;;;; Copyright (C) 2000,2001, 2002, 2003, 2006, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;;;; ;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;;; ;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;;; Lesser General Public License for more details. ;;;; ;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ;;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ;;;; ;;; Commentary: ;; * This module exports: ;; ;; file-commentary -- a procedure that returns a file's "commentary" ;; ;; documentation-files -- a search-list of files using the Guile ;; Documentation Format Version 2. ;; ;; search-documentation-files -- a procedure that takes NAME (a symbol) ;; and searches `documentation-files' for ;; associated documentation. optional ;; arg FILES is a list of filenames to use ;; instead of `documentation-files'. ;; ;; object-documentation -- a procedure that returns its arg's docstring ;; ;; * Guile Documentation Format ;; ;; Here is the complete and authoritative documentation for the Guile ;; Documentation Format Version 2: ;; ;; HEADER ;; ^LPROC1 ;; DOCUMENTATION1 ;; ;; ^LPROC2 ;; DOCUMENTATION2 ;; ;; ^L... ;; ;; The HEADER is completely ignored. The "^L" are formfeeds. PROC1, PROC2 ;; and so on are symbols that name the element documented. DOCUMENTATION1, ;; DOCUMENTATION2 and so on are the related documentation, w/o any further ;; formatting. Note that there are two newlines before the next formfeed; ;; these are discarded when the documentation is read in. ;; ;; (Version 1, corresponding to guile-1.4 and prior, is documented as being ;; not documented anywhere except by this embarrassingly circular comment.) ;; ;; * File Commentary ;; ;; A file's commentary is the body of text found between comments ;; ;;; Commentary: ;; and ;; ;;; Code: ;; both of which must be at the beginning of the line. In the result string, ;; semicolons at the beginning of each line are discarded. ;; ;; You can specify to `file-commentary' alternate begin and end strings, and ;; scrub procedure. Use #t to get default values. For example: ;; ;; (file-commentary "documentation.scm") ;; You should see this text! ;; ;; (file-commentary "documentation.scm" "^;;; Code:" "ends here$") ;; You should see the rest of this file. ;; ;; (file-commentary "documentation.scm" #t #t string-upcase) ;; You should see this text very loudly (note semicolons untouched). ;;; Code: (define-module (ice-9 documentation) :use-module (ice-9 rdelim) :export (file-commentary documentation-files search-documentation-files object-documentation) :autoload (ice-9 regex) (match:suffix) :no-backtrace) ;; ;; commentary extraction ;; (define (file-commentary filename . cust) ; (IN-LINE-RE AFTER-LINE-RE SCRUB) ;; These are constants but are not at the top level because the repl in ;; boot-9.scm loads session.scm which in turn loads this file, and we want ;; that to work even even when regexps are not available (ie. make-regexp ;; doesn't exist), as for instance is the case on mingw. ;; (define default-in-line-re (make-regexp "^;;; Commentary:")) (define default-after-line-re (make-regexp "^;;; Code:")) (define default-scrub (let ((dirt (make-regexp "^;+"))) (lambda (line) (let ((m (regexp-exec dirt line))) (if m (match:suffix m) line))))) ;; fixme: might be cleaner to use optargs here... (let ((in-line-re (if (> 1 (length cust)) default-in-line-re (let ((v (car cust))) (cond ((regexp? v) v) ((string? v) (make-regexp v)) (else default-in-line-re))))) (after-line-re (if (> 2 (length cust)) default-after-line-re (let ((v (cadr cust))) (cond ((regexp? v) v) ((string? v) (make-regexp v)) (else default-after-line-re))))) (scrub (if (> 3 (length cust)) default-scrub (let ((v (caddr cust))) (cond ((procedure? v) v) (else default-scrub)))))) (call-with-input-file filename (lambda (port) (let loop ((line (read-delimited "\n" port)) (doc "") (parse-state 'before)) (if (or (eof-object? line) (eq? 'after parse-state)) doc (let ((new-state (cond ((regexp-exec in-line-re line) 'in) ((regexp-exec after-line-re line) 'after) (else parse-state)))) (if (eq? 'after new-state) doc (loop (read-delimited "\n" port) (if (and (eq? 'in new-state) (eq? 'in parse-state)) (string-append doc (scrub line) "\n") doc) new-state))))))))) ;; ;; documentation-files is the list of places to look for documentation ;; (define documentation-files (map (lambda (vicinity) (in-vicinity (vicinity) "guile-procedures.txt")) (list (lambda () (string-append (cdr (assq 'pkglibdir %guile-build-info)) "/" (effective-version))) %library-dir %package-data-dir %site-dir (lambda () ".")))) (define entry-delimiter "\f") (define (find-documentation-in-file name file) (and (file-exists? file) (call-with-input-file file (lambda (port) (let ((name (symbol->string name))) (let ((len (string-length name))) (read-delimited entry-delimiter port) ;skip to first entry (let loop ((entry (read-delimited entry-delimiter port))) (cond ((eof-object? entry) #f) ;; match? ((and ;; large enough? (>= (string-length entry) len) ;; matching name? (string=? (substring entry 0 len) name) ;; terminated? (memq (string-ref entry len) '(#\newline))) ;; cut away name tag and extra surrounding newlines (substring entry (+ len 2) (- (string-length entry) 2))) (else (loop (read-delimited entry-delimiter port))))))))))) (define (search-documentation-files name . files) (or-map (lambda (file) (find-documentation-in-file name file)) (cond ((null? files) documentation-files) (else files)))) (define (object-documentation object) "Return the docstring for OBJECT. OBJECT can be a procedure, macro or any object that has its `documentation' property set." (or (and (procedure? object) (procedure-documentation object)) (object-property object 'documentation) (and (macro? object) (object-documentation (macro-transformer object))) (and (procedure? object) (procedure-name object) (let ((docstring (search-documentation-files (procedure-name object)))) (if docstring (set-procedure-property! object 'documentation docstring)) docstring)))) ;;; documentation.scm ends here