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segmentssegment %d refers to segment %dsegment %d is associated with page %dend of stripe segment with non-positive end row advance (new end row %d vs current end row %d)end of stripe: advancing end row from %u to %ufailed to allocate new empty symbol dictionaryfailed to allocate glyphs for new empty symbol dictionaryfailed to allocate referred list of symbol dictionariescounted %d symbol dictionaries but built a list with %d.page %d released by the clientfailed to release unknown pageunexpected page info segment, marking previous page finishedpage segment indicates use of color segments (NYI)page %d image is %dx%d (unknown res)page %d image is %dx%d (%d ppm)page %d image is %dx%d (%dx%d ppm)failed to allocate buffer for page imageallocated %dx%d page image (%d bytes)height is unspecified but page is not marked as striped, assuming striped with maximum strip sizepage info possibly missing, no image definedadding image at coordinate would grow page out of boundsgrowing page buffer to %u rows to accommodate new stripeunable to resize image to accommodate new stripefailed to compose image with pagepage %d returned with no associated imagepage %d returned to the clientfailed to allocate new symbol dictionarysymbol list contains %d glyphs in %d dictionariesfailed to allocate text regionfailed to read huffman runcode lengthsOOB decoding huffman runcode lengthserror constructing symbol ID runcode tablefailed to allocate memory when reading symbol ID huffman tableerror reading symbol ID huffman tableOOB decoding symbol ID huffman tablesymbol ID huffman table out of rangeerror decoding symbol ID table: run length with no antecedent read runcode%d at index %d (length %d range %d)runlength extends %d entries beyond the end of symbol ID tablefailed to skip to next byte when building huffman tablefailed to construct symbol ID huffman tableOOB obtained when decoding strip TOOB obtained when decoding delta Tfailed to decode strip symbol S-differenceOOB obtained when decoding strip symbol S-differencetoo many NINSTANCES (%d) decodedfailed to decode symbol instance S coordinateOOB obtained when decoding symbol instance S coordinate signals end of strip with T value %dfailed to decode symbol instance T coordinateOOB obtained when decoding symbol instance T coordinatefailed to obtain symbol instance symbol IDOOB obtained when decoding symbol instance symbol IDignoring out of range symbol ID (%d/%d)missing glyph (%d/%d), ignoringfailed to decode symbol bitmap refinement indicatorOOB obtained when decoding symbol bitmap refinement indicatorOOB obtained when decoding symbol instance refinement datareference image dimensions negativefailed to allocate reference imagefailed to decode refinement regionfailed to advance after huffman decoding refinement regionfailed to compose symbol instance symbol bitmap into pictureregion segment flags indicate use of colored bitmap (NYI)text region header flags 0x%04xreserved bit 15 of text region huffman flags is not zerocustom FS huffman table not found (%d)text region specified invalid FS huffman tablefailed to allocate text region specified FS huffman tablecustom DS huffman table not found (%d)failed to allocate text region specified DS huffman tablecustom DT huffman table not found (%d)failed to allocate text region specified DT huffman tablecustom RDW huffman table not found (%d)text region specified invalid RDW huffman tablefailed to allocate text region specified RDW huffman tablecustom RDH huffman table not found (%d)text region specified invalid RDH huffman tablefailed to allocate text region specified RDH huffman tablecustom RDX huffman table not found (%d)text region specified invalid RDX huffman tablefailed to allocate text region specified RDX huffman tablecustom RDY huffman table not found (%d)text region specified invalid RDY huffman tablefailed to allocate text region specified RDY huffman tablecustom RSIZE huffman table not found (%d)failed to allocate text region specified RSIZE huffman tabletext region huffman flags bit 15 is set, contrary to spectext region: %d x %d @ (%d,%d) %d symbolstext region refers to no symbol dictionariesunable to retrieve symbol dictionaries! previous parsing error?unable to find first referenced symbol dictionaryunable to find all referenced symbol dictionariescould not allocate arithmetic decoder statefailed to allocate text region imagefailed to allocate word stream when handling text region imagefailed to allocate arithmetic coding context when handling text region imagefailed to allocate text region image datafailed to decode text region image datacomposing %dx%d decoded text region onto page at (%d, %d)unable to add text region to pageadaptive template pixel is out of fieldfailed to decode arithmetic code when handling generic template0 TPGDON1failed to decode arithmetic code when handling generic template0 TPGDON2failed to decode arithmetic code when handling generic template1 TPGDON1failed to decode arithmetic code when handling generic template1 TPGDON2failed to decode arithmetic code when handling generic template2 TPGDON1failed to decode arithmetic code when handling generic template2 TPGDON2failed to decode arithmetic code when handling generic template3 TPGDON1failed to decode arithmetic code when handling generic template3 TPGDON2failed to decode arithmetic code when handling generic template0 optimizedfailed to decode arithmetic code when handling generic template0 unoptimizedfailed to decode arithmetic code when handling generic template1 optimizedfailed to decode arithmetic code when handling generic template1 unoptimizedfailed to decode arithmetic code when handling generic template2 optimizedfailed to decode arithmetic code when handling generic template2 unoptimizedfailed to decode arithmetic code when handling generic template3 optimizedfailed to decode arithmetic code when handling generic template3 unoptimizedunsupported generic region (MMR=%d, GBTEMPLATE=%d)custom DH huffman table not found (%d)symbol dictionary specified invalid huffman tablefailed to allocate DH huffman tablecustom DW huffman table not found (%d)failed to allocate DW huffman tablecustom BMSIZE huffman table not found (%d)failed to allocate BMSIZE huffman tablecustom REFAGG huffman table not found (%d)failed to allocate REFAGG huffman tableSDHUFF is zero, but contrary to spec SDHUFFDH is not.SDHUFF is zero, but contrary to spec SDHUFFDW is not.symbol dictionary, flags=%04x, %u exported syms, %u new symsfailed to allocate dicts in symbol dictionaryfailed to allocate symbol array in symbol dictionarysegment marks bitmap coding context as used (NYI)failed to allocate arithmetic decoder states for generic regionsfailed to allocate arithmetic decoder states for generic refinement regionsfailed to allocate word stream when decoding symbol dictionaryfailed to allocate arithmetic coding state when decoding symbol dictionaryhuffman coded symbol dictionaryfailed to allocate for symbol bitmapfailed to allocate symbol widths (%u)out of memory creating text region huffman decoder entriesfailed to allocate symbol bitmapfailed to allocate text region arithmetic decoder contextsfailed to allocate text region arith decoder contextsfailed to allocate new symbols (%u)Out of memory allocating dictionary arrayout of memory allocating symbol dictionaryfailed to decode height class deltaOOB decoding height class deltadecoding height class %d with %d syms decodedOOB when decoding DW signals end of height class %dno OOB signaling end of height class %d, continuingDW value (%d) would make SYMWIDTH (%u) negative at symbol %uDW value (%d) would make SYMWIDTH (%u) too large at symbol %uSYMWIDTH value (%u) would make TOTWIDTH (%u) too large at symbol %ufailed to decode generic regionfailed to decode number of symbols in aggregate glyphOOB in number of symbols in aggregate glyphinvalid number of symbols in aggregate glyphaggregate symbol coding (%d instances)failed to allocate symbol imageOOB in single refinement/aggregate coded symbol datarefinement references unknown symbol %dsymbol is a refinement of ID %d with the refinement applied at (%d,%d)failed to advance after huffman decoding in refinement regiondecoded symbol %u of %u (%ux%u)error decoding size of collective bitmapOOB obtained when decoding size of collective bitmapfailed to skip to next byte when decoding collective bitmapfailed to allocate collective bitmap imagenot enough data for decoding uncompressed (%d/%li)reading %dx%d uncompressed bitmap for %d symbols (%li bytes)not enough data for decoding (%li/%li)reading %dx%d collective bitmap for %d symbols (%li bytes)failed to decode MMR-coded generic regionfailed to advance after huffman decoding MMR bitmap imagefailed to copy the collective bitmap into symbol dictionaryfailed to compose image into glyphfailed to allocate symbols exported from symbols dictionaryfailed to decode runlength for exported symbolsOOB when decoding runlength for exported symbolsrunlength too small in export symbol table (%u == 0 i = %u limit = %u)exporting more symbols than available (%u > %u), cappingexporting more symbols than may be exported (%u > %u), cappingsegment marks bitmap coding context as retained (NYI)generic region: %u x %u @ (%u, %u), flags = %02xsegment contains more rows than stated in headerMMR is 1, but GBTEMPLATE is not 0segment uses 12 adaptive template pixels (NYI)ignoring %u x %u region at (%u, %u) outside of stripe at row %u covering %u rows, on page of height %uignoring %u x %u region at (%u, %u) outside of page of height %unothing remains of region, ignoringfailed to allocate generic imageallocated %d x %d image buffer for region decode resultsfailed to allocate arithmetic decoder states when handling immediate generic regionfailed to allocated word stream when handling immediate generic regionfailed to allocate arithmetic coding state when handling immediate generic regionfailed to decode immediate generic regionArithmetic only; any template usedArithmetic only; only 10-pixel and 13-pixel templatesMedium complexity and medium compressionLow complexity with progressive lossless capabilitysegment %d, flags=%x, type=%d, data_length=%ldunhandled segment type 'intermediate generic region' (NYI)segment too short to store profile Refinement region coding: %sunhandled segment type 'color palette' (NYI)extension segment is marked 'necessary' but not 'reserved' contrary to specunhandled necessary extension segment type 0x%08xunhandled non-necessary extension segment, skippingfailed to allocate buffer when reading dataread data causes buffer to grow too largefailed to allocate bigger buffer when reading datafile header indicates use of 12 adaptive template pixels (NYI)file header indicates use of colored region segments (NYI)reserved bits (2-7) of file header flags are not zero (0x%02x)file header indicates a single page documentfile header indicates a %d page documentfile header indicates sequential organizationfile header indicates random-access organizationtoo many segments in jbig2 imagefailed to allocate space for more segmentsunknown length determined to be %lufailed to decode; treating as end of filefile has an invalid segment data length; trying to decode using the available datapage has no image, cannot be completedend of page marker for page %d doesn't match current page number %d b a a aPa aPaPa a a a a a a a a@b a a apa apapa a a a a a a a a a a a ac aaaa aaa a a a aPc`bbbbaa a a a a a a apcddcddd4dfe#fe#f|g -M     ) I FfF F F F  F  '+K       @      -M    &F                K  K   L  LV4 !!#$VT H80$VTQH840($"  ?>!>A!AI% Vjbig2_mmr.cx % 16 == 0x % 32 == 0x % 8 == 0w - x >= 8P4 %d %d wbzeroes code in MMR-coded datafailed to decode white H runfailed to decode black H runignoring negative black H runignoring negative white H runignoring negative P runignoring negative V(0) runignoring negative VR(1) runignoring negative VR(2) runignoring negative VR(3) runignoring negative VL(1) runignoring negative VL(2) runignoring negative VL(3) runfailed to decode mmr linenot a binary pbm file. pbm parsing error unexpected end of pbm file. rb TPGRON GRTEMPLATEsegment flags = %02x %s%sparams->GRAYMAX out of rangereserved flag bits non-zerofailed to allocate skip imagefailed to reallocate image`m@mmPlm       @ @@@    44@7788@;;<<@@@@5566@@@@@@@@@                23,-./9:=01>? !()"#$%&'*+  -./0    !"#$%&     56'()*+,=>?@                ;<  " 1234789:$ @& ( * , .         @@@@@@@@@ @@@    @@@@?jbig2_find_changing_elementunable to open '%s' for writinginvalid code detected in MMR-coded datauncompressed code in MMR-coded datafailed to decode halftone mmr linedecoding generic refinement region with offset %d,%x, GRTEMPLATE=%d, TPGRON=%dfailed to decode arithmetic code when handling refinement TPGRON1failed to decode arithmetic code when handling refinement template0failed to create zero sized imageinteger multiplication overflow (stride=%u, height=%u)failed to allocate image data buffer (stride=%u, height=%u)end-of-file parsing pbm header failed to read pbm image dimensions failed to allocate %dx%d image for pbm file unable to open '%s' for reading reserved segment flag bits are non-zerograt1: (%d, %d) grat2: (%d, %d)failed to find referred to segment %dreference page bitmap has no decoded imagefailed to allocate refinement imagefailed to allocate arithmetic decoder state for generic refinement regionsfailed to allocate word stream when handling refinement regionfailed to allocate arithmetic coding state when handling refinement regioncomposing %dx%d decoded refinement region onto page at (%d, %d)unable to add refinement region to pagefailed to find reference bitmapfound reference bitmap in segment %dpattern dictionary, flags=%02x, %d grays (%dx%d cell)HDTEMPLATE is %d when HDMMR is %d, contrary to specfailed to allocate arithmetic coding state when handling pattern dictionaryfailed to allocate collective bitmap for halftone dictionaryfailed to allocate arithmetic coding state when handling halftone dictionaryfailed to allocate word stream when handling halftone dictionaryfailed to allocate pattern in collective bitmap dictionaryfailed to allocate pattern element imagefailed to compose image into collective bitmap dictionaryfailed to allocate collective bitmap dictionaryhalftone region: %u x %u @ (%u, %u), flags = %02xHTEMPLATE is %d when HMMR is %d, contrary to specHENABLESKIP is %d when HMMR is %d, contrary to specgrid %d x %d @ (%d.%d,%d.%d) vector (%d.%d,%d.%d)failed to allocate arithmetic decoder states in halftone regionfailed to allocate halftone imageHBPP is larger than supported (%u)failed to allocate %d bytes for GSPLANESfailed to allocate %dx%d image for GSPLANESfailed to allocate word stream when decoding gray scale imagefailed to allocate arithmetic coding state when decoding gray scale imageerror decoding GSPLANES for halftone imagefailed to decode GSPLANES for halftone imagefailed to allocate GSVALS: %d bytesunable to acquire gray-scale image, skipping halftone imagegray-scale index %d out of range, using largest indexfailed to compose pattern with gray-scale imagefailed to decode halftone regionunable to add halftone region to pageno pattern dictionary found, skipping halftone imageinteger multiplication overflow during resize (stride=%u, height=%u)failed to allocate resized imagefailed to compose image buffers when resizing;4eP x0P4H\Вp(<PdЕx`p<X l`p, lС 0, @@ @ Ц H t P < 0P д 0  L ` P ` 0D p ` 0 pDp 05L;pAt@IJJHK\KPT,`TdTxW(W< XPYZ@[[ \L]dedho,0qpqqrtL0uxP{$$zRx $XpFJ w?:*3$"D\` tBJlB  ({RML i ABI T"p8(|+FED A(J  (F ABBD dpDxBAD  ABH } ABH  IIO 0yADG @ CAH DMK@ < 8%0T DP8XLuFJA D(L0i (D ABBE \vFBB H(A0A8J 8D0A(B BBBF uBNAHE I$ 83DLؒPFFD  ABD n ABG n ABG 4"FDG t DBE e FBK (ؔFKG B DBH x<FEB B(H0G8D` 8A0C(B BBBD  8K0F(B BBBL D8L0H(G DBBtP LLFIA D(D0[ (D ABBD n (A DBBI \ܗFBB B(A0A8DPL 8M0F(G BBBE \8C0A(B BBB(8,9JDG SDAd@ 8x<FFD l ABA m ABH E~ E N pJu A X H L FAA ~ ABG R ABK ] FBK LCLd\FBB E(A0A8D` 8D0A(B BBBI d 8H0H(G BBBO 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