// Copyright (c) 2003,2004 // Utrecht University (The Netherlands), // ETH Zurich (Switzerland), // INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France), // Max-Planck-Institute Saarbruecken (Germany), // and Tel-Aviv University (Israel). All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org) // // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.2/STL_Extension/include/CGAL/function_objects.h $ // $Id: function_objects.h 0779373 2020-03-26T13:31:46+01:00 Sébastien Loriot // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial // // // Author(s) : Michael Hoffmann // Lutz Kettner // Sylvain Pion #ifndef CGAL_FUNCTION_OBJECTS_H #define CGAL_FUNCTION_OBJECTS_H 1 #include #include namespace CGAL { template < class Value> struct Identity { typedef Value argument_type; typedef Value result_type; Value& operator()( Value& x) const { return x; } const Value& operator()( const Value& x) const { return x; } }; template < class Value> struct Dereference { typedef Value* argument_type; typedef Value result_type; Value& operator()( Value* x) const { return *x;} const Value& operator()( const Value* x) const { return *x;} }; template < class Value> struct Get_address { typedef Value argument_type; typedef Value* result_type; Value* operator()( Value& x) const { return &x;} const Value* operator()( const Value& x) const { return &x;} }; template < class Arg, class Result> struct Cast_function_object { typedef Arg argument_type; typedef Result result_type; Result& operator()( Arg& x) const { return (Result&)(x); } const Result& operator()( const Arg& x) const { return (const Result&)(x); } }; template < class Node> struct Project_vertex { typedef Node argument_type; typedef typename Node::Vertex Vertex; typedef Vertex result_type; Vertex& operator()( Node& x) const { return x.vertex(); } const Vertex& operator()( const Node& x) const { return x.vertex(); } }; template < class Node> struct Project_facet { typedef Node argument_type; typedef typename Node::Facet Facet; typedef Facet result_type; Facet& operator()( Node& x) const { return x.facet(); } const Facet& operator()( const Node& x) const { return x.facet(); } }; template < class Node> struct Project_point { typedef Node argument_type; typedef typename Node::Point Point; typedef Point result_type; Point& operator()( Node& x) const { return x.point(); } const Point& operator()( const Node& x) const { return x.point(); } }; template < class Node> struct Project_normal { typedef Node argument_type; typedef typename Node::Normal Normal; typedef Normal result_type; Normal& operator()( Node& x) const { return x.normal(); } const Normal& operator()( const Node& x) const { return x.normal(); } }; template < class Node> struct Project_plane { typedef Node argument_type; typedef typename Node::Plane Plane; typedef Plane result_type; Plane& operator()( Node& x) const { return x.plane(); } const Plane& operator()( const Node& x) const { return x.plane(); } }; // The following four adaptors are used to create the circulators // for polyhedral surfaces. template < class Node> struct Project_next { typedef Node* argument_type; typedef Node* result_type; Node* operator()( Node* x) const { return x->next(); } const Node* operator()( const Node* x) const { return x->next(); } }; template < class Node> struct Project_prev { typedef Node* argument_type; typedef Node* result_type; Node* operator()( Node* x) const { return x->prev(); } const Node* operator()( const Node* x) const { return x->prev(); } }; template < class Node> struct Project_next_opposite { typedef Node* argument_type; typedef Node* result_type; Node* operator()( Node* x) const { return x->next()->opposite(); } const Node* operator()( const Node* x) const { return x->next()->opposite(); } }; template < class Node> struct Project_opposite_prev { typedef Node* argument_type; typedef Node* result_type; Node* operator()( Node* x) const { return x->opposite()->prev(); } const Node* operator()( const Node* x) const { return x->opposite()->prev(); } }; template < class Arg, class Result > class Creator_1 { public: typedef Arg argument_type; typedef Arg argument1_type; typedef Result result_type; Result operator()(Arg a) const { return Result(a);} }; template < class Arg1, class Arg2, class Result > class Creator_2 { public: typedef Arg1 argument1_type; typedef Arg2 argument2_type; typedef Result result_type; Result operator()(Arg1 a1, Arg2 a2) const { return Result(a1,a2);} }; template < class Arg1, class Arg2, class Arg3, class Result > class Creator_3 { public: typedef Arg1 argument1_type; typedef Arg2 argument2_type; typedef Arg3 argument3_type; typedef Result result_type; Result operator()(Arg1 a1, Arg2 a2, Arg3 a3) const { return Result(a1,a2,a3); } }; template < class Arg1, class Arg2, class Arg3, class Arg4, class Result > class Creator_4 { public: typedef Arg1 argument1_type; typedef Arg2 argument2_type; typedef Arg3 argument3_type; typedef Arg4 argument4_type; typedef Result result_type; Result operator()(Arg1 a1, Arg2 a2, Arg3 a3, Arg4 a4) const { return Result(a1,a2,a3,a4); } }; template < class Arg1, class Arg2, class Arg3, class Arg4, class Arg5, class Result > class Creator_5 { public: typedef Arg1 argument1_type; typedef Arg2 argument2_type; typedef Arg3 argument3_type; typedef Arg4 argument4_type; typedef Arg5 argument5_type; typedef Result result_type; Result operator()(Arg1 a1, Arg2 a2, Arg3 a3, Arg4 a4, Arg5 a5) const { return Result(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5); } }; template < class Arg, class Result > class Creator_uniform_2 { public: typedef Arg argument_type; typedef Arg argument1_type; typedef Arg argument2_type; typedef Result result_type; Result operator()(Arg a1, Arg a2) const { return Result(a1,a2);} }; template < class Arg, class Result > class Creator_uniform_3 { public: typedef Arg argument_type; typedef Arg argument1_type; typedef Arg argument2_type; typedef Arg argument3_type; typedef Result result_type; Result operator()(Arg a1, Arg a2, Arg a3) const { return Result(a1,a2,a3); } }; template < class Arg, class Result > class Creator_uniform_4 { public: typedef Arg argument_type; typedef Arg argument1_type; typedef Arg argument2_type; typedef Arg argument3_type; typedef Arg argument4_type; typedef Result result_type; Result operator()(Arg a1, Arg a2, Arg a3, Arg a4) const { return Result(a1,a2,a3,a4); } }; template < class Arg, class Result > class Creator_uniform_5 { public: typedef Arg argument_type; typedef Arg argument1_type; typedef Arg argument2_type; typedef Arg argument3_type; typedef Arg argument4_type; typedef Arg argument5_type; typedef Result result_type; Result operator()(Arg a1, Arg a2, Arg a3, Arg a4, Arg a5) const { return Result(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5); } }; template < class Arg, class Result > class Creator_uniform_6 { public: typedef Arg argument_type; typedef Arg argument1_type; typedef Arg argument2_type; typedef Arg argument3_type; typedef Arg argument4_type; typedef Arg argument5_type; typedef Arg argument6_type; typedef Result result_type; Result operator()(Arg a1, Arg a2, Arg a3, Arg a4, Arg a5, Arg a6 ) const { return Result(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6); } }; template < class Arg, class Result > class Creator_uniform_7 { public: typedef Arg argument_type; typedef Arg argument1_type; typedef Arg argument2_type; typedef Arg argument3_type; typedef Arg argument4_type; typedef Arg argument5_type; typedef Arg argument6_type; typedef Arg argument7_type; typedef Result result_type; Result operator()(Arg a1, Arg a2, Arg a3, Arg a4, Arg a5, Arg a6, Arg a7) const { return Result(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7); } }; template < class Arg, class Result > class Creator_uniform_8 { public: typedef Arg argument_type; typedef Arg argument1_type; typedef Arg argument2_type; typedef Arg argument3_type; typedef Arg argument4_type; typedef Arg argument5_type; typedef Arg argument6_type; typedef Arg argument7_type; typedef Arg argument8_type; typedef Result result_type; Result operator()(Arg a1, Arg a2, Arg a3, Arg a4, Arg a5, Arg a6, Arg a7, Arg a8) const { return Result(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8); } }; template < class Arg, class Result > class Creator_uniform_9 { public: typedef Arg argument_type; typedef Arg argument1_type; typedef Arg argument2_type; typedef Arg argument3_type; typedef Arg argument4_type; typedef Arg argument5_type; typedef Arg argument6_type; typedef Arg argument7_type; typedef Arg argument8_type; typedef Arg argument9_type; typedef Result result_type; Result operator()(Arg a1, Arg a2, Arg a3, Arg a4, Arg a5, Arg a6, Arg a7, Arg a8, Arg a9) const { return Result(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9); } }; template < class Arg, class Result > class Creator_uniform_d { int d; private: Creator_uniform_d(){} public: typedef Arg argument1_type; typedef Result result_type; Creator_uniform_d(int dim) : d(dim) {} Result operator()(Arg a1, Arg a2) const { return Result(d, a1,a2);} }; template < class Op1, class Op2 > class Unary_compose_1 : public CGAL::cpp98::unary_function< typename Op2::argument_type, typename Op1::result_type > { protected: Op1 op1; Op2 op2; public: typedef typename Op2::argument_type argument_type; typedef typename Op1::result_type result_type; Unary_compose_1(const Op1& x, const Op2& y) : op1(x), op2(y) {} result_type operator()(const argument_type& x) const { return op1(op2(x)); } }; template < class Op1, class Op2 > inline Unary_compose_1< Op1, Op2 > compose1_1(const Op1& op1, const Op2& op2) { return Unary_compose_1< Op1, Op2 >(op1, op2); } template < class Op1, class Op2, class Op3 > class Binary_compose_1 : public CGAL::cpp98::unary_function< typename Op2::argument_type, typename Op1::result_type > { protected: Op1 op1; Op2 op2; Op3 op3; public: typedef typename Op2::argument_type argument_type; typedef typename Op1::result_type result_type; Binary_compose_1(const Op1& x, const Op2& y, const Op3& z) : op1(x), op2(y), op3(z) {} result_type operator()(const argument_type& x) const { return op1(op2(x), op3(x)); } }; template < class Op1, class Op2, class Op3 > inline Binary_compose_1< Op1, Op2, Op3 > compose2_1(const Op1& op1, const Op2& op2, const Op3& op3) { return Binary_compose_1< Op1, Op2, Op3 >(op1, op2, op3); } template < class Op1, class Op2 > class Unary_compose_2 : public CGAL::cpp98::binary_function< typename Op2::first_argument_type, typename Op2::second_argument_type, typename Op1::result_type > { protected: Op1 op1; Op2 op2; public: typedef typename Op2::first_argument_type first_argument_type; typedef typename Op2::second_argument_type second_argument_type; typedef typename Op1::result_type result_type; Unary_compose_2(const Op1& x, const Op2& y) : op1(x), op2(y) {} result_type operator()(const first_argument_type& x, const second_argument_type& y) const { return op1(op2(x, y)); } }; template < class Op1, class Op2 > inline Unary_compose_2< Op1, Op2 > compose1_2(const Op1& op1, const Op2& op2) { return Unary_compose_2< Op1, Op2 >(op1, op2); } template < class Op1, class Op2, class Op3 > class Binary_compose_2 : public CGAL::cpp98::binary_function< typename Op2::argument_type, typename Op3::argument_type, typename Op1::result_type > { protected: Op1 op1; Op2 op2; Op3 op3; public: typedef typename Op2::argument_type first_argument_type; typedef typename Op3::argument_type second_argument_type; typedef typename Op1::result_type result_type; Binary_compose_2(const Op1& x, const Op2& y, const Op3& z) : op1(x), op2(y), op3(z) {} // Added as workaround for VC2017 with /arch:AVX to fix // https://cgal.geometryfactory.com/CGAL/testsuite/CGAL-4.14-I-95/Polytope_distance_d/TestReport_afabri_x64_Cygwin-Windows10_MSVC2017-Release-64bits.gz Binary_compose_2(const Binary_compose_2& other) : op1(other.op1), op2(other.op2), op3(other.op3) {} Binary_compose_2& operator=(const Binary_compose_2& other) { op1 = other.op1; op2 = other.op2; op3 = other.op3; return *this; } result_type operator()(const first_argument_type& x, const second_argument_type& y) const { return op1(op2(x), op3(y)); } }; template < class Op1, class Op2, class Op3 > inline Binary_compose_2< Op1, Op2, Op3 > compose2_2(const Op1& op1, const Op2& op2, const Op3& op3) { return Binary_compose_2< Op1, Op2, Op3 >(op1, op2, op3); } template < class Op > class Compare_to_less : public Op { public: typedef Op Type; typedef bool result_type; Compare_to_less(const Op& op) : Op(op) {} template < typename A1 > bool operator()(const A1 &a1) const { return Op::operator()(a1) == SMALLER; } template < typename A1, typename A2 > bool operator()(const A1 &a1, const A2 &a2) const { return Op::operator()(a1, a2) == SMALLER; } template < typename A1, typename A2, typename A3 > bool operator()(const A1 &a1, const A2 &a2, const A3 &a3) const { return Op::operator()(a1, a2, a3) == SMALLER; } template < typename A1, typename A2, typename A3, typename A4 > bool operator()(const A1 &a1, const A2 &a2, const A3 &a3, const A4 &a4) const { return Op::operator()(a1, a2, a3, a4) == SMALLER; } // More can be added. }; template < class Op > inline Compare_to_less compare_to_less(const Op& op) { return Compare_to_less(op); } /*!\brief * Functor class to determine lexicographical order of pairs */ template < class T1, class T2, class Less1 = std::less, class Less2 = std::less > struct Pair_lexicographical_less_than { typedef bool result_type; typedef std::pair first_argument_type; typedef std::pair second_argument_type; /*!\brief * returns \c true iff \c x is lexicograhically smaller than \c y * using \c Less1 and \c Less2 functors. */ bool operator () (const std::pair& x, const std::pair& y) const { Less1 lt1; Less2 lt2; if (lt1(x.first, y.first)) { return true; } else if (lt1(y.first, x.first)) { return false; } else /* neither is less than the other */ { return lt2(x.second, y.second); } } }; } //namespace CGAL #endif // CGAL_FUNCTION_OBJECTS_H