// Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Inria Loria (France). /* * author: Bruno Levy, INRIA, project ALICE * website: http://www.loria.fr/~levy/software * * This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org) * * Scientific work that use this software can reference the website and * the following publication: * * @INPROCEEDINGS {levy:NMDGP:05, * AUTHOR = Bruno Levy, * TITLE = Numerical Methods for Digital Geometry Processing, * BOOKTITLE =Israel Korea Bi-National Conference, * YEAR=November 2005, * URL=http://www.loria.fr/~levy/php/article.php?pub=../publications/papers/2005/Numerics * } * * Laurent Saboret 2005-2006: Changes for CGAL: * - Added OpenNL namespace * - DefaultLinearSolverTraits is now a model of the SparseLinearAlgebraTraits_d concept * - Added SymmetricLinearSolverTraits * - copied Jacobi preconditioner from Graphite 1.9 code * * $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.2/OpenNL/include/CGAL/OpenNL/linear_solver.h $ * $Id: linear_solver.h fcd0529 2019-10-20T00:47:56+02:00 Sébastien Loriot * SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later */ #ifndef __OPENNL_LINEAR_SOLVER__ #define __OPENNL_LINEAR_SOLVER__ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace OpenNL { // Class DefaultLinearSolverTraits // is a traits class for solving general sparse linear systems. // It uses BICGSTAB solver with Jacobi preconditioner. // // Concept: Model of the SparseLinearAlgebraTraits_d concept. template < class COEFFTYPE, // type of matrix and vector coefficients class MATRIX = SparseMatrix, // model of SparseLinearSolverTraits_d::Matrix class VECTOR = FullVector // model of SparseLinearSolverTraits_d::Vector > class DefaultLinearSolverTraits { // Public types public: typedef COEFFTYPE CoeffType ; typedef COEFFTYPE NT; typedef MATRIX Matrix ; typedef VECTOR Vector ; // Private types private: typedef Jacobi_Preconditioner Preconditioner ; typedef Solver_preconditioned_BICGSTAB Preconditioned_solver ; typedef Solver_BICGSTAB Solver ; // Public operations public: // Default contructor, copy constructor, operator=() and destructor are fine // Solve the sparse linear system "A*X = B" // Return true on success. The solution is then (1/D) * X. // // Preconditions: // - A.row_dimension() == B.dimension() // - A.column_dimension() == X.dimension() bool linear_solver (const Matrix& A, const Vector& B, Vector& X, NT& D) { D = 1; // OpenNL does not support homogeneous coordinates // Solve using BICGSTAB solver with preconditioner Preconditioned_solver preconditioned_solver ; NT omega = 1.5; Preconditioner C(A, omega); X = B; if (preconditioned_solver.solve(A, C, B, X)) return true; // On error, solve using BICGSTAB solver without preconditioner #ifdef DEBUG_TRACE std::cerr << " Failure of BICGSTAB solver with Jacobi preconditioner. " << "Trying BICGSTAB." << std::endl; #endif Solver solver ; X = B; return solver.solve(A, B, X) ; } } ; // Class SymmetricLinearSolverTraits // is a traits class for solving symmetric positive definite sparse linear systems. // It uses Conjugate Gradient solver with Jacobi preconditioner. // // Concept: Model of the SparseLinearAlgebraTraits_d concept. template < class COEFFTYPE, // type of matrix and vector coefficients class MATRIX = SparseMatrix, // model of SparseLinearSolverTraits_d::Matrix class VECTOR = FullVector // model of SparseLinearSolverTraits_d::Vector > class SymmetricLinearSolverTraits { // Public types public: typedef COEFFTYPE CoeffType ; typedef COEFFTYPE NT; typedef MATRIX Matrix ; typedef VECTOR Vector ; // Private types private: typedef Jacobi_Preconditioner Preconditioner ; typedef Solver_preconditioned_CG Preconditioned_solver ; typedef Solver_CG Solver ; // Public operations public: // Default contructor, copy constructor, operator=() and destructor are fine // Solve the sparse linear system "A*X = B" // Return true on success. The solution is then (1/D) * X. // // Preconditions: // - A.row_dimension() == B.dimension() // - A.column_dimension() == X.dimension() bool linear_solver (const Matrix& A, const Vector& B, Vector& X, NT& D) { D = 1; // OpenNL does not support homogeneous coordinates // Solve using Conjugate Gradient solver with preconditioner Preconditioned_solver preconditioned_solver ; NT omega = 1.5; Preconditioner C(A, omega); X = B; if (preconditioned_solver.solve(A, C, B, X)) return true; // On error, solve using Conjugate Gradient solver without preconditioner #ifdef DEBUG_TRACE std::cerr << " Failure of Conjugate Gradient solver with Jacobi preconditioner. " << "Trying Conjugate Gradient." << std::endl; #endif Solver solver ; X = B; return solver.solve(A, B, X) ; } }; /* * Solves a linear system or minimizes a quadratic form. * * Requirements for its traits class: must be a model of SparseLinearSolverTraits_d concept */ template class LinearSolver { protected: enum State { INITIAL, IN_SYSTEM, IN_ROW, CONSTRUCTED, SOLVED } ; public: typedef TRAITS Traits ; typedef typename Traits::Matrix Matrix ; typedef typename Traits::Vector Vector ; typedef typename Traits::NT CoeffType ; class Variable { public: Variable() : x_(0), index_(-1), locked_(false) { } double value() const { return x_; } void set_value(double x_in) { x_ = x_in ; } void lock() { locked_ = true ; } void unlock() { locked_ = false ; } bool is_locked() const { return locked_ ; } unsigned int index() const { CGAL_assertion(index_ != -1) ; return (unsigned int)(index_) ; } void set_index(unsigned int index_in) { index_ = index_in ; } private: CoeffType x_ ; int index_ ; bool locked_ ; } ; LinearSolver(unsigned int nb_variables) { state_ = INITIAL ; least_squares_ = false ; nb_variables_ = nb_variables ; variable_ = new Variable[nb_variables] ; A_ = nullptr ; x_ = nullptr ; b_ = nullptr ; } ~LinearSolver() { delete[] variable_ ; delete A_ ; delete x_ ; delete b_ ; } // __________________ Parameters ________________________ void set_least_squares(bool x) { least_squares_ = x ; } // __________________ Access ____________________________ int nb_variables() const { return nb_variables_ ; } Variable& variable(unsigned int idx) { CGAL_assertion(idx < nb_variables_) ; return variable_[idx] ; } const Variable& variable(unsigned int idx) const { CGAL_assertion(idx < nb_variables_) ; return variable_[idx] ; } // _________________ Construction _______________________ void begin_system() { current_row_ = 0 ; transition(INITIAL, IN_SYSTEM) ; // Enumerate free variables. unsigned int index = 0 ; for(int ii=0; ii < nb_variables() ; ii++) { Variable& v = variable(ii) ; if(!v.is_locked()) { v.set_index(index) ; index++ ; } } unsigned int n = index ; A_ = new Matrix(static_cast(n)) ; x_ = new Vector(n) ; b_ = new Vector(n) ; for(unsigned int i=0; i1e-40 ); scale_row(weight / norm) ; } void scale_row(CoeffType s) { check_state(IN_ROW) ; unsigned int nf = af_.size() ; for(unsigned int i=0; iadd_coef(if_[i], if_[j], af_[i] * af_[j]) ; } } CoeffType S = - bk_ ; for(std::size_t j=0; jadd_coef(current_row_, if_[i], af_[i]) ; } (*b_)[current_row_] = bk_ ; for(std::size_t i=0; i af_ ; std::vector if_ ; std::vector al_ ; std::vector xl_ ; double bk_ ; // --------------- internal representation --------- Matrix* A_ ; Vector* x_ ; Vector* b_ ; } ; } // namespace OpenNL #endif