;;; User interface messages ;; Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;; Lesser General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ;;; Commentary: ;;; ;;; This module provide a simple interface to send messages to the user. ;;; TODO: Internationalize messages. ;;; ;;; Code: (define-module (system base message) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:use-module (srfi srfi-9) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:export (*current-warning-port* *current-warning-prefix* warning warning-type? warning-type-name warning-type-description warning-type-printer lookup-warning-type %warning-types)) ;;; ;;; Source location ;;; (define (location-string loc) (if (pair? loc) (format #f "~a:~a:~a" (or (assoc-ref loc 'filename) "") (1+ (assoc-ref loc 'line)) (assoc-ref loc 'column)) "")) ;;; ;;; Warnings ;;; ;; This name existed before %current-warning-port was introduced, but ;; otherwise it is a deprecated binding. (define *current-warning-port* ;; Can't play the identifier-syntax deprecation game in Guile 2.0, as ;; other modules might depend on this being a normal binding and not a ;; syntax binding. (parameter-fluid current-warning-port)) (define *current-warning-prefix* ;; Prefix string when emitting a warning. (make-fluid ";;; ")) (define-record-type (make-warning-type name description printer) warning-type? (name warning-type-name) (description warning-type-description) (printer warning-type-printer)) (define %warning-types ;; List of known warning types. (map (lambda (args) (apply make-warning-type args)) (let-syntax ((emit (lambda (s) (syntax-case s () ((_ port fmt args ...) (string? (syntax->datum #'fmt)) (with-syntax ((fmt (string-append "~a" (syntax->datum #'fmt)))) #'(format port fmt (fluid-ref *current-warning-prefix*) args ...))))))) `((unsupported-warning ;; a "meta warning" "warn about unknown warning types" ,(lambda (port unused name) (emit port "warning: unknown warning type `~A'~%" name))) (unused-variable "report unused variables" ,(lambda (port loc name) (emit port "~A: warning: unused variable `~A'~%" loc name))) (unused-toplevel "report unused local top-level variables" ,(lambda (port loc name) (emit port "~A: warning: possibly unused local top-level variable `~A'~%" loc name))) (shadowed-toplevel "report shadowed top-level variables" ,(lambda (port loc name previous-loc) (emit port "~A: warning: shadows previous definition of `~A' at ~A~%" loc name (location-string previous-loc)))) (unbound-variable "report possibly unbound variables" ,(lambda (port loc name) (emit port "~A: warning: possibly unbound variable `~A'~%" loc name))) (macro-use-before-definition "report possibly mis-use of macros before they are defined" ,(lambda (port loc name) (emit port "~A: warning: macro `~A' used before definition~%" loc name))) (arity-mismatch "report procedure arity mismatches (wrong number of arguments)" ,(lambda (port loc name certain?) (if certain? (emit port "~A: warning: wrong number of arguments to `~A'~%" loc name) (emit port "~A: warning: possibly wrong number of arguments to `~A'~%" loc name)))) (duplicate-case-datum "report a duplicate datum in a case expression" ,(lambda (port loc datum clause case-expr) (emit port "~A: warning: duplicate datum ~S in clause ~S of case expression ~S~%" loc datum clause case-expr))) (bad-case-datum "report a case datum that cannot be meaningfully compared using `eqv?'" ,(lambda (port loc datum clause case-expr) (emit port "~A: warning: datum ~S cannot be meaningfully compared using `eqv?' in clause ~S of case expression ~S~%" loc datum clause case-expr))) (format "report wrong number of arguments to `format'" ,(lambda (port loc . rest) (define (escape-newlines str) (list->string (string-fold-right (lambda (c r) (if (eq? c #\newline) (append '(#\\ #\n) r) (cons c r))) '() str))) (define (range min max) (cond ((eq? min 'any) (if (eq? max 'any) "any number" ;; can't happen (emit #f "up to ~a" max))) ((eq? max 'any) (emit #f "at least ~a" min)) ((= min max) (number->string min)) (else (emit #f "~a to ~a" min max)))) (match rest (('simple-format fmt opt) (emit port "~A: warning: ~S: unsupported format option ~~~A, use (ice-9 format) instead~%" loc (escape-newlines fmt) opt)) (('wrong-format-arg-count fmt min max actual) (emit port "~A: warning: ~S: wrong number of `format' arguments: expected ~A, got ~A~%" loc (escape-newlines fmt) (range min max) actual)) (('syntax-error 'unterminated-iteration fmt) (emit port "~A: warning: ~S: unterminated iteration~%" loc (escape-newlines fmt))) (('syntax-error 'unterminated-conditional fmt) (emit port "~A: warning: ~S: unterminated conditional~%" loc (escape-newlines fmt))) (('syntax-error 'unexpected-semicolon fmt) (emit port "~A: warning: ~S: unexpected `~~;'~%" loc (escape-newlines fmt))) (('syntax-error 'unexpected-conditional-termination fmt) (emit port "~A: warning: ~S: unexpected `~~]'~%" loc (escape-newlines fmt))) (('wrong-port wrong-port) (emit port "~A: warning: ~S: wrong port argument~%" loc wrong-port)) (('wrong-format-string fmt) (emit port "~A: warning: ~S: wrong format string~%" loc fmt)) (('non-literal-format-string) (emit port "~A: warning: non-literal format string~%" loc)) (('wrong-num-args count) (emit port "~A: warning: wrong number of arguments to `format'~%" loc)) (else (emit port "~A: `format' warning~%" loc))))))))) (define (lookup-warning-type name) "Return the warning type NAME or `#f' if not found." (find (lambda (wt) (eq? name (warning-type-name wt))) %warning-types)) (define (warning type location . args) "Emit a warning of type TYPE for source location LOCATION (a source property alist) using the data in ARGS." (let ((wt (lookup-warning-type type)) (port (current-warning-port))) (if (warning-type? wt) (apply (warning-type-printer wt) port (location-string location) args) (format port "~A: unknown warning type `~A': ~A~%" (location-string location) type args)))) ;;; message.scm ends here