// Copyright (c) 2014 GeometryFactory (France). All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org) // // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.2/BGL/include/CGAL/boost/graph/Euler_operations.h $ // $Id: Euler_operations.h 7c7f21e 2020-08-12T15:48:18+02:00 Sébastien Loriot // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial // // // Author(s) : Philipp Moeller #ifndef CGAL_EULER_OPERATIONS_H #define CGAL_EULER_OPERATIONS_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace CGAL { /// \cond SKIP_IN_MANUAL namespace EulerImpl { template typename boost::graph_traits::halfedge_descriptor join_face(typename boost::graph_traits::halfedge_descriptor h, Graph& g) { typedef typename boost::graph_traits Traits; typedef typename Traits::halfedge_descriptor halfedge_descriptor; typedef typename Traits::face_descriptor face_descriptor; halfedge_descriptor hop = opposite(h,g); halfedge_descriptor hprev = prev(h, g), gprev = prev(hop, g); face_descriptor f = face(h, g), f2 = face(hop, g); internal::remove_tip(hprev, g); internal::remove_tip(gprev, g); if(! is_border(hop,g)){ remove_face(f2, g); } bool fnull = is_border(h,g); halfedge_descriptor hprev2 = hprev; while(hprev2 != gprev) { hprev2 = next(hprev2, g); set_face(hprev2, f, g); } if (! fnull) set_halfedge(f, hprev, g); set_halfedge(target(hprev,g), hprev, g); set_halfedge(target(gprev,g), gprev, g); // internal::set_constant_vertex_is_border(g, target(h, g)); // internal::set_constant_vertex_is_border(g, target(opposite(h, g), g)); remove_edge(edge(h, g), g); return hprev; } } // namespace EulerImpl /// \endcond namespace Euler { /// \ingroup PkgBGLEulerOperations /// @{ /** * joins the two vertices incident to `h`, (that is `source(h, g)` and * `target(h, g)`) and removes `source(h,g)`. Returns the predecessor * of `h` around the vertex, i.e., `prev(opposite(h,g))`. The * invariant `join_vertex(split_vertex(h,g),g)` returns `h`. The * time complexity is linear in the degree of the vertex removed. * * \image html join_vertex.svg * * \tparam Graph must be a model of `MutableFaceGraph` * * \param g the graph * \param h the halfedge which incident vertices are joint * * \returns `prev(opposite(h,g))` * * \pre The size of the faces incident to `h` and `opposite(h,g)` is at least 4. * * \post `source(h, g)` is invalidated * \post `h` is invalidated * * \sa `split_vertex()` */ template typename boost::graph_traits::halfedge_descriptor join_vertex(typename boost::graph_traits::halfedge_descriptor h, Graph& g) { typedef typename boost::graph_traits Traits; typedef typename Traits::halfedge_descriptor halfedge_descriptor; typedef typename Traits::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor; typedef Halfedge_around_target_iterator halfedge_around_vertex_iterator; halfedge_descriptor hop = opposite(h, g) , hprev = prev(hop, g) , gprev = prev(h, g) , hnext = next(hop, g) , gnext = next(h, g); vertex_descriptor v_to_remove = target(hop, g) , v = target(h, g); // this assertion fires needlessly // CGAL_precondition(std::distance( // halfedges_around_face(e, g).first, // halfedges_around_face(e, g).second) >= 4); CGAL_assertion( halfedge(v_to_remove, v, g).first == h ); halfedge_around_vertex_iterator ieb, iee; for(boost::tie(ieb, iee) = halfedges_around_target(hop, g); ieb != iee; ++ieb) { CGAL_assertion( target(*ieb,g) == v_to_remove); set_target(*ieb ,v , g); } set_next(hprev, hnext, g); set_next(gprev, gnext, g); set_halfedge(v, gprev, g); // internal::set_constant_vertex_is_border(g, v); if(! is_border(gprev,g)){ set_halfedge(face(gprev,g),gprev,g); } if(! is_border(hprev,g)){ set_halfedge(face(hprev,g),hprev,g); } remove_edge(edge(h, g), g); remove_vertex(v_to_remove, g); return hprev; } /** * splits the target vertex `v` of `h1` and `h2`, and connects the new vertex * and `v` with a new edge. Let `hnew` be `opposite(next(h1, g), g)` after the * split. The split regroups the halfedges around the two vertices. The * edge sequence `hnew`, `opposite(next(h2, g), g)`, ..., `h1` * remains around the old vertex, while the halfedge sequence * `opposite(hnew, g)`, `opposite(next(h1, g), g)` (before the * split), ..., `h2` is regrouped around the new vertex. The split * returns `hnew`, i.e., the new edge incident to vertex `v`. The * time is proportional to the distance from `h1` to `h2` around the * vertex. * * \image html split_vertex.svg * * \tparam Graph must be a model of `MutableFaceGraph` * * \param g the graph * \param h1 halfedge descriptor * \param h2 halfedge descriptor * * \returns `hnew` * * \pre `target(h1, g) == target(h2, g)`, that is `h1` and `h2` are incident to the same vertex * \pre `h1 != h2`, that is no antennas * * \sa `join_vertex()` * */ template typename boost::graph_traits::halfedge_descriptor split_vertex(typename boost::graph_traits::halfedge_descriptor h1, typename boost::graph_traits::halfedge_descriptor h2, Graph& g) { CGAL_assertion(h1 != h2); CGAL_assertion(target(h1, g) == target(h2, g)); typename boost::graph_traits::halfedge_descriptor hnew = halfedge(add_edge(g), g), hnewopp = opposite(hnew, g); typename boost::graph_traits::vertex_descriptor vnew = add_vertex(g); internal::insert_halfedge(hnew, h2, g); internal::insert_halfedge(hnewopp, h1, g); set_target(hnew, target(h1, g), g); typename boost::graph_traits::halfedge_descriptor end = hnewopp; do { set_target(hnewopp, vnew, g); hnewopp = opposite(next(hnewopp, g), g); } while (hnewopp != end); internal::set_vertex_halfedge(hnew, g); // internal::set_constant_vertex_is_border(g, target(hnew, g)); internal::set_vertex_halfedge(hnewopp, g); // internal::set_constant_vertex_is_border(g, target(hnewopp, g)); return hnew; } /** * splits the halfedge `h` into two halfedges inserting a new vertex that is a copy of `vertex(opposite(h,g),g)`. * Is equivalent to `opposite(split_vertex( prev(h,g), opposite(h,g),g), g)`. * \returns the new halfedge `hnew` pointing to the inserted vertex. The new halfedge is followed by the old halfedge, i.e., `next(hnew,g) == h`. */ template typename boost::graph_traits::halfedge_descriptor split_edge(typename boost::graph_traits::halfedge_descriptor h, Graph& g) { return opposite(split_vertex(prev(h,g), opposite(h,g),g), g); } /** * joins the two faces incident to `h` and `opposite(h,g)`. * The faces may be holes. * * If `Graph` is a model of `MutableFaceGraph` * the face incident to `opposite(h,g)` is removed. * * `join_face()` and `split_face()` are inverse operations, that is * `join_face(split_face(h,g),g)` returns `h`. * * \image html join_face.svg * * \tparam Graph must be a model of `MutableFaceGraph`. * \param g the graph * \param h the halfedge incident to one of the faces to be joined. * * \returns `prev(h,g)` * * \pre `out_degree(source(h,g)), g)) >= 3` * \pre `out_degree(target(h,g)) >= 3` * * \sa `split_face()` */ template typename boost::graph_traits::halfedge_descriptor join_face(typename boost::graph_traits::halfedge_descriptor h, Graph& g) { return EulerImpl::join_face(h,g); } /** * splits the face incident to `h1` and `h2`. Creates the opposite * halfedges `h3` and `h4`, such that `next(h1,g) == h3` and `next(h2,g) == h4`. * Performs the inverse operation to `join_face()`. * * If `Graph` is a model of `MutableFaceGraph` and if the update of faces is not disabled * a new face incident to `h4` is added. * * \image html split_face.svg * * \tparam Graph must be a model of `MutableFaceGraph` * * \param g the graph * \param h1 * \param h2 * * \returns `h3` * * \pre `h1` and `h2` are incident to the same face * \pre `h1 != h2` * \pre `next(h1,g) != h2` and `next(h2,g) != h1` (no loop) */ template typename boost::graph_traits::halfedge_descriptor split_face(typename boost::graph_traits::halfedge_descriptor h1, typename boost::graph_traits::halfedge_descriptor h2, Graph& g) { typedef typename boost::graph_traits Traits; typedef typename Traits::halfedge_descriptor halfedge_descriptor; typedef typename Traits::face_descriptor face_descriptor; halfedge_descriptor hnew = halfedge(add_edge(g), g); face_descriptor fnew = add_face(g); internal::insert_tip( hnew, h2, g); internal::insert_tip( opposite(hnew, g), h1, g); set_face( hnew, face(h1,g), g); internal::set_face_in_face_loop(opposite(hnew,g), fnew, g); set_halfedge(face(hnew,g), hnew, g); set_halfedge(face(opposite(hnew,g),g), opposite(hnew,g), g); return hnew; } /** * glues the cycle of halfedges of `h1` and `h2` together. * The vertices in the cycle of `h2` get removed. * If `h1` or `h2` are not border halfedges their faces get removed. * The vertices on the face cycle of `h1` get removed. * The invariant `join_loop(h1, split_loop(h1,h2,h3,g), g)` returns `h1` and keeps * the graph unchanged. * * \image html join_loop.svg * * \tparam Graph must be a `MutableFaceGraph` * * \returns `h1`. * * \pre The faces incident to `h` and `g` are different and have equal number of edges. */ template typename boost::graph_traits::halfedge_descriptor join_loop(typename boost::graph_traits::halfedge_descriptor h1, typename boost::graph_traits::halfedge_descriptor h2, Graph& g) { typedef typename boost::graph_traits Traits; typedef typename Traits::halfedge_descriptor halfedge_descriptor; CGAL_precondition( is_border(h1,g) || face(h1, g) != face(h2, g)); if (! is_border(h1,g)) remove_face(face(h1, g), g); if (! is_border(h2,g)) remove_face(face(h2,g), g); halfedge_descriptor hi = h1; halfedge_descriptor gi = h2; CGAL_assertion_code( std::size_t termination_count = 0;) do { CGAL_assertion( ++termination_count != 0); halfedge_descriptor hii = hi; halfedge_descriptor gii = gi; hi = next(hi, g); // gi = find_prev(gi); // Replaced by search around vertex. set_face( hii, face( opposite(gii, g), g), g); set_halfedge(face(hii, g), hii, g); remove_vertex(target(opposite(gii, g), g), g); if ( next(opposite(next(opposite(gii,g), g), g), g) == gii) { gi = opposite(next(opposite(gii,g),g), g); } else { set_next(hii, next(opposite(gii,g), g), g); gii = opposite(next(opposite(gii, g), g), g); set_target( gii, target(hii, g), g); while ( next(opposite(next(gii, g), g), g) != gi) { CGAL_assertion( ++termination_count != 0); gii = opposite(next(gii,g), g); set_target( gii, target(hii, g), g); } gi = opposite(next(gii,g), g); set_next(gii, hi, g); } } while ( hi != h1); CGAL_assertion( gi == h2); do { halfedge_descriptor gii = gi; gi = next(gi, g); remove_edge(edge(gii,g), g); } while ( gi != h2); return h1; } /** * cuts the graph along the cycle `(h1,h2,h3)` changing the genus * (halfedge `h3` runs on the backside of the three dimensional figure below). * Three new vertices, three new pairs of halfedges, * and two new triangular faces are created. * * `h1`, `h2`, and `h3` will be incident to the first new face. * * Note that `split_loop()` does not deal with properties of new vertices, halfedges, and faces. * * \image html split_loop.svg * * \tparam Graph must be a `MutableFaceGraph` * * \returns the halfedge incident to the second new face. * * \pre `h1`, `h2`, and `h3` denote distinct, consecutive halfedges of the graph * and form a cycle: i.e., `target(h1) == target(opposite(h2,g),g)`, … , * `target(h3,g) == target(opposite(h1,g),g)`. * \pre The six faces incident to `h1`, `h2`, and `h3` are all distinct. */ template typename boost::graph_traits::halfedge_descriptor split_loop(typename boost::graph_traits::halfedge_descriptor h1, typename boost::graph_traits::halfedge_descriptor h2, typename boost::graph_traits::halfedge_descriptor h3, Graph& g) { typedef typename boost::graph_traits Traits; typedef typename Traits::halfedge_descriptor halfedge_descriptor; typedef typename Traits::face_descriptor face_descriptor; halfedge_descriptor h = h1, i = h2, j = h3; CGAL_precondition( h != i); CGAL_precondition( h != j); CGAL_precondition( i != j); CGAL_precondition( target(h,g) == target(opposite(i,g),g)); CGAL_precondition( target(i,g) == target(opposite(j,g),g)); CGAL_precondition( target(j,g) == target(opposite(h,g),g)); // Create a copy of the triangle. halfedge_descriptor hnew = internal::copy(h,g); halfedge_descriptor inew = internal::copy(i,g); halfedge_descriptor jnew = internal::copy(j,g); internal::close_tip( hnew, add_vertex(g), g); internal::close_tip( inew, add_vertex(g), g); internal::close_tip( jnew, add_vertex(g), g); internal::insert_tip( opposite(inew, g), hnew, g); internal::insert_tip( opposite(jnew, g), inew, g); internal::insert_tip( opposite(hnew, g), jnew, g); // Make the new incidences with the old stucture. CGAL_assertion_code( std::size_t termination_count = 0;) if ( next(h,g) != i) { halfedge_descriptor nh = next(h, g); set_next(h, i, g); set_next(hnew, nh, g); nh = opposite(nh, g); while ( next(nh, g) != i) { CGAL_assertion( ++termination_count != 0); set_target( nh, target(hnew,g), g); nh = opposite(next(nh, g), g); } set_target( nh, target(hnew,g), g); set_next(nh, inew, g); } if ( next(i, g) != j) { halfedge_descriptor nh = next(i, g); set_next(i, j, g); set_next(inew, nh, g); nh = opposite(nh,g); while ( next(nh,g) != j) { CGAL_assertion( ++termination_count != 0); set_target( nh, target(inew, g), g); nh = opposite(next(nh, g), g); } set_target( nh, target(inew, g), g); set_next(nh, jnew, g); } if ( next(j,g) != h) { halfedge_descriptor nh = next(j, g); set_next(j, h, g); set_next(jnew, nh, g); nh = opposite(nh, g); while ( next(nh,g) != h) { CGAL_assertion( ++termination_count != 0); set_target( nh, target(jnew, g), g); nh = opposite(next(nh, g), g); } set_target(nh, target(jnew, g), g); set_next(nh, hnew, g); } // Fill the holes with two new faces. face_descriptor f = add_face(g); set_face( h, f, g); set_face( i, f, g); set_face( j, f, g); set_halfedge(face(h,g), h, g); f = add_face(g); set_face( opposite(hnew, g), f, g); set_face( opposite(inew, g), f, g); set_face( opposite(jnew, g), f, g); set_halfedge(face(opposite(hnew,g),g), opposite(hnew,g), g); // Take care of maybe changed halfedge pointers. set_halfedge(face(hnew, g), hnew, g); set_halfedge(face(inew, g), inew, g); set_halfedge(face(jnew, g), jnew, g); set_halfedge(target(hnew, g), hnew, g); set_halfedge(target(inew, g), inew, g); set_halfedge(target(jnew, g), jnew, g); return opposite(hnew, g); } /** * removes the incident face of `h` and changes all halfedges incident to the face into border halfedges * or removes them from the graph if they were already border halfedges. * * If this creates isolated vertices they get removed as well. * * \image html remove_face.svg * \image html remove_face_and_vertex.svg * * \tparam Graph must be a model of `MutableFaceGraph` * * \pre `h` is not a border halfedge * * \sa `make_hole()` for a more specialized variant. */ template< typename Graph > void remove_face(typename boost::graph_traits::halfedge_descriptor h, Graph& g) { typedef typename boost::graph_traits Traits; typedef typename Traits::halfedge_descriptor halfedge_descriptor; typedef typename Traits::face_descriptor face_descriptor; CGAL_precondition(! is_border(h,g)); face_descriptor f = face(h, g); halfedge_descriptor end = h; do { internal::set_border(h,g); halfedge_descriptor nh = next(h, g); bool h_border = is_border(opposite(h, g),g); bool nh_bborder = is_border(opposite(nh, g),g); if(h_border && nh_bborder && next(opposite(nh, g), g) == opposite(h, g)) { remove_vertex(target(h, g), g); if(h != end) remove_edge(edge(h, g), g); } else { if(nh_bborder) { internal::set_vertex_halfedge(opposite(next(opposite(nh, g), g), g), g); internal::remove_tip(h, g); //internal::set_constant_vertex_is_border(g, target(h, g)); } if(h_border) { internal::set_vertex_halfedge(opposite(next(h, g), g), g); internal::remove_tip(prev(opposite(h, g), g), g); //internal::set_constant_vertex_is_border(g, target(prev(opposite(h, g), g), g)); if(h != end) remove_edge(edge(h, g), g); } } h = nh; } while(h != end); remove_face(f, g); if(is_border(opposite(h, g),g)) remove_edge(edge(h, g), g); } /** * adds and returns the edge `e` connecting `s` and `t` * halfedge(e, g) has s as source and t as target */ template typename boost::graph_traits::edge_descriptor add_edge(typename boost::graph_traits::vertex_descriptor s, typename boost::graph_traits::vertex_descriptor t, Graph& g) { typename boost::graph_traits::edge_descriptor e = add_edge(g); set_target(halfedge(e, g), t, g); set_target(opposite(halfedge(e, g), g), s, g); return e; } /** * checks whether a new face defined by a range of vertices (identified by their descriptors, * `boost::graph_traits::%vertex_descriptor`) can be added. */ template bool can_add_face(const VertexRange& vrange, const PMesh& sm) { typedef typename boost::graph_traits::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor; typedef typename boost::graph_traits::halfedge_descriptor halfedge_descriptor; std::vector::vertex_descriptor> face(vrange.begin(), vrange.end()); std::size_t N = face.size(); std::vector f2(face); std::sort(f2.begin(), f2.end()); typename std::vector::iterator it = std::unique(f2.begin(),f2.end()); if((N > 0) && (it != f2.end())){ return false; } if(N < 3){ return false; } face.push_back(face.front()); for(std::size_t i=0; i < N; ++i){ halfedge_descriptor hd; bool found; boost::tie(hd,found) = halfedge(face[i],face[i+1],sm); if(found && (! is_border(hd,sm))){ return false; } } for(std::size_t i=0; i < N; ++i){ if(halfedge(face[i],sm) == boost::graph_traits::null_halfedge()){ continue; } if(! is_border(face[i],sm)){ return false; } } //Test if all halfedges of the new face //are possibly consecutive border halfedges in the HDS. //Possibly because it may be not directly encoded in the HDS //(using next() function ). This situation can occur when one or //more facets share only a vertex: For example, the new facet we try to add //would make the vertex indices[i] a manifold but this should be forbidden //if a facet only incident to that vertex has already been inserted. //We check this for each vertex of the sequence. for(std::size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) { std::size_t prev_index= (i-1+N)%N; std::size_t next_index= (i+1)%N; vertex_descriptor previous_vertex = face[ prev_index ]; vertex_descriptor next_vertex = face[ next_index ]; halfedge_descriptor halfedge_around_vertex = halfedge(face[i],sm); if ( halfedge_around_vertex == boost::graph_traits::null_halfedge() || halfedge(previous_vertex,sm) == boost::graph_traits::null_halfedge()|| halfedge(next_vertex,sm) == boost::graph_traits::null_halfedge() ) continue; halfedge_descriptor start=halfedge_around_vertex; //halfedges pointing to/running out from vertex indices[i] //and that need to be possibly consecutive halfedge_descriptor prev_hd= boost::graph_traits::null_halfedge(),next_hd= boost::graph_traits::null_halfedge(); halfedge_around_vertex = opposite(next(halfedge_around_vertex,sm),sm); //look for a halfedge incident to vertex indices[i] //and which opposite is incident to previous_vertex do{ if(target(opposite(halfedge_around_vertex,sm),sm)==previous_vertex){ prev_hd=halfedge_around_vertex; CGAL_precondition(is_border(prev_hd,sm)); break; } halfedge_around_vertex = opposite(next(halfedge_around_vertex,sm),sm); } while (halfedge_around_vertex!=start); if (prev_hd != boost::graph_traits::null_halfedge()){ halfedge_around_vertex = opposite(next(halfedge_around_vertex,sm),sm); //prev_hd and next are already consecutive in the HDS if (target(opposite(halfedge_around_vertex,sm),sm)==next_vertex) continue; //look for a border halfedge which opposite is //incident to next_vertex: set next halfedge do { if (target(opposite(halfedge_around_vertex,sm),sm)==next_vertex){ next_hd = opposite(halfedge_around_vertex,sm); break; } halfedge_around_vertex = opposite(next(halfedge_around_vertex,sm),sm); } while(halfedge_around_vertex != prev_hd); if (next_hd==boost::graph_traits::null_halfedge()) continue; //check if no constraint prevents //prev_hd and next_hd to be adjacent: do{ halfedge_around_vertex = opposite(next(halfedge_around_vertex, sm),sm); if ( is_border(opposite(halfedge_around_vertex,sm),sm) ) break; } while (halfedge_around_vertex != prev_hd); if (halfedge_around_vertex == prev_hd) return false; start = halfedge_around_vertex; } } return true; } /** * adds a new face defined by a range of vertices (identified by their descriptors, * `boost::graph_traits::%vertex_descriptor`). * For each pair of consecutive vertices, the corresponding halfedge * is added in `g` if new, and its connectivity is updated otherwise. * The face can be added only at the boundary of `g`, or as a new connected component. * * @pre `vr` contains at least 3 vertices * @returns the added face descriptor, or `boost::graph_traits::%null_face()` if the face could not be added. */ template< typename Graph, typename VertexRange > typename boost::graph_traits::face_descriptor add_face(const VertexRange& vr, Graph& g) { typedef typename boost::graph_traits::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor; typedef typename boost::graph_traits::halfedge_descriptor halfedge_descriptor; typedef typename boost::graph_traits::face_descriptor face_descriptor; typedef typename boost::graph_traits::edge_descriptor edge_descriptor; std::vector vertices(vr.begin(), vr.end()); // quick and dirty copy unsigned int n = (unsigned int)vertices.size(); //check that every vertex is unique std::sort(vertices.begin(), vertices.end()); if(std::adjacent_find(vertices.begin(), vertices.end()) != vertices.end()){ return boost::graph_traits::null_face(); } std::copy(vr.begin(), vr.end(), vertices.begin()); // don't allow degenerated faces if(n <= 2){ return boost::graph_traits::null_face(); } std::vector halfedges(n); std::vector is_new(n); for (unsigned int i = 0, ii = 1; i::null_face(); std::pair he = halfedge(vertices[i], vertices[ii], g); halfedges[i] = he.first;//collect if exists is_new[i] = !(he.second/*true if exists*/); if (!is_new[i] && !is_border(halfedges[i], g)) return boost::graph_traits::null_face(); } halfedge_descriptor inner_next, inner_prev, outer_next, outer_prev, border_next, border_prev, patch_start, patch_end; // cache for set_next and vertex' set_halfedge typedef std::pair NextCacheEntry; typedef std::vector NextCache; NextCache next_cache; next_cache.reserve(3 * n); // re-link patches if necessary for (unsigned int i = 0, ii = 1; i::null_face(); // other halfedges' indices patch_start = next(inner_prev, g); patch_end = prev(inner_next, g); // relink next_cache.push_back(NextCacheEntry(border_prev, patch_start)); next_cache.push_back(NextCacheEntry(patch_end, border_next)); next_cache.push_back(NextCacheEntry(inner_prev, inner_next)); } } } // create missing edges for (unsigned int i = 0, ii = 1; i::null_halfedge()); set_face(opposite(halfedges[i], g), boost::graph_traits::null_face(), g); // as it may be recycled we have to reset it CGAL_assertion(source(halfedges[i], g) == vertices[i]); } } // create the face face_descriptor f = add_face(g); set_halfedge(f, halfedges[n - 1], g); // setup halfedges for (unsigned int i = 0, ii = 1; i::null_halfedge() && !is_border(hv, g)) { for(halfedge_descriptor h_around_v : halfedges_around_target(hv, g)) if (is_border(h_around_v, g)) { hv = h_around_v; break; } if (!is_border(hv, g)) hv = boost::graph_traits::null_halfedge(); } if (hv == boost::graph_traits::null_halfedge()) { set_halfedge(v, outer_prev, g); next_cache.push_back(NextCacheEntry(outer_prev, outer_next)); } else { border_prev = hv; border_next = next(border_prev, g); next_cache.push_back(NextCacheEntry(border_prev, outer_next)); next_cache.push_back(NextCacheEntry(outer_prev, border_next)); } break; } } // set inner link next_cache.push_back(NextCacheEntry(inner_prev, inner_next)); } // set face index set_face(halfedges[i], f, g); } // process next halfedge cache typename NextCache::const_iterator ncIt(next_cache.begin()), ncEnd(next_cache.end()); for (; ncIt != ncEnd; ++ncIt) set_next(ncIt->first, ncIt->second, g); // adjust vertices' halfedge index for (unsigned int i = 0; i void add_faces(const RangeofVertexRange& faces_to_add, PolygonMesh& pm) { typedef typename boost::graph_traits GT; typedef typename GT::halfedge_descriptor halfedge_descriptor; typedef typename GT::edge_descriptor edge_descriptor; typedef typename GT::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor; typedef typename GT::face_descriptor face_descriptor; typedef typename RangeofVertexRange::const_iterator VTR_const_it; typedef typename std::iterator_traits::value_type Vertex_range; typedef boost::container::small_vector Halfedges; typedef typename CGAL::GetInitializedVertexIndexMap::type Vid_map; Vid_map vid = CGAL::get_initialized_vertex_index_map(pm); // TODO: add also this lambda as an Euler function? auto add_new_edge = [&pm](vertex_descriptor v1, vertex_descriptor v2) { halfedge_descriptor v1v2 = halfedge(add_edge(pm), pm), v2v1=opposite(v1v2, pm); if (halfedge(v1,pm)==GT::null_halfedge()) set_halfedge(v1, v2v1, pm); if (halfedge(v2,pm)==GT::null_halfedge()) set_halfedge(v2, v1v2, pm); set_target(v1v2, v2, pm); set_target(v2v1, v1, pm); set_next(v1v2,v2v1, pm); set_next(v2v1,v1v2, pm); return v1v2; }; // used to collect existing border halfedges that will no longer be on the border. // Some update is needed in case of non-manifold vertex at the source/target of those // edges are present. std::vector former_border_hedges; std::vector outgoing_hedges(num_vertices(pm)); for (const Vertex_range& vr : faces_to_add) { std::size_t nbh=vr.size(); for (std::size_t i=0; i edge_and_bool = edge(v1, v2, pm); if (v2 new_border_halfedges; auto get_hedge = [&pm, &add_new_edge, &new_border_halfedges, &outgoing_hedges,&vid](vertex_descriptor v1, vertex_descriptor v2) { bool return_opposite = v2 < v1; if (return_opposite) std::swap(v1,v2); const Halfedges& v1_outgoing_hedges = outgoing_hedges[get(vid,v1)]; typename Halfedges::const_iterator it_find = std::lower_bound(v1_outgoing_hedges.begin(), v1_outgoing_hedges.end(), v2, [&pm](halfedge_descriptor h, vertex_descriptor v){return target(h,pm) < v;}); if (it_find!=v1_outgoing_hedges.end() && target(*it_find, pm)==v2) { return return_opposite ? opposite(*it_find, pm) : *it_find; } // fall onto a border edge halfedge_descriptor v1v2=add_new_edge(v1,v2); if (return_opposite) { new_border_halfedges.push_back(v1v2); return opposite(v1v2, pm); } new_border_halfedges.push_back(opposite(v1v2, pm)); return v1v2; }; // link interior halfedges for (const Vertex_range& vr : faces_to_add) { std::size_t nbh=vr.size(); face_descriptor f = add_face(pm); halfedge_descriptor first = get_hedge(vr[nbh-1],vr[0]), prev=first; set_halfedge(f, first, pm); set_face(first, f, pm); for(std::size_t i=0; i void make_hole(typename boost::graph_traits::halfedge_descriptor h, Graph& g) { typedef typename boost::graph_traits Traits; typedef typename Traits::face_descriptor face_descriptor; typedef Halfedge_around_face_iterator halfedge_around_face_iterator; CGAL_precondition(! is_border(h,g)); face_descriptor fd = face(h, g); halfedge_around_face_iterator hafib, hafie; for(boost::tie(hafib, hafie) = halfedges_around_face(h, g); hafib != hafie; ++hafib){ CGAL_assertion(! is_border(opposite(*hafib,g),g)); internal::set_border(*hafib, g); } remove_face(fd,g); } /** fills the hole incident to `h`. * \pre `h` must be a border halfedge */ template< typename Graph> void fill_hole(typename boost::graph_traits::halfedge_descriptor h, Graph& g) { typedef typename boost::graph_traits Traits; typedef typename Traits::face_descriptor face_descriptor; typedef typename Traits::halfedge_descriptor halfedge_descriptor; face_descriptor f = add_face(g); for(halfedge_descriptor hd : halfedges_around_face(h,g)){ set_face(hd, f,g); } set_halfedge(f,h,g); } /** * creates a barycentric triangulation of the face incident to `h`. Creates a new * vertex and connects it to each vertex incident to `h` and splits `face(h, g)` * into triangular faces. * `h` remains incident to * the original face. The time complexity is linear in the size of the face. * * \image html add_center_vertex.svg * * \returns the halfedge `next(h, g)` after the * operation, i.e., a halfedge pointing to the new vertex. * * Note that `add_center_vertex()` does not deal with properties of new vertices, * halfedges, and faces. * \pre `h` is not a border halfedge. * * \param g the graph * \param h halfedge descriptor * \tparam Graph must be a model of `MutableFaceGraph` * \sa `remove_center_vertex()` * */ template typename boost::graph_traits::halfedge_descriptor add_center_vertex(typename boost::graph_traits::halfedge_descriptor h, Graph& g) { typedef typename boost::graph_traits Traits; typedef typename Traits::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor; typedef typename Traits::halfedge_descriptor halfedge_descriptor; typedef typename Traits::face_descriptor face_descriptor; halfedge_descriptor hnew = halfedge(add_edge(g),g); vertex_descriptor vnew = add_vertex(g); internal::close_tip(hnew, vnew, g); internal::insert_tip(opposite(hnew, g), h, g); set_face(hnew, face(h, g), g); set_halfedge(face(h,g), h, g); halfedge_descriptor h2 = next(opposite(hnew, g), g); while ( next(h2, g) != hnew) { halfedge_descriptor gnew = halfedge(add_edge(g),g); internal::insert_tip( gnew, hnew, g); internal::insert_tip( opposite(gnew,g), h2, g); face_descriptor fnew = add_face(g); set_face( h2, fnew, g); set_face( gnew, fnew, g); set_face( next(gnew,g), fnew, g); set_halfedge(face(h2, g), h2, g); h2 = next(opposite(gnew, g), g); } set_face(next(hnew,g), face(hnew,g), g); internal::set_vertex_halfedge(hnew, g); return hnew; } /** * removes the vertex `target(h, g)` and all incident halfedges thereby merging all * incident faces. The resulting face may not be triangulated. * This function is the inverse operation of `add_center_vertex()`. * The invariant `h == remove_center_vertex(add_center_vertex(h,g),g)` * holds, if `h` is not a border halfedge. * * \image html remove_center_vertex.svg * * \tparam Graph must be a model of `MutableFaceGraph` * * \param g the graph * \param h halfedge descriptor * * \returns `prev(h, g)` * * \pre None of the incident faces of `target(h,g)` is a * hole. There are at least two distinct faces incident to the faces * that are incident to `target(h,g)`. (This prevents the * operation from collapsing a volume into two faces glued together * with opposite orientations, such as would happen with any vertex of * a tetrahedron.) * * \sa `add_center_vertex()` * */ template typename boost::graph_traits::halfedge_descriptor remove_center_vertex(typename boost::graph_traits::halfedge_descriptor h, Graph& g) { typedef typename boost::graph_traits Traits; typedef typename Traits::halfedge_descriptor halfedge_descriptor; // h points to the vertex that gets removed halfedge_descriptor h2 = opposite(next(h, g), g); halfedge_descriptor hret = prev(h, g); while (h2 != h) { halfedge_descriptor gprev = prev(h2, g); internal::set_vertex_halfedge(gprev, g); internal::remove_tip(gprev, g); remove_face(face(h2, g), g); halfedge_descriptor gnext = opposite(next(h2, g), g); remove_edge(edge(h2,g), g); h2 = gnext; } internal::set_vertex_halfedge(hret, g); internal::remove_tip(hret, g); remove_vertex(target(h, g), g); remove_edge(edge(h, g), g); internal::set_face_in_face_loop(hret, face(hret, g), g); set_halfedge(face(hret, g), hret, g); return hret; } /** * appends a new face to the border halfedge `h2` by connecting * the tip of `h2` with the tip of `h1` with two new halfedges and a new vertex * and creating a new face that is incident to `h2`. * Note that `add_vertex_and_face_to_border()` does not deal with properties of new * vertices, halfedges, and faces. * * \image html add_vertex_and_face_to_border.svg * * \tparam Graph must be a model of `MutableFaceGraph` * * \returns the halfedge of the new edge that is incident to the new face * and the new vertex. * * \pre `h1` and `h2` are border halfedges * \pre `h1 != h2`, * \pre `h1` and `h2` are on the same border. */ template typename boost::graph_traits::halfedge_descriptor add_vertex_and_face_to_border(typename boost::graph_traits::halfedge_descriptor h1, typename boost::graph_traits::halfedge_descriptor h2, Graph& g) { typename boost::graph_traits::vertex_descriptor v = add_vertex(g); typename boost::graph_traits::face_descriptor f = add_face(g); typename boost::graph_traits::edge_descriptor e1 = add_edge(g); typename boost::graph_traits::edge_descriptor e2 = add_edge(g); typename boost::graph_traits::halfedge_descriptor he1= halfedge(e1, g); typename boost::graph_traits::halfedge_descriptor he2= halfedge(e2, g); typename boost::graph_traits::halfedge_descriptor ohe1= opposite(he1, g); typename boost::graph_traits::halfedge_descriptor ohe2= opposite(he2, g); set_next(ohe1, next(h1,g),g); set_next(h1,he1,g); set_target(ohe1,target(h1,g),g); set_target(he1,v,g); set_next(ohe2,ohe1,g); set_target(ohe2,v,g); set_next(he1,he2,g); set_target(he1,v,g); set_halfedge(v,he1,g); set_next(he2,next(h2,g),g); set_target(he2,target(h2,g),g); set_next(h2,ohe2,g); internal::set_border(he1,g); internal::set_border(he2,g); CGAL::Halfedge_around_face_iterator hafib,hafie; for(boost::tie(hafib, hafie) = halfedges_around_face(ohe1, g); hafib != hafie; ++hafib){ set_face(*hafib, f, g); } set_halfedge(f, ohe1, g); return ohe2; } /** * appends a new face incident to the border halfedge `h1` and `h2` by connecting the vertex `target(h2,g)` * and the vertex `target(h1,g)` with a new halfedge, and filling this separated part of the hole * with a new face, such that the new face is incident to `h2`. * * \image html add_face_to_border.svg * * \tparam Graph must be a model of `MutableFaceGraph` * * \returns the halfedge of the new edge that is incident to the new face. * * \pre `h1` and `h2` are border halfedges, * \pre `h1 != h2`, * \pre `next(h1,g) != h2`, * \pre `h1` and `h2` are on the same border. */ template typename boost::graph_traits::halfedge_descriptor add_face_to_border(typename boost::graph_traits::halfedge_descriptor h1, typename boost::graph_traits::halfedge_descriptor h2, Graph& g) { CGAL_precondition(is_border(h1,g) == true); CGAL_precondition(is_border(h2,g) == true); CGAL_precondition(h1 != h2); CGAL_precondition(next(h1, g) != h2); typename boost::graph_traits::face_descriptor f = add_face(g); typename boost::graph_traits::edge_descriptor e = add_edge(g); typename boost::graph_traits::halfedge_descriptor newh= halfedge(e, g) , newhop = opposite(newh, g); set_next(newhop, next(h2, g), g); set_next(h2, newh, g); set_next(newh, next(h1, g), g); set_next(h1, newhop, g); set_target(newh, target(h1, g), g); set_target(newhop, target(h2, g), g); // make the vertices point to the border halfedge set_halfedge(target(h2,g), newhop, g); internal::set_border(newhop, g); CGAL::Halfedge_around_face_iterator hafib,hafie; for(boost::tie(hafib, hafie) = halfedges_around_face(newh, g); hafib != hafie; ++hafib){ set_face(*hafib, f, g); } set_halfedge(f, newh, g); return newh; } /** * collapses an edge in a graph. * * \tparam Graph must be a model of `MutableFaceGraph` * Let `h` be the halfedge of `e`, and let `v0` and `v1` be the source and target vertices of `h`. * Let `p_h` and `p_o_h` be respectively the edges of `prev(h,g)` and `prev(opposite(h, g), g)`. * Let `o_n_h` and `o_n_o_h` be respectively the edges of `opposite(next(h,g))` and `opposite(next(opposite(h, g), g))`. * * After the collapse of edge `e` the following holds: * - The edge `e` is no longer in `g`. * - The faces incident to edge `e` are no longer in `g`. * - `v0` is no longer in `g`. * - If `h` is not a border halfedge, `p_h` is no longer in `g` and is replaced by `o_n_h`. * - If the opposite of `h` is not a border halfedge, `p_o_h` is no longer in `g` and is replaced by `o_n_o_h`. * - The halfedges kept in `g` that had `v0` as target and source now have `v1` as target and source, respectively. * - No other incidence information is changed in `g`. * * \returns vertex `v1`. * \pre g must be a triangulated graph * \pre `does_satisfy_link_condition(e,g) == true`. */ template typename boost::graph_traits::vertex_descriptor collapse_edge(typename boost::graph_traits::edge_descriptor e, Graph& g) { typedef boost::graph_traits< Graph > Traits; typedef typename Traits::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor; typedef typename Traits::halfedge_descriptor halfedge_descriptor; halfedge_descriptor pq = halfedge(e,g); halfedge_descriptor qp = opposite(pq, g); halfedge_descriptor pt = opposite(prev(pq, g), g); halfedge_descriptor qb = opposite(prev(qp, g), g); bool lTopFaceExists = ! is_border(pq,g); bool lBottomFaceExists = ! is_border(qp,g); bool lTopLeftFaceExists = lTopFaceExists && ! is_border(pt,g); bool lBottomRightFaceExists = lBottomFaceExists && ! is_border(qb,g); CGAL_precondition( !lTopFaceExists || (lTopFaceExists && ( degree(target(pt, g), g) > 2 ) ) ) ; CGAL_precondition( !lBottomFaceExists || (lBottomFaceExists && ( degree(target(qb, g), g) > 2 ) ) ) ; vertex_descriptor q = target(pq, g); vertex_descriptor p = source(pq, g); bool lP_Erased = false; if ( lTopFaceExists ) { CGAL_precondition( ! is_border(opposite(pt, g),g) ) ; // p-q-t is a face of the mesh if ( lTopLeftFaceExists ) { //CGAL_ECMS_TRACE(3, "Removing p-t E" << pt.idx() << " (V" // << p.idx() << "->V" << target(pt, g).idx() // << ") by joining top-left face" ) ; join_face(pt,g); } else { //CGAL_ECMS_TRACE(3, "Removing p-t E" << pt.idx() << " (V" << p.idx() // << "->V" << target(pt, g).idx() << ") by erasing top face" ) ; remove_face(opposite(pt, g),g); if ( !lBottomFaceExists ) { //CGAL_ECMS_TRACE(3, "Bottom face doesn't exist so vertex P already removed" ) ; lP_Erased = true ; } } } if ( lBottomFaceExists ) { CGAL_precondition( ! is_border(opposite(qb, g),g) ) ; // p-q-b is a face of the mesh if ( lBottomRightFaceExists ) { //CGAL_ECMS_TRACE(3, "Removing q-b E" << qb.idx() << " (V" // << q.idx() << "->V" << target(qb, g).idx() // << ") by joining bottom-right face" ) ; join_face(qb,g); } else { //CGAL_ECMS_TRACE(3, "Removing q-b E" << qb.idx() << " (V" // << q.idx() << "->V" << target(qb, g).idx() // << ") by erasing bottom face" ) ; if ( !lTopFaceExists ) { //CGAL_ECMS_TRACE(3, "Top face doesn't exist so vertex Q already removed" ) ; lP_Erased = true ; // q will be removed, swap p and q internal::swap_vertices(p, q, g); } remove_face(opposite(qb, g),g); } } if ( !lP_Erased ) { //CGAL_ECMS_TRACE(3, "Removing vertex P by joining pQ" ) ; join_vertex(pq,g); lP_Erased = true ; } CGAL_expensive_assertion(is_valid_polygon_mesh(g)); return q; } /** * collapses an edge in a graph having non-collapsable edges. * * Let `h` be the halfedge of `e`, and let `v0` and `v1` be the source and target vertices of `h`. * Collapses the edge `e` replacing it with `v1`, as described in the paragraph above * and guarantees that an edge `e2`, for which `get(edge_is_constrained_map, e2)==true`, * is not removed after the collapse. * * \tparam Graph must be a model of `MutableFaceGraph` * \tparam EdgeIsConstrainedMap mut be a model of `ReadablePropertyMap` with the edge descriptor of `Graph` * as key type and a Boolean as value type. It indicates if an edge is constrained or not. * * \returns vertex `v1`. * \pre This function requires `g` to be an oriented 2-manifold with or without boundaries. * Furthermore, the edge `v0v1` must satisfy the link condition, which guarantees that the surface mesh is also 2-manifold after the edge collapse. * \pre `get(edge_is_constrained_map, v0v1)==false`. * \pre `v0` and `v1` are not both incident to a constrained edge. */ template typename boost::graph_traits::vertex_descriptor collapse_edge(typename boost::graph_traits::edge_descriptor v0v1, Graph& g , EdgeIsConstrainedMap Edge_is_constrained_map) { typedef boost::graph_traits< Graph > Traits; typedef typename Traits::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor; typedef typename Traits::halfedge_descriptor halfedge_descriptor; halfedge_descriptor pq = halfedge(v0v1,g); CGAL_assertion( !get(Edge_is_constrained_map,v0v1) ); halfedge_descriptor qp = opposite(pq,g); halfedge_descriptor pt = opposite(prev(pq,g),g); halfedge_descriptor qb = opposite(prev(qp,g),g); halfedge_descriptor tq = opposite(next(pq,g),g); halfedge_descriptor bp = opposite(next(qp,g),g); bool lTopFaceExists = ! is_border(pq,g) ; bool lBottomFaceExists = ! is_border(qp,g) ; vertex_descriptor q = target(pq,g); vertex_descriptor p = source(pq,g); //used to collect edges to remove from the surface halfedge_descriptor edges_to_erase[2]; halfedge_descriptor* edges_to_erase_ptr=edges_to_erase; // If the top facet exists, we need to choose one out of the two edges which one disappears: // p-t if it is not constrained and t-q otherwise if ( lTopFaceExists ) { if ( !get(Edge_is_constrained_map,edge(pt,g)) ) { *edges_to_erase_ptr++=pt; } else { *edges_to_erase_ptr++=tq; } } // If the bottom facet exists, we need to choose one out of the two edges which one disappears: // q-b if it is not constrained and b-p otherwise if ( lBottomFaceExists ) { if ( !get(Edge_is_constrained_map,edge(qb,g)) ) { *edges_to_erase_ptr++=qb; } else{ *edges_to_erase_ptr++=bp; } } if (lTopFaceExists && lBottomFaceExists) { if ( face(edges_to_erase[0],g) == face(edges_to_erase[1],g) && (! is_border(edges_to_erase[0],g)) ) { // the vertex is of valence 3 and we simply need to remove the vertex // and its indicent edges halfedge_descriptor edge = next(edges_to_erase[0],g) == edges_to_erase[1]? edges_to_erase[0]:edges_to_erase[1]; if (target(edge,g) != p) { // q will be removed, swap it with p internal::swap_vertices(p, q, g); } remove_center_vertex(edge,g); return q; } else { if (!(is_border(edges_to_erase[0],g))) join_face(edges_to_erase[0],g); else remove_face(opposite(edges_to_erase[0],g),g); if (!is_border(edges_to_erase[1],g)) join_face(edges_to_erase[1],g); else remove_face(opposite(edges_to_erase[1],g),g); join_vertex(pq,g); return q; } } else { if (lTopFaceExists) { if (!(is_border(edges_to_erase[0],g))){ join_face(edges_to_erase[0],g); join_vertex(pq,g); return q; } if( is_border(opposite(next(pq,g),g),g) ) { // q will be removed, swap it with p internal::swap_vertices(p, q, g); } remove_face(opposite(edges_to_erase[0],g),g); return q; } if (! (is_border(edges_to_erase[0],g))){ // q will be removed, swap it with p internal::swap_vertices(p, q, g); join_face(edges_to_erase[0],g); join_vertex(qp,g); return q; } if(!is_border(opposite(next(qp,g),g),g)) { // q will be removed, swap it with p internal::swap_vertices(p, q, g); } remove_face(opposite(edges_to_erase[0],g),g); return q; }; } /// performs an edge flip, rotating the edge pointed by /// `h` by one vertex in the direction of the face orientation. /// \pre Both faces incident to `h` are triangles. template void flip_edge(typename boost::graph_traits::halfedge_descriptor h, Graph& g) { typedef boost::graph_traits Traits; typedef typename Traits::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor; typedef typename Traits::halfedge_descriptor halfedge_descriptor; typedef typename Traits::face_descriptor face_descriptor; vertex_descriptor s = source(h,g); vertex_descriptor t = target(h,g); halfedge_descriptor nh = next(h,g), nnh = next(nh,g), oh = opposite(h,g), noh = next(oh,g), nnoh = next(noh,g); vertex_descriptor s2 = target(nh,g), t2 = target(noh,g); face_descriptor fh = face(h,g), foh = face(oh,g); CGAL_assertion(fh != Traits::null_face() && foh != Traits::null_face()); if(halfedge(s,g) == oh){ set_halfedge(s,nnh,g); } if(halfedge(t,g) == h){ set_halfedge(t,nnoh,g); } set_next(h,nnoh,g); set_next(oh,nnh,g); set_target(h,t2,g); set_target(oh,s2,g); set_next(nh,h,g); set_next(noh,oh,g); set_next(nnoh,nh,g); set_next(nnh,noh,g); set_face(nnoh,fh,g); set_face(nnh,foh,g); set_halfedge(fh,h,g); set_halfedge(foh,oh,g); } /** * \returns `true` if `e` satisfies the *link condition* \cgalCite{degn-tpec-98}, which guarantees that the surface is also 2-manifold after the edge collapse. */ template bool does_satisfy_link_condition(typename boost::graph_traits::edge_descriptor e, const Graph& g) { typedef typename boost::graph_traits::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor; typedef typename boost::graph_traits::halfedge_descriptor halfedge_descriptor; typedef CGAL::Halfedge_around_source_iterator out_edge_iterator; halfedge_descriptor v0_v1 = halfedge(e,g); halfedge_descriptor v1_v0 = opposite(v0_v1,g); vertex_descriptor v0 = target(v1_v0,g), v1 = target(v0_v1,g); vertex_descriptor vL = target(next(v0_v1,g),g); vertex_descriptor vR = target(next(v1_v0,g),g); out_edge_iterator eb1, ee1 ; out_edge_iterator eb2, ee2 ; // The following loop checks the link condition for v0_v1. // Specifically, that for every vertex 'k' adjacent to both 'p and 'q', 'pkq' is a face of the mesh. // for ( boost::tie(eb1,ee1) = halfedges_around_source(v0,g) ; eb1 != ee1 ; ++ eb1 ) { halfedge_descriptor v0_k = *eb1; if ( v0_k != v0_v1 ) { vertex_descriptor k = target(v0_k,g); for ( boost::tie(eb2,ee2) = halfedges_around_source(k,g) ; eb2 != ee2 ; ++ eb2 ) { halfedge_descriptor k_v1 = *eb2; if ( target(k_v1,g) == v1 ) { // At this point we know p-q-k are connected and we need to determine if this triangle is a face of the mesh. // // Since the mesh is known to be triangular there are at most two faces sharing the edge p-q. // // If p->q is NOT a border edge, the top face is p->q->t where t is target(next(p->q)) // If q->p is NOT a border edge, the bottom face is q->p->b where b is target(next(q->p)) // // If k is either t or b then p-q-k *might* be a face of the mesh. It won't be if k==t but p->q is border // or k==b but q->b is a border (because in that case even though there exists triangles p->q->t (or q->p->b) // they are holes, not faces) // bool lIsFace = ( vL == k && (! is_border(v0_v1,g)) ) || ( vR == k && (! is_border(v1_v0,g)) ) ; if ( !lIsFace ) { // CGAL_ECMS_TRACE(3," k=V" << get(Vertex_index_map,k) << " IS NOT in a face with p-q. NON-COLLAPSABLE edge." ) ; return false ; } else { //CGAL_ECMS_TRACE(4," k=V" << get(Vertex_index_map,k) << " is in a face with p-q") ; } } } } } // detect isolated triangle (or triangle attached to a mesh with non-manifold vertices) if (!is_border(v0_v1,g) && is_border(opposite(next(v0_v1,g), g), g) && is_border(opposite(prev(v0_v1,g), g), g) ) return false; if (!is_border(v1_v0,g) && is_border(opposite(next(v1_v0,g), g), g) && is_border(opposite(prev(v1_v0,g), g), g) ) return false; if ( !is_border(v0_v1,g) && !is_border(v1_v0,g) ) { if ( is_border(v0,g) && is_border(v1,g) ) { //CGAL_ECMS_TRACE(3," both p and q are boundary vertices but p-q is not. NON-COLLAPSABLE edge." ) ; return false ; } else { if ( is_tetrahedron(v0_v1,g) ) { //CGAL_ECMS_TRACE(3," p-q belongs to a tetrahedron. NON-COLLAPSABLE edge." ) ; return false ; } if ( next(v0_v1, g) == opposite(prev(v1_v0, g), g) && prev(v0_v1, g) == opposite(next(v1_v0, g), g) ) { //CGAL_ECMS_TRACE(3," degenerate volume." ) ; return false ; } } } return true ; } #ifndef CGAL_NO_DEPRECATED_CODE /// \cond SKIP_IN_MANUAL template bool satisfies_link_condition(typename boost::graph_traits::edge_descriptor e, const Graph& g) { return does_satisfy_link_condition(e, g); } /// \endcond #endif /// @} } // CGAL } // CGAL #endif /* CGAL_EULER_OPERATIONS_H */