// Copyright (c) 2005,2006 INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org) // // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.2/Filtered_kernel/include/CGAL/Lazy.h $ // $Id: Lazy.h 650939e 2020-09-11T15:07:58+02:00 Laurent Rineau // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial // // // Author(s) : Andreas Fabri, Sylvain Pion #ifndef CGAL_LAZY_H #define CGAL_LAZY_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef CGAL_LAZY_KERNEL_DEBUG # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace CGAL { template class Lazy_kernel_base; template class Lazy; template class Lazy_exact_nt; template inline const AT& approx(const Lazy& l) { return l.approx(); } // Where is this one (non-const) needed ? Is it ? template inline AT& approx(Lazy& l) { return l.approx(); } template inline const ET& exact(const Lazy& l) { return l.exact(); } template inline unsigned depth(const Lazy& l) { return l.depth(); } #define CGAL_LAZY_FORWARD(T) \ inline const T & approx(const T& d) { return d; } \ inline const T & exact (const T& d) { return d; } \ inline unsigned depth (const T& ) { return 0; } CGAL_LAZY_FORWARD(Bbox_2) CGAL_LAZY_FORWARD(Bbox_3) #undef CGAL_LAZY_FORWARD templateinline std::enable_if_t::value||std::is_enum::value, T> approx(T d){return d;} templateinline std::enable_if_t::value||std::is_enum::value, T> exact (T d){return d;} templateinline std::enable_if_t::value||std::is_enum::value, unsigned> depth(T){return 0;} // For tag classes: Return_base_tag, Homogeneous_tag, Null_vector, Origin templateinline std::enable_if_t::value, T> exact(T){return {};} templateinline std::enable_if_t::value, T> approx(T){return {};} templateinline std::enable_if_t::value, unsigned> depth(T){return 0;} // For an iterator, exact/approx applies to the objects it points to template ::value>> auto exact(T const& t) {return make_transforming_iterator(t,[](auto const&u)->decltype(auto){return CGAL::exact(u);});} template ::value>> auto approx(T const& t) {return make_transforming_iterator(t,[](auto const&u)->decltype(auto){return CGAL::approx(u);});} template ::value>> unsigned depth(T const&) {return 1;} // FIXME: depth(*t) would be better when t is valid, but not for end iterators, and the true answer would iterate on the range, but we can't do that with only one iterator... We need to replace iterators with ranges to solve that. #ifdef CGAL_LAZY_KERNEL_DEBUG template void print_at(std::ostream& os, const T& at) { os << at; } template void print_at(std::ostream& os, const std::vector& at) { os << "std::vector"; } template <> void print_at(std::ostream& os, const Object& o) { os << "Object"; } template void print_at(std::ostream& os, const std::pair & at) { os << "[ " << at.first << " | " << at.second << " ]" << std::endl ; } template inline void print_dag(const Lazy& l, std::ostream& os, int level = 0) { l.print_dag(os, level); } inline void print_dag(double d, std::ostream& os, int level) { for(int i = 0; i < level; i++) os << " "; os << d << std::endl; } inline void msg(std::ostream& os, int level, const char* s) { for(int i = 0; i < level; i++) os << " "; os << s << std::endl; } inline void print_dag(const Null_vector&, std::ostream& os, int level) { for(int i = 0; i < level; i++) os << " "; os << "Null_vector" << std::endl; } inline void print_dag(const Origin&, std::ostream& os, int level) { for(int i = 0; i < level; i++) os << " "; os << "Origin" << std::endl; } inline void print_dag(const Return_base_tag&, std::ostream& os, int level) { for(int i = 0; i < level; i++) os << " "; os << "Return_base_tag" << std::endl; } #endif struct Depth_base { #ifdef CGAL_PROFILE unsigned depth_; Depth_base() { set_depth(0); } unsigned depth() const { return depth_; } void set_depth(unsigned i) { depth_ = i; CGAL_HISTOGRAM_PROFILER(std::string("[Lazy_kernel DAG depths]"), i); //(unsigned) ::log2(double(i))); } #else unsigned depth() const { return 0; } void set_depth(unsigned) {} #endif }; // Abstract base class for lazy numbers and lazy objects template class Lazy_rep : public Rep, public Depth_base { Lazy_rep (const Lazy_rep&) = delete; // cannot be copied. public: typedef AT_ AT; mutable AT at; mutable ET *et; Lazy_rep () : at(), et(nullptr){} template Lazy_rep (A&& a) : at(std::forward(a)), et(nullptr){} template Lazy_rep (A&& a, E&& e) : at(std::forward(a)), et(new ET(std::forward(e))) {} const AT& approx() const { return at; } AT& approx() { return at; } const ET & exact() const { if (et==nullptr) update_exact(); return *et; } ET & exact() { if (et==nullptr) update_exact(); return *et; } #ifdef CGAL_LAZY_KERNEL_DEBUG void print_at_et(std::ostream& os, int level) const { for(int i = 0; i < level; i++){ os << " "; } os << "Approximation: "; print_at(os, at); os << std::endl; if(! is_lazy()){ for(int i = 0; i < level; i++){ os << " "; } os << "Exact: "; print_at(os, *et); os << std::endl; #ifdef CGAL_LAZY_KERNEL_DEBUG_SHOW_TYPEID for(int i = 0; i < level; i++){ os << " "; } os << " (type: " << typeid(*et).name() << ")" << std::endl; #endif // CGAL_LAZY_KERNEL_DEBUG_SHOW_TYPEID } } virtual void print_dag(std::ostream& os, int level) const {} #endif bool is_lazy() const { return et == nullptr; } virtual void update_exact() const = 0; virtual ~Lazy_rep() { delete et; } }; template class Lazy_rep_n : public Lazy_rep< AT, ET, E2A >, private EC { // Lazy_rep_0 does not inherit from EC or take a parameter AC. It has different constructors. static_assert(sizeof...(L)>0, "Use Lazy_rep_0 instead"); template friend class Lazy_kernel_base; mutable std::tuple l; // L...l; is not yet allowed. const EC& ec() const { return *this; } template void update_exact_helper(std::index_sequence) const { this->et = new ET(ec()( CGAL::exact( std::get(l) ) ... ) ); this->at = E2A()(*(this->et)); l = std::tuple{}; } public: void update_exact() const { update_exact_helper(std::make_index_sequence{}); } template Lazy_rep_n(const AC& ac, const EC& ec, LL&&...ll) : Lazy_rep(ac(CGAL::approx(ll)...)), EC(ec), l(std::forward(ll)...) { this->set_depth((std::max)({ -1, (int)CGAL::depth(ll)...}) + 1); } #ifdef CGAL_LAZY_KERNEL_DEBUG private: template void print_dag_helper(std::ostream& os, int level, std::index_sequence) const { this->print_at_et(os, level); if(this->is_lazy()){ # ifdef CGAL_LAZY_KERNEL_DEBUG_SHOW_TYPEID CGAL::msg(os, level, typeid(AC).name()); # endif CGAL::msg(os, level, "DAG with " "3" " child nodes:"); using expander = int[]; expander{0,(CGAL::print_dag(std::get(l), os, level+1),0)...}; } } public: void print_dag(std::ostream& os, int level) const { print_dag_helper(os, level, std::make_index_sequence{}); } #endif }; //____________________________________________________________ // The rep for the leaf node template class Lazy_rep_0 : public Lazy_rep { typedef Lazy_rep Base; public: void update_exact() const { this->et = new ET(); } Lazy_rep_0() : Lazy_rep() {} template Lazy_rep_0(A&& a, E&& e) : Lazy_rep(std::forward(a), std::forward(e)) {} #if 0 // unused. Find a less ambiguous placeholder if necessary Lazy_rep_0(const AT& a, void*) : Lazy_rep(a) {} #endif // E2A()(e) and std::forward(e) could be evaluated in any order, but // that's ok, "forward" itself does not modify e, it may only mark it as // modifyable by the outer call, which is obviously sequenced after the inner // call E2A()(e). template Lazy_rep_0(E&& e) : Lazy_rep(E2A()(e), std::forward(e)) {} void print_dag(std::ostream& os, int level) const { this->print_at_et(os, level); } }; // Macro helpers to build the kernel objects #define CGAL_TYPEMAP_AC(z, n, t) typedef typename Type_mapper< t##n, LK, AK >::type A##n; #define CGAL_TYPEMAP_EC(z, n, t) typedef typename Type_mapper< t##n, LK, EK >::type E##n; #define CGAL_LEXACT(z,n,t) CGAL::exact( l##n ) #define CGAL_LARGS(z, n, t) L##n const& l##n #undef CGAL_LAZY_PRINT_TYPEID template < typename K1, typename K2 > struct Approx_converter { typedef K1 Source_kernel; typedef K2 Target_kernel; //typedef Converter Number_type_converter; template < typename T > const typename T::AT& operator()(const T&t) const { return t.approx(); } const Null_vector& operator()(const Null_vector& n) const { return n; } const Bbox_2& operator()(const Bbox_2& b) const { return b; } const Bbox_3& operator()(const Bbox_3& b) const { return b; } }; template < typename K1, typename K2 > struct Exact_converter { typedef K1 Source_kernel; typedef K2 Target_kernel; //typedef Converter Number_type_converter; template < typename T > const typename T::ET& operator()(const T&t) const { return t.exact(); } const Null_vector& operator()(const Null_vector& n) const { return n; } const Bbox_2& operator()(const Bbox_2& b) const { return b; } const Bbox_3& operator()(const Bbox_3& b) const { return b; } }; //____________________________________________________________ template class Lazy_rep_with_vector_1 : public Lazy_rep, std::vector, E2A> , private EC { typedef std::vector AT; typedef std::vector ET; typedef Lazy_rep Base; mutable L1 l1_; const EC& ec() const { return *this; } public: void update_exact() const { // TODO : This looks really unfinished... std::vector vec; this->et = new ET(); //this->et->reserve(this->at.size()); ec()(CGAL::exact(l1_), std::back_inserter(*(this->et))); if(this->et==nullptr) E2A()(*(this->et)); this->at = E2A()(*(this->et)); // Prune lazy tree l1_ = L1(); } Lazy_rep_with_vector_1(const AC& ac, const EC& /*ec*/, const L1& l1) : l1_(l1) { ac(CGAL::approx(l1), std::back_inserter(this->at)); } #ifdef CGAL_LAZY_KERNEL_DEBUG void print_dag(std::ostream& os, int level) const { this->print_at_et(os, level); os << "A Lazy_rep_with_vector_1 of size " << this->at.size() << std::endl; if(this->is_lazy()){ CGAL::msg(os, level, "DAG with one child node:"); CGAL::print_dag(l1_, os, level+1); } } #endif }; template class Lazy_rep_with_vector_2 : public Lazy_rep, std::vector, E2A> , private EC { typedef std::vector AT; typedef std::vector ET; typedef Lazy_rep Base; mutable L1 l1_; mutable L2 l2_; const EC& ec() const { return *this; } public: void update_exact() const { this->et = new ET(); this->et->reserve(this->at.size()); ec()(CGAL::exact(l1_), CGAL::exact(l2_), std::back_inserter(*(this->et))); this->at = E2A()(*(this->et)); // Prune lazy tree l1_ = L1(); l2_ = L2(); } Lazy_rep_with_vector_2(const AC& ac, const EC& /*ec*/, const L1& l1, const L2& l2) : l1_(l1), l2_(l2) { ac(CGAL::approx(l1), CGAL::approx(l2), std::back_inserter(this->at)); } #ifdef CGAL_LAZY_KERNEL_DEBUG void print_dag(std::ostream& os, int level) const { this->print_at_et(os, level); os << "A Lazy_rep_with_vector_2 of size " << this->at.size() << std::endl; if(this->is_lazy()){ CGAL::msg(os, level, "DAG with two child nodes:"); CGAL::print_dag(l1_, os, level+1); CGAL::print_dag(l2_, os, level+1); } } #endif }; template class Lazy_rep_2_1 : public Lazy_rep , private EC { typedef typename R1::AT AT; typedef typename R1::ET ET; typedef Lazy_rep Base; mutable L1 l1_; mutable L2 l2_; const EC& ec() const { return *this; } public: void update_exact() const { this->et = new ET(); ec()(CGAL::exact(l1_), CGAL::exact(l2_), *(this->et)); this->at = E2A()(*(this->et)); // Prune lazy tree l1_ = L1(); l2_ = L2(); } Lazy_rep_2_1(const AC& ac, const EC& /*ec*/, const L1& l1, const L2& l2) : Lazy_rep(), l1_(l1), l2_(l2) { ac(CGAL::approx(l1), CGAL::approx(l2), this->at); } #ifdef CGAL_LAZY_KERNEL_DEBUG void print_dag(std::ostream& os, int level) const { this->print_at_et(os, level); os << "A Lazy_rep_2_1" << std::endl; if(this->is_lazy()){ CGAL::msg(os, level, "DAG with two child nodes:"); CGAL::print_dag(l1_, os, level+1); CGAL::print_dag(l2_, os, level+1); } } #endif }; //____________________________________________________________________________________ // The following rep class stores two non-const reference parameters of type R1 and R2 template class Lazy_rep_2_2 : public Lazy_rep, std::pair, E2A> , private EC { typedef std::pair AT; typedef std::pair ET; typedef Lazy_rep Base; mutable L1 l1_; mutable L2 l2_; const EC& ec() const { return *this; } public: void update_exact() const { this->et = new ET(); ec()(CGAL::exact(l1_), CGAL::exact(l2_), this->et->first, this->et->second ); this->at = E2A()(*(this->et)); // Prune lazy tree l1_ = L1(); l2_ = L2(); } Lazy_rep_2_2(const AC& ac, const EC& /*ec*/, const L1& l1, const L2& l2) : Lazy_rep(), l1_(l1), l2_(l2) { ac(CGAL::approx(l1), CGAL::approx(l2), this->at.first, this->at.second); } #ifdef CGAL_LAZY_KERNEL_DEBUG void print_dag(std::ostream& os, int level) const { this->print_at_et(os, level); os << "A Lazy_rep_2_2" << std::endl; if(this->is_lazy()){ CGAL::msg(os, level, "DAG with two child nodes:"); CGAL::print_dag(l1_, os, level+1); CGAL::print_dag(l2_, os, level+1); } } #endif }; //____________________________________________________________ // The handle class template class Lazy : public Handle { template friend struct Lazy_kernel; template friend class Lazy_kernel_base; public : typedef Lazy Self; typedef Lazy_rep Self_rep; typedef AT_ AT; // undocumented typedef ET_ ET; // undocumented typedef AT Approximate_type; typedef ET Exact_type; /* typedef Self Rep; const Rep& rep() const { return *this; } Rep& rep() { return *this; } */ Lazy() : Handle(zero()) {} // Before Lazy::zero() used Boost.Thread, the definition of Lazy() was: // Lazy() // #ifndef CGAL_HAS_THREAD // : Handle(zero()) {} // #else // { // PTR = new Lazy_rep_0(); // } // #endif Lazy(Self_rep *r) { PTR = r; } Lazy(const ET& e) { PTR = new Lazy_rep_0(e); } Lazy(ET&& e) { PTR = new Lazy_rep_0(std::move(e)); } friend void swap(Lazy& a, Lazy& b) noexcept { swap(static_cast(a), static_cast(b)); } const AT& approx() const { return ptr()->approx(); } const ET& exact() const { return ptr()->exact(); } AT& approx() { return ptr()->approx(); } ET& exact() { return ptr()->exact(); } unsigned depth() const { return ptr()->depth(); } void print_dag(std::ostream& os, int level) const { ptr()->print_dag(os, level); } private: // We have a static variable for optimizing the default constructor, // which is in particular heavily used for pruning DAGs. static const Self & zero() { // Note that the new only happens inside an if() inside the macro // So it would be a mistake to put the new before the macro CGAL_STATIC_THREAD_LOCAL_VARIABLE(Self,z,(new Lazy_rep_0())); return z; } Self_rep * ptr() const { return (Self_rep*) PTR; } }; // The magic functor for Construct_bbox_[2,3], as there is no Lazy template struct Lazy_construction_bbox { static const bool Protection = true; typedef typename LK::Approximate_kernel AK; typedef typename LK::Exact_kernel EK; typedef typename AC::result_type result_type; CGAL_NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS AC ac; CGAL_NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS EC ec; template result_type operator()(const L1& l1) const { CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER(std::string(" failures/calls to : ") + std::string(CGAL_PRETTY_FUNCTION), tmp); // Protection is outside the try block as VC8 has the CGAL_CFG_FPU_ROUNDING_MODE_UNWINDING_VC_BUG Protect_FPU_rounding P; try { return ac(CGAL::approx(l1)); } catch (Uncertain_conversion_exception&) { CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER_BRANCH(tmp); Protect_FPU_rounding P2(CGAL_FE_TONEAREST); return ec(CGAL::exact(l1)); } } }; template struct Lazy_construction_nt { Lazy_construction_nt(){} Lazy_construction_nt(LK const&){} static const bool Protection = true; typedef typename LK::Approximate_kernel AK; typedef typename LK::Exact_kernel EK; typedef typename LK::E2A E2A; CGAL_NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS AC ac; CGAL_NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS EC ec; template struct result { }; #define CGAL_RESULT_NT(z, n, d) \ template< typename F, BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(n, class T) > \ struct result { \ BOOST_PP_REPEAT(n, CGAL_TYPEMAP_EC, T) \ typedef Lazy_exact_nt< \ typename boost::remove_cv< typename boost::remove_reference < \ typename cpp11::result_of::type >::type >::type > type; \ }; BOOST_PP_REPEAT_FROM_TO(1, 6, CGAL_RESULT_NT, _) template auto operator()(L const&...l) const -> Lazy_exact_nt>> { typedef std::remove_cv_t> ET; typedef std::remove_cv_t> AT; CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER(std::string(" failures/calls to : ") + std::string(CGAL_PRETTY_FUNCTION), tmp); Protect_FPU_rounding P; try { return new Lazy_rep_n, L... >(ac, ec, l...); } catch (Uncertain_conversion_exception&) { CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER_BRANCH(tmp); Protect_FPU_rounding P2(CGAL_FE_TONEAREST); return new Lazy_rep_0 >(ec( CGAL::exact(l)... )); } } #undef CGAL_RESULT_NT }; template Object make_lazy(const Object& eto) { typedef typename LK::Approximate_kernel AK; typedef typename LK::Exact_kernel EK; typedef typename LK::E2A E2A; if (eto.is_empty()) return Object(); #define CGAL_Kernel_obj(X) \ if (const typename EK::X* ptr = object_cast(&eto)) \ return make_object(typename LK::X(new Lazy_rep_0(*ptr))); #include //now handle vector #define CGAL_Kernel_obj(X) \ { \ const std::vector* v_ptr;\ if ( (v_ptr = object_cast >(&eto)) ) { \ std::vector V;\ V.resize(v_ptr->size()); \ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < v_ptr->size(); ++i) \ V[i] = typename LK::X( new Lazy_rep_0((*v_ptr)[i])); \ return make_object(V); \ }\ } CGAL_Kernel_obj(Point_2) CGAL_Kernel_obj(Point_3) #undef CGAL_Kernel_obj std::cerr << "object_cast inside Lazy_construction_rep::operator() failed. It needs more else if's (#2)" << std::endl; std::cerr << "dynamic type of the Object : " << eto.type().name() << std::endl; return Object(); } // This functor selects the i'th element in a vector of Object's // and casts it to what is in the Object template struct Ith { typedef T2 result_type; // We keep a Sign member object // for future utilisation, in case // we have pairs of 2 T2 objects e.g. // for a numeric_point vector returned // from a construction of a possible // lazy algebraic kernel int i; Sign sgn; Ith(int i_) : i(i_) {sgn=NEGATIVE;} Ith(int i_, bool b_) : i(i_) { sgn= (b_) ? POSITIVE : ZERO;} const T2& operator()(const std::vector& v) const { if(sgn==NEGATIVE) return *object_cast(&v[i]); typedef std::pair Pair_type_1; typedef std::pair > Pair_type_2; if(const Pair_type_1 *p1 = object_cast(&v[i])) return p1->first; else if(const Pair_type_2 *p2 = object_cast(&v[i])) return p2->first; CGAL_error_msg( " Unexpected encapsulated type "); } }; // This functor selects the i'th element in a vector of T2's template struct Ith_for_intersection { typedef T2 result_type; int i; Ith_for_intersection(int i_) : i(i_) {} const T2& operator()(const Object& o) const { const std::vector* ptr = object_cast >(&o); return (*ptr)[i]; } }; // This functor selects the i'th element in a vector of T2's template struct Ith_for_intersection_with_variant { typedef T2 result_type; int i; Ith_for_intersection_with_variant(int i_) : i(i_) {} template< BOOST_VARIANT_ENUM_PARAMS(typename U) > const T2& operator()(const boost::optional< boost::variant< BOOST_VARIANT_ENUM_PARAMS(U) > >& o) const { const std::vector* ptr = (boost::get >(&(*o))); return (*ptr)[i]; } template< BOOST_VARIANT_ENUM_PARAMS(typename U) > const T2& operator()(const boost::variant< BOOST_VARIANT_ENUM_PARAMS(U) >& o) const { const std::vector* ptr = (boost::get >(&o)); return (*ptr)[i]; } }; template struct Lazy_cartesian_const_iterator_2 { typedef typename LK::Approximate_kernel AK; typedef typename LK::Exact_kernel EK; typedef typename LK::Cartesian_const_iterator_2 result_type; CGAL_NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS AC ac; CGAL_NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS EC ec; public: template < typename L1> result_type operator()(const L1& l1) const { return result_type(&l1); } template < typename L1> result_type operator()(const L1& l1, int) const { return result_type(&l1,2); } }; template struct Lazy_cartesian_const_iterator_3 { typedef typename LK::Approximate_kernel AK; typedef typename LK::Exact_kernel EK; typedef typename LK::Cartesian_const_iterator_3 result_type; CGAL_NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS AC ac; CGAL_NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS EC ec; public: template < typename L1> result_type operator()(const L1& l1) const { return result_type(&l1); } template < typename L1> result_type operator()(const L1& l1, int) const { return result_type(&l1,3); } }; // This is the magic functor for functors that write their result in a reference argument // In a first version we assume that the references are of type Lazy, // and that the result type is void template struct Lazy_functor_2_1 { static const bool Protection = true; typedef void result_type; CGAL_NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS AC ac; CGAL_NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS EC ec; public: template void operator()(const L1& l1, const L2& l2, R1& r1) const { CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER(std::string(" failures/calls to : ") + std::string(CGAL_PRETTY_FUNCTION), tmp); Protect_FPU_rounding P; try { // we suppose that R1 is a Lazy r1 = R1(new Lazy_rep_2_1(ac, ec, l1, l2)); } catch (Uncertain_conversion_exception&) { CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER_BRANCH(tmp); Protect_FPU_rounding P2(CGAL_FE_TONEAREST); typename R1::ET et; ec(CGAL::exact(l1), CGAL::exact(l2), et); r1 = R1(new Lazy_rep_0(et)); } } }; template struct First { typedef typename T::first_type result_type; const typename T::first_type& operator()(const T& p) const { return p.first; } }; template struct Second { typedef typename T::second_type result_type; const typename T::second_type& operator()(const T& p) const { return p.second; } }; // This is the magic functor for functors that write their result in a reference argument // In a first version we assume that the references are of type Lazy, // and that the result type is void //template template struct Lazy_functor_2_2 { static const bool Protection = true; typedef void result_type; typedef typename LK::Approximate_kernel AK; typedef typename LK::Exact_kernel EK; typedef typename LK::E2A E2A; CGAL_NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS AC ac; CGAL_NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS EC ec; public: template void operator()(const L1& l1, const L2& l2, R1& r1, R2& r2) const { typedef Lazy Handle_1; typedef Lazy Handle_2; CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER(std::string(" failures/calls to : ") + std::string(CGAL_PRETTY_FUNCTION), tmp); Protect_FPU_rounding P; try { typedef Lazy, std::pair, E2A> Lazy_pair; Lazy_pair lv(new Lazy_rep_2_2(ac, ec, l1, l2)); // lv->approx() is a std::pair; r1 = R1(Handle_1(new Lazy_rep_n >, First >, E2A, Lazy_pair>(First >(), First >(), lv))); r2 = R2(Handle_2(new Lazy_rep_n >, Second >, E2A, Lazy_pair>(Second >(), Second >(), lv))); } catch (Uncertain_conversion_exception&) { CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER_BRANCH(tmp); Protect_FPU_rounding P2(CGAL_FE_TONEAREST); typename R1::ET et1, et2; ec(CGAL::exact(l1), CGAL::exact(l2), et1, et2); r1 = R1(Handle_1(new Lazy_rep_0(et1))); r2 = R2(Handle_2(new Lazy_rep_0(et2))); } } }; // This is the magic functor for functors that write their result as Objects into an output iterator template struct Lazy_intersect_with_iterators { static const bool Protection = true; typedef typename LK::Approximate_kernel AK; typedef typename LK::Exact_kernel EK; typedef typename LK::E2A E2A; typedef void result_type; typedef Lazy Lazy_object; typedef Lazy, std::vector, E2A> Lazy_vector; CGAL_NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS AC ac; CGAL_NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS EC ec; public: // In the example we intersect two Lazys // and write into a back_inserter(list,Lazy]) >) template OutputIterator operator()(const L1& l1, const L2& l2, OutputIterator it) const { CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER(std::string(" failures/calls to : ") + std::string(CGAL_PRETTY_FUNCTION), tmp); Protect_FPU_rounding P; try { Lazy_vector lv(new Lazy_rep_with_vector_2(ac, ec, l1, l2)); // lv.approx() is a std::vector // that is, when we get here we have constructed all approximate results for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lv.approx().size(); i++) { // FIXME : I'm not sure how this work... #define CGAL_Kernel_obj(X) if (object_cast(& (lv.approx()[i]))) { \ *it++ = make_object(typename LK::X(new Lazy_rep_n, \ Ith, E2A, Lazy_vector> \ (Ith(i), Ith(i), lv))); \ continue; \ } #include std::cerr << "we need more casts" << std::endl; } } catch (Uncertain_conversion_exception&) { CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER_BRANCH(tmp); // TODO: Instead of using a vector, write an iterator adapter Protect_FPU_rounding P2(CGAL_FE_TONEAREST); std::vector exact_objects; ec(CGAL::exact(l1), CGAL::exact(l2), std::back_inserter(exact_objects)); for (std::vector::const_iterator oit = exact_objects.begin(); oit != exact_objects.end(); ++oit){ *it++ = make_lazy(*oit); } } return it; } }; template struct Object_cast { typedef T result_type; const T& operator()(const Object& o) const { return *object_cast(&o); } }; // The following functor returns an Object with a Lazy inside // As the nested kernels return Objects of AK::Something and EK::Something // we have to unwrap them from the Object, and wrap them in a Lazy // // TODO: write operators for other than two arguments. For the current kernel we only need two for Intersect_2 template struct Lazy_construction_object { static const bool Protection = true; typedef typename LK::Approximate_kernel AK; typedef typename LK::Exact_kernel EK; typedef typename LK::E2A E2A; typedef typename AC::result_type AT; typedef typename EC::result_type ET; typedef Object result_type; typedef Lazy Lazy_object; CGAL_NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS AC ac; CGAL_NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS EC ec; public: template result_type operator()(const L1& l1) const { CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER(std::string(" failures/calls to : ") + std::string(CGAL_PRETTY_FUNCTION), tmp); Protect_FPU_rounding P; try { Lazy_object lo(new Lazy_rep_n(ac, ec, l1)); if(lo.approx().is_empty()) return Object(); #define CGAL_Kernel_obj(X) \ if (object_cast(& (lo.approx()))) { \ typedef Lazy_rep_n< typename AK::X, typename EK::X, Object_cast, Object_cast, E2A, Lazy_object> Lcr; \ Lcr * lcr = new Lcr(Object_cast(), Object_cast(), lo); \ return make_object(typename LK::X(lcr)); \ } #include std::cerr << "object_cast inside Lazy_construction_rep::operator() failed. It needs more else if's (#1)" << std::endl; std::cerr << "dynamic type of the Object : " << lo.approx().type().name() << std::endl; } catch (Uncertain_conversion_exception&) { CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER_BRANCH(tmp); Protect_FPU_rounding P2(CGAL_FE_TONEAREST); ET eto = ec(CGAL::exact(l1)); return make_lazy(eto); } return Object(); } template result_type operator()(const L1& l1, const L2& l2) const { CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER(std::string(" failures/calls to : ") + std::string(CGAL_PRETTY_FUNCTION), tmp); Protect_FPU_rounding P; try { Lazy_object lo(new Lazy_rep_n(ac, ec, l1, l2)); if(lo.approx().is_empty()) return Object(); #define CGAL_Kernel_obj(X) \ if (object_cast(& (lo.approx()))) { \ typedef Lazy_rep_n, Object_cast, E2A, Lazy_object> Lcr; \ Lcr * lcr = new Lcr(Object_cast(), Object_cast(), lo); \ return make_object(typename LK::X(lcr)); \ } #include // We now check vector #define CGAL_Kernel_obj(X) \ { \ const std::vector* v_ptr;\ if ( (v_ptr = object_cast >(& (lo.approx()))) ) { \ std::vector V;\ V.resize(v_ptr->size()); \ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < v_ptr->size(); i++) { \ V[i] = typename LK::X(new Lazy_rep_n, \ Ith_for_intersection, E2A, Lazy_object> \ (Ith_for_intersection(i), Ith_for_intersection(i), lo)); \ } \ return make_object(V); \ }\ } CGAL_Kernel_obj(Point_2) CGAL_Kernel_obj(Point_3) #undef CGAL_Kernel_obj std::cerr << "object_cast inside Lazy_construction_rep::operator() failed. It needs more else if's (#1)" << std::endl; std::cerr << "dynamic type of the Object : " << lo.approx().type().name() << std::endl; } catch (Uncertain_conversion_exception&) { CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER_BRANCH(tmp); Protect_FPU_rounding P2(CGAL_FE_TONEAREST); ET eto = ec(CGAL::exact(l1), CGAL::exact(l2)); return make_lazy(eto); } return Object(); } template result_type operator()(const L1& l1, const L2& l2, const L3& l3) const { CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER(std::string(" failures/calls to : ") + std::string(CGAL_PRETTY_FUNCTION), tmp); Protect_FPU_rounding P; try { Lazy_object lo(new Lazy_rep_n(ac, ec, l1, l2, l3)); if(lo.approx().is_empty()) return Object(); #define CGAL_Kernel_obj(X) \ if (object_cast(& (lo.approx()))) { \ typedef Lazy_rep_n, Object_cast, E2A, Lazy_object> Lcr; \ Lcr * lcr = new Lcr(Object_cast(), Object_cast(), lo); \ return make_object(typename LK::X(lcr)); \ } #include std::cerr << "object_cast inside Lazy_construction_rep::operator() failed. It needs more else if's (#1)" << std::endl; std::cerr << "dynamic type of the Object : " << lo.approx().type().name() << std::endl; } catch (Uncertain_conversion_exception&) { CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER_BRANCH(tmp); Protect_FPU_rounding P2(CGAL_FE_TONEAREST); ET eto = ec(CGAL::exact(l1), CGAL::exact(l2), CGAL::exact(l3)); return make_lazy(eto); } return Object(); } }; //____________________________________________________________ // The magic functor that has Lazy as result type. // Two versions are distinguished: one that needs to fiddle // with result_of and another that can forward the result types. namespace internal { BOOST_MPL_HAS_XXX_TRAIT_DEF(result_type) // lift boost::get into a functor with a result_type member name and // extend it to operate on optionals // TODO there is a mismatch between the result_type typedef and the // actual return type of operator() template struct Variant_cast { typedef T result_type; template const T& operator()(const boost::optional< boost::variant< BOOST_VARIANT_ENUM_PARAMS(U) > >& o) const { // can throw but should never because we always build it inside // a static visitor with the right type return boost::get(*o); } template T& operator()(boost::optional< boost::variant< BOOST_VARIANT_ENUM_PARAMS(U) > >& o) const { // can throw but should never because we always build it inside // a static visitor with the right type, if it throws bad_get return boost::get(*o); } }; template struct Fill_lazy_variant_visitor_2 : boost::static_visitor<> { Fill_lazy_variant_visitor_2(Result& r, Origin& o) : r(&r), o(&o) {} Result* r; Origin* o; template void operator()(const T&) { // the equivalent type we are currently matching in the lazy kernel typedef T AKT; typedef typename Type_mapper::type EKT; typedef typename Type_mapper::type LKT; typedef Lazy_rep_n, Variant_cast, typename LK::E2A, Origin> Lcr; Lcr * lcr = new Lcr(Variant_cast(), Variant_cast(), *o); *r = LKT(lcr); } template void operator()(const std::vector& t) { typedef T AKT; typedef typename Type_mapper::type EKT; typedef typename Type_mapper::type LKT; std::vector V; V.resize(t.size()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < t.size(); i++) { V[i] = LKT(new Lazy_rep_n, Ith_for_intersection, typename LK::E2A, Origin> (Ith_for_intersection(i), Ith_for_intersection(i), *o)); } *r = V; } }; template struct Fill_lazy_variant_visitor_0 : boost::static_visitor<> { Fill_lazy_variant_visitor_0(Result& r) : r(&r) {} Result* r; template void operator()(const T& t) { // the equivalent type we are currently matching in the lazy kernel typedef T EKT; typedef typename Type_mapper::type AKT; typedef typename Type_mapper::type LKT; *r = LKT(new Lazy_rep_0(t)); } template void operator()(const std::vector& t) { typedef T EKT; typedef typename Type_mapper::type AKT; typedef typename Type_mapper::type LKT; std::vector V; V.resize(t.size()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < t.size(); i++) { V[i] = LKT(new Lazy_rep_0(t[i])); } *r = V; } }; } // internal template struct Lazy_construction_variant { static const bool Protection = true; typedef typename LK::Approximate_kernel AK; typedef typename LK::Exact_kernel EK; typedef typename LK::E2A E2A; template struct result { // this does not default, if you want to make a lazy lazy-kernel, // you are on your own }; #define CGAL_RESULT(z, n, d) \ template< typename F, BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(n, class T) > \ struct result { \ BOOST_PP_REPEAT(n, CGAL_TYPEMAP_AC, T) \ typedef typename Type_mapper< \ typename cpp11::result_of::type, AK, LK>::type type; \ }; BOOST_PP_REPEAT_FROM_TO(1, 9, CGAL_RESULT, _) template typename result::type operator()(const L1& l1, const L2& l2) const { typedef typename cpp11::result_of::type result_type; typedef typename cpp11::result_of::type, typename Type_mapper::type)>::type AT; typedef typename cpp11::result_of::type, typename Type_mapper::type)>::type ET; CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER(std::string(" failures/calls to : ") + std::string(CGAL_PRETTY_FUNCTION), tmp); Protect_FPU_rounding P; try { Lazy lazy(new Lazy_rep_n(AC(), EC(), l1, l2)); // the approximate result requires the trait with types from the AK AT approx_v = lazy.approx(); // the result we build result_type res; if(!approx_v) { // empty return res; } // the static visitor fills the result_type with the correct unwrapped type internal::Fill_lazy_variant_visitor_2< result_type, AK, LK, EK, Lazy > visitor(res, lazy); boost::apply_visitor(visitor, *approx_v); return res; } catch (Uncertain_conversion_exception&) { CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER_BRANCH(tmp); Protect_FPU_rounding P2(CGAL_FE_TONEAREST); ET exact_v = EC()(CGAL::exact(l1), CGAL::exact(l2)); result_type res; if(!exact_v) { return res; } internal::Fill_lazy_variant_visitor_0 visitor(res); boost::apply_visitor(visitor, *exact_v); return res; } } template typename result::type operator()(const L1& l1, const L2& l2, const L3& l3) const { typedef typename result::type result_type; typedef typename cpp11::result_of::type, typename Type_mapper::type, typename Type_mapper::type)>::type AT; typedef typename cpp11::result_of::type, typename Type_mapper::type, typename Type_mapper::type)>::type ET; CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER(std::string(" failures/calls to : ") + std::string(CGAL_PRETTY_FUNCTION), tmp); Protect_FPU_rounding P; try { Lazy lazy(new Lazy_rep_n(AC(), EC(), l1, l2, l3)); // the approximate result requires the trait with types from the AK AT approx_v = lazy.approx(); // the result we build result_type res; if(!approx_v) { // empty return res; } // the static visitor fills the result_type with the correct unwrapped type internal::Fill_lazy_variant_visitor_2< result_type, AK, LK, EK, Lazy > visitor(res, lazy); boost::apply_visitor(visitor, *approx_v); return res; } catch (Uncertain_conversion_exception&) { CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER_BRANCH(tmp); Protect_FPU_rounding P2(CGAL_FE_TONEAREST); ET exact_v = EC()(CGAL::exact(l1), CGAL::exact(l2), CGAL::exact(l3)); result_type res; if(!exact_v) { return res; } internal::Fill_lazy_variant_visitor_0< result_type, AK, LK, EK> visitor(res); boost::apply_visitor(visitor, *exact_v); return res; } } }; template::value && internal::has_result_type::value > struct Lazy_construction; // we have a result type, low effort template struct Lazy_construction { static const bool Protection = true; typedef typename LK::Approximate_kernel AK; typedef typename LK::Exact_kernel EK; typedef typename boost::remove_cv< typename boost::remove_reference < typename AC::result_type >::type >::type AT; typedef typename boost::remove_cv< typename boost::remove_reference < typename EC::result_type >::type >::type ET; typedef typename Default::Get::type E2A; typedef typename Type_mapper::type result_type; CGAL_NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS AC ac; CGAL_NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS EC ec; #define CGAL_CONSTRUCTION_OPERATOR(z, n, d ) \ template \ result_type \ operator()( BOOST_PP_ENUM(n, CGAL_LARGS, _) ) const { \ typedef Lazy< AT, ET, E2A> Handle; \ CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER(std::string(" failures/calls to : ") + std::string(CGAL_PRETTY_FUNCTION), tmp); \ Protect_FPU_rounding P; \ try { \ return result_type( Handle(new Lazy_rep_n(ac, ec, BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(n, l)))); \ } catch (Uncertain_conversion_exception&) { \ CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER_BRANCH(tmp); \ Protect_FPU_rounding P2(CGAL_FE_TONEAREST); \ return result_type( Handle(new Lazy_rep_0(ec( BOOST_PP_ENUM(n, CGAL_LEXACT, _) ))) ); \ } \ } // arity 1-8 BOOST_PP_REPEAT_FROM_TO(1, 9, CGAL_CONSTRUCTION_OPERATOR, _) // nullary result_type operator()() const { typedef Lazy Handle; return result_type( Handle(new Lazy_rep_0()) ); } #undef CGAL_CONSTRUCTION_OPERATOR }; template struct Lazy_construction { static const bool Protection = true; typedef typename LK::Approximate_kernel AK; typedef typename LK::Exact_kernel EK; typedef typename Default::Get::type E2A; template struct result { // this does not default, if you want to make a lazy lazy-kernel, // you are on your own }; CGAL_NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS AC ac; CGAL_NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS EC ec; // acquire the result_type of the approximate kernel, map it back to the lazy kernel object #define CGAL_RESULT(z, n, d) \ template< typename F, BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(n, class T) > \ struct result { \ BOOST_PP_REPEAT(n, CGAL_TYPEMAP_AC, T) \ typedef typename Type_mapper< typename cpp11::result_of::type, AK, LK>::type type; \ }; BOOST_PP_REPEAT_FROM_TO(1, 9, CGAL_RESULT, _) #define CGAL_CONSTRUCTION_OPERATOR(z, n, d) \ template \ typename cpp11::result_of::type \ operator()( BOOST_PP_ENUM(n, CGAL_LARGS, _) ) const { \ BOOST_PP_REPEAT(n, CGAL_TYPEMAP_EC, L) \ BOOST_PP_REPEAT(n, CGAL_TYPEMAP_AC, L) \ typedef typename boost::remove_cv< typename boost::remove_reference < \ typename cpp11::result_of< EC(BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(n, E)) >::type >::type >::type ET; \ typedef typename boost::remove_cv< typename boost::remove_reference < \ typename cpp11::result_of< AC(BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(n, A)) >::type >::type >::type AT; \ typedef Lazy< AT, ET, E2A> Handle; \ typedef typename cpp11::result_of::type result_type; \ CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER(std::string(" failures/calls to : ") + std::string(CGAL_PRETTY_FUNCTION), tmp); \ Protect_FPU_rounding P; \ try { \ return result_type( Handle(new Lazy_rep_n(ac, ec, BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(n, l)))); \ } catch (Uncertain_conversion_exception&) { \ CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER_BRANCH(tmp); \ Protect_FPU_rounding P2(CGAL_FE_TONEAREST); \ return result_type( Handle(new Lazy_rep_0(ec( BOOST_PP_ENUM(n, CGAL_LEXACT, _) ))) ); \ } \ } // arity 1-8 BOOST_PP_REPEAT_FROM_TO(1, 9, CGAL_CONSTRUCTION_OPERATOR, _) // nullary typename Type_mapper< typename cpp11::result_of::type ,AK, LK>::type operator()() const { typedef typename cpp11::result_of::type AT; typedef typename cpp11::result_of::type ET; typedef Lazy Handle; typedef typename Type_mapper< typename cpp11::result_of::type ,AK, LK>::type result_type; return result_type( Handle(new Lazy_rep_0()) ); } }; } //namespace CGAL #undef CGAL_TYPEMAP_AC #undef CGAL_TYPEMAP_EC #undef CGAL_LEXACT #undef CGAL_LARGS #include #endif // CGAL_LAZY_H