Package: xtable Version: 1.8-4 Date: 2019-04-08 Title: Export Tables to LaTeX or HTML Authors@R: c(person("David B.", "Dahl", role="aut"), person("David", "Scott", role=c("aut","cre"), email=""), person("Charles", "Roosen", role="aut"), person("Arni", "Magnusson", role="aut"), person("Jonathan", "Swinton", role="aut"), person("Ajay", "Shah", role="ctb"), person("Arne", "Henningsen", role="ctb"), person("Benno", "Puetz", role="ctb"), person("Bernhard", "Pfaff", role="ctb"), person("Claudio", "Agostinelli", role="ctb"), person("Claudius", "Loehnert", role="ctb"), person("David", "Mitchell", role="ctb"), person("David", "Whiting", role="ctb"), person("Fernando da", "Rosa", role="ctb"), person("Guido", "Gay", role="ctb"), person("Guido", "Schulz", role="ctb"), person("Ian", "Fellows", role="ctb"), person("Jeff", "Laake", role="ctb"), person("John", "Walker", role="ctb"), person("Jun", "Yan", role="ctb"), person("Liviu", "Andronic", role="ctb"), person("Markus", "Loecher", role="ctb"), person("Martin", "Gubri", role="ctb"), person("Matthieu", "Stigler", role="ctb"), person("Robert", "Castelo", role="ctb"), person("Seth", "Falcon", role="ctb"), person("Stefan", "Edwards", role="ctb"), person("Sven", "Garbade", role="ctb"), person("Uwe", "Ligges", role="ctb")) Maintainer: David Scott Imports: stats, utils Suggests: knitr, plm, zoo, survival VignetteBuilder: knitr Description: Coerce data to LaTeX and HTML tables. URL: Depends: R (>= 2.10.0) License: GPL (>= 2) Repository: RSPM NeedsCompilation: no Packaged: 2019-04-21 10:56:51 UTC; dsco036 Author: David B. Dahl [aut], David Scott [aut, cre], Charles Roosen [aut], Arni Magnusson [aut], Jonathan Swinton [aut], Ajay Shah [ctb], Arne Henningsen [ctb], Benno Puetz [ctb], Bernhard Pfaff [ctb], Claudio Agostinelli [ctb], Claudius Loehnert [ctb], David Mitchell [ctb], David Whiting [ctb], Fernando da Rosa [ctb], Guido Gay [ctb], Guido Schulz [ctb], Ian Fellows [ctb], Jeff Laake [ctb], John Walker [ctb], Jun Yan [ctb], Liviu Andronic [ctb], Markus Loecher [ctb], Martin Gubri [ctb], Matthieu Stigler [ctb], Robert Castelo [ctb], Seth Falcon [ctb], Stefan Edwards [ctb], Sven Garbade [ctb], Uwe Ligges [ctb] Date/Publication: 2019-04-21 12:20:03 UTC Encoding: UTF-8 Built: R 4.4.0; ; 2024-04-25 19:43:11 UTC; unix