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L498t6.!M) I-))3+ I.!Ji4. 98t6498t698t6 I) A Kg. )).w))6)+ .!M.Q)498t66)+ I.!M.w98t66)+ -98t6.O)6)+ -^.)6)+ -^.{)- F) I.98t6)) I)-^.Q)6)+.!M Iw-98t6_)3+ Iw=6w+  A 498t6) . L498t6. 0498t66) + 3+ . L498t6.!M) -) ) . L4 -) 98t6A. L498t6P. 0498t66) + 3+ . L498t6.!M) I-) ) 3+ I.!Ji4. 98t6498t698t6 I)  A Kg. ) ) .w) ) 6) +R .!M.Q) 498t66)! +R I.!M.w98t66)$ +R -98t6.O)& 6)' +R -^.)) 6)* +R -^.{)- - F). I.98t6), )/  I)1 -^.Q)3 6)4 +9 .!M Ix-98t6_)6 3+: Ix=6x+R  A 498t6); . L498t6P. 0498t66)> +A 3+C . L498t6.!M)C -)= )D . L4 -)F 98t6A. L498t6. 0498t66)I +L 3+N . L498t6.!M)N I-)H )O 3+ I.!Ji4. 98t6498t698t6 I)T  A Kg. )V )W .w)S )X 6)Y + .!M.Q)[ 498t66)\ + I.!M.w98t66)_ + -98t6.O)a 6)b + -^.)d 6)e + -^.{)h - F)i I.98t6)g )j  I)l -^.Q)n 6)o +  A 498t6)q . L4 -)s 98t68. L498t6P. 0498t66)v +y 3+{ . L498t6.!M){ -)u )| . L498t6. 0)~ 498t66) + 3+ . L)~ 498t6-) 98t6D. L498t6P. 0498t66) + 3+ . L498t6.!M) -) ) . L4 I-) 98t673+ I.!Ji4. 98t6498t698t6 I)  A Kg. ) ) .w) ) 6) + .!M.Q) 498t66) + I.!M.w98t66) + -98t6.O) 6) + -^.) 6) + -^.{) - F) I.98t6) ) 6>+  A 498t6) . L498t6.!J) 498t6<.!J) 498t66) + . L498t6. 0) 498t66) + 3+ . L) 498t6-) 98t6`3+ . L498t6Y I R98t6a) ) . L498t6.!J) 498t6< A98t6=) ) 498t6>. L498t6.!J) 498t6<.!J) 498t66) + . L498t6. 0) 498t66) + 3+ . L) 498t6 Iy-) 98t6[3+ Iy= Iy3+ I.!Ji4. 98t6498t698t6 I)  A Kg. ) ) .w) ) 6) +> .!M.Q) 498t6b6) +> I.!M.w98t66) +> -^.O) 6) +> IV I.!M.wZ6) +> .OV6) + .!J498t6.!J498t6. F) ) I-98t6) I.!J4. 98t6498t698t6 I)  A Kg. ) ) .w) ) 6) +> .!M.Q) 498t66) +> I.!M.w98t66) +> -98t6.O) 6) +> -^.) 6) +> -^.{) - F) I.98t6) ) I.!M6>+>  A 498t6)  A 1498t6) . L498t6. 0) 498t66) + 3+ . L) 498t6-) 98t6c. L498t6Y. 0) 498t66) + 3+ . L) 498t6. 0498t66) +! 3+# . L498t6.) )# 98t6d. L498t6. 0)% 498t66)& +) 3++ . L)% 498t6-)+ 98t6D. L498t6P. 01498t66). +1 3+3 . L1498t6-)- )3 . L498t6. 0)5 498t66)6 +9 3+; . L)5 498t6 I-); 98t6e3+ I.!Ji4. 98t6498t698t6 I)@  A Kg. )B )C .w)? )D 6)E +y .!M.Q)G 498t6b6)H +y I.!M.w98t66)K +y -^.O)M 6)N +y I.!M I.!M6>+y I A 1498t6)T . L498t6. 0)V 498t66)W +Z 3+\ . L)V 498t6-)\ 98t6c. L498t6-)^ . L498t6. 0)` 498t66)a +d 3+f   . L)` 498t6-)f 98t6D. L498t6P. 01498t66)i +l 3+n   . L1498t6-)h )n . L498t6. 0)p 498t66)q +t 3+v   . L)p 498t6 I-)v 98t6e3+ I.!Ji4. 98t6498t698t6 I){  A Kg. )} )~ .w)z ) 6) + .!M.Q) 498t6f6) + I.!M.w98t66) + -98t6.O) 6) + -^.) 6) + I.!M I.!M-^.{) - F) I.98t6) ) 6>+ I I A 498t6) . L498t6.!J) 498t66) + 98t6. K i) . L498t6 .!J) 498t6g- F) -) ) . L498t6 . 0) 498t66) + 3+   . L) 498t6 A ) ) 3+ . L498t6f-) . L498t65. 0) 498t66) + 3+   . L) 498t6. 0498t66) + 3+ . L498t6 I A) ) 98t6898t673+ I.!Ji4. 98t6498t698t6 I)  A Kg. ) ) .w) ) 6) +2 .!M.Q) 4E6) +2 I.!M.w98t66) +2 -^.O) 6) +2 IV I.!M.wZ6) +2 .OV6) + .!J498t6.!J498t6. F) ) I-98t6) I.!J4. 98t6498t698t6 I)  A Kg. ) ) .w) ) 6) +2 .!M.Q) 4F6) +2 I.!M.w98t66) +2 -98t6.O) 6) +2 -^.) 6) +2 IV I.!M.wZ6) +2 .OV6) + .!J498t6.!J498t6. F) ) I-98t6) I.!J4. 98t6498t698t6 I)  A Kg. ) ) .w) ) 6) +2 .!M.Q) 498t646) +2 I.!M.w98t66) +2 -98t6.O) 6) +2 -^.) 6) +2 -^.{) - F) I.98t6) ) -^.{) - F) I.98t6) ) 6>+2  A 498t6) I. L498t6. 0) 498t66) + 3+! . L) 498t6-)! 98t6h. L498t6ZZ98t6i A }!P)% )& . F4F)' . 0498t66)) +, 3+. . L498t6 A }!P)$ )( ). I-)# )/ 3+ I.!Ji4. 98t6498t698t6 I)4  A Kg. )6 )7 .w)3 )8 6)9 + .!M.Q); 4E6)< + I.!M.w98t66)? + -^.O)A 6)B + IV I.!M.wZ6)F + .OV6)H +N .!J498t6.!J498t6. F)J )K I-98t6)L I.!J4. 98t6498t698t6 I)P  A Kg. )R )S .w)O )T 6)U + .!M.Q)W 4F6)X + I.!M.w98t66)[ + -98t6.O)] 6)^ + -^.)` 6)a + -^.{)d - F)e I.98t6)c )f 6>+  A 498t6)i . L498t6. 0)k 498t66)l +o 3+q . L)k 498t6-)q 98t6h. L498t6Y. 0)s 498t66)t +w 3+y . L)s 498t6. 0498t66)z +} 3+ . L498t6 I-)y ) 3+ I.!Ji4. 98t6498t698t6 I)  A Kg. ) ) .w) ) 6) + .!M.Q) 4E6) + I.!M.w98t66) + -98t6.O) 6) + -^.) 6) + -^.{) - F) I.98t6) ) 6>+  A 498t6) . L498t6. 0) 498t66) + 3+ . L) 498t6-) 98t6h. L498t6Y. 0) 498t66) + 3+ . L) 498t6. 0498t66) + 3+ . L498t6 I-) ) 3+ I.!Ji4. 98t6498t698t6 I)  A Kg. ) ) .w) ) 6) + .!M.Q) 498t6j6) + I.!M.w98t66) + -^.O) 6) + I.!M I.!M I.!M6>+ I A )498t6)  A 1498t6) 6+ . L498t6. 0) 498t66) + 3+ . L) 498t6-) 98t6k3+ . L498t6. 0) 498t66) + 3+ . L) 498t6-) 98t6l. L498t6. 0)498t66) + 3+ . L)498t6-) ) . L4 -) 98t6D. L498t6P. 01498t66) + 3+ . L1498t6-) ) . L498t6. 0) 498t66) + 3+ . L) 498t6 I-) 98t6[3+ I.!Ji4. 98t6498t698t6 I)  A Kg. ) ) .w) ) 6) +2 .!M.Q) 498t6m6) +2 I.!M.w98t66) +2 -98t6.O) 6) +2 -^.) 6) +2 -^.{) - F) I.98t6) ) 6>+2  A 498t6) . L498t6. 0) 498t66) + 3+! . L) 498t6-)! 98t6n. L498t6Y. 0)# 498t66)$ +' 3+) . L)# 498t6. 0498t66)* +- 3+/ . L498t6 I-)) )/ 3+ I.!Ji4. 98t6498t698t6 I)4  A Kg. )6 )7 .w)3 )8 6)9 +f .!M.Q); 498t6o6)< +f I.!M.w98t66)? +f -98t6.O)A 6)B +f -^.)D 6)E +f -^.{)H - F)I I.98t6)G )J 6>+f  A 498t6)M . L498t6. 0)O 498t66)P +S 3+U . L)O 498t6-)U 98t6p. L498t6Y. 0)W 498t66)X +[ 3+]   . L)W 498t6. 0498t66)^ +a 3+c !!. L498t6 I-)] )c 3+ I.!Ji4. 98t6498t698t6 I)h  A Kg. )j )k .w)g )l 6)m + .!M.Q)o 498t6q6)p + I~.!M.w~98t66)s + -^~.O)u 6)v + I}.!M~ I|.!M~6>+ } A )498t6){ I{|. L498t6. 0)498t66) + 3+ "". L)498t6-)~ ) . L498t6. 0) 498t66) + 3+ ##. L) 498t6-) 98t6r. L498t6 I-) {3+ Iz.!Ji4z. 98t6498t698t6 I)  A Kg. ) ) .w) ) 6) + .!Mz.Q) 498t6s6) + Iy.!Mz.wy98t66) + -98t6y.O) 6) + -^y.) 6) + y-^y.{) - F) Ix.98t6) ) 6>+ x A 498t6) . L498t6. 0) 498t66) + 3+ $$. L) 498t6-) 98t6t. L498t6Y. 0) 498t66) + 3+ %%. L) 498t6. 0498t66) + 3+ &&. L498t6 I-) ) 3+ Iw.!Ji4w. 98t6498t698t6 I)  A Kg. ) ) .w) ) 6) + .!Mw.Q) 4{6) + Iv.!Mw.wv98t66) + -98t6v.O) 6) + -^v.) 6) + Iu.!Mvv-^v.{) - F) It.98t6) ) 6>+ t A 498t6) u A 498t6) . L498t6. 0498t66) + 3+ ''. L498t6-) ) . L498t6. 0) 498t66) + 3+ ((. L) 498t6-) 98t6u. L498t6Y. 0) 498t66) + 3+ )). L) 498t6. 0498t66) + 3+ **. L498t6 I-) ) 3+ Is.!Ji4s. 98t6498t698t6 I)  A Kg. ) ) .w) ) 6) +F .!Ms.Q) 498t6v6) +F Ir.!Ms.wr98t66) +F -98t6r.O) 6) +F -^r.) 6) +F Iq.!Mrr-^r.{) - F) Ip.98t6) ) 6>+F q A 1498t6) Iop. L498t6. 01498t66)$ +' 3+) ++. L1498t6-)# )) . L498t6. 0)+ 498t66), +/ 3+1 ,,. L)+ 498t6-)1 98t6w98t6x- o. K)3 )4 o. L498t6Y I R)5 )6 )7 . L498t6.!J): 498t6< A98t6=)9 ); 498t6&>. L498t6. 0)= 498t66)> +A 3+C --. L)= 498t6 I-)C 98t6y3+ In.!Ji4n. 98t6498t698t6 I)H  A Kg. )J )K .w)G )L 6)M +w .!Mn.Q)O 498t6z6)P +w Im.!Mn.wm98t66)S +w -^m.O)U 6)V +w Il.!Mm Ik.!Mm6>+w k A 1498t6)[ Ijl. L498t6.!J)^ 498t6< Ii.!J)_ 498t6. L498t6.!J)a 498t6< A!)b 498t698t6{- j. L498t6P- )f A K)d )e )g 1j. L498t6P. L498t6 I R)h )i )j )k )l . L498t6.!J)o 498t6< A98t6=)n )p 498t6K>. L498t6.!J)r 498t6< A!)s 498t6i Ii3+ Ih.!Ji4h. 98t6498t698t6 I)y  A Kg. ){ )| .w)x )} 6)~ + .!Mh.Q) 498t6|6) + Ig.!Mh.wg98t66) + -^g.O) 6) + If.!Mg Ie.!Mg6>+ e A 1498t6) IOf. L498t6. 0) 498t66) + 3+ ... L) 498t6-) 98t6}. L498t6P-) O. L498t6. 0) 498t66) + 3+ //. L) 498t6-) 98t6D. L498t6P. 01498t66) + 3+ 00. L1498t6-) ) . L498t6. 0) 498t66) + 3+ 11. L) 498t6 I-) 98t6e3+ Id.!Ji4d. 98t6498t698t6 I)  A Kg. ) ) .w) ) 6) + .!Md.Q) 498t6~6) + Ic.!Md.wc98t66) + -ec6) + . L498t6. 0) 498t66) + 3+ 22. L) 498t6 I-) 98t63+ Ib.!Ji4b. 98t6498t698t6 I)  A Kg. ) ) .w) ) 6) +.!Mb.Q) 498t66) + Ia.!Mb.wa98t66) +-^a.O) 6) + I`.!Ma I_.!Ma6>+_ A 1498t6) IO`. L498t6. 0) 498t66) + 3+ 33. L) 498t6-) 98t6. L498t6P-) O. L498t6. 0) 498t66) + 3+ 44. L) 498t6-) 98t6D. L498t6P. 01498t66) + 3+ 55. L1498t6-) ) . L498t6. 0) 498t66) +3+66. L) 498t6 I-)98t6e3+ I^.!Ji4^. 98t6498t698t6 I)  A Kg. ) ) .w)) 6)+[.!M^.Q)498t66)+[ I].!M^.w]98t66)+[-^].O)6)+[ I\.!M] I[.!M] IZ.!M]6>+[[ A 1498t6) IPZ IO\. L498t6. 0)!498t66)"+%3+'77. L)!498t6-)'98t6. L498t6P-))O. L498t6. 0)+498t66),+/3+188. L)+498t6-)198t6D. L498t6P. 01498t66)4+73+999. L1498t6-)3)9. L498t6. 0);498t66)<+?3+A::. L);498t6-)A98t6D.!J98t6498t6P.)C)D498t66)E+H3+P. L498t6. 0)H498t66)I+L3+N;;. L)H498t6-)N98t6. L498t6P-)PP. L498t6. 0)R498t66)S+V3+X<<. L)R498t6 I-)X98t6e3+ IY.!Ji4Y. 98t6498t698t6 I)] A Kg. )_)`.w)\)a6)b+.!MY.Q)d498t66)e+ IX.!MY.wX98t66)h+-^X.O)j6)k+ IW.!MX IV.!MX6>+V A 1498t6)p IOW. L498t6. 0)s498t66)t+w3+y==. L)s498t6-)y98t6. L498t6P-){O. L498t6. 0)}498t66)~+3+>>. L)}498t6-)98t6D. L498t6P. 01498t66)+3+??. L1498t6 I-))3+ IU.!Ji4U. 98t6498t698t6 I) A Kg. )).w))6)+.!MU.Q)498t66)+ IT.!MU.wT98t66)+-^T.O)6)+ IS.!MT IR.!MT IQ.!MT6>+R A 1498t6) IPQ IOS. L498t6. 0)498t66)+3+@@. L)498t6-)98t6. L498t6P-)O. L498t6. 0)498t66)+3+AA. L)498t6-)98t6D. L498t6P. 01498t66)+3+BB. L1498t6-)). L498t6. 0)498t66)+3+CC. L)498t6-)98t6D.!J98t6498t6P.))498t66)+3+. L498t6. 0)498t66)+3+DD. L)498t6-)98t6. 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I R98t6 .98t6 $6%+,- A!y98t6 '98t6-(-U)3+,-98t6 -k,6-+9 I R98t6 .98t6 061+8- A!y98t6398t6-4-U53+83+9-98t6 -k96:+F I R98t6 .98t6 =6>+E- A!y98t6@98t6-A-UB3+E3+F A98t6   7F+G+G?/#98t698t6,/#98t698t6,/#98t698t6,/#98t698t6,/#98t698t6,/#98t698t6,!/#98t698t6,$/#98t698t6,'?Z#JLFunction#1headnameargskwargsrettypegeneratedwhereparamsbodylinedoc#4#3#27/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/codegen.jlڻe codegen_ast_kwfn_infer(def, name = nothing) Generate the keyword function that infers the type. 7/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/codegen.jlڻf codegen_ast(def) Generate Julia AST object `Expr` from a given syntax type. # Example One can generate the Julia AST object from a `JLKwStruct` syntax type. ```julia julia> def = @expr JLKwStruct struct Foo{N, T} x::T = 1 end #= kw =# struct Foo{N, T} #= REPL[19]:2 =# x::T = 1 end julia> codegen_ast(def)|>rm_lineinfo quote struct Foo{N, T} x::T end begin function Foo{N, T}(; x = 1) where {N, T} Foo{N, T}(x) end function Foo{N}(; x::T = 1) where {N, T} Foo{N, T}(x) end end end ``` 9/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/transform.jlڻ alias_gensym(ex) Replace gensym with `_`. !!! note Borrowed from [MacroTools](https://github.com/FluxML/MacroTools.jl). 7/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/codegen.jlڻE xcall(m::Module, name::Symbol, args...; kw...) Create a function call to `GlobalRef(m, name)`. !!! tip due to [Revise/#616](https://github.com/timholy/Revise.jl/issues/616), to make your macro work with Revise, we use the dot expression `Expr(:., , QuoteNode())` instead of `GlobalRef` here. 7/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/codegen.jlڻC xcall(name, args...; kw...) Create a function call to `name`. 7/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/codegen.jlڻ  struct_name_without_inferable(def; leading_inferable::Bool=true) Constructor name that assume some of the type variables is inferred. See also [`struct_name_plain`](@ref). The kwarg `leading_inferable` can be used to configure whether to preserve the leading inferable type variables, the default is `true` to be consistent with the default julia constructors. # Example ```julia julia> def = @expr JLKwStruct struct Foo{N, Inferable} x::Inferable = 1 end julia> struct_name_without_inferable(def) :(Foo{N}) julia> def = @expr JLKwStruct struct Foo{Inferable, NotInferable} x::Inferable end julia> struct_name_without_inferable(def; leading_inferable=true) :(Foo{Inferable, NotInferable}) julia> struct_name_without_inferable(def; leading_inferable=false) :(Foo{NotInferable}) ``` C/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/analysis/reflection.jlڻ gensym_name(x::Symbol) Return the gensym name. !!! note Borrowed from [MacroTools](https://github.com/FluxML/MacroTools.jl). >/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/analysis/check.jlڻI is_splat(ex) Check if `ex` is a splat expression, i.e. `:(f(x)...)` >/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/analysis/split.jlڻ split_function_head(ex::Expr) -> name, args, kw, whereparams, rettype Split function head to name, arguments, keyword arguments and where parameters. >/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/analysis/check.jl$ڻG is_matrix_expr(ex) Check if `ex` is an expression for a `Matrix`. >/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/analysis/check.jlڻH has_symbol(ex, name::Symbol) Check if `ex` contains symbol `name`. >/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/analysis/check.jlڻ is_valid_typevar(typevar) Check if the given typevar is a valid typevar. !!! note This function is based on [this discourse post](https://discourse.julialang.org/t/what-are-valid-type-parameters/471). 9/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/transform.jl"ڻ~ Substitute(condition) -> substitute(f(expr), expr) Returns a function that substitutes `expr` with `f(expr)` if `condition(expr)` is true. Applied recursively to all sub-expressions. # Example ```jldoctest julia> sub = Substitute() do expr expr isa Symbol && expr in [:x] && return true return false end; julia> sub(_->1, :(x + y)) :(1 + y) ``` 7/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/codegen.jlڻT xpush(collection, items...) Create a function call expression to `Base.push!`. >/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/analysis/split.jlڻ split_field_if_match(typename::Symbol, expr, default::Bool=false) Split the field definition if it matches the given type name. Returns `NamedTuple` with `name`, `type`, `default` and `isconst` fields if it matches, otherwise return `nothing`. 7/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/codegen.jlڻ codegen_ast_kwfn_plain(def[, name = nothing]) Generate the plain keyword function that does not infer type variables. So that one can use the type conversions defined by constructors. >/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/analysis/split.jlڻT split_doc(ex::Expr) -> line, doc, expr Split doc string from given expression. 9/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/transform.jlڻV annotations_only(ex) Return type annotations only. See also [`name_only`](@ref). >/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/analysis/check.jlڻ9 is_struct(ex) Check if `ex` is a struct expression. 7/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/codegen.jlڻ struct_name_plain(def) Plain constructor name. See also [`struct_name_without_inferable`](@ref). # Example ```julia julia> def = @expr JLKwStruct struct Foo{N, Inferable} x::Inferable = 1 end julia> struct_name_plain(def) :(Foo{N, Inferable}) ``` 7/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/codegen.jlڻU xmapreduce(f, op, xs...) Create a function call expression to `Base.mapreduce`. 7/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/codegen.jlڻ; xnamedtuple(;kw...) Create a `NamedTuple` expression. </opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/print/inline.jl!ڻ print_expr([io::IO], ex; kw...) Print a given expression within one line. `ex` can be a `Expr` or a syntax type `JLExpr`. @/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/analysis/compare.jlڻ compare_expr([m=Main], lhs, rhs) Compare two expression of type `Expr` or `Symbol` semantically, which: 1. ignore the detail value `LineNumberNode` in comparision; 2. ignore the detailed name of typevars declared by `where`; 3. recognize inserted objects and `Symbol`, e.g `:($Int)` is equal to `:(Int)`; 4. recognize `QuoteNode(:x)` and `Symbol("x")` as equal; 5. will guess module and type objects and compare their value directly instead of their expression; !!! tips This function is usually combined with [`prettify`](@ref) with `preserve_last_nothing=true` and `alias_gensym=false`. This gives a way to compare two Julia expression semantically which means although some details of the expression is different but they should produce the same lowered code. >/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/analysis/check.jlڻ is_gensym(s) Check if `s` is generated by `gensym`. !!! note Borrowed from [MacroTools](https://github.com/FluxML/MacroTools.jl). 9/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/transform.jlڻ renumber_gensym(ex) Re-number gensym with counter from this expression. Produce a deterministic gensym name for testing etc. See also: [`alias_gensym`](@ref) 9/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/transform.jlڻ eval_literal(m::Module, ex) Evaluate the literal values and insert them back to the expression. The literal value can be checked via [`is_literal`](@ref). 5/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/types.jlڻ5 JLFor <: JLExpr Syntax type for Julia for loop. =/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/analysis/cons.jlڻ JLFor(ex::Expr) Create a `JLFor` from given Julia for loop expression. # Example ```julia julia> ex = @expr for i in 1:10, j in 1:j M[i, j] += 1 end :(for i = 1:10, j = 1:j #= REPL[3]:2 =# M[i, j] += 1 end) julia> jl = JLFor(ex) for i in 1 : 10, j in 1 : j #= loop body =# begin #= REPL[3]:2 =# M[i, j] += 1 end end julia> jl.vars 2-element Vector{Any}: :i :j julia> jl.iterators 2-element Vector{Any}: :(1:10) :(1:j) ``` 5/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/types.jlڻ JLFor(;vars=[], iterators=[], kernel=nothing) Generate a `JLFor` object. # Kwargs - `vars`: loop variables. - `iterators`: loop iterators. - `kernel`: loop kernel. 5/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/types.jlڻV JLFor(kernel, iterators::Vector) Convenient constructor for creating multiple loop expression from a list of iterators. # Example ```julia julia> JLFor([:it1, :it2, :it3]) do i, j, k :(kernel_function_call($i, $j, $k)) end for ##i#291 = it1, ##i#292 = it2, ##i#293 = it3 kernel_function_call(##i#291, ##i#292, ##i#293) end ``` 5/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/types.jlڻ - `conds::Vector{Any}`: expression for the conditions. - `stmts::Vector{Any}`: expression for the statements for corresponding condition. - `otherwise`: the `else` body. # Example ### Construct JLIfElse object One can construct an `ifelse` as following ```julia julia> jl = JLIfElse() nothing julia> jl[:(foo(x))] = :(x = 1 + 1) :(x = 1 + 1) julia> jl[:(goo(x))] = :(y = 1 + 2) :(y = 1 + 2) julia> jl.otherwise = :(error("abc")) :(error("abc")) julia> jl if foo(x) x = 1 + 1 elseif goo(x) y = 1 + 2 else error("abc") end ``` ### Generate the Julia `Expr` object to generate the corresponding `Expr` object, one can call [`codegen_ast`](@ref). ```julia julia> codegen_ast(jl) :(if foo(x) x = 1 + 1 elseif goo(x) y = 1 + 2 else error("abc") end) ``` {All the following fields are valid as keyword arguments `kw` in the constructor, and can be access via `.`. JLIfElse <: JLExpr JLIfElse(;kw...) `JLIfElse` describes a Julia `if ... elseif ... else ... end` expression. It allows one to easily construct such expression by inserting condition and code block via a map. # Fields and Keyword Arguments =/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/analysis/cons.jlڻ JLIfElse(ex::Expr) Create a `JLIfElse` from given Julia ifelse `Expr`. # Example ```julia julia> ex = :(if foo(x) x = 1 + 1 elseif goo(x) y = 1 + 2 else error("abc") end) :(if foo(x) #= REPL[41]:2 =# x = 1 + 1 elseif #= REPL[41]:3 =# goo(x) #= REPL[41]:4 =# y = 1 + 2 else #= REPL[41]:6 =# error("abc") end) julia> JLIfElse(ex) if foo(x) begin #= REPL[41]:2 =# x = 1 + 1 end elseif begin #= REPL[41]:3 =# goo(x) end begin #= REPL[41]:4 =# y = 1 + 2 end else begin #= REPL[41]:6 =# error("abc") end end ``` 5/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/types.jlڻD NoDefault Type describes a field should have no default value. 5/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/types.jlڻ$ The only required keyword argument for the constructor is `name`, the rest are all optional. - `name::Symbol`: name of the struct, this is the only required keyword argument. - `typealias::String`: an alias of the [`JLKwStruct`](@ref), see also the `@option` macro in [Configurations.jl](https://github.com/Roger-luo/Configurations.jl). - `ismutable::Bool`: if the struct definition is mutable. - `typevars::Vector{Any}`: type variables of the struct, should be `Symbol` or `Expr`. - `supertype`: supertype of the struct definition. - `fields::Vector{JLField}`: field definitions of the struct, should be a [`JLField`](@ref). - `constructors::Vector{JLFunction}`: constructors definitions of the struct, should be [`JLFunction`](@ref). - `line::LineNumberNode`: a `LineNumberNode` to indicate the definition position for error report etc. - `doc::String`: documentation string of the struct. - `misc`: other things that happens inside the struct body, by definition this will just fall through and is equivalent to eval them outside the struct body.  mutable struct JLKwStruct <: JLExpr JLKwStruct(;kw...) Type describes a Julia struct that allows keyword definition of defaults. This syntax is similar to [`JLStruct`](@ref) except the the fields are of type [`JLKwField`](@ref). # Fields and Keyword Arguments =/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/analysis/cons.jlڻ/ JLKwStruct(ex::Expr, typealias=nothing) Create a `JLKwStruct` from given Julia struct `Expr`, with an option to attach an alias to this type name. # Example ```julia julia> JLKwStruct(:(struct Foo x::Int = 1 end)) #= kw =# struct Foo #= REPL[39]:2 =# x::Int = 1 end ``` 5/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/types.jlڻ # Example Construct a function expression ```julia julia> JLFunction(;name=:foo, args=[:(x::T)], body= quote 1+1 end, head=:function, whereparams=[:T]) function foo(x::T) where {T} #= REPL[25]:1 =# 1 + 1 end ``` Decompose a function expression ```julia julia> ex = :(function foo(x::T) where {T} #= REPL[25]:1 =# 1 + 1 end) :(function foo(x::T) where T #= REPL[26]:1 =# #= REPL[26]:3 =# 1 + 1 end) julia> jl = JLFunction(ex) function foo(x::T) where {T} #= REPL[26]:1 =# #= REPL[26]:3 =# 1 + 1 end ``` Generate `Expr` from `JLFunction` ```julia julia> codegen_ast(jl) :(function foo(x::T) where T #= REPL[26]:1 =# #= REPL[26]:3 =# 1 + 1 end) ``` 0`doc::String`: the docstring of this definition. - L`line::LineNumberNode`: a `LineNumberNode` to indicate the line information.2 The only required keyword argument for the constructor is `name`, the rest are all optional. - `head`: optional, function head, can be `:function`, `:(=)` or `:(->)`. - `name`: optional, function name, can has type `Nothing`, `Symbol` or `Expr`, default is `nothing`. - `args`: optional, function arguments, a list of `Expr` or `Symbol`. - `kwargs`: optional, function keyword arguments, a list of `Expr(:kw, name, default)`. - `rettype`: optional, the explicit return type of a function, can be a `Type`, `Symbol`, `Expr` or just `nothing`, default is `nothing`. - `generated`: optional, if this is a generated function. - `whereparams`: optional, type variables, can be a list of `Type`, `Expr` or `nothing`, default is `nothing`. - `body`: optional, function body, an `Expr`, default is `Expr(:block)`. - mutable struct JLFunction <: JLExpr JLFunction(;kw...) Type describes a Julia function declaration expression. # Fields and Keyword Arguments =/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/analysis/cons.jlڻ JLFunction(ex::Expr) Create a `JLFunction` object from a Julia function `Expr`. # Example ```julia julia> JLFunction(:(f(x) = 2)) f(x) = begin #= REPL[37]:1 =# 2 end ``` 7/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/codegen.jlڻY xgetindex(collection, key...) Create a function call expression to `Base.getindex`. 5/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/types.jlڻ  - The only required keyword argument for the constructor is `name`, the rest are all optional. - `name::Symbol`: the name of the field. - `type`: the type of the field. - `isconst`: if the field is annotated with `const`. - mutable struct JLField <: JLExpr JLField(;kw...) Type describes a Julia field in a Julia struct. # Fields and Keyword Arguments ;/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/print/print.jlڻp sprint_expr(ex; context=nothing, kw...) Print given expression to `String`, see also [`print_expr`](@ref). ;/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/print/multi.jlڻo print_expr([io::IO], ex; kw...) Print a given expression. `ex` can be a `Expr` or a syntax type `JLExpr`. 7/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/codegen.jlڻK xfirst(collection) Create a function call expression to `Base.first`. >/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/analysis/split.jlڻ uninferrable_typevars(def::Union{JLStruct, JLKwStruct}; leading_inferable::Bool=true) Return the type variables that are not inferrable in given struct definition. 9/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/transform.jlڻe eval_interp(m::Module, ex) evaluate the interpolation operator in `ex` inside given module `m`. 9/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/transform.jlڻn name_only(ex) Remove everything else leaving just names, currently supports function calls, type with type variables, subtype operator `<:` and type annotation `::`. # Example ```julia julia> using Expronicon julia> name_only(:(sin(2))) :sin julia> name_only(:(Foo{Int})) :Foo julia> name_only(:(Foo{Int} <: Real)) :Foo julia> name_only(:(x::Int)) :x ``` 9/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/transform.jlڻ rm_nothing(ex) Remove the constant value `nothing` in given expression `ex`. # Keyword Arguments - `preserve_last_nothing`: if `true`, the last `nothing` will be preserved. >/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/analysis/check.jlڻT is_ifelse(ex) Check if `ex` is an `if ... elseif ... else ... end` expression. >/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/analysis/check.jlڻO has_kwfn_constructor(def[, name = struct_name_plain(def)]) Check if the struct definition contains keyword function constructor of `name`. The constructor name to check by default is the plain constructor which does not infer any type variables and requires user to input all type variables. See also [`struct_name_plain`](@ref). 9/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/transform.jlڻP substitute(ex::Expr, old=>new) Substitute the old symbol `old` with `new`. 5/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/types.jlڻ const no_default = NoDefault() Constant instance for [`NoDefault`](@ref) that describes a field should have no default value. >/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/analysis/check.jlڻ: is_for(ex) Check if `ex` is a `for` loop expression. >/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/analysis/split.jlzڻq split_struct(ex::Expr) -> ismutable, name, typevars, supertype, body Split struct definition head and body. >/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/analysis/guess.jlڻ guess_type(m::Module, ex) Guess the actual type of expression `ex` (of a type) in module `m`. Returns the type if it can be determined, otherwise returns the expression. This function is used in [`compare_expr`](@ref). 5/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/types.jlڻ The only required keyword argument for the constructor is `name`, the rest are all optional. - `name::Symbol`: name of the struct, this is the only required keyword argument. - `ismutable::Bool`: if the struct definition is mutable. - `typevars::Vector{Any}`: type variables of the struct, should be `Symbol` or `Expr`. - `supertype`: supertype of the struct definition. - `fields::Vector{JLField}`: field definitions of the struct, should be a [`JLField`](@ref). - `constructors::Vector{JLFunction}`: constructors definitions of the struct, should be [`JLFunction`](@ref). - `line::LineNumberNode`: a `LineNumberNode` to indicate the definition position for error report etc. - `doc::String`: documentation string of the struct. - `misc`: other things that happens inside the struct body, by definition this will just fall through and is equivalent to eval them outside the struct body. # Example Construct a Julia struct. ```julia julia> JLStruct(;name=:Foo, typevars=[:T], fields=[JLField(;name=:x, type=Int)]) struct Foo{T} x::Int64 end ``` Decompose a Julia struct expression ```julia julia> ex = :(struct Foo{T} x::Int64 end) :(struct Foo{T} #= REPL[31]:2 =# x::Int64 end) julia> jl = JLStruct(ex) struct Foo{T} #= REPL[31]:2 =# x::Int64 end ``` Generate a Julia struct expression ```julia julia> codegen_ast(jl) :(struct Foo{T} #= REPL[31]:2 =# x::Int64 end) ``` mutable struct JLStruct <: JLExpr Type describes a Julia struct. JLStruct(;kw...) Create a `JLStruct` instance. # Available Fields and Keyword Arguments =/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/analysis/cons.jlڻ JLStruct(ex::Expr) Create a `JLStruct` object from a Julia struct `Expr`. # Example ```julia julia> JLStruct(:(struct Foo x::Int end)) struct Foo #= REPL[38]:2 =# x::Int end ``` 7/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/codegen.jlڻE xmap(f, xs...) Create a function call expression to `Base.map`. >/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/analysis/check.jlڻ has_plain_constructor(def, name = struct_name_plain(def)) Check if the struct definition contains the plain constructor of `name`. By default the name is the inferable name [`struct_name_plain`](@ref). # Example ```julia def = @expr JLKwStruct struct Foo{T, N} x::Int y::N Foo{T, N}(x, y) where {T, N} = new{T, N}(x, y) end has_plain_constructor(def) # true def = @expr JLKwStruct struct Foo{T, N} x::T y::N Foo(x, y) = new{typeof(x), typeof(y)}(x, y) end has_plain_constructor(def) # false ``` the arguments must have no type annotations. ```julia def = @expr JLKwStruct struct Foo{T, N} x::T y::N Foo{T, N}(x::T, y::N) where {T, N} = new{T, N}(x, y) end has_plain_constructor(def) # false ``` >/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/analysis/split.jlڻ split_struct_name(ex::Expr) -> name, typevars, supertype Split the name, type parameters and supertype definition from `struct` declaration head. >/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/analysis/check.jlڻI is_tuple(ex) Check if `ex` is a tuple expression, i.e. `:((a,b,c))` 9/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/transform.jlڻ rm_lineinfo(ex) Remove `LineNumberNode` in a given expression. !!! tips the `LineNumberNode` inside macro calls won't be removed since the `macrocall` expression requires a `LineNumberNode`. See also [issues/#9](https://github.com/Roger-luo/Expronicon.jl/issues/9). 7/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/codegen.jlڻI xlast(collection) Create a function call expression to `Base.last`. >/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/analysis/check.jlڻg is_struct_not_kw_struct(ex) Check if `ex` is a struct expression excluding keyword struct syntax. 9/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/transform.jlڻ> flatten_blocks(ex) Remove hierachical expression blocks. @/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/analysis/compare.jlڻo struct Variable Marks a `Symbol` as a variable. So that [`compare_expr`](@ref) will always return `true`. >/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/analysis/check.jlڻ is_datatype_expr(ex) Check if `ex` is an expression for a concrete `DataType`, e.g `where` is not allowed in the expression. @/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/analysis/compare.jlڻS @test_expr == Test if two expression is equivalent semantically, this uses `compare_expr` to decide if they are equivalent, ignores things such as `LineNumberNode` generated `Symbol` in `Expr(:curly, ...)` or `Expr(:where, ...)`. !!! note This macro requires one `using Test` to import the `Test` module name. @/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/analysis/compare.jlڻ* @test_expr Test if the syntax type generates the same expression `ex`. Returns the corresponding syntax type instance. Requires `using Test` before using this macro. # Example ```julia def = @test_expr JLFunction function (x, y) return 2 end @test is_kw_fn(def) == false ``` >/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/analysis/check.jlڻZ is_kw_function(def) Check if a given function definition supports keyword arguments. 7/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/codegen.jlڻ0 xtuple(xs...) Create a `Tuple` expression. 7/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/codegen.jlڻ codegen_ast_kwfn(def[, name = nothing]) Generate the keyword function from a Julia struct definition. # Example ```julia julia> def = @expr JLKwStruct struct Foo{N, T} x::T = 1 end #= kw =# struct Foo{N, T} #= REPL[19]:2 =# x::T = 1 end julia> codegen_ast_kwfn(def)|>prettify quote function Foo{N, T}(; x = 1) where {N, T} Foo{N, T}(x) end function Foo{N}(; x::T = 1) where {N, T} Foo{N, T}(x) end end julia> def = @expr JLKwStruct struct Foo x::Int = 1 end #= kw =# struct Foo #= REPL[23]:2 =# x::Int = 1 end julia> codegen_ast_kwfn(def)|>prettify quote function Foo(; x = 1) Foo(x) end nothing end ``` >/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/analysis/check.jlڻ= is_field(ex) Check if `ex` is a valid field expression. 5/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/types.jlڻC abstract type JLExpr end Abstract type for Julia syntax type. 7/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/codegen.jlڻJ xprintln(xs...) Create a function call expression to `Base.println`. >/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/analysis/check.jlڻY is_field_default(ex) Check if `ex` is a ` = ` expression. 9/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/transform.jlڻC rm_annotations(x) Remove type annotation of given expression. 7/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/codegen.jlڻ codegen_ast_fields(fields; just_name::Bool=true) Generate a list of Julia AST object for each field, only generate a list of field names by default, option `just_name` can be turned off to call [`codegen_ast`](@ref) on each field object. >/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/analysis/split.jlڻf split_function(ex::Expr) -> head, call, body Split function head declaration with function body. 7/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/codegen.jlڻ codegen_ast_struct_body(def) Generate the struct body. # Example ```julia julia> def = JLStruct(:(struct Foo x::Int Foo(x::Int) = new(x) end)) struct Foo x::Int end julia> codegen_ast_struct_body(def) quote #= REPL[15]:2 =# x::Int Foo(x::Int) = begin #= REPL[15]:4 =# new(x) end end ``` 9/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/transform.jlڻ expr_map(f, c...) Similar to `Base.map`, but expects `f` to return an expression, and will concanate these expression as a `Expr(:block, ...)` expression. # Example ```jldoctest julia> expr_map(1:10, 2:11) do i,j :(1 + $i + $j) end quote 1 + 1 + 2 1 + 2 + 3 1 + 3 + 4 1 + 4 + 5 1 + 5 + 6 1 + 6 + 7 1 + 7 + 8 1 + 8 + 9 1 + 9 + 10 1 + 10 + 11 end ``` 7/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/codegen.jlڻ  codegen_ast_struct(def) Generate pure Julia struct `Expr` from struct definition. This is equivalent to `codegen_ast` for `JLStruct`. See also [`codegen_ast`](@ref). # Example ```julia-repl julia> def = JLKwStruct(:(struct Foo x::Int=1 Foo(x::Int) = new(x) end)) struct Foo x::Int = 1 end julia> codegen_ast_struct(def) :(struct Foo #= REPL[21]:2 =# x::Int Foo(x::Int) = begin #= REPL[21]:4 =# new(x) end end) ``` 7/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/codegen.jlڻ| codegen_ast_struct_head(def) Generate the struct head. # Example ```julia julia> using Expronicon julia> def = JLStruct(:(struct Foo{T} end)) struct Foo{T} end julia> codegen_ast_struct_head(def) :(Foo{T}) julia> def = JLStruct(:(struct Foo{T} <: AbstractArray end)) struct Foo{T} <: AbstractArray end julia> codegen_ast_struct_head(def) :(Foo{T} <: AbstractArray) ``` >/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/analysis/check.jlڻ4 is_literal(x) Check if `x` is a literal value. >/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/analysis/split.jlLڻ split_anonymous_function_head(ex::Expr) -> nothing, args, kw, whereparams, rettype Split anonymous function head to arguments, keyword arguments and where parameters. >/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/analysis/check.jlڻF is_function(def) Check if given object is a function expression. >/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/analysis/check.jlڻH support_default(f) Check if field type `f` supports default value. @/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/analysis/compare.jlڻ assert_equal_expr(m::Module, lhs, rhs) Assert that `lhs` and `rhs` are equal in `m`. Throw an `ExprNotEqual` if they are not equal. 9/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/transform.jlڻ nexprs(f, n::Int) Create `n` similar expressions by evaluating `f`. # Example ```jldoctest julia> nexprs(5) do k :(1 + $k) end quote 1 + 1 1 + 2 1 + 3 1 + 4 1 + 5 end ``` 9/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/transform.jlڻ prettify(ex; kw...) Prettify given expression, remove all `LineNumberNode` and extra code blocks. # Options (Kwargs) All the options are `true` by default. - `rm_lineinfo`: remove `LineNumberNode`. - `flatten_blocks`: flatten `begin ... end` code blocks. - `rm_nothing`: remove `nothing` in the `begin ... end`. - `preserve_last_nothing`: preserve the last `nothing` in the `begin ... end`. - `rm_single_block`: remove single `begin ... end`. - `alias_gensym`: replace `###` with `_`. - `renumber_gensym`: renumber the gensym id. !!! tips the `LineNumberNode` inside macro calls won't be removed since the `macrocall` expression requires a `LineNumberNode`. See also [issues/#9](https://github.com/Roger-luo/Expronicon.jl/issues/9). 7/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/codegen.jlڻG xiterate(it) Create a function call expression to `Base.iterate`. 7/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/codegen.jlڻK xiterate(it, st) Create a function call expression to `Base.iterate`. 9/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/transform.jlڻ canonicalize_lambda_head(ex) Canonicalize the `Expr(:function, Expr(:block, x, Expr(:(=), key, default)), body)` to ```julia Expr(:function, Expr(:tuple, Expr(:parameters, Expr(:kw, key, default)), x), body) ``` C/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/analysis/reflection.jlڻy @expr Return the original expression object. # Example ```julia julia> ex = @expr x + 1 :(x + 1) ``` C/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/analysis/reflection.jlڻ @expr Return the expression in given type. # Example ```julia julia> ex = @expr JLKwStruct struct Foo{N, T} x::T = 1 end #= kw =# struct Foo{N, T} #= /home/roger/code/julia/Expronicon/test/analysis.jl:5 =# x::T = 1 end ``` 5/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/types.jlڻ  - * The only required keyword argument for the constructor is `name`, the rest are all optional. - `name::Symbol`: the name of the field. - `type`: the type of the field. - `isconst`: if the field is annotated with `const`. - `default`: default value of the field, default is [`no_default`](@ref). - mutable struct JLKwField <: JLExpr Type describes a Julia field that can have a default value in a Julia struct. JLKwField(;kw...) Create a `JLKwField` instance. # Fields and Keyword Arguments 7/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/codegen.jlڻF xprint(xs...) Create a function call expression to `Base.print`. >/opt/julia/packages/ExproniconLite/yfi6A/src/analysis/guess.jlڻ guess_module(m, ex) Guess the module of given expression `ex` (of a module) in module `m`. If `ex` is not a module, or cannot be determined return `nothing`. 8t6L A !98t67?/#98t6? #self#x8t6P A !98t67?/#98t6?#self#mapexprx8t6X. 98t698t67?/#98t698t6? #self#x8t6 endquote P +$? I#!98t6..!l I. L I. L A!l I. L I. I A98t6 A!x498t6 V+ I + A!y98t698t6 I A98t6.!J498t6.!J498t6- - I W3+ W I .OV6+ .98t6498t63+! A!x498t6. O 6!+$ A!7?+$+$?/#98t698t6 /#98t698t6 /#98t698t6 /#98t698t6 /#98t698t6 /#98t698t6 /#98t698t6 /#98t698t6 /#98t698t6 /#98t698t6 /#98t698t6 /#98t698t6 /#98t698t6 ? )#self#_pathtlscodeprevpathmodex98t6 S498t6@@@498t687@@0`?'//#98t698t6/ 98t6\,?8t6 rhs: :: lhs: expression not equal due to:F+"98t6. 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