// Copyright (c) 1997-2000 Max-Planck-Institute Saarbruecken (Germany). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.2/Nef_S2/include/CGAL/Nef_S2/SM_overlayer.h $ // $Id: SM_overlayer.h c586c3c 2020-11-18T08:56:02+00:00 Giles Bathgate // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial // // // Author(s) : Michael Seel // Peter Hachenberger #ifndef CGAL_SM_OVERLAYER_H #define CGAL_SM_OVERLAYER_H #include #include #include #include #ifdef CGAL_I_DO_WANT_TO_USE_GENINFO #include #else #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #undef CGAL_NEF_DEBUG #define CGAL_NEF_DEBUG 131 #include #ifndef CGAL_USE_LEDA #define LEDA_MEMORY(t) #else #include #endif #include namespace CGAL { template struct SMO_from_segs { typedef Decorator_ SM_decorator; typedef typename SM_decorator::SVertex_handle Vertex_handle; typedef typename SM_decorator::SHalfedge_handle Halfedge_handle; typedef typename SM_decorator::Sphere_point Point; typedef typename SM_decorator::Sphere_segment Segment; typedef CGAL::Unique_hash_map Iterator_map; SM_decorator G; const Iterator_map& M; SMO_from_segs(SM_decorator Gi, const Iterator_map& Mi) : G(Gi),M(Mi) {} Vertex_handle new_vertex(const Point& p) { Vertex_handle v = G.new_svertex(p); #ifdef CGAL_I_DO_WANT_TO_USE_GENINFO geninfo::create(G.info(v)); #else G.info(v)=Halfedge_handle(); #endif return v; } void link_as_target_and_append(Vertex_handle v, Halfedge_handle e) { G.link_as_target_and_append(v,e); } Halfedge_handle new_halfedge_pair_at_source(Vertex_handle v) { Halfedge_handle e = G.new_shalfedge_pair_at_source(v,SM_decorator::BEFORE); return e; } void supporting_segment(Halfedge_handle e, I it) const { if ( M[it] ) e->mark() = true; } void trivial_segment(Vertex_handle v, I it) const { if ( M[it] ) v->mark() = true; } void starting_segment(Vertex_handle v, I it) const { if ( M[it] ) v->mark() = true; } void passing_segment(Vertex_handle v, I it) const { if ( M[it] ) v->mark() = true; } void ending_segment(Vertex_handle v, I it) const { if ( M[it] ) v->mark() = true; } void halfedge_below(Vertex_handle v, Halfedge_handle e) const { #ifdef CGAL_I_DO_WANT_TO_USE_GENINFO geninfo::access(G.info(v)) = e; #else G.info(v)=e; #endif } Halfedge_handle halfedge_below(Vertex_handle v) const { #ifdef CGAL_I_DO_WANT_TO_USE_GENINFO return geninfo::access(G.info(v)); #else return boost::any_cast( G.info(v) ); #endif } void assert_equal_marks(Vertex_handle v1, Vertex_handle v2) const { CGAL_USE(v1); CGAL_USE(v2); CGAL_assertion(v1->mark()==v2->mark()); } void discard_info(Vertex_handle v) const { #ifdef CGAL_I_DO_WANT_TO_USE_GENINFO geninfo::clear(G.info(v)); #else G.info(v)=boost::any(); #endif } void assert_equal_marks(Halfedge_handle e1, Halfedge_handle e2) const { CGAL_USE(e1); CGAL_USE(e2); CGAL_assertion(e1->mark()==e2->mark()); } void discard_info(Halfedge_handle ) const {} void clear_temporary_vertex_info() const { Vertex_handle v; CGAL_forall_svertices(v,G) #ifdef CGAL_I_DO_WANT_TO_USE_GENINFO geninfo::clear(G.info(v)); #else G.info(v)=boost::any(); #endif } }; // SMO_from_segs template struct SMO_from_sm { typedef typename SM_overlayer::SM_const_decorator SM_const_decorator; typedef typename SM_overlayer::SVertex_handle Vertex_handle; typedef typename SM_overlayer::SHalfedge_handle Halfedge_handle; typedef typename SM_overlayer::Sphere_point Point; typedef typename SM_overlayer::Sphere_segment Segment; SM_overlayer G; CGAL::Unique_hash_map& M; SMO_from_sm(SM_overlayer Gi, SM_const_decorator* /* pGIi */, CGAL::Unique_hash_map& Mi) : G(Gi), M(Mi) {} Vertex_handle new_vertex(const Point& p) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" new vertex " << p); Vertex_handle v = G.new_svertex(p); G.assoc_info(v); return v; } void link_as_target_and_append(Vertex_handle v, Halfedge_handle e) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" link as target and append " << e->source()->point() << "->" << v->point()); G.link_as_target_and_append(v,e); } Halfedge_handle new_halfedge_pair_at_source(Vertex_handle v) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" new halfedge pair at source " << v->point()); Halfedge_handle e = G.new_shalfedge_pair_at_source(v,SM_overlayer::BEFORE); G.assoc_info(e); return e; } void halfedge_below(Vertex_handle v, Halfedge_handle e) const { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" edge below " << v->point() << ":"); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(&*e); G.halfedge_below(v) = e; } void supporting_segment(Halfedge_handle e, IT it) const { INFO& si = M[it]; G.is_forward(e) = true; if ( si._from == -1 ) return; // equatorial segment G.supp_object(e,si._from) = si._o; CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" supporting segment "<source()->point() != v->point()) se = se->twin(); if(se->source()->point() != v->point()) G.supp_object(v,si._from) = si._o; else G.supp_object(v,si._from) = make_object(se->source()); } else if(CGAL::assign(sl, si._o)) { G.supp_object(v,si._from) = si._o; } else if(CGAL::assign(sv, si._o)) { CGAL_assertion(sv->point() == v->point()); G.supp_object(v,si._from) = si._o; } else CGAL_error_msg( "wrong handle"); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("trivial_segment " << si._from << ":" << v->point()); // debug(); } void starting_segment(Vertex_handle v, IT it) const { INFO& si = M[it]; if ( si._from == -1 ) return; typename SM_const_decorator::SHalfedge_const_handle se; typename SM_const_decorator::SHalfloop_const_handle sl; if(CGAL::assign(se, si._o)) { if(se->source()->point() != v->point()) { se = se->twin(); if(se->source()->point() != v->point()) { G.supp_object(v,si._from) = si._o; return; } } G.supp_object(v,si._from) = make_object(se->source()); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("starting_segment " << si._from << ":"<< v->point() << " " << se->source()->point()); } else if(CGAL::assign(sl, si._o)) { G.supp_object(v,si._from) = si._o; } else CGAL_error_msg( "wrong object"); // debug(); } void ending_segment(Vertex_handle v, IT it) const { INFO& si = M[it]; if ( si._from == -1 ) return; typename SM_const_decorator::SHalfedge_const_handle se; typename SM_const_decorator::SHalfloop_const_handle sl; if(CGAL::assign(se, si._o)) { if(se->source()->point() != v->point()) { se = se->twin(); if(se->source()->point() != v->point()) { G.supp_object(v,si._from) = si._o; return; } } G.supp_object(v,si._from) = make_object(se->source()); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("ending_segment " << si._from << ":"<< v->point() << ":" << se->source()->point() << "->" << se->twin()->source()->point()); } else if(CGAL::assign(sl, si._o)) { G.supp_object(v,si._from) = si._o; } else CGAL_error_msg( "wrong object"); // debug(); } void passing_segment(Vertex_handle v, IT it) const { INFO& si = M[it]; if ( si._from == -1 ) return; G.supp_object(v,si._from) = si._o; CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("passing_segment " << si._from << ":"<< v->point()); // debug(); } Halfedge_handle halfedge_below(Vertex_handle v) const { return G.halfedge_below(v); } void assert_equal_marks(Vertex_handle v1, Vertex_handle v2) const { CGAL_USE(v1); CGAL_USE(v2); CGAL_NEF_TRACEV(G.mark(v1,0));CGAL_NEF_TRACEV(G.mark(v1,1)); CGAL_NEF_TRACEV(G.mark(v2,0));CGAL_NEF_TRACEV(G.mark(v2,1)); CGAL_assertion(G.mark(v1,0)==G.mark(v2,0)&& G.mark(v1,1)==G.mark(v2,1)); } void discard_info(Vertex_handle v) const { G.discard_info(v); } void assert_equal_marks(Halfedge_handle e1, Halfedge_handle e2) const { CGAL_USE(e1); CGAL_USE(e2); CGAL_assertion(G.mark(e1,0)==G.mark(e2,0) && G.mark(e1,1)==G.mark(e2,1)); } void discard_info(Halfedge_handle e) const { G.discard_info(e); } void debug() const { typename SM_overlayer::SVertex_iterator svii; CGAL_forall_svertices(svii, G) { typename SM_overlayer::SVertex_const_handle vs; typename SM_overlayer::SHalfedge_const_handle es; if(CGAL::assign(vs, G.supp_object(svii,0))) std::cerr << svii->point() << " supported by svertex " << vs->point() << std::endl; else if(CGAL::assign(es, G.supp_object(svii,0))) std::cerr << svii->point() << " supported by sedge" << std::endl; else std::cerr << svii->point() << " is neither supported by svertex or sedge" << std::endl; if(CGAL::assign(vs, G.supp_object(svii,1))) std::cerr << svii->point() << " supported by svertex" << vs->point() << std::endl; else if(CGAL::assign(es, G.supp_object(svii,1))) std::cerr << svii->point() << " supported by sedge" << std::endl; else std::cerr << svii->point() << " is neither supported by svertex or sedge" << std::endl; } } }; // SMO_from_sm template class SMO_decorator { public: typedef SM_decorator Graph; typedef typename SM_decorator::SVertex_handle SVertex_handle; typedef typename SM_decorator::SHalfedge_handle SHalfedge_handle; typedef typename SM_decorator::Sphere_point Point_2; typedef typename SM_decorator::Sphere_segment Segment_2; SM_decorator G; SMO_decorator(Graph Gi) : G(Gi) {} SVertex_handle new_vertex(const Point_2& p) { return G.snew_vertex(p); } void link_as_target_and_append(SVertex_handle v, SHalfedge_handle e) { G.link_as_target_and_append(v,e); } SHalfedge_handle new_halfedge_pair_at_source(SVertex_handle v) { return G.new_shalfedge_pair_at_source(v,Graph::BEFORE); } void supporting_segment(SHalfedge_handle /*e*/, ITERATOR /*it*/) {} void halfedge_below(SVertex_handle /*v*/, SHalfedge_handle /*e*/) {} void trivial_segment(SVertex_handle /*v*/, ITERATOR /*it*/) {} void starting_segment(SVertex_handle /*v*/, ITERATOR /*it*/) {} void passing_segment(SVertex_handle /*v*/, ITERATOR /*it*/) {} void ending_segment(SVertex_handle /*v*/, ITERATOR /*it*/) {} }; // SMO_decorator // ============================================================================ // ============================================================================ /*{\Manpage {SM_overlayer}{SM_decorator}{Overlay in the sphere}{O}}*/ template class SM_overlayer : public SM_decorator_ { public: /*{\Mdefinition An instance |\Mvar| of data type |\Mname| is a decorator object offering sphere map overlay calculation. Overlay is either calculated from two sphere maps or from a set of halfspaces. The result is stored in a sphere map |M| that carries the geometry and the topology of the overlay. The template parameter provides the underlying topological interface to sphere maps. The template parameter |SM_decorator| has to be a model conforming to our map decorator concept |SM_decorator|. The concept also describes the interface how the topological information stored in |M| can be extracted or extended. The overlay of a set of sphere segments $S$ is stored in a sphere map $M = (V,E,L,F)$. Vertices are either the endpoints of segments (trivial segments are allowed) or the result of the internal intersection of two segments. Between two vertices there's an edge if there's a segment that supports the spherical embedding of $e$ and if there's no vertex in the relative interior of the embedding of $e$. The faces refer to the maximal connected open point sets of the spherical subdivision implied by the embedding of the vertices and edges. SFaces are bounded by possibly several face cycles\cgalFootnote{For the definition of sphere maps and their concepts see the manual page of |SM_decorator|.} including isolated vertices. The overlay process in the method |create_from_segments| creates the objects and the topology of the result. The method starts from zero- and one-dimensional geometric objects in $S$ and produces a spherical structure where each point of the sphere can be assigned to an object (vertex, edge, loop, or face) of |M|. The overlay of two sphere maps $M_i = (V_i, E_i, L_i, F_i)$ has the additional aspect that we already start from two spherical subdivisions. We use the index $i=0,1$ defining the reference to $M_i$, unindexed variables refer to the resulting sphere map $M$. The $1$-skeleta of the two maps subdivide the edges, loops, and faces of the complementary structure into smaller units. This means vertices, edges, and loops of $M_i$ can split edges and loops of $M_{1-i}$ and face cycles of $M_i$ subdivide faces of $M_{1-i}$. The 1-skeleton $G$ of $M$ is defined by the overlay of the embedding of the 1-skeleta of $M_0$ and $M_1$ (Take a trivial segment for each vertex and a segment for each edge, and a circle for a loop, and use the overlay definition of a set of segments and loops above). The faces of $M$ refer to the maximal connected open point sets of the spherical subdivision implied by the embedding of $G$. Each object from the output tuple $(V,E,F)$ has a \emph{supporting} object $u_i$ in each of the two input structures. Imagine the two maps to be transparent balls, where one contains the other. Then each point of the sphere is covered by an object from each of the input structures. This support relationship from the input structures to the output structure defines an information flow. Each supporting object $u_i$ of $u$ $(i=0,1)$ carries an associated information $|mark|(u_i)$. After the subdivision operation this information is attributed to the output object $u$ by $|mark|(u,i)$.}*/ typedef SM_decorator_ SM_decorator; typedef typename SM_decorator::Map Map; typedef SM_decorator Base; typedef SM_overlayer Self; typedef CGAL::SM_const_decorator SM_const_decorator; typedef CGAL::SM_point_locator SM_point_locator; // typedef typename SM_const_decorator::Constructor_parameter // Constructor_const_parameter; typedef typename SM_const_decorator::SVertex_const_handle SVertex_const_handle; typedef typename SM_const_decorator::SHalfedge_const_handle SHalfedge_const_handle; typedef typename SM_const_decorator::SHalfloop_const_handle SHalfloop_const_handle; typedef typename SM_const_decorator::SFace_const_handle SFace_const_handle; typedef typename SM_const_decorator::SVertex_const_iterator SVertex_const_iterator; typedef typename SM_const_decorator::SHalfedge_const_iterator SHalfedge_const_iterator; typedef typename SM_const_decorator::SFace_const_iterator SFace_const_iterator; // typedef typename Base::Constructor_parameter Constructor_parameter; typedef typename Base::SVertex_handle SVertex_handle; typedef typename Base::SHalfedge_handle SHalfedge_handle; typedef typename Base::SHalfloop_handle SHalfloop_handle; typedef typename Base::SFace_handle SFace_handle; typedef typename Base::SVertex_iterator SVertex_iterator; typedef typename Base::SHalfedge_iterator SHalfedge_iterator; typedef typename Base::SFace_iterator SFace_iterator; typedef typename Base::Object_handle Object_handle; typedef typename Base::SHalfedge_around_svertex_circulator SHalfedge_around_svertex_circulator; typedef typename Base::SHalfedge_around_sface_circulator SHalfedge_around_sface_circulator; typedef typename Base::SFace_cycle_iterator SFace_cycle_iterator; typedef std::pair SHalfedge_pair; /*{\Mtypes 3}*/ typedef typename Base::Sphere_kernel Sphere_kernel; /*{\Mtypemember the geometry kernel.}*/ typedef typename Sphere_kernel::Sphere_point Sphere_point; /*{\Mtypemember the point type of the sphere geometry.}*/ typedef typename Sphere_kernel::Sphere_segment Sphere_segment; /*{\Mtypemember the segment type of the sphere geometry.}*/ typedef typename Sphere_kernel::Sphere_circle Sphere_circle; /*{\Mtypemember the circle type of the sphere geometry.}*/ typedef typename Base::Mark Mark; /*{\Mtypemember the mark of sphere map objects.}*/ typedef typename Base::GenPtr GenPtr; using Base::info; using Base::set_first_out_edge; using Base::first_out_edge; using Base::last_out_edge; using Base::out_edges; using Base::link_as_loop; using Base::link_as_face_cycle; using Base::link_as_prev_next_pair; using Base::link_as_isolated_vertex; using Base::is_isolated; using Base::set_source; using Base::set_face; using Base::delete_vertex_only; using Base::delete_face_only; using Base::delete_edge_pair; using Base::delete_edge_pair_only; using Base::is_sm_boundary_object; using Base::undo_sm_boundary_object; using Base::store_sm_boundary_object; using Base::clear_face_cycle_entries; using Base::is_closed_at_source; using Base::has_outdeg_two; using Base::convert_edge_to_loop; using Base::merge_edge_pairs_at_target; /*{\Mgeneralization SM_decorator}*/ protected: SM_const_decorator PI[2]; const Sphere_kernel& K; public: // --------------------------------------------------------------- struct Seg_info { // to transport information from input to output Object_handle _o; int _from; Seg_info() : _o(), _from(-1) {} Seg_info(SVertex_const_handle v, int i) { _o=make_object(v); _from=i; } Seg_info(SHalfedge_const_handle e, int i) { _o=make_object(e); _from=i; } Seg_info(SHalfloop_const_handle l, int i) { _o=make_object(l); _from=i; } Seg_info(const Seg_info& si) { _o=si._o; _from=si._from; } Seg_info& operator=(const Seg_info& si) { _o=si._o; _from=si._from; return *this; } LEDA_MEMORY(Seg_info) }; // Seg_info typedef std::list Seg_list; typedef typename Seg_list::iterator Seg_iterator; typedef std::pair Seg_it_pair; typedef std::pair Seg_pair; typedef CGAL::Unique_hash_map Seg_map; // --------------------------------------------------------------- struct vertex_info { Mark m[2]; Object_handle o_supp[2]; SHalfedge_handle e_below; vertex_info() { m[0]=m[1]=Mark(); o_supp[0]=o_supp[1]=Object_handle(); } LEDA_MEMORY(vertex_info) }; // vertex_info void assoc_info(SVertex_handle v) const { #ifdef CGAL_I_DO_WANT_TO_USE_GENINFO geninfo::create(info(v)); #else info(v)=vertex_info(); #endif } void discard_info(SVertex_handle v) const { #ifdef CGAL_I_DO_WANT_TO_USE_GENINFO geninfo::clear(info(v)); #else info(v)=boost::any(); #endif } vertex_info& ginfo(SVertex_handle v) const { #ifdef CGAL_I_DO_WANT_TO_USE_GENINFO return geninfo::access(info(v)); #else return *boost::any_cast(&info(v)); #endif } Mark& mark(SVertex_handle v, int i) const { return ginfo(v).m[i]; } Object_handle& supp_object(SVertex_handle v, int i) const { return ginfo(v).o_supp[i]; } SHalfedge_handle& halfedge_below(SVertex_handle v) const { return ginfo(v).e_below; } // --------------------------------------------------------------- struct edge_info { Mark m[2]; Mark mf[2]; Object_handle o_supp[2]; bool forw; edge_info() { m[0]=m[1]=mf[0]=mf[1]=Mark(); o_supp[0]=o_supp[1]=Object_handle(); forw=false; } LEDA_MEMORY(edge_info) }; void assoc_info(SHalfedge_handle e) const { #ifdef CGAL_I_DO_WANT_TO_USE_GENINFO geninfo::create(info(e)); geninfo::create(info(e->twin())); #else info(e)=edge_info(); info(e->twin())=edge_info(); #endif } void discard_info(SHalfedge_handle e) const { #ifdef CGAL_I_DO_WANT_TO_USE_GENINFO geninfo::clear(info(e)); geninfo::clear(info(e->twin())); #else info(e)=boost::any(); info(e->twin())=boost::any(); #endif } edge_info& ginfo(SHalfedge_handle e) const { #ifdef CGAL_I_DO_WANT_TO_USE_GENINFO return geninfo::access(info(e)); #else return *boost::any_cast(&info(e)); #endif } Mark& mark(SHalfedge_handle e, int i) const { return ginfo(e).m[i]; } Object_handle& supp_object(SHalfedge_handle e, int i) const // uedge information we store in the smaller one { if (&*e < &*(e->twin())) return ginfo(e).o_supp[i]; else return ginfo(e->twin()).o_supp[i]; } Mark& incident_mark(SHalfedge_handle e, int i) const // biedge information we store in the edge { return ginfo(e).mf[i]; } bool& is_forward(SHalfedge_handle e) const // biedge information we store in the edge { return ginfo(e).forw; } // --------------------------------------------------------------- struct face_info { Mark m[2]; face_info() { m[0]=m[1]=Mark(); } LEDA_MEMORY(face_info) }; void assoc_info(SFace_handle f) const { #ifdef CGAL_I_DO_WANT_TO_USE_GENINFO geninfo::create(info(f)); #else info(f)=face_info(); #endif } void discard_info(SFace_handle f) const { #ifdef CGAL_I_DO_WANT_TO_USE_GENINFO geninfo::clear(info(f)); #else info(f)=boost::any(); #endif } face_info& ginfo(SFace_handle f) const { #ifdef CGAL_I_DO_WANT_TO_USE_GENINFO return geninfo::access(info(f)); #else return *boost::any_cast(&info(f)); #endif } Mark& mark(SFace_handle f, int i) const { return ginfo(f).m[i]; } // --------------------------------------------------------------- template SFace_handle determine_face(SHalfedge_handle e, const std::vector& MinimalSHalfedge, const CGAL::Unique_hash_map& SFaceCycle, const Below_accessor& D) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("determine_face "<target()); if(e_below == SHalfedge_handle()) return SFace_handle(); SFace_handle f = e_below->incident_sface(); if ( f != SFace_handle() ) return f; // has already a face // e_below also has no face f = determine_face(e_below, MinimalSHalfedge, SFaceCycle,D); if(f != SFace_handle()) link_as_face_cycle(e_below,f); return f; } Sphere_segment segment(SM_const_decorator , SHalfedge_const_handle e) const { return K.construct_segment(e->source()->point(), e->target()->point(), e->circle()); } Sphere_segment trivial_segment(SM_const_decorator , SVertex_const_handle v) const { Sphere_point p = v->point(); return K.construct_segment(p,p); } Seg_pair two_segments(SM_const_decorator , SHalfedge_const_handle e) const // we know that e->source()==e->target() { return e->circle().split_at(e->source()->point()); } Seg_pair two_segments(SM_const_decorator , SHalfloop_const_handle l) const { return l->circle().split_at_xy_plane(); } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // INTERFACE INTERFACE INTERFACE INTERFACE INTERFACE INTERFACE // --------------------------------------------------------------- /*{\Mcreation 6}*/ SM_overlayer(Map* M, const Sphere_kernel& G = Sphere_kernel()) : Base(M), K(G) {} /*{\Mcreate |\Mvar| is a decorator object manipulating the map of |v|.}*/ /*{\Moperations 1.1 1}*/ template void create_from_segments( Forward_iterator start, Forward_iterator end); /*{\Mop produces the sphere map which is the overlay of the segments from the iterator range |[start,end)|. \precond |Forward_iterator| has value type |Sphere_segment|.}*/ template void create_from_circles(Forward_iterator start, Forward_iterator end); /*{\Mop produces the sphere map which is the overlay of the circles from the iterator range |[start,end)|. \precond |Forward_iterator| has value type |Sphere_circle|.}*/ void create(const Sphere_circle& c); /*{\Mop produces the sphere map which consists of one loop and the two halfspheres incident to it.}*/ void subdivide(const Map* M0, const Map* M1, bool with_trivial_segments = false); template void subdivide(const Map* M0, const Map* M1, Association& A, bool with_trivial_segments = false); /*{\Mop constructs the overlay of the sphere maps |M0| and |M1| in |M|, where all objects (vertices, halfedges, faces) of |M| are \emph{enriched} by the marks of the supporting objects of the two input structures: e.g. let |v| be a vertex supported by a node |v0| in |M0| and by a face |f1| in |M1| and |D0|, |D1| be decorators of type |SM_decorator| on |M0|,|M1|. Then |\Mvar.mark(v,0) = D0.v0->mark()| and |\Mvar.mark(v,1) = D1.f1->mark()|.}*/ template void select(const Selection& SP) const; /*{\Mop sets the marks of all objects according to the selection predicate |SP|. |Selection| has to be a function object type with a function operator\\ [[Mark operator()(Mark m0, Mark m1) const]]\\ For each object |u| of |M| enriched by the marks of the supporting objects according to the previous procedure |subdivide|, after this operation |\Mvar.u->mark() = SP ( \Mvar.mark(u,0),\Mvar.mark(u,1) )|. The additional marks are invalidated afterwards. \precond subdivide() was called before.}*/ void simplify(); /*{\Mop simplifies the structure of |M| according to the marks of its objects. An edge |e| separating two faces |f1| and |f2| and equal marks |e->mark() == f1->mark() == f2->mark()| is removed and the faces are unified. An isolated vertex |v| in a face |f| with |v->mark()==f->mark()| is removed. A vertex |v| with outdegree two, two collinear out-edges |e1|,|e2| and equal marks |v->mark() == e1->mark() == e2->mark()| is removed and the edges are unified.}*/ int check_sphere(const Seg_list& L, bool compute_halfsphere[3][2]) const; template void subdivide_segments(Iterator start, Iterator end) const; template void partition_to_halfsphere(Iterator start, Iterator end, Seg_list& L, CGAL::Unique_hash_map& M, Sphere_circle xycircle, Sphere_circle yzcircle, bool include_equator) const; template void merge_halfsphere_maps(SVertex_handle v1, SVertex_handle v2, const Mark_accessor& D); template void merge_nodes(SHalfedge_handle e1, SHalfedge_handle e2, const Mark_accessor& D); template void create_face_objects(SHalfedge_iterator e_start, SHalfedge_iterator e_end, SVertex_iterator v_start, SVertex_iterator v_end, const Below_accessor& D, const Halfsphere_geometry& SG); template void complete_face_support(SVertex_iterator v_start, SVertex_iterator v_end, const Below_accessor& D, std::vector& mohs, int offset, bool both=true) const; void complete_sface_marks() const; void set_outer_face_mark(int offset, const std::vector& mohs); template void transfer_data(Association& A); void dump(std::ostream& os = std::cerr) const { SM_io_parser::dump(*this,os); } }; // SM_overlayer template template void SM_overlayer:: create_from_segments(Forward_iterator start, Forward_iterator end) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("creating from segment iterator range"); Seg_list L(start,end); Unique_hash_map From_input(false); Seg_iterator it; CGAL_forall_iterators(it,L) From_input[it]=true; Seg_list L_pos,L_neg; partition_to_halfsphere(L.begin(), L.end(), L_pos, From_input, Sphere_circle(0,0,1), Sphere_circle(1,0,0), true); partition_to_halfsphere(L.begin(), L.end(), L_neg, From_input, Sphere_circle(0,0,-1), Sphere_circle(1,0,0), true); typedef SMO_from_segs SM_output; typedef typename Sphere_kernel::Positive_halfsphere_geometry PH_geometry; typedef CGAL::Segment_overlay_traits< Seg_iterator, SM_output, PH_geometry> PHS_traits; typedef CGAL::generic_sweep Positive_halfsphere_sweep; typedef typename Sphere_kernel::Negative_halfsphere_geometry NH_geometry; typedef CGAL::Segment_overlay_traits< Seg_iterator, SM_output, NH_geometry> NHS_traits; typedef CGAL::generic_sweep Negative_halfsphere_sweep; SVertex_iterator v; SHalfedge_iterator e; SM_output O(*this,From_input); typedef typename PHS_traits::INPUT Input_range; PH_geometry ph_g; Positive_halfsphere_sweep SP( Input_range(L_pos.begin(),L_pos.end()),O, ph_g); SP.sweep(); //CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("POS SWEEP\n"<<(dump(std::cerr),"")); v=--this->svertices_end(); e=--this->shalfedges_end(); NH_geometry nh_g; Negative_halfsphere_sweep SM( Input_range(L_neg.begin(),L_neg.end()),O, nh_g); SM.sweep(); //CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("NEG SWEEP\n"<<(dump(std::cerr),"")); ++v; ++e; // now two CCs of sphere graph are calculated // v = first vertex of CC in negative x-sphere // e = first edge of CC in negative x-sphere create_face_objects(this->shalfedges_begin(), e, this->svertices_begin(), v, O, PH_geometry()); create_face_objects(e, this->shalfedges_end(), v, this->svertices_end(), O, NH_geometry()); SHalfedge_iterator u; CGAL_forall_sedges(u,*this) { Sphere_segment s(u->source()->point(),u->target()->point()); u->circle() = s.sphere_circle(); u->twin()->circle() = s.sphere_circle().opposite(); } merge_halfsphere_maps(this->svertices_begin(),v,O); this->check_integrity_and_topological_planarity(); O.clear_temporary_vertex_info(); } template template void SM_overlayer:: create_from_circles(Forward_iterator start, Forward_iterator end) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("creating from circle iterator range"); Seg_list L; Unique_hash_map From_input(false); for ( ; start != end; ++start ) { std::pair spair = start->split_at_xy_plane(); L.push_back(spair.first); L.push_back(spair.second); } Seg_iterator it; CGAL_forall_iterators(it,L) From_input[it]=true; Seg_list L_pos,L_neg; partition_to_halfsphere(L.begin(), L.end(), L_pos, From_input, Sphere_circle(0,0,1), Sphere_circle(1,0,0), true); partition_to_halfsphere(L.begin(), L.end(), L_neg, From_input, Sphere_circle(0,0,-1), Sphere_circle(1,0,0), true); typedef SMO_from_segs SM_output; typedef typename Sphere_kernel::Positive_halfsphere_geometry PH_geometry; typedef CGAL::Segment_overlay_traits< Seg_iterator, SM_output, PH_geometry> PHS_traits; typedef CGAL::generic_sweep Positive_halfsphere_sweep; typedef typename Sphere_kernel::Negative_halfsphere_geometry NH_geometry; typedef CGAL::Segment_overlay_traits< Seg_iterator, SM_output, NH_geometry> NHS_traits; typedef CGAL::generic_sweep Negative_halfsphere_sweep; SVertex_iterator v; SHalfedge_iterator e; SM_output O(*this,From_input); typedef typename PHS_traits::INPUT Input_range; PH_geometry ph_g; Positive_halfsphere_sweep SP( Input_range(L_pos.begin(),L_pos.end()),O, ph_g); SP.sweep(); //CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("POS SWEEP\n"<<(dump(std::cerr),"")); v=--this->svertices_end(); e=--this->shalfedges_end(); NH_geometry nh_geom; Negative_halfsphere_sweep SM( Input_range(L_neg.begin(),L_neg.end()), O, nh_geom); SM.sweep(); //CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("NEG SWEEP\n"<<(dump(std::cerr),"")); ++v; ++e; // now two CCs of sphere graph are calculated // v = first vertex of CC in negative x-sphere // e = first edge of CC in negative x-sphere create_face_objects(this->shalfedges_begin(), e, this->svertices_begin(), v, O, PH_geometry()); create_face_objects(e, this->shalfedges_end(), v, this->svertices_end(), O, NH_geometry()); SHalfedge_iterator u; CGAL_forall_sedges(u,*this) { Sphere_segment s(u->source()->point(),u->target()->point()); u->circle() = s.sphere_circle(); u->twin()->circle() = s.sphere_circle().opposite(); } merge_halfsphere_maps(this->svertices_begin(),v,O); this->check_integrity_and_topological_planarity(); O.clear_temporary_vertex_info(); } #ifdef CGAL_NEF_NEW_CHECK_SPHERE template int SM_overlayer:: check_sphere(const Seg_list& L, bool compute_halfsphere[3][2]) const { int chsp = 0; CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("chsp " << chsp); typename Seg_list::const_iterator it; CGAL_forall_iterators(it,L) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("source " << it->source()); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("target " << it->target()); if((chsp&1)!=1) if(it->source().hx()>0 || it->target().hx()>0) chsp|=1; if((chsp&2)!=2) if(it->source().hx()<0 || it->target().hx()<0) chsp|=2; if((chsp&4)!=4) if(it->source().hy()>0 || it->target().hy()>0) chsp|=4; if((chsp&8)!=8) if(it->source().hy()<0 || it->target().hy()<0) chsp|=8; if((chsp&16)!=16) if(it->source().hz()>0 || it->target().hz()>0) chsp|=16; if((chsp&32)!=32) if(it->source().hz()<0 || it->target().hz()<0) chsp|=32; CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("chsp " << chsp); if(chsp == 63) break; } CGAL_forall_iterators(it,L) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("chsp " << chsp); if(chsp == 63) break; // int l = it->compare_length_to_halfcircle(); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("source " << it->source()); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("target " << it->target()); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("cicle " << it->sphere_circle()); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("is long " << it->is_long()); if(it->is_short()) continue; CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("not short"); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("circle " << it->sphere_circle()); if(it->is_long()) { if((chsp&60)!=60 && it->sphere_circle().orthogonal_vector().x()!=0) chsp|=60; if((chsp&51)!=51 && it->sphere_circle().orthogonal_vector().y()!=0) chsp|=51; if((chsp&15)!=15 && it->sphere_circle().orthogonal_vector().z()!=0) chsp|=15; } else { int n = 0; if(it->source().hx()==0) ++n; if(it->source().hy()==0) ++n; if(it->source().hz()==0) ++n; CGAL_assertion(n<3); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("n " << n); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("number of coordinats =0:" << n); if(n==0) { if((chsp&60)!=60 && it->sphere_circle().orthogonal_vector().x()!=0) chsp|=60; if((chsp&51)!=51 && it->sphere_circle().orthogonal_vector().y()!=0) chsp|=51; if((chsp&15)!=15 && it->sphere_circle().orthogonal_vector().z()!=0) chsp|=15; } else if(n==1) { if((chsp&48)!=48 && it->source().z()==0) { Sphere_point i = intersection(it->sphere_circle(), Sphere_circle(1,0,0)); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("intersection " << i); if(!it->has_on_after_intersection(i)) i=i.antipode(); if(i.z() > 0) chsp|=16; else if(i.z() < 0) chsp|=32; } else if((chsp&3)!=3 && it->source().x()==0) { Sphere_point i = intersection(it->sphere_circle(), Sphere_circle(0,1,0)); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("intersection " << i); if(!it->has_on_after_intersection(i)) i=i.antipode(); if(i.x() > 0) chsp|=1; else if(i.x() < 0) chsp|=2; } else if((chsp&12)!=12) { Sphere_point i = intersection(it->sphere_circle(), Sphere_circle(1,0,0)); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("intersection " << i); if(!it->has_on_after_intersection(i)) i=i.antipode(); if(i.y() > 0) chsp|=4; else if(i.y() < 0) chsp|=8; } } else { // n==2 if((chsp&60)!=60 && it->source().x()!=0) { Sphere_point i = intersection(it->sphere_circle(), Sphere_circle(1,0,0)); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("intersection " << i); if(!it->has_on_after_intersection(i)) i=i.antipode(); if((chsp&12)!=12) if(i.y() > 0) chsp|=4; else if(i.y() < 0) chsp|=8; if((chsp&48)!=48) if(i.z() > 0) chsp|=16; else if(i.z() < 0) chsp|=32; } else if((chsp&51)!=51 && it->source().y()!=0) { Sphere_point i = intersection(it->sphere_circle(), Sphere_circle(0,1,0)); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("intersection " << i); if(!it->has_on_after_intersection(i)) i=i.antipode(); if((chsp&3)!=3) if(i.x() > 0) chsp|=1; else if(i.x() < 0) chsp|=2; if((chsp&48)!=48) if(i.z() > 0) chsp|=16; else if(i.z() < 0) chsp|=32; } else if((chsp&15)!=15 && it->source().z()!=0) { Sphere_point i = intersection(it->sphere_circle(), Sphere_circle(0,0,1)); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("intersection " << i); if(!it->has_on_after_intersection(i)) i=i.antipode(); if((chsp&3)!=3) if(i.x() > 0) chsp|=1; else if(i.x() < 0) chsp|=2; if((chsp&12)!=12) if(i.y() > 0) chsp|=4; else if(i.y() < 0) chsp|=8; } } } } CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("chsp " << chsp); compute_halfsphere[0][0] = (chsp&1)==1; compute_halfsphere[0][1] = (chsp&2)==2; compute_halfsphere[1][0] = (chsp&4)==4; compute_halfsphere[1][1] = (chsp&8)==8; compute_halfsphere[2][0] = (chsp&16)==16; compute_halfsphere[2][1] = (chsp&32)==32; if((chsp&1)==0) { compute_halfsphere[0][1]=true; return 0; } if((chsp&2)==0) { compute_halfsphere[0][0]=true; return 1; } if((chsp&4)==0) { compute_halfsphere[1][1]=true; return 2; } if((chsp&8)==0) { compute_halfsphere[1][0]=true; return 3; } if((chsp&16)==0) { compute_halfsphere[2][1]=true; return 4; } if((chsp&32)==0) { compute_halfsphere[2][0]=true; return 5; } return -1; } #else template int SM_overlayer:: check_sphere(const Seg_list& L, bool compute_halfsphere[3][2]) const { for(int i=0; i<6; i++) compute_halfsphere[i/2][i%2] = false; CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("compute_halfsphere (at begin)"); for(int i=0; i<6; ++i) CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" " << i << " : " << compute_halfsphere[i/2][i%2]); typename Seg_list::const_iterator it; CGAL_forall_iterators(it,L) { if(!compute_halfsphere[0][0]) if(it->source().hx()>0 || it->target().hx()>0) compute_halfsphere[0][0] = true; if(!compute_halfsphere[0][1]) if(it->source().hx()<0 || it->target().hx()<0) compute_halfsphere[0][1] = true; if(!compute_halfsphere[1][0]) if(it->source().hy()>0 || it->target().hy()>0) compute_halfsphere[1][0] = true; if(!compute_halfsphere[1][1]) if(it->source().hy()<0 || it->target().hy()<0) compute_halfsphere[1][1] = true; if(!compute_halfsphere[2][0]) if(it->source().hz()>0 || it->target().hz()>0) compute_halfsphere[2][0] = true; if(!compute_halfsphere[2][1]) if(it->source().hz()<0 || it->target().hz()<0) compute_halfsphere[2][1] = true; } CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("compute_halfsphere (after vertices)"); for(int i=0; i<6; ++i) CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" " << i << " : " << compute_halfsphere[i/2][i%2]); if(!compute_halfsphere[2][0]) { CGAL_forall_iterators(it,L) { if((it->source().hz()==0 && it->target().hz()==0) || it->is_long()) { compute_halfsphere[2][0] = true; break; } } } if(!compute_halfsphere[2][0]) { compute_halfsphere[2][1] = true; return 4; } if(!compute_halfsphere[2][1]) { CGAL_forall_iterators(it,L) { if(it->is_long() || (it->source().hz()==0 && it->target().hz()==0)) { compute_halfsphere[2][1] = true; break; } } } if(!compute_halfsphere[2][1]) return 5; if(!compute_halfsphere[0][0]) { CGAL_forall_iterators(it,L) { if((it->source().hx()==0 && it->target().hx()==0) || it->is_long()) { compute_halfsphere[0][0] = true; break; } } } if(!compute_halfsphere[0][0]) { compute_halfsphere[0][1] = true; return 0; } if(!compute_halfsphere[0][1]) { CGAL_forall_iterators(it,L) { if((it->source().hx()==0 && it->target().hx()==0) || it->is_long()) { compute_halfsphere[0][1] = true; break; } } } if(!compute_halfsphere[0][1]) return 1; if(!compute_halfsphere[1][0]) { CGAL_forall_iterators(it,L) { if((it->source().hy()==0 && it->target().hy()==0) || it->is_long()) { compute_halfsphere[1][0] = true; break; } } } if(!compute_halfsphere[1][0]) { compute_halfsphere[1][1] = true; return 2; } if(!compute_halfsphere[1][1]) { CGAL_forall_iterators(it,L) { if((it->source().hy()==0 && it->target().hy()==0) || it->is_long()) { compute_halfsphere[1][1] = true; break; } } } if(!compute_halfsphere[1][1]) return 3; return -1; } #endif template void SM_overlayer:: create(const Sphere_circle& c) { SHalfloop_handle l1 = this->new_shalfloop_pair(); SHalfloop_handle l2 = l1->twin(); l1->circle() = c; l2->circle() = c.opposite(); SFace_handle f1 = this->new_sface(); SFace_handle f2 = this->new_sface(); link_as_loop(l1,f1); link_as_loop(l2,f2); } template void SM_overlayer:: subdivide(const Map* M0, const Map* M1, bool with_trivial_segments) { PI[0] = SM_const_decorator(M0); PI[1] = SM_const_decorator(M1); bool compute_halfsphere[3][2]; int cs=0; Seg_list L; Seg_map From; for (int i=0; i<2; ++i) { SVertex_const_iterator v; CGAL_forall_svertices(v,PI[i]) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(v->point() << " from " << i << " mark " << v->mark()); if ( !PI[i].is_isolated(v) ) continue; cs = -1; L.push_back(trivial_segment(PI[i],v)); From[--L.end()] = Seg_info(v,i); } SHalfedge_const_iterator e; CGAL_forall_sedges(e,PI[i]) { if ( e->source() == e->target() ) { if(with_trivial_segments) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("trivial segment " << e->source()->point()); v = e->source(); L.push_back(trivial_segment(PI[i],v)); From[--L.end()] = Seg_info(v,i); } else { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("once around " << e->source()->point()); Seg_pair p = two_segments(PI[i],e); L.push_back(p.first); L.push_back(p.second); From[--L.end()] = From[--(--L.end())] = Seg_info(e,i); } } else { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("normal segment " << e->source()->point() << "->" << e->twin()->source()->point()); L.push_back(segment(PI[i],e)); From[--L.end()] = Seg_info(e,i); } } if ( PI[i].has_shalfloop() ) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("loop "); SHalfloop_const_handle shl = PI[i].shalfloop(); Seg_pair p = two_segments(PI[i],shl); L.push_back(p.first); L.push_back(p.second.opposite()); From[--L.end()] = From[--(--L.end())] = Seg_info(shl,i); } } CGAL_assertion_code(typename Seg_list::iterator it); CGAL_assertion_code(CGAL_forall_iterators(it,L) CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" "<<*it)); #ifdef CGAL_NEF3_SPHERE_SWEEP_OPTIMIZATION_OFF cs = -1; compute_halfsphere[2][0]=true; compute_halfsphere[2][1]=true; #else if(cs != -1) cs = check_sphere(L, compute_halfsphere); #endif CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("compute_halfsphere\n cs = " << cs); for(int i=0; i<6; ++i) CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" " << i << " : " << compute_halfsphere[i/2][i%2]); Seg_list L_pos,L_neg; switch(cs) { case 1: partition_to_halfsphere(L.begin(), L.end(), L_pos, From, Sphere_circle(1,0,0), Sphere_circle(0,0,-1), compute_halfsphere[0][1]); break; case 0: partition_to_halfsphere(L.begin(), L.end(), L_neg, From, Sphere_circle(-1,0,0), Sphere_circle(0,0,-1), compute_halfsphere[0][0]); break; case 3: partition_to_halfsphere(L.begin(), L.end(), L_pos, From, Sphere_circle(0,1,0), Sphere_circle(1,0,0), compute_halfsphere[1][1]); break; case 2: partition_to_halfsphere(L.begin(), L.end(), L_neg, From, Sphere_circle(0,-1,0), Sphere_circle(1,0,0), compute_halfsphere[1][0]); break; case 5: partition_to_halfsphere(L.begin(), L.end(), L_pos, From, Sphere_circle(0,0,1), Sphere_circle(1,0,0), compute_halfsphere[2][1]); break; case 4: partition_to_halfsphere(L.begin(), L.end(), L_neg, From, Sphere_circle(0,0,-1), Sphere_circle(1,0,0), compute_halfsphere[2][0]); break; case -1: partition_to_halfsphere(L.begin(), L.end(), L_pos, From, Sphere_circle(0,0,1), Sphere_circle(1,0,0), true); partition_to_halfsphere(L.begin(), L.end(), L_neg, From, Sphere_circle(0,0,-1), Sphere_circle(1,0,0), true); break; default: CGAL_error_msg( "wrong value"); } cs = cs==-1 ? 2 : cs/2; #ifdef CGAL_NEF3_TIMER_SPHERE_SWEEPS timer_sphere_sweeps.start(); #endif typedef SMO_from_sm SM_output; typedef typename Sphere_kernel::Positive_halfsphere_geometry PH_geometry; typedef typename Sphere_kernel::Negative_halfsphere_geometry NH_geometry; typedef CGAL::Segment_overlay_traits< Seg_iterator, SM_output, PH_geometry> PHS_traits; typedef CGAL::generic_sweep Positive_halfsphere_sweep; typedef CGAL::Segment_overlay_traits< Seg_iterator, SM_output, NH_geometry> NHS_traits; typedef CGAL::generic_sweep Negative_halfsphere_sweep; typedef typename PHS_traits::INPUT Input_range; SVertex_handle v; SHalfedge_handle e; SM_output O(*this,PI,From); if(compute_halfsphere[cs][0]) { PH_geometry phg(cs); Positive_halfsphere_sweep SP( Input_range(L_pos.begin(),L_pos.end()),O,phg); SP.sweep(); v=--this->svertices_end(); e=--this->shalfedges_end(); #ifdef CGAL_NEF3_TIMER_SPHERE_SWEEPS number_of_sphere_sweeps++; #endif } if(compute_halfsphere[cs][1]) { NH_geometry nhg(cs); Negative_halfsphere_sweep SM( Input_range(L_neg.begin(),L_neg.end()),O, nhg); SM.sweep(); #ifdef CGAL_NEF3_TIMER_SPHERE_SWEEPS number_of_sphere_sweeps++; #endif } #ifdef CGAL_NEF3_TIMER_SPHERE_SWEEPS timer_sphere_sweeps.stop(); #endif if(compute_halfsphere[cs][0]) { ++v; ++e; } else { v = this->svertices_begin(); e = this->shalfedges_begin(); } if(compute_halfsphere[cs][0]) create_face_objects(this->shalfedges_begin(), e, this->svertices_begin(), v, O, PH_geometry(cs)); if(compute_halfsphere[cs][1]) create_face_objects(e, this->shalfedges_end(), v, this->svertices_end(), O, NH_geometry(cs)); CGAL_forall_sedges(e,*this) { e->circle() = Sphere_circle(e->source()->point(), e->twin()->source()->point()); e->twin()->circle() = e->circle().opposite(); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(PH(e) << " with circle " << e->circle()); } std::vector mohs(4); SM_point_locator L0(M0); SM_point_locator L1(M1); L0.marks_of_halfspheres(mohs, 0, cs); L1.marks_of_halfspheres(mohs, 2, cs); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("mohs[0]=" << mohs[0]); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("mohs[1]=" << mohs[1]); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("mohs[2]=" << mohs[2]); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("mohs[3]=" << mohs[3]); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("compute_halfsphrere\n cs = " << cs << "\n [cs][0] = " << compute_halfsphere[cs][0] << "\n [cs][1] = " << compute_halfsphere[cs][1]); /* SVertex_iterator svii; CGAL_forall_svertices(svii, *this) { SVertex_const_handle vs; SHalfedge_const_handle es; if(CGAL::assign(vs, supp_object(svii,0))) std::cerr << svii->point() << " supported by svertex " << vs->point() << std::endl; else if(CGAL::assign(es, supp_object(svii,0))) std::cerr << svii->point() << " supported by sedge" << std::endl; else std::cerr << svii->point() << " is neither supported by svertex or sedge" << std::endl; if(CGAL::assign(vs, supp_object(svii,1))) std::cerr << svii->point() << " supported by svertex " << vs->point() << std::endl; else if(CGAL::assign(es, supp_object(svii,1))) std::cerr << svii->point() << " supported by sedge" << std::endl; else std::cerr << svii->point() << " is neither supported by svertex or sedge" << std::endl; } */ if(compute_halfsphere[cs][0]) complete_face_support(this->svertices_begin(), v, O, mohs, 0, compute_halfsphere[cs][1]); if(compute_halfsphere[cs][1]) complete_face_support(v, this->svertices_end(), O, mohs, 1, compute_halfsphere[cs][0]); complete_sface_marks(); // DEBUG CODE: to do: have all svertices a halfedge below associated? CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("Vertex info after swep"); CGAL_assertion_code(SVertex_iterator svi); #ifdef CGAL_I_DO_WANT_TO_USE_GENINFO CGAL_assertion_code( for(svi=this->svertices_begin(); svi!=this->svertices_end(); svi++) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("vertex "<point()<<" info "<< info(svi)<< " marks "<svertices_begin(); svi!=this->svertices_end(); svi++) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("vertex "<point()<< " marks "<svertices_begin(),v,O); else set_outer_face_mark(compute_halfsphere[cs][1], mohs); CGAL_assertion_code(this->check_integrity_and_topological_planarity()); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("subdivided"); CGAL_assertion_code(CGAL_forall_svertices(v,*this) CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(PH(v))); } template template void SM_overlayer:: subdivide(const Map* M0, const Map* M1, Association& A, bool with_trivial_segments) { PI[0] = SM_const_decorator(M0); PI[1] = SM_const_decorator(M1); bool compute_halfsphere[3][2]; int cs=0; Seg_list L; Seg_map From; for (int i=0; i<2; ++i) { SVertex_const_iterator v; CGAL_forall_svertices(v,PI[i]) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(v->point() << " from " << i << " mark " << v->mark()); if ( !PI[i].is_isolated(v) ) continue; cs = -1; L.push_back(trivial_segment(PI[i],v)); From[--L.end()] = Seg_info(v,i); } SHalfedge_const_iterator e; CGAL_forall_sedges(e,PI[i]) { if ( e->source() == e->target() ) { if(with_trivial_segments) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("trivial segment " << e->source()->point()); v = e->source(); L.push_back(trivial_segment(PI[i],v)); From[--L.end()] = Seg_info(v,i); } else { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("once around " << e->source()->point()); Seg_pair p = two_segments(PI[i],e); L.push_back(p.first); L.push_back(p.second); From[--L.end()] = From[--(--L.end())] = Seg_info(e,i); } } else { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("normal segment " << e->source()->point()); L.push_back(segment(PI[i],e)); From[--L.end()] = Seg_info(e,i); } } if ( PI[i].has_shalfloop() ) { cs = -1; CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("loop "); SHalfloop_const_handle shl = PI[i].shalfloop(); Seg_pair p = two_segments(PI[i],shl); L.push_back(p.first); L.push_back(p.second.opposite()); From[--L.end()] = From[--(--L.end())] = Seg_info(shl,i); } } CGAL_assertion_code(typename Seg_list::iterator it); CGAL_assertion_code(CGAL_forall_iterators(it,L) CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" "<<*it)); #ifdef CGAL_NEF3_SPHERE_SWEEP_OPTIMIZATION_OFF cs = -1; #endif if(cs != -1) cs = check_sphere(L, compute_halfsphere); else { compute_halfsphere[2][0]=true; compute_halfsphere[2][1]=true; } CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("compute_halfsphere\n cs = " << cs); for(int i=0; i<6; ++i) CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" " << i << " : " << compute_halfsphere[i/2][i%2]); Seg_list L_pos,L_neg; switch(cs) { case 1: partition_to_halfsphere(L.begin(), L.end(), L_pos, From, Sphere_circle(1,0,0), Sphere_circle(0,0,-1), compute_halfsphere[0][1]); break; case 0: partition_to_halfsphere(L.begin(), L.end(), L_neg, From, Sphere_circle(-1,0,0), Sphere_circle(0,0,-1), compute_halfsphere[0][0]); break; case 3: partition_to_halfsphere(L.begin(), L.end(), L_pos, From, Sphere_circle(0,1,0), Sphere_circle(1,0,0), compute_halfsphere[1][1]); break; case 2: partition_to_halfsphere(L.begin(), L.end(), L_neg, From, Sphere_circle(0,-1,0), Sphere_circle(1,0,0), compute_halfsphere[1][0]); break; case 5: partition_to_halfsphere(L.begin(), L.end(), L_pos, From, Sphere_circle(0,0,1), Sphere_circle(1,0,0), compute_halfsphere[2][1]); break; case 4: partition_to_halfsphere(L.begin(), L.end(), L_neg, From, Sphere_circle(0,0,-1), Sphere_circle(1,0,0), compute_halfsphere[2][0]); break; case -1: partition_to_halfsphere(L.begin(), L.end(), L_pos, From, Sphere_circle(0,0,1), Sphere_circle(1,0,0), true); partition_to_halfsphere(L.begin(), L.end(), L_neg, From, Sphere_circle(0,0,-1), Sphere_circle(1,0,0), true); break; default: CGAL_error_msg( "wrong value"); } cs = cs==-1 ? 2 : cs/2; #ifdef CGAL_NEF3_TIMER_SPHERE_SWEEPS timer_sphere_sweeps.start(); #endif typedef SMO_from_sm SM_output; typedef typename Sphere_kernel::Positive_halfsphere_geometry PH_geometry; typedef typename Sphere_kernel::Negative_halfsphere_geometry NH_geometry; typedef CGAL::Segment_overlay_traits< Seg_iterator, SM_output, PH_geometry> PHS_traits; typedef CGAL::generic_sweep Positive_halfsphere_sweep; typedef CGAL::Segment_overlay_traits< Seg_iterator, SM_output, NH_geometry> NHS_traits; typedef CGAL::generic_sweep Negative_halfsphere_sweep; typedef typename PHS_traits::INPUT Input_range; SVertex_handle v; SHalfedge_handle e; SM_output O(*this,PI,From); if(compute_halfsphere[cs][0]) { PH_geometry phg(cs); /* // the following is only needed for indexed items SHalfedge_const_handle se; SHalfloop_const_handle sl; for(Seg_iterator it=L_pos.begin(); it!=L_pos.end();++it) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("pos " << *it); if(phg.compare_xy(it->target(),it->source())<0) { Object_handle o = From[it]._o; if(CGAL::assign(se, o)) { if(it->sphere_circle() == se->circle()) From[it] = Seg_info(se->twin(), From[it]._from); } else if(CGAL::assign(sl, o)) { if(it->sphere_circle() == sl->circle()) From[it] = Seg_info(sl->twin(), From[it]._from); } } } */ Positive_halfsphere_sweep SP( Input_range(L_pos.begin(),L_pos.end()),O,phg); SP.sweep(); v=--this->svertices_end(); e=--this->shalfedges_end(); #ifdef CGAL_NEF3_TIMER_SPHERE_SWEEPS number_of_sphere_sweeps++; #endif } if(compute_halfsphere[cs][1]) { NH_geometry nhg(cs); /* SHalfedge_const_handle se; SHalfloop_const_handle sl; for(Seg_iterator it=L_neg.begin(); it!=L_neg.end();++it) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("neg " << *it); if(nhg.compare_xy(it->target(),it->source())<0) { Object_handle o = From[it]._o; if(CGAL::assign(se, o)) { if(it->sphere_circle() == se->circle()) From[it] = Seg_info(se->twin(), From[it]._from); } else if(CGAL::assign(sl, o)) { if(it->sphere_circle() == sl->circle()) From[it] = Seg_info(sl->twin(), From[it]._from); } } } */ Negative_halfsphere_sweep SM( Input_range(L_neg.begin(),L_neg.end()),O, nhg); SM.sweep(); #ifdef CGAL_NEF3_TIMER_SPHERE_SWEEPS number_of_sphere_sweeps++; #endif } #ifdef CGAL_NEF3_TIMER_SPHERE_SWEEPS timer_sphere_sweeps.stop(); #endif if(compute_halfsphere[cs][0]) { ++v; ++e; } else { v = this->svertices_begin(); e = this->shalfedges_begin(); } if(compute_halfsphere[cs][0]) create_face_objects(this->shalfedges_begin(), e, this->svertices_begin(), v, O, PH_geometry(cs)); if(compute_halfsphere[cs][1]) create_face_objects(e, this->shalfedges_end(), v, this->svertices_end(), O, NH_geometry(cs)); CGAL_forall_sedges(e,*this) { e->circle() = Sphere_circle(e->source()->point(), e->twin()->source()->point()); e->twin()->circle() = e->circle().opposite(); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(PH(e) << " with circle " << e->circle()); } std::vector mohs(4); SM_point_locator L0(M0); SM_point_locator L1(M1); L0.marks_of_halfspheres(mohs, 0, cs); L1.marks_of_halfspheres(mohs, 2, cs); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("mohs[0]=" << mohs[0]); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("mohs[1]=" << mohs[1]); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("mohs[2]=" << mohs[2]); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("mohs[3]=" << mohs[3]); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("compute_halfsphrere\n cs = " << cs << "\n [cs][0] = " << compute_halfsphere[cs][0] << "\n [cs][1] = " << compute_halfsphere[cs][1]); /* SVertex_iterator svii; CGAL_forall_svertices(svii, *this) { SVertex_const_handle vs; SHalfedge_const_handle es; if(CGAL::assign(vs, supp_object(svii,0))) std::cerr << svii->point() << " supported by svertex " << vs->point() << std::endl; else if(CGAL::assign(es, supp_object(svii,0))) std::cerr << svii->point() << " supported by sedge" << std::endl; else std::cerr << svii->point() << " is neither supported by svertex or sedge" << std::endl; if(CGAL::assign(vs, supp_object(svii,1))) std::cerr << svii->point() << " supported by svertex " << vs->point() << std::endl; else if(CGAL::assign(es, supp_object(svii,1))) std::cerr << svii->point() << " supported by sedge" << std::endl; else std::cerr << svii->point() << " is neither supported by svertex or sedge" << std::endl; } */ if(compute_halfsphere[cs][0]) complete_face_support(this->svertices_begin(), v, O, mohs, 0, compute_halfsphere[cs][1]); if(compute_halfsphere[cs][1]) complete_face_support(v, this->svertices_end(), O, mohs, 1, compute_halfsphere[cs][0]); complete_sface_marks(); // DEBUG CODE: to do: have all svertices a halfedge below associated? CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("Vertex info after swep"); CGAL_assertion_code(SVertex_iterator svi); #ifdef CGAL_I_DO_WANT_TO_USE_GENINFO CGAL_assertion_code( for(svi=this->svertices_begin(); svi!=this->svertices_end(); svi++) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("vertex "<point() <<" info "<svertices_begin(); svi!=this->svertices_end(); svi++) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("vertex "<point() << " marks "<svertices_begin(),v,O); else set_outer_face_mark(compute_halfsphere[cs][1], mohs); CGAL_assertion_code(this->check_integrity_and_topological_planarity()); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("subdivided"); CGAL_assertion_code(CGAL_forall_svertices(v,*this) CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(PH(v))); } template template void SM_overlayer:: transfer_data(Association& A) { SVertex_iterator sv; SHalfedge_handle se; SVertex_const_handle sv0,sv1; SHalfedge_const_handle se0, se1; SHalfloop_const_handle sl0, sl1; CGAL_forall_svertices(sv, *this) { // std::cerr << "svertex " << sv->point() << std::endl; Object_handle o0 = supp_object(sv,0), o1 = supp_object(sv,1); if(o0.empty()) { if(CGAL::assign(sv1, o1)) A.handle_support(sv, sv1); else continue; } else if(CGAL::assign(se0, o0)) { if(o1.empty()) continue; else if(assign(se1, o1)) A.handle_support(sv, se0, se1); else if(CGAL::assign(sv1, o1)) A.handle_support(sv, se0, sv1); else if(CGAL::assign(sl1, o1)) A.handle_support(sv, se0, sl1); else CGAL_error_msg( "wrong handle"); } else if(CGAL::assign(sv0, o0)) { if(o1.empty()) A.handle_support(sv, sv0); else if(CGAL::assign(se1, o1)) A.handle_support(sv, sv0, se1); else if(CGAL::assign(sv1, o1)) A.handle_support(sv, sv0, sv1); else if(CGAL::assign(sl1, o1)) A.handle_support(sv, sv0, sl1); else CGAL_error_msg( "wrong handle"); } else if(CGAL::assign(sl0, o0)) { if(o1.empty()) continue; else if(CGAL::assign(sv1, o1)) A.handle_support(sv, sl0, sv1); else if(CGAL::assign(se1, o1)) A.handle_support(sv, sl0, se1); else if(CGAL::assign(sl1, o1)) A.handle_support(sv, sl0, sl1); } else CGAL_error_msg( "wrong handle"); } CGAL_forall_sedges(se, *this) { CGAL_assertion(is_forward(se)); Object_handle o0 = supp_object(se,0), o1 = supp_object(se,1); if(o0.empty()) { if(assign(se1, o1)) A.handle_support(se, se1); else if(assign(sl1, o1)) A.handle_support(se, sl1); else continue; // CGAL_error_msg( "wrong handle"); } else if(assign(se0, o0)) { if(o1.empty()) A.handle_support(se, se0); else if(assign(se1, o1)) A.handle_support(se, se0, se1); else if(assign(sl1, o1)) A.handle_support(se, se0, sl1); else CGAL_error_msg( "wrong handle"); } else if(assign(sl0, o0)) { if(o1.empty()) A.handle_support(se, sl0); else if(assign(se1, o1)) A.handle_support(se, sl0, se1); else if(assign(sl1, o1)) A.handle_support(se, sl0, sl1); else CGAL_error_msg( "wrong handle"); } else CGAL_error_msg( "wrong handle"); } } template void SM_overlayer:: set_outer_face_mark(int offset, const std::vector& mohs) { SFace_handle sf = this->new_sface(); assoc_info(sf); mark(sf, 0) = mohs[offset]; mark(sf, 1) = mohs[offset+2]; SHalfedge_iterator e; CGAL_forall_shalfedges(e, *this) { if ( e->incident_sface() != SFace_handle() ) continue; link_as_face_cycle(e,sf); } SVertex_handle v; CGAL_forall_svertices(v, *this) { if(!is_isolated(v) || v->incident_sface() != SFace_handle()) continue; link_as_isolated_vertex(v,sf); } } template template void SM_overlayer:: partition_to_halfsphere(Iterator start, Iterator beyond, Seg_list& L, CGAL::Unique_hash_map& M, Sphere_circle xycircle, Sphere_circle yzcircle, bool include_equator) const { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("partition_to_halfsphere "); // CGAL_assertion(pos!=0); Sphere_segment s1,s2; // Sphere_circle xycircle(0,0,pos); if(include_equator) { while ( start != beyond) { int i = start->intersection(xycircle,s1,s2); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("segment " << start->source() << " " << start->target()); if (i>1) { L.push_back(s2); M[--L.end()] = M[start]; CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(">1 " << s2.source() << " " << s2.target()); } if (i>0) { L.push_back(s1); M[--L.end()] = M[start]; CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(">0 " << s1.source() << " " << s1.target()); } ++start; } } else { while(start != beyond) { L.push_back(*start); M[--L.end()] = M[start]; ++start; } } // now all segments are split into hemispheres // we still have to: // - split segments containing our special poles y^-, y^+ // - split halfcircles // - add four equator segments // Sphere_circle yzcircle(1,0,0); typename Seg_list::iterator it, itl; CGAL_forall_iterators(it,L) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" "<<*it); if ( equal_as_sets(it->sphere_circle(),xycircle) ) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" splitting xy seg "<<*it); bool added=false; int n1 = it->intersection(yzcircle,s1,s2); if (n1 > 1 && !s2.is_degenerate()) { M[ L.insert(it,s2) ] = M[it]; added=true; CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(">1 " << s2.source() << " " << s2.target()); } if (n1 > 0 && !s1.is_degenerate()) { M[ L.insert(it,s1) ] = M[it]; added = true; CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(">1 " << s1.source() << " " << s1.target()); } int n2 = it->intersection(yzcircle.opposite(),s1,s2); if (n2 > 1 && !s2.is_degenerate()) { M[ L.insert(it,s2) ] = M[it]; added=true; CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(">1 " << s2.source() << " " << s2.target()); } if (n2 > 0 && !s1.is_degenerate()) { M[ L.insert(it,s1) ] = M[it]; added=true; CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(">1 " << s1.source() << " " << s1.target()); } if(added) { itl = it; --it; M[itl] = T(); L.erase(itl); } // at least one item was appended } } CGAL_forall_iterators(it,L) { if ( it->is_halfcircle() ) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" splitting halfcircle "<<*it); Sphere_segment s1,s2; it->split_halfcircle(s1,s2); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" into " << s1); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" into " << s2); *it = s2; M[ L.insert(it,s1) ] = M[it]; } } if(include_equator) { // append 4 xy-equator segments: Sphere_point S(0,-1,0),N(0,1,0); Sphere_segment sp(S,N,xycircle); Sphere_segment sm(S,N,xycircle.opposite()); Sphere_segment s[4]; sp.split_halfcircle(s[0],s[1]); sm.split_halfcircle(s[2],s[3]); L.insert(L.end(),s,s+4); } } template template void SM_overlayer:: create_face_objects(SHalfedge_iterator e_start, SHalfedge_iterator e_end, SVertex_iterator v_start, SVertex_iterator v_end, const Below_accessor& D, const Halfsphere_geometry& SG) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("create_face_objects()"); if(e_start != e_end) { CGAL::Unique_hash_map SFaceCycle(-1); std::vector MinimalSHalfedge; SHalfedge_around_sface_circulator hfc(last_out_edge(v_start)),hend(hfc); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("equator cycle "<twin()); int i=1; for (SHalfedge_iterator e = e_start; e != e_end; ++e) { if ( SFaceCycle[e] >= 0 ) continue; // already assigned SHalfedge_around_sface_circulator hfc(e),hend(hfc); SHalfedge_handle e_min = e; CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(""); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" face cycle numbering "<twin()->source() == e_min->twin()->source()) { Sphere_point p1 = hfc->source()->point(), p2 = hfc->twin()->source()->point(), p3 = hfc->snext()->twin()->source()->point(); if ( SG.orientation(p1,p2,p3) <= 0 ) e_min = hfc; } else if ( SG.compare_xy(hfc->twin()->source()->point(), e_min->twin()->source()->point()) < 0 ) e_min = hfc; CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(PH(hfc)); } CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(""); MinimalSHalfedge.push_back(e_min); ++i; } for (int j=1; jsource()->point(), p2 = e->twin()->source()->point(), p3 = e->snext()->twin()->source()->point(); if ( SG.orientation(p1,p2,p3) > 0 ) { // left_turn => outer face cycle SFace_handle f = this->new_sface(); link_as_face_cycle(e,f); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" creating new face object "<<&*f<<" bd "<<&*e); } } for (SHalfedge_iterator e = e_start; e != e_end; ++e) { if ( e->incident_sface() != SFace_handle() ) continue; if ( SFaceCycle[e] == 0 ) continue; CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("linking hole "<incident_sface()); } } template template void SM_overlayer:: complete_face_support(SVertex_iterator v_start, SVertex_iterator v_end, const Below_accessor& , std::vector& mohs, int offset, bool both) const { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("complete_face_support"); for (SVertex_iterator v = v_start; v != v_end; ++v) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("VERTEX = "<point().hz() == 0 && // ( offset == 0 ? (v->point().hx() >= 0) : (v->point().hx()<=0)) ); if(!is_isolated(v)) { if(!both) { for (int i=0; i<2; ++i) m_buffer[i] = mohs[offset+2*i]; CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("no edge below "); } else { for (int i=0; i<2; ++i) m_buffer[i] = incident_mark(first_out_edge(v)->sprev(),i); } } } CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" faces right-below "<mark(); continue; } if ( CGAL::assign(es,supp_object(v,i)) ) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("support by sedge"); if ( es->source()->point() == v->point() ) { mark(v,i) = es->source()->mark(); continue; } if ( es->target()->point() == v->point() ) { mark(v,i) = es->target()->mark(); continue; } mark(v,i) = es->mark(); continue; } if ( CGAL::assign(ls,o) ) { mark(v,i) = ls->mark(); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("loop " << ls->circle()); continue; } CGAL_error_msg("wrong handle"); } CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" vertex marks "<circle(),e->circle())) ei = ei->twin(); CGAL_assertion( ei->circle() == e->circle() ); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" supporting edge "<twin(),i) = ei->twin()->incident_sface()->mark(); mark(e,i) = mark(e->twin(),i) = ei->mark(); incident_mark(e,i) = m_buffer[i] = ei->incident_sface()->mark(); } SHalfloop_const_handle li; if ( CGAL::assign(li,supp_object(e,i)) ) { if (!equal_not_opposite(li->circle(),e->circle())) li = li->twin(); CGAL_assertion( li->circle() == e->circle() ); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" supporting loop "<twin(),i) = li->twin()->incident_sface()->mark(); mark(e,i) = mark(e->twin(),i) = li->mark(); incident_mark(e,i) = m_buffer[i] = li->incident_sface()->mark(); } } else { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" support from face below "<twin(),i) = mark(e,i) = mark(e->twin(),i) = incident_mark(e,i) = m_buffer[i]; } } CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" face marks "< void SM_overlayer::complete_sface_marks() const { SFace_iterator f; for (f = this->sfaces_begin(); f != this->sfaces_end(); ++f) { assoc_info(f); SFace_cycle_iterator boundary_object(f->sface_cycles_begin()); if (!boundary_object.is_shalfedge() ) CGAL_error_msg("Outer face cycle should be first."); SHalfedge_handle e(boundary_object); for (int i=0; i<2; ++i) mark(f,i) = incident_mark(e,i); } } template template void SM_overlayer:: merge_nodes(SHalfedge_handle e1, SHalfedge_handle e2, const Mark_accessor& D) { SVertex_handle v1 = e1->source(), v2 = e2->target(); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("merge_nodes "<point()==v2->point()); SHalfedge_handle ep1 = e1->sprev(), en2 = e2->snext(); SHalfedge_around_svertex_circulator eav(out_edges(v2)),ee(eav); CGAL_For_all(eav,ee) { set_source(eav,v1); } link_as_prev_next_pair(e2,e1); link_as_prev_next_pair(ep1,en2); D.assert_equal_marks(v1,v2); D.discard_info(v2); delete_vertex_only(v2); } template template void SM_overlayer:: merge_halfsphere_maps(SVertex_handle v1, SVertex_handle v2, const Mark_accessor& D) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("merging halfspheres "<point()==v2->point()); std::list L_equator; SHalfedge_around_sface_circulator ep(last_out_edge(v1)), en(first_out_edge(v2)->twin()); do { L_equator.push_back(SHalfedge_pair(ep,en)); merge_nodes(ep,en,D); ++ep; --en; } while ( ep->source() != v1 ); typename std::list::iterator it; CGAL_forall_iterators(it,L_equator) { SHalfedge_handle e1 = it->first, e2 = it->second; SHalfedge_handle e1t = e1->twin(), e2t = e2->twin(); CGAL_NEF_TRACEV(PH(e1));CGAL_NEF_TRACEV(PH(e2)); SHalfedge_handle e2tp = e2t->sprev(); SHalfedge_handle e2tn = e2t->snext(); link_as_prev_next_pair(e2tp,e1); link_as_prev_next_pair(e1,e2tn); SFace_handle f = e2t->incident_sface(); if ( is_sm_boundary_object(e2t) ) { undo_sm_boundary_object(e2t,f); store_sm_boundary_object(e1,f); } set_face(e1,f); if ( e2 == first_out_edge(e2->source()) ) set_first_out_edge(e2->source(),e1t); D.discard_info(e2); delete_edge_pair_only(e2); } } template template void SM_overlayer:: select(const Selection& SP) const { SVertex_iterator v; CGAL_forall_svertices(v,*this) { v->mark() = SP(mark(v,0),mark(v,1)); discard_info(v); } SHalfedge_iterator e; CGAL_forall_sedges(e,*this) { e->mark() = SP(mark(e,0),mark(e,1)); e->twin()->mark() = SP(mark(e->twin(),0),mark(e->twin(),1)); CGAL_assertion(e->mark() == e->twin()->mark()); discard_info(e); } SFace_iterator f; CGAL_forall_sfaces(f,*this) { f->mark() = SP(mark(f,0),mark(f,1)); discard_info(f); } } template void SM_overlayer::simplify() { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("simplifying"); typedef typename CGAL::Union_find::handle Union_find_handle; CGAL::Unique_hash_map< SFace_handle, Union_find_handle> Pitem(nullptr); CGAL::Unique_hash_map< SVertex_handle, Union_find_handle> Vitem(nullptr); CGAL::Union_find< SFace_handle> UF; SFace_iterator f; CGAL_forall_sfaces(f,*this) { Pitem[f] = UF.make_set(f); clear_face_cycle_entries(f); } if ( this->has_shalfloop() ) { SHalfloop_handle l = this->shalfloop(); SFace_handle f = *(UF.find(Pitem[l->incident_sface()])); link_as_loop(l,f); f = *(UF.find(Pitem[l->twin()->incident_sface()])); link_as_loop(l->twin(),f); } SHalfedge_iterator e, en; for(e = this->shalfedges_begin(); e != this->shalfedges_end(); e = en) { en = e; ++en; if ( en==e->twin() ) ++en; CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("can simplify ? " << PH(e)); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(e->mark() << " " << e->incident_sface()->mark() << " " << e->twin()->incident_sface()->mark()); if (( e->mark() == e->incident_sface()->mark() && e->mark() == e->twin()->incident_sface()->mark())){ CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("deleting "<incident_sface()], Pitem[e->twin()->incident_sface()]) ) { UF.unify_sets( Pitem[e->incident_sface()], Pitem[e->twin()->incident_sface()] ); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("unioning disjoint faces"); } CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("is_closed_at_source " << is_closed_at_source(e) << " " << is_closed_at_source(e->twin())); if ( is_closed_at_source(e) ) Vitem[e->source()] = Pitem[e->incident_sface()]; if ( is_closed_at_source(e->twin())) Vitem[e->target()] = Pitem[e->incident_sface()]; delete_edge_pair(e); } } CGAL::Unique_hash_map linked(false); for (e = this->shalfedges_begin(); e != this->shalfedges_end(); ++e) { if ( linked[e] ) continue; SHalfedge_around_sface_circulator hfc(e),hend(hfc); SFace_handle f = *(UF.find( Pitem[e->incident_sface()])); CGAL_For_all(hfc,hend) { set_face(hfc,f); linked[hfc]=true; } store_sm_boundary_object(e,f); } SVertex_iterator v,vn; for(v = this->svertices_begin(); v != this->svertices_end(); v=vn) { vn=v; ++vn; if ( is_isolated(v) ) { if(Vitem[v] != nullptr) { set_face(v,*(UF.find(Vitem[v]))); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("incident face of " << PH(v) << " set to " << &*(v->incident_sface())); } else { set_face(v, *(UF.find(Pitem[v->incident_sface()]))); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("isolated svertex " << PH(v) << " already has incident face " << &*(v->incident_sface())); } if ( v->mark() == v->incident_sface()->mark() ) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("removing isolated vertex"<incident_sface()); // isolated, but should stay } else { // v not isolated SHalfedge_handle e2 = first_out_edge(v), e1 = e2->sprev(); if ( has_outdeg_two(v) && v->mark() == e1->mark() && v->mark() == e2->mark() && e1->circle() == e2->circle() ) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("collinear at "<sfaces_begin(); f != this->sfaces_end(); f=fn) { ++fn; Union_find_handle pit = Pitem[f]; if ( UF.find(pit) != pit ) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("delete face " << &*f); delete_face_only(f); } } } template template void SM_overlayer:: subdivide_segments(Iterator start, Iterator end) const { typedef SMO_decorator SM_output; typedef typename Sphere_kernel::Positive_halfsphere_geometry PH_geometry; typedef CGAL::Segment_overlay_traits< Iterator, SM_output, PH_geometry> PHS_traits; typedef CGAL::generic_sweep Positive_halfsphere_sweep; typedef typename Sphere_kernel::Negative_halfsphere_geometry NH_geometry; typedef CGAL::Segment_overlay_traits< Iterator, SM_output, NH_geometry> NHS_traits; typedef CGAL::generic_sweep Negative_halfsphere_sweep; std::list Lp,Lm; partition_xy( start, end, Lp , +1); partition_xy( start, end, Lm , -1); // both lists initialized with four quarter segments // supporting the xy-equator thereby separating the // two halfspheres // all other segments in the range are split into their // connected components with respect to the xy-plane. SVertex_handle v1,v2; SM_output O(*this); typedef typename PHS_traits::INPUT Input_range; Positive_halfsphere_sweep SP(Input_range(Lp.begin(),Lp.end()),O); SP.sweep(); //CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("POS SWEEP\n"<<(dump(std::cerr),"")); v1= this->vertices_begin(); v2=--this->vertices_end(); Negative_halfsphere_sweep SM(Input_range(Lm.begin(),Lm.end()),O); SM.sweep(); //CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("NEG SWEEP\n"<<(dump(std::cerr),"")); ++v2; // now two CCs of sphere graph calculated // v1 = first node of CC in positive xy-sphere // v2 = first node of CC in negative xy-sphere merge_halfsphere_maps(v1,v2,O); this->check_integrity_and_topological_planarity(false); } } //namespace CGAL #endif //CGAL_SM_OVERLAYER_H