// Copyright (c) 2006,2007,2009,2010,2011 Tel-Aviv University (Israel). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.2/Arrangement_on_surface_2/include/CGAL/Arr_observer.h $ // $Id: Arr_observer.h 0779373 2020-03-26T13:31:46+01:00 Sébastien Loriot // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial // // // Author(s) : Ron Wein #ifndef CGAL_ARR_OBSERVER_H #define CGAL_ARR_OBSERVER_H #include #include #include /*! \file * Definition of the Arr_observer base class. */ namespace CGAL { /*! \class * A base class for arrangement observers. * The Arrangement parameter corresponds to an arrangement instantiation. */ template class Arr_observer { public: typedef Arrangement_ Arrangement_2; typedef Arr_observer Self; typedef typename Arrangement_2::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename Arrangement_2::X_monotone_curve_2 X_monotone_curve_2; typedef typename Arrangement_2::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; typedef typename Arrangement_2::Halfedge_handle Halfedge_handle; typedef typename Arrangement_2::Face_handle Face_handle; typedef typename Arrangement_2::Ccb_halfedge_circulator Ccb_halfedge_circulator; private: Arrangement_2 *p_arr; // The associated arrangement. /*! Copy constructor - not supported. */ Arr_observer (const Self& ); /*! Assignment operator - not supported. */ Self& operator= (const Self& ); public: /// \name Construction and destruction functions. //@{ /*! Default constructor. */ Arr_observer () : p_arr (nullptr) {} /*! Constructor with an associated arrangement. */ Arr_observer (Arrangement_2& arr) : p_arr (&arr) { // Register the observer object in the arrangement. p_arr->_register_observer (this); } /*! Destructor. */ virtual ~Arr_observer () { // Unregister the observer object from the arrangement. if (p_arr != nullptr) p_arr->_unregister_observer (this); } //@} /// \name Modifying the associated arrangement. //@{ /*! Get the associated arrangement (non-const version). */ const Arrangement_2* arrangement () const { return (p_arr); } /*! Get the associated arrangement (non-const version). */ Arrangement_2* arrangement () { return (p_arr); } /*! * Attach the observer to an arrangement. * \pre The observer is not already attached to an arrangement. */ void attach (Arrangement_2& arr) { // Do nothing if the associated arrangement is not changed. if (p_arr == &arr) return; // The observer is not already attached to an arrangement. CGAL_precondition (p_arr == nullptr); if (p_arr != nullptr) return; // Notify the concrete oberver (the sub-class) about the attachment. before_attach (arr); // Register the observer object in the new arrangement. p_arr = &arr; p_arr->_register_observer (this); // Notify the concrete oberver that the attachment took place. after_attach(); return; } /*! Detach the observer from the arrangement. */ void detach () { if (p_arr == nullptr) return; // Notify the concrete oberver (the sub-class) about the detachment. before_detach (); // Unregister the observer object from the current arrangement, and mark // that the oberver is not attached to an arrangement. p_arr->_unregister_observer (this); p_arr = nullptr; // Notify the concrete oberver that the detachment took place. after_detach(); return; } //@} /// \name Notification functions on global arrangement operations. //@{ /*! * Notification before the arrangement is assigned with another * arrangement. * \param arr The arrangement to be copied. */ virtual void before_assign (const Arrangement_2& /* arr */) {} /*! * Notification after the arrangement has been assigned with another * arrangement. */ virtual void after_assign () {} /*! Notification before the arrangement is cleared. */ virtual void before_clear () {} /*! * Notification after the arrangement is cleared. */ virtual void after_clear () {} /*! Notification before a global operation modifies the arrangement. */ virtual void before_global_change () {} /*! Notification after a global operation is completed. */ virtual void after_global_change () {} //@} /// \name Notification functions on observer attachment or detachment. //@{ /*! * Notification before the observer is attached to an arrangement. * \param arr The arrangement we are about to attach the observer to. */ virtual void before_attach (const Arrangement_2& /* arr */) {} /*! * Notification after the observer has been attached to an arrangement. */ virtual void after_attach () {} /*! * Notification before the observer is detached from the arrangement. */ virtual void before_detach () {} /*! * Notification after the observer has been detached to the arrangement. */ virtual void after_detach () {} //@} /// \name Notification functions on local changes in the arrangement. //@{ /*! * Notification before the creation of a new vertex. * \param p The point to be associated with the vertex. * This point cannot lies on the surface boundaries. */ virtual void before_create_vertex (const Point_2& /* p */) {} /*! * Notification after the creation of a new vertex. * \param v A handle to the created vertex. */ virtual void after_create_vertex (Vertex_handle /* v */) {} /*! * Notification before the creation of a new boundary vertex. * \param cv The curve incident to the surface boundary. * \param ind The relevant curve-end. * \param ps_x The boundary condition of the vertex in x. * \param ps_y The boundary condition of the vertex in y. */ virtual void before_create_boundary_vertex (const X_monotone_curve_2& /*cv*/, Arr_curve_end /* ind */, Arr_parameter_space /* ps_x */, Arr_parameter_space /* ps_y */) {} /*! * Notification after the creation of a new vertex at infinity. * \param v A handle to the created vertex. */ virtual void after_create_boundary_vertex (Vertex_handle /* v */) {} /*! * Notification before the creation of a new edge. * \param c The x-monotone curve to be associated with the edge. * \param v1 A handle to the first end-vertex of the edge. * \param v2 A handle to the second end-vertex of the edge. */ virtual void before_create_edge (const X_monotone_curve_2& /* c */, Vertex_handle /* v1 */, Vertex_handle /* v2 */) {} /*! * Notification after the creation of a new edge. * \param e A handle to one of the twin halfedges that were created. */ virtual void after_create_edge (Halfedge_handle /* e */) {} /*! * Notification before the modification of an existing vertex. * \param v A handle to the vertex to be updated. * \param p The point to be associated with the vertex. */ virtual void before_modify_vertex (Vertex_handle /* v */, const Point_2& /* p */) {} /*! * Notification after a vertex was modified. * \param v A handle to the updated vertex. */ virtual void after_modify_vertex (Vertex_handle /* v */) {} /*! * Notification before the modification of an existing edge. * \param e A handle to one of the twin halfedges to be updated. * \param c The x-monotone curve to be associated with the edge. */ virtual void before_modify_edge (Halfedge_handle /* e */, const X_monotone_curve_2& /* c */) {} /*! * Notification after an edge was modified. * \param e A handle to one of the twin halfedges that were updated. */ virtual void after_modify_edge (Halfedge_handle /* e */) {} /*! * Notification before the splitting of an edge into two. * \param e A handle to one of the existing halfedges. * \param v A vertex representing the split point. * \param c1 The x-monotone curve to be associated with the first edge. * \param c2 The x-monotone curve to be associated with the second edge. */ virtual void before_split_edge (Halfedge_handle /* e */, Vertex_handle /* v */, const X_monotone_curve_2& /* c1 */, const X_monotone_curve_2& /* c2 */) {} /*! * Notification after an edge was split. * \param e1 A handle to one of the twin halfedges forming the first edge. * \param e2 A handle to one of the twin halfedges forming the second edge. */ virtual void after_split_edge (Halfedge_handle /* e1 */, Halfedge_handle /* e2 */) {} /*! * Notification before the splitting of a fictitious edge into two. * \param e A handle to one of the existing halfedges. * \param v A vertex representing the unbounded split point. */ virtual void before_split_fictitious_edge (Halfedge_handle /* e */, Vertex_handle /* v */) {} /*! * Notification after a fictitious edge was split. * \param e1 A handle to one of the twin halfedges forming the first edge. * \param e2 A handle to one of the twin halfedges forming the second edge. */ virtual void after_split_fictitious_edge (Halfedge_handle /* e1 */, Halfedge_handle /* e2 */) {} /*! * Notification before the splitting of a face into two. * \param f A handle to the existing face. * \param e The new edge whose insertion causes the face to split. */ virtual void before_split_face (Face_handle /* f */, Halfedge_handle /* e */) {} /*! * Notification after a face was split. * \param f A handle to the face we have just split. * \param new_f A handle to the new face that has been created. * \param is_hole Whether the new face forms a hole inside f. */ virtual void after_split_face (Face_handle /* f */, Face_handle /* new_f */, bool /* is_hole */) {} /*! * Notification before the splitting of an outer CCB into two. * \param f A handle to the face that owns the outer CCB. * \param h A circulator representing the component boundary. * \param e The new edge whose removal causes the outer CCB to split. */ virtual void before_split_outer_ccb (Face_handle /* f */, Ccb_halfedge_circulator /* h */, Halfedge_handle /* e */) {} /*! * Notification after an outer CCB was split. * \param f A handle to the face that owns the outer CCBs. * \param h1 A circulator representing the boundary of the first component. * \param h2 A circulator representing the boundary of the second component. */ virtual void after_split_outer_ccb (Face_handle /* f */, Ccb_halfedge_circulator /* h1 */, Ccb_halfedge_circulator /* h2 */) {} /*! * Notification before the splitting of an inner CCB into two. * \param f A handle to the face containing the inner CCB. * \param h A circulator representing the component boundary. * \param e The new edge whose removal causes the inner CCB to split. */ virtual void before_split_inner_ccb (Face_handle /* f */, Ccb_halfedge_circulator /* h */, Halfedge_handle /* e */) {} /*! * Notification after an inner CCB was split. * \param f A handle to the face containing the inner CCBs. * \param h1 A circulator representing the boundary of the first component. * \param h2 A circulator representing the boundary of the second component. */ virtual void after_split_inner_ccb (Face_handle /* f */, Ccb_halfedge_circulator /* h1 */, Ccb_halfedge_circulator /* h2 */) {} /*! * Notification before the creation of a new outer CCB of a face. * \param f A handle to the face that owns the outer CCB. * \param e A halfedge along the new outer CCB. */ virtual void before_add_outer_ccb (Face_handle /* f */, Halfedge_handle /* e */) {} /*! * Notification after an outer CCB was added to a face. * \param h A circulator representing the boundary of the new outer CCB. */ virtual void after_add_outer_ccb (Ccb_halfedge_circulator /* h */) {} /*! * Notification before the creation of a new inner CCB inside a face. * \param f A handle to the face containing the inner CCB. * \param e The new halfedge that forms the new inner CCB. */ virtual void before_add_inner_ccb (Face_handle /* f */, Halfedge_handle /* e */) {} /*! * Notification after an inner CCB was created inside a face. * \param h A circulator representing the boundary of the new inner CCB. */ virtual void after_add_inner_ccb (Ccb_halfedge_circulator /* h */) {} /*! * Notification before the creation of a new isolated vertex inside a face. * \param f A handle to the face containing the isolated vertex. * \param v The isolated vertex. */ virtual void before_add_isolated_vertex (Face_handle /* f */, Vertex_handle /* v */) {} /*! * Notification after an isolated vertex was created inside a face. * \param v The isolated vertex. */ virtual void after_add_isolated_vertex (Vertex_handle /* v */) {} /*! * Notification before the merging of two edges. * \param e1 A handle to one of the halfedges forming the first edge. * \param e2 A handle to one of the halfedges forming the second edge. * \param c The x-monotone curve to be associated with the merged edge. */ virtual void before_merge_edge (Halfedge_handle /* e1 */, Halfedge_handle /* e2 */, const X_monotone_curve_2& /* c */) {} /*! * Notification after an edge was merged. * \param e A handle to one of the twin halfedges forming the merged edge. */ virtual void after_merge_edge (Halfedge_handle /* e */) {} /*! * Notification before the merging of two fictitious edges. * \param e1 A handle to one of the halfedges forming the first edge. * \param e2 A handle to one of the halfedges forming the second edge. */ virtual void before_merge_fictitious_edge (Halfedge_handle /* e1 */, Halfedge_handle /* e2 */) {} /*! * Notification after a fictitious edge was merged. * \param e A handle to one of the twin halfedges forming the merged edge. */ virtual void after_merge_fictitious_edge (Halfedge_handle /* e */) {} /*! * Notification before the merging of two faces. * \param f1 A handle to the first face. * \param f2 A handle to the second face. * \param e The edge whose removal causes the faces to merge. */ virtual void before_merge_face (Face_handle /* f1 */, Face_handle /* f2 */, Halfedge_handle /* e */) {} /*! * Notification after a face was merged. * \param f A handle to the merged face. */ virtual void after_merge_face (Face_handle /* f */) {} /*! * Notification before the merging of two outer CCBs. * \param f A handle to the face that owns the outer CCBs. * \param h1 A circulator representing the boundary of the first component. * \param h2 A circulator representing the boundary of the second component. * \param e The edge whose insertion or removal causes the CCBs to merge. */ virtual void before_merge_outer_ccb (Face_handle /* f */, Ccb_halfedge_circulator /* h1 */, Ccb_halfedge_circulator /* h2 */, Halfedge_handle /* e */) {} /*! * Notification after an outer CCB was merged. * \param f A handle to the face that owns the outer CCBs. * \param h A circulator representing the boundary of the merged component. */ virtual void after_merge_outer_ccb (Face_handle /* f */, Ccb_halfedge_circulator /* h */) {} /*! * Notification before the merging of two inner CCBs (holes). * \param f A handle to the face that contains the inner CCBs. * \param h1 A circulator representing the boundary of the first component. * \param h2 A circulator representing the boundary of the second component. * \param e The edge whose insertion causes the inner CCBs to merge. */ virtual void before_merge_inner_ccb (Face_handle /* f */, Ccb_halfedge_circulator /* h1 */, Ccb_halfedge_circulator /* h2 */, Halfedge_handle /* e */) {} /*! * Notification after an inner CCB was merged. * \param f A handle to the face that contains the inner CCBs. * \param h A circulator representing the boundary of the merged component. */ virtual void after_merge_inner_ccb (Face_handle /* f */, Ccb_halfedge_circulator /* h */) {} /*! * Notification before an outer CCB is moved from one face to another. * \param from_f A handle to the face that currently owns the outer CCB. * \param to_f A handle to the face that should own the outer CCB. * \param h A circulator representing the boundary of the component. */ virtual void before_move_outer_ccb (Face_handle /* from_f */, Face_handle /* to_f */, Ccb_halfedge_circulator /* h */) {} /*! * Notification after an outer CCB is moved from one face to another. * \param h A circulator representing the boundary of the component. */ virtual void after_move_outer_ccb (Ccb_halfedge_circulator /* h */) {} /*! * Notification before an inner CCB is moved from one face to another. * \param from_f A handle to the face currently containing the inner CCB. * \param to_f A handle to the face that should contain the inner CCB. * \param h A circulator representing the boundary of the component. */ virtual void before_move_inner_ccb (Face_handle /* from_f */, Face_handle /* to_f */, Ccb_halfedge_circulator /* h */) {} /*! * Notification after an inner CCB is moved from one face to another. * \param h A circulator representing the boundary of the component. */ virtual void after_move_inner_ccb (Ccb_halfedge_circulator /* h */) {} /*! * Notification before an isolated vertex is moved from one face to another. * \param from_f A handle to the face currently containing the vertex. * \param to_f A handle to the face that should contain the vertex. * \param v The isolated vertex. */ virtual void before_move_isolated_vertex (Face_handle /* from_f */, Face_handle /* to_f */, Vertex_handle /* v */) {} /*! * Notification after an isolated vertex is moved from one face to another. * \param v The isolated vertex. */ virtual void after_move_isolated_vertex (Vertex_handle /* v */) {} /*! * Notificaion before the removal of a vertex. * \param v A handle to the vertex to be deleted. */ virtual void before_remove_vertex (Vertex_handle /* v */) {} /*! * Notificaion after the removal of a vertex. */ virtual void after_remove_vertex () {} /*! * Notification before the removal of an edge. * \param e A handle to one of the twin halfedges to be deleted. */ virtual void before_remove_edge (Halfedge_handle /* e */) {} /*! * Notificaion after the removal of an edge. */ virtual void after_remove_edge () {} /*! * Notification before the removal of an outer CCB. * \param f The face that owns the outer CCB. * \param h A circulator representing the boundary of the component. */ virtual void before_remove_outer_ccb (Face_handle /* f */, Ccb_halfedge_circulator /* h */) {} /*! * Notificaion after the removal of an outer CCB. * \param f The face that used to own the outer CCB. */ virtual void after_remove_outer_ccb (Face_handle /* f */) {} /*! * Notification before the removal of an inner CCB. * \param f The face containing the inner CCB. * \param h A circulator representing the boundary of the component. */ virtual void before_remove_inner_ccb (Face_handle /* f */, Ccb_halfedge_circulator /* h */) {} /*! * Notificaion after the removal of an inner CCB. * \param f The face that used to contain the inner CCB. */ virtual void after_remove_inner_ccb (Face_handle /* f */) {} //@} }; } //namespace CGAL #include #endif