// Copyright (c) 1998-2003 ETH Zurich (Switzerland). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.2/Bounding_volumes/include/CGAL/rectangular_3_center_2.h $ // $Id: rectangular_3_center_2.h 0779373 2020-03-26T13:31:46+01:00 Sébastien Loriot // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial // // // Author(s) : Michael Hoffmann #ifndef CGAL_RECTANGULAR_3_CENTER_2_H #define CGAL_RECTANGULAR_3_CENTER_2_H 1 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace CGAL { template < class ForwardIterator, class OutputIterator, class FT, class Traits > OutputIterator rectangular_2_center_2( ForwardIterator f, ForwardIterator l, OutputIterator o, FT& r, Traits& t) { using std::pair; using std::greater; using std::less; typedef typename Traits::Iso_rectangle_2 Rectangle; typedef typename Traits::Point_2 Point; typedef typename Traits::Infinity_distance_2 Dist; typedef typename Traits::Construct_vertex_2 CVertex; typedef typename Traits::Construct_point_2_above_right_implicit_point_2 P_above_right; typedef typename Traits::Construct_point_2_above_left_implicit_point_2 P_above_left; typedef typename Traits::Construct_point_2_below_right_implicit_point_2 P_below_right; typedef typename Traits::Construct_point_2_below_left_implicit_point_2 P_below_left; typedef boost::function1 Gamma; // fetch function objects from traits class CVertex v = t.construct_vertex_2_object(); Dist dist = t.infinity_distance_2_object(); P_above_left pt_a_l = t.construct_point_2_above_left_implicit_point_2_object(); P_above_right pt_a_r = t.construct_point_2_above_right_implicit_point_2_object(); P_below_left pt_b_l = t.construct_point_2_below_left_implicit_point_2_object(); P_below_right pt_b_r = t.construct_point_2_below_right_implicit_point_2_object(); // compute bounding box Rectangle bb = bounding_box_2(f, l, t); // two cases: top-left & bottom-right or top-right & bottom-left Min< FT > minft; Gamma gamma1 = boost::bind(minft, boost::bind(dist, v(bb, 0), _1), boost::bind(dist, v(bb, 2), _1)); Gamma gamma2 = boost::bind(minft, boost::bind(dist, v(bb, 1), _1), boost::bind(dist, v(bb, 3), _1)); pair< ForwardIterator, ForwardIterator > cand = min_max_element(f, l, boost::bind(greater(), boost::bind(gamma1, _1), boost::bind(gamma1, _2)), boost::bind(less(), boost::bind(gamma2, _1), boost::bind(gamma2, _2))); // return the result if (gamma1(*cand.first) < gamma2(*cand.second)) { r = gamma1(*cand.first); *o++ = pt_a_r(v(bb, 0), v(bb, 0), r / FT(2)); *o++ = pt_b_l(v(bb, 2), v(bb, 2), r / FT(2)); } else { r = gamma2(*cand.second); *o++ = pt_a_l(v(bb, 2), v(bb, 0), r / FT(2)); *o++ = pt_b_r(v(bb, 0), v(bb, 2), r / FT(2)); } return o; } template < class RandomAccessIterator, class OutputIterator, class Traits > OutputIterator rectangular_3_center_2_type1( RandomAccessIterator f, RandomAccessIterator l, const typename Traits::Iso_rectangle_2& r, OutputIterator o, typename Traits::FT& rad, Traits& t) { using std::max; using std::less; typedef typename Traits::FT FT; typedef typename Traits::Iso_rectangle_2 Rectangle; typedef typename Traits::Point_2 Point; typedef typename Traits::Infinity_distance_2 Dist; typedef typename Traits::Signed_infinity_distance_2 Sdist; typedef typename Traits::Construct_iso_rectangle_2 Rect; typedef typename Traits::Construct_vertex_2 CVertex; typedef typename Traits::Construct_point_2_above_right_implicit_point_2 P_above_right; typedef typename Traits::Construct_point_2_above_left_implicit_point_2 P_above_left; typedef typename Traits::Construct_point_2_below_right_implicit_point_2 P_below_right; typedef typename Traits::Construct_point_2_below_left_implicit_point_2 P_below_left; typedef boost::function1 Gamma; // fetch function objects from traits class Rect rect = t.construct_iso_rectangle_2_object(); CVertex v = t.construct_vertex_2_object(); Dist dist = t.infinity_distance_2_object(); Sdist sdist = t.signed_infinity_distance_2_object(); P_above_left pt_a_l = t.construct_point_2_above_left_implicit_point_2_object(); P_above_right pt_a_r = t.construct_point_2_above_right_implicit_point_2_object(); P_below_left pt_b_l = t.construct_point_2_below_left_implicit_point_2_object(); P_below_right pt_b_r = t.construct_point_2_below_right_implicit_point_2_object(); // initialize best radius so far rad = sdist(v(r, 2), v(r, 0)); // init to prevent default constructor requirement Point bestpoint = *f; // (initialisation avoids warning) unsigned int bestrun = 0; // two cases: top-left & bottom-right or top-right & bottom-left // init to prevent default constructor requirement Rectangle b = rect(*f, *f); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { // the range [s, e) defines the point set Pt RandomAccessIterator s = f; RandomAccessIterator e = l; bool b_empty = true; Min< FT > minft; Gamma gamma = boost::bind(minft, boost::bind(dist, v(r, i), _1), boost::bind(dist, v(r, 2 + i), _1)); while (e - s > 1) { // step (a) RandomAccessIterator m = s + (e - s - 1) / 2; std::nth_element(s, m, e, boost::bind(less(), boost::bind(gamma, _1), boost::bind(gamma, _2))); // step (b) Rectangle b_prime = bounding_box_2(m + 1, e, t); if (!b_empty) b_prime = construct_bounding_box_union_2(b, b_prime, t); // step (c) / (d) if (sdist(v(b_prime, 2), v(b_prime, 0)) > gamma(*m)) s = m + 1; else { e = m + 1; b_empty = false; b = b_prime; } } // check whether s or (s-1) is the solution Rectangle b_prime = b_empty ? rect(*s, *s) : construct_bounding_box_union_2(b, rect(*s, *s), t); FT b_prime_size = sdist(v(b_prime, 2), v(b_prime, 0)); if (b_prime_size < gamma(*s)) { if (b_prime_size < rad) { rad = b_prime_size; bestpoint = midpoint(v(b_prime, 0), v(b_prime, 2)); bestrun = i; } } else if (gamma(*s) < rad) { rad = gamma(*s); bestpoint = midpoint(v(b, 0), v(b, 2)); bestrun = i; } } // return the result *o++ = bestpoint; if (bestrun == 1) { *o++ = pt_a_l(v(r, 2), v(r, 0), rad / FT(2)); *o++ = pt_b_r(v(r, 0), v(r, 2), rad / FT(2)); } else { *o++ = pt_a_r(v(r, 0), v(r, 0), rad / FT(2)); *o++ = pt_b_l(v(r, 2), v(r, 2), rad / FT(2)); } return o; } template < class R > struct Rectangular_3_center_2_type2_operations_base { typedef typename R::FT FT; typedef typename R::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename R::Iso_rectangle_2 Iso_rectangle_2; typedef typename R::Infinity_distance_2 Infinity_distance_2; typedef typename R::Less_x_2 Less_x_2; typedef typename R::Less_y_2 Less_y_2; typedef boost::function2 Greater_x_2; typedef boost::function2 Greater_y_2; typedef Min< Point_2, Less_x_2 > Min_x_2; typedef Max< Point_2, Less_x_2 > Max_x_2; typedef Min< Point_2, Less_y_2 > Min_y_2; typedef Max< Point_2, Less_y_2 > Max_y_2; typedef typename R::Construct_vertex_2 Construct_vertex_2; typedef typename R::Construct_iso_rectangle_2 Construct_iso_rectangle_2; typedef typename R::Construct_point_2_above_right_implicit_point_2 Construct_point_2_above_right_implicit_point_2; typedef typename R::Construct_point_2_above_left_implicit_point_2 Construct_point_2_above_left_implicit_point_2; typedef typename R::Construct_point_2_below_right_implicit_point_2 Construct_point_2_below_right_implicit_point_2; typedef typename R::Construct_point_2_below_left_implicit_point_2 Construct_point_2_below_left_implicit_point_2; typedef boost::function1 Delta; Delta delta() const { return delta_; } Less_x_2 less_x_2_object() const { return r_.less_x_2_object(); } Less_y_2 less_y_2_object() const { return r_.less_y_2_object(); } Greater_x_2 greater_x_2_object() const { return boost::bind(less_x_2_object(),_2,_1); } Greater_y_2 greater_y_2_object() const { return boost::bind(less_y_2_object(),_2,_1); } Infinity_distance_2 distance() const { return r_.infinity_distance_2_object(); } Construct_vertex_2 construct_vertex_2_object() const { return r_.construct_vertex_2_object(); } Construct_iso_rectangle_2 construct_iso_rectangle_2_object() const { return r_.construct_iso_rectangle_2_object(); } Construct_point_2_below_left_implicit_point_2 pt_b_l() const { return r_.construct_point_2_below_left_implicit_point_2_object(); } Construct_point_2_above_left_implicit_point_2 pt_a_l() const { return r_.construct_point_2_above_left_implicit_point_2_object(); } Construct_point_2_below_right_implicit_point_2 pt_b_r() const { return r_.construct_point_2_below_right_implicit_point_2_object(); } Construct_point_2_above_right_implicit_point_2 pt_a_r() const { return r_.construct_point_2_above_right_implicit_point_2_object(); } Min_x_2 minx() const { return Min_x_2(less_x_2_object()); } Min_y_2 miny() const { return Min_y_2(less_y_2_object()); } Max_x_2 maxx() const { return Max_x_2(less_x_2_object()); } Max_y_2 maxy() const { return Max_y_2(less_y_2_object()); } private: R& r_; Delta delta_; public: Rectangular_3_center_2_type2_operations_base(R& r, const Point_2& p) : r_(r), delta_(boost::bind(r.infinity_distance_2_object(), p, _1)) {} }; template < class R > struct Rectangular_3_center_2_type2_operations0 : public Rectangular_3_center_2_type2_operations_base< R > { typedef Rectangular_3_center_2_type2_operations0< R > This; typedef Rectangular_3_center_2_type2_operations_base< R > Base; typedef typename Base::FT FT; typedef typename Base::Point_2 Point; typedef typename Base::Iso_rectangle_2 Rectangle; typedef typename Base::Less_x_2 X_compare; typedef typename Base::Greater_y_2 Y_compare; typedef typename Base::Infinity_distance_2 Distance; typedef typename Base::Construct_iso_rectangle_2 Construct_iso_rectangle_2; typedef typename Base::Construct_vertex_2 Construct_vertex_2; using Base::less_x_2_object; using Base::greater_y_2_object; using Base::construct_iso_rectangle_2_object; using Base::construct_vertex_2_object; using Base::minx; using Base::miny; using Base::distance; using Base::pt_b_l; using Base::pt_b_r; using Base::pt_a_l; using Base::pt_a_r; Rectangular_3_center_2_type2_operations0(R& r, const Point& p) : Rectangular_3_center_2_type2_operations_base< R >(r, p) {} X_compare compare_x() const { return less_x_2_object(); } Y_compare compare_y() const { return greater_y_2_object(); } Point place_x_square(bool constraint_empty, const Rectangle& constraint, const Point& first_uncovered, const Rectangle& bbox) const { Construct_iso_rectangle_2 rect = construct_iso_rectangle_2_object(); Construct_vertex_2 v = construct_vertex_2_object(); return v(rect(constraint_empty ? first_uncovered : minx()(first_uncovered, v(constraint, 0)), v(bbox, 2)), 3); } Point place_x_square(bool constraint_empty, const Rectangle& constraint, const Rectangle& bbox) const { Construct_iso_rectangle_2 rect = construct_iso_rectangle_2_object(); Construct_vertex_2 v = construct_vertex_2_object(); return v(rect(constraint_empty ? v(bbox, 2) : v(constraint, 0), v(bbox, 2)), 3); } Point place_x_square(const Point& so_far, const Rectangle& bbox, FT radius) const { Construct_iso_rectangle_2 rect = construct_iso_rectangle_2_object(); Construct_vertex_2 v = construct_vertex_2_object(); return v(rect(minx()(pt_b_l()(v(bbox, 2), v(bbox, 2), radius), so_far), so_far), 3); } Point place_y_square(bool constraint_empty, const Rectangle& constraint, const Point& first_uncovered, const Rectangle& bbox) const { Construct_iso_rectangle_2 rect = construct_iso_rectangle_2_object(); Construct_vertex_2 v = construct_vertex_2_object(); return v(rect(v(bbox, 2), constraint_empty ? first_uncovered : miny()(first_uncovered, v(constraint, 0))), 1); } Point place_y_square(bool constraint_empty, const Rectangle& constraint, const Rectangle& bbox) const { Construct_iso_rectangle_2 rect = construct_iso_rectangle_2_object(); Construct_vertex_2 v = construct_vertex_2_object(); return v(rect(v(bbox, 2), constraint_empty ? v(bbox, 2) : v(constraint, 0)), 1); } Point place_y_square(const Point& so_far, const Rectangle& bbox, FT radius) const { Construct_iso_rectangle_2 rect = construct_iso_rectangle_2_object(); Construct_vertex_2 v = construct_vertex_2_object(); return v(rect(so_far, miny()(pt_b_l()(v(bbox, 2), v(bbox, 2), radius), so_far)), 1); } Point update_x_square(const Point& s, const Point& newp) const { Construct_iso_rectangle_2 rect = construct_iso_rectangle_2_object(); Construct_vertex_2 v = construct_vertex_2_object(); return v(rect(minx()(s, newp), s), 3); } Point update_y_square(const Point& s, const Point& newp) const { Construct_iso_rectangle_2 rect = construct_iso_rectangle_2_object(); Construct_vertex_2 v = construct_vertex_2_object(); return v(rect(s, miny()(s, newp)), 1); } FT compute_x_distance(const Point& extreme, const Rectangle& constraint) const { return distance()(extreme, construct_vertex_2_object()(constraint, 1)); } FT compute_y_distance(const Point& extreme, const Rectangle& constraint) const { return distance()(extreme, construct_vertex_2_object()(constraint, 3)); } Point construct_corner_square(const Rectangle& bbox, FT r) const { return pt_a_r()(construct_vertex_2_object()(bbox, 0), construct_vertex_2_object()(bbox, 0), r); } Point construct_x_square(const Point& p, FT r) const { return pt_b_r()(p, p, r); } Point construct_y_square(const Point& p, FT r) const { return pt_a_l()(p, p, r); } }; template < class R > struct Rectangular_3_center_2_type2_operations1 : public Rectangular_3_center_2_type2_operations_base< R > { typedef Rectangular_3_center_2_type2_operations_base< R > Base; typedef typename Base::FT FT; typedef typename Base::Point_2 Point; typedef typename Base::Iso_rectangle_2 Rectangle; typedef typename Base::Infinity_distance_2 Distance; typedef typename Base::Greater_x_2 X_compare; typedef typename Base::Greater_y_2 Y_compare; typedef typename Base::Construct_iso_rectangle_2 Construct_iso_rectangle_2; typedef typename Base::Construct_vertex_2 Construct_vertex_2; using Base::greater_x_2_object; using Base::greater_y_2_object; using Base::construct_iso_rectangle_2_object; using Base::construct_vertex_2_object; using Base::maxx; using Base::miny; using Base::pt_a_r; using Base::pt_b_l; using Base::pt_a_l; using Base::distance; Rectangular_3_center_2_type2_operations1(R& r, const Point& p) : Rectangular_3_center_2_type2_operations_base< R >(r, p) {} X_compare compare_x() const { return greater_x_2_object(); } Y_compare compare_y() const { return greater_y_2_object(); } Point place_x_square(bool constraint_empty, const Rectangle& constraint, const Point& first_uncovered, const Rectangle& bbox) const { Construct_iso_rectangle_2 rect = construct_iso_rectangle_2_object(); Construct_vertex_2 v = construct_vertex_2_object(); return v(rect(constraint_empty ? first_uncovered : maxx()(first_uncovered, v(constraint, 2)), v(bbox, 3)), 2); } Point place_x_square(bool constraint_empty, const Rectangle& constraint, const Rectangle& bbox) const { Construct_iso_rectangle_2 rect = construct_iso_rectangle_2_object(); Construct_vertex_2 v = construct_vertex_2_object(); return v(rect(constraint_empty ? v(bbox, 0) : v(constraint, 2), v(bbox, 3)), 2); } Point place_x_square(const Point& so_far, const Rectangle& bbox, FT radius) const { Construct_iso_rectangle_2 rect = construct_iso_rectangle_2_object(); Construct_vertex_2 v = construct_vertex_2_object(); return v(rect(maxx()(so_far, pt_a_r()(v(bbox, 0), v(bbox, 0), radius)), so_far), 2); } Point place_y_square(bool constraint_empty, const Rectangle& constraint, const Point& first_uncovered, const Rectangle& bbox) const { Construct_iso_rectangle_2 rect = construct_iso_rectangle_2_object(); Construct_vertex_2 v = construct_vertex_2_object(); return v(rect(v(bbox, 3), constraint_empty ? first_uncovered : miny()(first_uncovered, v(constraint, 0))), 0); } Point place_y_square(bool constraint_empty, const Rectangle& constraint, const Rectangle& bbox) const { Construct_iso_rectangle_2 rect = construct_iso_rectangle_2_object(); Construct_vertex_2 v = construct_vertex_2_object(); return v(rect(v(bbox, 3), constraint_empty ? v(bbox, 2) : v(constraint, 0)), 0); } Point place_y_square(const Point& so_far, const Rectangle& bbox, FT radius) const { Construct_iso_rectangle_2 rect = construct_iso_rectangle_2_object(); Construct_vertex_2 v = construct_vertex_2_object(); return v(rect(so_far, miny()(so_far, pt_b_l()(v(bbox, 2), v(bbox, 2), radius))), 0); } Point update_x_square(const Point& s, const Point& newp) const { Construct_iso_rectangle_2 rect = construct_iso_rectangle_2_object(); Construct_vertex_2 v = construct_vertex_2_object(); return v(rect(maxx()(s, newp), s), 2); } Point update_y_square(const Point& s, const Point& newp) const { Construct_iso_rectangle_2 rect = construct_iso_rectangle_2_object(); Construct_vertex_2 v = construct_vertex_2_object(); return v(rect(s, miny()(s, newp)), 0); } FT compute_x_distance(const Point& extreme, const Rectangle& constraint) const { return distance()(extreme, construct_vertex_2_object()(constraint, 0)); } FT compute_y_distance(const Point& extreme, const Rectangle& constraint) const { return distance()(extreme, construct_vertex_2_object()(constraint, 2)); } Point construct_corner_square(const Rectangle& bbox, FT r) const { return pt_a_l()(construct_vertex_2_object()(bbox, 2), construct_vertex_2_object()(bbox, 0), r); } Point construct_x_square(const Point& p, FT r) const { return pt_b_l()(p, p, r); } Point construct_y_square(const Point& p, FT r) const { return pt_a_r()(p, p, r); } }; template < class R > struct Rectangular_3_center_2_type2_operations2 : public Rectangular_3_center_2_type2_operations_base< R > { typedef Rectangular_3_center_2_type2_operations_base< R > Base; typedef typename Base::FT FT; typedef typename Base::Point_2 Point; typedef typename Base::Iso_rectangle_2 Rectangle; typedef typename Base::Infinity_distance_2 Distance; typedef typename Base::Greater_x_2 X_compare; typedef typename Base::Less_y_2 Y_compare; typedef typename Base::Construct_iso_rectangle_2 Construct_iso_rectangle_2; typedef typename Base::Construct_vertex_2 Construct_vertex_2; using Base::greater_x_2_object; using Base::less_y_2_object; using Base::construct_iso_rectangle_2_object; using Base::construct_vertex_2_object; using Base::distance; using Base::maxx; using Base::maxy; using Base::pt_a_r; using Base::pt_a_l; using Base::pt_b_r; using Base::pt_b_l; Rectangular_3_center_2_type2_operations2(R& r, const Point& p) : Rectangular_3_center_2_type2_operations_base< R >(r, p) {} X_compare compare_x() const { return greater_x_2_object(); } Y_compare compare_y() const { return less_y_2_object(); } Point place_x_square(bool constraint_empty, const Rectangle& constraint, const Point& first_uncovered, const Rectangle& bbox) const { Construct_iso_rectangle_2 rect = construct_iso_rectangle_2_object(); Construct_vertex_2 v = construct_vertex_2_object(); return v(rect(constraint_empty ? first_uncovered : maxx()(first_uncovered, v(constraint, 2)), v(bbox, 0)), 1); } Point place_x_square(bool constraint_empty, const Rectangle& constraint, const Rectangle& bbox) const { Construct_iso_rectangle_2 rect = construct_iso_rectangle_2_object(); Construct_vertex_2 v = construct_vertex_2_object(); return v(rect(constraint_empty ? v(bbox, 0) : v(constraint, 2), v(bbox, 0)), 1); } Point place_x_square(const Point& so_far, const Rectangle& bbox, FT radius) const { Construct_iso_rectangle_2 rect = construct_iso_rectangle_2_object(); Construct_vertex_2 v = construct_vertex_2_object(); return v(rect(maxx()(so_far, pt_a_r()(v(bbox, 0), v(bbox, 0), radius)), so_far), 1); } Point place_y_square(bool constraint_empty, const Rectangle& constraint, const Point& first_uncovered, const Rectangle& bbox) const { Construct_iso_rectangle_2 rect = construct_iso_rectangle_2_object(); Construct_vertex_2 v = construct_vertex_2_object(); return v(rect(v(bbox, 0), constraint_empty ? first_uncovered : maxy()(first_uncovered, v(constraint, 2))), 3); } Point place_y_square(bool constraint_empty, const Rectangle& constraint, const Rectangle& bbox) const { Construct_iso_rectangle_2 rect = construct_iso_rectangle_2_object(); Construct_vertex_2 v = construct_vertex_2_object(); return v(rect(v(bbox, 0), constraint_empty ? v(bbox, 0) : v(constraint, 2)), 3); } Point place_y_square(const Point& so_far, const Rectangle& bbox, FT radius) const { Construct_iso_rectangle_2 rect = construct_iso_rectangle_2_object(); Construct_vertex_2 v = construct_vertex_2_object(); return v(rect(so_far, maxy()(pt_a_r()(v(bbox, 0), v(bbox, 0), radius), so_far)), 3); } Point update_x_square(const Point& s, const Point& newp) const { Construct_iso_rectangle_2 rect = construct_iso_rectangle_2_object(); Construct_vertex_2 v = construct_vertex_2_object(); return v(rect(maxx()(s, newp), s), 1); } Point update_y_square(const Point& s, const Point& newp) const { Construct_iso_rectangle_2 rect = construct_iso_rectangle_2_object(); Construct_vertex_2 v = construct_vertex_2_object(); return v(rect(s, maxy()(s, newp)), 3); } FT compute_x_distance(const Point& extreme, const Rectangle& constraint) const { return distance()(extreme, construct_vertex_2_object()(constraint, 3)); } FT compute_y_distance(const Point& extreme, const Rectangle& constraint) const { return distance()(extreme, construct_vertex_2_object()(constraint, 1)); } Point construct_corner_square(const Rectangle& bbox, FT r) const { return pt_b_l()(construct_vertex_2_object()(bbox, 2), construct_vertex_2_object()(bbox, 2), r); } Point construct_x_square(const Point& p, FT r) const { return pt_a_l()(p, p, r); } Point construct_y_square(const Point& p, FT r) const { return pt_b_r()(p, p, r); } }; template < class R > struct Rectangular_3_center_2_type2_operations3 : public Rectangular_3_center_2_type2_operations_base< R > { typedef Rectangular_3_center_2_type2_operations_base< R > Base; typedef typename Base::FT FT; typedef typename Base::Point_2 Point; typedef typename Base::Iso_rectangle_2 Rectangle; typedef typename Base::Infinity_distance_2 Distance; typedef typename Base::Less_x_2 X_compare; typedef typename Base::Less_y_2 Y_compare; typedef typename Base::Construct_iso_rectangle_2 Construct_iso_rectangle_2; typedef typename Base::Construct_vertex_2 Construct_vertex_2; using Base::less_x_2_object; using Base::less_y_2_object; using Base::construct_iso_rectangle_2_object; using Base::construct_vertex_2_object; using Base::distance; using Base::minx; using Base::maxy; using Base::pt_b_l; using Base::pt_b_r; using Base::pt_a_r; Rectangular_3_center_2_type2_operations3(R& r, const Point& p) : Rectangular_3_center_2_type2_operations_base< R >(r, p) {} X_compare compare_x() const { return less_x_2_object(); } Y_compare compare_y() const { return less_y_2_object(); } Point place_x_square(bool constraint_empty, const Rectangle& constraint, const Point& first_uncovered, const Rectangle& bbox) const { Construct_iso_rectangle_2 rect = construct_iso_rectangle_2_object(); Construct_vertex_2 v = construct_vertex_2_object(); return v(rect(constraint_empty ? first_uncovered : minx()(first_uncovered, v(constraint, 0)), v(bbox, 1)), 0); } Point place_x_square(bool constraint_empty, const Rectangle& constraint, const Rectangle& bbox) const { Construct_iso_rectangle_2 rect = construct_iso_rectangle_2_object(); Construct_vertex_2 v = construct_vertex_2_object(); return v(rect(constraint_empty ? v(bbox, 2) : v(constraint, 0), v(bbox, 1)), 0); } Point place_x_square(const Point& so_far, const Rectangle& bbox, FT radius) const { Construct_iso_rectangle_2 rect = construct_iso_rectangle_2_object(); Construct_vertex_2 v = construct_vertex_2_object(); return v(rect(minx()(pt_b_l()(v(bbox, 2), v(bbox, 2), radius), so_far), so_far), 0); } Point place_y_square(bool constraint_empty, const Rectangle& constraint, const Point& first_uncovered, const Rectangle& bbox) const { Construct_iso_rectangle_2 rect = construct_iso_rectangle_2_object(); Construct_vertex_2 v = construct_vertex_2_object(); return v(rect(v(bbox, 1), constraint_empty ? first_uncovered : maxy()(first_uncovered, v(constraint, 2))), 2); } Point place_y_square(bool constraint_empty, const Rectangle& constraint, const Rectangle& bbox) const { Construct_iso_rectangle_2 rect = construct_iso_rectangle_2_object(); Construct_vertex_2 v = construct_vertex_2_object(); return v(rect(v(bbox, 1), constraint_empty ? v(bbox, 0) : v(constraint, 2)), 2); } Point place_y_square(const Point& so_far, const Rectangle& bbox, FT radius) const { Construct_iso_rectangle_2 rect = construct_iso_rectangle_2_object(); Construct_vertex_2 v = construct_vertex_2_object(); return v(rect(so_far, maxy()(pt_a_r()(v(bbox, 0), v(bbox, 0), radius), so_far)), 2); } Point update_x_square(const Point& s, const Point& newp) const { Construct_iso_rectangle_2 rect = construct_iso_rectangle_2_object(); Construct_vertex_2 v = construct_vertex_2_object(); return v(rect(minx()(s, newp), s), 0); } Point update_y_square(const Point& s, const Point& newp) const { Construct_iso_rectangle_2 rect = construct_iso_rectangle_2_object(); Construct_vertex_2 v = construct_vertex_2_object(); return v(rect(s, maxy()(s, newp)), 2); } FT compute_x_distance(const Point& extreme, const Rectangle& constraint) const { return distance()(extreme, construct_vertex_2_object()(constraint, 2)); } FT compute_y_distance(const Point& extreme, const Rectangle& constraint) const { return distance()(extreme, construct_vertex_2_object()(constraint, 0)); } Point construct_corner_square(const Rectangle& bbox, FT r) const { return pt_b_r()(construct_vertex_2_object()(bbox, 0), construct_vertex_2_object()(bbox, 2), r); } Point construct_x_square(const Point& p, FT r) const { return pt_a_r()(p, p, r); } Point construct_y_square(const Point& p, FT r) const { return pt_b_l()(p, p, r); } }; template < class RandomAccessIterator, class Rectangle, class OutputIterator, class FT, class Operations > OutputIterator rectangular_3_center_2_type2( RandomAccessIterator f, RandomAccessIterator l, const Rectangle& r, OutputIterator o, FT& rad, Operations op) { BOOST_USING_STD_MAX(); using std::less; using std::greater; using std::greater_equal; using std::not_equal_to; using std::logical_and; using std::max_element; using std::find_if; using std::sort; using std::partition; using std::pair; typedef typename Operations::Point Point; typedef pair< RandomAccessIterator, RandomAccessIterator > IP; typename Operations::Construct_iso_rectangle_2 rect = op.construct_iso_rectangle_2_object(); typename Operations::Construct_vertex_2 v = op.construct_vertex_2_object(); typename Operations::Less_x_2 less_x_2 = op.less_x_2_object(); typename Operations::Less_y_2 less_y_2 = op.less_y_2_object(); // constant fraction to be excluded on every iteration (1/.) const unsigned int fraction = 7; // the range [s, e) defines the point set P RandomAccessIterator s = f; RandomAccessIterator e = l; // a flag to indicate whether we need to search the radius // in the final brute-force step or not bool radius_is_known = false; // the bounding boxes of assigned points Rectangle Q_t, Q_r; bool Q_t_empty = true, Q_r_empty = true; // lower bound for the diameter (2 * radius) // also store the corresponding positions of q_t and q_r FT rho_max = 0, rho_min = -1, q_t_q_r_cover_at_rho_min = 0; Point q_t_at_rho_max(CGAL::ORIGIN), q_r_at_rho_max(CGAL::ORIGIN), q_t_at_rho_min(CGAL::ORIGIN), q_r_at_rho_min(CGAL::ORIGIN); RandomAccessIterator s_at_rho_min = s, e_at_rho_min = s; #ifndef CGAL_3COVER_NO_CHECK_OPTIMUM_FIRST { // First try whether the best radius so far can be reached at all RandomAccessIterator m = partition(f, l, boost::bind(greater< FT >(), rad, boost::bind(op.delta(), _1))); IP pos = min_max_element(m, l, op.compare_x(), op.compare_y()); // extreme points of the two other squares Point q_t = op.place_x_square(op.place_x_square(Q_t_empty, Q_t, *pos.first, r), r, rad); Point q_r = op.place_y_square(op.place_y_square(Q_r_empty, Q_r, *pos.second, r), r, rad); boost::function1 le_rad = boost::bind(greater_equal(), rad, _1); RandomAccessIterator b1 = partition(m, l, boost::bind(le_rad, boost::bind(op.distance(), q_t, _1))); RandomAccessIterator b2 = partition(b1, l, boost::bind(le_rad, boost::bind(op.distance(), q_r, _1))); if (b2 != l) return o; } #endif // ! CGAL_3COVER_NO_CHECK_OPTIMUM_FIRST #ifndef CGAL_3COVER_NO_PREFILTER // Prefiltering heuristic while (e - s > 6) { std::ptrdiff_t cutoff = (e - s) / 2; RandomAccessIterator m = s + cutoff - 1; std::nth_element(s, m, e, boost::bind(less(), boost::bind(op.delta(), _1), boost::bind(op.delta(), _2))); // step (b) IP pos = min_max_element(m + 1, e, op.compare_x(), op.compare_y()); // extreme points of the two other squares // (consider Q_i and pos [move as far as possible]) Point q_t_afap = op.place_x_square(Q_t_empty, Q_t, *pos.first, r); Point q_r_afap = op.place_y_square(Q_r_empty, Q_r, *pos.second, r); // now consider also that we must not leave the bbox r Point q_t = op.place_x_square(q_t_afap, r, op.delta()(*m)); Point q_r = op.place_y_square(q_r_afap, r, op.delta()(*m)); // check for covering boost::function1 le_delta_m = boost::bind(greater_equal(), op.delta()(*m), _1); RandomAccessIterator b1 = partition(m + 1, e, boost::bind(le_delta_m, boost::bind(op.distance(), q_t, _1))); RandomAccessIterator b2 = partition(b1, e, boost::bind(le_delta_m, boost::bind(op.distance(), q_r, _1))); if (b2 != e) s = m; else break; } #endif // ! CGAL_3COVER_NO_PREFILTER while (e - s > 6) { /* cerr << e - s << " points (" << e - s - (e - s) / fraction << ")" << endl; */ // step (a) std::ptrdiff_t cutoff = (e - s) / fraction; RandomAccessIterator m = s + cutoff - 1; std::nth_element(s, m, e, boost::bind(less(), boost::bind(op.delta(), _1), boost::bind(op.delta(), _2))); // step (b) IP pos = min_max_element(m + 1, e, op.compare_x(), op.compare_y()); // extreme points of the two other squares // (consider Q_i and pos [move as far as possible]) Point q_t_afap = op.place_x_square(Q_t_empty, Q_t, *pos.first, r); Point q_r_afap = op.place_y_square(Q_r_empty, Q_r, *pos.second, r); // now consider also that we must not leave the bbox r Point q_t = op.place_x_square(q_t_afap, r, op.delta()(*m)); Point q_r = op.place_y_square(q_r_afap, r, op.delta()(*m)); #ifdef CGAL_3COVER_CHECK // check whether the points in [e,l) which have been assigned // to Q_t and Q_r are covered by q_t and q_r if ((Q_t_empty || op.compute_x_distance(q_t, Q_t) <= op.delta()(*m)) && (Q_r_empty || op.compute_y_distance(q_r, Q_r) <= op.delta()(*m))) { boost::function1 greater_delta_m = boost::bind(less< FT >(), op.delta()(*m)); CGAL_optimisation_assertion_code(RandomAccessIterator iii =) find_if(e, l, boost::bind(logical_and< bool >(), boost::bind(greater_delta_m, boost::bind(op.distance(), q_t, _1)), boost::bind(greater_delta_m, boost::bind(op.distance(), q_r, _1)))); CGAL_optimisation_assertion(iii == l); } // check whether the points in [f,s) are covered { boost::function1 le_delta_m = boost::bind(greater_equal(), op.delta()(*m)); RandomAccessIterator iii = partition(f, s, boost::bind(le_delta_m, boost::bind(op.delta(), _1))); iii = partition(iii, s, boost::bind(le_delta_m, boost::bind(op.distance(), q_t, _1))); iii = partition(iii, s, boost::bind(le_delta_m, boost::bind(op.distance(), q_r, _1))); CGAL_optimisation_assertion(iii == s); } #endif // CGAL_3COVER_CHECK // partition the range [m+1, e) into ranges // [m+1, b1), [b1, b2), [b2, b3) and [b3, e) // R G cap q_t G cap q_r none boost::function1 le_delta_m = boost::bind(greater_equal(), op.delta()(*m), _1); RandomAccessIterator b2 = partition(m + 1, e, boost::bind(le_delta_m, boost::bind(op.distance(), q_t, _1))); RandomAccessIterator b1 = partition(m + 1, b2, boost::bind(le_delta_m, boost::bind(op.distance(), q_r, _1))); RandomAccessIterator b3 = partition(b2, e, boost::bind(le_delta_m, boost::bind(op.distance(), q_r, _1))); // step (c) if (b3 != e || (!Q_t_empty && op.compute_x_distance(q_t, Q_t) > op.delta()(*m)) || (!Q_r_empty && op.compute_y_distance(q_r, Q_r) > op.delta()(*m))) { // not covered s = b1; rho_min = op.delta()(*m); q_t_q_r_cover_at_rho_min = 0; if (!Q_t_empty) q_t_q_r_cover_at_rho_min = max BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION (q_t_q_r_cover_at_rho_min, op.compute_x_distance(q_t, Q_t)); if (!Q_r_empty) q_t_q_r_cover_at_rho_min = max BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION (q_t_q_r_cover_at_rho_min, op.compute_y_distance(q_r, Q_r)); q_t_at_rho_min = q_t, q_r_at_rho_min = q_r; s_at_rho_min = s, e_at_rho_min = e; continue; } // step (d) [covered] if (b3 - b1 >= cutoff) { // enough points in G e = b1; // adjust Q_t if (b1 != b2) { if (Q_t_empty) { Q_t = bounding_box_2(b1, b2, op); Q_t_empty = false; } else Q_t = construct_bounding_box_union_2( Q_t, bounding_box_2(b1, b2, op), op); } // adjust Q_r if (b2 != b3) { if (Q_r_empty) { Q_r = bounding_box_2(b2, b3, op); Q_r_empty = false; } else Q_r = construct_bounding_box_union_2( Q_r, bounding_box_2(b2, b3, op), op); } continue; } // step (e) [not enough points in G] CGAL_optimisation_assertion(b1 - (m + 1) >= 5 * cutoff); // compute the four cutting lines for R std::nth_element(m + 1, m + 1 + cutoff, b1, less_x_2); Point x_min_cutoff = *(m + 1 + cutoff); std::nth_element(m + 1, m + 1 + cutoff, b1, op.greater_x_2_object()); Point x_max_cutoff = *(m + 1 + cutoff); std::nth_element(m + 1, m + 1 + cutoff, b1, less_y_2); Point y_min_cutoff = *(m + 1 + cutoff); std::nth_element(m + 1, m + 1 + cutoff, b1, op.greater_y_2_object()); Point y_max_cutoff = *(m + 1 + cutoff); Point Pmin = v(rect(x_min_cutoff, y_min_cutoff), less_x_2(x_min_cutoff, y_min_cutoff) ? less_y_2(x_min_cutoff, y_min_cutoff) ? 3 : 0 : less_y_2(x_min_cutoff, y_min_cutoff) ? 2 : 1); Point Pmax = v(rect(x_max_cutoff, y_max_cutoff), less_x_2(x_max_cutoff, y_max_cutoff) ? less_y_2(x_max_cutoff, y_max_cutoff) ? 1 : 2 : less_y_2(x_max_cutoff, y_max_cutoff) ? 0 : 3); Rectangle B = rect(Pmin, Pmax); // Algorithm search_E: // the range [s_b, s_e) defines the point set S RandomAccessIterator s_b = s; RandomAccessIterator s_e = m + 1; while (s_e - s_b > 1) { // step 1 RandomAccessIterator s_m = s_b + (s_e - s_b - 1) / 2; std::nth_element(s_b, s_m, s_e, boost::bind(less(), boost::bind(op.delta(), _1), boost::bind(op.delta(), _2))); // step 2 (as above) Point q_t_m = q_t_afap; Point q_r_m = q_r_afap; if (s_m + 1 != s_e) { pos = min_max_element(s_m + 1, s_e, op.compare_x(), op.compare_y()); q_t_m = op.update_x_square(q_t_m, *pos.first); q_r_m = op.update_y_square(q_r_m, *pos.second); } // step 3/4 if (op.compute_x_distance( op.place_x_square(q_t_m, r, op.delta()(*s_m)), B) <= op.delta()(*s_m) && op.compute_y_distance( op.place_y_square(q_r_m, r, op.delta()(*s_m)), B) <= op.delta()(*s_m)) { s_e = s_m + 1; q_t_afap = q_t_m; q_r_afap = q_r_m; } else s_b = s_m + 1; } // now s_b corresponds to the first moment in [s, m+1) // where q_t and q_r cover B CGAL_optimisation_assertion_code(bool loopcheck = false;) CGAL_3CENTER_REPEAT_CHECK: // place q_t and q_r q_t = op.place_x_square(q_t_afap, r, op.delta()(*s_b)); q_r = op.place_y_square(q_r_afap, r, op.delta()(*s_b)); // partition the range [s_b+1, e) into ranges // [s_b+1, b1), [b1, b2), [b2, b3) and [b3, e) // R G cap q_t G cap q_r none boost::function1 le_delta_sb = boost::bind(greater_equal(), op.delta()(*s_b), _1); b2 = partition(s_b + 1, e, boost::bind(le_delta_sb, boost::bind(op.distance(), q_t, _1))); b1 = partition(s_b + 1, b2, boost::bind(le_delta_sb, boost::bind(op.distance(), q_r, _1))); b3 = partition(b2, e, boost::bind(le_delta_sb, boost::bind(op.distance(), q_r, _1))); if (b3 != e || (!Q_t_empty && op.compute_x_distance(q_t, Q_t) > op.delta()(*s_b)) || (!Q_r_empty && op.compute_y_distance(q_r, Q_r) > op.delta()(*s_b))) { // no covering if (b1 - s < cutoff) { // in degenerate situations it can happen that the number of // points in R is too small => decrease radius and check again --s_b; CGAL_optimisation_assertion(!loopcheck); CGAL_optimisation_assertion(s != s_b); CGAL_optimisation_assertion_code(loopcheck = true;) goto CGAL_3CENTER_REPEAT_CHECK; } s = b1; rho_min = op.delta()(*s_b); q_t_at_rho_min = q_t, q_r_at_rho_min = q_r; q_t_q_r_cover_at_rho_min = 0; if (!Q_t_empty) q_t_q_r_cover_at_rho_min = max BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION (q_t_q_r_cover_at_rho_min, op.compute_x_distance(q_t, Q_t)); if (!Q_r_empty) q_t_q_r_cover_at_rho_min = max BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION (q_t_q_r_cover_at_rho_min, op.compute_y_distance(q_r, Q_r)); s_at_rho_min = s, e_at_rho_min = e; continue; } // we still have a covering if (s_b == s) { CGAL_optimisation_expensive_assertion_code( std::vector< Point > tmppts(f, l); RandomAccessIterator ii = partition(tmppts.begin(), tmppts.end(), boost::bind(le_delta_sb, boost::bind(op.delta(), _1))); IP tmppos = min_max_element(ii, tmppts.end(), op.compare_x(), op.compare_y()); ) CGAL_optimisation_expensive_assertion( !op.compare_x()(*tmppos.first, q_t)); CGAL_optimisation_expensive_assertion( !op.compare_y()(q_r, *tmppos.second)); // we are done rho_max = op.delta()(*s); q_t_at_rho_max = q_t, q_r_at_rho_max = q_r; radius_is_known = true; break; } // if there are enough points in G ... if (b3 - b1 >= cutoff) { e = b1; // adjust Q_t if (b1 != b2) { if (Q_t_empty) { Q_t = bounding_box_2(b1, b2, op); Q_t_empty = false; } else Q_t = construct_bounding_box_union_2( Q_t, bounding_box_2(b1, b2, op), op); } // adjust Q_r if (b2 != b3) { if (Q_r_empty) { Q_r = bounding_box_2(b2, b3, op); Q_r_empty = false; } else Q_r = construct_bounding_box_union_2( Q_r, bounding_box_2(b2, b3, op), op); } continue; } // we have to take the next smaller radius RandomAccessIterator next = max_element_if(s, s_b, boost::bind(less(), boost::bind(op.delta(), _1), boost::bind(op.delta(), _2)), boost::bind(not_equal_to(), op.delta()(*s_b), boost::bind(op.delta(), _1))); rho_max = op.delta()(*s_b); q_t_at_rho_max = q_t, q_r_at_rho_max = q_r; CGAL_optimisation_assertion(op.delta()(*next) < op.delta()(*s_b)); q_t_afap = op.update_x_square(q_t_afap, *s_b); q_r_afap = op.update_y_square(q_r_afap, *s_b); q_t = op.place_x_square(q_t_afap, r, op.delta()(*next)); q_r = op.place_y_square(q_r_afap, r, op.delta()(*next)); // again check for covering boost::function1 le_delta_next = boost::bind(greater_equal(), op.delta()(*next), _1); b2 = partition(s_b, e, boost::bind(le_delta_next, boost::bind(op.distance(), q_t, _1))); b1 = partition(s_b, b2, boost::bind(le_delta_next, boost::bind(op.distance(), q_r, _1))); b3 = partition(b2, e, boost::bind(le_delta_next, boost::bind(op.distance(), q_r, _1))); if (b3 != e || (!Q_t_empty && op.compute_x_distance(q_t, Q_t) > op.delta()(*next)) || (!Q_r_empty && op.compute_y_distance(q_r, Q_r) > op.delta()(*next))) { // no covering rho_min = op.delta()(*next); q_t_q_r_cover_at_rho_min = 0; if (!Q_t_empty) q_t_q_r_cover_at_rho_min = max BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION (q_t_q_r_cover_at_rho_min, op.compute_x_distance(q_t, Q_t)); if (!Q_r_empty) q_t_q_r_cover_at_rho_min = max BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION (q_t_q_r_cover_at_rho_min, op.compute_y_distance(q_r, Q_r)); q_t_at_rho_min = q_t, q_r_at_rho_min = q_r; s_at_rho_min = b3, e_at_rho_min = e; radius_is_known = true; break; } CGAL_optimisation_assertion(b3 - b1 >= cutoff); e = b1; // adjust Q_t if (b1 != b2) { if (Q_t_empty) { Q_t = bounding_box_2(b1, b2, op); Q_t_empty = false; } else Q_t = construct_bounding_box_union_2( Q_t, bounding_box_2(b1, b2, op), op); } // adjust Q_r if (b2 != b3) { if (Q_r_empty) { Q_r = bounding_box_2(b2, b3, op); Q_r_empty = false; } else Q_r = construct_bounding_box_union_2( Q_r, bounding_box_2(b2, b3, op), op); } } // while (e - s > 6) // compute the solution brute-force if (!radius_is_known) { RandomAccessIterator t = e; Point q_t_afap = op.place_x_square(Q_t_empty, Q_t, r); Point q_r_afap = op.place_y_square(Q_r_empty, Q_r, r); if (s != e) { sort(s, e, boost::bind(less(), boost::bind(op.delta(), _1), boost::bind(op.delta(), _2))); rho_max = op.delta()(*--t); } else rho_max = rho_min; Point q_t = op.place_x_square(q_t_afap, r, rho_max); Point q_r = op.place_y_square(q_r_afap, r, rho_max); if ((!Q_t_empty && op.compute_x_distance(q_t, Q_t) > rho_max) || (!Q_r_empty && op.compute_y_distance(q_r, Q_r) > rho_max)) { rho_max = max BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION (op.compute_x_distance(q_t, Q_t), op.compute_y_distance(q_r, Q_r)); #ifndef CGAL_3COVER_NO_CHECK_OPTIMUM_FIRST CGAL_optimisation_assertion(rho_max <= rad); #endif // ! CGAL_3COVER_NO_CHECK_OPTIMUM_FIRST rad = rho_max; *o++ = op.construct_corner_square(r, rad / FT(2)); *o++ = op.construct_x_square(q_t, rad / FT(2)); *o++ = op.construct_y_square(q_r, rad / FT(2)); return o; } CGAL_optimisation_assertion(s != e); // find the first diameter where covering is possible for (;;) { q_t_at_rho_max = q_t, q_r_at_rho_max = q_r; if (t == s) break; // these get uncovered now do { q_t_afap = op.update_x_square(q_t_afap, *t); q_r_afap = op.update_y_square(q_r_afap, *t); } while (t != s && op.delta()(*--t) == rho_max); // try the next possible diameter value FT try_rho = op.delta()(*t); CGAL_optimisation_assertion(t == s || try_rho < rho_max); q_t = op.place_x_square(q_t_afap, r, try_rho); q_r = op.place_y_square(q_r_afap, r, try_rho); // check for covering boost::function1 greater_rho_max = boost::bind(less(), try_rho, _1); if ((!Q_t_empty && op.compute_x_distance(q_t, Q_t) > try_rho) || (!Q_r_empty && op.compute_y_distance(q_r, Q_r) > try_rho) || e != find_if( t + 1, e, boost::bind(logical_and(), boost::bind(greater_rho_max, boost::bind(op.distance(), q_t, _1)), boost::bind(greater_rho_max, boost::bind(op.distance(), q_r, _1))))) { rho_min = try_rho; q_t_q_r_cover_at_rho_min = 0; if (!Q_t_empty) q_t_q_r_cover_at_rho_min = max BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION (q_t_q_r_cover_at_rho_min, op.compute_x_distance(q_t, Q_t)); if (!Q_r_empty) q_t_q_r_cover_at_rho_min = max BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION (q_t_q_r_cover_at_rho_min, op.compute_y_distance(q_r, Q_r)); q_t_at_rho_min = q_t, q_r_at_rho_min = q_r; s_at_rho_min = t + 1, e_at_rho_min = e; break; } rho_max = try_rho; } // for (;;) } // if (!radius_is_known) // now we have the following: // rho_min corresponds to a non-covering with // - q_t_at_rho_min is the corr. position of q_t, // - q_r_at_rho_min is the corr. position of q_r and // - q_t_q_r_cover_at_rho_min is the radius needed to // cover Q_t and Q_r // - the range [s_at_rho_min, e_at_rho_min) contains the points // still to be covered // rho_max corresponds to a covering with // - q_t_at_rho_max is the corr. position of q_t and // - q_r_at_rho_max is the corr. position of q_r. // try rho_min CGAL_optimisation_assertion(rho_min <= rho_max); CGAL_optimisation_assertion(rho_min >= 0); FT rad_2 = q_t_q_r_cover_at_rho_min; if (s_at_rho_min != e_at_rho_min) { boost::function1 mydist = boost::bind(Min(), boost::bind(op.distance(), q_t_at_rho_min, _1), boost::bind(op.distance(), q_r_at_rho_min, _1)); rad_2 = max BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION ( rad_2, mydist(*max_element(s_at_rho_min, e_at_rho_min, boost::bind(less< FT >(), boost::bind(mydist, _1), boost::bind(mydist, _2))))); } CGAL_optimisation_assertion(rad_2 == 0 || rad_2 > rho_min); // if a covering with rho == 0 is possible, // it will be catched in the type1 functions Point q_t, q_r; if (rad_2 > rho_max || rho_min == -1) { // it is rho_max ... q_t = q_t_at_rho_max, q_r = q_r_at_rho_max; rad_2 = rho_max; } else q_t = q_t_at_rho_min, q_r = q_r_at_rho_min; #ifndef CGAL_3COVER_NO_CHECK_OPTIMUM_FIRST CGAL_optimisation_assertion(rad_2 <= rad); #endif // ! CGAL_3COVER_NO_CHECK_OPTIMUM_FIRST rad = rad_2; *o++ = op.construct_corner_square(r, rad / FT(2)); *o++ = op.construct_x_square(q_t, rad / FT(2)); *o++ = op.construct_y_square(q_r, rad / FT(2)); return o; } // rectangular_3_center_2_type2( ... ) template < class ForwardIterator, class OutputIterator, class Traits > OutputIterator rectangular_3_center_2( ForwardIterator f, ForwardIterator l, OutputIterator o, typename Traits::FT& r, Traits& t) { CGAL_optimisation_precondition(f != l); typedef typename Traits::FT FT; typedef typename Traits::Point_2 Point; typedef typename Traits::Iso_rectangle_2 Rectangle; typedef Rectangular_3_center_2_type2_operations0< Traits > Op0; typedef Rectangular_3_center_2_type2_operations1< Traits > Op1; typedef Rectangular_3_center_2_type2_operations2< Traits > Op2; typedef Rectangular_3_center_2_type2_operations3< Traits > Op3; std::vector< Point > points(f, l); Rectangle bb = bounding_box_2(points.begin(), points.end(), t); // try to place two squares at opposite corners of bb Point ptst[3]; rectangular_3_center_2_type1( points.begin(), points.end(), bb, ptst, r, t); // try to place one square at a corner and the others // at the two remaining sides of bb Point pts0[3]; Point pts1[3]; Point pts2[3]; Point pts3[3]; Point* pts = ptst; FT rmin = r; rectangular_3_center_2_type2( points.begin(), points.end(), bb, pts0, r, Op0(t, bb[0])); if (r < rmin) pts = pts0, rmin = r; #ifdef CGAL_3COVER_NO_CHECK_OPTIMUM_FIRST else r = rmin; #endif // CGAL_3COVER_NO_CHECK_OPTIMUM_FIRST rectangular_3_center_2_type2( points.begin(), points.end(), bb, pts1, r, Op1(t, bb[1])); if (r < rmin) pts = pts1, rmin = r; #ifdef CGAL_3COVER_NO_CHECK_OPTIMUM_FIRST else r = rmin; #endif // CGAL_3COVER_NO_CHECK_OPTIMUM_FIRST rectangular_3_center_2_type2( points.begin(), points.end(), bb, pts2, r, Op2(t, bb[2])); if (r < rmin) pts = pts2, rmin = r; #ifdef CGAL_3COVER_NO_CHECK_OPTIMUM_FIRST else r = rmin; #endif // CGAL_3COVER_NO_CHECK_OPTIMUM_FIRST rectangular_3_center_2_type2( points.begin(), points.end(), bb, pts3, r, Op3(t, bb[3])); if (r < rmin) pts = pts3; #ifdef CGAL_3COVER_NO_CHECK_OPTIMUM_FIRST else r = rmin; #endif // CGAL_3COVER_NO_CHECK_OPTIMUM_FIRST *o++ = pts[0]; *o++ = pts[1]; *o++ = pts[2]; return o; } // rectangular_3_center_2( ... ) } //namespace CGAL #endif // ! (CGAL_RECTANGULAR_3_CENTER_2_H)