// Copyright (c) 2014 GeometryFactory Sarl (France) // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org) // // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.2/STL_Extension/include/CGAL/Time_stamper.h $ // $Id: Time_stamper.h e82ea5d 2020-01-29T17:13:11+01:00 Laurent Rineau // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial // // Author(s) : Jane Tournois #ifndef CGAL_TIME_STAMPER_H #define CGAL_TIME_STAMPER_H #include #include namespace CGAL { namespace internal { constexpr size_t rounded_down_log2(size_t n) { return ( (n<2) ? 0 : 1+rounded_down_log2(n/2)); } } // namespace internal template struct Time_stamper { static void initialize_time_stamp(T* pt) { pt->set_time_stamp(std::size_t(-1)); } template static void set_time_stamp(T* pt, time_stamp_t& time_stamp_) { if(pt->time_stamp() == std::size_t(-1)) { const std::size_t new_ts = time_stamp_++; pt->set_time_stamp(new_ts); } else { // else: the time stamp is re-used // Enforces that the time stamp is greater than the current value. // That is used when a TDS_3 is copied: in that case, the // time stamps are copied from the old element to the new one, // but the time stamper does not know. #ifdef CGAL_NO_ATOMIC time_stamp_ = (std::max)(time_stamp_, pt->time_stamp() + 1); #else // How to atomically update a maximum value? // https://stackoverflow.com/a/16190791/1728537 const std::size_t new_value = pt->time_stamp() + 1; std::size_t prev_value = time_stamp_; while(prev_value < new_value && !time_stamp_.compare_exchange_weak(prev_value, new_value)) ; #endif // atomic } } static std::size_t time_stamp(const T* pt) { if(pt == nullptr){ return std::size_t(-1); } return pt->time_stamp(); } static std::size_t hash_value(const T* p) { if(nullptr == p) return std::size_t(-1); else return p->time_stamp(); } static bool less(const T* p_t1, const T* p_t2) { if(p_t1 == nullptr) return (p_t2 != nullptr); else if(p_t2 == nullptr) return false; else { CGAL_assertion((p_t1 == p_t2) == (time_stamp(p_t1) == time_stamp(p_t2))); return time_stamp(p_t1) < time_stamp(p_t2); } } }; // end class template Time_stamper template struct No_time_stamp { public: template static void set_time_stamp(T*, time_stamp_t&) {} static bool less(const T* p_t1,const T* p_t2) { return p_t1 < p_t2; } static void initialize_time_stamp(T*) { } static std::size_t time_stamp(const T*) { return 0; } static std::size_t hash_value(const T* p) { constexpr std::size_t shift = internal::rounded_down_log2(sizeof(T)); return reinterpret_cast(p) >> shift; } }; // end class template No_time_stamp // That class template is an auxiliary class. It has a // specialization for the case where `T::Has_timestamp` does not exists. // The non-specialized template, when `T::Has_timestamp` exists, derives // from `Time_stamper` or `No_time_stamp` depending on the // value of the Boolean constant `T::Has_timestamp`. // The declaration of that class template requires `T` to be a complete type. template ::value> struct Get_time_stamper{ typedef Time_stamper type; }; // Specialization when `T::Has_timestamp` does not exist, derives from // `TimeStamper_`, or from `No_time_stamp`. template struct Get_time_stamper{ typedef No_time_stamp type; }; // Implementation of the timestamp policy. It is very important that the // declaration of that class template does not require `T` to be a complete // type. That way, the declaration of a pointer of type `Time_stamper_impl // in `Compact_container` for example is possible with an incomplete type. template struct Time_stamper_impl : public Get_time_stamper::type {}; struct Hash_handles_with_or_without_timestamps { template std::size_t operator()(const Handle h) const { typedef typename std::iterator_traits::value_type Type; return Get_time_stamper::type::hash_value(&*h); } }; } //end of namespace CGAL #endif // CGAL_TIME_STAMPER_H