// X Keyboard Extension file for Sinhala (Sri Lanka) (2004-04-22) // Maintainer : Harshula Jayasuriya // Last Updated: 2011-05-25 // This is a phonetic static mapping for a standard US-English keyboard // (QWERTY) // http://www.nongnu.org/sinhala/doc/keymaps/sinhala-keyboard_3.html // Repaya, Rakaransaya and Yansaya aren't inserted with A-r, R and Y, // respectively. The problem lies with the XKB infrastructure which // only allows a one-to-one mapping of keycodes to Unicode codepoints. // Unfortunately, the 3 mentioned glyphs actually consists of 3 // Unicode codepoints each. The result is that the user must // manually construct the glyph by typing each of the 3 codepoints. // ALT-, represents the 'JOIN' key, it requires // two codepoints, hence it also has to be manually constructed. // Similarly, ALT-/ representing the 'TOUCH' key requires // two codepoints. // Repaya = rayanna,AL,ZWJ // Rakaransaya = AL,ZWJ,rayanna // Yansaya = AL,ZWJ,yayanna // JOIN = AL,ZWJ // TOUCH = ZWJ,AL // Where, // AL = Al Lakuna = ALT-a // ZWJ = Zero Width Joiner = ALT-/ // rayanna = r // yayanna = y default partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "sin_phonetic" { include "us" name[Group1] = "Sinhala (phonetic)"; key.type[Group1] = "FOUR_LEVEL"; // q - p key { [ Sinh_ri, Sinh_rii, Sinh_ru2, Sinh_ruu2 ] }; key { [ Sinh_ae, Sinh_aee, Sinh_ae2, Sinh_aee2 ] }; key { [ Sinh_e, Sinh_ee, Sinh_e2, Sinh_ee2 ] }; key { [ Sinh_ra, Sinh_al, Sinh_ra, NoSymbol ] }; key { [ Sinh_tha, Sinh_thha, Sinh_tta, Sinh_ttha ] }; key { [ Sinh_ya, Sinh_al, NoSymbol, NoSymbol ] }; key { [ Sinh_u, Sinh_uu, Sinh_u2, Sinh_uu2 ] }; key { [ Sinh_i, Sinh_ii, Sinh_i2, Sinh_ii2 ] }; key { [ Sinh_o, Sinh_oo, Sinh_o2, Sinh_oo2 ] }; key { [ Sinh_pa, Sinh_pha, NoSymbol, NoSymbol ] }; // a - l key { [ Sinh_a, Sinh_aa, Sinh_al, Sinh_aa2 ] }; key { [ Sinh_sa, Sinh_sha, Sinh_ssha, NoSymbol ] }; key { [ Sinh_dha, Sinh_dhha, Sinh_dda, Sinh_ddha ] }; key { [ Sinh_fa, NoSymbol, Sinh_ai2, Sinh_ai ] }; key { [ Sinh_ga, Sinh_gha, Sinh_nga, NoSymbol ] }; key { [ Sinh_ha, Sinh_h2, Sinh_au2, Sinh_au ] }; key { [ Sinh_ja, Sinh_jha, Sinh_nja, NoSymbol ] }; key { [ Sinh_ka, Sinh_kha, Sinh_lu, Sinh_luu ] }; key { [ Sinh_la, Sinh_lla, Sinh_lu2, Sinh_luu2 ] }; // z - ? key { [ Sinh_nya, Sinh_jnya, NoSymbol, NoSymbol ] }; key { [ Sinh_ndha, Sinh_ndda, NoSymbol, NoSymbol ] }; key { [ Sinh_ca, Sinh_cha, NoSymbol, NoSymbol ] }; key { [ Sinh_va, NoSymbol, NoSymbol, NoSymbol ] }; key { [ Sinh_ba, Sinh_bha, NoSymbol, NoSymbol ] }; key { [ Sinh_na, Sinh_nna, Sinh_ng, Sinh_ng2 ] }; key { [ Sinh_ma, Sinh_mba, NoSymbol, NoSymbol ] }; key { [ any, any, Sinh_al, NoSymbol ] }; key { [ any, any, Sinh_kunddaliya, NoSymbol ] }; key { [ any, any, 0x100200d, NoSymbol ] }; // Space include "nbsp(nb2zwnj3s)" include "level3(ralt_switch)" }; partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "tam_unicode" { include "in(tam_tamilnet)" name[Group1]= "Tamil (Sri Lanka, TamilNet '99)"; }; partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "tam_TAB" { include "in(tam_tamilnet_TAB)" name[Group1]= "Tamil (Sri Lanka, TamilNet '99, TAB encoding)"; }; // SINHALA - US, SUBSTITUTES SOME AND ADDS SOME // ============================================= // // This started as an upgrade to the first romanized version of // Sinhala called PTS Pali created in the 1860s. PTS requires // dots and bars on letters that are rare in fonts, and impossible // to type. Its singular purpose was to print Tripitaka, the // collection of Buddhist discourses. // // This version covers the entire newer Sinhala phoneme chart // (Hodiya) that became standard just before the end of the 19th // century. All the phonemes map to the SBCS. It is easy and // faster than English to type. It overcomes the setback of // Unicode Sinhala that it is not compatible with Pali and // Sanskrit because it encodes two ligatures as base letters and // the SLS1134 specification matching shape and morpheme sets // violating Sanskrit orthography. // // Most importantly, this romanized version of Sinhala has a // companion orthographic font that displays the text in the // native script and a JavaScript converts it to Unicode Sinhala // and back dramatically increasing Sinhala seen on the web due // to its ease of use // // Dedication: // Thomas William Rhys Davids, Ven. Udagama Sumangala // Rev. Fr. A. M. Gunasekara, Rev. Fr. Theodore G. Perera // Ven. Mettavihari // // Maintainer: // JC Ahangama - sing@ahangama.com // partial alphanumeric_keys modifier_keys xkb_symbols "us" { include "us(basic)" name[Group1]= "Sinhala (US)"; // // UNSHIFTED, SHIFT, ALT // -------------------------------------------- // key { [ z, VoidSymbol, VoidSymbol ] }; key { [ x, VoidSymbol, VoidSymbol ] }; key { [ c, ccedilla, VoidSymbol ] }; key { [ v, VoidSymbol, VoidSymbol ] }; key { [ b, B, VoidSymbol ] }; key { [ n, N, ntilde ] }; key { [ m, VoidSymbol, VoidSymbol ] }; key { [ comma, less, UAB ] }; key { [ period, greater, UBB ] }; key { [ slash, question, U200C ] }; key { [ a, aacute, adiaeresis ] }; key { [ s, VoidSymbol, VoidSymbol ] }; key { [ eth, ETH, VoidSymbol ] }; key { [ thorn, f, VoidSymbol ] }; key { [ g, G, VoidSymbol ] }; key { [ h, VoidSymbol, VoidSymbol ] }; key { [ j, ccedilla, VoidSymbol ] }; key { [ k, VoidSymbol, VoidSymbol ] }; key { [ l, L, ocircumflex ] }; key { [ semicolon, colon, VoidSymbol ] }; key { [ apostrophe, quotedbl, VoidSymbol ] }; key { [ d, D, q ] }; key { [ ae, acute, VoidSymbol ] }; key { [ e, eacute, ediaeresis ] }; key { [ r, ucircumflex, VoidSymbol ] }; key { [ t, VoidSymbol, VoidSymbol ] }; key { [ y, VoidSymbol, VoidSymbol ] }; key { [ u, uacute, udiaeresis ] }; key { [ i, iacute, idiaeresis ] }; key { [ o, oacute, odiaeresis ] }; key { [ p, VoidSymbol, VoidSymbol ] }; key { [ bracketleft, braceleft, VoidSymbol ] }; key { [ bracketright, braceright, VoidSymbol ] }; key { [ 1, exclam, dead_macron ] }; key { [ 2, at, dead_belowdot ] }; key { [ 3, numbersign, dead_abovedot ] }; key { [ 4, dollar, currency ] }; key { [ 5, percent, UB0 ] }; key { [ 6, asciicircum, onequarter ] }; key { [ 7, ampersand, onehalf ] }; key { [ 8, asterisk, threequarters ] }; key { [ 9, parenleft, VoidSymbol ] }; key { [ 0, parenright, VoidSymbol ] }; key { [ minus, underscore, U2014 ] }; key { [ equal, plus, VoidSymbol ] }; key { [ backslash, bar, VoidSymbol ] }; key { [ space, nobreakspace, VoidSymbol ] }; key { [ grave, asciitilde, VoidSymbol ] }; include "level3(alt_switch)" };