// Copyright (c) 2007-09 INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.2/Point_set_processing_3/include/CGAL/pca_estimate_normals.h $ // $Id: pca_estimate_normals.h c253679 2020-04-18T16:27:58+02:00 Sébastien Loriot // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial // // Author(s) : Pierre Alliez and Laurent Saboret #ifndef CGAL_PCA_ESTIMATE_NORMALS_H #define CGAL_PCA_ESTIMATE_NORMALS_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace CGAL { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private section // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// \cond SKIP_IN_MANUAL namespace internal { /// Estimates normal direction using linear least /// squares fitting of a plane on the K nearest neighbors. /// /// \pre `k >= 2` /// /// @tparam Kernel Geometric traits class. /// @tparam Tree KD-tree. /// /// @return Computed normal. Orientation is random. template typename NeighborQuery::Kernel::Vector_3 pca_estimate_normal(const typename NeighborQuery::Kernel::Point_3& query, ///< point to compute the normal at const NeighborQuery& neighbor_query, ///< KD-tree unsigned int k, ///< number of neighbors typename NeighborQuery::Kernel::FT neighbor_radius) { // basic geometric types typedef typename NeighborQuery::Kernel Kernel; typedef typename Kernel::Point_3 Point; typedef typename Kernel::Plane_3 Plane; std::vector points; neighbor_query.get_points (query, k, neighbor_radius, std::back_inserter(points)); // performs plane fitting by point-based PCA Plane plane; linear_least_squares_fitting_3(points.begin(),points.end(),plane,Dimension_tag<0>()); // output normal vector (already normalized by PCA) return plane.orthogonal_vector(); } } /* namespace internal */ /// \endcond // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public section // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \ingroup PkgPointSetProcessing3Algorithms Estimates normal directions of the range of `points` by linear least squares fitting of a plane over the nearest neighbors. The output normals are randomly oriented. \pre `k >= 2` \tparam ConcurrencyTag enables sequential versus parallel algorithm. Possible values are `Sequential_tag`, `Parallel_tag`, and `Parallel_if_available_tag`. \tparam PointRange is a model of `Range`. The value type of its iterator is the key type of the named parameter `point_map`. \param points input point range. \param k number of neighbors \param np an optional sequence of \ref bgl_namedparameters "Named Parameters" among the ones listed below \cgalNamedParamsBegin \cgalParamNBegin{point_map} \cgalParamDescription{a property map associating points to the elements of the point set `points`} \cgalParamType{a model of `ReadablePropertyMap` whose key type is the value type of the iterator of `PointRange` and whose value type is `geom_traits::Point_3`} \cgalParamDefault{`CGAL::Identity_property_map`} \cgalParamNEnd \cgalParamNBegin{normal_map} \cgalParamDescription{a property map associating normals to the elements of the point set `points`} \cgalParamType{a model of `WritablePropertyMap` whose key type is the value type of the iterator of `PointRange` and whose value type is `geom_traits::Vector_3`} \cgalParamNEnd \cgalParamNBegin{neighbor_radius} \cgalParamDescription{the spherical neighborhood radius} \cgalParamType{floating scalar value} \cgalParamDefault{`0` (no limit)} \cgalParamExtra{If provided, the neighborhood of a query point is computed with a fixed spherical radius instead of a fixed number of neighbors. In that case, the parameter `k` is used as a limit on the number of points returned by each spherical query (to avoid overly large number of points in high density areas).} \cgalParamNEnd \cgalParamNBegin{callback} \cgalParamDescription{a mechanism to get feedback on the advancement of the algorithm while it's running and to interrupt it if needed} \cgalParamType{an instance of `std::function`.} \cgalParamDefault{unused} \cgalParamExtra{It is called regularly when the algorithm is running: the current advancement (between 0. and 1.) is passed as parameter. If it returns `true`, then the algorithm continues its execution normally; if it returns `false`, the algorithm is stopped and the remaining normals are left unchanged.} \cgalParamExtra{The callback will be copied and therefore needs to be lightweight.} \cgalParamExtra{When `CGAL::Parallel_tag` is used, the `callback` mechanism is called asynchronously on a separate thread and shouldn't access or modify the variables that are parameters of the algorithm.} \cgalParamNEnd \cgalParamNBegin{geom_traits} \cgalParamDescription{an instance of a geometric traits class} \cgalParamType{a model of `Kernel`} \cgalParamDefault{a \cgal Kernel deduced from the point type, using `CGAL::Kernel_traits`} \cgalParamNEnd \cgalNamedParamsEnd */ template void pca_estimate_normals( PointRange& points, unsigned int k, const NamedParameters& np) { using parameters::choose_parameter; using parameters::get_parameter; CGAL_TRACE("Calls pca_estimate_normals()\n"); // basic geometric types typedef typename CGAL::GetPointMap::type PointMap; typedef typename Point_set_processing_3::GetNormalMap::type NormalMap; typedef typename Point_set_processing_3::GetK::Kernel Kernel; typedef typename Kernel::FT FT; CGAL_static_assertion_msg(!(boost::is_same::NoMap>::value), "Error: no normal map"); PointMap point_map = choose_parameter(get_parameter(np, internal_np::point_map)); NormalMap normal_map = choose_parameter(get_parameter(np, internal_np::normal_map)); FT neighbor_radius = choose_parameter(get_parameter(np, internal_np::neighbor_radius), FT(0)); const std::function& callback = choose_parameter(get_parameter(np, internal_np::callback), std::function()); // Input points types typedef typename PointRange::iterator iterator; typedef typename iterator::value_type value_type; // types for K nearest neighbors search structure typedef Point_set_processing_3::internal::Neighbor_query Neighbor_query; // precondition: at least one element in the container. // to fix: should have at least three distinct points // but this is costly to check CGAL_point_set_processing_precondition(points.begin() != points.end()); // precondition: at least 2 nearest neighbors CGAL_point_set_processing_precondition(k >= 2); std::size_t memory = CGAL::Memory_sizer().virtual_size(); CGAL_TRACE(" %ld Mb allocated\n", memory>>20); CGAL_TRACE(" Creates KD-tree\n"); Neighbor_query neighbor_query (points, point_map); memory = CGAL::Memory_sizer().virtual_size(); CGAL_TRACE(" %ld Mb allocated\n", memory>>20); CGAL_TRACE(" Computes normals\n"); std::size_t nb_points = points.size(); Point_set_processing_3::internal::Callback_wrapper callback_wrapper (callback, nb_points); CGAL::for_each (points, [&](value_type& vt) { if (callback_wrapper.interrupted()) return false; put (normal_map, vt, CGAL::internal::pca_estimate_normal (get(point_map, vt), neighbor_query, k, neighbor_radius)); ++ callback_wrapper.advancement(); return true; }); callback_wrapper.join(); memory = CGAL::Memory_sizer().virtual_size(); CGAL_TRACE(" %ld Mb allocated\n", memory>>20); CGAL_TRACE("End of pca_estimate_normals()\n"); } /// \cond SKIP_IN_MANUAL // variant with default NP template void pca_estimate_normals( PointRange& points, unsigned int k) ///< number of neighbors. { return pca_estimate_normals (points, k, CGAL::Point_set_processing_3::parameters::all_default(points)); } /// \endcond } //namespace CGAL #include #endif // CGAL_PCA_ESTIMATE_NORMALS_H