""" Service MG/sources/calls/preview to preview the view and delete the foreing table. """ from io import StringIO import csv from tools import const from tools.layer import Layer def post(task, user=None, input_layer: Layer = None, params: dict=None, overwrite=None): """ Create a foreign table through wrapper of the vector and thematic layers to obtain its information and then be able to create a view to preview the attributes selected by the user. The foreign server created will be delimited in the preview service. Statistical information is supplied for raster layers and the contained files are supplied for generic layers. Parameters ---------- user: str User ID input_layer : Layer Object Input Layer params: dict Dict with attributes, name view or sql clauses overwrite: bool Bool to show whether the view could be overwrited if exist Returns ------- dict Dict with status and message CSV Examples -------- >>> import requests >>> input_layer = {'protocol': 'PostgreSQL', ... 'type': 'VECTOR', ... 'driver_type': 'PostgreSQL', ... 'ip': '', ... "domain": '', ... 'port': '30030', ... 'user': 'srm_postgres_1', ... 'password': 'pg_produccion#1', ... 'database_name': 'imetadata', ... 'schema': 'TEST', ... 'table_view_name': 'edificios'} >>> params = {'view': 'edificios', ... 'select': '*', ... 'where': '', ... 'groupBy': '', ... 'having': '', ... 'orderBy': '', ... 'limit': ''} >>> parameters={'user':'TEST', "input_layer":input_layer, "params":params, "overwrite":True} >>> response = requests.post('<Server_IP>:<Server_PORT>/MG/sources/calls/preview', ... json=parameters) >>> response.json() {'task_id': 'XoiRl9'} """ res_preview = input_layer.preview() if isinstance(res_preview, bool): response = input_layer.create(params=params, overwrite=overwrite) if response[0] != [True]: obj = {'status': 'Error', 'message': 'Duplicate Source: "{}" already exists'.format( params["view"])} return obj rows = [response[1], *response[2]] input_layer.remove(input_layer) else: if len(res_preview[1]) == 1: rows = [res_preview[0], res_preview[1]] else: rows = [res_preview[0], *res_preview[1]] output = StringIO() csv_writer = csv.writer(output, dialect='excel', delimiter=',') csv_writer.writerows(rows) string_csv = output.getvalue() obj = {'status': 'ok', 'message': string_csv} return obj POST_REQUEST = { 'function': post, 'parser': const.PARSER_SOURCES }