# # Copyright © 2018-2023 Inria. All rights reserved. # See COPYING in top-level directory. # # This file is also compatible with zsh (once bashcompinit is enabled) # bash < 4 doesn't support compopt [[ -z "$ZSH_VERSION" ]] && [[ "${BASH_VERSINFO[0]:-0}" -lt 4 ]] && return # TODO only disable the nospace completion of "--filter" _lstopo() { local INPUT_FORMAT=(xml synthetic fsroot cpuid) local OUTPUT_FORMAT=(default window console ascii tikz tex fig pdf nativesvg cairosvg ps png svg xml shmem synthetic) local TYPES=("Machine" "Misc" "Group" "NUMANode" "MemCache" "Package" "Die" "L1" "L2" "L3" "L4" "L5" "L1i" "L2i" "L3i" "Core" "Bridge" "PCIDev" "OSDev" "PU") local FILTERKINDS=("none" "all" "structure" "important") local OPTIONS=(-l --logical -p --physical --logical-index-prefix --os-index-prefix --output-format --of -f --force --only -v --verbose -q --quiet -s --silent --distances --distances-transform --memattrs --cpukinds --windows-processor-groups -c --cpuset -C --cpuset-only --taskset --filter --ignore --no-caches --no-useless-caches --no-icaches --merge --no-collapse --factorize --factorize= --no-factorize --no-factorize= --restrict --restrict-flags --no-io --no-bridges --whole-io --input -i --input-format --if --no-smt --thissystem --pid --disallowed --whole-system --allow --flags --children-order --no-cpukinds --fontsize --gridsize --linespacing --thickness --horiz --horiz= --vert --vert= --rect --rect= --text --text= --no-text --no-text= --index --index= --no-index --no-index= --attrs --attrs= --no-attrs --no-attrs= --no-legend --no-default-legend --append-legend --grey --greyscale --palette --binding-color --disallowed-color --top-color --export-xml-flags --export-synthetic-flags --ps --top --misc-from --version -h --help ) local cur=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]} local prev=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]} if [[ $COMP_CWORD == 1 || $cur == -* ]] ; then COMPREPLY=( `compgen -W "${OPTIONS[*]}" -- "$cur"` ) elif [[ $COMP_CWORD -ge 3 && "${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-2]}" == "--filter" && "$cur" == ":" ]] ; then COMPREPLY=( `compgen -W "${FILTERKINDS[*]}"` ) elif [[ $COMP_CWORD -ge 4 && "${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-3]}" == "--filter" && "$prev" == ":" ]] ; then COMPREPLY=( `compgen -W "${FILTERKINDS[*]}" -- "$cur"` ) elif [[ "$cur" == "=" && " --horiz --vert --rect --text --no-text --index --no-index --attrs --no-attrs --no-factorize " =~ " $prev " ]] ; then COMPREPLY=( `compgen -W "${TYPES[*]}"` ) # we could also support ",,..." for --index/attrs/text but "," is not a completion word separator elif [[ $COMP_CWORD -ge 3 && "$prev" == "=" && " --horiz --vert --rect --text --no-text --index --no-index --attrs --no-attrs --no-factorize --factorize " =~ " ${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-2]} " ]] ; then COMPREPLY=( `compgen -W "${TYPES[*]}" -- "$cur"` ) elif [[ "$cur" == "=" && "--factorize" = "$prev" ]] ; then COMPREPLY=( `compgen -W "${TYPES[*]}"` "" "" ) else case "$prev" in --of | --output-format) COMPREPLY=( `compgen -W "${OUTPUT_FORMAT[*]}" -- "$cur"` ) ;; --only | --ignore) COMPREPLY=( `compgen -W "${TYPES[*]}" -- "$cur"` ) ;; --filter) COMPREPLY=( `compgen -W "${TYPES[*]/%/:} cache: icache: io:" -- "$cur"` ) && compopt -o nospace ;; --restrict) COMPREPLY=( `compgen -W "binding " -- "$cur"` ) ;; --logical-index-prefix | --os-index-prefix) COMPREPLY=( "" "" ) ;; -i | --input) _filedir xml ;; --if | --input-format) COMPREPLY=( `compgen -W "${INPUT_FORMAT[*]}" -- "$cur"` ) ;; --pid) COMPREPLY=( "" "" ) ;; --allow) COMPREPLY=( `compgen -W "all local nodeset=" -- "$cur"` ) ;; --restrict-flags | --export-xml-flags | --export-synthetic-flags | --fontsize | --gridsize | --linespacing | --thickness) COMPREPLY=( "" "" ) ;; --append-legend) COMPREPLY=( "" "" ) ;; --palette) COMPREPLY=( `compgen -W "grey" "greyscale" "default" "colors" "white" "none" -- "$cur"` ) ;; --binding-color | --disallowed-color | --top-color) COMPREPLY=( `compgen -W "none <#rrggbb>" -- "$cur"` ) ;; --children-order) COMPREPLY=( `compgen -W "plain memoryabove" -- "$cur"` ) ;; --distances-transform) COMPREPLY=( `compgen -W "links merge-switch-ports transitive-closure" -- "$cur"` ) ;; esac fi } complete -F _lstopo lstopo complete -F _lstopo lstopo-no-graphics complete -F _lstopo hwloc-ls _hwloc_info(){ local TYPES=("Machine" "Misc" "Group" "NUMANode" "MemCache" "Package" "Die" "L1" "L2" "L3" "L4" "L5" "L1i" "L2i" "L3i" "Core" "Bridge" "PCIDev" "OSDev" "PU") local FILTERKINDS=("none" "all" "structure" "important") local OPTIONS=(--objects --topology --support -v --verbose -q --quiet -s --silent --ancestors --ancestor --children --descendants --local-memory --local-memory-flags --best-memattr --first -n --restrict --restrict-flags --filter --no-icaches --no-io --no-bridges --whole-io --input -i --input-format --if --thissystem --pid --disallowed --whole-system -l --logical -p --physical --version -h --help ) local cur=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]} local prev=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]} if [[ $COMP_CWORD == 1 || $cur == -* ]] ; then COMPREPLY=( `compgen -W "${OPTIONS[*]}" -- "$cur"` ) elif [[ $COMP_CWORD -ge 3 && "${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-2]}" == "--filter" && "$cur" == ":" ]] ; then COMPREPLY=( `compgen -W "${FILTERKINDS[*]}"` ) elif [[ $COMP_CWORD -ge 4 && "${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-3]}" == "--filter" && "$prev" == ":" ]] ; then COMPREPLY=( `compgen -W "${FILTERKINDS[*]}" -- "$cur"` ) else case "$prev" in --restrict) COMPREPLY=( `compgen -W "binding " -- "$cur"` ) ;; --restrict-flags) COMPREPLY=( "" "" ) ;; -i | --input) _filedir xml ;; --if | --input-format) COMPREPLY=( `compgen -W "${INPUT_FORMAT[*]}" -- "$cur"` ) ;; --pid) COMPREPLY=( "" "" ) ;; --filter) COMPREPLY=( `compgen -W "${TYPES[*]/%/:} cache: icache: io:" -- "$cur"` ) && compopt -o nospace ;; --ancestor | --descendants) COMPREPLY=( `compgen -W "${TYPES[*]}" -- "$cur"` kind=normal kind=cpu kind=cache kind=memory kind=io kind=all ) ;; --local-memory-flags) COMPREPLY=( "" "" ) ;; --best-memattr) COMPREPLY=( "" "" ) ;; esac fi } complete -F _hwloc_info hwloc-info _hwloc_bind(){ local OPTIONS=(--cpubind --membind --mempolicy --best-memattr --logical -l --physical -p --single --strict --get -e --get-last-cpu-location --nodeset --pid --tid --taskset --restrict --restrict-flags --disallowed --whole-system --hbm --no-hbm --no-smt --no-smt=N -f --force -q --quiet -v --verbose --version -h --help ) local cur=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]} local prev=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]} if [[ $COMP_CWORD == 1 || $cur == -* ]] ; then COMPREPLY=( `compgen -W "${OPTIONS[*]}" -- "$cur"` ) else case "$prev" in --mempolicy) COMPREPLY=( `compgen -W "default firsttouch bind interleave nexttouch" -- "$cur"` ) ;; --pid) COMPREPLY=( "" "" ) ;; --tid) COMPREPLY=( "" "" ) ;; --restrict) COMPREPLY=( "" "" ) ;; --restrict-flags) COMPREPLY=( "" "" ) ;; --best-memattr) COMPREPLY=( "" "" ) ;; esac fi } complete -F _hwloc_bind hwloc-bind _hwloc_calc(){ local TYPES=("Machine" "Misc" "Group" "NUMANode" "MemCache" "Package" "Die" "L1" "L2" "L3" "L4" "L5" "L1i" "L2i" "L3i" "Core" "Bridge" "PCIDev" "OSDev" "PU") local OPTIONS=(-N --number-of -I --intersect -H --hierarchical --largest --local-memory --local-memory-flags --best-memattr -l --logical -p --physical --li --logical-input --lo --logical-output --pi --physical-input --po --physical-output -n --nodeset --ni --nodeset-input --no --nodeset-output --oo --object-output --sep --taskset --single --restrict --restrict-flags --disallowed --whole-system --cpukind --input -i --input-format --if --no-smt --no-smt=N -q --quiet -v --verbose --version -h --help ) local cur=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]} local prev=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]} if [[ $COMP_CWORD == 1 || $cur == -* ]] ; then COMPREPLY=( `compgen -W "${OPTIONS[*]}" -- "$cur"` ) else case "$prev" in -N | --number-of | -I | --intersect) COMPREPLY=( `compgen -W "${TYPES[*]}" -- "$cur"` ) ;; -H | --hierarchical) COMPREPLY=( "...." "" ) ;; --sep) COMPREPLY=( "" "" ) ;; -i | --input) _filedir xml ;; --if | --input-format) COMPREPLY=( `compgen -W "${INPUT_FORMAT[*]}" -- "$cur"` ) ;; --restrict) COMPREPLY=( "" "" ) ;; --restrict-flags) COMPREPLY=( "" "" ) ;; --local-memory-flags) COMPREPLY=( "" "" ) ;; --best-memattr) COMPREPLY=( "" "" ) ;; --cpukind) COMPREPLY=( "=" "" "" ) ;; esac fi } complete -F _hwloc_calc hwloc-calc _hwloc_annotate(){ local OPTIONS=(--ci --ri --cu --cd --version -h --help) local cur=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]} if [[ $COMP_CWORD == 1 || $cur == -* ]] ; then COMPREPLY=( `compgen -W "${OPTIONS[*]}" -- "$cur"`) fi _filedir xml } complete -F _hwloc_annotate hwloc-annotate _hwloc_diff(){ local OPTIONS=(--refname --version -h --help ) local cur=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]} local prev=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]} if [[ $COMP_CWORD == 1 || $cur == -* ]] ; then COMPREPLY=( `compgen -W "${OPTIONS[*]}" -- "$cur"` ) else case "$prev" in --refname) COMPREPLY=( "" "") return ;; esac fi _filedir xml } complete -F _hwloc_diff hwloc-diff _hwloc_patch(){ local OPTIONS=(--R --reverse --version -h --help ) local cur=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]} if [[ $COMP_CWORD == 1 || $cur == -* ]] ; then COMPREPLY=( `compgen -W "${OPTIONS[*]}" -- "$cur"` ) fi _filedir xml } complete -F _hwloc_patch hwloc-patch _hwloc_compress_dir(){ local OPTIONS=(-R --reverse -v --verbose --version -h --help ) local cur=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]} if [[ $COMP_CWORD == 1 || $cur == -* ]] ; then COMPREPLY=( `compgen -W "${OPTIONS[*]}" -- "$cur"` ) fi _filedir -d } complete -F _hwloc_compress_dir hwloc-compress-dir _hwloc_distrib(){ local TYPES=("Machine" "Misc" "Group" "NUMANode" "MemCache" "Package" "Die" "L1" "L2" "L3" "L4" "L5" "L1i" "L2i" "L3i" "Core" "Bridge" "PCIDev" "OSDev" "PU") local OPTIONS=(--ignore --from --to --at --reverse --restrict --restrict-flags --disallowed --whole-system --input -i --input-format --if --single --taskset -v --verbose --version -h --help ) local cur=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]} local prev=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]} if [[ $COMP_CWORD == 1 || $cur == -* ]] ; then COMPREPLY=( `compgen -W "${OPTIONS[*]}" -- "$cur"` ) else case "$prev" in --ignore | --from | --to | --at) COMPREPLY=( `compgen -W "${TYPES[*]}" -- "$cur"` ) ;; -i | --input) _filedir xml ;; --if | --input-format) COMPREPLY=( `compgen -W "${INPUT_FORMAT[*]}" -- "$cur"` ) ;; --restrict) COMPREPLY=( "" "" ) ;; --restrict-flags) COMPREPLY=( "" "" ) ;; esac fi } complete -F _hwloc_distrib hwloc-distrib _hwloc_ps(){ local OPTIONS=(-a --pid --children-of-pid --name --uid -l --logical -p --physical -c --cpuset --single-ancestor -t --threads -e --get-last-cpu-location --pid-cmd --short-name --disallowed --whole-system --lstopo-misc --json-server --json-port -v --verbose --version -h --help ) local cur=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]} local prev=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]} if [[ $COMP_CWORD == 1 || $cur == -* ]] ; then COMPREPLY=( `compgen -W "${OPTIONS[*]}" -- "$cur"` ) else case "$prev" in --name) COMPREPLY=( "" "" ) ;; --uid) COMPREPLY=( "" "all" "" ) ;; --pid|--children-of-pid) COMPREPLY=( "" "" ) ;; --pid-cmd) _filedir ;; --json-port) COMPREPLY=( "" "" ) ;; esac fi } complete -F _hwloc_ps hwloc-ps _hwloc_gather_cpuid(){ local OPTIONS=(-c -q --quiet -s --silent --version -h --help ) local cur=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]} local prev=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]} if [[ $COMP_CWORD == 1 || $cur == -* ]] ; then COMPREPLY=( `compgen -W "${OPTIONS[*]}" -- "$cur"` ) else case "$prev" in -c) COMPREPLY=( "" "" ) ;; esac fi } complete -F _hwloc_gather_cpuid hwloc-gather-cpuid _hwloc_gather_topology(){ local OPTIONS=(--io --dmi --dt --no-cpuid --keep --version -h --help ) local cur=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]} if [[ $COMP_CWORD == 1 || $cur == -* ]] ; then COMPREPLY=( `compgen -W "${OPTIONS[*]}" -- "$cur"` ) fi } complete -F _hwloc_gather_topology hwloc-gather-topology