// Copyright (c) 2002,2011 Utrecht University (The Netherlands). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.2/Spatial_searching/include/CGAL/Point_container.h $ // $Id: Point_container.h 0779373 2020-03-26T13:31:46+01:00 Sébastien Loriot // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial // // // Author(s) : Hans Tangelder () // custom point container #ifndef CGAL_POINT_CONTAINER_H #define CGAL_POINT_CONTAINER_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace CGAL { template class Point_container { private: typedef typename Traits::Point_d Point_d; typedef std::vector Point_vector; public: typedef typename Traits::FT FT; typedef typename Point_vector::iterator iterator; typedef typename Point_vector::const_iterator const_iterator; typedef typename internal::Get_dimension_tag::Dimension D; private: Traits traits; // the iterator range of the Point_container boost::optional m_b ; boost::optional m_e ; int built_coord; // a coordinate for which the pointer list is built Kd_tree_rectangle bbox; // bounding box, i.e. rectangle of node Kd_tree_rectangle tbox; // tight bounding box, // i.e. minimal enclosing bounding // box of points public: inline const Kd_tree_rectangle& bounding_box() const { return bbox; } inline const Kd_tree_rectangle& tight_bounding_box() const { return tbox; } inline int dimension() const { return bbox.dimension(); } inline int built_coordinate() const { return built_coord; } // coordinate of the maximal span inline int max_span_coord() const { return bbox.max_span_coord(); } // coordinate of the maximal tight span inline int max_tight_span_coord() const { return tbox.max_span_coord(); } inline FT max_span_lower() const { return bbox.min_coord(max_span_coord()); } inline FT max_tight_span_lower() const { return tbox.min_coord(max_tight_span_coord()); } inline FT max_span_upper() const { return bbox.max_coord(max_span_coord()); } inline FT max_tight_span_upper() const { return tbox.max_coord(max_tight_span_coord()); } inline FT max_spread() const { return max_span_upper() - max_span_lower(); } inline FT max_tight_spread() const { return max_tight_span_upper() - max_tight_span_lower(); } int max_tight_span_coord_balanced(FT Aspect_ratio) const { int cut_dim(-1); FT max_spread_points(FT(-1)); FT max_length = max_spread(); // length of longest side of box int dim = dimension(); for (int d=0; d max_spread_points) { max_spread_points = spread; cut_dim = d; } } } // CGAL_assertion(cut_dim >= 0); return cut_dim; } FT max_span_upper_without_dim(int d) const { FT max_span(FT(0)); int dim=dimension(); for (int i=0; i max_span) max_span=span; } return max_span; } FT balanced_fair(int d, FT Aspect_ratio) { FT small_piece = max_span_upper_without_dim(d) / Aspect_ratio; FT low_cut = bbox.min_coord(d) + small_piece; // lowest legal cut; FT high_cut = bbox.max_coord(d) - small_piece; //highest legal cut; // CGAL_assertion (high_cut >= low_cut); FT split_value = median(d); if (split_value < low_cut) split_value = low_cut; if (split_value > high_cut) split_value = high_cut; return split_value; } FT balanced_sliding_fair(int d, FT Aspect_ratio) { FT small_piece = max_span_upper_without_dim(d) / Aspect_ratio; FT low_cut = bbox.min_coord(d) + small_piece; // lowest legal cut; FT high_cut = bbox.max_coord(d) - small_piece; //highest legal cut; // CGAL_assertion (high_cut >= low_cut); FT split_value = median(d); FT max_span_lower = tbox.min_coord(d); FT max_span_upper = tbox.max_coord(d); if (split_value < low_cut) split_value= max_span_lower; if (split_value > high_cut) split_value = max_span_upper; return split_value; } // points inline std::size_t size() const { return *m_e - *m_b; } inline const_iterator begin() const { return *m_b; } inline const_iterator end() const { return *m_e; } inline iterator begin() { return *m_b; } inline iterator end() { return *m_e; } inline bool empty() const { return !m_b || !m_e || (*m_b == *m_e ) ; } // building the container from a sequence of Point_d* Point_container(const int d, iterator begin, iterator end,const Traits& traits_) : traits(traits_),m_b(begin), m_e(end), bbox(d, begin, end,traits.construct_cartesian_const_iterator_d_object()), tbox(bbox) { built_coord = max_span_coord(); } void set_range(iterator begin, iterator end) { m_b = begin; m_e = end; } // building an empty container Point_container(const int d,const Traits& traits_) : traits(traits_),bbox(d), tbox(d) {} template struct Cmp { typedef typename Traits2::FT FT; typedef typename Traits2::Point_d Point_d; typedef std::vector Point_vector; int split_coord; FT value; const typename Traits2::Construct_cartesian_const_iterator_d& construct_it; Cmp(int s, FT c,const typename Traits2::Construct_cartesian_const_iterator_d& cst_it) : split_coord(s), value(c), construct_it(cst_it) {} bool operator()(const Point_d* pt) const { typename Traits2::Cartesian_const_iterator_d ptit; ptit = construct_it(*pt); return *(ptit+split_coord) < value; } }; template struct Between { typedef typename Traits2::FT FT; typedef typename Traits2::Point_d Point_d; typedef std::vector Point_vector; int split_coord; FT low, high; const typename Traits2::Construct_cartesian_const_iterator_d& construct_it; Between(int s, FT l, FT h,const typename Traits2::Construct_cartesian_const_iterator_d& cst_it) : split_coord(s), low(l), high(h), construct_it(cst_it) {} bool operator()(const Point_d* pt) const { typename Traits2::Cartesian_const_iterator_d ptit; ptit = construct_it(*pt); if(! ( *(ptit+split_coord) <= high ) ){ // std::cerr << "Point " << *pt << " exceeds " << high << " in dimension " << split_coord << std::endl; return false; } if(! ( *(ptit+split_coord) >= low ) ){ //std::cerr << "Point " << *pt << " below " << low << " in dimension " << split_coord << std::endl; return false; } return true; } }; void recompute_tight_bounding_box() { tbox.template update_from_point_pointers(begin(), end(),traits.construct_cartesian_const_iterator_d_object()); } bool is_valid() const { if(empty()) return true; bool b = true; for (int i = 0; i < dimension(); i++){ CGAL_assertion( b = (b && (bbox.min_coord(i) <= tbox.min_coord(i)))); CGAL_assertion( b = (b && (bbox.max_coord(i) >= tbox.max_coord(i)))); typename Traits::Construct_cartesian_const_iterator_d construct_it=traits.construct_cartesian_const_iterator_d_object(); Between between(i,tbox.min_coord(i), tbox.max_coord(i), construct_it); for(const_iterator it = begin(); it != end(); it++){ b = (b && between(*it)); } } return b; } // note that splitting is restricted to the built coordinate template void split(Point_container& c, Separator& sep, bool sliding=false) { CGAL_assertion(dimension()==c.dimension()); CGAL_assertion(is_valid()); c.bbox=bbox; const int split_coord = sep.cutting_dimension(); FT cutting_value = sep.cutting_value(); built_coord=split_coord; c.built_coord=split_coord; typename Traits::Construct_cartesian_const_iterator_d construct_it=traits.construct_cartesian_const_iterator_d_object(); Cmp cmp(split_coord, cutting_value,construct_it); iterator it = std::partition(begin(), end(), cmp); // now [begin,it) are lower and [it,end) are upper if (sliding) { // avoid empty lists if (it == begin()) { iterator minelt = std::min_element(begin(),end(),comp_coord_val(split_coord,construct_it)); if(minelt != it){ std::iter_swap(minelt,it); } cutting_value = *(construct_it(**it)+split_coord); sep.set_cutting_value(cutting_value); it++; } if (it == end()) { iterator maxelt = std::max_element(begin(),end(),comp_coord_val(split_coord,construct_it)); it--; if(maxelt != it){ std::iter_swap(maxelt,it); } cutting_value = *(construct_it(**it)+split_coord); sep.set_cutting_value(cutting_value); } } c.set_range(begin(), it); set_range(it, end()); // adjusting boxes bbox.set_lower_bound(split_coord, cutting_value); tbox. template update_from_point_pointers(begin(),end(),construct_it); c.bbox.set_upper_bound(split_coord, cutting_value); c.tbox. template update_from_point_pointers(c.begin(),c.end(),construct_it); CGAL_assertion(is_valid()); CGAL_assertion(c.is_valid()); } template struct comp_coord_val { private: Value coord; const typename Traits2::Construct_cartesian_const_iterator_d& construct_it; typedef typename Traits2::Point_d Point_d; public: comp_coord_val (const Value& coordinate,const typename Traits2::Construct_cartesian_const_iterator_d& cst_it) : coord(coordinate), construct_it(cst_it) {} bool operator()(const Point_d *a, const Point_d *b) const { typename Traits2::Cartesian_const_iterator_d ait = construct_it(*a), bit = construct_it(*b); return *(ait+coord) < *(bit+coord); } }; FT median(const int split_coord) { typename Traits::Construct_cartesian_const_iterator_d construct_it=traits.construct_cartesian_const_iterator_d_object(); iterator mid = begin() + (end() - begin())/2; std::nth_element(begin(), mid, end(),comp_coord_val(split_coord,construct_it)); typename Traits::Cartesian_const_iterator_d mpit = construct_it((*(*mid))); FT val1 = *(mpit+split_coord); mid++; mpit = construct_it((*(*mid))); FT val2 = *(mpit+split_coord); return (val1+val2)/FT(2); } private: explicit Point_container() {} // disable default constructor }; template std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& s, Point_container& c) { s << "Points container of size " << c.size() << "\n cell:"; s << c.bounding_box(); s << "\n minimal box enclosing points:"; s << c.tight_bounding_box(); return s; } } // namespace CGAL #endif // CGAL_POINT_CONTAINER_H