// Copyright Paul A. Bristow 2017. // Copyright John Maddock 2017. // Use, modification and distribution are subject to the // Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt // or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // test_value.hpp #ifndef TEST_VALUE_HPP #define TEST_VALUE_HPP // BOOST_MATH_TEST_VALUE is used to create a test value of suitable type from a decimal digit string. // Two parameters, both a floating-point literal double like 1.23 (not long double so no suffix L) // and a decimal digit string const char* like "1.23" must be provided. // The decimal value represented must be the same of course, with at least enough precision for long double. // Note there are two gotchas to this approach: // * You need all values to be real floating-point values // * and *MUST* include a decimal point (to avoid confusion with an integer literal). // * It's slow to compile compared to a simple literal. // Speed is not an issue for a few test values, // but it's not generally usable in large tables // where you really need everything to be statically initialized. // Macro BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_CREATE_TEST_VALUE provides a global diagnostic value for create_type. #include // For float_64_t, float128_t. Must be first include! #include #include #include #ifdef BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_CREATE_TEST_VALUE // global int create_type(0); must be defined before including this file. #endif #ifdef BOOST_HAS_FLOAT128 typedef __float128 largest_float; #define BOOST_MATH_TEST_LARGEST_FLOAT_SUFFIX(x) x##Q #define BOOST_MATH_TEST_LARGEST_FLOAT_DIGITS 113 #else typedef long double largest_float; #define BOOST_MATH_TEST_LARGEST_FLOAT_SUFFIX(x) x##L #define BOOST_MATH_TEST_LARGEST_FLOAT_DIGITS std::numeric_limits::digits #endif template inline T create_test_value(largest_float val, const char*, const boost::true_type&, const T2&) { // Construct from long double or quad parameter val (ignoring string/const char* str). // (This is case for MPL parameters = true_ and T2 == false_, // and MPL parameters = true_ and T2 == true_ cpp_bin_float) // All built-in/fundamental floating-point types, // and other User-Defined Types that can be constructed without loss of precision // from long double suffix L (or quad suffix Q), // // Choose this method, even if can be constructed from a string, // because it will be faster, and more likely to be the closest representation. // (This is case for MPL parameters = true_type and T2 == true_type). #ifdef BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_CREATE_TEST_VALUE create_type = 1; #endif return static_cast(val); } template inline T create_test_value(largest_float, const char* str, const boost::false_type&, const boost::true_type&) { // Construct from decimal digit string const char* @c str (ignoring long double parameter). // For example, extended precision or other User-Defined types which ARE constructible from a string // (but not from double, or long double without loss of precision). // (This is case for MPL parameters = false_type and T2 == true_type). #ifdef BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_CREATE_TEST_VALUE create_type = 2; #endif return T(str); } template inline T create_test_value(largest_float, const char* str, const boost::false_type&, const boost::false_type&) { // Create test value using from lexical cast of decimal digit string const char* str. // For example, extended precision or other User-Defined types which are NOT constructible from a string // (NOR constructible from a long double). // (This is case T1 = false_type and T2 == false_type). #ifdef BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_CREATE_TEST_VALUE create_type = 3; #endif return boost::lexical_cast(str); } // T real type, x a decimal digits representation of a floating-point, for example: 12.34. // It must include a decimal point (or it would be interpreted as an integer). // x is converted to a long double by appending the letter L (to suit long double fundamental type), 12.34L. // x is also passed as a const char* or string representation "12.34" // (to suit most other types that cannot be constructed from long double without possible loss). // BOOST_MATH_TEST_LARGEST_FLOAT_SUFFIX(x) makes a long double or quad version, with // suffix a letter L (or Q) to suit long double (or quad) fundamental type, 12.34L or 12.34Q. // #x makes a decimal digit string version to suit multiprecision and fixed_point constructors, "12.34". // (Constructing from double or long double (or quad) could lose precision for multiprecision or fixed-point). // The matching create_test_value function above is chosen depending on the T1 and T2 mpl bool truths. // The string version from #x is used if the precision of T is greater than long double. // Example: long double test_value = BOOST_MATH_TEST_VALUE(double, 1.23456789); #define BOOST_MATH_TEST_VALUE(T, x) create_test_value(\ BOOST_MATH_TEST_LARGEST_FLOAT_SUFFIX(x),\ #x,\ boost::integral_constant::is_specialized &&\ (std::numeric_limits::radix == 2)\ && (std::numeric_limits::digits <= BOOST_MATH_TEST_LARGEST_FLOAT_DIGITS)\ && boost::is_convertible::value>(),\ boost::integral_constant::value>()\ ) #endif // TEST_VALUE_HPP