::bucket_traits bucket_traits; typedef iiterator< value_traits, IsConst , std::forward_iterator_tag> types_t; public: typedef typename types_t::iterator_type::difference_type difference_type; typedef typename types_t::iterator_type::value_type value_type; typedef typename types_t::iterator_type::pointer pointer; typedef typename types_t::iterator_type::reference reference; typedef typename types_t::iterator_type::iterator_category iterator_category; private: typedef typename value_traits::node_traits node_traits; typedef typename node_traits::node_ptr node_ptr; typedef typename detail::get_slist_impl < typename detail::reduced_slist_node_traits ::type >::type slist_impl; typedef typename slist_impl::iterator siterator; typedef typename slist_impl::const_iterator const_siterator; typedef detail::bucket_impl bucket_type; typedef typename pointer_traits ::template rebind_pointer < const BucketValueTraits >::type const_bucketvaltraits_ptr; typedef typename slist_impl::size_type size_type; static node_ptr downcast_bucket(typename bucket_type::node_ptr p) { return pointer_traits:: pointer_to(static_cast(*p)); } public: BOOST_INTRUSIVE_FORCEINLINE hashtable_iterator () : slist_it_() //Value initialization to achieve "null iterators" (N3644) {} explicit hashtable_iterator(siterator ptr, const BucketValueTraits *cont) : slist_it_ (ptr) , traitsptr_ (cont ? pointer_traits::pointer_to(*cont) : const_bucketvaltraits_ptr() ) {} hashtable_iterator(const hashtable_iterator &other) : slist_it_(other.slist_it()), traitsptr_(other.get_bucket_value_traits()) {} BOOST_INTRUSIVE_FORCEINLINE const siterator &slist_it() const { return slist_it_; } hashtable_iterator unconst() const { return hashtable_iterator(this->slist_it(), this->get_bucket_value_traits()); } hashtable_iterator& operator++() { this->increment(); return *this; } hashtable_iterator operator++(int) { hashtable_iterator result (*this); this->increment(); return result; } BOOST_INTRUSIVE_FORCEINLINE friend bool operator== (const hashtable_iterator& i, const hashtable_iterator& i2) { return i.slist_it_ == i2.slist_it_; } BOOST_INTRUSIVE_FORCEINLINE friend bool operator!= (const hashtable_iterator& i, const hashtable_iterator& i2) { return !(i == i2); } BOOST_INTRUSIVE_FORCEINLINE reference operator*() const { return *this->operator ->(); } BOOST_INTRUSIVE_FORCEINLINE pointer operator->() const { return this->priv_value_traits().to_value_ptr (downcast_bucket(slist_it_.pointed_node())); } BOOST_INTRUSIVE_FORCEINLINE const const_bucketvaltraits_ptr &get_bucket_value_traits() const { return traitsptr_; } BOOST_INTRUSIVE_FORCEINLINE const value_traits &priv_value_traits() const { return traitsptr_->priv_value_traits(); } BOOST_INTRUSIVE_FORCEINLINE const bucket_traits &priv_bucket_traits() const { return traitsptr_->priv_bucket_traits(); } private: void increment() { const bucket_traits &rbuck_traits = this->priv_bucket_traits(); bucket_type* const buckets = boost::intrusive::detail::to_raw_pointer(rbuck_traits.bucket_begin()); const size_type buckets_len = rbuck_traits.bucket_count(); ++slist_it_; const typename slist_impl::node_ptr n = slist_it_.pointed_node(); const siterator first_bucket_bbegin = buckets->end(); if(first_bucket_bbegin.pointed_node() <= n && n <= buckets[buckets_len-1].cend().pointed_node()){ //If one-past the node is inside the bucket then look for the next non-empty bucket //1. get the bucket_impl from the iterator const bucket_type &b = static_cast (bucket_type::slist_type::container_from_end_iterator(slist_it_)); //2. Now just calculate the index b has in the bucket array size_type n_bucket = static_cast(&b - buckets); //3. Iterate until a non-empty bucket is found do{ if (++n_bucket >= buckets_len){ //bucket overflow, return end() iterator slist_it_ = buckets->before_begin(); return; } } while (buckets[n_bucket].empty()); slist_it_ = buckets[n_bucket].begin(); } else{ //++slist_it_ yield to a valid object } } siterator slist_it_; const_bucketvaltraits_ptr traitsptr_; }; } //namespace intrusive { } //namespace boost { #endif